(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, look down at your Bibles at 1st Corinthians chapter 16 and verse number 10 It says now if Timotheus come see that he may be with you without fear For he work at the work of the Lord as I also do let no man therefore Despise him but conduct him forth in peace that he may come unto me for I look for him with The brethren and what I want to preach on this morning is why the youth are despised. Why is it that the youth are? Despised now go to 1st Timothy chapter number 4 if you would 1st Timothy chapter number 4 a person who is in their youth basically can range anywhere from puberty all the way to being a young adult and This is describing when we talk about someone who is in their youth We often are describing a person who is in their early stages of life They have their whole lives ahead of them and to be quite honest with you. These are essential live Excuse me, these are essential years in the life of a young person. Why is that? Well, these are the years that crucial decisions are gonna be made. They're gonna affect them for the rest of their lives You know These are important years where they're gonna make crucial decisions create crucial Disciplines and habits and make excuse me make decisions They can either cause them to be successful later on in life or just cause them to be complete failures and just not Prosper it on really destroy their lives in the latter years These are the years that mold the disciplines and determine the type of adults that they will be now Young people this is why it's important that you as a young person seek the Lord Amen that you're seeking the Lord that you're serving God that you're reading your Bibles that you're dedicating your life to serving God this is important Don't waste your young years and your young life on the things of this world Fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind just doing just living a life of vanity Why because later on in life you will regret it? Okay And in fact the Bible even tells us remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth While the evil days come not nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them God is specifically admonishing us in Ecclesiastes 12 verse 1. He's telling us Hey as young people we need to remember our Creator remember God Why because you're you don't have the evil days upon you yet and any adult will tell you hey the evil days are coming There's gonna come times when you have heartache when you go through times of discouragement and depression When you start losing your family members when you start going through trials and tribulations when life is not a bed of roses anymore So when you're young you need to remember that your Creator in these days Why because you don't have those evil days as of yet? You know, you don't have the burden of you know Whatever financial burden that adults may have the health burdens that adults may have you're still young you have energy you have vision You have your whole life ahead of you, but you know what don't waste those young years living for vanity You should remember your Creator in the days of your youth. Okay Now he says in 1st Corinthians 16. He's talking about Timothy and he's instructing those at Corinth He's saying hey let no man therefore despise him him referring to Timothy Okay, he says but conduct him forth in peace now. Why would people be inclined to despise Timothy? Is he like a jerk? You know, it's just like man. I hate Timothy. That guy's just a little punk that guy mouths off all the time. He's lazy He just plays video games all day. He just doesn't you know have purpose in life. He's just a haughty person I don't believe this can be said of Timothy But what I believe or what I think is it because he was young The natural bent is to despise him. He said what in the world are you serious to just like hate like the young people? Yeah, because you know, they potentially just don't respect him. They don't take him seriously because he's young Okay, and young people have a tendency to have a chip on their shoulder To think that you know, they're all that in the bag of chips that they have all the experience that they need They don't take admonishment. Well, they can't take instruction Well, and so automatically in the minds of adults often they think to themselves this person is just a haughty person This young guy thinks he knows everything there is to know about life. And yet he knows nothing Okay, and this is why he tells them. Hey Timothy's not that person don't despise Timothy Okay, and look at first Timothy chapter 4 verse 11 It says these things command and teach let no man speaking to Timothy despise thy youth but be thou an example of the believers in word and conversation and charity and spirit and faith in Purity so Paul is teaching Timothy to counter that potential aggression towards him by being an example He says look when you go forth and you're leading the church You're discipling people make sure no one despises you that the balls in your court at that point, right? You know if someone despises you it's not because it's not the church's fault. It's not the adults fault It's because you're not becoming an example that people would want to emulate. Okay is what he's basically teaching them there Don't give the adults a reason to scorn and to despise you You should live above reproach and excel in these qualities is basically what he's telling them and you know what we should also Take heed to these instructions as well. Okay and Try to exemplify this template of Christian living Etc now today in 2020 if the instruction then 2,000 years ago was not to despise the youth that means the temptation and the tendency to despise them today is so much the more Because of the fact that you know, we're nearing the end people are waxing worse and worse you know entertainment in the world has infiltrated churches so much the more and Children or young people have a tendency to become despised because of their attitude their disposition Etc, you know young people today can often exemplify attributes that adults can scorn You know and this is true with every generation, you know The Bible even tells us in Proverbs 30 verse 11 There is a generation that cursed at their father and doth not bless their mother now that was then But don't you know a couple people today that they curse their parents they cuss them out They backtalk them. They even try to get physical and aggressive with them. Yeah, I was one of those, you know Not me You know, I could never lift up a hand towards my mom because she would just probably catch it and would meet even more Okay, I come from a single parent home. My mom basically raised me with my brother and my sister and she But but you know what her hand was heavy and she was very strict and she was very disciplined and that's one of the reasons I'm not involved in gangs That's one of the reasons why I'm still alive today And in fact, that's one of the reasons probably why I'm a pastor today Because of the fact that my mom was strict and she disciplined us correctly But you know what? This can't be said of every generation or of every young person within that generation. There are children out there There are you young people that curse their father and doth not bless their mother There was a generation that are pure in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness You know, they think they're always right They think they can do no wrong that the old people don't know what they're talking about. They're not cool They don't know what they're talking about. They're pure in their own eyes. There is a generation Oh, how lofty are their eyes? What is that talking about? They're prideful They're