(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) actually transgress the doctrines of Christ meaning they go apostate in a lot of areas because you know sometimes you run into Christians who really don't know a whole lot about the Bible you know they're saved and they're the Christians and they're like yeah I know this Pentecost he's a good he's a good brother you know I mean he's just a little off about turning things he speaks in tongues or something but it's like but the Pentecostals are not just a little off they're majorly off even when it comes to the deity of Jesus Christ which by the way is important and if you're gonna be saved you actually have to believe right about the deity of Jesus Christ deity of God the Father and the Holy Spirit and so you know and here's the thing is that I've never been to an English-speaking Pentecostal church but I have been to a Spanish-speaking Pentecostal church I've been to a couple of them prior to getting saved because myself like most Hispanics we all have like a Pentecostal aunt okay and you know I went there and they're doing all their hoopla and weird stuff and demon possessions and exorcisms and all that and I forgot where I was going with that actually I think what was I saying about that yeah but I forgot what I was mentioning about that anyways you know they oh that's what I was gonna say so when it comes to Spanish Pentecostal churches one of the reasons that even Baptists kind of like some of their style of churches is not because of the exorcisms or the speaking in tongues let me say this is because of their hard preaching and Pentecostals especially in Spanish churches are known for preaching really hard against sin okay unfortunately in some cases harder than some of the English churches will preach hard against sin so they call and not only do they preach hard against sin they're very specific about the sin so it's not like sin is bad I mean they talk about fornication they talk about drunkenness they call out the sins by name and they're constantly preaching that and so people might think oh man that's some good preaching because they're preaching really hard to preaching holiness yeah but the difference is they're doing it because they think people can lose their salvation it's not as a matter of sanctification it's not a matter of edifying the brethren to make sure that God's judgment doesn't come upon them this side of eternity it's literally because they think that they will lose their salvation if they get involved in sin get out of church things of that nature now where does Pentecostalism come from well it could be traced back to what's known as the holiness movement okay of the 19th century with the Methodist Church and basically you have a group of these Methodists who bought into this doctrine of restoration this restorationist doctrine basically meaning that you know the church of today we're restoring the miracles of the book of Acts the speaking of tongues the working of the healings and miracles and so they started having all of these revival meetings okay and with these revival meetings where it's just a spiritual circus okay of people speaking in tongues giving a revelation and one of the most famous of these so-called revivals was in 1906 with the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles and it was a major revival or people were getting right with God and the major barometer to indicate whether God's spear was being poured on this congregation is not where people repenting of their sin where they believe in the right doctrines where they you know reading the Bible again where they winning people to Christ it was all based upon them speaking in tongues so you have a group of people just speaking in tongues flapping their lips doing this so-called heavenly language and that's automatically viewed as the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and so you have these revivals happening through the United States throughout the years and people view this as a revival of God like God is moving in America through these churches and this is where you have for example what was commonly referred to in 19 the 60s and 70s as the Jesus revolution okay it's the same thing it's an outpouring of the spear where people are speaking in tongues and doing all this nonsense and as of recent within you know the last year or so you had the Asbury revival okay and that was more of a recent thing where these college students they stayed in chapel after a sermon started speaking in tongues and people are singing hymns and it carried on I don't know for like weeks or something and you know they're like oh it's revival it's revival but it's all sensual outpouring manifestation is what it is there's nothing really biblical happening in those so called revival settings and so Pentecostals are mainly known for that they're known for their revival meetings but again it's not a revival of oh man I'm gonna renew my desire for the Bible to read the Word of God I'm gonna get sin out of my life or people saying you know what I'm gonna believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation I'm gonna get rid of my idols I'm gonna start sowing it's all based upon speaking in tongues healings and having this feeling of being revived but in actuality it's just a complete fraud and really what it is is the Asbury is just trying to increase their attendance in their college okay and so obviously if you have this so called revival happening and it's going on in the news on social media you know it's gonna give them attention and then people are gonna sign up they're gonna be a part of that college which by the way you know that revival is over it's like no more but from what I've seen when it comes to true biblical revival it just stays on forever you know anywhere there's a church that preaches the Word of God and is doing sowning there's revival you know every Sunday we have revival here you know and it's not based upon you speaking in tongues or doing the healings or miracles it's based upon you getting right with God as you receive the Word of God okay you know every time we have new people going out sowning right so I'm gonna get saved here they get baptized and then what do they do they go out and start preaching the gospel they get people saved they start fellowshipping they start making changes to their life that's called revival not this superficial pseudo revival of the Pentecostals this is not biblical and the Bible tells us in Jude that in the last time there should be mockers what is a mocker someone who imitates right something and he's saying that there should be mockers in the last time of Christianity of course but they're walking after their own ungodly lust and it says that they're sensual and here's the here's the big point having not the spirit and it's interesting that Pentecostalism is centered around the spirit and the outpouring of the spirit the baptism of the Holy Ghost where the Holy Ghost is not even there he's never been there there is a spirit there for sure but it's just not a Holy Spirit so the main emphasis and focus of Pentecostalism is the outpouring of the spirit being filled with the spirit getting the baptism of the Holy Ghost and yet the Holy Spirit is nowhere around there geographically he's working in the hearts of unsaved people he's working in the hearts of those who actually want the truth he's working in us he's dwelling within us but he is not anywhere near a Pentecostal church so let me give you a couple reasons this evening why I will never be a Pentecostal and why it's not biblical Christianity go with me if you would turn with me if you went to first John chapter 5 first John chapter 5 go ahead you like crank that thing because it's getting warm here number one why I will never be a Pentecostal that is because I believe in the eternal security of the believer and here's a phrase that Pentecostals hate they hate with the passion they despise it they say it's heresy they say it's dandable heresy and that is once saved always saved and you can say that in any language in any Pentecostal church and they despise it there's a there's a false prophet in