(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) we are in Matthew chapter 15 is great to be here with everyone and let's look down at your Bibles Matthew chapter 15 in verse number 17 it says do not you yet understand that whatsoever it enter it in at the mouth goeth into the belly and it's cast out into the draft but those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart and they defile the man proud of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders adulteries fornications thefts false witness blasphemies these are the things which defile a man but to eat with unwashed hands the fileth not a man that's how to determine this morning is things that are truly toxic things that are truly toxic now today in 2019 we have this phrase that's being thrown around a term that's thrown around that and it's often in relation to relationships to comments on YouTube or you know when we pass a judgment on a heretic or a reprobate you know they often say this about masculinity as well and they'll say it's toxic it's toxic you know toxic masculinity hey that attitude is toxic that comment is toxic this is very toxic but really what this is is just a rhetoric of liberals it's the rhetoric of watered-down Christians it's the rhetoric of people who get easily offended to try to fend off people from listening to people like us right that's what it is and really today what I want to do is take what they're what they're saying is basically turn around and show you things that are truly toxic right now today it seems that we constantly have to redirect people redirect the masses to what really just common sense right and we don't really have to say much to be radical to be zealous to be crazy we just have to say what the Bible says right but what the Bible says is so different and so opposite to what the world is saying they're gonna look at us and say that's crazy that's toxic now before we get into that let's look down at your Bibles and Matthew chapter 15 what's what's taking place here in this chapter well what you have is the scribes and the Pharisees having this dialogue with Jesus Christ and of course we understand that the Pharisees and the scribes adhere to the false religion of Judaism they upheld the tradition of the elders more than the commandments of God and really what they're doing is bringing this stupid railing accusation or the stupid doctrine that hey you have to make sure that you wash your hands before you eat now look I'm all for washing my hands before I eat I think it's a good thing I think you should too but I I will never teach that as a doctrine of God you should never get behind the pulpit and preach your preferences right as though it's the commandments of God and look down at your Bibles at verse number two says why do thy disciples transgress the trend tradition of the elders he doesn't say why do they transgress the Bible why because it's not in the Bible right for they wash not their hands when they eat bread so what are they saying they're basically insinuating hey your disciples are defiled that's the finally hey that's toxic for them to do something like that now what does Jesus do well first he just want to throw this in there he advocates the death penalty in verse number four just want to let you know that you know let him die to death you know that's in the New Testament okay well look at your Bibles at verse number 11 he basically redirects their attention and shows them what is it that truly defiles what is it that's truly toxic is it because you don't wash your hands before you eat no he says in verse number 11 not that which goeth into the mouth defileth the man but that which cometh out of the mouth this defileth the man so what is he saying here look it's not about your outward appearance because that's exactly what the Pharisees would emphasize he says that which comes out of your mouth because it proceeds from the heart that is what is toxic that is what defiles the man that is what God looks upon then later on you see that the disciples didn't really quite understand it right so he kind of further explains it in verse number 17 he says do not yet understand that whatsoever enterth in at the mouth goeth into the belly is cast out into the draft but those things which proceed out of the mouth cometh forth from the heart and they defile the man such as what for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts murders it says they're adult trees fornications thefts false witness blasphemies these are the things which defile a man but to eat with unwashing hands defileth not a man and you know what the Pharisees were basically guilty of most of those things you know it's no coincidence that he's telling them that that which proceeds from the mouth comes from the heart these are the things to follow him in and then he looked down at verse number eight he says this people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth but honors me with their lips but their heart is far from me so what do we see here what are the Pharisees guilty of well the Bible tells us that beware of the leaven of the Pharisees which is what hypocrisy and that's exactly what we see in verse number eight they draw nigh unto God with their mouth they honor him with their lips but their heart is far from him what is that saying they're hypocrites what they say and what they do are two different things right and he's saying you're actually the ones who are defiling the people you know what's interesting is the people who typically have that rhetoric of all this is toxic they're typically the ones who are actually toxic right not just their message not just what they're saying but they themselves are toxic who the sodomites the reprobates the false prophets of this world the watered-down Christian fundamental Baptists who don't want to stand for truth and for the Word of God these people are typically the ones who are truly toxic okay so as I mentioned today you know we need to redirect the masses to show them what the Bible actually says what is