(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) You Oh Oh Water Nothing Oh Oh Oh Yeah Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh You You You Oh You Now I'm given to Jesus everything Now I gladly own him as my king now my rapture soul can only sing Mercy there was great and grace was free Pardon there was multiplied to me there my burdened soul for liberty Amen wonderful scene, let's start off our service with a word of prayer Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father. I thank you for giving us this day Lord that we can come together here in your house And it's to singing I go along life's road praising the Lord praising the Lord All right, great scene welcome to first works Baptist Church just a few announcements here If you did not get a bulletin go ahead and raise your hand brother Jacob can get one for you Our next song will be 301 if you want to get that ready in your song books sweet hour prayer of prayer Excuse me, 301 our services are as follows Sunday morning is at 1030 Sunday evening is at 5 p.m And then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock And we are currently going through the book of Ecclesiastes on Thursday evenings. So hope to see you there for that We're almost we're almost finished with the book of Ecclesiastes And then we're gonna be hopping into a New Testament book Thereafter and so looking forward to that you see the so many times and teams the list of expecting mothers please continue to pray for them, you know the important reminders there and Some of the upcoming church events today, of course, we're celebrating the June birthdays. We had a June birthday breakfast for everyone Hope you enjoyed the food and so happy birthday to you all and who have a birthday in the month of June Sunday June 20th, we have Father's Day service and we'll have a gift for all the dads who come on that day So bring yourself if you're a dad bring someone's dad with you so that they can receive that gift And then the service will be geared towards fathers on that day Friday, June 25th There's a lady's prayer night June 27th is gonna there's gonna be a baby shower for Miss Stevie and if you have any questions about that You can see Miss DJ Regarding that she's kind of heading that right there And so keep that in mind July 4th are the July birthday breakfast and then we're gonna do something special on Sunday night For the 4th of July and then the big thing in the summer is the bread hot preaching conference a man I hope you can make it to them Hope you can get some time off and and come here some some good preaching get some good fellowship in That'll be July 15 through the 18th. And so I'll be preaching at that conference. And so I hope to see you there Hope to see the gang there a man and so it's gonna be exciting Quiet time of course resumes from 3 p.m. To 4 15 in the main auditorium and mother baby room and of course no food or drink allowed in the main auditorium except for water and Coffee and please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service But another announcement is if you could do us a favor during the service, okay? From the beginning of service to the end of the service if you must use the restroom Although I think you should probably hold it in until afterward tween the services use the ones that are The one over here, which is outside by the kitchen and then there's one by the Fellowship Hall I want to strongly encourage you don't use these right here. Okay, let me explain to you why and I'm pretty sure No one's gonna do it here after okay. We have really good mics I'll just leave it at that. All right And so the mics pick up everything the PA guys were telling me that you can hear basically hear everything When you go into the restrooms, and so I had you have I have to like compete with you when you're in there Okay, and so I'll leave it at that. So just if you need to use the restroom It's fine, but either use the one in the Fellowship Hall or the one that's by the kitchen We have four restrooms here. And so now if you don't care then all right, so be it but I think you care though, okay? And that's pretty much it for our announcements Let's go ahead and take some soul winning numbers for the week where the releases. Where's he at? You ready? All right. Here we go from Monday to Thursday any salvations from Monday to Thursday one anybody else One okay for brother Glenn anybody else from Monday to Thursday Friday and Saturday any salvations Friday and Saturday Ten four for Saturday. Yes One for brother Alex Okay, are you talking about Alex brash? Where is Alex brass that young man? Is he on a missions trip right now? Okay. All right. All right anybody else for Saturday Friday and Saturday. Okay this afternoon. Yes one For salvation's for the mark to brother Glenn one Anybody else? Yes Nine for brother Marcos That's a good area. Amen. Anybody else and I miss anybody going once twice thrice Alright, we had a baptism this morning. So thank God for that. Alright, let's go ahead and sing our next song Keep up the great work 301 sweet hour of prayer song number 301 301 Song number 301 sweet hour of prayer On that first verse sweet hour of prayer Once and wish it's known in seasons of distress and grief my soul has often found relief and not escape the Tender snare By thy return sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer sweet hour of prayer Thy wings shall my petition The waiting soul to bless and since he bids me seek his face Believe his word and trust his grace. I'll cast on him My Flesh St. Christ and shall Well, well Amen at this time the ushers will come forth to collect the offering You You You Turn your Bibles to Leviticus chapter 18 Leviticus chapter 18 and the Bible reads and Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them. I am the Lord your God After the doings of the land of Egypt where any dwelt Shall you not do and after that the doings of the land of Canaan whether I bring you shall you not do Neither shall you walk in their ordinances? You shall do my judgments and keep mine ordinances to walk therein. I am the Lord your God You shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments which if a man do he shall live in them. I am the Lord None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him to uncover their nakedness I am the Lord the nakedness of thy father or the nakedness of thy mother Shout thou not uncover. She is thy mother now shall not uncover her nakedness The nakedness of thy father's wife shall thou not uncover is thy father's nakedness The nakedness of thy sister the daughter of thy father or daughter of thy mother whether she be born at home or born abroad Even their nakedness shalt thou not uncover The nakedness of thy son's daughter or if thy daughter's daughter even their nakedness shall thou not uncover For theirs is thine own nakedness the nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter Begotten of thy father. She is thy sister Thou shall not uncover her nakedness thou shall not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister She is thy father's near kinswoman thou shall not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister for she is thy mother's near kinswoman Thou shall not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother thou shall not approach to his wife She is thine aunt thou shall not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter-in-law She is thy son's wife thou shall not uncover her nakedness thou shall not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife It is thy brother's nakedness I shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter neither shalt thou take her son's daughter or Daughter's daughter to uncover her nakedness, but they are her near kinswoman It is wickedness neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister to vex her to uncover her nakedness beside the other in her lifetime Thou shall not approach unto a woman uncover her nakedness as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness Moreover thou shall not lie carnally with thy neighbor's wife to defile thyself with her Thou shall not let any of thy seed pass through the fire of Molech Neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God. I am the Lord thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is abomination Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith Neither shall any woman stand there before a beast to lie down there to it is