Pentecostal churches in Spanish called yi yi avila and he's been in hell for many years already so he can't cause any more harm but you know his videos are still out there and and people always go to him and he he's the one who's accredited in the Spanish world for preaching against preaching against once saved always saved the most and he's completely against it and so are a lot of Pentecostals because they believe you can lose your salvation so how can we say Pentecostalism is a segment of Christianity when they literally reject the most important thing about Christianity which is salvation you know if you're off on salvation you're off on everything else because the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God neither can they know them for their foolishness unto him and once saved always saved is foolish to the Pentecostal oh no but you can walk away from God you know and yeah you know he'll never leave you but you can leave him you can create an entire book of poems of Pentecostals of how they you know excuse away losing your salvation but the reality is this is that the reason I will never be a Pentecostal is because I'm saved and I preach and believe once saved always saved that is what the Bible teaches now as I mentioned is that one of the similarities between Pentecostals and Baptist is hard preaching but that's literally where it stops because we preach hard against sin to sanctify the Saints and those who are already saved so that they don't suffer the consequences of sin so they can be blessed of God so that they can earn rewards when they go to heaven but it has zero to do with salvation whereas literally their prime motive for preaching it hard against sin is because they don't want people to lose their salvation well you know what I'll save you a lot of trouble you're not gonna lose it because you never had it can't lose something you've never had and if you believe you could lose your salvation then you don't have salvation because your view of the doctrine of justification is completely off there's no losing salvation because you did nothing to actually gain it you didn't do anything to earn it and once it's given to you it's not like well you know you can give it back how do you give back eternal life you know oh it's a gift but you can give it back how you don't know how the how the Spirit works you can't reach inside your soul and just unregenerate yourself the Bible talks about salvation not just in the facet of it being a gift but and not even just in the facet of the Holy Spirit indwelling within you but it also describes it as regenerating your dead spirit so tell me how can you unregenerate your spirit oh you know by sinning well wrong because first John chapter 3 tells us that the Spirit can never sin so if the Spirit cannot sin because it is born of God then you have an issue you can't unregenerate that spirit well flesh and bone you know shall not inherit the kingdom of flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God yeah I know the Spirit will okay and God's already covered the body and that's called the resurrection it's called glorification so no you can't give back a gift you can't unregenerate yourself it's not a biblical concept like oh you know the Bible talks a lot about losing your salvation where it's not a concept in the Bible and let me just say this is that Pentecostals like pretty much every false cult who claims to be Christian to them every verse about salvation is salvation like everything in the Bible has to do with salvation they don't realize that like saved salvation you know those terms though yes many times are used to describe the doctrine of justification in some instances it's not even talking about salvation but to them everything in the Bible has to do with getting saved but you know what if everything in the Bible had to has to do with getting saved why would God write 66 books about it you only need a couple you know you have the New Testament where the doctrine is sprinkled throughout you know you have the book of John you have some of the epistles but the vast majority of the content of the Bible is to help you be perfected in the Lord to live a sanctified life to obey the will of the Lord because there's things that we support that we're supposed to do outside and after salvation okay but to them it's like everything has to do with salvation oh the soul that sinneth it shall die that's that's you know that's salvation there no it's not because in the in the Old Testament when the soul is mentioned it's often referring to a physical body and that's hard for people to comprehend but you know what that's your fault because you're supposed to read things in its context you know there are instances where the soul is mentioned and it's referring to that you know that that the spirit that dwells within us the immaterial aspect of our being yes but there are other instances where it's literally referring to or used in conjunction with the physical body itself let me give you an example you know in the book of Leviticus it says when a soul touches any unclean thing what is that astral projection or what is that when you fall asleep and you can see your body laying there and then you just go touch some unclean thing obviously in its context what is it referring to the physical body itself it's not hard to understand that but you know what I don't blame Pentecostals for not understanding that because it takes being saved to understand that the Bible says in John 11 26 whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believeth thou this Bible says in John 5 24 verily verily I saying to you he that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me hath everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is passed from death into life but then back to death if you sin oh just best passed from death into life and I love how the Bible describes salvation as being born again because you know it's given us the picture of physical birth and when someone is physically born they don't have to keep getting physically born every year to stay alive it just happens once and then you're alive well like manner when you're born again in the Lord meaning you believed on Jesus Christ because it's in John chapter 3 literally where John chapter 3 verse 16 is located in being born again means to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you are a new creature you become a son of God and it's something that only takes place once John 6 37 says all that the father giveth me shall come to me listen to this and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out now we don't really use that phrase today no wise okay to describe something but what it basically means is this for any reason whatsoever you look up that phrase no wise it literally means for any reason so oh yeah what if you like walk away from God no wise cast out so if he's saying no wise notice he didn't put any stipulations or any caveats he didn't put any conditions he didn't say unless you X Y & Z he just said for any reason because if no wise means any reason that means whatever reason you can possibly come up with I know I'm making it really elementary but this is important amen no wise means that like you list it and he won't cast you out for it yeah but what if like you reject the doctrines of Christ then that's a separate category that category is for a person who believed in vain and was never safe to begin with you know that's a Judas Iscariot who believed in vain but if a person claims to be saved and they go out in the world they start drinking alcohol and living a worldly life guess what that's another that's under the category of no wise it's like for any reason I'm not gonna cast you out for any reason open to the Pentecostal is like no brother but if you get involved in X Y & Z if you're in fornication if you're in the world if you're living for the flesh brother no wise who wrote the Bible you you are God you know you have zero rights to actually alter the Word of God to make it say what you wanted to say we're just reading it for what it says and it literally says for any reason whatsoever I'm not gonna cast you