(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) There's so much information in here. I had to do a second part this morning And we're just going to talk about some other things here that we see in this chapter But let me just do a bit of a review from thursday night on thursday We talked about the woman in verse number one It says and there appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun And the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars And we were talking about how this person this woman represents Uh eve and because of that she is the mother of all living she also represents israel And that's why you see there the head a crown of 12 stars We see later on she also represents christians because of the fact that in verse number six that the woman flees into the wilderness And it says that she's there for a thousand two hundred and three score days We obviously understand that's referring to the beginning of sorrows and that is referring to not just mankind going through that but also Saved people you say well if it's eve who is the mother of all living and you know Both the world and christians are going into that, you know, how how can this be eve? You know if she's the one going into the wilderness if it's also including unsafe people Well, we know that this is not just referring to unsafe people But that it's also referring to say people because of the fact that it says that a place was prepared of god That they should feed her there 1203 score days and I believe that is The imagery there is the fact that god is going to take care of his people During the time of the beginning of sorrows yay, even into the great tribulation He's going to nourish his people during the time of famine and protect them, etc So the woman flees into the wilderness symbolic of those thousand two hundred sixty days of tribulation And by the way, you know, what's interesting is that you know Obviously this is the second half of the book of revelation if you remember in the first half The thing that's really being emphasized even in chapter number six when dealing with the great of the tribulation and great tribulation Is the fact that there's martyrdom right people are being killed You know, the saints are being killed, you know, you see the the souls under the altar But what do we see prior to that in chapter number three? We see god promising us through these Symbolic churches that we see they actually existed but they're symbolic of what's taking place in the end times that he's going to deliver them In a time in that hour of temptation he's going to save them he's going to rescue them physically speaking and In chapter 13, which is a parallel passage to chapter number six The thing that's really being emphasized when making war with the saints is that the mark of the beast is going to be implemented You know people who do not have the mark of the beast are not going to be able to buy or sell So what's being emphasized is famine And what do we see prior to chapter 13 is chapter 12 where god promises that he's going to nourish his people He's going to feed them there a thousand two hundred sixty days So the first half is really emphasizing the deliverance of the body In reference to not being killed not being martyred The second half is god reinforcing his promises that he's going to provide for us physically as well So he's going to protect us But he's also going to provide those provisions that we need to make it through that difficult times very beautiful there what we see So the story begins again in chapter number 12 And is reiterated a couple times throughout this chapter and that's what we went over on thursday now Let's look at verse number three It says and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon Having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head Now one thing that we know for sure is that the devil the anti-christ babylon the new world order Although these are separate entities They kind of culminate to that one agenda, right? And the reason we know that is because this person or this this image that we see here of the great red dragon Has seven heads ten horns seven crowns upon his heads And in the following chapter the bible says that john stood upon the sand of the sea And he saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns Ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy And that's referring to the beast with the new world order the representation of the anti-christ But we see how similar the features are when it comes to the beast In third and chapter 13 and the great red dragon here in verse number three of chapter 12 Look at verse number four and it says and his tail Drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth And the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born Now a lot of time is being featured here just in one verse Because it goes through the birth of christ the deliverance that uh, jesus christ experienced when harry was trying to kill baby jesus and it goes directly into Uh, i'm sorry in verse number four It talks about satan falling and his tail drawing the third part of the angels and then it goes into the birth of christ So a lot of times being mentioned there now The the tail drawing the third part of the stars of heaven This passage is actually referring to it's alluding to the fall of satan. Okay Now keep in mind that later on we see satan being cast out permanently from heaven Whereas here this is actually referring to his fall Now his fall does not include his permanent casting out of heaven His fall is referring to the fact that he ceases being That angelic being who was part of god's army so to speak and now being that rebellious devil demon known as lucifer satan That you know that being that celestial body That has had the agenda to fight against god and his people But this is this is what that's referring to here now When we think about satan's fall you often think about for example jude 6 where it talks about the angels leaving their first estate They've left their habitation And so what's being talked about here is that when satan fell when he chose to rebel against god When he chose to just forsake his habitation in his first estate He was able to influence a third part of the angels which are in heaven to come with him Okay He led this mass rebellion against god and the stars do represent the angels now go with me If you go to matthew chapter 9 hold your place there in revelation chapter 12 go to matthew chapter 9 You know in job 38 the bible says whereupon are the foundations there are fastened who laid the cornerstone thereof when the morning stars Sane together and all the sons of god shouted for joy So here in job chapter 38 we see that when jesus christ came at his first coming There are two groups of people who rejoiced at that first coming The first group there is the morning stars the second group being the sons of god shouting for joy Now there's this false doctrine out there that'll teach you that'll teach people to say You know, they'll say that the sons of god is referring to angels, right? And they'll say the genesis 6 you have the sons of god intermarrying with the sun with the with mankind And they create these giants called the nephilim so this is a stupid doctrine of the nephilim, okay Now we know that's not true because the sons of god are just safe people The bible tells us in john 112 But as many as received him to them give you power to become the sons of god Even unto them that believe on his name not only that in hebrew chapter number one It says unto which of the angels said he at any time thou art my son this day. I have a begotten thee So what's really being emphasized here is that the sons of god who are in heaven? Rejoice at the coming of christ when the word was made flesh and dwelt among us And we beheld his glory as the glory of the only begotten the father full of grace and truth That's what's being emphasized and we know that to be true Because of the fact that abraham saw his day and rejoiced as well. That's what the bible tells us the morning stars singing Is referring to those angels singing at the coming of christ? And in fact, we have a fulfillment of that in luke chapter number two Where the angels the great heavenly hosts sing right about the glad tidings and and the fact that peace is coming on earth and goodwill toward men so we see the reference there is referring to The angels and the reason i'm mentioning that is because of the fact that you see the third star stars of heaven falling from heaven And that is a reference to the angels there and I wanted to reinforce that with job chapter 38 now so the bible Depicts and describes angels as being stars It also depicts angels as being spirits. Okay Why because the spirit is like a celestial body? and when referring to Angels who fell from heaven they take on a new name, you know They take on unclean spirits a dumb spirit a foul spirit. Okay And in fact you think of alcoholic spirits, right? You know when they talk about alcoholic spirits this is referring the reason it's given that name Is because when they would do these types of elixirs with alcohol and they would burn the alcohol, you know A vapor would arise and they would say what's the spirit of the alcohol that's coming out? So even the people who make them know That you know people who are making this stuff are demonically possessed right now, obviously, it's just a vapor but it's a good depiction of what alcohol does it just Allows you to be influenced by some unclean spirit The bible also refers to angels as devils and people think well, I thought satan, you know, lucifer was the devil Why is it also referring to all these fallen angels as devils? Well, look at matthew 934 It says but the pharisees said he casteth out devils through the prince of devils of the devils So what is that telling us? It's telling us that although satan is the devil in reality He is the prince of the remainder of the devils the third part that fell from heaven He rules them, right? He is their leader He is their prince and we see throughout the new testament people being possessed with devils, you know people sacrificing unto devils We see Them being mentioned throughout the new testament now we would describe them as being demons today And it's a proper term And but I want you to notice that when he cast those third part of the stars from heaven to follow him in his rebellion You know, they're they they became a hierarchy of demons as well This is why the bible tells us for we're wrestling not against flesh and blood But against what principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Now keep this in mind, you know, regardless of what they call them. We know who these demons are In fact, each and every one of us has experienced some type of battle against demons Right why because we are their enemy They're our enemy their agenda is to take us down to make war with us To wear us out to try to cause us to stumble to go out of the way, you know They work through false prophets They work through times of difficulty to try to get us to fall out of the way Not to do god's will not to serve the lord not to sow in they're working day in day out 24 hours a day And their agenda is to stop us Well, you know the bible tells us greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world And no matter how many angels fell and and followed satan from heaven No matter how many he's able to influence at the end of the day. No weapon formed against these shall prosper the bible says So we see that we wrestle with these spiritual beings these demons these devils These principalities these powers and these rulers now keep in mind. It's not only a spiritual battle in the sense that You know, you know you have these demons and these devils and they seek to tempt us to seek to discourage us They seek to try to get us out of the way. I believe sometimes even devils try to send us thoughts Try to try to orchestrate situations to get us to think a certain way You know in order to disobey the word of the lord, this is why the bible tells us to cast down imaginations And every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of god and to bring into captivity every thoughts of the obedience of christ You know satan is able to orchestrate imaginations in order to get us to disobey the lord But not only that, you know, I believe that there are principalities and powers who are influencing the rulers of this