(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen Amen, okay We're in first corinthians chapter number six this morning And the title of my sermon this morning is the sin of being effeminate the sin Of being effeminate and what is effeminate feminine is a way of describing a male who possesses characteristics? That are proper for a woman to have but unnatural for a man to possess And this is basically these are qualities that would be considered feminine And in fact, they display habits emotions body language that would be soft and delicate and again appropriate for women to have Now this is sinful according to the bible for a man to have because effeminacy Is something that is actually obviously strictly condemned in the bible and should be rejected by us as christians and discouraged and spoken about In order to cause people to avoid being this way look at first corinthians 6 verse 9 It says knowing not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters Nor nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind Nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god now Let me explain before I get into the actual topic here of being effeminate Let me explain what this particular passage is referring to because a lot of people will twist and pervert the scripture to mean a lot of different things First and foremost, this isn't saying that if you are guilty of these particular sins That you can't be saved or something like that, right? Obviously, we understand that this is referring to just general sins And in fact, these aren't the only sins mentioned in the bible There's plenty of other sins in the bible that are mentioned And if we read on here it says in verse 11 and such were some of you But you are washed but you are sanctified but you are justified in the name of the lord jesus And by the spirit of our god so the first thing that I want you to notice is the fact that he's addressing the corinthian church and the christians in the corinthian church and he's telling them that Some of them were guilty of these particular sins fornication being effeminate being an idolater uh being an adulterer Uh, so on and so forth being a drunkard a reviler. These are things that they struggle with These are things that sins that they partook in but obviously they're saved now now this isn't saying That they no longer struggle with these particular sins, you know We don't believe in this deliverance doctrine where as soon as you get saved you just no longer struggle with the with the sins Of the flesh obviously, that's a daily battle that we all have as soon as we get saved It's not like we come with batteries included, you know, we'll no longer struggle We have the flesh that we have to fight every single day we have to die daily be a living sacrifice Crucify the flesh on a daily basis. Okay This is simply saying that some of the people in the corinthian church were guilty of these sins But obviously they're saved now They are going to inherit the kingdom of god not because they cease doing these sins But because they believed on the lord jesus christ, okay so that's one thing that I want to get out of the way first and foremost secondly Is this perversion? Of this interpretation that people will get from this and that is that effeminate means like a sodomite or something like that Okay, and they'll often say that verse nine the latter and a verse now where it says nor effeminate nor abuses of themselves with mankind This is referring to two homosexuals. Okay, they'll say that you know, the abuser of themselves with mankind is referring to the dominant male In the sodomite relationship and the effeminate is simply the passive person in that particular relationship Now if you go to the modern versions of the bible, they will actually change this entire wording here and just put homosexuals Okay, they'll completely remove effeminate and they'll just put sodomites or they'll put homosexuals or if they leave it As it says here in the king james bible, they'll place a footnote at the bottom saying this is referring to Homosexuals this is referring to sodomites, etc Now that is a false doctrine. Okay, and you know the the the group out there that you know The christians out there that want to prove that reprobates and sodomites can be saved. This is the only text that they have You know to to to try to prove that okay now obviously we're not teaching on sodomites this morning But folks whenever you teach a doctrine you got to go to the clear scriptures first and foremost And let me give you a really clear scripture on that. It's romans one Okay I mean god gave us an entire chapter in the book of romans to help us to understand the subject And of course we have genesis 19 judges 19 and we'll save that for the month of june Okay, and if you're interested in that make sure you come back and visit abuser of themselves with mankind has nothing to do with sodomites, okay, and people want to claim that that's what it's referring to But the reality is this is that in context it's simply referring to someone who is simply sleeping around. Okay It's just another way of saying a fornicator And in fact in context we look at here look what the bible says in chapter six and verse number 13 This is still in context. It says meats for the belly belly for meats But god shall destroy both it and them Now the body is not for fornication but for the lord and the lord for the body And god hath both raised up the lord and will also raise us up by his own power Knowing not that your bodies are the members of christ shall I then take the members of christ and make them the members of in harlot? God forbid He says what know you not that he which is joined into in harlot is one body for to sayeth He shall be one flesh now Another thing that I want you to notice is the fact that they'll often say that effeminate means the passive person in a sodomite relationship But effeminate doesn't mean that at all And in fact if we're to go to anybody in this room or anybody on the world and explain and ask them What does it mean to be effeminate? Probably the first thing they're going to say is this it means to be what? Soft right to be feminine simply means to be soft, okay Now this is why I think that you know, obviously these people who are interpreting this are very wicked It's because of the fact that you know, they'll take the greek word here for effeminate, which is melakis And they'll say well that means sodomite, you know, but no it doesn't mean sodomite. Okay And what melakis literally means is soft and the proof of that is actually found in matthew 18 verse 11 Where jesus is talking about john the baptist and he says but what we opt for to see a man clothed in soft raiment And the word there that's used for soft is melakis Which is the same exact word that we see in first corinthians 6 verse 9 used for effeminate In other words referring to a man who's simply soft delicate effeminate having feminine traits, okay? And a person who is effeminate is not the same as a person who's a sodomite Sodomite is a reprobate Beyond the hope of salvation according to the bible Whereas someone who is effeminate is someone who's just a man who has just feminine qualities. They're a little soft They're a little delicate, etc. Okay. Now go to second samuel chapter number one if you would second samuel chapter number one Now although we explained that effeminate is not as bad as being a sodomite We don't want to undermine the fact that god is still saying that this is sinful, okay It's very sinful in the eyes of god And we're going to explain why in just a bit Uh, but let me go over the fact or let me go over the qualities That are not effeminate. Okay before I get into the qualities that are it's important that we address virtues that are not effeminate But can be considered as such and we need to make sure that we don't cross the boundaries of god's word And try to impose our own definition of what it means to be feminine just because we don't like something, okay It's like oh, I don't like a specific color. Therefore. It's effeminate or something, you know Well, I don't like the way he says this so