(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right we're in Numbers chapter 25 look down at your Bibles at verse number six it says here and behold one of the children of Israel came and brought into his brethren a Midianites woman in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and when Phinehas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest saw it he rose up from among the congregation and took a javelin in his hand and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and thrust both of them through the man of Israel and the woman through her belly so the plague was stayed from the children of Israel and the title of the sermon this morning is when the plague was stayed when the plague was stayed now this morning I'm gonna preach the final installment on the subject of vaccinations and last year about a couple months ago I preached a sermon entitled when the priest shall look upon the play this is gonna be the second installment of that for our documentary on vaccinations now before we get into the story in number chapter 25 let me give you just some introductory statements just to set a foundation a platform for what we're about to talk about this morning first and foremost what is a plague we see in number chapter 25 a plague taking place now how can we define a plague today well a plague is simply an epidemic disease or a pestilence that causes a high mortality rate that's what a plague is now when we think of plagues we often think of the plagues the famous plagues found throughout history right you have for example the Justinian plague in five what is it 541 AD where it reached the Byzantine capital of Constantinople and literally was destroying at least 10,000 people a day where the mortality rate was so high they literally had to stack the bodies into buildings or just leave them out in the open this is a plague how about the bubonic plague also known as the black plague in 1347 that killed as many as 50 million people more than half the population of Europe how about the Italian plague in 1629 they killed about 280,000 people including over the half the residents in Verona how about the great plague of London and the list can go on and on and on this is what a plague does these are the consequences and the repercussions of a plague spreading out through a population these were pandemics that consumed entire countries continents and societies at large everyone was affected by this play whether innocent or guilty righteous or wicked no one was spared from a plague good people died and also bad people because when a plague hits what happens it affects everyone it affects everyone now here's the thing is that plagues are mentioned in the Bible okay and when you study plagues in the Bible very interesting there's actually two types of plagues found within the Word of God number one are those caused by uncleanness okay you will primarily see this in the book of Leviticus and when God gives instructions to the priesthood to quarantine someone who has the plague of leprosy for example because of its contagiousness they understood the repercussions of the plague of leprosy and they understood that it was due to the fact that someone was unclean now but the vast majority of the plagues found in the Bible are actually for example in the book of Exodus which most people are familiar with the plagues that fell upon Egypt but you also have the plagues throughout the Bible and in the book of Revelation where God is pouring down his wrath upon the earth so keep in mind these are the two types of plagues that we see in the Bible those caused by uncleanness and those caused by God those caused by God because of a nation's blatant rebellion against him and his word you know the plagues in Egypt perfect example of that because of because the fact that Pharaoh hardened his heart towards God what did God do he sent plagues that destroyed the people we see the plagues in Revelation because of their wickedness because God sends them a strong delusion because of their hatred for God he sends what plagues that destroys the land you're in numbers chapter 25 we'll go back to go to go to number chapter 16 if you would numbers chapter 16 so there are plagues caused by uncleanness the plague of leprosy but there are plagues that have nothing to do with the diseases there are plagues that have nothing to do with the pestilence sometimes it's just the wrath of God upon a nation let's see an example of that look at number 16 verse 44 and the Lord spake unto Moses saying get you up from among the current this congregation that I may consume them as in a moment and they fell upon their faces and Moses said unto Aaron take a sensor and put fire there in from off the altar and put on incense and go quickly into the congregation and make an atonement for them for there is wrath gone out from the Lord the plague is begun and Aaron took him as Moses commanded and ran into the midst of the congregation and behold the plague was begun among the people and he put on incense and made an atonement for the people and he stood between the dead and the living and the plague was stayed verse 49 now they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred beside them that died about the matter of Korah and Aaron returned to Moses unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and the plague was stayed what do we see here we see God's wrath being poured but what do we see this is defined as a plague go to chapter 31 numbers chapter 31 if you would numbers chapter 31 if you remember the story of Balaam the son of Bozor who was a false prophet in the Bible we see that Balak was trying to curse the children of Israel and he wanted to use Balaam's preaching to do so Balaam could not curse the children of Israel because God had not cursed them what did he do instead he taught the people how to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols and what happened the plague the wrath of God fell upon Israel because of that look at verse 16 behold these caused the children of Israel through the Council of Balaam to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord go to Deuteronomy chapter 28 what do we see when it comes to place what is the main factor what is the main thing that we see the main factor the main element between plagues that having to do with uncleanness and plagues having to do with God's wrath death death is always the result of the plague well that's God's right that's not a plague death is the result of that of both of them that's why it's called a plague look at Deuteronomy 28 verse 58 and just keep in mind in the Bible because we are Bible believing Christians you know we regard the science when it coincides with the Bible we regard popular opinion if it coincides with the Bible we regard you know any type of knowledge as long as it's it submits and coincides with the Word of God but once it goes outside of the scope of the Word of God it's rejected and let me say this is that God specifically says that these plagues will come upon a people who disobey his word look at Deuteronomy 28 verse 58 if that will not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in the book and this book that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name the Lord thy God then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful now by the way that doesn't mean like beautiful I tell you we think oh that's wonderful look at all these people in church this is wonderful wonderful simply means that it will leave you in wonder you know you ever seen some catastrophe and it leaves you with your jaw dropped it just leaves you speechless that means that event was wonderful it caused you to wonder at the catastrophe that just took place this is what God is saying then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful and the plagues of thy seed the children even great plagues and of long continuance and sore sickness of long continuance but what is it why why is it that that came upon them well if you will not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book God says if you choose to disobey disregard completely rebel against the Word of God this is what's gonna happen and look Jesus Christ is the same today yesterday and forevermore amen this has not changed this concept has not changed God has not changed God is immutable there is no shadow of turning with him the same thing is taking place today whether because of the embracement of abominable practices or just clear violation of cleanliness plagues are often the result of it but here's the thing they both have the same outcome sickness death and high mortality rates oh but but it's God's wrath what what if it's just God pouring out his wrath we can't consider that play that's God's wrath they're one in the same because the result is the same the vehicle that they use to get to that destination of death doesn't even matter right the vehicle that God uses to cause that high mortality death rate doesn't even matter it's still a plague because it causes many to die go back to number chapter 25 if you would number chapter 25 now with that in mind we just read about a plague in number chapter 25 people are dying high mortality rate the plague was stayed it was restrained it was detained only for a moment but it was a plague nonetheless why is it that it was a plague look at verse number one and Israel bowed and shit him and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab and they called the people into the sacrifices of their gods and the people did eat and bow down to their gods and Israel join themselves unto Baal Peor and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel what do we see God is ticked off why because they're worshiping other gods that's why his anger was kindled verse 4 and the Lord sent him to Moses take all the heads of the people and hang them up before the Lord against the Sun that the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned away from Israel oh I thought God is all love I thought God is love it's in the Bible take all the heads of the people and hang them up before the Lord against the Sun this is very grievous but it shows you the severity it shows you the depth of God's anger because of the idolatry in the land I think he overreacted I think he wasn't you know the God of all the earth will do right he's righteous and look to add insult to injury look at verse six so this is taking place people are dying people are being hung the children of Israel are weeping because of the plague that's going throughout the land here to add insult to injury verse six and behold one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a median nightish woman in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel so while this is happening this guy's like I don't care grab me a median nightish woman they go into the tent in the sight in front of God and everyone who were weeping before the tap the door of the tabernacle of the congregation verse 7 and when Phinehas the son of Eliezer this man's got stones and this man's got a backbone when Phinehas the son of Eliezer the son of Aaron the priest saw it he rose up from among the congregation and took a javelin in his hand now let me just remind you when it says in