out look at 1st John chapter 5 verse 9 if we receive the witness of men the witness of God is greater for this is the witness of God which he has testified of his son he that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself he that believeth not God hath made him a liar now what is this referring to well obviously what the Bible is talking about here is the fact that God bears witness of Jesus Christ as we're gonna see in just a bit that whoever believes in him can be saved and so he literally says whoever believes in him now if you choose to add something to that and say well no that's not the only thing that God requires he wants you to also serve him and live a clean life then you are automatically calling God a liar that's what the Bible saying because he's bearing witness you understand he says he that believeth on the Son hath the witness in himself he that believeth not God hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave gave of his son and this is the record that God has given to us eternal life and this life is in his son he that hath the son hath life he that hath not the Son of God hath not life these things have a written unto you to believe on the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God so Pentecostal churches are filled with people who are just calling God a liar they're just saying well no he lied about that and they may not blatantly say it but that's how God takes it though they may not like verbally say oh yeah God is lying they'll say that we're lying they say that we're false prophets and then we're teaching heresy but you know the way God views it you're calling God a liar because all these verses that God has placed in first John all these passages in the book of John itself where the stipulation the condition to be saved is that only you have to believe and you know not a single one of them adds works not a single one of them adds repenting your sins not a single one adds obedience to God's command I mean you think God just made a mistake or something you know the Bible clearly teaches us that we can never lose our salvation they say well but yeah but what if you walk away from God he'll find you how stupid do you think I mean think about this folks you have to be a complete idiot to think that God can't find you anywhere there are three examples all right there's one primary example should I say of a man who ran from God thinking that he could get away from the presence of God geographically and it just didn't work why because God is omnipresent go to Psalm 139 if you would Psalm 139 yeah but you can walk away from God no you can't that's not a concept in the Bible and obviously what they mean by that is like well you can walk away as and you know get involved in sin or something like that yeah well you know the Bible tells us as brother Hernandez preached on on Thursday that when we get saved he forgives us of past present and future sins you know we're redeemed eternally by the forgiveness of all of our sins past present and future we don't hold this position that once we got saved oh he only forgave us of the past sins because all of our sins respect to the cross or all future that happened a long time ago and so your past present futures they're all future and respected when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross when he took our sins upon him in his flesh on the cross look at someone 39 verse 7 whether shall I go from thy spirit or whether shall I flee from thy presence if I ascend up into heaven thou art there if I make my bed in hell behold thou art there now obviously David is being facetious here because he's saved and he's not gonna go to hell he just essentially describing the omnipresence of God so you know what that means every person who's in hell are there in the presence of God you know we don't buy into this hells of separation from God because you can never be separated from God there is no separation hell is before him the Bible says he views the burning of the damned eternally forever they actually suffer before the lamb the Bible tells us and the Bible says here that if someone were to make their bed in hell they're to rest in hell he's there he's a well how's God's presence in hell because hell is a manifestation of his wrath that's why he says if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me what is this telling us it's telling us you can walk away from God or think that you're walking away from God you can move geographically all across the country you can move all across the world you can go to Mars if you wanted to thou art there you can't run from God all you can do is think that you're running from God right so like oh yeah yeah you you know God's not gonna leave you but you can leave him so how does that work how does that work if God will never leave me but I can leave him okay then he still won't leave me so technically I can't leave him hello right you can leave him but he can't leave you then I can't leave him because he's just always there and here's the thing it's not like God is like right here next to me the Bible says that we have Jesus Christ in as the hope of glory we actually have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling within us so you really can't hide from God so you can geographically move yourself all across the country you can go to Canada and God might not be in Canada I get that but no he's still there you know you can go to Africa you can go to doesn't matter where you go if you're saved Holy Spirit of God's the one within you you know if Jesus goes with me I'll go and you can say that but at the end of the day no matter where you go he's there and you know what Jonah went to Tarshish and God was there and in fact Jonah was swallowed by the well in a backslidden state he's completely backslidden he's disobeying God and you know what happened he was swallowed by a well and the Lord heard him out of the the belly of the well think about that go to Romans chapter 8 if you would Romans chapter number 8 so this is why I'm not a Pentecostal I'm not a Pentecostal because they believe in a stupid doctrine of losing your salvation which is the illogical unbiblical doctrine to teach it's it's it flies in the face of what the Bible actually says they just completely contradict the Bible they're not willing to adhere to the scriptures the clear and there's no doctrine in the Bible more clear than salvation a lot of doctrines in the Bible that can be very obscure and you know it's a dark saying even when it comes to some of the essentials of the faith but you know one of them salvation is not obscure it's completely clear which is why and you said well why why did he do that because he wants people to be saved so he wants people to understand it as plainly as they possibly can look at Romans 838 for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord that's a great salvation verse then as the same person nothing no one can stop God from loving you not even yourself you know I've loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee the Bible says and so as children of God as regenerated believers as John 1 12 tells us because we're sons of God we cannot be separated from God okay now if you get involved in sin you are unrepentant of that sin and you essentially waste the grace of God you're just gonna meet God sooner you're gonna get yourself really close to God that's what's gonna happen it's not he's gonna he's not gonna cast you to hell he just kind of part he's gonna put you through hell here and then if it comes down to it he's gonna kill you and there's many examples of God killing unsaved people saved people he's just he's just killing people sometimes because that's what they deserve and so he does it and you know what happens they go to the presence of God and you said why well you know when you look at the Bible God will often do this to a believer so they can shed that corruptible flesh you know what I mean and so the spirit can no longer be essentially grieved by the flesh because they've corrupted it so much they defiled the flesh and the Bible tells us that you know they did defile the temple him shall God destroy