(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You You You Amen thank you all for being here this evening. We're gonna get started with song number 325 as you find your seat song number 325 trust and obey and let's all stand together if you are able to for song number 325 trust and obey Song number 325 we'll see it on that first verse. Oh and we walk with the in the light of his word What a glory he shed on our way While we do his goodwill He abides with us still and with all who will trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy Jesus But to trust and obey not a shadow can rise But a smile quickly drives it away Not a doubt or a fear Not a sign or a tear Can abide while we trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy Jesus But to trust and obey Not a burden we bear not a sorrow we share But our toll he doth richly repay Not a grief nor a loss Not a frown or a cross But his quest if we trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey Trust and obey But we never can prove the delights of his love until on the altar we lay For the favor he shows and the joy he bestows Are for them who will trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey Then in fellowship sweep Or we'll walk by his side in the way What he says we will do where he sends we will go Fear only trust and obey Trust and obey For there's no other way to be happy in Jesus But to trust and obey But to trust and obey Amen wonderful singing let's start our service with a word of prayer dear God my father We thank you so much for dear God for just allowing us to be here in your house this evening We do pray that you please just bless every aspect of our service. Oh God I pray that you please just bless the singing unto you and I pray that you'd also just be with our pastor Oh God, I pray that you please just bless him while he preaches Lord God I pray that you would please just fill in with your Holy Spirit guide him through the scriptures and I pray that you please Lord Just help him work out to preach your word and I pray that you'd also just be with us regarding the congregation that we Would also be attentive to your word being preached unto us or God help it touch our hearts for God Help us help us to be a better Christians. We're going to serve you better. Oh God, you know these things in Jesus name Amen, you may be seated song number five when I survey the wondrous cross on song number five Song number five when I survey the wondrous cross Song number five we'll see it on that first verse When I survey the wondrous cross On which the prince of glory died My richest gift is mine Glory Die My richest gain I count but Lost And poor contempt on all my pride Forbid it Lord that I should boast Save in the death of Christ My God All the things that are me most I Sacrifice them to his blood See from his head his hands his feet Sorrow and love flow mingled down There's such love and sorrow Me Or thorns composed so rich a crown Were the whole realm of nature mine That were a present Far too small Love so Amazing So divine Demands my soul my life my All right, great singing just a few announcements here before we sing our next song Which will be song number 90 if you want to get that ready Jesus lover of my soul song number 90 if you want to get that ready there Of course our sunday morning service is at 10 30 sunday evening at 5 p.m And then of course, we have our thursday night bible study at seven o'clock. We are in the book of matthew on thursday evening So hope to see you there. You see the so many times in teams, of course Happy birthday to you all in the month of june. Sorry for not singing the song Before the preaching but we got it in afterwards. And so please don't be bitter towards me And then um the list of expecting mothers keep them in prayer and then the reminders there at the bottom Please keep that in mind And then the samaria soul morning is coming up on monday june 12th meet here at the building at 11 30 You can see brother elise's hernandez for more details father's day is coming up on On sunday june 18th. We'll have a gift for all the dads that come so make sure you invite your father There's someone's dad on that day and the service will be geared towards fathers. The fourth of july picnic is on tuesday Fourth of july and so, uh, we'll give you more details as we approach that it'll most likely be at eucalyptus park and um But we'll give you more details, uh later on and then the men's prayer nights coming up on friday july 7th 7 p.m. At the church building. We will have uh dinner for everyone who shows up on that evening as well And then one last announcement that's not on here after the service tonight We're just going to take a little bit of time to kind of break up into families And you can choose a partner to pray with but we're just going to have a brief prayer meeting tonight Uh regarding june and the abominations Of june and the fact that our our country is celebrating the abominable act of sodomy We're going to pray against it. And so I want to encourage you to stick around after the service to participate in that And uh, of course you have the regular reminders there at the bottom Please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service Let's go ahead and take some soul-winning numbers from this past week Salvations from monday to thursday any salvations from monday to thursday. How about friday and saturday? Two, okay Eight for a riverside anybody else? How about uh this afternoon salvations for this afternoon one for brother ulysses Two for saturday one today anybody else one One for brother marcus's team and one for brother hike's team Two for brother mori's team anybody else? Okay. Keep up the great work on soul-winning Let's go ahead and sing our next song song number 90 jesus lover of my soul So Song number 90 jesus lover of my soul song number 90 there in your hymnals Song number 90 We'll sing it on that first verse Jesus lover of my soul led me to thy bows of fly While the nearer waters roll while the tempest tip is high Hide me. Oh my savior hide Till the storm of life is past Safe into the haven guide. Oh receive my soul at last Another refuge have I none hangs my helpless soul on thee Leave me leave me not alone still support and comfort me Oh my trust on thee has stayed Oh my help from thee I bring Me Cover my defenseless head while the shadow of the queen Thou old christ art all I want Raise up all and cheer the faith heal the sick and leave the blind Just and holy is Name I am all on righteousness Vowel and full of sin I am thou are full of truth and grace Grace Plentiest grace with thee is found grace to cover all my sin Let the healing streams abound make and keep me pure within Thou of life the fountain art Freely let me take of thee Spring down up within my heart rise to all eternity Amen wonderful singing at this time our ushers will be receiving the offering and please turn your bibles to first timothy chapter one So So So Good evening tonight. We're in first timothy chapter one first timothy chapter one of the bible reads Paul an apostle of jesus christ by the commandment of god our savior and lord jesus christ, which is our hope Under timothy my own son in the faith grace mercy and peace from god our father and the jesus christ our lord As I besought thee to abide still deficits when I went into macedonia that thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith. So do Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and a faith unfeigned From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling desiring to be teachers of the law Understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm, but we know that the law is good if a man use it lawfully Knowing this that the law is not made for a righteous man But for the lawless and disobedient for the ungodly and for sinners for unholy and profane for murderers and father And fathers of murderers and mothers for manslayers for whoremongers for them that defile themselves with mankind For men stealers for liars for purge persons and if there be any other good thing that is contrary to sound doctrine According to the glorious gospel of the blessed god, which was committed to my trust and I thank christ Jesus our lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful putting me into the ministry Who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious, but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief And the grace of our lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in christ, jesus This is a faithful saying and worthy of all Acceptation that christ jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am chief How be it for this cause I obtain mercy that in me first jesus christ might show forth all longsuffering For a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting Now unto the king eternal immortal invisible the only wise god be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen This charge I commit unto thee son timothy according to the prophecies which went before on thee that thou might That thou by them mightest war a good warfare holding faith and a good conscience Which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck of whom is hymenaeus and alexander Whom I've delivered unto satan that they may learn not to blaspheme Let's pray dear god, uh, thank you for the church you've given us lord and thank you for the bible You've given us and we just pray that you're blessed pastor right now He preaches out of your word lord and that uh us in the congregation We could be edified by the preaching lord and go away change lord. We pray this all in