(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You know that you were gentiles carried away unto these dumb idols even as you were led Wherefore I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed and no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit and there are differences of administrations But the same Lord and there are diversities of operations But it's the same God which worketh all in all But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all but one is given by the Spirit the Word of Wisdom to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by The same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits To another diverse kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues But all these work at that one and the self same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will For as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body So also is Christ By one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free They've been made all to drink into one spirit But body is not one member but many If the foot shall say because I am not the hand I'm not of the body is it therefore not of the body And if the ears shall say because I'm not the eye I am not of the body is it therefore not of the body If the whole body were an eye where were the hearing if the whole were hearing where were the smelling? But now if God set the members every one of them in the body as it has pleased them And if there were all one member where were the body But now are they many members yet one body and I cannot say into the hand I have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet I have no need of you Nay much more of those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are Necessary those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon these we bestow more abundant honor and our uncommon parts Have more abundant comeliness for our company parts have no need but God Have tempered the body together having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked that there should be no schism in the body But that the members should have the same care one for another and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it or one Member be honored all the members rejoice with it now Ye are the body of Christ and members in particular and God has set some in the church first apostles Secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments Diversities of tongues are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of miracles Have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret But cover earnestly the best gifts and yet shall I unto you a more excellent way. Let's pray our dear Lord God I would just thank you for this church. Thank you for a pastor. I just ask that you be with him now Please strengthen him. Please fill him with your Holy Spirit and please bless the preaching and do you send me pray. Amen Amen Okay, we are in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 this morning and the time my sermon today is what kind of church is this What kind of church is this? We're in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 Obviously, we know that there's no such thing as a one true church. Okay, there's not one centralized power Where that particular church just tells everyone what the standard is There's a lot of good churches out there Even if they don't fall within the realm of being a Baptist Church as we are there's churches out there that believe right about Salvation about the Bible and have various maybe even views on end times Bible prophecy, but there's still good churches But obviously, you know we have to understand that we need to pick and choose what church we go to based upon how close they are to the Bible and The Bible tells us here in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 that when it comes to churches there are diversities of gifts There are differences of administration There are diversities of operation meaning that even within good churches You have various ways that people do things But the Bible tells us here that they're of the same spirit the same Lord and it is the same God which worketh all And all but let me just be honest with you, you know, obviously we know that there's a lot of good churches in there But I personally believe that this is the best church if I did not believe that I wouldn't be pastoring here Okay, and I wouldn't be a member of a fundamental Baptist Church if I didn't think it was the best church I'm just letting you know that within the scope of Christianity the spectrum of Christianity There are a lot of good churches and even within fundamental Baptist churches, of course, there's a lot of good churches But I want to explain to you this morning What kind of church we are and the reason I want to do that is because you know churches should be honest About who they are right they should be honest about who they are The Bible tells us that we have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty not walking in craftiness Nor handling the Word of God Deceitfully in other words We should be very open about what we believe who we are and not try to obscure it from the public Not try to obscure it from the members You should know what you're getting yourself into right the Apostle Paul said thou has fully known my doctrine And manner of life purpose faith long-suffering Charity, what is he saying? You know who I am, you know what we believe, you know What kind of church we have and so that's not something that should be ever be in question But you know the same can't be said of every church even of good churches Go to a church and it's called church and it's just like okay. I get it It's church, but what kind of church is it? Okay, go to a church that says Jesus followers Oh, it says Jesus, but what kind of church is that? You see when you come to our church, you can look at the sign first works Baptist Church Independent fundamental and you know, okay. These people are crazy. No, I'm just kidding You know, these people are extremists these people believe the Bible these people are associated with a certain, you know Certain doctrine certain practices and so it's important for us to know why that is and so this morning It's gonna be a refresher for a lot of our members But maybe someone's new here and you want to know what kind of church this is Well, I'm gonna be a hundred percent honest with you this morning of what type of church we have here Now you're in first Corinthians chapter 12 go to chapter 14 if you would first Corinthians chapter 14 Number one, let me start off by saying is that this is an independent fundamental Baptist Church You can see it when you walk in through the doors. We have it in our signs. We have it in our invites We have it on our church sign out front It's an independent fundamental Baptist Church now when you say something like that A lot of Christians will often have this attitude this disposition that says well, you know I don't really like that because I don't really like labels, you know, we should just call it You know a Church of Christ or it's a Bible Church or it's a it's a congregation or it's a you know A fellowship of some sort, you know labels aren't good It just kind of scares people away, but you know what labels are super important, okay Because if they weren't then why don't we all just go to the Kingdom Hall down the street since they call themselves Christians Or why don't we all just attend the Mormon Tabernacle since they also claim to be Christians you see if you're to ever stumble into a building and You find out that they you know, you don't know what the sign says It just says church, but then you start realizing that they believe Mormonism then you're like, oh no This is not the type of church for me. This is a cult This is not what I want to be a part of I wish they were honest on the sign They would have told me that they're Mormons or something You see you see labels are important and it lets you know what you're getting into and a lot of times people will think Yeah, but you know, you'll scare people away scare people away with what? I mean, it's almost implying when people make that statement that you have to be a little deceitful or something, you know Don't tell them what you really believe don't tell them that you're really a Baptist Church and that's another thing You know a lot of churches believe it or not non-denominant, for example our Baptists in their beliefs But they remove Baptists from their name, you know why because they're ashamed of it and they don't want to scare you away Okay, and here's the thing is that if the Bible scares people away then so be it. I mean that's on them, right? I want you to know what you're getting yourself into when you attend our church labels matter Look at 1st Corinthians 14 verse 8 for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle So likewise ye except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood How shall it be known what is spoken for ye shall speak into the air? What is the Apostle Paul talking about here clarity? Clarification words easy to be understood not wondering. Okay. I still don't know what kind of church this is I don't