(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) we are in luke chapter 13 there look down at your bibles in verse 18 it says then said he unto what is the kingdom of god like and where unto shall i resemble it it is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and cast into his garden it grew in wax and great tree and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it and again he said where unto shall i liken the kingdom of god it is like leaven which a woman took and hidden three measures of meal till the whole was leaven and he went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying through Jerusalem in time to the sermon this evening is till the whole is leavened till the whole is leaven here in luke chapter 13 jesus christ as he would within the gospels is giving a parable he's given an explanation in order to kind of put the cookie on the bottom shelf of what the kingdom of god is like and obviously heavenly things it's hard for us to understand them because you know we we are yes we're saved but we still have that natural man we don't know exactly how the eternal exactly looks like and so a lot of the times in the gospels jesus christ would try to relate it to something that's physical here in this world and so he would often give these comparisons to the physical world in order to give us understanding and to help us understand these spiritual truths here and he says in luke chapter 13 verse 18 first he talks about how the fact that it's like a grain of a mustard seed you think of a grain of a mustard seed is very small it's very tiny and he says that when a man takes it and he puts it into the ground what happens is that it grows and it becomes a great tree right and essentially what i believe this is referring to first and foremost is the fact that it's trying to picture the resurrection right because of the fact if you think about it when we die as believers we're like that grain of a mustard seed that dies it goes into the ground and comes out something completely different right and so the resurrection can be likened into that grain of mustard seed that goes into the ground and at the rapture when we are resurrected we receive our glorified bodies that's something completely different than what came in it's something that is sinless perfect and glorified and what he's essentially saying here is that you know what you do in this world might seem minimal it might seem small it might seem insignificant but it can produce these eternal dividends it can become a great tree to the point where the the birds of the trees come and lodge and it benefits others and it becomes something it transforms glorified into something big and then he goes on to say and again he said where unto shall i liken the kingdom of god it is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leaven now this is pretty interesting because of the fact that often in the bible when we read about leaven we often have like a negative connotation to it because it often has with it you know a negative association with false doctrine with sin and that's very much true and the reason that the bible often will use leaven to picture sin to picture picture false doctrine is because the properties of leaven operate the way false doctrine would operate you understand and so it's a great illustration to to prove that and when you think about the fact that you know when leaven the bad type of leaven goes into a church it goes into a nation it goes into a person it only requires just a little bit of leaven to destroy someone's life it only requires a little bit of leaven unchecked into a church that can destroy a church you know you think about the fact that when leaven known as sin gets into a person's life they don't repent of it they don't confess it they don't get it right it begins to grow in them it begins to grow and the ramifications are so devastating that it can get someone out of the will of god it can get someone out of church it could cause them to stop reading the bible and get involved in worse sins that's why it's important that when you have leaven in your life if there's some unchecked sin in your life that you check your heart amen you read the word of god you get right with god on a daily basis you know we're not of this persuasion that once you get saved you just come with batteries included you're never going to struggle with sin ever ever again oh i have victory over this sin i'll never have to fight it ever again no the fight against the flesh will always be present and you know what you may have conquered a specific bad habit or a sinful habit 10 years ago but you still need to conquer it today and the fact is why you said why because we need to die daily the bible specifically says that once we get saved yes we inherit the new man and yes we are a new creature in christ old things are passed away behold all things have become new but i don't know if you notice but you still have your carcass on top of your bones you still have that flesh that desires to do contrary to the spirit you still have that old man as the bible puts it that is contrary that is not subject to the law of god neither indeed can be and so we constantly have to subjugate the flesh and put it in check and make sure that we're not allowing sins in our life and look this is not saying that we're just never going to sin but you know once because we're christians we obviously have the conscience we have the bible and we understand you know what i'm involved in something i shouldn't be involved in i need to get this right before it gets out of hand i need to get my thought life right before it gets out of hand i need to get this habit in check before it gets out of hand you understand and we we identify that little leaven in our life we clean it up we confess it before god we repent of it we start exercising righteousness in our personal lives you know the bible says likewise reckon yourselves also to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies that you should obey in the lustre of neither yield you your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god he's basically saying hey every day you got to subjugate the flesh so when that little leaven gets into your life but of of you know of covetousness of greed of lust of you know gossiping of of cheating or whatever it may be you got to check it