(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 says but I would not have you ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so then which also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore come for one another with these words and the title of the sermon this evening is Rapture 101, Rapture 101. Now the doctrine of the rapture is an essential fundamental doctrine that we as Christians believe and the Bible teaches extensively. It's an important doctrine that all of us need to know. Now first and foremost what does the word rapture mean? Because if you look throughout the Bible that exact word rapture is not found. The word rapture simply means to catch away. It teaches the doctrine when Jesus Christ comes in the clouds and we partake in what's called the biblical resurrection. Specifically when we use the word rapture referring to the end times event where every saved believer whether from the past or in the present are caught up to meet the Lord in the air. That's what the rapture is referring to. Now this event is the most crucial event for every Christian, okay? And it's a crucial event in end times Bible prophecy because it provides markers for other key junctures in the Bible specifically in the book of Revelation. So it's important to know when the rapture takes place, how it takes place, what it looks like because really it defines a lot of other events that take place in the book of Revelation, okay? Now another reason that it's important because it's directly related to our salvation, okay? You see anybody who is saved who has believed on the Lord Jesus Christ will partake in the resurrection. Every saved born again believer who has died and has died in the Lord, guess what? They're going to partake of that resurrection. And by the way that is the theme of 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 is to come from one another with these words. Why is that? Because if we have lost loved ones in the past who have died and gone home to be with the Lord, that's not the last time we're going to see them. Now I don't know the exact details of how everything's going to be. I don't know the exact details if when we reunite with our loved ones that we're going to remember times past or have memories one of another, how it's going to take place. But I do know this is that these words were written in our current state to comfort ourselves to know that we will see them one day. Now when we meet them we might not even have recognition of these things especially if we're glorified. We have no pain. There is no sense of sorrow because we have been glorified. But in our current state that means a lot to us. You know when you lose someone and they are in the Lord we can comfort one another to know we're going to see them again. Whereas the world when they lose someone, when someone dies and they weren't saved, they can't rest assured of anything. They will never see their loved ones ever again. In fact not only will they never see their loved ones ever again, their loved ones will be an eternal damnation forever. They're going to go to hell. So the resurrection, the rapture is an important doctrine for this specific reason. Now as I mentioned it provides markers for key junctures in the book of Revelation such as the tribulation, such as the millennial reign, such as the wrath of God. Now all these events are very important like the tribulation, the wrath of God, the millennial reign, new heaven and new earth. These are all important teachings and events in the book of Revelation but all of them hang on this one doctrine which is what? The rapture. Because we can look at when the rapture takes place and based upon the timing of that rapture we know what takes place before and we know what takes place after. Now as I mentioned the word rapture is not found in the Bible but the word captures with precision the tenor of the biblical teaching of the rapture. See rapture is a great word just as trinity is a great word. Just as Bible is a great word. Just as faggot is a great word. These are words that capture with precision a biblical teaching and an essential doctrine. When we hear those words we understand what they mean. And so very important. Now why is it important to study and know this doctrine? Well simply because there is an agenda of deception out there that seeks to deviate the understanding of Christians from what the Bible really has to teach. You know and by the way the rapture people have been trying to corrupt and pervert the teaching of the rapture from the Bible. We see people trying to corrupt the teaching of the resurrection. Which what? It's synonymous with the rapture. We see people today that have been trying to predict the coming of Christ and set a specific day. We think of Harold Camping who's burning in hell today. And how many times has he predicted the second coming of Christ and said it was going to be on March 23rd, you know 2000 whatever, 13 I don't remember the last date he picked. And then you have the JW's right and the founder of the JW's who said the same thing, he predicted the second coming how many times and he was wrong. These are people who are with intentionality trying to deceive people from the understanding of when the rapture actually takes place. Another key, well you know I'm not going to get deceived by the JW's, I'm not going to get deceived by Harold Camping. Well you know what there's a group called the Dispensationalists who has deceived, saved people. People who have the Holy Spirit of God living within them, people who have the King James Bible are deceived by these dipsticks into believing that the rapture takes place in Revelation 4 rather than in Revelation chapter 7. You know they have allowed them to stupefy the people of God, to become just spiritually ignorant of clear teachings of the word of God. They've infiltrated the Baptist churches and have deviated the understanding of Baptist saved people into believing when the rapture actually takes place. You see a lot of Baptists, all Baptists believe in the rapture, but what we're different is when the rapture takes place. You have your group called the pre-tribulation group, which believes that they believe that the rapture takes place in Revelation chapter 4 which is before the tribulation. There's so many holes in that and we're going to debunk some of those tonight. He said well I already know this doctrine, well we're going to reinforce it tonight. And if you don't think we should do that then you need to listen to today's sermon from this morning. Now go to 2 Thessalonians chapter number 2. You know we need to give heed to the warnings of the Bible, don't we? If God places a warning within the word of God, that's not something we should take with a grain of salt. That's not something we should take like water off a duck's back. There's a reason why He warns us for specific things and our ears need to perk up when we hear God warning us regarding a specific topic. Look at this in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse number 1, it says now we beseech your brethren by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our gathering together unto Him. You say what is that? That's the rapture. When we're raptured we're gathered together unto Him. It says in