(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man we are in Ecclesiastes chapter number 3 verse 15 where the Bible reads here that which hath been is now and that which is to be hath already been and God requireth that which is past and moreover I saw under the Sun the place of judgment that wickedness was there and the place of righteousness that iniquity was there I said in my heart God shall judge the righteous and the wicked for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work and the time of my sermon this evening is too busy too idle too busy too idle now we know without a shadow of a doubt according to this passage and many other passages specifically obviously Ecclesiastes chapter number three that God has given us a time for everything under the Sun okay we have time for anything that is important to do in this life that God has given us a responsibility to do to accomplish much to provide for our families to do God's will God has given us enough time to do this now it's obvious that God has provided us with different sets of resources for every person you know not everyone is as you know has the same amount of money as you or not everyone has the same amount of talents as you or may I say this not everyone gets it as many as opportunities as you may get but you know one thing that we all do have is the same amount of time and that's why time is so valuable why because we all have it and once it's gone it's gone okay therefore we need to recognize that we need to take advantage of the time that God has given to us look at in that same chapter Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 says to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven a time to be born a time to die a time to plan a time to pluck up that which is planted a time to kill and a time to heal a time to break down and a time to build up a time to weep and a time to laugh a time to mourn and time to dance a time to cast away stones and time to gather stones together time to embrace and the time to refrain from embracing a time to get in time to lose a time to keep in a time to cast away a time to rend and a time to sew a time to keep silence and a time to speak a time to love and a time to hate a time of war and a time of peace God has given us time for everything so we can't say well you know I'm just too busy no God's giving you the time needed to accomplish that which we need to do in this earth go to Ephesians chapter number 5 but doesn't it seem like sometimes Christians just don't have the time right you know or sometimes I don't know if this is you but you finish your week and you're like man where did the time go I feel like I didn't get done what I wanted to get done or that which I should have should have gotten done what happened well you know it's not God's thing because he's given us enough time to do anything most of the time it's our fault okay if anything our priorities are out of sync we're not putting in priority that which is most important we're putting our attention on things that are not that important and we're wasting our time all right look at Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 15 see then that you walk circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is so the Bible is telling us at verse 16 that we need to redeem the time buy it back we obviously know we can't necessarily buy back time but we can invest our talents and the things we need to do in our time and then that which is most important to do okay go to Psalms chapter 90 Psalms chapter 90 in verse number 9 it says here in Psalms chapter 90 in verse number 9 for all our days are passed away in thy wrath we spend our years as a tale that is told and that's that's kind of sad you know someone can sum up your life in a chapter yeah even in a paragraph I mean sometimes you read stories in the Bible and you read an entire chapter yeah even three verses and years have gone by within those three verses that goes to show you how much I mean how basically our life is so short that it can simply be told in a matter of three verses and it could be told in a chapter in a page of a book okay it says the days of our years are three score years in ten seventy years he said look the average person that lives will live only into seven years and it says and if by reason of strength they be four score years yet is their strength labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away who knows the power of thine anger even according to thy fear so is thy wrath so teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom isn't it sound the same as what it says in Ephesians chapter number five to walk as wise not as fools so in other words the wise person says right I have this much time as far as I know I might I can't count on living until I'm 70 or yea maybe even 80 so therefore I need to number my days but you know we have to we have young men and young ladies who just wasting their life away doing nothing okay they're just having fun and trying to live it up and do those things that are just vain in vanity and they're just wasting their life away and then well you know you know I'm just gonna live and nothing's gonna happen to me you know you don't even know if you got till tomorrow to live you know you want to invest your your your vitality and your energy and your brains into something that's profitable in this life don't think just because you're young you're invincible you can die tomorrow go to James chapter number four it says teach us to number our days you know we ought to make sure that we plan our days out and look part of the sermon is simply this we all need something to do that's productive something that is profitable okay everyone in this room whether you're single or you're married should have a project you're gonna work on this week you know regardless of what that project is maybe it's a project for your job maybe you are a mother or not yet a mother you should have a project that you're home to do like okay this week my project at home is to clean every nook and cranny in the restroom you know or my project this week is to teach my children X Y & Z there should be purpose to your week don't just let it just happen you know cuz what's gonna happen is just like well I'll figure it out tomorrow you know Friday's gonna come you're gonna be like man I don't what did I do this week you just wasted it away you know and this applies to physical things and things that our responsibilities but just spiritual matters in general what about soul winning and I was encouraged there's a young lady who went soul winning with us at the at the missions trip and she said brother Bruce I have a goal to reach a hundred people for Christ see a hundred souls saved this year I said amen I said where you at right now she goes I'm at 35 she's keeping track you know she has a goal she has a goal in mind that she wants to reach but you know what that doesn't happen on accident that takes someone who is purpose purposing to to accomplish that specific goal don't wander around aimlessly you know he said well I'm not married yet but you know what you can still be goal oriented okay and look at James chapter 4 verse 13 says go to now ye that say today or tomorrow we will go into such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain whereas you know now what shall be on tomorrow for what is your life it is even a vapor that appeared for a little time and then vanish at the way for that ye ought to say if the Lord will we shall live and do this or that you see God is not against you planning okay but it should be filtered through if this is what God wants look if this is what God wants if the Lord will you know we're gonna do something great well I'm gonna get this this specific task or project done I'm gonna learn something this week that's gonna be profitable to me and my family I want to do something specific it says but now you rejoice in your boasting all such rejoicing is evil therefore to him that know what to do good and do with it not to him it is sin so let me start off by saying is that the way you basically can prioritize your time is by recognizing your role in life okay this is very important because a lot of problems in marriages or just with your children at work or just life in general is when your roles get out of order okay you're getting out of order and when your roles get out of order guess what there's fights there's