and get it out because that little seed of leaven that little leaven that gets into your life you know can spread and so and you say well you know what's wrong with a little bit of lust what's wrong with a little bit of coverage so what's wrong with a little bit of greed you know as long as it doesn't get out of control but here's the thing the natural result of just a little sin is that it'll spread and it'll make you worse and then eventually it'll take you farther than you want to go to cost you more than you want to pay and it'll keep you longer than you want to stay you know people who are out of church today i guarantee you they never would have thought a year before that they would be in that position they allowed some sort of thought in their mind they allowed some sort of habit in their life that grew and it grew they left it unchecked to the point where they began to justify their sin and that leaven spread in their life and now they're out of church you know we often want to fight the devil when he's right there when we know he's there but we sometimes don't realize that our greatest enemy although can be satan it's often our own flesh you know sometimes our greatest enemy isn't necessarily satan i'm not excusing satan obviously but you know we have the world we have the devil and we have the flesh that we have to fight against but it all begins with just a little leaven and the devastating ramifications that it can have in our life that's why you shouldn't despise prophesying amen you know when you're in church the reason you're pastor the reason i you know we preach hard against sin is because we want to correct that in your life so you don't destroy your life so when the pastor steps on your toes and begins to call out your sin and you get all embarrassed you get all red-faced and you start wondering is he talking about me yes he's talking about you you know anytime someone tells me you know you preach that against me i'm just well you know if the shoe fits well i'm not preaching to people who are not in my church i'm not preaching to the guy across the street you came here knowing full well that i was going to be preaching you should expect that i'm a pre i'm preaching about you you know and like manner that's and our attitude toward that should be i need the prophesying of god's word because it keeps me right with god it helps when you stay right with god is it embarrassing yeah you know is it uncomfortable when when your pastor calls out your specific sin yeah it is you know does it does it humble you yes absolutely but that's what we need to stay right with god you know the bible tells us humble yourselves in uh in under the mighty hand of god and he shall exalt you in due season but if you're prideful you're arrogant you're just resisting that type of preaching then that means you just have already allowed that leaven to spread in your life you know that little leaven can have some devastating ramifications in your personal life you know how about sin in the church right you know sin in the church if it goes unchecked if it's not disciplined if it's not taken care of immediately can spread to the point where the church becomes a cesspool of iniquity of fornication drunkenness you know just permitting all types of false doctrines and heresies you know a little false doctrine can destroy a church a little tolerance of some false doctrine now let me just say this i'm not referring to just differences of opinion and things that don't really matter right you understand you know we're not talking about things that have to do with end times we're not talking about the moon landing or anything like that whether you deny if it exists or not okay i'm obviously stepping on some toes right here or something you know these aren't things to split hairs over we're talking about those things that can damn a soul right we're talking about the things that can destroy a person that can destroy a church we're talking about the doctrines of christ right when a person forsakes the doctrines of christ when they forsake you know biblical repentance when they when they misconstrue biblical salvation when they misconstrue the trinity these are things that you cannot mess with and if you allow a little leaven in the church with that and just tolerate it it's going to spread right and eventually and then you say well you know it'll spread but you know we can just deal with that later you know satan is really patient right false prophets can be really patient you know they can just wait and wait it out and wait it out and wait it out until they realize it's like the frog in the water who doesn't know that they're about to be lunch the boiling water is warming up ever so slightly you know i just saw i just saw videos of real and it's a lobster who's walking and there's like a pan there's like a pot of boiling water right and it's just like the guy doesn't even have to throw the lobster into it he just puts the lobster on the counter and the lobster just walks right into it just walks right in and just boom he just kills himself you know and you know a lot of churches are doing that they're just kind of walking into a pot of boiling water because of the fact that they're just leaving their church unchecked from false doctrine okay it can destroy the church but let me say this you know a little leaven in a nation can destroy a church or can destroy a nation a little leaven a little false doctrine in a nation can destroy you so how do you know that look at america yeah look at america you know america is the greatest nation on the face of the planet for sure and you know it has a lot of great churches a lot of soul winning is still being done the word of god is still being thundered forth but man it's so freaking wicked there's so many wicked people there and you know being here has helped me to realize how wicked the next generation is in america okay because you talk to some of the young people here there's some of the sweetest most respectable young people you will ever meet you know and but yet over there it's just like you wouldn't be able to just you know post up outside of a catholic school to win them to christ because they're so wicked and vile sometimes they don't want nothing to do with the gospel here is like they're willing to give you the time of day you say what is that a reflection of it's a reflection of 11 that has entered into a nation and has been unchecked you said well who didn't check it the pastors of the nation that's right not the politicians right in fact the politicians are a result of that leaven sneaking into the nation it's it's a result of the pastors not doing their job right you understand you know everyone wants to complain about biden but we deserve biden right everyone wants to complain and i hate him okay obviously you know he's wicked but let me just say this is that he's a reflection of our nation and he is what exactly we deserve he said no he's not he's dumb because this nation is dumb the nation is wicked it's dumb it's he's he's a pervert and you know it's a reflection of our nation that's right the nation chose him that's good he didn't have to try to rig the elections this is just what our nation deserves right but that is the devastating ramification of just the little leaven the pastors chose not they they chose to relinquish their right to preach the word of god they relinquish their responsibility to be a light they relinquish their right to proclaim to their congregations what our position should be as christians towards politicians towards whatever they're like well you know we got to vote in the right person or whatever no the the hope of america is not in the white house it's in the church house but you know america's babylon so it's going to be destroyed anyways but it all began because you know a little leaven came into the nation that went unchecked that's right okay and so yes you know there is examples in the bible go to matthew chapter 16 if you would matthew chapter 16 and then we're going to go to roman chapter number five you know this is all introduction by the way just talking about you know the devastating consequences of the bad type of leaven we should never take that lightly and think to ourselves well you know it's okay to just have a little bit of sin or have a little bit of false doctrine or just have a little bit of this no because that's exactly how it becomes worth it waxes worse and worse in the long run if it goes unchecked and you know what sometimes in a church spiritual surgery needs to be done to remove that leaven from the body of christ in that local congregation you know if it's gone unchecked you know i can see why a lot of old ifp churches don't want to do that because it takes a lot of work right you know if you've permitted a lot of false doctrine if you've tolerated and compromised in a lot of areas you know it's a little uncomfortable to just turn around and just say all right i'm gonna start preaching hard on fags or you know preaching hard against fornication and drunkenness you're you know you're probably going to chase out half of your congregation but you know what at least you'll save the body right yeah you might have to remove the arm you might need to remove the leg but at least you'll save the body that's right and you know what unlike the physical body at least you can grow a new arm in a church you can grow a new leg in a church you can reach more people and god will honor that okay look at matthew chapter 16 and verse number nine says do you not yet understand neither remember the five lows of the five thousand and how many baskets he took up neither the seven lows of the four thousand how many baskets he took up how is it that you do not understand that i spake it not until you concerning bread that you should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the sadducees he's saying you better be you better watch out some of this doctrine that's out there by the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the reason he's saying this is because of the fact that the Pharisees and the Sadducees were the spiritual leaders of Israel and therefore they had a platform and everyone listened to them right and so he's telling them you know he's not telling them don't listen to the Pharisees and the Sadducees he's just saying beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees you see our type of churches we don't just tell we don't say hey you know don't listen to so and so we just say beware of that of that preaching you know what i mean and one of the ways we help them to beware is by teaching them the right doctrine so they can prove all things hold fast that which is good so when they hear some stupid teaching out there they're like this is dumb this is not biblical i want nothing to do with this okay look at roman chapter number five roman chapter number five you know a little leaven can really destroy a person a church a nation but you know on the other hand the bible also gives examples not just of leaven being negative but it's also essentially a positive thing too because it's just an illustration you understand there's nothing inherently simple about leaven it's just being used to exemplify a spiritual truth and it's a powerful illustration to prove what sin can do but it's also a powerful illustration to show what one person can do the influence and the impact that one individual can have on a life can have on a church and can have on a nation okay you say well what do you mean look at roman chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so death passed upon all men for that all have sin so what do we see here we see adam screwed it all up and it was one man and that's why we're here sweating trying to get people saved because salvation is needed you know you understand and you know we're in the situation that we're in because of one man's offense because he just couldn't he just happily he was just hand-picked listening to his wife and he ate of the fruit and damned all of mankind look at verse 17 for if by one man's offense death reigned by one listen to this much more they which receive abundance of grace of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one jesus christ therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men into justification of life for as by one man's disobedience many were made righteous so by the obedience of one many shall be made righteous the bible says and so we see here or made sinners excuse me so by the obedience of many shall so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous what is it saying just as adam had a negative impact upon upon the world well in like manner jesus christ had a very positive impact upon the world his death essentially freed us his death can free anybody who believes on him and so go back to luke luke 13 if you would luke 13 because this is all going back to what we see here in this parable where he says where unto shall i liken the kingdom of god it is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leaven so he's saying you know the kingdom of god is like a woman taking leaven and placing it into three measures of meal and then it begins to spread till the whole bread is essentially leaven and then he just stops the illustration doesn't explain it doesn't shed light on it he just gives that illustration but then look what he says the next verse says and he went through the cities and villages teaching and journeying towards jerusalem so isn't that interesting the leaven goes into the three measures of meal and what does it do it spreads till the whole is leaven and then immediately after that what does jesus christ do he goes through the villages and cities right teaching journeying towards jerusalem he said what's the what's what's the application there he's like that leaven going through the cities and villages and you say well you know yeah but did he really make a difference of course he made a difference by one man and so you know never you know don't forget the amazing impact that one person can have and what he's saying here is that you know never uh minimize the impact that you can have on a city in a village you know obviously we look at belize and you know i think about the fact that the first day my soul winning partner and i we had this massive map okay this huge area to do and for the first hour we're just lost because because brother hike didn't know how to read the map he he's just like he's like i don't know where i'm at man and then and then it's just so we're walking down the street we're just like leaven you know these two guys just walking down the street but then we get a bunch of people saved on that one street and after like the sixth seventh eighth salvation then we realize what the name of the street is called you're like okay i think i know where we're at now and then you know people are looking at us and he's kind of like turning the map he's just like this and then finally this guy comes up and he's like what do you need man what do you need what are you looking for what because he sees that he's like struggling and he's like sir can you he's like what are you where are you looking to go he's just like i just want to know where i am on this paper he's like where am i on this paper and the guy gives them directions and they end up being really bad directions but then brother high got him saved so while the guy was trying to give us directions and we're around and believes he ended up just giving them the directions to heaven right and so the point that i'm trying to make here is that you know brother hike and i we're nobody we're walking through this one street through the cities and villages but you know we just turn we just change the eternal destination of like 12 people in a matter of like two hours why because once the leaven goes in we go to the hole is leavened and so you may think one street what is one street going to do one street just produce 12 people that now have eternal life and so it makes an eternal impact that yeah we may not be able to see at this very moment but in the eternal it's there that's right that's good and so jesus is saying you know it's like a woman who takes that leaven she hides it in three measures of meal it's just a little thing but then it stays there till the hole is leavened and that's what jesus christ was doing throughout his three and a half year ministry he was going through the cities and villages preaching the kingdom of god and it produced a movement a movement of soul winners they ended up going beyond jerusalem to judea samaritan the uttermost parts of the world and that's why we're here today amen because they reach the gentiles they reach the unsaved and you know what we're here in beliefs today because some jews out there actually obeyed the gospel and they reach people and then who ended up reaching people who ended up reaching other people yes you're right the jews yes hey these guys actually you know they they're they're peter and then they're well not peter but paul you know paul paul actually was doing his job amen right you said what's what's the point of the sermon the point of the sermon is to explain to all of us or to remind us should i say that our job isn't done till the hole is leavened you know what's great about serving the lord is that the work is just never done it's just never done but it doesn't mean that it's not satisfactory because even though you know at this point let's say we just left at this point there's only 279 people which it's not only that's a lot of salvations there's 279 people that have gotten saved in three days even if we were to leave at this moment you know the work is not even done right but we leave satisfied amen we leave rejoicing we leave knowing that a difference was made and look you know being in beliefs is just the cherry on top because people actually say thank you you're like witness to them and they're just like thank you i talked to this girl she got saved and i was like do you have any questions and i'm thinking you know and times or you know what kind of bible or whatever you know she's just like yeah i have a question is there a church that i could attend to teaches this ah it's like you just like this is sad you know and you know she's just like i want to attend a church that teaches this i wonder what do you tell them i'm just like you know i we don't there's not a church out here like i said there's a baptist church i was like email the church and we'll find you a church out here but that's all she wanted you know whereas over there it's just like good night in the morning you know it's just like it's hard to bring people to church sometimes understand but here's the thing is that you know yeah we were only able to finish one street not even one street we knocked on one door this entire trip my sony partner and i can't even say we knocked i yelled i was like hello is anyone and then she ended up like rejecting me she was just i was like all right whatever most of the people we got saved were just on the street and from a carnal perspective you may think to yourself oh man you guys didn't even finish anything but hold on a second we did we accomplished the work that we were sent to do which is to preach the gospel and just get a bunch of people saved and you know what yeah we're going to keep coming back throughout the years he said when is the work going to stop till the whole is leavened you know what this is the same attitude that we need to have as christians when we're growing in our faith oh man when am i going to just arrive you're never going to arrive this side of eternity you're to read your bible to the whole is leavened you to keep praying till the whole is leavened you're to keep working on yourself as a christian till the whole is leavened he said well when is that it just doesn't happen inside of eternity so you're just but here's the thing is that you will abide satisfied if you're striving for that goal if you're constantly striving to be more like christ to read the word of god to learn more of the bible to get more people saved yeah you'll never apprehend that which you're apprehended of but you know what it'll motivate you to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of god in christ jesus till the whole is leavened and so you know we need to realize that the work is never finished but just because the work is never finished doesn't mean we can't feel accomplished i'm going to be going on the plane back home and we got thanksgiving next week i'm going to be thanking the lord for everyone who got saved amen because this week has been such a blessing right to to see all these people who are just receptive towards the gospel and and the sweetness of the children i mean i talked to this kid today he was coming out of the school and you know i i was i started talking to him and i said are you 100 sure that if you die today you go to heaven and he's like i'm not going to heaven and this kid's like 12 years old and and i was like okay and then he said i'm not going to heaven because i'm a sinner he goes and i have committed sin and so that's why i'm not going to go to heaven and he wasn't being prideful he wasn't being condemning he was just explaining his condition to me and i'm thinking myself like dude you just finished my first point and then you kind of think to yourself like oh wretched man that i am this little 12 year old you know just kind of like and then i was like can i just show you he's like yes please and luckily you know he got saved he got saved and you know it brings a tear to your eye just thinking about people like this that there's people that exist like this but you know the the work is never done here the work will not be done where you're from the work would never be done here this side of eternity we're to labor till the whole is leavened okay turn with me if you would to john chapter 20 john chapter 20 i should go to first thessalonians chapter one go to first thessalonians chapter one so we go till the whole is leavened and just as jesus was walking through the villages and cities in like manner he said so send i you we're to go through the villages and the cities and go and preach the gospel to every creature and thank god that we are born in the greatest time in history where there's so much technology this you know you guys can take we could take a rental we can take a bus we could take you know you guys are in boats and stuff like that there's all types of we could you know people back in the day they couldn't just you know just fly over to belize yeah and a two-hour flight just to come and get 279 people saved it wasn't like that they would leave their families for so long i mean there's stories of people who sold themselves into slavery just so they can win the slaves in a particular island we don't got to do that we don't have to do that all we have to do is buy a ticket come over here have a great time as we're preaching the gospel okay so we don't stop until the whole is leavened look at first thessalonians chapter one and verse number six let me say this is that you know we need to keep spreading the gospel and obviously we need to work on our christian lives and learn the bible better and wear the breastplate of righteousness and you know and have the helmet of salvation gird our loins with truth but make sure before you walk out the door that you have your feet shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace and you know soul winning cannot be emphasized enough we need to make sure we keep soul winning on the forefront of our minds that it is something that we love to do that we desire to do because we need to keep keep this thing alive amen we need to keep it alive in the churches the people that we went to christ we need to make sure that we teach them about soul winning when people come to church and we get them saved we let them know what christians do is soul winning we want to continue to spread the gospel spread that leaven the good leaven of of salvation to those whom we influence to those whom we went to christ look what the bible says in first thessalonians one verse six and ye became followers of us and of the lord haven't received the word in much affliction with joy of the holy ghost so that you were in samples to all that believe in mastodonia and akia for from you sounding out the word of the lord not only in mastodonia and akia but also in every place your faith to godward is spread abroad so that we need not to speak any thing go to act chapter four you see when people tell me oh you're spreading your hate you know what i think i'm like cool but i'm spreading it's like oh you guys are spreading all your your you know sexes misogynists views but it's spreading though but you recognize that it's spreading because obviously whoever these people are they're never going to see you know the bible from god's point of view or from our point of view but as long as they recognize that it's spreading because our job as christians is to get the word of god and to spread it as much as possible you say how do you spread it well number one don't be ashamed of it that's right you stand for the word of god don't be ashamed of the bible don't be ashamed you know when you're at your little thanksgiving dinner and you invite people over to your house maybe they're not christians be trying to you know don't be ashamed of god's word right don't be ashamed to bow your head and close your eyes and pray you know i'm ashamed that there's so many christians that are ashamed to just pray when you got like unsaved people here who are like 13 12 years old who have no problem praying in front of their friends they're just not ashamed to do it because we're at this school you know and you know we're preaching the gospel to them and it's just like i want to assist you in telling god what you believe in your heart bow your head and close your eyes and their friends are walking by and they're just like one kid was just like you didn't care you know it's a different atmosphere but you know you have a bunch of people out here in america who are ashamed of praying you know we want to spread abroad our faith no matter what we do and our goal as christians is to continually spread look at act chapter 4 verse 15 it says but when they had commanded them to go outside out of the council they conferred among themselves saying what shall we do to these men for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in jerusalem and we cannot deny it but that it spread no further among the people let us straightly threaten them that they speak henceforth to no man in this name and they called them and commanded them to not speak at all nor teach in the name of jesus but peter and john answered and sent it to them whether it be right in the sight of god to hearken unto you more than unto god judge ye for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard and just know this whenever you have the motive whenever you have the goal to spread the word of god there's always going to be someone who wants to stop it whether it's your family it's your friends it's the reprobates of this world they don't want that to spread to their arena they don't want it to spread to the innocent of people of this world who want the truth because they know how powerful the preaching of god's word is and so if people threaten you oh you can't say that folks we ought to obey god rather than man and here's the thing you know we don't they can shut down our channels they can you know shut down our our our social media outlets but it's going to continue to spread no matter what it's gonna spread no matter what i mean when we got protests and we got bombed they did that with the intention that they thought that they were going to silence us and i literally told them before i said if you kick us out of elmani this doesn't change the message like i'm still going to be preaching about you guys just just somewhere different like if you kick me out of this city i'm going to be talking about this city in another city because the message will continue to spread and that's exactly what happened we ended up moving to anahim i preached and then the fags called the sheriff of elmani he's still preaching and then he called me he's just like hey i hear that you're still like i'm like yeah i'm still preaching i told you i told you i told you it wasn't gonna stop it's just in a different location and you know what yeah they can shut down the channels but people are still getting safe through pastor anderson that's right he's still reaching people no matter what because you can't stop the message from spreading and so people are going to constantly try to stop you but you know as long as you're putting your foot forward to preach the message and look yeah they might not be able to shut down our channels but oh you know there's 279 people safe today in a different country it looks like you weren't able to stop that uh the last i heard you know pastor thompson has started like his billions of church the guy doesn't know when to stop what is he doing he's just spreading even further he catches all this persecution all this criticism people hate what he said and then he's just like i'll start in the church i'm just gonna spread even further he's like the people are like we're gonna sue you and he's just like start another church ah it's like people just don't know what to do with it because you can't stop the truth from spreading as long as you're willing to keep going out and preaching the word of god and preaching the gospel and standing up for truth they can say you can't preach like this it doesn't matter it's going to spread and you said why does it spread because people love the truth there's people out there that just love the truth and the narrative that they want to push is that oh no people don't love the hate speech but you know a lot of people some people like hate speech they like a little bit of that hate speech they love it when people love the lord and hate evil go to john chapter six if you would john chapter six and you know he said how how much are we going to spread this till the hole is leavened till the hole is leavened you know lord when we can start a church here one day never know you know you just never know and when we if we were to god willing if we were to start a church here we would i mean if they're this receptive towards the gospel you kind of wonder how receptive they are to just righteousness just in general i mean brother glenn was telling me that he saw some story like if someone steals they have to repay that tenfold i mean it's a little extreme you know like this is beyond the biblical standard but at least they had that rule you know what i mean i mean i ran into some parents they're just like oh i'm sorry no i ran into a teenager she was about 12 her brother had gotten saved although you got his her brother saved her name was haley and we're talking to them and she was like i was born in chicago i'm like how long you've been here she's like since i was like two and i'm like you guys ever planning to go back to the states she's like my mom doesn't want me to go back to she wants us to finish school here because the schools are so bad over there and and she was basically saying like she's like here you know discipline is so necessary i mean this is like a 12 year old she's like and you know and she told me she was like if the parents don't discipline in the schools are disciplined talking about whoopings i was like that's good stuff she's uh because they and she said this if they don't get disciplined they won't know consequences this is after she gets saved i'm like that's why you got saved haley because you understood that life has life has consequences right and i said