verse number 2, they be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letters as from us as at that day of Christ is at hand. Now dispensationalists and false teachers have used this phrase to teach a false doctrine called imminency. That's just a fancy word to say it could come at any time. But here He specifically says, look, the day of Christ is not at hand. At hand means it's about to approach. It's like right there. And He's telling us here, look, don't be soon shaken in mind. What does it mean not to be shaken? It means don't be scared. You know, preacher relations, they're fearful. Why? Because Christ can come at any moment. They're soon shaken in mind because they think the day of Christ is at hand. Look at verse number 3, let no man deceive you by any means. For that day, referring to the coming of Christ, the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in verse number 1, for that day shall not come. That's pretty clear. He's like, it's not going to come. Except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Now who is the son of perdition referring to? The antichrist. Now my father-in-law was a pre-tribulationist, okay? But my wife and I were just talking that when he would preach from this verse, in verse number 3, he actually understood that the falling away was referring to apostasy, which that is what it's referring to. The only problem was he just didn't put two and two together, okay? But the vast majority of Christians believe that the falling away is referring to the rapture, which is a foolish thing to teach that you fall away into the hands of angels and Jesus Christ. How do you fall up? It doesn't make any sense. It says except there come a falling away first and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Now this destroys imminency. Why is that? Well because they believe that the rapture takes place in Revelation chapter number 4. We're going to look at that in just a bit. But here it says that that day, the coming of Christ, shall not come until the man of sin be revealed. Well when does that take place? In Revelation chapter 6. So I don't know if you know your numbers correctly, but 6 comes after 4. So if they think the rapture is in Revelation chapter 4, but the man of sin is being revealed in Revelation chapter 6, you got it all mixed up, buddy. It says that day shall not come except he be revealed first. Now go to Revelation chapter 6 if you would. Revelation chapter 6. That day shall not come. And no one can accuse us of date setting or anything like that because we never set dates. We understand that there is a timing of the rapture based upon the numbers given to us in the Bible from the time that the antichrist signs that covenant. There's a 1,335 days between that and his coming. Seventy days prior to those 1,335 days is what's considered the great tribulation. So at that point, at the 75th day, excuse me, that 75th day, guess what? Now we can start counting down. And people will say, well, that's ridiculous because no man know what the day or the hour. Yeah, but does that mean we'll never know the day or the hour? I mean what about the day we get raptured? You know, Paul's going to come up to me, Paul's going to come up and say, man, you know, that's crazy that it happened on this day. I'm like, whoa, hold on a second, Paul. You can't say that. No man know what the day is. He's like, hey, dude, we're in heaven already. No man know what the day or the hour. Yeah, at that point, we're going to know. At the 75th, before the rapture, 75 days before the rapture, we're going to know. Why? Because the Bible says the marker, right, that sets it off, that sets off the great tribulation is what? The abomination of desolation. When these things come to pass, lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh, the Bible says. What redemption is that referring to? Well, according to Romans chapter 8, it's the redemption of our bodies, because the Bible says we're ready to with the redemption of our bodies, and that's referring to the rapture, the resurrection. Look at Revelation 6, verse 1. And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat on him had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer. Now, no one can deny that this is referring to the antichrist. It's not referring to Jesus, it's not referring to anybody else. It's referring to the antichrist. This is when he's being revealed, okay? And that takes place after what? Revelation 4. Now, go to Revelation 13, which is a parallel passage to Revelation chapter 6. Look what it says in Revelation 13, verse number 3, it says, And I saw one of his heads, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast, and they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast, and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him? And it was given unto him in mouth, speaking great things and blasphemies, and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months, that's three and a half years. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle, and then that dwelled in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them, and power was given unto him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And guess what? The saints have not been raptured at that point. So if he's given power to make war with the saints, by process of elimination, that would mean that the saints are still there. That means they haven't been raptured. That would make sense with Revelation chapter 6, when the first seal is open, he's going forth conquering and to conquer. And what is he doing according to Revelation 13? He's making war with the saints, to overcome them, he's conquering, not just nations, but he's overcoming the saints as well, okay? So that just completely falls apart, this matter of immanency, because Revelation 4 is a stupid way to interpret the rapture, that's not the rapture. Revelation 4 is one man who's taken up in the spirit, we believe in a bodily resurrection. Where our bodies, our physical bodies, just as Christ was resurrected from the dead, we're not Jehovah's Witnesses that believe there was only the spirit, right? That's what they believe. They believe it was only the spirit, and he said, no, look at the holes in my hands, look at the wounds, you know, a spirit hath not flesh and bone. That's what we're gonna have when we resurrect the flesh and the bone, okay? Whereas to Revelation chapter 4, we see John going up, you know, a voice like a trumpet, and guess what, he comes back. That's not the rapture. That was Satan through John Nelson Darby and the girl he was listening to who had too many onions in her burger when she had this vision, to pick Revelation 4, say, well, that's close enough, let's use that, okay? Now, let's look at the rapture in Matthew 24, these are very similar scriptures, but we need to go through them and read them and be familiarized with them to just review and reinforce what we already believe in regards to the rapture. Look at verse number 36. It says, but of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Then shall two be in the field, the one shall be taken and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill, the one shall be taken and the other left. Now, what's interesting about Matthew 24 and verse 40 through 41 is that pre-tribulation is we'll use those verses all day every day to explain the rapture. It's the weirdest thing ever, because then you tell them like, hey, Matthew 24 is where it says it's after the tribulation, well, that's for the Jews. I said, well, what about verses 40 through 41? Well, that's for us. It's like, so then it all depends on who you're talking to then, huh? You know, if you're talking against the post-trib pre-wrath crowd, it's for the Jews, but when it's talking to just Christians just in general, it's for the Christians. No, it's all for Christians. You know, and you say, well, what's the part for the Jews? Well, just read Luke 21, and you'll read the part for the Jews. By the way, I believe God has a plan for the Jews. Amen? You know, it's called the days of vengeance is what it's called, okay? Look what it goes on to say, verse 42, watch therefore, for he knew not what hour your Lord doth come, but know this, that if the good man of the house had not known what watch the thief would come, he would have watched and would have not suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore, be also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh. So these are perfect, verse 40 and 41 are perfect pictures of what the rapture will look like. One is taken, the other is left, and it's found in Matthew 24. You can compare those with Mark 13, Luke 21, Revelation 6, 1 Thessalonians, chapter number 4. Now, we already read some of Revelation chapter 6, but go back to Revelation 6, and we're going to look at Revelation 6 and 7. Revelation 6 and 7. So in Revelation 6, we see the events of the tribulation taking place. Now, this is important because a lot of the pre-tribulation crowd will say that the entire seven years that we find recorded within the book of Revelation, that important time in the Bible there in Revelation, is all tribulation. That is a false way of... That's why they'll look at someone like us and say, oh, you guys are mid-trip. Because they refer to the entire seven years as being tribulation, and they say, because we believe we're living at the midpoint, we are mid-trip. No, we're not mid-trip because the entire seven years is not the tribulation. In fact, after Revelation 7, or excuse me, after the sixth seal is opened, it opens up the wrath of God. And at that point, wrath and tribulation are completely made distinct based upon the events that are taking place in those. Tribulation is being done by who? By the Antichrist, making war with the saints. Wrath is being done by who? By God, pouring out His wrath upon unbelievers, okay? Look at verse 12, it says, And I beheld when He had opened the sixth seal, and lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood, and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her on timely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places, and the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and sent into the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand? He said, well, hold on, brother, that's not the rapture right there. I don't see anybody getting raptured. Well, you have to understand that the day of the Lord and the rapture are synonymous in the Bible. The rapture is referring to the believers that are caught up together to be with them in the clouds, but along with that comes the wrath of God upon unbelievers upon the earth. Look at Revelation 7 in verse number nine. It says, and after this, I beheld and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number. Wouldn't that, doesn't that picture heaven, what heaven's gonna look like when the rapture takes place? I mean, can you number the amount of people that have been saved from the beginning of time up until now, multitudes of people. And by the way, you're in Revelation 7, verse nine, amen. I mean, when I read the scripture, I'm thinking to myself, I wonder if John saw me. If he beheld me with his own eyes, he'd say, man, who's that guy with the beard? Is this an Old Testament saint or something, or what's going on? You know, for the Republican Christians, he's gonna be like, is that a Muslim or what? Just kidding. But that's, God's looking at, John's looking at us at this point. The great multitude. After this, I beheld and lo, a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands. What a great day that's gonna be. You know, by the way, you know, if you're a racist, you need to get rid of your racism because you're gonna spend the rest of eternity with a bunch of different people from different pigeons and tongues. So get used to a mixture of people in the church because this is what heaven's gonna look like. Look, verse 10, and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God, which sitteth upon the throne and unto the Lamb. Now, we won't keep reading, but John asked, or excuse me, the angel asked John, whence came these? In other words, where did they come from? They just showed up, is what that's referring to. That is a picture of the rapture that takes place. Now you say, well, that's a stretch. No, what's a stretch is Revelation 4. When it's one person, rather than a great multitude, which no man can number, okay? Now, so we looked at the denotation of the rapture in the Bible. What is the rapture? It is the catching away is when God comes, when Jesus Christ comes and he raptures his people, we are redeemed, our bodies meet the Lord in the air. And by the way, that's referring to dead people, obviously, who are in the Lord. I like to picture that all the time. You know, just, I'm curious to know what that's gonna look like. You know, graves just exploding, dirt just flying everywhere. You know, the funeral that you had, you know, the guy who was dressed in his white suit, he's, I mean, he's flying. We're gonna, if we get to make it to that day, we're gonna be able to see that. And then, of course, we ourselves, which are alive and remain, are caught up with them together as well. Now let's look at the connotations here. Now, I'm gonna give you some connotations concerning the rapture, very basic, but things that I believe we need to reinforce and just learn again. Go to Acts chapter one. So let me say this, is the rapture is synonymous with the second coming of Christ. The rapture's synonymous with the second coming of Christ. You see, the rapture and the second coming are the same event. The same exact event. Why, because Jesus Christ came in Bethlehem's manger the first time as a born human being into this world. Obviously, he appeared multitudes of times in the Old Testament, but he wasn't born a physical man in the Old Testament. Whereas in the New Testament, he was born a physical man in Bethlehem's manger. So therefore, any time thereafter that he would present himself would be referred to as the second appearance or the second coming. I know that sounds very basic, but we need to go over that because some people don't understand that. They think that the second coming is found in Revelation 19 when he comes on a white horse to execute judgment upon Jews and every other unbeliever and establishes his millennial reign. That is not the second coming of Christ. The second coming of Christ is shown in Revelation chapter six when the sixth seal is opened and the great day of his wrath is come. And people will say, well, no, no, no, no, no, you got it wrong. See, the second, and the reason they have to, the reason a dispensationalist and those who believe in a preacher of rapture have to say that is because so many scriptures of the second coming are referencing the rapture that we see in Revelation six, seven, Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. So the way to excuse that and try to kind of squirm the way around that, that's to say, well, that's not the second coming. That's referring to Revelation 19. Okay, so what do you consider the second coming? They consider Revelation four this coming 1.5 thing. Because to them it's called a secret rapture, right? Where he just like invisibly appears, not even that, you just like disappear and your clothes fall to the, you go naked, you know, to heaven or whatever, planes are crashing and all these things, and everyone's like, what happened, you know? And all these things, that's what they believe. And they refuse to call even that the second coming of Christ, even though the Bible says that he's the one coming for us. You know, someone who's coming, their view of what the rapture looks like is not Jesus Christ at all, it's just us disappearing. Whereas the Bible says that every eye shall see him. Okay, now this is why this is important. Look at Acts chapter one and verse number nine. Because if they're right, then the angels are wrong. Look at Acts one, verse nine. And when he had spoken these things while they beheld, he was taken up and a what? Say it. Receive them out of their sight. That's not like, you know, that's there for a reason. God put that there for a reason, okay? Let's read on. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, referring to angels, which also said, ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. So what does that mean? The same way you saw him leave is the same exact way he's gonna come back. Now let me ask you, when Jesus Christ ascended up to heaven, did he just disappear and his clothes just fall to the ground? You know? Or how about this? Let's just take their interpretation of Revelation chapter 19. Did he leave on a white horse? No. He didn't leave on a white horse with crowns on his head with a multitude following him. He didn't leave with no clothes at all, just disappearing, just completely poof, and just like bounce. No, you know what he did? He was carried up by a cloud. You know, every day we should thank God for the clouds. Amen? Because they are a reminder to us of how Jesus Christ will come one day. Now, go to Revelation 19. Let's just go to Revelation 19. Just look at that, okay? Let's see if that's what it's, let's see if we see any clouds. Let's see if we see him ascending or descending in the clouds, just as we, because if not, the angels lied. Look at Revelation 19 verse 11. And I saw heaven open and behold a white horse. Eh, strike one. And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and he had a name written that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. That's us. No one went with him when he ascended up into the Father. I mean, I know he told the thief on the cross that they doth shall be with me in paradise, but that was the day when he died. That's not when he ascended up to be with the Father. Verse 15, and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron. And he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and the wrath of almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So people who believe in a pre-trib rapture, or this weird interpretation of the second coming of Christ in Revelation 19, are basically saying that the angels are lying. Because they specifically said, the way you saw him leave is the exact same way you're gonna see him come, okay? Now, go to Revelation chapter one. Revelation chapter one. Did we see any clouds there? Did we see him come back in like manner the way we see in Acts chapter one? No. So don't try to fit a square peg into a round hole if that's not what it says. Look at Revelation 1, seven. Behold, he cometh with? Clouds. Clouds. And every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, amen. So the second coming is characterized by him coming in the clouds. And it's not secret. Every eye shall see him. People wanna use this in conjunction with the verse in Zechariah that says, and they which pierced him shall look upon him. But that's referring to the first time he came, okay? That was a prophecy of the first time he came, not the second time. Because they'll use those verses in conjunction to say that's how the Jews are gonna get saved. You know, at Revelation 19, they're just gonna look at him, oy vey! You know? Yeshua, oy vey! You know, and that's how they're gonna get saved. That's not what the Bible's teaching here. Every eye shall see him because everyone's gonna behold the glory of the Lord. They're gonna see him come with the right hand of power coming in the clouds, okay? So those who hold to a pre-tribulation rapture claim that the rapture is in Revelation 4, not in Revelation 7, and that this rapture is not the second coming, but rather a secret. Now, go to Matthew chapter 24. Let's look at verse 26 here. And at the end of the day, you know, what Satan does, and those who work for Satan, what they do is they play on the ignorance of Christians. Right. They depend heavily on the ignorance of Christians. They depend heavily that Christians would just be ignorant and not read the Bible, not study it. They would try to slap on layer upon layer of commentaries and these so-called theologians that know the Greek and the Hebrew and been around a lot longer than you to basically undermine and subvert what the true word of God teaches so you can depend on their teaching, not what the Holy Ghost teaches, okay? Look at Matthew 24, verse 26. When it's in plain sight, you ever see memes like that? When it's in plain sight, it's just like, what in the, like no one sees this obvious truth, this elephant in the room. Matthew 24, verse 26 says, Wherefore, if they shall say unto you, behold, he is in the desert, go not forth. Behold, he is in the secret chambers, believe it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. Now look, I know thunder is invisible, but lightning isn't. Right? Now thunder, you can hear it, you can't see it, but guess what, lightning you can see. So he compares his second coming with lightning, why? Because it's something that everyone's gonna be whole. It's a spectacular event that takes place that, you know, you look at lightning as such a grand view of, you know, nature and what God can do, it catches your attention. Well, that's what it relates the second coming as being. But not just any regular lightning, it's the lightning that cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west. It feels like a bolt of lightning that just shines all the way across that everyone's gonna be whole, even from the east all the way to the west, okay? Now go to 1 Thessalonians chapter number four, we're gonna go back there again, we're gonna review a lot of these scriptures over again. So it's not a secret. The secret rapture, the secret coming, you know, a left behind type view of the rapture is fake. Right. You know, and look, most Christians, the only Christians who are really deceived by this, unfortunately, are those found in America. Now there's some in Hispanic countries that are deceived by this, but for the most part, those who are Bible-believing Christians throughout the ages have always held to a post-Trip pre-wrath rapture. You know, I was talking to Ulysses' dad long ago when I was at Pacific, and a guy came to teach on, you know, the book of Revelation, basically to debunk the Bible, right? What the Bible teaches about the rapture and tribulation and all these things, and he spent eight weeks. He did it in eight weeks when I could have done it in eight minutes. It's not hard. And then every other word was, I need more time. You know why he needs more time? Because it's not there. You need more time if the doctrine's not there to make up something that's not there. And I remember I was talking to Brother Ulysses' dad, and I didn't know this about him. I was already post-Trip pre-wrath at that time, and I sat through some of the classic of that because I thought, you know, I never really heard anybody argue a good point against what I believe, so maybe this guy has something good to offer. It wasn't good. I hate to like, you know, make fun of him, but it was just not good at all. It was the most terrible teaching I've ever, yeah, it was the most terrible teaching that I've ever heard. And you know, after, you know, the second hour, I just was just like, all right, time to go. I got up and I left chapel and I walked out. But then I ran into Ulysses' dad, who's primarily a Spanish speaker, and I remember it was so funny. He's like, oh, what are they teaching there? I'm like, oh, they're talking about, you know, the second coming of Christ, the rapture and stuff. And then he just looked at me and said, the coming 1.5? And I just started laughing. I'm like, what in the world? I said, are you post-Trip? He's like, yeah, I'm post-Trip. Most people in Oaxaca are. And in fact, I've gone soul-winning, right? Where people that I've gone soul-winning with have met people that have said that primarily in certain countries, they only believe in the post-Trip pre-rapture position. No, yes. Because they don't have all these stupid influences by Schofield and Darby and rucktards. Now unfortunately, obviously rucktards have a stronghold in the Philippines, correct? There's a lot of rucktards there, just retarding the whole nation there with their false doctrine. But for the most part, those who have been Bible-believing Christians have held to a post-Trip pre-wrath rapture. This is just biblical. And look, any new believer who you teach this to, they're not like, it makes perfect sense to them. The only people who struggle to believe this are those who are pastors who are pre-Trip. Those are the people who have trouble believing this. Their congregations even have an easy time to believe this. Why? Because it's in the Bible, okay? And it's no secret. First Thessalonians 4 verse 15 says, For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. By the way, this is a passage that both pre-Trip and post-Trip would agree on that is referring to the rapture. Verse 17 says, Then we which are alive and remain shall be cuddled together with them in the clouds. Not on the horse. We're not taking a pony ride to heaven. It's the clouds. Very clear. So thank God for the clouds when you see them. Because God put these specific phrases in the Bible so we can make the connections of this special event that we see which is called the rapture, the second coming of Christ. Now go back to Matthew 24. Matthew 24, verse 27 of Matthew chapter 24. So the rapture is synonymous with the second coming and it's characterized obviously by the sun and moon being darkened, but it's also characterized by him coming in the clouds. Not what we see in Revelation chapter 19. Not what we see in Revelation chapter four. Look at verse 27 of Matthew 24. For as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For whatsoever the carcasses, there will the eagles be gathered together. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other. So it's very clear. He's coming in the clouds. Revelation one, verse seven, coming in the clouds. First Thessalonians chapter four, he's coming in the clouds. Matthew 24, he's coming in the clouds. Acts chapter one, what the angels said. The way you saw him leave is the same way he's gonna come back in like manner. How was that? In the clouds. So how do we determine how we're gonna see Christ coming? Based upon how he left, based upon the scriptures that says he's coming in the clouds. Very simple, isn't it? Now, go, let's see here, go with me if you would to, go back to First Thessalonians chapter four. We're going back and forth but there's a reason for that. These are the main passages that talk about the rapture and the second coming of Christ. Now, a lot of people will say, well, you know, you say the sun and moon being darkened but in other places it says it shall be turned into blood. You know, don't get overly critical of how the Bible phrases this. What it's simply saying is that everything's gonna go dark. Blood is not a light thing, it's very dark. So if you were to say that the moon is turned into blood it means it's just going dark. He's trying to create an imagery to teach you that everything's gonna go dark during that day, okay? So we said that number one, the rapture is synonymous with the second coming but number two, the rapture, as I mentioned, is also synonymous with the resurrection. Now, the resurrection is the bread and butter of the rapture, bread and butter. The resurrection is the crux of this important event. You know, this is the most paramount thing that takes place at the rapture because it really characterizes the resurrection. You see, the fact that when we got saved we understood that we're saved from the wrath to come which just is heaven, but we're also saved from the wrath of come which is what's being shown in Revelation chapter eight and then after that. So, and it's referring to the resurrection. Look at 1 Thessalonians chapter four, verse 13. But I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. What's that referring to? It's referring to the spirits. You see, when someone dies, they don't automatically get their resurrected body, okay? They're in heaven, their spirit are in heaven, their bodies are in the ground. Their bodies have been sown into the ground. And by the way, that side note here, that's why it's important that when someone dies, you know, we bury them, okay? It's important that we bury them because it's a great picture of the resurrection because just as we sow a seed into the ground and when it germinates and it comes out, it doesn't come out a huge seed, right? You know, it comes out completely transformed into something new. That is the picture of the resurrection. So when someone dies who's in the Lord, we ought to bury them because what we're doing, in like manner as we're sowing a seed, we're sowing that body because when they resurrect, they're coming out glorified. We shall be like unto him. We're gonna get our glorified bodies. It's gonna come out something completely different. We'll look at that in 1 Corinthians chapter 15. So we see in verse 14, so he's bringing those spirits, those people, saints from Old Testament. It's gonna be a great multitude that's coming with them. These are the spirits. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. When the Bible refers to being asleep, it's referring to being dead, okay? Now go to John chapter, go to 1 Corinthians 15, excuse me. I'll read to you some verses here. Luke 14 verse 13 says, But when thou makest the feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and thou shalt be blessed, for they cannot recompense thee, for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just. So why is the resurrection important in relation to the rapture? Because we understand that there's a lot of key events that even take place at that. We get rewarded, okay? You know, the Bible says that he's coming, he's bringing his reward with him, all right? John chapter 11 in verse number 25 says, Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. You know, put that in your stinking dispensational pipe and smoke it. Because those who were dead in the Old Testament shall live if they believe. You know, they kind of overlook that, don't they? Where it says there, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. Why, because they're gonna partake in the resurrection. Look at 1 Corinthians 15 verse 51. 1 Corinthians 15 is the resurrection chapter. So if you want to familiarize yourself with the resurrection in great detail, study the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 15. It goes into it in great detail. Look at verse 51. Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. Now, what is the mystery? The mystery is that we don't know exactly how we're gonna look at the resurrection. You know, people are like, am I gonna have a six pack? You know? Can I get a full set of hair? You know? Can I get rid of my gut or something? You know, I don't know what you're gonna look like. It's a mystery, sorry. Can't tell, am I gonna be taller? You know? Can I just get rid of the things that I don't like? I'm gonna be glorified, you know? Well, don't give your hopes up, okay? Because we don't know what that, it's a mystery. We just know this, we shall be changed. And the greatest change that takes place at the resurrection is the fact that we will no longer be tempted to sin. We will have bodies that will no longer be tempted to sin. That is a great change. Because we go through life today disappointing God many times because of our sin. We disappoint God, we fall short of the glory of God. We fall short of his standard. We fall short of perfection. We fail him, we do things that are displeasing to him. And any Christian who's walking in the Bible, reading the Bible and praying, it breaks their heart when they break the heart of God. You know, they're grieved at the fact that they, they feel like Paul in Romans chapter seven where it's just like, man, the things that I would, I do not. The things that I do not, I do. And he's just that constant battle between the flesh and the spirit. That's something we're gonna have to deal with for the rest of our lives. But we shall all be changed. Amen? That's a great, great day. And we don't, it's a mystery because we don't know what it's like not to be tempted, right? We live with temptation every single day. And if you say you don't, you're a liar. You're a Calvinist. Those are synonymous. Calvinism and lying are synonymous, okay? Just as the rapture and the resurrection are synonymous, Calvinism and lying is synonymous too. So it's a mystery. But it says that we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment, a twinkling of an eye as the last trump. For the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, we shall be changed. Now, look at verse 22 of 1 Corinthians 15. It says here, for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order, Christ the firstfruits, afterward they that are at Christ at his coming. So what's that at his coming referring to? It's referring to the second coming of Christ, the resurrection. Then come at the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. So there's a sequence there. We see that those who are dead are resurrected or raptured. We see that those who are alive and remain get raptured. And what takes place after that? The millennial reign in Revelation chapter 19. See the sequence of order? He's gonna deliver all rule and authority and power. Look at Revelation chapter 20. Revelation chapter 20 verse number six says, blessed and holy, blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power. But they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years. That first resurrection is not referring to Revelation four. It's referring to Revelation six and seven, okay? And we know that because it says, on such the death hath no power. Death does not have power over the person who is saved who obtains to that resurrection there. Now go to Revelation four just for kicks. Let's just go to Revelation four for kicks here. Revelation four in verse number one says, after this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard was that as it were a trumpet, of a trumpet talking with me, which said come up hither and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. Now is he gonna do that with us? Like everywhere he's like, I'm gonna show everyone what's gonna happen hereafter. No, this is a specific event that took place for John. So he can pen down these words in the book of Revelation for us. So we can know what's gonna happen hereafter, okay? And immediately I was in the flesh. I was resurrected. I was in the spirit. And behold a throne was set in heaven and one sat on the throne. Very poor to use this as a means to prove that this is the rapture. I mean the devil and John Elson Darby and that girl should have just worked a little harder. But you know why? Because you can do nothing against the truth before the truth. That's what the Bible says. So they can choose whatever scripture they want, but you know what? The word of God is infallible, is an error and it's perfect and it doesn't contradict itself. To go to Revelation four and say that that's where the rapture takes place is, I mean you're grasping at straws. You're hoping that your congregation is ignorant, right? You better hope your congregation is ignorant. You better hope they don't read the Bible. You better tell them just look up here, don't look down. I'll read the scriptures for you. Because you're grasping at straws at that point. To say that this is where the rapture takes place. You know, now, so that's point number two. Now go to, let's see here, go to Zephaniah chapter one. I'll give you time to find it. Go to the table of contents if you have to or flip through the Bible until you see Zeph, you know, I got it right here. You're chuckling because you know that's what you do, right? So point number one is that the rapture is synonymous with the second coming. Point number two is that the rapture is synonymous with the resurrection. Point number three is that the rapture is synonymous with the day of the Lord. This is important, please listen. The rapture is synonymous with the day of the Lord. And the reason that's important is because preemies, pre-tribbers, have this mental roadblock. You know, where it's just like, well, you know, we're not gonna suffer wrath. Yeah, we're not gonna suffer wrath. We never said that we're gonna suffer wrath. But does that mean God's not gonna pour wrath after we leave? Why would you characterize the entire seven years as tribulation when the trumpets, the trumpets, after the seals, the trumpets and vials are characterized by wrath? So it's very foolish to think that the entire seven years is just characterized by tribulation when you literally have the trumpets and vials explaining the wrath of God and what God is doing unto these people. And in fact, even in Revelation chapter six, let me read to you Revelation chapter six. In verse number nine it says, and when he had opened this fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. Now, Revelation six, again, it highlights the six seals. In these six seals we see tribulation. That's what we're looking at. And even the preacher of crowd would agree that that's referring to tribulation, okay? But after the fifth seal, when the altar is open, you see the souls of them who were slain for the testimony of God. Look what they say. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? So if they're asking God from the vastness of eternity, how long are you gonna wait until you avenge, to avenge someone is to pour wrath on someone else. If they're asking how long you're gonna wait, that means that hasn't been done yet, which would make perfect sense because the seals won all the way up until six. There are no, there's no wrath being taken place until the sixth seal is open and then that's characterized by the day of the Lord, which is the wrath of God. But they're saying here, hey, how long are you gonna wait? And what do they get? They get the sixth seal as their answer. It's like, well, you asked, like, perfect timing, okay? Because I'm about to open the sixth seal. Like, right now, it's gonna happen right now. I'm about to open, it's a good thing you asked. The sixth seal is open, the day of the Lord takes place, and then wrath is poured upon the earth. Of course, there's a time span between those events there. And white robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled. This is referring to great tribulation, the 75-day period before the rapture takes place. Now look at Zephaniah chapter one in verse 14. So the day of the Lord is very important and synonymous with the rapture because that's what we see in Revelation chapter six, the latter end of it. That's what people say, well, you know, the rapture's not in Revelation chapter six. Yeah, but you know what it is? The day of the Lord. And we understand that the day of the Lord is synonymous with the rapture. There are events that take place on the exact same day at the exact same time. He comes to rapture, but he comes to poor wrath as well. Look at Zephaniah one, verse 14. If you look at all the times that the day of the Lord is mentioned, you'll see these elements here. The great day of the Lord is near. It is near and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord. The mighty man shall cry there bitterly. Now, many of these scriptures in the Old Testament when they reference the day of the Lord have an immediate fulfillment, okay? But they have an immediate fulfillment, but God is so perfect, he is so grand that he's able to place an immediate fulfillment as well as a future prophecy of something that's gonna take place. So the day of the Lord, for example, when he says, when Abraham says, you know, God shall provide himself a sacrifice, that had an immediate fulfillment as well as a future fulfillment. He was able to word these scriptures in such a way that you can see the immediate fulfillment with the ram caught in the thicket, but you also see the future fulfillment because of the wording that says he will provide himself a sacrifice. Beautiful wording there, okay? So we see that with the day of the Lord. We'll see an immediate fulfillment of something, but we also see that it also is picturing something that's gonna take place in the future. Well, right there, we see that they cry bitterly. Read the end of Revelation chapter six. They're like, fall on us! When you're asking for the mountains and the rocks to fall on you, it's a day of wrath. That, verse 15 says, that day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of waste-ness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities and against the high towers, and it will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord, and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung. Yeah, so, you know, you might wanna get saved, because if not, God's gonna flush you down the toilet like he does dung. That's what he's saying there. That goes to show you the value that he places upon the people where he's gonna pour his wrath on, okay? That's the day of the Lord. Now go to Joel chapter two. Joel chapter two. Joel chapter two. So in Matthew 24, we see that after the tribulation of those days, the sun and moon are darkened. So those are two key events that we see in relation to the rapture and in relation to the day of the Lord, because they're characterized by Jesus Christ coming in the clouds for the rapture, but we also see the sun and moon being darkened and that characterizes the day of the Lord, which is the day of wrath. That's important, because look where we're gonna read in Joel chapter two, verse 28. It says, and it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit, and I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth blood and fire and pillars of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord. So the sun and the moon being turned into darkness into blood is something that takes place before that great and terrible day of the Lord. Verse 32, and it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered, for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said and in the remnant, whom the Lord shall call. Now this is not in reference to being saved or being delivered as far as justification is considered. You know, when you call upon the name of the Lord to be saved, your spirit being saved, this is actually in reference to being delivered as far as your flesh being delivered. This is a reference to the latter end of those 75 days, which is of great tribulation. And he says there, when this takes place, those who have called upon the name of the Lord, those who are saved will be delivered. Why, because they can lift up their heads for their redemption as drawing nigh. They will be delivered. And you know, we all hope for that, don't we? Don't we hope to make it to the end of those 75 days? Wouldn't it be a great day to make it to the end of that, bloodied, maybe you lost some weight because you're not eating anymore? Hey, that's the greatest weight loss plan right there. Make it through great tribulation, you know? And at the end of those, through all that suffering and trial and tribulation and affliction and all the things that you're going through through those 75 days, you know, those who have called upon the name of the Lord shall be delivered. He gives that promise, you know? Those days are shortened for the elect's sake, says Matthew 24, you know? Day that endure until the end, the same shall be saved. And that's referring to being delivered. And we'll look at Acts chapter two where this is reiterated and it says, whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, whereas in Joel chapter two says shall be delivered. That's not referring to being saved as far as being justified. Talk about being delivered, your flesh being delivered, okay? And I joke about it, but I'm serious. Like, I hope that I'm one of those people that you put me in the guillotine and like, as the guillotine comes down and my head's just flying off, he comes and it just comes right back. Like, pfft, you know? It's just like, pfft, you know? I hope for that, I really do. Now, look at chapter three of Joel. I've seen too many movies in my day. I think that's what it is, you know? It's bad. Verse 14, multitudes and multitudes in the valley of decision, verse 14. For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. Now look, I believe this literally took place in that day. I believe there is an immediate fulfillment of the sun and moon being darkened in that day. But that's not to say there's not gonna be a future fulfillment of that because we see that in the New Testament as well. And it goes on to say, we'll stop reading there. Go to Amos chapter five. So in Joel chapter two, Joel chapter three, the day of the Lord is characterized by events that take place right before that, which is the sun and moon being darkened. That's the great and terrible day of the Lord. Look at Amos five and verse 18. Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord. To what end is it for you? The day of the Lord is darkness and not light. And if a man did flee from a lion and a bear met him or went into the house and leaned on his hand on the wall and a serpent bit him, shall not the day of the Lord be darkness and not light, even very dark and no brightness in it? Again, we see the details and the essentials that we see here is the darkness, okay? Now go to 1 Thessalonians chapter number five. Now there's multitudes of scriptures that we could have gone to in the Old Testament and talk about the day of the Lord and they all have to do with affliction. They all have to do with bitter wailings and cryings. Why? Because that's what the day of the Lord is characterized by. The wrath of God that's gonna cause people to wail and moan and cry out for their lives because wrath is being poured upon them. 1 Thessalonians five and verse number one. But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. The times and seasons referring to the second coming of Christ. What we just read in 1 Thessalonians chapter four, right? For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord. You say, well all this, the day of the Lord, yeah, that's the wrath, okay? You made that point already. But remember, what are we talking about? We're saying that the rapture is synonymous with the day of the Lord, okay? For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. Don't you hear preachers say all the time? He cometh as a thief in the night. We're not gonna know the day of the hour because he cometh as a thief in the night. Okay, verse three. For when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon us. No, upon them. See, he cometh as a thief in the night, not for us. He's not coming to steal from us. He's not coming to destroy us. He's coming to take us back home, okay? It says here, for when they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. So why is the day of the Lord synonymous with the rapture? Because the rapture is in 1 Thessalonians four, and then synonymously, he talks about the times and the seasons, the day of the Lord, which is the wrath of God. Knowing that, so based upon that, we can conclude that the rapture we see in 1 Thessalonians chapter four and the wrath that we see in 1 Thessalonians chapter five are happening in the same time. Because he says there in verse number four, that day should not overtake you as a thief. He's coming as a thief in the night, but not for us. And look, pre-trippers who are saved, they're gonna wake up during this time. You know, they're gonna believe, they will all become post-trip pre-rabbits. Don't get discouraged, don't get frustrated with these saved pre-trippers, they're gonna come around. Guaranteed. You know, and obviously when that takes place, it's not gonna matter who's right and who's wrong, we're just gonna be soul winning. And hopefully they get right with God, they start soul winning, they start living for God, and we can forget about all this. We just, hey, we got 75 days, or we got three and a half years to really make an impact before this world comes crashing down and the wrath of God is poured and we're out of here. But everyone, all pre-trippers are gonna believe this. Now, let me skip some things. Let's go to Acts chapter two. I'm gonna read to you from First Corinthians chapter one, verse number six says, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that ye come behind in no gift, waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. So the day of Jesus Christ is referring to the rapture, but they will look at this and say, well that's referring to Revelation 19 when he comes on a white horse. Why would he need to preserve us blameless if we're already raptured in Revelation chapter four? I mean, are people messing up in heaven or something, or what? Are they off doctrinally in heaven? Are they sinning in heaven? No, so there's no reason for him to have to hold us, or that we would have to be blameless in heaven because it's already taking place. At the rapture, the Spirit is resurrected and the Spirit is that which does not sin. This is referring to the rapture that we see in Revelation chapter seven. Look at Acts chapter two, verse 19, and I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath. Blood and fire and vapor of smoke, the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and notable day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. So what's the sermon today? Look, this is rapture 101. We just went through the scriptures, the primary scriptures that teach the doctrine of the rapture and how it's synonymous with what? It's synonymous with the second coming, it's synonymous with the resurrection, and it's synonymous with the day of the Lord. And all those three elements just reinforce when and where the rapture takes place, amen? Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for that great and notable day. We're thankful for the doctrine of the rapture, and Lord, we're thankful for people who have put in the work and labor to study and to teach us these things as well. We understand that this doctrine did not originate with one man or with a few men. This is a doctrine that's been in the word of God even from eternity past. And God, we're thankful for those who have taught us when we were ignorant, help us to be patient with those who are ignorant as well, but help us not to be foolish in this matter, help us to be watchful and to understand that the coming of Christ is not imminent, we understand that, but help us to prepare for a case that that great tribulation should come in our days, in our lifetime. You know, we ought not to live carelessly and think that it can happen 100 years from now. It can happen within the next couple of decades, we don't know. And help us to prepare for that tribulation, to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. And in Jesus' name we pray, amen.