(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So the Levite went in. The Levite was content to dwell with the man, and the young man was unto him as one of his sons. And Micah consecrated the Levite, and the young man became his priest, and was in the house of Micah. Then said Micah, Now know I, that the Lord will do me good, seeing as I have a Levite to my priest. Praise be to God. Thank you for your word. Please just be a pastor now as he preaches, and just help us to hearken to your word as his priest. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. All right, we're in Judges chapter 17. Look down at your Bibles at verse number five. It says, And the man Micah had an house of gods, and made an ephod and a terephim, and consecrated one of his sons, who became his priest. In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which is right in his own eyes. And the title of the sermon this morning is, Woe Unto Chas, Why Anarchy is Unbiblical. Woe Unto Chas, Why Anarchy is Unbiblical. Now we're living in a twilight zone in 2020 folks, okay. This is a movie, all right. This has been the year, one of the biggest soap operas of the last decade, you know, from the potential World War III, to coronavirus, to the quarantine, to murder hornets, to protests and riots, all the way leading up to literally a group of people that have seceded from the United States of America to create their own country, called the country of Chas, within the city limits of downtown Seattle, Washington. This is something you find in some low-budget movie, but this is reality. This is happening today in 2020. Now what is Chas? Well Chas stands for the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, okay. This is the hundred and ninety-sixth country apparently that exists now, and it's the result of an insurrection that has been carried out by protesters, who are basically defacing civil society and destroying the land, protesting, rioting, and there is an occupation now in Seattle, Washington, where literally these inhabitants have driven out the police officers and hijacked six to seven entire blocks, including the police department, okay. They've expelled every officer from the precinct there, they've set up barricades with people who have armed guns, they have weapons there, you know, impeding people from coming in and basically giving them the third degree if they do. It's been complete and utter chaos, and it is a result. You say, why is this happening? How is something like this able to take place? How is something like this where literally, you know, the hundred and ninety-six country has been established within the United States of America, six or seven blocks of it, how is it that that took place? Well I'll tell you how, it's the result of not having strong leaders. It's the result when you have weak leadership or when there's an absence of leadership, you have the most wicked people taking over and trying to establish their own form of government. It's basically when every man does that which is right in their own eyes, all right. The Bible says in verse 6, in those days there was no king in Israel. So we see this is no new thing under the sun, right? Anytime there's no governor or government, anytime there's no leader, anytime there's no one there to basically keep the civil, you know, society in check, what happens? Every man does that which is right in their own eyes. People may think this sounds good, you know, people say, well you know, hey folks, anarchy, you know, it's not necessarily anarchy, we're just kind of trying to live in a utopian society, everyone's at peace and we can just roam the streets as we will and kind of do whatever we want, but here's the thing, that's not biblical and don't think that the Garden of Eden, this is a picture of the Garden of Eden at all, you know, the Garden of Eden had God as its ruler and even within the bounds of the children of Israel when they were established as a nation, God was their king, establishing laws and rules, so on and so forth. Anarchy has never been part of God's plan and in fact when you have anarchy, it ultimately leads to the strongest taking advantage of the weak. Just keep that in mind, you know, when you have a group of people say, well this is the best way to do it, we need to have our own rule, yeah but who's the ruler? We need to live in peace, yeah but what's your definition of peace? Yeah but we need to make sure we don't have any type of authority, any type of consequences to breaking the law, yeah but according to who? See at that point you have that person who's the one who's, you know, coming up with this idea of, you know, being rebellious against the government, they actually become the standard, okay. What is anarchy? It's a state of disorder due to the absence of authority and it's not biblical, it's wicked as hell, okay. Now what we see happening in the country of Chaz is simply a reflection of the principles taught here in the book of Judges. Judges chapter 17 is one of those strange stories where you literally have a man making a molten image, he recruits a Levite to be a priest unto him and he basically just creates his own house church, his house temple so to speak and he's doing this because he wants to, okay. You know he's not sanctioned or ordained of God to carry out this temple or to you know, ordain a Levite to be a father unto him or to be a priest unto him, this is not something that was sanctioned by God, this is just something that came out of his own heart to create his own religion, his own way of worshiping and it wasn't right, okay. Now this is what's happening in Judges 17, go with me if you would to Judges chapter 2. Judges chapter number 2. Judges chapter number 2. Now look folks, as Christians we should not be opposed to authority. Now what we are opposed to is when authority overreaches its bounds and seeks to cause Christians, Bible believing Christians to sin by their laws. You know if the government or authority seeks to come in here and say well you guys can't pray. Oh you're telling me I can't pray in the house of God which is the house of prayer? You know you guys can't sing, you can't pray, you can't preach the Word of God, this is the law, at that point we ought to obey God rather than man according to the Bible. You can't go out there and preach the gospel and see people saved, at that point we ought to obey God rather than man because the Bible tells us that there is the higher powers and we are to obey the higher powers. Obviously the government is a power but guess what there's a government that is higher than him, that is higher than the government itself here in the United States and that's God. Okay you know yeah but I'm a constitutionalist well this is my constitution right here. This is where I get my laws and my rules and by the way this book tells me to be subject to the government to the point where if they were to ask me to do something wicked obviously at that point we completely reject that, we don't partake in that at all. What happens when there is absence of authority? Well a society plummets into corruption. Look at Judges chapter 2 verse 16, nevertheless the Lord raised up judges. Don't judge! Well God raised up judges which delivered them out of the hand of those that spoiled them. So what was the responsibility of the judge? To deliver people, right? And yet they would not hearken unto their judges but they went a whoring after other gods and bowed themselves unto them. They turned quickly out of the way which their fathers walked in obeying the commandments of the Lord but they did not so and when the Lord raised them up judges then the Lord is with the judge and delivered them out of the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge for it repented the Lord because of their groanings by reason of them that oppressed them and vexed them. Verse 19 and it came to pass when the judge was dead that they returned and what had a utopian society? No, they corrupted themselves more than their fathers. So what happens when there is an absence of authority? Corruption. In following other gods to serve them and to bow down unto them they cease not from their own doings nor from their stubborn way. Absence of authority equals corruption, equals wickedness, equals violence, equals rioting, equals the violation of innocent people. It always happens. It's biblical. Now what eventually happens to a peaceful utopian carefree society? What happens to a society like this? You know there's people out there in the country of Chaz that maybe a couple days ago they thought this was a good idea but a couple days in they're thinking actually this is not a good idea because there's people here who are stronger than me they seem to be evil and they're trying to take over my business. They're seeking to extort me. It doesn't pan out anymore. Go to Judges 18. I'm gonna show you an example of this and the reason I'm using the book of Judges because the book of Judges is a perfect example of what happens when there is no king, when there is no magistrate, when there is no judge and it shows us the consequence of that type of society. Look at Judges 18 verse 5 and they said unto him ask counsel we pray thee of God that we may know whether our way which we shall go shall be prosperous and the priest said unto them go in peace before the Lord is your way wherein you go. Then the five men departed and came to Laish you can put in parentheses Chaz and saw the people that were therein how they dwelt careless. What does that mean? They're carefree. Roam in the streets, there's an apple on the floor, eat it, use the restroom wherever you want. They dwelt careless after the manner of the Zydonians, quiet and secure and there was no magistrate in the land. There you go. When there's no magistrate do whatever you want. Do whatever you want. Every man does that which is right in their own eyes. Everything's hunky-dory but they might put them so it says there was no magistrate in the land that might put them to shame in anything and they were far from the Zydonians and had no business with any man. So he's saying this, he's saying they're dwelling carelessly, they're kind of just doing whatever they want and there's no magistrate there that will put them to shame. So there's no leader there to basically correct their wicked ways. And they came unto their brethren verse 8 to Zorah and Eshol and their brethren said unto them what say ye and they said arise that we may go up against them for we have seen the land behold it is very good and are ye still be not slothful to go and to enter and to possess the land. So basically saying is this these people are just right for the taking. You know they're dwelling carelessly there's no magistrate to deliver them take the land. Skip down to verse 26 and the children of Dan went their way and when Micah saw that they were too strong for him he turned and went back into his house. Now picture just picture this Micah is the guy who created his own religion had his own graven images just doing things completely anti the Word of God just not ordained of God not sanctioned by God yet he's the one who's being jacked by the Danites. Because they come and they just go into his house they take his terra-fems and all his treasures or whatever and his molten images and he's like he's like hey come back you can't do that he's they're just kind of like are you gonna stop us and they literally tell him and I'm paraphrasing here they basically say hey you need to keep your mouth shut unless you want to get hurt. Let me put it in 2020 terms they punked him. They punked him for his stuff okay. This is where we find ourselves here okay verse 27 and they took the things which Micah had made and the priests which he had so not only did they take his things they took his employee. Yeah you come with us too. They took the things which Micah had made and the priests which he had which he had and came in to Laish unto a people that were at quiet and secure and they smote them with the edge of the sword and look what it says and burnt the city with fire. Isn't that something we've seen in recent days? They came in there and just destroyed them smoke them with the edge of the sword burn them with fire and look what it says in verse 28 and there was no deliverer. You know because they didn't want a magistrate telling them what to do they didn't want some governor telling them