you know i i don't even know what to say honestly i was just like tell me more you know like it was so refreshing to hear that why while teenagers in america are just wondering whether it's some dude or whatever or some chick this girl's over here like kids need to get spanked you know that's good it's amazing okay but you know if they're already in let me just say this let me just chase this rabbit okay because you kind of wonder like why is it so receptive here why are people so different here why are they so open to the gospel and here's my theory as to why they are i believe okay listen to this i believe that us being here is god's gift to beliefs because they're responding to the light that god has given to them right they're responding to righteousness they're responding to righteous truths and so you know what god does when people respond to the light he just sends his elite to just go and give them saved so do you want so i believe soul owners being here is god telling believes like i want these people to be saved because they're responding to the light they're they love righteousness they're seeking out righteousness obviously if they die in that state they're gonna they're gonna go to hell obviously you understand but because they're responding to the light that god has given to them and and and they love innocence and righteousness and justice even though they're kind of going about to establish their own righteousness you know he's willing to send soul owners out from a different place to get them saved and so you know it's important for us to think because you know you think of what you see out there in america and i and i love the united states as far as like the people are concerned i want them to be saved and there's a lot of good preaching out in america amen but you know it'd be good if we can have that here it'd be wonderful and i think like whoever comes here would succeed exceedingly like you'd be ahead of the game in a lot of areas okay because of the fact that you know people already have this mindset and innocence is there and the love for justice and righteousness is there they just need to be directed to what the bible actually says now here's my last point is this is that uh when you think about it you know when leaven is placed into bread it doesn't until the bread what it rises right and so you know this is a great picture of what our job is when we go out and preach the gospel so why is that because we as the leaven go out into the cities and villages and different countries and nations to preach the word of god so that the people in that nation like that bread will rise again in the last days look at john chapter 6 verse 39 says this is the father's will which has sent me that of all which he had given me i should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day the bible says you know i talked to someone today and he said can you explain to me reincarnation and i said yeah i said it's not real next question i said reincarnation is the bootleg version of the resurrection because reincarnation teaches you to come back like as a butterfly or something that sucks resurrection is that one day you'll come back in a glorified form like god's gonna raise you up again in the last day and when that person got saved it made me think of this it's like the leaven came here he saved and you know the new man rose in his heart but i will see i'm probably never gonna see that person ever again who knows but i will see him in the last days when he's resurrected and you know what you may not be able to see how many people you've gotten saved the lives you've been able to change but you will see it when the whole is leavened and everyone who you've won to christ all the people that we've reached their every missions trip all the sowing trips when we see the dead in christ rise first we see it to the whole is leaven and it's risen because of that gospel leaven that spread to them years ago don't undermine the impact that one person can have you know i think of my father-in-law my father-in-law you know he he was a pastor he started a church and you know he invested a lot in me he he just before he was my father-in-law he was my pastor and he he invested a lot in me and you know he had this accident in 2013 that essentially disabled him where he's just bedridden he's been bettering for the essentially the last 10 years and he can't serve god like he can't physically serve god anymore he can pray he can read he can commune with his family but he'll never get back to what he was able to do before preach the gospel of disciple others but he invested so much in my life so much went into so much good leaven went into my life from him that you know what he's probably going to get rewards even for this here right because i was reached and now i became a pastor led a congregation trained soul owners having missions trips i mean he's going to receive the reward of his labor for that little leaven don't undermine what a little investment can do in a person's life don't undermine what the gospel can do in that little boy and that little girl don't undermine what that little love the little message that little investment that little compassion can do in a person's life it can spread like wildfire when we stop to the whole leaven amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you so much for this trip lord and thank you so much for soul owners who love souls and i love communing and fellowshiping with people who are willing to just do all that they can to go to a different nation and preach the gospel to strangers and and and love them enough to suffer the heat and suffer just uh being tired and resources and sacrifice a lot because they want to see people saved and i pray that you'd help us to to to spread like leaven throughout uh the throughout the breads of of this world the cities and villages to the whole is loving and lord thank you so much for allowing us to be here we obviously don't deserve it lord but we're so privileged to be able to serve in your ministry and i pray that you bless these last couple of days lord help us to get more people saved and and and and carry this with us back to the states and and think upon those we led to the lord and may continue to motivate us to see more people saved we love you we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen