(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're in Titus chapter number two and this evening obviously Titus chapter number two is not very a very bombastic Portion of Scripture so you're gonna have to be a little disciplined to to pay attention because a lot of this is Just it's really good teaching and has a lot to do with just application of day-to-day life. And so You're gonna have to discipline yourself to pay attention a little bit because this is not very exciting However, it's very beneficial to us and we would do well to take heed even to the instructions that we see here in Titus chapter number two, so this chapter is primarily Dedicated to four groups of people we see the age of men the age of women the young men the young women and of course generally speaking we see servants or Employers, okay or employee, excuse me And we see that what the Apostle Paul is doing here is he's instructing Titus on how to instruct those in Crete on how to behave and the reason for that is because just keep in mind that Chapter two obviously comes right after chapter one. And what is he talking about in chapter number one? Well, if you remember towards the end of the chapter He's rebuking the false prophets and circumcision because they are slanderously reporting the Jews are slanders Slanderously reporting that the Christians are always liars They're evil beasts and they're slow bellies and if you look at chapter one look at verse number 13 He says this witness is true Wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith not given heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men That turn from the truth now Obviously what the Apostle Paul is telling Titus the most obvious thing is that they need to rebuke the false prophets And this is why he says in verse number nine holding fast the faithful word That he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers Then he says in verse number 11 whose mouths must be stopped referring to the circumcision so how do we stop people's mouths by rebuking them right and he's specifically talking about the Pharisees the false prophets the Jews However, I also believe that he's referring to when he talks about rebuking. He's also referring to the Cretans as well Not because they're guilty of being always liars evil beasts and slow bellies But rather I believe he's admonishing them or telling Titus to rebuke them as a preventative measure Okay to keep them from doing such things Alright, and in fact look at the end of chapter number two verse 15 says these things Speak exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee You see when pastors get up and they preach the Word of God and they're rebuking It's not necessary because someone is guilty of a sin rather. It's because he's trying to prevent sin in the church he's trying to prevent sins and between individuals and he rebukes he reproves as a Manner of as a way of basically preventing these sins from coming upon a person or even a church and we're commanded to rebuke these Things with all authority. Let no man despise you it says now It's no coincidence that the the lie here is that they're always liars evil beasts slow bellies in other words They're dishonest. They're lazy. And then what do we see in chapter number two? He says hey, you know be faithful to your boss You know don't steal from them have all good fidelity show, you know, make sure you do good works He tells the young men right? These are things that are the opposite of what they're being accused of and so this is why this is being spoken about In chapter number two is basically to make sure that they're not giving heed to Jewish fables Okay, he said look don't give heed to these things, but you know, you should live godly Etc. Now another thing I want you to notice here is that he says in verse 14 He says who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people Zealous of good works now when we think of good works, we think we often think of the most important work Which is what so winning right but the Bible says that that is the first work now preaching the gospel so winning starting churches Missions work. This is very much one of the most important jobs of a Christian most important work you can do However, it's not the only work and in fact to prove that he says in context of having being zealous of good works He gives all these characteristics that someone should have, you know Be a good laborer at your job a good employee be a good son Be a good young man an aged man an aged woman and he claims these as being you know Good works and so when you're out so winning yes, that's a good work But you know what? That's the that's not the only work you're gonna be doing in the Christian life You need to learn how to be sober. You need to learn to be grave You need to learn how to have sound speech. Hey women who are keepers at home. That's a good work. And So we can't just have this in balance View of the Christian life or as well. I'm fine if I just do so winning. I'm good to go No, if you're doing so when he means you're shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace But it doesn't necessarily mean that you have the breastplate of righteousness It doesn't necessarily mean that you have your loins girt about with truth, you know It doesn't necessarily mean that you have the best behavior and character as a Christian God expects both and he wants us to have a balanced life where we're not only preaching the gospel But we're living the life that's pleasing unto the Lord as well that we have character Okay, that we have behavior that is becoming unto unto a saint and pleasing unto the Lord And so look at verse number one. He says here but speak thou the things Which become sound doctrine? Now what is sound doctrine often when we think of doctrine? Obviously the first thing that comes to mind is teaching because that's exactly what that means right doctrine, but sound doctrine What is sound doctrine? Well when we think of this doctrine just in general we think of that Which is aesthetically pleasing to our intellect, right? You know when we think of end times Bible prophecy and the intricacies of the timing of the rapture We think of the intricacies of salvation in the Trinity. This is often what we associate with doctrine But here we see the doctrine is actually associated with what we do, right? So it's not only what we believe but it's actually also how we live our lives how we behave and he says there That he needs to speak the things which become sound doctrine now what is sound doctrine sound means? That it's without defect. It's without corruption. Okay. So how do you corrupt the Word of God? How can a Christian corrupt the Word of God when they when what they say or what they say They believe doesn't match up with how they live You know what I mean when you say that you believe in soul winning, but you know, you're not actually doing it or whatever You know you say you believe in holiness, but you are as worldly as the day is long. Okay, these don't match up We need to make sure that we have sound doctrine doctrine that is without defect that it's without corruption. It's without Decay, okay So he says there make sure do you have sound doctrine and if you if you look throughout this