arguments there's frustrations there's just all kinds of nonsense that takes place simply because we're out of order now go with me if you went to Matthew chapter 22 God has given us roles to fulfill in life what's the first role well first role is we got to love God right off the bat so the most important priority in life is God you need to make sure that you're pleasing God with your life okay loving him and look what it says Matthew 22 verse 37 Jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul and with all thy mind this is the first and great commandment you know if you don't have that as a priority then you're messed up you know your your relationship with your wife is gonna be all jacked up so is your relationship with your children you're gonna not gonna be a good worker you're not gonna be a good church member you're not gonna be a good Christian just in general why because this is the most important aspect right here you see you can't love your family more than you love God you can't love your job more than you love God why because those things falter and fail us eventually why because they're they're fallible okay whereas if we're loving God God never lets us down if we follow his commandments we obey him we can always rest assured that he'll come through on his promises of his blessings okay so we got to make sure you keep that relationship right all right read the Bible pray take time to learn how to pray if you don't know how to pray take time to get your heart right in this matter of loving the Lord okay and look sometimes if we're not careful we even place the work of God above even loving God if you can believe that you know because you're just working your soul-winning you're doing all these things but to be honest with you if we can see your heart you'd probably be a person who's not reading the Bible when they're on their own you're not depending on God you're not asking God to fill you with the spirit you know you need to make sure you keep that relationship right with the Lord okay and look part of that is confessing your sins on a daily basis throughout the day you know keep short accounts with the Lord you do something bad think something bad say something bad you confess your sins so he can cleanse you and you can be right with God but you know what there's Christians that spend weeks yay months even without even confessing their sins once and they just become their hearts become a cesspool of sin and then they get involved in sin and then they just become carnal and they have this outward appearance as though they're godly but you know what inwardly they're just full of dead men's bones in a sense because they're not keeping short accounts with God loving God is the most important go to Galatians chapter number one I'll read I'll finish reading in in Matthew in verse 39 says and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself when you love the Lord you know the natural byproduct is you're gonna love people you know and why because God is love okay and yeah obviously the flip side of that is you know what if you love God you're gonna hate evil you're gonna hate those who hate the Lord but you will love people that'll be that should that that's the byproduct loving God but the next one is this is that you know our priority should be serving God as well okay and I think sometimes people get this out of order where even they place their family above serving God now don't misunderstand me here just remember all these work in tandem one with another we're not supposed to neglect our family to serve God it should be that when we serve God we can serve God with our family right you know that's a problem with a lot of the older pastors of yesteryear is that they were so busy serving God they neglected their families you know what encourages me is when I see a mom and dad go sowing with their children that's a blessing it's a family activity where they're going out and preaching the gospel look some of the best memories that you make will be with your family on sowing you know take him take pictures and when you're done sowing go get some ice cream make it enjoyable don't make it an arduous task for you and your family to do it let's go sowing it come on come on you know they're just like complaining this should be something that's fun you know I mean can serving God be fun right does it have to be like a arduous task that we don't enjoy doing no it can be enjoyable but you know what we there's a lot of pastor's kids out there that they despise the ministry because of their dad they despise the ministry because of their parents you know why because their parents are so busy serving God they completely neglected their family you know that we should serve God with our family okay if we're young guys who are not married yet make the decision now say look I'm gonna involve my wife and my children they're gonna be involved in the work of the ministry and we're gonna enjoy serving God together you go out sowing and after you're done all right kids let's go have some ice cream we went so we saw this many people say hey man we didn't see anybody say hey man you know so your kids can grow up not hating the ministry okay your kids can grow up and say man I've had good memories serving with my dad soul winning you know doing the work of the Lord but serving God Galatians 1 sense is for do I not persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet please men I should not be the servant of Christ you see often what happens is when people are serving God with the wrong motives they're actually doing it to serve men serve men with what with their eyes okay so people can see them doing great works so they can see men so men can see them serving the Lord but you know what when you're serving of Christ from the heart it's done with the right motives and every single role that you have is working in tandem one with another okay they're not overlapping is what I'm saying but keep that role in your life in its place okay now go to Ephesians chapter number five you have the role of the husband obviously the husband should be the role of the husband does not come before the role of a father does that make sense to everyone so in other words you know I I liked my wife before I liked my children you know I dated my wife before I ever had children so you know who's more important to me my wife is more important to me than my children don't get me wrong I love my children I love my children to death Kyla's getting nice and fat plump I love it she's cute as the day is long my son is getting adorable as the days go by but you know what I love my wife more than I love my children right now you know because here's the thing you you look at the statistics most of the divorce that takes place in divorce is wicked as hell but most of the divorces that take place happens after the children are grown up and then they leave the home and then they're like the the husband or wife are like I don't even know you anymore you know why because they're they were focused so much on the children they neglected their marriage you know and it's just like now the children are gone it's like I don't even know who you are you know we stayed together for the children that's not how it ought to be you want to stay you want to date your wife you gotta date your husband and the role should be in its place okay get your marriage fired up again if that's what you need go somewhere go get a hotel somewhere go take a walk on the beach but why because that's more important okay look at Ephesians 5 21 says submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands as unto the Lord for the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church and he is the Savior of the body therefore as the church is subject unto Christ so let the wives be to their own husbands and everything husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for that he may sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or rink or any such thing but that it should be holding without blemish so I meant to love their wives as their own bodies he that loveth his wife loveth himself so Bible tells us there we're to love our wives but you know what that's supposed to work in tandem with point number one and point number two so it's not overlapping number one or number two so it's not like well my wife doesn't want me to come to church so I'm not gonna come to church that's not