there he's just being effeminate You know We got to make sure that we don't cross that boundary And and start getting into things that where the bible actually says that that's not effeminate. That's not soft, etc Okay, let me give you number one and this is going to blow your mind, okay? Embracing or kissing another man is not effeminate now before you fall out of your seats and just die right then and there Let me explain to you what I mean by that. Okay And I am talking about two men. Okay, you say what in the world? Well, look at first sammy chapter 20 if you would In verse 38 it says here and jonathan cried after the lad make speed haste. Stay not first sammy 20 verse 38 And jonathan's lad gathered up the arrows And came to his master but the lad knew not anything only jonathan and david knew the matter And jonathan gave his artillery unto his lad and said unto him go carry them to the city And as soon as the lad was gone David arose out of a place toward the south and fell on on his face to the ground and bowed himself three times And they kissed one another and wept with one another until david exceeded Jonathan said to david go in peace for as much as we have sworn both of us in the name of the lord saying The lord be between me and thee and between my seed and thy seed forever And he rose and departed and jonathan went into his city turn with me if you would to Second samuel chapter number one if you would second samuel, so here we see an example Of david and jonathan now We're not going to get into the story of david and jonathan, but in modern terms We would say that they're just like best friends. Okay, they're really close friends and you know, they're very close brothers They're obviously they're not related but they treat each other as brothers they have a deep love one for another they have a camaraderie and We obviously understand that jonathan's father saw was seeking to kill david And jonathan so loved david It was it was like his best friend and so it it broke his heart that his father Sought to murder and slay david even though david was an innocent man, you understand and so, you know Jonathan creates this kind of uh, uh diversion here and he's trying to explain to david Hey, you know if if the error goes such and such this distance, you know, my dad wants to kill you If not, you know stay or whatever. So he does this and david realizes. Oh man. Saul does want to slay me So this meant that he wasn't going to see uh, he wasn't going to see jonathan for a very long time So this broke david's heart this broke jonathan's heart because they're in a difficult situation And what do they do they come to each other and they kiss one another now? This doesn't let me just explain something when someone kisses you. It's not always on the lips. Did you know that? Right When people kiss one another it doesn't always have to be on the lips Okay So, you know before you know, you you read that into this text. It's not what it's saying. It's not kissing them on the lips Okay You know the bible would actually say in first corinthians 16 20 when when the apostle pawn various various other places in the new testament Says all the brother greet you greet one another with an holy kiss So what is the holy kiss? It doesn't mean they put holy water on their lips and just like, you know Holy kiss just simply means something that is wholesome okay, and This is something that's actually foreign Here in america, but it's not foreign everywhere else in the world. Okay, and even in central america where my uh families from Men and women greet one another like this They'll they'll kind of kiss the air when they kind of hug each other Or they'll you know, they'll kind of put cheek to cheek and they'll kiss the air That's just a form of what they do other people kiss the forehead. It's simply referring to a greeting of you know Just something that endears one to another there's nothing perverted about it. Okay It's just a holy kiss now, you know I'm not saying we're going to put this into practice in our church either. Okay, right You know, let me see if I want to give a holy kiss to you real quick But you know, you know a lot of people who hate the word of god You know and hate what we preach Will point to stories like david and and jonathan and say oh, they're exonymized because they kiss one another Well, you know what the bible says unto the pure all things are pure But unto them which are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and their conscience is the file So they can't view something wholesome or read something wholesome without perverting the story and say oh, yeah, they're sodomites or something They're just like us, you know, no, you know How did david and jonathan kiss? I don't know maybe on the cheek maybe on the forehead. We don't know Okay, look at second samuel 125. It says how are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle? Oh, jonathan that was slain in nine high places at this time. Jonathan and his father have been killed So david is grieved over this he says I am distressed for thee my brother jonathan Very pleasant hast thou been unto me thy love to me was wonderful passing the love of a woman How are the mighty fallen and the weapons of war perish now? Again, those who are to have the filed consciences will look at that and say see He he was a sodomite. He loved jonathan more than he loved women He's simply saying that he had a deep love for jonathan and it wasn't A physical love the way he would have for a woman a wife. It's a friend a brother Okay, and I would say this, you know me and my brother would share a love That I wouldn't share with a woman because he's my brother Okay, he's someone who's my brother. He's someone who's close to me someone who I love deeply So this is simply showing the deep love that david had for jonathan. Okay now Here's the thing folks is that there's people in our church. Okay, i'm not gonna say who it is You'll find out one day They become so sometimes we're talking about a doctrine Or you know something wonderful that's happened and they'll become so overwhelmed with joy and happiness They'll literally grab one of the guys and give them a huge hug grab their head and kiss them on the head You're like what tell me who it is because I want to avoid this as much as possible Okay, i'm not gonna say any names okay, uh, but it's moses, okay And you know what I appreciate the men in our church who he's done it to he's never done it to me I'm, just kidding. I appreciate the men in our church who he's done it to because they recognize he's not being weird He's not being you know, effeminate or anything like that It's just he's so overwhelmed with joy Sometimes when we talk about certain things when we you know share memories or he's just over overwhelmed with joy He can't help but just kind of embrace one of the men and just give him a hug and give him a kiss on the Head or something like that, you know, and sometimes it's awkward for the guys. They're just like They're just kind of like, uh, all right, you know But you know, obviously he doesn't mean anything by obviously he just shares a deep love for the men in our church You understand it's just simply an expression of his deep love and and here's the thing He's not the type to come to you and say hey, I love you You understand so he doesn't express he doesn't express his his love by words he does it by you know Embracing and kissing them on the forehead or something. Okay So what i'm saying is this is this is not an isolated incident. It's happening in our church. Okay, and and you know it happens And let me just say this it's not an effeminate trait, okay, it's not any feminine trait at all Uh, and and look i'm not saying that, you know, if you don't do these things you should probably start You know what I mean? Just to show your love It's obviously based upon how someone is wired, right? Okay And so let me give you another one go to john chapter 13 if you would john chapter 13 And there's plenty of examples in the bible of men kissing other men on the head They kiss them, you know, they they just embrace them and and kiss them. It's not nothing