book you often see that Word used even in chapter 1 he says there in verse number 9 That he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers He says in verse 13 this witness is true wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith So sound doctrine sound in the faith chapter 2 and verse number 8 says sound speech that cannot be condemned. So what is he talking about? He's talking about speech doctrine faith that is without corruption That is void of unwholeness that is void of that which is corrupt in other words pure doctrine is what he's referring to there. Okay Now let's go to some of these characteristics that he's talking about here because these are things that We as Christians need to give you to we need to make sure that we're exercising in our personal life that we're working on Verse 2 says that the age and men be sober grave temperate sound in faith in charity in Patience now, what's the first thing I want you to notice here? The first thing is this is that he's teaching or he's telling Titus who's probably a young guy To teach who the age and men Now what does this teach us it teaches us that people should respect the office not necessarily the age of the person who's in the office You know you happy were like, well, I can't follow this guy He's younger than me or whatever But here's the thing if that's what your problem is then you need to go somewhere else or just recognize hey, even Titus and Timothy have to teach people who are older than them and We look to the office not necessarily the age of the person and look if a pastor is a certain age Okay, and you can't accept that well you need to realize that that person worked hard to get to that position He's qualified for that position, right? But it also teaches us that even the aged men and women need to be taught So guess what those of you who are aged now, it doesn't give us a bracket of age You know, it's just like aged is like because obviously aged is like 35 and up. You know, I mean, okay I'm 34. Okay You know, that's that's I think that's about aged right there, okay, I'm just kidding, you know aged men I don't want to put an age because people are gonna get offended. It's like a hundred. Okay It's when you're old, okay Put it this way if you got offended at any of those you're the agent. Okay, so you're in that bracket, right? so It tells us here obviously that the aged people still have to be taught They still have to learn right so an aged person or what we would refer to as the elderly Has not gotten to a point where they've arrived in the Christian life. They need to keep learning as well Now the Bible speaks very highly of the elderly of the aged the hoary head Hoary is basically white. So it's referring to those who are gray headed and and often that's associated with with age being older and The Bible even tells us in Leviticus chapter 19 that we ought to rise up before the hoary head You know, have you ever been taught the one an older person comes into a room or they come sit at a table What do you do you you rise up to greet them? Okay that comes from the Bible and that we should honor it says the old man Okay, so obviously people who are up there in age should be esteemed should be honored by default okay, so automatically when you see an old person an older person you ought to automatically have a Response that is respectful towards them All right But the Bible says that the hoary why is that because the Bible teaches us that the hoary head is a crown of glory If it be found in the way of righteousness stuff So look God's like hey respect the hoary head respect the old man honor them but here's the thing if it be found in the way of righteousness, so It's not just a carte blanche ironclad promise where some any old fart geezer Who's a hater of God should just receive our respect No Because it's he's saying there if it's found in the way of righteousness why because there's a lot of old people out there that are wicked you know, how about Hugh Hefner who was like a hundred and thirty billion years old and That guy was wicked as hell and guess what? God does not expect for us to honor him He didn't expect for us to respect him In fact, you know, he's burning in hell today for all the wickedness that he has done, you know There's a lot of people out there who are up there in age and there's they're wicked Okay, they're evil people and God does not expect us to honor them He's saying look look for the hoary head honor them if they're found in the way of righteousness now You say well, what if they're not found in the way of righteousness? What if they're just not safe? Well, then you respect them unless they give you a reason not to they say there's some sort of reprobate or they try to impose Unbiblical teachings upon you and your family at that point. They just forfeited their right to be respected Okay, now we don't look for reasons to disrespect people but here's the thing once they give you a reason, you know You know whether it's because they say they hate God, they don't believe in God. They don't believe in the Bible They they try to they try to impose their liberal views on you at that point They forfeited their privilege to be honored and be respected So on and so forth because the Bible tells us that we ought to honor them if they're found in the way of righteousness, okay? So That being said and look this is you know The Bible tells us that it talks about old kings old and foolish kings who would no more be admonished. I Respect an elderly person who is still learning. Amen Someone who feels like I have not yet arrived I can still learn the Word of God from someone who's younger than me, you know We have older people in our church and you know what? It says a lot that they're older and I'm younger than them I'm their leader. I'm their pastor and they're still learning right and this is a lot about them because the fact that God condemns and He says that those who are old and foolish are those who no longer be admonished They say well, I know everything that there is to know you can't teach me. I've been around the block longer than you How are you gonna tell me about God? How are you gonna tell me what the Bible says? That's nonsense Okay You know when it comes to the Word of God and learning the Bible gaining intellect and knowledge from the Bible We are all at it even plain, right? We all have the privilege to be able to read the Word of God and learn from it and Learn from people who even if they're younger than us if they know something that we don't we can glean wisdom from that So he says there the aging man be sober grave temperate. What is sober and grave means? It means they're serious about the things of God. It should be that as you get older you mature more, right? You know, you're no longer childish. You're no longer immature You put away the video games the Xbox the Nintendo is there a Nintendo 64 still do they still use cartridges? You know the the PlayStation or whatever that should be a thing of the past as you grow old Okay, you should be sober grave temperate. That means discipline and then he says here sound in faith in charity in patience Now this is interesting because he says sound in faith in charity and patience. What's another word for patience? Well