know what they really believe about salvation I don't know what they believe about congregating together about evangelism about the deity of Jesus Christ I'm just kind of left in obscurity No, we're supposed to sound the trumpet in such a way that you know exactly what you're getting into You know exactly what the sound is, you know exactly what the church believes So let me break down for you what it means to be an independent fundamental Baptist Church, okay And we're gonna get real practical this morning and let me just say before I get into this particular point tonight I'm a preacher sermon on old IFP versus new IFP and I'm gonna highlight the differences between those two For those of you who are interested in that sermon, so we're an independent fundamental Baptist Church Number one, what does independent mean? Okay, you say that's a long name for you guys to put on your church Why put that name there? Well, what does independent mean? Well independent simply means that we're autonomous We have no convention. We are self-governing Meaning that we don't have a headquarters other than heaven that we are accountable to okay now Why is that important? Okay, because some people think well, I think you need accountability You know, you need that church your church needs accountability You should be a part of some sort of convention some sort of headquarters some sort of place They can keep tabs on what's going on there. Well, let me explain to you what that's a really bad idea Okay number one if We are a part of a convention That means that other churches that are associated with us in that convention if they go apostate Because we're a part of the same convention means that we go apostate Right because we're a part of the same convention. We teach and preach the same exact things we are under one ruler and So it's more likely that churches who go apostate can attach themselves to us Whereas if we're independent if the church is down the street, that's a fundamental Baptist Church goes apostate It doesn't affect us in any way Okay Not only that but it actually forces if you're part of a convention of sorts It forces the pastor to preach something that may be heretical or unbiblical Because a lot of these conventions like tell the pastors what they should preach. Okay. This is what you're allowed to say This is what you're not allowed to say. This is what you these are the boundaries here or whatever And so what if the guy on top the guy the head honcho of the convention believes in something heretical like, you know women pastors and The pastor who's actually pastoring the church does not agree with that because he sees what the Bible says about it in first Timothy chapter 2 he sees what the Bible says about it He has no choice but to preach whatever it is that the head honcho wants because he's a part of that organization He's a part of that convention. He's a part of that denomination. Okay? But it also prevents eliminating one man from having too much power If you have a guy on top and he's ruling over all these churches That's too much power for one man to have The Bible the biblical model in the book of Acts is that these churches were independent one from one for another Go to Ephesians chapter 5 if you would Ephesians chapter number 5 Ephesians chapter number 5 You say well, what about what if this church though, what if you start going Heretical and apostate. Well, here's a great thing about our church. You can leave at any time Right now. I don't believe I'm gonna go heretical or apostate. I'm a safe person and You know, I believe the Bible but let's just say for example, you don't agree with something that I preach, right? Maybe it's not necessarily something doctrine or maybe it's something that's preference. It's a standard You don't like the way I yell you don't like the stances I take you know, what the great thing about that is you could always leave and You could leave and still stay right with God Whereas a lot of these cults they kind of tell you like you can't leave and if you leave you know I mean, you're not right with God and all these things No, you could always leave it, you know that we don't lock the doors when you come through the church, you know We lock them after church because we don't want weirdos coming into our building But during the service is not like we lock the doors it's not like we force you to tie It's not like we force you to be here. No, it's on on your own accord, right? And so it's important for us to realize that as a church We're supposed to be independent autonomous because of the fact that Jesus Christ is the head of our church And in fact, look what it says in Ephesians 5 22 Wives submit yourselves into your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife Even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the Savior of the body now a lot of people will interpret this To me. Well, he's the head of the you know universal church, but the Bible doesn't teach a universal church Okay, and that's a sermon for another day But you know if you had a universal church or if the Bible taught a universal church there would be a major issue Because the Bible also teaches excommunication from the church. Well, how can be how can you be excommunicated from a universal church? You can't right Local churches is what the Bible teaches and what this is saying is that Christ is the head of that church The church at Ephesus, who's he writing to the Ephesians? So when he says Christ is the head of the church the church that he's responded that he's addressing is the church at Ephesus So whenever you find that statement the church It's obviously addressing the particular group of people that the letters being written to but it's also applicable to us as well Christ is the head of this church. Okay. He is the savior of the body Look what it goes on to say verse 24. Therefore as the church is subject unto a denomination subject to a Convention no, it says subject unto Christ So let the wise be to their own husbands in everything and obviously that's not we're not preaching on marriage I'm just showing you what the Bible is correlating marriage to is the relationship between the church a local new Testament Church and Jesus Christ not a denomination not a convention not the Roman Catholic Church Not whatever organization is out there that feel like they can Lord over churches you understand Now go to 1st Peter chapter 5 if you would 1st Peter chapter 5 and we're reaching from Colossians chapter 1 and verse 18 It says and he is referring to Jesus the head of the body the church who is the beginning the firstborn from the dead then in all things he might have the Preeminence now here's pretty strong proof That God deals with churches individually and that he is the head of churches Individually in the book of Revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 you have the letters that are written to the seven churches Which are in Asia and he's addressing the strengths as well as the weaknesses that every one of those congregations have Well, if we believed in the universal church, why does he just address just one all of them as just being one church But no, that's not what we see we see that he addresses addresses the church at Ephesus the church of Smyrna the church of Pergamos the church of Thyatira the church of Laodicea and in fact some of those churches In Revelation chapter 2 are great churches. There's like no problem with them But then there's other churches like the church of Thyatira. They had a bunch of problems So you can't hold one church responsible for the issues that another church has why because they're independent They are autonomous which is why Jesus Christ is addressing them Separately, okay. He's not saying here's the letter for the church send this to all the churches No, he has seven letters that are written to seven different churches proving confirming showing us the importance of having an autonomous church now that but we see that the pastor is the earthly overseer of a Independent church look what it says in first Peter chapter 5 verse 1 The elders which are among you I exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ And also partaker of the glory that shall be revealed feed the flock of God, which is among you Taking the oversight thereof not by constraint, but willingly not for filthy lucre But of a ready mind neither as being lords over God's heritage But being examples to the flock now in the Bible here in verse 1 He dresses the elders and elder is not the guy on the 10-speed bike with short sleeves from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Okay elder in the Bible is just someone who is spiritually mature and these are the only ones who are actually qualified This is part of the qualification of being a pastor is that it says not a novice Let's be lifted up with pride he fall into condemnation of the devil Well, another way of saying not a novice is that you're supposed to be an elder Spiritually Older than everyone else so to speak okay, and so this is addressing the pastors And he's saying you're supposed to feed the flock take the oversight thereof don't Lord over them Make sure that you're