(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) man all right the title of the sermon this morning is when envy is rottenness up to the bones when envy is the rottenness of the bones look down at your Bibles of Proverbs chapter 14 and verse 30 it says a sound heart is the life of the flesh but envy the rottenness of the bones now this is a good Christmas sermon amen talking about envy and the rottenness of the bones now I'll find a way to apply it to Christmas okay we'll make it applicable to that now what is what does it mean to envy well envy is when a person disdains another for their advantages successes and or achievements okay and the twin sister of envy is actually covetousness now there are two sins in the these are two sins in the Bible that the Bible talks about extensively and in fact the sin of covetousness is so grievous in the eyes of God that the person who is guilty of covetousness who refuses to repent of that sin merits being excommunicated from their local assembly that's how grievous that sin is in the eyes of God according to 1st Corinthians chapter number 5 now what is covetousness well covetousness is when a person eagerly desires riches wealth whether belonging to them to another person or you know this is just something that they see whether it's ads that they see or people's things they see whatever it may be it's possessions that they desire eagerly okay and the Bible tells us go with me if you would to you're in Proverbs go with me if you would to Proverbs chapter 27 I'm gonna reach you from 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse 9 it says but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and it's in many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows so what is a covetous person it's a person who wills to be rich they want to be rich that is their main focus they desire possessions wealth and riches and it causes them to have a covetous attitude a covetous spirit and you know what when you're around covetous people you become covetous yourself you know when you are around people who know the name brands and know all the the current styles and everything that's how actually you end up becoming because you're around those types of people now the Bible tells us in Exodus 20 verse 17 thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife that nor his manservant nor his maidservant nor his axe nor his excuse me nor his ox nor his ass nor anything that is thy neighbors and this is important today because of the fact that we are in the Christmas season and during the Christmas season there's a lot of shopping taking place and you might be one of those people who are just broke okay you're like I can't afford presents I can't afford possessions I can't afford to buy purchase things for my children you know I can't afford it and yet my neighbor who's wicked this this sinner who's my neighbor you know they have the finances for these things they seem to be living it up and they seem to be doing well well envy not the sinner amen fret not thyself because of them who prosper in the way the Bible tells us you know and the answer to a covetous attitude is contentment being content with such things as you have okay you know but envy is the summit of covetousness it is the acme of the sin of coveting because it is the act of disdaining the person whom you are coveting so when you begin to covet someone because of their possessions because of their successes their achievements you begin to cover what they have eventually it turns into envy you begin to envy the person whom you are coveting and it's actually worse because you actually want them to fail you don't want them to succeed you don't want them to go forward and prosper because you envy them this is a wicked sin and this is why the Bible tells us that envy is the rottenness of the bones why is that well because covetousness starts in the heart and it begins to flesh itself out because of envy you know what it does it destroys you from the inside out that's what it does that's why envy is rottenness to the bones because it destroys you from the inside out it will eat you up it starts in the heart when you covet and culminates into the actions towards the person that you are envying look at Proverbs 27 in verse number one it says boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth a stranger and not thine own lips a stone is heavy and sand is weighty but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both and by the way wrath is sinful too is it not when you have wrath towards someone you want to harm them you desire violence upon that person we're not talking about you know false prophets and reparations I'm just talking about the regular sinners it's sinful to have wrath towards a person right because they they're your enemy or because they did you wrong they defrauded you so here it's telling us that a fool's wrath is heavier than both the stone and the sand that is weighty verse 4 says wrath is cruel anger is outrageous but look what it says but who is able to stand before envy you know why because the envious person is capable of both wrath and anger because of the fact that they're coveting so earnestly they're coveting so their their desire towards another person's possessions their position or their accomplishments it's so great that they disdain the person who's actually accomplishing those things or is successful who's able to stand before a person who is envious you know who's able to actually befriend a person who is envious how can you even have a good relationship with the person who's constantly envious towards you or towards others you know they don't have your best interest in mind these people are not loving or caring you know these people want your position or they want your accomplishments and your successes and it's scary to think that they'll be do they're willing to do anything to get that and here's the thing their equation is this they want to bring you down so they can go up right whereas what did John the Baptist say I must decrease that he may increase humility is what's important right a person who is envious is a person who is prideful and arrogant so who's able to stand before the envious person you know you can't reason with someone who passionately covets your successes and your accomplishments they are green with envy you guys ever heard of the green-eyed monster you know what does that mean it's a person who is basically like possessed with envy is what it is to the point that they just give you the evil eye the envious eye they don't like you and they befriend you to see what they can get out of you okay but they're not putting anything into the friendship them in the relationship they're filled with resentment go to first Corinthians chapter number three if you would first Corinthians chapter number three look what it says in verse number one and I brethren first Corinthians 3 verse 1 and I brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto carnal even as unto babes in Christ so the Bible's telling us here that a babe in Christ obviously we understand that a baby in Christ is someone who is new in the faith they're not really grounded in the Word of God they're saved but they have not matured spiritually they're not they have not let go of childish things and often someone who is a baby in Christ can act carnally fleshly okay not spirit-filled and not walking in the spirit and even Paul's telling them look I can't even speak to you as a spiritual person as a mature person I have to speak unto you like a baby verse 2 I have fed you with milk and not with meat for hitherto you are not able to bear it neither yet are yet now are ye able for ye are yet carnal for whereas there is among you envying and strife and division are ye not carnal and walk as men so what is something that is synonymous with envying strife when people want to fight people criticize slander you know lie about people this is known as railing and strife and it's often coupled with someone who is envying them okay so he's saying look you guys who are babes in Christ you guys who are carnal are those of you who are striving and envying one another the Bible tells us in Romans 13 verse 13 go with me if you would to go to Matthew chapter 27 if you would Matthew chapter 27 Romans 13 13 says let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in chambering and wantonness not in strife and envying the Bible tells us in Proverbs 23 verse 17 let not thine heart envy sinners but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long for surely there is an end and thine expectation shall not be cut off so what does this tell us about envious people envious people have an immediate expectation of something they want something from a person they want something out of life they want something from God but the Bible's telling us here that the remedy to that is that you fear God amen you fear God you serve God and he tells us look thine expectation shall not be cut off don't envy others now you think of Jesus Christ our Savior and the Bible tells us that the Jews were envious of him you know why is that look at verse 15 of Matthew 27 it says now at the feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner whom they would and they had then a notable prisoner called Barabbas therefore when they were gathered together Pilate said unto him whom will ye that I release unto you Barabbas or Jesus which is called Christ verse 18 for he knew that for envy they had delivered him so when who's he referring to when he talks about they he's referring to the Jews the Jews envied Jesus Christ why did they reject Jesus Christ as their Savior as their Messiah because they wanted something that he had and they had a fear of being replaced okay look at Matthew 21 Matthew 21 holds a parable that clarifies why is it that the Jews were envious of Jesus Christ because look even Pilate knew this is commonly reported apparently when the unsaved governor Pilate knows that these people delivered Jesus Christ for envy it's something that was obviously notable that they knew about look at verse 34 look at verse 34 of Matthew 21 it says when the time of the fruit drew near he sent his servants to the husband men that they might receive the fruits of it and the husband men took his servants and beat one and killed another and stoned another again he sent other servants more than the first and they did unto them likewise but last of all he sent them to them his son saying they will reverence my son this is obviously figurative and symbolic of Jesus Christ but when the husband men who is symbolic of the Jews by the way saw the son they said among themselves this is the heir come let us kill him and let us seize on his inheritance and they caught him and cast him out of the vineyard and slew him so what were the envious of well because they are these people were children of the devil the devil wants to be like the most high they wanted to they didn't want Jesus Christ to rule over them they didn't want him as the Messiah what did they envy the fact that he was God they envied the fact that he was deity that he's the son of God and for that reason they delivered him now think about this because we're talking about envy how much disdain should these people are these people had towards Jesus Christ when they envied to the point that even crucified him they were willing to even seize him kill him just completely make him to humiliate him and strip him of his garments crucify him lie about him rail on him why because they envied him and it goes to show you the lengths that people are willing to go to towards people that they envy okay this morning I want to I want us all especially of course during Christmas to to make sure that we avoid this as much as possible this is a wicked sin and this is a sin that could actually take place even within church you know you can be envious of someone in the church because of their accomplishments because they win souls or you know whatever it may be and you become envious that that person because of how they look of their family or their possessions that they may have this is a wicked sin and it'll destroy you okay now go to Acts chapter 7 if you would Acts chapter 7 Acts chapter number 7 why do people envy well they envy because they fear that others will succeed and that they themselves will fail so it's it's a it's a complex that people have where they feel insecure right but a person who is secure wants others to succeed right because people who are secure in themselves they know that they're serving God they obviously see the bigger picture okay and people who are envious on the other hand fear others succeeding because they fear that everyone else will get the praise and they won't they're afraid that others will get the pat on the back and that they won't they're afraid that others are gonna get the thank you great job brother great job sister and they won't who cares the envious person is the carnal person the babe in Christ who is afraid that others may receive acknowledgement from leaders or from regular church members and they don't want that okay they envy other person's vision and dreams and goals look at Acts chapter 7 in verse number 8 it says and he gave him the covenant of circumcision and so Abraham begat Isaac and circumcised him the eighth day and Isaac begat Jacob and Jacob begat the twelve patriarchs and the patriarchs moved with envy sold Joseph into Egypt but God was with him and delivered him out of all his afflictions and gave him favor and wisdom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house now let's go to that story Genesis chapter 37 Genesis chapter 37 the patriarchs is referring to Joseph's brethren and Joseph's brethren the Bible tells us were moved with envy to the point where it moved them to sell him to a foreign people into slavery eventually went to Egypt God worked it out together for good he became the vice-pharaoh and what happened he saved much people alive because of it okay but why were they moved with envy well look at Genesis 37 in verse 18 it says when they saw him afar off him referring to Joseph even before he came near unto them they conspired against him to slay him good night this is his brother this is their brother right they're watching them from afar off and what are they doing they hate him they're conspiring to kill him to slay means to kill him that this is wicked and remember acts chapter 7 is telling us why because they were envious of him why is that verse 19 and they said one to another behold this dreamer cometh so they're mocking him so what are they really envious of their envious of the fact that God imparted vision and dreams unto Joseph and not to them they're envious of the fact that God is using Joseph and he's not using them that's what they're moved with they're moved with envy because he's a dreamer right come now verse 20 therefore let us slay him and cast him into some pit like that's gonna fix the problem right you know killing him is not gonna help you get a vision and we will say some evil beasts have devoured him and we shall see what will become of his dreams man like here's here's a good solution let's just kill him and then we don't have to worry about him dreaming and having visions and God using them because God can't use a dead person right and Reuben heard it and he delivered him out of their hands and said let us not kill him and Reuben said unto him shed not his blood and but cast him into this pit that is in the wilderness and lay no hand upon him that he might rid him out of their hands to deliver him from to his father again and it came to pass when Joseph was come unto his brethren that they stripped Joseph out of his coat his coat of many colors that was on him and they took him and cast him into a pit and the pit was empty there was no water in it and they sat down to eat bread and they lifted up their eyes and looked and behold the company of Ishmaelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh going to carry it down to Egypt and Judah said unto his brethren what profit is it if we slay our brother and conceal his blood come let us sell him to the Ishmaelites and let not our hand be upon him for he is our brother and our flesh and his brethren were content they should have just been content with the fact that God was using their brother now obviously Joseph is figurative and he's symbolic of who Jesus Christ because of the fact that his brother delivered them and it was for the same exact reason because they were envious of him okay so God was using Joseph to impart a dream in order to save much people alive he was a vessel that God was using now how can we apply that principle today well the equivalent would be when God begins to use people in our church you know God begins to exalt someone in our church that God begins to use them in our church to do great works and you become envious of that person how is that fleshed out criticizing them trying to downplay well I don't really know if he really knows how to soul it how do we know if they're really getting saved you know we got we got we got we got to check out like oh he's really are you being envious why don't you just rejoice with them you know why don't why don't you just rejoice over the fact that God is using this person exalting them and God's hand is upon that person and rejoice over that and look the work still getting done whether it's you who's doing it or someone else in our church the work is still getting done you know we need to rejoice with them there don't have this I'll behold this dreamer coming right and look we want to be the kind of church that we're dreaming we have we have not like visions like the Pentecostals okay we want to have vision right where there is no vision the people perish but he that keep it the law happy is he we don't want to be a church that's going backwards we want to be thriving reaching people and dreaming and having vision but look guys that doesn't mean that some other independent fundamental Baptist Church can't dream and also fulfill God's will also you know oh there's no good churches around here and in Southern California they're all lame and whack and all these things okay yeah maybe they're preaching is a little lame I get that but that doesn't mean they still can't do something great for God and we don't want to decrease other churches that we may increase how do we increase by us decreasing in the eyes of God by making sure that we stay humble by you know reflecting the praise to others and to God when we get to accomplish great things you know don't take all the credit recognize that the reason that God is even blessing you it's not by your righteousness it's not because you're upright in heart because often just like the children of Israel we could be stiff-necked and prideful arrogant stubborn God uses the people who remain humble or who are willing to be used by him okay and same thing with churches and look if you're to ask me what church would you recommend I don't I'm sorry I don't have a church that I can recommend I'm sorry in this area I don't okay you're like well what church would you recommend if you just like had to recommend you know I would say then go to my old church that's what I would say I think God's still using the people there you know you know obviously a lot of things that are going on in that church I don't agree with and I think it's becoming like a deck of cards that's gonna come crashing down eventually okay but there there's still a few names and Sardis there that God is still using that are still going out so winning they believe right they're doing right that's what I would recommend but here's the thing is we never want to become this church where we think where we're just like God's gift to God thank God that he found me you know thank this church better be thankful they got me you know I'm like I'm a gift to this church okay I'm the gift that keeps on giving don't ever think that you are just so high and mighty because God can just take the carpet out from under you and just cause you to just lose everything and we never want to be that kind of a church either I don't think we are that kind of a church but less we should you know get that attitude we should never have that attitude that we're just better than everyone else okay and envy people if they do great works you know if we hear about a church seeing a bunch of people say oh yeah but how do we even know they're really gonna say it you know only we know how to preach the gospel right they don't know how to do it right well you know if they have a false prophet for a pastor I give you that okay if they have some wicked pastor who believes in who preaches a repent of your sins he's some hyper dipstick who believes in different Gospels okay duly noted but if he's a safe pastor who's just watered down who just really watered down you know there's hope there's hope because they got the Holy Spirit living within them they don't have to be our stripe they don't have to be our flavor now look I like our flavor I promote our flavor this is our flavor of church if you know I wasn't the pastor here this is the church that I'd be going to okay but not everyone has to be just like us okay you know the Bible tells us let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good work so what's the remedy to that we need to provoke others to good works then you know don't criticize others what we should be doing is by is provoking one another into good works by our example and thank God even over the last two years of our existence of this church there's a lot of churches who didn't agree with us now they're doing the works they're doing the soul winning you know and it's because of what's going on here and thank God for that and I'm not gonna downplay that you know if there's a church out there that their main soul winning is through bus ministry so be it so be as long as actually winning people because look I was in a bus ministry I was a bus captain I was a bus worker and I got my bus kids saved I got them baptized I got them saved I tried discipling them I loved them okay and and then guess what I wasn't the only one who was doing that where did you know there were not the only church you know this side of eternity in all of history of mankind that has gone soul winning and preached right and believe the poster at pre-wrath rapture no we're the ones no we're not it's in the Bible that means they were teaching it in the Bible hello right we're not the only one well yeah but we're like this is the most fiery soul winning no there's probably people in the past who've done even more fiery soul winning than we have sorry to burst your bubble there yeah but you know we're some of the hardest preachers well you know I agree for this era but there's people who preached even harder in times past okay and no one can out preach Jesus right so don't have this this weird mentality that we're just like unique and like no one's ever been like us and you know we got now obviously as we near the end times knowledge will increase of the Word of God more works can be done because of technology etc but don't have that attitude okay or it's just like no we're the real deal you know Christianity hasn't really been the way it's don't have this dispensational mentality that's dispensational right this dispensational dispensational you know laid to see in church era where everybody's been just lukewarm and and they just been cold and they're lame Christians until we came along until the new IFB came along it's not the way it works by the way look parents don't douse the flames of the zeal in your children either you know if you weren't able to accomplish great things for God in your lifetime don't try to keep your kids from accomplishing great things okay let them dream big let them dream let them have a vision for God let them just have zeal for the Lord okay and encourage that you know I'm thankful for my wife because when my when my son begins to like talk like that she just like go hangs on to his coattails is like can I join you can we go let's go win people to Christ we want it we want to encourage that as much as possible don't douse those flames church members should not douse the vision of other churches who aren't just like us we should never have this we are better attitude no one should ever you know no one should succeed but us okay and look our church is growing and thank God for that and with the growth of our church comes the the multiplication of teams so many teams okay no team leader and this is not a problem that we're having but lest it should happen no team leader should ever be envious of other team leaders groups oh man they're you know I don't know if they're even really doing a good job over there if I was the team leader or if you're just a regular church man you're not a team leader don't criticize the team leaders if I was the team where I just do something different well you're not a team leader so that says something right so that that should like wake you up and show you if that's the kind of attitude you have that's probably the reason why you're not a team leader okay this is nonsense and look the reason why we have team leaders is so we can accomplish more so we can get more done okay so don't be like Joseph's brethren who are just envious at his dreams and his visions you know that God is using him rejoice when God begins to use other people even if they use them at a greater capacity than yourself if they see more soul saved in you great if they preach greater sermons great if they do greater works great just rejoice don't be an envious person go to Acts chapter 13 if you would I mentioned this but you know the Jews had a fear of being replaced and their greatest fear came to Florician you know we want to be replaced look you've been so replaced that we even have we even call it replacement