in the Bible another word for patience is hope Now if I were to ask you what is the love chapter of the Bible? What is it? First Corinthians what? 13 right talks about charity You know charity vonteth not itself does not behave itself unseemly, you know, the enbyeth not, you know It suffereth law and goes to those qualities of charity and then in verse number 11 of first Corinthians chapter 13 He says this when I was a child I spake as a child I understood as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things Okay, and then at the end of the chapter he says now abideth these you know faith charity Hope and the greatest of these obviously is charity. So it's no coincidence that we see charity You know associated with someone who has put away childish things, you know Cuz it's so a childish person or a person who's immature as a person who vaunted themselves. They envy others, you know They're kind of selfish, you know, but as you grow up as you begin to mature you put away those childish things Okay, and what happens? Well, you become sound in the faith you become sound in You know patient and you become sound in charity. You have a love that's without defect You have a mature love and it should be that as we grow older we begin to love the things of God more not less And let me say this the Bible tells us That ye that love the Lord hate evil so you can't grow in your love for the things of God without growing Also in like manner your hatred for the things that he hates It's those this thing is like oh, you know, he's older So he just he loves the Lord more and that's why he's taking a softer stance on these issues It doesn't work that way The way it works is as you grow and mature in the Lord You love the things of God more if you're in the way of righteousness But guess what along with that in tandem with growing in your love for God, you're also growing in your hatred For sin you're growing in your hatred for the things that God hates It should not be the opposite if you have someone say well, I'm just you know That's how I was back in a day I used to hate everything and now you know I've grown up in the Lord and I just I love the Lord now and I'm more patient But you don't hate the things that God hates then you're you're a liar. You're a compromises what you are You are a compromiser my friend And look a perfect example of this is Bob Gray senior a perfect example of this is Alan Domiley a perfect example of this Is any old IFB preacher who used to be hard preachers from back in the day and now they're a bunch of soft sissies. Oh No, they matured. No, they haven't they've immatured Is what it is. Okay, because the Bible says the charity rejoiceth not in iniquity But They rejoice in the truth Whereas you have Alan Domiley who's just rejoicing in iniquity. He wants to vindicate the predator rather than the innocent That's not right. Okay, that's hypocrisy is what it is You know these old farts and geezers who are not in found in the way of righteousness. Oh, you shouldn't say that about them Well, they should have thought twice Before defending bunch of predators and wicked reprobate pedophiles who as Bob Gray jr. Said they should tie in a Millstone about their neck and they should be drowned in the depths of the sea And to that I say amen Okay Look, you know Bob Gray jr. I got saved under his preaching. He's a man that I greatly respect I love him and I admire him and I when I saw that video today I even shot him a text and I said I just want to thank you cuz I've always loved you and I've always looked up to you and I'm glad that years later I can still love you and look up to you You know cuz he's still found in the way of righteousness. Oh, but is he pre-trip? I don't care All right, you know if he is then he's a preacher whatever You know I'm thankful that he's at least taking a stand and he's not defending these wicked people these wicked reprobates as his contemporaries are Unfortunately, all right You know the age and men should be an example unto us. Okay, and They should be sound in the faith in charity in patience. Their love for people should grow that much the more Okay, you know and look we take it a step further because we are trying to do what the Bible tells us to do Which is hate those who hate the Lord And well, I don't agree with that then you have not yet matured That's just it your love for God and the things of God has not yet matured then Because you cannot grow in your love without growing in your hatred for the things that God hates as well And so we see that there and you know, and he's first mentioning the age and men He said hey you you you old guys, you know You need to make sure that you have these qualities that you're growing that you're becoming complete in these areas. Don't compromise Okay, don't be compromises. Don't just be tolerant of sin It should be that you get mad about it so much the more as the years go by. Okay All right, so, you know the aged men they get one verse okay, he's like here's what you got to do do it verse three the aged women They get four they get three verses. Okay, and so why is that? Well, let's let's take a look see here Now, what's what's the what's the age bracket for the age of women? I'm just gonna I'm not gonna say Yeah The aged women likewise that they being behavior has become its holiness not false accusers That's the first thing he mentions Don't be a little cheese Mosa What he's saying, you know why cuz aged women unfortunately, I mean the Bible's telling us here They probably have the propensity to do that if they're idle, right? bunch of tattlers gossipers busybodies Ah, you know, that's not really yes, it does happen We threw someone out of our church earlier this year who is a busybody and a tattler who is going from house to house Going from phone call to phone call Harassing the people in our church being a busybody and a tattler and we threw her out Okay, we brought it. You know, we brought her before the church She was railing on on our pastor at the time, which is pastor Anderson. She was railing on me She's raining on a bunch of different people and lo and behold She was accusing people falsely of a bunch of different stuff and it's funny because once we threw her out You know, everyone started coming up afterwards. Oh, man. Thank you. You know, I'm glad that happened You know, she came up to me and said this I'm like your belly barely telling me this now You know people come up to me like oh, man She would call me and say this and say that I'm like you need to tell me these things Why are you telling me just now, you know, but they were thinking it was just isolated incidents and events There's even people who came to our church Unfortunately for the first time she would she got at them and they never came back after that You know You know the Bible tells us that these type of ladies are given have gone after Satan To become busybodies and toddlers Just false accusers and he said well, how do I avoid being this type of a person? Well get married and have children. Amen And look if you're married and you don't have children husbands keep your wives busy Doing your tasks taking care of your projects. Well, I don't have projects then get busy and get some projects going Because women are meant