(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) In his mind, leading the host of all of the faithful into the midst of the fight, to see them with courage advancing, that in their brilliant array. To the fair leader, stand exultingly say, not to the strong is the battle, not to the swift is a race. To the true and the faithful, victory is promised through grace, conquering now and still to conquer, who is this wonderful King? Whence are the armies which he leadeth, for ever? He is our Lord and Redeemer, Father and Monarch, Divine. They are the stars and for ever, Pride in his kingdom will shine. Not to the strong is the battle, not to the swift is a race. Yet to the true and the faithful, victory is promised through grace, conquering now and still to conquer, Jesus the Ruler of all. In their septuress all shall perish, crowns in their splendor shall fall. The armies now leadest, faithful and true to the last, finding the mansions eternal, rest when their warfare is past. Not to the strong is the battle, not to the swift is a race. Yet to the true and the faithful, victory is promised through grace. Amen. Wonderful singing. Let's start our service with a word of prayer. Dear God, Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for just allowing us to be in your house this evening, Lord God. We do pray that you please just bless every aspect of the service, the singing unto you. We pray that you please bless that and please also be with a pastor from your here, Lord God, as he preaches your word that you would help us, Lord God, to also to understand it, Lord God, as we sit in the congregation, Lord God, help us to be attentive, Lord God. And I pray that you please just again, just bless our service now in Jesus' name. Amen. You may be seeing the song number 136, Master, the Tempest is Raging. Song number 136. Song 136. Sing it on that first. Master, the tempest is raging. The billows are tossing high. The sky is our shadow with blackness. No shelter or help is nigh. Who carest thou not that we perish? How canst thou by a sleep when each moment so madly is threatening a grave and the angry demon? The wind and the waves shall obey my will. Whether the wrath of a storm-tossed sea or demons or men or whatever it be, no water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies. They all shall sweetly obey my will. Peace be still. Peace be still. They all shall sweetly obey my will. Peace be still. Master, with anguish a spirit, I bow in my grief today. The depths of my sad heart are troubled. Awaken and save, I pray. Torrance of sin and of anguish sweep o'er my sinking soul. And I perish, I perish, dear master. Oh, hasten and take control. The winds and the waves shall obey my will. Peace be still. Whether the wrath of a storm-tossed sea or demons or men or whatever it be, no water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies. They all shall sweetly obey my will. Peace be still. Peace be still. They all shall sweetly obey my will. Peace be still. Master, the terror is over. The elements sweetly rest. Her sun in the calm lake is mirrored, and heaven's within my breast. Linger, O blessed Redeemer, leave me alone no more. And with joy I shall make the blessed harbor and rest on that blissful shore. The winds and the waves shall obey my will. Peace be still. Whether the wrath of a storm-tossed sea or demons or men or whatever it be, no water can swallow the ship where lies the master of ocean and earth and skies. They all shall sweetly obey my will. Peace be still. Peace be still. They all shall sweetly obey my will. Peace be still. All right, great singing. Thank you for being here this evening. Just a few announcements here. Before we sing our next song, which will be song number 63, what a day that will be. Song number 63 in your song books. Our services are as follows. Sunday morning is at 10 30 Sunday evening at 5 p.m. Excuse me, and then our Thursday night Bible study is at 7 o'clock. We are going through the book of 2nd Samuel, so hope to see you on Thursday evenings. You see the fall program schedule. Today was actually the last day, and so we're going to be having an apple cider fellowship after Sunday night service in the fellowship hall. Hope you stick around for a little bit. Have some fellowship, and then of course you see the expected list of expecting mothers there at the left. Important reminders. Our annual Thanksgiving banquet is coming up on Tuesday, November 22nd, and that'll take the place of our midweek service, which is typically on Thursday. For that week, it'll be on Tuesday to give all the ladies and families time to prepare for Thanksgiving. Obviously, you don't want to start making the turkey on Thursday. I mean, everything I remember has to get started like on Wednesday to prepare everything for Thursday. Am I right? Can I get some nods, ladies? Yes? Okay, cool. All right. If not, we can just do this on Thanksgiving. I'm just kidding. No, I'm kidding. So we're going to have our Thanksgiving banquet on Tuesday, and so you're welcome to invite anybody you'd like, friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and if you have some friends or family that are not saved, bring them. They can get saved. We can give them the gospel. It'll be like a regular service, difference being is that obviously it'll be themed. We're going to have the 1800s theme, and then we're going to have dinner and fellowship, so we're going to have a good time. Please make sure you RSVP on fwbcla.org, and of course you see the location there. If you don't know where that is, we've conveniently placed the QR code there on the bulletin for you to click on, and it'll give you directions to the location. Men's Prayer Night is coming up on Friday, November 25th, and then the homeschool field trip is on Tuesday, November 30th, and then you see the regular reminders there at the bottom. Please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service. Let's go and take some soul-winning numbers from this past week. Salvations from Monday to Thursday. Any salvations from Monday to Thursday? Seven. Okay. Anybody else? Friday and Saturday. Salvations for Friday and Saturday? Two. Okay. Anybody else? And then this afternoon. Salvations for this afternoon? Two. Two for Brother Marcus's team. Four for Brother Cody's