confusion Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you The land is defiled therefore. I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments and shall not commit any of these abominations Neither any of your own nation nor any stranger that sojourneth among you For all these abominations have the men of the land done which were before you and the land is defiled That the land spew not you not you out also when ye defile it as it spewed out the nations that were before you So who's for whosoever shall commit any of these abominations even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people Therefore shall you keep mine ordinance that you commit not any one of these abominable? Customs which were committed before you and that you'd file not yourselves therein. I am the Lord your God Let's pray dear Lord Heavenly Father. Thank you for the opportunity. We have to hear your word being preached Lord Just please fill pastor with your Holy Spirit Lord Give the congregation here ears to hear and pray that we are able to understand these truths of the Bible that Might be a hard saying Lord and just pray that you bless this service and bless the bless the fellowship afterwards And we pray all these things in Jesus name. Amen Okay, we're in Leviticus chapter 18 look down at your Bibles in verse 24 It says to file not ye yourselves in any of these things for in all these the nations are defiled Which I cast out before you and the land is defiled Therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants and the title my sermon this evening is things that will make you puke things that will make you puke and You know throwing up Vomiting is a result of various things. Of course. Sometimes people get a stomach virus You know when you get the stomach they call it the stomach flu and you get a stomach virus and you're throwing up you Stay home from work or whatever it may be and you're just not feeling very well You have a you have a fever and you begin to throw up. Sometimes it's food poisoning, right? You go to that cheap Chinese restaurant or something where the meats been sitting out for quite some time Hey, I'm for Chinese food, by the way, I love Chinese food orange chicken combo way It's all good But sometimes you get that Chinese food has been sitting out for quite some time and you Regret it a few hours later when you're puking out your guts, right? That's obviously a cause for throwing up motion sickness can cause you to want to throw up And in fact, let me share a story about that that we talked about in the podcast. I'm sure brother Ulysses doesn't mind You know when we're out filming the the landmarks episodes the first episode that we did. Okay, we went to the Channel Islands and We were basically covering the rapture and we're talking about how John is writing You know the book of Revelation on the Isle of Patmos and so we wanted to go to this island But you obviously have to take a boat there now. I know and I know myself I get motion sickness I'm gonna feel a little queasy. But the thing is like when I get motion sickness, I just get like this headache, right? I don't really want to throw up. I just get this headache So we go on the boat. It's me brother Ulysses and miss Ashley We're all we're all there and then it starts hitting me, you know I mean and I and I took the whatever that what's that called? What? Oh, I took the Dramamine I got the the lame little bracelets with the pressure points I'm trying to do everything I can not to get motion sickness and it still comes upon me. Okay? Miss Ashley sitting right next to me and she's getting it too, you know, and then Ulysses look at me He's just like you guys are getting sick These are sick, you know, and then I'm like, yeah, I mean I Mean I get sick when I get on boats or something, you know, and he's just like that's weird and I'm like, oh man I'm not feeling good. And so he's like, well, let me go get you a coffee. Let's go get some coffee So he goes downstairs. He gets a coffee brings it back Gives me the coffee. I don't even want to touch the coffee I didn't want to open my eyes cuz I felt like horrible Okay, and I don't know it takes about an hour to get there. Was it an hour? And he's just kind of like mocking, you know and it you know, miss Ashley she pulls out this what is it? What was it? Peppermint she pulls up this pepper and she goes sniff this pastor. So I'm doing drug. I'm trying to do whatever I can I'm like sniffing. I'm like trying to do my best and we're just trying to handle it and he's just like You guys are actually you know you Lisa cuz he's not feeling anything. He's drinking his coffee going on social media taking pictures He's just like laughing inwardly, you know, he's like Sarah just inwardly laughing of what's going on And then you know after a while he just stops talking and I'm just like where's you so I like I open my eyes And I look over at him. He's like I Think I'm a throw up And here's the thing like he ate a humble pie that that day because because you know He feels like he needs to throw up So he tells one of the one of the I don't know he called the workers there who's a lady Hey, can I get can I get a barf bag? You know, she's like, yeah so she's you know, she comes and the ways are moving and she gives it to him and and he's like I feel like I'm a throw and she's like does anybody else need a barf bag, you know and everyone's all No, you know, it's like that was embarrassing, you know But you know what your leases did not throw up. Okay But you know, he could have thrown up Bobby and he's telling me he's just like maybe it's cuz I ate breakfast I'm like bro, you eat breakfast every morning. What do you mean? Like you never throw up when you eat breakfast you're getting motion sickness is what it is. You're seasick Okay So, you know often that's the cause of motion sickness and he was thinking like if I throw up I'm just gonna like go over the boat and just puke outside the boat You know, it happens sometimes how many you get motion sickness seasick when you go on? Okay good. All right. I'm not alone Sometimes people throw up because they see something gross And You know, obviously that varies with every individual I like going on this Instagram account called nature is metal Okay, and it's an awesome account where like animals are being eaten by other animals and sometimes they succeed sometimes they don't Sometimes the gazelle walks away with his guts just hanging out and these are the things I like to watch before I go to bed You know, it's just like it relaxes the mind, you know, it's just cool to watch. I'm like wow, this is awesome You know, look at that. Look at that animal. Just eat that helpless little gazelle and just completely destroy it You know other people can't watch that makes them queasy makes them like want to throw up you know because they have that type of mentality and actually Wanting to throw up because you see something gross is actually a form of self-preservation Because of the fact that the body Vomits it pukes when something foreign is coming into its coming into the body So when something foreign or toxic is going into the body the body immediately reacts and wants to throw it up Okay Wants to expel that which is foreign that which is toxic that which is poisonous And so even looking at something the mind says this is foreign. This is toxic This is poisonous and it makes you want to throw up. Okay now From a spiritual perspective. Okay, this makes complete sense You know, why is that? Well, because there's certain things that take place in this world That should want us cause us to throw up and if you don't throw up, you know what that means It means you probably passed feeling. Okay, whether that means you are desensitized to that toxic poisonous thing that you're looking at or The fact that you have people out there who are literally past feeling because they have a seared conscience their Moral compass has been removed and nothing none of that stuff bothers them the Bible tells us in Ephesians 4 verse 17 this I say therefore and Testify of the Lord turn with me if you went to Revelation 3 this I say we're gonna come back to Leviticus 18 in just a bit, of course This I say therefore and testifying the Lord they henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind What does that mean the emptiness of their mind? So if a mind is just completely empty it has no moral compass You can put anything in and it's not gonna bother it But you know if you have a mind that's saturated