(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, we're in Psalm 139, and we'll start in verse number 19. It says, Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God. Depart from me therefore, ye bloody men, for they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? And am not I grieve with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred. I count them my enemies. Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. The title of the sermon this morning is The Doctrine of Perfect Hatred. The Doctrine of Perfect Hatred. Now these words are inspired by the Holy Ghost. They were penned by King David, and these words are forever settled in heaven. And in fact, according to our King James Bible, they are appointed to be read in churches. Now you see that this doctrine is a teaching that makes a lot of people feel very uncomfortable, especially Christians who want to err on the side of political correctness rather than on the side of the word of God. But I submit to you today that hate, not all hate is wrong. And in fact, there is a righteous hatred that is actually condoned by God himself. Not only condoned by God, but encouraged and instructed to Christians to cultivate and to embrace this doctrine of hatred. And I would even take it a step further to say that Christians are actually incomplete if they don't add to their faith this virtue of perfect hatred. You say, why is that? Well, the Bible tells us, besides all this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue and to virtue knowledge. Now what is virtue? Virtue is simply righteousness. It's moral excellence. Well, what's part of being righteous? Well, it's being just like God. What is God? He is love, but he's also hate. Okay? And I'll explain to you what I mean in just a bit. Go to Romans chapter number 12. I'm going to lay a foundation here so we then understand where we're coming from in regards to this teaching, this doctrine. Now let me start off by saying that we need to renew our minds, okay, and conform it to the word of God. So if you're listening to this sermon, you're like, man, I don't know if I agree with this. This seems a little extreme. You guys seem a little radical. Well, yeah, you got it right. Because the Bible's extreme. The Bible is a radical book, and so that's not a slam on us. In fact, that confirms that what we believe is right. And here's the thing is, the only reason people would say that this is extreme or this is radical is because they just don't understand what the Bible actually has to say about this topic. Now look at Romans chapter 12, verse number 1 says. It says, I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. You see, when people tell me, brother Bruce, you've been brainwashed, I agree with them, amen? My brain has been washed by the Bible. The word of God has cleaned my brain and will continue to clean my brain as long as I adhere to its doctrines, to its teachings, as long as I continue to read it. Because the command of the Bible is to be not conformed to the ideologies and the form of this world, but to be transformed, to be changed by the renewing of our minds. And that is in context of the word of God. The Bible tells us not to be conformed to this world. Now what does it mean to be conformed to something? It basically means to comply with, to be in harmony with, or to be similar, to take on its nature or its characteristics. And what is God telling us when it comes to being not conformed to this world? We shouldn't take on the characteristics of this world. We shouldn't take on the nature of this world. Its ideologies and its teachings are things that we ought to reject and not to conform to. You see, the world's ideologies and standards of what's right and what's wrong is wrong. You say, well, you know, that's not what the majority believes, but guess what? The majority is typically wrong. And it doesn't matter if the majority believes one thing, we need to go back to what the word of God says and go with what God says. Okay? Now, we're not to be conformed to this world, but the Bible says that we are to be conformed to who? To the Son. In fact, the Bible tells us in Romans chapter 8, go to Ephesians chapter number 4 if you would. Romans chapter 8 verse 28 is a verse that a lot of people like to quote when they're going through hard times. It says, and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose, for whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. So what is the Bible teaching us here? God wants us to be conformed or to be like unto the Son of God. That includes what He loves, but that also includes what He hates. You see, we cannot cherry pick the Bible and only pick and choose the parts that we like. The fluffy, graceful, loving parts of the Bible and completely negate the other aspects of the Bible that are negative. Okay? Look at Ephesians 4 verse 20 says, but ye have not so learned Christ, if so be they have heard Him and have been taught by Him as the truth is in Jesus, excuse me, as the truth is in Jesus that you put off concerning the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And ye may put on the new man, which is after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. So one thing that we need to understand is the way we can gauge whether we believe like Christ or we believe like the world is where are we getting our teachings from? Where do our beliefs stem from? You say, well, my beliefs stem from the word of God and I don't believe we should hate people that you're not reading the word of God. Because there's multitudes of verses that teach us this doctrine of perfect hatred. Now I want to know how do you reconcile these verses? How do you interpret the, or you're misinterpreting, you can't misinterpret the word hate. It's pretty easy to know what that means. Go to second Peter chapter one, second Peter chapter one. You see the Bible tells us that we are to be conformed to the image of a son. That doesn't mean to just love everyone. No, that means that we ought to take on his divine characteristics and nature to live in holiness and righteousness and justice and that which is pleasing unto the Lord. The Bible tells us in second Peter chapter one verse number three, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. What is this verse telling us? It's saying that God wants us to be partakers. He wants us to partake of God's divine nature. Now how is that done? Is that done through Fox News? Does Fox News teach us how to be like unto the Lord? Does it teach us biblical concepts and precepts? You know, how about this Judeo-Christian worldview? Does that teach us how to be like unto God? No. Because according to this verse in verse number four it says the exceeding great and precious promises is that what teaches us to take on that divine nature. In fact, later on in that verse the Bible tells us we have a more sure word. Let's talk about the word of God. You see, if we are to learn how to walk like Christ and be like Jesus like the world likes to criticize us that we're not, we need to go to the Bible. We need to go to what the Bible says about God's standard of living, about God's moral values and adhere to that so we can be partakers of his divine nature. Look at first Peter chapter number one in verse number 14. First Peter chapter one verse number 14 says as obedient children not fashioning yourselves according to the former lust in your ignorance but as he which called you, excuse me, but as he which hath called you is holy so be holy in all manner of conversation because it is written be holy for I am holy. You see the Bible tells us don't fashion yourselves according to the former lust which is in your ignorance and there's a lot of people that are trying to conform themselves and think that they're conforming themselves to the image of God but they're actually ignorant because at the end of the day we learn who God is through the word of God and if you say well God is all love and he's not wrathful, he's not hateful, then you are taking a large chunk of the Bible out of the Bible. You are ignoring and being ignorant of clear teachings of the word of God. Now there are two major aspects of his divine nature, okay, and number one is the most obvious one and it's the one that we love the most which is what? The love of God. You see we're not against the love of God. I love the love of God. You know the most famous verse in the Bible, the Bible that you will find at the bottom of an In-N-Out cup is John 3.16, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. You see the love of God is a wonderful love and the Bible even tells us God is love, right? But let me ask you this, how do you compare God's love without knowing its contrast? You know how do you know of the love of God without actually understanding the wrath of God? How do you appreciate the gift of eternal life without first understanding the condemnation of eternal damnation? How do you understand how beautiful heaven is without understanding first how horrible and terrible hell is? How do you understand the grace and the love of God without first understanding the wrath of God? You can't. So you can't say that God is all love and he's no hatred. You have no standard by which you can compare that to. In order to understand the length, the breadth and depth and to know the love of Christ which passeth all knowledge, you have to understand the wrath of God. You have to understand where you were heading to before you were told about the love of God. You see that is what makes the love of God beautiful. When we understand we're on our way to hell, we're going to burn forever in a place called hell and we're going to be cast into the lake of fire and then what? The love of God appeared. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ appeared into all men, okay? And that's how we can appreciate the love of God. See this, God is only love is a misconstrued false doctrine that stems from Jedi, Star Wars, Buddhism. This castrated Christianity that doesn't like anything negative, right? The Bible, okay, so the first thing is the love of God but the second attribute, the divine nature is his hatred or as the Bible would call it, his wrath. Oh no brother, there's wrath and hatred to different things. No, you don't send people to hell who you love. I don't know what kind of screwed up perception of love you have. That's weird. To send someone to burn for all of eternity and claim that you love that person, you're a liar. You have what the Bible calls a dissimulated love, hypocritical love, okay? The Bible tells us that our God is a consuming fire and the Bible tells us in Psalms 89 verse 46, how long Lord will thou hide thyself forever, shall thy wrath burn like fire. The Bible tells us in Psalm 90 verse 11, who knoweth the power of thine anger, even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath. Hebrews 3, 11 says, so I swear in my wrath. Think about that. We say we shouldn't swear. God swore in his wrath. They shall not enter into my rest. So lest you think that God is only a God of love, you might want to reconsider that doctrine and understand that a balanced view of God is to understand that he's both loved and he's both wrathful as well. This is his divine nature and the Bible commands us to be partakers of that nature. Now what does it mean to hate? Don't take the world's definition of hate. Don't take this, you know, we need to stop hate and love not hate and all these stupid philosophies that the world has. We need to go back to the Word of God. Well, to hate something is simply to dislike intensely. It means to despise. It means to detest. The Bible would use synonyms such as abhor or to be abominable or to even loathe. For example, even in Spanish, you have the word aborecer, which is the direct definition of hate. It's to abhor something, to be abominable. And this is what the Bible commands us to be and to have. Now let me ask you this. If you don't believe that God hates, then you strongly need to reconsider the doctrine of hell. Do you even believe in hell? You know, because hell is the greatest, just as eternal life is his greatest expression of love, hell is the greatest expression of God's hatred and wrath, okay? Now I'm here to renew your, don't worry about it, it's okay guys. You guys all have phones. We've all had that happen, all right? It's okay. I've had to help him from the pulpit. You can check the YouTube video. And then the speaker was on and it's just ringing and I actually answered the phone while I was preaching, okay? So it's okay. That doesn't bother me. So I'm here to help you to renew your mind, to change your mind. And look, this is a big boy sermon, all right? This is a big boy sermon. So you know, fasten your seatbelts, open up the Bible, and if you don't like anything I say right now, then you might as well just go to sleep or you could just leave. But here's the thing. If you leave, he that answerth the matter before he hearth it is foolishness and folly unto him. So better to just listen to the verses that we're going to read and make a judgment based off of that. Now, if you walk away from the sermon thinking, I still don't believe that, then you're basically saying, I don't believe the Bible because it's very clear what the Word of God says about this subject. Now in Psalm 139 is one of the most powerful psalms there. That's why we picked that to sing. You know, you're thinking, I can't believe you guys are just saying that song. The Holy Ghost is the one who inspired that song, okay? Oh, that came from David's heart, you know, when he was – no, David was inspired by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost said, write this down. This is not some opinion that he had. This is inspired by the Holy Ghost. Well, that's Old Testament. Ephesians 5 tells us to sing that in church. Today we're obedient to Ephesians chapter 5. But David made a bold statement to say that he hated with a perfect hatred. He said, well, is it bold because he said he hated? Not necessarily. Because quite honest with you, if you read the Bible, it's very evident that everyone believed this. It was a bold statement because he said that he hated with a perfect hatred. You see, what does it mean to be perfect? It doesn't mean to be sinless. It means to be complete and tired. And in fact, we find that definition in James chapter 1 verse number 4 where the Bible says, let patience have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. So when the Bible says that he wants us to be perfect, he wants us to be complete and entire, not lacking anything in our Christian faith. So if we were to take that definition and apply it to what David said, what he's basically saying is this. I'm not lacking any kind of hatred for anything that is wicked or evil. He has a complete perfect hatred towards those things that God hates. What does that mean? He doesn't tolerate any evil. You know what God wants us to do? We say, well, we're sinners. We fail. We falter. Yeah, but you know what? We ought to strive to obey God. We ought to strive to cultivate a hatred, just how we need to strive to love our brethren, to love the lost, to make sure that our heart does not grow cold to those who are lost and dying without Christ. We need to make sure that we keep our hatred in check as well. We need to make sure that we're growing in this matter of hatred. And look, a lot of people who've known me in the past, they're shocked that I believe this now. They're like, you changed what you believe. Of course I changed what I believe. You have to change what you believe if you're going to grow. You have to renew your mind. And if you're not growing in your Christian faith, guess what? You're dying spiritually. You're becoming ignorant of what the word of God says. You see, the Christian life is a life of change, but it's always a change for the better. It's not a change for the worse. It becomes a change for the worse when you begin to reject biblical doctrines and not adhere to them. It's a change for the better when you actually begin to believe the Bible and when the word of God is shown to you and you say, you know what? I didn't believe that before, but guess what? If the Bible says that, I'm going to believe that now. So it's a bold statement that he made here. And here's the thing is, I think this is important because there's a lot of people who obviously number one, don't hate sin at all, right? They don't hate anything. They're Christian Jedis where all hatred is wrong. All wrath is wrong. You shouldn't do those things. You know, that's not biblical. But then you have a sect of Christianity that, you know, to be quite honest with you, they do hate sin, okay? I've known people like that, people who have influenced me in my personal life, I'm thankful for them because they preach hard against sin, and I can tell by their preaching and by their doctrine and by their conversation and lifestyle that they hated sin. But let me say this, it was an incomplete hatred. It was not a perfect and entire hatred. You say, are you any better than them? No, but you know what? I need to take this verse and apply it to