so people can actually take it so far where God's just like I'm just gonna take him and just keep the spirit and just dump the carcass because the carcass has become so corrupt you know Saul's an example of that which by the way Pentecostal believed that he was he went to hell he wasn't safe you know because he died outside of the will of God well sorry no the prophecy of Samuel said tomorrow thou and thy son shall be with me and no Pentecostal is gonna say that Samuel was not saved well who's a demon which by the way Pentecostals think that everything's a demon they blame everything on demons they take no responsibility everything's a there the chairs a demon food are you as a food demon no you just you just a glutton who's not a demon you're just a glutton you can't stop from eating okay turn with me if you would go to first John chapter 5 are you a first John 5 go back to first John chapter 5 if you went elsewhere so reason number one why I will never be a Pentecostal and that is because I believe in one saved always saved the eternal security of the believer and that is a major major deal breaker so for even for me to consider someone to be a Christian they have to believe in that we can differ on other things end times prophecy if the Jews are God's people you know things of that nature but at the end of the day what do you believe about salvation number two reason why I will never be a Pentecostal and that is because I am a Trinitarian meaning I hold the traditional view of the Godhead God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit one God in three distinct persons that is the doctrine that I hold to that is the doctrine that we as a church hold to Pentecostals however in general are oneness modulus okay they reject the eternal sonship of Jesus Christ and they in some instances some circles believe that Jesus is the Father now people who don't esteem doctrine they don't care about that stuff which is very stupid not to care about because this is a clear example of how someone can transgress the doctrines of Christ because once you remove Jesus Christ as being the eternal son of God then that's no longer the right Jesus because in order to be saved you have to believe in Jesus Christ but you know what let's get more specific about it you have to believe in the Jesus Christ of the Bible the Jesus Christ that the Bible depicts and talks about is the one you have to believe in so I don't care if Mormon say they believe in Jesus obviously it's not the same Jesus I don't care if Catholics say they believe in Jesus they don't have the right Jesus why because that count that Jesus is Catholic and Jesus will never be Catholic he's like he's like facepalming when people think that he looks the way the Catholics portray him to look but Pentecostals may claim to believe in Jesus Christ but think about this you know if they're oneness modalist they believe that Jesus is the Father which is damnable heresy because the Bible clearly distinctly teaches the Trinity that it's one God in three persons now you know you have these Catholics who will often say you know oh you know show me that in the Bible and obviously Catholics too they are Trinitarians but they'll often say you know you know find Trinity in the Bible the word Trinity is not in the Bible yet you believe it and they'll make this argument they're like oh because you know Trinity the word Trinity is not in the Bible but we believe it therefore we can make exceptions if something's not clearly stated in the Bible that is still a legitimate type of a belief this is what Catholics were proposed but here's the thing is that yeah Trinity yeah the word Trinity is not in the Bible the concept obviously is but here's the thing Bibles not in the Bible either what the heck oh let's just throw out the Bible the word Bible it's so funny it's just like yeah show me Trinity in the in the what yeah in the Bible and the Bible is not in the Bible either but the concept is right because it's the book so for people to say you know Pentecostals or whoever they always say well show me where's the word Trinity in the Bible of course the word Trinity is not in the Bible because we have an extended vocabulary and it's okay to use words outside of the Bible to describe things in the Bible just like the word rapture which a lot of people don't like that either you know you have these Preterists out there where's the word rapture in the Bible the gathering together how about that but you have such a limited vocabulary that you don't know how to describe the gathering together in other words here's a great word for the rapture the resurrection because they're one in the same but Pentecostals reject the biblical view of the Godhead the Trinity but we do not and so I am definitely a Trinitarian this is what as fundamental Baptists we have traditionally held to this doctrine and not just new IFB old IFB believe in the Trinity this is something that's very much a conservative fundamental of the faith and you in general Christians who wouldn't necessarily call themselves Baptist but are fundamental in belief hold to the Trinitarian view of the Godhead why is that because the Bible says in the very first book in the very first chapter let us make man in our image okay look at 1st John chapter 5 you're like oh man I think you're making a big deal about that you know I think that's that's that that's a minor point no it's not a minor point because you know 1st John chapter 5 verse 7 ironically is always a verse that's a question in the modern versions of the Bible this is not in the original manuscripts then throw the original manuscripts away and those are corrupted because the legitimate real manuscripts original manuscripts have 1st John chapter 5 verse number 7 you know if you have a Bible that questions 1st John 5 7 and says oh or these weren't found in later manuscripts or whatever it is that they put throw the thing in the garbage get yourself a Bible with no commentary in it by the way okay if you want to just learn pure Bible doctrine here's a great commentary that you should always go to and it's free it's called the Holy Spirit who teach you all things in fact the commentary is called the spirit of truth it will guide you into all truth he should not speak of himself but what shall he hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come is that good enough look at 1st John 5 7 for there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one now they will claim that they're oneness because it says these three are one meaning that they're one in the same but here's the thing yes they're all God but according to the Bible the description of the Trinity is that there are three distinct persons now go to John chapter 8 if you wouldn't John chapter 8 because there's a lot of verses that we can go to to prove the Trinity I mean the evidence is all over the place you have to purposely pervert some of these verses to teach oneness modalism because the trinitarian view can be clearly seen in some of the most basic of scriptures in the New Testament and even shadowing in the Old Testament as well and obviously you can get deep into it just like you get deep into any doctrine pictures of the Trinity but John chapter is probably one of my favorites because of the fact that well let's read it look at John 8 verse 17 Jesus speaking here says it is also written in your law that the testimony of two men is true right out of the mouth are two or three witnesses shall every word be established in other words in order for a magistrate someone of authority to investigate a particular situation there needs to be some validity to the claims and part of the veracity of those of those claims can be verified if there's two people who are witnessing not just one there has to be two autonomous individuals witnessing of that particular event what a crime or whatever it is in order in order to lend it veracity so the person can investigate that situation this is the Old Testament law so like oh this person stole my ox but do you have any witnesses yeah my brother saw it too I second that I saw him these are two completely autonomous witnesses who viewed it therefore lending veracity to the claim okay and this is what Jesus is talking about verse 18 says I am one that bear witness of myself and the father that sent me bears witness of me well how can that know Jesus you are the father so it doesn't count of course it counts because they're two separate people then said they unto him where is thy father Jesus answered ye neither know me nor my father if he had know me you should have known my father also now what does he mean by that well no man cometh unto the father but by Jesus and so whenever you find verses where God where Jesus Christ says you know if you see me you seen the father he's not saying that he is the father he's basically saying I'm God he's speaking to the deed his deity is what he's doing okay but verse 18 is showing us he's saying look this is how you know that I'm from God and that is I'm bearing witness and then my father bears witness as well which by the way and a beginning beginning of his ministry when he was baptized the father bore witness of him this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased hear ye him he also said amount the mount transfiguration he said this is my beloved son and who I am as well right go to John chapter 5 John chapter 5 this is why Pentecostals are not Christian this is a major fundamental of the faith so much that sometimes we even give it a second thought you know the certain doctrine is that we don't really give a second thought because we're just like shouldn't everyone know this you know what I mean it's like it's like saying you know the Bible is the word of God why would you even give it a second thought of course it's the word of God who's gonna deny that but you know what the closer we get to the second coming of Christ the more these fundamentals of the faith are gonna be questioned by Christian so-called look at John chapter 5 verse 30 I can of mine own self do nothing as I hear I judge my judgment is just because I seek not mine own will but the will of the father which has sent me Jesus that is your will then because you're the father what do you mean you're one with the father therefore you have the same will no actually he made a distinction between his will and the will of his father showing us that there's two different people that are operating here if I bear witness of myself my witness is not true there is another to bear witness to me and I know that the witness which he witnesses of me is true now again go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 if you would second Corinthians chapter 13 excuse me there's many examples that we can give of the Trinity being clearly displayed in Scripture you have examples for example you have Stephen being martyred and he looks up and he sees Jesus sitting at the right hand of the father well how is that possible if after the resurrection and the ascension he is God the father but yet he is geographically sitting at the right hand of the father meaning that he's distinctly different from God the father himself okay he is completely autonomous from God the father second Corinthians chapter 13 and verse 14 says this the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all amen here's a clear picture of the Trinity you say you know all these verses you're pulling out you know you you didn't pull one out about the Holy Spirit well you know what because the Holy Spirit though obviously very much important as part of the Trinity it's not necessarily the one who's constantly being attacked okay in this regard when people teach a oneness modalist view the person they always go for is Jesus Christ it's his eternal sonship that they question is his eternal sonship that they try to strip from him and again what they believe is that Jesus Christ became the Son of God when he came to this earth but folks even Nebuchadnezzar why can Nebuchadnezzar understand this but Pentecost was can the guy wasn't even saved you have billions of Catholics who know this and they don't read the Bible they'll tell you they believe the Bible and there's there's a lot of them to do but even they understand this but you know what this kind of shows you that it doesn't take a safe person to understand the Trinity because even Nebuchadnezzar believed it because he looked into the furnace and he said that there are four and the fourth is like unto the Son of God not sons of the gods as these modern versions puts it he's like unto the Son of God he wasn't even saved and he saw that why because it should just be common knowledge in all the earth that yes there is one God but three persons in one God okay now let me also say this is that they also baptized in the name of Jesus which is a part of attacking the deity of Jesus Christ as well this is often referred to as the Jesus only baptism movement okay and this is something that's associated with oneness Pentecostals and modalists etc and what they'll do is that when they baptize people physically they'll say you know I baptize you in the name of Jesus or others will say I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son of the Holy Ghost and that name is Jesus he said well you know they're like in the same ballpark you know at least people are getting baptized brother no they're not getting baptized they're getting wet by some heretic and here here's the problem is that people minimize the authority of Jesus by saying there's no problem with that you say why because Jesus literally commanded to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit but yet you have Pentecostal like no we're gonna baptize in the name we're gonna baptize in your name Jesus do what he tells you to do right please the boss as we said this morning you're like doing it your way but here at the end oh no we're coming in the authority of Jesus well if you did come into the authority of Jesus don't want you do it the way Jesus told you to do it now you know you find this phrase baptized in the name of Jesus about three times in the book of Acts is where people get confused about what that's particularly means go to Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 and let me just say this you know yeah you do have instances where people say you know these people were baptized in the name of Jesus because you see it like three times in the book of Acts and you know as a new Christian maybe you're a novice you're like whoa what should I do you know hi we got this in the book of Acts we have Jesus saying this in the book of Matthew chapter 28 verse 19 what do I go with well first of all there's no contradictions in the Bible number one number two go with Jesus you know just to be if you want to play it safe you go with what Jesus said and I don't even believe the disciples were contradicting Jesus I'm just saying as a novice here's a safe way to play you go with what Jesus said because what Jesus said was commanded what we see in the book of Acts is what was applied and the book of Acts is simply a historical book of the Acts of the Apostles so it's not going to give you all the details of you know it's not necessarily a book of doctrines should I say it's more a historical record of what took place in the inception of these New Testament churches you understand what I'm saying and so you need to read the book of Acts with the teachings of the Gospels in mind you understand what I'm saying so when you read it it's just like they're fulfilling whatever we see going on whatever Jesus taught in the book and in his Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John now look at Acts chapter 19 verse number 2 he said unto them have you received the Holy Ghost since she believed and they said unto him we have not so much heard as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost now let me give you just a bit of a background the Apostle Paul comes to Ephesus and he finds a group of men who are preaching and he's like oh you know these guys are believers so he says have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe he's referring to the power of the Holy Ghost and they're like we don't even know if there's a Holy Ghost so basically they're not saved if they've never heard of the Holy