not doing it for filthy lucre sake like a lot of prosperity preachers do Make sure you have a ready mind take the oversight be an example to the flock etc look at verse 5 It says likewise you younger Submit yourselves unto the elder Yea, all of you be subject one to another and be clothed with humility for God resisted the proud and giveth grace to the humble I'm gonna read to you from first Timothy chapter 3 verse 4. This is the addressing the qualifications of a pastor It says here that it has to be one that ruleth well his own house Having his children in subjection with all gravity for if a man know not how to rule his own house How shall he take care of the Church of God? So it's showing us here conclusively that according to the Bible an earthly pastor is to take the oversight of a local Congregation of the house of God. This is the way that God instituted it and this is why we're independent churches okay, we're not we're not attached to a denomination an organization a convention a Church this is a church now obviously if our church starts another church And it's called first works Baptist Church a satellite plant so to speak that's biblical But eventually the umbilical cord needs to be cut off Someone needs to be ordained for that particular ministry and then they just do their own thing They need to be commended unto the Lord. Okay, go to Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 It's a scorcher this morning So the point that I'm making here is that we're independent Fundamental Baptist Church now independent means we're autonomous. What does it mean that we're fundamental? well Fundamental simply means that we hold to the foundational truths of the Bible Now let's read Colossians chapter 2 before I expound and I look at verse 16 It says as he have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walking in him rooted and built up in him and Establishing the faith as he have been taught abounding their own with Thanksgiving. I want you to notice this beware Lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit After the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ now What are rudiments or rudiments another way of saying rudiments is foundation? Okay, the foundational truths of whatever organization and the Bible says here You got to be careful that you don't get involved in churches that are utilizing the rudiments of the world rather than the rudiments of Christ the Foundational principles or doctrines that the Bible shows and he says beware of that Why because there's a lot of churches out there they only want to philosophy Right, they only want to philosophy. They have a lot of vain deceit. They're not using the Word of God They're not showing what the Bible says and God says you need to be aware of that. This is one of the reasons why we are Fundamentalist it's because of the fact that our faith is based upon the foundational truths of the Word of God now Christians often associate fundamentalism with extremism and That's correct You got it hit the nail right on the head Okay, cuz Christianity by nature is extreme. I mean, have you read the Bible? Have you read Genesis to Revelation? Have you read the book of Leviticus? Have you read you know, the book of Revelation? It's extreme Now churches that don't like to talk about it well I guess they're just not very fundamental and I guess they don't really like to talk about the things that are actually in the Bible and wouldn't you say that there's a lot of people out there that are kind of Scared maybe ashamed about talking about certain controversial things in the Bible. They're afraid that it might scare people away They're afraid that you know Oh so-and-so might get offended but folks at the end of the day the Bible's command that is to preach the entire counsel of God We're not supposed to be ashamed of the Bible. We're not supposed to uphold the Bible and say make excuses for it Well, this is why I Leviticus 2013 says this it's just a cultural context Wrong, we uphold it and say this is what it fundamentally means And we back the Bible This is what the Bible says we hold to these truths and if people don't like it and so be it. Okay You know, why on God's green earth wouldn't Christians not want to attend a church that majors on the fundamentals, you know It's beyond me. Okay, because the fundamentals of the faith essentially is referring to salvation by grace through faith alone That's a good fundamental That's the most important fundamental of the faith is salvation So if a church does not teach the right way of salvation, it's no longer a fundamental church Hey, one of the fundamentals of the faith is eternal damnation Also known as hell lake of fire if a church Scurries away from talking about the doctrine of hell and eternal damnation. It's not a fundamental church Okay, if they make excuses for it if they say it's only separation from God It's soul sleep. It's annihilation ism. It's this that and the other it's called apostasy They have veered off the fundamentals of the faith fundamentals of the faith salvation eternal damnation How about the inerrancy of Scripture? The fact that the Word of God the King James Bible is the inspired preserved Word of God for the english-speaking people That's an important fundamental of the faith You say why so well if the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do if? We can't place our faith in the Bible being God's Word then why are we even here? What's the point of even meaning to you? Let's go to the beach If that's the case But because we know the Word of God is the Word of God We know the Bible is inspired and preserved and it is the foundation of our faith Well, then that's why we're here suffering in this heat. Okay? Fundamentals of the faith salvation eternal damnation inerrancy of Scripture the deity of Jesus Christ You know emphasizing his deity his sonship Realizing that Jesus Christ is God, but he is the Son of God an Autonomous person separated from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit We are Trinitarians, right? Another fundamental of the faith would be the bodily resurrection We don't believe as the Jehovah's Witnesses do that Jesus Christ only resurrected in spirit We believe he bodily resurrected which means that we are also going to bodily resurrect one day as well in the end of the world And we can go on and on and on go to 2nd John if you would 2nd John because quite frankly, you know Many will say there's only five fundamentals of the faith folks There's a lot of fundamentals in the Bible and you can look up Hebrews chapter 6 and view a lot of those Primary fundamentals of the faith, but these are probably the most important ones that we just talked about right now Now if a church says well, you know, we believe in the fundamentals of the faith But we just don't like to really talk about it Then why would you want to go to a church like that that is ashamed of the foundational truths of their faith? You know, it's like well we believe in it But we just don't really like to put it on anything on our literature on We don't really like to talk about those things. We like to talk about things that are more relevant Well, I don't know about you, but salvation is pretty relevant It's pretty relevant for people in 2024 people need to know how to be saved because there's so many churches out there to teach different ways of salvation That are constantly confusing people using terminology. That's confusing Causing people to doubt their salvation Wonder if they're even safe It's great to go to a church where the pastor just tells you plainly how to be saved and not just the pastor But the members as well You said why is this church like that where they're just people are just able to just clearly, you know Concisely distinctively explain what salvation is because it's a fundamental church that emphasizes the fundamentals of the faith And so when you're constantly, you know Hammering that thing in spiritually to the people it gets ingrained in their spiritual lives. They understand what it is They're able to convey it. Look at 2nd John 9 2nd John 9 it says here whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ Now, what is the doctrine of Christ another way of saying that is the fundamentals? hath not God He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ He hath both the Father and the Son if there come any unto you and bringeth not this doctrine Receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed for he that biddeth him God speed is a partaker of his evil deeds. So the Bible is telling us here that if a person Transgresses they trespass they deny the fundamentals of the faith. He's got apostate. Okay, they don't have God they are participants of evil deeds Etc. So we are an independent Fundamental and here's the last one Baptist, okay Now what is Baptist? What does it mean to be a Baptist? It's not because of John the Baptist Let me just let you know, okay But being a Baptist simply means that we baptize believers by immersion What is immersion means you fully go in the water and then you fully come out? Okay, we don't sprinkle anybody here We don't sprinkle anybody like the Catholics nor do we sprinkle