team. Three for Brother Morrie's team. One for Brother Glenn's team. Anybody else? Going once, twice, thrice. Okay. Keep up the great work on soul-winning. Let's go ahead and sing our next song. Song number 63. I'll lead this one. Song number 63. Song number 63. Of course we'll sing both verses. Make sure you sing with all your might. Okay. There is coming a day. Sing it together on that first verse. Song number 63. Song number 63. Nice and strong on that second. A glorious day that will be. What a day that will be. When my Jesus I shall see. And I look upon his face. The one who saved me by his grace. When he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land. What a day, glorious day that will be. Great singing. At this time the ushers are going to take the offering and go ahead and take your Bibles to Proverbs chapter number five. Good evening. Tonight we're in Proverbs chapter five. Proverbs chapter five in the Bible reads, my son attend unto my wisdom and bow thine ear to my understanding that thou mayest regard discretion and that thy lips may keep knowledge for the lips of a strange woman drop as a honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil but her end is bitter as wormwood sharper as a two-edged sword her feet go down to death her steps take hold on hell lest thou shouldst ponder the path of life her ways are movable that thou canst not know them hear me now therefore oh ye children and depart not from the words of my mouth remove thy way far from her and come not night the door of her house lest thou give thine honor unto others and thy years unto the cruel lest strangers shall be filled with thy wealth and thy labors be in the house of a stranger and now mourn at the last when thy flesh and thy body are consumed and say how have i hated instruction and my heart despised for proof i have i have not obeyed the voice of my teachers nor inclined mine ears to them that instructed me i was almost in all evil in the midst of the congregation and assembly drink waters out of thine own cistern and running waters out of thine own well let thy fountains be dispersed abroad in rivers of waters in the streets let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let thy fountain be blessed and rejoice with the wife of thy youth let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe let her breast satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love and why wilt thou my son be ravished with a strange woman and embrace the bosom of a stranger for the ways of man are before mine eyes before the eyes of the lord and he pondereth all his goings his own iniquity shall take the wicked himself and he shall be holding with the cores of his sins he shall die without instruction and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray let's pray dear lord thank you for the church you've given us lord and thank you for the bible you've given us lord the king james bible and we thank you for pastor lord we pray that you bless him right now and give him boldness and fill him with the spirit as he preaches your word lord and i pray that um you you help us tonight uh to follow along with the sermon lord and that we're uh edified by the sermon lord and that we go away edified lord and just bless this sermon and every aspect of it we pray this in jesus name amen okay we're in providence chapter number five this evening look down at your bibles verse 21 it says here in proverbs 5 21 for the ways of a manner before the eyes of the lord and he pondereth all his goings his own iniquities shall take the wicked himself and he shall be holding with the cords of his sin he shall die without instruction and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray the title of my sermon this evening is the destructive nature of pornography the destructive nature of pornography and obviously a topic like this is very unsavory it's very uncomfortable to talk about because of the fact that all the factors that it's associated with will require for me to kind of be as discreet as i possibly can to describe what takes place when someone watches pornography but i think this is an important sermon because of the fact that in the day and age in which we live so many people have so much access to the internet particularly young people teenagers and sometimes parents don't realize how destructive you know or how much a teenager is actually destroying his life even destroying her life believe it or not by watching pornography or they think to themselves well not my child not my teenager they're not involved in those things they're not involved in pornography they're not watching those things on on the internet but you know you better make sure that that's true and you better do everything you possibly can in your power as a parent to make sure that you're setting up safeguards and standards in your home so that your children teenagers are not being tempted to watch something they're not supposed to watch or that the internet pops something up and defiles their mind and creates within them an appetite for those types of things for that type of entertainment so-called okay and the another reason i want to preach this is because of the fact that honestly so many people watch pornography today and unfortunately even in christiandom that a lot of young people have justified the act of watching pornography and even amongst christians they think well you know everyone's gonna do it it's all over the place every once in a while i'll tune in every once in a while i'll watch it it's nothing bad you know at least i'm not out there sleeping with a lot of women or not out there fornicating i'm not out there committing some wicked adulterous sin so therefore it's justifiable for me to do this but that's actually not true you know watching pornography according to the bible is still wicked it's considered lust and in fact the bible specifically says that you need to learn how to possess your vessel in sanctification and honor and that includes making sure that you you are watching what you're watching right you're careful of what you're allowing your eyes to see you know david said i shall set no wicked thing before mine eyes i hate the work of them to turn aside it shall not cleave unto me okay and we as christians regardless of what year we're in i understand