world the physical leaders presidents prime ministers Politicians these people are being influenced by satan and his minions Okay He said what about trump? You know, he's a christian that guy's being influenced by god You know that guy is just he's he's like cyrus persian, you know, he's No, he's not Okay, and look i'm not saying it's impossible For god to influence a godly leader, you know a president or a politician But you know, it's it's like finding a pterodactyl though Especially in the day and age in which we live, you know the further we get away The further we get away from the the day of creation the less likely you're going to see a pterodactyl Right the further you get away from the flood the less likely you're going to see yourself a velociraptor or something You know why because there's so far few and in between And so the you know, this is this world belongs to satan He is the god of this world. He is the prince of the power of the air the bible says And I i'm sure he's worked 24 7, you know throughout Uh the beginning of time until up until now to gain a stronghold in this world And how does he do it through leaders through presidents through kings, etc? Now, how do we know that he's being successful because look at all the wickedness that's taking place Look at all the laws that are being passed. Look at the agenda of politicians and kings and presidents, you know Obviously, they're not leading us in the way of righteousness Which would show us that they're not being influenced by god Not the god of the bible they're being influenced by lowercase g god, which is satan now Let's give an example of this look at ezekio chapter 28 go to ezekio chapter 28 if you would ezekio chapter number 28 Colossians 2 tells us that when christ came he was crucified on the cross and he made a show of the ordinances openly That he spoiled principalities and powers. He basically damaged him Okay You know the bible tells us the first corinthian chapter number one that if the princes of this world had known What christ was going to do they would have not crucified the lord of glory Okay But he spoiled these principalities. He spoiled the powers and You know make no mistake about it satan and his minions very powerful beings, but you know, they're they're self. They're they're deceived Because they actually believe That they're going to be able to war against god and win Impossible, okay Now here's an example of someone who is influenced by satan To carry out his agenda his will look at verse 11 It says moreover the word of the lord came unto me saying son of man take up a lamentation against the king up Excuse me a lamentation upon the king of tyros and saying to him thus saith the lord thou sealest up the sum Full of wisdom and beauty and perfect in beauty now the remainder of the the verses here is referring to satan himself But I believe it's also referring to this king Okay Why is it because I believe he was possessed by satan? And often those who are possessed by demons by devils or by satan himself They take on that attribute and those characteristics of that devil. That's why reprobates are devils Right reprobates people who have a seared conscience their reprobate concerning the faith They're ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth as janice jambres withstood moses So do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith these same people Basically become the devils that they are possessed by because you think to yourself how can you know these serial killers? You know do such things. How can they kill people without any conscience? Well only a devil can do such a thing, right? Look what it goes on to say in verse 13 thou has been in eden The garden of god now this is referred to satan every precious stone was thy covering The sardius topaz and the diamond the barrel the onyx and the jasper the sapphire the emerald the carbuncle and gold The workmanship of thy tablets of thy pipes was prepared indeed in the date that thou was created Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth And I have set thee so thou was upon the holy mountain of god That was walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire That was perfect in thy ways from the date that that was created till iniquity was found in thee I believe this is dual meanings to the to the king of tyros But obviously he exerted such wicked qualities that god saw fit to basically compare him to satan In his attributes and characteristics now go with me if you go back to revelation chapter 12 So we see that satan is able to influence the rulers of this world This is why a new world order Is going to be possible right not because Trump I mean, how does if trump is like to say if he's like cyrus king of persia, you know And he's going to just save the world. He's going to just do so much well Explain to me how the new world order Is even able to be implemented you trying to tell me that he has no dealings with the jews And he's not going to foment the the agenda of judaism and zionism. Of course he does You know We need to recognize that The hope of america Is not in the white house It's in the church house. Amen And we're not seeking to usher in the kingdom As these calvinists want to do, you know, these calvinists are doing a fantastic job deceiving people into thinking that oh christians are just going to permeate all of politics all the Businesses and we're just going to usher in the kingdom. No jeff durbin. You're not you're going to be a part of satan's kingdom They're ushering in the new world order, which is the anti-crisis kingdom, okay? You know, well, how do you expect how are we going to set up the kingdom? I'm not setting up the kingdom. Jesus is And he's not doing it by trying to influence politics. He's just going to come and say get out of the way I'm taking over He's not going to come and try to take a vote He's not going to try to come and and you know influence the the the businesses and walmart and costco to be christ-like And the schools and just try to subject everything he's just going to come and say I don't want any of this get it out of my face He's going to destroy all his enemies and he's going to set up his own rule Come in with the with the rod of iron That's the way he's going to do it not by ushering in the kid. We need to keep you know Uh winning people to christ so we can usher in this kingdom and get people, you know We need to have christians in in high authority and as presidents and politicians. That's not the way it works And look even if there's politicians out there that are executing some form of righteousness still that's not the hope folks We need to place our hope in christ Who is going to subject his enemies by force? And yeah, you heard right by force He's not taking a vote there is no elections with jesus He is the elect He's the elect one Okay He chose himself. It's like voting for himself Okay So but what i'm saying is that is that you know? satan is operating in this world through the politicians and kings through the You know the wickedness in high places through different companies and just you know through the jews and stuff like that You know, obviously he's operating through these people because he is Comparing the foundation and setting up his earthly kingdom of darkness. Okay Go back to revelation chapter 12. Look at verse number seven. It says and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels Now this is this is amazing here Because this is like a celestial war taking place And sometimes we think well, you know Things just happen so fast and this just don't just breeze over this passage of scripture When it says there's war in heaven, this is what this is like world war three actually Okay, this is the greatest war That will be ever recorded even in history because it's a war in heaven against satan himself now we fight against satan We fight against his minions, but here's the thing We're not literally fighting against satan because satan's not necessarily he's like the big guns He's not going to come and fight us directly. You understand He's going to send his minions and his demons, you know to come in his name and his authority to do so However, michael and his angels are actually fighting against satan here. Okay Now let's talk about michael the archangel for a little bit because he's pretty interesting character in the bible You know people who are saved and unsaved. They all know who michael the archangel is now we want to study him We could admire the god made, you know Awesome creation, but we never want to take it to the catholic extent where they venerate worship make obeisance to Michael the archangel they make a graven image of him They hang them on their little mirror in their car so michael could protect them throughout their travels or whatever This is stupid. That's idolatry. Okay You know if god so chooses to use michael to to to save me to rescue me physically speaking Let him do so but you know, the thing is i'm praying unto the lord, right? I'm asking jesus to protect me. I'm asking the lord to protect me by the means in which he does it That's up to him, but i'm not going to worship some angel. Okay, because that obviously is sin. Okay Now why is he referred to as the archangel? Well, ark is that prefix there meaning chief or the superior one? Okay, you think of arch nemesis you think of you know, archbishop archdiocese, you know archduke, you know You hear these terms being used it basically means the chief one the one who is superior so what does this tell us about michael it tells us that he's one of the like the That guy is like he's he's like the top doc Of the angels, okay This guy is pulled out. He's like a polyon I would say a polyon is also a chief angel He's probably an archangel as well The reason I say that is because in daniel you'll see Daniel you'll see I believe it's gabar who's making mention of the angels and he says When he talks about michael, he says one of the chief princes. They're chief angels Okay, so he's referring to the fact that michael is just one of many i'm sure there's not a lot But I would say michael and apollyon are one of them because they're they're the one they're the big guns Who are brought out for the big tasks? Okay They're like the navy seals the generals of the navy seals, so to speak Now how do we know that michael is is just this powerful angel because he's he whoops lucifer So guess what? There is an angel who is stronger and far more superior than even the devil himself Even lucifer himself who michael He goes there and look In my opinion michael is made to fight That's all michael is made for Is to do war Because he's found scattered throughout the bible and the times that we see him is when he's just fighting And jude, he's contending with satan. He beats him there You know, he meets him back up in revelation 12 is like so we meet again You know that that someone's got to make the meme someone's got to make the meme where he's just like right Yeah, lucifer and michael and he and you know revelation chapter 12 you have lucifer in the pink little suit Okay Because that's what it is. He contends with with satan over the body of moses and he prevails against them because Lucifer is not able to capture the body of moses They meet up again in revelation chapter 12 and now it's the big war and the bible says that they prevailed against them They're able to cast them down and then in revelation chapter 20, we find apollyon abaddon, you know Tying up satan with the with the chain and casting him down into the bottomless pit Look folks lucifer is not that I mean he's powerful, but he's not he's nothing in comparison to the other angels That god created think about that Okay And look, there's some pretty powerful angels There are some very powerful angels in the bible I mean think about this you have in first chronicles 21 the angel that stands before heaven and earth with his sword drawn out Punishing israel for david's sin for numbering the people and he kills 70 000 people Just just drawn out his sword by the plague he just destroys 70 000 people, you know How about in second kings 19 where the angel comes down and just destroys the aserean army? 185 000 of them We would say that angel is pretty dangerous When he could just come and just wipe it's like ants Just kills a bunch of people. It's pretty powerful. You have apollyon abaddon, you know the destroyer When you're given the nickname a destroyer You know the guy is not a pony he's not he's not the little catholic fat baby angel The naked chunky fat baby, you know with curly hair and You know with little wings that's not a bad folks That is not apollyon He's the destroyer He's like a chief prince Okay I mean think about jesus when he said You know think not thinking not that I can call upon 12 legions That's like not that he needs it but it would almost be like his personal bodyguards 12 legions of angels. What do you think they can do to the world if jesus just Snaps his fingers and says get them, you know so what i'm saying is that Lucifer made a big mistake when he chose to rebel. He's not even that like, you know Not he's pretty much nothing in comparison to these other angelic celestial beings I'm, not downplaying his power because obviously he has power His power is the ability to overcome the minds of the masses His power is the ability to damn and lie to people to see people in such a way that he damns them to hell Okay And this is why we see I mean, we understand why god would be so mad and even say, you know that people will be cast into the hell You're the hell that is prepared for the devil and his angels You know, he created hell To punish and torment Celestial powerful beings and unfortunately people are going there. They're there now Etc Okay, look at daniel chapter 10 if you would daniel chapter number 10 So there's some pretty powerful angels in the bible, but nothing in comparison to michael the archangel Nothing in comparison to apollyon abaddon the angel that we see in first chronicles 21 and second kings 19 Or even the 12 legions of angels Nothing in comparison to that, but there are out there. Okay And look the devils that followed satan They know what's coming Because if you remember anytime jesus would come they would say hasta come to torment us before the time They just shriveled before him You know, they trembled before jesus christ Because far more terrible than even michael the archangel is jesus christ the creator. Okay Look at daniel chapter number 10. Look at verse number eight It says therefore I was left alone and saw this great vision and there remained no strength in me for my comeliness was turning Turned in me into corruption and I retained no strength Yet heard I the voice of his words and when I heard the voice of his words Then was I in a deep sleep on my face and my face toward the ground and behold and hand touched me Which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands and he said unto me. Oh daniel a man greatly beloved Understand the words that I speak unto thee and stand upright for unto thee Am I now sent and when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling now I believed it doesn't say by name that this is referring to gabriel the angel And the reason I say this because gabriel is often sent when we see him He's often sent to give people understanding of the word of god Okay, we'll see him both in the old and new testament giving prophecies and giving understanding to those who have who don't have it He says in verse number 12 then said he unto me fear don daniel for from the first day that thou did set Thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy god thy words were heard and I am come for thy words But the prince of the kingdom of persia withstood me one and twenty days But lo michael, well, let me stop there. So what do we see we see that daniel is fasting he's praying he's petitioning He is afflicting his own body by fasting and he wants an answer to prayer what happens gabriel who I think to be gabriel Comes with the answer to his prayer But what happens for a hundred and twenty days? An angelic celestial demon is fighting against that angel So that this person so that daniel does not get understanding of the of the scriptures think about that Now, how do we apply it to ourselves? Well, this should show you that we need to have patience when we pray for things as well And if you don't see immediate results, you don't have an immediate answer to your prayer It's not that god's not answering your prayer. Sometimes there's just a spiritual battle taking place You know where the angels coming to give you that blessing god is sending that angel to give you that answer But there's a warfare taking a spiritual warfare taking place in the spiritual realm and you know We need to take that into consideration You know, that's why it's important that we're in portune in our prayers, right? We keep praying we're persistent in prayer. We continuously we pray without ceasing we're asking god We're begging him we're afflicting our souls, but no hey if you don't get the immediate answer, maybe there's a spiritual battle taking place Okay I believe that to be true And it could be that this battle lasted for 120 days because of the fact that the understanding was essential In order for the rest of the world to understand biblical prophecy Daniel was being used to pen down the bible He was being used to give understanding of the word of god and this is a pivotal book in the bible I mean daniel is a pretty pivotal book Dealing with end times bible prophecy and so satan is like hey Go stop that angel before he gives daniel the answer to that Okay Now look what it says it says the prince of the king of persia withstood me one in 20 days So, you know, I don't know maybe gabriel's not that strong or something. He's just like this this angel is pretty powerful So what happens but lo? Michael one of the chief princes came to help me and I remained there with the kings of persia Now i'm come to make the un make the understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days for yet The vision is for many days and when he had spoken such words unto me I set my face toward the ground and I became dumb. So what do you see michael comes and he helps him out You know and michael's pulled out And he's like we need to write the bible man. So you need to go there and fight against that Demonic being who's trying to withstand gabriel or this angelic being that's bringing the answer to daniel Now go to daniel chapter number 12 if you would daniel chapter number 12 Daniel chapter number 12 And look spiritual warfare is taking place all the time You know Um, you think of when elijah was per was, you know, asked the lord to show his servants, right? How many they had on their side and he opened up his eyes of his understanding and there are horses and chariots of fire surrounding them You know whenever you're afraid whenever you fear you doubt whenever you feel like the enemies of god are coming after you You know, you need to ask the lord to open the eyes of your understanding and I don't believe physically We're going to see these things but you know, I believe we have those angels protecting us There's a reason why our church is able to continue forward why because god is protecting us through his angels You know and look there's times even before salvation when I felt like god was just protecting me You know, you know, I remember Oh, I don't remember this but actually I was a baby. I was told this story how uh, I was a baby and and you know I come from an unsaved family My my father was a drunkard. Okay. He's no longer a drunkard But he was a drunkard and and my mom was driving down the freeway And this is in those days where they just put the baby in the car seat They wouldn't really strap them down, you know, seat belts weren't really that important back then And and literally, you know He just he just did not have a will to live and he wanted all of us to die And he yanked the steering wheel on the freeway the car flipped over it was turned into like a can basically My mom's face was broken. Her legs were broken my dad's face teeth all knocked out You know just multiple fractures broken legs And when they came there, they I believe they came with the jaws of life to pry open the vehicle because it was so destroyed And they're like, man, there's a baby back here And they say they found me on the floor I was already out of the car seat I was crying Glass everywhere but not a scratch on him Nothing When they took me out, you know, they took my parents to to to the hospital And they said that I just I just kept crying and kept crying and kept crying and they're like, well, maybe he needs a diaper change And they checked my diaper and there's there's shards of glass in my diaper that's why I was weeping You know because glass on your bottom doesn't Feel too good You feel me? So but hey, but my bottom was not cut up. He protected my hanger parts as well You know, i'll be honest with you I believe that there was an angel of the lord Who came and flew right into that car and just covered me as that car was just rolling out of control My parents suffered because of that but I was I was fine, you know And you know the bible tells us that the angels are ministering spirits Send forth to minister to them who are those who are going to be the heirs of salvation And you know, who knows I don't know if we all have that same guardian angel I don't know if I still have that same angel Maybe I do but I can count how many times in my life something could have happened to me where I could have died You know and and you know, I believe that god rescued me from that Potentially sending an angel to protect me from that, you know, who knows how many times even today Yesterday or throughout the last couple of weeks or months how many times you could have been at the brink of death You probably didn't even know it And god sent forth an angel to protect you, you know, these powerful beings that god sends forth to protect you You know and times that he could have kept you from getting sick times He could have kept you, you know, you made a right turn instead of left You know where you went down one street instead of another where there's some reprobate who was potentially trying to kill people Or try to rape and pillage a family or something like that. God protected us You know, I remember when even when I first got before I got saved the day before I got saved I almost drowned in the ocean And and I believe that god, you know saved me from that and he allowed me to make it back to the shore Lungs burning, you know salt water in my in my mouth and I could have died And you know what that led me to go to church find someone and get saved You know What i'm saying is that angels have their part in life You know, they have their part they're ministering They're sent forth as agents of god to fulfill his will and we see that taking place here Look at daniel chapter 12 verse number one. I believe this is a reference to what we're seeing in revelation 12 It says and at that time shall michael stand up the great prince which stands before the children of thy people And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time And at that time thy people shall be delivered. Everyone shall be found written in the book Now i'll get back to that in just a bit You know, by the way, I mean those of you who are parents You know your babies have angels guarding them You know, I don't know how many times i've seen my little kids and they're walking and there's like a sharp corner and they're like the corners right there and they're like And like oh they have an angel, you know Or they're just on the brink. How do you know what i'm talking about? Maybe I just have clumsy children or something. I don't know They're always like on the brink of just destroying their lives Just maiming themselves or something. They're just there's a sharp corner, you know, there's a step that they miss or you know I've seen i've had times where my children they're they're coming down the steps and they come down and they like they're about to fall and somehow they just like Regain their balance or something like that. I'm just like And he thinks to yourself man, that was an angel god protected you You know, they're playing with each other and my son throws like something at my daughter and it just like You're like that was an angel i'm serious I believe that You know because look if that was me i'd be snapping my ankles i'd be hitting the corner of that glass I my my son has hit me multiple times with hammers and stuff. He's throwing them I'm just like son, you know, you know, my angel is kind of like you can deal with it Your body's strong, you know these little ones they see the face of god. Okay, so they're special to god. They're innocent, you know I believe those are angels protecting children. Okay, and keep