jesus name. Amen Amen. All right. We're in first timothy chapter number one this evening and the title of my sermon tonight is Vein jangling vein jangling or another title could be profane and vein babblings profane and vein babblings Babblings profane and vein babblings look at verse number five of first timothy chapter one It says now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and a faith unfeigned From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vein jangling desiring to be teachers of the law Understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm now here in first timothy Of course, the apostle paul is writing to his son in the faith by the name of timothy And he's obviously instructing him on how to be a good leader there at the church at ephesus And of course the these are the epistles what people would consider to be the pastoral epistles because it has the qualifications of a pastor The responsibility of the pastor to teach the congregation and just has a lot of practical teaching When it comes to how to behave yourself in the house of god and he starts off by telling him One of the things that he warns about is hey, make sure no one's giving themselves over to vein jangling now What's interesting is that this is like 2 000 years ago and you know, this is back in the day This is you know first century ad And yet we still have that problem today and it kind of shows you how relevant the word of god is that The sin nature of man is still present today Things that people struggle with churches that struggle with these particular things still struggle with them today You're always going to have someone exerting these type of qualities And giving themselves over to what the bible calls here vein jangling now, let's talk about that What does that mean and tonight's sermon is going to be really practical? But I feel like as a pastor I need to be an overseer in this matter of making sure That our church is normal, right? That it behaves normally it thinks normally it thinks biblically It speaks normally it speaks biblically and then we don't surpass the boundaries of what god says normal should be. Okay And one of the things that we see here that he warns about of course as I mentioned is vein jangling which simply means vein meaning empty and jangling meaning speech, okay Uh, it's not necessarily a word that we would use today a common word today would be wrangling which is basically the same thing It's when you say a lot of things, but you don't you're not really saying anything at all Okay, and you're just kind of rambling on about things that are insignificant Not important and even foolish as we're going to look at in just a bit now Let me give a disclaimer here is that When I talk about vein jangling when the bible talks about vein jangling, it's not referring to talking about subjects in depth Okay And when I say in depth i'm saying that there's actually content in the bible to talk about In regards to that particular topic or subject for example You have the subject of end times bible prophecy where you can go pretty deep into end times bible prophecy And you can extrapolate a lot of principles a lot of doctrines There's a lot of facets of end times bible prophecy, but hold on a second. It's all still found within the bible and so the reason I want to make that point is because You know pastors out there Can often get this attitude that when someone comes to their church and wants to discuss end times bible prophecy And maybe go down a little deep and talk about the intricacies of the end of the world You know these pastors want to write these people off as just one wanting to bane jangle or something Whereas really what it is is they just want to learn the bible, right? They want to learn the timeline the biblical timeline They want to learn about the intricacies of the rapture about the tribulation About the wrath of god and those details are very much laid out in the bible. And so sometimes pastors Because they don't know the bible They want to write people off as oh this person is just into bane jangling They just want to talk about things. We're going to preach the gospel here. We're going to preach about, you know, salvation And practical things whereas the bible specifically says we need to preach the whole council of god, which includes the book of revelation includes the book of daniel Includes a lot of these things that you know A lot of these pastors and churches want to avoid because it requires a lot of study And sometimes pastors don't want to put in the work to study out these subjects study out these matters And so they want to write off these younger converts or these church members that are hungry for the word of god They want to learn what the bible says. They want to write them off as all this. This person is just into vain babbling They're just into vain jangling. But really what they're saying is I can't answer their question Okay, and I don't know what that passage means It's like can you explain to me what revelation 12 means and revelation 12 is a pretty deep chapter in the book of revelation I mean, it's very symbolic in nature It could be very deep a lot of symbolism is used there and it's for that reason a lot of people avoid that chapter, right? And so they bring that up and it's just like you know what brother that's not important, you know, what's important is You know studying the clear passages of scripture, which I agree with we have to study the clear passages But we also have to study the obscure passages as well So the point that i'm trying to make here is that this cannot be used To just write someone off because they ask a question regarding content that is actually found in the bible Okay regarding verses that are actually found in the bible however, vain jangling or those who commit the act of vain jangling Are often guilty of going beyond the boundaries of what god's word teaches Into areas that the bible doesn't even highlight for us, right? They just kind of go off on tangents And scenarios and theories and all these things and it's just like they're just kind of rambling on it's jangling Nothing in the bible talks about that So why would we surpass the boundaries of god's word to talk about something that the bible doesn't even talk about? That the bible doesn't teach god hasn't revealed unto us obviously we can pick certain things from the word of god and maybe uh make some Some or theorize some solutions but at the end of the day we cannot be dogmatic about these things, okay And so here he says, you know, make sure that The people who are teaching at church first and foremost are teaching sound doctrine and they're not giving themselves over to just vain babbling Just talking about nonsense and dumb theories and just kind of twisting and perverting god's word. Okay So that's what we're going to talk about this evening the subject of vain jangling Profane and vain babblings. He said why why do that? Well, you know this letter is written to timothy who is a young man And this subject is covered in first and second timothy It's also covered in titus And it seems to be written to young men And in my opinion in my experience should I say often it's the young men In christian churches who have a tendency to give themselves over to vain jangling, okay? And it's often a matter of immaturity it's often a matter of Just uh ignorance of the bible and there's different factors that play into why they vain jangle why they're vain They're just kind of vainly puffed up and talking about matters that the bible doesn't really talk about But we see here that the apostle paul obviously is addressing timothy and he's telling him, you know This is a tendency or the young men may have a propensity to kind of do these things We need to make sure that we sift that out because we don't want our church to be characterized like that understand And you know what? We don't want our church to be characterized by that either I don't know about you, but I want to have a normal church Okay, and yeah, maybe your definition of normality is different than mine But guess what? You're not the pastor. So I guess it doesn't really matter now, does it? You know, i'm the ordained pastor here. I'm the overseer and we need to normalize people not make them weirder We need to normalize converts and not make them even more weird than how they came in okay And so it's important for us to understand these things now Why is it bad to vain jangle? Okay, when we talk about vain jangling referring to the fact that some people ask questions or they talk about subjects This surpass the boundaries of what the bible even talks about why is that bad? Well, number one is because of the fact that it displays a lack of doctrinal stability, okay? We want to be stable christians, right? Not just in our conduct and our conversation, but even in our doctrine He says there in verse number one paul an apostle of jesus christ by the commandment of god our savior And lord jesus christ, which is our hope unto timothy my own son in the faith grace mercy and peace from god our father And jesus christ our lord as I have a softy to a bistill at ephysis when I went into mastodonia That thou mightest charge some that they teach no other doctrine Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies which minister questions notice it doesn't say dissolves doubts It ministers questions So often people who are guilty of vain jangling they're actually not edifying someone else. They're not providing solutions or answers They're creating more questions is what they're doing He says they're endless genealogies minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith Rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do so these individuals who give themselves over to vain jangling vain babbling They're easily swayed to fables and endless genealogies which in turn causes more doubt More questions not necessarily solutions to current questions of current of doctrines that we see in the bible Now, let me also say this good ephsians 4 hold your place here in first timothy because we're going to come back to that So someone who vain jangles When they start vain jangling, it's simply a display of a lack of doctrinal stability. They don't really know the bible Okay Now they may claim to know the bible. They may talk like they know the bible, but because they Partake in vain jangling. It's an indicator. They don't know the bible And let me just say this as a church you should be reading the bible through every single year, right? Especially if you're if you're planning to be a pastor or you have that goal You know, you should probably read it a couple times a year. Okay, you should read the word of god understand its content And not be given over to fables and endless genealogies that you find on youtube Okay that you find on social media you come up with these weird scenarios that these Youtube teachers bring forth and then you just buy into it You're just showing that you're just doctrinally unstable if you're able to be persuaded To be persuaded to one end or another just in one video By some guy who's not even ordained or some person who's not even qualified to teach the bible You're easily persuaded. You are a babe in christ. Okay Now let me also say this is that in my experience and i'm just going to go ahead and say it The people who are guilty of this the most are often Often have a very inordinate affection and obsession with rewards Let me just say that okay Let me say that again people who often give themselves over to vain jangling will often have this overly obsessive inordinate affection towards rewards Okay So what do you mean by that? Well, you know The the point of the christian life is to be balanced, right? So we love all aspects of the christian life, but we're not looking to obey one commandment over the other We want to be able to balance everything out. We want to be a good soul winner But we also want to be a good student of the bible. We want to be a good husband We want to be a good father. We want to be a great church member. We want to be a good employee We want to be doctrinally sound but also be well in conduct We want to have everything balanced out and we never want to just err on one side over the other Right and say well, this is the most important thing right here And in my experience well from what i've seen and obviously reflecting from god's word here Is that the young men in churches today will often develop this inordinate affection towards rewards for whatever reason Now if you don't know what i'm talking about, it's probably because you're working on being balanced It's probably like why would anybody have an inordinate affection towards rewards? I don't understand that well, it's because of the fact that they're doctrinally unstable You said what do you mean by inordinate affection towards rewards? What does that mean? It's this weird Attitude where it's just like what is the aspect of the christian life that will render me more awards than anything else? Okay And you know what? That's a stupid question to ask That's a really dumb question to ask Because folks you said why is that stupid? Well, because there's a bunch of commandments that god gives us And for someone to ask that question or to think in such a manner is to say jesus. I know you gave me all these commandments But i'm only looking for the one that produces the most rewards for me I mean you see the foolishness in that Like let me just find the commandment That's just the easiest to obey the one that just produces the most rewards And the one can give me the most eternal gains and that's the one i'm going to focus on the most But that's a wrong attitude to have my friends nowhere in the bible doesn't talk about that It tells us to to to obey all things whatever he's commanded us Okay And so we need to be careful that we don't develop some inordinate affection towards rewards or just have an inordinate affection I know this sounds weird, but even towards soul winning, okay We ought to love soul winning and so winning is important. It's important for our church. We're called first works baptist church But sometimes people can develop this attitude or it's just like well, that's the only important ministry in our church So I I just want to capitalize on that particular thing and just forget about everything else. That's a stupid attitude to have Okay, and it often shows that you're just incapable of growing in other areas in your life It often shows that you basically are esteeming Other aspects of the one aspect of the christian life over the others And it's essentially you're you're not esteeming the commandments of god. Okay And again, so winning is important my friends. We need to preach the gospel But that is not the only facet of the christian life if you can't understand that you're still a brand new christian You don't you need to do some growing. Okay, and i'm not by any means Saying that soul winning is not important because it is i'm saying that we need to take care of everything. Okay And so in my experience a lot of times It's these young guys who come in and And let me say this is that they they often develop this inner order of affection towards the ministry of soul winning Which we should have a heart for soul winning, but then it just becomes all about that at the exclusion of everything else And what it does is it produces a holier than thou attitude Because someone is something that everyone can see you do And it negates everything else in the christian life. Okay, and often that type of attitude goes hand in hand with vain jangling And so we never want to be guilty Of just vain babblings just coming up with dumb scenarios What's that one thing that'll give me the most rewards in heaven? Like what is it that I specifically have to do? Does praying like this help me to get more rewards does you know doing this particular thing help me to get more just serve god All right Listen my friends just serve god at every capacity as best as you possibly can and stop asking foolish questions You can invest all that energy that you're at that you're investing into asking questions and to actually serving god And you know what i'm pretty sure a lot of people will be surprised at the judgment seat of christ You know a lot of these people might be surprised to see some other people get more rewards than they are Only because they had a fishing pole in every pond of god's service So you never want to have to develop this inordinate obsession towards a particular thing and look that just doesn't go for rewards I'm, just saying rewards because this is something that always comes up It always comes up It's it's been in our church since we started our church Where people come through and they're just they have this this weird obsession over rewards. I get it online People are constantly asking me online about rewards What if I do this particular way and I I serve god in this area? What if I only win this amount of souls? It's like they think like god literally laid out a ledger in the bible Of how many rewards you can gain each day for soul winning? It's just like it doesn't work that way my friends and it's a wrong attitude to have towards the service of god This isn't your business. This is god's business, but this isn't something where it's just like well god, you know, give me Let's see here. I'll put 20 on On, you know Lucky number seven or something, you know, that's where i'm gonna put all my investment in or something I don't gamble so I don't even know how how to word it or something, you know, i'll put it on Uh number five horse or something to see if that one wins. I think that one's the fastest No, just bet on all of them. Amen i'm not saying bet but But again, these are the same individuals that give themselves over they give heed to fables and endless genealogies They just lie. They're like the epicureans and the stoics Who literally just like talk just hearing about something new? And you know part of the problem I know I had to turn to eephesians 4 we'll go there in just a bit. But part of the problem Is it is the internet? Okay It's youtube Because of the fact that you know youtube and the internet obviously gives us access to a lot of bible preaching But there's obviously a lot of access to a lot of stupid bible preaching, too Okay, but let me let me let's talk about the bible preaching first, okay Because this generation more than any other generation Can literally come to church today For the first time and just know a lot of bible preaching already Not because they put in the work for it, though So they can literally come to this church next week I mean, there's probably someone listening online who's been listening for six months and they're just racking up the knowledge They're just learning all these things through youtube and then they just want to show up like an expert already But then they really put in a whole lot of work did they and to actually studying the bible It's them consuming content through youtube Which obviously there's nothing wrong with that. But hold on a second the men that you're listening to actually put in the work The men that you're listening to actually put in the