with God's Word You have a mind that's saturated with his commandments with his statutes with his morality. Things are gonna bother you he says in the vanity of their mind having the Understanding darkened being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness With greediness, so these people are able to do the most unclean acts with lasciviousness Because they have a vain mind their heart is darkened They don't have the understanding of God and therefore they can partake of these filthy acts It says but ye have no solar in Christ If so be thee have heard him and have been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus They put off concern in the form of conversation the old man Which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust listen to this and be renewed in the spirit of your mind So you have two individuals here one individual has a seared conscience their understanding is darkened and therefore these unclean things don't bother them But then you can also have a Christian who is saved but they haven't renewed their mind and Because their mind is not renewed. They are desensitized To that filth okay doesn't mean they're a reprobate doesn't mean that they are a wicked individual They could be saved But they are desensitized because of the public fool system because of Hollywood television movies that has dumbed them down Desensitized them to the filth of this world and God says hey you need a renewing of your mind You need to change your mind put off the new put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Okay, so tonight. We have a church filled with people who I believe have renewed minds, okay? What I'm doing tonight is making sure that it stays that way Because we need to be reminded of these things because you know what if we don't if we're not reminded of these simple truths And I'm gonna share tonight You know you can easily become desensitized to what the Bible actually says about the world around us, okay? So what are some things that makes us puke well? Let's talk about what makes God puke first and foremost number one lukewarm Christians make God puke Right look at the Bible says in Revelation chapter 3 verse 14 Unto the angel of the church of the latest scenes right these things say at the Amen The faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God. I know thy works that thou art neither cold nor hot I would that excuse me. I would that were cold or hot so then because thou art lukewarm and Neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth What is God saying because you're lukewarm? You're not cold. You're not hot. You're not in you're not out. You're just playing the middle ground you make me want to throw up You make me puke you make me want to vomit is what God is saying there Why because God would rather have you be far away from him so he can chastise you bring you back or? Far close to or I'm not far closer, but close to him so you can be used of God for his work But if you're painting playing that middle ground Where you have one foot in the world and one foot in the church? One foot in the world and one foot in the word that means got puke When you're acting like a Christian when you play the part but yet you are Capitulating to the culture of this world God says that makes me puke okay? And when I think of these kind of Christians, I think of like liberal churches filled with lukewarm Christians filled with them You know I went to one recently believe it or not Okay Not not not of choice necessarily because we had to it was for a completely different reason But they had some liberal music going on in that church They had their specials going on and I was telling my wife. I was like. I don't know what they're saying I I can't understand what they're saying like CCM. That's what it is. You can't even stay what they're saying. It's just like you know That's all I was like. What is he saying? What do you say? And he's just like he is I Feel like someone put some Novocain in that person's mouth before they came out to sing and they're unable to move there It's like when you get dentist work you get injections in your mouth, and you can't really talk. That's what it sounds like Sounds so stupid and we went there, and I'm just like people like this stuff. Yeah people who are lukewarm People who are Lukewarm and look I guarantee you there are sincere people that go to that church, but you know what I guarantee you They're also fleshly They're also desensitized. They hear something like that, and they think it's of God Folks we listen to that with our spirit. We say this is trash This makes me want to puke that guy up there sounds like a faggot He sounds like the sissy little queer faggot, and it makes me want to puke Hearing CCM makes me want to puke Why cuz it's music for the lukewarm. That's why It's music for people who want to have God, but they want to do it the world's way It's for people who want to offer strange fire before the Lord right they want to they want to they want to offer that Vegetarian offering like Cain did worship God the way they want to worship him, but it sounds faggot It sounds disgusting sounds gross and makes you want to pee because they call that worship Give me victory through grace Give me and can it be give me blessed assurance and let me hear pronounce the word pronounce the words correctly, too Lukewarm Christianity makes God puke when they say they're a church, and they're not preaching the Word of God They're talking about loving everyone and that God doesn't hate and it's a good God good devil good hell Everything is just hunky-dory That's a disgusting form of Christianity. That's not biblical It's lukewarm and has no place in churches, and it makes me want to throw up okay What Isaiah chapter 19 Isaiah chapter 19 let me go through these quickly Lukewarm Christianity makes God puke how about this drinking alcohol will make you puke Drinking alcohol will make you puke. Why does drinking alcohol make you puke because it's toxic It's poison and When you're putting poison into your body your body wants to expel it out of your body because it's poisonous it can kill you Bible says in Isaiah 19 verse 13 the princes of zoan are become fools the princes of nath are deceived They have also seduced Egypt even they that are that are that stay of the tribes thereof The Lord hath mingled the perverse spirit in the midst thereof and they have caused Egypt to err and every work thereof as a drunken man stagger it in his Vomit the Bible says I mean that's a filthy picture To portray there is it not a man who is just staggering in his own filth in his own vomit But that's exactly the result of drinking alcohol is it not Go to chapter 28 Chapter 28, you know, what's sad about this is that you have churches who promote drinking alcohol They promote to their people or they try to advocate People drinking alcohol and that it's okay in the eyes of God So I say yeah put poison into your mouth. Hey take that vaccine There's pastors out there that advocate for vaccines We need to pray that God gives us a vaccine for the corona virus Yeah, that's nuts. But you know, it's also nuts as well. No same pastors who preach against that advocate for drinking alcohol Ain't that funny? You know, you have pastors out there. Oh, yeah, we can't we shouldn't take the vaccine. It's wicked. It's disgusting all these toxins Hey, do you do you promote drinking of wine? Well, I mean little wine for the stomach's sake Drinking a little alcohol never hurt anybody it's poison and the Bible is completely against it He tells us that drinking wine is for fools Look at Isaiah 25 28 verse 5 and that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown of glory and for a diadem of beauty unto the residue of his people and For a spirit of judgment to him that sitteth in judgment for strength to them that turn the battle to the gate But they also have aired through wine through strong drink are out of the way and The priests and the Prophet had aired through strong drink. There are swallowed up of wine There are out of the way through strong drink they air and vision they stumble in Judgment the Bible says so why is it that the priests and the prophets could not prophesy a vision of God's Word because they're drunk Because they're drinking wine. They're drinking alcohol Says for all the tables are full of what vomit and Filthiness so that there is no clean. There is no place clean You see When you drink alcohol the enzymes in your stomach try to break it down There's like this is not good this the substance is being put into your body is not good and what it does is it creates this chemical and This chemical if this if the level of this chemical becomes too high Your liver liver basically incapable of coping with that will begin to throw up cause you to throw up That's why people when they drink they are out there partying they begin throwing up because their body can't take it Their body's like why are you putting poison into my body? We need to expel this from from us. It's poisonous But it's also a key of it's it's it's a key symptom of alcohol poisoning as well When people drink too much they get alcohol poisoning. They literally begin throwing up to the point where nothing literally is coming out They start throwing up there. What is that called? What? bile bile they start throwing up their bile because there's nothing to throw up it means their body is just like You know you're about to die and many people have died that way from alcohol poisoning Okay It's such a stupid practice that people have to say oh, let's have a good time. Let's party. Let's put poison into our body, right They throw up, and there's been plenty of people who for high school graduation for college graduation They go out and party to get drunk and they die Because of alcohol poisoning happens all the time Hey, how about cirrhosis of the liver? The Bible says in Habakkuk 2 15 woe unto him that giveth his neighbor to drink That put his thy bottle to him and makest him drunk also that thou mayest look on their nakedness Thou are filled with shame for glory drink thou also and let thy foreskin be uncovered the cup of the Lord's right hand shall be turned unto thee and Shameful spewing shall be on thy glory the Bible says so obviously Drinking alcohol will make you puke, okay? Luke warm Christians according to the Bible make you puke Drinking alcohol will make you puke go with me if you would to Leviticus go back to Leviticus 18 And Maybe you've known that one person who can really hold down their liquor though They really know how to drink they won't throw up. We had them because they become desensitized to it Right that's not a good thing though So just because they don't throw up doesn't mean oh their body is strong It means that their body is actually going to be destroyed in different ways like cirrhosis of the liver or some other form of Poisonous you know Repercussion that they're gonna face because of it okay pull them throwing up is a good sign Means your body's like no, but once your body says okay once your body is able to tolerate it That's actually worse than the first okay But here's one thing that the Bible says will really make you puke and in fact it not only makes you and I puke or At least it should it even makes the land puke Folks I don't know if you know this, but the land is not a person And when you're making inanimate objects and dirt and like a city something that's not even a person When that's making you throw up When that's making the land throw up It obviously shows you that whatever it is is so disgusting so filthy That it would even make an inanimate object Vomit and puke look at Leviticus 18 22 Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is abomination now. What is that well? We call it faggotry is what we call it right I Don't like that. That's offensive faggotry is what it's called It's an abomination the Bible says Look at verse 23 Neither shalt thou lie down with any beast of the father thyself therewith. Oh, God. Why did you choose to put being gay? Next the bestiality they're not the same thing in God's eyes there are Cuz lying down with the beast and having sexual intercourse with an animal is just as filthy and disgusting assotomy is Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things the verse 23 Neither shalt that lie with any beast of the father thyself therewith Neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down there to it is confusion the Bible says It's out of order. It's not what God wants Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you So when God went into the Promised Land, and he's commanding his people take over this land remove these people What's one of the reasons why because they're involved in this filth and this disgusting acts? They're involved in sodomy. They're involved in bestiality. They were screwing animals And God said for that reason all of you need to be wiped out And he couples it with verse 22 Sodomy and faggotry God says that needs to be dealt with they need to be cast out of the land The land is defiled verse 25 Therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants the Bible says makes the land throw up makes the lamp you quite because sodomy is toxic Sodomy is poisonous Sodomy is foreign Sodomy is disgusting and the lands way of self-preserving itself is by throwing up Verse 26 ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments. It shall not commit any of these abominations Neither any of you of your own nation nor a stranger that sojourneth among you for all these Abominations have the men of the land done With which were before you and the land is defiled. Let me just say this the United States of America is a defiled land Folks when you have an entire month dedicated to faggotry to buggery to bestiality Where every company the police the police department everyone is capitulating and wanted to celebrate faggotry You know what that is? It's a land that's defiled When these homos are being praised and honored and they're being recognized as a Legitimate group of people folks. The land has become defiled Land is defiled But the land verse 28 that the land spew Not you out also when you defile it as it spewed out the nations that were before you and look folks you study any Nation any ancient civilization that was involved in faggotry they all got spewed out all of them did Ancient Greece Spartans The Samurais All these people who were involved in faggotry and sodomy the land spewed them out folks Because it was so disgusting the land wanted to preserve itself For Whatsoever whosoever shall commit any of these abominations even the souls That commit them shall be cut off from among their people. Isn't that interesting? This is the souls Hmm Often souls are used anonymously with bodies, but you know what here it's not just that it means their soul You know why cuz a faggot doesn't go to heaven folks All Dogs don't go to heaven Folks did you know beasts actually have a more likely chance of being in heaven than fags There's beasts in heaven today The cherry beams are beasts Right These cherry beams these angels who are you know other lions and bear. I mean they look like these Emperor anthropomorphic beings up there. They're up there fags are not He says even their soul shall be cut off oh No, but we got to reach them. Oh But pastor Mihia, you know, I like what you say and you know, I agree with a lot of stuff Do you say just you know that this whole thing about homos and gay people gay people not being able to get saved Yeah, they can't You know what, I don't know why people have a hard time wrapping their mind around that around that simple truth I don't know. It's because they have a faggot uncle or a faggot for a cousin Or maybe they're just a faggot themselves. I don't know But folks if it says it in the Bible just accept it who cares what the world says Who cares I thought the Bible says lean not unto your own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths I thought the Bible says that we're supposed to adhere to God's Word and not to our own opinion The Bible says there are many councils in the heart of a man, but the council of the Lord that shall stand So if your heart's telling you I still think my fat cousin can still get saved. Okay. Well, let's let's let's see if the Bible says that Jesus ministered to sinners Show me in the gospel is where Jesus ministers to some faggot Where He restored some sodomite. I'm still waiting for that Is there ever a time in the Gospels where Jesus Christ is ministering to some sodomite? And look there was no lack of sodomites in the land when Jesus was here right No lack why cuz he was there during the Roman Empire And you want to do in the Roman Empire. There's a lot of fags in the land. I Don't remember Jesus starting a ministry Telling his disciples to go to the lost dogs of the house of Israel Right Was there ever a time when Jesus said, all right, we got to reach these filthy perverts in Rome They could still be saved. Is that what it says? No, but he ministered to prostitutes a lot different than a sodomite Yeah, but he ministered to adulterers a lot different than sodomites Sodomite is an unnatural being and Unfortunately, you know adultery, although it's bad. It's still natural I'm still waiting for those verses and I'm sick and tired of Christians coupling Faggotry with every other sin that's found in the Bible Well, it's just all sin is equal. Uh, no I Know it's not when you are pairing sodomy with bestiality not normal So are you trying to tell me the people who commit bestiality? Oh, we got to reach them, too Well, you tell me the last time you reach some screwing some some dog screwing individual When's the last time some Christian out there? Trying to reach some person who's involved in the wicked act of bestiality Not once why because they would even say okay, that's that's okay. That's you know, that's unnatural Well, guess what? It's coupled with sodomy in the Bible verse 22 sodomy verse 23 bestiality God sees them equally the same if you want to say all sin is equal. Okay. Well, you know what bestiality sodomy equal Well, it's not as bad as that who are you to judge the Bible Who are you to stand in judgment of God's Word and say well this is really bad, but this isn't Bestiality is disgusting, but my cousin he they just want equal rights They're not trying to hurt anybody. They just haven't had a chance to Therefore shall you keep my ordinance that you commit not any one of these abominable Customs which were committed before you and they either found out yourselves there in I am the Lord of your God people often ask Why did God allow all these canines to be killed? Why why do you allow these canines and the parasites and hits eyes all these people to just gonna be completely wiped out because they're involved in bestiality and sodomy They're involved in incest incestuous relationships They were having sexual relationships with beasts and animals Men with men working now, which is unseemly and God said wipe them all out It's the file It's irreparable. Now. Let me ask you this. Did he send Israel in there and said hey before you kill him Give him the gospel Make sure that they're safe They can't be of the house of Israel But before you go in there wipe them out at least give him the gospel Show me book chapter and verse where God did that and there's plenty of examples of God telling his people to wipe out the people of the land, right Plenty of times where you can look in the Old Testament where God went in and said wipe them all out And if you don't wipe them all out, there'll be thorns in your side He didn't say if you don't wipe them all out. Okay at that time give him the gospel try to get him safe if you could No, he said they're gonna be thorns in your side and in your flesh. You're gonna learn their customs You're gonna learn to be a faggot yourself and the next generation that arises is gonna reject me and guess what at that point I'm gonna chastise you you're gonna be scattered throughout all nations because you learn the way of the Canaanite America's become the way of it's become like the Canaanites Go to Leviticus chapter 20 Someone someone messaged me this week and said love thy neighbor as thyself brother. I Don't agree with you man love thy neighbor as thyself and I took him to Leviticus where it says that He said we're not under the law brother. You said the sodomites should be put to death. We're not under the law I'm like, I guess I shouldn't love my neighbor as myself then What do you mean well cuz in Leviticus it says to love your neighbor as yourself No, brother, I mean under the law Well, brother Leviticus is the law brother And he's like No, you're not getting me You're supposed to love your neighbor as yourself. That's not the law Jesus is quoting Leviticus chapter 19 That's the law and I gave it to him. He's just like and just didn't answer Two hours later He responds Well, those laws are done away with though when has God's moral law ever been removed and This is the back to the first point of lukewarm Christians just making me want to vomit this was one of them I Felt like sticking my fingers down my throat just a puke after having this conversation with this individual because he's so he's such an idiot You say why because of the fact that he was saying well God's moral law has been done away with okay Well, let's just go rape and kill and steal and there's not gonna be any consequences to any of that, right? Idiotic he said well, no, but we're not under the law folks. The law the moral law existed prior to Moses Did you know that did you know murder was wrong prior to Moses saying that it was wrong Did you know that bestiality was wrong prior to God saying that was wrong in the book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy? Those things are wrong already. The book the Bible says that the law of God is written in our hearts Moral law is written in our hearts He says it when he says that the law of God's written in our hearts. It's not talking about keeping the Sabbath I know in my heart that I need to keep the Sabbath. It's written in my heart I know in my law and in my heart that I got to abstain from mead's drinks and diverse washings Cardinal ordinance I got to keep those things cuz God put that in my heart. No, it's referring to God's morality That's why we intuitively know that murders wrong. We intuitively know that stealing is wrong We know that sodomy is wrong. We know that adultery is wrong. Why because God has put that in our hearts Even if you don't know how to articulate it with your mouth, you know intuitively these things are wicked and they're wrong Why cuz God placed that within you know, it's the culture that you grew up in Folks, my mom never had to teach me don't kill anybody Cuz killing is wrong Right You never have to go don't murder people Bruce Cuz that's sinful that's wrong. We just know Why because God put that that programming Was already embedded in our hearts That's how he made every human being Well, if that's the case, why do you have all these people doing this stuff and sodomy? Oh because that has been removed from them Because their conscience where they determine what good and bad is has been completely removed and now they're unrestrained They have no restraint and that's why they're involved in the most filthy disgusting acts known to mankind Look at Leviticus 20 verse 13 if a man also lied with mankind as he lies with the woman I like how the Bible is just very discreet. I mean, it's discreet but it's to the point Both of them have committed an abomination They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them If a man also lied with mankind is live with the woman both of them have committed an abomination give them the gospel Nobody said just put them to death They're done stick a fork in it. They're done Let me just make myself very clear because faggots like to take me out of context all the time They'll cut like different verses and stuff that I'm saying different different little clips from my my sermon and say kill faggots up murder And because we live in this world that has so been infiltrated by the liberals by the liberal media, they'll just believe it This pastor wants to kill homosexuals in the gay community Folks I've never harmed a sodomite ever I've never killed a person. I never advocated for the murder or killing of sodomites I've never said that all I'm doing is telling you what the Bible says And I'm just reminding you that through the month of June Even though the world is capitulating to this faggot idolatry concept and ideology We shouldn't as God's people we should be the seven thousand prophets who do not bow the knee to bail understand and Who cared let this world go to hell in a handbasket? Let the world believe what they want to believe let the world embrace faggotry and bestiality and all the filth of this world and pedophilia We're not going to do it And here's what really ticks me off Here's one thing that really pisses me off is you have people out there who think pedophile should be put to death But somehow they don't see the relation between the pedophile and a sodomite that they're the same exact thing folks It's the same exact ask Mambala or Nambala Mambala ask them Bunch of faggots and sodomites who want to marry and have sexual relationships with children. They're open about it It were better than a millstone be tight about his neck