what to do okay now when you need help because you're being extorted by these wicked people now there's no magistrate which equals no deliverer. Folks no magistrate no deliverer because it was far from Zidon and they had no business with any man we want to be our own country and it was in the valley that lieth in Beth Rehab and they built the city and dwelt therein. Folks this is what we're looking at today in 2020 in the country of Chaz. Now let me say this is Chaz is not that you know advanced as of yet okay because they're completely against the police and you know they took over the police department. Look I preached a sermon called the police in light of the Bible and I showed specifically what the Bible says about the police but I literally said at the end of the sermon because if you say well if you're against the police are you gonna call them I said yes I would because I pay their salary. I pay taxes folks and this is the land in which we live I live in the United States of America this is the type of government that we have so you know what if someone's doing something and you know they're breaking in I'm gonna call the police. If they are assaulting someone I'm gonna call the police. I'm not saying they're gonna do an excellent job or anything like that you know but that's who I'm gonna call. Now look the funny thing is that these guys in Chaz they're completely against the police right but literally if they need if people are getting assaulted who are they calling the police? Define irony. Okay they're already getting foreign aid because literally the mayor is sending in porta-potties and all these things it's just like we hate the government can we use a porta-potty please though can you send like five of them in here we need help and all this stuff it's nonsense a bunch of children over there it's like it's like when a kid says they're gonna run away and they only get it like a block away because then at that point they run out of their Twizzlers and resources and candy they realize they got to come back anyways you know but this is exactly what we see the country of Chaz is the equivalent to Laish and that is they're gonna be the result of Laish in fact or of Chaz and in fact that's exactly what we see today 2020 even today people are being violated out there you know because they don't have an economic system over there so what are they doing they're extorting businesses out there oh that's yeah that's very peaceful yeah for the person who's extorting but what about for the ones who are being extorted it's wicked folks I'm not for obviously I'm not for our government I'm for small government okay but here's the thing folks you can't you can't take out Romans 13 out of Bible it's still there okay now let me give you a couple reasons why anarchism which is exactly what's taking place over there why anarchism is on biblical it's wicked it's unbiblical and I'm going to show you why this morning turn with me if you would to Ephesians chapter number five Ephesians five first and foremost reason number one why anarchism is unbiblical is because anarchists reject all bodies of government they reject all bodies of government the reason the people of Chaz have hijacked Capitol Hill and removed the police and governmental authority is because of their hatred for leadership they don't want people telling them what to do they don't want anyone governing their way of life or issuing laws or you know there being consequences to breaking their laws they want to live in this fantasy utopian society where every individual governs themselves they want to live in peace but they want to force that by means of violence okay now is God against government no and in fact every institution that God has established has a boss folks for example the institution of the home is an institution where the husband is in charge I know in 2020 that's not that's not popular and you know you have your feminists out there who hate that type of speech but it's biblical folks in fact look at Ephesians 5 23 for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church now let me ask you this who's in charge of the church Jesus he's the head of the church I am the under shepherd Jesus Christ is the boss so the parallel that we're looking at here is that just as Christ is the boss of the church guess what the Bible says the husband is the head of the wife now if that rubs you the wrong way it's only because you've been duped by society you've been duped by the culture and Hollywood and all this nonsense that has taught you anti biblical principles folks therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything I don't see there being equal leadership here okay now people take what I say and they say this oh you're just saying like you're more important than in essence than a woman or something I'm not saying that not at all we're talking about levels of authority in order for a successful business to run and has to have someone who's in charge you know you can't have a business where everyone's in charge because everyone's gonna do their own thing you need one person to make the decision you need one person to rule now and the household should be ruled as a benevolent dictatorship benevolent okay so you have the home God established the home not against the government because he says the man is in charge now by the way that that also basically tells us that everything rises and falls on leadership and if the man drops the ball he can't blame his wife he can't blame his children who's he to blame himself for being a weak leader who is to blame for all the chaos taking place in the country of task the mayor okay who's literally allowing them to do that she doesn't even think there's anything wrong with it friendly protest oh okay why don't you go relocate to Chaz then mayor you speak of it as if it's like some wonderful thing taking place why don't you go ahead and relocate and why is it that when you go to Chaz you have to have all these armed guards with you if it's so safe hypocrite so the home how about this the church God's not against government in the church now let me let you in a little secret that's not very secret I'm in charge here the pastor is the one who's