(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Bible reads and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast who was able to make war with him there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given him to him to continue 40 in two months he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world if any man have an ear let him hear he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and the faith of the Saints and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and he doeth great wonders so they make a fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live he had power to give life under the image of the beast the image of the beast should both speak and cause it as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and the no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six let's pray to Lord God thank you for this church and for our pastor has asked that you would please bless the preaching now and continue to bless our church and in Jesus name we pray amen amen okay we're in Revelation chapter 13 this morning and look down at your Bibles of verse 16 it says he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name here is wisdom let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred three score and six and it's out of my sermon this morning is the mark of the beast the mark of the beast the mark of the beast is a concept that we see illustrated here in Revelation chapter 13 and refers to a time in the future when the entire world will be subject to a one-world currency and the Bible tells us here that no man is able to purchase or they can't buy they can't sell unless they have the mark on the right hand or in their foreheads and Christians for hundreds of years have speculated what is this referring to how can this be carried out is this a tattoo is this a barcode that's gonna go on the forehead or on the right hand but you know what now considering the technology that's available to us you know it's no longer a far-fetched idea of how this can and will be carried out I mean years ago you have wallet more introducing the RFID chip that can essentially be implanted into the right hand you go to the store and boop you know you just get get purchased make your purchases right there and of course even prior to that you have your debit cards and now you have Apple that can you simply swipe your your watch or your phone to make purchases Amazon one is another one that uses biometrics and reads a user's palm print to charge them for services and so they can actually go to stores such as Amazon go right now you can go to Whole Foods certain Whole Foods and get your groceries get your items and there's a little machine there you just kind of wave your palm over it it charges you and there you go this is not something that's a fairy tale it's not a conspiracy theory this actually exists right now okay another one to think about is Neuralink okay of course we know Neuralink by Elon Musk he's the one who came up with this is the brain computer interface used to restore autonomy to people who have been handicapped and so this is an implant that goes into the brain and right now they're proposing it as something that will help people who are you know handicapped have been in accidents they don't have control over their bodies it can assist them but of course later on you know you're gonna be able to download your favorite playlist on there and somehow watch you know your favorite Netflix somehow you know they're they're gonna somehow integrate those types of services through that the point that I'm making here is that the technology is already here it's already available and in fact hundreds and hundreds of people are already using this right now and I'm not saying that it's the mark of the beast right now okay I'm just saying the technology for the mark of the beast is already available today in 2024 so when John is actually penning this down in the book of Revelation you know a lot of people think oh man revelation 13 you know the Antichrist introduces the mark of the beast this new technology and then people are just forced to take it but no that's 100% wrong and in fact what I believe is taking place here is that the mark of the beast is simply integrated into an already existed existing and widely accepted world you understand that the technology is already there so this is already available during his time people are already embracing it and so this is not something that he just introduces and then you know people are like oh I'm not taking it you know I'm not gonna do that no it's more like it's already kind of normalized okay and which leads into my next point by way of introduction and that is how can the world fall for it how can the world just fall for the mark of the beast and take that in the right hand or in their foreheads well let me give you three reasons why this would happen reason number one is because of Christians who cry wolf okay so what do you mean by that well you've heard it I've heard it you've seen it on social media I've seen it on social media a ton of Christians so called always saying the world is about to end and it's just like Trump's the Antichrist he received a deadly wound to the head you know he got clipped in the ear okay you know oh man you know the mark of the beast is the vaccine and so you have all these videos that go viral they hit millions and millions of views and you think to yourself well that's dumb I don't believe that's the yeah but there's people out there they do they buy into it they actually believe it and so when you have Christians that are constantly saying oh Jesus is coming back and they put a date to it and he's coming back by on March 24th whatever and this is the mark of the beast this is the Antichrist this is whatever and it doesn't happen well then people begin to lose faith in the Bible and they begin to see the Bible as being simply a fairy tale a fable that is not to be trusted and that Christians are a bunch of nuts but here's the thing is that it's not necessarily the Bible is true the Bible is correct it's not necessarily that it's the fact that people just don't know what they're talking about when they talk about the Bible and so they're constantly crying wolf and if they're constantly giving these false flags of end times prophecy and it never takes place you know the world is just gonna be like that's a joke where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as the war from the beginning of the creation so oh you guys have always said that this is the Antichrist so you guys have always said that this is the mark of the beast you guys have always said that Jesus is coming back and it never happens so people simply take Christianity as a joke because of these pseudo Christians that are constantly putting out these false flags that's reason number one reason number two is because the technology is already normalized by then so if you have you know New World Order technology today people are kind of like whoa this is New World Order this is preparing people don't take it don't take it but you know what after a while once it's introduced once people begin to use it and they see that nothing happens because nothing will happen until Revelation 13 then they're gonna be like okay the technology is not so bad I mean I guarantee you there's people in this building right now they were very much leery about using their the face ID on their phones and Apple and they're just like oh man they're gonna know where I'm at they already know where you're at but now it's just like you just use it and you don't even think twice about it technologies that you were very leery of five ten years ago now you can't live without what I'm saying is that technology has been normalized and it will continue to be normalized especially once you see that the population uses it there's nothing to be afraid of and it's just like okay you know give me the chip you know or let me let me get that in my forehead real quick I've been wondering how that you know works or whatever so reason number one is Christians who cry wolf number two is technology is just normalized number three is that an old generation will die out and a new generation listen to this will be born into an already established system so this generation that is very leery of the technology you guys are all gonna die okay you guys aren't gonna be here for very long and so the people who are always saying oh man this is the end of the world Jesus is coming all this stuff that generation is gonna go away eventually a new generation is gonna rise and they're gonna be born into a system where the technology has already permeated people thousands of people throughout the world are already using it and they're gonna look back at history at people like us abilities people are crazy they said that you know what we're using now well it's like the mark of the beast and yet here we are we're born into the system it's improved life it's made life a lot more easier to live it's more convenient and so what you have here is this essentially systems being put in place and it takes time right so Christians you cry wolf technology is normalized old generations die out new generations are born into the system they don't question it it's just part of their life okay this is how the world can fall for the mark of the beast now let me also say this is that when we talk about the mark of the beast we're referring to an element that's part of what we would commonly refer to as the new world order okay and I know this is a great Sunday morning service here you know but hey you need to learn this amen this is in the Bible the new world order and the new world order is comprised of three specific elements that the Bible highlights here in Revelation 13 which is number one the one world government number two the one world religion and number three what we're gonna talk about specifically this morning is the one world financial system now before we talk about the mark of the beast let's talk about the beast himself okay so you're in Revelation chapter 13 we're gonna go a little deep this morning and so make sure you have your Bibles open you're going to the references if you need help someone next to you if you can help people navigate through their Bible so they can see the verses themselves look at verse number one here it says and I stood upon the sand of the sea this is referring to John and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth is the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seed and great authority so the vision that the Apostle John is seen here as he sees this beast come out of the sea and it has seven heads upon these particular seven heads there's seven horns with crowns upon them and this particular beast is essentially amalgamation of various animals he says there's one like a leopard or it's like a leopard a bear and a lion and then it describes the dragon which is who Satan who is giving this particular beast his power his seat his great authority now what does this represent well the beast represents both the man of perdition that we would call the Antichrist but it also represents the empire that he will govern okay and the reason that's important to notice because today people look at a passage like this and say well no this is only referring to the Empire it's only referring to the system the Antichrist is just a symbol the Antichrist is not a real person he's not gonna be a real individual that rises up in the end times he just symbolically represents the system of the New World Order and they're only halfway right because the beast represents the system the Empire but it also represents the person as well and don't be deceived the Antichrist is and will be a real person okay now hold your place there in Revelation 13 and go to Daniel chapter 7 if you would Daniel chapter 7 and I want to show you that in the Bible when God often addresses a particular nation he addresses the nation while simultaneously addressing the ruler of that nation the king of that nation the person who reigns over that particular nation and he often kind of talks about them as one okay look at Daniel chapter 7 if you would verse number one it says here in the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel 7 verse 1 Daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed then he wrote the dream and told the sum of the matters Daniel spake and said I saw in my vision by night and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea I want you to notice this in verse 3 and four great beasts came up from the sea diverse one from another now that should ring a bell because in Revelation 13 we just heard that the beast comes up out of this out of the sea right well here in Daniel 7 it's essentially the same imagery the difference being instead of one beast it's four different beasts coming up out of the sea he says in verse 4 the first was like a lion and had Eagles wings I beheld to the wings thereof were plucked and it was lifted from the earth and made to stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it now what we're gonna see here is that Daniel is talking about world empires but he's also addressing a specific person and if we're to look at this verse and conjecture who is he referring to it's pretty obvious that he's talking about Babylon how so well because of the fact that if you've read the book of Daniel you know that the king of Babylon is Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar was a man who was lifted up with pride and what did God do he abased him by giving him a heart of a beast he cursed him to the point where he fled into the wilderness and basically behaved like an animal for seven years eating grass like an ox allowing his hair to grow out as Eagles feathers the Bible says and essentially God removed his sanity for seven years to humble him and eventually at the end of those seven years he was restored back to his position by God he gave glory to God this is what Daniel 7 and verse 4 is talking about it's that lions the king of the jungle who has the Eagles wings because his hair grew as Eagles feathers and it says towards the latter end of verse 4 made to stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it why is that significant because after the seven years the heart of a beast is removed from him and his sanity the man's heart is given to him once again he's reinstated to his former position look at verse number five and behold another beast a second like to a bear and it raised up itself on one side and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it and they said thus unto it arise devour much flesh now this is referring to the Medo-Persian Empire which succeeded the Babylonians and the reason we know that is because of the fact that it's raised up on one side due to the fact that the Medo-Persian Empire was stronger on the Persian side rather than on the meat okay look at verse 6 after this I beheld the low another like a leopard which had upon the back of the four wings of a fowl the beast had also four heads and dominion was given to it now we know based upon history that this is referring to the Grecian Empire and more specifically it's addressing Alexander the Great how do we know that well because of the fact that it says that it has four wings of a fowl and the beast also has four heads now why is that significant well if you know anything about history Alexander the Great his reign was very short-lived he died at a very young age and because of that he had no successor therefore his his kingdom was split into four and given to his commanders two of which ended up being some of the most famous the the the Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemy Empire that's what this is referring to so when it addresses or talks about the four wings and the four heads it's referring to those four separate empires that came from the Grecian Empire look at verse 7 after this I saw night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible and strong exceedingly and it had great iron teeth it devoured and break in pieces and stamped the residue with the feet of it and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns this is referring to the Roman Empire which came after the Grecian Empire and I don't necessarily had to expound upon that you can see that historically that that's the case now very important look at verse 17 if you would because going back to the point that we're talking about empires but we're also talking about the rulers of those empires here's the proof verse 17 these great beasts which are four are four kings it says which shall rise out of the earth so even in Daniel's day the vision that's being given he's describing a particular empire but he's also addressing the person who's ruling over that Empire so it should be no surprise that in Revelation 13 when the beast is mentioned coming up out of the sea yeah it's referring to that New World Order but it's also referring to the Antichrist of that New World Order and that's important to note because we don't want to think that the Antichrist is just a symbolic figure well it's just a system it's not really a person that's gonna come up in the end times no there's absolutely gonna be one man the man of perdition that rises up in the end of the world that rules over the world this is clearly talked about distinctly described in the Bible now go back to Revelation 13 if you would Revelation 13 so the beast coming out of the sea represents the Empire but it also represents the man look at verse 3 of Revelation 13 and I saw one of his heads one of whose heads the Beast heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast now this is not prophetic about Trump okay I gotta say that because people are putting that on social media I've seen this multiple times a deadly wound is a wound that makes you dead that's what a deadly wound is you understand clipping the ear is not a deadly wound but you know people just just and then you have other people are like what happened at minute marker 611 so if you go to Ephesians 611 it's like I'm not joking and it gets like millions of views millions of likes but it kind of shows you how detached Christians are from the Bible where they're willing to just interpret the Bible however they want and they look at us and be like well you cherry-pick you took the whole vineyard though and just took it completely out of context look at verse 4 so the the one of his heads one of the Beast heads receives a deadly wound to the head the deadly wound is healed verse 4 and they worshipped the dragon which gave power into the Beast and they worshipped the Beast saying who is like unto the Beast who is able to make war with him a person right and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things in blasphemies and power was given unto him to continue 40 in two months and he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell therein so the point that I'm making here regarding these verses is that the Beast represents the Empire but it also represents the person himself as noted by the fact that it describes him as him he he will do these things this is going to happen to him now when the Bible says that a mouth is given to him to speak great things in blasphemies it says towards in verse number six he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name we know this is referring to a person because second Thessalonians chapter 2 when talking about end times in the Antichrist tells us let no man deceive you by any means for that day referring to the second coming of Christ shall not come except to come a falling away first and a man of sin be revealed the son of perdition listen to this who opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God proclaiming himself to be God what is that blasphemies against God you understand so this takes place in the midst of the week I'm not gonna go over the timeline but this is referring to the fact that he will go into this third temple that will exist in the end times and it's at that point that he's gonna claim that he is God now you say well why will he do that well because he's been killed and then he comes back to life and so there's only one man who's been killed and comes back to life three days later and that's the Lord Jesus Christ it's because he's God so he is seeking to imitate that very same resurrection in order to deceive the nations into thinking that he is deity that he is God so that is the proof that he quote unquote is God that he comes back to life now his resurrection is not based upon God him taking his life back or God given him life it's because he's possessed by the devil okay now a lot of questions a lot of times people ask this question well how can the Beast be the Antichrist if it says that the Beast one of his heads is wounded and that head is referring to the Antichrist but it says one of the heads of the Beast is wounded how can that be how can he be both the Beast and also one of the heads that's on the Beast right well go with me if you would to Revelation 17 excuse me hold your place there in chapter 13 and let me just briefly answer this question we're going to look at Revelation 17 in just a bit the Beast initially is made up of a coalition of kings so when we think of the Beast obviously it's referring to the Antichrist but in its initial stages of that system it's actually made up of a coalition of about ten kings including the Antichrist himself these are men who are essentially kind of working together for a better world and for world peace or whatever that's how it actually starts and then at the end those ten kings end up giving up their power to the Antichrist at which point the inception of the New World Order takes place now look at Revelation 17 in verse 3 if you ever want to do a deep dive on Babylon Revelation 17 and 18 are the quintessential chapters on that and look at verse 3 it says so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beasts now who or what is the scarlet colored beast is referring to the Beast that we saw in Revelation 13 the Beast coming up out of the sea it says full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns so this is referring to the fact that Babylon mystery Babylon the great is sitting upon this particular beast and I don't have time to develop this but it's essentially referring to the spirit of Babylon that has ridden the expedition of conquest but we're not going to get into that look at verse 9 we're gonna look at the one world government first it says here in verse 9 and here is the mine which hath wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth there are seven kings five are fallen one is and the other is not yet come and when he is come he must continue a short space so let me just put the cookie on the bottom shelf here of what this is referring to you have the Beast coming out of the sea and it has seven heads Revelation 17 tells us that those seven heads represent seven kings and it says that of those seven kings five no longer exist one is currently existing in John's Day and then one is yet to come in the future from John's perspective now who are those five kingdoms that are no longer in existence well history tells us that five of the greatest world empires would be what Egyptian Syrian Babylonian Medo-Persian Grecian and then he says what one is referring to the Roman Empire because the Roman Empire was in existence during John's Day so five no longer exists the Roman Empire was existing at that time and then he says one is yet to come and it's possible that we are in that time right now of a particular Empire that comes before the last Empire which is the New World Order so there's this interlude Empire between the Roman Empire and the New World Order Empire everyone following me here okay look what it says in verse 11 and the beast that was and is not now what does that mean it's referring to the fact that this man was alive and then he was killed is not means he died okay it says the beast that was and is not he is even he is the eighth and is of the seven and goeth into perdition so it's essentially telling us that the Antichrist will rule the very last Empire that this world will know and I want you to notice that in verse 10 it says that the seventh Empire must continue a short space meaning that that particular Empire is very short-lived most empires throughout history last for a really long time right hundreds of years I mean the Roman Empire lasted for hundreds and hundreds of years whereas the Empire that comes before the New World Order is very short-lived who knows I don't know like 400 400 years or something like that who knows but it's not an empire that exists for a very long time it eventually dissipates and makes way for the New World Order which by the way doesn't last long either it actually only lasts for three and a half years look at verse 13 I'm sorry verse 12 it says in the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet but received power as kings one hour with the Beast now again seven heads represent those seven empires five of which no longer exists one currently exists in John's day one will exist in the future in respect to where John is and then he says those seven heads have ten horns and ten crowns representing the ten kings that will exist in the end times these are the ten kings or the ten horns that we see in Revelation 13 and it says here that they haven't received the kingdom as of yet meaning that they're all kind of you know sharing authority over the world and it says that they receive power as kings one hour with the Beast meaning that it's not a whole long it's not a long time they're ruling verse 13 says these have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast this is referring to the one world government because if you have ten kings of different sovereign nations and they come together and say well let's all let's just give our authority and power to the Antichrist at that point you have one ruler one dictator over the entire world now you ask yourself what would cause these ten kings to just relinquish their authority to the Antichrist like hey yeah just rule over my nation yeah you take my nation and they all just kind of give up their power to him after ruling together we're in this together and all of a sudden they're just like no you take over what would happen what would cause them to just relinquish their power well here's what it would be the fact that he died and came back to life so when he dies he comes back to life they're like whoa this guy is the real deal you should rule over all the nations now I want to mention this just briefly and that is that you got to keep in mind that what the Antichrist is seeking to do in the end times is to emulate what Jesus Christ will do in the millennial reign because when Jesus Christ to come he comes to set up his millennial reign he is the dictator of this world amen he is the benevolent dictator of this world you know and he rules over the nations and so the Antichrist is seeking to copy that to imitate that via his new world order okay so here we see that one world government the ten kings given their power unto the beast at which point he is the god of this world he is the superpower he rules over all of it this is the inception of the new world order so the new world order doesn't exist during the tribulation okay it comes into existence after he dies and comes back to life proclaims himself to be God the ten kings give up their power and at that point it's his world empire it is the eighth empire that is of the seven does that make sense to everyone go back to Revelation chapter 13 if you would Revelation chapter 13 this morning you're gonna learn some Bible amen some Bible prophecy last week it was all about God's will and practical things but now you got to learn some some some doctrine okay look at verse 7 of Revelation 13 and it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them we'll revisit that in just a bit and power was given him over all kindred and tongues and nations so that's a reiteration of what we see in Revelation 17 that one world government because power meaning authority is given to him over all the nations kindreds over all the languages over all peoples of this world is what it's referring to and it's all contingent upon the fact that he died and came back to life okay so his rule over the world is very much short-lived only lasting for what it says 40 in two months how long is 40 in two months three and a half years it's a very very quick Empire to say the least okay but it's interesting is it not that it says that his rule only lasts for three and a half years because the ministry of Jesus Christ lasted for what three and a half years ending at his what at his death whereas the Antichrist order lasts for three and a half years beginning at his resurrection does that make sense everyone so they relinquish their power to the Antichrist because of the fact that he dies and comes back to life and it's no longer a coalition of kings now it's one ruler the world under one system that new world order so that's the one world government now go back up to verse number three so we see the one world government now let's look at the one world religion and by the way when it comes to the one world government we see systems in place today that are trying to be put into place should I say pushing towards a one world government right and so those beginning stages are being implemented and being flirted with and played with today because that system needs to be put in place for when the Antichrist comes look at verse three and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast skip down to verse eight and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world now people have this misconception Christians mainstream Christianity specifically and they think well you know we got to be careful though because if the Antichrist shows up we make sure we don't worship him and don't be deceived by him but the only ones who are going to worship the Antichrist are those whose names are not written in the Lamb's book of life what is that talking about just another way of saying those who are not saved and so you have people today that know all types of conspiracies know all the agendas that the government's putting forth but if they're not saved they will be deceived by the Antichrist doesn't matter how knowledgeable you are of all of the evils and the iniquities of this world about the Rothschilds you know about every single conspiracy that exists out there you will be gullible to the deception of the Antichrist if you're not saved because people wonder like man what do we do you know what if the Antichrist comes well here's what you do is get saved let me say this if you're in here this morning and you're not a hundred percent sure that if you die today that you'd go to heaven you can get that settled today because the Bible says that all you have to do the Bible says that today is the day of salvation now is the appointed time the Bible says to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God has raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved for what the heart man believeth unto righteousness but with the mouth confession is made into salvation verse 13 of Romans 10 says for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved you don't have to repent of your sins to be saved because no one's been able to repent of their sins to be saved you don't have to keep God's commandments to be saved because no one can keep God's commandments to be saved the Bible says therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith listen to this without the deeds of the law the only man that has ever existed who can ever keep all of God's commandments perfectly is the Lord Jesus Christ and he did and this is why salvation is relies upon the righteousness of Jesus Christ being given to us not by our own righteousness you're trying to keep God's commandments it's basically saying you're trying to earn salvation by your righteousness but the Bible says that the only way we can enter heaven is by the blood of Jesus Christ ie referring to the righteousness of Jesus it has to be given to us by faith we cannot pay for it it's already paid for it has to be received by faith as a gift for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works a steady man should boast and so you know you could be a novice at the Bible a novice of Anton's Bible prophecy a novice of the doctrines of the of the Bible but hold on a second if you're saved you will not be deceived by the Antichrist fact why because you have the Spirit of God living within you and according to the Bible only those whose names are not written in the book of life will worship the Antichrist that's what the Bible says okay so we see here that all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him does it say forced to worship him no does it say that they're coaxed into worship no they want to worship the Antichrist a lot of people have this misconception as well about the mark of the beast and say oh man they're gonna force this on people no people are gonna be asking for it they're gonna embrace it they're gonna want it okay so all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him what is this highlighting the one world religion where all religions come together Hinduism Buddhism Catholicism you know all different sects of Christianity all different types of mysticism all Islam no matter what religion there is they're all gonna eventually come together unite as one to worship the Antichrist and let me just say this he's not gonna call himself the Antichrist obviously he's probably just gonna call himself the Christ okay look at verse 11 it says and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon now keep in mind that in Revelation 13 two different beasts are mentioned here okay the first beast is the one that receives the deadly wound to the head as deadly wound is healed this is commonly referred to as the Antichrist but then another beast comes out and he doesn't come out of the sea comes out of the earth and it says he has two horns like a lamb but he speaks as a dragon and this is referring to the false prophet of the Antichrist essentially his forerunner now why is this man here well again if the Antichrist is seeking to imitate Jesus Christ Jesus Christ also had a forerunner which is John the Baptist who essentially led people to Christ he said behold the Lamb of God who should take away the sins of the world he's pointing people to the Lord Jesus Christ well in like manner the false prophet will also do the same but I want you to notice the description that is giving of this false prophet it says he has two horns like a lamb well that is very indicative of what Christianity because Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God so what it's telling us here is that he has the appearance of a religious leader he has the appearance of possibly even a Christian leader however when he opens his mouth he speaks as a dragon what does that mean he speaks like the devil the doctrines that are coming out of his mouth are devilish okay and we don't know exactly who this is but you know the the more I read the Bible the more I hate Catholicism the more I think it's probably the Pope because Catholicism is often confused with biblical Christianity it's often passed off as biblical Christianity but really what it is it's a bastardization of Christianity and the Pope would fit this bill perfectly because of the fact that he has two horns like a lamb but when you actually hear him preach or teach he speaks as a dragon okay and of course the Pope has a lot of influence in this world you know there's 1.5 billion Catholics in this world and you know ever since he said for Chigini you know more more people like him and so look at verse 12 and he and he referring to that second beast exercises all the power of the first beast before him and cause that the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed now I do want to mention this is that you know the Pope refers to himself as the vicar of Christ what is the vicar of Christ is the representative of Christ so this would also fit that bill perfectly because he represents the Antichrist who will claim to be the Christ okay so he's exercising this power he has supernatural capabilities and he causes people on the earth to worship the first beast now hold your place there and go to second Thessalonians chapter 2 second Thessalonians chapter number 2 so we saw first and foremost the ant the beasts then the Antichrist we see the one world government now we're looking at the one world religion look at it says in second Thessalonians chapter 2 in verse number 3 let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come I want you to notice except there come a falling away first now what is that referring to falling away well falling away literally means apostasy transgressing the doctrines of Christ it's when someone who masquerades as a believer as a Christian ends up just believing blasphemous things about Christ or about Christ religion and it says there's gonna come a time when there is a falling away first and then the Antichrist shall be revealed okay and obviously when we look around us today there's a lot of apostasy going on you know Methodist churches have apostasized Presbyterian churches are apostasizing you see rainbow flags on all these churches you see all this damnable heresy that's being preached you see female pastors false modern versions of the Bible just blasphemous things about the deity of Jesus Christ are being fomented from the pulpits of America of churches they claim to be Christian so it's kind of being already normalized today when it comes to apostasy and the Bible says that in the ladder the Spirit speaketh expressly then in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils the Bible tells us this is gonna happen the closer we get to the second coming of Christ the more crazy doctrines we're gonna hear okay and what it why why is that well because it needs to be normalized false doctrine needs to be normalized in order for mainstream Christianity in the end times to buy into the Antichrist being Jesus you understand what I'm saying and this is why we make such a big deal when false doctrine is being preached and why we preach against it because they are essentially helping the New World Order and it's one world religion you know you have Christians out there like for example and I'm using that term loosely by the way Christians you know you have people like Steven Furtick who literally said I am God and it's not like the following service everyone just leaves his church you know they actually believe whatever he's saying and I think I thought to myself that's funny that he said it because the only other guy who says that is the Antichrist proclaiming himself to be God he said well are you serious there wasn't any other person that said he was who's got well you know you do have Satan Lucifer who wanted to be like the Most High but the fact that people are still going to his church in spite of the fact that he said I am God shows you that we are already entering into the beginning if not intermediate stages of falling away apostasy leading up to the New World Order he also said that Jesus broke the law I mean that is a blasphemous statement to claim that Jesus Christ broke the law because the Bible says that sin listen to this is the transgression of the law so if you're saying that Jesus broke the law for love I don't care what he did it for it you're basically saying that Jesus sinned and if Jesus sinned he's no longer Christ he cannot save us but you know people are like they're just loving him eating it with fork and spoon why because they have turned their ears from the truth have been turned into fables they have itching ears they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears they don't want to hear what the truth says and they rejoice in lies so if we're already seeing this today where people can literally sit in a church service here preaching that is blasphemous contrary to the doctrines of Christ contrary to what the Bible says and people are just like amening it folks it should come as no surprise that in the end times when that dude calls himself God people are gonna be like he's gonna say I am God they're gonna be like see Stephen he's God not you but you your heart was in the right place though that's what the falling away means so apostasy heresy damnable heresy has permeated society today and will continue to permeate in order to what's the word I'm looking for desensitized churches in hearing false doctrine you know people could just send a service you just be like not even care about some of the most wicked blasphemous things being said about the Godhead and they can remain in that church well folks it should come as no surprise that people are gonna do this globally one day when the Antichrist says that he is God and obviously he's not just gonna say it he's gonna propose himself via his miracles his pseudo resurrection you know the false prophet will call down fire as well he will have supernatural capabilities and so the the deception will be very keen it'll be very strong and this is why people end up believing it okay so we see that there now go to go back to go to verse 11 of Revelation 13 if you would so we see apostasy today but then again there's gonna be a global apostasy where everyone is just believing this lie and this is how you know it's a very powerful deception when Islam and Christianity so called join hands together when they put aside their differences right when all the religions of the world put aside their differences joined together singing Kumbaya as they're on the way to split hell wide open that's a strong deception right there you understand what I'm saying and you know what you're like whoa isn't that the goal though pastor isn't the goal you know world peace the goal is world peace through Christ not through anything else doctrine divides my friend the Bible calls doctrine a sword and in fact Jesus said I came not to bring peace put that a Hobby Lobby put that understand I came not to bring peace but a sword in other words he's seeking to divide people to create a division between those who want the truth and those who don't want the truth and so God is very much interested in division don't listen to these non-denom preachers out there with their milk toast sermons causing you to believe that oh that's mean-spirited that's not what God wants well now what that's not what the Bible says the Bible says he does want division because he wants people to have a bias towards truth and to reject that which is false okay all right so we see the one world government one world religion and lastly we're gonna look at the one world currency but we would describe as the mark of the beast representing a one world currency but it also represents a submission to a one world religion because the only way you can actually get the mark of the beast is if you worship the beast it's not like you get a subscription to a company it's not like well you know try to get this free trial for a week try it for a month no the main condition the the only condition is that you have to worship the Antichrist and then you can get it okay look at verse 11 it says I beheld another beast coming out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon let's skip down a little bit look at verse 13 and he do with great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men and let me just interject here quickly just to give you just a fun fact and that is during this time according to the Bible there will be two witnesses from the Old Testament that are brought back in real time during this particular time frame here and I believe it's referring to Elijah and Moses and according to the book of Revelation they will also be performing supernatural miracles such as calling down fire from heaven they're able to actually breathe fire and consume anyone who tries to stop them as they're preaching they're able to stop the rain and turn the water into blood you know just things like that you know just just kind of create chaos in this world so it's no wonder that the Antichrist and his false prophet will also seek to do the same because now you have a competition of who's the real who's the real one you understand and so they are this pseudo two witnesses and then you have Elijah and Moses as being the legitimate witnesses and they're both performing these exploits you say well how are people gonna know which is the real deal which is not well do you remember when Moses and Aaron went before Pharaoh and Pharaoh pulled out his magicians which the New Testament refers to as Janus and Jamborees they were able to copy some of the miracles but they were only able to go so far to the point where they ended up saying this is the finger of God and so the same will take place in the end times outside of the scope of the sermon but food for thought look at verse number 14 it says and deceive them to dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast saying to them to dwell on the earth that they should make an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live now this is important because the miracles that the false prophet is gonna be able to perform they're real miracles falling calling fire from heaven is like a real deal okay he said why is that important well because you have Christians today they base their beliefs off of signs and wonders dreams why had a dream and what if you see something manifest or something like that but what the Bible teaches us is that we need to base our beliefs off of the Bible because at the end of the day even if there's like a legitimate supernatural occurrence but it has a message contrary to the Bible then we reject that and go with what the Bible says we walk by faith and not by sight and the Bible says that a wicked listen to this a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign that's what Jesus said like if you're looking for a specific miracle a supernatural occurrence to validate your beliefs Jesus said you are that wicked and adulterous generation you're that sensual generation okay and that needs to be repeated because sometimes people to put too much faith in their dreams when actuality you just had too many onions on your burger the night before you had Taco Bell the night before you know and then you're just like having all these you know fever dreams or whatever you know certain foods can just give you weird dreams but you know people base off base their beliefs base what decisions to make you know hey I dreamt about you be careful driving today or something you know I feel like someone was gonna happen to you I mean dreams are dreams there's just you know your brain going through files and such you know whatever you know why don't you stop watching you know forensic files before you go to sleep and and and shows about people getting murdered and maybe you won't have those dreams you know what I'm saying is that you know if you have people today basing their faith or their decisions off of signs and wonders how much more when the sign and wonder is just right before your eyes you know they're gonna buy into a hook line and sinker because it's very convincing okay and that's why it says that if it were if it were possible he's gonna be able to deceive the very elect it's not saying that he will is this if it were possible because the deception will be so strong so he creates this image of the beast known as the abomination of desolation and verse 15 it says and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed the Bible says so this image is set up and this is gonna be in Jerusalem because that is the headquarters of the Antichrist because the Antichrist will be a Jew you know hate to break it to you some of you Zionists out there but that's what the Bible you know they're still waiting for their Messiah he's not gonna be an Islamicist or something or a Muslim Muslims didn't even exist during this time you know and if he's claiming to be the Christ he's called the Antichrist he's not called the anti imam it's called the Antichrist okay and so he creates this image he wants people to worship it so what is the what does the mark of the beast represent it represents that one world currency it represents the fact that they have to worship an image in order to get it but let me also say this it represents a seal of eternal damnation meaning any person who gets the mark during that time they're toast they're done they can no longer be saved thereafter he said well King Christian because this is the most common question that people ask okay can Christians take the mark of the beast and the answer is absolutely not if they're saved and if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you're saved and you're saved eternally because aside from the fact that salvation is a gift guess what it's also eternal meaning you can never lose your salvation for any reason whatsoever and in fact Jesus literally said I will in no wise cast out it's not a phrase that we would commonly use today but no wise means for any reason whatsoever okay and it's eternal you know eternal means it has no end it's a gift meaning you don't have to pay for it and the Bible tells us in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and whom also after that he believed ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance unto the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory meaning that once you get saved the Holy Spirit comes to live within you and he stays within you okay he's sealed and in fact it says unto the day of redemption it doesn't say unto the day of damnation or unto the day that you lose your salvation or unto the day you disobey God or unto the day you no longer walk with God it says unto the day of redemption meaning he's with you to the very end okay and the Bible says in Romans 8 that nothing can separate us from the from the love of God he says nor things present listen to this nor things to come so whatever future sins you commit not even the future sins you can commit can keep you from the love of God because he loved you with an everlasting love the Bible says you can't lose it for any reason however you know there's people that when this comes they're not saved and maybe they think that they're Christians but they bought into a false gospel they're gonna take the mark of the beast why cuz they don't know their Bibles they don't know they don't even know that they're saved and they will be deceived so the mark of the beast actually represents damnation because as I said before the Antichrist is seeking to copy what Jesus Christ does what is Jesus Christ do well if you are hungry eat of the bread of life right if you're thirsty drink a drink of the cup of water representing what salvation believing on Jesus well no man might buy or sell safe he that had the mark and once you believe on Jesus Christ you're sealed just as once you take the mark of the beast because you believe on the Antichrist you're sealed you're sealed unto damnation okay now go to go back to 2nd Thessalonians I should have had you stayed there but go back to 2nd Thessalonians 2 verse 8 it's good stuff this morning right are you learning something are you learning something look at verse 8 of 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 it says and then shall the wicked be that wicked be revealed capital W referring to the Antichrist whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and he shall destroy with the brightness of his coming this is referring to the end of his reign when at the Battle of Armageddon this is how Jesus Christ destroys the Antichrist verse 9 says even him whose coming is after the working of Satan the dragon which gave him his power with all power and signs and lion wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and then that perish because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie that they all might be damned who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness the Bible says so the Bible tells us that the reason people will worship the Antichrist is because God allows them to have that strong delusion that he is God so a lot of people in this world during this time will be damned to hell via the mark of the beast okay go to revelation go back to revelation if you would and go to revelation chapter 14 revelation chapter 14 so people are thinking well the mark of the beast is so I can eat and so I can drink yeah you'll drink of the cup of the wrath of God is what you're gonna drink look what it says in verse 9 of Revelation 14 that the third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb let me give you another interjection here and that is that hell is not a separation from God so how do you know because here it says that people are being tormented before the presence of the Lamb because the presence the omnipresence of God is everywhere he can see people in hell if you make your bed in hell he's there if you ascend up into heaven he is there no one can really run from the Spirit of God he sees all things at all times it says in verse 11 and smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever let me do another interjection here and that is that this teaching of annihilationism is a false doctrine this this teaching that says well once you die you just burn up and cease to exist no it says here that they're tormented forever and ever it doesn't sound like you just black out and no longer exists it says the smoke of your torment you're just like a like a slow cooker it's like it's like God smoking meat is what he's doing cuz he's the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever and look what it says and they have no rest day or night so what does this blackout happen you know who worship the beast and his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name go to Revelation 16 Revelation 16 if you would Revelation chapter 16 and look at verse number one it says and I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels go your ways and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth and the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast and upon them which worshipped his image the point that I'm making here is that God's wrath is directed towards those who have the mark of the beast and if you get nothing get this you know you can rest your head on your pillow tonight with comfort knowing that if this happens in our lifetime you're not gonna fall prey to this if you're saved but if you're not saved get saved today so that if it does happen in our lifetime you know you're not falling prey to the deception of Satan you say well explain to us then why is it that they're implementing this well I mentioned that it is for one world currency it is given to those who worship the beast it's given to damn people eternally once they take it but here is the primary reason why the Antichrist institutes the mark of the beast and this is very important and applies to you and to me if it happens in our lifetime its primary objective is to find Christians so that they can be executed that is the main reason why the mark of the beast is being instituted it's not to feed the poor it's not to give you convenience why because the Bible says that he goes to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and if Christians are a minority in this world he has to construe some way some plan to find them how is he gonna find them via the mark of the beast because only those who worship the beast can take it therefore those who cannot take it because they worship the Lord Jesus Christ can be easily weeded out okay now go to Revelation 6 and I'm pretty much done here go to Revelation 6 because this is important to know that the transitional period between the seventh and eighth Empire in context of the mark of the beast you gotta wonder like how is it that he just introduces this and in just creates this one world currency you know there's a lot of currencies out in the world that are pretty popular I mean the dollars pretty popular so is the euro right I think it's over like 20 countries or something like that but this is like over all nations and tongues so how does he do that quote unquote overnight is the question right well it's commenced under the cloak of the solution to the beginning of sorrows so what are you referring to well look at verse number one of Revelation 6 this is what's commonly referred to as the four horsemen of the apocalypse okay the first four seals he says I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals and I heard as it were the noise of thunder and one of the four beasts ain't come and seen and I saw behold a white horse and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering into conquer this is the Antichrist how do we know that because he's imitating Jesus Christ who also comes on a white horse in Revelation 19 he says in verse 3 and when he had opened the second seal I heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword this is referring to wars and rumors of wars verse 5 says and when he had opened the third seal I heard the third beast say come and see and I beheld and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand and I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine this is referring to pestilence and famine so if you have pestilence and famine which is a result of the wars and rumors of wars you have this global crisis of people not eating inflation goes up because it says there that a measure wheat is for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine is referring to just an increase of inflation to the point where people can't afford just the basics of their necessities okay because of the wars the famines pestilences things of that nature so this is actually taking place for about three and a half years you can destroy an economy like that in three and a half years you know and I let's just say like a famine can just do that in three and a half years how about you add to that disease you add to that war which adds more disease right so you have all of these catastrophic events taking place within a span of three and a half years the world is just in shambles it's in disarray okay so then what does the Antichrist do he uses the first four seals as a springboard to introduce the new world order okay and this is something what you know leaders do world leaders do is that they create the problem so they can bring the solution right they create the famine to create the food they create the disease to bring you the vaccine they're the ones who are constructing the problem so that they say hey don't worry we got you you know what the economy is completely destroyed all the economies of the world are destroyed everything is in disarray but you know what we're gonna hit a reset button the great reset is gonna be instituted and we're gonna start from the ground up and you know what we got you you know Amazon one by the way why is it called Amazon one Amazon one world order is that was you know so you have this being instituted under the cloak of a crisis well then people of course are gonna want to receive it they're starving they're hungry their homes are destroyed there's disease there's pestilence people do some of the craziest stuff when they're going through a financial and health crisis and you know what it should come as no surprise that the government would do that to you because just think about Kobe think about 9-11 what the government did during I look at everything that changed after 9-11 look at everything that changed after covid so it should come as no surprise that when these things are take place the four horsemen of the apocalypse it's just right picking for the Antichrist to introduce his system you see what I'm saying so then this crusade is carried out between the fourth and fifth seal because the fourth seal is death but then in the fifth seal all of a sudden Christians are in heaven because they've been killed it's like whoa hold on a second we're missing something here how did he go from wars famines pestilences and now like Christians are just being killed how is that well between the fourth and the fifth seal is where the mark of the beast is introduced it's instituted and then Christians are being killed and being put to death okay now here's the last thing I want to mention and that is that you know what we see here is an institution of that one world currency and you know people often focus on the wrong thing when it comes to the mark of the beast because their focus is oh they're trying to control what we're doing right now oh what they're trying to do is just create a one world system no actually what they're trying to do is create a system that can weed out believers because the greatest enemy of Satan the greatest enemy of the Antichrist is not conservatives they're not Republicans they're not political leaders who claim to be Christian it's hard to break it to you this is a fundamental Baptist Church so this should be a non controversial thing to say okay you know the greatest enemy is is Christians because he goes to make war with the Saints not war with the Republicans not war with the you know what the conservatives not war with the libertarians he's making war with the Saints like he literally just wants to wipe out that small percentage of the population from off the face of the planet in the book of Revelation and not for political reasons either it's for literally being God's people because he hates the Lord he hates the Lord Jesus Christ he hates Christians and so you know it's okay to see the technology that's being put in place and view what are the implications of that what are the consequences to it but just keep in mind that the reason all of this is being put forth is so God is so Satan the Antichrist can destroy the kingdom of God via destroying Christians and obviously not every Christian is gonna die during this time a lot of them will die and based upon the biblical evidence the ones are gonna die are the ones who are not ready okay the ones who will stay alive and God will permit to stay alive are those who serving God you're like well what should we do that should we vote in the right person to protect us no get saved and serve God the greatest insurance and repellent against the works of evil is serving the Lord Jesus Christ walking with God serving Christ winning souls to Christ reading the Bible keeping spiritual things as the primary thing that you do in your life and let all that other stuff be as dung to you because it doesn't work you know people think well we just got to vote in the right person folks everyone's gonna vote in the Antichrist what are you saying you think voting in the right person is gonna fix all of the problems of this world read the book of Revelation it doesn't politics will be against you and in fact there will be a day mark it down I might be dead by then but mark it down there will be a day when Democrat and Republican will come together fact based upon what the Bible says I don't see that happening I do because I've read the Bible and here's the thing let me just remind you and I'll finish with this think about how they describe these two parties a left wing and a right wing both part of the same animal though you said what animal the dragon let's pray father we thank you so much for your word and thank you for the the warnings of the Bible we're so thankful for salvation because of the fact that it does so much for us in the sense of it gives us eternal life it brings us joy Lord it gives us it gives purpose to our life but really it also safeguards us from just the deceptions of this world that gives us an opportunity to be able to read the Bible and understand it the deep truths thereof Lord I pray God that you'd bless us and help us to continue to study the Word of God and never have the spirit of fear upon us Lord but rather maybe we be vigilant may we be awake spiritually to the Bible to prayer to the service of God and help us to be bold Lord and whether it happens in our lifetime or not Lord may we continue to serve you all the days of our life whether it comes tomorrow whether it comes in three years or not Lord may we continue to serve you may our church honor you and may you bless us for it Lord we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen please turn your songbooks to song number 377