people like some of the Protestants do Or it's just a you know, the last time I checked Jesus Christ went fully in the grave and came fully out So how can you be buried with them by baptism into death if Jesus Christ went fully in? But yet it's just your head or something like that wrong. Okay, so meaning so Baptist is that we Baptized believers by immersion and though Baptist is associated with the ordinance of baptism It actually corresponds to what we believe about salvation Let me explain to you what what I mean by that When you run into a Baptist you realize all these people immerse believers who have already gotten saved Yeah salvation precedes baptism When you run into a Baptist you can rest assured most of the time that person believes you're to be baptized after salvation Not for salvation. Okay. All right, which means that babies can't be baptized We don't baptize babies here. We don't sprinkle babies. Why because babies don't know how to believe on Jesus Christ because they're babies Someone Has to call upon the name of the Lord out of their own volition that if thou should confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus And believe in thine heart that God has raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved for what the heart man believeth unto righteousness But what the mouth confession is made into salvation at which point when they get saved God commands them to be baptized Earlier this week. We're on our way soul winning and I ran into a guy and I he got saved and immediately I told him like hey, you got to be baptized Okay, and he didn't mix that up with salvation because the message was clear and So we're Baptist because we baptized converts. We baptized believers and let me just say this you said well I already got baptized earlier before I got saved. Well at that point you just got wet And actually means nothing according to the Bible because back because salvation comes before baptism So if baptism came before salvation well according to the Bible, it doesn't count You got to get baptized again, okay The Bible tells us in Matthew 28, you don't have to turn there to turn with me if you would to Acts chapter 8 Matthew 28 as you're going to Acts chapter 8 Matthew 28 verse 19 says go ye therefore teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Now another thing I want to mention about baptism is that according to the Bible and should I say more specifically according to Jesus? We're supposed to baptize in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Not in the name of Jesus and you have a movement out there It's called the Jesus only baptism and anytime I baptized someone and I uploaded people tell me you're doing it wrong You should be baptized in the name of Jesus Well, are you telling me to disobey Jesus Christ because Jesus Christ literally said Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Okay, so anytime someone gets baptized we baptize them exactly the way Matthew 28 verse 19 told us to look at Acts chapter 8 verse 35 Let's look at a practical way of how this is carried out Verse 35 says then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same scripture and preached them to him Jesus And as they went on their way they came into a certain water and the eunuch said see here's water What does hinder me to be baptized now? What's another way of saying that what's keeping me from getting baptized? Can I get baptized is what he wants to know, right? Philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went both Excuse me They went down both into the water both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him the Bible says it's a perfect example Go to chapter 17 Perfect example of someone who gets saved because they believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and the result of that is that he gets baptized Thereafter now, are there people who get saved and don't get baptized? Absolutely They're still saved They're not very obedient to what Jesus Christ is saying It doesn't affect them doesn't affect their salvation at all whatsoever because nothing can affect their salvation I will in no wise cast you out the Bible says for by grace Are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works That any man should boast not by works of righteousness, which we have done But according to his mercy he saved us and on and on and on and on the Bible teaches eternal security of the believer, right? But here's the thing. Let's obey the Lord Jesus Christ and just get baptized after we get saved That's what the Bible commands. Okay, and you say well, what if I don't then you're just disobeying the Lord Well, I still love the Lord Yeah But the Bible says if you love me keep my commandments and like the first commandment he gives you is to get baptized Okay, and the heaters not on right now and then you know today would actually be a perfect day to get baptized Because the water is nice and cool. Okay Look at Acts chapter 17 verse 7 It says he departed thence and entered into a certain man's house named justice one that worshiped God whose house joined hard to the synagogue and Crispus the chief rule of the synagogue believed on the Lord with all his house and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and Were baptized the Bible says so again the biblical model that we see is that people get saved and they get baptized Thereafter so number one what kind of church is this? It's an independent fundamental Baptist Church independent why we're autonomous. We're not connected to a convention a denomination of any sorts We are fundamental because we highlight emphasize and drive in the fundamentals of the faith This is what our faith is based off of and we're Baptist meaning that we believe that people should be baptized after They believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. Okay, very important now go to Revelation chapter 2 if you would Revelation chapter 2 What kind of church is this? It's an independent fundamental Baptist Church, but it's also a soul winning church and If you're ever looking for a church Just look at what they believe about evangelism if they have evangelism at their church and they use that term evangelism That's good. But let me just say this if they ever use the term soul winning though, then you you're definitely in the right spot Okay, why is that? well Because typically churches that use the phrase soul winning are typically churches that schedule times When the church actually goes out to evangelize the public, okay Now we believe in and practice confrontational Evangelization not just casual witnessing either. Okay. Now we believe in casual witnessing you're at the gas station Someone talks to you you talk to someone and you have the opportunity to get them saved. Amen, right? You're at some gathering you're with family. It's always good to do those things. But like I mentioned last week Typically you're more aware of opportunities when you already have a scheduled time to go and preach the gospel period You're more conscious of the fact that people around you are opportunities to get saved if You have a consistent time that you go out and preach the gospel every single week and our church has a scheduled time every single week various times throughout the week as a Convenience to our members so that they can go out and preach the gospel and get people saved So it's not just when the opportunity presents itself Okay We are we as a church are constantly engaging with the public sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and I mentioned the the example from Tuesday, but we're literally on our way soul winning. I was heading out the door and You know We're just we're getting ready to go preach the gospel and this guy just rides up on his bike and he just start asking He starts asking about the church and what kind of church are we and that's actually where I got the idea for the sermon And I told you I didn't say well we're community, you know, it's a it's a Bible Church I was like, we're a Baptist Church He's like, okay, and he kind of told me about his church history what he did and you know immediately I was just like why are you 100% sure if you died today you go to heaven and He was not he said he thought he was but he said you never know And obviously if someone says you never know then that probably means that they don't know Okay, because they're not they don't have the assurance that they're saved So then I just asked them, you know, can I show you from the verses from the Bible? He was like, yeah, and I showed him the verses he was very open very receptive He had been going through a very difficult time in his life And so obviously he was he was very tender-hearted towards the gospel and he called upon the name of the Lord Okay, and then we ended I ended up telling him like I gave him a Gatorade and I said, you know You got to be baptized He ended up getting baptized The point that I'm making here is that we have an atmosphere at church and people saw that video and they're like, wow That's cool. That's me. But let me just be honest with you people in our church do this all the time though It's just there's no like, you know security cameras to