in charge of the local body of assembly here he's the under Shepherd under Christ well no Jesus is the one yeah but he has selected me to be the pastor here okay and you say well I don't really like that idea I kind of like having multiple pastors and we sit around in a circle on a table and just kind of say what do you think this verse means and what do you think this means and we just kind of all agree on one another or how about this why don't we have a board of deacons not in the Bible you look at the track record of churches who have a board of deacons I mean the pastor's hands are tied they're arguing about stupid things like what color the carpet should be they're arguing about should we allow the pastor to buy sprinklers for the for the church or whatever I mean nonsensical things okay whereas God says in 1st Peter 5 to feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre but of a ready mind neither is being lords over God's heritage but being examples to the flock the Bible says so the Bible says that the pastor is supposed to take the oversight he is the one who oversees the church okay now what does this mean this means we don't take votes I take recommendations but I don't take votes okay you say why because of the fact that not everyone here is on the same spiritual level and not everyone here may have the right motives or agenda you understand when you have a church with no leadership it's always corruption I know of a church right now in Ohio the church that we were going to take over you know that they're like literally they got some dude over there who has the keys to the building and he has basically taken over the church they you know voted in a pastor he came in and he's just not letting them lead he's like these are my keys is my church I got the finances and I saw him on Facebook and I said you're lucky I didn't take over this church I was like if I were to take it over I would have thrown your hinder parts out like that oh it's not in the in their church Constitution I still would have done it it's wicked they've already got a pastor there and this novice envious just jealous wicked self-willed person is not permitting the pastor to even have the keys to the building that guy across the face wicked folks it would be like me like trying to go home and my wife was just like what's the password take out the trash we'll just make a deal you know break through the window or some so God is not against government in the home in the church and just in government period okay Romans 13 proves that now we don't have a perfect government I understand that okay and I understand that I preached a sermon called the police the light of the Bible where I specifically talked about that it doesn't run perfectly but you know what the Roman Empire didn't run perfectly either and Jesus Christ lived during that time and he was able to function win people to Christ be under subjection and even win Roman soldiers to the Lord okay but this is an establishment by God in order to supervise and manage civil conflicts go to second Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 what's the point that I was making here anarchists don't like any body of government they despise governments according to the Bible let me say this the Bible's is just timeless folks timeless always relevant okay look what it says in verse 9 of 2nd Peter chapter 2 verse 9 the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation to reserve the unjust until the day of judgment to be punished but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust among cleanness and despise government presumptuous are they self-willed they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities whereas angels which are greater in power and might be not bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord but these as natural brute beasts by the way the way they're operating out there is like a bunch of animals because that's how the animal kingdom operates whoever's the strongest overcomes the weakest says these as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed there's your death penalty speak evil of the things which they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption look what it says here and they shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they they counted pleasure to riot in the daytime oh was this written like in 2020 or what those written thousands of years ago folks but look it's relevant today God knows what he's talking about there's no new thing under the Sun there's been people who've been part of the country of Chaz even back then but they shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they the kind of pleasure to riot in the daytime spots they are in blemishes supported themselves without with their own deceivings while they feast with you turn with me if you would to 1st Peter chapter 2 1st Peter chapter number 2 I'm gonna reach you from Jude 7 it says even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner given themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh despise Dominion and speak evil of dignities so what is a characteristic or an attribute of an anarchist they hate a governing body they hate they despise Dominion they don't want anybody to be over them okay now anarchism eventually leads to wicked leaders just the way it works you know the Seattle mayor Jenny Durkin obviously is a wicked leader because she's permitting this but we're talking about within the confines of this so-called country of Chaz there's people that are rising up because whenever you have a vacuum of leadership the most wicked people always take over because they're looking for an opportunity as what they're looking for okay the most wicked people seek to take the reins I'm gonna reach you from acts 17 verse 5 says but the Jews which believe not moved with envy took it took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort and gathered a company and set all the city in an uproar and assaulted the house of Jason and sought to bring them out of the people even today there's literally video of people of white people getting beat up in the country of Chaz for being white you know oh but that's but that's okay because it's in the country of Chaz you know you have violence taking place you have people being violated in the name of freedom and prosperity and peace and all these things look at 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 13 what does God say about this it says submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme or into governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do well for so is the will of God that you with well-doing you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men as free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but as the servants of God so oh you're just compromising you're just compromising because you say you got to submit to the government no the Bible specifically says this is what we're supposed to do and again let me reiterate when the government begins to Institute unlawful things that go against the Bible at that point we rebel against that when the Bible tells me I can't preach against sod or excuse me when when the government says I can't preach against sodomites I'm gonna let it fly oh put you in jail then throw me in jail when the government tries to Institute and enforce vaccines so you have to take the vaccine you better kill me first I'm not taking a vaccine okay when they begin to say well no you you need to take it it's just like you're gonna have to come out you're gonna have to come in here and take me out and force me pin me down and make me take because I'm not gonna do it we'll find you find me for the rest of my life it's not happening okay you can't preach the gospel look folks when the government does stuff like that it causes God's people to just be even more rebellious sometimes do some so many marathons then a perfect time now to go and preach the gospel to every creature okay now look at Romans 13 I want to spend too much time on this but this is important this is one of the main factors when it comes to anarchists is they hate a governing body they hate to be ruled over look what it says in Romans 13 verse 1 let every soul be subject unto the higher powers for there is no power but of God the powers that be are ordained of God whosoever resisted the power resisted the ordinance of God and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation for rulers are not a terror to good works so the people who rule over us the police they're not supposed to be a terror unto good works and again I do not agree with what took place with George Floyd I think that police officer is wicked for taking the man's life I don't care what background George Floyd had the guy died unrighteously the police officer deserves a just punishment for that that's murder folks but the Bible tells us the rulers are not there for a terror to good works you know what the you know what police should do is do exactly what they did here in Omani when we're out so winning that one night how many remember that we're out so winning at night one night and and the police they drive up they came up they flash their light I looked at them and they said hey are you guys okay you say yeah we're fine okay you guys be careful out here be safe that's exactly what they're supposed to do look after the soul winners they didn't say hey you can't be out here late at night and you're trespassing what do you think you're doing toss some tracks their way and just run or something they're supposed to be protecting us because we're doing good works so who are supposed to be punishing all these wicked criminals out here this this drunkard that comes back and forth here on this street who assaulted me that one day on a Sunday after after church rapists and murderers and child molesters this is who they should be going after look what it says for rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil will doubt then not be afraid of the power do that which is good and that shall have praise of the same amen good job so many out there guys for he is a minister of God to thee for good but if thou but if thou do that which is evil be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is a minister of God a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil the Bible says wherefore you must be need to be subject not only for wrath but also for conscience take so it's telling us that the government is here specifically to what to pour wrath upon those who deserve wrath okay I spend enough time on that go to Genesis 19 if you would Genesis 19 so our anarchism is unbiblical because of the fact that they don't want a governing body over them they don't want someone telling them what to do but now that number two anarchism carries out insurrections this is why it's some biblical what is that it's a violent uprising so in order for them to have this utopian society they need to force it upon you by violence the Bible says in Matthew 11 12 and from that from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven sufferth violence and the violent taketh it by force now let me show you one of the greatest examples of these in the Bible Genesis chapter 19 Sodom and Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah is your classic country of Chaz you said why is that because the country of Chaz is in the hub of sodomy folks Capitol Hill is a sodomite aspect of Seattle that's their home base a bunch of wicked filthy sodomites there oh man you're gonna get yeah it's June folks it's June look at Genesis 19 oh no they're just trying to peacefully do they say did they peacefully try to protest in Genesis 19 look what it says in verse 5 and they call them to lot and said unto them where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them that doesn't sound peaceful at all oh the Bible is very very careful to use certain specific language as to not to follow the minds of people right but basically what they're saying is we want to rape these men the angels and lot went out of the door into them and shut the door after him and said I pray brethren do not so wickedly behold now I have two daughters the irony which have not known man let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do you to them as as is good in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof oh a lot is an idiot okay he's an idiot he's like