that's perverted It's not anything that's effeminate It obviously it's a cultural thing that we see in the bible But even today in today's day and age we see that as well And so, um not effeminate at all, let's not look at that and say well that's kind of queer You know what I mean or something like that's not not according to the bible Uh, look at john chapter 13 And on that same note just physical affection in general Is not an effeminate trait. Okay, look at john chapter 13 verse 21 when jesus had thus said He was troubled in spirit and testified and said verily verily I say to you that one of you shall betray me Then the disciples looked one On another doubting of whom he spake now there was leaning on jesus's bosom one of his disciples whom jesus loved Now this is referring to john right the apostle john Now i'll be honest with you when I first got saved and I read this. I was like, this is weird. What? What do you mean? He's like leaning on his bosom means chest. So he's just kind of like, you know I Thought it was weird, you know, I was a babe in christ I didn't really understand much and so it was kind of odd to me at first But I just thought maybe he's just physically affectionate. That's just how he is. It's just kind of weird but you know Viewing this later on and kind of thinking about this. I understood Why is it that he did this now first and foremost we obviously understand that jesus was the manliest man that ever lived He is the lord jesus christ. He's the epitome of masculinity, right? And he's obviously not rebuking john for this he's not like hey dude Be a man. Stop doing that No, he's permitting this obviously and he's doing it for a purpose now Why is john leaning on his breast? Obviously he's referring to the fact that i'm not gonna have anybody to it right now But you know, he's sitting down and maybe you know You're leaning back or something and then he just comes and leans on his breast. Okay Now, how can we explain this? Why is he doing this? Why is he so physically affectionate? Well, I think of my son Okay My son will often if i'm sitting on the couch He'll come sit on my lap and he'll literally rest his head on my bosom Okay, and he'll just kind of just be on my bosom on my chest and he'll just want me to hold him Put my arm around him and he'll do that. Okay. Now why well because i'm his father So he shares a deep love for his father. He shares a deep connection with his dad and he feels security With being in the bosom of his father, right? So this is basically how john is feeling towards the lord Jesus christ Jesus is john security as he should be for all of us, right? So spiritually speaking, you know when there's when there's unrest like as we see here he's talking about unrest something that uh, chaotic that might take place, you know, we Spiritually speaking should rest in the lord You understand rest in the bosom of the lord. Jesus christ and recognize that you know We cast our care upon him for he cares for us You know when we are distressed when we have anxiety when we're fearful We can simply rest on the bosom of the lord. Jesus christ and recognize everything's gonna be okay But this is simply showing the deep love that john Had for jesus christ that he was even comfortable enough to rest his head on his bosom. Not any feminine thing at all Now again, we don't have to put this into practice in our church Okay, if you guys are sitting one with another but I will say this, you know embracing is nothing there's nothing wrong with embracing You know every once in a while if if there's something emotional that's taking place or maybe you know Brother in our church is going through a difficult time. He needs a hug. I'll give the man a hug I have no problem with giving a man a hug But you know what? Most of the time the men in our church will will do something like this. Come here geo You don't have to step right here because you're too tall, you know, we'll do something like this We'll do that right and that's like a that's a wait stay up there You know, that's like a that's like a man hug or sometimes, you know sometimes if i'm if I feel real affectionate towards one of the men in our church if i'm like There's there's some sort of emotional bond that I have with them. I'll literally do something like this I'll often give them like a side hug and that's my way of kind of showing them like hey brother I love you and i'm proud of you. You're doing a good job. You can have a seat now brother for the geo That's that's that's your hug for the day, right? I'm just kidding You know those things are normal. Okay, and it's normal for a man to go to another man You know, especially if they're going through a difficult time to embrace them to hug them. These are not effeminate qualities at all. Okay And and here's the thing people can go a little overboard on what is effeminate and it kind of makes you wonder like are you struggling with being effeminate here because you seem to Impose being effeminate on everything that you see Whereas men we should just be secure in what the bible says and it's not wrong to embrace It's not wrong to to kiss on the head if you want, you know That's on you What i'm saying is that these are not effeminate qualities how about this meekness and humility those are not effeminate qualities at all Meekness is not weakness meekness is strength under control Okay And so to be meek and to be humble Or to speak at a low tone or whatever it may be or to not think highly of yourself This doesn't mean that you are An effeminate person you don't have to be a giga chad type of a person in order to be a man or to be masculine You can simply be someone who doesn't want to be in the limelight. Okay, you're just kind of like you're meek and you're humble You don't want the spotlight. You don't want the attention that is not effeminate. Okay, how about this weeping is not effeminate either One of the shortest verses in the bible jesus wept Right, he wept and so sometimes men have a tender heart. Maybe they hear about Some difficult thing that someone is experiencing they have empathy towards that individual or they're feeling they're feeling pain themselves and they weep That's okay, you know weeping is not some some expression of weakness, okay, you know if you Hit your uh thumb with a hammer or something you start crying, you know It's not you feel pain. Okay All right, and I don't know any man who can take a punch to the nose and not weep a little bit You know what? I mean? You guys know what i'm talking about when someone punches you in the nose and then you kind of It's normal right, but i'm just saying just in general if you feel some sort of deep emotion And let me say this sometimes i'll see one of the hymns And and i'll get like that frog in my throat and i'll begin to tear up Because of the fact that i'm overwhelmed with joy of the goodness of god of my salvation The fact that you know, we have a wonderful church Thinking upon that the goodness of god causes me to weep a little bit. This is not an effeminate trait This is something that god wants us to do. He's in fact, he says weep with them that weep It's actually a command okay, so don't see weeping as being an effeminate trait having a tender heart kindness It's not an effeminate trait Don't think well, I gotta just be mean to everyone to show how masculine I am or something like that. You're an idiot Get over yourself Kindness is a christian trait my friend the lord shows us listen to this loving kindness Okay, so it's actually masculine it's it's christian to be kind one to another forgiving one another Etc. Okay Gentleness is not effeminate either Okay to be gentle with people is not effeminate. You said well, I just like to be rough with everyone Well, then you need to grow in your christian life. Okay, and you need to grow in your knowledge of god's word and you say well You know, what do I know how do I know the boundaries? Like how do I know who to be gentle with who not to be gentle with? Well, how about this a baby you're gentle with that's right. Okay women you're gentle with right the way you speak to them the way you you you know, Don't when you shake a woman's hand in our church. Don't like Tear their arm off. Okay You shouldn't be like You know Be gentle, okay Don't grab their hand like Can you can you tell i've been working out, you know Gentleness is a good quality. It's not any feminine quality at all. It's showing the In spite of your strength you're able to constrain that strength and and allocate it in its proper place at the right time. You understand You know you think of like a lion for example how the lion could literally carry Uh, it's it's it's young in its mouth the mouth can be used the lion's mouth can be used to just tear animals apart But yet it can be gentle enough to just carry its young from one place to another. Okay, and so That's a good quality to have it's not effeminate at all. Empathy is not an effeminate quality at all What is empathy the ability to feel what another person feels if they feel sorrowful? Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. Okay, you know Don't be a cold-hearted person Don't be a callous cold-hearted person where you just can't put yourself in another person's shoes. You can't feel their pain You know the bible says that jesus christ is acquainted with grief He he was touching all points like as we are yet without sin the bible says And so he's definitely empathetic towards us He feels our pain and in fact when lazarus dies and the bible says that jesus wept he wept because he loved lazarus He wept because he loved lazarus and he knew the pain that his death caused for his for lazarus and sisters You understand and so that is not an effeminate quality empathy is very much needed We need to be empathetic and have sympathy for people as well Now this is go to matthew chapter 6 if you would matthew chapter 6. Here's the last one Okay, there's probably other ones that I have not mentioned if I if there's one that I that I missed you can tell me after the service Being well groomed is not effeminate either That's right Now being being all metro is okay But being well groomed is actually not effeminate at all. What is being well groomed? It means you're just well kept. Okay Let me show you matthew chapter 6 verse 16 says moreover when you fast Be not as the hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appear into men to fast Barely I say to you they have their reward but when thou fastest anoint thine head and wash thy face Okay, now why is he saying anoint your head and wash your face because when people fast they look like they just got out of bed They're just like their hair's all messed up and they're god is saying no anoint your head Wash your face, you know be appropriate. There's nothing wrong with you know wearing articles of clothing in an appropriate way Being sharp being in place. Nothing effeminate about that. In fact, it's orderly is what it is Okay, it shows that you actually are a good steward of the things that you have understand And so that's not effeminate effeminacy is when a man displays feminine attributes And the reason it is a sin in the bible is because it's basically man rejecting god's design to be masculine. Okay Now go to first peter chapter number three if you would first peter chapter number three Now let's talk about the attributes that are exclusive to women. Okay. Now we're going to talk about You know the things that men should not do that would be considered effeminate You say why preach on this well because we live in such a sissy generation. That's why Where you know men are being raised to act like women to to feel like women to act like women and it's it's it's it's wicked folks and you wonder why Uh, you know what? I mean? There's so many passive men out there who just don't want to do anything They're just kind of being walked all over and they don't they don't have any desire or drive to serve god It's because they're not allowing themselves to be masculine Being effeminate, okay There are characteristics that are exclusive to women Uh that men should not possess now, obviously there's characteristics that both men and women should possess, right? You know to be chaste, okay to be holy To be meek there's all of those they obviously they intertrying one with another but there are also other characteristics that god Exclusively reserved for women that he does not want men. He does not want men to have. Okay. Look at first peter chapter three I'm going to read to you from deuteronomy 28 verse 56. It says the tender and delicate Among women among you which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness Her eyes shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom and toward her son and toward her daughter This is talking about a woman who is delicate now, this is Completely biblical right for a woman to be delicate She's so delicate. She wouldn't set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness You know, she's very soft and delicate. You know, this is this is good. Amen for a woman to be this way, okay This would be considered in the new testament as being a weaker vessel Look at first peter three verse seven likewise He husbands dwell with them according to knowledge giving honor and to the wife listen to this As unto the weaker vessel now, did I mispronounce that phrase right there? Did I did I you know, does it say something different? Okay, you know someone needs to uh, write to fox news And and tell them hey that hit piece you made on pastor mohia When he said that women are the weaker vessel that's in the bible He's simply reading what the bible says, you know, someone needs to write to that effeminate la times journalist That yellow belly journalist and say hey when he said that women are the weaker vessel he's simply quoting the bible Okay He says as unto the as unto the weaker vessel and as being heirs together of the grace of life that your prayers be not Hindered so what is the bible telling us? It's literally saying that women are weaker than men Now if that bothers you it's because you've been influenced by this feminazi agenda in 2022 You've just been watching too much television Too much billy eilish Too much music of women, you know all for women's rights and all these things folks. Let's stick with the bible That's what the bible says. I'm not gonna make apologies for what god's word says And if it says that women are the weaker vessel, i'm just gonna believe it now what people fail to understand Is the fact that when he says that when god says that women are the weaker vessel, he's not degrading them He's not like disrespecting them like you're weak You're weak He's saying they're more delicate and special and in fact he says this giving honor He says they're giving honor unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel So what is he saying specifically he's saying you need to treat women more specifically, of course your wife more delicately Honor them by not being so rough with them Why because they are the weaker vessel. That's why Okay, so you need to honor them, you know Don't allow them to participate in mma and sparring with them and beating them up. Why because that's not giving honor to them, right? Don't slap box with them Don't slap box with your sister Why because the bible says you're not giving honor to them if you do that, that's right Why because they're the weaker vessel Don't push them around and treat them like one of the boys Why because at that point you're not giving honor to them as into the weaker vessel now given there's ladies out there Who kind of like that kind of stuff, but you know what i'm still going to stick with the bible And and not partake in things like that. That's right. Okay. I'm not going to go to my wife and be like, what's up, bro? You know, that's not appropriate for me to do that to my wife You know to kind of shove her around and and and slap box with her or whatever and That's not giving honor unto my wife as unto the weaker vessel Okay, a woman is more delicate more special. Let me say this a woman should be coddled Right You guys don't agree is it's true. They need to be coddled sometimes women, you know, they go through difficult They have uh a different different levels of hormones and