Ghost they're probably not even saved and he said unto them unto what then were ye baptized and they said unto John's baptism so they got saved under John's ministry doesn't mean John was preaching a false gospel it's just like with any other with any ministry you're gonna have people fall through the cracks claim to have gotten saved they didn't get saved that's just the nature of the beast and let me just say this there's plenty of people who you know we preach the gospel to we think we got saved and they probably didn't get saved I believe the vast majority of them did get saved but the law of numbers tells us that there's gonna be people who are just kind of going along to get along and here's a here's a scriptural example of that okay so he's like why do you know unto what were you baptized and they're like John's baptism then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus so taking verse the last verse into consideration consider what we just read when it says that there are baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus in its context is referring to the fact that they got saved not referring to a water baptism although you know they got water baptized afterwards this is literally referring to the fact that they're getting saved in the name of Jesus Christ okay they're believing on Jesus Christ for salvation is what that's referring to this doesn't mean like Paul is just like hey just don't tell anybody but you know in the name of Jesus and you just done some in the water they weren't even safe to begin with okay now turn with if you would go to a 1st Corinthians chapter 14 1st Corinthians chapter 14 so reason number one why I'm I will never be a Pentecostals because I believe in one saved always saved reason number two I'm a Trinitarian these are essential doctrines of the faith reason number three my barometer for spiritual maturity is not speaking in tongues that's big with them like if you're truly in the spirit if you're like a really good Christian you got to be Hala Shalabala in the six-pack dollar and you better wax eloquent when it comes to speaking in tongues I shut up what was it what's the other one that I say I bought a nice and I should have bought a Honda you you need to learn how to speak in proper tongues brother John he's not mature yet as you can as you can plainly see here that's their barometer they're like oh if you are filled with the Spirit if God is pouring out a spirit upon you if you're receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit you're gonna read in the Bible you're gonna be memorized in Scripture you're gonna be winning souls to Christ you're gonna clean up none of that are you speaking as this demonic language that's what they basically determine if you how they determine if you're really in the spirit well that's not my barometer you know the Bible tells us as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow their body and so the way we determine if we're spiritually growing is is our appetite for spiritual things increasing do you want do you listen do you want to hear biblical preaching do you want to read the Bible do you have a desire to preach the gospel and get people saved you know you know what I'm talking about you go through seasons or maybe you just got saved and you're like man I want to I want to learn how to win my friends to Christ that you're filled with the Spirit or you're like man I heard that sermon last week on idols and I got some idols I'm gonna go bash them in right now when I get home you're filled with the Spirit I literally had someone after the service say you know what I got some idols and I'm about to get rid of they have sentimental value but you know what I'm gonna go trash them right now as soon as I go home amen that person's filled with the Spirit you're like oh man you know I just have a desire to just hate the things that God hates my friend you're filled with the Spirit I'm just angry at the things that makes God angry you are filled with the Spirit you're like well I just have a desire to judge you're stupid I don't know what the hell you just did but that's not an indicator being filled with the Spirit that's jibber-jabber holier-than-thou you know vain jing that's not even vain jingling I prefer the vain jingling over that because at least I can understand vain jingling Pentecostals seem to have an inordinate affection for speaking in tongues they base all spirituality on that okay and to them it's a clear indicator being filled with the Spirit and obviously what are they doing they're grossly misinterpreting Acts chapter 2 that's why they call themselves Pentecostals because it was at the day of Pentecost that this event took place okay where the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples as cloven tongues like as a fire and what is cloven what is a cloven tongue it's referring to a divided tongue okay cloven means divided and so why would it describe it as having a cloven tongue what does that mean well if you speak one language if you're singular in your language you only know one language but then you're given a cloven tongue that means you can learn you have two languages that you know understand so you have these disciples that are able to speak in Greek maybe they can they can speak a little bit of Hebrew or Aramaic but then you have these people coming from different regions Mesopotamia Cappadocia Pontius all these areas where people speak different languages so the Spirit of God enabled them supernaturally not to go but I love that I can't I'm sorry I can't do that maybe some of you guys are better at it than I am you know but enable them to speak in that particular language and how great would that be to throw the whitest person in our church in Mexico and all of a sudden like I can I listen your hands okay so you know like and they're just able to just speak and preach the gospel in Spanish that'd be awesome you'd get a lot of work done right you know what if you just we just drop you in a heavily you know in a Chinese area and you're just like me quite swap with Obama you know and you're just like change you're just like whoa that's the miracle that took place now here's the problem Pentecostals they don't read the Bible they just read those first few verses and they're like oh jibber-jabber easy but if they were to read the remainder of the chapter it actually says that the recipients of who were listening to the disciples speak said we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God and here's the thing is that at the moment those recipients were not saved nor were they filled with the Spirit so it's not like oh they're speaking like jibber-jabber like we're speaking jibber-jabber cuz they're obviously addressing unsafe people giving them the Word of God in the gospel right so they say we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God and I think like 15 different regions are mentioned in that chapter so that's a very notable miracle and it's not a miracle that exists today oh you know you don't believe you don't hold to that restorationist view no because the reason God allowed that to take place in the book of Acts is to kind of give the churches a head start you know to confirm the Word of God and you know what you know you have a bunch of people coming from different regions at the day of Pentecost obviously God wants to strike while the iron is hot you know instead of having to send all you know obviously people need to go into all the world preach the gospel but if they're all coming here why not enable them to be able to preach the Word of God just get a bunch of people saved right then and there 3,000 at that so you have people just preaching the Word of God in different languages and so forth now that's what speaking in tongues speaking with tongues means because often say you know we can speak in tongues and they'll say the Bible teaches to speak in tongues but the true phrase is speaking with tongues and at the end of the day a tongue is just means language you know and if you see the weird thing is is like Pentecostal churches should know this because they speak Spanish and the way you say