(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] Dear God, Only Father, I wish to thank you so much, Lord God, for allowing us to be here in your house this morning. Thank you so much again for also bringing our members back, Lord God, from the Red Hot Preaching Conference back safely, Lord God. I do pray, Lord God, that also for the people that are still up there, Lord, I do pray that you please continue to bring them back safely, have your hand of blessing, your hand of protection upon them. I do pray that you please just bless our service tonight, or this morning, Lord God. I do pray that you please bless Pastor as he preaches your word, fill him with your Holy Spirit. Please be with us in the congregation, Lord God, as well. Help us, Lord God, to just be attentive with our hearts and our ears, Lord God, that we might leave here changed because we apply a discernment to our lives. I pray now these things in Jesus' name. Amen. You may be seated. Song number 263, Barely, Barely. Song number 263 there in your hymnals is our second song. Song number 263. Sing it on that first. Oh, what a Savior that He died for me. From condemnation He hath made me free. He that believeth on the Son saith He, Half everlasting life. Barely, barely, I say unto you, Barely, barely, message ever new, He that believeth on the Son tis true, Half everlasting life. All my iniquities on Him were laid, All my indebtedness by Him was paid, All who believeth on Him. Half everlasting life. Barely, barely, I say unto you, Barely, barely, message ever new, He that believeth on the Son tis true, Half everlasting life. Though poor and needy I can trust my Lord, Though weak and sinful I believe His word, Oh, glad message every child of God, Half everlasting life. Barely, barely, I say unto you, Barely, barely, message ever new, He that believeth on the Son tis true, Half everlasting life. Though all unworthy yet I will not doubt, For Him that cometh He will not cast out, He that believeth all the good news shout, Half everlasting life. Barely, barely, I say unto you, Barely, barely, message ever new, He that believeth on the Son tis true, Half everlasting life. All right, great singing. Thank you so much for being here this morning. Welcome to First Works Baptist Church. Just a few announcements before we sing our next song, which will be 197 if you want to get that ready in your songbooks, 197. Our services are as follows. Sunday morning is at 1030. Sunday evening is at 5 p.m. And then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock, and we will continue with the book of Ephesians this coming Thursday, so hope to see you for that. You see the so many times and teams, the list of expecting mothers. Please continue to pray for them. And then of course the important reminders. Please make sure that you're supervising your children in the building at all times, before, during, and after the service. And just make sure that obviously we want the children to have fun and to fellowship and to play tag and to roughhouse a little bit, but not when they're just kind of being destructive and running into people. And so just please keep that in mind. And supervise your children. No children should be in the mother-baby room alone without their parents. And of course no men allowed in the mother-baby room. And if you want to take your children out of the service during the preaching, you can use the fellowship hall. And then some of the upcoming church events tonight is sports night at Eucalyptus Park. And dinner will be provided, okay? And so we have the basketball. We have the football. We have the soccer ball. We have the golf ball. No, I'm just kidding. We're not doing golf. Who's playing tonight? Raise your hand if you're playing tonight. Raise your hand. Nice and high if you're playing tonight. Okay, all right, all right, all right. You're not playing tonight? Come on, man. A little golf. You're playing? All right, great. Okay, great. So we're going to have dinner and we're actually providing Porky's Pizza tonight. And so now I'm sure a lot of people are going to sign up for that. And so that will be at Eucalyptus Park. Just look it up. If you don't know where that's at, you can ask Brother Ulysses Hernandez and he'll give you the address to that. And then next Sunday is the men's preaching night. That will be on Sunday night. We'll have about four men come up and preach for about 15 minutes each. And then after the service there will be ice cream. And so hope to see you there. Men's prayer meeting is Friday, July 30th at 630 at Brother Hikes' house. And then Sunday, August 1st is the August birthday breakfast. We'll have a breakfast in honor of everyone whose birthday is in August. Friday, August 27th is the ladies' prayer meeting. And that's pretty much it. And then of course quiet time is from 3 p.m. to 4.15 in the main auditorium in the mother baby room. Please pray for the safety of our church members that are still at the Red Hot Preaching Conference. It was a great conference. We had a great time. And I think on Sunday, or no, I'm sorry, on Friday night they broke attendance. It was 504 people, they're in attendance. And so that was exciting to see that. Our secondary channel