the way it works you know all these are supposed to work in tandem one with another okay and you don't sacrifice one over the other if you do everything correctly if you have balance on every single one of these you can do them all okay and look don't ignore this message that you know if you want me to preach on the reprobates go listen to last week's sermon okay that should hold you off for a good amount of time from the next couple weeks all right this is important because what the problem is is that young people grow up knowing a whole bunch of Bible but guess what they don't even know how to be a husband they're not ladies don't even know how to be wives they don't know what roles are you know this is important this needs to be applied to your personal life on a daily basis go to Ephesians chapter number six so husbands love your wives cultivate that relationship go on dates once a week you said but we're already married why should I go on a date uh because so you can keep like stay in love with your wife you know so you can stay in love with your husband so you guys can like each other more you know I mean that's what you did before marriage that's what you should do after marriage you should have a time once a week when you go out on a date okay and I'm gonna hit a button on I'm gonna hit a hot topic on this you know sometimes you just need to put away our phones when we're on dates okay I'm about I'm preaching to myself on that okay our phones like when we're on dates it's just like check the YouTube channel real quick you know it should be that we spend time with one another not time with one another in our phones okay but dates once a week is important you know and then every couple of months you just need to just get away sometimes why because that's an important that's the most important relationship this side of eternity with a human is your wife your spouse okay very important but you know what you know all around the country you have spouses that are cheating on each other community committing adultery and look that's wicked they have no right to do that but you know one of the reasons why is because that relationship wasn't cultivated okay that relationship was not taken care of that role was not taken care of okay it was out of sync out of whack and that's why that happens look at Ephesians 6 not only that but also as a role as a parent verse number one says children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right honor thy father and mother which is that first commandment with promise that it may be well with thee that thou mayest live long on the earth and he fathers provoked not your children to wrath but bring them up in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord hey you know as parents we need to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord you say well I don't have kids then obey verses one through three because you're still a child someone's child amen that means you need to obey your parents okay so good seeds with your family with your mom and dad don't disrespect them don't give them lip okay don't be a little stinking brat to your parents well I'm 20 this and 20 that you know I know more than them you know grow up first and foremost and it's funny how people who are actually mature and grown up and can actually probably I'm not saying that it's valid for them to say something like that are typically the ones who actually do honor their parents and are respectable towards their parents and love their parents you know you need to sow those good seeds today okay and doesn't matter how old you are you know doesn't matter how much you got your stuff together in your personal life you want to make sure that you honor your parents as much as you possibly can because let me say this one day your mom and dad are not gonna be there and you know what you're gonna do you're gonna regret the fact that you didn't honor your parents the way you should you know and look I've met a lot of people that they live in regret because their parents passed away and and they regret dishonoring their parents they regret not loving their mom and their dad as they should I'm not saying you have to agree with them on everything obviously you know but you know you can still honor your mom and dad okay you can still tell them hey I love you hey hold on a second what about hey well no no we're not talking about that right now how about the three how about the phrase I love you is that bad is that embarrassing to go home today go to your mom and dad or give them a call and say hey I just want to let you know I love you is that weird is that a little soft no it's not that's appropriate what I'm saying I just want to let you know I love you you know what maybe they'd be more open to your doctrine if you do stuff like that every once in a while okay maybe they'll be a little more open to your radical ideas to your post-trib pre-wrath replacement fag-hating doctrine which I'm all for if ever once in a while you show the tender aspect of your heart to say mom I just want to let you know I love you dad I love you okay how about this here's a novel thought why don't you write them a letter I just text them no a handwritten note how about that handwritten note saying this is for no special occasion I just want to let you know I appreciate you for being my mom appreciate you for being my dad I love you guys you know at that point when you bring that doctrine to them they don't think you're just some stupid idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about okay honor your parents have a good relationship with your mom and dad because you're gonna regret it when they pass away and you're gonna regret the times you didn't tell them I love you and it's sad because most people come they finally come to grips of how much they should have said it when they're already gone you know don't don't waste don't waste these years you know being a jerk to your parents spend these years appreciating them because they're not gonna be around forever okay and and look just of course for your sake so when they're gone you have that conscience that's free of guilt but not only that so that you can sow good seeds in the future okay because you will have children one day and you want to make sure that your children honor you as well all right now so here's the thing so go to Matthew chapter 6 you know obviously in along with that is providing for your family we need to make sure that we have an atmosphere in our church that says hey we as men need to provide for our families okay first Timothy 5 a says but if any of provide not for his own especially for those of his own household of his house own house he had denied the faith and is worse than an infidel get out those strong words that God has to say there okay you we need to make sure that we have an atmosphere to say you know what I need to take responsibility for my household and provide for them he said well I'm broke feed them beans and rice if that's what we need to do okay but hey that's providing amen so on the note of just you know being too busy too out of what do you mean by that well sometimes Christians because all these things are out of out of sync important things just get neglected you know and those are the two main reasons why why because you're just too busy okay let's talk about that for just a moment okay look at Matthew chapter 6 of verse 33 says but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you take therefore no thought for tomorrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof go to Colossians chapter number 3 so the Bible specifically tells us hey we need to make sure that we are heavenly minded that we're we're aligning our lives with God's Word and making sure we prioritize our lives in regards to God's Word okay make sure it's in alignment with that you know don't seek to be rich don't seek to be famous don't seek to be comfortable see the kingdom of God and his righteousness and these things the things that you need shall be added unto you you know don't be a carnal Christian where it's just like you put God's things on the back burner because you're struggling a little bit okay struggles come and go you need to make sure you're seeking the things of God look at a Colossians chapter number 3 and verse number 1 it says here if you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above which cry where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God Christ sitteth on the right hand of God right say your affections on things above not on things on the earth now that's not saying don't worry about anything on the earth okay it's just priorities is what it's saying you know hey you need to make sure you're keeping God's priorities your priorities because sometimes what happens is people start struggling financially what happens they get out of church or they go through a rough rough time of just emotional turmoil and what happens they get out of church or they stop reading their Bibles or they stop soul-winning because it they can't know what you need to do is start doing those things a little more okay you say how can I do things a little more if I'm like emotionally distraught you need to help you need to do that to get you over the hump during that season okay you need to make sure that you do those things to get you over the hump of that specific season because you will go through seasons like that you know the Christian's life is not all roses and daisies it sucks sometimes okay it just does it's painful it hurts there's tears or sorrows there's frustrations there's anger but you know what should we negate it should we neglect the things of God because of those temporal things no we need to be mature enough to deal with trials and tribulations in our life and still maintain a correct walk with the Lord still fulfill our responsibilities not wear our emotions on our sleeves okay or in our spiritual see if so to speak okay we need to make sure that we're mature that when we're going through a trial hey ask for prayer ask for help but keep doing what you're supposed to be doing seek those things which are above okay very important but you know what happens is people go through a trial it's just like you don't see them for like a long time you know and often they just fall off the radar like bad you know and it's harder to get back on track than it is to stay on track let's keep that in mind it is harder to get back on track after you've been out of church for so long than to just stay on track to just maintaining and get your butt in church when you're supposed to be in church open up the Bible even if you don't feel like reading pray that's hard yes but you know what if it was easy everyone be doing it you know better to just maintain it and just bite your tongue and just do it then to regret that you haven't done it for months okay now what happens when we're too busy to fulfill these roles go to Matthew chapter 13 there's consequences to it you know how many times have you heard yeah I like to do I'm just I'm just so busy you know I'm just way too busy and it's good to be busy don't get me wrong we need to stay busy okay and we'll get that into in the second half of the sermon but I'm talking about busyness that takes you out of your roles okay too busy for church or too busy for just the things of God in general or just to fulfill your roles in general what happens well number one you become unfruitful you see the purpose of a Christian is to bear fruit okay doesn't matter where you are doesn't matter if you are being paid by the church or not doesn't matter if you just got saved yesterday or you've been saved for the last ten years you need to be fruitful you need to bear spiritual fruit in your personal lives whether it's just fruit as in you know cleaning up your life or it's fruit as in just soul winning you need to be bearing fruit but look at the Bible says in Matthew 13 verse 22 speaking of the seeds that were sown he also that received seed among the thorns verse 22 is he that heareth the word and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word and he become it's unfruitful the Bible says look this person is making dough right making a lot of money probably making a lot of money but you know what it's choking out the word and they become unfruitful more important than any great amount of money that you can make is the fruit is the everlasting fruit that you produce okay lay not up treasures on earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal lay your treasure the treasures up in heaven okay that's what we need to focus on and I'm not saying don't get riches here if we're gonna use it for the right reasons but that ought not to take a priority over the spiritual riches that we're looking to get okay don't become unfruitful you don't have to turn there mark 419 parallel passes passage says this and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches and the lusts of other things entering in choke the word and it become it's unfruitful you see when you get too busy you get carnal what happens you start sinning you know we're all sinners and we do bad stuff and we're not we're not perfect in a sense but you know what if obviously if we're sinners but we're we're walking with the Lord we're trying to do the best that we can to please him we're not gonna be just involved in any kind of crazy sin but someone who's constantly busy doesn't have an appropriate spiritual outlet that's designated to keep them in God's will what happens they start to get involved in sin the lust of other things entering in choke the word and they become unfruitful okay go to Ecclesiastes chapter number 10 be fruitful be fruitful physically have children but also be fruitful spiritually we need to make sure that we keep we're keeping sowing the main thing okay and think about it what if we were in a church that really didn't emphasize so many would you be able to maintain for gala or to be fruitful even in the midst of that you know because it ought to be your personal goal to say no I want to be a soul winner I need to make myself do these things so I can become fruitful okay that'll be the goal for everyone the message this morning was for everyone it's for our church obviously but it's for every individual to say hey you need to make the gospel or priority once again okay don't get so puffed up in your knowledge don't get so puffed up or so carried away so busy do you forget about the Great Commission be fruitful but not only that you actually have a false sense of accomplishment when you're too busy you know look look at Ecclesiastes 10 10 says if the iron be blunt and he did he do not wet the edge then must he put to more strength but wisdom is profitable to direct what is it saying you know if the axe is basically blunt you're gonna have to work a whole lot to break that wood but you know you're not getting much done I mean isn't that reminiscent of a lot of churches where they just got so much activity going on you know so much bus ministry and so many missionaries that they're supporting and all these things and it just looks like a lot but they're not getting anything done they can get they can have five buses six seven buses fill them up with bus kids but you know what at the end of the day they're not getting much done with that they can support 35 missionaries and I guarantee you they'll only produce two if that salvations you got 35 missionaries for three days and we saw 250 people 241 people saved you're getting a lot done so it looks like they're busy like wow so what's going on so many missions this mission is being supported for 50 bucks a month you know all these things it's just like so much is going on but they're not getting anything done they look busy and what happens when you're busy you have a false sense of accomplishment you think you're doing a lot but you're not Christian school and all these things like Christian school is something they like man I'm thinking in Spanish right now I was gonna say tagota what's the word I'm looking for here what tagota it just it just wears you out because it just works you to the bone but you know what it doesn't get nothing done okay some of the worst people I've ever met are those who went to Christian school look and the exception proves the rule okay obviously there's people who went to Christian school they graduated and they're doing great they're serving the Lord but the vast majority of them are not and the vast majority of them are horrible people in fact I've met people I've known people who graduated Christian school and they're a bunch of reprobates okay and it but it takes a lot of work to maintain that but you know that's a false sense of accomplishment because you're not getting anything done okay what about like track drops that's a lot of work and look I know what I'm talking about because I used to do track drops I passed out I mean right 10,000 15,000 yay 20,000 tracks I put hours of work into that I've done that but you know it it's vain it's vanity it was a bunch of work that didn't do anything bottom line but I was busy right Oh super real doing the work of the Lord you think you're doing the work of the Lord you know they would have this this statistic where it's just like for every 10 forever 100 tracks you get one visitor you know and I remember one time we did one and it was just like I can't remember how many it was a thousand like thousands of tracks to be dropped right it was for like a big day you know what I mean and it was getting towards this time where I was getting just fed up with this concept of track drops because for years I've done it it just wasn't doing much and I remember one of the last times we're doing this track drop for this huge day and you know they're like pumping it like a big day we're gonna have so many people we give out 10,000 15,000 tracks and like no one came it was like cricket cricket cricket they're like well that sucked I didn't do nothing it was like man I put in all those hours pass out all those tracks and nothing came out of it not even their stupid statistic came true maybe you know I maybe I'm wrong maybe like a family came but they didn't even get a track they just came to this they found out about the church and they came you know and that was God saying all right you know I'll sense just so you don't get discouraged like just I'll send someone okay but they're busy but it's a false sense of accomplishment but you know what on a personal level that can be the case too you know where maybe you're at home maybe you're a woman who's able to stay at home and you think you're doing a lot but at the end of the day it's just like what did I get done nothing you know maybe because you're on Facebook too much you know Instagram too much or social media whatever social media too much and you got a lot of this done she know you got a lot of this done but you really didn't get anything done at the end of the day okay busyness often causes a false sense of accomplishment whereas if you're actually doing even if you do a little of the right thing the right way you still get more done if you're just doing it the wrong way that makes sense to everyone don't make me repeat that because I don't remember how just keep that in mind go listen to the recording I think that makes sense even doing a little bit of the right thing the right way still gets more done than doing it the wrong way the wrong thing the wrong way you get more done go to Matthew chapter 7 busyness people are sometimes too busy and they think like they're doing a lot but they're not doing nothing just because you're busy doesn't mean you're doing anything and here's a good example of this this is an extreme example but it's a good example look at verse 21 not everyone to say them to me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that do it the will of my father which is in heaven many was saying to me that day Lord Lord have you not prophesied in thy name this is a Pentecostal by the way I just want to let you know that and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works so this dude's working he's speaking in tongues he's flinging the snakes he's learning the drums I mean they're doing the dances in the church he's sweating they're doing a lot and then when I profess unto them I never knew you I don't even know the works you did you're you're on to every good work reprobate right what does that mean rejected rejected your works are rejected I don't accept that then I will profess unto them I never knew you depart from me that work iniquity see they're working but they're working iniquity we need to make sure that when we work and when we're busy we're busy about the right things about our father's business now go to let's see go to promise chapter 29 but what else happens when you're busy you neglect people okay when you're too busy you neglect the people often it's just the people you love okay you know when you're too busy working or whatever may be often it's just your family who suffers because of that okay and work has its place don't get me wrong work has its place I spent the last three and a half days working very hard but you know what tomorrow I want to spend time with my children okay I want to play with him with my son I want to I want to do piggyback rides and do the things that he loves and spend a couple hours with him because he hasn't seen me in a couple days okay I need to spend time with him and look it's funny my wife my wife's or my mother-in-law was telling my wife they wouldn't like she went away for a while maybe it was like a conference or something there her young when she would get back her younger children would kind of give her like the silent treatment but it was almost like I'm talking about the little little little kids because it was almost like you know where have you been you left me and my son was doing that you know when I came home you know he was just kind of like silent towards me I was like Bruce and he's just like you know I'm like what's up with this guy sounds like what's up with this guy he's acting all weird and he goes I think he's just kind of saying where have you been you know I mean now he lightened up after a while but you know what I want to make sure I never neglect my son my children why because he's never gonna be that age ever again and I don't want to miss that age because I'm too busy I'm not saying I have to do I can't go on a mission trip or do work I need to do these things I'm gonna I'm an evangelist this is what I do I mean preaching the gospel I got to do this work but you know what my role also tells me I need to take care of my son and my daughter spend time with my son Bruce let him know that I love him that I'm spending time with them why because that's my role in life and I can't be so busy that I just neglect my son because well I'm what happens if a couple years ago by I'm like man where have the years gone I didn't get to see my son grow up you know it's gonna be a waste you neglect people Proverbs 28 29 15 says the rod and reproof give wisdom but a child left to himself bring in this mother to shame you know often people the the children who just turn out really bad are those who have parents who never really paid attention to the children you're too busy working and again I'm not I'm not I'm not against working you have to work but remember in tandem with everything else you know don't sit your child in front of a television screen you know and let that be the babysitter you know you need to make sure you're taking care of your children you know forget your yacht forget your your your nice things your your children are more important your family is more important because you only get one and you know they grow up and they hate the ministry and they don't they don't have a good relationship with you you know that yachts not gonna be very pleasing to you either at the end of the day it's like man this is nothing and I lost my family you know forget the yacht be poor but your children love you your wife respects you that's the best thing ever go to Matthew 23 now this goes along with one of my other points but what happens when you're too busy you don't produce something of quality you see why because you have this false sense of the year of accomplishment but you're not producing quality that goes back to the point of doing things the right doing the right things the right way okay you know you can be busy for years on the mission field years and years and saying the prayer letters how you're praying for this guy and we're discipling him and pray that they get saved six months later and all these weird things you know what and yeah you could be a hero to the people in your church because you're on the mission field for ten years and you saw like one and a half person saved and they're a hero to these people but are you producing quality let's just throw a couple hundred bucks down goes to some mission field go preach the gospel go eat some tacos go have a good time doing it and then you you produce something of quality look what the Bible says in Matthew 23 23 15 woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites free cook for you come to see and land to make one proselyte that reminds me of just missionaries today and when he is made you make them twofold more the child of hell than yourselves why because you're not even preaching the right gospel you know they are preaching they don't even know how to preach the gospel they go they come past sea and land to go reach people to make one but he becomes a Calvinist that's not quality you know they become some liberal with the rock and roll fun Center that's not quality better to just get them saved get some hard leather lung preaching into their hands well what about disciple are you just gonna forget about them no that's why we left them with material that's why the people we met were like hey here's their YouTube check it out you can listen to our preaching every every day or every week or whatever you know we the lady we met who I baptized her son got saved he got baptized and then we're taking them home and then in Spanish was saying you know where do you live and he said in English make a left I say that's pretty good you know little Mexican kid knows how to say left and he goes okay now make it right I'm like do you know English and he's like yeah I speak English I'm like well thanks for saying something you know he's like yeah I mean I used to live in Arizona and I lived in California huh and I'm like okay you know huh you fooled me you know but the guy speaks English it's like giving the YouTube channels I check it out man you know and but you know what that's quality the guy's actually saved okay if you ask them you go back there you know if they got saved I guarantee you to give you the right answers why because I'm not Garrett I'm actually saying I'm a safe person so I'm gonna produce safe people these people don't they're not doing that and Garrett's just as bad sometimes with these safe missionaries because they ain't getting no one saved either they're compassing sea and land to make one proselyte we're not looking to go over there to make one proselyte one convert you know let's just go there so one for six hours a day I mean I'm not we're not going out here for so many six hours a day but you know this is a special mission let's do it for six hours a day and you get a lot of people saved quality and guess what thankfully what the quality comes quantity go to Proverbs 31 but you know churches are just dumping their money on these lame lazy wack missionaries you know who are just they're just having a glorified vacation is what they're having okay and you know they're discipling everyone and all these things so many people don't even know how to preach the gospel I've met personally met these people and they have they've even told brother Margaret they don't know how to preach the gospel they still say this they'll say you know you guys do it different here like what so many like well how do you do it you know we'll talk to them for like six months we'll develop a relationship with them what do you do if in three months that person dies and goes to hell what do you do then okay no now is the time today is the day of salvation now is the appointed time the Bible says okay we want to make sure that we're not so busy or try to make ourselves look so busy that we're not producing quality work okay now what I have you turn Proverbs 31 so that's what happens when you're too busy but then you know on the opposite side of that spectrum you have someone who's just too idle they're not doing nothing okay look at Proverbs 31 this is a good example of a woman who even us as men can learn from okay you look at the proper 31 woman this is a good principle to live by right here look what it says in verse 25 strength and honor her clothing and she shall rejoice in the time to come she opened his her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness she looketh well to the ways of her household and eateth not the bread of idleness what it you know is there idle bread no in other words she just doesn't sit around you know just shooting the breeze she's doing something okay and we all need to learn from that we don't eat the bread of idleness you know don't wonder what you're gonna do this week plan what you're gonna do this week plan some projects out in your in your personal life whether you're gonna get some reading done you're gonna memorize some scripture you're working on a specific project that'll help you to exercise that muscle in your head called the brain now go to Romans chapter 12 so what happens when you don't do that well the most obvious one you just become lazy a lazy bum is what you become when you become idle you become lethargic lazy tired just not interested in the things of God that's what idleness does to you okay and laziness is a sin it's a major sin and look this this should apply obviously to ladies as well but more so to men why because we're made to work we're made to accomplish something don't be a lazy Christian you will destroy yourself and your family and your ministry if you are a lazy slothful person you ought to be ashamed of yourself if that's who you are okay look at Romans 12 verse 10 be kindly affection one to one to another with brotherly love and honor preferring one another be not slothful in business fervent in spirit serving the Lord he's saying he's like look what's the opposite of being slothful you be fervent you got you you you're living with purpose in mind you have goals you need to be a goal-oriented type of a Christian okay and this is where a lot of people just get into false doctrine sometimes because they got too much time on YouTube looking up too many Flat Earth clips you know they're just on YouTube all the time they're idle and they're they're learning stupid doctrine and Flat Earth is a stupid doctrine go to judges 18 so when you become I what is what file what does it mean to be idle it's basically you know when you're when your car is idle it's just stagnant you're just like you're not going anywhere you're not even going backwards you're just like there you're just like a rock okay you're not doing anywhere you're not going anywhere God didn't make us to do that okay God made us to be active having action in our life doing something you know you all not to be just at home on your couch just like and he's just like yawning you just don't know what to do obviously this time when you got to take a break from what you're doing to do to just rest for a little bit okay we'll take a nap or whatever but I'm saying that I'm not to be your life though okay there should be look you should be excited about this week why I don't know whatever it is that you got going on you know it's just like yeah I got this going on I got it I got to take care of this I I'm excited about tomorrow I got this project I'm working on that I want to I'm learning something new hey I heard a sermon on Sunday about making the Commission great again I need to learn Spanish I heard brother Chad has Rosetta Stone he's willing to share with people I need to learn Spanish you know I'm excited about that I'm gonna read flashcards yeah you're you're just exaggerating then be lazy then be idle then be worthless okay be like the salt without saver who's just cast out into the draft and men just walk all over you no you need to have some purpose now go to look at judges 18 verse 8 it says and they came unto their brethren to Zora and Eshdol and their brethren said unto them what say ye and they said arise get up that we may go up against them for we have seen the land and behold it is very good and are you and are you still be not slothful to go and to enter and to possess the land when you go you shall come up unto a people secure and to a land a large land for God had given it into your hands a place where there is no one of anything that is in the earth what he's saying don't be idle look God has a lot of blessings for us but he's not just gonna let it fall into our lap we need to work for it so get up go do something well I just want to preach like a really good sermon one day then do something labor in the word read the Bible study to show thyself approved them to God you know I just I just need to learn Spanish man then do it learn it you know put some work into it don't just wait for God to just give you the gift of tongues because it ain't gonna happen okay you need to just work and do something to get to that point okay go to Proverbs 21 but what happens when you're idle you basically just become lazy and God cannot bless a lazy Christian it's not going