language in Spanish is lingua lingua que which is tongue but all the matter they're like oh no that's not what it means it means like jibber-jabber or whatever go to 1st Corinthians 14 let me just show you a couple verses here because it's good to refresh ourselves on this doctrine amen now I wish Pentecostals would actually read 1st Corinthians 14 but you know they're they're just not going to but what does 1st Corinthians 14 teaches well first of all teaches us that speaking with tongues isn't even the greatest of gifts there they're like oh man if you're really spirit-filled you're gonna speak with tongues and you're gonna you know speak like this that that's an indicator well the Apostle Paul actually said that speaking with tongues is not even the greatest of gifts look at verse 1 follow up the charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that ye may prophesy for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries now they'll take verse 2 and say oh see there you go only God understands this heavenly language no because if I were to just speak to you and let's someone give me a language what but there's two good there's there's Filipinos right now is there a Filipino yeah see I can't do that because we got one right over there give me another one does anybody know Russian here okay so if I just started speaking in Russian facetiously I can say the only one who understands me is God because God understands all languages so I'm just like vodka you know I don't know what they say you know you know just grunt or whatever I don't know what they say you know you just you may not even understand you not understand the only one who could legitimately understand me at this moment is God himself right you know in the spirit I'm speaking mysteries because you don't know what I'm saying verse 3 says but he that prophesies speaking of demand to edification and excretation and comfort he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edify it himself but he that prophesied edify at the church so God is saying you should desire to actually know how to preach okay rather than speaking in unknown language because if you got up to preach in an unknown language or just kind of not even preach but just talk in an unknown tongue the only one who's gonna understand you is God and you're not gonna edify anybody should I say you're only gonna edify yourself you know you're just gonna be speaking you know where's Vitor no one's any Portuguese any Brazilians here you know taco gia the flag something you know he's just saying all this stuff and then no one's you're like oh wow he speaks really good you know Portuguese you know you're basically only glorifying yourself whereas if you're actually learning how to communicate the Bible which is exactly what prophesying means you edify the brethren because now they understand what you're saying okay he says in verse 5 I would that you all speak with tongues but rather that you prophesied for greater is he that prophesied then he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive edifying so he's saying he's literally saying it's better to preach than to speak a foreign language it's better to be able to communicate the Word of God in the current language than to be able to speak in a language that no one understands here because the purpose of even learning or knowing a different language should be to communicate the Word of God okay and when he says I would that you speak all speak with tongues he's basically saying like I wish you guys knew how to speak different languages because it's profitable to speak with other languages now look at verse six not only that but speaking in tongues can only profit those who understand the language I know that's a given he says now brethren if I come into you speaking with tongues what shall I profit you except I shall speak and speak to you either by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine so what is he saying here he's saying look those you uh what do they call those um those people speak like ten languages what are they called polyglot is like okay listen up you polyglots only it's like the only way that would actually help if you knew a bunch of languages is if you came if you're ever to give a revelation of God through that language so basically what I believe this is implying here is there people that are coming to the church and just kind of showing off their ability to speak in a foreign language they're not even giving a revelation they're not giving doctrine they're not necessarily teaching anything they're just kind of showing how they're capable of speaking in a different language so he's saying like what good is it that you know Russian if you're not speaking to us by revelation by knowledge by prophesying or by doctrine doesn't really help us at all okay look at verse 21 verse 21 is a key indicator that this is referring to an actual known language as in earthly language he says in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips will I speak unto this people yet for all that will they not hear me sayeth the Lord and obviously that scripture is referring to the Babylonian captivity and he's saying like I'm gonna speak to you with men of other tongues meaning people who speak different languages I'm gonna give the Word of God in a different language and you're still not gonna listen to it he says wherefore tongues are first sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying service not for them that believe not but for them which believe what is the same tongues are not even for church so what are you doing speaking in tongues in church it's not even meant for church preach in church speak with tongues out there you know at the end of the month we're going to Mexico so what are you guys gonna be doing speaking with tongues you know we're gonna be speaking in Spanish woke up the evangelists all over there you know he's like Spanish that's my tongue you know and you know you we're gonna speaking with tongues preaching the Word of God but you know I'm not gonna preach in Spanish here why because this is an english-speaking church and speaking with tongues is not for church he says if therefore what you said what does it say that it's for them to believe not well because if you're gonna win people to Christ you better know what language they speak in verse 23 if therefore the whole church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues and they're coming those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that you're mad he's like what if you guys are all just speaking ones in Russian Portuguese Mandarin people are gonna like visitors gonna be like what is this I don't know what they're saying you know this is not profitable they don't understand what's going on are you mad means are you crazy but if I'll prophesy and they're coming on one that believe it's not or or one unlearned he is convinced of all he is judge the ball preaching prophets people who come to church they're not safe because they could actually understand what's being stated okay anyways so here's the next point go back to Jude if you would I'm almost done my next point is this is that I'm not a Pentecostal nor will I ever be a Pentecostal because I esteem faith over feelings and Pentecostals place a great emphasis on how they feel if they feel the Holy Spirit you know and this is why Pentecostal churches are filled with women filled with women because they base spiritual things off of how they literally feel whereas the Bible says that we walk by faith and not by sight and the majority of what's taking place in these Pentecostal churches is demonic anyways it's called an altered state of consciousness that's what it's called you know like I just I just felt something on that you know well no no the the false prophet at the pulpit miss false prophet at the pulpit has placed you into an altered state of consciousness it's a method that's used in the ashram cults Eastern mysticism to make you think and put you in a trance to make you think that you're experiencing some godly experience but it's actually really demonic okay a lot of these methods that Pentecostal churches