arrogant lofty means they're prideful and their eyelids are lifted up. In other words, they're just like the snobby person Okay There is a generation whose teeth are as swords and their jaw teeth as knives To devour the poor from off the earth and the needy from among men sometimes young people They just don't have a filter when they talk You know, they're in the streets cussing talking about vulgar things. They're disrespectful towards adults They have teeth or as swords and jaw teeth as knives so this goes without saying that sometimes young people or Older people can often despise young people because of these things now Let me just say this is that I am speaking from experience now I'm 34 years old. I still consider myself to be young. Okay, don't why are you laughing? Okay. I don't know why you're laughing I'm just kidding But I will say this, you know I got saved at the age of 21 and when you get saved and you're in an independent fundamental Baptist Church You come to the knowledge of the truth, you know what the Word of God says There's a tendency to be a little arrogant and prideful. Okay. Oh, not me You're probably the one exactly the one that I'm talking about Okay You know There's a tendency to be prideful and arrogant and I remember when I was 21 years When I was 21 years old that I was prideful. I had arrogance See, I didn't have the right type of disposition that a young person should have But thank God that I had a pastor and I had older men to humble me Okay to put me in my place, you know to kick me off my high horse and to basically show me Hey, you're not all that you're not all that you're cracked up to be or that you think you're cracked up to be You know and young people have a tendency to have that attitude sometimes now look especially in a church like this why because you know what we teach doctrine here and Young people come to the knowledge of the truth in various subjects at a very early age in their Christian life And you know what that causes them to do to be puffed up sometimes To think that they're better than other people. This should not be the attitude of young people today Especially when it comes to Christians now One of the reasons I'm preaching this is because thankfully we do have a lot of young people in our church Amen, we have a lot of young people and this is a good thing. This says a lot about our church, by the way I'm losing my voice if you haven't noticed. Okay. Sorry. So if I if I crack It's not it doesn't mean that I'm a young person going through puberty. Okay, I'm I'm just losing my voice So this is a lot about our church and the reason for this because you know A lot of churches are using are losing their young people You know a lot of churches they're so lame and watered down and so lifeless that they're young people This is the reason why they're going to the fun centers the liberal churches the the the Democrat type churches Where they just you just love everyone and everything's hunky-dory. Let's just kumbaya with everyone They don't take a stance for anything and that's the kind of churches that young people are going to they're flocking towards those churches Whereas a church like ours, you know, we have young people in our church who are living for God They're soul winning. They like the preaching of God's Word. They enjoy hard preaching. They love the Lord They love the lost and this says a lot about our church, you know It's good to have older people in our church But it's it's it's in the sense better to have younger people too because that's the next generation This will secure the longevity of our church When you have young people when you have a church that only has great heads I mean that church is not gonna last it doesn't matter how godly they are You know, they could be the best people in the world But you know what if that if that church doesn't start reaching some young people That church is gonna die And I'm known churches independent fundamental Baptist churches where the pastor was like in his 80s and everyone was in their 80s And they're just they're just older people sweetest people in the world But you know what that that will not last very long if they're not reaching the young people and look our church We don't do things to try to reach the young people like, you know Have hoochie mom is up here Dancing and all kinds of worldly things to try to get their attention and if you come we're gonna give you Xbox and all this Stuff I'm not gonna do that nonsense You get what you get Man, if you come this is what you're gonna get hard preaching. You're gonna get some excited zealous ministry And you know what you better catch up and That'll rub off on the young people You know what you one thing about young people is that you they like to for you to tell it to them straight You don't want you to lie to them. They don't want you to be fake with them Well great because preaching is not fake And so when they hear preaching that's unfiltered. It's not hypocritical Speaks from the heart and uses the Bible they like that Okay, but unfortunately a lot of churches are not doing that therefore their young people are flocking to these liberal churches or they're just getting out of church period okay, and If they do retain any type of youth in their church often these these youth are a bunch of sissies Just limp-wristed sissy wimpy lame unzealous not on fire Hypothetic Just type of Christians they go there and they go there because it's more of a social club They just want to hang out with their friends or whatever. They don't go there for the preaching of God's Word They don't go there because they have purpose in life They go there because their buddy goes there or because they have there's a girl that they like at the church or something You know look I'm not saying that's a bad reason to come to church Okay, you know if you have a girl that you like at this church, and you're coming that's great But you know the main reason should be the Word of God service etc and So that says a lot about our church But with that being said because we have a lot of young people guess what then there's gonna be a tendency for the young people To exert these type of quality negative qualities that will cause the older people not just in our church But just in the community in general to despise them and look young people Don't be the type of Christian where someone can look at you and says man I despise this is one of the reasons I despise the youth today in 2020 it's because of guys like this it's because of girls like this You know we should be examples unto the believers, right? So let no man despise thy youth. You know the only people that should despise you are reprobates Right You know reprobates and false prophets and lame Christians these should be the type of people that despise you I remember it being at my old church, and when I got saved I was zealous for the Lord, and I was so winning and you know I just started out so many my father-in-law taught me how to preach the gospel I learned about the King James Bible, and I was getting all this new information And I remember I went to the Bible College. Okay. Don't hold that against me You know I went to the Bible College there And I was like questioning people on doctrine and you know the group that hated me the most were the lamest Christians the soft effeminate Christians that were like oh, you're just like trying to be spiritual or was like yeah Isn't that what we're supposed to do is supposed to be spiritual Oh, you're just like you're just trying to be like like a spiritual a Bible Billy No, I'm Bible Bruce Yeah, I thought we're supposed to walk in the spirit not fulfill the lust of the flesh What day do we live in when you bring up a Bible topic and