truly toxic and what is it what is it now as I mentioned this term toxic you know is a buzzword that people like to use to say oh you know that's destructive you know that's that's injurious that's poisonous you know you shouldn't say so you can't just call a heretic a heretic how are you gonna call that person a reprobate well because they rejected the Lord and they hate God they'll say oh no that's toxic you shouldn't use words like that you're gonna you're gonna scare people away from Christ well you know what the kind of people you're gonna scare away from Christ are those who hate Christ you know who you're gonna draw the people who are actually seeking for the truth that's where you're gonna draw so yeah it's toxic to those who are toxic right and really at the end of the day we what we find is that whatever the world deems as being toxic the opposite is true why because we live in a world that calls evil good and good evil it puts bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter that puts light for darkness and darkness for light so don't ever think that you know as Christians obviously we want to win people to Christ we want to win sinners but at the end of the day there's gonna be a group of people that we don't see eye to eye with yeah why is that because the Bible tells us that the unjust is an abomination to the just and he that is upright in his way is an abomination to the wicked that's how it's always gonna be right you know they'll tell us oh you know you got you guys full of hate speech that's the most common thing that I've heard within the last couple weeks I wonder why they'll say oh yeah you guys are hate mongers you guys have hate in your heart and hate speech and all these things you know the last time I checked Jesus said he that believeth on me as the scripture had said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water so that which Jesus preached that which his prophets are preaching is life we believe in everlasting life you know the Bible tells us that the law of the wise is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death so you know our message and what we preach you know it's toxic to those who are toxic but it's life unto those who want life it's life unto those who want to live who want to depart from the snares of death this is this isn't toxic we're not ruining our children we're not destroying our churches no we're actually imparting life you know oh no but you know that's hate speech and hate is always wrong you know what the Bible tells me is that their vine is the vine of Sodom and of Gomorrah their grapes are the grapes of gall their clusters are bitter their wine is the poison of dragons and cruel venom of ass it sounds to me like they're toxic the Bible is telling us that they are toxic not us them turn with me if you what's a Roman chapter number three what is truly toxic you know and a lot of these saved independent fundamental Baptists need to just wake up and smell the coffee and their churches and come to the understanding that they've been influenced by the world by the ideologies of the world they've allowed themselves to capitulate to the attacks of the world to the liberal churches to the sodomites and that's why they are taking a weak stance on what they're on the Bible so on and so forth let me read to you from 1st Peter chapter 4 verse 3 for the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles when we walked in lasciviousness lust excess of wine revelings banquetings and abominable idolatries wherein they think it's strange that you run out with them to the same excess of riot speaking evil of you who shall give an account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead so they think it's strange when we stand on the Bible don't they they think it's strange when they when they when we say that we hate sodomites or you know we believe the salvation is by faith alone that we believe that you know you should speak to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing to make a melody in your hearts into the Lord when we say hey the man should be the one who's ruined his house he should be the breadwinner bringing home the bacon the woman should be a keeper of the home they think that's strange but that's okay because that's showing us that what we're doing is right hate speech though the hate speech you know they never talk about the soul winning they never talk about the many times that we preach John 3 16 Romans chapter 5 verse 8 all the love that we try to spread you know they only want to focus on the hate towards those who are toxic look at Romans 3 verse 13 it says their throat is an open sepulcher and we're not we're not talking about bad breath here either okay though that could be applicable at times their throat is an open sepulcher with their tongues they have used to see the poison of asps is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are swift to shed blood destruction and misery are in their ways and the way of peace have they not known there is no fear of God before their eyes you know what this tells me they're toxic not us when it's saying that their mouth is full of cursing and bitterness I mean that is true when I was at the Orlando conference last week they're literally giving us the bird as they are telling us that they love us I'm serious we're driving and they're just like we love you and look I'll be honest with you I think they're telling the truth because I think that they think that that's actually love because they had a twisted view of what love is you know that is that's toxic that is toxicity the love that God has for the world that he was willing to give his son is not toxic the love that we're willing to just protect our children that's why we keep reprobates out that's not toxic what they're saying is toxic you know and I find it interesting that the media likes to highlight all the hot parts which I'm fine with right but they want to just ignore everything that the sodomites say all the their their cursings and bitterness and their throat is an open sepulcher their tongues are full of the sea they have the poison of asps under their lips what is it saying they're toxic you know I won't to the Christian that goes to the world to extract their philosophies for their ideologies and what they should believe you know won't to the Christian who's embarrassed of us right they're embarrassed to be associated with us they're embarrassed to come into our churches they're embarrassed to you know be found listening to Pastor Anderson on their laptop or on their phone or something won't to them because what's going on there is there they're being influenced by these watered-down Christians who believe that we're toxic right the Bible tells us in Isaiah chapter 30 verse 1 woe to the rebellious children say the Lord that take counsel but not of me and that cover with the covering but not of my spirit that they may add sin to sin that walk to go down into Egypt and have not asked that my mouth to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh and to trust in the shadow of Egypt therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion you see Christians when they go to the world ultimately the world's gonna be their shame why because if they're Christians and they're saved those ideologies are gonna fall apart at the end of the day and they're gonna come to the realization that they were wrong right now look there's people out there they are just straddling the fence when it comes to these these topics here you know we live in a day and age when we're fighting the greatest war right we're here for such a time as this we're here to fight the Lord's battles but to fight the Lord's battles you need to basically say I believe this entire book now 50 years ago 100 years ago to say something like that was not radical the reason it's become so radicalized is because the world has become so wicked it's become so ungodly so wicked and the Christians of today have become so weak and compromising that they look at something like what the Bible says in Leviticus 2013 and say whoa toxic that's toxic you need to rid yourself of that toxicity you know I've known people that when we call out some infiltrator when we call out some reprobate and like oh man hey that's toxic speech right there man you gotta chill out with that toxic speech you know that shows me that that person has been ingrained with a lot of false ideologies false doctrine and they're not getting it from the Word of God they're getting it from Egypt why because Egypt has this philosophy this kumbaya you know peace peace with everyone but you know what the Bible says peace peace when there is no peace that's what the Bible tells us now go with me if you would to go to John excuse me go to Acts chapter 24 Acts chapter 24 what is truly toxic and I'm sorry I don't have poppers today you know I didn't get a chance to go pick them up and I made a huge mess the last time I used the poppers so I'm not allowed to do that anymore let me give you some points here what they say is toxic versus what truly is toxic you know here's some things that they'll say number one the world says that the man of God is toxic the true man of God that person is dangerous that person is injurious that person is destructive that person is a cult leader that person is evil that person is not like Jesus that person is toxic stay away from that person and what I mean by the man of God well the man of God is simply simply means a man who's coming on God's behalf preaching God's Word so it's a man who comes and preaches John it's a man who comes and preaches through the book of Proverbs it's a man who comes and preaches to the book of Leviticus it's just someone who comes to the masses on the behalf of God preaching his word thus saith the Lord right but why do they say that why do they think that today the independent fundamental Baptist or where we would say the new IFB why would they say that these preachers are toxic that they're so not like Jesus they're they're they're dangerous they're injurious well let me read to you from John 7 verse 6 it says then Jesus said unto them my time has not yet come but your time is always ready the world cannot hate you but me it hated because I testify of it that the works thereof are evil that's why they say we're toxic why because we're testifying of the evil that they do we're talking about the wickedness of their deeds the wickedness of their agendas and all of a sudden they say well I hate you because of that and by the way you can't say do you hate me back that's what it is I hate you but don't you dare say that you hate me back no punch backs right but all we're doing and here's me all we're doing is testifying giving our opinion from the Bible that they're toxic but all of a sudden when they come out with their ideologies and their slanders and their lies and their deceit that's not hate speech that's just their opinion they can say whatever they want no that's toxic is what it is the Bible tells us in John chapter 15 and verse 18 if the world hate you you know that it hated me before I hated you if you were of the world the world would love his own now look pastors of America you know what that means if you're not hated you're of this world if you were of the world the world would love his own does the world love you do they get along with you can you rub shoulders with the world you know when you welcome everyone into your church and you get along with everyone you just have this kumbaya ministry in your church you know what that means you're of the world that's not a good thing but because you're not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world therefore the world hated you remember the word that I said unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord why aren't you like Jesus well I am they hated him the world hated him right therefore the world hates us no I'm talking about the the fake Jesus the long-haired hippie Caesar Borgia all right that one remember the word that I said unto you the servant is not greater than