like capture them doing it. There's always happening Happens in church happens out of church. People are constantly getting people saved in our church Okay, why because we are a soul winning church now Let me just say this is that according to the Bible listen to this is very important This is actually a marker That determines if we are a legitimate church or not This which is so winning evangelism is actually a marker that Determines if we are legitimately a soul an actual church of Jesus Christ or not. It's only Not if we're 501c3 Okay, because you know you have a lot of people like they'll call me like are you are you 501c3 though And let me just say this we're not 501c3 we pay taxes, you know, that's just how I just I operate the church We pay our taxes and that's it But you know, there's churches out there that I are 501c3 and you know what? They're great churches and they do soul-winning But you know You shouldn't determine what church you go to based upon if they're 501c3 or not And let me just say this taxes are horrible, but you know what Jesus actually commanded to pay taxes Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesars the Bible says, okay He doesn't want us to be these tax evasive people that just don't you know Give tribute to whom tribute custom to whom custom He actually wants us to be in subject to certain ordinances of the government Obviously if they end up, you know delving into the realm of Christian Commandments, then we're to abstain from that But paying taxes, you know, whatever and you know, some people have told me this they said yeah But what if the government's using those taxes for like really evil purposes though? You know and here's typically I tell them they probably are What do you what if No, what if they probably are using it for wicked means he goes well then, you know You shouldn't pay him. No because Jesus said to pay him and in fact Jesus paid taxes and Let me just let you in on a little secret about Jesus paying taxes. He paid it to the Roman Empire now Do you think the Roman Empire was using those tax that tax money for righteous purposes? Absolutely not. They're probably some of the most one of the most wicked empires, okay So the Jesus sin because he paid those taxes absolutely not because he fulfilled his responsibility as a law-abiding citizen I Mean the the money you the money you pay because you got a parking ticket probably goes to wicked means to we don't know It's not your fault The point that I'm making here is that we should not determine if we go to church based upon whether it's 501c3 or not What is it based upon according to the Bible? It's based upon whether that church is an evangelistic Soul-winning Church look at Revelation 2 in verse number 1 It says unto the angel the church at Ephesus, right? These things say he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand Who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks and this is Jesus assessment of the church at Ephesus? He says I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil And has tried them which say they are apostles and are not as found them liars and as born has had patience and for my Namesake has labored and has not fainted so far so good He's like commanding them. He's just like man. You don't like false prophets false apostles You can't stand them which are evil. I mean, this is a very doctrinally sound they hate every false way, right and They have a lot of endurance they don't faint Look at verse 4 nevertheless. That's that's the negative part I have someone against thee because that was left thy first love remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and Repent and do the first works or else I will come unto thee quickly and I will remove the can't thy candlestick out of his Place except thou repent now, what are the first works? Well when you actually study the Gospels you see the very first thing that he commands his disciples to do Is to go and fish for men be fishers of men go and priest the gospel Open your mouths boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel priests that the kingdom of heaven is at hand that is Evangelizing that's soul winning So he's telling them look you got all these things, right? But there's one thing that you don't have and that is that you no longer do the first works You're not soul winning You're not preaching the gospel and he tells them you better get this right because if you don't I'm going to remove your Candlestick in other words, I'm gonna remove your right to be a church Now there's churches out there like the church at Ephesus That have everything right doctrinally they have everything right in holiness They they abhor false doctrine, but they don't do any soul winning whatsoever And you know what in the eyes of the public and even in their eyes There's they are still a legitimate church, but you know in the eyes of God They have relinquished their right to actually be a legitimate church in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ That candlestick's been removed Why because the purpose of a local New Testament Church one of the purposes is? To go and reach people with the gospel of Jesus Christ to get them saved and you know what? It's not just the pastor's job. It's not just the evangelist's job. It's all your guys's job It's your responsibility to when he said go ye therefore ye referring to just everyone who's a believer the responsibility to preach the gospel to make fit to fish for men to Open your mouths boldly to evangelize and that's why we believe in scheduled evangelizing and believe and practice systematic Evangelization you said what do you mean by that? Well, you know We don't encourage people to just go out and just give their testimony or something and just talk about coming to our church No, we actually have a systematic way in which we approach the message of salvation We use what's called the Romans Road, and this is not original It was actually coined by another fundamental Baptist of years past who was obviously a great soul winner And it's just a very systematic approach to the gospel presentation where you can use the book of Romans to address the fact that someone is a sinner before God that they deserve hell according to the Bible and that Jesus Christ died on the cross that he was buried and that he resurrected and that if you just believe on him for salvation You can have eternal life and that it can never be lost. Okay, and so we have a very systematic way of doing that I believe that's important. And here's the thing is that we're also a church when it comes to evangelization Well, we don't just like, you know Talk to people we actually show them what the Bible says like we actually bring our Bibles with us You know New Testaments of sorts and we actually show them what the Bible what the Bible says. It's like don't take our word for it It's right here. You know, we'll have them read the verses show them, you know, we essentially Try to convince people showing from the scriptures that Jesus is the Christ, right? So that's important. What kind of church are we? Well, we're not just a church that teaches doctrine because that's important We're also a church that actually goes out and seeks to win the loss as well We want to keep the first thing the first thing and the first thing is soul Okay, the main thing is soul winning preaching the gospel and that's why we have teams in our church that will train you Disciple you show you how to effectively win people to Christ the strangers abroad and even your friends and family Okay, let's move on here. What kind of church are we go to Ephesians chapter 5 Ephesians chapter 5? We are an independent fundamental Baptist Church We are a soul winning church But we are also traditional in our music if you haven't noticed already Okay You're like that's corny. I'll take it I'll take it Now, what does it mean to be traditional in our music? What means that we use the hymns? Okay, we sing the hymns and we reject contemporary Christian music This is not a CCM Church Now this might step on some toes and people in our church but you probably need your toes to get stepped on because you need to like learn about this and Just as a reminder you stepped into a fundamental Baptist Church and in a fundamental Baptist Church in general reject Contemporary Christian worship. It's not proper music to be used in a church You said why is that? Well CCM actually uses Hindu mystic guru methods to produce a pseudo-spiritual Experience and I preached a sermon about a year ago about this the fact that you have these ashram cults in India Where these gurus will seek to put people in an altered state of consciousness through chants and Repetition in order to get make them feel as though they're having a spiritual experience and what CCM does is basically the same exact thing they'll sing a song and they repeat it five times over and it's like a chant and they Determine if the church service was a great worship not based upon the preaching Not based upon the Word of God but based upon that little tingly feeling that they get when they sing the songs It's more sensual than it is spiritual and let me say this, you know Some spiritual experiences may you might feel like butterflies in your stomach every once in a while But the vast majority of them are felt Spiritually, we walk by faith and not by sight. Did you know that every time you read the Bible? You don't have to burst in tears and Just like have a crate sometimes you could just read the Bible and consume the content and the information and rejoice in spirit You know, you could come to a church service and you don't have to lift up your hands You don't have to feel the Holy Spirit Sometimes it's something that is spiritually discerned But you know what a lot of churches out there don't like this because of the fact that they want the physical feeling Rather than the spiritual feeling and when that happens they end up emphasizing the physical sensual experiences over what the Bible actually says They'll say well, you know, I don't like I feel that's like one of the first things that they say You tell them like well, this is what the Bible says. Yeah. Yeah, but you know what I feel though. Well, there's your problem Stop right there. There is your number one problem. You're a feely person Emotions are great feelings are great but now when it comes to the Bible because you know what the Bible rubs us the wrong way sometimes and The Bible doesn't always give a tingly feeling sometimes it judges us it condemns us It gets on our sin and you know what that doesn't feel really good. Sometimes it embarrasses us You get preaching that embarrasses you and you're just sitting there. Just like man. That is what the Bible says Yeah, that's not really tingly now is it? To Me churches out there are You know that they're they're more Interested and getting people to this altered state of consciousness to give them this pseudo spiritual experience so that they can priest their 15-minute sermon Get their money and hightail it out of there every single week. That's just how it works They don't care about people's salvation's they don't care if people are growing spiritually. They don't care about fixing marriages They don't care about getting sin out of people's lives They emphasize things that are just not biblical and they will use the method of CCM to do so and I know I know there's probably people in here that are probably still listening to CCM Okay This isn't a I'm not the Baptist police. I'm just telling you by experience, you know, I know that's the case Because you know, sometimes Christians just can't get away from that stuff It's like it's like more addicting than crack in some instances But what does the Bible tell us Ephesians 5 or 17 says wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is Be not drunk with wine. What does wine do to you gives you a physical feeling? Physical emotion just be not drunk with wine. We're in his excess, but be filled with the Spirit speaking to yourselves in Psalms hymns Spiritual songs singing and making melody in your hearts into the Lord And so what kind of church is this? Well, aside from the fact that we preach doctrine. We're a fundamental Baptist Church We are so winning Church. We actually put a big emphasis on the right kind of music as well And in fact, you know our church is currently working on a hymn book Okay, I know we got a hymn book already, but you know the Bible talks about singing a new song So that song do we just saying earlier with the sheet someone in our church brother Connor wrote that along with their penis You know put that together and so we have men in our church that are writing hymns these former rappers, you know They're they're right. They're writing hymns or whatever You know, they get in the little mode or whatever, you know The little M&M mode or something, you know gonna put the beanie with the headphones on and they're writing hymns doctrinally sound hymns For Christians to sing why because that is what's appropriate in the eyes of God Okay, and CCM does not CCM is shallow in its doctrine it repeats the same line like seven times over Okay, and why is it, you know, I remember a long time ago I Have I had this Pentecostal ant because you know, we all have a Pentecostal ant for some reason I don't know why that is. But you know, I remember she came to hear me preach preach a long time ago and She asked me she's like, how long is your worship service And I was like I would I didn't grow up in a Pentecostal Church Like when I got saved I was in a fundamental Baptist Church and it kind of confused me Because I was thinking myself like worship like I worshiped the Lord when I woke up in the morning and I read my Bible And stuff, you know, I was thinking like what do you mean? She's like the worship service How long is your worship service for I was I don't know like 15 minutes or something We've seen like three hymns and you know first and last verse and you know, that's what we do. She's like, oh, that's not enough It's not enough. And I was like why she's like I have to worship for at least an hour And I don't really need she said I don't really need the preaching because I could go read my Bible at home It's like the church is literally the reason why we preaching is literally the reason why we go to church She was more interested in coming getting the feeling Singing and getting that emotion that emotion rather than actually getting the content of the Word of God Which is why we congregate in the first place Bible says to give attendance to doctrine to exhortation to reading Not to CCM not to repeating seven lines over again okay, and So it's important for us to realize that that you know, and then here's the thing You know a lot of times Christians will come from different types of churches They'll come from these Nanda Dom type churches and I get this allow. It's just like, you know, we really like the preaching It's just the music, you know And I think to myself like what's wrong with the music, you know, the the hymns are doctrinally sound they have Doctrine it's it feeds the spirit but really what they're talking about. They're not getting that tingling emotion Hey, you want tingling emotions go eat Taco Bell after service You'll get a tingling emotion if that's what you're looking for I just want to feel that You know then go get a puppy Go kids that could be easily substituted with something else Let me say this learn how to feed your spirit Build an appetite for feeding the spirit and the Bible says that the inward man read it rejoices in the law of God We rejoice in the law of God after the inward man your inward man the new man within you Longs for biblical worship. It longs for the hymns It longs for Bible preaching because that's what it's looking for. That's what it wants. Your flesh is what actually wants that other stuff Which is why people get upset when I talk about it It's an emotional reaction to it. Okay, and so I got half the church madam now I don't think half the church listens to CCM, but I'm sure there's a sprinkling of sorts Okay Go to Matthew 19 Matthew chapter 19 talking about what kind of church is this it's an independent fundamental Baptist Church It is a soul winning church. It is a church that uses the traditional hymns Not CCM not praise and worship Where's the music tends to take precedence over the preaching of God's Word? We don't have a worship pastor here. Okay You know brother Ron brother John and brother Marcos, they're not worship pastors or worship leaders the way to come song leaders That's it. Okay But number four, let me also say this is that when it comes to what kind of church this is We are a family integrated church. I Don't know if you notice that okay We do not segregate the family in various Sunday school classes or nurseries Now Look at Matthew 19 verse 13 It says then were there brought unto him little children that he should put his hands on them and pray and the disciples rebuke them But Jesus said suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me For of such as the kingdom of heaven and he laid his hands on them and departed thence. What is this teaching us? it's teaching us that children have every right to have a Service experience right to hear the preaching of God's Word to be a part of and participants of a church service We should not forbid them by sending them off to a Sunday school class a nursery a teen service Why well because of the fact that God wants them to hear the Word of God to For of such as the kingdom of God the Bible says modern-day churches Often will have nurseries But they're actually not really nurseries though They're actually like daycare centers for the members of the church Because what's a nursery? Well, technically what we got is are actually nurseries and I'm actually even thinking about just switching and calling it a nursery because you know What a nursery actually is it's where mommy's go to take care of their babies Well, they go and nurse their babies The nurseries of like other churches are where other people take care of your babies that's called the daycare Center You Know we have mother-baby rooms But they're technically nurseries where women they'll go into the the room the back rooms here and they it's it's it's you know Made for them and they have rocking chairs and they can nurse their children and can take care of their children You know train them to get back into the service We believe church services are for the entire family unit now. I know it's a little inconvenient sometimes I get it Right, you know you have babies and they start losing their minds in the service and then I'm competing with them You know, I mean as far as volume is concerned But you know what? It is what it is and we want our children to hear the preaching of God's Word and let me say this sometimes children pay better attention than some adults They soak in a lot more They take in a lot more They're learning a lot when they sit in a church service and let them be a part of the singing Let them sing the hymns let them sing and canopy let them sing amazing grace let them sing those songs We don't have to teach them these dumbed-down kitty songs of the nursery Just because we all want to entertain them Okay Let them get the doctrinally sound hymns We don't have to separate the children from their parents to be placed in a separate room with the dumbed-down message Talking about David and Goliath for the hundredth time or something You Know they can hear about everything With everyone else in the main church service We believe that the biblical model is for the entire family to participate in The services the Bible tells us go to Ezra chapter 10. I'm sorry. Go to Nehemiah chapter 8 I'm gonna reach you from Ezra 10 go to Nehemiah chapter 8 if you would And I'm gonna reach you from Ezra chapter 10 verse 1 says now when Ezra had prayed and when he had confessed Weeping and casting himself down before the house of God there assembled unto him out of Israel a very great congregation of men and women and children For the people wept very sore look at him Nehemiah chapter 8 and verse number 1 it says and all the people gathered themselves together as One man into the street that was before the Watergate and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had commanded to Israel and Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women and All that could hear with understanding upon the first day of the seventh month now if the men and women are there Who's taking care of the kids? the men and the women are There's no daycare center during this time. No nurseries. No back rooms. Everyone's just kind of joining together Okay Says in verse 3 and he read there and before the street that was before the Watergate from the morning until midday Before the men and the women and those that could understand and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law And Ezra the scribe stood upon a pulpit of wood which they had made for the purpose and so on and so forth the point that I'm making here is that the example that we See from Old Testament to New Testament Was that all families integrated together to hear the preaching of God's Word whether it was in the wilderness I mean when the children of Israel were in the in the wilderness There is no other tents for like nurseries and stuff when Moses would teach the people when the priests would teach the people Everyone gathered together to hear the preaching of God's Word. Not just the adults okay, now a lot of times one of the reasons pastors want nurseries and Teen services and all this it's because they try to create some sort of experience in the service It's like a movie, right and They will often deliver the message in such a way that they just cannot have any type of disturbances now I'm not saying that we should have a circus here. Okay, which is why we tell people Hey if your kids, you know getting a little crazy take them to the back But in general you're gonna hear kids scream over here one say mama over here one say whatever over here You know, you just kind of have to deal with the distractions because that's just how it is. Okay Point that I'm making here is that in the Old Testament people can't families congregated together to hear the preaching of God's Word But also in the New Testament, so how do you know well because in the book of Ephesians The Apostle Paul when addressing the Ephesian church, he said this Children obey your parents and the Lord for this is right Does it say parents tell your children to obey your parents and the Lord for this is right? No, he's addressing the children meaning that when the letter was read in the church the children were present to hear that You understand what I'm saying? And so you're like, well, I don't really know how much they're really gonna get though from that You would be surprised don't underestimate how much your children can actually Understand of the Word of God and you know what you're missing out and obviously you're not because you're in a church that it's family integrated A lot of churches out there are just missing out on how some of the deep conversations that you can have with your little ones Because of what they hear I've had Wonderful Wonderful conversations with my son and with my daughter on the right home They asked me questions about doctrine and it kind of surprises me You know that the gears are not only turning but they're putting pieces together to try to understand the Word of God And you know what that ends up helping them to build in convictions as well make it of their own They'll remind me of things that I've said behind the pole. They keep me accountable, you know They remind me of things I said behind the pulpit. They'll talk about sermons. They'll talk about doctrine Because here's the thing folks is that he's not just my God. He's their God as well. This is their church, too This is their Bible too. They deserve this Whereas a lot of churches out there they have the teen service and everyone's all wild everyone's getting wild in the teen service throwing candy and singing dumb-down songs and a 10-minute lesson And all this and then these kids grow up and what do they do they end up going? Either away from God or they end up joining churches that are very shallow in their doctrine because that's what they grew up with So it's important for us to create an environment in our church Conducive to spiritual growth not just for us as adults, but for the children as well Well, I just feel it's just a little too deep, you know for the kids. Well, here's how you can offset that Here's how you can help with that talk about deep stuff when you're home You Know turn off YouTube turn off Instagram Turn off social media turn off the movies and once you actually I know it's crazy. Why don't you actually talk about the Bible? You know, why don't you talk about salvation? Why don't you talk about Jesus Christ? Why don't you talk about what the Word of God says, you know have these biblical conversations with your children and develop with them within them an appetite for the things of God That way when they come to church it's like wow what the pastor's preaching is what my dad already showed me What mom already talked to me about it's like hey, we were just talking about that It's a real thing my friends. And so, you know, we're not just family integrated just because you know We ran out of room or something like that. It's just like we got no room for Sunday school classes or whatever It's because of the fact that you know families should not be segregated. Okay, you know you come to church It's a family It's a family function and then it's just like alright and you don't see each other for the next hour and a half or something By the way, I mean think about this folks. How dangerous is that to? to just like give your children to some Stranger that you may not even know for an hour and a half. Maybe nothing immoral will happen I mean there's a possibility that it might but what about just like what are they listening to who are they associating with? What kind of doctrine are they listening to we have the responsibility as parents to oversee the spiritual well-being of our children And so it's not just like all right go with the Sunday school teacher You know, there's churches out there that there's a lot of molestations that take place like that There's a lot of inappropriate ungodly relationships that are established in Churches because of Sunday school classes teen services and yes even bus ministries as well Okay. Now look, I'm not downplaying a lot of Sunday school classes because the reality is this is that there are Sunday school classes There are good out there I'm sure they teach good doctrine to the kids they actually love the children They try to help the children spiritually, you know I was a Sunday school teacher at one time. My wife was a Sunday school teacher at one time We taught the little ones and you know what? I love those kids and I did my best to help them turn out for the Lord I did my best to teach him doctrine and I fulfilled my responsibility But unfortunately that is the exception to the rule because the vast majority of the time it's not like that at all Okay, keep your kids in the service amen and Be a part of a family integrated church lastly as far as what kind of church we are We are a King James only Church. Okay. I'm just being honest with you Just letting you know who we are and you're like well good cuz I'm never coming back Well, at least you could say though like that pastor was honest At least you could say, you know, I don't really like that kind of job I don't like the flavor of that church, but at least the pastor was not trying to be Dishonest about who they were what they believed and all this, you know We are a King James only Church meaning we reject all modern versions of the Bible in English Okay, and not all translations in various languages Obviously because people often accuses of that because we use the brain of Valera Gomez in Spanish There's various other Bibles that people use in different languages, but when we were talking about in English We reject all the modern versions of the Bible and when it when it comes to English we accept no substitute Okay. Now why is that? Well go with me if you would to 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 Many modern versions of the Bible if not all of them veer off from the original text Specifically in the New Testament They veer off doctrinally they teach heresy they remove verses they add verses And so how can we say that we have the perfect and inspired Word of God when it contradicts itself or when it says something completely different than the underlying Greek text that it was supposedly translated from and How can we use a Bible the questions the deity of Jesus Christ? How can we use a Bible that teaches a wrong way of salvation? You know many modern versions of the Bible will say in 1st Corinthians 118 for the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us which are being saved It is the power of God. I'm not being saved. I'm already saved that happened like 17 years ago But you know if a person reads that They're gonna think that salvation is a process Rather than something that takes place in a moment when you call upon the name of the Lord. That's a false gospel many modern versions of the Bible say As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow into salvation That's not only is that heretical and doctrinally unsound But it's also not something that's found in the underlying Greek text. They just added that they saw you know grow They're like salvation But that's not what the Greek says It's just like doesn't matter salvation a lot of them do this So many modern versions of the Bible aside from the fact that they're doctrinally unsound they teach a perverse manner of salvation They pervert the deity of Jesus Christ by removing the blood some of them even remove entire verses from the Bible And if they don't remove entire Passages they will put footnotes at the bottom of the page that make you question whether that passage should actually be there and Then many of them are just literally geographically historically inaccurate They just met they just talked about King Saul being one years old when he began to reign it's like that never happened How can someone read that and think it's a legitimate Bible? That's a major error and it's not like one of them has it was like they have they all have that So either whoever translated this just did not know what they were doing or it was intentional. It was intentional They purposely put that in there to confuse the masses. Whereas the King James Bible has no errors And any time someone tells me no the King James Pastor me the King James Bible has plenty of errors. Okay, show me Let me go ahead and put the Bible in your hand and you go ahead and pull out all of the Discrepancies and errors that are found within the King James Bible. You're simply parroting what someone else has said and the and here's the thing folks is that when you Take a survey and people have done this Of All the churches in America and what Bible do Christians consistently read not just by but read it's the King James Bible The other modern versions of the Bible they look great You know, they always look nice, but you know, what do they do? They just bring them to church and that's it people who actually own a King James Bible are actually people who actually read the King James Bible Okay The Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 2 17 for we are not as many which corrupt the Word of God But as of sincerity but as of God in the sight of God speak we in Christ So even from Paul's day people were corrupting the Bible they were seeking to pass off Fraudulent documents as being divine and authoritative, but the Bible tells us here that they were corrupt and we were born again of incorruptible seed By the Word of God the Bible says okay The Bible tells us man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God Well, you have a problem if you have modern versions who are removing verses. That's not an every word Bible You know, we read the passage in Acts chapter 8. What does Henry be baptized? Modern versions of the Bible remove if thou believeth with all our heart thou mayest They remove that verse and then people read then the next verse just says they both went down into the water and were baptized You don't tell me that's not going to teach a baptismal regeneration salvation The Bible tells us in Psalm 12 verse 6 the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth Purified seven times thou shalt keep them a Lord thou shalt preserve them from from this generation for ever The point that I'm making here with saying that we're King James only is that we do not accept modern versions of the Bible We preach from utilized read from evangelize with the King James version of the Bible Okay, and you know people will say yeah But you just don't understand modern scholars have discovered you had made new discoveries of manuscripts And so now we know more of the Bible. So let me ask you this, you know, you think God just hid his word For like hundreds and thousands of years and Just you know in some cave somewhere When the Bible says that the Word of God has been preserved it means it's been preserved in the hands of people To be used preached used from read from not preserved in some cave somewhere You know the Dead Sea Amongst these Scrolls or whatever. Oh, it's preserved and now we have the word. So what do we have before? So so when you brought up the NIV last year, you said it was God's Word Now you're bringing out a new one because now it's like other modern discoveries So, how do you know which one is the complete Word of God if you're just constantly adding to it? You don't really know what the Word of God is because they're constantly adding things to it and obviously they have an agenda because they want to remove things from there and They make money off of this Which is why the King James Bible is not copyrighted. You can literally just transcribe it yourself and just have your own copy a lot of modern versions of the Bible cha-ching People make money off of them, which is why an edition has to come out every single year a new edition Okay. Well, those are easier to read You know, here's the thing is that that might be true in certain instances, but you know, I rather Struggle to read something that is right Then to easily read something that is completely wrong and The fact is is that when it comes to matters of salvation the King James Bible is explicit It's very easy to understand obviously certain parts are hard to understand. You know why because God wrote it It wasn't a child who wrote the Bible, you know, God allowed this translation to be come into existence So obviously it's gonna be a little difficult to read because God wrote it. It's some it's something of substance It has content and you know what it's a challenge You don't want the Bible to just be completely 100% easy to read You want it to read the way God intended it for it to be read? Okay, and so the point that I'm making here is that hey, this is the kind of church we are We're a fundamental Baptist Church. We're so winning Church. We use the old-fashioned hymns We are a family integrated Church and we're King James only any questions Now tonight I'm gonna explain the differences between old IFP and new IFP Because maybe that's the term that you've heard Maybe you got saved in the new IP Church because we are a new IFP Church and the reason I didn't explain what new IFP Means is because of the fact that that has more so to do between the differences between old and new IFP Fundamental Baptist churches, so I'll cover that tonight. Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word and Thank you for the Bible that just is explicit about the important doctrines of the faith I pray Lord that you would help us to recognize the importance of labels I want to know what I'm getting myself into when I go out to eat at a restaurant I don't want to see a blank sign. I want to know what kind of food it is Lord labels are important And especially when it comes to churches a lot of churches out there claim to be Christian But then they deviate from the doctrines of Christ from salvation. I pray Lord that you'd help us to Aspire to understand the importance of being explicit in our beliefs and not to be dishonest not walking craftiness handling the Word of God deceitfully and May you bless us and continue to use this as a church to get more people saved baptized and living righteously We love you. We thank you. Pray the scenes in Jesus name. Amen