that in mind the next time, you know You said well my child split their forehead, you know, whatever was the angel off on that day or something or what? Well, you know if they're alive no You know, there you go Shh Because maybe you know You don't know what's going on in the biology of that child's body where they're capable of helping them and rescuing them Hey, brother. John brother. John got in a really bad car accident a couple months back You know Kind of split his spleen a little bit I think right And you know, it was a bad car accident, but you know, I believe that an angel protected john God protected john through an angel sending them there Okay so You know, we don't want to venerate honor or or look at angels in such a way that that we would you know, uh Worship them but they do have their place in a christian's life. Okay, go back to revelation chapter 12 So we see there's war taking place Michael and his archangels michael and his angels are fighting against satan and his devils and it's just this explosion of the Celestial battle this war that's taking place in heaven and we know how it ends look at verse number eight and prevail not Neither was their place found anymore in heaven. So what was michael sent to do to give satan his eviction notice? Okay, he sent to give satan his eviction notice is like now you're completely out of here by the way this proves That satan and his minions still have access to heaven even today Yeah Because obviously he fell from heaven He took the third part of the stars with him, but they're not completely kicked out of heaven and some people do Are you trying to say that satan and the devil they're in heaven today. I didn't say they had eternal life I'm just saying they have access to heaven They're able to come before god. Now. How do we know that because later on later on we see That he's called the accuser of our brethren Who's accusing them before god day and night So guess what? They're working around the clock to do accusing you What does that mean? I believe satan and his devils are constantly in heaven accusing us to god saying they're failures They just they're not they're not worth anything. They're gonna sin against you. They're gonna stop living for you They're gonna sin. They're gonna disobey you they can't keep your commandments Look at them and just constantly accusing us before before god I believe that to be true Constantly trying to put us down and say you should just do away with him. He's done. She's done They can't live a godly life. They're done constantly accusing us day and night But thank god we have You know an advocate with the father Jesus christ the righteous So guess what jesus is working 24 7 as well You know when satan and his minions come to accuse you before god he comes and he's like lord father i've already paid for that This is already paid for Already paid for so one guy gets in line accuses you already paid for leaves another one comes already paid for Already paid for already paid for already. He's our advocate Okay Thank god for that But there comes there's going to come a time Because part of satan's wrath today Part of his you know battling with us today is his ministry that he has going on in heaven Which is accusing us? But but here's the thing at the end of those thousand two hundred and sixty days He is permanently cast out now, there's no more accusing the brethren before god now it's time to make war with the saints That's when the wrath is turned up seven times hotter than usual, okay So satan and his minions are allowed a certain part, you know Go to first kings chapter 22 if you would first kings chapter 22. Let me prove this to you By the way, we have jobe, you know where the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came among them The bible says okay And satan tells them you don't have to turn there He says then satan answered the lord and said the job fear god for not Has not thou made a hedge about him and about his house and about all that he hath on every side Thou has blessed the work of his hands and his substance is increased in the land Put forth thine hand now and touch all that he hath and he will curse thee to thy face that's devious He's like the only reason he's even serving you is because you blessed him You know take all those things away and let's see how he acts that's an accusation But here's the thing god Because jobe was a perfect and upright man. He was like i'll take you on that I'm gonna take everything away from him except for his life And he still is not gonna accuse me to my face He will not charge me foolishly What can we take from that well If you're going through a trial and and and your security is being removed from you Take it as a challenge If your security your resources your money your health Your attendance at church Is being removed from you Now we're going to see what you're really made of Because it's like sates and saying Doth this person serve you for not You gave him a great church. You gave him the king james bible. He has a great job You gave him promotions. You gave him a great wife. You gave him children. You gave him security You gave him all these things but take away those things. Let's see how he acts then So when you when those things are removed from you which in each and every one of us There's a little bit of fear is there not The things that are precious to our life would be removed from us if that were to ever happen Just keep in mind that god thinks highly of you To allow those things to happen to you because he knows you can handle it. Amen Keep in mind that it's satan seeking to accuse you and god is rooting for you He knows that you're not going to charge him foolishly So Don't prove the devil right amen But i'm just proving here that the devils and satan have grounds there look at first kings 22 verse 20 says and the lord said who shall persuade ahab He may go up and fall at raimath gilead and one said on this manner another said on that manner And there came forth the spirit and stood before the lord and said I will persuade him and the lord sent him Wherewith and he said I will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets And he said that thus shall per excuse me Thou shall persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so now this shows you how powerful god is Do you really think god didn't know that this spirit was going to speak up? He knew He just kind of put it out there. He's like i'll be a lion spirit. He's like, all right, i'll let you do that He said it he's like thou shall persuade and prevail also go forth and do so Showing us that demons have a place in heaven even now However at the end they will not go back to revelation chapter 12. We're going to finish up here Look at verse number nine of revelation chapter 12. It says and the great dragon was cast out That old serpent called the devil and satan which deceived the whole world He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with them This is predicted back in luke chapter 10 where jesus said I saw satan falls lightning fall from heaven I'm gonna uh, let's see. Should we go through this? Let me go through this one last verse here. You don't have to turn there isaiah 14 Is I believe obviously it's it's symbolic of or shown as when jesus when uh when satan fell from heaven however I believe it's also foreshadowing when he's actually permanently cast out because it says in isaiah 14 verse 12 How art thou fallen from heaven? Oh lucifer son of the morning How art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations Obviously, he didn't weaken the nations when he first fell from heaven, right? For thou hast said in thine heart. I will ascend up into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of god I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most high now who does that in the new testament? the antichrist He proclaims himself to be god, right? Yet thou shall be brought down to hell To the sides of the pit they that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee and consider thee saying Is this the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake the kingdoms? Now what I believe that's probably referring to and again, this is speculation i'm conjecturing here The in revelation chapter 19 when jesus comes on his white horse and he destroys The antichrist in his army, there's almost a separation made there's not almost there is a separation made there Because you see the antichrist in his prophet being cast into the lake of fire And then the angel comes down who has the keys to the bottom of his pit And takes satan and throws him into the bottom of his pit Okay So it could be that right when he destroys them. There's a separation made and people are able to see satan for who he really is People are able to see the antichrist for who they really are. Okay, and they consider them This is the man that made the earth to tremble that did shake the nations that made the world as a wilderness Don't we see that in revelation 12? And destroy the cities thereof that open not the house of his prisoners all the kings of the nations Even all of them lie in glory everyone in his own house Look at verse number 10 of revelation 12 And heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation and strength in the kingdom of our god and the power of Is christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before god day and night And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death And i'm gonna stop there because we're completely out of time We see verse number 12 that he has a short time. This is referring to those last 75 days So when he's cast out and his and his minions are cast out with him He knows he he has wrath and he knows that he has but a short time How how long is that 75 days? That's why the furnace is turned up seven times hotter And that's why it's referred to great tribulation because that's why he's making war with the saints This is when he is possessed when the antichrist is possessed by satan himself and he makes war With the saints and in revelation chapter 13 We pick up where basically that leaves off Because then we see revelation chapter 13 that war being made being made and what that looks like Etc. So what are some things that we can take away from the second half of revelation chapter number 12? Well, the biggest thing is this is hey don't count out the spiritual warfare that's taking place Even today there's spiritual warfare taking place There's there's a war for the souls of men There are angels that god is sending forth to minister unto you Hey in time times when you're discouraged times when you're depressed times when you're feeling afflicted Just know that there's war taking place Don't count off that war we wrestle not against flesh and blood against principalities is what we're worn after And when you feel that overwhelming sense of anxiety of fear of doubt, there's war being made Pray Keep praying pray without ceasing read your bible Get involved in that spiritual warfare and don't quit Okay You know, it'd be sad It would be a sad thing is you're praying for this kind of this deliverance You're praying for god to provide you're praying for god to protect you and the angels coming He does all this warfare But you quit And he comes and he's like, where'd he go He's gone He didn't endure He didn't afflict his soul. He was not able to endure. He was not able to have that tenacity You know and here here's a good rule of thumb to live by okay When you're doing spiritual battle Even if you're spiritual bleeding out bleed out until you die Never quit Never throw on the towel If you have to completely bleed out Though he's slain me yet. Will I trust him? So why i'm just i'm done. Well, you know what that's great because his strength Is made perfect in our weakness Okay, and when we are weak when we are are at our our wits end that's when god comes through Okay, and we'll be the stronger because of it Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word and thank you lord for Showing us the spiritual warfare that's taking place even now lord And of course the foreshadowing of the ultimate spiritual warfare that we're going to see in the end times I pray god that you'd help us lord to not quit when the going gets tough Help us to remain in prayer help us to remain in the bible May you show yourself strong on our behalf lord Continue to increase our faith. We love you. We thank you. Pray these things in jesus name. Amen