don't do this wicked thing here just take my daughters do what you will with them what in the world what's wrong with you this is what happens when you live in Hollywood for that long okay your mind becomes twisted and they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came into sojourn referring to lot and he will needs be a judge now we deal worse with feed and with them what do you mean worse I thought it was already bad enough what you're gonna do to the Angels you're planning to do something worse to lot than you were gonna do to the Angels they're full of all in righteousness it says and they press sore upon the man even lot and came near to break the door but the men put forth their hand and pulled lot into the house to them and shut the door and they smote the men that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great so that they weary themselves to find the door folks why is that because they're so filthy and perverted and wicked and just demonic they even when they're smitten with blindness where they cannot see they don't want that to stop them from raping the people within that house like eyes are no eyes I'm gonna find that door that's what they're doing they're weary themselves to find the door not a peaceful place to live in okay but you know what I don't see a magistrate in Sodom and Gomorrah either I don't see rulers in Sodom and Gomorrah because of the fact that this kind of perversion was allowed to go unfettered unchecked I mean Sodom and Gomorrah was filled with a bunch of fags from small from the smallest to the greatest from the oldest of the youngest all of them therefore there was not a governing body to put them into check okay now this is exactly how anarchists operate is by violence now you say well you know that's what we're supposed to do we're gonna take over the government we're gonna bear arms and rise up against the government take back what's ours that's not what the Bible teaches the Bible says though we walk after the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds the Bible says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places our battles a spiritual battle okay this is the spiritual battle right here is preaching against this nonsense the spiritual battle is fought when we're out there so many the spiritual battle is fought when you stand for the truth but we're not protesting either we do I protest every single week three times a week for an hour each each week each time that's the manner in which we should protest but it's a spiritual battle we're not out there trying to cause an insurrection isn't that what these liberal Christians want to say that Jesus did I mean even the Jews say that about Jesus oh you just try to cause this insurrection lies all lies but that is a the wicked agenda of these people go with me if you would to go to Luke 19 Luke 19 I'm gonna breeze through this point real quick anarchists reject capitalism they want common ownership this is why they are extorting the businesses within the country of Chas okay they don't want people to work hard they don't want anybody to work hard they don't even want to work hard they're lazy not diligent so what they want is for other people to work hard and for them to reap the benefits of that labor understand this is not biblical okay the Bible teaches us that people who are diligent shall be made rich people who work hard will receive the fruit of their labor and it's actually a wicked thing when you know others seek to take that from you when you've actually labored for that the Bible actually teaches that in Ecclesiastes now here's point number four anarchists and here's one of the biggest reasons why anarchism is wicked anarchists reject organized religion so I don't know I know I probably didn't have to tell you this you know there's like no Christians out there right it's probably not one single Christian and if there is it's a punk okay well I take that back there's some sodomite Baptist woman out there in the country of Chas supporting what they're doing evil folks and they put that it's like oh she's the pastor of a family put Presbyterian or something put Mormon or something or Baptist and let me just say this I'm speaking for all independent fundamental Baptist when I say that woman's not a Baptist nor is she a pastor wicked folks anarchists reject organized religion they hate Christianity they hate anything having to do with Christianity or the Bible why because the Bible is rules the Bible teaches government the Bible teaches everything the opposite of what they're doing out there okay pure religion in the file before God and the father is this to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction and to keep himself on the spotter from the world their religion is to visit the fatherless and the widows and to afflict them that's what they're doing look at Luke 19 why do they hate organized religion by the way what we're doing today this is organized religion I love organized religion I like things when things are organized I like when the orchestra practices I like when things start on time I like how we have two rows here and people sitting on each side and people are not just like hanging out here and just kind of like preach on brother like they're just kind of like everyone's just kind of doing no organize let all things be done decently and in order the Bible says God is not the author of confusion Luke 19 verse 12 he said therefore a certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and to return he called his ten servants and delivered them ten pounds and said unto them occupied till I come but his servants excuse me but his citizens hated him and sent a message after him saying we will not have this man to reign over us and this is why the country of Chaz hates organized religion because folks Christianity there's only one God Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me there's not many ways to heaven folks there's not many ways to have eternal life oh what's right for you may be wrong for me what's right for me may be wrong for you you know we just kind of do whatever we want and you go ahead and believe what you want we're all going it's all the roads lead to heaven false yeah it's only one way God's way well you know I don't really believe in hell you will one day if you keep believing that let me just remind you everyone who's in hell today is a firm believer in the doctrine of hell everyone who's in hell today is a firm believer in Jesus Christ now now they are now they know is true and look what they believe did not determine reality folks and they may not like the fact that there's a God in heaven who is the sovereign of this universe but it's fact you know and look God is not some dictator he's a benevolent dictator but he's not some evil dictator who's just gonna force himself upon humanity false whosoever will can come and drink of the water whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved he receives humanity without stretched arms as long as they're willing to believe on Christ the Bible says that we're accepted in the beloved which is Jesus Christ but anarchism says no we don't like it we don't like that you guys preach against homos you guys preach against Black Lives Matter you preach against and Tifa you preach against all these organizations yeah because those organizations are against the Bible look around you folks you think we care whether you're brown black white if you're Asian no we have everything here because at the end of the day if I cut you you believe the same color red as I do you know it's all about the human race but they said no no no no you know religion is wicked you know it's seeking to to to you know destroy society and try to change your mind yeah we're trying to change people's minds absolutely it's called renewing your mind be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God the Bible says go to Proverbs 11 and we'll finish here the country of Chaz woe unto you Chaz woe unto Chaz today because they're built upon a faulty foundation and it's gonna come crashing down folks that's not gonna bless that here's the last thing anarchists rally around the wrong cause I'm sure there's sincere people out there who are doing this most of them are just you know this generation of Grand Theft Auto playing you know teenagers and all these things who grew up to be adults and there's still a child in the man's body kind of thing but they're rallying around the wrong cause folks the cause that we should be focused on is the cause of Christ because that's the only thing that will lead to peace it's the only thing because here's the biggest piece that people that mankind needs peace with God through Jesus the greatest enemy that a human being will ever have this side of eternity is God until they get safe your greatest enemy anyone he is the enemy that can destroy both soul and body in hell well guess what once we make peace with God through Jesus Christ he's our greatest friend he's our greatest ally so to speak right and then we can rally around his cause to see other people save just to pull them out of the fire to make a difference for eternity and look there will be a utopian society one day the millennial reign with Jesus Christ but even then he's ruling with a rod of iron he's the boss well I don't agree with that you know I see a lot of people out there man they're banding together pastor there's power in numbers pastor they're banding together they're joining forces well let's see what the Bible says about that because is that really constitute a cause worth dying for no look what it says in Proverbs 11 21 though hand join in hand the wicked shall not be unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered God says oh you can you can band together all you want you can join hands and sing Kumbaya you can hold hands all across the United States of America and create a line that you can see from from from from space you can light a candle thousands can protest you can agree and band together but don't hand join in hand if you're wicked you shall not be unpunished you can get a million people to agree on a wicked agenda they're gonna be punished doesn't matter how many numbers how many people there are how many people agree because guess what God doesn't take votes he's not like well there's a million people I guess maybe I should change my laws a little bit you know all these people agree with one another that's not the way it works with God he says oh a million against one okay I win I vote me Proverbs 16 5 everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord though hand join in hand he shall not be unpunished now look folks we ought to strive together for the faith of the gospel the Bible says we had a joint forces as Christians for the cause of Christ see people say to do missions work to do great works and exploits for God not for this you know unrighteous justice system forget about all that getting people say that's where it's at what's the sermon today wall into chats wall into you because you think you know these last couple they enjoy these couple of days of so your so called freedom it's not gonna last forever and it's not something that's gonna be blessed by God it's a wicked agenda that God has no part in okay and we as Bible believe in Christians need to take this to heart you know and recognize that hey government is not always bad because guess what the government shall be upon his shoulders the Bible says so if you hate the government today you're really gonna hate it then because it's someone who's ruling over you amen wall into chats let's pray let's pray father we thank you so much for this day thank you for your word Lord help us to never be rebellious Lord and obviously there's times when the government oversteps its boundaries and at that point we need to do that which is right in your eyes and and seek to honor you but I pray Lord that none of us in here would ever have this attitude that we need to join those protesters and join those movements because a lot of those movements are based upon wicked agendas that no Christian should ever partake of we need a rally around your cause and going to Chaz this morning for all the wickedness and vile things that are taking place there it's like the country it's like the the city of Laish the dwelling carelessly but eventually there's not gonna be any magistrate deliver there to deliver them