and we drown in the depths of the sea that's what the Bible says Look folks the vast majority of Americans out there Even if they even if Christians believe they can be saved they believe exactly how we believe They just don't want to say it Go on any social media platform where they're promoting faggotry To normal people and just go look at the comment section That's all you got to do it's hilarious You go on there and they're just like this is disgusting You know blankety-blank these homos and blankety-blank. I heart those comments. I just tell you I Don't say it I just like the comment I can't say that We're not we're not talking about Christians either Talk about just normal people When those facts came at us in Omani They're posting their stuff or whatever and they put it on that community post. Oh man, people are getting all over the sodomites Calling the worst things and then these these fag hags would come on there and be like, what's up with these comments? Why are you guys being so mean? This pastor's a hate preacher. I'm like idiot. They're against me, too Those people don't like me But you don't have to like me to hate them You just got to be normal And people even say like to hell with this pastor, but these people are disgusting. I heard of that comment, too Because it shows that people don't look folks This is why when the military put out that stupid ad for the army of that dumb bisexual whatever Pervert sodomite who you know was a dyke or whatever They have to turn off the comment section Hey, if everyone loves faggotry and sodomy, why do you have to drop the comment section? Folks there's way more dislikes on that video than likes People are disgusted by it because they knew oh man if we let the comment section fly people are just gonna destroy this chick, right? They're gonna destroy her Why because the world knows the vast majority of people are disgusted by sodomy They're just not willing to go out and just publicly say it. So they'll type it in They'll hit the thumbs down. They'll say screw this sodomite. They're disgusting. They're filthy. They deserve to die They'll say the worst things to them because they don't they know they don't have to be held accountable to that They can anonymously put that and not have to suffer any type of persecution from the sodomites But It shows you the vast majority people don't like that You say why because it makes them throw up. That's right. I make some vomit and make some puke It's toxic. It's poisonous. No one thinks it's cute Everyone thinks it's disgusting. It's filthy It's abnormal, right? Verse 14 And if a man take a wife and her mother it is wickedness Dang so you coupled that with verse 13 Said if a man take a wife and her mother What does that mean if a man basically lies with his wife and his wife's mother? It's a disgusting act It is wickedness. They shall be burned with fire Both he and they That there be no wickedness among you Lord. Why did you put verse 14 with verse 13? Well, because all sin is equal All right, you know, I'll run with that yeah, you're right Sodomy is just as equally disgusting as incest Sodomy is as equally disgusting as bestiality Verse 15 and if a man if a man lie with a beast He shall surely be put to death and he shall slay the beast It was like put that freakin dog to death to kill that thing Kill that animal kill that beast I don't even want the animal to live and look the animal doesn't even have a soul The animal is actually better off than the fact The animal doesn't have a soul It's not the one who? Engages in that type of act with the human beings the human being is doing it but God is even saying kill that thing Because it's been defiled by the human being Think about that folks. I know this is this is very offensive and it's disgusting but it's what the Bible teaches If we don't accept bestiality neither should we accept sodomy All right if we think bestiality is disgusting then we need to take God's definition and God's level of Being disgusted by it and say yeah, it's just as disgusting as bestiality as incest and If a woman approached unto any beast verse 16 and lied down there to thou shall kill the woman and the beast They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them and if a man shall take his sister his father's daughter or his mother's daughter and see her nakedness and She see his nakedness. It is a wicked thing. They shall be cut off in the sight of the people He hath uncovered his sister's nakedness He shall bear his iniquity and if a man lie with the woman having her sickness and shall uncover her nakedness He had discovered her fountain and she shall She hath uncovered the fountain of her blood and both of them shall be cut off from among their people These are very uncomfortable topics here Right This is not your casual conversation on a sunny morning Hey, let's discuss Leviticus 2014 about incest and bestiality. We don't really like talking about those why because it makes her stomach turn That's why right because we just had breakfast this morning. That's why because we don't want to give up our lunch That's why why because it makes you vomit To even think that there's human beings that would even partake of this. I remember years ago in Long Beach They were trying to push for like a fag parade and all that stuff and they have that every year But I remember a bunch of churches went to City Hall to protest it to say like we don't want this in our city And One of the pastors was a Baptist he got up and was just like let me give you a reason why we shouldn't accept sodomy And this this parade because next year is gonna be bestiality And all the facts lost it And he's all right, all right, you know, he he kowtowed he's like I shouldn't have said that but that's what I believe But you know why they freaked out not because they were offended because he found out what they were gonna do That's what it is because they found out when they he found out what they were up to and Folks even unsafe people know this I remember working at a telemarketing company years ago and this is when they're trying to figure out should we let gay people get married and all that stuff such a stupid debate anyways and They're like should we let them get married and one of the guys who's like he was like 19 years old He was like dude that blank is disgusting He's like we shouldn't let them marry why he's like because today It's left gay people married tomorrow. It's let them marry a dog And everyone was just like hey, man. That's that's like that's offensive. He's like it's true. You're gonna want to marry a dolphin or something He's all because that's how they are and this guy is not a Christian Not a believer probably mocks Christians Probably wouldn't step foot in a local New Testament independent fundamental Baptist Church at all But even this guy had the sense why cuz his mind was not vain His heart was not darkened. He understood. This is disgusting folks Folks I'm celebrating straight pride month This month I'm celebrating the fact that I can have babies naturally Amen It's worked for thousands of years you can make babies It's natural God is pleased with it, and you don't make people vomit It's always a badge of honor when you don't make people vomit And you say well, that's so disrespectful that you would say you know that sodomites make people vomit folks. They know that And here's the proof Here's the proof out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaking When we were in El Monte and we were being protested You Know because they were hoping to intimidate us, right? They thought they can come and try to intimidate us and make us afraid didn't work We doubled we I mean we we I think we doubled attendance Most of the time when those protests were taking place the whole church house was full No one said I'm gonna stay home. No everyone came to church Everyone came to church, and then some people flew out People drove five hours away just to come to our church to be in support of what was going on Because we're not gonna be intimidated They realized it didn't work Even when I went out there, and they're cursing me out Calling me a you know the b-word they say in all manner of evil against me and my family my children They have that disgusting fat oaf out there that transvestite disgusting freak that needs to be put to death By the government for saying all those wicked things in front of my children The guy's so fat he can't get out of his truck to sing He had to do it