to be keepers at home They're meant to keep the operation going at the house Your operation the operation of the children and if there isn't tasks or if there aren't tasks to do at the house if there aren't Projects to do then they have a propensity to go out and be you know Go on social media and become a cheese most go on social media and become tattlers, you know They should be keepers at home and so busy with the things of the house. They don't have time for anything else Okay So he says they're not false accusers not given too much wine teachers of good things now People have used verse 3 to justify Sunday school, you know female Sunday school teachers Okay, you've never heard it. I have or they're just like hey, you know Timothy our Timothy Titus chapter 2 Says that you know, they could be teachers of good things and then automatically associate teaching with anything that comes out of their mouth All right, but this is not what this is teaching and by the way teaching Yes, it's primarily done with our our words like for an example from the pulpit, but we also teach with our web behavior and There's a reason why he starts off by saying the aged women Likewise that they be in behavior as become as holiness why because our behavior teaches people as well And in fact the Bible even says ye are our epistles written in our hearts known in red of all men Right when talking about Christians He says there are teachers of good things that they may teach the young women to be sober now these qualities that they're gonna go through If that's the case that teachers are good things means they could become Sunday school They could be there that's their deputization of becoming a Sunday school teacher I've been in Baptist churches in a Baptist Church for ten years and I've never seen a Female Sunday school teacher teach any of these things. They're usually teaching doctrine You know, you know salvation or whatever. They're not teaching them to be you know to be sober To love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chase keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands They're teaching them to Jonah story or whatever and I'm not saying it's bad that they're teaching them to Jonah story What I'm saying is this is that that's not their place And it's wicked for a woman to get up and teach in church. Now. Look my wife was a Sunday school teacher Okay. I have the first time I met her. She was teaching a little Sunday school class You know in the back room behind the baptistry room she was teaching there and you know what one time I was for it But you know what then you begin to grow Then you begin to mature and you realize okay, this is wrong. We should not be partaking in this. This is wicked Oh, you used to do it. Yeah, but I don't anymore Yeah, but your wife used to do it yeah, but she doesn't anymore There's a big difference, right and So the teaching that must be done is through the behavior of a person brother David, can you turn on the AC please? This is why it says in verse 4 that they may teach the young woman to be sober To love their husbands. This doesn't mean like they're gonna come to you and say alright This is what you could do to love your husband Okay How do they do it by? Exemplifying that with their relationship with their spouse. Okay, they become an example Why is that because things are rather? caught than top We actually learn more from someone's example than what they teach sometimes. Okay, and And so that's why he's telling them there there that they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their Children now look this is it the reason you know, Paul's giving three verses to the age of women's because you know The age of women today they're not teaching these things. What are they teaching divorce your husband? Go do your own thing, you know be independent get a job you get separate separate bank accounts. You don't need him You know you got it going on girlfriend Teaching them stupid stuff This feminazi culture that seeks to pervert Women, you know and twist them and try to get them out of the way and unfortunately that stuff infiltrates the church Where you have women in church who are very independent You know against their husband they do their own thing. They're self-willed You know and look you say how do I know if that's me well does this bother you that I'm saying this You know if it bothers you then you've been influenced by that culture Okay, you know women ought to be taught to be dependent on their husband right Not me I got my own thing going on You're wicked Get right with God Get right with God read the Bible because look you're not getting that from the Word of God You're getting that from the stupid culture. This is what happens when you watch Disney movies You know that teach young girls to be independent You know that teach them to to rebel against their fathers Right that they don't need you know It teaches them to rebel against their their their household and go seek out some some faggoty looking guy You know and they live happily ever after or whatever, you know, this is fantasy This is not real the real world. God says hey, you need to be in subjection to your own husband submit That's what he says Can we use a better word, you know be in subjection? You Submit in subjection Okay, and this is the role. Okay. Now look don't mean submission and subjection to every man But to your own husband, okay to your own husband not husband, excuse me That's weird It says to that they may teach the young men to be sober to love their husbands to love their children You know aged women should be an example of what it is to raise children and to love them Okay, and I know aged women who raise children and you know what? they encourage my wife and I to see them how they how they work with their little kids and how they raise them and How they train them in the ways of the Lord and you know one thing I've noticed even with older women is that? They just got a lot more patience with the children. Okay, they seem to have more patience and we learn from that. Okay Love their children to be discreet Chased now, what does discreet mean? It means modest Right, not just in dress though. That's important. Okay, you know, we need a this is something that needs to be preached on a lot Modesty dress. Okay. Now what does modest means? It means you don't call attention to yourself and Look just because you wear a skirt Doesn't mean you're modest Because what if that skirt is form-fitting and everyone can see your hanger parts and the outline of your hanger parts, that's not modest That's not holy that's not good okay, and just because you wear a skirt doesn't mean it's modest because what if it's not fitting but what if it's high and You sit down the skirt goes up, you know, and then you can see everything in between or whatever, you know You don't want that to happen and that's not discreet. That's not modest You know, we need to make sure that we that we try to be far to the right as possible It's better to just lean all the way to the right Than to be anywhere close to the left on a position. That's that's questionable Okay, and husbands teach your wives Right husbands ought to teach their wives. I'm scared of my wife, you know Dude you need to like grow up Okay, you know you chose to get married you chose to have a wife you courted your wife, you know And with that you chose the responsibility to lead her and to be able to tell her these things if it needs to be done And guess what? No one else is gonna do it You have to do it so Men needs that need to have their spiritual eyes open to their wives and say hey, you know Look, there's nothing wrong with going to your wife and saying hey, I don't like the way that looks go change Okay, and look sometimes, you know wives they're not necessarily dressing that way because they want to be a modest sometimes They're just naive about those things And you know, there's been times even with my wife where she would wear something and and I'll say, you know I don't really like that. Just go put something else. She's like, okay You know cuz she knows I'm not trying to be a jerk about it I'm Doing it because I'm trying to lead my wife and help her to be discreet to be sober to be chase to be holy Okay, and look if you're giving me the eye Suck it up Okay, and you better get used to it because guess what? We're only two years in We got many more decades to go and you're gonna hear this over and over and over again Okay, because look we want to raise up a generation that are modest in clothing not just in spirit Obviously one of them honest and spirit but in clothing as well Okay, but also modest in speech too, right? Where you know, we're not raising up a generation of just loudmouths You know, the Bible does say does talk about a quiet, you know meek and quiet spirit Okay To be discreet chaste. It says they're keepers at home Now what is a keeper at home? Well, you think of Cain when God came to him after he slew his brother Abel and he says where is thy brother? He says am I my brother's keeper what he's saying? Do I guard my brother? Am I supposed to be watching over my brother? So a keeper at home is one who guards watches over the household while the father is out being the breadwinner Etc. So look, this is funny. Okay verse 5 to be discreet chase keepers at home good Good Now that's not there by accident. What does that mean? It means ladies you ought to be good at what you do Right Be a good keeper at home Be a good modest dresser be a good cook Thank you, I thought I was about to be on the island by myself here Good that means you should have you should be a skilled wife Right. It means you should be able to operate The household in such a way that you alleviate the pressures for your husband so he can take care of other things Okay, you are helping. You're the help me. You're helping your husband become successful All right, and so you should seek and strive to be good at what you do. Don't be sloppy Learn how to cook learn how to clean. Amen Be a good teacher of your children Okay, which means that you need to be educated. You need to know what you're doing You need to have good qualities in regards to this It says obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed So it's the same if you don't fulfill these rules What is the Bible saying? You're actually blaspheming the Word of God that is strong language That's being stated there don't overlook that in fact, we're gonna spend some time on that Okay, because obviously this is a very strong condemnation You know, if you're like, oh, you know, I'm blaspheming the Word of God You need to get your heart right then and look it obviously starts with the husband's husbands, you know, your wife could only Do and obey God's Word as much as you set the environment to do so Which means you need to make sure that you get a job You need to make sure that you're that you are providing for your household that you're giving your wife the liberty to be able to Be a keeper at home Well, you know if I work and you know, she works then you know We're just not gonna have the nicest of things. Well, boo-hoo At least you'll be obedient to God. At least you won't be blaspheming the Word of God So what you're saying is that you rather have good things and just Blaspheme the Word of God as long as you're having the good things Not right Okay, if you need to get a job at Domino's if you need to work for a pizza place If you got to work for uber eats There's no shameful job if you're putting bread on the table You know, we need to make sure look Folks today in 2019. This isn't talked about enough pastors don't want to talk about this You know why because pastors have their wives work all the time now You know, I'm thankful that my father-in-law taught us taught me that hey, you know If you get married to my to my daughter, you know, you better not make her work She needs to stay home be a keeper home. You need to provide and you need to figure it out, right? unfortunately, you know some of the leaders who came out of that leadership did not have that same philosophy and they have their wives working out in the workplace in the secular realm and You know, that's shameful. Okay in order to pay for their bills so they can have their luxuries. You know, what if if Working you working and causing your wife to stay at home and be a keeper home means that you have to go without then go without If it means that you have to cut back on some things Then you can't have some of the nicest things then do it who cares I'm just thinking about your dignity You know, it's just like man I need to be providing for my household if not the Bible says you're what worse Than an infidel an infidel is a non-believer and look Listen to me He's not saying you are an infidel He's insulting you he's saying you're worse Than an infidel Why are you calling me an infidel? Oh, no. No, I didn't call you an infidel You're worse than an infidel You know where you get what God is doing when you wrote that in the Bible he's hitting you where it hurts Because men have egos do they not we have egos You know, I mean and often when it hits the ego it causes us to want to change I'm not gonna like live like this. I'm gonna make sure that I get a job. I gotta make sure and look Get whatever you can get and if you have to move out of whatever apartment that you're in To get something smaller if that's what you have to do Then that's what you got to do If it means that you can't go out every Friday on a day night and pay for this luxurious food Do you love eating then so be it? Then you're just having two, you know slices of bread with air in between But at least you're putting bread on the table at least you paid for that bread Right, you should like hey I pay for this bread man, you know and look I've been through that many men have been through that where you go through a season when you have to go without and You know, sometimes it's hard but you know what at least you know, well I bought these beans I bought this rice Okay, I purchased this this little you know cheap food here that I'm feeding my family. I'm buying those diapers Okay, at least I know I'm purchasing those diapers So we need to make sure that hey look we don't want to go through these extreme you know a woman needs to not be independent, but a man needs to be independent a Man needs to learn how to be independent and let me give you an example like nah, I'm spending too much time on that So The main motive should be look