use they actually got from Eastern mysticism which is why they're just chanting chanting chanting clapping clapping clapping tambourine tambourine tambourine it's just the repetitiveness of the statements the repetitive of the chance that causes people to think put themselves in an altered state of consciousness where now the mind is ready to receive the deceit okay and of course there you know there's a psychology of just peer pressure oh you know you're gonna fall back this is often what's called the exploitation of expectation something's gonna happen tonight the spirit is gonna fall on you and it's just like oh snaps and then you just start believing it because they use the exploitation of expectation in conjunction with the subtle power of suggestion so they just prey on gullible people they make you think that something's gonna happen and then you just end up believing that it actually happens okay and so all of this stuff is just you know demonic its manipulation God is not in all that and in fact I remember hearing a story of this one church it was the vineyard where you know it got to a point where they're the people in the church were actually afraid of the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit according to them it's not the Holy Spirit obviously was like throwing them around it was causing them to have seizures and it was like very it was like a very painful experience so they're actually afraid of the Holy Spirit and here's here's the freaky thing about this okay yes right I mean they're like yeah the Holy Spirit's in that room and we're afraid to bring the Holy Spirit out because he's just so powerful I mean that's sad folks you know the Holy Spirit is not anywhere near that he's not involved in that he's called a comforter not the not the beater or not the whooper you know he's like you know he's there's nothing holy about that but they literally relegated to like a room and then when they when they call him out he just begins to just torment people but folks when you compare that to biblical examples the only people are being tormented in the New Testament in such a manner are people who are demonically possessed when they fall to the ground and they wallow they're thrown into the fire and into the water and there's literally examples of people in these churches where that happens they're just seizureing they're being tossed they're just tormented that's satanic oh no it's the Spirit of God no you're walking after your own ungodly lust your sensual you don't have the spirit and so that's why I'm not a Pentecostal man and I'll never be one here's the last two you don't have to turn there number five is pretty obvious I will never be a Pentecostal because I believe having women preachers in churches is sinful and Pentecostals don't mind that they always have women preachers and that's a clear violation of 1st Timothy 2 verse 11 it's a clear violation of 1st Corinthians 14 13 14 33 where the Bible clearly tells us not to have women pastors or preachers in church okay oh it's a cultural thing yeah this is a Christian culture we have in this church culture has not changed okay and lastly you know why I will never be a Pentecostal for sure beyond a shadow of a doubt is because I can never be demonically possessed it's not gonna happen why because when I got saved I got it well by the Holy Spirit and so there's no vacancy in this house okay the Holy Spirit resides within us and that's not to say that that you know I can't be attacked satanically and oppressed but I will never be oppressed or possessed excuse me you know there's this movie that came out recently it's called coming out in Jesus name and you know you have Isaiah Saldivar what's the other guy's name Greg Locke who are part of this there's these Pentecostal holy roller charismatic faith fake healers is what they are and this is what they're all about and they believe that Christians are possessed with Devils it's literally what their ministry is all about and the funniest thing of that whole entire documentary is when Isaiah Saldivar is is exercising a demon out of this lady and it's a bird demon he's like let me get the bird demon out of you and she's like she's like she's like flapping her hands like this right what she's from coast does that matter oh the birds from Costa Rica sorry I gotta get the species right he's like we're gonna get this bird demon out I'm like is he calling her a chicken head or what is he what is he saying here and she's just like she's like flapping her arms and we did a reaction for the podcast on it and we're just dying we're just laughing the entire time because it's just like who believes this crap I don't even think I don't even believe Isaiah Saldivar believes it you can't you can't believe that and this other guy he's like casting the fag demon out of this gay dude or whatever which obviously that guy does have a demon cuz he's a reprobate well he's like the spirit of incubus spirit of succubus and he's like he's literally like reaching in his stomach trying to get it out of him or something you know he's probably hoping the guy would say I ain't gay no more you know I'm not gay no more he's talking about like the spirit of incubus I'm like incubus is that in that band it's a band like that's a band from the 90s whatever tomorrow brings I'll be that's the only thing I know by this guy's listening incubus it's nonsense it's a circus and they're just like all creatures got demons know that whole room temp meaning you got going on there is nothing but demonic possessions you didn't cast any demon out you know what it is it's an orgy of demons is what it is one demon going from one person to another that's what it is you know what that's what Pentecostalism has to offer you a bunch of sensual nonsensical hoopla of nonsense of just succubus and incubus you suck you gotta get the spirit of suck out of you cuz you suck you don't know the Bible this is why I will never be a Pentecostal because of the fact that you know you say well you don't perform exorcism pastors yeah I perform exorcisms when I get people saved you know I preach the gospel unto them but it's the Holy Spirit that ejects that demon out of there you know that's the best way you know and that's that's just the bottom line and so you know but I'm not there like you know getting the spirit of whatever in them out of there because you know at the end of the day you know if a person gets saved they're still gonna struggle with addiction they're still gonna struggle with alcohol and marijuana and adultery and fornication and all the sins of the flesh because you know what you can't accredit a demon to that it's that person who's doing that stuff it's just like oh no it's all the demons fault you know Greg Locke's over here he's over here talking about oh you know those people struggling with you know the spirit of adultery oh you mean like you oh you talk about you this is like a personal testimony because you know he cheated on his wife and ran off with the secretary that's Greg Locke he's the spirit of adultery and so our church obviously would never gonna become Pentecostal we're not leaning towards that way but you know it's always good to hear a sermon like this to reinforce biblical doctrines and show how stupid that movement is amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word Lord and thank you for the truth and we're so thankful that we have the Bible that we can look to we don't have to place our faith and feelings or experiences Lord we can rest wholeheartedly on the teachings of the Word of God the solid rock that never changes and I pray Lord that you'd continue to help us to expose the evil works of darkness and never be deceived by such cults and sex of Christianity that are deceiving so many today Lord and thank you for the fundamentals of the faith and thank you for salvation Lord we're so thankful for the clear teachings of Trinity help us as your people to continue to study to show ourselves approve them to God and help us not to be ashamed Lord we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen turn your handles the song number 296 follow on song number 296