my personal life and say, you know what? I need to make sure that my hatred is entire, wanting nothing. I need to make sure that my hatred is complete, and not just hate sin, but hate other things that God hates as well, okay? Now go with me if you went to Hosea chapter nine, we're going to look at some verses here just to lay some more groundwork in regards to this matter of hatred. And don't walk out of here thinking, well, you know, that pastor is saying that God doesn't love anyone. I did not say that. Don't put words in my mouth, you know. People on YouTube do this all the time. I was like, I haven't even heard this sermon, but I don't know what's heresy. So how do you know what's heresy if you haven't even heard it, idiot? You know, we need to make sure that we judge righteously, that we compare scripture with scripture and see actually what the Bible has to say about a subject. Look at Hosea chapter nine, verse 15. All their wickedness is in Gilgal, for there I hated them. For the wickedness of their doings, I will drive them out of mine house. I will love them no more. All their princes are revolters. This is God speaking here. He says, I hated them. And then he says this, I will love them no more. Now the most common argument to this verse is what? John 3 is 16. People will say, well, you know, oh, hold on a second. For God so loved the world, brother Mejia, that he gave his only begotten Son, the whosoever believeth in him. But what they forget is that it says loved. It's past tense. Because here's the thing. We say, well, no, no, no. He's saying that he's always loving. Well, let me ask you this then, because think about this. The Bible says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, is he still giving his Son on the cross every single day? That was an event that took place 2,000 years ago. So if you're going to interpret for God so loved the world as if he's always doing it, then you have to also take the interpretation that Christ is always being crucified. Because that was the expression of God's love. He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. The only thing we can take from that verse to say that it's perpetual is the fact that if we believe on him, we can have everlasting life. But what's not perpetual is this crucifying Christ afresh, the fact that he's being crucified every single day. And that is the interpretation you have to take if you say that God is constantly loving everyone in this whole world based upon that verse. No, according to Hosea, the Bible tells us that he will love them no more. So we're not Calvinists that believe that God has always hated someone. We don't believe that at all. Calvinists will say that God hates the babies that were just born for no reason. That's evil, that's wicked, Calvinists are evil. What we're saying is that people can get to a point in their life where they actually become what the Bible refers to as a reprobate. And at that point, God no longer loves them. So how can you say that? Well, let me ask you this. One of the characteristics of a reprobate, according to Romans chapter one, is that they're haters of God. So I got a better question for you. How can they hate God? And you think God is unjust for hating those who hate him? Absolutely not. And let me just make something clear as well. We don't believe that there's a large population of people who hate the Lord. The vast majority of people we're going to talk to when we go out sowing today and this week, they're not haters of God. They're lost sinners who need Christ, who are involved in sin, they're unsaved. You know what? They need the gospel. They need to know the love of Christ through the gospel. But there are people in our society, there are people in this world who are wicked, evil people. And don't tell me they don't exist. You tell me this. Is a pedophile a righteous person? Someone who's willing to violate an innocent child and destroy their lives is not a loving innocent person. They're wicked. They're haters of God and God hates them. And look, a mother will naturally hate someone who violates their child. And you mean you tell me that a righteous, perfect, just, wrathful God does not hate that person with the perfect hatred as well? You have a screwed up sense of perception of who God is. You think you have the right to hate the pedophile but God doesn't? Look at Psalm 97. I'm going to read to you from Romans chapter 12 verse number 9. It says, let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil, cleave to that which is good. So what is the Bible telling us there? It says, your love should be without dissimulation. What does that mean? Hypocrisy. Okay, like a simulator. It's something that is not real. And God is saying your love should be without that. How can you have it without that? By abhorring, hating that which is evil, according to the Bible. Now look at Psalm 97 verse 10. This is a clear command. Don't skip this. Ye that love the Lord, love everyone. Is that what it says? No. Ye that love the Lord, hates evil. Oh, hate is just such an ugly word. I just don't like that word. Can we just choose a different word? Well, if you want to choose a different word, go use the NIV because it will probably render this completely different. But the King James Bible says hate. The King James translators, these scholars, these intelligent men chose to use the word hate. Ye that love the Lord, hate evil. So you know what that tells me? If you're claiming to love the Lord, you better be hating evil. And don't you dare say that it's sinful to be hateful because the Bible says that if you love him, you will hate evil. He preserved the soul of his saints. He delivered them out of the hand of the wicked. So who's the evil that he's talking about? The wicked. It's not just referring to sinful, evil acts, it's referring to people. Go to Leviticus chapter 26, I'm going to read to you from Ecclesiastes chapter 3, verse number 8. It says, there's a time to love and a time to hate, a time of war and a time of peace. So don't get a mistake in that, you know, you guys are just always hateful. I'm not always hateful. I hate when there's a time to hate. I hate when there's a time and a place for that wrath, that righteous indignation where we have to hate things that the Lord hates, but there's also a time of love. You say, what is the time of love? After service when we go sowning. Why don't you guys ever preach this love? We do that every week when we go preach the gospel. I quote John 3, 16 and Romans 5, 8 like dozens of times when I go out sowning. I mean that's all we talk about is the love of God when we go out sowning. The Bible tells us in 1 John 2, 15, love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, look at this, the love of the Father is not in him. So you know what the Bible tells me? If you love the world, you don't really love God. That's simple fact. You can't misconstrue that verse to say anything else. The Bible says in Leviticus 26, verse 30, I will destroy your high places and cut down your images and cast your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols and my soul shall abhor you. Ouch. I mean, do you cast carcasses upon carcasses of their idols to someone you love? That's not very loving. That's hateful. Verse 44 says, and yet for all that when they be in the land of their enemies, I will not cast them away, neither will I abhor them to destroy them utterly and to break my covenant with them for I am the Lord their God. So here's telling, look, if you don't do this, then I won't hate you. That goes to show you that there's a condition, okay, to his hatred. Go to Proverbs chapter number eight, Proverbs chapter number eight. You know, if this kind of preaching offends you, then you got the wrong religion. You need to, you know, go find Buddhism or something. But within every human being, there is a propensity to hate someone, okay? And you know, you say, well, no, you have to love everyone. What if someone violently raped my wife and children? Am I supposed to love that person? I mean, can it even be possible for me to have any ounce of love for someone who would just violate the people that I love? That's impossible. Let me ask you this. If we're supposed to love everyone, then do you love the devil? Gotcha. That's called a checkmate. Do you love the devil? Oh, you're supposed to love everyone. So how's your love relationship with the devil? That alone just shows you that we're not supposed to love everyone. Because in that case, you would have to love that which is the most wicked creation known to mankind, which is the devil. The Bible says in verse 13, the fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride and arrogance, the evil way and the forward mouth do I hate. So the Bible says that when a people when they fear God, they will hate evil. They will make the effort to hate and cultivate these things for. So these people who these prideful, arrogant, pompous Christians who say they don't hate anything, you don't fear God then. Because that which someone who fears God obviously understands that which God is against, it will not partake of those things which God is against. Because what a fear that wrath may fall upon them for loving which God hates. So I think it's very clear according to those scriptures that hate is a prominent doctrine in the Bible. This is not obscure. This is not a twisting and misinterpretation of scriptures. It's clear. We said we read hate over and over and over again, where God commands us to hate and it shows us that God hates as well. Now go to Hebrews chapter number one, Hebrews chapter number one. My favorite phrase of those who have known me in time past is this, Bruce, you've changed. You've changed. Thank you. I'm glad you recognize that. That confirms that yeah, then this is working. Amen. The Bible is renewing my mind. Okay. And I'm not claiming to be godly. I'm not claiming to be righteous, but you know what? I'm claiming that I'm moving in the right direction to try to grow into those areas. Now if we're to have a perfect hatred, as I mentioned before, we need to make sure that we hate those things which God hates. So let me give you three things. I'm going to go into three categories of what we're supposed to hate with a perfect hatred. In order to have a complete hatred, these are the things we're supposed to hate. Number one is the most basic one, which is hate sin. Okay. And that's basic. Move on to the next point. No, we need to know this and we need to learn it. We need to make sure that we practice it. We need to make sure that we adhere to it because if we don't, we'll forget it. Okay. We need to make sure that we're hating sin. Look what Hebrews one verse eight says, but unto the son, he saith, thy throne, O God, is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness, is the scepter of thy kingdom. Thou, this is referring to Jesus Christ, thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity. Therefore God, even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. Now let me explain something here. When the Bible says that someone is anointed with the oil, it's a picture symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Now, when someone gets saved, they are indwelled by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. But there's a difference between being indwelled by the Holy Spirit and actually being filled with the Holy Spirit. Someone who's filled with the Holy Spirit, someone who's walking in the Spirit, not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh and basically adhering to the doctrines in the Bible. Okay. And the Bible tells us here because Jesus Christ loved righteousness and he hated iniquity, what did God do? He filled them with the Spirit. You know what that goes to tell me? People will say, oh, you know, you're being hateful. That's a work of the flesh. No, that's a work of the Spirit. You better get that right. Now, is there a hatred that is a work of the flesh? Absolutely. And how does that hatred manifest itself through someone who's in the flesh or through physically harming someone? Through violating someone, through rape, murder, through bearing false witness, through doing things that basically would hinder someone physically or any kind of malice that you would have towards someone. That's a wrong kind of hatred. Nowhere am I saying that we are supposed to inflict any kind of physical punishment upon those who hate the Lord. I'm not saying that we're supposed to go out there and just go gay bashing. Don't do that. This is not a physical warfare. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God through the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. So this is a spiritual battle. Our war is not with flesh and blood. We need to understand that. But that doesn't mean we don't speak out against it. And the Bible tells us here that our attitude towards sin is that we ought to hate it. Now I think anyone would agree that we all struggle with that. And if you don't struggle with that, you're just lying. Because though our spirit is saved, our flesh is not saved. We're waiting to wit the redemptions of our body. And we come to the Christian life, we come to Christ with baggage. We come with bad habits. We come with sinful habits. We come with things that we've done in our past that have carried over into our Christian lives. And these are things that we constantly have to fight. These are things that we constantly have to overcome on a daily basis. This is not something that you surrender to God when you first get saved and then you never struggle with it ever again. That's a fallacy. That's false. You know, the Bible tells us that we need to die daily. That means every single day you need to make the decision, hey, I want to live righteously for the Lord. I want to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. But how are you going to do that? By having a right perspective of sin that we're supposed to hate it, okay? And when you hate it, you are filled with the spirit. Go to Psalm 119, Psalm 119 if you would. So the fruit of the spirit is love. Yeah, but how do you contrast that without having hatred? How do you love the things that God loves without staying away from the things that God hates? How do you even determine what God loves? Well, the Bible says, you know, if you love me, keep my commandments. Yeah, one of the commandments is to abhor lying. One of the commandments is to hate those that hate the Lord, to hate all workers of iniquity. That's part of His commandment. You just confirm what I'm just saying. Psalm 119, 163 says here, David speaking, it says, I hate and abhor lying, but thy law do I love. Why? Because the law is truth. And so we as Christians ought to make sure that we are cultivating a hatred even for something as small as lying, okay? Lying is wicked, you know, sin is wicked, fornication is wicked, drunkenness is wicked, marijuana is wicked, any type of drugs is wicked, any type of sensual sexuality, perversion is all wicked, and we need to hate it with the perfect hatred. The Bible says in Proverbs 6 16, thee 16 doth the Lord hate, yea seven are an abomination unto him, a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. Who's that talking about? Planned Parenthood? Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? Planned Parenthood? That is someone who is just completely destroying someone's reputation because they have malice towards that person. That is someone who is sowing discord with lies and God says I hate that. We ought to hate a lack of integrity. We ought to hate lying, we ought to hate a false balance. Why? Because it's an abomination unto the Lord. So we ought to hate sin in every facet. Why is that? Well, number one because it destroys lives. Sin destroys lives. In the 11 years that I've been saved, I've seen lives completely ruined. I've seen marriages just fall apart because of sin. So this is not just something, a doctrine, a sermon that we want to preach just because we want to be bombastic and extreme about it. No, because we love people, and guess what? Sin destroys the people we love. I mean, how many people have you known have destroyed their lives because of alcohol, because of heroin, because of crack, and all these other things that are sinful? It's destroyed them. It destroys the people that we love. That's why we hate it. The Bible tells us, but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin, and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. I've known people who have died because they lived a sinful life. I'm not happy about that. That grieves me in my heart. That makes me pray, God, help me to raise my children in the way that should go, for when they are old, they will not depart from it. That makes me wanna make sure that I preach hard against sin in the church, and to make sure that our young people stay away from fornicating, that our couples stay together and stay away from adultery, that they never use the D word ever, which is divorce. And we make sure that we preach hard against the specific sins of this world so that your lives are not destroyed by it. We need to hate sin. And look, I'll be quite honest with you. I don't always hate sin as much as I should. And that's where I fail and falter as a person. But you know what, I wanna make sure that I press toward the mark in that area. And just don't throw out my hands and throw on the towel and say, well, I can't hate sin like everyone else does, or I can't hate sin the way the Bible tells me to do. No, I need to make sure that I strive to hate sin and cultivate that within my life. And pray, God, help me to be a partaker of your divine nature, to hate sin and not tolerate it at all. You know, it's what nailed Jesus to the cross, sin. The Bible says in 1 Peter 2, 24, who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sin should live unto righteousness, by whose stripes ye are healed. Now, how can we hate sin? What are some practical ways to hate sin? Well, number one, by not partaking in it. You know, the Bible tells us in Romans chapter six and verse number one, what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. Amen. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? That's not saying to live a sinless perfection type of a life, because that's impossible. But that's saying this, hey, we ought not to have that desire, we ought to make sure that we cultivate the right desires and stay away from sin. The Bible says, likewise, recognize yourselves also to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal bodies that ye should obey it in the lustre of. The Bible tells us, for we are not under the law, but under grace. Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin, but yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. What does that mean? We need to hate sin and not partake in it. But another way, go to 1 John chapter one. So we ought to hate sin, and we do that by living righteously, by putting on the breastplate of righteousness. And look, when I get up here and I rant and I scream about sin and it bothers you, it probably means you need to correct something in your life. When I start talking about alcohol and weed and all these other things, don't get mad at the messenger. Don't shoot the mailman. I'm just bringing you the postage. I'm just bringing you the card. Hey, God said this. What you need to do is correct it. Repent of it. Forsake it so you can obtain mercy, the Bible says. The Bible says in 1 John one, verse six, if we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us. You don't have to turn to 1 Timothy six, verse 10 says, but thou, O man of God, flee these things and follow after righteousness. Hey, what are you doing this week? You know, whatever it is that you're doing, one of the things that should be in your task list is to follow after righteousness. Make sure you're trying to live a righteous life in the midst of your busy week, okay? But what's another way we can hate sin? By not tolerating it in the church, okay? Don't tolerate sin in the church. And by the way, that responsibility falls upon me. But you know what I need? I need the support of our church. That when we boot someone out of the church for being involved in a specific sin highlighted in 1 Corinthians chapter number five, that everyone supports that. And don't have this bleeding heart, sympathetic Buddhist, Jedi, Star Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi feeling, where we need to accept everyone. You know, if it's biblical, and that's the reason why they need to get kicked out, then they need to get kicked out. And look, I don't rejoice in church disciplining anybody. I do it with a broken heart. My heart hurts. You know, we should never have this attitude, yeah, just get the hell out of here, if they're saved. You know, I do it sternly, but with a broken heart. Why, because I love my brothers. I love the sisters in Christ. I love my church family, and I want to see them go forward for God. I want them to be spiritually successful in their Christian lives. I don't want them to destroy their lives. And in fact, I don't want Satan to destroy their lives either. But if that's what it takes to get them back into church, then so be it. You know, his ways are higher than our ways, his thoughts than our thoughts. We cannot have this attitude that we know more than God. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 5, five, to deliver, section one, into Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spear may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leavened leaven it the whole lump. And if you're against church discipline, then you know, you need to go to this Joel Osteen type church then, where any kind of sin is welcomed. Oh, you're a sinner though. Yeah, but you know what, I'm not fornicating. You know what, I'm not a drunkard. You know, I'm not smoking ganja on the weekends. You know, I'm not an extortioner. I'm not a railer. I'm not partaking in the sins highlighted in 1 Corinthians chapter number five, that God says, hey, these things, if anyone does this, you need to cast them out. So how do we hate sin by doing these things? Not partaking in them. Make sure that we don't tolerate sin in the church. And if someone gets, and within the last year, we've had to do that. Oh, isn't that great, you just put another discipliner on your belt? No, it's not great. I don't enjoy that one for one second. But it needs to be done. And if it's gotta get done, it's gotta get done, because that's what God commands us to do. So in order to start off on this road, on this path to perfect hatred, what do we need first? We need the foundational aspect of this, which is hating sin. And we will work on this for the rest of our lives in this church to make sure we preach hard against it, to make sure that we highlight it, to make sure we talk about it. That's why I preach on fornication at least once a month. Preach on drinking at least once a month, because it slips in. And some of the things that can come under the radar, being a drunkard or a pot smoker, and then a sermon like this comes along, it's like, okay, maybe I need to change that. Well, here's your options. Either change it or you gotta go. You can't be here. But here's the second thing that we need to hate. Go to Psalm 119. Psalm 119, go to verse 104. How can you have a complete hatred? Number one, have a hatred for sin. But number two, we need to hate false religion. Amen. False religion. Not true religion, false religion. Look what the Bible says in Psalm 119, verse 104. And keep this in mind, this is David speaking. That's why he could say that he had a perfect hatred, because he hated all this stuff. The Bible says in verse 104, through thy precepts I get understanding, therefore I hate every false way. Now what does Jesus say in the New Testament in John chapter 14? He says, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me and Buddha? But by me and the Jehovah's Witnesses? But by me and the Mormons? I mean the Mormons? But by me and Pentecostalism? No, he says, but by me. Amen. So he's saying that he is the only way. You know, that's an absolute statement right there. So any other way that's aside from Jesus' way is a false way. Now look at, I mean, it's only one verse, and it's a short verse, but there's a lot of power and instruction packed into that one verse. He says, through thy precepts, what is that? Teachings, I get understanding. And then he says, therefore I hate every false way. You see, when you learn the truth, you learn what God says, then that cultivates within you a hatred for false religions. Those who love every religion are not learning the precepts of God. And what am I talking about? I'm talking about this attitude, this ecumenical kumbaya Christianity, where if someone names the name of Christ, then they're automatically in the club. No. Yeah, but they say they believe in Jesus. Yeah, Mormons say they believe in Jesus, but they believe that Jesus is a brother of Satan. That's not biblical. That's not the right type of Jesus. But they said, Jesus, look, I got cousins who are named Jesus. I don't mean nothing. In fact, they call him Chewy, right? Does that mean anything? No. We need to make sure that they're naming the name of Christ, and that name is attached to the word of God, specifically the King James Bible. Amen. Okay, and that's a sermon for another day. But we need to hate false religions. Why? Because false religions take people on a one ticket to hell. One ride to hell. Well, you know, I don't agree with that. I think, you know, if you just believe in God, no, the Bible says, he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. He