they're out of whack throughout the months and years And so they need us as men who are more stable in our hormones, right to coddle them and care for them And take care of them as unto the weaker vessel that's giving honor unto them. Okay So this is appropriate for a woman to have, you know, it's appropriate for a woman to be emotional That's appropriate. That's just how god made them. Okay, it's appropriate Uh for a woman to to be emotional or to need this this emotional support from her husband It's it's appropriate for a woman to to to kind of weep excessively sometimes Okay, you know because they're emotional and and they're kind of soft and delicate that's appropriate It's not appropriate for a man to be that way though. That's right It's not appropriate for a man to be coddled Because you're supposed to be doing the coddling Not being the one who's being coddled, okay A woman is emotionally physically and mentally weaker than a man prove it. Well, how about uh eve? Why do you think we're in the situation we're in folks Why do you think satan went for eve and not adam Because he's not going to go toe to toe with someone who is Uh stronger right he's going to go for the one who is weaker who he knows he can probably defeat Okay, which is eve go to first kings 21 if you would first king chapter 21 First king chapter 21 Now this means when it says weaker vessel, it does mean physically weaker Obviously you have women out there take steroids and stuff like that But we're saying in general women are weaker than a man And they're weaker emotionally now, here's the thing is that people say they're like, oh, that's so sexist, you know You're just saying what you they're just weaker emotionally. Well, actually god made them that way for a particular purpose This isn't degrading them. Okay. Why did god make women weaker emotionally? I'll tell you why because they're supposed to be keepers at home and they're dealing with children all day long you know Sometimes if I have to stay home because my wife has to go run an errand with bruce take them to the dentist and stuff You know, it drives me kind of crazy, you know even with all the kids and they're just like i'm just like You know eat this and you know, i'm not that's not my role. It's not my role Okay And you know men have a tendency to be a little more rough Where the you know, a kid gets hurt. It's like he's fine. It's like he broke his leg. He's all right He's cool. Don't worry about it. You know, just put it pop it back in place or whatever I remember at the old building, uh little zaias He stuck his finger in in the in the ac thing or whatever and he just sliced his finger And it went to like to like the bone, right? And my wife grabbed him and was like bleeding and she's like she grabbed me and she came up to me He's like we need to go to the doctor. I'm like chill out. Relax. Relax. Relax. It's not that bad and she went like this is like I'm like, all right, let's go to the hospital Let's go You know I understand now, you know But women are more weaker emotionally because they're supposed to have an excessive amount of empathy for their children You know when they fall and you know, they they coddle them they take care of them They they're like, you know, they're just they're being motherly. You understand men are not motherly. They're not supposed to be motherly You understand obviously We show affection towards our children, you know, and especially if they're babies, you know, the zaias is they're still babies two years old I treat them like a baby. I hold him like a baby and talk to him like a baby because he's still my little boy But you know what? It only goes so far though. You understand, you know, obviously there's a limit for a man Because a man doesn't have it built in him to become motherly he's supposed to become fatherly Okay And so we are emotionally supposed to be stronger Because we have to deal with the stresses of life You understand we have to work bring home the bacon take care of the bills, you know We have lives that we are responsible for and so on and so forth and not only that, you know, because a woman is is is weaker emotionally because obviously her hormones They have to go through an ebb and flow throughout the year in order to nurse in order to bear children So those those those hormones have to be at a certain level each year. We as men we're just like So then when your wife gets out of whack off kilter because of her hormones we are there to stabilize them Now there's a problem if a man has a lot of estrogen And then the wife is like off kilter and she's crying and then he's like crying too. I don't know what we're gonna do That's bad That's a recipe for disaster We're supposed to be in god's stead the stabilizing force in the life of our wives Where when the world's falling apart for them, we just come and say it's okay Aren't I not better than until 10 cents? You know, everything's gonna be okay, you know, we're gonna be all right You know, we just kind of stabilize our wives. That's how god designed it folks Okay, and so they're weaker Emotionally physically Mentally, we have to help them to cast down imaginations You understand women have a tendency to to kind of get off kilter in their imaginations And so we're there to stabilize them and help them with that. Okay, the problem is when a man takes on these qualities though Okay, that's a problem because you're supposed to be a leader Not a weaker vessel Now For sure, not physically weaker, okay Now i'm not gonna you know, tell you go do power lifting although, you know, it'd be good if you did though You know if you feel like you're weaker and you're just like I need some strength Well, you know, that's a good that's a good way I'm, just saying you don't have to do much to be more stronger than your wife though for sure Go do like 10 push-ups or you know, whatever a day or do something. Okay, it shouldn't be that you're weaker than your wife physically Okay And put you know youtube can give this to fox 11 news if you want Pastor continues just tirade against women or whatever, you know Who cares? Let me give you an example of an effeminate man In the bible look at first kings 21 verse 1. It says it came to pass after these things That naboth the jesralite had a vineyard which was in jesrael hard by the palace of ahab king of samaria and ahab spake unto naboth and said give me the Thy vineyard that I may have it for a garden of herbs Because it is near into my house and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it Or if it seemed good to thee I will give thee the worth of it in money. So ahab wants naboth's vineyard. Okay? Ahab is a gardener. He likes to you know, he's coveting this this this vineyard here So he's trying to barter with him to try to get it verse three says and a about said to ahab the lord forbid me Forbid me that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee and ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the Word which naboth the jesralite had spoken to him for he had said I will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers And he laid him down upon his bed Turned away his face and would eat no bread So, what do you do he's he throws a fit Naboth says no because this is part of my inheritance and what is what does ahab do? He goes lays down turns his head puts his thumb in his mouth Doesn't say that but i'm assuming that's what he did And he's throwing a fit now This is not a good this is of any feminine quality to have To throw a fit for a man to throw a fit. They're just emotionally unstable something doesn't go right in their day And they just shut down You understand Folks, man, we do not have the luxury To just shut down just because something doesn't go right in our day If you can't get the vineyard go get it somewhere else If you can't get the vineyard say, all right, whatever vineyard sucked anyways, I don't really want it You know and go do something else But what you don't do is throw in the towel and just go sit lay to yourself to sleep Look at the wall and just be sad and depressed Go do something else You would even eat bread But jezebel verse five his wife came to him and said why is that spirit so sad that thou eatest no bread And he said because that's because the name of the jesri light And sent him give me that vineyard for money or else if it please thee I will give thee another vineyard for it and he said and he answered I will not give thee my vineyard And jezebel's wife said to him dost thou not govern thy king the kingdom of israel Arise and eat bread and let thine heart be married. I will I will give thee the vineyard of naboth the jezra light This is embarrassing folks, this is so this is in the bible this is forever in the bible now, okay Jezebel's like i'll solve the problem for you. I'll make it happen And you know what at that point ahab should have been like, you know, forget it i'll do it, you know because he's a king But he allows her to do it Verse eight says so she wrote letters in ahab's name. Oh, man And sealed them with with the seal and sent them sent the letters unto the elders into the nobles that were in the city dwelling in naboth and she wrote in the letter saying proclaim a fast and set naboth on high among the people And set two men sons of belial before him to bear witness against him saying thou didst blaspheme god and the king And they then carry him out and stone him that he may die. So basically she nefariously conspires To kill naboth by railing against him saying he who's blaspheming in the name of god and she hired these Reprobates known as sons of belial to basically carry this out. Okay Uh, let's skip down to verse number look at verse number 14 Then sent they sent to jesabel saying naboth is stone and is dead and came to pass when jesabel heard that naboth was stone And was dead that jesabel said to ahab arise take that possession of the vineyard of naboth The jesraelite which he refused to give thee for money for naboth is not alive But it's dead and it came to pass when ahab heard that naboth was dead The ahab rose up to go down to the vineyard of naboth the jesraelite to take possession of it It's like he's not like oh man this one this cost someone's life he's like yeah get my vineyard This is an example of an effeminate man, yeah, because he's allowing his wife to fight his battles He's allowing his wife to comment on the youtube to defend To fight his battles my friend To fight his battles my friend You understand And and here's the thing is that you know This is not her job First of all jesabel in the bible is just a wicked person anyways, she's extremely wicked in the bible, but just You know take away the fact that she is a wicked person. She's she's his wife, you know ahab Should be emotionally stable enough to just not, you know, throw a fit and by the way, he's a king The guy is the guy is a king How does this look when the king goes and just is depressed and his little thumb sucker and and it's sad that he's not getting The vineyard and then his wife's doing his job for him. Okay, not good enough Go to first corinthians chapter 11 if you would first corinthians chapter 11. It shows that he is the weaker vessel Which is an effeminate trait, okay Now, please don't misunderstand me, you know God doesn't want men to just be these macho men Like macho men we never hurt we never have pain And you know, we're just gonna rule and all this stuff. No, obviously there needs to be a balance folks Understand we need to reflect the lord. Jesus christ And the lord jesus christ is a perfect balance of what it is to be a man to have masculinity Etc. Okay, but do not be the weaker vessel physically go do some push-ups go do some power lifting go do something With your body which will increase your testosterone which in turn will cause you to be more manly just in your emotions period right? Okay, and so if you feel like you're a very emotional person One, you know check your diet. Maybe you're consuming some soy and there's some soy in your diet. I'm not joking. I'm being serious Okay, you need to check your diet and two go lift some weights go get active go run go go play some sports or something get physically active because Not being active is causing you to be emotional Okay, you should have the ability to stabilize your emotions and look doesn't mean that men can't get upset We don't get sad we don't get frustrated but our world doesn't fall apart when we do Okay We still have a job to do We still have to bring home the bacon And you know what in spite of what hard time we went through at work or whatever We still have the responsibility to go home and bear the burdens of our wife and of our children That's our job And so don't be effeminate don't be the weaker vessel Okay, secondly is this is that women desire to be led not necessarily to lead You're in first corinthians 11. I'm going to read you from genesis 3 16 says unto the woman He said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow in that conception and sorrow thou shall bring forth children And thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee the bible says so women have An innate desire to want to be led by a man Okay, that's why they want a husband they want to be loved by a husband But they also want to be led it's not in their nature to want to lead their husband Understand and so an effeminate trait would be when a man doesn't want to lead at all He just wants to go according to what his wife says Which is not a good trait And in fact, it's it's against god's order Because look at the bible says in first corinthians 11 verse 1 Be followers of me even as I am also I also am of christ now I praise you brethren that you remember me in all things and keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you But it would have you know that the head of every man is christ And the head of the woman is the man and the head of christ is god Notice it doesn't say that the head of the man is the woman And uh I remember there's a joke back in the day amongst pastors and I used to hate this joke hate it all the time You know, we would quote this verse and talk about how the man is the head of the home And they would say yeah, but the wife is the body that moves the head Is that this is a personal testimony Are you projecting something that's going on in your home? That's what they would always say It's like man is I don't see that in the bible by the way Amen I don't see that in god's word. There's no verse in the bible that says that That's your personal testimony saying that your wife rules you And moves you and now again there needs to be a balance, right? Because this doesn't mean that we just do we just completely disregard the opinion The advice or the counsel of our wives Not so at all because our wives have a lot of wisdom They have a lot of prudence. And in fact the bible says a prudent wife is of the lord And this doesn't mean well, I make all the decisions at the exclusion of my wife's wisdom and prudence and advice and counsel No, what this means is that At the end of the day you are the decision maker And you don't just forfeit that to your wife And say I don't know what to do. You just you just choose or whatever Obviously if it's like a matter of like where we're going to go eat or something like that Whatever i'm just saying in major decisions in general in your marriage in life You know man should be the one who's making the decisions and to lead spiritually Do not leave that up to your wife I don't agree with that then just say you don't agree with the bible. This is what the bible says Okay Now if you say well i'm not a good decision maker Then you better get yourself some smarts and some wisdom and start reading the bible and start being in church And start learning from the preaching of god's word and learning these characteristics and these attributes because you have no choice You need to just do it And stop coming up with excuses as to well, you know, I didn't have a good example as a father. We'll join the club But now you do we have a heavenly father We have the bible we have christianity We have everything available to us to make us what we need to be We need to stop coming up with excuses and just learn these things You don't know what i've been through. I live with my