then people just like oh? You want to talk about the Bible. What do you want to talk about like baseball or something you want to talk about like Justin Bieber? What's on your mind? You know it should be that the atmosphere of our churches amongst the young people should be hey spiritual things amen And again, I'm not saying that this is the constant conversation of our church, but you know you stick around in our church This is the common conversation that we have right it's centered around Biblical things and in fact since we started a revelation series. That's all we talk about It's in times Bible prophecy. I think sometimes. We just can't wait to end the service Started another service Outside talk about the seven seals, okay? But you know the young people like that they want to learn Okay, and so this morning I want to give you a few points to help you to be examples and to avoid being despised So let me give you a couple things that will cause people to despise you young people Okay, number one go with me if you would to Isaiah chapter number 40 number one is pride I already mentioned it, but pride will cause people to despise you look if you're gonna be despised be despised for the right reasons not for the wrong reasons and Pride will cause people to just get away from you not want to fellowship with you You will become an unsavory person in the mouth of those who are around you if you are prideful You know the Bible tells us these six things that the Lord hate yea seven are an abomination unto them a proud Look is the first one a Lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood when young people are prideful arrogant and snobby They're despised When they think they're just better than everyone else And they're just the cream of the crop and they just they just got it all together. You know what older people They despise that people just in general despise prideful people right When people are just arrogant and prideful and one of the reasons young people have a tendency to be prideful is because they have Vitality they have energy they have life right and they think like well I'm not gonna die until like I'm a hundred or something not knowing that you know what boasts not thyself of tomorrow for that No, it's not what a day may bring forth 17 year olds die to 20 year olds die to 25 year olds die to don't have this attitude that nothing can happen to you. You're invincible You're gonna live forever. No the attitude should be that you need to number your days That you need to ask God to help you to give you wisdom to number your days and use your days Efficiently so that you do something significant in this life in case you lose your life tomorrow Okay, don't be a prideful person You know when you come to our church young people You should greet everyone And let me just let you know something let me just teach you something young people you're not God's gift to this church Like I know you want the red carpet to be rolled out for you when you come to church is like I'm here You know you just want everyone to greet you and treat you with that type of treatment But you know what you should come here wanting to be a blessing to others Now what's the opposite of pride humility right? Being humble Being willing to go up to others and serve others and be a blessing to others and say a kind word to other people This is humility pride is when you come to church, and you just plop your bottom down on the seat Just don't talk to anybody Why don't you talk to anybody oh because I'm here for the preaching of God's Word bless God Churches for the preaching churches for God's where I don't got time for that anybody got time for that Everyone yeah, actually everyone else does that's what they come early to church and talk to people Okay, well that's not in my personality. Well guess what you as a Christian. You don't have the luxury To not be social. Did you know that? Because as Christians we actually literally have the responsibility to go tell a stranger that they're going to hell That takes a level of social skills that most people don't have Hey, how's it going? You know and then you just like a couple minutes later. You're going to hell Right And the way you believe is wrong, and you got to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ That takes a level of social skills that most people don't have But you know what you say well. That's what I do okay. Well. How about here though if you can tell a complete stranger That why is it hard for you to tell someone you already know? How's it going? What's your name? What did you do this week? You know Some of you it's not that you're spiritual some of you are just prideful is what it is Okay, you need to break out of your shell you need to go talk to people and look when you come to church Don't just look for your crew You know everyone's got clicks in the church and stuff you know you know you need to get out of your click and go talk to people you I guarantee you a Church our size. There's people you just don't know That you've seen for months, and you still don't know them And you know some people are like oh, yeah I don't want to say hi to them because I've they've seen me I've seen them for like the last year And I still don't know their name You know that's true, so this is what you do you say you know what? Or you go to their husband or their spouse and say what's the name? Or you go ask someone else or you could just go to them and say hey, you know I'm really sorry And I've seen you here multiple times, but I've never actually gone out to you know shake your hand and get to know you What's your name? You know there's nothing wrong with that in fact? That's that's humble right Prideful is just like you just avoid that person because you just don't want to admit the fact that you don't know their name Okay So don't be a prideful arrogant snob okay, nothing worse than a Christian snob Okay Because the Christian life should be characterized by humility all right and now as I mentioned is this sometimes young people They feel like you know what they got it all together They got all the strength that they need all the energy that they need but look at the Bible says in Isaiah 40 verse 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength that shall mount up with wings as Eagles They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. God is saying hey Even the young people who are filled with energy and vitality in life even they're gonna faint even they're gonna grow weary because energy true energy and true Vitality spiritual vitality comes from waiting upon the Lord praying reading the Bible be strong in the Lord in the power of his might amen Go to Proverbs chapter 7 Proverbs chapter number 7 So hey the first quality here that you should avoid if you don't want to be despised as a young person is Pride ask yourself this am I prideful You know am I arrogant am I snobby do I act like I just I you know? I'm just all that I think that I'm better than anybody else If that's the case humble yourself Okay Now number two what's another thing that would cause others to despise the youth a zeal that's not according to knowledge A zeal that's not according to knowledge, okay When young people lack knowledge understanding and experience, but they act like they have all three They are despised right You know when they act like they know what they're talking about But then when you hear them talk you like this guy doesn't know what he's talking about But he acts like he knows what he's talking about that person becomes despised And look folks This happens sometimes Okay where people would just open their mouths and make a judgment call or give out some some weird information and They act like they're