his Lord if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you if they have kept my saying they will keep yours also so who we're looking to get those who want to keep his sayings also but all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him that sent him so what is it telling us here you know people say oh you know yeah but you know your guys's stance on the sodomites you know they're persecuting you not for the gospel's sake they're pursuing you guys because you guys hate the homos you guys hate the sodomites it says here but all these things will they do it to you for my name's sake Jesus the one he's the Word of God so they're rejecting us because they're rejecting the Word of God which Jesus is the word because they know not him that Sammy look at Acts chapter 24 verse number 5 acts chapter 24 verse number 5 says for we have found this man a pestilent fellow speaking of Paul pestilent what is that what does that remind you of like pestilence like a disease like something that's toxic right why can't you guys just be like the Apostle Paul this missionary well here he's a pestilent fellow to the enemies a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world and a ring leader of the sect of the Nazarenes and the ring leader would be just in modern terms a co-leader right who also had gone about to profane the temple whom we took and would have judged according to our law so mark it down the world's always gonna look at us like pestilence because we're not supposed to get along with the world the Bible says love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the Father is not in him and look and if the world loves you then you are of the world you're not of God you're obviously not preaching the Bible why because of the fact that the Bible has controversial topics as things that go against the grain of the ideologies of this world and it's gonna be offensive to someone and let me just translate what toxic really means it doesn't mean injurious no does it mean destructive no it means I'm offended that's what that means that's toxic translation I'm offended that's what that means I'm offended by that so therefore it's toxic no you just need to get some thick skin you just need to get you just need to grow up become a man and learn how to take constructive criticism every once in a while you know if you're wrong you're wrong Acts chapter 18 and verse 10 it says and when Galil was the deputy of Achaia the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul and brought him to the judgment seat saying this fellow persuaded men to worship God contrary to the law lying it's not persuading people to do that but isn't that what people say about us oh you guys are you guys are trying to incite violence since when did we have like a rally to go like gay bash pick a sermon any sermon you know what are they doing this is these are the lies that they come up with to try to mar our reputation to try to make it seem as though we're toxic no we're just simply preaching the Bible what the Bible says and it's toxic to those who are toxic okay now let me read to you from first go to Ezekiel chapter number two I'm gonna reach you from first Kings 22 verse 8 and the king of Israel said into the Jehoshaphat there is yet one man Micaiah the son of Imlah by whom we may inquire of the Lord but I hate him at least this guy's honest why for he does not prophesy good concerning me but evil and Jehoshaphat said let not the king say so so why is it that this king hated this prophet was simply because he prophesied he preached he didn't preach good concerning him but evil so what does that mean it means he wanted a preacher to just tell him what he wanted to hear he wanted to heap to himself preachers having itching ears right he wanted to hear all the good and no negative but you know what that is that is an imbalance unbiblical preacher because the Bible's full of negativity and in order to get the car running you need both positive and negative amen but yes they hate us but they also hate the message that we bring that's really what they really hate right that's really what they deem as toxic you know and then I hate it when they try to like separate yeah you keep quoting the Bible what do you what do you what is it that you believe though the Bible yeah but you keep saying that but what is it that you I want to know what you the Bible that's what I believe look at Ezekiel 2 verse 6 and now send a man be not afraid of them neither be afraid of their words though briars and thorns be with thee the reprobates and thou does dwell among scorpions be not afraid of their words nor be dismayed at their looks though they be as a rebellious house be a rebellious house and now shall speak my words unto them whether they will hear or whether they will forbear for they are most rebellious so what is he saying here look they're all a bunch of words they're all talk so don't let their talk scare you because they're a bunch of Chihuahuas who just I hate you all I'm sorry if you haven't you all don't tell me after the service I'm sorry because when I go soul winning they're gonna be the reason a lot of people go to hell this is like and then you're just trying to like get the gospel to the but you know at the end that's all they do they're just like it they just irritate you know the reference is the same way you know they just and really does it scare us no you just want to you just want to launch it what you want to do right you just want to launch that little Chihuahua to kingdom come when the owners not looking but that's the same thing with these reprobates they're all a bunch of bark and that's why he tells them be not afraid of their words nor be dismayed at their looks why cuz it looks so disgusting that's why verse 8 but thou son of man hear what I say into thee be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house open thy mouth and eat that I give thee and when I look behold a hand was sent unto me and lo a roll of a book was there in and he spread it before me and it was written within and without and there was written their lamentations and mourning and whoa look at chapter 3 verse number 1 it says moreover he said unto me son of man eat that to the excuse me eat that thou findest eat this roll and go speak unto the house of Israel so I opened my mouth and he caused me to eat that roll and he said unto me son of man caused thy belly to eat and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee then that I eat it and it was in my mouth as sweetness excuse me as honey for sweetness so what is the role what is the role describing here is describing the Bible and we see there that this role is filled with what lamentations mourning and whoa according to chapter 2 in verse number 10 but it's sweet why because he that is of God here at God's words and regardless if it's filled with lamentations mornings and whoa when we eat it we know that the chef knows what he's doing right we know that it's the Bible and if we understand it it's sweet to our soul in spite of how negative it can be go to Revelation chapter 10 Revelation chapter 10 you know we need pastors today to just eat that roll fulfill the roll and eat that roll eat it up just accept it for what it is not be embarrassed of the Word of God not be ashamed not think that it's toxic just accept it eat it enjoy it it's finger-linking good amen look at Revelation 10 verse 8 and the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again and said go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth and I went into the angel and said unto him give me the little book and he said unto me take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey and I took the little book out of the angels hand and I ate it up and it was in my mouth sweet as honey and as soon as I had eaten it my belly was bitter and he said unto me thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings you see the Bible tells us that the blueness of a wound cleanses the way evil so do the the stripes of the inward parts of the belly so when we eat the Bible it's sweet but you know what if we have sin in our life it's gonna be bitter right so how can we tell if something is bitter within our belly if we're living contrary to that so why is the Bible bitter to these toxic people because they're toxic it's not sweet to them it's bitter why because they are sinful they have ideas and doctrines and hatred and they hate God therefore the message is bitter to them it's bitter in their belly is what it is so the man by the way the man of God is sent by God to remove the toxicity of the world of the society you know he's sent to preach the Bible to preach hellfire and brimstone to get sin out of people's lives he's not the toxic one and look don't ever think that your pastor oh man I don't agree with them on that he's so toxic why is it so mean he's so arrogant no you're probably seen him up seen him like that because you're toxic or you have some toxicity within your system I just don't know why he just gets up and rips and just says all these things why can't he be a more nicer you know why he doesn't seem nice to use because you probably have toxicity within you that's why because I'm listening to it and guess what it's sweet as honey and if it ever comes across as bitter it's because there's probably something in me that's not right why because the Word of God is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword and it pierces even to the dividing of sunder of soul and spirit joints of the marrow as it is a discern of the thoughts and the intense of the heart so before you say that's toxic why don't first of all why don't you just say I'm offended that's really what you mean oh that's just that's just toxic talk right that no that's just you being offended and if you're offended let that be a red flag to you let that be a signal let that be a reminder that you probably have something within your heart that's not right and this is how you can tell if that's the case that you're mad at the messenger because really you're mad at the message but you take your anger out on the messenger that's how you can tell oh no it's just a spirit that he he says it in you know the spirit you mean like the Holy Spirit because isn't that the spirit that we speak in is the Holy Spirit don't we speak on the behalf of the Holy Spirit when we're filled with the Spirit we're speaking the words of God my words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life oh it's just a mean spirit yeah the Holy Spirit means sometimes he's coming to reprove the world of sin you think the Holy Spirit is just as like Casper goes and just come look he's the comforter but he's coming to reprove the world of sin he does it through the Bible so if it's bitter to you it's because you probably are toxic or you have some toxicity within you this is how you fix it you repent get it right change your mind transform your mind have a renewing of your mind and don't take it out on the man of God he's not the toxic one it's probably you it's probably your worldliness it's probably your sin what is truly toxic well not the man of God you know who's truly toxic are the false prophets those are the people who are truly toxic the false prophets that parade themselves as Christian Christian pastors why because they're spoiling people through philosophy and vain to see the Bible tells us for I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock what does that mean they're toxic you know the Joel Osteen's the Tyler Baker's the Adam Fannin's that's offensive oh that's so talk you bringing that up again that's so toxic I'm so sick and tired of this toxicity no you're toxic yeah if that like rubs you the wrong way if you like flinch when you hear that you mention enemies you're just toxic why because he's actually the one who's really toxic false prophets are the ones who are really toxic not the man of God hey how about compromising pastors to capitulate under the pressure of wicked men these people actually toxic why because of the fact that they are softening up the congregants in their churches so they're not helping them to be vigilant to be aware to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might they have this tolerance and acceptance speech every Sunday they don't fight any battles so what happens they're there they're the body of Christ in that area begins to atrophy why because the the pastors not fighting the battles he's not fighting the good fight of faith therefore he's toxic okay go with me if you would to go to Isaiah chapter 3 if you would Isaiah chapter 3 we're talking about things that are truly toxic and as God's people we need to listen to the rhetoric of the world and understand that whatever they say the opposite is true when they call us toxic when they call our message toxic when they say that we're injurious and we're destructive just mark it down it's what they're doing and they typically it's a smokescreen when they say things like that it's a smokescreen to get your attention off of their toxicity is what it is okay but how about this the world says that the man of God is toxic but the world also says the biblical manhood is toxic you know Gillette came out with that a commercial right how many know what I'm talking about now I don't shave I don't believe in shaving and I'm not against you if you do when I was a kid my dad took me into the restroom show me how to be a man he grabbed the razor and he ate it in front of me I'm just kidding but what is what is what was that hope commercial but it's really to feminize men is what it is let me read this to you says the concept of toxic masculinity is used in psychology and media discussions of masculinity to refer to certain cultural norms that are associated with harm to society and to men themselves so obviously we don't want to do things to harm other people right and what they obviously we understand that Satan what he does when he brings his lies he mixes in a little bit of truth okay traditional stereotypes of men as socially dominant hey that's good that's good right along with related traits such as misogyny and homophobia okay let's stop right there we're not misogynistic right you know in Hispanic culture you have like the machismo you know that's wrong and look let me say this the homophobia is wrong too hey don't be homophobic I'm here to tell you it's wrong for you to be homophobic here's my message today homophobia is wrong because phobia means afraid we're not afraid of them big difference between being afraid of them and hating them I'm a that's toxic I'm offended when people say that I'm homophobic I'm not homophobic I'm not afraid of them you know I hate them but I'm not afraid of them so this is this is wrong here stereotypes of men and look there's probably people out there you know who's homophobic are the ones who's bringing the ones who bring them into the church they're the ones who are scared of them they're the ones who are afraid they're the ones who are shaking in their boots they're the ones who are afraid of their faces they're afraid of their words they're the ones who are homophobic the ones who are telling us you're homophobic no you're homophobic that's why you're letting them into your church that's why you know you try to support them indiscreetly and you try to or discreetly that's why you're trying to act like you're for them we need to win them to Christ you're being homophobic you're homophobic I'm homo hatin traditional stereotypes of men is socially dominant along with related traits such as misogyny and homophobia can be considered toxic due in part to the promotion of violence so here's the lie because we talked about the death penalty and they automatically relate that to oh you just want to be violent why do you want to kill homosexuals I don't want to kill them I want the government to do it I'm a preacher I got other things to do you know I'm here preaching the word of God I got so wanting to do I'm just saying that the government should do it okay now if I work for the government yeah that's what I'd be doing right if it was it was part of the law if that was part of the law to put sodomites to death and I work for the government in that section then yes that's what I would be doing but that's not violence including sexual assault and domestic violence these things are wrong so they associate sexual assault and domestic violence and excuse me sexual assault and domestic violence with us they say oh if that's what you want you know these are the fundamentalists of this world these are the old-timers these are the people believe the Bible they're all for violence that's not true the socialization of boys often normalizes violence really so if your your son is like playing with another sign they're wrestling all of a sudden that's like violent since it such as in the saying boys will be boys with regard to bullying and aggression now obviously we're not for bullying right but I'm for a little aggression why cuz boys will be boys at our church they wrestle like all the time you know they're throwing each other down oh you shouldn't allow that why why well you want you want me to hand him a doll you want me to hand him a Barbie doll you want me hand them like a stove you want him you want my son to make cupcakes yeah that's what they should be doing no no they're not supposed to be doing that so they state that boys will be boys is wrong when men are great no boys should be aggressive amen why because when they grow up they're supposed to be the leaders of the home they're supposed to be protecting their wives and their kids and if they're men of God they're supposed to be fighting the Lord's battles which takes what aggression it takes someone to get it takes someone getting mad about things upset about sin and reprobates and fight these battles aggression is good you know and lets the congregation know that the pastor serious about what he's saying what if I preach this message and I just didn't yell at all and I was just happy go lucky the entire time you all should hate them they're toxic that happened that would have no weight behind it but when you're mad people know you mean business when you're aggressive aggressive being aggressive is not sinful you know this is a man trait that God is instilled with every single man to use at his designated time you know he that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down without walls yes but the Bible also says that he that is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he that rule with the spirit that he that taketh the city what does that mean that we can control our aggression we can control anger we know when to use it and when not to use it but they say well no that's all wrong give them a Barbie dog give them a dog give them a stove to cook on let them dress like a girl they tried they're trying to eat feminized the children the boys why so they when they grow up they're docile and when they want to promote their wicked agendas the children who are now adults have no resilience they can't resist these things because they're not strong enough to do it they have no common sense self-reliance and emotional repression are correlated with increased psychological problems in men such as depression increased stress and substance abuse depression you know they say oh you know these things lead to depression no you know at least the depression is laziness you know at least the depression is when you don't work when you don't have a job when you're not working guess what you're not tired and when you're not tired you think and when you think you grow depressed you said from what from not working but when you work you're tired and when you're tired you're too tired to be depressed increased stress what's wrong with stress stress is good right stress helps us to execute tasks when you're under the gun when you're under pressure obviously there's a stress that's not good but at that point we need to make sure that we live a balanced life and everything has its place but you know stress is not all bad that's why you have this generation that wants to rise up that's rising up and they don't want to work they want to be handed everything because they just don't want any stress I'm having a mental breakdown because you got to get up in the morning to go work because your boss yelled at you I just don't know what I'm gonna do my boss it means you're it means you're not working right you're not doing a good job so just change it right stress is good and substance abuse substance abuse is not good but you see how they try to mix that in I'm sure there's a lot of stressed men here because of work who are not involved in substance abuse hopefully right pretty sure you say well how do you deal with stress well you know you come to church you have fellowship you often church is a good way to get rid of stress because you come here you sing the songs you fellowship with your brothers in Christ you hear the preaching of God's Word and you're around people that believe just like you and that kind of refreshes you right people exercise you eat healthy you shoot guns right we went shooting yesterday that was a good stress reliever right there feel good not substance abuse toxic masculine traits are characteristic of the unspoken code of behavior among men in American prisons where they exist in part as a response to the harsh conditions of prison life you know this is nonsense and what Gillette was trying to do is basically have this agenda to soften up the next generation is what they're doing you know and they try to mix truth with the they're trying to mix their lives with a little bit of truth no the Bible tells us that being effeminate is a sin being a girly man is a sin you know and what is the response what is the result of you know if we try to get it rid of masculinity feminism which is very sinful and in fact it's a curse upon a nation look at the Bible says in his Isaiah chapter 3 verse 12 as for my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them oh my people they which lead the cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy path when women rule over a people it's considered a curse and that's a whole sermon in of itself of feminism how wicked it is the Bible tells us know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived nor neither fornicators nor idolaters no adulterers nor effeminate nor abuses themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortion or shall inherit the kingdom of God this is the only time the word effeminate is mentioned and that's all we need because in the Bible we understand and people understood of that a times past it to be a girly man was sinful because you're not behaving the way God created you to behave right I'm not for fist fighting I'm not for just violence but I'm for consented if it's consensual you know I'm for that I'm for guys training and Muay Thai kickboxing I'm for guys doing Brazilian jiu-jitsu I'm not for karate I'm just kidding that's not violence and it's good for a society when men behave as men I'm almost out of time go with me if you would to Luke chapter 11 you know the Bible tells us to Bible says in 1st Corinthians 16 verse 13 watch a stand fast in the faith quit you like men be strong so you know the Bible tells us to be as men to be strong physically emotionally mentally spiritually because the Bible tells us to grow up your loins like a man but the Bible also says to grow up the loins of your mind right to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might this is a necessary trait for men and we need to make sure that we never have this view this perception that that's toxic you know when the boys are playing in the mud and they're eating the worms and they're just pushing each other and fighting that's so toxic no that's normal that's how boys act boys will be boys here's another thing that they said the world states that religion is toxic right you have Richard Dawkins parroting that the religion is toxic and look it's true to a certain extent because of the fact that there's certain religions in this world that are of the devil Islam is toxic Mormonism is toxic the Jehovah's Witnesses they're toxic the charismatic movement is toxic hey how about the repent of your sins independent fundamental Baptist they're really toxic because they come under the cloak of being the righteous people Christians Baptist kjv you know but what are they really dispensational repent of your sins these people are toxic in fact that's probably more toxic than the Jehovah's Witnesses because they come as ministers of light they have the right label they use the right Bible but they're toxic you know true toxicity are religions that teach that salvation is by works they'll say oh you guys are just like the Muslims you know the Muslims want to put homosexuals to death well that's the one thing they got that's right that doesn't mean we're like them it just means that that part is correct you understand what I'm saying so they try to try to lump us in with Islam no we don't we don't have a pedophile for our leader we don't Islam is a wicked religion I don't care what you say about my beard it's wicked it's vile Mormonism is vile and wicked the charismatic movement is vile and wicked these are the religions that are actually toxic not us why because our religion the biblical religion that we follow teaches that salvation is by faith alone and it's the only religion that does what are the differences between Catholic and Christian or here our religion teaches that salvation is by faith without works by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ plus nothing minus nothing that's it all other religions teach something different and it's all based upon works they just slap a new label on it but it's all works that's what's really toxic Luke 12 you're in Luke chapter 11 I'm over to you from Luke 12 verse 1 it says in the meantime when they were gathered together innumerable multitude of people in so much that they trode one upon another he began to say unto his disciples first of all beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy and you look at like these charismatic movement these guys are so holier than now but they're just a bunch of hypocrites because most of the things that they want that they teach that they impose upon their churches and their people they're not even keeping themselves because they're hypocrites it's the spirit of the Pharisees within these churches Luke 11 verse 52 says woe unto you lawyers for you have taken away the key of knowledge ye enter not in yourselves and them that were entering in ye hindered these are the people who are actually toxic you know and while I'm on dispensationalism you know this is guy who made this video I don't even know who he is but he made this YouTube video and he's like criticizing March on the Zion and he's he's his hyper dipstick like hi per dipstick and he's just like we're gonna also look at dispensation of heresy these guys are getting too much influence and they're they're influencing the masses with these movies and all these things but you look at what he believes he believes that salvation was by works in the Old Testament so what's wrong with that if they believe salvation was by works in the Old Testament but it's by grace through faith here doesn't that mean that they're saved no because to believe the gospel is to believe that it was everlasting that there is no beginning or end what they believe is there is a beginning and they shall there shall be an end even to this gospel right that's toxic because of the fact that people who are sincere who want to know the truth will be deceived by that nonsense but that garbage of dispensationalism down with dispensationalism amen it's toxic Matthew 23 15 says won't you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you can pass see in land to make one proselyte and when he is made ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves that's toxic so these people when they go out to make converts they actually turn out worse they make them devils what's that called toxic you so what about you guys well they become children of God they get everlasting life right I'm out of time what's the sermon today it's simply this is we need to make sure that we are we're constantly redirecting the masses to understand what truly is toxic and when they try to attack us and our beliefs the principles that we stand on and the doctrines that we preach let's not let's never be afraid you know let's never take it lying down we need to make sure to stand up and say stop this is not toxic let me show you what really is toxic you you're toxic and let me show you why you're toxic because of the fact that all men need to do for evil to prevail is just nothing so you know how you shut up the Chihuahua that's all you got to do same thing with these people right that's all you have to do so we need to make sure that we we redirect the masses to understand hey what is truly toxic it's not us it's not the Bible it's not our message it's the people who are attacking us it's the people who want to change biblical principles and doctrines to make it seem as though that's toxic what are they doing it's just a smokescreen to try to get the attention off themselves and their wicked agenda amen inspire hasn't have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word thank you Lord and we're thankful that the Bible is pure the law of the Lord is perfect it's pure and there's nothing toxic about it there's nothing toxic about our churches about our our sermons about our message about anything that we do according to your words nothing toxic about it help us to expose the toxicity of this world of the false prophets of the false churches but also of the compromising churches people who possibly they're say pastors who are saved but they just take a weak stance they're actually creating more damage in their congregation than they are helping and I pray God that you'd help us to continue to take a stand and to differentiate between the two we love you so much Lord and we thank you pray these things in Jesus name