that we don't want to blaspheme the Word of God Okay, and why is it that he's saying that we're blaspheming the Word of God if we don't do these things Because of the fact that you know, when when the world looks at us we should be different right we should be Characterized as the people of sacrifice of obedience and being able to fulfill these roles with a good attitude amen, and You know if God says that that's who we are and the and by the way the world knows this When we don't live as such You know and then they begin to criticize the Christians the beginning that's why you know This person is just like, you know, my neighbor is just like my husband what he's talking about being a Christian He doesn't even go to work and he's a lazy bum. He plays Xbox all day or whatever You're blaspheming the Word of God Look if you play Xbox, just don't tell me okay Look if you play Xbox, but you work and you put food on the table and you're taking care of responsibilities Then I guess have at it. I would just say you should do something else that's productive with your time. That's fun You know, I mean go read a book or something Exercise thyself rather than to godliness. Amen All right, we'll get off of that Verse six. So he just got done ripping the aged men the aged women the young women Verse six says young men likewise exhort to be sober minded and all things showing thyself a pattern of good works and doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity Sincerity sound speech that cannot be condemned the heat that is of the contrary part may be ashamed Having no evil thing to say of you. So the young men. What is he? What is the main thing that he's telling the young man? Hey, you need to be characterized by good works In other words having a good work ethic, right? Don't be some lazy slothful bum that doesn't want to work You know, you shouldn't be a lazy slothful bum that doesn't want to go soul winning You know, you should be characterized by good works. Okay a Pattern of good works. That means you're that's what you're known for You're you are stereotyped as being a person who just always working in the church He has a job when he comes here. He's a servant, you know, he's just always available This is what they should be characterized by and he says sober minded and then he says in doctrine showing uncorruptness gravity and sincerity What is this telling us? It's telling us that young men should be grounded in the Word of God Bear the yoke in your youth. Don't be coming up with stupid doctrines Right because here's the temptation for young men sometimes Okay, the temptation for young men is to get all cute with their doctrine Well, I think that you know, I came up with this little, you know thing on my own That's so stupid That's a diverse and strange doctrine You need to be grounded in the basics and now which is foundational and mess with that at some later time Okay, you know, I don't know. I just think the earth is flat. I Just I see you doing some scriptures that can be interpreted that way. Why don't you just interpret the scriptures that we do know? Okay, why don't you try to learn the doctrine that is already established before you start getting all cute with your doctrine? You know Everyone always wants to have some edge and some corner of some teaching and they don't even have the basics down Okay, they're trying to slam dunk before they can do a layup Right. I want to be able to do a slam dunk. It's like can you even do a free throw? Can we talk about the free throw first? Can we talk about the layup first, right? They want to skip steps not knowing that hey these steps are essential and they're vital for you to be actually be sound in the faith So you're not coming up with foolish doctrines later on and look we've all done it I've done it, you know where you're new in the faith and you try to get cute with certain doctrines And then you're proven wrong later on, you know best to just take advice about this and have Doctrine that is uncorrupt. It's grave. It's serious and it's sincere. It's pure. Okay verse 8 says sound speech What does that mean your speech should be without corruption? Okay, you know You Shouldn't be characterized as a person that just always puts their foot in their mouth. You shouldn't be an impetuous person You know what impetuous means it's just they talk without thinking You ever met someone who just says something really stupid and they wish they had like some fishing line where they can just reel that Thing back into their mouths. Like I've never had anybody like that. Well, you're probably the person that and then that's why You Know we you know young men should be characterized as people that think before they talk Okay, and that your speech should be characterized as something that you know, when this person talks he has something to say You know, it's grave. It's sound. It's proper it merits respect And look, here's here's some advice to you young men. Okay? You Don't always have to pipe in on certain conversations and act like a know-it-all But I do know it No one cares Because often sometimes, you know older people they don't they don't necessarily Give heed to younger people who are just always piping up with the opinion that they know everything and look most people say this Oh, I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know Let me just let me just let me just tell you something. They don't know as much as they think that they know The Bible says be swift here slow to speak Better to just listen, you know who I you know who I observe as those who observe That's who I observe The person who gets my attention is not always the one who's always piping up It's the one who's quiet and just reserved and just listens That's a wise person Right. He is esteemed a man of understanding because he's shutting his lips. I Think that's is that my alarm Maybe I've been hearing things. I mean I am getting old. I don't Sunday that happened. I was like is that Christmas music or something? I Gotta be sound in the faith. Hey, man Sound speech that cannot be condemned You know, it's embarrassing when you say something stupid and then you get rebuked for it. You get condemned for it That's embarrassing or how about when you say something stupid or you give a fact like this if you know it and then it's wrong That's embarrassing and you got to cover your tracks. Well, that's not really what I said. That's not really what I meant No, why don't you just have sound speech that cannot be condemned? Why don't you only speak that what you know, and in that point you don't even have to say that Just pipe down sometimes Amen The cannot be condemned that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed having no evil thing to say of You okay, and look often people who try to you know They say a lot are people who have the need to persuade They have a need to persuade that they're smart that they know something that they have everything down pat They don't have problems with anything. They're just they have their Christian life right where it needs to be. You're not fooling anybody Okay Better to be a person who is just learning You know, don't be a know-it-all you could always learn something from someone Okay, and don't ever have this attitude like