(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I will guide the hills in light, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to thy perfect light, Glorious now, behold Him arise, King and God and sacrifice, Alleluia, Alleluia, Peels through the earth and skies, Oh, star of wonder, star of night, Westward leading, still proceeding, Guide us to thy perfect light. Amen. Wonderful singing. At this time, the ushers will come forth to receive the offering. You can turn your Bibles to Genesis chapter 11. Genesis chapter number 11. Good morning. We're in Genesis chapter number 11 this morning. Genesis chapter 11. The Bible reads, And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven. And let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men build in. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language. And this they begin to do. And now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, they may not understand one another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth, and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel, because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth. And from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. These are the generations of Shem. Shem was 100 years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood. And Shem lived after he begat Arphaxad 500 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Arphaxad lived five and 30 years, and begat Salah. And Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah 403 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Salah lived 30 years, and begat Eber. And Salah lived after he begat Eber 403 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Eber lived four and 30 years, and begat Peleg. And Eber lived after he begat Peleg 430 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Peleg lived 30 years, and begat Ryu. And Peleg lived after he begat Ryu 209 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Ryu lived two and 30 years, and begat Sirug. And Ryu lived after he begat Sirug 207 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Sirug lived 30 years, and begat Nahor. And Sirug lived after he begat Nahor 200 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Nahor lived nine and 20 years, and begat Tyra. And Nahor lived after he begat Tyra 119 years, and begat sons and daughters. And Tyra lived 70 years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. Now these are the generations of Tyra. Tyra begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. And Haran begat Lot. And Haran died before his father, Tyra, in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees. And Abram and Nahor took them wives. The name of Abram's wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahor's wife, Milka, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milka, and the father of Iska. But Sarai was barren, she had no child. And Tyra took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife. And they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees to go into the land of Canaan. And they came unto the Haran and dwelt there. The days of Tyra were 205 years, and Tyra died in Haran. Let's pray. Dear Lord God, thank you for this opportunity to assemble here to hear your word preached. Just ask that you be a pastor here now. Please bless him with your Holy Spirit and bless the preaching now, and in Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen. Okay, this morning I'm going to preach on the subject of the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel. If you look at verse number one of Genesis chapter 11, it says, And the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven, and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And so this morning I want to talk about, go over the story of the Tower of Babel and explain why this event was really important, an important event throughout history. And I want to give some of the end time significance to it, and obviously explain why is it that God chose to confound the languages. What is the significance of that? Why did God choose to essentially dismember this unity that was taking place here at Shinar with the Tower of Babel? Now let me explain a couple things here. What does Babel mean, first and foremost? Well, Babel, to Babel simply means, a good definition of it would be essentially an incoherent speech. It is a confusing noise. And in fact, if you look at verse 9, it says, Therefore is the name of it called Babel, because the Lord did confound the language in all the earth. And this is actually a word that you see throughout the Bible. For example, when talking about the subject of alcohol, it says, Who hath sorrow? Who hath contentions? Who hath babblings? Right? Referring to just this incoherent speech that people can't understand. When talking about people who just teach doctrines that are not found in the Word of God, it actually says, To avoid profane and vain babblings. So the idea there is that to babble or a babbling is essentially an incoherent speech. It's confusing noise. It's given us the idea that when God confounded the languages, it literally means that He gave them tongues that were essentially completely foreign to the recipient in a moment, in an instant, at that point there in Genesis 11. So they're speaking to each other in this one language. All of a sudden, God confounds the languages. He supernaturally changes their ability to speak and or understand a particular language. And now, you know, instead of speaking their normal language, they're hearing a foreign language they can't understand, and therefore they cannot continue the project of building this tower up to heaven. And so they had to stop the project. And then essentially there, they were scattered throughout the whole earth, essentially dividing themselves into the people groups of which language they spoke at that time. And so when you look at that, that's important to know. Now, when you study the Bible, it's important to know this principle called the principle of first mention. Okay? If you ever want to know what God thinks about a particular subject, about a particular topic, just go to the part of the Bible where it's first mentioned. And the subject of Babel or Babylon, which is essentially the same exact word, and in fact in the original language, there is no Babel in Babylon, it's just Babylon, that's it. So when you see Babel in Genesis 11 in the original language, it just actually says Babylon. But when you look at Babylon throughout the Bible, it's obviously a very negative thing. You know, you look at it throughout history, it's often referring to a world empire, a world superpower that is conquering its surrounding areas. And you see throughout history that Babylon had a significant influence upon Judaism. Why is that? Well, because of what's known as the Babylonian captivity. And when the Jews went into the Babylonian captivity, there was obviously a lot of influence there and in fact created this subset of Judaism that essentially became a false religion. This is how the religion of the Pharisees took place. This is how the positions of the Pharisees and the Sadducees came to fruition was in Babylon, which in fact, that's why their scriptures or what they considered to be authoritative is referred to as the Babylonian Talmud. And so Babylon had a significant influence on Judaism, but then Rome, who is essentially a spiritual Babylon as well, also had a significant influence on Christianity, which is why we have a false religion known as the Roman Catholic Church today. And so you see that it plays a significant role throughout history. And when you look at end times Bible prophecy, there is the great whore known as Babylon in end times, referring to a world superpower that the Antichrist will use and abuse in order to get into power in order for him to institute the new world order, the one world currency, one world financial system, one world religion. So if you want to know what God thinks of Babylon or what the agenda of Babylon is, then you go to Genesis chapter 11, because that's the first time it's mentioned. And Genesis 11 essentially holds all of the elements and factors that are necessary to help us to understand what their intention was and what the intention of end times Babylon will be as well. Now I want to go over this story throughout the sermon and just explain what was wrong with the Tower of Babel. Because at face value you may think to yourself, you know, well if everyone's kind of gathered together, they're not fighting, they're, you know, they're of one speech, they're unified, they're kumbayaing, you know, what's the problem with that? You know, if everyone seems to agree and be in unity and not have this division, what is the issue? Why did God take issue with the world being of one language, of one speech, being one people, you know, creating this project of creating this tower to rise up into heaven, what's the problem with that? Well I'm going to give you three problems with the Tower of Babel and the spiritual significance behind it. Now number one, let me say this, the foundations, the Tower of Babel is wrong because of the fact that the foundations for a corrupt society were being laid, okay? The foundations for a corrupt society were being laid. Now again people think to themselves, you know, what's wrong with being unified? Well when you look at the philosophy of the world today, a lot of people throughout the world would say, you know, we all just need to come together, right? Isn't that the solution to all of the religious problems, the political problems, the ideologies that are out there? They always say we just need to agree together, we need to unify, we just need to come together and I think there's even a song out there called Come Together, right? You know, some of you could probably sing it for me right now. But you know, that's the solution is that we all just need to agree but this is what the Bible says in that regard, okay? The Bible tells us though hand joined in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished. So the Bible is telling us that even if the world were to join hands together and agree with one another and be in unity, God is not going to overlook their sin and their iniquity. He says no, the wicked still going to be punished because even if you get the entire world to agree together, it doesn't mean that there aren't wicked people in this world. And so unity with the world at the exclusion of God and Christ is not a good thing and we're going to look at it in just a little bit that God wants unity but he wants unity first of all with specific divisions and boundaries and secondly he wants unity based around the truth, based around Jesus Christ. And that's not the unity that the world talks about today, okay? All of the unity that the world talks about is always at the exclusion of God. It's always at the exclusion of the Bible, always at the exclusion of Jesus Christ. It's all of these ideologies just mixed together, all of these customs and beliefs and laws and rules just mixed together and we all just got to tolerate one another. That is not the unity that God is looking for. Let me read to you from Proverbs chapter 16 and verse number 5 says, everyone that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord though hand joined in hand he shall not be unpunished. Now go with me if you would to Genesis chapter 6. Hold your place there in Genesis 11. Go to Genesis chapter 6 if you would. You see God's original intent for humanity was not unity with nations but rather that nations would be divided, okay? He wants nations to be divided. He wants sovereign separate nations that are autonomous one from another. He wants there to be a difference and a distinction between people groups, okay? And I'm going to explain to you why. Now in Genesis 11, you don't have to turn there, you don't have to go back there but let me read to you a couple verses from Genesis 11. It says that the whole earth was of one language and of one speech. Verse 5 tells us that the Lord came down to see the city and tower which the children of men builded and the Lord said behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing shall be restrained from them which they have imagined to do. And so we see here that at this point in Genesis chapter 11 after the flood everyone is unified. Now let me stop by saying this here before we get into Genesis chapter 6 is that this is essentially what people would refer to as the proto-Indo-European theory here, okay? Let me explain what that means. The Indo-European languages are essentially a family of languages found in the specific area of the world that covers essentially the majority of Europe. It covers the Iranian plateau and it covers the subcontinent of Asia as well, okay? And so it's all these languages it's like over 400 languages that are covered in that area and when people try to investigate as to where these languages came from they come up with different theories and some of them are really stupid, okay? One of them is like the onomatopoeia theory which means like people just were making sounds you know and then created languages off of how things make sounds you know just really dumb theories like that but one of the theories is called the proto-Indo- European theory which essentially asserts that all these languages in the Indo-European area all had one mother language that they essentially gathered from, okay? There's one language that the world spoke that all these other languages came from. Now what's funny is that when you look at these theories they have that theory but they also have the Tower of Babel theory but the reality is this is the Tower of Babel theory is basically the proto-Indo-European theory because the Tower of Babel is showing us that there was one language at one point from which all languages came from, okay? Now obviously when they talk about the proto-Indo-European theory they are essentially saying that languages evolved over time from this one world language that existed at one point whereas we know according to the Bible that there was one language and then God supernaturally created these languages right at the Tower of Babel and so people will say you know the language that they spoke is this proto-Indo-European language, proto meaning the first language that existed. Now whether that's the same language that Adam and Eve spoke we don't know whether that means that this is the only language that was spoken after the flood and that there's other languages that existed in the pre-flood world, we don't know. What we do know is this is that there was one language one speech that everyone spoke and God wanted a division of those languages because when you have a division of languages you have a division of culture, you understand? Language is a major thing if you want division in a society and he let me give you an example you know you ever talk to someone and then you really want to communicate with them and even if they know a little bit of your language and maybe you know a little bit of theirs you'll come back saying this you know I tried but there was a language barrier right and even then when you speak to someone let's say you're fluent in a particular language and you're talking to someone in that language and you know but it's your secondary language it's your second language that you've learned you're not going to really understand everything that they're saying and the reason why is because of the fact that language is also associated with culture and so if you don't understand the culture you won't really a hundred percent understand the language either you understand what I'm saying now I don't want to discourage people from learning Spanish because I just literally just preached a sermon last week challenging everyone to learn Spanish because I believe that the universal that the gospel message is a universal language that is applicable to everyone and the gospel is the power of God and salvation to everyone to believe it so if you know if you are able to learn the gospel in Spanish and preach the gospel in Spanish you can get someone saved but you know further than that I'm not sure you're going to be able to get okay you know I don't think you're going to be able to like disciple someone in Spanish if you just learn Spanish in the next three to six months but you can get people saved though but the point that I'm trying to make here is the fact that languages do create barriers because languages are associated with culture and societies and that's exactly how God intended for it to be okay and so we see here that there is one language that was spoken and this is possibly the proto-indo-european language that people often speak about where hundreds of languages essentially came from thereafter let me continue reading here verse two it says and it came to pass as they journey from the east that they found a plane in the land of China they dwelt there and they said one to another go let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone slime they had for mortar and they said go to let us build us a city whose top may reach unto heaven let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth so they're saying they want to stick together they want unity and obviously the bible is telling us here according to the verse number one that this unity is based upon a language okay that they all speak the same language this is why if you have a group of people let's say you put a hundred people together in one room that they've never met people are going to gravitate towards the individuals that speak their language and then secondly those who are closest to their cultural upbringing okay now obviously as Christians we would gravitate towards Christians right at least we should okay because that is the most important culture now in Genesis chapter one you're in Genesis six God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and to multiply and to replenish the earth and so we know that they were then excommunicated from the Garden of Eden because of their sin we have the first murder taking place in Genesis chapter four we have a genealogy in Genesis chapter five and in Genesis chapter six we have the cataclysmic event known as the flood right now why did that take place look at verse number one of Genesis six it says and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born into them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose now we know based upon other scriptures that the sons of God are believers not angels because to which of the angels said he had any time thou are my son this day have I begotten thee the Bible says and the Bible says that whoever believes on Jesus Christ becomes the son of God but as many as received him to them give you power to become the sons of God and anytime in the Bible sons of God are mentioned it's always in conjunction with a believer like well hold on a second there's this passage in Job chapter one where the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them yeah where does it say that there are angels though because people in the old testament when they died and there are believers were presented before the Lord and in fact the Bible says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord so as soon as you die your soul stands before God it's presented before the Lord and yes Satan came also among them because this is outside of the scope of the sermon but Satan still has access to heaven believe it or not why because the Bible says that he is the accuser of the brethren and he's not fully evicted from the realm of heaven until revelation chapter 12 that's outside of the scope of the sermon but what I'm showing you here is in verse 2 what we have is a unifying of the sons of God and the daughters of men referring to saved and unsaved people okay it says in verse three the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he is also flesh yet his day shall be 120 years there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every I want you to notice this that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually so what do we have here we have a mixture of God's people believers and unbelievers gathering together and if you study the Bible you'll see that there's no mention of different nations prior to Genesis 11 you have the genealogy in Genesis chapter 10 where God wanted to divide the nations and languages but there is no mention of various or different nations at this point so what do we have we have a world that is essentially unified and the proof of that is that even the believers are involved in this unity here and what is the result of that unity corruption why because the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and I'm gonna explain to you what that means specifically look it says in verse 6 and it repented the Lord that he had made man on earth and it grieved him at his heart and the Lord said I would destroy man whom I've created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing in the fowls of the air for repenteth me that I have made them now by the way the book of Enoch which is not a legitimate book at all it's a really dumb book but people believe in this book you know the book of Enoch in Genesis chapter 6 or when it's telling the story of Genesis 6 it actually says that God repented that he had destroyed man on earth so here you see that he repented he had made man on earth but in the book of Enoch it actually says it repents him that he had destroyed man on earth and I remember talking to this guy who's the advocate of the book of Enoch and I said you know what do you think of the contradictions in the book of Enoch he said there are no contradictions and I said what about this one and he said that's interesting well and prior to that I said you know there's this and I couldn't find the passage because you know even though I know what the book of Enoch says you know I'm not very like fluent in searching out what passages they're in so I told him about that concept and he's like yeah I've never seen that and I said well it's in there he's like well can you pull it up I'm like I mean not at this moment but yeah I mean it's there he's like yeah I've never seen it so and I'm like okay well just give me a minute so I'm like scouring through the book of Enoch and then I found it and then I show him and he's like well that's interesting and he's like well I think it could be both how can it be both that he repented he had made man on earth and he repented that he had destroyed man from off the earth no the king James got it right my friends he repented that he had made man on earth and that's why he destroyed the earth with the flood because the earth was filled with violence not filled with giants and Nephilims which is what the book of Enoch teaches okay look at verse 11 it says the earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence and God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth and God said unto Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I would destroy them with the earth so what is the common element that we see in Genesis chapter 6 why is it that God is destroying the world at this point it's because of the fact that there's a lot of violence violence is abounding in this world right now go to go back to Genesis chapter 11 if you would so we know that the sons of God are mixing in with unbelievable with unbelievers we know the result of that is that the imagination of their heart was only evil continually and that is in conjunction with the fact that they are doing violence in the earth and it's a violence that is so grievous that God's solution was just to wipe out all of humanity save eight okay now look at Genesis 11 verse 6 it says and the Lord said behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do so when you compare that with Genesis chapter 6 you see that the result of a society becoming unified and not having division not separating is that now the imagination of the of their hearts will become evil continuously and they will not have any restraints from their imaginations you said what does that have to do with division well folks when you have separate societies and a division of nations it impedes one corrupt nation from corrupting another nation so the reason God wanted division within the nations is because the nature of man is that the imagination of their heart is only evil continually so when you have a society that becomes wicked and vile and violent but there's no restraint there's no boundary then essentially they have the liberty to go and corrupt other people other people groups and that essentially spreads and permeates throughout all of society and then you have a Genesis 6 all over again whereas if you have nations that are divided number one you have you're separated from the nations that are corrupt and vile who have chosen to corrupt themselves and then you also are able to protect the innocent who have chosen not to corrupt themselves this is why boundaries exist and so one of the reasons God wanted to divide the nations is because of the fact that he wanted autonomous independent nations to make a choice on their own whether they're going to obey the Lord or not because when you study the Bible in the Old Testament you see that God will often deal with nations the way he would deal with like an individual you ever noticed that he speaks to a nation the way he would speak to an individual and just as he wants individuals to be to be autonomous and he wants them to choose to obey the Lord to choose to believe on him to choose to obey his laws in like manner that's what he wants from nations as well that's what the Bible says that the wicked shall be turned into hell and all nations that forget God you understand and so what is the outcome of a world becoming unified under one canopy one government violence abounds destruction abounds because there is no boundaries there are no boundaries there are no other governments that can disagree with the derelict intentions of another person with the violent intentions of another individual there's no checks and balances whereas when there's boundaries you can stop one country from invading another country and seeking to essentially corrupt that society now what does that have to do with languages well languages play a major part in that if you think about it i mean think about the united states of america right and think about the world the the the most popular most used language in the world is english now the united states you know has invaded many nations okay i don't know if you knew that the united states is notorious for that but it's not only invaded nations through military might but it's also invaded nations through language because english is everywhere and along with english comes american culture so not only have has america corrupted other nations via military might but you know it's also corrupted nations just from not even having to leave america just through hollywood culture and movies and music and filth and smut and sodomy it's able to corrupt other nations in that manner so you can see how if nations aren't kept divided how bad it can get because we're living in in a world where although there are sovereign nations existing at this point because there's no checks and balances the language of english has been able to permeate society and corrupt other people as well now obviously we know that there's obviously a good thing with english being the predominant language in in this world and that is because the word of god is in english and because people are learning english throughout the world it though they'll be more apt to get saved because the word of god the king james bible is in english as well and so people can learn it people can read it people can get saved and they can hear they can hear godly preaching and so there's obviously benefits to it but what i'm showing you is that why is it that the tower of babel was such an ungodly project well it's because of the fact that it was creating unity where there's supposed to be boundaries there's supposed to be a division of nations which is and the way god made sure it would take place is that he confounded the languages so you got the chinese speaking over here you got the russians over here and obviously they didn't exist at that time i know okay i understand i'm just giving you an example okay don't take the illustration too far languages are being separated and therefore the sons of japheth the sons of ham okay all the sons of noah because they're they're divided into their specific group and in fact look at genesis chapter 10 and look at verse 2 it says the sons of japheth gomer magog madai j-van tubal misha cantiras the sons of gomer ashkenaz rip rip hath togamar the sons of j-van elisha tarshish kitim dona dona nim by these were the isles of the gentiles divided in their lands everyone after his tongue after their families in their nation so there's obviously a people group under japheth's genealogy that had a specific tongue characterized by a particular nation look at verse 20 these are the sons of ham after their families after their tongues in their countries and in their nations skip down to verse 31 these are the sons of shem after their families after their tongues in their lands after their nations these are the families of the sons of noah after their generations in their nations and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood now obviously i gave you a bird's eye view as far as why god chose to divide the nations the most practical being to protect other nations from the corruption of other people groups right but also god specifically had a plan to create a nation known as israel right and according to the bible israel was supposed to be a peculiar people a peculiar nation and be a light unto the gentiles so he wanted a particular nation to stand out from all the other nations not because they were great not because they had military might not because they had resources abounding but because they had god the god of the bible see they were special not because of them they're special because they had god okay and that's why god chose them to be a peculiar people a light into the gentiles but you know you couldn't have that if everyone was in unity how would you be able to pick out a specific nation as being unique unto the lord if there was no division in nations okay so i'm not for nations coming together what's the problem with nations coming together i mean have you read revelation because remember the law first mentioned shows us what god thinks of a particular topic when it's first mentioned so when that took place in genesis chapter 11 that was foreshadowing what's going to take place in the end times in revelation 13 when all nations come together and just you know you know just let me give it not an easter egg what's that word i'm looking for spoiler alert it's not being unified this guy watches movies you know i'm just kidding maybe uh it's not being unified around jesus christ it's being unified around the anti-christ and let me say this when you have unity such as that it's not like a unity where it's like everyone gets to choose there's always like one guy leaving the whole pack and it's typically a guy who's very corrupt and the only time that that's not going to happen is in the millennial reign because of the fact that jesus christ will be ruling and reigning and he is just he has equity he has uh righteousness and he knows how to rule correctly let me read to you a couple verses here deuteronomy 12 30 it says take heed to thyself that thou be not snared by following them referring to the surrounding nations after that they be destroyed from before thee and that thou inquire not after their god saying how did these nations serve their gods even so will i do likewise deuteronomy 14 verse 2 says for thou and holy people unto the lord thy god and the lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself above all nations that are upon the earth and so you know what's interesting is that people americans especially those of the political persuasion are really against other nations infiltrating their borders to come here right and you know you can see why i mean i would agree with a lot of that because if you have pedophiles and rapists murderers and criminals fleeing their nation to come here it would create a definite problem and you know what the the the topic of boundaries is biblical the topic of borders is very much a biblical concept to keep people like that out right but the funny thing is that america is also guilty of going into other nations and corrupting them as well yeah america is very much guilty of going into other nations and corrupting them with music with sodomy and all types of perversion and wickedness just as the other nations are guilty of infiltrating this nation and bringing corruption as well now i preached this weeks ago and so it's outside of the scope of the sermon but you know obviously we want to keep boundaries and borders but you you know sometimes you can't do anything about it mexicans are going to come no matter what folks okay and you know people have beef with that and they're just like you know build the wall or whatever build the tower you know impede the mexicans from coming over but really what the christian view should be yeah keep the borders but if they come over then meet them with the bible in hand and get them saved right but if we keep letting them over you know all these pedophiles are going to come and criminals and rapists then we should we should be doing is instituting biblical laws to put people like that to death if they're guilty of a capital crime you understand you know here's the solution to the pedophile coming over from a different nation to this country the solution is not build better walls the solution is stone on stones and then you rid yourself of that issue because god was never against other nations wanting to become a part of a nation in the bible god was never against any nation wanting to become a part of israel but they just had to become an israelite though okay which by the way if we were to translate that into modern terms we would say if you're going to come to america be an american don't be flying your foreign flag around here you understand you know yeah but this used to be mexico okay but it's not anymore though because isn't that what they say this was mexico before and it's just like but it's not anymore though you could you know you can live in your glory days all you want but that's the fact is that's and that's how it works right the landmark was expanded and for the mexicans it was shrunk right it just pushed them out so you can live in those glory days all you want but you know what even the president of mexico would agree with that that this is no longer mexico okay and just because there's mexicans here doesn't make in mexico and so uh borders and boundaries are important but you know i'm thankful that mexicans are coming over why because you know what this is a nation from which the gospel is being preached i know no other nation where the gospel is preached so fervently as america i know no other nations where there is fundamental baptist churches permeated throughout the society to be a light unto those gentiles so what better place for a foreigner to come even though if they're not coming for the right reason maybe they're coming for work or to provide a better life for their family what better place to flee to than america where they can get saved right and so um that's outside of the scope of the sermon but in conjunction with that we need also recognize that god's desire is not for mexico and america to just become a blended you know and just just come come together god wants them to be separate okay and the proof of that is the fact that they speak spanish over there the majority of people now i know a lot of people speak spanish here but if you visit other countries it's like you go to mexico there's parts of mexico yeah you go to tj you might run into people who speak english but you go into deep mexico you'll run into people who only speak spanish and that was that is god's intent my friends that's god's will for nations it's for them to speak a particular language you're like then how are they going to get you know how are they going to get the word of god god's will is also for the word of god to be in all languages as well and so god is against global unity and the proof of that is found in genesis chapter 11 where the world is of one speech of one language they're come together as one for what so they can make a world a better place no so they can corrupt the world that's the intent of gathering a world together under one canopy is to corrupt the world and it will happen one day my friends and you know what christians are going to be the recipients of the violence at that point because it's when the antichrist makes war with the saints when they're all because everyone think about this the end times referring to the great tribulation is a global campaign to make killing christians popular like that will be a law instituted that everyone in the world will agree upon because all christians are being put to death not all of them but the vast majority of them are being killed the antichrist is making war with the saints he is overcoming them they are being killed and it's every religion every culture every language is involved in this global campaign to put christians to death think about that for a minute and so the result of having this type of unity that we see in genesis 11 is violence is corruption and it's not biblical now go to revelation chapter 13 we'll go over a couple verses in the new testament hold your place there in genesis 11 so why what was wrong with the tower of babel what's so wrong about that well it's laying the foundations for society to become corrupt via violence and at face value you may think to yourself well you know what's wrong with unity what's wrong with everyone coming together well because of the fact that no one is supposed to truly have 100 unity in this world i mean think about this listen to this no church churches aren't supposed to be unified either we're supposed to be there's supposed to be division even with within churches not within actual churches i'm talking about churches with other churches not that we can't live you know in harmony one with another but you know there's differences between churches what if all churches they call themselves christians were to come together in unity i mean you'd have corruption you would have the corruption of doctrine you would have the corruption of people oh man what churches need to do today is everyone just needs to come together all churches and of course the person who's saying it doesn't even go to church they don't even attend church but they they have the solution to all of church's problems and that is for all churches to come together wrong you will corrupt doctrine you will corrupt the local new testament church you will corrupt people because god never intended for local new testament churches to be in unity one with another 100 of the time they're supposed to be autonomous okay and we'll get into that just a bit but look at revelation 13 verse 1 it says and i stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the names of blasphemy now this beast that's coming out of the sea is figuratively symbolically representing what's commonly referred to as the new world order system but that beast is also described in conjunction not just with a system but with the man that man being the antichrist so when you think of the beast it's referring to the system but it's also referring to the man look at verse 2 and the beast which i saw was like into a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seed and great authority now notice that this system is made up of these various animals coming together but are these animals coming together to make a a national geographic documentary you know no the the picture that we're seeing here is a one world order that is not of god and in fact it tells us that the dragon referring to satan is the one that gives it its power so whenever you see a society coming together of different denominations and beliefs and ideologies and facets come together the person who's often behind that is the dragon because that's what the dragon is pushing for he says in verse 3 and i saw one of his heads as they were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast so it says that one of the heads of the beast is wounded referring to the antichrist because he shall receive a deadly wound to the head and of course deadly means that he actually dies but then it says that all the world wonders after the beast now it's using the antichrist as a beast so it describes him as being one of the heads but also describes him as being the beast so why is the world wondering after the beast because of the fact that he dies and he comes back to life it says in verse 4 and they worshiped the dragon which gave him gave power into the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast who is able to make war with him and there was given him to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given to him to continue 40 in two months and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against god to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them and power was given to him over all kindreds and tongues and nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him so everyone from every religion from every nation and tongue agree that they should worship the beast they're in unity they're kumbayaing hand is joining in hand is what we see here it says whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so the tower of babel is picturing what we see here in revelation chapter 13 and when you read genesis 11 regarding the tower of babel it's actually the city of babel and the tower of babel because they wanted to make a city as well as a tower the city was complete but the tower was not and what does the city represent it represents the new world order system what does the tower represent it represents the abomination of desolation okay and although they failed to construct that tower that represents the abomination of desolation they failed to finish the construction of it and maybe some mocked right like it says in luke even though they failed to to complete the construction of genesis 11 the construction will be complete in revelation 13 with the abomination of desolation so you see how it pictures that there okay now again you know as i mentioned unity should be something that we strive to do in christ okay but even within a church setting there should be a little bit of division now we're unified around the bible around doctrine around salvation around jesus christ the trinity things that are very essential but you know what god wants us all to be different though he wants us to be divisions and distinctions between one another what if we all just look the same right and in fact the only unity we should have aside from the bible and doctrine is language because of the fact that in the bible in uh first corinthians chapter 11 i believe it is it talks about the importance of speaking one language so as to not seem as a babbler to one another you know if i'm up here preaching in mandarin some of you are not gonna most of you all of you are not gonna understand what i'm saying but there's supposed to be distinctions between one another god made us different okay and so you know some people are darker than others some people are taller than others some people are shorter than others some people are lighter than others and you know what who cares stop making ethnicity such a big deal as a christian you know we obviously god intended it to be that way you know and it's really stupid when people stop start mocking other ethnicities as if they can do anything about it like he's like oh man he's he's black or whatever it's just like well can he do anything about it though can he change the color of his skin at all and here's the thing to mock someone for their skin color is essentially to mock the creator because the creator intended it to be that way and can the thing form say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus i mean are you guys mormons out there that believe that you know god cursed people or something with skin color i mean that's a stupid doctrine god made it and look if you're like yeah but this should be like an all white church amen some old ifb churches are like that though and by the way let me just make a public service announcement i love white people white lives matter amen i do i think white people are great they are i've known i've had a lot of white friends and they're great people but you know let me say this i've had a lot of good black friends too i've had some great mexican friends as well i've had a lot of great friends of every ethnicity and as a christian that's how it should be right and so don't allow we're not going to allow this this type of philosophy to creep into our church where the mockery because you know you have this new generation coming up this south park generation that grew up watching south park you know where it's just like this south park nazi loving hitler admiring generation it's getting kind of quiet in here you know hey we're christians okay and hitler's burning in hell and why would you admire a man who uh was a vegetarian you know there's people who are vegetarians for health reasons which obviously i don't agree with but he was a vegetarian because he thought it he thought it was just so inhumane to do anything to an animal like that that's the guy you look up to i read a book on hitler because someone you know gave me a book on hitler to kind of give me like the history of you know how what he was and that's like the first thing that i saw in there i was like this guy is lame he chose to be a vegetarian because he he just thought it inhumane to do to do any violence to any animal for food it's lame and this is this is this is the guy that the young people admire today i mean folks come on get a grip you know we are of one blood but folks you got to remember that god wanted distinctions and and and and uh ethnicities as well he wants people to look different okay and what a boring world it would be if if we were all white yeah can i get an amen on that yeah thank you because look look this philosophy is so stupid that they would even say like someone like geo geo geo is italian they would say that he's not white they're like well he's like the black of the white that's literally how this is how idiotic this philosophy is well historically it's just like they would be like the black people of the white he looks white it's so stupid you know black people here you know there's black people in guatemala too well it's not the same black it's the same skin color they're just in a different nation i mean i have my grandma's black because she's from guatemala there's a lot of black people in guatemala my grandmother's black i have a lot of black family members and they're like yeah but are they like black though this is what people say uh yes like i don't have like a shade tap i don't have i don't have a color uh what's that called wheel a color wheel to tell you where they fall on the spectrum this is the kind of philosophy people are having today though but god wanted distinctions in people he wanted people to be different and when they were scattered he possibly created a lot of skin colors based upon what part of the world they fell upon plain and simple but you know what and you say yeah but there's a particular people group but i just don't like and you know i just don't get along with them but here's the thing though the people i don't get along with are people who are haters of god and so let's just say for example let's say i didn't get along with black people let's say i just did not like black people at all okay at the end of the day if they're saved why wouldn't i like them they're christians god's commanded me to love them you know and in fact i would have more in common with them than i would with another mexican because the commonalities that we should be looking for in relationships is our commonalities in christ so don't bring that stupid philosophy into our church okay and i i see a group talking about that stuff i'm going to shut it down right away because it's un-christian it's un-christian and look i get it you know some people take their race a little too serious or you can't make fun of the race at all you know what i mean i make fun of my own race all the time and i think there's too many snowflakes in this world who just can't take a joke but you know sometimes people joke and it's just like they joke to a point where it's just like i don't know if you're joking anymore i feel like you're being like serious after a while you know and we had a guy like that in our church years ago and he ended up being a flat earther creating all kinds of division he even said he you know he was he's he's one of these hitler lovers you know had a tattoo of an eagle on his chest just he he would have been some of your guys's hero but you know what he he despised mori which is you know we found that out afterwards he despised mori so much that he even commented to someone that he would have wanted to slap mori's wife for marrying him oh yeah what a christian thing to say yeah what a what a beloved thing christian thing to say and you know there's a lot of things i could say about that guy because you know he was on tv prior to him coming to our church and you can ask some of the members in our church and they'll tell you about that but that's outside of the scope of this particular point but that's that's ungodly my friends it's an ungodly attitude it's not an attitude that we should have here you're just saying that because you're a mexican though i'm saying that because i'm the pastor here okay and if you don't like it then go to some nazi church if you want them or go to your discord group online and don't do church at all go where that stuff belongs then this is a man's church this is jesus christ church and so i just need to make that public service announcement less that stuff gets out of hand and and it becomes like a popular theme in our church or something and let me just say this any of you hear about these young guys spewing that kind of that type of crap in our church you publicly shame them don't pull them aside don't pull them to a corner hey you heard what pastor said in that sermon you just rebuke them right then and there nip it at the butt right then and there okay oh man you know you just can't take a joke or whatever hey i i i could take a joke and i could dish it out with the best of them too okay but the the the truth is i'm telling you sometimes people joke around it just gets to a point where it's just like you know the joke was over like 15 minutes ago and it seems like you just keep going what's the deal do you need to talk do you need to talk did this ethnic group abuse you or something when you're did they bully you when you're a kid or something like that what's the deal and so we're christians above all else but the point that i'm making here is that god's will in spite of what some of these guys believe god's wills were was it that uh ethnicities were different people look different you know and if you don't if you don't like that then you're not gonna like heaven because in heaven there's all nations and tongues and peoples and tribes people are going to look different but in church there should be distinctions okay the only unity that we should have is the bible talks about till we all come in the unity of the faith the bible says right and the knowledge of the son of god and in fact churches should be different even fundamental baptist churches should be different okay because the bible talks about diversities of gifts but the same spirit differences of administrations but the same lord there are diversities of operations but it is the same god which worketh all in all meaning don't expect this church to run like your favorite other church and i love my friends churches okay but if you prefer another church outside of this church i'm all for it just don't expect for this church to fall in lockstep with that church you know what don't expect that church to be like our church as well there's supposed to be diversities of operations my friend because we have people we've had people in the past they're just like you know well so and so does like this why don't you and this is what we answer well because this is first works baptist church don't make me be rude to you you know kind of give you like a really simple answer that makes you feel like a simpleton right we just say well i'm pastor mahia it's like you know i remember years ago when we started the church we had a visitor a guy came and i preached and he came up to me he said hey you're good but you're no pastor anderson though and i'm like yeah i'm not i'm still bruce mahia that's crazy like what does that mean what does that mean like did you did you come here thinking that that i was pastor you know it's just like the scooby-doo and he just takes off the mask or whatever and it's just pastor mahia right under or something like what in the world is going on diversities of operations my friends differences of administration god wants churches to be different he doesn't want it to be unified unified around christ absolutely we'll fellowship with churches that believe the same doctrines that hold the same positions even some of the churches that have secondary positions that are likened to ours we love fellowshiping with churches like that but at the end of the day we're different and that's how god wants it to be all right go back to genesis 11 what's wrong with the tower of babel what's wrong with people gathering together as one having one speech one language just gathering together as one what's the problem with that it creates a foundation for a corrupt society to permeate the world okay and that is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with the new world order in the end times but secondly it represents an apostate religion the tower of babel is a depiction of an apostate religion look at verse 2 of genesis 11 it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of shinar and they dwelt there and they said one to another go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had brick for stone slime had they for mortar and they said go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven now notice that there's like no mention of god here isn't that interesting they want to build a tower to reach up into heaven that god created but there's absolutely zero mention of god now what is this picture this picture is a works-based salvation why because it's an example of a people group that are building right they are working their way to heaven they're constructing this tower to reach into heaven whereas the biblical gospel is that heaven came to us jesus christ came to us we cannot go to heaven on our own works creating a tower built upon our morality and obedience and of keeping god's commands it's impossible to build a tower and in fact it will never make it because god will cut it short and in fact we'll cut ourselves short and in fact the bible says for all of sin and come short of the glory of god so it doesn't matter how how tall your tower can go up into the heavens it will always come short of the glory of god which is why the tower of babel is such an ungodly concept because it pictures a workspace salvation jesus said i am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me you know jesus christ is that ladder that jacob saw right where the angels of god were ascending and descending upon him why because the only way to heaven is through jesus christ which is that spiritual ladder okay that comes to everyone who believes on jesus christ we see that in john chapter 1 not only that but what we see with the tower of babel is a construction of man to reach into heaven based upon their own works and the bible tells us in matthew 7 26 and everyone that hear these sayings of mine and do with them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it the bible tells us we see that they tempered it with brick and mortar and the bible talks about ezekiel 13 how god's people go to ezekiel 13 let's look at this passage look at a couple verses here how it relates to the tower of babel and a workspace salvation look at ezekiel 13 and verse number 10 ezekiel 13 verse 10 says because even because they have seduced my people saying peace and there was no peace and one built up a wall and low others daubed it with untempered mortar saying to them which daubed with untempered mortar that it shall fall there shall be an overflowing shower and ye of great health oh great hellstones shall fall and a stormy wind shall rend it lo when the wall is fallen shall it not be said unto you where is the daubing wherewith ye have daubed it therefore thus saith the lord god i will even rend it with a stormy wind in my fury and there shall be an overflowing shower in my anger and great hailstones in my fury to consume it so will i break down the wall that ye have daubed with untempered mortar and bring it down to the ground so that the foundation thereof shall be discovered you know what a lot of a lot of not christians but people who think that they have to work their way to heaven essentially when they die the foundations are discovered when they die and they go to hell we see that the foundation was not jesus christ it was something that they daubed with untempered mortar it was destroyed because it wasn't built upon the foundation of jesus christ it says and it shall fall and ye shall be consumed in the midst of ye shall know that i am the lord so when it came to the tower of babel the reason it's an ungodly concept is because of the fact it is the one world religion that we see in the end times it pictures a one world religion that tower signifying that the abomination of desolation and it's man's attempt to get to heaven without christ which is essentially every religion that exists today except for christianity and even some sex of christianity right because even within christianity you have all types of false versions of christianity and even though they pay lip service to the bible and jesus christ and doctrine you ask them about salvation they don't believe the right salvation they believe you have to work your way to heaven and you have to keep god's commandments but the bible tells us not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works that any man should boast that therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law consistently the bible tells us you can't build that tower the tower can never be built by man to reach into heaven okay you say then what's what's what do we do well the bible talks about the strong tower which is god okay and the only way for us to reach heaven to have eternal life is through the strong tower which is jesus by believing on him and then lastly why is it what's wrong with the tower of babel it was built with the intent to make a name for themselves not to glorify god because it says in genesis 11 verse 4 and they said go to let us build us a city in the tower whose top may reach into heaven and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth so what was the intent to glorify themselves nothing in here about glorifying god or you know praising god or doing this for the work of the lord it's like we want to make a name for ourselves and obviously that's an ungodly desire and in fact when talking about end times prophecy you don't have to turn there it says in revelation 13 verse 7 verse 17 and that no man might buy herself save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 603 score and six notice that it says that is the number of his name essentially referring to the fact that the the number of the antichrist being 603 score and six is essentially a name that brings glory to himself it's a recognition of himself that people have to worship the beast how do they do that by taking this mark essentially you know sealing it for them that he they believe that he is god okay and that's what we see here and so you know the tower of babel is a prime example of what happens when man tries to do things with their own understanding they think well we'll solve all the corruption and all the problems if we just come together join hand in hand and kumbaya but you know the result of that is corruption it will always be corruption borders and borders and boundaries are always necessary not only that but it's also a depiction of a false religion as depicted by the fact that they're building this tower unto heaven without god which is why god confounded the languages brought them to confusion and spread those languages and then ultimately it was for the intent of glorifying themselves not bringing glory to god and this is why the tower babel was wicked let's pray father we thank you so much for your word and thank you for confounding the languages and for creating all these different nations and lord you want nations to decide to obey your laws and decide to believe on you and i i pray that you'd help us lord as your people to um take to heart the fact that even though there's a division of nations you've still commanded us to preach the gospel to every creature to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature go to all the nations and and teach them and baptize them and teach them things all whatsoever thing you've commanded us lord and lord even though there's boundaries and borders that we should adhere to the gospel is that um that aspect of this world that should have free reign in every nation that you would want all the world to have in commonality with and that is eternal life through jesus christ and i pray that you'd help us to understand this we love you lord and we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen all right for our last song we're going to be singing infant holy infant loli so if we could have the ushers come through and give a song sheet to everyone we'll give our ushers a few moments to get to everyone since it looks like pretty much everyone needs one all right we'll start off on our first verse infant holy infant loli all together nice and strong on that first verse infant holy infant loli for his bed a cattle stall oxen lowing little knowing christ the child is lord of all swiftly winging angels singing bells are ringing tidings bringing christ the child is lord of all christ the child is lord of all flocks were sleeping shepherds keeping vigil till the morning new saw the glory heard the story tidings of a gospel true thus rejoicing free from sorrow praise his voice sing greet the morrow christ the child was born for you christ the child was born for you all right we're going to have a baptism please open up your hymnals turn to song number 431 song number 431 silent night song number 431 all together nice and strong on that first verse silent night holy night all is calm all is bright round yon virgin mother and child holy infant so tender and mild sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace silent night shepherds quake at the side night glory stream from heaven afar heavenly host sing hallelujah christ the savior is born christ the savior is born silent night oh son of god loves pure light radiant beams from thy holy face grace with the dawn of redeeming grace jesus lord at thy birth jesus lord at thy birth tell us your name lancey have you trusted jesus as your savior okay upon your public profession i'll baptize you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit going to cross your arms over your chest buried in the likeness of his death raised to walk in the goodness of life congratulations let's pray we'll be dismissed father we thank you again for this day thank you will be dismissed father we thank you again for this day thank you for our salvation thank you for the baptism lord and help us to take to heart the things we've heard today and i pray father god that you bless the soul winning this afternoon the service tonight we love you we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen you are dismissed