we have social media internet is very much accessible we need to make sure that we're constantly fighting this as parents constantly finding this as men and making sure we don't just make excuses to say well it's all over the place so i'm just gonna go ahead and watch it and you know it's not harming anybody i'm only doing it by myself no one knows that i'm doing it no you're destroying yourself you're destroying yourself and the bible says here that your iniquities shall take the wicked himself and you're gonna be holding with the cords of your sin what does that mean you know the fact that you're holding with the cords of your sin is basically implying that it's gonna hinder you in the long run it's gonna hold you back from being a good christian it's gonna hold you back from being a good husband it's gonna hold you back from being a good father it's gonna hold you back from being a good employee it's gonna hold you back from being just a functioning member of society okay you shall be holding with the cords of your sin and guess what you will die without instruction and in the greatness of your folly you will go astray you say well you know i don't believe that you know i'm still in church well the very fact that you would have an attitude that it's okay to watch pornography it's okay to watch these things and still serve god you obviously have a misconstrued conception what it is to serve god and you're obviously living a double life you are being a hypocrite we need to make sure that we keep on the forefront of our minds that moral impurity is still sinful in the eyes of god watching these things is simple in the eyes of god and you need you basically need to have victory over these things okay and i hate to even use terms like that phrases like that because that's associated at times with you know churches that don't really know how to help people overcome those particular sins but let me just say this is that if you've already opened that door to watching pornography watching that field and you've created an appetite you know that door is already open and that's not to say that you have to continue in that sin and you're just hopeless but what it does mean is that that temptation will always be there in your life now from here on out that temptation is always going to be present so what you have to do is make sure you set up some safeguards and from here on out live a life of purity a life that's pleasing unto the lord and you know often we think of pornography is like well that's that's something men struggle with but you know what now it's like women struggle with porn there are women out there who literally struggle with watching pornography and they get involved in those things as well so this is applicable all across the board go to chapter number six if you would chapter six now parents um let me just make this disclaimer is that i'm not going to be using you know language that will defile the minds of your children tonight or anything like that but it's at your discretion for you to explain to your children some of the terms if you'd like some of the terms that i'm going to describe today you may just say hey don't worry about it i'll tell you when you're older or whatever but i do need to describe some things not in an inappropriate way i'm going to be discreet about it in order to help people understand the effects of pornography okay the destructive nature of it because here's the thing there's a lot of things in the christian life that can destroy you not things that are godly obviously i'm talking about sinful things covetousness you know drunkenness okay railing uh envy these things can destroy your life but let me just say this is that lust can be put at the top of that list as well okay and one and i'm going to go through the three areas that it destroys but look at chapter six and verse number it says here men do not despise the thief if he's still to the satisfied to satisfy his soul when he is hungry but if he is found he he shall restore sevenfold he shall give all the substance of his house but who so committed adultery with a woman lacketh understanding listen to this he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul now obviously this is referring to the physical act of adultery but it can be applied to this matter of pornography because pornography also can destroy your soul okay and the point that i want to get across this evening is that parents young men young ladies do not take this sin lightly you know and sometimes because in the day and age in which we live people can become desensitized to the consequences of this particular sin because it's so rampant on the internet it's all over social media you know social media gives it to you in doses that will desensitize you to the effects of sin and then it can cause people to just try to justify it in their personal lives but we need to call sin a sin we need to make sure that we call this wicked we need to recognize that it's destructive and it can hinder your christian walk the bible tells us in job chapter 31 go with me to Romans chapter number six job 31 job says this in verse number one i made a covenant with mine eyes why then should i think upon a maid and i want you to think about that phrase there is the fact that he said i've made a covenant with mine eyes why then should i think upon a maid and obviously he's referring to this matter of lust and the point that he's trying to get across here how we can apply it is the fact that you know what you watch obviously determines how you think the things that you're watching the things that you're listening to will not only determine your type of behavior but it'll also determine how you think my friends and so if you think to yourself well you know i've had so many of these perverse thoughts in my mind i struggle with lust i struggle with watching this stuff well part of it is just what you're watching if you can just remove temptation from your life remove those things that are causing you to be tempted you can change the way you think a lot of people struggle with pornography because of the fact that they don't set up safeguards their intentions are right in the sense of they want to be right with god they want to read the bible they want to do that which is right in the sight of the