to happen and look don't wait for someone to give you to come and give you a project you come up with the project you figure something out okay like well I'm just waiting for that opportunity it's not gonna come make opportunities what you need to do okay be someone of action be a self-starter don't wait for someone to have to kick you and your your hanger parts to get you going you ought to make sure that you're just like you know what I got vision for my personal life I'm going places and look you know ladies like that for you single guys you know they want to be with the guy who's going somewhere not some lazy lethargic bum they want someone who's going somewhere you got things going on and you're just like grab on to my coattail we're going on a ride we're gonna serve the Lord okay but what happens when you're idle you also starve obviously that's in a physical sense look at Proverbs 21 25 says the desire the slothful killeth him for his hands refused to labor he coveted the Greeley all the day long but the righteous giveth and spareth not you know what happens when you're idle you're lazy you you end up starving to death because you're too lazy to work to pay the bills or to pay for a meal look at second Thessalonians chapter number three the Bible says in second Thessalonians chapter number three and verse number ten for even when we were with you this we commanded you that if any would not work neither should he eat that's a good motivation to work I want to eat right but you know what we can apply this spiritually can't we you know if you don't work and labor in the word you're gonna starve spiritually you know you know you shouldn't be like well I just I need to come on Sunday because I need to pick me up from the sermon you know I just need some encouragement no you ought to come to church to confirm what you're already getting out of the Bible okay and I'm not saying you're not gonna get anything encouraging obviously something's gonna encourage you you're gonna be blessed when you come to church because you're around your brethren etc but you know what you need to make sure you're eating on a daily basis don't be lazy read the Bible not posts you know Facebook and Instagram posts all the time so that's my daily reading you know and then I hope I hope to God that no one in here is reading a devotional you know daily bread or something I read my deal I saw on Instagram someone's like yeah I got my daily devotional read my devotional today what get that crap out of here that daily devotionals are not welcomed here okay that goes in the same trash bin as the 1960 rent of Valera okay that's where that goes why because God already wrote you a devotional right here 66 books right there that's what you need to be reading okay now what I have you turn I have a journey we'll go to Jeremiah 17 now here's a major one okay this is big and this often applies to ladies but it's applicable to everyone what happens when you're idle often the the result of it is you get depressed okay you get depressed and I'm guys can are prone to that as well okay depression but often it's because you're too idle you're not doing anything look at Jeremiah 17 9 says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it I the Lord search the hearts I try the reins even to give every man according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doing you know what happens when you're idle you have too much time to think and look thinking is a good thing but you need to think on something productive like the Word of God projects goals but we don't have those things you need to think about imaginations that aren't even real because look God gives us a matter God gave us the ability to have imaginations which works to our advantage why because we we have a goal we have a vision and what do we allow what do we allow ourselves to do to imagine its potential like wow you know we can reach all of LA here there we can see and then our imagination allows us to see the bigger picture you know when the Bible talks about he's able to give us abundantly above all that we can ask or think that imagination takes us to that plane so that God can do abundantly above that but you know what if you're not doing anything in your idol your imaginations turn on you and they start coming up with stupid stuff that's not even true I think they don't like me at church you know Alex said something to me other day and just and it just kind of I wonder or she I wonder are they talking about me over here you just start thinking up stupid stuff because you're twiddling your fingers not doing anything but thinking that's not the way to live okay ladies don't be that way don't be idle at home get off of Facebook get off of Instagram and go clean the house okay work on a specific area in your house that needs work okay or learn how to prepare a special meal learn how to do something learn a trade learn something that will make you productive why because if you're not careful if you're home all day long you're gonna become you're gonna have these crazy imaginations and it's gonna take you to Star Wars land so a galaxy far far away and you just then you know your husband comes home and then you're just like just depressed and you know you're going through the 75 years of great tribulation at home and the husband's like what's wrong what's cuz you're idle and look husbands help your wife with this give them some projects to do give them some things to learn that are enjoyable to learn okay find your wife's niche where would something that she can learn that she will enjoy they look they could potentially turn into like a family business that would be great right where it's just like something you you you're working on something with them you know you need to figure something out I don't know your wife look one of the best way and look obviously it's different for everyone and one of the things that helps with just not being I was having kids okay you know my wife's pretty busy with two projects okay one project produces a lot of poop and the other project you know she spent the last three work three weeks teaching them where to poop and to pee okay that's my son he's being potty trained well you know what it was a it was a big project for my wife he I remember she I remember the week before you know and she was like next week I'm doing it we're gonna potty train Bruce we're gonna do it you know on Monday we start I'm like amen you know to do it and she goes I know it's gonna be hard though because I need to take him to the restroom every 15 minutes to make sure he gets it and I remember Monday it was just disaster disaster was all over the place we just weren't getting it you know but you know what she's that was her project amen and it was difficult that it was hard but you know what Wednesday came around and then he like he was going you know we're taking we have his little yeah he has his own little toilet that he uses you know and it makes a fake flushing noise and stuff you don't have to do it this way this is the way we did it and we like the way it worked you know my wife would give him marshmallows when he would use the restroom in the toilet happy as the day is long but you know what he's potty trained it was hell trying to get him to like get potty trained but you know what he's potty trained and now he sits there he's just like baby baby baby if you ever hear him in the service you may not know what he's saying that's what he's saying he's like I gotta go but you know what that's a big project and it kept my wife busy she ain't got time to have imaginations you know the only imaginations that she's having is regarding potty training you know what I mean like what's the best way to do it or whatever you know but kids help with that sorry for the for the banda music right there in the back this is not part of the video on YouTube okay I don't this is not the music overlay for the video yeah ambient banda music for the for the preaching this is LA okay so you know you gotta have a project to do at home and obviously children help with that but if you don't have children you know you need to figure something out I can't wait to that light turns green good night probably the World Cup or something alright it turned green I lost my train of thought so you know if you don't have kids then you need to find a project to do okay something that the ladies can get excited about all right