(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Good evening tonight. We're in Revelation chapter 12 and the Bible reads There appeared a great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of 12 stars and She being with child cried travailing in birth and pain to be delivered And there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head and His tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and it cast them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman Which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born She brought forth a man child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up unto God and to his throne and The woman fled into the wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God that they should feed her there a thousand and two hundred and three score days and there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and Prevailed not neither was their place found any more in heaven And the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of Christ but the accuser of our brethren is cast down which occurs accused them before our God day and night and They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives under the death Therefore rejoice ye heavens and you that dwelled in them Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth That he hath but a short time When the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child and To the woman were given two wings of an ink a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness Into her place where she was is nourished for a time and times and half a time From the face of the serpent and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood After the woman that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood And the earth helped the woman and the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth The dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed Which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ Let's pray dear Lord God. Thank you for this church. You've given us Lord. We thank you for pastor Please bless them right now as he preaches your word unto us Lord and that us in the congregation can take away these truths From your word Lord. We pray this all in Jesus name. Amen Amen, okay. We're in Revelation chapter 12 this evening and I want you to look down at your Bibles of verse number 9 It says in the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan Which deceiveth the whole world he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him of course, we know the revelation chapter 12 is essentially addressing the time period in the future where Satan is permanently excommunicated from heaven after the war that he Participates in against Michael and his archangels, but what I want to talk about this evening is some of the descriptions or names that The Bible here gives to Satan and how they relate to some of his tactics some of his methods some of his devices They tries to use Against God's people and in fact when you look throughout the Bible you see that Satan is named He has different names various names and Of course one of the names that he has that's not mentioned in this particular list is a name that we addressed on Thursday From Isaiah chapter 14 and that is Lucifer, right? And of course the reason he's referred to as Lucifer is because he's the son of the morning But he's also the light bearer and one of the reasons This is a name that's fitting for Satan is because of the fact that Satan is a counterfeit of Jesus Christ You see he claims to bring forth the light But really Jesus Christ is the light of the world which lighteth ever man that cometh into the world He is that light He is that true light which lighteth ever man that cometh into the world and when we believe on Jesus Christ we in turn become the light of the world as well and City that is set on the hill cannot be hid and talks about Letting your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven But the point that I'm making here with his name being Lucifer is the fact that it's a counterfeit type of light It's a counterfeit truth or wisdom. It's a counterfeit of God He is not that true light. And in fact, the Bible says that you know today for example, there are false apostles deceitful workers Transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ and no Marvel the Bible says for Satan himself is transformed Into an angel of light you see a lot of people think that Satan comes to people with the pitchfork and horns And horns and a tail when a red suit but in actuality comes as an angel of light He comes in such a deceptive manner that he seeks to portray himself as being from God And that's why people fall for his tactics because he's got essentially a counterfeit light for the world another name that we see in Revelation chapter 12 that's given to Satan a description is That the Bible calls them the great dragon that old serpent Okay, and I believe these are basically the same thing a dragon would be a serpent. Okay I don't believe a dragon is essentially the this this fairy tale that people make up Fire-breathing dragon or whatever may be I think it's just referring to the fact that he is somewhat of a serpent and I do believe that originally that's exactly what he looked like even from his creation God made him to be To have the similitude of a serpent and that's outside of the scope of the sermon But obviously the Bible refers to him as a cherub and we know that cherubs accord a cherry bins according to Ezekiel chapter 1 in chapter 10 are this anthropomorphic creature with four faces, but the difference between them and Satan who's a cherub is the fact that he's the anointed cherub and that he's described as a serpent and The reason that the Bible in here in Revelation chapter 12 references him as being that old serpent is because if you've read the Bible even the basics of it is It's a callback to Genesis chapter 3, right the fact that he was in Eden And in fact the Bible tells us that the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field now What does it mean to be subtle? Well to be subtle simply simply means to be wise cunning and this isn't necessarily a negative Connotation because God wants us to have subtlety as well He wants us to have wisdom But obviously those qualities can be perverted and used for wrong as Satan did and the Bible says in Ezekiel 28 verse 12 You don't have to turn there son of man Take up a lamentation unto the king of Tyrus and saying to him thus saith the Lord thou sealest up the sum full of wisdom and Perfect in beauty obviously telling us here that Satan is wise and this is why we should never have this attitude about Satan Like oh, I can just defeat Satan easily. He's nothing. No Satan is a very much a formidable opponent He's very wise and cunning. He's been you know, essentially destroying people for thousands of years He has been defeating Christians. Unfortunately for thousands of years He's had time to perfect his tactics against Christians because he's wise and so we should respect these celestial beings and not think ourselves to be You know individuals that oh, I don't have to worry about Satan I'll beat up Satan and you say well Do people actually think things like that? Well, there's an entire sect of Christianity called Pentecostalism That literally just believes that they're like defeating Satan or whatever. And in fact, I had a friend Who was a Pentecostal or his dad was actually a Pentecostal pastor. And of course, this is not a Pentecostal Church this is a fundamental Baptist Church not charismatic and I believe that Pentecostalism and the charismatic movement is of the devil. Okay, because like Satan it's a counterfeit of Christianity it's a counterfeit of the working of the Holy Spirit and the believer But I had this friend and you know, they're all about the speaking in tongues and all this nonsense But he used to tell me he's like I'm gonna tell you he's like my dad kills demons in his dreams I'm like really and you know, I don't think I was even saved at the time I was like really He's like, oh, yeah every night when he goes to sleep, you know, he's like killing demons in his sleep I'm like what I'm like demons could die He's like, yeah, he's killing them and they're you know, he's sending them to hell and stuff I'm like, is this like Constantine or like, you know like But obviously that's nonsense and Obviously, you know, his dad was a false prophet who's under this major delusion He just had too many onions on his burger the previous night You know, he probably had a little too much Taco Bell the previous night having all these dreams and I'm not against Taco Bell But it does give you it does give some freaky dreams. I'll just be honest with you. Okay? You know, so hey, you don't need drugs To trip out just eat some Taco Bell and you'll you'll