lord but they don't know how to remove temptation and when they don't remove temptation they have this dichotomy of just oh man i feel guilty but you know for for not serving god or committing to sin but it's just like they keep going back because of the fact that they're not setting up safeguards in their life to protect them from that temptation and obviously that that principle could apply to all types of sins right but in general what we're referring to this evening is this matter of pornography make a covenant with your eyes be a man be a woman of character to say you know i'm not going to set any wicked thing before mine eyes i know where the wicked things are and i need to make sure that i stay away from temptation so that when i am tempted i'm not going to cross the line into something that would be displeasing to the lord and cause me to destroy my own soul look at romans 6 and verse number 11 it says likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto god through jesus christ our lord let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that ye should obey in the lust thereof neither yield you your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin but yield yourselves unto god as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness unto god let me ask you a question is your body ruling you or are you ruling your body you know i keep under my body bringing into subjection let's by any means when i preach to others i myself should be a castaway that's what the bible says and god expects for us as christians to subject the flesh regardless of what desires it has and bring it into subjection and not just give in to every desire every lust every covetous thought that we have okay he says in verse 14 for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace what then shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace god forbid know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness go to first thessalonians chapter four first thessalonians chapter four we obviously understand that lust has existed since the beginning of time but again with the age of the internet it's so readily accessible and you know sin is has permeated society because of the internet okay and i remember you know being an independent fundamental baptist church and it was just like the pastor would preach like you know have don't have a computer and your kid's room keeping it in the living room but here's the thing is that now everyone has a computer in their pocket i mean your phone is a computer we don't need this box you know this massive box or whatever now it's just like you can do all your work on an actual cell phone and have access to all types of things on your cell phone so now that you say well what do we do now it's just it's just hopeless now well no now we got to set up even greater precautions even stronger guidelines and standards to us to protect us from the wicked one and not tempt ourselves in whatever area and obviously you know you might be a person who's like well i've never opened that door you know i've never watched pornography i've never opened that door but you know you might be a covetous person where you just like to spend money and and buy a bunch of stuff and you know the phone can be used for that too because the phone always has advertisements and it appeals to the lust of the eyes to purchase things but more often than not it's the matter of lust in regards to sexual immorality that's where the phone is tempting individuals today look at first thessalonians four verse number three it says for this is the will of god even your sanctification that you should abstain from fornication that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor what's the goal tonight the goal is to remind us that we need to possess our vessels in sanctification and honor not dishonorably by delving into pornography not dishonorably by following instagram accounts that have you know scantily clad women dressed whorish women on the internet not you know possessing our vessels in such a way that we just allow anything through our eye gate and our ear gate we're making sure that we're being vigilant right that we're paying attention because we have an enemy an adversary satan who's like a lion walking about seeking whom he may devour and let me just say this i guarantee you there's people in this building today that are being devoured weekly by pornography i guarantee that okay and it's it's a it's a common struggle amongst young people it's common struggle amongst christians okay and you know i don't want to get it on myself but let's let's go ahead and get into the crux of the sermon here go with me if you would to go to second peter chapter number two the title of the sermon is the destructive nature of pornography what does pornography destroy well the bible talks about how we're mind body and spirit right and obviously we know that when we get saved our spirit is regenerated and the bible tells us that whosoever is born of god does not commit sin for his seed to remain within him and what it's referring to is the fact that our spirit is born of god you understand our spirit not this flesh but our spirit is sinless it does not commit sin it cannot commit sin it is completely perfect it is glorified you understand the flesh is not and so pornography can't destroy the spirit you understand you're like all right great that's all i needed to hear well no but you can vex the spirit though you can vex the spirit you can grieve the holy spirit of god because guess what your spirit is not the only one that dwells within you the holy spirit also dwells within you okay and the bible says grieve not the holy spirit of god whereby you are sealed until the day of redemption and every time you click on that image every time you watch that video you are grieving the holy spirit of god you are forcing the the god in you to participate in that viewing of that thing because he dwells within your temple you understand and he's grieved by the fact that you would allow yourself to watch that you can grieve the holy spirit but look at second peter chapter two verse number six it says in turning the cities of sodom and gomorrah into ashes condemn them with their overthrow making them in samples into those that after should live ungodly and deliver just lot listen to this vex with the filthy conversation of the wicked for that righteous man dwelling among them and seen and hearing vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds now this is specifically referring to sodomy but this can be applied to pornography as well because guess what there's sodomy and pornography as well and you know why a lot of people are so desensitized to sodomy today it's because of pornography because the way society introduces sodomy is by introducing lesbianism first because lesbianism is far more readily acceptable in society before males are male sodomites are believe it or not they introduce lesbianism first and then they go into male sodomy and in fact that's exactly how it's laid out in roman chapter number one women first and then the men okay but it convex your righteous soul from day to day now what is the main thing that that does to your to your spirit well number one is it can stifle your walk with god and you know what for anybody who actually is loves the lord and is walking with god that means something to them you know you wonder why when you read the bible you can't get anything out of it you wonder why when you crack open the word of god and you read it you can't get anything out of it you're feeling like you're not being fed you're not content with your christian life it's probably because you're watching pornography you watch pornography and then you crack open your bible to help you know you alleviate your guilty conscience of whatever you're watching but then you don't get anything out of the bible because you just vex your righteous soul for a however long time understand this can destroy your walk with god it can stifle your bible reading it can stifle your prayer life and it can even distort your view of god okay it can destroy your view of god you say well how is that how can they destroy my view of god well because people who watch pornography are constantly feeling guilty constantly feeling guilty constantly feeling ashamed constantly feeling guilty and they always think like god's just going to strike them down at any minute and by the way it's good that they think that and i would hope that that person who thinks that decides to repent of that sin and get right with god and stop watching pornography you understand but you know what happens is judgment does not come they continue in that sin and then they have this distorted view of god and you know what they begin to do they begin to impose that judgment upon others they begin to overcompensate you know for their sin and what they do and they begin to oppose excessive judgments upon others why because of their own guilt you understand so this stifles your walk with god and i think one of the main things that it does in your walk with god is that it robs you of your joy okay the bible tells us in psalm 51 and verse 12 it says restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit you know obviously this is david speaking uh it's a psalm of repentance after he committed adultery with that shiba and he says here he's making this admission that his sin robbed him of his joy of his salvation you know people who are involved in porn and look i know what i'm speaking on tonight is very uncomfortable and i i know this is a very uncomfortable subject and people are making faces like oh man what is he going to say but this is necessary okay and so you better start giving me some more amens and stop being so quiet about it all right you know this is legitimately an important issue and you know if this is something that you struggle with then you know get it right tonight and you know what this is god's sign to you to get it right tonight you know you're probably thinking about this yesterday i was like man when am i ever going to stop this well you know tonight might just be the night that you just stop watching pornography and get right with god and this is probably god's warning to you to put it away from you be sure your sin will find you out i know it's uncomfortable but you know what it's necessary and uh the silence in the room is is telling me so okay restore to me the joy of that salvation when someone is involved in any type of immoral sin any sin in general but specifically moral sin you know they lose the joy of their salvation they lose the joy of being a christian and they have a hard time just enjoying the small things in life you know as a christian the great one of the great things about being a christian getting and being saved is the fact that you can get joy for just pretty much anything i'm talking about like the smallest of things like i'm super excited about the apple cider fellowship i'm thrilled why are you laughing it's true you know that i'm i'm happy about that you know i get a kick out of the small things in life you understand because that's what the christian life provides it provides joy in conversation it provides joy in fellowship with others it provides joy in just your walk with god why because there's a certain level of joy that comes with a clear conscience knowing that you're right with god i understand but sin robs you of that joy because when you are committing that sin you think to yourself oh man when am i going to be found out does someone know about this who told pastor mahia about this thing you know ones that you know you're constantly living in this fear you know the bible says the wicked flee when no man pursues but the righteous are as bold as a lion when a person is righteous and living righteously they don't have anything to hide so they could just live life enjoy the apple cider enjoy the cake enjoy the the small things in life and actually have joy but pornography robs you of that joy it distorts your walk with god it can stifle your walk with god and let me just say this you know when you read the bible god doesn't just want us to read the word of god and just get the content you know what i mean like he actually wants us to read with some emotion and it's a it's a living book the word of god is quick and powerful if you're reading the word of god and you're just like not getting anything because your mind is elsewhere you know it kind of shows you that you're vexing your righteous soul from day to day because you know we delight in the law of god after the inward man the inward man loves reading the bible inward man loves hearing preaching the inward man loves bible content but moral sin fornication pornography these things can rob you of that joy and you wonder why you can't enjoy preaching you're like in church it's just like i'm just not enjoying this well it's probably because you built up a wicked appetite where that's all you're thinking about you know you need to rebuild the godly appetites once again okay what else does it do it produces guilt that leads to paranoia that can lead to overcompensating and this is fact you can look this up as far as to what it does to a person when they watch pornography or they have the habit of watching pornography it produces guilt obviously and this is i mean produces guilt in the person who's not saved how much more than a person that is saved when they have the holy spirit of god dwelling within them but it leads to paranoia and this is one of the reasons why a lot of people are very anti-social today okay anti-social because they think they're just always going to be found out for that grievous sin that they're committing and you know and so what they do is the next step is they begin to overcompensate we would say to become hyper spiritual right what is it when you become hyper spiritual it's it's like you're you're caking on the spirituality so as to deter attention from someone potentially finding out what you're doing by the way no one here is a mind reader it's not like i know what you're doing you know it's just like i'll give you an example i'll give you a really ridiculous example of this okay years ago there's this guy at this church he's a bozo he's a weirdo he's actually the guy who got an argument with with with david about the poster if you guys remember that story i told about pre-trip and post-trip there's a mechanic who came to the church the guy's not saved but he's just a friend of some of the people in the church and he was he was coming to help someone with their vehicle just to kind of you know their car is broken down or something the guy's not saved and you know the people at the church are trying to be like a good testimony to him just be a blessing to him talk to him well this guy walks up to him and says i know you're involved in pornography god told me this and the guy's like what he's like yeah i know you why don't you just admit it and the guy's like dude you don't know me get out of my face like how the guy never even met him in his life and then all of a sudden he just comes up to me like the spirit told me he you you have a lust spirit or something and you're involved in pornography but let me just tell you what that person is probably doing he's probably projecting what he is because of the fact that people who are involved in this particular sin have so much guilt that it leads them to paranoia which leads to overcompensating they overcompensate to deter attention from themselves they hyper spiritualize everything and i've said this before and i'll say it again folks you don't have to tell anybody you're spiritual you don't have to talk about how much soul winning you do you don't have to tell me how much bible you read i just know by just talking to you if you do any of that that's just the bottom line you never have to bring your credentials to another person when you're talking to them right you never have to talk about how great your soul winning plan is and and how you're just you're just you know you just hate sin so bad you hate sodomites so bad you just you just love god you just you don't have to people just know that about you when you have to say it you're overcompensating and that's just showing me that you're probably hiding something okay it's just like this smoke and mirrors just like oh nothing to see here just look at my hyper spirituality but they're actually covering up for something else okay i despise hyper spirituality a lot it's hypocritical it's pharisaical you know don't tell me how much soul winning you do don't tell me how much you love everyone here loves soul winning you don't have to tell me how much you love it okay you have to tell me you know you have to explain to me and tell me how much you do it and how down packed you got your system or whatever people who do that are often paranoid because they think that someone's going to you know discover them for who they really are or whatever and so they begin to overcompensate by doing those things becoming hyper spiritual whereas you know when you have a clear conscience you just kind of you're just yourself you know what i mean it's just like like for example i'll give you a perfect example okay sundays i don't go so many because i preach but sometimes people ask me if i go so many i'll tell them no and they're just kind of like oh but but here's the thing like i have no fear in telling you that i don't go so many on sunday and i'm just like nah i'm too tired i got prepared my sermons and stuff because i'm not guilty i have zero guilt about it because i go so many other days this is not my day where i go this is the day where basically the entire church goes but this is not the day i go and be like oh oh you you don't do no i don't i gotta go eat man i just preach the sermon i gotta go eat i got things to do but there's not a guilty bone in my body because i have nothing to hide you understand and when people try to guilt trip you into because of something that you don't do or something that's spiritual you know obviously they're hiding something i'm not talking about messing around i'm talking about when they actually try to guilt trip you into doing something that they think you're supposed to be doing or something like oh why aren't you going to go so many with us oh okay i see that's called hyper spirituality who are the ones that guilty of this the pharisees you know the bible tells us in matthew 23 won't you use scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you pay to tithe and mint anise and cumin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment mercy and faith when you have a clear conscience you could just be yourself you have nothing to hide you can just be yourself you can answer plainly you know someone who is deceptive has to keep track of all their deception they have to keep track of all their deceptive statements because they don't want to slip up later on but if you're just an honest person you can just speak honestly and not have to worry about oh man you know what a tangled web we we when first we practice to deceive right and so you know what does this destroy what does pornography destroy it destroys your walk with god first and foremost which is the most important thing your walk with god your ability to not only read the bible but actually enjoy your bible you know to actually come to church and enjoy the preaching of god's word to actually enjoy the joy of being a christian and enjoy the small things in life you know kids getting pumpkins eating a slice of cake oh why we gotta go to the thanksgiving 1800s i don't know because i like dressing up you know because i you know i got i got a hat bro i got about the whole outfit i want a gun right here and i want to look like doc holliday okay that's why then why we gotta do all this stuff you know ira can we just you know can we just read the bible for hours on end and pray for it no we can't i get tired of that you can't read the bible for hours on end maybe every once in a while if you're doing like a little marathon by yourself but this is not something you do every single day my friends normal christianity is moderation and let your moderation be known into all men notice it doesn't say let your excessiveness be made known until all men because then if you're excessive then there's an issue just be a real person just be a real christian and just say yeah i read a couple chapters today i'm working on building it up some more but you know laziness gets me you know and i'm just trying to i'm trying to work my way and you know but when you're overcompensating it's it's it's an indicator that you are trying to hide something but what i'm talking about in context because i'm not saying that every person who does that is involved in pornography i'm just saying in context of pornography people who watch pornography do that okay what else does it destroy what passage are you in right now go to first thessalonians chapter actually go go to go to first timothy chapter five first timothy chapter five i'm just going to be real practical and frank this this evening so it destroys your it doesn't destroy your spirit but it does vex your righteous spirit because the christian life is meant to be lived guilt-free you understand like god sent this on jesus christ to remove the penalty of sin so we don't have to bear that's that the load of sin you understand we confess our sins daily he's faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness but you know what god also expects us for us to do is to forsake that sin as well if we want to obtain mercy and and it's not healthy spiritually to just allow yourself to continue into sin and then you're just constantly guilty constantly worried constantly paranoid it's not spiritually healthy it's not mentally healthy either so if this is your righteous spirit but number two it actually destroys your mind watching pornography can destroy your mind the bible tells us in first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23 says in the very god of peace sanctify you holy and i pray god your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our lord jesus christ you know what that means god wants you to be clean up here so not just clean here not just put on a suit and a tie you got your king james bible and you're in church and you're in church he wants you to be clean up here as well he wants you to be clean in here as well the inner recesses of the hard areas where god can see he wants you to be clean he wants it to be blameless until the coming of our lord jesus christ not perfect but striving to be blameless and above reproach in god's eyes and let me just say this is that when people are involved in pornography it actually destroys their ability listen to this to just have healthy normal relationships we're not even talking about boyfriend and girlfriend i'll get to that later i'm just talking about normal friendships people actually have when people are involved in pornography they have a hard time actually communing with others and you say well what's wrong with that you know there's nothing wrong with well there is something wrong with that because we're christians and this is a church and although we're not for calling it a fellowship it's basically what it is it's a fellowship of believers where people come and they yap their heads off one to another that's what you're supposed to do okay and you know obviously there's people who are just shy they're introverts nothing wrong with that but again in context i'm referring to what pornography does to a person it actually defiles their relationships with other people they can't make friends they can't interact with other people okay let me read this to you i got this from a website referring to the effects of pornography this is watching porn in most cases demands isolation anything that consumers do in secrecy usually leads to shame one of the first effects of frequently watching porn for men and women especially those who are young can be social awkwardness in public which ironically leads to more shame and hiding isolation and shame can make it difficult to share true intimacy with others and it makes it difficult to truly grow and mature as a person and reach our full potential as people and this is true my friends you know you come to church you should come to church to make some friends and speak freely to anybody here in church whether male or female and it's just like well i want to speak to the males but none of the ladies you know what i mean because i got this really high standard why that's weird why could you it's just like i don't want to talk to your wife because i don't want people to think anything weird why would you think that anybody think well that's weird it's weird that you think that that's weird i talk to all kinds of wives in our church and we i could literally sit down and have a conversation with one of the wives in our church and have that person not that person or me or anybody in the church think anything weird about it because we're just having a listen to this a conversation yeah but you know you know i don't want people to think it's in why