(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I Mean all right We are in first Timothy chapter number five in verse number seven where the Bible reads here and these things give in charge that they May be blameless, but if any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house He had to denied the faith and is worse than an infidel At the time of my sermon this morning is the infidel. Okay, the infidel not so term that I think the world has thrown around a whole lot meaning like someone who says it someone who's a traitor Or something to that extent but really if you look at the biblical definition of what a infidel is it's simply an unbeliever Okay in first Timothy chapter 5 we see specific Instructions for how to deal with widows and a widow simply someone a woman who basically has lost her husband okay, and of course a it just slipped my mind a male widow is a Someone tell me Widow work, right? Is that correct? But specifically this is referring to a woman who has lost her husband Okay, and it has not remarried now it gives specific requirements for what type of widow should be cared for and look this is important because as I mentioned on Thursday, sometimes people come to church and they see churches at what as an ATM All right they come to church and they want to basically just leech off of the peak God's people and just take advantage and Off of compassionate people who are willing to help people out But you know what? The Bible specifically tells us that we're not to do that We're not just supposed to give our resources to just whomever comes through the walls of these doors You know, there's people who have come here and they're drunks. I mean just before the service There's a guy who was outside with the ticket Okay, come on my beard about this big wanting to come to church and it's like no you can't come in here We don't allow drunkards in the church Okay. Oh, you're not compassionate enough. No, you need to start reading the Bible and see what God says about these things This is not an ATM People don't can't just come in here and ask for money and we just dish it out. Like it's nothing No, there's requirements for these things There's a requirement for it to be able to help God's people in God's house Now look if they're saved they're down in their luck if they come to church Guess what we can help those people if they truly want help Okay, look God's people are so compassionate that they're willing to help someone out like that But other people just come in and they just want to say that they're Christians and they want to say that they're believers But they're not they just want some money for their crack They just want some money for their for their for their drinking problem that they have. We're not helping people like that The guy who was here is just like Jesus is Lord. This is like, all right Well, glad you noticed that but you can't come to can't come in here Yeah, I was like you're drunk He's like, I'm not drunk and as he's saying that the alcohol is just reeking out of his breath You know, we can't just help it The Bible says in Proverbs 29 verse 7 you have to turn to the righteous consider it the cause of the poor But the wicked regardeth not to know it Do you know what that tells me that tells me that churches that have Christians that just accept anyone in the church and just financially Help anyone they're wicked Because it says the wicked regardeth not to know it's just like yeah, go ahead come in if you're drunk You're an adulterer you you do whatever. Yeah, come in We would just give you any kind of money you want. No, the Bible says that the righteous will consider the cause of the poor Why are you poor? Why do you need money? Why are you down on your luck? Well, I thought this was church Yeah, that's why I'm asking you these questions Because biblically that's what's supposed to be done. Okay God did designate local churches to care for widows though in their assembly All right, go to Acts chapter 6 hold your place there in 1st Timothy chapter 5 and go to Acts chapter 6 The Bible says here verse number one in those days when the number of the disciples was multiplied there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against The Hebrews because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them and said it is not Reason that we should leave the Word of God and serve tables Wherefore brethren look ye out among you seven men of honest report full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom Who you may appoint over this business But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word so we see the issue that was taking place here was that widows were being neglected in the assembly and We don't have this problem But we see that this is when deacons are start to get ordained to help out with the daily administration of the widows We don't have this problem because their church is not big enough for that. You know as our church grows guess what? We're gonna have widows We're gonna have different people from different walks of life that are that you know have succumbed to whatever situations Hardships and whatnot, but we don't have that today they did so at this point because it's grown so much They need help with the daily administration of the widows who are found within their assembly now go back to 1st Timothy chapter 5 And look with that thought in mind look at verse 3. It says honor widows that are widows indeed So when the Bible says to honor it's referring to helping them with the with resources with money with food Etc it says honor widows, but look what it says that are widows indeed That means that are real widows you say someone would actually come and act like they're a widow Absolutely, there's some money-grubbing people out there In fact, there's a story of someone who claimed to have had a husband that died in the towers on 9-11 And she created this entire story of how he died and and and they started like a GoFundMe type of a thing And they give her all kinds of money and thousands of dollars to help her it turns out she wasn't even married She never had a husband. He never died. That's a wicked person But it exists there's people like that and they try to take advantage of God's people Compassionate people that's why it's important to be compassionate, but we have to have some smarts. Okay, you got to have some discernment All right, how you deal with people says honor widows that are widows indeed But if any widow have children or nephews Let them learn first to show piety at home and to requit their parents for that is good and acceptable before God so it's saying here because people have different interpretations of verse 4 and Often what people will say well is well, you know, if if someone's a widow and they have children or nephews This is what I believe is referring to at that children and nephews and when I think what it's referring to is adult children and nephews Okay, let them learn first to show piety of home That's referring to the children and nephews and to requite their parents for that is good and acceptable before God So if me as a as a as an adult if my mother who is married and my father passes away Guess what? I'm supposed to take care of my mom. I'm responsible for my mother I'm responsible to take care of her until whenever she needs that's my responsibility Why because it says requit their parents for that is good and acceptable before God that means repay them Repay them for all the food They've ever given you in the clothing that they've ever provided for you and be kind to them and take care of them But there's another interpretation. I'm not necessarily against this. It's basically saying if there's a widow Who passes away and we'll see later on that's under 60 She needs to go back home to her parents so that her parents can take care of her Okay, and I'm not against either or I think both of them are right Both of them are biblical and look at what it says in verse 5 now She that is a widow indeed and desolate trusted in God and continueth in supplications and prayers night and day But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth So nowhere does it say that someone who is a widow just is taking care of the church no matter what age there are No, it's saying there Hey If they maintain good works if they've helped the poor if they have a good rapport before the church guess what then the church should Be able to take care of them if need be But if they have children and nephews who are adults the children nephews ought to take care of that person Okay, that's a bit of you see this concept of these Retired not retirement homes, but these homes where they just put their parents in that's not biblical In fact, that's evil to do something like that to your parent No one should ever try to put their mom or dad into a retirement home with a bunch of you know Older people where they just are just left there and forgotten about that's wicked and evil We ought to have the desire to take care of our mothers and fathers those who have grown old Those who are no longer able to take care of themselves We need to make sure that we take the responsibility to take care of them not just leave them somewhere But we live in a society that just abhors parents That just hates them and just like drop them off at some home And by the way, most of those places they abuse the people who are there you don't take care of them They hate it there. You know, my mom is 73 years old. Okay, and she lives by herself and she's kind of just this Type of well, she's really strong-willed. Okay, she's worked her whole life She never got married my father left long ago, you know after I was born or excuse me It's shortly thereafter after I was born and she's just always worked now. I'm not for my mom working Okay, I'm not for any woman working and we'll get to that in just a little bit. Okay, I'm completely against that Our church is completely against that Okay, but my mom works and she's always had to work to pay the bills and to be quite frank with you I'm kind of thankful that she still works Even though I'm against in the sense of as far as the roles are concerned because it's keeping her alive In fact, she thrives thrives off of work and that's why she's able to be so mobile She's the only 73 year old lady that I know that drives an f-150 truck She loads her own furniture You know, she's making deals and all these things and I Mean my mom don't mess around she makes she pays them She pays her own bills and I always tell her mom if you need help tell me if something ever happens Just come live with me, you know, she's like, oh, I'm fine. You know, she goes I want to help you I'm like, no, I'm like if anything ever happens and you feel like you can't make it or something like that Just come live with me. You could live with me as long as you want Okay Until whenever you're welcome You're always welcome to come in my house because my mom took care of me since I was a little child You know since I was a baby she she put food on the table She took care of me, but she has his attitude It was like no, I'm just gonna take care of myself and that's good to a certain extent because you know She's older and typically people who are in her age. They can't do the things that she's doing You know lifting up dressers and just throwing them on the truck and stuff like that and unloading them But she does it, you know, but you know one thing I never want to do to my mom I never want to stick her in some Retirement home, you know because at that point she's gonna begin to decay and eventually she'll die Okay, she thrives off of work and I'm not for necessarily her working But I'm talking about for her age look at verse number nine It says let not a widow be taken into the number under three score years old having been the wife of one man So now it's instructing the church here And it's saying look if you're gonna take care of a widow You got to make sure that she is under three score years old a score is 20 So three score is 60 years old. Okay, that's what that means under three score having been the wife of one man Well, well reported for good works So she needs to be someone who's doing good works And if she have brought up children if she have lodged strangers if she have washed the Saints feet if she have relieved the afflicted If she have diligently followed every good work, so it's not just any widow It's someone who has a good report of the people who are within the church They see that she's done these things take her in we can take care of her. Okay, I Verse11 says but the younger widows refuse It says if they're young under three score years old if they're younger we need to refuse them Why for when they will have begun to wax wanton against Christ They will marry having damnation because they have cast off their first faith So this is what happens When there is a young widow or let me say this just a young girl in general who has no authority over her life Okay, it says here and with all they learn to be what idol wandering about from house to house Facebook page to Facebook page Instagram to Instagram YouTube comment to YouTube comment Did I mention Facebook? Did I say that and? Not only I know but toddlers Let me let me explain what a toddler is it's a gossiper in Spanish is that she's Mosa But Tattlers also in busybodies speaking things which they ought not to okay, which are not I will therefore that the younger women marry bare children bare children bare children and more children Guide the house given an occasion of the atmosphere to speak reproachfully for some are already turned aside after Satan so God says if there is a woman who is a widow and she's under three score Right and or just the young woman in general, you know, what God's will is for that young lady is to get married To have children and guide the house None of this feminazi junk do you see out there in the world today? Okay, or it's just like well, you just do your own thing You're your own person if you get a boyfriend get married. It's 50 50 50 50 nothing The Bible says for that person to get married and to bear children That is the greatest role for a woman to have Okay, and don't let society and dr. Phil and Oprah Winfrey Tell you what you ought to be when you grow up You know how you got to be a business woman and own You know your own possessions and make sure you take care of yourself and don't let no man tell you what to do She's wicked as hell. Stop turn off open Winfrey She don't know what she's talking about And I don't care if we're in 2018 or what year we in the Bible says that this is the role of a woman look if any woman box at this Then you know what you're you're you're not reading the Bible This is what the Bible says Okay, that's a biblical concept. I understand there's there's there's different circumstances and situations But generally speaking this is what a young woman ought to do Hey young ladies, you have to desire to get married get married soon You know, that's a great great position That's a great role to fulfill you will be fulfilled if you if you get married and if you have children and and and be A keeper of the home. That's what God's will is for you In fact, if you don't then you will be idle You'll be a chismosa a tattler and you'll turn aside after Satan according to the Bible So in order for you to be protected of these things You have to get married have children guide the house That's God's role for you Okay, don't don't give me the look. All right, you know, you don't know my situation, you know I'm not saying I don't care about your situation, but I care what God says Okay, that's what God says and if you are reading something differently they come show me after the church But you're not gonna find something different because we just read it. That's what it says now Go to 1st Timothy chapter 2 look what the Bible says in verse 13 of 1st Timothy chapter 2 For Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression Notwithstanding she shall be saved say from what from turning the side after Satan as we saw in chapter 5 She shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity holiness with sobriety Hey, you want Satan if you don't want Satan to come and eat you up alive Turn you into a chismosa and all those other things that we read You know what you need to do? You need to get married and have children guide the house That's the best life For a woman. Okay. I don't care what anybody says I don't care what YouTube comments they put and you know, you're a chauvinist pig pigs are females Call me a hog if you want That's what that's biblical Okay, now go back to chapter 5 verse 16 It says if any woman man or woman that believeth half widows Let them relieve them and let not the church be charged that it may relieve them that are widows indeed So it's another word to say look if there is if you Have a widow in your family. You should be the one taking care of them But if that's not the case, then we will relieve them. Okay, who are widows indeed is what he's saying there Alright now look at verse number seven It says these things given charge that they may be blameless But if any provide not for his own especially for those of his own house He had the night of faith that is worse than an infidel now You know people have taken that verse to say well, you know that see you could lose your salvation. I've had people tell me that First of all, you don't provide for your family to get saved Okay, you say well you denied the faith That's not what it's talking about because you don't get saved nowhere in the Bible We say where you see the verse that says, you know If you provide for if thou shalt provide for that family thou shalt be saved Okay What is this referring to go to first Timothy chapter 1? Look at verse number 3 Says and I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus when I went into Macedonia That thou mightest charge some that they teach nor the doctrine neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies Which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith So do now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart and of a good conscience and of faith Unfamed unfamed means this just without hypocrisy So someone who does not provide for his own family. Guess what the Bible says that you are you've denied the faith, which means you're a hypocrite Because you're claiming to adhere to a Bible that actually teaches us to work and to provide for your own family And if that's something that you're propagating, but you're not living guess what you are a hypocrite You've denied the faith according to the Bible Okay, look at first Timothy chapter number three in verse number eight in reference to the Deacons It says here in verse number eight Likewise must the Deacons be grave not double-tongued not given too much wine not greedy a filthy lucre Holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. That means without hypocrisy See someone who has a clear conscience has not violated their conscience in other words No that they're supposed to be doing something and they don't do it that violates your conscience Well someone who provides for his own house Guess what? They're not buying to have a pure conscience because they're taking care of the responsibilities their roles in life now Go back to chapter 5 I'll read to you from first Timothy 6 10 says for the love of money is the root of all evil Which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows and that's really the the the point Of this is that people who don't provide for their families have erred from the faith Now this may be something you just don't know but guess what today this morning, you'll know Right, you won't be able to leave here and say I have no idea what he's talking about, you know I think I need to study the matter out more You won't have to do that I think it's gonna be very clear at the end of this Okay Chapter 5 verse 7 says or excuse me verse 8 will read it against us But if any provide not for his own especially for those of his own house He had the night of faith and is worse than an infidel now that word infidel is only found twice in the entire Bible But the synonym of infidel is found multiple times throughout the Bible But the word infidel the actual word is only found twice in a New Testament go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 will actually define for us what an infidel is. Okay Now in 1st Corinthians 6 the latter part the main concept or the thrust of that chapter is to be separate saith the Lord and Touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you the Bible says so the Bible is teaching us about separation Which is a biblical concept to be separated from the world separated from those who are not saved Separated separated unto God. Okay. Now the question is this How do you how do you live a separated life? Well, it tells us in verse number 14 be not unequally yoked together with Unbelievers, okay. Now, what does it mean to be yoked? It's not talking about like an egg yolk Okay, it's like don't share scrambled eggs with unbelievers or something, right a yolk is a device that they would place around the necks of Two beasts and they would work together for a common cause is what it is. Okay, that's what it's referring to now And it's telling us here just as the beast is, you know Yoked together with another beast for work to work for a common cause you shouldn't be that way with people who don't believe People who are not Christians Let me put it to you. Let me put the cookie on the bottom shelf your best friend shouldn't be in some unsafe person Your closest buddies are not to be those who are not believers Because what commonality do you have with someone who's just not saved nothing and God is telling us If you're gonna live a separated life You want not to be rubbing shoulders with unsaved people and I'm not talking about, you know Your friend who's unsaved who you're trying to win to Christ Okay, but you know what after a couple years If you haven't won up to Christ you need to move on Yeah, I just love them so much But you know what? They're gonna end up influencing you and causing you to slip causing you to be worldly and carnal and disobedient to God So rather than you know, trying to please your friend or help your friend Why don't you please God and the Bible tells us that when a man's ways please the Lord He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with them, you know, and you know some of you just got to drop your old friends You know, why do you have to hang around with them all the time? Well, I just want to see if they watch after the tribulation Give them the DVD and if they have any questions, they'll let you know And here you said well, what am I supposed to do? I don't have any friends. What about these people here? What about me? Can I be your friend You know, we need friends in church Christians need to be our friends. I Don't like the people at church then you got issues then you're too worldly is what it is then Okay, because save people you ought to be able to get along with safe people not all say people I understand some people say people are just like wicked and also I'm talking about safe people who love the Lord They love the Bible. They love the things of God You ought to have commonality with them and that just be around if you're always comfortable around unsafe people you got problems You need to get right with God You know, well, this is my best friend since we grew up, you know, we were both in diapers together or whatever I don't care. God doesn't care about that You know, they don't have the Holy Spirit of God living within them You you should love them to the point where you want to win them to Christ But if they reject that you need to move on I had friends for years before I got saved But once I got saved I dropped all of them because they're bad friends Okay, and what I did this is this you could take this or leave it But this is what I did to get rid of my friends. Okay. Number one. I went to church That's a good start and I went to church consistently Okay, so that means if my friends wanted to see me guess where they have to go church Pretty simple second thing I did was I deleted all their phone numbers off my phone So that so that I can't call them. Okay. Here's the third thing and this is extreme, but it helped me I got a new number So they in case you know, I was discouraged or I was down in the dumps and you know And Satan can just you know, speak to my friends and say hey call Bruce, you know They couldn't get a hold of me and I couldn't get a hold of them So I come I cut all ties with my you're a cultish no be separate Sayeth the Lord and look if they really wanted to get a hold of me Just come church And I'll tell me if you ever look for me third Thursdays and Sundays. I'm in church Here's the address you guys but you know what? They're not real friends because they never even came They never came so and most of those friends are not worth having anyways You know, they're they're they're drunkers or they smoke pot or they're you know, revilers, whatever it is You don't want to be around those people because you know a companion of fools will be destroyed Okay, you need to get some good godly friends in church start meeting people and look be social in church Don't just come here to go sowing or just here preaching and just like you're out make some friends At church get to know people Say hi What's your name? You know stuff like that You know, what do you do for a living where do you live, you know interrogate people Well, I'm saying just get to know them make some friends here and look the people here are great We're not weird or anything that we're not like, you know weirdos, but some aren't I'm just kidding But for the most part look, this is where your friends should be, you know, it's not a social club But this is where our social atmosphere takes place. Is it the church? Okay, but it says there that we all not to be yoked together with unbelievers So that's in start conscious where we see in Matthew 11 where Jesus says take my yoke upon you You see a yoke is a device you used to work, right? We're got Jesus says take my yoke upon you for my burden is light We ought to Center our lives around working for the Lord and in between working is what we do. We fellowship one with another So don't think that when we went to Santa Maria, they're just like so winning so winning We're just gonna go so winning no rest. No, nothing. No, we had a blast We a we played catchphrase We got a little crazy playing catchphrase a little bit a little a little bit of yelling playing catchphrase You know, we fellowship we laughed Then we went soul-winning and after that we had tacos And look pastor Anderson said it and he said it best. The fellowship is just as important as a soul-winning Cuz we hang out with each other talk laugh poke fun at each other, you know, have a good time that's important Cuz it's not just I'm here. I know I'm here to do so any brother Okay, then go do so winning while we fellowship then if you want to be a party Cooper I'm all for sowing but you need to make some friends. Okay? Look what it goes on to say So by the way, so, you know you can either work For the Lord take that yoke upon you which is a great yoke The burden is light or you can be involved in the unfruitful works of darkness The Bible says, you know have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them You know if you're like, oh, but I just miss my friends, you know We're start reproving them and you start detesting the things that they do Okay Look what it goes on to say it says in verse number 14 be naive unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship has Righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what Concord hath Christ with Belial or what part has he that believeth? with an infidel so the opposite of a believer is what an infidel which means an Unbeliever. Okay, so it gives us the contrast of the two and it says what agreement hath the temple of God with idols, etc So That's what an infidel is. Okay, an infidel is simply an unbeliever now go back to first current first Timothy chapter 5 So with that in mind that's what he's telling us He's talking about an unbeliever. It's not like some godless person. It's not a reprobate is what I'm saying Okay, an infidel is simply an unbeliever. So what should be our attitude towards the unbelievers? Number one we should desire to win them to Christ Okay, so we shouldn't we shouldn't have this Amish mentality, right? Where it's just like us for no more, you know, no one's welcome in the sense You know, no one's welcome to Christ and everyone's ungodly, you know, except for us. No, we ought to love the infidel Okay, not like the Muslims who want to kill the infidel You know Christians want to win the infidel to the Lord Christians want to see them saved Christians want to see People come to Christ and when they get saved they get right with God and start reading the Bible They start praying start learning how to how to do soul winning and cleaning up their life That's what we want for the infidel and once they get saved They're no longer an infidel, but they're a fellow citizen according to the Bible according to Ephesians chapter 2 but the Bible says in Luke 12 verse 46 the Lord of that servant will come in the day when you look at not for Him and an hour when he is not aware and will cut him in sunder and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers You see unbelievers are going to hell Unbelievers are gonna have their portion their part in the lake of fire which burneth with fire and brimstone, right? So therefore we ought to love the infidel. Okay, not just look down upon them and just fight with every single person There's people out here. Look, this is a guy who came on Thursday, right? he came and he sat down and He looked like he was just not all there We get people the benefit of that and Paul began to witness to him sort of brother Paulides But he just wasn't having it He just kind of wanted to be a nuisance and he didn't want to leave like they're asking All right, I think it's time for you to go and he's just like wasn't moving now Here's the cool thing about our church. We got a lot of men here who know how to fight We're not trying to fight but they got Boxers we got boxers. We got jiu-jitsu specialist purple belt blue belts all these things And so as soon as we find out he want to leave we just all kind of surrounding him He looked at us and said, okay, I think it's time for me to go And he got up and walked out Fire station. Oh Yeah, he was gonna go to the fire station He came back if you guys heard someone banging on the window. That was him earlier today Okay, but here's the thing is people like that, you know, we're not gonna tolerate that but you know Not every person is like that idiot When we go on so many not every person is gonna be like that fool out there Banging on the windows and talking all kinds of crap. Okay. Most people are just they're lost They're on the way to hell though, you know, and we want to give them the gospel so they can be saved The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 14 23 if therefore the whole Church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers Will they not say that ye are mad? But if all prophesying there come in one that believeth not or unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all and thus Are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down on his face And so falling down on his face he will worship God and report that God is in you of a truth So the Bible tells us that man we ought to win these unbelievers. Okay, these people are not saved now What's another thing that we need to do with the with the infidel? We should strive to not be worse than them You guys got that Because in 1st Timothy chapter 5 it says he had denied the faith and is an infidel Does it say that no, it says you're worse than an infidel That's harsh He's like you're worse than an unbeliever and look there's Christians who act worse Than unbelievers. That's not biblical read 1st Corinthians chapter 5 How fornication was commonly reported not so much as even named among the Gentiles These are saved people who are involved in fornication that wasn't even named amongst saved people I've met some people that they just live a wicked life And you look at examples in the Bible you see that all over You know David who's a man after God's own heart You know acting like a mafioso and killing off Uriah Committing adultery Doing all kinds of wicked stuff, but he saved But sometimes save people do worse and you say well, why is it saying? That he's worse than an infidel because you know what infidels even infidels provide for their own families Even unsaved people who are not believers know how to work hard Even unsaved people who are not saved. They don't even have the Bible Know that it's right to provide for your wife for your children and to help your family With any kind of resources that they need they don't need God for that. Did you know that? Now luckily we have the Bible that reinforces that and teaches us why we should do those things But you know, I mean if you don't believe me look at your average Mexican household Okay, the average Mexican household the dad. I mean this guy comes from Mexico No papers starts his own business and pays for like a house he paid he provides for the whole household He makes sure he puts food on the table because that's just what he was taught How to do the Bible is not needed for that. Just common sense is needed for that But you know now that we're saved we have the Bible to teach us. That's what we need to do Okay, because that's right to do and if we don't do it We have denied the faith and we're worse than the unbelievers who actually provide for their own household You see it's hypocritical for us to come and say, you know, we have the Bible King James always it But you're not fulfilling the things that the King James Bible tells you to do You're worse than an infidel according to the Bible Okay The Bible says in Ephesians 4 verse 17 this I say therefore and testifying the Lord they henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind that goes to show us that someone who's saved has the potential to walk as other Gentiles Walk and that's in reference to saved and unsaved Okay, and we ought to have to go to say man. I don't want to act like some unsaved person who doesn't have the Bible You know, we have the Word of God. We have the Holy Spirit of God living within us. We have hard preaching Instructions things that will teach us, you know to whomsoever much is given of him shall be much required So if you we have all these resources, we have no excuse as to why we're not fulfilling our roles in our in our personal lives so Let's see here Now go to Titus chapter 2 Titus chapter 2 I'll read to you from 2nd Corinthians 12 14 says behold the third time I am ready to come to you Now will not be burdensome to you for I will seek not yours but you for the children ought not to lay up for the parents But the parents for the children, so the Bible tells us over and over again parents ought to take care of their children They ought to provide for their children and so on and so forth. Look at Titus 2 verse 1 It says here but speak thou the things which become sound doctrine that the aged men be sober grave temperate sound in faith and charity And patience the aged women likewise that they be in behavior has become its holiness not false accusers not given too much wine teachers of good things That they may teach the young women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet Chase Keepers at home good obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God be not blasphemed now. I Don't have Facebook and I'm always tempted to get Facebook and then when I ask someone Hey, should I get Facebook every single person who tells me they said don't do it Don't get it. I'm like, really? Are you sure you'd they're like it's drama and I'm not just talking about in our church I've been to multiple churches where they say just don't do it It's just drama and I don't like drama So I just don't do it. So I just get the drama from you guys when you guys hear about it They're like, yeah on Facebook those screenshots something they'll send it to me and then I'm reminded wow There there is a lot of drama Facebook Now social media is a blessing. It could be it's a huge blessing because we could use it to our advantage But someone who is idle a tattler That's grounds for someone who just they just wax worse on Facebook You know and you can't tell me who's someone who's constantly on Facebook Constantly commenting constantly giving their opinion. You can't tell me that they're discreet chasing keepers at home You know why because a woman who stays home is busy Especially if they have children Diapers keep you busy Cleaning the house keeps you busy. You don't have time. I have a hard time Just getting my wife to answer text messages from me And she's like sorry, I didn't see my phone Bruce made a mess and Kyla pooped on herself and all these is like all these things take place. She doesn't have time To just waste time on Facebook or an Instagram, you know, look, I'm not saying that they my wife goes on Instagram But that's not her life Some people that's her life. They are the ordained ordained to the ministry of Facebook That's her life. Amen It's true You know, we need to get back to biblical Christianity where hey we teach the younger women to be keepers at home Okay, and look keepers at home means that's your home is is is your project Okay, taking care of your children teaching them. Look people are like, oh, I don't think I could ever homeschool Well, you know if you turn off the stinkin Facebook and pick up a book on how to homeschool, maybe you could I I Just don't think I can teach. Well, yeah because you're always on social media and you're using autocorrect all the time That's why you can't spell That's why you're having a hard time teaching your kids those things You know, we can do a lot if we get rid of a lot You see what I'm saying? So it's just I just can't well you can't because you don't want to because you want to hold on to whatever X Y & Z That's why Ladies need to be keepers at home and I will always stick to that. I will always teach that I will always preach that Doesn't matter who comes in here what situation you're in I gotta tell you what the Bible says and if you're not in that situation Then you know what and you're like, well, I can't do anything about my situation then teach the next generation to be that way Okay, don't uplift yourself as being someone who's just independent. They got it all together outside of God's order Don't bring that into our church You make sure you tell the younger people the younger ladies hey, you should be a keeper at home That's the best life for you. I love the fact that dr. Rita tells every single lady that She tells everything she even I don't think she minds that I say this She'll tell them don't make the same mistake that I made She'll tell them that You know, so there's credibility behind those words right there She goes you need to be a keeper at home be a wife bear children. Don't make the same mistake that I made So I'm not just talking out my neck here this is fact because it's the Bible but I haven't met people who have said that as Well, dr. Reed is a perfect example of that Okay now The Bible tells us that a man ought to provide for his own household. Okay, not a 50-50 not a woman working No, it's just well, we got so many bills to pay. This is what you need to do. Okay? If there's all kinds of bills to pay you need to get rid of some stuff How about getting rid of your cable TV, that's right How about lowering your standard of living Because that's why your wife's working Alright because of the standard of living now Let me give you my personal testimony. Okay? My wife used to work. Oh Yeah So I'm speaking from experience here. My wife used to work at church Before we got married and after we got married, okay, I Used to work for the church now. I Got paid very poorly At the church that I had that I came from. I mean below minimum wage Like really below minimum wage for years. Okay But I remember when I was coming across these concepts and principles. I Could not justify my wife continuing to work and I said you need to stay home. You're not gonna be working anymore And he's just like well, how are we gonna make it? It's like well, you know We'll figure it out Because better is a dinner of herbs where love is then a stalled ox and trouble therewith You know So we'll figure it out with my my below minimum wage paycheck We'll figure it out and we figured it out. She stayed home. She was not I said, I want you to raise my son I want you to teach him. I want you to homeschool him and And you know, we're just we're gonna go without some of the luxuries of life But see here's the thing some people don't want to go without the luxuries of life and Then you're saying this a lion is in the street a lion is without well, the lion is called cable The Lion is called XY and Z possessions that you don't want to let go of Okay. Now look, this is our truth, but we need to talk about this This is fact Okay And you need to hear this because if not, I'm not a good pastor and I'm not a good preacher if I'm not telling you That this is what God requires of you Get rid of the lion There is look if we walk out there's there's a possibility That there will be a lion in the streets when I walk out right now. There is a possibility I mean, is it impossible? No, it's not impossible. There's a possibility But should I stay inside because of that one in a million possibility that it could be outside? No What it is is an excuse is what it is and we need to get rid of excuses Okay, look Lower the standard of living and you can make it. I Made below minimum wage and I took care of my wife and my newborn son And if I don't know if you knew this but no newborn children they have these thing called diapers Does anybody know that? They're expensive they cost a lot and aside from them to have a bunch of other stuff that they need because they can't take care of themselves, you know, and You know But we did it we made it happen But you know what? I was the happiest man in the world because my wife stayed home And look people try to tell me oh, you know, just just let her work for the college Just look I'm like no Not working for anything. She's working for me She's staying home. She's gonna work for me because I'm putting food on the table. So she's gonna work for me, you know and look This is not in my notes. But look if you have a wife who works in the world, she has two bosses Just chew on that for a little bit She has you but she has her other boss as well And she has to do what her other boss tells her to do My wife had another boss Not good Most of the strain in a marriage comes from that right there Because there's two bosses and and you can't yeah, but I'm allowing her to work there, you know, I'm telling her two bosses You're allowing her to be under a man to tell her what to do Heck no, I'm not doing that Have another guy tell my wife what to do That's crazy You're crazy didn't call me crazy You know to have another guy tell my wife what time she could come in what projects to do what time this and that no No, the biblical role here is that a man puts food on the table and look if you're in that situation And your wife does not have the faith You need to step up as a man and say hey i'm gonna take care of you I will put food on the table. You will never starve In fact, you will never even go without whatever it is that you want I will provide that for you Don't worry about it. If I have to i'll work long hours. I will never miss church You're asking too much is god asking too much when he says that You think your responsibilities will conflict if you do that? No, if this is what god wants it's gonna work You Know and by the way, look i'm so sick of hearing this of you know, well, you know the cost in california is just so crazy The cost of california. I just don't know how i'm gonna do it Okay Then you're a hypocrite because you go out And you tell people about the lord and you want them to place their faith in the bible what the bible says about eternal life And then you turn around say well, but god can't provide for my needs though. Not in california Only in areas where he can provide, you know, he's a god of the hills but not of the valleys Kind of thing you're a hypocrite Cannot god provide Can't goshan, you know why egypt is just being destroyed By the plagues goshan was the only place it was flourishing It was prosperous and not one of the plagues touched that area. You know why because god did that So it doesn't matter you think god can't say man. Yeah, I can't work in california I can't provide that's way too much money right there. I got a lot of children Yeah, I gotta help all my children and you're just gonna have to put up that's garbage You know if I was able to do it below minimum wage salary in california Okay with my rinky dinky car That got sustained for like a long time He did I that's because i'm not a mechanic at all. Okay, anybody a mechanic in here? Who's a mechanic? Yeah, amen everyone's on the same board as me right i'm brother perry brother perry he's he's a good mechanic right You know, i'm not a mechanic god sustained all those things and I just remember thinking I told my wife I said we're just gonna have to step out in faith Obey god and even if we're broke doing it. Guess what? At least we have the conscience of knowing we're doing it god's way So don't be afraid and don't start looking at all the giants in the land Why don't you be like caleb? And say no We can do this. God has given it to us given given the victory already We can make it happen. Stop looking at all the excuses and all these things make it happen And look as men we need to make it happen We need to make sure we said no it's possible we can do it we can we can make it happen if we have to eat beans and rice If we have to get a rinky dinky car That makes noises five miles, you know, five blocks down I had this car where you knew I was coming like two hours ago Bruce is coming. I can hear him And it was humbling but guess what at least I was taking care of my family I was providing for my wife and my children and I can come home and say i'm the king of my household You know and look Women were not designed to be in the workforce I didn't say they weren't designed to work because there's work that women have to do i'm talking about to be in the workforce Outside to work a secular job. They're not designed it causes a lot of stress on a woman You don't believe me talk to dr Rita she knows all about it causes a lot of stress and much of that stress actually impedes a woman from being able to have children Children Is that fact right? She's not in your head Why because it's not natural Okay, we're supposed to take on the stress We can handle the stress Even if we have physical ailments, we can always handle stress way better than women can we thrive? Under stress we need pressure and stress i've been stressed out this whole week, but it's been great Man I love if there's no life had no stress life would suck it would be like boring Like nothing to do, you know No stress is good for us late nights working early mornings trying to meet deadlines Physically tired. It's great It would be a horrible life without stress Stress is good, man You know So you can handle it and it's typically and let me say stress comes in intervals I'm talking about intervals as far as seasons is concerned because that was a season for us. We were just struggling, you know Just but you know what? I can look And people constantly offer my wife jobs. It's just like she's not working No Oh, but you could have so much more money and you can you can do this and you guys can have fun I can have fun at home Pull out a board game or something You know, we can take a walk to the park We can go hold hands at the beach We can go have one ice cream together Look costco Amen Hey, we've had many dates at costco sharing ice cream You know perfect And look learn contentment You don't need like the most luxurious things to enjoy life It's sometimes the most simplest things in life that helps us to just enjoy life And look you better learn that especially if you're thinking of having children Because once your children grow up they're going to have your appetites And if you don't teach them to be content with the things that they have the ice cream or whatever it may be They're going to make your life miserable I've shared this before my wife used to say that during christmas, you know, my my wife's family the brothers There's eight of them eight brothers and sisters You know, and they kept having they didn't believe in birth control They just kept having children until they couldn't have no more And they said during christmas the mom would take them to where to toys r us No to the 99 cent store And say go get stickers They're like wow stickers, you know little things that the girls put on their hair or whatever The you could each get like three five things or whatever and they're just thrilled to death about it I want that Because that saves my wallet And it makes my kids happy You know, my son bruce doesn't know about a lot of toys and he will never know about certain specific toys Because what it does he doesn't know won't hurt him, you know, he's content with the box that I bought him or whatever, you know He just likes, you know certain things and so You know learn contentment But you need to fulfill your role in life Okay, and look in first timothy chapter five Both of them can give can be given over to satan. Why because they're not in a role So the woman who's not having children becomes a tattler and is given over to satan because she's not fulfilling her role The guy who's not providing for his family is worse than an infant. Why because he's not fulfilling his role Makes sense so in order for us to thrive and be obedient to god We need to make sure we're fulfilling our role. So when my wife stopped working You know, it was great because now she can have my meals ready when I would come home She's not restricted to a strict schedule You know, she could do whatever she wants at home She can do whatever she wants. She has way more freedom Working for me than working for someone else Way more for the stress is this there's the same amount of stress because of the children But it's not the same stress as if working in in the field or whatever You know because she's got a good boss man I give her you know days off or whatever and Hook her up you know she Makes her own schedule whatever she wants to do and she says hey, can I get this? I'm like, I always tell her Get whatever you want She's like wow, I think we need this. Hey, and I want to buy this and i'm like just get it Buy whatever you want because I want my wife to know that it's enjoyable to be at home You know, I want my wife to say I love being a stay-at-home mom And I want her to teach my daughter kyla to be the same I say kyla, it's awesome staying at home and working for your husband. It's great Now look if this isn't your situation, I don't hate you You know, i'm not your enemy because I tell you the truth in fact, I love you and that's why i'm telling you What if I was some weakling pastor? Who's afraid to offend you some sissy pastor? They don't want to tell you the truth. Come on You know, you should leave if that was the case But at least I have the gall and the guts to tell you what the bible says at the risk of offending you And look churches today they've completely changed on this position Completely Even people that i've known they believe it wasn't right for a woman to work in the workforce Now their wives are working who are pastors You know now their leaders have have wives that are working in the work in the workforce and they'll say this. Yeah, but I led her You just gotta say that is what it is You know because they want all their toys Okay, so they rather violate the bible violate scripture so they can have their toys So they can have nice dinners and all these things and all these all these luxuries forget all that Obey god in the bible and you enjoy the small things and when you get something that's nice, you'll appreciate it a lot more When you get something luxurious like tri-tip, you know, we appreciated that it was like it was good You know You appreciate those things more But what do we have today pastors who are now compromising on this on this thing right here Where their wives their pastors and their wives are working in the workforce You're a weakling for a pastor if you let your wife do that i'm talking about for pastors You're a weak leader And that's not right to teach your people that you should do that because now you get into this whole 50-50 who's in charge then Well, i'm in charge not from not from nine to five you ain't You ain't in charge from nine to five you can't call your wife and tell her to come home, can you That's right Yeah, she's got another boss at that point You know and ladies make sure that when you get married you married to a guy who can provide for you Okay, i'm not saying he has to be like You know, you have to marry like an ugly guy since like that but you got to make sure that the guy knows how to work And is going to provide for the family Okay, he knows how to work. He can keep a job Keep a job Able to pay the bills And get the job done because that's a good expression of love my I tell my wife You'll never have to worry about anything ever again You'll never have my kids will never have to worry about I will starve The affliction will come upon me before I ever let my family ever starve But look, you know what? That's not gonna happen because god provides for me And if I obey god in his word, guess what he'll continue to provide for me my mom and look No one has an excuse why they can't work So just say that right now My mom has massive arthritis Especially during the winter. It's bad Where just she feels like her bones are just gonna break Bones are just gonna break She has pains all all the time Okay, because she's just getting older as she gets older You know, the body wax is old and there's just all kinds of pains that she has and but you know what? She gets up in the morning and she works She makes it happen and i'm not even saying that's right. I told my mom just come live with this but she refuses to So if a 73 year old lady Who can do that How much more can a young man work My foot hurts I got an ingrown toenail Get a knife get that thing out and go to work Pain no pain no gain And thank god for the pains that you have because it shows that you're alive still. Amen It's like man i'm alive. I got i'm hurting right now. That means i'm alive Hey, you know better to have some pain than for you to be dead and then knowing who's gonna provide for your family next You know work learn to love to work don't be lazy work find a job Do what you have to do to provide for your family because it's biblical don't be worse than an infidel It's in the bible Okay And look thou that teaches another teaches not thyself Thou that teaches that we ought to believe the bible and have faith in the bible teaches not thyself You know, are we supposed to go from faith to faith? And continue to have growing faith and believing that god can can provide for our needs absolutely and look It's the best feeling when you pray and your prayers get answered It's like god, you know We don't have the money that we need and god just drops 500 bucks for the needs that we have I mean i'm like man God can do it, you know you because you know you believe what you like I believe but help thou mine unbelief We had multiple times my wife and I won't when this is like we're short On money because my paycheck wasn't like a whole lot And my former job did not allow me to work a second job If I was going to keep that job at that church, I had to only work at that job I couldn't work a second job. In fact, I remember I got a second job and someone ratted me out They ratted me out for my job and then he had me quit that job Sucked but you know what during those times I remember praying Saying god, please provide This amount of money, please provide this specific amount and god would come through all the time All the time, you know why because god owns the cattle on the thousand hill. He owns all the silver and gold I mean and here at the end of the day i'm like lord i'm working for you I'm preaching the gospel I want to provide for my family I'm reading my bible. I'm trying to do the best that I can to live life that's pleasing to you Can you please provide for this and he would always he always would because he's a good god Oh, it's just different for me do you have a different god You know, what's what's the difference No, the difference is you're not willing to step out in faith That's the difference man up Okay And lastly look we should never go to the infidel for spiritual matters We obviously understand that the bible tells us in first corinthians 6 5 I speak to your shame Is it so that there is not a wise man among you? No, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren But brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers, you know We ought not to go to the law to the unbelievers for spiritual matters Okay You know, obviously we go to unbelievers to learn certain specific things and instructions and wisdom because often the children in their generation Are much wiser than the children of light according to the bible, you know Sometimes unsafe people have a lot of wisdom and experience in certain things and we can learn from that But when it comes to spiritual matters, we're not to go to the unbelievers, you know, the john mccarthur's Oh, no, he says he's a believer. He's not a believer There hasn't that guy is a devil Okay, I don't get when I say believer. I mean someone who's actually saved They believe the bible. They're not denying the blood of christ and the trinity, you know, no, they they're actual believers We ought to learn from them not from excuse me. We ought to learn from people who are saved not these unbelievers And so what's the message for today? You know We ought to love the infidel win the infidel, but you know what? We ought not to be worse than the infidel And we're not better than the infidel, but you know what? We are we're better off Because we're saved We're better off not only because we're saved but you know what we got a king jane's bible We got instructions things that can benefit us. We need to obey it. Amen All right. Let's pray father. We thank you for Your word lord and thank you for those who are patient with me and taught me these concepts I had great examples in my life that I can learn from And um, there were hard truths and things that I didn't learn growing up. So I know what it's like Hearing the this this concept and this doctrine for the first time. I pray god that you'd help us lord help us as men specifically And if we're even gonna if we're gonna make it in this wicked world With all these false ideologies and concepts in the world just constantly trying to push their agenda down our throat We need to make sure that we're biblically in line with what you say within your word and help us as men to to Fulfill our roles as providers For our wives and for our children and to make sure that our wives and our children have confidence in us that we can provide We can work we can fulfill our roles in life and I pray that you'd help us to do so in jesus then we pray amen You