be having some fever dreams in no time But you know, he's having these delusions about defeating Satan in his sleep. That's fake my friends You know, we don't defeat Satan by dreaming about destroying demons with a sword and sending them to hell You've been watching too much Constantine and too many Hollywood movies you know the Bible says that we overcome Satan by our faith and by our testimony and you know our Battle is not a physical battle. It's a spiritual battle but the point that I'm making here is that you know, we're not to bring a railing accusation against Satan or the devil and Not and we shouldn't undermine his capabilities and his power there should be a level of understanding and Caution when fighting against Satan and not have this, you know Prideful arrogant attitude that we can just beat people or beat up the devil up or beat demons up or something like that That's nonsense. And so he's referred to as the serpent the dragon He's also talked about in Revelation chapter 12 as being the devil or Satan Okay, and both of these essentially mean accuser and adversary now what is an accuser someone who blames you? Accuses you of wrongdoing and it is often said that what Satan will do is he'll tempt you And in fact, he's also called the tempter, but he'll tempt you to sin and then once you sin He will accuse you to the father for sinning and this is a major tactic of Satan to accuse you to be your adversary To fight against you This is what the Bible says to be sober be vigilant for your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about Seeking whom he may devour. This is essentially telling us that as Christians. We can't let our guard down We can't just be careless in the Christian life and think that well, I'm not gonna fight right now I'm just gonna put it in neutral. I'm just gonna take a very, you know passive You know type of approach to the Christian life. No, we're in a spiritual battle Okay and the moment that you decide to put your guard down to Just put it in first gear to put it in neutral to put it in park and not fight against Satan Well, then the Lions gonna devour you because he's your adversary. He does not have your best interest in mind He's out to destroy you to kill and to rob you of God's blessing And so that's important to know and obviously, you know the fact that he's the adversary and the accuser Shows us that you know, he's the exact opposite of Jesus Christ because the Bible says that Jesus is our advocate We have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitian Propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world So when we believe on Jesus Christ, we're forgiven of past present and future sins But obviously through our Christian life, we're gonna sin. We're gonna do wrong We're gonna do things that are not pleasing unto the Lord. And so when that happens, you know, Jesus Christ advocates for us He's like our lawyer and you know I've heard in times past and obviously we can't prove it in the Bible but it's a good concept that when that happens is as if Jesus Christ comes to the Father and shows them the wounds in His hands and said I've already paid for it. That's the say that's exactly what happened, right? This is why we don't suffer the con the eternal consequences of our sin because we're saved you have that advocate Rooting for us in heaven praying for us interceding for us He is the mediator and so various names are given in Revelation chapter 12 this Displays some of his methods some of his tactics, but another one that we see here That's actually not explicit name, but it talks about what he does is the fact that it says in verse 9 It says the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan listen to this which deceive it the whole world And what this means that he is a what a deceiver. He's a liar now go to John chapter 8 if you would John chapter 8 the title of the sermon this evening is the father of lies and Tonight I really want to talk about the fact that you know Satan I want to remind our church that Satan is a master at lying He's a master at constructing lies. He's a master at formulating lies, and he's a master at Causing people to believe lies not just unsaved people But even saved people as well and we need to make sure that as Christians We are aware of that that we're not falling into the deception of Satan and various aspects of our lives tonight Is a sermon just kind of reminding you what the enemy is capable of and what what's one thing that he uses? Continuously because he's really good at it. And that is deception lies. Okay, look at John 8 and verse 44 It says year of your father the devil and The ye that he's referring to are the Jews Okay, more specifically the Pharisees who are the religious leaders of Judaism He says year of her father the devil the lust of your father will you do he was a murderer from the beginning associating him with who with Cain, right and Abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie He speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it And what does that refer instance referring to the fact that Satan begets lies? Okay He creates lies upon lies and he creates a web of deception for the world to believe and here's the thing Obviously we know that Satan's out to get you. He's out to get me. He's out to get Christians, but not just Christians He's out to just destroy all of mankind. Okay, and You know contrary to what Hollywood teaches you he's not gonna appear in human form to fight you physically You know, he's not gonna try to like scare you by apparitions in your bedroom or something like that and you know Cuz sometimes people will think that man, you know Satan's out to get me. How do you know? Well, I saw a figure in my bedroom or something like that I saw a shadow or something, you know You might want to just put away the Ouija board and maybe that stuff will go away. How about that? But In my opinion a lot of that stuff is just like his minions Cuz Satan deals with like the top dogs of Christianity type thing. He's attacking the the people who are actually Shaking things up and doing something for the Lord. Those are the ones who is that he's actually threatened by but nonetheless He still uses the same method and that is deception to try to bring people down now It says here that he's the father of lies just as God is the father of lights, right? You know The Bible tells us every good gift and every perfect gift Cometh from above from the father of lights and whom there is no shadow No variable is neither shadow of turning and so, you know, God brings light. He brings truth. He brings illumination He brings enlightenment to the truth. Whereas Satan wants to leave you in obscurity He wants to lie to you bring deception Cause you to believe that which is contrary to the Word of God. And so let me talk about a couple things here The lies and who he directs them towards go with if you would to Deuteronomy chapter 11 and then we're gonna go to Romans chapter 1 the lies that the devil speaks and I'm gonna broaden this application first to the world Then to those who think that they're saved and then lastly to us who are saved Let's talk about those who just are in the world in general people who are just not saved not religious He lies to the world about God and that seems pretty general. But let me explain what I mean by that, you know mankind Has an innate desire to worship Okay, meaning that no matter what part of the world you're in no matter what culture you observe or study There's always gonna be a people who are worshiping something why because that's how we're created We're created to worship and obviously the end game to that would be that we would find the Lord Jesus Christ worship the God of the Bible the God of heaven and Live the rest of our lives serving the Lord and such but obviously that's not the case And why is that because of the fact that Satan has deceived the world into false religion Okay, and when we think of false religion, obviously The first thing that comes to our mind is the bastardizations of Christianity different sects of Christianity That tries to promote themselves as being Christian, but they're not Mormonism Jehovah's Witness Catholicism things of that nature, but let's just go outside of that and think about Hinduism Buddhism Islam paganism all of these different types of Religions and religious practices of worship. These people are deceived They're worshipping the gods of stone of silver and of gold. They worship idols and you think to yourself How can you worship an inanimate object that can do nothing for you? You know these yourself like how is it that you are carrying on your shoulders? the Virgin Mary So that she doesn't drown in the flood that has plagued your country and yet she's supposed to be the one who saves you I mean, it seems absolutely Ridiculous that people would do such a thing, but I'll tell you how they get to that point. It's called deception The lie is so great that they believe it. I Mean folks, I know I get on Catholics a lot But there's 1.5 billion of them in this world who are 100% Deceived by that religion and to thinking that they can that there's the one true church and the Pope is You know the vicar of Christ is the vicar of hell You know that oh, you know, I'm imperfect but if I die I'll go to purgatory and To you know, it's essentially prune myself of all these sins and then I'll get to heaven folks every single Roman Catholic Who has died has split hell wide open and they can call it purgatory if they want It's called hell and you know, they will never escape that and you know what that goes for every single Muslim that's out there every Buddhist every Hindu has died and gone to hell thinking that they were doing right Thinking that that was the true way thinking that that was the truth it was legitimate But they died and went to hell why because Satan has lied to them about worship look at Deuteronomy chapter 11 verse 16 it says take heed to yourselves that your heart be not deceived and You turn aside and serve other gods and worship them So obviously Satan works in tandem with our deceitful hearts This is why it's important to put the Word of God in your heart Because you know the world's always promoting what follow your heart. That's like the worst piece of advice That you could ever adhere to why because if your heart it is not filled with Word of God It's not it's not saturated by preaching. It's not saturated by biblical principles. It can lead you astray We all have times in our life and through our weeks and days where it's just like well I just feel like I should do this. Well, I feel like this, right? Well, you better make sure that that lines up with the Bible if especially if it's a major Decision that you're gonna make well, I just feel like this is the right thing to do. Well, forget what you feel Tell me what the Bible actually says and align yourself with that Okay, our emotions can deceive us And so when you think about the world who says why I feel like a burning in my bosom when I read the Book of Mormon And it's just like, you know, that doesn't mean that it's a legitimate book You've been deceived and Satan is using your emotions To kind of help you to believe that I mean Charismatics are like this. Let's just get a little closer to Christian home and that would be what like the the non-denam churches Where in their services they feel like they're worshiping God Raising up their hands and you know, just having this emotional experience and they think to themselves Well, I am worshiping God, but it's like no you're not you're just being emotional You're just having this emotional experience because you're not necessarily worshiping God in spirit and in truth You understand what I'm saying? And so Satan is really good at providing a counterfeit to what it is to worship God and you know Someone who goes to a church like that and comes to our church I guarantee you the majority of them will be like these people don't know how to worship God All right Let's just be honest, you know, I guarantee you if we have people from non-denam churches come to our church They would not like the song service. They would not like the piano playing They would think that Alex Barreira is just not filled with the spirit They would think that Marco sucks and that you know, he needs to get more in the spirit They would think that this is just you know boring but why because they're judging it through their emotions They're judging it through their senses but you know what he that worshipeth God must worship him in spirit and in truth and The reason people feel that way is because that word feel you know what we feel with our carnal nature Whereas the whole the the spirit that dwells within us Worships God in truth The spirit resonates with the truth that's being portrayed It resonates with the truth that's being sung and it rejoices in in the flesh No, it rejoices in spirit. And so the point that I'm making here is that the devil has deceived the world Into what worship truly is. Okay, and You know, this is why you have countries go go to Romans chapter 1. This is why you have countries and entire Segments of the world who are just plagued by idolatry you have the 1040 window Southeast Asia You know you have Cambodia Laos you know what their animism and and Buddhism and Islam and one of the things that I get sick and tired of hearing is Missionaries and Baptist saying well, they just don't know the name of Christ That's why they're in that condition that they're in No, they're in that condition that they're in because they know the name of Christ That's actually why and in fact the reason and don't tell me that in 2024 No one's heard of Jesus Christ. That's a bunch of baloney Because even like 10 15 years ago I remember missionaries from Cambodia Saying that he was going to like this really remote place with some hut or something and you know Just people who are just living just you know like in huts and The kid was just on there on his phone watching some YouTube video or something Don't give me that You know, they have the internet and in fact, most people around the world have the internet They have YouTube they have Instagram they have X They have all the social media platforms to learn the truth to get the truth to them And you know what at the end of the day the reason those countries are in the conditions that they're in is because their Ancestors rejected the gospel of Jesus Christ. I Don't know about that. That seems a little harsh. Yeah, it is harsh It's a worthy punishment for a country and a nation that rejects Jesus Christ Look what it says in Romans 1 18 for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness And unrighteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness. Oh, just kidding It's only revealed to the United States No, it says it's revealed to all men He says in verse 19 because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath showed it unto them So are you calling God a liar? Well, it's just you don't know though, but because there's these Cambodians You know out there that you know, they really don't know the name of Jesus Well, that's false because Islam exists in in Cambodia and even Islam talks about Jesus Verse 20 says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen Being understood by the things that are made in even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without Excuse because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God neither were thankful but became vain in imaginations And their foolish heart was darkened Professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and Creeping things. What is this? What does it say? It's saying that you know The world is being deceived by Satan to the point where he dupes them and to start worshiping animals Images of animals images of serpents images of false gods It's a deception and I'm not saying that you know It's all on Satan because of this obviously people have a free will to choose what they want to worship But Satan plays a role in it He has constructed the system by which people can be deceived in this world go to Galatians chapter 1 So his greatest tactic against mankind is deception This is how he's do people into false religion, but let's go closer to home Let's come to the United States and just different parts of you know, the Western culture where Christianity is prevalent There's a lot of churches a lot of people that claim to be Christian well in this regard Satan Lies to mainstream Christians about salvation Because you can ask a ton of Christians are they saved and they're like, yeah But then you'll get like literally 15 different answers on how to be saved though Doesn't matter if they claim to believe in Jesus they believe in the Bible they go to a church They go to a Baptist Church at that folks you go to the south There's all types of Baptist churches And you know what? You'll knock on doors in the south and ask them if they're saved and they say yes because they're Baptist and they'll give you a Workspace salvation as a testimony at the Bible Belt, I Mean think about that and people always want our man the Bible belts the best brother No, we're able to just tote guns and God and country You're not saved What good is it? You're not even saved Calling yourself a fundamental Baptist and you can't even give a clear presentation of the gospel why cuz Satan has deceived Pockets of Christianity mainstream Christianity into what salvation really is and we never want to just overlook this and just kind of You know couple ourselves with other Christians so-called just because they call themselves Christians just because they call themselves Baptist You know, we should always go back to what do you believe about salvation though? Because if they don't believe the right salvation, they're not our brothers and sisters in Christ And we need to you know, go back to labeling people what they really are Well, hey brother. Well, you know what if you're not saved don't call me brother Because it's fact We're not brothers and sisters in Christ if you're not saved. I'm saved I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and no we're not brothers. Okay, because what agreement at the temple of God with idols Well Concord hath Christ with Belial, you know, I'm a son of God. I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ You're a child of disobedience. You're a child of wrath and Obviously that can change if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ exclusively to be saved But if you believe in a different gospel, we're not brothers and sisters in Christ. It's not there. Look at Galatians 1 verse 6 I am marvel the year so soon removed from men that called you into the grace of Christ into another gospel Which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ So what is the same there's no such thing as different Gospels and he says another gospel But then he goes on to say but there's not another gospel Really what there is is there's the true gospel and then there's a perversion of the gospel Okay So you have to understand folks is that just because someone says they're a Christian Doesn't mean they're saved Don't fall into this lie in this trap that Satan has put forth where he wants to paint Christianity with the broad brush and say Well because they have the knowledge of Christ that somehow that means that they're saved You know when I go sowing I ask people if they go to church and if they say they go to a Christian Church, I'm not just like oh great. Well, have a great day Saved for sure That's not enough now. I will say this I rejoice in the fact that they say they're go to a Christian Church because what does that do that narrows it down some Okay, it puts us in the same sport. So to speak, you know, he's soccer. I'm playing baseball now We're on the same field so to speak Okay, and so then at that point now I can ask him questions about salvation but I'm not gonna assume that he's saved just because he says he's a Christian and I'm not gonna sue someone say just because they Say they're a Baptist and I'm not gonna assume that they're saved because they say they're a fundamental Baptist Because at the end of the day Satan has worked overtime into infiltrating churches with the false gospel and giving people a false sense of security that they're saved even though they believe in a wrong gospel and This is important folks that we as a church do not deviate from the importance of being thorough in our gospel presentation And our questioning of people when we're at the door and not just assume all their oh, you know, they're Baptist Oh, they say they're Christian. Oh, they say they're a believer automatically. They're safe Okay, obviously there's a possibility that they are but it doesn't mean that they are and I know you know Here's the thing and it's not just for the person at the door your Holly your favorite Hollywood actress, too And your favorite politician just because they accidentally say Jesus doesn't make them saved Just because they you know, the actor says, you know God or something and I just want to thank God For what for being a pervert just covetous greedy Vain person don't accredit that to God don't charge God foolishly with that nonsense. I Think you say if you could do really do a lot, you know What do you mean? He's yeah, he's done a lot of damage already But you know what, but you have these churches then look up to these people Look up to these famous actress actors and actresses and these politicians Just because they slipped and said Bible You know, it's like oh Then there's a chance it's like, you know Satan's done a really good job deceiving Christians into thinking just because someone mentions God Like somehow that means they're a Christian then I get it, you know, because our world is becoming so just immoral and wicked and vile It's like a breath of fresh air to hear someone who has popularity to mention something about the Bible or God But I'm here to burst your bubble though I'm here to burst your bubble and say that's stupid. That's a stupid way of thinking We need to get back to what the Bible says and not just assume that because they mention anything about God That somehow that means they're a Christian and look I see this on social media a lot Where you have Christians that will promote other so-called Christians because they take a hard stance against sodomy They take a hard stance about you know, moral issues of this culture But then you look at the person's doctrine and they believe you got to keep the Sabbath they believe that you know, the we should still go under the law and Eat shellfish and all these things and they're like one is Pentecostals in belief. They they essentially deny The Godhead the divinity of Christ because they believe that Jesus is the Father Yeah, but you know, he he votes for Trump though Oh Wow, I'll just you know canonize him then or something, you know But Satan has deceived mainstream Christians into thinking that just because someone leans a little bit to the right of What the Bible says that somehow that automatically means they're saved. It's not true. Don't be duped by that lie You know, obviously there's people who are well-meaning out there who think that they're saved And maybe they think that they're doing right and they're there are well-meaning But they're sincerely wrong and this is what the Bible says I bear them record that they have a zeal of God in Roman chapter 10 You don't have to turn there but not according to knowledge for they being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own Righteousness have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God Okay, and so, you know, he's deceived many into thinking that they're saved even though they're not All right Now let's get into my last point here Which is where I'm gonna spend the majority of the sermon and that is Lies that he promotes to save people and I'm gonna talk. I'm gonna dress the church tonight and and just kind of Exhort you a little bit and remind you of some of the lies that Satan has given me Has given you has given people that I've worked with over the last eight years of our church and some of the some of The pitfalls that people have fallen into because they've been deceived by Satan over these things and don't think just because you're saved That somehow that liberates you from the deception of Satan. Okay, obviously it liberates us from Hell and obviously Satan can never take away our salvation and we're children of God But we are not just automatically safeguarded from Satan's deception We have to purposely guard ourselves from these lies. Okay now Let's talk about first, you know when Satan has lied or promotes lies about downing the Bible Okay, now an extreme version of this would be Christians who are saved But they've been duped into using like an ESV or something like that. Right because it's just a better version It's more reliable and I don't write people off like that as just being completely reprobate They're not saved because I guarantee you the vast majority of them have never read the ESV cutter cover to cover Let me just be real honest with you. Okay Now the ones who just read a cover to cover they just love it. They quote it they defend it They've studied it and they love it. They're probably not saved. I'll just be honest with you, but someone who just like Uses it to bring it to church and they've never read through it They're just been deceived by God and I do believe that there could be saved people using those Bibles and I use the term Use loosely. I mean like they bring it to church they you know, they read the portion that their little devotional book tells them to read and That's it. Okay, and You know, they've fallen under the deception Yea hath God said and this is why our church is King James only meaning that we believe that the King James Bible is the inspired and preserved Word of God for the English-speaking people and It is superior to all modern versions of the Bible. And in fact all modern versions of the Bible are not only fraudulent They're just horribly written. They're they're they're geographically Erroneous they teach false doctrine They they remove entire passages and verses they add things to them They pervert the deity of Jesus Christ. They remove the blood I mean just to name a couple problems with the modern versions and Same goes for the Spanish versions like the 1960 which fundamental Baptists can't seem to kick out of their pulpits for whatever reason That's just as bad. It's just it's just the ESV slash New King James version in English is what it is But He promotes that and you know What if he put if he places an NIV or an ESV into the hand of a saved person? They're not gonna go very far in life. They're not gonna have the power of God in their life. They're not gonna prosper and Succeed in the Christian life because those Bibles are fraudulent and can't do anything The power is in the Word of God in the incorruptible seed Okay, but if we're to get more applicable to our church because no one here is using an ESV at least I don't think so If you are we have a section in the back where you can place your ESV and it's called the trashcan, okay? We'll get you a brand new Bible But you know sometimes people even Christians even though they're King James only can doubt the promises of God okay, and often it's in relation to like what God can provide and In fact, this is something that I deal with as a pastor a lot is People just doubting if God can protect and or provide for you in the most difficult of times You know and let me just say this Okay Folks one thing that will help you to have more faith in the promises of God is stop listening to California haters Who are just constantly fear-mongering you even though they're the sissy ones who left, California Amen You know they constantly talk about against, California How bad California and how bad you got it? How bad it is here? You know, but they're the ones who actually left because they're scared And and here's the thing I always tell them like I'm doing fine in Fact I'm doing too good sometimes Which is why I got to go on a cut sometimes you know I'm not going without God's protecting me he's provided for me. He's been there I have not suffered like terrible losses or anything It's like no no it's not like that at all. It's you know you just it's a blue state, and you're screwed and Not from what I'm looking at our church is growing people are getting saved I get to raise my family and the nurture and the admonition of the Lord And you know why you are so fearful at times because you're listening to a bunch of red state Republicans Trying to usurp God's promises in his word This is what you do. Just shut them off and stick to what the Bible says and look I Get this a lot on social media People are always telling me this on social media. They just they're just appalled that I'm still here They just can't believe it, and I'm just literally just even a couple days ago someone who was just completely just astonished They're like you're in, California Like yeah, I'm in the best state You know and and they're just like how can you I just don't understand with all the craziness going on and I'm thinking like What's I don't see anything crazy We're talking about I'm like living the most normal life I'm like serving God. I'm happy I'm Super joyful. I got my church. I got my family. You know these people act like I live next to Newsom or something People act like I see that guy like once a week or something like that Like he's just lording over us or something It's not the case my friends, and you know what people need to stop being so political and get more religious Yeah, it's time to get it's time to cease being so political by your ideologies and get a little more biblical About the things that you believe and actually start increasing your faith in the Bible And I'm appalled every time I quote verses to these people. Oh, I know it says that but there is no, but Shut your butt up is what you need to do and just believe the Bible I I Mean it's just like you think like the Bible doesn't apply to us in 2024 you think God folks there's Christians over thousands of years who were under worse political regimes Then what we're under now, and they prosper they succeeded God provided for them every single time But all of a sudden. Oh, no, you're in a blue state. You're not gonna make it Nonsense my friends. I don't I hear I don't ascribe to that. I don't listen to that I actually look down on that I mocked that because I know exactly what the Bible says and we need more Christians listen to me We need more Christians to stop doubting the Bible Placing more faith and what the news says placing more faith And you're you know your political Talking points and in Fox News rather than just actually cracking open the Bible and saying Lord show me that you'll provide for me Spending more time keeping up with what the what the news says then keeping up with your prayer life Folks you know what Satan does he lies to you into thinking you don't have a good here Look at all these happy people in these ridiculously hot humid states out there In the middle of the woods They can carry guns and cowboy boots, and they can do all those things and you're not happy here folks look and I'm not even saying California's a promised land though. I do believe it but You know what the promised land is is where you're serving God The promised land is wherever you're serving God Okay, and yeah, you know what the promised land is in Texas, but it's only at steadfast Baptist Church Hey, man My opinion you know the promised land is in Georgia, but it's that stronghold Baptist Church Because the promised land is wherever you are serving God Goshen is wherever you're serving God and It's hard to get it through the thick skulls of Christians sometimes To just tell them like just close your ears to the fear-mongering because they're causing you to lose faith in the Bible They're causing you to lose faith in God Why don't you actually increase your faith by reading the Bible and ask God to provide for you and be a strong Christian Because that's really what the challenges. You know I want to challenge you to be a strong Christian by not doubting God's Word Because here's the thing if you are just a weakling Just a lukewarm weakling Christian moving to Florida is not going to help you If you are just a lame butt Christian God be careful If you're a lame rear-ended Christian Going to Texas or Florida is not going to help you you're gonna suck there, too You're just gonna be around a bunch of other people who think that they don't suck just like you Who think like well if I just change my geographical location that's gonna help me not suck No, you're still gonna suck as a Christian Because like Jonah it didn't and didn't help him much Changing a geographical location did not help him at all He still got swallowed by a well, and you know what at the end of the day He ended up going where God told him to go to So you know don't buy into the lies of Satan and his minions His online minions that are constantly trying to make you dissatisfied with what you have right now To try to make you discontent with what you have right now Because that's what that's the tactic he uses he tries to lie to you and say you're not really happy with what you look at Your small little abode look at your car. You can have so much more. How about you just be content with whatever you have How about you just have a low expectation so that when you get something really nice. You're just like whoa This is awesome Instead of just being covetous and greedy and just adhering to the lies of Satan try to make you discontent unhappy dissatisfied folks and Whatsoever state I am I've learned to be content Okay, and that needs to be the testimony of Christians stop doubting the Bible in fact get your eyes into the Word of God More if that's you if you're a person who's given over to fears to doubts to anxieties To speculations of whether God's gonna provide or not Why don't you just turn off the social media and look let me just say this some of us need to go on a social media fast Like you need to go on a long social media fast and Just gorge on the Bible Get that spiritual protein in So that you can increase your faith, and you know what you do that for about six months six months Yeah, how about six months you do that for about six months? I guarantee you walk out and be like man I was dumb. I was being fearful Like I have so much faith in what God can do God has shown himself strong on my behalf It's a blessing To serve God okay But this is a lie that Satan promotes here's another one that he promotes to Christians serving God isn't worth a sacrifice a lot of times, you know Christians feels just like it's just too much You know it's just not worth the sacrifice look at everything you guys have to do you guys got to go to church Sunday morning You gotta come to church Sunday night in between you got to go Sony then you got to read your Bible Then you you can't have all this fun and Satan will promote this Life of living the Christian life as though it's something grievous And I'm not gonna believe at that point because I went over that this morning But that is a lie that he promotes the people to keep them from actually serving God not knowing that at the end of the day God will recompense you and When you serve God he gives you abundantly above all that you can ask or think You know the pay that he gives is far more above than what you could even imagine The blessings that you receive from serving God far outweigh the alternative okay Here's another line that Satan proposes to Christians, and this is this point is for those who are serving God They are doing the best that they can and They may feel as though you know their work for God just not making a difference and every Christian will fall under this deception one at one time or another like Is this like all in pan I don't even think I'm making a dent You know you go sowing and maybe you got a really rough area for the last couple of months and you're like Am I even really making a difference like I haven't seen anybody saved in a couple weeks like what am I what am I doing? Am I just spinning my wheels or something and sometimes Christians can fall under this trap of Satan that says you're not making a difference You think you're two salvations a week your three salvations a month is really doing anything It's not you think anyone's gonna be even be affected by that. It's not but folks Let me just tell you it is making a difference and one thing the Christians don't realize and maybe we won't realize until You know the millennial reign is How great of a ripple effect we've made in this world when we chose to serve God and didn't see the immediate results I Guarantee you You don't know who's listening to you You don't know what seeds you planted that germinated and caused someone to just be on fire for God You don't know what God is doing in the hearts of those that you have gotten saved And maybe they didn't come to our church. Maybe they went to a different church You don't know the difference that you're making and you know what you may never know this side of eternity But this side of eternity you can have the attitude of like what difference can I make I mean folks? This is a lie that I feel like Satan promotes to me a lot Or it's just like you know your pastor in this church. It's a small church compared to other churches and You really think you're gonna reach all these Catholics there's so many Catholics and so many false religions that are far bigger and they can promote and you I can get to a Point where I'm just like am I even making a difference? You know you you make a video, and then it's just like everyone's just against you And you're just like dang am I even even making any kind of an impact is there some is there someone out there? But folks I guarantee you there is Because the word of listen to me the Word of God never returns back void Never comes back void And you know what I'm done wondering. Oh, man It's something ever gonna. I know something's gonna happen cuz I have faith in God's Word that it will You know and and mothers let me just say this moms Moms with little children sometimes it could seem like you're not really making a difference in that kid's life by those spankings It's just like man is it even working anymore But it works and let me just give you an illustration got one right here a man I didn't get permission for this, but I'm not asking for permission. Do you got whooped when he was a kid a lot? right He got whooped and you know what I'm sure there's times where miss Kelly thought like This boy is gonna be an axe murderer, I'm just You know what's gonna happen to you, but you know what and and I I would almost guarantee you that if I spoke to Kelly You know when he was a child Sorry, I didn't ask for permission, but you know You'll get rewarded for this later I Guarantee if I would have told her like your son's gonna be a godly man who raises a godly family who loves the Lord It goes so winning. She would not believe it She probably wouldn't believe it She probably didn't know the impact that she had in her son's life Not just through her her spiritual influence, but just her influence as a mother Because you know what you you know just you but you know Gio is a godly man though Okay, we got a lot of love for Gio and I'm very proud of Gio But you know what moms can often think like is this it's just like wow wow and they're just like grinning at you They're just like I saw you got And you know what moms listen to me moms can get discouraged and think like I Don't know if I'm even making a dent or an impact In my kids life because it just doesn't seem and those of you who are not there yet You will get there one day And I'm telling you right now. It does make an impact You know myself my mom with me when I was a kid and maybe she there's times when she thought like this boy is gonna just You know be a cholo one day or something I guarantee you if someone would have told her years ago your son's gonna be a pastor of a church Reaching a ton of people she probably wouldn't have believed it because you don't see it immediately Okay, don't let Satan lie to you thinking that your efforts are in vain Don't let Satan lie to you thinking Oh, you just got one soul saved this week or one soul saved this month or something because you had a dry spell or something Like that. Oh, you're not really making it wrong. That's nonsense. Of course. You're making a difference And let me just say this a soul is a soul is a soul is a soul and you know what? Let's just say Theoretically that you're it only see one soul saved in your whole life. That person is gonna be looking for you in heaven and Grateful to God that you got them saved and I know people personally in my personal life that I have not seen in years and they honestly probably think I forgot about them but they had a significant impact in my life and If I wish they can be here to see you, you know The fruit that they bore through their investment in their spiritual investment in me But you know, I guarantee that person somewhere out there in this world Thinking that their labor for Christ was in vain Not knowing that it literally produced a pastor She participated this lady that used to go to church she participated as older lady in The making of a pastor so folks your labors never in vain don't think oh, man I'm just never gonna make a difference and who am I? Folks if you have the Spirit of God living within you the ripple effect of your influence and the blessing you can be Can go for ages Ages and moms you're raising the next generation You might be raising them than the next hellfire damnation preaching Baptist who turns the world upside down for God That's how you got to view it, okay. Oh Yeah, but what are these among so many I mean he can take Fish and loaves and multiply and beyond measure And do something supernatural So don't think to yourself. Well, you know I'm not even gonna try, you know, why even try go sewing why even try and make a difference? Why even try to lead people to righteousness? Why even try to invest in people? Why even try to raise my kids and the nurture, you know, I'm not talented. I'm not gifted I'm just not you know, very apt in those areas do what you can with what you have and God can multiply your efforts and do something big in your life and You may not see it in your lifetime, but you will see it And let me say this, you know with that with along with that point, you know people might think You know This church is too small. Like what impact are we really gonna make without having a church this small? Well, technically our church is actually larger than your average church. First of all But second of all, you know, we actually get more done than most liberal churches get done because most liberal churches are not saved And even if they were most liberal churches don't even go so many so a church like ours our church and churches like ours are picking up the slack for a lot of churches out there and So we are getting things done Go to James chapter 4 if you would James chapter 4 Talk about these lies that Satan will bring to your Attention will try to deceive you to hinder you to slow you down To get you to quit to get you discouraged to get you out of the Bible Be aware of these things don't take what I'm saying to you lightly Don't think oh, this is just a Sunday night sermon. No, this is this is the word of the Lord speaking to you Right now this is biblical principles being given to you right now and mark my words You're gonna need what I'm telling you tonight. Why because if you're serving God Satan's gonna come after you with deception Here's here's another lie and as a pastor I've seen this and that is getting right with God is too hard During the lifespan of a church we're gonna have a unfortunately we're gonna have people backslide It's the saddest thing for a pastor to see people get out of church Backslide get away from the Lord. It breaks my heart It breaks people's hearts in our church, especially if it's someone that you share spiritual memories with You have fellowship you went you took sweet counsel together to the house of God To see them to just get out of church and just backslide it hurts And you know as a pastor I kind of go through a range of emotions when it comes to that. I'm angry sometimes I'm just like, you know, why are you being so dumb? Get angry, but then you also have a sense of Empathy and compassion and sadness because at the end of the day, I know that they've been duped by the deception of Satan And what is that deception? Well, you know sometimes Christians, you know, they backslide and they think to themselves Well, I can't overcome the sin. So it's just not I can't come back as I can't overcome the sin right Or they think you know, I'm too far gone Sometimes Christians can think that to get out of church for a month two months God forbid a year and One and you know, they have that yearning to come back to church They have that yearning to get back into fellowship because folks when you're saved You have the Spirit of God dwelling within you you have the new man it yearns for those things You have to like purposely say shut up To not do those things. It's called quench the spirit And I know for a fact that backslidden Christians even they don't verbalize it. I guarantee you they have a yearning for those things Because they want that but then what happens is Lies and the deception from Satan come that says well you're too far gone You've already missed the train. You can't come back. You know what that's a lie from the pit of hell Because folks if you are breathing If You are living That is a testament to the mercy and grace of God that he's not destroyed your life And you can still come back to the fold Yeah, you know what did you screw up your life maybe Possibly But are you intact? Can you come to church if so then come back and you know what we'll pick up where we left off Oh I'm just too far gone. Well, you're not dead. So no you're not you know if you if you died then yes be like this, you Know you are too far gone. You're so far. You're in heaven and I you know at that point you're in another church But too far gone well, you know I just I'm involved in sin and I'm too far gone and I'm just not where I need to be Of course, you're not where you need to be. That's why I need to get into the church to get to where you need to be Don't allow Satan to lie lie to you and deceive you into thinking. Oh, man. I just haven't been in church for so long You know, I just it's it's just too late for me or something. That's a lie How about this, you know, I'm not coming back to church because people at church they'll just judge me they won't accept me That's a lie I'm not here making excuses for sin, by the way You know, obviously if someone is involved in a very wicked sin according to 1st Corinthians chapter 5 According to Matthew chapter 18, you know, I know the portions of Scripture and they are unrepentant of sin They need to get excommunicated from the church. Absolutely Let me just say this most people Over the lifespan of our church since the beginning of their church until now They leave before the hammer can come down on them sometimes They cuz they know But what's what's unfortunate is that sometimes they stop committing that particular sin When they're at a church, but they don't want to come back because they feel like people will judge them But I don't believe that at all. I don't I've been here longer than most people have in our church because you know help start the church and In my assessment my knowledge of the people of this church This is one of the most loving churches people that I've ever met and I've been in church for a long time I've been around Christians for a long time. I've been saturated with the company of believers for a long time And so when I look at our church, I'm like, this is a very loving church And you know one thing I've noticed about our church is that when people who have gotten our church or been back When they come back people are not just like well look who it is Did you stop fornicating, huh? What does she do dump ya You're done being a little alcoholic drunk or pot-smoking I'm just messing with Now, honestly, I would find that very hilarious and I would be like, that's so funny, you know Well, you know people in our church aren't like that In fact in my assessment in my observation When people have come back people in our church literally pick up where they left off with that person You see the brightness in people's eyes when they see someone who they haven't seen in a long time There's like a brightness to them. You know what it's called. It's called. I'm happy you're back That's called the prodigal son is returned. Let's let's party Right, it's not like You Know the holier-than-thou look is just like And you know what that does exist That exists and I hate to say it but I don't hate to say it old IEP churches are like that But you know what? I have not seen that here and I'm not saying it doesn't exist in our church But if you do that, you're idiot You're a holier now overly spiritual Hypocrite Pharisee fix your face But I don't think there's people like that in our church Most of the people in our church are just genuinely happy that someone returned I'm genuinely happy when people return and in fact, one of the things that I do is that you know If it's a man, I give him a hug. I'm just happy to see them. I want to spend time with them we're not like I Over here serving God this guy's over here doing sinfulness. She's over here living like the world. No one thinks that way No one in our church is just like wanting to condemn people because of past sins And in fact, you know in my observation most of our church members Just let them live it down and they don't like talking about the past. I I Don't like talking about the past. I don't like bringing up past things of your life or failures of your life. That's uncomfortable That's weird Like hey, we could be friends, but remember that one time Right here when you fornicated that's weird, huh? No, that's weird that you would say that Don't be stupid like that Let people live it down let people move on with their lives And this is what you do pick up where you left off Let's go to Cain's afterwards, let's go to Taco Bell, it's gonna make you these Most people in our church actually just invite them to like a meal Well, you want to hang out? Because they're genuinely happy to the prodigal son has returned. That's why But you know what kept what keeps people out of church a lot is the deception that people are gonna judge me They're not gonna accept me There anything wrong of me They're gonna look down on me But you know what Satan keeps telling you that because he knows what a loving church you you have He knows how quickly you can be restored How quickly you can just get back to doing what you were doing before? Like going soul winning. It's not like what you're involved in sin for six months So you got to sit out for at least two to three months before you can go soul winning again It's just like let's go soul winning. I'll see you next Sunday. I'll see you on Thursday. Let's go hang out That's my assessment of our church and I you know, obviously, you know people on internet land can't understand that Because they judge all of you based upon me They probably think that all of you just behave on a daily basis the way I behave when I'm preaching against sin But who cares what internet internet land thinks? You know, you got to be here to know what's going on here Okay, and we do have a loving church. I Love the people in our church and you know If I if I wasn't the pastor and I back said I would love to come back to this church Because I know the people how the people are Don't be deceived into thinking that you cannot be forgiven look at James 4 verse 7 says submit yourselves Therefore to God resist the devil he will flee from you. Oh, man It's so hard to get right with God. It says in verse 8 draw night to God. He'll draw night to you Cleanse your hands and sinners and pure fire your hearts you double-minded. It's not hard. I Don't know what to do. Just take one step forward and in the direction of the Lord and he'll come to you It sounds like God wants to make it really easy for you to get right with him It sounds like all all it is is like a prayer away. It's a phone call away It's a drive away But Satan is the one who creates that distance into making you think that you know, no that's way too hard No, no getting right with you know, God is condemning you he's angry with you He he's not no actually he says come let us reason together Is what he actually says Because there's no one in this world who wants you to get right with God more than God himself Understand and So don't bite into this life then, you know God forbid any of you should ever backslide to that extent where you just get completely out of church I would hope that everyone in here tonight would stay but obviously You know, the law of number says someone will backslide. Someone will get out of church That's just the way it is But you may you be reminded of what I'm telling you at this moment Don't ever think that it's too hard to get right with God When you get out of church if God forbid if and when you get out of church one day And you get out of serving God just mark my words come back You can come back anytime you want and we can just pick up where we left off Let me go over this last one And I'll be done and that is you know, God can't fix my situation Some situations are messed up It's hard It's just like sin in this world. Just just destroys everything sometimes we make bad decisions and sometimes we just Do things that are contrary to the Bible and Satan loves that because he likes to he likes to bring this lie that oh man your situation is so far gone You're not gonna be you think going to church is gonna fix that You think that God can really just fix your situation fix your relationships You know, you think you could really be happy you think you think your financial situation is gonna be fixed Like, you know when the state that you're in You know, you think your health is gonna be fixed. Here's the thing is that yes, God can fix anything actually So that's a stupid question yes, he can fix everything and Given maybe he will not restore to what it once was But that doesn't mean he can't make a blessing out of it Because all things and all really means all Work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose God is the master Potter And even though the Potter can be marred in in his hands based upon your decisions He can make something completely new out of it And you know, obviously, you know, if you're just too what's the word? Self-analytical self-critical. What's the word? I'm looking is that the right word when you just kind of What's the word I'm looking for? I mean at the source over here someone who just what? When you analyze yourself too much, what's the word I'm looking for, huh? Overly critical, I'll use that one Overly critical of yourself. You can often try to think to yourself. Well, what are all the avenues? What are all the end results that can happen from this situation? And you can come to the conclusion that none of them work and it's none of them are what you would want But you're leaving out one element and that is God Because Literally God can actually just not go with a plan ABC or D He just brings a new one something to come from left field So don't ever think that your situation is just unfixable ever What you should do is just make God a priority and make serving him a priority make others a priority and just wait Just be patient Just wait and be patient Don't listen to the lie of Satan dead. Oh, man. My situation is just too far gone I can't fix it Yeah, you know what? You're not gonna be able to restore it to what it once was but that doesn't mean it's it's not fixable okay, and then lastly and I'm done go to James chapter 4 Here's another lie when the devil gives to Christians and that is you can always serve God tomorrow You can always serve God tomorrow Hey, I know you want to get committed I know you're zealous But do it tomorrow though. I Know you made a commitment to read the Bible. Amen. Do it tomorrow. Oh I know you want to go soul winning next week. Oh Man you saw that sermon online great you want to be there. All right, just wait next week Just keep putting it off Here's one of the greatest deceptions that God that Satan will give to Christians and that is just wait till tomorrow And the reason why that's such a big deception is because tomorrow never comes The Bible says in James 4 13 go to now ye that say today or tomorrow We will go into such a city and continue there a year and buy and sell and get gain Whereas you know not what shall be on the morrow For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away For that you ought to say if the Lord will we shall live and do this or that But now you rejoice in your boastings all such rejoicing is evil Therefore to him that know it to do good and do with it not To him it is sin. If you know you're supposed to be doing right today do it today If you know you're supposed to be doing right today, you choose not to do it to him it is sin the Bible says Do it today Read the Bible today. Oh Man, I'm gonna start going to church Sunday night next week Do it tonight Man, but I'm gonna miss out on a barbecue screw the barbecue. Just go to church and go get barbecue afterwards You're acting like barbecues going somewhere the animals dead ain't going nowhere Do it today Serve God today. Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth Hey young people don't think hey when I'm 30 40, I'll serve God No, you serve God today as a child. You serve God today as a teenager You serve God today as a young person you serve God with the strength that you have today Don't buy into the lie of Satan that says you can just sow your wild oats now Commit your life to God later serve God later read the Bible later. Don't do it now And here's the thing folks. I mean, this is this is this is good advice right here. I'm giving you You're like, I'm trying to lose weight do it today I'll go on the diet tomorrow. I Will go on the deficit tomorrow, I Will go to the gym next week. It's never gonna happen So just do it Just Nike and do it Because God wants you to just get it over with And Not buy into this lie that you can just keep putting it off keep putting it off keep procrastinating because it just never comes These are the lies that I've had. Oh, man. I read my Bible that I've had to deal with as a pastor personally just things that I feel like Satan attacks me with thoughts that he gives me temptations that he brings my way, but not just me to the people that I minister to and Don't take that lightly, please folks, I tell you cuz I love you because I'm your pastor and I want to see you never fall into the clutches of Satan and bite into his lies You know, you need to be able to discern when these are coming your way and not just think to yourself You know what? I just don't think this will work out. I don't think I'm making a difference I just think I can serve God don't buy into that Serve God today believe the Bible today. Hey get right with God today Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word and God thank you for being so gracious to us Lord and and Kind and merciful Lord, and we know that the goodness of God leads us to repentance And I pray that Lord you'd help us to be vigilant When we are living our Christian day Christian lives day to day Because deception is always around the corner Satan's always trying to trip us up and derail us Lord Help us not to fall for the lies and the deception and one of the greatest ways to do that is to saturate our mind with the truth and I prayed Lord that you'd help us to do so and One of the worst things for a pastor to experience there are the spiritual casualties in a church and I got I just pray those who get away from the Lord that you could work in their hearts Lord to Come back and we can move on with our lives. We can keep serving God together Lord And I pray father God that you would help us to love you and your word And continue in the things of God all the days of our life May we remain in the house of the Lord all the days of our life. We love you We thank you pray these things in Jesus name Song number 19 is our last song there is a fountain song number 19 Song number 19 Song number 19, we're gonna see it on that first verse sing it out there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from Immanuel's ways and sinners but beneath That but lose all their guilty state Lose all their guilty state Lose all their guilty state And sinners but beneath that but lose all their guilty state The dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day There may I though vile as he wash all my sins away Wash all my sins away Wash all my sins away And there may I though vile as he wash all my sins away Dear dying lamb thy precious blood shall never lose it round Till all the ransomed church of God be sent to sin no more Be sent to sin no more be saved to sin no more Till all the ransomed church of God be saved to sin no more There since by faith I saw the stream thy flowing wounds apply Redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die and shall be till I die and shall be till I die Redeeming love has been my theme and shall be till I die Then in a no for sweeter song I'll sing thy power to save When is for this feet stamping tongue lie silent in the grave lie silent in the grave lie silent in the grave When is for this feet stamping tongue lie silent in the grave Amen. Wonderful singing. You are dismissed.