that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him. For whose service shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Who's the Lord? According to verse nine, that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, thou shalt be saved. So it's Jesus' name that we gotta believe, not anybody else, and we need to make sure that it's by belief only. So any other religion that teaches any other way, other than by faith in Christ, is a false way. So why do you hate them? Because it's taking people to a place that they will never come back from. It's taking our loved ones, our family members, our neighbors, to hell, and we oughta hate that. And if that doesn't bother you, then something's wrong with your heart. You need to have a broken heart for people who are ignorantly believing a false religion that's taking them to hell. And if that doesn't bother you, you need to get into the word of God. You need to pray and say, God, help me to have a love for souls, help me to love people the way you love people so that I can hate the false religions that are deceiving these people. That's why we hate every false way. That's why we always preach against false religions. You should've named the names. Well, how are you gonna know who I'm talking about? If I don't name the names. It's like, stay away from that one religion. That thing is dangerous. It's like, well, which one? I don't wanna say. I'm just, I'm not trying to get controversial here. I know what it is. But you need to stay away from it. It's like, well, help throw a dog a bone. How am I supposed to know? So the names help us to identify what false religions and false people we're just staying away from. Go to verse 128. And look, if you're like, man, this is way too extreme. I understand we gotta hate, but I don't have that amount of hate. Well, you know what? Add to your faith virtue. It's time to add some virtue to your Christian life and stop living in this shallow, you know, kiddie pool Christianity. Let's get some depth to our Christianity. Look at Psalm 119, 128 says, therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right. And I hate every false way. Amen to that. He says, I esteem your word to be right. It's never wrong. It's inerrant, it's infallible, it's indestructible. It's always right. You know, we're just talking about a song that the special singers used to sing at my old church. It's that blessed old book. And I love that song because at the end of that song, it says, if you find that when you read it, that there's something wrong, there's something wrong with you. So when you read the Bible and you find something wrong, just mark it down. Something's just wrong with you. Why? Because the Bible is perfect, okay? There's no mistakes in it. So we ought to hate the, and by the way, let me say this. We ought to hate when people veer off the right religion. So people who are Baptist, independent, fundamental, hellfire, damnation preaching Baptist, but they get off into false doctrine like repenting your sins. They get off into false doctrine like accepting the sodomites and all these things. We ought to hate that and despise it, detest it, abhor it, that it's abominable into us. Why? Because it's a false way. Now go to Revelation chapter two. I'm gonna read to you for 1 Timothy 1 verse 19. It says, holding faith in a good conscience, which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme. The Bible says in Deuteronomy chapter seven verse 26, neither shall thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it, but thou shall utterly detest it, and thou shall utterly abhor it, for it is a cursed thing. God is telling you, you better hate that thing. You better hate that which is abominable. You better cultivate that hatred for those things that I hate. Look at Revelation two verse five. Remember therefore, from whence thou art fallen and do the first works, or else I will come unto thee quickly and remove thy candlestick out of its place, except thou repent. So he's talking to a church here, okay? And look what he says in verse number six. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. So you know what was a good attribute of this church? They hated a doctrine that God hated. So it's not like, well, what's right for you, or what's right for me may not be right for you and vice versa. No, we need to make sure that it's right with God because there's certain things that God does not approve of. And look, in this subject of whether we're supposed to accept sodomizing the church or not, this is not a matter of preference. It's not a matter of, well, if that church decides to do that and that's what they wanna do, they're still right with God. No, they're not right with God. Because God says that there's doctrines that he hates, and let me tell you, he hates that doctrine. Why, because it's a doctrine that teaches to bring in the workers of iniquity to violate the children found therein. That's why he hates it. Look at verse 14, but I have a few things against thee because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast the stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat things, sacrifice them to idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also then to hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. So that goes to show us that there are certain teachings that God actually hates, but they talk about Jesus. He hates it. Look at Psalm 26. You know, I believe there's churches out there that God hates. God despises them. I met some yesterday. Marcos and I met some yesterday. It's like, man, God hates this place. I can't believe he just said that. Look what it says in Psalm 26, verse five. I have hated the congregation. What is congregation? That's the church. I have hated the congregation of evildoers. I will not sit with the wicked. He's like, I don't want nothing to do with them. I hate the congregation of the wicked. Who's that talking about? The Jehovah's Witnesses? The Mormons? La Luz del Mundo? Pentecostals? Oneness? Trash can Baptist church? All these churches that are propagating false teachings and false doctrines and are saying, thus saith the Lord when the Lord never spake unto them, God says, I hate that. Congregation of evildoers. You know what? And all that God's people said, amen. Because you know what? That's what we ought to hate as well. No, I do know. Let me just explain to you. He says it right there. I've hated the congregation of evildoers. What's an evildoer? It's someone who has the intent to deceive people. Well, you should try to win those Jehovah's Witnesses to Christ when they come to your door. This person is getting paid. He's working. He's making it his agenda, full-time agenda to go out and send people to hell. He's not deceived. He knows what he's doing. He knows that what he believes is false, but he doesn't care. I can't, I just don't know that if I believe that, then you're living in La La Land. You're living in a TV sitcom where these things don't exist. This is reality here, okay? But those Mormons are so nice. They're just so polite. Yeah, they come in as ministers of the angels of light, but they're ministers of Satan. Don't be gullible. Don't be simple. Just adhere to what God says in his word. The Bible says in 2 John, verse nine, Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. Amen? He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son, Tyler Baker. Verse 10, If there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house neither bid him God speed. For he that biddeth him God speed is a partaker of his evil deeds. So that means when a Jehovah's Witness or a Mormon or any of these false cults come to your house, you don't try to debate them. Don't say, oh, come on in. Oh man, I'm gonna teach this guy one thing or two. I'm gonna stump him with these verses. No, this is what you say. Depart from me, ye worker of iniquity. I pray you die and go to hell. You are so mean. I'm glad you said that because that's exactly the kind of portrayal that I wanna get when I talk about people who are actually sending people to hell. You don't welcome them. The Bible says you don't bid him God speed. Don't even say God bless you. It says don't even bless them. What do you say? You just shut the door. And it says for he that biddeth him God speed is a partaker of his evil deeds. God says, if you tell me to bless him, that means you're with him. That means you want him to succeed and prosper in his false doctrine that he's teaching. Don't be a partaker of their evil deeds. What if they come knock on my door? Either one don't answer or answer and said, get the hell out of here. I don't want nothing to do with you. And you shut the door. I just don't know. You know, I'd rather side with God on these issues than what your intelligence and what your understanding is. Lean not unto thine own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. So how should we hate it? Well, number one, by exposing false religions, okay? The Bible says in Matthew chapter 10, go with me to John chapter three, Matthew chapter 10 and verse number 26 says, fear them not therefore, for there's nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and we hear in the ear that preach ye upon the housetops. You see the way we express our hatred for false religion is by exposing it, by educating our people in regards to that specific false religion. So we understand, so we're not ignorant. We're not children tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men in cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. See, it says that these people who are deceivers, they lie in wait to deceive. Oh, they're just deceived. No, they're lying in wait. What does that mean? They're just hiding themselves, waiting to sprout out and come and deceive you. That's their agenda. That's their goal in life. Look at John 3 verse 19 and this is the condemnation. The light is coming to the world and men love darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. For everyone that doeth evil hated the light, neither coming to the light lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God. See, if we truly love our people, we expose them to the false religions of this world. If we truly hate false religions, we'll talk about it and not in a cryptic language. Yeah, this is one church. I'm not gonna say any names, but then you don't love me. If it's good enough for you and your family, it should be good enough for me. If it's good enough for you to stay away from, then it's good enough for me to stay away from. Now, what's another way we can hate false religion? By making a distinction between that which is true and that which is false. Go with me, if you would, to Ezekiel 22. I know we're going through a lot of scriptures, but it's school time, all right? It's Bible learning time. This is a big boy sermon. So we're not just sticking to verses of the New Testament, we're going to the Old Testament as well. The Bible says in Matthew 10, 34, think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword. So what does a sword do? It divides and makes a distinction between that which is right and that which is wrong. The Bible says in Jude 1 22, and of some have compassion, making a difference. What? Making a distinction. God wants things to be distinct. He wants men and women to be distinct, amen? He wants clothing to be distinct. He wants his people to be a peculiar people, a peculiar treasure unto the Lord. Why? Because he wants us to be special. Something that can be spotted and known that that's different from everything else. That includes religion as well. And God hates it when we don't make a distinction. When we have this ecumenical Billy Graham crusade type of Christianity where you get the Catholics and you get the Mormons and you get the Baptists and the Southern Baptists and the Jews and just mix it all in together and it's just all fun and roses and daisies. No, God says there needs to be a distinction between them. Look at Ezekiel 22 verse 26 says, her priests have violated my law. How? And have profaned my unholy things. How? They have put no difference between the holy and profane. Neither have they showed difference between the unclean and the clean and have hid their eyes from my Sabbath and I am profaned among them. He says you're violating my law when you don't make a difference between the clean and the unclean. You're violating my law when you don't make a difference between true Christianity and the rest of the world. Make the distinction. Ezekiel 44 and verse 23 says, and they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and profane and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean. You say, what's the sermon for? Because I'm instructed to teach you the difference between the clean and the unclean, that which is profane and that which is holy, that which is godly and that which is ungodly. That's our goal here. Now, go to Proverbs chapter one and we're almost done. So if we're gonna have a complete hatred, a perfect hatred like David, you know David's a good example. If we're gonna have a perfect complete hatred, we need to make sure that we have a well-rounded hatred. What is that? That we make sure we hate sin, okay? The old IFB, they were good at that, but that's where they stopped. You know, we need to make sure that we add to our faith virtue, and that virtue is hatred towards sin. That virtue is hatred towards false religion. But let me say this, this is what separates the men from the boys. We need to make sure that we hate all workers of iniquity. That is specific people. You see, I hate sin, but I love sinners. You know why? Because I want to see them saved. I'm gonna run into sinners all week, every week. And I want them to be saved. But you know what I hate? I hate workers of iniquity. You're a cult. I'm a Bible-believing Christian. And the Bible tells me that I'm to hate all workers of iniquity. These are the people who propagate and promote false ways. These are those who have the agenda to violate the innocent. And my soul hates them. Look at Proverbs 1, verse 10 says, "'My son, if sin is enticed thee, consent thou not.'" You see, there you go, it says sinners. But let's see what type of sinner this is. "'If they say, come with us, let us lay weight for blood.'" What does that mean, to murder? "'Let us look privily for the innocent without cause. "'Let us swallow them up alive as the grave and whole "'as those that go down into the pit. "'We shall find all precious substance. "'We shall fill our houses with spoil. "'Cast in thy lot among us. "'Let us all have one purse. "'My son, walk not thou away with them. "'Refrain thy foot from their path, "'for their feet run to evil and make haste to shed blood.'" You know what the Bible's telling us there? These are the workers of iniquity. Go to Psalm 5. This is a hard pill to swallow for some, but just take the water of God's word and just knock it back. And you'll be like, you know what, that wasn't that bad and it's in the Bible. Look at Psalm 5, verse four says, "'For thou art not a God that hath pleasure and wickedness, "'neither shall evil dwell with thee.'" Look what it says. "'The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. "'Thou hatest,'" are you everyone have a Bible in front of them? Look down at your Bibles. "'Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. "'Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing. "'The Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful men.'" These aren't loving things. These aren't the nicest things to say to someone if you love them. I mean, would I say that to my wife? You know, honey, I hate you. I'm gonna destroy you. You'd be like, you hate, you don't love me, you hate, yeah, exactly, because that's what you say to someone you hate. Not something you say to someone you love. And this is a powerful scripture because it's the most blatant, the most blunt verse that God can say, I hate all workers of iniquity. I say, well, that's Old Testament. Well, you tell me then, then why did God command us to sing this in the New Testament? So he doesn't want us to hate anybody, he just wants us to sing about it. What in the world? He wants us to hate, not hate him, but he love everyone, but just make sure you sing about hating people. No, no, that's called a hypocrite. When you sing about things that you don't even believe or practice. Look at Psalm 10, verse number one says, Why standest thou a far-off, O Lord? Why hideest thou thyself in time of troubles? The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor. Let them be taken into the vices that they have imagined. For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the Lord abhorth. He said, well, hold on a second, but I struggle with covetousness. But here's the difference between your covetousness and this covetousness. This person gets his covetousness, gets the things that he shouldn't have by unjust gain. He gets it by unjust means. He gets it by lying, by murder. That doesn't happen. Study the cartels of this world. The mafias and all the gangs and how they get their money. They don't get it by honest gain. The Bible