front of the whole congregation that means the whole congregation saw it but when Phinehas saw it he actually did something about it you know everyone sees the elephant in the room in the United States of America everyone sees the sin that is plaguing the country everyone sees all the abominations that are being embraced we're just waiting for Phinehas to stand up and actually do something about it he rose up from among the congregation and took a javelin in his hand he's not doing the Olympics here this javelin is for a different purpose verse 8 and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and thrust both of them through the man of Israel and the woman through her belly so the plague was stayed from the children of Israel what do you do human shish kebab that's what he did oh that wasn't politically correct well the plague was stayed the plague was detained it was restrained from going any further because one man stood up and actually did something about it something that was politically incorrect but look at verse 9 and those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand how many people have to die because of this blatant disobedience to God's Word this is a vivid description of our society today this describes and portrays it illustrates the United States of America today to the team let's talk about the plagues of today could we see how this took place in the Old Testament we see this took that how it took place with the children of Israel why is it that this plague came upon them how many people died and what this person had to do in order to refrain it from going any further but let's talk about the plagues of today and before we get into the physical plagues such as vaccines let's just talk about the sin that is plaguing our land today you know the Bible tells us in Matthew 24 you have to turn there verse 11 and many false prophets shall arise and shall deceive many and because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold what is the Bible telling us here well Matthew 24 is a chapter dedicated to end times Bible prophecy and in the end times perilous times shall come is it gonna get any better no it's only gonna get worse the Bible says that iniquity shall abound it will grow it will just completely abound and permeate every aspect of society nothing is gonna get better in this side of eternity go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 if you would well I just think if we just could get the White House on our side hey the answer is not in the White House it's in the church house the answer is not in your Savior Donald Trump it's in the Savior the Lord Jesus Christ and look I'm all I'm all for the Constitution but the answer is not in the Constitution it's in the Word of God it's in the King James Bible this is where the answer is this is where we need to redirect our focus to look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse number 1 this no also don't be ignorant then in the last days perilous times shall come skip down to verse 12 yay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse well I just think if we just get a Bible believing Christian into the office you know I just think if if we could just convince the these politicians to go in our favor I want God's favor forget the politicians a bunch of lying devils I want God's favor I want Jesus Christ favor why don't you want the politicians favor because evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived and that sounds like a politician right there right they promise you something then they don't deliver that's called deceiving then what are we supposed to do what are we supposed to do look at verse 14 but continue thou and the things which thou hast learned and has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them we're to be Christians we're to continue in the Word of God we're to continue in doctrine hey we're to continue winning souls to Christ we're to continue exposing wickedness wicked agendas nefarious agendas against God's Word and if it cost us our life so be it you know these plagues in our countries are due to direct disobedience of God's Word okay you know what plagues are you talking about how about STDs and venereal diseases how about chlamydia and gonorrhea how about all these venereal diseases that are plaguing the land of the United States of America you say oh what's the what disobedience is that how about don't fornicate a society that completely propagates promotes glorifies fornication sex outside of marriage what is the result of that God's wrath God's plagues that come down in the form of HIV how about the embracement of sodomy transgenderism all the filth and the smut that comes from Hollywood what's the result of that death plagues this is the result of the direct disobedience to God's Word the plagues that are in our land the plagues that are that are plaguing our children and the next generation it's because the pastors of today have not risen up to speak against it against drunkenness and smoking pot drug addiction and all the filth of the world the pastors are too afraid to stand up and actually say what is what's supposed to be said to preach the whole counsel of God because they're afraid to offend anyone well you know what we're afraid to offend God that's what we're afraid to do sin is plaguing our societies yay even our churches false doctrine infiltrating churches to put a bushel over the truth where pastors who have the Word of God say well you know vaccines aren't in the Bible we just want to be neutral on this you know God loves homosexuals God did you know they put all kinds of words in God's mouth instead of just listening to the words that are coming out of his mouth infanticide that's a plague abortion this is a plague thousands upon thousands of children being murdered on a daily basis the innocent are being thrown into the fire they're being murdered killed for money and what is what is the world doing they're grabbing their media night ish woman taking them into the tent acting like nothing's ever happened this is the plague of our nation you know what pastors who get up and say well abortion is wicked well you know why you know why abortion is being accepted because you never talked about it that's why you may not like sodomy but you know if you were to preach harder on the sodomites they would have stayed in the closet where they belong let's talk about vaccinations though this is a plague well we should be neutral on this you know let's just talk about preaching the gospel let's talk about the love of God hey the Bible has everything that pertains to life and godliness the Bible has everything the Bible says that all scriptures given by inspiration of God and it's profitable for doctrine for a proof and instruction in righteousness we can compartmentalize God and his word and say well we only do God when we come to church no God is for everything the Bible pertains to everything go to Deuteronomy 28 Deuteronomy chapter 28 yeah but vaccines aren't in the Bible though brother Mejia pastor you're out to lunch with this there's nowhere in the Bible I know vaccines are unclean I know all the ingredients found within vaccines I'm against it but you can't say that it's in the Bible look at Deuteronomy 28 verse 58 we just read this a bit ago but we're gonna continue to read it says in verse 58 if thou will not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name of the Lord thy God then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful and the place of thy seed even great plagues and of a long continuance and sore sickness and of a long continuance moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt which thou wast afraid of and they shall cleave unto thee by the way just a side note here you know these mosquitoes they've been showing up bringing like the dengue fever you know the the fevers and the diseases that America is afraid to contract it was prevalent in other countries well guess what it's here verse 61 also every sickness and every plague which is not written in the book of this law then will I will the Lord bring upon thee until thou be destroyed hey there's your vaccines buddy well it doesn't say vaccines yeah that's why he put the ones that are not even written in this book because he knew you were gonna say that so even the filth that it's placed into vaccines all the harmful elements all the play that is found within them God says I'll bring that upon you too just in case he missed any other diseases let me just say that everyone that is not found in the Word of God I'll bring upon you you know that means we can give credit to God for those as well for allowing those to permeate our society well you know okay but vaccines aren't that harmful though get your get your flu shot flu seasons coming because vaccines are not harmful well that's funny you know then why does it cause inflammation why does it cause cell death why has it caused cancer why is it that one in 20 below the age of five have experienced seizures after receiving a vaccine shot why is it the one in ten or one in fifty have autism why is it the one in six develop nerve development disabilities I guess they are harmful yeah why is it that the national childhood vaccine injury in 1986 why is it that the watchdog court has paid over seven billion dollars in the past 34 years for vaccine injuries if it's so safe why do they have to make a law that you cannot sue them if you're injured by a vaccine if they're so safe it's a lie it's a blatant lie of the devil vaccines are wicked as hell what is the vaccination it's a substance that is made to stimulate stimulate the antibodies in hopes that your immune system will fight off future viruses in the long run okay so they say but here's the thing if you study the ingredients found within vaccines if you actually do the research you will come to the conclusion that these people are out of their minds if they expect you to receive the unclean elements and tissue to be placed within these vaccines how about animal tissue how about baby fetuses fetal tissue that they place into the vaccines so they think in their minds this science so-called science falsely so-called they think by putting an unclean thing into a clean body that they will make it clean but remember this look look I'm not a scientist I'm not doctor pastor Bruce Mejia I'm not a pediatric physician I never went to doctor school and I never claimed to be oh what are you just like a bible believing Christian got that right so guess what my standard is not your stupid science my standard is not your science falsely so-called what is my standard the Bible and the Bible tells me in job 14 for who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean thing not one who can bring a clean thing who can bring someone that is whole out of something that is filthy and vile not one that's what God says chicken embryos monkey kidney tissue aborted fetal tissue how about aluminum they place aluminum within vaccines and aluminum is a light toxic metal it's a neural toxic metal how about the emulsifiers that they place within vaccines in order to keep all the elements together and keep them from separating like what how about glyphosate which is a pesticide yeah you know pesticides you know what we use to like destroy all the pests they put that in your body how about polysorbate 80 which dispersed disperses all the ingredients evenly so what's wrong with polysorbate 80 polysorbate 80 is so powerful that it's able to infiltrate the tight junctions in your body your brain it's able to pass bypass the blood-brain barrier that's not bad yeah but here's the thing polysorbate 80 strongly attaches itself to neurotoxic metals such as aluminum so when they put polysorbate 80 and aluminum together polysorbate 80 opens the blood-brain barrier he has the key the aluminum goes right through the door and what does it cause neurological damage this is what they're putting in vaccines triton x 100 which is a surfactant used in cleaning products how about formaldehyde oh good can you put the cookie on the bottom shelf when someone dies okay when someone dies in order to preserve the body you know so it doesn't rot so you can have the viewing the funeral they use something called embalming fluid embalming fluid is formaldehyde this is what they're putting in your bodies so they're putting something they would use for dead people into you they have to neutralize these things with embalming fluid in order to create an adjuvant to aggravate the immune system what they call the holy grail antibody response this is why flu shots exist for example okay but the problem with this is is that its presence amplifies its voice and it's such a hyper violent amplification your own body actually begins to destroy itself so in order to fix one situation they just completely destroy another well I don't even think flu shots work why are you afraid of the flu anyways drink water look if you drink nothing but soda and you eat McDonald's be afraid to be very afraid all right if you eat all kinds of junk food and you're not taking care of yourself be afraid but look drink a lot of water take a lot of vitamin C and even if you get it you just get stronger what doesn't kill you makes you stronger stay home from work and rest and get to go fetal tissue why do you why do they use fetal tissue because fetal tissue is robust and can cause the virus to multiply you know these are foreign substances that do not belong in our body they use thimerosal which in its organic form is known as ethyl mercury mercury you know when when there's a mercury outbreak they just quarantine it because it because it's so deadly yet they put that into your body they just they just put this this this really fancy name thimerosal get your thimerosal today this is the science oh but you know that's not real science this is the science buddy it look doesn't matter how much you say it's not the science doesn't matter how much you try to voice your lies and say and try to demonize people who are anti-vaxxers no matter what you say it's the science it's fact but you know I got one on you I don't care about the science I'm a Baptist sorry sucka that thing don't work on me I have the Bible that tells me this is wrong let's just throw all the elements out listen how about just the baby fetal tissue oh wrong done oh what about the thimerosal wrong even if they didn't use all those elements and they only use the fetal baby tissue it's done off the list what does the Bible say about these things because we're Bible believing Christian you say what about the people out there that are anti-vaxxers but they're not Christian they better get saved they better start getting into the Word of God and let the Christians who are saved those who do have the Word of God guess what open your eyes see what the Bible actually says about this let's just go to Jesus what does Jesus say he says they that are whole have no need of a physician this should be everyone's flu seasons life verse how you feeling good about to go get my flu shot why you're whole whole means you're you're you're healthy Jesus said they that are whole have no need of a physician you know what's the most healthiest people in this world newborn babies and yet those are the bodies that they try to inject all this filter to first hey when a baby is birth to the through his mother's canal it receives his first vaccine vaccine shot right there I'm talking about the natural vaccine right there it receives that which is necessary in order to have a robust and a healthy immune system when it's birth through the canal and then as it grows up it's exposed to the elements and its body begins to fight off naturally what God intended him to fight off God's way is always better amen you know how about when the Bible says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them you know putting aborted baby tissue into your body is a unfruitful work of darkness how about when the Bible says that the life of the flesh is in the blood how about when the Bible says in 1st Corinthians 3 16 no you're not the year of the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you if any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy that's the plague you defile the temple and look let me just say this I know probably the vast majority of the people who are here have been vaccinated let me just rephrase that half of the people are here are plagued myself included I will suffer the consequences of the actions of the previous generation even though it wasn't my choice in my latter years I will suffer those consequences who cares I'm saved baby but you know the Bible says if any man defile the temple of God him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy which temple ye are first Corinthians 6 19 what what knowing nothing your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which he have of God and ye are not your own oh it's my my body my choice says these wicked feminists who want to just abort babies like nothing no it's God's body therefore it's God's choice more so if you are a Bible believing Christian it is God's body it is God's temple therefore it is his choice in numbers 25 we see the Phinehas stayed the plague he detained it he refrained it from going any further the son of the priest had the gall had the boldness had the stones to actually get up and do something about it when no one else wanted to he inhibited the devastating effects of that plague how can we do the same that's what we want to know don't we you know they just passed this law up north the so-called mandatory vaccinations and look if you're afraid God has not given us the spirit of fear but a power of love and a sound mind perfect love cast without fear and you know what this law is gonna do it's gonna cause Christians to actually start practicing the Bible it's gonna cause Christians to actually start homeschooling their kids it's gonna cause Christians to stop depending on the government for their needs stop depending on the government so the government doesn't impose these unbiblical laws on them oh what if they just start forcing vaccinations well I got the resurrection but we need to know how to stay the plague how did how to restrain it how to hold it back because the plague is spreading and we do want to restrain it let's look at what Phinehas did and what we could do to emulate his actions go back to Numbers chapter 25 if you would numbers 25 these principles apply to any of the plagues that are corrupt in our society today but we're gonna apply it to vaccines okay what can we do to hold back this plague you're like man I'm scared what about what about my children though what if when I died that the society that my children are gonna ruin you better instill a strong faith into your children now what can we do number one look at verse 7 and when Phinehas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest saw it he rose up from among the congregation number one you better rise up you better opinionate what the Bible actually says about this you better stand up and stand in the gap make up the hedge so that we can refrain and restrain this disease in this play from going any further hey we need to stand up and teach churches and pastors the Bible does say something about this and look with any aspect any topic in society the Bible has the answer for it and we need to stand up for everything anything that the Bible tells us to stand up for we need to rise up and say something about it even if it cost us our life if it cost us finances if it cost us our home we just need to rise up from among the congregation let your life count for something don't waste your life away you only have one life to live you only have one opportunity to do something great for God why not take it stand up to the forces of darkness stand up to the wicked evil men of this day stand up to these things rise up from among the congregation and look I believe that our entire church here is on board with this something with this subject and look if you weren't on board before you're probably gonna be after this sermon dang I already got my flu shot though well rise up and get your butt out of that hospital the Bible says in Ezekiel 22 verse 30 and I sought for a man among them it's sad when God has to look that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it but I found none so that means in this day there's a bunch of weakling weenie Christians specifically men some limp-wristed politician Republican Baptist who vaccinates all his children doesn't want to speak against it just trying to earn a paycheck for himself not doing anything about it he couldn't find anyone I would hope that today in 2019 God could look down and say well there's a church right there not just one but many people within that church that are willing to stand in the gap to rise up among the congregation and actually do something about it what I'm saying is this don't be afraid don't be afraid and look if you're afraid this is what you do to overcome the fear of the potential repercussions and look we're in California I get messages all the time like aren't you scared aren't you afraid you're in California they're like in these conservative states people are messaging me like we're moving we're getting out of here man I was like oh yeah because the plague only stays in California it's only it's only confined to California right it's not gonna find you in your state you know that whatever state you're going to it's still in the United States unless you go into some island but look God can find you anywhere moving doesn't solve the problem standing in the gap making up the hedge solves the problem the Bible says for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong on the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him well let me reread that through the lenses of people today to show himself strong on the behalf of them who vote the right person in to show himself yeah strong on the behalf of them who vote for Donald Trump nay nay my brethren whose heart is perfect toward him here in thou has done foolishly therefore from henceforth thou shall have wars what am I saying we need God but the way we show God that we're depending on him is that we rise up quit yourselves like men even if you're scared even if you're scared stand up look what it goes on to say in number chapter 25 it says and when Phinehas the son of Eliezer the son of Aaron the priest saw it he rose up from among the congregation and took a javelin in his hand this was his weapon of choice to solve the problem and guess what our weapon of choice is today it's not a gun it's not muscles it's the Word of God and look I'm gonna say this it's not even science the right type of science which I'm for we need the Bible that's what we need my people the Bible says are destroyed for lack of knowledge you know what knowledge he's referring to the Bible you want to guarantee your destruction be ignorant of the Bible you want to guarantee your obliteration you want to guarantee that the plague comes upon you faster than ever before you'd be ignorant of the Bible no I want to read the Bible I want to study the Bible I want to love the Bible I wanted to I want it to abide and to just flourish in my heart because I want to be knowledgeable we got to take the javelin not the not the ballot no who's the next you know conservative politician well I just newsflash Republicans Democrats both the same same people so if you're not Republican you're you're not libertarian you're not a Democrat what are you a Christian Christian about Jesus every year it's not our vote it's not our so-called liberty to vote it's the Word of God the hope for our country is not in the White House it's in the church house the Bible says in 1st John 2 14 I have written unto you fathers because you have known him that is from the beginning I have written unto you young men because you are strong and the Word of God abideth in you and ye have overcome the wicked one you see Satan is behind this agenda he's not of vaccinations and let me just say this vaccines infanticide they're all small components to the bigger picture known as the New World Order vaccines have been permeated in our society in order to make society docile to not be able to think for themselves to just depend on the government to make them foolish and stupid and ignorant that's why they exist why because the greater picture that they have is the New World Order that's what it is that's why I'm telling you it's not gonna get better what do we want to do we want to stay the plague as much as we can this is for the New World Order we need to take the javelin of God's Word we need to read it when you study we need to despise not prophesying we need to love the Bible but not only that we need to face this thing head-on right look at verse 3 and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and said hey guys look this is really bad you guys shouldn't be doing this you know maybe this is not a good time maybe I could come back later and thrust both of them through the man of Israel the woman through her belly he faced the problem head-on everyone's weeping for any how seasons give me a sec I'll be right back I gotta go take care of something real quick you see how do we face the problem head-on we preach and we expose it and we're not unashamed of it we preach it from the housetops and look vaccines is not the only sermon we preach here we're not fixated only on vaccines but you know what it's an issue right now so that's why we're talking about it we hit on every subject why because we're trying to face the problems and the plagues of our societies head-on oh what if they come and interview you or something and you know they they want you to backtrack no backtracking here no backtracking here they'll crucify you like like Jesus right but here's the missing element because this is all important the missing element is this is that we need to do it forgotten you know why because when it comes to the topic of vaccines the people that come to our mind are who our children we love our children they're valuable to us they're precious we love the babies we love the infants my children I love them I can't express the depth of love I have for my children and how much joy they bring to my heart when I see them when they smile when they hug me when they say dad it's a great love but at the end of the day I have to love God more than I love my children because that is what's gonna stay the play you know why because the Bible says that if we're respecter of people for for a piece of bread that man will transgress because we love our children because we love people if we're not careful if our love if we don't love the Lord with all our heart soul mind and strength we'll use unbiblical ways to fight off things the things of darkness it has to be for God let me give you an example look at verse 10 and the Lord spanketh to Moses saying the Nahas the son of Eliezer the son of Aaron the priest hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel while he was zealous for my sake among them that I consumed not the children of Israel my jealousy wherefore say behold I give unto him my covenant of peace and he shall have it and his seed after him even the covenant of an everlasting because he was zealous for my God for his God and made an atonement for the children of Israel he was zealous for God and that's why God honored him I love my children but I want to make sure that my prime motive is my love for God and my zeal for him I want to fight the darknesses of evil for God this is the only way we can guarantee the safety of our children is that we put God first what if they come and take your children what if they kill your children so be it what if they take you so be it take my life why because at the end of the day we want to honor God our zeal should not be for our children though they're the primary zeal should not be for our children it should be for our God this is how we can guarantee that we will find our lives if we're willing to lose it that's how that's a difficult task sometimes is it not parents but if we want to stay the plague it's the necessary one that we have to take in order to do it last point is this by the way do you remember the plagues in Egypt and how devastating it was upon Egypt many people died destroyed who are the only people that were not destroyed God's people they lived in a place called Goshen where's Goshen today 2,600 Tyler Avenue this is Goshen Goshen is in your own Goshen is anywhere where you put God first that's Goshen what do we do when the plague eventually comes because it will come we can stay here we can fight against it but it's gonna come guaranteed it will come or what do you do if you're already plagued I'm plagued what if you say what if my body has already been corrupted go to 1st Corinthians chapter 15 if you would 1st Corinthians chapter 15 pastor what do I do if my body has already been corrupted well you can go through some procedures that can remove the heavy heavy metals from your body you can start living a healthier life which I'm all for but what do we do as a whole if I've already been corrupted look at 1st Corinthians 15 verse 42 I got the perfect answer for you because you know why eating healthy is great but it's not the final answer because the Bible says that bodily exercise profit little verse 42 so also is the resurrection of the dead it is sown in corruption it is raised and in corruption it is sown in dishonored it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body skip down to verse 50 now this I say brethren that flesh and blood you know the blood that has all those neurotoxins all the vaccines all the aluminum all the formaldehyde and thimerosal flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God so you're in good company neither does corruption inherit in corruption behold I show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed what do I do my child has been corrupted by vaccines if they're saved if you're saved we should all be changed we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed this is a promise from God that if you're saved you've been corrupted or that if the play comes in your next generation you know what you need to do you need to get your children saved you know what you need to do you need to get saved you need to trust Christ as your Savior in order to guarantee the resurrection for you to be changed one day verse 53 for this corruptible must put on incorruption in this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written vaccines is swallowed up in victory now death is swallowed up in victory which would include what vaccines do Oh death where is thy sting you know the sting of the injection Oh grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ let me just say this the victory folks is not in politics it's not in your vote it's in Jesus Christ because it's coming the plague is coming and we're in the beginning of the sermon plagues are no respecter of people they will destroy the just and the unjust the wicked and the righteous the guilty and the innocent think ye that they were sinners above all everyone else but except you repent ye shall all likewise perish what do you need to do you get saved and if you are saved well glory be to God because you will experience the resurrection yeah but the government will actually the Bible says that in the millennial reign the government shall be upon his shoulders Jesus Christ will be the government and no one the Bible says no one will harm in his holy mountain I'm done here what is the sermon for today the sermon for today is that there is a plague that we cannot stop from actually taking place at the end of the day we can detain it we can hold it back but eventually it will come and what we need to do is instill the faith of the Bible and still our faith and our children because guess what you're not gonna be here when they see it flourishing you're not gonna be here when it comes to pass but you know what will be here the faith you place within them and if you're afraid fear not we got the resurrection we have eternal life we have the incorruptible body that we would put on one day we have the spiritual body but look if you're not saved there's something that awaits you far worse there's something that awaits you far worse than whatever vaccines could ever do to you hell awaits you hell awaits you so aside from the repercussions of vaccinations hell awaits let's be like the nahas rise up take the javelin face the problem head on and be zealous for God amen inspire heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you for your word thank you so much Lord for the example that we have in finejas our country is getting worse and worse and the plague is spreading a lot of righteous people are going to perish because of it but I pray God that you'd help us to allow this to help us to have an eternal mindset to help us to recognize that we have a resurrection awaiting us where this corruptible body filled with harmful elements substances things that are just destroying our body that will soon be changed and I prayed that if there's anyone out there who's not saved who doesn't know maybe they have this conviction I'm not getting vaccinated that they would get saved because at the end of the day this is what's most important is the salvation of the soul and you've told us fear not him which can kill the body but afterwards can do nothing for him which is able to kill the body and soul in hell and I pray God that this would reach the masses in order to do so to place their faith in you in your son Jesus Christ and in Jesus name we pray amen