hours and hours of learning the bible Reading the word of god they come from a generation where you know bible preaching wasn't as necessary readily available as it is today Today you can listen to 20 sermons throughout the week and just learn, you know You can listen to 22 hours of the book of revelation And if you're a decent listener, you can learn a lot Whereas there's other individuals that have taken them 44 88 100 hours to learn the content of the book of revelation To actually provide that for the listener what i'm saying is sometimes you'll get people who come to the church And all of a sudden they're an expert in all bible prophecy They're an expert in all doctrine but expert but not really an expert though, right? They're good at regurgitating what they've heard in the sermon I mean, there's people that can tell you the history of the new ifb even though they joined like three months ago or something I'm, just saying the internet is a tool that can just you know Kind of help you to become a person that you weren't you that you're really not By no study on your own Okay, now you said what's the problem with that don't we want to get information out there as much as possible absolutely That's why we have youtube That's why we try to preach the word of god to hundreds of thousands of people And it's it's definitely helpful, you know, like we got our channel taken down the last couple days in june. I'm not sure why You know just they took it down on june 2nd. I don't know why they would do such a thing, but they took it down But before it got taken down, you know, there's videos on there that reach hundreds of thousands of people We literally have people that came to our church god saved and baptized because of this last youtube channel So i'm going to keep making youtube channels and keep putting out content because it produces a good amount of fruit. Amen But here's the problem when people gain A lot of knowledge and information in a short amount of time Let me explain to you what the problem is when people gain a lot of knowledge In a short amount of time, here's the problem pride Arrogancy pride Arrogancy haughtiness This is the result of learning a lot of information in a short amount of time. So, you know what it requires It requires a specific amount of discipline To learn that information and be a good steward of that information and to be humble To recognize you know what? I didn't necessarily put in the work to learn all this. I just heard a bunch of sermons about it I wrote down all the verses and I just memorized everything and I just I know a lot not necessarily because I put in the work, but other people put in the work for me And so but I need to remain humble And and recognize that you know, I have not yet arrived So you have a lot of these babes in christ that come to church with a lot of knowledge and then become prideful And they begin to have an attitude that they should be esteemed amongst the brethren as being some know-it-all or whatever some some student Uh of the bible But folks it doesn't work that way. Okay And again, sometimes this this creates an atmosphere of people who are given over to vain jangling. Okay Now again, let me just Say this again is that i'm not saying that you can't come to church and let's talk about deep doctrine, right? We can theorize and talk about deep doctrine let me say this when you start arguing about stupid stuff When you guys cannot have a decent conversation About doctrine without one party getting upset at the other and you just argue over days and days and days at that point It's vain jangling When you guys can't come to a reasonable conclusion Of whether Nicodemus was saved or not And you just want to fight about it and argue about it and just all these things brother Robinson, can you thank you we enjoy her singing but You know beautiful beautiful But she's stealing the show. Everyone's loving her singing right now. They're not paying attention to what i'm saying right now You know if you can't come to a reasonable conclusion to that then at that point it's becoming vain jangling if you are Bickering and fighting over something so minuscule as let's just throw it out there. Of course the whether Nicodemus was saved or not Then you know, that's a dumb question after a while now it can't it doesn't have to be a dumb question though You can actually have a decent conversation about that and agree to disagree immediately And just be like, yeah because look mature people say, you know, I I get what you're saying I disagree And this is what I would disagree, but I definitely see from your point of view Other people are just like And they just want to keep going and then you have other people who instigate those conversations even further They add more fuel to the fire They add more endless genealogies and fables and scenarios and it creates this atmosphere Of just profane and vain babblings. Okay, and from my perspective is just annoying It's just an annoying thing. It's just like all right, let's shut up about it Like who cares whether I guess we'll find out when we die Okay I didn't know the gospels were centered around Nicodemus. I had no idea that he's such an important figure in the bible But people make a big deal about this and it becomes vain, jangling. It's not important Learn to have adult conversations where you can come to a reasonable conclusion Even if you disagree with the other person and you can just walk away and continue to have productive conversations Okay The point that i'm trying to make is that instead of ministering questions. We should be dissolving doubts And I constantly online and even in church i'm at i'm answering questions and i'm just like why am I answering this question? This is a pretty obvious answer and I feel like i've answered this multiple times and by the way, let me just say this I i'm willing to answer anybody's question, but folks pay attention in church though Amen Stop falling asleep in church and listen It's been so many times when people have asked me like hey Have you preached on this sermon and I literally preached on it like the week before? I mean that's annoying my friends putting in all the work to prepare a sermon and preach the word of god and then someone comes to me like Have you ever thought about preaching the sermon is just like thought about it already did last week Or have you ever talked about this and I literally talked about that As of recent and they just want me to rehash the entire thing over look folks i'm giving you 50 minutes to an hour of my time teaching you the word of god. Just listen Now, you know, obviously not everyone's gonna has the same attention span and and some things might go over your head You might be thinking about what's for dinner right now and you know your favorite show that you don't want to miss So hopefully I don't go long or whatever or you know You got other things on your mind or you're thinking about your dog. You're thinking about your kitty you're thinking about, you know, whatever Okay, how hot it is in here how cold it is You know, you got other things on your mind. So you're kind of tuning in and tuning out. Okay But let me give you a word of advice before you ask a question think of my man the pastor already covered this Did he cover this? Okay And i'm not saying you can't ask me any questions you can but you know There has to be a level of discretion to say is this a dumb question? Or is that too much to ask right Now I expect brand new christians to ask whatever they want because they don't know a lot So when someone brand new comes to our church Even if they've been listening online or whatever, but they haven't been in our church And it's their first time I let them just ask whatever and I don't I don't shame anybody But I definitely don't shame them because they just don't know a lot but if you've been in our church for quite some time and you're asking things that i've already covered and and you know, Number one i'm either gonna think You're vain jangling Or number two, what's worse? You're trying to catch me in my words Which is also a thing that takes place Which by the way, according to the chapter here in first timothy chapter one You know based upon its context he might be referring to those guys who he gave over to satan that they may learn not to blaspheme So there's actually two types of parties that give themselves over to vain jangling one is the unstable immature christian The other one is actually a wicked person Who does it in order to create confusion and or to catch the pastor in his words? And I have no problem In our church if I feel like someone's trying to catch me in my words. I'll put them on the spot right then and there What does it mean to catch someone in your words? You know, you're trying to catch me saying something else differently than what I said in a previous sermon or a previous statement Okay, that's wicked You know I don't want to give examples, but you know, you understand what I mean? Okay And so when you approach me don't waste my time And don't make me even assume that you're trying to catch me in my words because I will You know cloud up and rain on that because I don't take that lightly You know i'm investing time to preach the word of god and then you come and it's just like you're kind of You're trying to see if i'm going to contradict myself or something like that I'll give you an example. Let me give you an example. It won't be my example. It'll be my pastor friend's example And I didn't ask him for permission, but i'm sure he's fine with it Pastor Jimenez was telling me about an instant because I was telling him about An instance that I had he's like man. I had a similar situation He said that one time and this was like another pastor by the way Who did this to him? He like came to him and he's just like He's like, hey, how's it going? and the pastor pastor man is like great and then the the other pastor was like He's like do you remember me? And you know in pastor man is his mind. He's like man. I don't remember this guy And you know and there's like a temptation To say like to kind of save the guy embarrassment by saying yeah, I think I remember who you are, but he didn't say it He just ended up saying like no actually I don't remember you And so he said I don't remember you and the guy said okay good because we actually never met Wicked That's called can trying to catch someone in their words And i've had people do that here And i've confronted people with that and i've ripped their face off because that's a wicked thing to do my friends And so, you know don't bring this vein jangling vain by the way, it says profane and vain babbling Because it's either you're you're it's never good by the way Either one you're just unstable unlearned Immature or two You know you got an agenda behind that By the way, if you already know what I believe about a subject why come ask me Right Like if you already know what my take is on a particular verse a particular subject Why even open up that can of worms and ask me? Unless you know that maybe one of my pastor friends believes different or something like that Because that's sometimes the case You know, I don't like it when my when people try to pin me against my friends over some ministem Over some minuscule doctrinal issue or question or verse That doesn't look right my friends Okay And I snip that out right away. I'm not for that. But look if you have a doctrinal question i'll answer of course I'm, just saying these endless genealogies these these questions that minister more questions These vain janglings need to stop. Okay And i'm it doesn't happen all the time, but lest it should be a thing in our church, you know That's why i'm preaching this sermon look at ephesians 4 verse 11 It says here and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists some pastors and some teachers For the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ Till we all come in the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the son of god unto a perfect man Unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ that we henceforth be no more children Tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness Whereby they lie and wait to deceive but speaking the truth and love may grow up into him in all things Which is the head even christ? So someone who is given over to fables endless genealogies is referred to here as a child Okay, and it should be our goal as christians to grow out of that, right? And the way we grow out of that is learning what the bible actually says And staying away from crossing the boundaries of what the bible doesn't say Like well, let's figure out What the toe of the dragon in revelation 13 what color that toe was or something like that Okay, and it's often i'm telling this is often the case it's a person who wants to just have a corner on the truth They want to be the ones who have that corner on the truth that discovered this particular thing You don't have to be the expert in everything. You don't have to be the one to find the gold Just rejoicing the gold that's already been found Use the gold and the silver that's already there Okay And what i've learned is that when you approach the bible with that attitude, you know God has a tendency to reveal more things into you Because you've humbled yourself, but i've learned that people who are guilty of vain jangling know the least amount of bible They can't teach me nothing Okay And they're often the ones who are You know speaking of things that just don't pertain to any profitable conversation And so we need to move on from that go back to first timothy Chapter one i'm going to read to you from chapter six and verse 20 says oh timothy keep that which is committed to thy trust Avoiding profane and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so called Which some professing have erred concerning the faith grace be with thee. Amen. What's another what's what's this referring to? Well, there's people who get into profane and vain babblings Using science to debunk the bible or something or they try to fit current science into the bible, right? And the bible says we need to avoid all that nonsense. Okay, you know, this is why we don't have uh You know creation ministry here I'm, not interested in having a creation ministry here I'm, not interested in having one of our church members be the next ken hoven for sure not the next The next ken ham or something The next person who's just is able to take on all of these scholars in the university And just you know demolish them using creation who cares about that nonsense I'm a creationist, but you know what i'm a creationist because the bible says that god created the heavens and the earth The heaven and the earth he says that he created it in six days. It doesn't take much To believe that just read the bible. You don't need to dig anything up for me You don't need to use science to prove the bible I don't need science to validate what the bible says But you know people who are giving over to those types of ministries are often puffed up and proud They're arrogant and prideful. They love to argue They love to dispute they love to debate Under the guise of well, we're just trying to win them to the lord. Well, that's funny I don't debate people when i'm out door knocking and I get them saved You say how because I go to the door already knowing that i'm right There's no debate about it The bible's right He said what if they don't agree to that then I dust off My feet and I move on to the next door and I win other people to christ We don't need a creation science ministry and let's find the ark of the covenant You know, that's you know, the ark of the covenant is right under the cross in gal gotha and it has human blood I mean, you know what i'm talking about? What's that guy's name? ron white He's like And you know the jews are he's like He's like it's living blood Whose blood is it? It's the blood of your messiah right That's what he said Because he claims the blood that supposedly he found in the supposed ark of the covenant that supposedly was below the cross at gal gotha That it had the blood of jesus. It was still living blood implying that it's jesus's blood And then when the jew had the rabbi or whatever like who's whose blood is it? It's the blood of your messiah Freaking liar That guy's a seven-day adventist Is he still alive Yeah, there you go. You guys in hell, so it doesn't even matter Let's say let's say let's say it was the blood of jesus christ Apparently didn't do him any good because he's in hell right now because he didn't even believe in that blood And so, you know don't allow yourself to be swayed by these oppositions of science false is so called especially on social media on instagram that bring up these videos about You know, oh man this river just dried up. Oh, man, this river just got filled up. Oh, man This is like they're obsessed with all these rivers It's like rivers come and go my friends. This is the fulfillment of bible prophecy And then here we are a year later. Nothing's happening It's all for views. It's these narcissistic You know creators these influencers that don't know what they're talking about They're just persuading you and going out and by the way, no one leaves those videos saying you know what? I know the bible really well now They walk away having more questions And in fact, I guarantee they walk away with more doubt about the bible Especially when those things don't come to pass They doubt the bible even more So these people are guilty These Influencers or whatever are guilty of creating more doubt in the word of god and turning more people away from god's word Not because of how they said the truth, but because they're lying About the truth they're turning the truth of god into a lie Thus creating an audience that no longer has faith in the bible Because the information that was presented to them was falsified. It's fake. It's not true. It's not doctrinal And so beware of these people And unfortunately, we do live in a society that you know, the simple passed on and are punished A lot of simple people on the internet who will watch a 60-second video like that and just believe it and it's just not true And look people don't even have to believe what I say in 60 seconds. Go look for it for yourself The investigation fears no the truth fears no investigation So when I do a 60-second short Look it up. You can see it in the bible. You can listen to a sermon You can read it in the word of god yourself and see that it's true You're in first timothy And so vain jangling often displays a lack of doctrinal stability But it also stems from a heart that has the wrong motives Because when someone is jangling they're just babbling on they're trying to make themselves seem as though they know something When in actuality they don't know anything And so they often expose themselves for actually being ignorant of the bible rather than intelligent and knowledgeable about doctrine And let me say this is that you know, the the more you talk The more we know how much you know The more you talk the more we know how much you claim to know actually Okay, look at verse five. Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience And a faith unfamed So he's saying here that they teach nor the doctrine And then he talks about the fact that this commandment that he's given them should come from a heart When when timothy actually executes this it should come from a heart that loves the people, right? Not because he's trying to lift himself up Not because he wants people to think that he's knowledgeable about the bible It's because he actually wants to help the people in his congregation. Okay referring to timothy here It should come from charity out of a pure heart a good conscience and real faith Faith and fame is just like not a fake faith. Okay This is why young men who want to be pastors You better go into the ministry with the right motives With the right motives, so what motive is that I thought the motive was like to be A famous man of god or something like that. No, it's not The motive should be that you want to teach the word of god you want people to be edified by the preaching of god's word You desire to oversee God's people to lead them in the way of righteousness You know why I love my job is because every sunday and every thursday I leave fulfilled knowing full well that I was able to preach god's word to help someone grow in their faith To become a better christian and I was able to turn someone to righteousness Amen, I mean i'm energized anytime I come to church When I come to church, I love helping people with their problems. I love talking about doctrine. I love leading people into righteousness These are the things that I love. I don't do this because oh, I might be on the news next week or something like that I don't care about that stuff If it happens, it happens. I don't put myself in a position to be on the news if it happens it happens Like when we were on the news on fox 11 a couple years ago I didn't give them those clips. I didn't say hey put the clips like this to make me look cooler or something like that You know, they went they picked all that out and he puzzled all whoever the editor was did an awesome job And I was like dang this thing is cool this made me look cool But I didn't I didn't premeditate and think to myself i'm gonna preach this and say this You know what I mean? So hopefully they'll use this part right here. You know what I mean? It's just like just put it all out there and let them choose right But even then you know if we if you never make it into the news And no one ever finds out who you are. That's not the purpose of pastoring Purpose of pastoring is to edify Train the saints for the work of the ministry to perfect the body of christ Feed the sheep feed the flock of god and help them, right? Preaching god's word. I mean, I love to preach god's word. That's that's my that's what I love to do I love preaching god's word. I'm not perfect at it. I'm not the best at it. I stumble I make mistakes But you know what? This is a passion that I have and it comes from a heart that Rejoices when the light bulb goes on on a convert When someone's in church and they're like I get it or I made a decision to stop drinking or I made a decision To get right with god because I love that But the vain jangler can care less about those things The vain jangler doesn't want to help people The vain and profane babbler has no desire to help people grow in their faith. You say what do they desire? They want self-recognition. They want people to recognize them. They want the accolades of men That's what they want. So what they'll do is they'll vain jangle in hopes that you'll think that they're pretty smart Because of the questions and theories that they propose It's stupid. And in fact, look what it says in verse six from which some having swerve having turned aside into vain jangling Desiring to be teachers of the law Is it to help people though? No It says understanding neither what they say nor where they affirm So they'll talk about the law what the bible says. It's just like this guy has no idea what they're talking about They don't know what they're saying and they don't even know where to confirm it They don't even know where that is in the bible So And this is often the case this is pretty much 99 percent of christian youtubers This is the scariest verse in the bible stick around to the end you'll find out why This is all videos like that Oh, man, it's like cringe i'm not exaggerating either that's that's how they talk Geo just sent me a tik tok, you know, geo's always on tik tok tell by the way he looks You know geo sent me a tik tok of this guy and I think the guy is on uh, that paul guys podcast Thanks, but what's the paul what's the paul guy's name? Logan like he had like you really have to think about that one. Oh Logan paul Logan paul is that he's on his podcast, right? The guy the video you sent me And he's like literally on there right and of course they put the dramatic music And he's speaking because he's on his podcast and he's literally like i'm built different Remember when I talked about that a couple weeks ago Warning again, actually that was last week. Never mind, you know, i'm getting older. So forgive me last week I was preaching on that this guy literally went on there. He sent this to me This week and the guy's like i'm built different and he's talking about christianity, too He says I can never get away from god because i'm built different You know, it's just I love god and he's just boasting of how devoted and loyal he is to to god The guy's probably not even saved But this is the vain jangling that is out there Profane which means unholy talk Because what christian talks like that? I'm, just built different. I'm never going to forsake god. Okay, peter And and people eat that up with fork and spoon But these people are designed to be teachers of the law But they don't know what they're talking about you hand that guy a bible and say find me a verse that says that you're built different So And look I could even pull out some verses to actually help his point But I wouldn't help him i'd be like, you know what the bible says i'm fearfully and wonderfully made For we are his workmanship created in christ. Jesus unto good works, which got it before our day that we should walk in it And I would tell him find me that verse he wouldn't be able to find that He's full of vain jangling profane babbling doesn't know what he's talking about He just wants to be esteemed as someone who does know what they're talking about But we don't want to have that atmosphere in our church don't be like that guy You say well, you know, I do want to be esteemed as being someone who knows god's word Then then okay If you have a genuine desire to have that and and you feel like there's nothing wrong with it Then keep your mouth shut and learn the bible for five years 10 years 15 years 20 years Just read the word of god and read the word of god, you know, and and People will come to you Stop going to people Trying to show them how much you know, wait till people come to you Stop going to people spewing out how much information you have wait for people to come to you Because if you're always the one having to go to people to tell them how much you know That should show you something that people probably don't want to listen to you Are we okay tonight If people have to if you have to constantly go to people to tell them information and just Vomit out everything that you know, it probably shows that people don't want to listen to what you have to say Because they probably realize you don't have much to say The bible says in jeremiah, you don't have to turn to three verse 15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding What's another reason why people vain jangle? Or what's what should we should I say? What's the result of vain jangling? Well, I think I mentioned this already but you know, it's speech that can lead to blasphemy actually Because when people begin to vain jangle and create all these theories that surpass the boundaries of the content of god's word They can get involved in things that are not in the bible and actually become blasphemous in certain areas. Okay And we see this example in first timothy one And verse 19. It says holding faith and a good conscience which some having put away concerning faith had made shipwreck Of whom is hymenaeus and alexander whom i've delivered unto satan that they may learn not to blaspheme now We don't know exactly what hymenaeus and alexander said What got him in trouble? But they obviously blasphemed And you know all that and i'm i'm not even sure if hymenaeus and alexander are saved. We don't know the bible doesn't explicitly tell us but Probably this could have been avoided if they should just shut up If Hymenasian alexander just never said anything they probably wouldn't have gotten involved in this situation. Okay? Now go to second peter chapter three i'm going to explain to you why people who vain jangle have a tendency to Overstep their boundaries of of doctrine of god the doctrine of god's word and possibly result in blaspheming Look at second peter chapter three in verse 15 We're going to come back to first timothy Second peter 315 says an account that the long suffering of our lord is salvation even as our beloved brother paul Also according to the wisdom given unto him has written unto you Also as also in all his epistles speaking in them them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood Which they that are unlearned and unstable Rest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction So it says here that there's certain individuals that will take the hard sayings of paul And they would begin to rest them rest means to twist Kind of twist it they rest like wrestle it they twist it and it's because they're unlearned and unstable I admire a person in our church Who knows the basics Sticks to the basics and doesn't even necessarily need to let everyone know that they know the basics They're just kind of growing the lord. They just learn the bible They'll ask questions here and there They're not necessarily want to be the center of attention when it comes to knowledge They're just a person who's growing that's appropriate attitude to have But the individual who's unlearned and unstable Because they're constantly flapping their gums wanting to disperse the knowledge that they don't have They're bankrupt of knowledge they can also Blaspheme and teach weird things really weird things You know where even sometimes they allow their political views to get involved into their doctrinal views You know Whatever views they have regarding the the the the current situation the culture just kind of influence their doctrine And then they can they end up twisting the scriptures And you know, they they twist them. They wrestle them they take things out of context and it can result in blaspheming the word of god Okay, go to second timothy chapter two And you know don't overlook that and think well, you know, that's not going to happen to me or something, you know, but it can though Because if you're confident in what you're saying, even though it's wrong You're just confidently teaching that which is wrong You can get involved in blasphemy teaching wrong doctrine false doctrine And so just keep learning god's word just stick to the basics Look at second timothy 2 15. It's a study to show thyself approved unto god A workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth, but shun profane and vain babblings so he's saying you know, just Don't be a vain babbler shun that stuff. Just get away from that For they will increase unto more ungodliness So if you allow yourself to just vainly talk and vainly babble it's going to increase unto more ungodliness And their word will eat as doth the canker of whom is hymenaeus and philetus who concerning the truth have erred Saying that the resurrection is passed already and overthrow the faith of some And look i've personally seen this as a pastor at our church where people can become So profane and vain in their babblings where they begin to surpass the boundaries of the doctrines and content of god's word And then they start teaching some weird stuff And i'm serious i've been told you know that this might be the tribulation And they could even convince other people We might be you know, 2020 came around And then you had the coronavirus And it's just like corona crown gives a crown and You know just like and you know what they were able to convince some people that possibly were going through the tribulation But you know what unlearned and unstable people though You see how dangerous that can be And look I don't Again, I don't try to shame people like that but if they're talking to me, I just kind of look at them like I don't think that's the case and obviously they know more than me. So they're they feel bad for me They're you know, their minds are like this poor pastor He's a good, you know, I love the new fb he's a good pastor, but he's just he's just wrong in this area, you know Just but here we are in 2023 And which would essentially, you know, uh mark, I don't know the the fourth or the fifth horseman Or the fourth horseman and then the fifth seal right Don't really look like it Because people have people have thought that like the vaccine was the mark of the beast Yeah By the way, stop talking about the stupid vaccine anyways This is church bring your look we're all against the vaccine We don't need to win each other to christ here when it comes to the vaccine Like do I need to preach the gospel to every single person in here? No, because everyone pretty much here is generally that as far as I know everyone's saved here So we don't need to preach the gospel in here because everyone's safe Well, I don't think you need to go around preaching The gospel of anti-vaxx either because pretty much everyone knows where we stand on that here This is church. Let's talk about church things talk about life. Don't allow your political views to start inserting into Church culture in here if you wanted to if you want to allow it to dictate your life that's on you But don't bring that stuff here Okay. So what's the problem with that? Well, I don't know, you know, i've been in old ifb church Where you know their political views started infiltrating the churches and they became Republican fox news baptist. That's how that's how it turned out And so don't think you're you're above that that that can't happen to you because it can okay, we need to keep church church But you know, they start teaching weird things weird doctrines time travel, I mean it's out there You know flat earth That's a big one Okay, that's vain profane and vain babbling and i'll say it again it's stupid It's a stupid doctrine. I don't care how many listeners that we have are flat earthers. You're an idiot for believing those things Plain and simple. Well, you're not being sensitive enough folks if the bible teaches that the earth is round And you're like, yeah, but this one video makes a great case If the bible I mean are we bible believing christians here Are you saying that the that some video makes a better case than the bible does? Think about that Let's let's think about that for a minute. We don't have flat earthers in here. So you you know, we're good Okay, as far as I know The bible makes a far greater case and it's just like yeah, but this You know, this one video is just really good. You mean you oh you mean like that six hour video Where you don't see the guy's face And he uses like nib verses and stuff. Is that what you're talking about? But you know what that's what it's talking about when it increases into moral and godliness And look here's a perfect example of vain babblings That leads it increases into moral and godliness tyler doka Is a perfect example of someone who came out as a flat earther the the savior of the flat earthers Because he was a new ifb guy or whatever which he wasn't It's so funny I was talking to the the guest stars were here earlier from verde And and mrs. Guest was one of her daughters was just like, oh the guy with no shoulders You know what that's true The guy actually and I thought about I was like, yeah He kind of looks like my son would draw him or something He looks like a kid's drawing or something with like no shoulders because he's just kind of like falls, you know, he's just like That was like the best description I heard of tyler doka But you know, he he comes out as a flat earther Which is a profane and vain topic Okay, and if you don't believe me just talk to any flat earther any subject you talk about it'll always come back to the flat earth always Oh, but did it stop there no it increases into moral and godliness Because then you start teaching the christians can go they're going to go to hell. They're going to go to the lake of fire And then it increased into more on godliness where now he's teaching that he's jesus Even to the point where he's like measuring his dome His reprobate mind he's measuring it and saying that the measurements of his dome are the same measurements of the temple I mean, that's a pretty good example right there, wouldn't you say? That's what happens when you know study to show yourself approved unto god Where you give yourself over to vain profane and vain babblings increasing unto more in godliness and then you blaspheme Which is exactly what tyler adoka did Now that's an extreme example, but that's a good example in my opinion a good example of a bad example All right, go to titus chapter two if you would titus chapter two So Titus chapter two You know god commands us to have sound speech. Okay, and I don't want you to be discouraged from like Getting with your pals or whatever and discussing the bible Because I find that very edifying. I think it's a good thing It's one quality about our church that I really love is that men can just get together and just talk about the bible But you know don't take it to the point where you're just discussing things that God didn't put in the bible or he didn't intend for you to know or create scenarios That are just kind of like what's the point of that question? There's like no point You know, like how many rewards do you think will get? For like destroying reprobates in the millennial reign or something. It's just like I'm just like I just want to walk away, but i'm like that's a dumb question Do you think we'll be designated to like execute reprobates in the millennia? I don't know what that's why are you even thinking about that? But i'm this this inordinate obsession over a particular topic though Stop asking stupid questions like that. And that was my last point. My last point was, you know, don't ask stupid questions I don't agree with my elementary teacher that said there is no such thing as a stupid question. There actually is okay Now little kids look look my kids vain babble and that's okay They jangle because they're kids My daughter my son are constantly asking me and they ask me actually really good questions sometimes Sometimes it's just like they're questions that kids would ask it's just like, you know And you kind of have to be like, okay, I'm going to ask you a question. I'm going to ask you a question And you kind of humor them or you just you're merciful because they don't know they're little kids But when a grown man asks those questions, there's a problem Like for example my son, you know, we're on our way home last week or something and he had a sincere question He's like is it possible? It was like a really deep question and I was kind of already done with church Like when I go home I'm, just like i'm taking off the pastor cape and i'm just like i'm ready to be just a normal person again You know no more human being just like, you know, not be not do church And then he's just like dad Is it possible for christian Who let's say they're saved To like help reprobates against other christians And I was just like man, that's too deep right now like i'm not I'm, like where was that question earlier? Like that's a good question. Actually, that's like worthy of my time to answer And he's like, you know, they're saved but maybe they're so backslidden that they help reprobates against other christians And I was just like, yeah, that's well, you know, I just answered the question and you know He's it's not like he's like trying to show off either. He's just talking to me And he asked me a couple questions like that and I thought to myself These are really legitimate good questions because he just was curious about it He's like what about this scenario right here because you know, he's six years old So we still like understanding a lot of these concepts then it's not like we drill him either We're not like hey definition of reprobate go Definition of this go He just learns them and then you know, the holy spirit because he's saved Is working in his heart and he's just kind of learning these things, right? But that's not to say that he doesn't ask me a silly question every now and then okay Because he's a little kid and so they jangle every once in a while, but you don't want adults jangle. That's a problem Okay Because we should know better, okay Don't ask dumb questions Don't ask me. How many reprobates am I going to get in the millennial reign? Don't ask me like hey Do you think that the new IFB will be designated for sodomites in the millennial reign? I don't know. I don't care That's such a weird mentality and you know what all you're showing is what you're obsessing over here I said well, don't you think about the millennial reign? Absolutely I think about the millennial reign all the time, but you know why I think about it because i'm sick of this world And I want to be with Jesus But i'm not thinking like oh man. I wonder what my horse is going to look like, you know, like Man, I wonder what part of the country and you know, oh man i'm gonna you know, do this I'm gonna get these people back or I'm just thinking of millennial reign as a hope that is set before me Okay So god commands us to have sound speech it says in titus 2 6 young men likewise or verse 1 actually says But speak out of the things which become sound doctrine verse 6 young men Likewise exhort to be sober minded and all things showing thyself a pattern of good works in doctrine showing uncorruptness Gravity sincerity sound speech listen to this that cannot be condemned The he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to say of you. Hey young man follow this You know every young man wants respect But not every young man knows how to get it Every young man wants respect, but they don't necessarily know how to get it And he if you want to be respected Give yourself a pattern of good works You want a good reputation in our church should be a blessing in our church You Don't earn respect by asking for respect You don't earn respect by telling people to respect you You earn respect based upon the works that you do The reputation that you build in our church of being a blessing and being humble okay and Just let me say this You may not know that you're vainly babbling and jangling But you should know it now though And so you know after this You know, and by the way, i'm not preaching against people I'm, not angry with someone as the pastor. Sometimes I have the uncomfortable responsibility to preach like a sermon like this you know and and you know kind of call these things out because You know, we need to make sure that we keep a normal church here And that the young men in our church grow up to be Functioning members of society and of their church Uh, you know responsible husbands and responsible fathers and just godly young men but part of that is just shunning profane and babe mabblings and not giving yourselves over to just endless genealogies and fables and what your favorite podcaster just said your favorite conspiracy theorist came up with or whatever You know that that's not a way to earn respect my friends. That's not a way to get godly Let me finish up here. Look go to titus chapter three So It says in verse number eight This is a faithful saying and these things I will that I will affirm constantly The day which I believed in god might be careful to maintain good works These things are good and profitable unto men you say, you know, I don't really like how you say don't ask stupid questions It's kind of like rude, you know, it's like Why would you say it like that? Well verse nine says but avoid foolish questions Foolish means stupid So the bible actually says we should avoid stupid questions I try to avoid them by hearing stupid questions. You should avoid them by asking by not asking stupid questions So you need to filter what you're about to say Okay And when you approach someone and you know, you want to impress someone with your knowledge, you know, don't Just kind of listen You swift to hear slow to speak And and here and here's the thing is that you know What the bible teaches my friends listen to me what the bible teaches is that the less you speak the more people think that you know So even if you don't know anything you could actually cause people to think that you do know quite a bit Because the bible says that people are esteemed when they don't when they shut their mouths They're actually esteemed as being people of knowledge It's like oh this guy probably knows what he's talking about because he doesn't talk a whole lot Whereas the person who's constantly flapping his gums is just like, okay We know this person doesn't know anything because he they've displayed to us that they don't know anything You understand And so, you know the sermon is really practical tonight. I hope I didn't offend anybody. But if I did, you know get over it And and and give heed to this. I don't hate you. I'm not angry with you I don't uh esteem you any less than anybody else But you know, these are warnings that we need to give and give heed to To make sure that we don't turn to this church of just Jangling and vain bambling which by the way a lot of churches out there. They kind of characterize churches like ours as being And I refuse to have that stigma in our church Because I know we have intelligent people in our church I know we have godly people in our church. I see my people to be very knowledgeable very godly very loving right But that's not to say that every once in a while. We won't get a couple people Who you know, they need to be taught in those ways And be refined in those ways So that they don't behave in such a manner That is contrary to the conduct of that god highlights in the bible And so, um, that's pretty much it avoid vain jangling, uh, especially now after the service Okay You know, we're going to be fellowshipping but hey, we're going to be able to pray together And maybe one of the prayers is like lord help me not to vain jangle, you know Help me not to be a vain babbler. Now if you're one of these people and you walk away in your life I got a lot to say today And I know that sermon wasn't for me That's for like, you know, I know who that's talking about then you didn't get it you didn't get it Okay, everyone should be able to apply this sermon And so let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word Help us as your people lord to take into account Beforehand what we say lord help us not to get involved in vain janglings. There's enough in the bible to talk about There's enough clearly laid out in the word of god There's enough content to to talk about and highlight and discuss and enjoy and be edified over I pray that you help us as your people to do so lord and help us To shun profane and vain babblings, uh, so that ungodliness does not spread in our church Bless our prayer meeting tonight the brief prayer meeting that we're going to have lord as we ask you to spare our nation over The abominations done in the midst and I pray that you bless us as we go on our way in jesus name. Amen Song number 187 jesus loves me as our last song song number 187 Song number 187 seen on that first verse Sing it out unto the lord jesus Loves me this I know for the bible tells me so little They are weak Yes, jesus loves me yes, jesus loves me Yes, jesus loves me the bible tells me so Jesus loves me he who died heaven's gate to open wide He will wash away my sin Let his little child come in Yes, jesus loves me yes, jesus loves me Yes, jesus loves me the bible tells me so Jesus loves me he will stay Close beside me all the way Thou has fled and died for me I will henceforth live for me Yes, jesus loves me Yes, jesus loves me Yes, jesus loves me the bible tells me so So Okay at this time I want uh encourage you to go with your families stay right here And uh, just break up into families and if you don't have your family with you Just find someone in an auditorium that you can pair up with and it doesn't have to be a long prayer meeting We're just kind of praying briefly. Here's a couple things you can pray over you can end this