that keeps them busy because imaginations can just get you depressed and depression is it stinks you know you just get depressed and you're just like and you're just constantly crying but you know what if you have a project if you have goals that you're working on if you're keeping yourself busy you're not idle you weren't you're not gonna fall into that trap all right go to revelations chapter number three we're almost done revelations chapter number three so what also happens when you're idle well you're not strengthening the things that remain so that's part of that's that's that's coupled with having projects at home is just make sure you're maintaining the the the the the specific things you're already doing okay look at revelations 3 2 says and unto the angel of the church and Sardis right these things saith he that hath the seven spirits of God and the seven stars I know thy works that thou has a name that thou liveth and are dead excuse me that are dead be watchful and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die for I have not found thy works perfect before God you don't have to turn there Ecclesiastes 10 18 says by much slothfulness the building decayeth and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through okay how can we apply that practically well it's ladies if you're idle at home start cleaning what you already cleaned you know wash the dishes clean okay you know get on your hands and knees and wash the floors that's what my wife learned how to wash floors her daddy's tell her we don't do mops you know why cuz mops moved dirt you guys know that okay it just kind of moves it around is what it does he would have his daughters hands and knees with a rag and go to from every corner to every corner cleaning that all ass enslavement shut up with your feminine Nazi stupid effeminate philosophies okay that's why my wife has character because she's just like you know it is a big floor but you know and we have carpet now so you don't have to do that but I'm saying you know cleaning should be a very integral part of the home and with guys this is the same thing look don't let your your spiritual life decay you need to make sure you're maintaining that thing whether it's out especially at work maintain your work maintain what you're doing don't be idle Ecclesiastes chapter number six turn there if you would actually you know what no go to 2nd Timothy chapter 4 sorry so remember with the being too busy you have a a false sense of accomplishment but when you're too idle you have no sense of accomplishment you don't get anything done you're not doing you don't have a sense of accomplishment you don't know what it's like to accomplish something and look men that's where we thrive when we have a project we get her done and it's just like man I finished it it's complete time to conquer something else I'm married I married her I conquered her time to accomplish something else that's what guys think they just go around conquering project to project okay and look my father-in-law taught me that is the greatest he taught me that and I married his daughter so you know he knew what he was doing okay he specifically goes look he goes look brother Bruce we're conquerors okay that's why when we get married it's like we move on to something else that doesn't mean we neglect our wife but it's just like we want to conquer things what does that mean accomplish something something that's difficult something that's hard and when it's done it's like yes I finished it you know but if you're idle you're not doing nothing you don't even know what it's like to accomplish something okay and then you don't feel like a man okay you need to do that look at second Timothy chapter 4 verse 5 but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of thy ministry for I am now ready to be offered in the time when my departures at hand I have fought a good fight I finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love is appearing man Paul's like man I finished you know he's ready to do it I finished my course I've fought a good fight I've kept the faith that's a sense of accomplishment okay but when you're idle you don't have that sense you're not doing nothing okay go build something go accomplish a project get some purpose in life and do it now I'm gonna skip some things here let's see here well go to 1st Peter chapter 1 well I'll take a couple more minutes all right give me a couple more minutes when you're idle you open yourself up to spiritual attacks okay that goes along with depression obviously my father-in-law used to say this an idle mind is a devil's workshop okay when you're idle that goes along with depression obviously but when your idol is you know God wants you to think on specific things but we don't have nothing to think about nothing to do the devil just comes and just starts just starts putting all kinds of imaginations in your mind well look at 1st Peter chapter 1 verse 13 says wherefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ well in the Old Testament why would guys gird up their loins to do what to work to fight right well here it says gird up the loins of your mind get your mind to work on something keep your mind busy learn something keep it going why because when you're idle that's the devil's workshop and last verse here go to 1st Timothy chapter number 5 what happens when you're idle you actually become a busybody okay my favorite word to use so what no no no Spanish it's a Spanish word there you go she's Mosa and it she's Mosul okay 1st Timothy chapter 5 I'm in a manos verse 10 says well reported of for good works if she have brought up children if she have lodged strangers if she has she have a wash the Saints feet if she have relieved the afflicted if she have diligent and followed every good work skip down to verse number 13 and with all they learned to be idle wandering about from house to house and not only idle but tattlers also and busybodies speaking things which they ought not I will therefore that the young woman marry their children guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully so what is it saying look when you are when you become idle you just become a busybody you just want to get in everyone's business instead of taking care of your own business you know why you get involved in other people's business because you ain't got your own business you know what I mean but when you got your own business to take care of you ain't got time for everyone else's business and the only time you get involved in someone else's business is when it requires for you to get involved in someone else's business but when you are a busybody it means that you're idle you're not doing anything so look if you get nothing out of this term and get this you know obviously this is an extreme you could be too busy to the point you're not you're not getting things done okay you haven't you have false sense of accomplishment but on the other hand you could be too idle to the point where you're really not getting anything done okay so you said what do I do get a project going this week go home tonight sit down pull out a pen and pad and say all right what are some goals that I want to do and look don't think so less of yourself you know I just don't know how to do anything I just well what was me you know I just don't know how to do anything okay get out of the under the juniper tree all right God needs to send that Gordon eat up your your little tree up and figure something out so okay so if you don't know how to do something then there you go go learn how to do something case closed there you go you need to learn something this week pick up a skill a task have something to do this week that is profitable and look something of quality amen inspire hasn't have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word and we're so thankful that it's so filled with with richness and depth but also it has a lot of truth for just practical living and Lord you've made us as men to work you've made us just as human beings to be productive and I pray would not fall into the trap of being so busy that we're just busy about doing the wrong things that we neglect the most important things but also that we be not idle but that we have goals we were oriented around specific tasks and we have plans and we're going places for you Lord help us to do so Lord we love you so much we thank you pray these things in Jesus name Amen