mom. I mean all of us Live with our mom. So I mean For the most part Okay, and so stop coming up with these excuses, you know man up be a leader It doesn't mean that you have to be a pastor a missionary. We just exert leadership qualities though Okay Go to go to first timothy Chapter five You know, it's another quality that women have according to the bible is that they're keepers at home Right, they're keepers at home. That's what the bible says Titus 2 verse 3 says the aged women likewise that they be in behaviors become with holiness not false accusers not given to much wine teachers of good things That they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chased keepers at home Good obedient to their own husbands that the word of god be not blasphemed according to the bible It's a woman's responsibility to take care of the affairs of the home Okay, what are the affairs of the home raising the children? Was it your responsibility to raise the children? Yes, obviously by like going out and paying for a roof over their head Making sure that there's food in their stomachs and providing a male example in the home that they can emulate as they grow. Absolutely Okay But at the end of the day biblically speaking the woman is the one who spends the most time with the children Who's taking care of the children teaching the children? You know, etc. Okay, they're gonna be keepers at home. They're supposed to be doing the cooking and cleaning Oh, this is I can't even you know, what did you just say? Uh, yeah, you heard right Cooking cleaning and in fact look at first timothy 14 I will therefore the the younger women marry bear children Guide the house give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully talk about a sexist verse Good He just said they need to have babies But what about their careers I will therefore that younger women have careers. I don't it's not in the greek either Marry we said what is the career the career is to marry Get married bear children guide the house and don't think well, you know Oh, you're a stay-at-home mom Oh like you must have all kinds of free time or something like that what You must not know what a mom does at home There's always more than enough to do when you're staying at home taking care, especially if you have little ones And then you have your husband There's plenty of people think that a stay-at-home mom just sits home and just watches like soap operas or something like that Or not soap opera people don't do soap operas anymore, right? They're like on instagram and they're just like on social media all day. They're not doing anything Keeping the home takes a lot of work that is work And it's like no you need to get yourself a career And and and be an independent woman and you need to can't have your husband telling you what to do What you need to do is be a waitress That way someone else some stranger can tell your wife what to do and she'll smile at him and give him Give her a lame tip or something So it's okay for the wife to go out to work in the world to work under another man To tell her what to do Right and to may I fill your cup? You know and and serve a stranger but it's not okay for her to do it for her husband you're out of your mind Hey, at least I don't have my wife wear a uniform She don't have to do it. She could wear whatever she wants at home, right? And you know what the tip stays in her wallet because she has like my debit card too so Tip yourself, whatever you want Go get yourself, whatever you want So according to the bible this is supposed to be a sermon about to be feminine, sorry, okay Women are supposed to be keepers at home. Here's the problem when the man becomes the keeper at home Now, let me just make something very clear. I'm not saying that if a man works from home That's being a keeper at home. That's not what i'm saying at all Because in the age in which we live some sometimes men have to work from home Right or they have the privilege to work from home They don't have to go somewhere. They can have their office at home or something like that I'm talking about the responsibilities Okay, and now you have stay-at-home dads right now And these are dads who are trying to encourage their wives in their careers And so they stay home and take care of the kids and you know do all that that is unbiblical It's sinful according to the bible Okay Men get a job You say oh, I can't find a specific go work for pizza hut It's a job, isn't it? Who cares? Go work for little caesars go work for chick-fil-a. I heard it's a christian restaurant. It's lord's chicken, apparently Go work anywhere Go do something with your life because now you have um They're not stay-at-home dads anymore. They're called instagram dads right Where you have like a wife who becomes so successful on instagram because of her homesteading then now the husband can come home And just help her with her enterprise Yeah, it may sound all nice and oh it sounds wholesome working on a farm and everything like that and making your wife successful But here's the thing. That's not biblical though Now again, let me make another disclaimer. I'm not saying that a wife can't have her own business either Because proverbs 31 shows us a woman who had a business from home. She's putting in work She's a hard worker. She is assisting with the income in the household You understand nothing wrong with this, but it's the order It's like well now the husband could just quit his job and just come home and just be a couch potato Honey, what do you need? You know This is not biblical folks something wrong with both working From home nothing wrong with that as long as it's under the administration of the of the husband though What happens if you don't then you give occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully that's what you do Yeah, but then my parents are going to think i'm weird and who cares And my family my friends are going to think i'm weird. Who cares? What does the lord think? What does god think? We need to stop worrying about the what the world thinks the world is weird folks, haven't you watched tick tock The world is strange my friends Stand with god and his word who cares how old-fashioned it looks if it's right it's right And look folks 10 years from now people are going to start catching up to what the bible says And if you were, you know grandfathered in you're going to be like i've been doing this from since before it was popular Because i'm a christian This is what I believe is what we've always done Men are not to be keepers at home guiding the house You know, and again, i'm not saying that men you not teach your kids the bible. I teach my kids the bible I spend time with my kids But you know what? There's always this itch when i'm home that I want to go and work I have to fight the itch all the time ask my wife. It's just like I need to go do something work more Because that's just it built in me to do that To just work be productive accomplish things achieve things understand and so That's an effeminate quality Go to first timothy chapter two I must hasten here, but i'm upset And I need to get this off my chest. I'm just kidding women are often gullible and easy to persuade Yeah, it's true right look what first timothy two Uh, let's see here first timothy chapter two And verse number 12 says but I suffered not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence For Adam was first formed then eve and Adam was not deceived But the woman being deceived was in the transgression So what is this telling us? It's telling us that women are easily gullible They're easy to be persuaded Therefore they need an authority to watch over them to kind of filter in these things so that they're not deceived Now here's the problem when men are easily gullible and easily persuaded and very much deceived We've got to have a head on our shoulders folks The bible says that you be not children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men And cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive Okay, so you got to have a head on your shoulders and have discernment have wisdom And not be easily deceived or gullible, okay Don't buy into all these conspiracies out there on on tick tock land Gravity doesn't exist and NASA this and NASA that We need to make sure that we we are able to filter these things and understand we stick with the truth, okay You're in chapter two. Here's uh Here's the last thing women can be passive and do not possess an aggressive disposition, which is good Right Why is that? Why is that good? Well because of the fact that they're leaving up the aggressive leadership to the male The husband to make those decisions men are supposed to be decisive Not passive Okay He says in verse 9 of second tim or first timothy 2, excuse me In like manner also that the women adored themselves in modest apparel with shame facingness and sobriety not with broided hair of gold or pearls or costly array He says but which becometh woman professing godliness with good works let the woman learn in silence with all subjection But I suffered not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence So he says, you know a woman's disposition should be that she's in subjection in the house of god, right? That's what the bible says Okay now Obviously we are all to be in subjection, right? But there for a woman it's more natural to be this way A man has to like teach himself to be this way too though Like we have to learn how to be in subjection But so there's a problem when a man is just kind of lets everyone just walk all over him You understand? When they're just like Easily just I don't know bullied or whatever people just walk all over them They just can do whatever they want with them. They just don't put up a fight They just kind of you know, and you may think to yourself well, you know, that's good You know, that's good, you know, they're not that aggressive and you know That isn't that good. No because when there's when sin abounds men are to stand up and fight against it When sin abounds when false prophets abound when wickedness abounds it's our job as men to stand in the gap and say no This is wrong. This is not going to happen I'm, not going to let this take place in my church. I'm not going to let this take place in my house Not happening the passive effeminate man will say well, you know, I guess you know We shouldn't do that though, but it's okay if you do, you know It's like they're very passive. That's an effeminate quality And i'm not saying you have to scream and yell like I do or something like that I'm, just saying don't let the world walk all over you Don't let the world and the world systems and the world's ideologies And your family just walk all over you and just put you down, you know For me, you know, I love my family. I'm talking about my extended family. I love my extended family You know, but but here's the thing if they get out of hand in my presence in regards to like things That that pertain to christianity. Oh, we're shutting it down. I'm not i'm not dealing with that You know if they start Speaking blasphemous things or taking the lord's name in vain in my presence I immediately stop them and say we're out of here. I'm not dealing with this Oh, who do you think? Well, you think I used to like change your diapers So what Yeah, but now diapers is coming out of your mouth You know and I don't care here's the thing I don't care if i'm the youngest in the family Or whatever at the end of the day we need to stand for righteousness sake And be able to put our foot down and not just say well, you know Just i'm just gonna let them just kind of bully me around and just walk all over me And just say all manner of evil just test the waters around me And and make perverted jokes about the lord jesus christ or something like that no Don't be a passive person where it's just like, you know, we need to make sure that we stand for writing and say You know what? I don't accept that kind of language around me I don't accept that language around my children and if you ever want to see my family again It stops now Oh, who do you think you are let's go kids we're out of here we're going to chick-fil-a, you know Let's go do something else that's how we have to be Being passive And and it is an is an effeminate quality and having an aggressive disposition is okay if it's controlled Okay, it needs to be controlled obviously it needs to be led under the holy spirit But we need to make sure that we reject that go to we reject being passive go to job chapter 40 This is the last verse here Moms discourage this in your children Okay And moms need to make sure That they are able to identify this when they see this in their kids now Let me help you understand this i'm not referring to your five and unders, okay Okay, kids who are five and under you know They're mama's boys and that's okay Right kids can be mama's boys Because they're still children my friend You know even up to 10 years old or whatever, but here's the thing. We need to make sure that we identify When the kids are getting older and you know, they're hanging around their sisters too much or something like that You know, we need to make sure that they get around uh Men in the church and around their brothers around be around their father more It's okay for little kids to be this way, but it's not necessarily okay for a teenager to just continue that way You understand because that's going to affect them for the rest of their lives Okay, and and you know what moms it's your responsibility We obviously understand that you're empathetic but it is your responsibility to teach your boys to be men It's the dad's responsibility too, but remember you're the one spending the most time with them as well So you need to take this to heart and understand you know what I need to make sure that my boy Is it loves the lord and and he he has gentleness. He has meekness and humility, but he also has masculinity as well Okay And what are some practical things? You know, i'll tell you after service But you know one of them could be this, you know, you don't have to like coddle Your your teenager every time he gets hurt or something like that If he slices his finger or you know scrapes his knees folks when I was a kid Scraping your knees and breaking your your bones was just part of I mean, that was cool Playing football on tackle football on asphalt was cool coming home with cuts and scrapes and bruises. That was like the thing You know now it's just like a band-aid for everything You understand We need to make sure that we don't uh coddle them so much that it's just we They're just like in this bubble this this entire time. You understand? And so look at joke 40. Here's what i'm saying at the end of the day. This is what god's message is for men right here Gird up thy loins verse seven gird up thy loins now like a man And I will demand of thee and declare thou unto me This is what god said to job Pull up your pants like this verse needs to go to every every uh, you know Watts and and compton plays out there gird up your loins like a man pull up your pants And this is what he this is what god is telling job because god's about to let job have it right now And he's just like now you're dealing with god pull up your pants like a man because i'm gonna demand of you right now Pull up your pants like a man because i'm gonna demand of you right now, what is job's like Because he's saying you you better take this like a man What is this telling us? It's all that god expects for us to be a man Gird up your loins like a man be a man reject effeminacy Be a man, let's pray father we thank you so much for your word and thank you for the qualities that we not only see in the word of god, but even the qualities that Of examples that we've had in our personal lives whether it be our fathers our brothers men in the church pastors we're so thankful for The characteristics that they displayed that we can emulate help us lord to fulfill our god-given roles as men and and reject this modern acceptance and embracement of being effeminate and Unfortunately, it's it's even popular now. It's it's it's almost accepted to be effeminate And it's something that christians should not partake in or allow we love you and we thank you pray this things in jesus name