got deleted. And it got deleted the night that I preached. And so, but the main channel is still up. The main channel is still up. But if you can do us a favor, if you are on YouTube, okay, and you want to support the channel, please do us a favor and subscribe to our secondary channel called Defamed 1611, Defamed 1611. Just look that up, Defamed 1611. When you go on there, you're going to see a lot of Spanish writing and stuff. Well, that's because it was originally intended to be a Spanish channel, you know, pretty casión en español. But we're going to switch it to English, though, okay? So don't be a racist or anything like that. Like, oh, this is Spanish, you know. We're going to have English preaching on there. We're going to start uploading more content on there. And so he said, why? Well, just in case our main channel gets deleted. So it's probably going to happen. I'm just letting you know. And our goal was to actually hit 10,000 at least. We're almost at 10,000 subscribers on our YouTube channel. But I don't know if that's even going to happen. Who knows? You know, it might. And if it doesn't, then so be it. And you say, why do you want the channel to be up? Well, because it is reaching a lot of people, you know, and the gospel presentation has almost like 30,000 views on there. There's a lot of people from Instagram that are not on YouTube that have gone to YouTube because they found me on Instagram. And through me, they've been able to find other preachers like Pastor Anderson, Pastor Jimenez. And so we want the truth to continue to spread. And so if you want to help with that, please, if you don't, by the way, if you're not subscribed to the main channel, subscribe to the main channel, okay? But aside from that, subscribe to Defamed 1611. Support that. We're going to be uploading a bunch of content to that in the coming days. And so just want to let you know. And look, obviously, this is not by accident. And I'll explain why. A couple weeks ago, we had a strike on our channel, but I got a strike. Pastor Jimenez got a strike. Pastor Aaron Thompson got a strike. And Pastor Shelley got a strike all in the same week. Okay? Hmm. I mean, come on. Right? And then Pastor Jason Robinson's channel got deleted this week, just like mine got deleted on Thursday. Okay? So obviously it's targeted. It's not, you know, this isn't a coincidence. This is obviously targeted, but who cares? Either way. We just want the channels to stay up so we can get the message out. And it's unfortunate Pastor Robinson's channel got deleted because he had March into Zion on there, and it had over 100,000 views. So a lot of people were watching that documentary on there. And so that's pretty much it. And oh, by the way, on that note, subscribe to Pastor Jimenez's website, Banned But Not Bound. Okay? Make sure you subscribe to that. He's going to be uploading a lot of content, not just from him, but from all of us. Okay? Some of the most controversial, red-hot sermons that the new IV has preached will be on that website. Okay? And so when they took down my, when they gave us a strike, they gave me a strike for my sermon called The Worst Sin. Okay? And that's the sermon that I preached when we were being protested. And I knew eventually that sermon was going to get taken down. But I had another sermon on my Wild Olive Tree channel that I didn't want to get taken down because that was probably hotter than that one. That one's called Things That Make You Puke. Okay? But we have it somewhere archived, and so we're going to be giving that to Pastor Jimenez to upload. And so anyways, please subscribe to those if you are able to. If you don't care, then just ignore everything that I just said. All right? Know for you to drink aloud in the main auditorium except for water and coffee, and make sure you silence your phones during the preaching and not be a distraction during the service. All right? That's pretty much it for our announcements. Let's go ahead and sing our next song, 197. Song number 197 singing, I Go. Song number 197. Song number 197. See it on that first. The trusting heart to Jesus clings Nor any ill-foreposed But at the cross of Calvary sings Praise God for lifted loads Singing I go along life's road Praising the Lord, praising the Lord Singing I go along life's road For Jesus has lifted my load The passing days bring many cares Fear not, I hear Him say And when my fears are turned to prayers The burdens slip away Singing I go along life's road Praising the Lord, praising the Lord Singing I go along life's road For Jesus has lifted my load He tells me of my Father's love And never slumbering I My everlasting King above Will all my needs supply Singing I go along life's road Praising the Lord, praising the Lord Singing I go along life's road For Jesus has lifted my load When to the throne of grace I flee His promise true The mighty arms upholding me Will bear my burdens too Singing I go along life's road Praising the Lord, praising the Lord Singing I go along life's road For Jesus has lifted my load Amen. Wonderful singing. At this time our ushers will be receiving the offering and you can turn your Bibles to Isaiah 58. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .