(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're in 2nd Corinthians chapter number 11 and look down at your Bibles at verse number 13 It says for such are false apostles deceitful workers Transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light Therefore it is no great thing If his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works And the title of sermon this morning is reforming the Church of Satan Reforming the Church of Satan or another title can be the satanic temple exposed. Okay now make no mistake These are two different Organizations you have the Church of Satan and then you have the satanic temple now right off the bat You might be thinking to yourself. Well, these are one in the same, right? They're both serving Satan There's their Satan is or satanic and in the grand scheme of things They are the same in the fact that they're serving the Satan's the devil's purpose right for the world whether knowingly or unknowingly However, there is a sharp distinction between the two There is a difference between the two and you're gonna see that this morning You see the latter organization Which is the satanic temple has a great a greater far more nefarious agenda behind it You know you think of the Church of Satan This is something that took place in the 60s and gained a lot of widespread attention because of their controversial practices of black magic their Sacrifices and all these immoral things that they would do whereas the satanic temple doesn't partake of those things Okay, and I don't want to get ahead of myself But let me just give you an abridgment of what the Church of Satan is This is the one that people are more familiar with This is something that people would more those who would be labeled Satanists would basically adopt and understand and know the history of this church was founded by a man by the name of Anton LaVey in 1966 okay, and These are the people that assert themselves as the only true arbiters of Satanism. They believe that they're the originators of it You know Anton LaVey created what's called the Satanist Bible, okay, and in fact they've been he immediately opposed The campaigns and the activities of the satanic temple, okay These are the people who have an organization where they uplift these 11 satanic rules of the earth now When you think of the Church of Satan a lot of what's associated with it is immorality violence and black magic Okay, and in fact the seventh rule of the satanic rules of the earth as they call it says this acknowledge the power of magic If you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success You will lose all you have obtained so they're open about magic They're open about you know, the black arts and these dark practices of invoking Spiritual things so on and so forth and they also promote violence Because the 11th rule of the Church of Satan says this When walking in open territory bother no one if someone bothers you ask him to stop if he does not stop destroy him Okay, so this is obviously something that is directly opposed to the Word of God And in fact what this is is religious satire Right that seeks to basically make a mockery of the Bible make a mockery of God and just become a polar Opposite of the commandments of the Lord. Okay, you know the Lord doesn't teach violence The satanic Church does the Lord the Lord teaches to to keep yourself from fornication The satanic Church does not okay They're the complete polar opposite of what the Word of God teaches now the satanic temple Actually Dismisses the Church of Satan as being they basically say it's irrelevant. It's inactive. It's not growing. It's just meaningless They have no purpose so on and so forth. You say well, what is the satanic temple? Well, this is something that's more recent This is something that actually started in 2013 okay as as soon as 2013 and really what they are is a reformation of the Church of Satan They were found in 2013. One of the co-founders is Lucian Greaves okay, and What they seek to do is refine Satanism you see because Satanism has a black eye does it not I mean the mere fact that they're called Satanist Would lead anybody who's not even Christian to just stay away from it You know, I mean like okay if you're willing to call yourself and label yourself a Satanist someone who worships Satan that that alone is Enough to just you know, keep people away from that organization So what they want to do is refine Satanism be involved in political issues in order to make it socially palatable for everyone So that the next generation grows up and see some of their good deeds that they're doing their involvement in political issues Make it palatable and recruit laborers basically is what they're doing. You see the Church of Satan is very exclusive Whereas the satanic temple are seeking to make disciples. Okay, they're seeking to have a voice amongst politicians They're seeking to have a voice amongst the next generation. I mean they even have after-school programs, which is for Satanists They have workbooks with the cartoons and the kids that have Baphomet on their shirts teaching them satanic Ideologies and doctrines in order to reach the next generation. Okay Now here's the thing. Both of these groups do not believe in Satan Now define irony for me Define irony you have a group that calls themselves the temple of Satan. They say hail Satan They base their religion in their organization off of Satanism, but they don't literally believe in actual Satan I mean, this is foolishness This is idiocy the fact that they would base their entire Organization off of this being but say we don't really believe in Satan. You said what do they believe about Satan? Why do they use his name? Well, they say that Satan is the symbolic embodiment of rebellion against tyranny Okay. Now what tyranny are they referring to God? What tyranny are they referring to the Bible? What tyranny are they referring to biblical authority and institutions that have been established by God? So anything that is for God they consider to be tyranny Okay They view Satan more as a symbol and a personification of their faith Rather than the fallen angel the Bible describes him to be All right And in fact that they have seven tenants that they go according and the seventh is this every tenant is got is a guiding principle designed to inspire Satanism no nobility in action and thought the spirit of compassion wisdom and justice should always prevail over the written or Spoken word. Okay. So in other words, what they're saying is this hey you naturally should be wise You naturally should have compassion You naturally should want justice and that should always prevail over the written and spoken word What are they talking about preaching of God's Word and the Word of God? Okay, and Look, here's that here is the hypocrisy of this because they literally said that this should prevail over the written or spoken word And if you ask them well, what book do you adhere to they will reference Anatole France the revolt of the angels Which is a book that basically is a perversion of the fall of Satan himself It's a book that describes Satan Lucifer as being this noble angel Who all all he wanted to do was gain knowledge gain wisdom Revolt it against God because God is a tear, you know, the tyrannical Oppressor there and then you know, he falls Okay, they say this the devil directly challenged God So as a Satan is we believe that directly confronting injustice and corrupt authority is an expression of satanic faith now Make no mistake about it. This is a growing organization. He's all that's not growing. No, it's growing they started in 2013 and in three years, they had 50,000 members and Up to this day. They've increased they have chapters satellite chapters all across the country and worldwide People are adhering to this religion of Satanism by the droves and why is that? Well because we're entering the end times and the Bible tells us that some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils You know, nothing's more further from the truth in that verse than what we're looking at right now as far as Satanism is concerned Now there is a difference between the Church of Satan and the satanic temple, even though you know They they both have Satan in them, what are the differences well the satanic temple does not believe in the dark arts At least they don't claim to they claim that they don't believe in magic. They don't want to evoke anything They're not about that. Okay, their non-theistic movement aligned with Liberty equality and Rationalism they have local and worldwide chapters. In other words, they're seeking to start churches Right, there are church planters temple planters They're growing at a rapid pace they're socially and politically active They have after-school Satan's programs to in order to indoctrinate the next generation You say well what makes the the satanic temple far more dangerous than the Church of Satan Because of the fact that they're involved in public affairs in order to get the next generation You see they're trying to stray from the stigma that the Church of Satan has you know Sacrifices and drinking blood and doing all these things of the occult they're actually trying to separate themselves from that and become more of a politically correct a Patriotic group if you can believe that That is seeking to make that palatable for the masses in order for them to grow and we're gonna see why that is in just A moment go to Matthew chapter 12 if you would Matthew chapter 12 Matthew chapter 12 now, although there are there are Glaring distinctions between the two make no mistake about it No matter how much they criticize each other no matter how much they criticize other false religions. It's all under the same devil, right? How do we know that? Well, look at Matthew 12 verse 25 It says here and Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation And every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if Satan cast out Satan He is divided against himself. How shall then his kingdom stand? You see they would say well, they're divided against the Church of Satan The Church of Satan is divided against the temple of Satan. But here's the thing. They're both one in the same The only difference is is the satanic temple is simply reforming refining what the Church of Satan was. Okay Now in 2nd Corinthians 11 we read that Satan comes as an angel of what light Why is that well because when we think of light in the Bible, it means to enlighten, right? You see one of the agendas of the Church of the satanic temple is to enlighten people to encourage people to gain knowledge To gain wisdom to be enlightened, you know to eat of the tree of knowledge But it's a knowledge that is ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth It's a knowledge that rejects Jesus Christ as the one true God So on and so forth go with me if you would to Genesis chapter 3, we're gonna look at an example of this Genesis chapter 3 Let's look at Satan's first appearance in the Bible He says in Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 now The serpent was more subtle than any beasts of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yay Had God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden and the woman said unto the serpent We may eat of the fruit of trees of the garden But at the tree of but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God had said ye shall not eat of it neither Shall you touch it lest he die and the serpent said unto the woman? Ye shall not surely die for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof Then your eyes shall be open and ye shall be as gods knowing good and Evil. So what is Satanism? Well Satanism is right there Satanism is an agenda to directly disobey God and Tell you that you can get all the pleasures and knowledge of life without God You don't need deity you don't need Jesus Christ you don't need religion you just need you You need to have aspiration. You need to have ambition. You need to have wisdom. You need to have intelligence You can get that on your own without God now go with me if you went to Acts chapter 26 if you would Acts chapter 26 Acts chapter 26 So they're claiming to be these messengers of light these angels of light because an angel is a messenger an Angel is someone who brings a message to you and they want to bring that light that enlightenment to people Okay, look at Acts 26 verse 16 it says but rise and stand upon thy feet for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose to make thee a minister and a Witness both of these things which thou has seen and of those things in which I will appear unto thee Delivering me from the people and from the Gentiles unto whom now I send thee to open their eyes To turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God That they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me You see God says well if you think you have knowledge, but you don't have Christ you're actually in darkness You don't have the light if you think you have knowledge you have wisdom But you don't have the Word of God you don't have Jesus Christ you're actually in darkness You're what the Bible terms as being blind Why because the God of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not Lest they should believe on the glorious gospel right lest they should believe on Jesus Christ So these people who elevate knowledge over God who elevate knowledge over the wisdom of God's Word The Bible says they're actually blind Okay But a messenger or an angel of light is not just someone who wants to come in and enlighten you You know when we think of an angel of light we often refer to that scripture as being you know they come as wolves in sheep's clothing they come under the cloak of nobility okay an angel of light Go with me if you would to Matthew chapter number 7 Matthew chapter number 7 he said well, we're not gonna be fooled by this You know why preach on this obviously we understand that Satan is the adversary we understand that he is the the antagonist of all History we understand that he is our enemy that he as a roaring lion walking walking about seeking whom he may devour We understand these things yeah But there's a far greater nefarious agenda that fits into the New World Order when it comes to these Satanists And we're gonna look at that in just a bit But they come as messengers of nobility look at Matthew 7 verse 15 says beware of false prophets Which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are Ravening wolves remember what they said they want to inspire nobility so the so to the unbeknownst person the person who maybe is sick of church You know these people who are apostate Christians who claim to believe on God, but they're not really saved. They will be fooled by this Because they'll say well these Satan is they're just as nice as any other Christian they want nobility they have compassion they have fellowship They're doing good deeds, and they can be fooled by these people okay They do community service. I mean they literally adopt highways to clean Okay, they adopt highways to clean they do good deeds They try to fight for social injustice for bullying in the schools They do all they can To become palatable to the community they want to fight for civil rights equality, but there's nothing noble about what they're doing Why because the Bible tells us that even the plowing of the wicked is sin The Bible says though hand joined in hand the wicked shall not be unpunished But the seed of the righteous shall be delivered and make no mistake about it anybody who's involved in the satanic temple their reprobates They are Reprobates they will they will not be saved this sermon is not to rescue people out of the from the Church of Satan or the satanic temple why is that because the satanic temple literally encourages Blasphemy they literally say blasphemy is a declaration of independence You know I find it funny that they don't want to they claim not to believe in God They don't believe in Satan yet Christianity is the main religion and organization that they seek to mock Why is it that they attack Christianity, but not Islam why is it they attack Christianity, but not Buddhism Why is it that they attack Christianity, but not any other religion. You know why because they know that God exists That's why it's not by mistake is it any mistake that they caught they worship Satan Which is a name directly found in the Word of God? It's not by mistake, but you know what they they literally said blasphemy is a declaration of independence we embrace blasphemy as a Legitimate expression of personal independence from counterproductive traditional norms they encourage and propagate The practice of blasphemy okay go to Mark chapter 3 if you would mark chapter 3 Mark chapter number 3 And look they're nonviolent they have nonviolent protests and activism, but they are reprobates Look What it says in verse 28 verily I say unto you in Mark chapter 3 all sins shall be forgiven you into the sons of men and Blasphemies what wherewithsoever they shall blaspheme, but he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness But is in danger of eternal damn nation look These people are some of the most wicked people on the face of the planet Because they revel in their blasphemy they Embrace blasphemy they love to blaspheme the name of God They love to make a mockery of Jesus Christ and anything that is godly, and you know what God's fine with that You know why because then he just gives them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient Okay, let me read you their invocation their prayer It says let us stand now unbowed and unfettered by arcane doctrines born of fearful minds and darkened times You know we're the fearful minds basically let us embrace the luciferian impulse to eat of the tree of knowledge Wait hold on a sec. I thought you reject the Bible. I thought you reject God I thought you don't even believe in these things Why are you encouraging people who come from Buddhist backgrounds from Hindu backgrounds from Catholic? Backgrounds from Christian backgrounds to eat of the tree of knowledge if that's not true and Dissipate our blissful and comforting delusions of old let us demand that individuals be judged for their concrete actions Let us reason our solutions with agnosticism in all things holding fast only that which is demonstrably true Let us stand firm against any and all arbitrary authority that threatens the personal sovereignty of one or all That which will not bend must break and that which can can be destroyed by truth should never be spared in demise It is done hail Satan Notice what he says there that which will not bend must break well who's gonna break it What is he talking about what that which will not bend talking about us when we say we shall not be moved We will not partake of this. We're not gonna tolerate it. You know what that means. We're not we're not gonna bend So you know what they say? Well, if you're not gonna bend and we're gonna you're gonna break you're gonna be destroyed Okay One of the seven tenants says this the struggle for justice is an ongoing and unnecessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and Institutions, you know like the institution of the church the laws found within the Word of God One's body is invaluable Which means it can cannot be defiled subject to one's own will what does God say if any man defile the temple of God? Him shall God destroy And of course they want to inspire so-called nobility now Make no mistake about it. This is a dangerous group and you may think to yourself. Well, it's not dangerous to us But again, there's a far more greater nefarious agenda behind the satanic temple You see a lot of people just see it as satire Right. They just see it as a mockery as a joke as you know, people are not gonna be deceived by this Then why are so many people flocking to these organizations? There's a chapter here in Los Angeles Run by some transvestite Okay, you know you have it throughout the United States and worldwide through every nation and you read the testimonies of these people They feel like they found religion They're like I used to be a Sunday school teacher I used to be a deacon and now I found you know They satanic temple. It's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me You know, they see it as a glorious thing. They see it as a great thing and people are flocking to this now What's the main point of this sermon? Well? Let me explain something is that the satanic temple is simply part of the framework To create the structure known today as the New World Order Why is that Well, what is the New World Order first and foremost well the New World Order is The structure that the Antichrist of the end times will inherit the worldwide structure that the Antichrist is going to inherit That is made up of three components One world government one world financial system and one world religion, okay Go to Revelation chapter 13 if you would Revelation chapter 13 One Of the leaders of the chapters by the way you know they claim not to be violent they claim that you know they're Noble, but here's the thing out of the abundance of the heart the mouth always speaks right the mouth speaketh and Eventually the truth is always going to make its way out if it's in the heart one of these leaders of the chapters in the United States held a rally or their Satanic service and Gave a speech and of course they're doing all kinds of wicked things and just kind of just they're being Satanist and She basically says this she states you know we're gonna pour snakes into the government's office We're gonna overthrow them, and we're gonna execute the President of the United States That's what she said and the leader Lucien Greaves gave her a call and told her hey you're fired Okay, like you can't you you can't be a leader anymore because that's not what we're about But you know what that's not the reason why he fired her you know why he fired her is because she Exposed yourself for who she really is she exposed the organization for what they really are why because that's what's in their heart is murder They want to destroy anything that's not them You know they talk about tolerance, and they talk about getting along and joining hands with people That's not the agenda the agenda is this if you're not conforming to us. You should be destroyed They want to execute so they fired her and she even said herself well You know what this is changing because of the fact that this is who we really are And she's right look at revelation 13 verse 1 and I stood up upon the sand of the sea and Saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads The name of blasphemy and the beast which I saw was like into a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear And his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority now this beast in Revelation chapter 13 is Obviously talking about two types of people or excuse me It's talking about one person But an institution as a whole the one person that it's referring to is the Antichrist the institution is the one world government, okay? And All of these animals that we see here pictured in verse number two are actually representative of different empires that have existed throughout the ages all culminating into this one world government verse 3 and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and His deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast So this is talking about the Antichrist will receive a wound to the head He will die and because he is an Antichrist he's coming in the place of Christ just like Jesus He comes back from the dead. Okay. This is how he's gonna fool Apostate Christians. This is how he's gonna fool Judaism Islam and every other Denomination and religion throughout the world is he's gonna come back to life and they're gonna claim him to be God Okay, he's gonna claim himself to be God verse 4 and they worshipped the dragon which gave power into the beast And they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast who is able to make war with him This is an incredible task to accomplish here Because all the people in all the world worship the beast We're talking about religions and denominations that have fundamental differences that do not agree fundamentally on God they do not agree on the scriptures They do not they have practices that are polar opposites one of another yet We see here verse number four that the entire world Regardless of what religion they're a part of are gonna all agree in worshiping this beast This is an incredible task to accomplish right here Okay, how do they do that? How are they gonna accomplish this? How is the Antichrist gonna get everyone to worship to agree with one another and to worship this beast? verse 5 says and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and Blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his Tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints to and to overcome them And power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations. Now. This is what I want to talk about here. Okay? Because the satanic temple you may think is a joke But in reality their agenda is no different than the apostate Christians Than the Buddhists than the Hindus than any other religion that seeks to unify with one another It's all it is Because what is the agenda of the satanic temple? Is it to practice black magic and the dark arts? No, the agenda at its core is for religious freedom and tolerance They say that on their website. They'll say it out of their own mouths. They say this we want religious freedom and tolerance Well, you know what? That's what the majority of religions want today as well. Okay? They want to push the worshipping of an impersonal God Okay, go with me if you went to Daniel chapter 11 You know when they're asked do you worship Satan because they're asking like well you call Satan this You you say hail Satan you throw up the horns with your fingers You have all these blasphemous images on your shirts and you know throughout your organization. Do you worship Satan? They'll say this it is the position of the satanic temple that religion can and should be divorced from superstition as Such we do not promote a belief in a personal Satan To embrace the name Satan is to embrace rational inquiry Removed from supernaturalism and archaic tradition based superstitions the Satanist should actively work to hone critical thinking and Exercise reasonable agnosticism in all things our beliefs must be malleable to the best current scientific understandings of the material world never the reverse you see if you go to the culture today and try to base your beliefs off of Supernatural things they're gonna render you to be some quack But if you say no, all my beliefs are based on scientific discoveries. They're gonna acknowledge that they're gonna say Okay, this person is a legitimate person. They have a good hand on their shoulders. They are reasonable, right? It's what they're gonna think but I want you to notice that they say we don't promote a belief in a personal Satan in other words, you can worship whoever you want an impersonal God Look at Daniel chapter 11. This is a prophecy of the Antichrist in Daniel chapter 11 verse 36 Look what it says and the king shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnify himself above every God and Shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished for that that is determined shall be done Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any God So he's like I'm not he's not regarding anybody But but look what it goes on to say for he shall magnify himself above all but in his estate he shall honor the God of forces So is this is this a contradiction? No in verse 37 it says he shall not regard any God But then in verse 38 says he shall honor the God of forces This is the impersonal God whoever you want to be God Whether yourself whether it's the Hindu God whether it's the Buddhist God whether it's the Catholic God you worship Whoever you want and today is a fulfillment of that through different religions But today this morning, I'm talking about the Church of Satan the satanic temple. Excuse me, okay Where they say you don't have to worship Satan with us What you need to do is just think for yourself. You need to eat of the tree of knowledge. Okay? Now they call it, you know, the satanic temple, but we call it ecumenism Ecumenism The satanic temple seeks to institute religious pluralism Okay, what is religious pluralism its tolerance for all religions? Now, let me give you an example in Arkansas You at the state capital you have the monument to the Ten Commandments Okay in Arkansas, they would consider themselves to be a Christian state in other words They still you know, they revere the commandments of God the Word of God They believe in God, you know, they're senators and the governor they claim to be Christian and in fact, I believe they're even ordained ministers of Christian churches and This group of people the the the satanic temple They went there and they wanted to basically prop up Baphomet a statue of Baphomet And so what's Baphomet? Well? Baphomet is basically a A statue or an image of Satan if you've ever seen it looks like a goat man Okay You guys ever seen something like that where it's like the legs of a goat The torso of a man the head of a goat and he's always doing something like this. Okay, that's Baphomet. Okay It's the embodiment. It's the representation of Satan himself This is what they put on their, you know, pentagram the head of Baphomet, etc Well what they wanted to do they came to the state capital and said hey We want to prop up Baphomet right next to the Ten Commandments and the guys are like we'll never take down the Ten Commandments This is a Christian state. We'll never do that. That's unconstitutional all this stuff and they're like this Oh, we don't want to take down the Ten Commandments. We want it to stay We just want Baphomet next to the Ten Commandments and they said this if you take down the Ten Commandments We don't want Baphomet to go up We want them right next to each other You know why he said because this is the United States of America and in the United States of America we believe in pluralism the United States Constitution promotes pluralism. This is what it means to be an American They said to be an American is to tolerate other religions and to show that we can live amongst each other They like they don't want we don't want to get rid of the Ten Commandments. We want the Ten Commandments there We just want all gods to be presented there The satanic temple is not interested in establishing itself as the sole arbiter of Satan practice satanic practice practices Rather we are open to working with other self-identified satanic organizations to promote general recognition of satanic legitimacy now Are they succeeding? Yes, they are You see They're using apostate Christians own medicine against themselves Because apostate Christians, let me just say this they don't this is not their final authority Liberal Christians Apostate Christians the liberal fund centers. This is not their final authority you go to the Bible belt You know, it's called the Bible belt, but it's not the Bible belt. It's the Constitution belt Because at the end of the day what they revere as being authoritative is not necessarily the Word of God is the United States Constitution You know, oh, you know, we should be Christians and we should have the liberty to go preach the gospel Because the Bible says it no because the Constitution gives us the right to You say well, what about you brother me here? Are you criticizing the Constitution? I'm a Christian and As a Christian I don't derive my authority to preach the gospel and preach the Word of God from the Constitution of the United States Where do I get it from the Bible? God gave me that authority God told me to do that. God gave me that commandment no matter what country I'm in No matter what state I'm in. I am to be a Christian in all places regardless of the laws of the land He said what if they be they make Christianity illegal? What if soul winning is illegal? Guess what? The Bible says it's still not illegal We ought to obey God Rather than the man the Bible says and you know, the problem is today is we have Christians yay Even independent fundamental Baptists who revere and love the Constitution far more than the Word of God Well, guess what? The Satanists have not flipped that on them. Oh Okay. Yeah. Yeah, we agree with you guys too because your beloved Constitution of the United States to be a real patriot an American I'm an American We're a Christian nation. No, you're a Christian slash a tannic slash Hindu slash Buddhist nation Slash any kind of religion nation because the Constitution in the United States promotes Pluralism and look the Christians. I don't know what to do. We're a Christian nation How can this happen and raise a bath from it? You should have read the Constitution You would have known that that they have the right to do that according to the Constitution Okay Most Christians are dependent on the Constitution more than the Word of God. They receive their instruction and Their authority from the Constitution not the Bible Pluralism is enshrined in the Constitution. The First Amendment ensues ensures that the right of free exercise in matters of Religion, you know what these guys all they did was read the fine print You Know and that's why a lot of people are shocked. They're like, how can these devil worshipers come and who do they think they are? It's like well, you should have had your foundation on the Word of God more than the Constitution Because at the end of the day guess what I'm not a constitutionalist I'm a kjv onlyist Right and as a cage of the only is the Bible teaches me that pluralism is wicked Pluralism is anti-god wife because there is only one true God Here's a statement against pluralism. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life No man cometh unto the Father but by me he said That flies in the face of pluralism That flies in the face of ecumenism. Why because it's offensive towards someone else who doesn't believe that Okay Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 6 if you would Well, I thought the Bible teaches love for for everyone well, of course we have to and we should love everyone I Love Catholics. I love Buddhists. I love Hindus. I don't love Satanists But I love these other religions Or not. I love the people who are found within these religions Because a lot of them are just deceived Okay, they're deceived they have been blinded by the God of this world and you know what they need to get saved They need the gospel and many of these people who are not enthralled in these religions But they claim it because you know their mom or dad they're a part of this church or whatever These people need to get saved and we need to have genuine love towards them and want to win them to Christ and help To get them saved, but you know what the religions are a part of is still wicked according to God you see You will not find pluralism anywhere in the Bible Tolerance tolerance tolerance tolerance towards the LGBTQ. Let me know P Tolerance towards any type of religion. That's not what the Bible says Look we got to ask ourselves. Are we Bible believing Christians or not? You know What is our final authority look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 14? It can't get more clearer than this Verse 14 says be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? Oh, well, that's not referring to religions It's just you know, you shouldn't be around murderers and you shouldn't have fellowship with people like that What communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath christ with belial? By the way belial is just another name for satan What is what what what does the temple of satan what is their agenda they want to be our friends They want to be able to fellowship with us that we can agree on together and fight social injustice and bullying in the public schools And all these things god says you have no concord with the sons of belial You have no concord with satan You have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness And in fact the bible says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness But rather reprove them Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel what agreement hath the temple of god with idols What agreement is there between first works baptist church and baphomet there is no agreement with baphomet You know this statue that they built is baphomet with two children Next to him looking up at him You know like in admiration That's wicked There's no there's no agreement. There's no tolerance of that And look these guys In phoenix arizona the chapter that's in phoenix arizona They wanted to be a part of the invocation of the state capital in other words You know, they how they pray and they open up in a word of prayer. Well, they'll open it up to different Denominations and different types of religious organizations, but once the satanists came in to try to do that. Oh, no, no, no way It's like well hold on a second We're just another religious organization, too Yeah, but we're a christian nation So are you a christian nation or are you a pluralistic nation? Because the constitution says that this is a nation of pluralism and we have the right to come and pray So what they did is they just threw out the prayer just in its entirety. They're not even doing it anymore You know, this is what happens when you show apostate christians What the constitution actually says Okay He says there What agreement at the temple of god with itis for you are the temple of the living god as god had said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their god and they shall be my people Wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you You see god does not like pluralism. He doesn't like ecumenicism. He doesn't want us to intermingle with different religions Oh, you know, it's all same, you know, it's all different roads to the same god wrong. It's not It's by faith alone through jesus christ. There's no name, uh given among men whereby we must be saved You know, the only name is jesus christ That's what the bible says Go to second john, if you would second john, let's look at some more examples here second john And look mark it down There's going to come a time in our country where yea even satanist Will have the liberty to practice they'll be embraced. They'll be tolerated by even christians. I guarantee it Why because the more you stray away from the word of god? The more you reckon the more you don't recognize the bible as being the sole authority the more you just embrace anything And they'll say well, you know, they they claim to be saying this but you know, we just just gotta love everyone We just gotta try to get along with everyone, you know, and these people are noble they're picking up trash on the highways They're holding after-school programs you know, they're um They're doing all these, you know, they're doing society a favor. They're not sacrificing children They're not molesting kids. They're not murdering people. They're standing up for people's rights I mean they even have a billboard with with baphomet in the pentagram and it says, you know standing up for uh violence in schools talking about bullying They're capitalizing on these social injustices of today And here's the thing people are going to embrace that and you know, who's going to be the bully next we're going to be the bullies They're going to say bully, you know, that's unacceptable. We can't tolerate bullying the christians They're the bullies We got to get rid of the christians because they're bullying everyone. They're not willing to tolerate You see they're going to fit the mold of this new world religion Okay And look it could be that much of the symbol I mean The the mark of the beast the number of of the antichrist is what 666 They got that in the bag already They have it tattooed on their neck on their bodies, you know, they accept these things It's not going to be hard for them to integrate into this new world religion Look at second john verse 10 Let's see if pluralism exists in the bible If there come any unto you And bring not this doctrine Receive him not into your house neither bid him god speed You know what he's saying if anybody comes to your house that does not have the doctrines of the word of god You're not even supposed to welcome them into your home You're misinterpreting that We could read it again. It's just it says what it says Amen He says neither bid him god speed. What does that mean? Don't say god bless you Oh, I don't see nothing wrong with telling the joe's witness god bless you Well, let's see what god says verse verse 11 for he that biddeth him god speed is partaker of his evil deeds I think god is pretty dogmatic God doesn't mess around God is like if you tell him god speed in my eyes you're working with him You're a partaker of his evil deeds. You're just as bad as that person is You know, we're not even supposed to welcome. No don't receive any any materials from them unless you're gonna you know tonight You know, don't welcome them into your home. Well, I just want to debate them god says don't Don't be a partaker of their evil deeds according to the bible. This is not pluralism This is not religious tolerance Religious pluralism religious tolerance says oh welcome and welcome them in have a have a friendly discussion Find common ground See, you know find out what you you can agree on and just you leave the stuff that you don't agree on alone, you know Don't don't we hear that today even amongst christians? Amongst liberal christians that try to just get along with everyone. Hey, that's not the god of the bible Well, that's not how jesus would behave well, let's see how jesus what jesus said right go to matthew chapter 10 matthew chapter number 10 So we see in second corinthians chapter 6 that we're to have no fellowship no concord We're not to agree with them. There's supposed to be a distinction a complete separation and look i'm not just talking about the sameness I'm talking about any religious group that rejects the word of god Okay Now we're not amish Where it's just like us four no more And as soon as we see anybody down the street, it's like unclean We want to win them amen But once they reject it at that point we walk away But second corinthian six does not teach pluralism second john 10 and 11 doesn't teach pluralism Oh, you're just being divisive you got that right Amen Look at matthew 1034 This is jesus. Okay our savior the lord god Think not that i'm come to send peace on earth. Oh, wait what? That's jesus you're not being christ-like You're not being like jesus That's not very christ like jesus Amen think not that i'm come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword Angster he's like i'm not trying to make peace I'm bringing a sword And it's not for paddling either Verse 35 for I am come to set a man at variance against his father What does variance mean to disagree? He's like i'm coming to divide you and your family whoa Those are strong words How can I keep that from happening? Make sure you guys agree On who god is on salvation on heaven and hell You know, but here he says i'm gonna say look this Has been fulfilled over and over and over throughout history And i'm sure there's people here who could attest to that that they've had division or disagreements with their family because of their faith Well, jesus said I came to set a variance, you know A man against his father the daughter against her mother Now this one didn't need jesus's help the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law I'm, just kidding And a man's foes shall be they of his own household why because of jesus Because he creates division Because he doesn't believe in pluralism He doesn't believe in ecumenicism Okay These are strong words You know, how many of you have seen that the the bumper sticker? No, jesus. No, peace. No, jesus. No, peace, right? It's like if there's no jesus then there's no peace, but you know, jesus, you know, peace right? Well, jesus said look both of you guys are wrong Because I came not to send peace on the earth I came to bring a sword go to matthew 12 A couple chapters afterwards go to matthew chapter 12 I still think that he tolerates people and you're just you're too radical You remind me of those radical islam and stuff, you know with the sharia law I'm just quoting what jesus said and if what jesus said makes me a radical then amen to that Okay Look at matthew 12 verse 30 He that is not with me is against me man And look he said this without even being an earthly without his kingdom Not even being established as of yet He came lowly the first time right? Came lowly, you know, he did not have a physical kingdom as of yet The son of man hath not where to lay his head. The bible says he was not revered. He was not esteemed He was not loved and yet he said if you're not with me you're against me Try to call tell me how many times you've heard that verse preached from in in churches Where where jesus said hey if you're not with me you're against me that's pretty that's pretty dogmatic there Right, that's actually pretty offensive today Where's like hey if you're not with jesus you're against jesus Well, I love jesus. Well, you know the bible says if you love me keep my commandments his commandments These are good verses. Amen He that is not with me is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad You see what is jesus doing he is dividing that line He's creating that line and saying if you're with me you need to come on this side If you're not then you're against me because there is no in between There is no kumbaya There is no whole, you know joining hands with one another and just agreeing on the common ground and leaving our disagreements outside That doesn't exist with jesus Jesus said no, this is the way it works If you don't accept me as your savior There's hell Like do you think about this? Is there something in between other than where we're at right now? for souls There's heaven And then there's hell How do you get to either or well if you want eternal life The bible says you have to trust christ as your savior not do good works By the way, that is something that all religions agree on Is that you have to do good works in order to be saved You have to be a good person don't drink don't sin go to church Keep the commandments do this do that get baptized. I mean the list goes on and on and on and on However, the one true religion Which is based off of faith in christ says this it's by faith alone in jesus christ It's the only religion that actually teaches to get saved to go to heaven All you have to do is believe on the lord jesus christ and now shall be saved You don't have to come to our church You don't have to do good deeds. You don't have to try to keep all of god's commandments You don't have to do anything other than just believe on christ But it had and by the way, it's not just by believing It's by believing on christ Well, I believe yeah, but you have to believe on jesus christ That's how it works You know and the bible says this he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life He that believeth not the sun shall not see life But the wrath of god abideth on him the bible says That's the division that he makes So if you don't believe on christ, what does the bible say? God's wrath is on you And look god is not going to hold some open mic in heaven At the judgment seat the white throne judgment and say well, you know, let's give everyone a chance to just make their case Okay, you didn't trust my son as your savior, let's see what kind of good deeds you've done There is no open mic in heaven The books were open and then the book of life was open and he's just going to tell you you're not here And they're cast out into outer darkness where they shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, but pluralism god God's like I don't believe in pluralism I never taught pluralism Last last chapter here last verse here go to deuteronomy chapter 13 Deuteronomy 13 You see the god of the bible is a god who rarely You know these christians apostate christians really even know about Because of the fact that most pastors and churches choose not to preach from these verses because they are offensive They do not create unity amongst the masses But god never intended to create unity amongst the masses He intended for people to be saved through jesus christ and you want and if you don't want christ then Eternal damnation awaits. That's just the way it works But the bible tells us that god commanded his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners christ died for us So yes, is god a god of judgment and wrath? Absolutely, but he's a god of love, too And that love that love was elevated that love was demonstrated when he what when he sent his son jesus christ to die for us Okay, and if we believe on him we can have eternal life and he'll love us with an everlasting love. Amen But let me show you a chapter here where a lot of christians stay away from okay because In deuteronomy you have israel living under a theocracy We're not under a theocracy right now We're under the united states of america Where the authority even amongst christians is the constitution, right? But back in these days it was a theocracy let me say this This will one day be implemented again in the millennial reign when jesus christ comes to rule and reign here on this earth for a thousand years Okay, so there will be a time what the bible tells us that the government shall be upon his shoulders He will rule the world the bible says with the rod of iron now with an open mic With the rod of iron, what does that mean? He's going to be very strict and he's going to implement his rules his laws in this land Let me show you one of those rules and laws because let's because look even in in the thousand year reign satanists will exist Yeah Because there will be a time when satan is released From the bottomless pit to deceive the nations and to gather all them together to fight against god. What do we call those people? satanist But look what it says in deuteronomy 13 verse 1 Let me show you how pluralistic god is here Or how much he's not right? If there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and giveth thee a sign or a wonder And the sign or the wonder come to pass whereof he spake unto thee saying let us go after other gods Which thou has not known and let us serve them So in other words, what do we have here? We have an incident where someone comes to you and says hey Let's go serve another god a god who's not the god of the bible a god who's not jesus christ What are they supposed to do they're supposed to say well, you know what we're supposed to tolerate everyone This is pluralism right here We disagree on other gods, but I can I can come visit your satanic temple I can go visit your buddhist temple We disagree on a lot of stuff but hey you seem like a noble guy All right verse three Thou shall not hearken into the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the lord your god Proveth you to know whether you love the lord your god with all your heart and with all your soul Ye shall walk after the lord your god and fear him And keep his commandments and obey his voice and he shall serve him and cleave unto him Wow, he's looks like he wants like 100 loyalty Right He's like no you need to keep his commandments obey his voice serve him cleave unto him him him Well, you know why because it's all about him Verse five and that prophet or the dreamer of dreams shall be put to death What are you supposed to do with all these people according to the bible you're supposed to put them to death This is how strongly god feels against pluralism. Amen think about that Because he had spoken to turn you away from the lord your god, you say why would god do that? Well, one of the names of god is jealous Capital j he says my name is jealous So jealous that if you were to go and serve other gods god says you deserve the death penalty That's extreme But it's god's word He has spoken to you to turn away From the lord your god Which brought you out of the land of egypt and redeem you out of the house of bondage to thrust you away Thrust thee out of the way which the lord thy god commanded thee to walk in So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee Verse six now look what it says if thy brother Man now we're getting into some like really offensive things here if thy brother the son of thy mother Or thy son or thy daughter or the wife of thy bosom or thy friend which is as thine own soul I mean, he's covering all bases here He's like anyway your tio your tia to primo to carnal to cunado I mean he's covering everyone Or the wife of thy bosom or thy friend which is as thine own soul, that's your carnal right there entice thee secretly Saying let us go and serve other gods which thou has not known thou nor thy fathers Namely of the gods of the people which are around about you Nigh unto thee or far off from thee from one end of the earth even until the other end of the earth Thou shall not consent unto him pluralism is wrong. He's saying Nor hearken unto him and neither Shall thine eye pity him. Why was why why is he saying that? What is what does it mean to pity someone with your eyes? It's just to have compassion. It's like oh, man But why would he say that? Well, because it says there neither shalt thou spare neither shalt thou conceal him, but thou shall surely kill him Very sobering, isn't it? Now, let me just make something very clear. This is not something that we're supposed to do today Okay, we don't have the right we don't have the authority from god to put idolaters satanists to death But let me say this during that time The people of god did and there will come a time when it's implemented again in the millennial reign It's fact Because god is not bringing in a new law in the millennial reign. He's reinstating this old law Okay I thought god was a god of love. Well, the way he expresses his love is by getting rid of that which is evil He says that but thou shall surely kill him thine hand Shall be first upon him to put him to death and afterwards the hand of all the people And now shall stone him with stones That he die because he has sought to thrust thee away from the lord thy god Which brought thee out of the land of egypt from the house of bondage and all israel shall hear and fear And shall do no more any such wickedness As this is among you If thou shall hear say in one of thy cities which the lord thy god hath given thee to dwell there to dwell They're saying certain men the children of bilio, you know, the the baphomet people the satanists Are gone out from among you and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city saying let us go and serve other gods Which he have not known then shall thou inquire make search and as diligently and behold if it be truth And the thing certain that such abomination is wrought among you thou shall surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword Destroying it utterly and all that is therein and the cattle thereof with the edge of the sword. What is this? This is anti-pluralism at its finest Where god said if anybody serves any other god smite them stone with stones They deserve the death penalty and let me say that satanists deserve the death penalty Because of their blasphemy against god because they turn against the lord they're seeking to turn our country to thrust us Away from god to thrust the next generation the young children away from god To push people away from the truth to blaspheme the name of god God says they deserve the death penalty But god, we're a constitution Christians are not constitutionists. We're bible believing. Kjv only is is what we are And the bible tells us We have no fellowship with that. We don't agree with that. And you know what christians today need to wake up And stop falling on fox news Stop depending on the constitution and fox news and bill o'reilly and sean hannity And uh, what's the other guy's name? Ben shapiro, thank you ben shapiro And only depend on these people like oh, you know these judeo christians. No only christian They need to wake up because here's the thing this is what they get by the way, this is what they get right Right We're a christian nation the constitution and then the satan's come and say yeah. Yeah, we're our constitution So let us put a bat from it Yeah, you're right. We're like what in the world but you know what if they were bible believing christians like us You would say well actually deuteronomy 13 Says that you deserve that I'm not plural. I'm not a pluralistic christian at all I believe in division Because the vision makes a distinction what if you went to the store to go purchase food and there was no labels on the food Like what should I get? Labels are necessary. Amen So what's the sermon today? The sermon is this is that satanism is on the rise? And ultimately there will be no labels in the old in the new world order I'm sure satanism will even be taken out along with the buddhist along with the christians and there's just going to come this one name That basically identifies the religion of the new world order because labels divide And they're going to recognize that Okay And so the reason i'm preaching this is to help us to basically be reminded That yes, we're americans, but you know what even above that We're we're christians But we're not to use the constitution or any other writing As our foundation for truth and what we where we derive our rights from This is where we get it from So study your bible read your bible Allow this to be the core of your beliefs and the reasons that you do the things that you do Not some man-made document. This is not a man-made document This is god's word Amen inspire heads and have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word And uh lord, thank you for making it so clear and so many pastors of yesteryear They they avoided these verses Because it didn't teach pluralism it didn't teach religious freedom and tolerance and lord We as bible believing christians we need to adhere to these scriptures and these principles that you teach here and if our rights are taken away from this country from exercising our right to To preach the gospel to preach freely of the word of god and any principle found there in That doesn't mean anything to us. They're going to have to come and take us They're going to have to shut us down They're going to have to destroy our lives and even then you will make sure that your word still spreads far and wide And I pray god that you continue to use us as a church our people to see many people saved And to rescue them lord from false doctrine And the and the clutches of satan through the deception that is found within our culture We love you so much and we thank you pray these things in jesus name. Amen