experts in in that field, but you know according to these words. They're not It's like this isn't this doesn't even sound right this will cause people to be to despise the youth Okay It there's nothing wrong with just saying this. I don't know There's nothing wrong with not knowing specific things you know that There's nothing wrong with someone asking you a question in the same. I have no idea Look I'm the pastor here, and I do that if someone asked me something about Bible about the Bible or something I just I just don't know I'm just like I have no idea I would have to look into that or just about life in general if someone asked me something I just don't know I'm not gonna make up an answer Just To just to kind of you know have credibility with people know you actually lose credibility when you give information That's not valid Point people to the right person instead right You know when when we preach on specific sins, and you roll your eyes like it doesn't apply to you You have a zeal that's not according to knowledge You know if why if why are you listening to this sermon you're just like Not this again First of all check number one pride But number two you just could have no knowledge or experience of what I'm referring to You know we want to be the kind of Christians that when we come to church And we hear the preaching of God's Word we can apply everything Right it's applicable to us and look This is important because often Christians when they were young they just get saved You know they're zealous for the things of God they have a lot of excitement And they have a lot of enthusiasm for the things of the Lord But what happens is if they don't couple that with knowledge they make a lot of mistakes They offend a lot of people they make a lot of mistakes, and they don't have that experience So what is how can you counter that we'll get around people who do have experience? And look there's people in our church who've been around the block There's been around there's people in our church who have experienced life take advantage of that knowledge You know I commend the older people that are in our church who are older than me that follow me I'm their pastor, and I'm younger than them, but you know what I'm not so arrogant and prideful that I will not go to them and say hey. I need your advice on this area. Why well you're the pastor You shouldn't do that. Well. Why would I not take advantage of someone who has knowledge who has been in this on this earth? longer than I have Pride says I can't go to anybody Right humility says well. I need anybody as many people as I can a multitude of counselors their safety, okay? Look at Proverbs 7 verse 5 says That they may keep thee from the strange woman referring to God's Word the wisdom of God's Word from the stranger which flatter with With their words for at the window of my house. I look through my casement and beheld among the simple ones I discerned among the youths a Young man void of Understanding the Bible says passing through the street near her corner He went away to her house in the twilight in the evening in the black and dark night and behold there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot and subtle of heart, so this guy is Establishing a relationship with the whore Whores in the Bible guys, okay? Establishing a relationship with the whore and why is that because he lacks understanding he Is acting foolish? Now look this was written a long time ago, but nothing's changed Nothing has changed how many can you attest to either your personal life or someone that you know who's a young person who fell in? Love with the wrong person Right how many you say I know of a person who fell in love with the wrong person and you try to knock some sense It's that person. They're just like but I love them It's Like he's a crack addict He sells drugs he's been in and out of prison. It's just like but I love him I Can change him? It's just like you lack understanding you're like a youth you know me. It's just like I Love her. It's like she's she's trying to bankrupt you She's trying to take your money Like how much does she need? You've met people like that right I met plenty of people like that Where it's just like you try to talk sense is like be logical think about this, and they're just like I am thinking I'm thinking about her. I'm thinking about him, and they're just in love And you just can't knock any sense into these people and by the way parents This is why it's important that you win the hearts of your children Right it's important that you win the hearts of your children so that they trust you Okay, so that when you come to them you say hey, honey. You know there's this person is just not really good for you He just looks like a bad guy You know She might like him, but she'll say well. You know dad Because I trust you and I know you have my best interest in mind. I'm gonna. I'm gonna trust you with that That's what we want right we want our sons obviously We're not gonna. You know just determine who they marry, but you know we want our sons to come to us and say hey dad What do you think about this? You know what's your thought on this should I be dating this person? It's like son. She's 40 years old No you shouldn't And he's like 17 or something or whatever you know it was like not a good idea. It's like you sure dad. You know He's like yeah, I'm pretty sure about that Now you know you think that's funny, but but the reality is is that Some young people are that stupid Right they're that dumb where they just cannot see the logical aspect or the ramifications of their actions Okay, and because they can't see the ramifications of their actions They need people with experience and understanding to filter their situation and say talk some sense into this person say hey This is not a good idea Okay, but hey on the flip side sometimes You know some young guys or some young ladies just don't have any understanding, and it's just like hey guys There's this young lady. She's a godly lady you should go for and they're just like no I don't really you know think you know They need some sense to be knocked into them as well So the lack of understanding goes both ways Okay What I'm saying is this is that zeal is great, but you need zeal that's according to knowledge Okay, you need to make sure that you grow in knowledge you look obviously There's some aspects of life that have knowledge that you will not get until you know they require years Right it requires for you to make mistakes it requires for you to have failures etc But the way you supplement that is by asking counsel from those who have been through that road before okay? And there's nothing wrong going with an adult who has a successful marriage has raised children Successfully and asking them for advice Look, I have little ones don't ask me my advice for your adult children You know ask other people ask brother Eddie Ask brother polities ask brother Albert ask someone else who actually yourself I mean do you don't you feel bad that you're doing no, I don't because here's the thing at the end of the day I want you to succeed in your family I want you to succeed in your marriage And you know what I can give you my opinion as far as what to do with adult children but at the end of the day you should go to those who have successfully done it and So a zeal that's not according to knowledge now go with me if you would to first Corinthians chapter 13 So if you have pride that will cause people to despise you despise your youth if you have a zeal That's not according to knowledge people will despise your youth. Here's number three, okay? Immaturity Will cause people to despise your youth When people are absent of the aspiration to just grow up Adults despise that okay, the worst thing in 2020 is grown men Who are you know physically? adults but Emotionally mentally spiritually, they're just babies You know a grown man who has a family a wife and children, but he's still playing video games Okay, now look if you play video games. Just don't tell me I Don't want to hear it, okay That's cool. You mentioned that cuz I I play video games. Are you gonna stop as well? You know I'm not planning really to stop. I'm just saying that's what I do you know If you play video games, okay, but you know what that shouldn't be your life to some people that's their some men that's their life and Look if you're getting a little embarrassed right now That means you're probably spending way too much time playing video games If you're blushing right now, and you're just kind of you just can't wait to point number four comes up You're the one I'm talking to okay I Maturity look I Remember growing up as a little child and even going into you know 12 13. I couldn't wait to be an adult I Couldn't wait to get married. I couldn't wait to have a job. I worked my first job when I was like 12 or 13 Because I wanted to grow up. I wanted people to respect me. I wanted to be able to provide for a wife and kids I wanted to be a man That's not the case today Today men don't want to grow up. They want to remain a Toys R Us kid They live in this Peter Pan society, they're just like I don't want to grow up. I'm a Toys R Us kid It's just like you need to grow up And look young people if you don't want people to despise your youth you need to grow up You know there should be an aspiration a desire with you to say man I need to get my stuff together because I want to get married one day. I want to move out Live with my wife have children have a successful family lead a family unit be responsible. That's what I want for my life But instead what do you have I want anime? I'm getting on anime right now The Bible says in first Corinthians 13 when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child when I became a man I put away childish things Okay, now. What is anime? It's Japanese animation Pokemon you know yugioh What else dragon who said that Dragon Ball Z. Give me another one This points for you full metal alchemist That's like that's like level five Now look guys This is nonsense And look I know how this works basically when it comes to anime some people like it's act It's an actual world to them And I think even Moses told me is like this is like a form of escapism for some people they escape to that realm You know and sometimes you wonder like this guy. You know he's He's a good guy. He's a good person, but there's a level of immaturity. Where does that come from it comes from anime? It comes from anime. Why don't they want to get married anime because they're married to some stupid drawing Some blonde Japanese animated girl You know on the screen that they're in love with it's funny, but it's ridiculous get yourself a real woman That's some animated Japanese girl Sailor Moon or what is that? This is nonsense folks Look I Remember being seven years old six years old I'd watch Batman. Okay. I watch spider-man I Watch Superman Yeah, I watch x-men Okay All right, man. This is you right here, right? And I would watch these but you know what I remember like after a while you turn it off Cuz after a while. I'm just like I see my brother working. I see adults. I see men. I'm like I want to be like that And I know I can't be that way if I'm watching cartoons playing with toys You know I want to get married one day, but you know what we got to put away the anime If that's gonna happen you know why cuz no woman is gonna respect a 25 year old guy Who still watches anime? Unless you hide it from her then you guys get married and now she's stuck She's like dang. I didn't know this is part of your life He's like it's not part of my life. It is my life You know immaturity folks You know there might be some guys in here who secretly live in this world Well this world is gonna come crashing down this morning Because you should move on and grow up okay look grow up be responsible grow up get a job Get a job And I'm not look notice that I'm not saying get a perfect job, right? The perfect job is where you have your perfect wages the perfect hours your boss is an independent fundamental Baptist On your break you guys go sowing together This doesn't exist He said what should I do Little Caesars McDonald's something where you you work, and then you earn money This is what you should do Look when I was 12 years old. I got a job washing dishes, and I got paid under the table, okay But I told the boss. I was like I want to work. You know I want to help my mom pay the bills I Was like I want to help my mom with the groceries I want to help her with something and look the money that I earned didn't even do much But just the fact that I gave it to her Said something right I was like after school. I'll come here, and I'll work and I remember I remember I told my mom was like mom I got a job all this I need you to give me a ride to work, and she's uh I'm not giving you right to work She's all you drive yourself to work. I'm like. I'm 12 and she's like it's fine just gas pedal and I'm like she's like you know how to get to work. You know the directions like yeah, no well take the freeway I like I've never been on the freeway. She's like it's fine. Just stay on the far right lane The slow lane you'll be fine Put on your seatbelt look both ways you're good Yeah, you know I'm thankful for that though because I became a responsible young man at a very young age You know and you know what I wasn't thinking about anime. I wasn't thinking about Sailor Moon. I wasn't thinking about Pokemon Look this is why you have these old guys in their 30s and 40s still playing Pokemon cards and going to the conventions and stuff Well, that's a form of making money though, and I can make money doing that yeah, but here's the thing you're a Christian You are a Christian Okay, you can make money off of gambling, too All right, you can make money off of selling drugs, too Doesn't mean you should Okay look When Paul sent Titus to go ordain elders To provide that which is lacking in those islands and to go provide elders and train people I guarantee you he wasn't involved in childish activities this man Titus was discipling men and In fact in Titus chapter 1 Paul's given him the qualifications of a pastor for a man. This guy is young in Chapter 2 he's like this is what you're supposed to be preaching Tell him the aged women the young man the young the young woman the older man to be grave I mean he's this instructing and discipling older people And then at the end of chapter 2 he says this let no man therefore despise you He says these things speak and exhort and teach and let no man despise you Why because hey you can't despise a young man who's got his stuff together who's teaching others who's discipling others, okay? So what I'm saying is this is you know what will cause you to be despised Amongst the community and even amongst in a church is a lack of maturity guys I'm gonna grow up and look I don't say this because I'm mad at you. I don't get mad when people watch anime You know I just I just I'm just like disappointed It's just disappointing is what it is Because I feel like you've been given much Right you've been given the King James Bible salvation. It's like God has chosen us to be like the elite right Giving you all this knowledge and wisdom and Bible and doctrine. You know you know how to preach the gospel He's given you so much, and yeah, you're still choosing the the rudiments of this world the weak and beggarly elements of anime It's like why are you doing? Why are you building those things which you've destroyed? It's time to grow up Okay You know maturity recognizes that today's decisions bring tomorrow's judgments So you know what mature people do they think about? Their their actions they think about the decisions They're gonna make the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 11 9 rejoice Oh young man in thy youth and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth and walk in the ways of thine Heart and in the sight of thine eyes, but know thou that for all these things God will bring the judge God will bring thee into Judgment so he's telling them hey your days and your youth and walk in the ways of thine heart if you want to and you Know go your way, but just know this God will bring thee into judgment What does that what is he saying your actions have consequences? Okay So look this should be the desire of every young man one of two things, okay Number one if you don't want to get married yet. There's nothing wrong with you Okay, you don't want to give you like well. I don't really feel like getting married Okay, then dedicate your time to serving the Lord dedicate your time to work to learning how to work Because the man should learn how to work Dedicate your time to learning how to work and serving the Lord This should be what your time is dedicated to but you feel like well. I do want to get married Okay, dedicate your time to learning how to work That's just like never changes and seeking a spouse and By what I mean by seeking a spouse is preparing to be the kind of man that should deserve a spouse right Becoming the kind of man that deserves to have a spouse that you would want you know your wife to be proud of Okay, and look. I know people in my personal life. They're literally in their 40s 50s Still bumming money off of other people Not working if they had it if they had it their way they would still live with mom Right they would still live with mom and they have children at a wedlock, and they're just losers That is a loser life folks We're like well. I'm not doing that yeah, but your little anime habits gonna. Take you to that route That's Your that's your endgame there, buddy You want to be anime you like anime you want to just not let go of the the childish things of this world It's instilling with you a type of mentality and discipline. That's gonna affect you when you're 40 That's why you see guys in their 40s and 50s still hanging out with the like the young guys Why because they're not hanging out with their wives. They're not hanging out with their children They're not doing that which is significant in this world, okay? Go with me if you would to Proverbs chapter number five Proverbs chapter five so immaturity guys Will cause people to despise you Okay It'll cause people not to respect you if you don't grow up You know every man should desire to be respected right I? Want to be respected by my wife. I want to be respected by my children I want to be respected by my church members, but just people just in general. That's what a man desires But you know what you're not gonna be respected if people find out that you're like watching anime if that's your life Okay, because people look down on stuff like that This is this this is for children All right, what's another thing that caused people to despise the youth a lack of commitment Okay, when the youth don't commit their lives to a worthy cause they are despised. This is why I like young people today They like to sleep around and fornicate and do you know the guy wants to be a playa playa? He wants to have all kinds of girlfriends and stuff. You know that is wicked. It's wrong. It's filthy It's garbage You should desire to be with one woman amen Young people like to do those things and have multiple partners, and they think that's that's an admirable Attribute, but it's not it just shows that you have a lack of commitment. You're unstable right It's a filthy attribute actually you know what and by the way Let me just say this is that the consequence to sleeping around and fornicating and going around with different types of partners You know that's why you're gonna get STDs. That's what you're gonna get syphilis and gonorrhea and potentially AIDS At that point it's not fun It's not fun when you have herpes This is disgusting why are you talking about that good think think that it's disgusting think that it's filthy know that it's wrong It's wicked and it's filthy and it's gonna destroy your life that way it deters you from ever doing something such a thing You know it's not cool To have multiple girlfriends and sleep around with multiple partners. It's disgusting and it's filthy There's there's a virus out there called AIDS There's a virus out there called herpes and gonorrhea and chlamydia That's not necessarily fun I Commit to one spouse amen Look what the Bible says in Proverbs 5 And look young people have a have a hard time committing to a job I have a hard time committing to a woman one woman have a hard time committing to anything You should be characterized by consistency and faithfulness Look at the Bible says in Proverbs 5 15 drink waters out of thine own cistern and running waters out of thine own well Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of water in the streets Let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth Hey, if you're married and you're young rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Amen You should be faithful. You should be Committed to your spouse and look often a person who is not faithful to their spouse. They're just not faithful in any area Jumping from job to job to job to job. They can't hold anything down. They're not excelling in their personal life because of that. Okay Go with me if you would to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy chapter number 3 What's another quality will cause people to despise you be narcissistic You said what is that When it's all about you Right when you're self-absorbed When every time you walk by a mirror, you're just like When every time you walk by a car and there's like a window in the car you're just like You just constantly have to look at yourself in the mirror, right You're narcissistic, I don't really appreciate that then stop doing it You Know when like the mirrors your best friend you're constantly looking at yourself in the mirror constantly look, you know, just Absorbed with yourself. You're just constantly you're consumed with yourself. You're in love with yourself Look at the Bible says in 2nd Timothy 3 1 this know also that in the last days perilous time shall come For men shall be lovers of their own selves Covetous boasters proud of blasphemers this disobedient to parents unthankful Unholy when the youth becomes self-absorbed Selfish and vain they're despised Okay Look folks This is why I'm not sad and I said it last week and I'll say it again. I'm not sad that Kobe Bryant died I know a lot of people are offended by that and they're just like how can you say that? I want to talk to those people and say that he pay your bills Does he even know who you are Right that guy made millions off of you And I'm not saying despise him. I'm not saying we should hate him. You know, I'm not saying that but what I'm saying is this is that People who are in the sports industry whether UFC or even NBA or whatever these people are self-absorbed These people are narcissistic. It's all about them right It's all about them. It's all about their image It's all about who they are having the right type of body and you know, it's it's just all about them You know, that's why followers on Instagram It's kind of a fallacy, is it? Because here's the thing is just like you may be able to follow him or follow her and she may even follow you But that does not mean anything at all You know what it means it means they click the button They just click follow, okay A lot of these people are just self-absorbed and narcissistic Okay, you know when they have their images everywhere and people are just bowing down to their to their image This is not a quality that you should have, you know, we should not be lovers of our own selves We should be lovers of God and a lover of people Take the take the attention from off ourselves and put it upon others. Okay now look Don't don't go the other extreme though Where you just don't take care of yourself at all Okay, like well, yeah, I mean I like that point on our system. I'm not even gonna shower I'm not gonna comb my hair. I'm not gonna brush my teeth because I don't really care about my I love others Okay, then if you really love others then brush your teeth If you really love others then take a bath then put on deodorant I don't want deodorant because it has all that toxic. Okay, then do something so you don't smell Right Be kind to others by not offending others with your odor I'm not it's funny, but it's true Okay, so there needs to be a balance, you know Don't don't just come to church or go in public and you just look like you just woke up out of bed You still got the stuff in your eyes and stuff and like, you know dry saliva on your cheek or whatever You're just like I don't care about what people think and I'm not self-absorbed, you know Yeah, but you know, you're still an ambassador for Christ though Right, you're still representative of Jesus Christ There needs to be a balance between the two and you know, take the green stuff out of your teeth You know take the green stuff out of your eyes You know a mirror is not bad to see if there's any like imperfections But what people do is they use the mirror to just look at their so-called perfection Is there to show you like oh man, you got like a booger that you should remove from your face, okay You know the Bible tells us in 1st Peter chapter 3 verse 3 who's adorning Let it not be that outward adorning of plaining of the hair and of wearing of gold and a putting on of apparel But let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible Even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in a sight of God of great price All right, let me get on makeup for a little bit. Okay? Makeup's not bad. You know, my wife wears a little bit of makeup, but some people do it. They just go overboard I've seen videos Where like a woman will have like makeup and I know a lot of ladies are gonna get offended at this You know too bad. Okay, you know they they wear they like they put their face on And then when they remove the makeup, it's like it's a different person So How'd you how'd you do that they literally had my wife was telling me they literally have tutorials and Ladies, you know what I'm talking about, too They have tutorials where you can put makeup on to make it seem as though you have like high cheekbones You guys know what I'm talking about? Although he's like You know what I'm talking about you can live you can literally change the features of your face And look like a completely different person They literally like put like makeup on in such a way where it makes them look thinner and skinnier But it's just an illusion It is an illusion Okay, what's what's important what's important is a meek and quiet spirit That's what's important And again, don't take this to the extreme and just be like, you know, okay. Well, I'm just not gonna do anything I'm gonna just like come to church I'm just gonna roll out of bed and just come to church or going public like that. I'm not saying that Okay, what I'm saying is there needs to be a balance Right now if you like I'm completely against makeup. Amen more prior to you then great You know, I'm not against that either. What I'm saying is this is the priority should always be on the meek and quiet spirit Which is what God is concerned with is how are you inwardly? Okay, you know what kind of person you are on the inside I know that's cliche but it's it's true though Cuz here's the thing, you know if you marry a woman who? paints her face on For an entire life, you know when she's 60 80 you know, it's not gonna help anymore Just being honest okay, you said what's gonna be important to me who she is on the inside That's what's gonna be important. I'm not saying looks are not important. Look. I believe my wife is beautiful You know, I'm very much attracted to my wife I love the way she looks but you know what as we grow old looks are no longer gonna matter folks It's gonna be who my wife is on the inside. It's her inward person that matters you understand So don't be this narcissistic person where you just you just got to look immaculate and you just got a cake on You know, hey guys don't be so narcissistic do you just become this effeminate little faggot II guy Don't pluck your eyebrows You know Don't pluck your eyebrows. Don't what else what else do guys do that are effeminate? What what shave? I Be shaving I shall be weak and be as other men. That's what Samson said man buns. Oh, I Already got on man bun last week If you want your eyebrows shaped I got it I Some guys are very narcissistic in that manner you go on Instagram and these guys are like super self-absorbed there What is that What is that You Know where they're just so self-absorbed and they just they just live on social media and taking big Have you ever been on a grid where it's just nothing but them their face It's nothing but their face You know that means they love how they look And I know Instagram is where we can take pictures of ourselves and our families and stuff or whatever eating food and all that But some people literally I've gone through grids where it's literally their face the entire time It's just like do you know no one's hitting the like on this on any of these? The two likes do you have is is your wife and you or like someone else in you, you know? Narcissism Being narcissistic Can cause you to be despised Okay, it can come why because people don't like a prideful narcissistic self-absorbed person Okay, and again don't carry this on the two extremes just be balanced You know, hey, well, I believe when you come to church you ought to you ought to bring your Sunday's best You ought to come. Hey, we're coming to God's house. This is the king's house You're coming to God's house the king's house dress like you're you know Like you're gonna meet a king Jesus Christ You know, I know if Trump were to come in here you if you were to go before Trump you dress up Right a bunch of Republican people, you know, if if Trump were coming if Trump said that he was coming to your house You clean up you wear your best tie your best suit Forget Trump. What about Jesus? You know when we come to God's house, this is the most important house that you can attend We ought to wear our best here. Right and look if your best is like an iron shirt polo You know with khakis or whatever. Amen What I'm saying is this is that you should be balanced and you should wear your best if that's what you have But not at the expense of the inner man. The inner man is the most important one. Okay All right, let me skip some ones here go with me if you would choose first Corinthians chapter 8 Narcissistic self-absorbed immature prideful Arrogant zeal without knowledge. These are the qualities that will cause you to be despised as a young person. Okay? How about this being disrespectful towards authority and elders that will cause you to be despised Or how about this not being teachable? This will cause you to be despised if you can never be instructed if you can never be corrected or approved People will despise you Okay, let me say this some of the older people that can't take correction It's because they couldn't take correction when they were younger and they built that habit of always being right never being wrong You can't tell me that I didn't I never do anything wrong. Like you're arrogant. You're prideful. You're puffed up You don't know what you're talking about. You're not teachable Okay, and look if you want to succeed in our church If you ever want to be sent out of our church or even be a team leader, which is a lofty position You need to be teachable You know what? That means that means when a team leader tells you you've done wrong take it take it like a man If he tells you you've done wrong or you didn't do something right don't try to just defend yourself Just say you know what? I didn't see that before but thank you for telling me that Take it like a man be a teachable person 1st Corinthians 8 2 says if any man think he that he know with anything He know with nothing yet as he ought to know You know the person who thinks he knows and anything or everything doesn't know anything at all The person who will know a lot of things is the person who's willing to admit. I don't know much But I'm willing to learn I'm willing to be taught I want to learn teach me be a teachable type of a person. Okay I'm out of time Let me see here go to Proverbs 14 Proverbs 14 I was gonna talk about the lack of initiative can cause you to be despised when you're apathetic When you just don't take responsibility a lack of experience When you when the youth disregard counsel of those who have been around the block you are despised You know you think of David when he was about to fight Goliath He went to Saul and you know what it's all say you're buddy youth and what did what did David say? Yeah, but I killed a lion and a bear He said well isn't that being prideful no because when he was given armor he said this I cannot go with these four I've not proved them So he knew his strengths, and he knew his weaknesses you understand all right. Here's the last one a lack of discretion Can cause you to be despised what I mean by discretion just not thinking when you talk Okay, when the youth speak without thinking they're despised Look at the Bible says in Proverbs 14 29. He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding, but he that is hasty of spirit exalted folly Whoa What does it mean to be hasty and spear you just blurt out? Whatever just comes to mind you just let it fly You know what the Bible says you're not exalting Christ. You're acting you're actually exalting your own foolishness When you just blurt out everything that comes to mind what you actually show is that you're an idiot oh? You shouldn't call people in church idiots. This is what the Bible says You know why because it takes wisdom to filter what you're going to say You don't just blurt everything out if you have something to say think about it for a while and say man. Is this stupid Is this gonna make me look stupid is this gonna cause people to despise me as a youth Yes, I'll say it anyways Then you're really stupid But if you're like yeah, I think that's gonna cause you know Then and you don't say it that you know what you're a wise person Because a wise person holds it in until afterwards and look sometimes things need to be said amen Sometimes the truth needs to be told and it's the perfect timing or maybe it's not the perfect time excuse me The truth needs to be told and it's not the perfect timing you wait until afterwards maybe you're ticked off and You need to say the truth But you're too mad and you're gonna say it in a way that's gonna cause your brother to be offended and his Contensions are gonna be like the bars of a castle the Bible says maybe that's not the right time to say it Maybe you need to wait a little bit. Okay, look at Proverbs 29 verse 20 I'm gonna reach you from Ecclesiastes 7 verse 9 be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry for anger rested in the bosom of Fools, you know a guy who is soon angry is a foolish man. A Guy who can't control his temper is a foolish person the Bible says He that hath no rule over his own spirits like a city that is broken down and without walls He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that rule at the spear than he that taketh the city You know why cuz he's able to control his emotions You know, you said well you're getting here right now. Yeah, cuz I planned it. I Plan to get angry, but you know if you have a short fuse And you just can't control your temper and you just get mad at the drop of a hat when someone corrects you. You're a fool You're a foolish person. You need to make you need to rule yourself Okay, in fact, I would say this you're just an emotional person you've consumed far too much soy Yeah You know, we need to be meek which is strength that under control Okay, look at Proverbs 29 20 see us thou a man that is hasty in his words There is more hope of a fool than of him. Oh, man. I made a mistake then Cuz I said you're a fool if you're hasty in spirit actually the Bible says a fool actually has more hope than you do Ouch So here's the thing young guys You know before you decide to tell a joke Before you decide to blurt out a statement think about what you're gonna say before you do it Well, I'll just pick up the scraps afterwards if I mess up no No, and look let me say this, you know, especially if you're looking for a spouse Be the type of person that is able to filter what you're saying In your mind before you actually blur it out because if you don't you will be despised and look here's the worst place to be When you think you're not being despised No, I don't love me Everyone thinks I'm great. That's the worst place to be Everyone thinks i'm great That's the worst place to be So analyze yourselves evaluate yourselves young people and think man Do I have any of these qualities in my personal life and look i'll be the first one to say this when I was young I had many of these qualities I struggled with many of these things Okay there prideful zeal without knowledge no discretion Because this is just something that's common amongst young people But here's the thing. You don't want to remain that way The 50 year old who's still into anime That's the only thing I didn't have actually I wasn't into anime. Okay But the 50 year old is still into anime the 50 year old who is still angry and wrathful the the 50 year old who? Still doesn't have discretion. He never fixed it when he was young. He never fixed it in his 20s He never fixed it in his teens. Okay. So what's the message today? The message is simply this grow up Amen Grow up and if this list was too long for you Then just pick one that you can work on for now. Amen Inspire heads on our board of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word And thank you for the example of the bible. Thank you for examples in our living examples that we have in our personal lives who exemplified manhood exemplified what it is to be a responsible person And inspired us to be the same. I pray god that you'd help us lord to Be people lord whether young or old They would not exert any of these qualities help us to Be humble to have a zeal that's according to knowledge to continue to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and savior Jesus christ to be discreet with our words lord and to understand that Our actions have consequences and I pray god that you'd help us help our young people Thank you so much for all the young people who are here today I love all our young people and I feel they got a bright future ahead of them But these are some things that will tighten up the screws and and help them to become Better christians and more honoring unto you and in jesus name we pray. Amen