says in Psalm 11, verse five, the Lord tried the righteous, but the wicked and him that loveth violence, his soul hated. God says he hates those who love violence. We ought not to ever have an appetite for violence. You know, if you have an appetite for violence, then you're wicked. God says that God hates those who love violence, those who love to violate people, those who find it a pleasure to rape, hurt, murder the innocent. God hates them, and he hates them. The Bible says, upon the wicked shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and a horrible tempest. This shall be the portion of their cup. You know what God's saying? You know how I'm gonna reward those people with fire and brimstone? Where's the only place we find fire and brimstone in this world? In hell! He says, I'm gonna reward you. I'm gonna give you a cup filled with fire and brimstone. Some people don't even have to go to hell to experience those things. They'll experience them here in this lifetime. You say, when? Well, in Genesis 19, those people hadn't even gone to hell. God just picked up, God just scooped up the fire and brimstone from hell and just dropped it on them. He's all, I'll deliver it to you, Amazon Prime style. Next day, next day shipping. Go to Zechariah 11. The Bible says in Psalm 53 verse five, there were they in great fear where no fear was, for God had scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee. That was put them to shame because God hath despised them. Zechariah 11 and verse number eight, the Bible says, three shepherds also I cut off in one month and my soul loathed them. And look what it says, and their soul also abhorred me. You see, you know who God hates? Those who hate the Lord. It's not like he just hates everyone. No, he hates those who loathed him. Those who abhorred him. Those who hate him, okay? Now, I'm done. How do we hate them? I'm just gonna give you these points and that's it. How do we hate them? Well, number one, we need to pray for their deaths. Amen. Just like, don't pass out on me yet. He say, what in the world? Go to Psalm 69. You see, I'm not a violent person. I don't want to inflict any kind of punishment on them. But let me ask you this, let me give you a scenario. What if my two-year-old son was raped, violently raped and killed by some pedophile? Do you not think that I would not have this righteous indignation in my heart, this desire that that person would die a horrible death? And if God commands me not to take matters into my own hands, what is the next best thing? To pray that that would befall that person. You see, the Bible says, pour out thine heart like water. The way we can heal ourselves of grief or someone who has violated one of our loved ones is by praying that God would destroy that person's life. Okay, look what it says in Psalm 69, verse 27. Add iniquity into their iniquity, this is David. And let them not come into thy righteousness, let them be blotted out of the book of the living and not be written with the righteous. What is he saying? Don't even let him get saved, God. This is David, this is the sweet Psalmist. A man after God's own heart, he wrote that, inspired by the Holy Ghost, okay? So number one, pray for their deaths. Pray, and look, I lack in that area, to be honest with you. I need to pray without ceasing in this area. Pray, who knows, maybe there wouldn't be so many wicked people and pedophiles out there, murderers and psychopaths, if God's people would just rise up and have some prayer meetings about God destroying them. And see, it's radical to you until you're the victim. It's radical to you until your child and your family members are the victim. Then you see the severity and the importance of this point right here, of praying for their deaths, okay? But number two, how do we hate them? By not aiding them, by defending them. Go to 2 Chronicles 19, and this is the last verse. You know, the way we can hate those who hate the Lord is making sure that we're not defending them in the name of Christ. And I'm talking about these wicked, disgusting, perverted sodomites, these bunch of homosexuals that everyone wants to defend up and down. The churches want to defend up and down. Look at the Bible says, let's see how that worked out for this person right here. 2 Chronicles 19, in verse number one, it says that Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, returned to his house in peace to Jerusalem. And Jehu, the son of Hanani, the seer, went out to meet him and said to king Jehoshaphat, shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord. Therefore, is wrath upon thee from before the Lord. So this is what happens when you actually defend those who are workers of iniquity. God says, okay, you want to defend them? Then my wrath is on you. Because you're helping those, you're aiding, you're defending those who hate me. I want to side with God. I want to make sure that I'm on God's side, okay? I want to make sure I side with the innocent, not with those who are violating the innocent. And you need to choose you this day whom you will serve. You need to stop halting between two opinions, you know? And don't be afraid of society, what they can do unto you. You know what, if they kill your body, they can't kill your soul. You know, fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell, who has the power, the divine power to do that, and that's God. We need to make sure that we don't aid or defend any wicked person who God hates. And again, I'm not talking about, there's people out here who are wicked, but they're not reprobates. They're not workers of iniquity. They just live a sinful life. They drink every day, they smoke pot every day, they fornicate like crazy. You know, they're just, they're without God in this world. They need to get saved and get right with God and learn how to live a righteous life. We need to help them with that, you know? And don't, you know, if you want to label me as a hate group, that's fine, but label us also as a love group because we go out there and preach the gospel all the time to see these people saved. We have people who invest their time and their money and their talents into witnessing to strangers. Making, taking their afternoon where most people go home and sleep and they take time to be with their families or don't even go to church. These people take time to actually go out there and give strangers the gospel to see them saved. You can't call these people hateful or not loving towards people who are sinners, but we are hateful towards those who hate the Lord. So here's a sermon this morning. Let's work on our hatred. How's your hate life? You know, do you hate sin? Good. You need to add religion, false religion to that list though. You need to learn to hate false religion, but you know what? You also need to add to that list hating those who are workers of iniquity. If that's a hard pill to swallow, just get the glass of God's word. Put some prayer and just pound that thing. I remember when I was a kid, my mom, if she used to take an aspirin, this is people from back in the day. Me, if I take an aspirin, I just put it in my mouth and just swallow it, she would have to do one of these. How many know what I'm talking about? That whiplash thing, okay? I was like, man, do you really have to like just jerk your head that way? But you know spiritually, some people have to do that. If it's a hard pill to swallow, just pop it in and give yourself a whiplash. Swallow that thing and let it get into your system. Because I don't think, there's nothing, you cannot accuse me of misinterpreting the Bible this morning. It's very clear what we read. It's very clear what we saw. We need a renewing of our minds to change it, to make sure that we're adhering to what God says, amen? Spire our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you for your word. And Lord, thank you for expressing your love to us by showing us that you sent your son to die for us so we could be rescued from the wrath of God. We fled from the wrath of God to come. We fled from hell and we ran to the feet of Christ. And thank you so much for that. And Lord, like you said, we need to be rooted and grounded in love that we may be able, with all saints, to comprehend what is the breadth, the length, and depth, and height, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. But the way we understand is by understanding the wrath, the anger, and the hatred of God. I pray you help us to be complete in our hatred, to be entire, wanting nothing. In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.