theology you're done you've been replaced you're out of here you know that the Jews didn't want to be replaced but their worst fear came to Florician when they were replaced and what they should have done is just gotten saved and they didn't have to be replaced they could have still been the chosen people of God but instead they chose to do they were fearful that they were gonna be replaced they would they try to hinder the work of God they try to hinder the Apostles and the soldiers of the New Testament they try to you know they crucify Jesus Christ because they were afraid of the influence expanding and look don't be afraid of other people's influence right don't be afraid of other pastors influence I don't fear anybody's in any pastors influence the only influence that I'm afraid that people might have are false prophets right we don't want them to have influence we want them to have as little influence as possible and that's why we expose them that's why we call them out by name so people know who they are and they stay away from they avoid these heretics and false prophets but if someone is having influence if someone is growing in influence and God's hand is on them rejoice over that well what if I'm replaced well the fact that you're even thinking that you're probably are gonna be replaced because you're not the type of person that should have influence right if you're fearing that you're gonna be replaced and you're probably the type of person that should not have influenced them look at Acts 13 verse 44 says the next Sabbath day came almost the whole city together to hear the Word of God people began to listen to the preaching of God's Word but when the Jews saw the multitudes they were filled with envy and spake against those things which are spoken by Paul contradicting and blasphemy then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said it was necessary that the Word of God should be should first have been spoken to you but seeing he put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life lo we turn to the Gentiles he's like man you guys are all envious but you guys are rejecting the message you're being replaced now who was also like this well King Herod you know he heard about the coming Messiah the prophecy and he's like you know hey could you tell me where he's gonna be born so I could worship him also and what did he do he just killed all the children because he was afraid of being replaced as the king instead he should have just been a righteous King and set up an environment and a culture there ready to receive the Lord so God can honor him right but instead he just envy drove him to just slaughter all the children you know in hopes that he would kill the coming Messiah Jesus Christ which obviously he failed to do so now how does this apply to us well you know what oh this is this whole drama taking place this this week with these pastors just you know getting on a Calvinist who is saved okay and you know what are their tactics well what they're doing is they're slandering him and another pastor okay just spreading lies about them to try to defame the character of this Calvinist why well I think it's because they're afraid of being replaced that's why but at the end of the day it's because of envy the strife comes from envy well what envy is that they're afraid of not having as much influence okay this is childish it's foolish it's nonsense and look oh you know but they came out with the movie great that's great yeah but I'm not on it great that's great because if you feel you deserve to be on there you probably shouldn't let me just tell you where I stand on this whole this whole issue okay because this is our church I'm not I don't care what's going on out there but in our church you know obviously I stand with Pastor Anderson and even Pastor Dane Johansson now I'm not friends with Pastor Dane Johansson I met him once and he's a really nice guy I met him in Arizona shook hands with him and talked to him for a little bit you know I got to edit the film that he was in okay and I love going back to the Greek both the movie and literally okay you know I love that film I felt like it was inspirational it inspired me well aren't you mad that they didn't take you to Cyprus no I'm not why would I be mad about that I'm thankful that they went they won people to Christ they created a movie that I get to watch to be inspired to go do the same thing that's how it needs to be seen folks not trying to pick this person apart because oh you weren't included well learn Greek and maybe you will be included learn a different language and maybe you'll get invited to the birthday party or something maybe you could be a part of the club if you actually learn Greek well you weren't invited yeah well because I don't know Greek as much as they do so there you go and you know what we're planning to go to Greece anyways right by the police you know once I feel I'm proficient enough in Greek where I can win Greek speakers to the Lord I got myself a Greek right over here we're going to test on Oh Nikki and we're gonna go win some people to Christ out there but here's the thing you know to pick apart someone who's not a Baptist like us who's not new I have B he's given a clear presentation of his salvation a clear testimony of his salvation and you're just picking him apart well did it do you like having his brother me yeah I like the ones that are saved but even then you know it's not like I'm listening it's not like I'm sitting down in front of my computer just oh man pastor danger has just influenced me so bad now I'm just gonna go listen to John MacArthur what do you stand on that screw John MacArthur that's why I stand and James White and all these heretical Calvinists who are garbage who are unsaved reprobates look if you don't like that then go to stinking you know Grace Wade's you know Reformed Church theology was too far if that's what you want but you know what I'm sure there's people out there look there's people in independent fundamental Baptist churches who are saved who've been influenced by Calvinists okay but they're saved obviously we don't agree with them on everything you know we it's it's ridiculous guys you know and look this is the kind of attitude that I'm that attitude that I was just talking about this is where that this comes from and it's funny how these people want to talk about we're not a denomination but just by their very actions of envying one another they're trying to make it a denomination and look these guys are major brother house guys you know Jack pastor Jack house right and by the way I love brother house but you know brother house used to say he used to say I will preach for a seven-day Adventist I will preach for a Methodist I will preach for a Lutheran he used to preach at their churches he just said I just won't have him come preach for me sounds good to me right I'll preach for them and in fact pastor Hyles used to have one of the biggest conferences okay it's called the pastor school in Hammond Indiana and all types of Christians Methodists Lutherans you name it Calvinist they would come Presbyterians they would come to his conference to learn from him oh brother house is ecumenical that's ecumenical you know you can't control well people come and you know if they come to your conference and they want to listen to you and what's wrong with reaching into the other side and influencing them okay look we've had more Calvinists and people from the other side whether Catholicism charismatic movement come to our movement then people from our movement go to theirs think about that oh you guys are ecumenical why because we're winning these kind of people to to our movement to our churches to our way of thinking that's not ecumenical folks nonsense and they try to compare this to like you know Billy Graham look folks Billy Graham had a stadium of people and he had all different denomination pastors and leaders in the front leading people to the Lord when they would come down to the altar I don't hear pastor Anderson do that does he have like the reform does he have the Presbyterians you have the Methodists and the Lutheran you know just leading people to the Lord and stuff like that no this is nonsense folks this is the result of envy and look you may stand in the same position that I stand but you will not stand in that position if you have that attitude of envious of being envious and thinking that we're better than ever everyone else okay you know thank God you know we got into this anti-vax kind of group and there's people who are not Baptists who are listening to my sermons on vaccinations there's people who have come to our church there's people who come to our church who are not independent fundamental Baptist who come to our church because of the of the vaccination sermon and they get saved there's people who contact me there's still people who are just finding our YouTube channel literally I have someone this week you know tell me I only listen to two pastors you know I listen to you and I listen to pastor Anderson I'm like oh that's cool you know pastor Anderson he's the one who sent me out and they're like yeah I just found that out they're like because I found you through vaccinations and I just found him through something and I was just like I like these guys I'm listening to them and then their friend came and said did you know that that guy was actually sent out by this guy they're like what in the world I didn't know they're associated like yeah they're friends that's great it's great oh hold on a second are they independent fundamental King James only Bible believe in biscuit eating you know leather lung Baptist probably not so let me ask you do you want to start a ministry to reach Baptist or something or what so that's what it sounds like you know that this this this ministry of the church to just only reach independent fundamental Baptist and look no how about this the ministry to reach new IFB Baptist you know that's not my ministry that's not what our church is about and look let me just go off on this a little more okay the lack of gratitude for people like this lack of gratitude you're like oh you're good pastor Anderson is like your Pope first of all this church and faithful Baptist Church completely separate entities independent fundamental Baptist churches pastor Anderson yeah he called on Thursday because he wanted to tell me about something but he doesn't call and say hey you know I want you to do this he doesn't do that because we're independent I'm the pastor of this church well you said what kind of relationship do you have with pastor Anderson we're friends we're really good friends you know I love pastor Anderson he's he's like my mentor but more so than that he's like a friend and look I didn't become pastor Anderson's friend to see what I can get out of it I think oh man I could become pastor Anderson's friend you know maybe Paul Wittenberger will put me in one of his videos maybe I can go home man what can I get out of this I've known pastor Anderson for years and I never had if that were the case why is that we were friends for so many years before this church started I never thought well maybe you can send me out you laugh but you know there's people who think like that there's people who want to become pastors friends just so they can just to see what they can get out of that relationship well why are you his friend because I like talking to him he teaches me we laugh we have a great time you know we I learned from him we have good fellowship we just enjoy each other's company and you know what it was a great foundation for a relationship that ended eventually became a church it was like well we could start a church and look first words Baptist Church was started by faith forward Baptist Church pastor Steven Anderson right and a lot of the people who are in her church were reached by pastor Anderson okay but that's not where it's gonna end but look these other pastors that's their problem like well why isn't anybody else moving out here to my church why isn't anybody else joining my church I'm friends with pastor Anderson why can't anybody else move out to my church well I hate to break the news to you don't really move out to my church where's brother Jordan I think you like the only one and I don't even think he did it because of our church I think it's cuz you know California's nice okay he's like hey California's nice there's beaches first works Baptist Church look I'm not offended by that that's hey amen you know the there's listeners here but guess what actually there's also people who followed me here too and look there's folks in this room who were reached by me and reached by you there's actually people who come to our church that did not start off listening to pastor Anderson surprise surprise oh no no we need a church of only pastor Anderson listeners that's that's why why do you want to just babysit look this is what folks want to do they just want to babysit pastor Anderson listeners I'm not a babysitter you know I'm not a daycare Center I'm not a babysitting Center I'm here to grow you and look this is that this is the danger of having that type of mentality okay is that when brand-new people come to our church instead of instead of saying hey how you doing we say this so when did you hear find out about pastor I should you just expect and by the way I've been guilty of that okay I remember Glenn brought a visitor and I know she was a visitor and I was ripping on homos or something and she was like with it she was like okay she's probably in the movement you know cuz I was just getting on them and then like afterwards I was like hey how's it going I was like so I don't maybe I didn't tell her I said how did you hear about our church or something I was expecting her to say why I found it the pastor Anderson but she's like Oh Glenn invited me I'm from Temple City and she wasn't even safe so why did you say why did she like the preaching on the homos because she was normal she's like I knew there was people out there that were normal she ended up getting saved she got baptized and look let me tell you what advice it's just Damien he's just stretching guys okay let me tell you the advice the pastor Anderson gave to me even at the red-hot preaching conference okay and look this is not a pastor Anderson Church just know that this is not even a pastor me here church this is God's Church this is an independent fundamental Baptist Church that's what it is okay and all no one's questioning that no one there's no trouble in the church with that I think we're all unified and we all believe the same thing okay but this is the advice he gave to me he says look as I told him I said I said I really like your sermon I really thank you for that and you know now that we're going independent you kind of gave me like something to work towards and he told me this he said look don't forsake me I said but just build upon what I gave you you need to reach your own people you need to expand you need to have vision he says don't babysit my people and I said amen I said I wasn't planning on it but even more so now I don't want to do that we started off with the great foundation did we not but you know what because we started off with the great foundation to whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required and we need to build upon that oh no no it's got to be just us you know and you know everyone who comes here has to believe the reppery doctrine like just spot-on go somewhere else you're you're you have a cult like mentality is what you have you're the reason people call us a cult with that get out of here with that mentality you know and look when someone comes at you with one of these doctrines I'm not against you giving them a movie but you know even more for you actually pulling out your Bible and showing them right if someone comes to you with the question about replacement theology or the posture pre-wrath here's a novel thought why don't you actually pull out your Bible and show them oh wait that causes that that requires for you to study the Bible huh that's right yeah it does okay well are you trying to take credit away from Pastor Anderson guess what he didn't come up with those doctrines and if you think he did you got rocks in your head and obviously you're not reading the Bible that was one of the best pieces of advice that he gave me you know what we're doing it man and look these guys who are criticizing that's what they need to be doing the reason they're so disillusioned and envious is because of the fact they're probably babysitting people from the movement they're only pleasing those from the movement let's get some new blood amen new people new people who don't believe like us new people who are not Baptist new people who are just unsaved people yeah that takes a lot of work to like disciple them and teach them yeah it does you know I know you want them to come ready-made I know you just want to pop the friggin food in the microwave and just put one minute and just get it like that but you know what real Christianity actually takes time to learn all these things and teach these things to mature people and you know what it's only gonna mature you it's only gonna make you a better Christian to do so are you disassociating yourself Pastor Anderson no I just talked to this week he called me during church on Thursday when I was preaching how you guys were you who's here when I when he did that we have a great relationship and like I'm not I'm not saying that I will never separate from him because obviously if he gets into false doctrine then yeah at that point I'm not a respecter of people separation needs to take place but he hasn't and he won't oh yeah but he's like Texas Receptus and you know he's denying that the King James Bible is the Word of God you show me the clip where he says something like that by the way folks you know what being Texas Receptus does to a King James only us you know it does it actually strengthens their faith in the King James Bible they actually become more King James when you learn Greek you learn the Texas Receptus you know the language it reinforces your beliefs in the King James Bible that's what it does what they're saying is a smokescreen okay and it's built off of envy and look we don't want to become that which we have hated this denominational mentality old IFP mentality that if you're just not if you're not lockstep with them pre-trib Jew loving reprobate welcoming you're not one of us that's wicked and we never want to become that okay and look if that mentality creeps into the church I will nip it at the butt I will make a scene about it because we don't want that cuz look the moment that is in the church envying and strife the church is done we become inclusive us for no more you got to be just like us not the direction we want to go in okay if we're gonna effectively reach people for Christ we don't do it by compromise why we do about by basically preaching the Word of God so winning doing what we've always done but not at the exclusion of saying well let me see do you have tattoos or do you believe this okay you're not your denominational get out of here we are not in the nomination okay so I just want to get that off my chest with this whole drama you know I'm nobody okay and I'm here at my church this is my church but I just want to let you know what I think about the whole situation this is what I think it's stupid can you summarize that yeah it's stupid it's as stupid oh it's foolish it's nonsense it's immature and these pastors need to get right with God and right with their brethren okay and go apologize okay and don't try to like slander people look there's a lot of things that they were going on but you know at the end of the day they just need to own up and say you know what this is dumb the guy saved praise God that guy saved you know and then you know this whole thing with the documentaries guys come on well if I'm not in the documentary then you know I'm not gonna watch it or I'm not gonna promote it or maybe you maybe you just like suck and like at being in documentaries maybe that's just it you ever think about that you know look okay I'll be let me give you an example of this this is a documentary that came out called the Hebrew roots movement by Matt Powell I was supposed to be on there and I was I'm not on there now my name is on there like I'm on the credits but do you think I'm just gonna like contact Matt Powell and be like hey dude do you know who I am I'm Bruce McGee I was sent out by Pastor Anderson the most hated preacher in America I was sent out by him and you didn't I professionally recorded everything and you didn't even put me on there that's stupid and look even if you didn't put my name in the credits it's still a great film you know what it's gonna do it's gonna reach a lot of people only childish immature people well I'm not on there so you know I'm not even gonna promote it and look I don't even know why I didn't put going back to the Greek on my channel but I did now I was like I edited the thing I should put it on my channel but I love that film it's a great film and you know what it's gonna do it's gonna reach a new pool of people is what it's gonna do and it has been okay so envy don't be an envious person let's see here how do you overcome it well you rejoice with them that rejoice be excited when people succeed you know hey be excited when other people's churches grow bigger than ours that's great because more people getting saved or learning you know I wish that would happen with us we don't have friends in this area unfortunately you know hey and if there is a friend out there contact me let's go have some lunch be my friend please but we don't really have friends around here okay the only friend that I had first took me like last year and hasn't answered my phone calls or text messages since we need to rejoice with them to rejoice we need to focus on the bigger picture too are people getting saved are the churches growing are people learning are people getting right with God are the men leaving their homes are the women keep being a keeper at home are the children being obedient to their parents these are the things that we should be looking for a man the bigger picture and then just also recognize that you know what you've already received the greatest reward you know God told Abraham I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward at the end of the day you're already winning okay I'll finish you off with this illustration because I'm old IFB amen how many know what I'm talking about you finish off with this illustration I finished with this the Bible says that envy is the rottenness of the bones right this is a story but it's obviously it's a fiction it's a fictitious story but it proves the point well on envy you know the story goes this is that there was a bird there's an eagle who was envious at another eagle that can fly higher than he could okay so what he did was he conspired against the eagle he went to a sportsman and he said hey who had a bow and arrow and he said can you shoot that eagle down he says yeah I can shoot it down he says but I need feathers for my arrow so he plucks off one of his feathers and he gives it to the to the guy and he shoots it and he just falls short he doesn't reach the eagle cuz he goes flying so high and he's like yeah I can't do it it's only one feather plucks off another feather does it again after a while it begins to pluck out one feather after another to the point where he no longer has feathers and he can no longer fly the archer looks at him and shoots him what's the moral of the story you know the eagle focused so much on bringing down the eagle that was flying higher than he was he actually ended up destroying himself in the process and this is exactly how envy works an envious person will pluck off their own feathers to destroy the person who's flying higher than they are and in the long run they actually end up destroying themselves you never want to be that Eagle where you're just featherless because you spent your entire life criticizing people who are not your stripe and look I will spend my life criticizing false prophets and wicked people and reprobates because the Bible commands me to okay and I will call out people who are watered down who defend the reprobates who defend the false prophets and the pedophiles you better believe I'll call those guys out but people who are not exactly like our stripe you don't want to pluck your own feathers to try to take that Eagle down if they're flying higher than you are so what I do will just be content with the fact you can fly why don't you just be happy with the fact that you're able to fly don't destroy yourself don't be an envious person let's fire heads on our border prayer father we thank you so much for your word and Lord this is a work of the flesh and so we're also guilty of this from time to time when we can be covetous we can be envious and we try to destroy others because they're not like us or because they're succeeding they're achieving something that we would esteem as being something great but what we should be doing is focusing on ourselves if we can just take that energy and actually put it into disciplining ourselves and dreaming and having goals cleaning up our lives so we can be vessels unto honor me for the Masters use maybe you can use us too and I pray God that you'd help us to rejoice with them to rejoice help us to see the bigger picture and everything and help us to recognize that even if we never get to accomplish something great for you we've still received the greatest reward which is you you are our shield in our exceeding great reward may we be content with that and we'd be happy with that and may we reflect upon that and we love you so much we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen