(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) amen the part of the chapter we're going to focus on is in judges chapter number 18 in verse number 7 where the Bible says here then the five men departed and came to Laish and saw the people that were therein how they dwelt careless after the manner of the Zidonians quiet and secure and there was no magistrate in the land that might put them to shame in anything and they were far from the Zidonians and had no business with any man at the time of my message this morning is the manner of the Zidonians the manner of the Zidonians now here in the book of Judges of course we know that Israel during this time had no king okay the Israel at this time was run by the system of the judges right and this is before Saul came into the picture this is when God will raise up a judge not just to deliver his people but to but to teach them and to help them and to lead them we know that if you read throughout the book of Judges Israel is not at a good state at this time right spiritually speaking and the reason for that it was because they would get into idolatry they would follow the ways of the heathen they would get away from God and what would happen they would suffer the consequences of their actions God would see them getting into idolatry and leaving God and God would allow a foreign enemy a foreign country to come and conquer Israel and what would happen the same thing that would happen all the time Israel would cry out unto the Lord they would repent of their sin and what would happen God will raise up a judge and a deliverer to come and rescue the children of Israel and that's the common cycle that we see in the book of Judges and really the state of Israel during this time spiritually speaking was was just in disarray okay and one of the common phrases you hear in the book of Judges is this every man did that which is right in their own eyes and so it's no it's no coincidence that when you do that which is right in your own eyes you get into a lot of stupid things right you get into idolatry you fall into sin you do a lot of foolish things and here's the thing the Bible even tells us there's a way that seemeth right into a man but the ender of are the ways of death we see a lot of death we see a lot of getting away from God idolatry sinful habits that Israel were exercising during this time why because there was there was every man did that which is right in their own eyes and there's a lot of wicked things that took place in the book of Judges so this is the story we're looking at this time this is during this time period right here now the story specifically they were read here in Judges chapter 18 there's a lot going on we're only going to focus on a small portion of it but we see that the tribe of Dan is looking for a land to inherit well basically they are they've already inherited the land God's already given it to them they just need to go in there and conquer right and they're kind of late comers in this area because a lot of the tribes have already overcome the lands they've already gotten their inheritance well Dan came in looking for his land to inherit a little late right and all he had to do was simply go in and take over fight the enemies of God and and just take over the land and really if you read the chapter they're like man just just take it you know and sometimes this is not the sermon today but sometimes Christians take so long to inherit the blessings of God and it's not because of God right it's not because God doesn't want to give it to them it's not because God doesn't want to bless them it's because Christians nowadays are just lazy they don't want to put in the word to get the blessings of God they don't want to put in the effort to read the Word of God to be in church to live a holy life to take sin out of their lives and what happens there the blessing is delayed and in fact the Bible teaches us in Jeremiah that good things are withholding from those who are involved in sin God it's not like God doesn't want to give you the blessings it's because you are not placing yourself in the area where the where the blessings can be received well Dan at this point is fed up and he's like we're just gonna go over and we're gonna take over the land so he's out they're all looking for some prospects some potential people that they can conquer and they come across these people called the people of Laish okay and really Dan exercises some wisdom because you know you think about you know the the condition they're in there's a lot of tribes that they can take over there's a lot of people that can conquer but who do they go for they go for the most weakest they go for those who aren't really exercising a lot of wisdom and in fact they go for the people who the Bible says are dwelling carelessly I mean that's a very wise thing to do is like man get the people who are not vigilant get the people who we can catch off guard so we can conquer them quickly possess the land and and and just possess our inheritance and that's what they do they go after Laish now here's the thing the primary interpretation of this obviously we were glad this happened right because Dan is that they're the people of God and it's good that they conquered Laish and and God had told them that they were gonna conquer these people and he already promised them that so we know the primary interpretation is this is a good thing but I think a secondary application that we can get from this is learning from the example of Laish you say why is that because Laish was just vastly defeated and it was because they had certain qualities that Dan saw there were the qualities necessary to be defeated to conquer them and I think we could look at Laish and say what are some things that we can do in our personal lives you know so we don't do it like Laish because here's the thing Satan the world the flesh the world's ideologies are always looking to conquer us right and I want to preach this sermon to apply it not necessarily not just to us individually but as a family and but and as a church right because here's the thing the devil is always trying to infiltrate the church Satan's always trying to come in and mess things up and infiltrate and conquer and he's not gonna necessarily look for the strongest of churches right he's not gonna necessarily why because he can't conquer them all in one shot you know he's gonna go for he's gonna go for the people who are dwelling like the side like the Sidonians those who are the manner of the Sidonians those who are careless those who aren't vigilant and he's gonna infiltrate those churches and by the way nowadays don't we see that don't we see a lot of churches being taken over and the pastor's just as blind as a bat you know the the people are just ignorant and they're just like living in candy land and nothing bad is gonna happen while you have the sodomites come in and take over you have the pedophiles coming in and molesting the children you have sin coming in and what does the Bible say a little leaven leaven it the whole up and why is that because these people are like Laish they have these qualities of Laish so Dan can just come in and just take over the whole thing and it's easy it's like cake it's a piece of cake well we don't want to be a piece of cake to the world okay we don't want to be a piece of cake to the world we don't want our families we don't want us as individuals and we definitely don't want us as a church to be Laish Baptist Church where it's just they just easily come in infiltrate and overcome us but what are some things we can learn from Laish because here's the thing we can learn a lot of things from people who've done it right but we can learn a lot of things from people who've done it wrong right we look at the mistakes that people have made the the defeats that they've had and we can glean wisdom from the mistakes and the actions that they took and say that's something that we're not gonna do right and we're gonna look at Laish this morning and see exactly what it is that they did that caused them to be conquered what are the mistakes well first and foremost look at Judges chapter 18 and verse number 7 first of all we're gonna see this mistake number 1 they were careless the Bible says it look what it says then the in verse 7 then the five men departed and came to Laish and saw the people that were therein how they dwelt careless that means they didn't have any care they're just chilling out they were relaxing they weren't worried they were they weren't ready to fight they weren't vigilant they were careless now go with me if you want to Ephesians chapter number five Ephesians chapter number five Ephesians chapter number five I'm gonna read to you from Philippians chapter number four in verse number six when the Bible reads be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God and the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus now we see here the God actually command commands us and says be careful for nothing now what does it mean to be careful for nothing means you know those who have full of care they're full of care they ought to be full of care for nothing you know we as Christians are not to be worried about and specifically what is it referring to then our needs right whether it's it's you know we got to pay the rent you know we need food on the table clothes on our backs a roof placed over our head we have these physical necessities of life and God says don't worry about those things okay don't be careful about those things why because the Bible teaches us that if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness that these things shall be added unto us food and rain it God God promises us to give us those things and the reason why we don't have to worry or be anxious whether we're gonna receive those things is because the Bible says that we have not seen the righteous forsaken or a seed begging bread look if you're living a life that's pleasing to God you're living a life that's that's righteous you're doing your best to live a life that's pleasing unto the Lord God will provide your needs but what do we see today we see Christians that are careful regarding their needs right what I have eternity Ephesians chapter number 5 verse 15 says see then that you verse 15 see then that you walk what circumspectly not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil so what is the Bible telling us their circumspect means the same thing as what careful gotta be careful so in Philippians we see these says don't be careful but in Ephesians we see but be careful is he contradicting himself no he's not what he's saying is this we ought to be careful how we walk not as fools but as wise redeeming the time because the days are evil and in fact in the Exodus you don't have to turn there Exodus 23 13 says in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect and make no mention of the other of the name of other gods neither let it be heard out of thy mouth what is he saying when it comes to the commandments of God we ought to be careful to keep those things you know it ought to concern us to keep the commandments of God we ought to be worried we ought to we have to put effort and focus to make sure we don't disobey God now don't be careful regarding the needs that we have because here's the thing if we're circumspect and keeping God's commandments those needs will be met gotta provide for the food gotta provide for the raimi he'll provide for the rent he'll provide for the vehicle who provide for everything if you're circumspect and keeping the law of God but what do we have today we have Christians that have it the other way around right they're circumspect in regards to their needs so they work on Sundays and they're not in the church on Sunday and what happens they're violating God's principles they're not circumspect regarding the law of God why because they're circumspect regarding their needs no that's backwards you know and and logically speaking it's like that doesn't make any sense why would you be circumspect regarding your needs and not circumspect regarding the law of God you think of something of tithing we ought to tithe the Bible commands us to tithe right of course there's free will offerings but there's the tithe as well and God commands us to do that and what does some people do they don't tithe because they're worried that they're not gonna be able to do without that 10% right like how am I gonna pay the bills oh man that $10 out of 100 how am I gonna make it with 90 you know you can make it with the $90 okay it's possible better to be circumspect regarding the tithe than to be circumspect regarding your needs and the and your physical needs food and raiment no God God's God's way of doing this so much better be careful by keeping the commandments of God okay and here's the thing is nowadays even churches are doing the same thing right they're more worried about paying the bills at the church than preaching hard when the Bible tells us to preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering in doctrine and we're to preach the whole Council of God they're more worried oh what if I lose someone so be it it's better to be circumspect regarding the law of God than to be circumspect regarding the bills of the church but what do we have today we have it the other way around preachers who are rearing back the message they don't want to say what needs to be said they don't want to call out sin they don't want to rebuke they don't want to reprove they want to they want to give a feel-good message because I want to keep the tiding member coming to church they want to keep the rich man in church they're worried about offending everyone else and they're violating they're not being circumspect regarding the law of God no it's the other way around you got it backwards buddy here's the thing it's better to just be circumspect regarding the law of God preach hard and trust God that he's gonna provide for everything else churches all over the country are doing that you know these Dave Ramsey type churches these these North Valley and Paul Chapel Lancaster type churches who are more worried about losing the members and in more don't don't offend anybody look the Word of God offends the Word of God offends and I'm more concerned about being circumspect and not offending God than offending the church member look I rather risk offending a church member but telling them what they need to hear and risk maybe them getting it right and living a righteous and holy life and getting what guess what getting the blessing of God in their life rather than to being circumspect no not wanting to step on anybody's toes no we don't just step on toes we smash them okay we smash them because here's the thing God said it we need to be circumspect concerning the law of God we need to make sure that we keeping we're keeping the law of God correct in our personal lives and in the life of our life of our church not just worried about the bills here you say well you know if you preach hard on the homos they might come in and and and do something to you so be it better to be circumspect regarding the law of God than to be circumspect regarding our own safety and look the Bible tells us that if we just live right we preach right gotta protect us and look we're invincible until God decides to take us home you know that we are invincible until God and I'm not saying you know just I'm invincible go you know in the middle of the highway or something brother Bruce said that we're invincible no that's not what I mean don't be not as fools but as wise okay be circumspect but here's the thing we are invincible as far as keeping the commandments of God right that means we can live exactly the way God wants us to live and not have to worry if anything bad is gonna happen to us because here's the thing if it does happen to us then we go to heaven that's the best thing you know to Willis present when you know to be in heaven we will rather be in heaven than be here right and the only reason we're here is because God has a purpose for us God wants us to win people to Christ God wants us to do a great work but as soon as we die we go to heaven we ought not to be circumspect regarding our own lives yeah we need to take care of it we need to make sure that we're we're caring for ourselves and for our families because we need to because these are the vehicles that we use in this life but not to the extent that we violate the laws of God you know and it's so important go with me if you would to Luke chapter 21 you know those in Laish were overcome because they're just careless they're just relaxed they're careless they're just like living life you know that you know what comes to mind when I think of Laish eat drink and be married for tomorrow you die right just take it easy just put that thing on cruise control no we're not putting anything on cruise control okay we could put it on cruise control when we get to heaven at that point we're just enjoying the rewards or where we're just living with the Lord we're not tempted with sin but guess what here we can't live like that because our adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour I don't want to be the one who he devours I want to be the one who's vigilant who's not dwelling carelessly Luke 21 34 says and take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged was with surprising and drunkenness and cares of this life and so that that day come upon you unawares of course that's referring to the rapture right and God is saying here you need to make sure that you're vigilant don't be careless don't be like don't be a Laish Baptist who's not concerned he's out you know what you know Christ might come at any time no no Christ is not gonna come at any time I was um I was you know at my work I have a lot of time to think and I came up with a song for Christmas you know cuz I kept hearing you know when I'm working I hear these Christmas songs you know Santa Claus is coming and I was like I told my wife I was like I got a song okay you know it's like you better watch out you better not cry you better not pop I'm telling you why Jesus Christ is coming after the tribulation I was trying to fit the whole thing but it didn't I liked it you know he knows those who are sleeping he knows that we're awake anyways but look we need to be vigilant right and and we need to be aware look I don't care if people call me a conspiracy theory guy whatever I'm being awake I'm not trying to dwell carelessly so that the enemy can just come and just pounce all over me and conquer me conquer my family look our church needs not to do a carelessly look and I've said it before but we're not the kind of church we're just gonna scrutinize every single person that comes to our church right are they at reprobate you know is this a wolf in sheep's clothing no we're not that's not our agenda right we need to have a balance obviously but we want to be wise you know we're not just gonna think that every single person who comes through the doors is just spot-on you know and and here's the thing we need that we need to have a mentality that we're in a war this is a spiritual battle you don't just like take it easy during a spiritual battle you put your gun down and smoke a cigarette you know during the war bullets are flying people are dying no we need to be awake okay we need to be vigilant we need to be aware of the things that are taking place we ought to be circumspect you can keep in the law of God and man go to Exodus chapter 15 Exodus chapter number 15 you know we don't need pastors that are just constantly worried about the opinions of others okay they're constantly worried about what the Baptist Pope is gonna say about them if they take a certain stand I'm afraid I might lose some friends then lose them they're not good friends anyways you know we need to make sure that we're living a life that's pleasing to God and here's the thing the Bible says when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with them that's what God says and look when a man's ways please the Lord we get God's blessing on our lives because of it you know we need to be circumspect and keeping the law of God look at Exodus 15 and verse 23 where the Bible reads here and when they came to Mara they could not drink of the waters of Mara for they were bitter therefore the name of it was called Mara and the people murmured against Moses saying what shall we drink and he cried unto the Lord and the Lord showed him a tree which which when he had cast into the waters the waters were made sweet there he made for them a statue and an ordinance and there he proved them and said if thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to his commandments and keep all his statutes I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I have brought upon the Egyptians for I am the Lord that healeth thee see the condition there he says look if you keep my commandments if you just serve me if you keep me as the apple of your eye you know what I will bless you and I won't allow the diseases to come upon you that's a good that's a good exchange right there and here's the thing we see a bunch of churches today that are being filled with spiritual diseases why because they're not keeping the commandments of God and they're wondering what's going on with our country it our country is going down the drain yeah because you're taking it down the drain you're the dung that's being thrown into the toilet and we're the ones are about to flush it because we're done with it you know they're complaining about all the nonsense is going on in our country and oh man the homosexual marriages and all these things it's like you're the reason why because you're not preaching it the way needs to be preached you're too worried about what Fox News is saying what is Sean Hannity saying you know what's another Fox News guy what's that guy who just got booted Bill O'Reilly himself you were too worried about well you don't have to worry about Bill O'Reilly saying cuz he ain't saying nothing no more you're too worried about those things and here's the thing better to just concern yourself with the law of God and say what does God say all but it's not morally relevant today it doesn't matter if you think it's not morally relevant these principles are timeless the commandments of the law the law of the Lord is timeless and we're to keep them day in and day out and concern ourselves with that go to Deuteronomy chapter number eight Deuteronomy chapter number eight look as fathers we can't be careless as dads as husbands all right we may not be the pastor of our home or excuse me we not be the maybe the pastor of the church but we're the pastors of our home right we're the leaders of our home and we can't just let the world and the flesh and the devil just conquer our home we need to make sure that we're not dwelling carelessly even within our own homes you know don't let the world into your home don't let Satan into your home don't let false ideologies into your home Deuteronomy chapter number eight and verse number five the Bible reads thou shalt also consider in thine heart that as a man chasteneth the son so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God to walk in his ways and to fear him for the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land a land of brooks of water of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills a land of wheat and barley and vines and fig trees and pomegranates and land a land of olive oil and honey a land where in thou shalt eat bread without scarce ness thou shalt not lack anything in it a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass I mean that's good stuff right there but what is the condition keep my Commandments you can have all these things I'll take care of you you know you don't have to have this superficial you know ministry or you say you're preaching hard but you're not really preaching hard you know I'll hear right around here we believe in the King James Bible we preach hard here sin is bad right look I've heard it I've heard it and look does anybody not agree that sin is bad right we all well does anyone not know that we all know that right we need to know what specifically I'm talking about like fornication that's bad that's sinful adultery that's bad you know oh there's a certain group of people in our culture you know I don't want to call any names but you know they're trying to pass a law of marriage no they're called homos they're called sodomites say like it is okay they're called reprobates oh we don't want to say that you know that they can't be safe I just did and in fact the Bible says this that they're reprobate concerning the faith well how are we saved by by grace to faith right well they're reprobate rejected concerning the faith you see these are the truths that need to be said and not worried oh man I hope I don't lose David back there you know I heard he has a neighbor that's a homo or something and I don't know if he's friends with them so I just I don't want to offend him you know and then and then go up afterwards hey I didn't really mean that you know I understand oh no I meant every word and here's the thing it's not unloving to tell you the truth it's the most loving thing that someone can do you know because they're not hiding that which would benefit you for your spiritual life you know the the the coward is the pastor who who doesn't say certain things because they're afraid they might offend you and then guess what you suffer the consequences of having those ideologies and the next generation your children suffers because they grow up with those same ideologies they're more concerned with their families and how their families are going to be raised but they don't give a rip about everyone else's families in the church go with me if you would to Ezekiel 34 many churches are violating this principle today and that's why the day nights of this world are overtaken them they're conquering them they're defeating them Ezekiel chapter than 34 Ezekiel 34 has some strong words for the for the shepherds right some very strong words and look what it says in Ezekiel chapter 34 in verse number one and the word of the Lord came unto me saying son of man prophesy against the shepherds of Israel prophesy and saying to them thus saith the Lord God into the shepherds by the way shepherd simply means what pastor right a pastor someone who shepherds of people will be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves you know the guy who reads from the King James Bible but he's okay with you know his members reading from the NIV in the ESV they're happy with them feeding themselves let everyone else read a false version of the Bible but they're gonna have the real Word of God right should not the shepherds feed the flocks you eat the fat you clothe you with wool you kill them that are fed but you feed not the flock the disease you have not strengthened neither have you healed that which was sick neither have you bound up that which was broken neither have you brought again that which was driven away neither have you sought that which was lost but with force and with cruelty have you ruled and by the way the Bible says not by constraint but willingly for the pastors right and they were scattered because there is no shepherd and they became meat to all the beasts of the field when they were scattered what is he saying here he's saying look we'll be to the shepherds and the pastors are not taking care of the flock of God they feed themselves but are not feeding the flock of God no look if I'm exercising a certain doctrinal principle in my life I want to impart that to you so you benefit from that as well you know if I have the principle of you know what my children don't go into your pedophiles they don't go near homosexuals you know I'm not gonna just say but that's just for me you know you can do you know you can have them if you want in your home or whatever no that's not right that's not right at all better to warn you about it as well why because I love you I love your children I love your family I want you to be protected I want you to be vigilant not to be careless okay first Peter 5a already ready to be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour what is the sermon today to not be a people who are just careless in their lives and we have too many Christians even individuals who live carelessly you know they're just worldly as the day is long they're involved in a bunch of filth they're involved and it's just like well we're under grace everything's gonna be a-okay no you know what the grace of God teaches us to deny him godliness and God has a point where he could just say you know what forget I'm just taking you home do you want that to be you go back to judges chapter 18 so I was number one we got a couple more to go I mean layers had some issues okay they dwelled carelessly first and foremost but not only that we see also that they followed the wrong example okay it says here that they dwelled carelessly after the manner of the Zydonians now go to judges go back a couple chapters to judges chapter number 10 so this tells us a lot right here okay this tells us a lot because really the reason they were defeated is because they were acting like the Zydonians well look what judges chapter 10 in verse number 10 says and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord saying we have sinned against thee both because we have forsaken our God and that and also serve Balaam Balaam is Satan and the Lord said unto the children of Israel did not I deliver you from the Egyptians and from the Amorites and from the children of Ammon and from the Philistines the Zydonians also and the Amalekites and the Ammonites did oppress you and he cried unto me and I delivered you out of their hand so what can we glean from this story right here well God delivered the children of Israel from the Zydonians well when he talks about being delivered that means there's a judge that came up and conquered them right so we can safely assume that the reason the Zydonians were conquered was the same reason that the people at Laish were conquered they were careless they had all these other qualities so Laish was conquered because they lived after the manner of the Zydonians what does that mean they had a really bad example to go by you know if I want to be a successful Christian I'm not gonna template myself by someone who is not a successful Christian right someone who's not living for God but they might know a lot of Bible they're not in church that's not my example and let me say this if you want to be a Christian who's defeated all the time follow the wrong kind of people okay follow the wrong kind of people but look if you want to be a successful Christian look at the Christians who have success in their lives you look if you want you say well I want to be a successful father one day then look for a successful father who's a Christian who's living for the Lord who's doing right who's successfully raised their children for the things of God those are your those need to be your examples not the person who's like been divorced 50 times and you know they got bastard children and all these things you say oh you shouldn't say but look I was a bastard child so there okay my dad left when I was like you know five or two three years old whatever we reconcile don't worry I'm not throwing a pity party here everyone's like Bruce I never knew this about you no I'm speaking from experience okay and in here's the thing I can stand here and say you have no excuse if you have two parents and don't make it for the Lord right cuz look by the grace of God obviously you know I'm here I was raised with my mom I mean that's dangerous right when you're just raised by your mom you know that's why I had to go to the gangsters and all the the thugs and stuff and kickbox I have to do all that you know but obviously those are the bad examples but what am I saying what I'm saying is this is that if you want to be a successful Christian you need to have look for the right example to go by because he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed you know and look don't get advice from people who are your contemporaries who are like the same age as you they don't know nothing okay look you shouldn't get marriage counseling from someone who does not even married okay not as fools but as wise right you shouldn't get child-rearing principles from someone who doesn't have children you know you ought to get those things from people who are who have lived in that area they're strong in that area they're being successful in that area you want to be a good soul winner find a good soul winner don't ask the Calvinist who doesn't go so any at all what do you think about you know what do you think about soul winning you know how do you do it well here's a book by right comfort you know that's what they'll tell you no you need to go someone who knows what they're talking about you know I'm gonna I'm gonna embarrass this guy right now but Alex you know I appreciate Alex I'm not gonna call him out don't worry everyone's like oh he's getting called out but on Thursday he was talking to brother Shelley about dating well guess what that's a good person to ask why is that because brother Shelley's married that means he was pretty successful at it right and he has kids all right so that's a wise thing to do is to go to those who have more experience of these things than you and use those as an example okay look don't go to the world for biblical philosophies and teachings that's the stupidest thing you can do why is it because the world the Bible says that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God neither can he know for they are spiritually discerned we ought to learn spiritual truths from spiritual people in a spiritual book obviously which is the Word of God now go with me if you would to Jeremiah chapter number 10 Jeremiah chapter number 10 but we see today that a lot of Christians in churches they're learning their ideologies they're learning their doctrines they're learning it from the world you know they're learning from the bad examples look point in case you have these Baptist churches that are learning how to do ministry from what from the liberal movements right you know they learn it from where do they learn Senate school from do moody do moody is a congregationalist he baptized babies why would we want an example like him to teach us how to do church okay but we have a lot of churches they look they go to the Paul chapels of this world to learn how to do ministry right they did in fact they copy and paste their doctrinal statement until their own page they don't have the diligence to just study on their own and know what they believe and just put that on there right that day and here's the thing sometimes the these Baptist churches don't agree with a lot of the stuff these liberal churches do but because they copy and paste they don't read through everything they're not thorough they have a bunch of liberal statements even in their doctrinal statement things that they don't believe no we can't get our ideologies from these people okay look a lot of these people in these liberal churches they're not even saved they're not saved because either one you got yourself a repent of your sins pastor who's preaching a works-based salvation right because they're they're about turning over a new leaf you don't have to turn over a new leaf a new branch a new tree you don't have to turn over anything you just have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved okay that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in thine heart that God has raised them from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness but with the mouth confession is made into salvation for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved the Bible says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast but as many as receive them to them give you power to become the sons of God even to them that what believe on his name and the Bible teaches us that all you have to do to be saved is not repent of your sins is not turn over a new leaf you don't have to give your life to God you know we hear that all the time right just give your life to the Lord you know I surrender why they're coming to the altar and giving their lives to the Lord look I was in a church where this guy not literally but got saved like five times they literally didn't get saved five times but he got saved like he had to get saved over and over and over and over again he's like he was involved in sin and then you know no look just believe on Christ and look we don't believe in this lose your salvation junk can't lose your salvation because here's the thing the law you just logically looking at this okay what is everlasting me now let me give you some real deep profound truths right here okay pull out your Greek lexicons for this one when does eternal end never so here's the thing if God gives you eternal life when you believe on him and then you lose it tomorrow was that eternal no but Jesus said I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand and look these liberal churches you know no wonder they're going to the world because they are the world you know these pastors they they repeat or the preacher repent of your sins doctrine or either that or they have the right gospel but it's super shallow it's not thorough they don't preach it from the pulpit they're saved but they're not worried about anyone else in their congregation being saved you know they're just content with having the numbers right but we all not to learn from the world Jeremiah chapter 10 verse number 1 says hear ye the word of the Lord excuse me hear the the word which the Lord speaketh unto you Oh House of Israel thus saith the Lord Lord learn not the way of the heathen and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the heathen are dismayed at them for the customs of the people are vain for one cut of the tree out of the forest the work of the hands of the workmen with the axe they deck it with silver and with gold by the way this is not Christmas trees okay you know if that's what you thought sorry this is talking about actual Idol okay Christmas there's nothing wrong with Christmas trees okay they deck it with silver and with gold they fasten it with nails and with hammers that it move not look these people were learning the ways of the heathen and specifically in context they were learning how to worship from the heathen that's look that's why we'll never have a praise and worship man up here okay over my dead carcass will we ever have a praise and worship man here why that's the way of the heathen you know that look if you if you've ever been to this these liberal fun centers where they have the worship team look I was unsaved and I've been to actual concerts it's pretty much the same thing if you take the music out cuz look the contemporary Christian music it's whack that music's whack okay it's it's horrible okay they need to do something about that because it's it's terrible you know it's like man you just you might as well just go to the world and listen to the world music because it's just that bad but there's no difference between the two right as far as the carnality is concerned but you have churches that are doing what they're they're starting to accept the liberal music even the churches that believe right on doctrine on salvation what are they doing because they want to reach more people for Christ because I want to fill the house of God they begin to change the music right I mean perfect examples Lancaster Baptist Church Lancaster Baptist Church a couple years ago was pretty conservative in their music okay I don't know if you know any of that does anybody even know what Lancaster Baptist Church is anyway no idea Paul Chapel Lancaster I mean they were very conservative in their music Paul Chapel was a soul winner you know he's a King James only guy believe only he was big on that but you look at the church now now they got the blue lights you know the smoke machine you know they're coming out of the pulpit and I'm just kidding they'll probably get that next week but I'm saying that I mean they have they have the liberal music you know what the what the what the syncopation and the beats and stuff like that look they're learning the way of the heathen and look if you use carnal means to get people guess what you got to do to keep them carnal things look better than just priest the Word of God these words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life and that's all I have to do to keep keep you here what is just give you spiritual words I don't have to get it get up here and have you know five hoochie mamas up here with short shorts to keep your attention by the way if we bring five hoochie mamas up here and short shorts we'll put we'll pack this place out we'll have to tear down that wall next week but that's the way of the heathen you know that's not the ways of God you know the by the way the church is not centered around music look I love music okay I love the hymns you know I love singing the hymns it's good it's good for the heart and especially the hymns they have a lot of doctrine in it you know speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs but but here's the thing that's not what our church is about you know this church is out there they literally call themselves the singing church that's what they're known for you know it's like what most of the shirt in there and by the way they preach against the liberal churches too they preach against the CCM but more than half of their service is dedicated to music they'll have like five specials and then they'll have you know the offertory then they'll sing like four congregationals and and I mean they're they're doing it big and then the preaching is like 15 20 minutes long or something like that right I mean no no the center focus of our church is what the preaching of God's Word that's what we're here for we want to sing the songs I mean I don't want to discourage you Alex right all right these guys are doing a great job you know they're doing a great job you know but that's not what church is all about that's to prepare the heart for the preaching of God's Word okay but we are not to learn the way of the heathen well that's what layers did they're like let's do like the Zydonians there they look like they're chilling out they look like they're having a good time yeah but you forgot the Israelites took over the Zydonians too you know and here's the thing it would be good at these Baptist churches of today would look at these modern churches that they want to emulate and look at their latter end yeah you like the music you like the so-called fruit and all the people are coming to church but why don't you look at where they're gonna finish up in in 20 years they're not gonna be around they're gonna lose their children the next generation is gonna go to hell because of that he said well you know I'm not for judging people if they have a different gospel I am because I don't want my children to go to hell I don't want you to go to hell I don't want the people coming to our church to go to hell so therefore we keep the doctrine right don't learn the way of the heathen look the only thing we're to learn from the heathens is what not to do right now obviously and of course pastor Anderson talked about this on Wednesday I believe right talked about books and learning things from the world that don't pertain to spiritual things okay it's wise to do that but we're talking about spiritual matters here okay and and here's the thing we ought to look at what the world does you know look at the drunkard look at the fornicator look at the the prostitute and say that's something that I never want to get involved in I'm learning from their example never to go down that path right look at the pothead you know who's lacking brain cells and can't focus on anything look at that person and say I never want to smoke pot you know look at the look at the guy who's lost all his children in the world you know because of gambling because he blew all his money on gambling and say I never want to do that to my kids you know I never want to do that to my wife those are the things of the heathen that we ought to learn right what not to do not the spiritual aspects what a first Thessalonians chapter number one first Thessalonians chapter number one leish man mistake number one they dwell carelessly mistake number two they had the wrong example the zydonians and look I don't know if leish knew what happened to the zydonians but they should have done their homework they should have been like yeah I heard they got whooped you know let's not do like they do yeah but they're they're doing carelessly they're just chilling out they're quiet and secure yeah but they're no longer there anymore they're done do you want to be done no and look who are we gonna pattern our church after the successful churches right look when they say we're Anderson nights I'm fine with that's cool I'm cool with that you know why because you know pastor Anderson's Church is very successful right now look I'm waiting for the day look in in our church we see a lot of people saved praise the Lord for that we see dozens saved right like weekly but I can't wait till we get to the phone where we see thousands see that's success right I mean we're being successful don't get me wrong for a church has been around for only two and a half months we're not doing too bad okay the church is growing all right we're seeing a lot of people saved but I want to pattern our church after the churches that are being successful okay you say yeah but you're going down the wrong path you know I've heard that so many times you better be careful you're going down the wrong path you know you better consider your ways I've considered my ways and I saw the ender of and the ender of is success it's prosperity spiritually speaking yeah but they don't have a 401k they don't have the high steeple few people I don't want the high steeple few people I don't want the palace well don't you want a large building with glamorous things fountains and two pianos a large platform in the in a crystal pulpit no I don't look I love this pulpit right here this is good stuff you know the last pulpit we had we I broke it you know so this book you come up here there's dents all over this pulpit this thing's gonna take a beating for the next couple years I'm fine with this if we had a crystal pulpit man in my hand will be done you know I'd probably break that thing and cut myself but look we want to pattern ourselves after people in churches who have been successful after a manly Perry right after a pastor Roger Jimenez after a pastor Steven yeah you're only calling out the people that are in your movement yeah cuz they're the ones who are being successful what do you want me to say like Jack Treiber no they produce transvestites in their Bible College I don't want our people to be transvestites you know that's your agenda then go for it but that's not what I want look and I want my kids to live for the Lord so if I want my kids to live for the Lord I gotta find the people I gotta find the church whose kids are living for the Lord and pattern myself after them yeah but the spirit the spirit is just so mean you guys are just so mean no you just been info you just been just inoculated with so much honey and goodness for far too long you need to eat vegetables you've been having too much dessert too much fluff too much whip cream you can't live off of ice cream your whole life I don't like vegetables you know broccoli every once in a while my wife knows sometimes I mean sorry that's just I'm not the big vegetable fan I'll eat them though because I know I need to right vegetables are necessary you know those broccoli the broccoli is necessary the the cauliflower is necessary to eat you know but you gotta have a balanced diet what I have you turn to have you turn anywhere first let's alone in chapter number one verse five says for our gospel came not into your word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake and he became followers of us and of the Lord haven't received the word in much affliction with joy of the Holy Ghost see I'm surprised when people say oh you guys are Anderson nights why don't they say when they say that we're following pastor Anderson and pastor Roger Jimenez why don't they also said that we're following the Lord because we became followers of them and of the Lord right we're not just like robots and like you know pastor Anderson only pastor no it's like we're reading our Bibles to yeah we're so wanting to okay yes we have the same doctrines but because we have the same Bible go to Hebrews chapter 13 Hebrews chapter number 13 the Bible reads here in Hebrews chapter 13 verse number 7 remember them they have the rule over you who have spoken unto you the Word of God whose faith follow considering the end of their conversation so God says we ought to we ought to follow those the faith of those who are ruling over us those who are leaders those who are our spiritual who are leading us spiritually why because we're considering the end of their conversation we're considering the fruit that they're bearing we're considering their life and their example don't go to the heat and don't go to the watered-down lukewarm Calvinist loving churches as an example yeah but they dress so nice who cares how they dress what are their beliefs what are the what is the fruit that they're bearing in their personal lives go to judges chapter 18 so number one mistake number one lash you were dwelling carelessly mistake number two lash you had the wrong example mistake number three they were complacent look at the Bible goes on to say it says after the manner of the Zaydonians quiet and secure what does that mean man they're just they're quiet and they're secure what does that mean they have the security they needed right and look you said what does that have to do with complacency when you're quiet and secure you know you're not looking to move anywhere else right we just I got a good here we're quiet got some peace and quiet it's secure but you know what God doesn't want us to be quiet and secure right now okay now we could have peace we can have some serenity we can have these things now but the fact of the matter is that we're in a spiritual war right now and we can't live quiet and securely no we need to be dependent upon the Lord obviously but we need to be vigilant and there is a difference between being content with such things as you have and being complacent you see being content is look whatever I have today I'm happy to have if I get more praise the Lord if I get less praise the Lord I'm content but complacent is saying this spiritually I want to keep growing in the Lord I want to know more of the Bible I want to win more people to Christ I want to see more churches planted I want to improve in my Christian life not be complacent the worst thing that you can do as a Christian is be stagnant okay the worst thing you can do in your Christian life is just say you know what I've already apprehended I got to where I need to be I don't need to grow anymore no you need to grow more because if you're not growing you're regressing okay you need to be learning more and praise the Lord we're in a church where the Bible is being preached and when the Bible is preached you will grow more but guess what that's not all that's needed you need to be reading your Bible every day you need to be reading the Word of God every single day you need to read it from cover to cover don't be just be content and complacent we're just you know hearing the Word of God on Sunday mornings don't be content with just listening to a YouTube clip and listen to a YouTube sermon and getting your jollies from there no what you need is the Word of God in your personal life you need to be reading the Bible on a day in day out I'm King James only when's the last time you read it when's the last time you sat down open it up and learn the Word of God on your own that's important but are you complacent well you know I'm going to a good Baptist Church I'm getting some good preaching you know and and you know I got YouTube in case I get sick I just stay home and watch YouTube and and you know I got pastor Anderson it's like he's there you know and I put him on the big screen I try to make it as churchy as possible we take an offering you know we're trying to do everything we possibly can I'm pretty complacent here that's not right look and YouTube Baptist temple doesn't exist you need to be in church look you know what the YouTube is for is if yes you're sick right or is it's when like you know you you you leave church and you want to get some more preaching in throw it in you know you're at work and maybe you have the liberty to listen to some preaching pop it in but that's not an excuse for not being in church you need to be in church and shame on the person who watches only YouTube clips and it's funny these guys who be commenting on on YouTube I guarantee you most of these people are the ones who don't even go to church they know everything there is to know about everything and they're in everyone's business right they know they know the the they can dot the I's and cross the T's on every single sermon and how you're doing it wrong and all these things but they're not even in church no you need to be in church okay Philippians chapter 3 verse 14 Paul said I press toward the mark for the priorities of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus Paul was someone who knew the Bible Paul someone who won tons of people to the Lord he did great exploits for God but even he said I have not yet apprehended I'm pressing towards the mark John 14 12 says verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go into my father you know what we're looking to do in our church is the greater works next year it's gonna be a better year than 2017 2019 even better than 2018 every year it's gonna get better every year because we want to do the greater works you know it's not like oh you know we're winning like a hundred people to the Lord I think that's pretty good you know let me just maintain no we're not gonna maintain anything we're gonna make it better we want more soul winners we want to reach more people for Christ we want to fill that whole thing up with blue ink and marker and get another map of Montebello another map of Monterey Park of Rosemead of Maywood of Southgate of Los Angeles of East LA we want to do greater works and not stop there like whoa man you got you got a little beast be quiet and secure chill out and you gotta you're gonna tire yourself out then I'll just go to sleep get it in and out double double and then go to sleep sorry dr. he's back there she's gonna she's gonna give it to me answer service go to sleep wake up do it all over again why because greater works than these show you do don't be complacent in your personal life you know and by the way if you've attained to some level of knowledge of the Bible don't be complacent with just staying there you should want to learn more I want to learn more I have not attained I don't know everything there is to know about the Bible you know I know what I believe I can defend what I believe I can preach what I believe but have not attained I'm still learning okay and that's the attitude that we all need to have Acts chapter 15 go to Acts chapter 15 and look if you're complacent you're losing by default if you're saying well I'm quiet and secure but I'm not giving into the world no you're giving in because if you're not fighting you're not in the war you're not in the battle you're losing by default okay and look part of this is this maybe you're faithful to church and maybe you're faithful to reading your Bible but you need to come out soul winning amen you need to be out soul winning preaching the gospel why because that is the forefront that is the front lines of this battle we can say amen all we want when we talk about the sodomites we can say all men we want we talk about the King James Bible but here's a sensitive subject so any you need to be out sowing preaching the gospel look we are and we're all busy we're all busy so we all got excuses why we can't go but guess what we need to make time for soul winning that's the main aspect that's why we assemble so we can get out and preach the gospel hear a sermon get edified learn a biblical truth and get ready to go out and preach the gospel when's the last time you want someone to the Lord when's the last time you preach the gospel to someone it's important actually after 15 24 says for as much as you have heard that certain which went out from from us have troubled you with words subverting your soul saying you must be circumcised and keep the law to whom we gave no such commandment it seemed good unto us being assembled with one accord to send chosen men unto you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul look what it says men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Wow hazard it that means they put their life in danger for the Lord these weren't people who were dwelling quiet and securely no they're hazard in their lives they're willing to there yeah they were getting stoned they're getting being persecuted and look we don't have to go through that right now you know so take advantage right now okay because here's the thing if you don't do it now you're definitely not gonna do it when they're when Christians are being stoned when Christians are being persecuted better to do it now and get the discipline of doing it now so then when the time comes you're ready for it so Laish got defeated because of that we're running out of time I'm gonna give you some more here go back to judges 18 here's a big one they had no leader Laish got defeated because they had no leader the Bible says and there was no magistrate in the land now go to verse 27 verse 27 through 28 is almost like a parallel passage to the text verse that we read and it lets us know what that magistrate was there for because the Bible says they dwell carelessly quiet and secure like the Zydonians and what does the Bible say here that there was no magistrate in the land judges 18 verse 27 says and they took the things with which Micah had made and the priest which he had and came unto Laish unto a people that were at quiet and secure just like we read previously and they smote them with the edge of the sword and burnt the city with fire and there was no what deliver so what is the magistrate someone who can deliver them you see in context the magistrate was someone was the judge they're the people who come in handle business and deliver God's people but because they live quietly and securely and they had no magistrate when the enemy came they didn't have anybody to deliver them and what's the spiritual application here that's why you need leaders in your life okay there's no Lone Ranger Christian in this life we need leaders we say we're trying to say brother Bruce you're gonna like deliver us well you know the Bible does say that take heed to yourselves and to the doctrine for in doing so thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee so when I give heed to the things that I'm reading and preaching and learning about I'm not only saving myself according to the Bible I'm saving you I'm delivering you what from false doctrine from false ideologies from things that would danger and harm your families from things that would that would cause harm to your spiritual life but what happened to Laish they didn't have a magistrate they didn't have a deliver they're the they're the YouTube Christians right so when they go through some hard and they fall and they stumble and they get involved in sin they don't have anybody to deliver them they don't have a pastor to rip their face off you know and and preach on their sin so they can get it right they don't have they don't they don't even have fellowship with the church because look I'm not the only one who's helping here we got a bunch of people who are here that will encourage you exhort you to continue in the faith right you have people here who encourage you who will help you who will love you who would do that which is necessary to help mature you in the Lord everyone needs that you can't get that in YouTube at this temple you know that's not real you need to be in a local visible church and you know what Laish didn't have that we're out of time man there's so much thing and by the way in Ezekiel when when God is reprimanding the shepherds what did he say at the very end because you did these things the beast of the field is gonna come and devour them why the shepherd was the deliverer they're the magistrate they're the ones who's supposed to deliver them and because they weren't doing it right the sodomites I mean the the beasts of the field came into the church and devoured the church members and next they were prideful it says that they might put them to shame in anything the Bible says and look shame you say why is you're saying that they were prideful Laish was prideful yeah because they didn't have no one to put them to shame and when someone has put the shame that means that they're humbled right why well previous to being humbled that means you're prideful right and the Bible says this in Proverbs 16 18 pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before fall see when you're quiet and secure like that nothing's gonna happen to us we're fine we got a 401k we got a thousand members in our church bus ministry Sunday school nursery we all everything we need we have money in the bank you're quiet and secure and you're prideful no we need people to put us to shame in the areas that we need to correct and then lastly we're done here the Bible says here and they were far from the zydonians and had no business with any men they were secluded now that stinks you know it's a horrible feeling it must be a horrible feeling to need help and not have anyone around you who you can depend on to help you it's a horrible feeling you know and that's why it's important to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is why because if you miss church you're bound to have someone if you're if you miss church and you're consistent in church let me just put it that way someone's gonna miss you and someone's gonna realize you're not there and someone's gonna ask questions and if you're missing because maybe you've fallen or something's happened to you at least you know you have a church who's worried about you who's thinking about you but if you're not in church you know if you're not consistently coming how can we know we're just gonna think you're a hit and miss Christian right it's like well that's just a week that he just they just hit and miss they hit and miss but if you're consistent you're constantly coming and you're doing your best and then you miss it's like well where's brother so-and-so what's this we're sister so-and-so you know they're gonna be missed but if you're secluded you know when you struggle in your Christian life you're gonna stay struggling by yourself and here's the thing go with last verse here we're done Ecclesiastes chapter number four we'll finish off with this Ecclesiastes chapter number four Laish was defeated because they had a lot of bad qualities they caused them to be defeated Ecclesiastes chapter number four and verse number nine the Bible reads here two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor for if they fall the one will lift up his fellow but woe to him that is alone when he falleth for he hath not another to help him up again if two lie together then they have heat but how can one be warm alone if one prevail against him two shall withstand him and a threefold cord is not quickly broken you know that's a good principle right there and it's good with this because if Laish would have just if they if they had business with other people they wouldn't it the day nights wouldn't have taken them over you know they would have been like hey help us man these guys are trying to conquer us you're gonna you guys got to come over and fight with us but they didn't have anybody no one knew them they didn't have business with any man they didn't know that the Zydonians were far from them and they were conquered because of it no you want and by the way this is a good principle here too when you're in church after church don't just leave okay stick around and get to know some people he that hath friends must show himself friendly you need to get to know the people in your church okay you need to get to know some people you need to be friendly you need a you need a fellowship a little bit okay preaching is good and we that's the most important aspect but we're also here for some fellowship too don't just like as soon as churches are like gotta go eat you know I got something to do what is it I don't know but it's not here I gotta go do something else I got nothing waiting for me so I gotta go you know no stick around look stick around for a couple minutes get to you know get to know some of our people make some friends I know that's weird but make some friends some of the breast some of the best friends you'll ever have is in church best friends you know because this is your spiritual family right here you know these are the people that are gonna help you when you fall when you when don't be a secluded layish Christian okay just look what happened to them didn't turn out too well man let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer follow me thank you so much for the example of layish and the bad qualities that they had because we can glean wisdom from that in a practical way for our spiritual lives of what we shouldn't do and I pray that you'd help us to be vigilant help us to not dwell carelessly help us to learn from the right examples Lord not to be prideful but to be humble help us to to not be quiet and secure either help us not to be complacent and of course help us not to be secluded all the time may we may we make friends and have fellowship one with another and get to know one another and put our guard down just a little bit so we can get to know one another and and and be a blessing to others and so we in and knowing full well that if we so that we're gonna reap that as well when we need it and I pray to you bless all there is to follow in Jesus name we pray amen