well, you know This person can't teach me anything or the pastor can't teach me anything This aged person is not gonna teach me anything We can learn something from everyone and the day you believe you can is the day that you're gonna you're gonna stop learning It's the day you become puffed up prideful and foolish and you will be ashamed. Okay, so young men Hey be sober minded Okay, you know don't cloud your thoughts with foolish thinking What does it mean to be sober-minded means your focus Okay, be focused be sober-minded, you know, obviously young men should be goal oriented, right and The reason why you should be goal oriented is because of the fact that you have years You have years to be able to perfect habits and goals and achievements while you're young But you know if you waste your time as a young man doing stupid stuff playing video games Doing that which is vain you're gonna be in your 30s and 40s and have nothing to show for it You want to be someone who is sober-minded? Okay, you know and look we need 20 year olds that are just different from the 20 year olds that are out there We need 20 years that are different from the 30 year olds We need 30 we need 20 year olds that are different from the 15 year olds Because some 20 year olds still act like 15 year olds You know a 20 year old today should be someone in their 20s someone who's preparing to get married. Amen Someone who's seeking a wife They're reading their Bibles. They are they're serving in the church. They're they're giving their time unto the Lord Their goals though some of them may be secular goals Most of their goals are leaning towards the church seeing people saved Hey young man, you should have a goal to be a team leader in our church Like man, that's that's something I want to achieve one day is to be a team leader in the church So I can lead a group of people, you know young men should strive to be leaders now I don't know I'm just saying like to be a pastor but you know what if you're gonna get married you're gonna lead a wife You're gonna lead children. It's good to learn leadership qualities be sober-minded Verse 9 says exhort servants To be obedient to their own masters and to please them Well in all things not answering again. In other words, don't talk back So what does he say? Hey, you need to be a faithful and loyal employee. Okay, be good to your boss Make sure that you're obedient to them in all things. Well, that's not part of my job description do it anyways Do what you're supposed to do, even if it wasn't in the job description, okay That's what he's basically saying there not answering again Don't don't be this person who's just always back talking you you just got this You just got this habit Because you know, you're right and your boss is wrong. You're just gonna you're gonna tell them how it is You know, you're a prideful person. This is not how you should be how you be verse 10 says not purloining What does that mean don't steal from your boss? Don't steal paper clips or money or pens or how about this time? right You should work the time that you are being paid for and then some You should be as the Bible says the person who goes the extra mile. Okay, the person who's willing to walk Twain as the Bible says miles for your boss and do above what is expected of you Not answering again not purloining but showing all good fidelity that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things now Here's what's interesting is that you'll hear about the conversation conversation is what conduct, right? But we often associate conversation with our words Now in first Peter chapter 3 when it's talking to the wives It says that they can win their husbands with their conversation and it's not referring to their words. It's referring to their conduct and In like manner when it says adorn We often things we often think that something that is adorn is something on the outside. You know, you adorn yourself with clothing But in first Peter chapter 3 those who are adorning should be those now doing with the plating of hair But rather with the meek and quiet spirit right emphasizing the the inward man and here it says That when young men young women aged men aged women Fulfill these roles they adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. We make the doctrine look good You know, I mean your boss sees you working hard and you know you are Early you leave later. You're fulfilling your responsibilities. What are you doing? You are adorning your you're making that doctor That reprobate doctrine looks so much better now right you know when when you're trying to win your spouse to the Lord and You you're like you need to submit to me. You know, the bottle says you need to submit to me woman But you're not dwelling with her according to knowledge You're not adorning the doctrine However, a man who loves his wife as Christ loved the church, even if she's unsaved and you're trying to win her over You know what you're doing? You're adorning that doctrine It's like well, you know submission doesn't look that bad anymore Actually, that doctrine looks pretty good now because my husband loves me as Christ loves the church, right? When you're trying to win your husband to the Lord, okay, or maybe he's saved and he's not in church or whatever Maybe you know preaching to him does not work Nagi doesn't work. I Forgot about that Let's read let's go back. Okay, we're gonna start all over again. Let's talk about nagging for a bit. Okay What is nagging just like? I'm wives. Let me just teach you something and if you don't want to listen to this well too bad Nagging Gets you nowhere and In fact, you know nagging does to your husband it pushes them further in the opposite direction. Do you want your him to go? Because we have with something called ego and when a woman tries to tell us what to do Well, just for that. I'm gonna do the opposite even if it's harmful to me I'm being honest with you. You know why the men are laughing because it's true This is a true saying and worthy of all expectation Okay Don't be a nagging wife. You will get nothing accomplished with that Well, how am I supposed to win him over Oh submit? reverence love read first Peter chapter 3 Read Ephesians chapter number 5 God has already set forth what you need to do and I guarantee you This will win your husband over more than anything else Not nagging though and look not preaching either Why no more Bible than him don't tell him that He will not like that at all and in fact, he'd be like, well now I'm really not going to church and Now I'm really not going soul winning because what are they teaching you at that church? Is that Church teaching you to be this way? Think about that You're not really adorning our church very well, either You know the women in our church who don't have husbands in their church You know what you need to do? You need to be the best what the best cook submit to your husband Keep your mouth shut. Oh You shouldn't use that terminology. I just did You know, you need to love your husband reverence him I'm telling you it works Your husband be like what time is church? We're going If that's what the pastor's down there teaching you oh, I like that church You know, you know kind of church Husbands hate are the faggoty churches that teach women to be independent That's why today churches are filled with women the liberal churches filled with women You know why because it appeals to the women because the guy is so effeminate and faggoty It's aesthetically pleasing to the women of the church and men who are men don't like that crap They're like, why would I want to go there see some homo looking pastor? With the hard part the fool can't even part his own hair, right? Hey, this is this is not a hard part folks This took years. Okay Come forward you split that thing you Moses it it splits it, okay You know, why would I want to go to some church where the pastor's teaching my wife to be this nagging banshee Trying to teach me doctrine saying that I'm not right with God they don't want to go to that Chill up children churches today are filled with children and wives Not men unfortunately now here we got a bunch of men, amen Thank God for that and I've known churches to have they're very male oriented because the man was the leader was a man He led like a man And look women you should be happy there Your your your father and your husband likes this kind of church Because it's gonna make them the man that you need him to be You Know this is the kind of church that men need today This is the kind of shirts that women's husbands need today because it'll man them up Why just you know, I just want to go to some church where we sing songs and the purple lighting and all this junk Then you're gonna have a stoneless husband. That's what's gonna happen You're gonna have a husband that's without backbone without so and guess what? He's not gonna love you Who's gonna be loving he's gonna be loving the the the worship leader? There's a woman as well You know the the team that's up there. That's what he's gonna be doing That's why adultery is so prevalent in these churches these liberal churches because of their loose environment Okay What was I going what was I talking about Maggie okay, don't preach to your husband Why because you're not look teaching him the reprobate doctrine and getting on him because he doesn't believe it Doesn't adorn that doctrine at all. It makes you look disgusting to him He's like, I don't want nothing to do with this But when you reverence you love you fulfill your biblical role You know, they think twice they're like, okay, you know, this is this is good. This seems good Well, what's that? You're submitting to me? Oh great. You're picking up you're picking up my dirty clothes That's not you're making me my meals. This doctrine looks pretty good and Then they're more open to you know, God knows what he's talking about He created man. He created women and he knows how they function what attracts them so on and so forth. And so We need to make sure that we fulfill these roles in this manner, okay, we adorn the doctrine we don't adorn the job You know, you sometimes people have this doctrine. This is just all tattered It doesn't look good. The lipstick is too bright You know what? I mean? The the clothes are from like the 80s Look very good. You know, we want to make sure that we make this document look styling profiling Okay, and we do the way we do that is making sure that we fulfill our roles Okay as God told us to do Says in verse 11 for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men Teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust we shall live soberly righteously and godly in this present world Looking for that blessed. Hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ now Here's the thing is the reason he's teaching them this is because the rest of the world is not doing it and The reason I'm teaching this is because the rest of the world today is not doing it This is why it says in verse 14 who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people Zealous of good works. Well, that's kind of weird that you guys believe that. Yeah, it's peculiar, isn't it? It's strange. It's foreign to this world But that's what makes it attractive and look you have great doctrine with great Christian living you'll attract the lost to Zealous of good works look at verse 15 these things speak exhort and rebuke with all authority Let no man despise thee. I love this verse He says look everything. I just told you Titus. I don't care who's there if they're aged men aged women I don't care what age bracket they come from you speak this you rebuke this with all authority and Look Titus, let no man despise thee. What does that mean? You know if someone hates you for what you're saying don't even regard that this is what you tell the people You know when people come here that I don't like this kind of preaching. There's the door No one's forcing you to stay we don't sign a membership covenant here This contract that just binds you to first works Baptist Church You don't like this kind of teaching don't let the door hit you where the Lord split you Go somewhere else You despise this prophesying. I don't let anybody despise the prophesying here If you despise it go somewhere else or here. Here's your two options go somewhere else or shut your mouth I Don't agree with you about that. Okay. Those are your two options right Because of the fact it says here let no man. He's instilling confidence in Titus To say hey Let loose broke Let loose rebuke reprove and you have the authority to do so and if someone despises you for it out of here Well, you're not gonna you're not gonna really reach a whole lot of people preaching like that Well, you know you have by that statement alone shows you have the wrong motive for serving God You're just trying to build the church We serve God and we obey God by doing exactly what he tells us to do regardless of the outcome. Okay? Let no man despise the a chapter 2 is good. Amen, you know, I thought it wasn't gonna be bombastic but it's actually pretty bombastic towards the end and What what is this teaching? What is the sum of the chapter? He is basically this. Hey believe right but act right, too Okay, you know read these roles but fulfill your roles to Believe right but also behave right as well if we're gonna adorn the doctrine of God let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word and Thank you for Titus chapter 2 and great admonitions in here And it's great that even 2,000 years later still relevant to us today and we can learn so much from it I pray God that you'd help us Lord to adorn your doctrine obviously we fail sometimes and We fall short but I pray God that we continue to work and And improve ourselves as Christians and our behavior that we would not lean into our own understanding But in all our ways acknowledge you acknowledge what you say and just have faith in the Word of God Sometimes maybe wise may think well, I just don't think that submission will work But they need to have faith in the fact that you said that it works and therefore it will Men may think well, you know to dwell with them according to knowledge to love my wife as Christ love the church You don't know my wife Well, you know this is all across the board the truth for any husband with any wife and I pray God that you help us to give heed to that and have faith in your word and To put in the effort to fulfill our roles as best as we can and in Jesus name we pray. Amen