from inside his truck folks The dude he he's they probably cut off his feet because he has diabetes or something That's probably why he couldn't come out of the truck. I'm just guessing This Filthy disgusting fat tub of lard gluttonous evil wicked transvestite dog animal piece of crap in his truck saying all manner of evil about Jesus I Can't even I can't even say blankety-blank when the things that he's saying because it was so filthy and disgusting so blasphemous By The way you gotta suck as a heavy metal band when the only people that'll hire your facts You must suck as a heavy metal band when the only people that will hire you is a bunch of queers The only gigs you can get is a bunch of sodomites We got any gigs this week. Well queers are hiring us Oh Yeah, yeah, yeah, so They're yelling at us. They're cursing us out death threats. They're following us Doesn't work. We're like. I'm still gonna. I'm still gonna preach this every service. You're not gonna stop me You do not intimidate anybody here So they wanted to take it a step further, and they wanted to have a tranny parade in front of our church Right they wanted to have a tranny parade in front of our church a drag queen parade in front of our church a contest disgusting just Just want to think and and here's the thing though they literally said let's make them throw up they put out a flyer They put out a flyer and literally said this let's make first works throw up They're not hiding it folks So you know if they can offend that this they're hypocrites Because they preached the first I just I just bit their sermon They made it a hotline I made it a hot sermon They say we're gonna make them throw up, okay, I'll just take that that concept Because the Bible says it and say yeah, you do make me throw up You make me puke they know it themselves They literally said let's make them throw up why because they know they're so disgusting so filthy so vile That if we're to behold some drag queen outside of our church. Yeah, we probably would have thrown up I I Would exorcist them all I mean all over If I would have saw one of them true True story Go to Romans 1 We're gonna talk about the gospel Now this is not a sermon on the gospel folks, but it is the power of God into salvation You Know what God was with us God is with us Cuz you know there was a little bit of worry Man I got a suit. I'm gonna be throwing up all over my suit People are gonna be thrown. I mean we are gonna puke I Don't see I want my kids to see that I Don't want to see some drag queen I'm just gonna be puke all over the sidewalk You know what God's like I'll take care of that I'll move them against you to the point where they'll throw a glitter bomb at your church And you know what it worked out because they blew up our church In the middle of the night the little glitter bomb We got a better building We were in we were in the wilderness for like a couple weeks Even then it was super cool All right meeting under the tabernacle you guys remember that No one complained. We still had high attendances and actually we haven't even dropped from that We still had high attendances on those days Got to go soul winning in a different area. I Mean it was great While they had to fight the media and try to portray themselves as being innocent We had no power with it. You facts blew us up Why don't you just man up? Why don't you transvestite up? And take credit for it and say yeah, that was us You know, it's funny, you know They're covering their faces while they're blowing our building up and tagging up every pre every sermon I preach You don't see my face covered up You could see right this is pastor Bruce Mihia. You could even see when I preached it. I sometimes even make clips out of it. I Don't know how would I believe It's up on there. It's up on YouTube. That's where you're able to find it. Oh, yeah, but when you want to terrorize our building and Then propagate your faggotry. You got to cover your face. Oh because of a we're in a pandemic fags are always in a pandemic Just remember that HIV is a pandemic. They're always in a pandemic folks Look at Romans 1 Yeah, I agree that you know, it's disgusting but brother. We just got to give him the gospel You know, you believe that you go ahead and do that, but don't ever bring a faggot in here though Never Yeah, but he's my brother never ever ever and look folks if you want to love your queer relative That's your business But if you knowingly bring them here knowing that he's some sort of queer I Will embarrass you in front of the whole church I'll first embarrass the faggoty brah Gladly and then I'll embarrass you because you should know better Why are you so mean because I love children. I love the families in our church, and I don't want them to be around predators And they're still filthy How does God view them as rapists How does God view them as pedophiles I Heard that someone Well, let me just let me just close with this and these are everything that I read tonight you already know I'm just reinforcing that ideology in your mind using the Bible So lest you forget Lest you think oh, man, maybe best person he is. He's getting a little soft. You know, it's been a couple months He hasn't really mentioned sodomy well, cuz there's other topics in the Bible folks I can't preach on faggotry every single week. I want to keep my lunch. I Don't want to throw up There's other topics, but we're in the month of June and The month of June the United States of America has sought to propagate promote and advocate for faggotry Sodomy and the most disgusting filth that this world has ever seen Anyway, as a man of God, I'm still preaching about it in a different city I'm still doing it You thought you would stop me from preaching God's Word you thought you would intimidate me intimidate me from stopping to preach against the sodomite didn't happen I Mean literally yesterday get a phone call from the chief of police of Omani Because some fags were scared Thinking that I was still in Omani preaching they saw me on YouTube. Oh, he's still preaching here. I thought you got him out He's like he's not in Omani. He's not there. We saw him on YouTube though. He's still preaching It's the different building Well, you know what they're thinking yeah, but we bombed them though we did all these things and he's still preaching God's Word. Yeah, I Told you I was gonna do that, right? idiot I Literally told that dyke to her face. I said if you get me out of Omani, it changes nothing I'm gonna preach in a different city about bags still It's not gonna stop and you know what? You're just gonna make me preach harder against you And he said so You're not in the building, right? I'm like, how can I be it's blocked off? Yeah, yeah, I figured that that's what I told them Like he's trying to like, you know and he's like are you in Omani though? That's what he said. Are you in Omani though? Like no Why would I go there for I'm done there. I finished my work. I finished my course there Yeah That's why I figured I figured well, I'll tell him that I'll make sure I tell him that tell him shoot him this sermon I Said it before and I'll say it again You can blow up our building. You can kill me You can take my life away It will not stop a man of God whose spirit build from preaching exactly what I'm saying to you tonight Because we're the real immortals You take me out. Someone else is gonna take my place. If you take me out. You're gonna inspire 100 other men To stand up and say we want to be just like pastor Bruce Mihia Who gave his life for preaching the truth? And you know what? I want to give up my life, too You take out those hundred men. You'll raise up a thousand other men Hashtag winning still winning no matter what you do. It will never stop the message And here's what they say, yeah, well now you got your building blown up and what are you gonna do now move? And then you got the same sodomizer say well, I think he blew up his own building to collect on the insurance Okay, then why don't you do yourself a favor you stupid faggot and call the FBI and turn me in If you're so sure about that, there's a $25,000 reward out there for the person who blew up our building. Turn me in Why don't you collect the money? I'll tell you why cuz you're lying That's why You're trying to make us mad But let me finish with this let me just say this is the facts can't be saved. Okay. Look at Romans 1 21 Because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations And their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves to be wise they became fools and Changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things Wherefore because of these things God also gave them up to uncleanness Through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship and serve the creature more than the Creator who is blessed forever. Amen Well, I don't know about that pastor, you know, I know someone who's who's he's gay And he says he's saved Folks the Bible says that we should believe the testimonies of the Lord not the testimony of some of the queer right That we should incline ourselves to believe the testimonies of the Lord let God be true and every man a liar That's what the Bible says Verse 26 for this cause God gave them up into vile affections You know the kind of stuff that makes you throw up For even their women they change the natural use into that which is against nature talk about dykes in case you were wondering and Likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman by the way, it says natural use of the woman So if they're leaving the natural use of the woman then they become unnatural. I know that's super deep Burn in their own lusts one toward another men with men working now Which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error, which was me talking about AIDS And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient He's saying because they don't even want to think about God. God says okay deal I'll give you a reprobate mind and not only do you not have to think about me You don't even have to worry about ever being saved Because to be saved is to be with God so shall we ever be with the Lord Right. I Mean you have Christ in you the hope of glory But folks that's a nightmare to them Because they don't even want to retain God in their knowledge You think they want to retain God in their spirit? You want you think it's comely they think it's comely for them to have the Holy Spirit sealed within them until the day of redemption That's a nightmare to them. They don't want that So God says okay deal I'll give you over to a reprobate mind Well, what's attached to that? Filthiness disgusting acts that'll make a person throw up That's what we see here He says being filled with all unrighteousness including pedophilia, by the way, I don't see pedophilia Well, would you consider pedophilia to be unrighteous? Yes. Okay. What says all unrighteousness? I mean, there's always so much to Paul There's almost so much paper he can use folks He's giving you a long list here. He's like I got to finish up this chapter here. You know, he's like we gotta move on So just to kind of help you I just says all unrighteousness Fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers back fighters. Look what it says haters of God That's the difference between the sodomite the reprobate and the sinner What's the difference? The sinner is not a hater of God? The reprobate actually hates God Folks, you know, and I know before we ever got saved If you're indifferent towards the things of God if you didn't really have an interest in religious things You would never say I hate God We would never say that yeah, I hate God never say something like that because there's still something in this they said well there God does exist And I don't want to mess with that like I believe in God Even if you're involved in like really bad stuff Even if you're like an adulterer, you're a fornicator You're involved in wicked things you would never go as far as to say why hate God that takes a special person to do that Right to say I hate God Despiteful proud Oh isn't a pride month boasters inventors of evil things Disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection Implacable that's why we don't stand down Implacable that's why we don't capitulate Implacable that's why we don't stop fighting why because they are implacable the Bible says You stand you stand down you capitulate to a sodomite it's over with So you might as well just preach as hard as you possibly can Because you're never gonna please them. Anyways, you're never gonna get them off your back Without natural affection Implacable unmerciful who knowing the judgment of God. Well, they don't even believe in how all they believe in it, right? They know the judgment of God That they which commit such things are what worthy of death That's Old Testament I'm in the book of Romans I'm in the New Testament. And by the way, isn't Romans the same book where it says that we're not under the law, but under grace Isn't that chapter 6 of Romans Why didn't he begin the book of Romans with the concepts in chapter 6 Why did he begin with I mean have you ever thought about that? He started off the book of Romans talking preaching against fags Right I mean I mean talk about an introduction He didn't talk about you know, uh overcoming sin he didn't get on Israel yet He's not even getting on the Jews yet he gets on sodomites And he says what they're worthy of death No Paul No We're not under the law Paul, but under grace. I read somewhere in the Bible. Yeah, he knows he wrote it He Worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them This is why you should not hang out with sodomites Even if you're not a sodomite yourself You shouldn't hang out with sodomites why because you're gonna suffer the same consequences as the sodomite You will also be spewed out I I'm done. What's the sermon today? There's certain things in this world that'll make you puke and a faggot is one of them And you know what if fags don't make you puke then you're desensitized If you're not bothered by sodomy, you've been brainwashed if you're not disgusted by Faggotry and sodomy Then you have been desensitized towards morality Has any normal human being? When they see faggotry taking place and makes them want to throw up, right? so the Bible says and Here's the thing guys never change that That's our body's Spiritual self-defense to say this is unnatural. I don't want nothing to do with this But unfortunately, you have a lot of Christians. It doesn't make them throw up No, it's it's fine, you know my aunt and my uncle my cousin and you know I just got to love them and respect them and you know Let them do whatever they want and I don't agree with their lifestyle Folks the Bible says it makes you puke and if you don't have you know that sensation you get when it's just like You know that the kind of tingling feeling When your body's getting ready I'm not saying that's what you got to get when you when you see a sodomite, but spiritually that's what it should be When you get that tingling sensation Spiritually speaking where you're just like this is gross This is filthy. This is disgusting. If you don't feel that way you need to start reading your Bible more You need to start praying more. You need to start walking in the Spirit more Because he that loved the Lord hate evil the Bible says. It's true evil You It's good when you puke Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word and Lord Thank you for the self-defense mechanisms you place in our body to know what is right and what is wrong. It's called discernment It's called having our senses exercise both to discern both good and evil and it comes when we read the Bible And I pray God that you'd help us never to lose that no matter how wicked it gets We know that you'll protect us And if you so desire to use us as an example to be killed by these people and so be it I Mean, we've only one life to live what a way to go out But if not Lord, I pray that you'd preserve us so we can do more work for you So we can preach the gospel get more people saved Wake people up to this truth and there's someone under the sound of my voice. They got offended at what I said Help to realize that this is what God says. I'm simply the voice crying in the wilderness I'm simply the one repeating what the Bible says and I can never preach as hard as you preached The sermon you gave in Genesis 19 is far greater than what I said tonight The actions that you took in Genesis 19 is far greater than what I said tonight And I pray God that you'd help us to maintain that level of understanding and to deepen our hatred For that which is abominable and wicked in Jesus name we pray. Amen I Please turn your songbook to song number one The first page there in your hymnals song number one. Jesus. I my cross have taken Song number one on that first verse Jesus I my cross Despise forsaken I Oh Oh Oh Amen wonderful singing you are dismissed You