(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Amen. We are in Ephesians chapter number four and look down to your Bibles at verse number 20 It says but ye have not so long in Christ If so be the I've heard him and I've been taught by him as the truth is in Jesus They put off concerning the former conversation the old man Which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and True holiness and what I want to preach on this morning is the topic of having a paradigm shift a paradigm Shift now you're there in Ephesians chapter 4 hold your place there and go with me if you would to Romans chapter number 12 If you would I'm gonna read to you from Colossians chapter number 3 in verse number 1 It says if you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God Set your affection on things above not on the things of the earth Now what is a paradigm shift that you may not be familiar with that term? but first off let me explain what a paradigm is a Paradigm is simply an example that serves as a model or a pattern. It's a framework containing all the basic Assumptions ways of thinking and methodology that is accepted by the majority of people Okay, that is what's known as a paradigm All right And so a paradigm shift is when you challenge the way people think you challenge that which is widely accepted you begin to challenge that which most people will assume to be true and say no, it's not true and We actually back it up biblically speaking with the Bible to show you need a shift in this paradigm because this is wrong We need to be people who are right regarding these specific things Look at Romans chapter number 12, by the way in Ephesians chapter 4. That's exactly what we see He says because we've learned Christ because we've learned the Word of God we can renew our minds. What does that mean? We can brainwash you Don't you hear that a lot or you're just brainwashed. I accept that readily That's actually a good point because what are you supposed to do your brain wash it? You clean it. How do you clean it with God's Word, you know sanctify them through thy truth Thy word is truth. How are we clean? It's through the strainer of God's Word, you know Especially if you got saved later on in life, you have a bunch of filth a bunch of false ideologies false Misconceptions all these things that the world has just propagated you through television Social media through your family through your upbringing whatever maybe even through your old church Things that you thought to be true, but guess what you need to be brainwashed You need a renewing of your mind and look doesn't our culture teach things that are just completely Just anti Bible, you know, we have a lot of renewing to do especially if you live in California, man Look at Romans 12 verse 1 says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice Holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service So what is the Bible telling us here, you know, just as the sacrifices in the Old Testament were put to death Okay, you know in like manner we're to be that living sacrifice So that we can be that which is holy acceptable to God which God says is reasonable but how do we do that verse 2 and be not conformed to this world, but be Transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God see How do we know when we're doing right? How do we know that which is good? How do we know? What is that which is acceptable? How do we know what is the will of God by transforming your mind? You know, we don't base whether something is of God based upon how we feel Okay, it's like well, I feel that my emotions are telling me that XY and Z is correct You know that this is this is God's will for my life But you know what? The reality is the way we determine God's will is by renewing our minds according to God's Word by conforming our minds to the Bible and The Bible is very much different than what we've been taught. Okay? Throughout our lives even There are times in the Bible when a paradigm needs to stay exactly the way it is, right? You know, it's paradigms in the Bible. There's patterns in the Bible There's things assumptions in the Bible and and there's ways of thinking even in the Bible But you know what those things need to stay the same Right these models and patterns are not to be tampered with or not to be altered for example salvation The Doctrine of salvation should never be tampered with that is a paradigm that stays the same throughout all ages Amen, that's something that never changes. That is a concept. That is a doctrine That is a way of thinking throughout from Genesis all the way to Revelation That's supposed to stay the same and it requires no shifting But you know what that is the paradigm that's being you know attacked even today. It was attacked in the Bible It was attacked in the New Testament. It was attacked 50 years ago 100 years ago, and it's being attacked today What you say what do you mean? Well, how about when people try to add works to salvation? You know or how about the dispensationalist that basically said oh, no There's a paradigm shift between the Old and New Testament Where the paradigm was that salvation was by faith and works in the Old Testament, but now in the New Testament It's by faith alone and then it goes back to works in the book of Revelation. That's a lot of shifting But you know what the Bible doesn't teach that the Bible teaches that this paradigm of Salvation remains the same throughout all ages and this is something that we constantly need to emphasize Constantly need to fight for constantly need to teach because of the fact that people can be swayed either way if they're now grounded in doctrine Okay How about the Trinity? That's a paradigm. That's never supposed to change God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit they're God, but there are three distinct people It's been like that from Genesis and eternity past It will be like that in the present It's like it's like that in the present and will be like that in the future and in times to come it's never gonna change This is a paradigm that does not need to be altered. It does not need to be changed God has set it forth as being this is what it's gonna be forever Okay, but that's not to say that certain things in the Christian life or even in the Bible require a radical change that undermines current belief systems, okay There are times when God calls people to shift their paradigm now What go back to Ephesians chapter 4 if you would Ephesians chapter 4 The Apostle Paul's constantly working on this with it with the churches that he starts the people He's discipling the people that he's leading is like guys. You need to renew your mind Especially when he would win Jews to the Lord, right? They're constantly battling or how about in the book of Galatians when you had these Judaizers come into these churches They were in Galatia and they were trying to bring people back under the law Hey, that was a paradigm that shifted right Look at Ephesians 4 verse 1. I therefore the prison of the Lord beseech you that he walk worthy of the vocation Wherewith ye are called with all lowliness and meekness with longsuffering forbearing one another in love Endeavoring to keep the unity in the spirit Excuse the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace and look isn't it interesting that people who believe in? Like this works based salvation of sinless perfection They'll say well as soon as you get saved, you're not gonna want to sin You know you won't sin for a seed abideth in him He cannot sin and though they'll take all these scriptures out of context Well, then explain to me why there's so many Commandments that God gives to us to say do this You know if if we came into the Christian life batteries included We would need no Commandments. I just know naturally what to do But what is he saying here? You got to endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace got to be lowly With and meek longsuffering forbearing one another why because naturally we're not like that Naturally the works of the flesh are made manifest and one of those works is the fact that we Have a tendency to be different towards other people Right. We don't like unity. Sometimes we like to do our own thing, but you know what the unity of the Spirit teaches Hey, let's be a team Let's be all of one mind You know the Bible tell you not to turn there Titus 3 3 says for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish Disobedient deceived serving diverse lust and pleasures living in malice and envy hateful and hating one another. I Mean, I don't know about you, but back in the day in the world. You could just hate someone at the drop of a hat Hate someone cuz they you know, they gypped you financially Hate your neighbor cuz he he you know plays Banda too loud or or rap music too loud You know It's easy to just allow those emotions to take hold and hate is one of the works of the flesh According to the Bible but here what is it teaching? We don't hate one another we try to keep that we try to endeavor To keep the unity of the Spirit here Right look at verse 11 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers For the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry For the edifying of the body of Christ Till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man Unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that we henceforth Be them be no more children Tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness Whereby they lie in wait to deceive what is he saying there? Hey, you need a shift your spiritual maturity You shouldn't be a child anymore Hey, how long have you been saved for? Amen? If you've been saved for a good amount of time, it's time for you to grow up Not good. If you've been saved for 20 30 40 years and you're still a spiritual bait Like man, I've been saved for like 10 years how many times you read your Bible I read the New Testament I've read the book of John I Read a proper river once in a while. I Got my Charles Spurgeon daily devotional Does that count? No, it doesn't You know, we need to grow up Because what happens if we don't we stay children and we're carried about with every wind of doctrine What does that mean new doctrines that come in and they go out? You know People need a paradigm shift when it comes to that. Okay, and I'm getting ahead of myself look at verse 17 This I say therefore and testifying the Lord that he henceforth walk Not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind having the understanding dark and by the way verse 18 that is the only Commonality that Christians can have with unsaved people is that sometimes they have a darkened understanding? Why is that because they're not growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Look what it goes on to say being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them Because of the blindness of their heart So the reason that these people who are unsaved have their understanding darkened is because of the blindness of their heart The reason Christians sometimes don't understand is because they're not being doers of the word. They're just here's That's what those people need a paradigm shift You know coming to church is great. Amen But doing what you what you heard is far greater Doing What you're listening to is far greater than just coming to church and here in the Bible let me let me let me just Say this real quick coming to church is not equal to serving the Lord Yeah, that's not serving the Lord Can I be a little harsh here I don't need your permission Oh Sitting on a sea for an entire hour is not serving the Lord What does that do for you? What it does is it equips you to serve the Lord? That's what it's for. We just read it. It's for the edifying of the body of Christ now sure enough next week. There's gonna be like five people here now. You don't want me to go People need a paradigm shift when it comes to that You know and look we live in a society where pastors beg people to come to church They beg them to come to church You know what the door hangers and you know They try to goldfish and all these things that they try to promote to just try to get people to come They don't even witness them because they just want a full house we need a paradigm shift when it comes to that and Understand the church is for believers Church is to edify you you benefit from coming to church and if you don't come to church, you don't hurt me you hurt yourself Amen so the person who comes bless me I dare you I'm No It's not happening and the way if you want to be blessed then you do that what you hear Okay, this is a major paradigm shift because we have so many people today that go to church I'm not saying here but other churches they go to church thinking that they're doing a service to God and that they're soon doing a service to the pastor You know like they're they're gracing The church with their presence. You're lucky. I'm here kind of thing, right? You're blessed because I'm here. I'm filling up a seat. No, I'm not Because you know what the work of God continues The church is to edify the Saints so that you can be blessed in your work and in your deeds So Here's the thing is we hear this phrase sometimes having a paradigm shift you hear sometimes people use it with companies Ceos use this with their with their leadership and all these things But here's the thing with that is that often in the secular realm when this is used It's referring to introducing something new That's going to replace something that is old Now this is true in the Bible. However, the only difference is this a pair of biblical paradigm shift Although it's often something new to you It's actually realigning you something with something that's old You see what you believe and I'm speaking generally is actually new right Bad habits false ideologies This is actually things that are new and the paradigm shift which is taking your mind and conforming it to God's Word It may be new to you, but it's actually something that's very old Okay Go with me if you would to Matthew chapter number five So it it realigns us With God's Word it gets us closer to God's Word And look I I heard it all my spiritual life, you know, we shouldn't be the kind of people who change We should not change never change never change never change never change and look they would even quote Proverbs 24 21 my son fear thou the Lord and the king and meddle not with them that are given to change And by the way to that I say amen Because what this is referring to is the person from Ephesians 4 who's tossed to and fro What do we they change positions all the time? And the positions that they change from is not from good to better, but it's actually from good to worse You know someone who was originally a fundamental Baptist they held true to specific doctrines that were important They had modesty they had the right type of music, but now they're a bunch of liberals Singing CCM, you know and they have the whole liberal package going on That's the person who's who's given to change That's not something we should be meddling with But look we are supposed to change them Because we're supposed to change for the better You're supposed to change for the better Not go backwards supposed to go forward I mean the Bible says that we're supposed to be conformed to the image of Christ. You know what that requires change Because you don't come already Christ like when you first get saved If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things that pass away behold all things that become new But this is that's referring to the spirit because guess what you still have your corruptible flesh This still desires the things of this world still has bad habits still desires sin still desires the things the temptations of this World and you need to change Let's look at Matthew chapter 5 verse 27 Jesus is trying to tell give the Pharisees a paradigm shift here You have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not commit adultery But I say unto you that whosoever Looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart now to them. That's something new Right because he said you have heard of it said of old time, but I say unto you But here's the thing lust was sin in the Old Testament to Sin is sin throughout the Bible right doesn't change and If thy right I offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members Should perish and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell He is shifting their way of thinking he's introducing something completely new in the New Testament to them Even though something that was actually very old. He's moving them closer to the Bible look at verse 31 It has been said whosoever shall put away his wife Let him give her a right a writing of divorcement But I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication Caused her to commit adultery and whosoever shall marry her that his divorce committed adultery That's not new God was against divorce even in the Old Testament One of the phrases that is used to define divorce in the Bible is putting away You know what the Bible says about God in that phrase putting away God hated putting away Well, you know in the Hebrew Yeah, and the Hebrew hate is hate. Yeah, you can you can put the spies loathe Something that he just abhors Putting away. He's giving them that paradigm shift. Why because they had this loose thinking about marriage and divorce. That's why And look, there's nothing new under the Sun. It's the same thing today Were the religious leaders of today? Yeah, even Baptist pastors and preachers when in time passed they were against divorce and remarriage now, they're promoting it So yeah, did they have a paradigm shift? Yeah, but it was to the worst not to the better Hey, why don't we get a little stricter on our doctrine? Why don't we get a little stricter? On our standards, why don't we get a little stricter with our lifestyle and our doctrine in our church? Why because we're supposed to change for the better not for the worse Look at verse 33 again. I will skip down to verse 38 You have heard that have been said and I for an eye and a tooth for a tooth But I say unto you that you resist not evil But whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek turn to him the other also now What is he referring to here by the way I for I is in the Bible This was under God's theocracy Where he deputized people to basically carry out his laws and put people to death eye for an eye tooth for a tooth We see that in the book of Deuteronomy But what he's saying is this go the second mile Because this is the same problem that they had in 1st Corinthians 6 where brothers were going to law with brothers And he said he and Paul told them why don't you just suffer yourself to be defrauded? Right Just suffer the loss be defrauded so what he's teaching here is this hey Why don't you just go the second mile and allow yourself to be defrauded okay? Turn the other cheek and by the way when they says turn the other cheek. It doesn't mean give them a spinning backfist It's not a specific move in the Bible, okay? Hey look if you can't take a slap to the cheek you're pretty weak all right You know if your enemy comes and slaps you and that you just Backslide like crazy because of it That's weird look at verse 41 If whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile go with him twain Give to him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away He's trying to give him a paradigm shift to say hey don't just fulfill the letter of the law fill fulfill the spirit of the law as well Have that paradigm shift where it's just like okay, I'm not supposed to commit adultery yeah, but try not to lust too Well, I'm not supposed to kill yeah, but try not to hate your brother in your heart as well No, you know you know whatever may be just keep these commandments specifically at base level But don't try to go above that we need to keep the law letter of the law Which is thou shall not kill, but we're also supposed to keep the spirit of the law as well, okay? This shift was one from a false paradigm now look at verse 43 you have heard that have been said thou Shall love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy But I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and Persecute you why that he may be the children of your father Which is in heaven for he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and On the unjust what is the same don't be partial? by default love people If there's someone who you don't like because he beat you up when you're in kindergarten or whatever don't hold grudges Love your enemies your neighbor who is obnoxious Your boss who is just wicked and gives you a hard time, but still pays you Love Your enemies Why because God allows the Sun to rise on them as well This is a paradigm shift that people need sometimes look at Luke chapter 5 if you would Luke chapter number 5 And look there is a major paradigm shift between Old and New Testament was there not The change was so drastic and dramatic That part of the beginning or the end of the Old Testament was dedicated to teaching Regarding what's called the Reformation? Jesus Christ was teaching this throughout the Gospels look at Luke chapter 5 verse 36 and He spake also a parable unto them. No man putteth a piece of a new garment upon an old if otherwise then both the new maketh a rent and the peace that was taken out from the new agreeeth not with the old and No man putteth new wine into old bottles else the new wine will burst the bottles and be spilled in the bottle shall perish But new wine must be put into new bottles and both are preserved. So what is he saying? Look, he's basically talking about Judaism That's what he's talking about Because the previous to this even in and mark he's talking to the Pharisees and you look he's saying you can't mix Judaism and even the Laws that were imposed upon him such as the meats drinks and diverse washings You can't intermingle that with what Christ is going to do on the cross Because Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of those meats drinks and divers washings But look he understood this because these people were under this Judaic law for so long look at verse 39. No man also having drunk old wine Straightway desire at the new for he saith the old is better So he's saying look he's talking about the Pharisees He's saying look they think the old is better They think the Reformation is nonsense. They're the greatest antagonist that the New Testament Christians have to face Because why because the old is better? Well, I got news for you Hebrews chapter 8 tells us that Jesus Christ is the mediator of a better covenant Established upon better promises, you know what the Bible calls the New Testament the better covenant the better Testament it's better He's better than the angels he's better than Moses he's better he's Jesus That was that was the shift and people were struggling even in the book of Acts trying to get people circumcised Right, they were struggling with that shift. Now. How do we apply that today? Well, you know, there's something called the old IV and the new IV But There's a shift that needs to take place and we're not imposing that shift it's just gonna happen because just as the Old Testament is Waxing old and is decaying The old IV is also waxing old and decaying and it's self-destructing we don't have to put a bomb there They Designed it themselves. They're gonna press their own button and it's gonna just it's just gonna self-destruct You know what? there needs to be a paradigm shift from the way the old IV did certain things and the way the new IV does it and Look in the next five ten years. We will no longer be called the new IV It'll just be the IV Why because we are that New Testament We are that better covenant established upon better promises with better churches and better soul in it better doctrine Why because remember we're supposed to change for the better Not for the worse and look there's people who are transitioning out of that Old Testament. Are they not? You know, you know the disciples they transit they were literally during that transitional period They went from the transition of not having the Holy Spirit of God dwelling in them While they're in the Gospels till afterwards they did have the Holy Spirit of God dwelling within them They experienced that transition and maybe some of you for sure some of you are experiencing that transition as well You need to allow that paradigm shift to take place How the renewing of your mind? So there is that shift from Old Testament to New Testament Now, let me give you some examples of paradigm shift as far as our lives are concerned our church Individuals, okay Remember a paradigm shift. Excuse me. A paradigm is a are the basic assumptions the ways of thinking Oh, we've always done it this way Okay, but why and is it biblical? Can we improve upon it? Can we move closer to the Bible? Okay These are basic assumptions ways of thinking that are commonly accepted by everyone Now, let me just say this is that everyone needs to experience a shift from being unsaved to be taped Right, like when we go so winning we go preach the gospel We're seeking to shift the paradigm of every single person we run into We want them to repent None of their sin to be saved but repent means to have a change of mind We want them to repent and to believe the gospel look, this is why it's important everyone and this is just a Chasing a little bit of rabbit here when you go so when you preach the gospel Make sure that the people you're speaking to understand That what they believe prior to you talking to them was different than what you explained to them And look be discreet about it though. Don't don't get jerk Like do you realize that what you believe before was completely stupid? You realize you're an idiot before Say it, you know We want to we want to be discreet And just explain to them Do you realize that everything I just showed you is different from what you previously believed and if they don't think so Then you have to be a little more thorough And say be and look this is what I do is that I'll say because when I first came you basically said that It's by faith and works You were half right because it is by faith, but it's not by works Okay, do you understand that's completely different from what I just showed you? Once they say yes, the paradigm has been shifted That's what we want to do from unsaved to save to shift that Paradigm the Bible says therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ Let us go on into perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from sin No from repentance from dead works and faith toward God look That's why we don't have our sowing training is not like how to win a Buddhist You Know how to win a Hindu How to win a Pentecostal you do it the same way all across the board? Because the gospel is the power of God into salvation to everyone that believeth and look with the Hindu You don't have to start with Genesis Start with Jesus Because of the fact that the Bible specifically tells us that every single human being has the law of God written in their hearts Accusing or else excusing one another the Bible tells us So when we go out there, that's exactly what we're doing. So this is not anything new No, when we go out there, we're seeking to shift the paradigms of every single person your paradigm was shifted You know, if you're a Catholic you gave up your Virgin Mary and whatnot and you believed on Christ if you were You know a Pentecostal you gave up your you believe you can lose your salvation to understand that it's eternal. It could never be lost That's a major shift in paradigms And that's exactly the agenda that our church has is to change the paradigm of every single person that we come in contact with Okay, go with me if you went to first Peter chapter number four first Peter chapter four Hey, but after salvation there needs to be a shift from living in the world to holy living All right Because when you're saved, you know, you can't go to hell anymore You have eternal life. Your sins have been forgiven You know, there's many things that accompany salvation as Hebrews chapter 6 says we have the Holy Spirit of God living within us We have an inheritance a lot of things we can understand the Bible However, there needs to be a shift in the way we live Not to maintain our salvation Okay, but rather so we can be blessed of God Look at first Peter chapter 4 verse 1 For as much then as Christ had suffered for us in the flesh Arm yourselves likewise with the same mind for he that had suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin That he no longer should live at the rest of his time in the flesh to the lust of men But to the will of God for the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles When we walked in lasciviousness lust excess of wine Revelings banquetings and abominable idolatries Wherein they think it's strange that you run out with them to the same excess of riot speaking evil of you Look, what is one of the main things that has to go? When we get say our friends Now look you don't have to go to your friends and say get away from me You don't you don't have to be like, you know, you don't have to Be mean to them. You don't have to be rude to them All you have to do is just be a Christian Right because what will happen is that you will begin to repel them They will actually want to get away from you Because they're like you ain't cool anymore You don't drink wine anymore You don't want to party anymore You know, but what you could say is this yeah, but while you're hungover on Sunday morning I'm in church And my liver is good I'm not risking my life for cirrhosis of the liver, you know Associations is often a shift that needs to be made. You know, I a lot of Christians struggle in the Christian life It's not because they're unfaithful to church It's not because you know, they missed our Bible reading once in a while. One of the main factors is just the people they hang out with Because we need relationships. Don't we we need friends You know, we need friends we need associations we need fellowship and you know what we're gonna get it one way or another But unless you have the paradigm shift to say I I need To have the right type of friends and not have the wrong type of friends. You're never gonna go forward in your Christian life Well, I just had this friend, you know, he's not say but you know, he's cool. We grew up. We're we're we're BBFs and you know, we're just best friends and I just can't find it in my heart then you're never gonna go forward Because you need the right associations and look a Christian cannot hang out with a non Christian and not be influenced by that person You know what's gonna happen that unsaved person is gonna shift your paradigm That you work so hard to learn from the Bible It's easier to compromise when you have a person or even a watered-down Christian, how about that? Just some safe person who's just worldly. They don't read their Bibles, but they're saved Isn't it easier to hang out with them because you know that they're saved Isn't it easier to just tolerate that because well, he's a Christian You know, they're Christians and stuff. So, you know, I you know, I'm trying to get him into church and stuff Yeah, like for how many years though? I? I Mean I know you believe in follow-up a good night For that long You know, we need to have a shift in that paradigm and look maybe you love your family Maybe you love your friends, but if you love them give them the gospel if they're not safe And if you really love them compel them to come to church That way you have the whole gang here. Amen Not To jump them or anything like that The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 2 and you have to be quick and who were dead and trespasses and sin Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world According to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience Among whom also we all had our conversation in time past in the lust of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath even as Others go with me if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter 13 1st Corinthians chapter 13 Holy living. Hey, the shit that needs to take place in that paradigm is that if you continue in that sin, God will destroy you Then who so ever defiled the temple him shall God destroy Holy living living a just a clean life free of marijuana free of alcohol free of fornication free of vaccinations That's holy, you know, holy is that means that you're whole right And look, it's important to be whole spiritually and physically as well Because we're supposed to be we're mind body and spirit. Okay? Now there's a shift also from being a child to becoming an adult And I'm not talking about physically. I'm talking about spiritually. I'm talking about emotionally I'm talking about mentally Where the young men in our generation are too childish? They're not willing to grow up look at first Corinthians 13 11 says when I was a child, I spake as a child, I Understood as a child. I thought as a child, but when I became a man I put away childish things What does that mean? I'm a man Therefore don't associate me with childish things Video games Video games we have grown men Look and if you if this is your vice if this is your stumbling block, this is your sin, okay It's not a sin. But here's the thing. I will say it's a sin if you playing some violent video game where people are being raped and murdered and you shoot people and You know, you're doing drugs on there, you know grand theft auto or whatever it may be, right? Oh No, I'm actually you know, I'm like a soldier and I'm going around, you know protecting America From like zombies You know, you know why that's sinful because it's stupid and the thought of foolishness is sin the Bible says You know why it's a sin because you're not redeeming the time What reward do you gain? From passing Is there any reward your brain is turning to mush Leave those things if you are each if you're a man, you're still behaving as a child grow up Take responsibility Get a job Learn how to work Get yourself a wife To learn how to provide have children raise them for the Lord be a leader Be promoted and succeed at your job be a man This is important today The shift from being a child to becoming an adult we have this Peter Pan generation when they just never want to grow up 20 year olds 30 year olds that never want to grow up Have this childish way of thinking and look it's the it's the fault of the parents obviously You know, it's the fault of the parents For not nourishing them and Teaching them you're a man you need to grow up take responsibility teach them these things are essential to being an Adult because here's the thing The worst thing is this when they're in their 30s or yea even 40s and they're still hanging out with like 19 year olds or something Think about that Now look if you hang out if you're older and you're hanging out with people who are younger than you it's to influence them Is it not? It's to teach them. It's because maybe they look up to you You're ahead of them in certain light areas of life that you can teach them in but if it's like You know to go to the movies or something You're a loser Fact we need the young men of this generation to grow up leave Neverland Peter Pan's queer anyways, okay With his pointy ears and his tights, I don't know as a kid I could not tell whether he was male or female But then I really like it was names Peter so it must be a male You know, there needs to be a shift when it comes to that in that paradigm, okay and look Maybe there's people here. It's just like well my parents didn't teach me. Okay. Well, you have the Bible now, though Okay, well you have a church now, okay Well, you have a bunch of men in this church that you can copy They could be a pattern that you can learn from and learn to be that man Go to first Timothy chapter 5 There needs to be a shift from being lazy to being disciplined That's a major shift that is required Okay, what I mean by being lazy sleeping in till 10 11 in the morning And the reason why is because you don't have a job or something, you know This is laziness Okay, this is slothfulness. This is sin You say well, why should we be disciplined because we're Christians and it required to lead a successful Christian life We need to be disciplined. It requires consistency and faithfulness Okay, not in tasks that are difficult to obtain and things that God tells us to do that We can do because the Spirit of God dwells within us Be disciplined. Hey be disciplined in your eating habits. Oh Man I got a couple of I thought I wasn't gonna get nothing Hey and look I'm leading the way and I'm trying to be an example that's why I'm telling this right now You know Making sure that we minimize how much sugar we intake a Sugar raises the estrogen a man By the way, you know the point that I said become, you know, stop being a child and become a man Well part of that has stopped consuming so much sugar Because it raises the estrogen and then you become woman like Start becoming like a female that's a great motive like I don't look like a girl No minimize the sugar You know, make sure that you have healthy eating habits healthy exercise habits so you can become more effective for the Lord Well, you're just saying that cuz you're on this that well, yeah Sherlock right here. Yeah, you got it Cuz then I'll be I'll be hypocritical if I did it and I said this to you, right? I'm telling you by I'm telling you this from experience Eating habits are very much important. Okay, and the reason people are so tired They're so just lazy and slothful. They don't sleep. They can't wake up They can't seem to just they don't have any ambition The men in our generation need to accomplish great things for God And we need to utilize the energy that God is giving to us through the nutrition in foods Vitamins or whatever maybe through exercise to be able to fulfill these tasks Okay, and look one of the most important muscles is not here. It's right here You need to make sure this muscles working good, you know what this muscles made out of that You know, thank you for that one a I'm serious. Good. Look, don't you intake the Bible? Don't you use this to memorize the Bible? Don't you isn't this what's supposed to be renewed? Don't you use this to remember and to preach the gospel to read the Word of God to pray to fulfill your daily task This is valuable. Look if your body goes to mush. Okay, but don't let your brain go to mush though That's more valuable than anything else other than your heart obviously Make sure you're exercising your brain not with left right down up be you know twice trigger trigger or whatever You're just you're just exercising your fingers You're gonna be throwing up gang signs for the rest of your life because you play so much Exercise the brain there needs to be a shift and what we place the emphasis on, okay But there also needs to be a shift from being independent to fulfilling the biblical roles at the home And look, this is a major shift change Paradigm shift that needs to take place Because our society says women go work in the world Be on birth control Kill your babies. They won't say kill your babies, but that's exactly what they're doing Take birth control work outside the home man. You can be a mom dad Stay at home. No, there needs to be a dramatic paradigm shift when it comes to the home Okay, you're like well, I'm not in that situation. Well, you know, I'm speaking to those who still have a choice And maybe you made some mistakes in times past I'm not preaching to you I'm talking about people who do have a choice and look this is the paradigm shift The man is supposed to work bring home the bacon The woman is supposed to be a keeper of the home That is Bible. I don't care what the society says It doesn't matter what what the magazines or television or the radio station says it doesn't matter. What matters is the Bible This is the look this isn't new It's new to the world But it's actually something that's very old first Timothy 5 8, but if any provide not for his own and Especially for those of his own house. He had denied the faith and is worse than an infidel Infidel is a person who's a non-believer and the Bible's not saying that you're just like the unbeliever He's caking it on he's saying you're worse than an unbeliever Worse Than an unbeliever, you know why I think he's writing this to prick the heart of a man because you know what man has ego Does he not and when you call out the manhood the man should step up and say you know what? I'm not gonna be worse than an infidel. I Need to get a job Okay, and look Go work at Little Caesars Oh Damien was working digging graves. That's a weird job Well good night he did it Yeah, great like you'd be digging your grave You know this needs to change And look this is the way it's gonna change. We need to impart this knowledge to our children and may be normal to our children This is why we don't promote the public school The public fool system that teaches everything that's against God Everything that's against the Bible tries to teach your young girls to be loose to be whorish to be independent Not to get married not to bear children Just can be completely independent Whereas the church house is supposed to teach the exact opposite of that But unfortunately independent fundamental Baptists are actually going along with the culture They're allowing the shift to happen to the other side You know where they're promoting birth control now birth control is wicked it is of the devil Okay Babies and children are important to us. They're a heritage of the Lord the Bible says Okay, and they're precious to us. They're important to God. They're they're mighty arrows in the hand of God This needs to be emphasized and we should never have this attitude this paradigm that the world teaches that all children are a burden Don't have too many children because that's gonna burden you Well, you know what if I don't get enough sleep, but I can have a bunch of children. Amen Sleep I'll sleep when I the resurrection And even then I'm we're not gonna sleep we shall not all sleep You Know we need to value children And look two ways that the church is gonna grow soul-winding and having children Why do you want so many children in case I offend all of you guys I'll at least have my little tribe here who's gonna have to listen to me. Amen But we need this we need to have that paradigm shift Where we recognize and look it should not be an offensive thing to say that women should not be independent Look if you like knee-jerk at that that means you need to have a paradigm shift. Yeah, you need to you need to wash your brain How about the paradigm shift of hey life is not all about making money How about that? Where people have this paradigm was just like well, I just want to make tons of money I just want to have you know, all the nice possessions. I just want to live a normal life I want to give my children what I didn't have when I was in Mexico You Need a paradigm shift because the man's life consists of nine of the things in which he possess it You know This is important that we that we switch this up and we learn now go to Deuteronomy 22 Deuteronomy 22 This is what the church house is for is to give you a shift in that paradigm that you have, okay There needs to be a shift in the paradigm when it comes to the appearing the appearance for gender distinction and modesty He said what do you mean by that a man should look like a man? And women should look like women. Is that too much to ask? Is that just too much to ask this is biblical You know, we're living in a society in the culture today where they want to blend the lines, don't they? Where sometimes I'm driving down the street. I'm like, I don't know what that is Excuse me it What are you look at Deuteronomy 22 5 the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so our abomination unto the Lord thy God You know what that tells me? I want to stay as far away as I possibly can from even resembling a female because I don't want to be an abomination So where do I start cut your hair Make sure that your hair is the length of a man's hair. Well, what length is that if I have to question Then it's too long Because there's no measurement the Bible doesn't give us like a you know, measuring tape and you know qubits or whatever The Bible just tells us doth not nature even teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him Okay, and women should have long hair because that is a covering for them the Bible says Are you picking on me I'm preaching the Bible and this is a shift that needs to take place Men should not be effeminate looking And I'm not talking about looking like a fag, okay, I'm just talking about sometimes well men who just look soft You need to make up for that and change that and that's not just in the appearance but just in your mannerisms as well Hey, these are important. Amen Let me give you a basic one. You may not even like this, but you're not preaching How about just the way you eat? You know women have a tendency to kind of like, you know break the wrist a little bit when they eat men should not do that or like this Let me show you how to eat the foods right here You just hoard over your food, okay I'm kidding. But what I'm saying is hey, even in our mannerisms, there should be a distinction Hey, how about just the way you shake a hand Hey young man, when you shake a hand look men in the eyes Come here brother John This is basic, but we need a shift look this should not be the handshake. Oh, how's it going? That's not a good handshake Why cuz it shows you got something to hide This is a good handshake brother John. How's it going? Good two pumps. Let go. This is not a good handshake The fish handshake Or you feel like you're squeezing a beanbag Right and this is not how you should shake hands either how's it going just Two pumps and that's it So look I'm not against look I'm not against hugs either. Okay. Now that should not be common with men but if you do a hug just Pat on the back or something This is the day and age in which we live. I know it sounds silly But you know, I sound silly because do you have a certain paradigm That needs to be shifted. Okay, you can sit down. Thank Thank You brother John Young men shake him look people in the eyes if you got nothing to hide. Why not? right There needs to be a distinction women should be modest Modesty is still important go to first Timothy First Timothy chapter 2 What I mean Pants should not be worn on women Hey, this is not a Sunday morning survey or a sermon that you should be preaching. This is church. Amen And look if you're wearing pants Well, I'm gonna teach you why you shouldn't be wearing pants. First of all Deuteronomy 22 should put that to bed Because pants do pertain into men and you could leave and look at it. Look look at that historically Call it breeches or britches or pants whatever may be it's always been worn by men Okay, it's during the industrial area era that women started putting these things on when they started working Look at first Timothy chapter 2 it says I will therefore that men pray everywhere lifted up holding hands without wrath and doubting now And the issue of modesty Modesty means you're supposed to be modest everywhere That means that you should not wear clothing that attracts people's attention to you It should attract your clothing should attract the attention to your face right Not wear tight clothing Form-fitting clothing where you can basically you don't leave much to the imagination you understand And look modesty is not just for church Right That means like you were skirts here, but then you would go or pants somewhere else. No, let me prove that to you Because he says here I will therefore them and pray everywhere right Verse 9 ain't like men are also What does that like men are also mean means? everywhere So just as the men are supposed to do this everywhere What he's gonna give to the women is things things that are to be done everywhere as well that women adorn themselves in modest Apparel with shame face and it's in sobriety not with broided hair gold or pearls or costly array But which become as women professing godliness with good works. So I want people to get my I want to get people's attention Well, let me tell you let me say this. Let me tell you what my old pastor used to tell me Well, the old pastor used to tell us If you want attention, you're gonna get the attention from the wrong person Bottom line If you dress like that to get the attention of a man you're gonna get the attention of the wrong guy You're gonna get some loser pervert Cuz he's got kid the Bible says here that the attention should be with your good works We see one was like man. She's godly. She loves the Lord. She's so winning, you know, she's just she's characterized by good works This is what catches the attention Okay, go to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 and this will be my last point here Talk about paradigm shifts and I'm trying to squeeze as much as I can into this because every once in a while We just need to talk about modesty We need to talk about dress standards and look, let me just help you out ladies if you're wearing a dress I'm the pastor here so I can say this. All right, if you're wearing a dress and you're like, well, I'm trying to like be right at You know Just as best as I can as high as I can but as low as I possibly can if you sit down and the dress goes That's probably not the best thing Okay Amen If you don't agree with that too bad, you know This is what I believe that the Bible's teaching us here and the Bible teaches that the thigh is the nakedness Look, why not? Let's just be further to the right Yeah You know, I'm not gonna wear a pink tie anytime soon And look in India pink is fine on men. That's just the culture there. But guess what? I'm not an Indian So I want to stay as far to the right as I possibly can and not wear specific colors that would be like flamboyant You understand one like manner ladies do the same Are you criticizing me? No, actually I say this because I love our church You know I say this because I love our children and I'm saying this because I'm trying to shift your paradigm. Okay? But lastly church operations look at first Corinthians 12 5 and there are differences of administration, but the same Lord There are diversities of operation, but it's the same God which worketh all in all Shift the paradigm. There's a paradigm that needs to be shifted in churches just in general because there's a way that people do church That is accepted widely, but it's not biblical Most commonly would be this soft watered-down preaching is the paradigm of today Right. Well, let's say we don't have any anybody, you know want to put the cookie in the bottom shelf want people to come back we want to make sure that it's a loving environment and Just marshmallows and cookies and just everything is just beautiful and just water down Okay Well that paradigm needs to shift their hard preaching Because hard preaching changes lives Hard preaching you will not find a watered-down sermon in the Bible Prove it to me you're not gonna find it Some weak watered-down preaching look I take that back. I'm wrong. There is watered-down preaching in the Bible, but it's always done by false prophets It is But you never see the man of God preaching and watered-down sermon what I mean by hard preaching I'm talking about screaming and yelling No, that is an important element of hard preaching Well, why don't you just say biblical preaching because biblical preaching is hard preaching They're both one in the same We need hard preaching why because you need to know that I'm serious about what I'm talking to you about You Need someone to shake you up to wake you up and say this is wrong Fornication is wrong smoking weed is wrong Adultery is wrong divorce is wrong abortion is wrong vaccines are wrong Why are you let your eyes bulge out like that because it's called hard preaching Or else you're not gonna take me serious So let me let me repeat everything I just said watered-down. Hey fornication is wrong, but you know no one's perfect Adultery is wrong, but you know people do it You'd be like this is a joke This is a joke no we're to we're to give the French pressed version of preaching and Or the beans are just squeezed to the bitter end and all the oils and everything that comes with God's Word is Squeezed into that cup and you just get everything There needs to be a shift in that paradigm and I almost you're gonna offend people It looks like there's a bunch of people in here That have not been I've been preaching here for two years Hard preaching and look I see some of the same faces that I saw two years ago, and new people are constantly coming in And even then if we did offend everybody so be it Lift up thy voice like a trumpet cry out loud and spare not the Bible says That's God saying that he's a don't you spare? Don't you spare any anger don't you spare any yelling don't you spare any doctrine? I want you to get it all out there because that is what changes lives That is what shifts the paradigm How about shallow teaching? Needs to shift to sound doctrine You know we're preachers they like they'll spend like five months on Psalm 23 verse 1 right That's shallow. It's like how much more can we get from this one verse? You Know and I'm not saying the Bible is not deep absolutely, but you know what this this is why you preach for 50 minutes We preach for 50 I preach for 50 minutes on Thursdays And I'll teach through an entire chapter, and there's still a whole lot of meat in there We need sound doctrine You know why people are bored of church because they think the Bible is boring because the preacher preachers boring He's just a boring he needs some coffee he needs some B vitamins He needs to put away his commentaries. He needs something to just wake him up He needs to hit the gym He needs to do something to just liven him up go do some deadlifts or something Because that teaching is boring okay teaching out of Paul Chappell's book That's not teaching shallow People don't learn anything from that What we need is expository hard preaching sound doctrine look doctrine is very interesting is it not When you get yourself a good meal, it's like no it's really interesting. I've always wondered about that, but my pastor never talked about that Well, we will We will why because we're to preach the whole counsel of God. Hey, there's needs to be a paradigm shift between from evangelistic campaigns to soul winning door-to-door Right Instead of you know ding-dong ditching and putting a tracker just you're out of there Let's open our mouths boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel learn how to preach the gospel, okay? from nurseries and Sunday school class to family integrated church Remember what I said in the beginning. We're only trying to change for the better and Shame on the pastor how wicked does the pastor have to be? To be against family integrated I Mean look If a person if a pastor is like well, that's not what we do, but to say like that's like really bad They're out of their mind You think it's bad for me to have my son in the service with me listening to preaching Well, yeah, cuz then he's gonna miss the Sunday school lesson about you know, Noah's flood But yeah, and Noah's flood you only talk about the ark never talk about the people who die You've seen these silly songs you sugar them up and You wonder why they go to these liberal churches with CCM when they grow up there needs to be a shift in that paradigm Or recognize hey all children are welcome in the service And look some of you may need a paradigm shift even now in regards to that because the kids annoy you sometimes when they're like They're babies that's what they do they make noise Tolerated They're gonna grow up Why do we why do we permit that because we want them to get everything and look kids actually pay more attention Better attention sometimes than you do, you know you you zone in and out wondering what's for lunch and stuff like that You just allow your imagination to be carried away sometimes kids They're just soaking it all up and they retain a lot more than you think. I I learned that I was gonna say the hard way, but not in the hard way because I learned that from my son My son retains a lot of what's going on in the service Every week we have church at home because of him Where he's like he sets up his pulpit he gets his mind he song leads he prays he preaches against the dispensationalism Right This whole week, by the way, I wonder where he got this from he's telling everyone vaccines are wicked He's all he's all the devil loves vaccines I Wonder where he got that from you know, why because he's paying attention And I'm talking about the whole week. He's talking about it where it's like. All right, son. Yes, we know Family integrated is important It's helping the next generation It's helping us to pass on our faith to the next generation There's so many parents out there who are just heartbroken because they lost their children, but it's their fault and It's also the church's fault You know There needs to be a shift in that paradigm. Okay from tolerance of leaven sin in the church to church discipline From a deacon run church to a pastor led church From fancy buildings to healthy congregations I Wouldn't mind a nice building, but you know what more important than a nice building is a healthy congregation You know What good is it? What good is a whited sepulcher if they're full of dead man's bones? Right Where you have these fancy buildings high high steeple few people and everyone just like not say it or if they are they're just a Bunch of heretics or they just could care less about the things of God. I want a healthy congregation This is the church right here. Amen You say okay, here's the last point so what do we do how do we how do we have that paradigm shift? You just need to renew your mind And look if you disagree with anything I said then prove me wrong from the Bible That's it Right, you know the paradigm shift between Bible college and training here That's a big paradigm shift But if you disagree you're anyone's welcome to disagree, but come show me some proof, man Come show me that I'm wrong But if you can't it probably means that you have a paradigm that needs shifting If you were rubbed the wrong way during the sermon, it's probably because you need a paradigm shift And this is the way you do it just change. I Showed you from the Bible do your own study if you have to but allow your mind to be renewed. Amen Spire hasn't a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word We're thankful for the soul winner that came to us and shifted our paradigm in regards to what we were trusted I'm thankful for the men who were influenced who influenced my life who helped change my paradigm throughout my life in many aspects I pray you continue to do so through the Holy Spirit through your word to the preaching of your word and Help us to continue to change but always change for the better in Jesus name we pray. Amen