would people think it's inappropriate human beings speak they open their mouths and they talk one to another this is life my friends this is a church and this is what pornography does it hinders people from having true intimacy with others you say well what do you mean by intimacy intimacy just means a good relationship with someone yeah right there's just people in the church that i'm close to that's what intimacy is i'm close to certain people in our church you know what i mean i'm close friends with them and and and i love them and my heart is knit to the people in our church you know i love them i care for them i i you know i grow excited when i see them at church i feel you come to church and you see someone your heart starts beating a little faster because it's like this is a person whom i love i enjoy seeing these people these are these are god's people you say well that's weird what do you mean your heart's beating like and me dude it means i'm just excited to see the people in our church that's all it means but you know what getting involved in this habit distorts that aspect of your life because the bible tells us in psalms 133 verse 1 behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity one of the great joys of the christian life is christian friends it's awesome it's one of the things that i enjoy the most other than preaching god's word on sunday and thursdays one of the things that i just greatly enjoy is just being in communion with god's people just talking and laughing yes i said that laughing and seeing people patting them giving them a shoulder hug you know obviously to the males but just giving a shoulder hug a handshake fellowshipping looking at them in the eyes and just communing with them that's the some of the greatest joys of the christian life is just that but you know what pornography robs you of that because it causes you to think oh man you know what if people think something inappropriate you're the only one thinking something inappropriate with that because pornography has destroyed your mind okay you should be willing to be able to go and just chat with anybody in our church and just have a normal conversation and and just hang out look what the bible says in first timothy chapter five verse number one rebuke not an elder but entreat him as a father and the younger men as brethren look what it says in verse two the elder women as mothers and the younger sisters with all purity what's i'm saying this is the kind of relationship we should have obviously obviously there needs to be appropriateness when we talk to the the opposite sex but here's the thing is that you know the bible tells us that we can still commune with them as sisters because they're our sisters in christ with all purity but you know what pornography does it robs you of that perspective you know i don't want to talk to you today because i don't want them to think that i'm involved in something really wicked pornography has done that to you if that's what you're thinking because no one thinks that okay and god expects for his people at his church to just get along with one another to speak to one another to talk and commune with one another and get out of your clicks too you know get out of your clicks and actually go talk to some of the adults but let me just say that some of you young people need to just forsake one another for like a season and go hang out with some married men and just learn how to how to actually have a conversation with the man who has like five kids or something go talk to albert he has like 12 different things to talk to you about go talk to someone else okay you know get out of your little click your little gang your little mafia you got going on there and go like well yeah but you know i don't know anybody then go meet someone i don't know what i'm going to talk to them about well first you can ask them what their name is since you don't know who they are they say you know what i've been coming here for months and i never got your name what's your name and once you get their name just walk away no i'm just kidding you know just like like oh nice to meet you i'm not saying be a social butterfly there's nothing wrong with that you're a social because you know you got some social i consider myself like a social butterfly i could i could just like thanks for the morning you know i could just pretty much talk to anybody i have no problem talking to people but you know i know some introverts in our church have no problem going to other people in the church and talking and they may not have a whole lot to say right but they can commune with others because they just enjoy fellowshipping okay but pornography can rob you of that all right and you may think to yourself well i don't need fellowship yes you do and i said this before and i'll say it again church normalizes people amen it turns weird people into normal people so you know when you're here you better take a you know uh inventory of yourself like am i still weird if it is because you're not putting into practice these little simple principles of just communing with one another okay what's another thing that it destroys in your mind well it destroys your ability to have good relationships good friendships with people in church with just people in life but it also creates an unrealistic expectation in marriage okay go to problem chapter five if you would problem chapter number five and then we'll go to chapter 27 go to problem chapter five first and then we'll go to chapter 27 let me say this obviously pornography is real but what it what it's communicating is false it's not real it's fake okay everything that pornography seeks to impose upon you to make you think how a physical relationship is between a man and a woman it's fake it's all fake it's a fantasy it doesn't exist in the real world and when you allow yourself to just delve into pornography and watch that build and just watch it over and over and over again what it does it creates an unrealistic expectation of what you want in marriage now let me just say this okay because you know in times past young people wouldn't make an excuse as to why they could watch pornography they'd be ashamed of watching pornography and would want to figure over it but now because of the internet because of social media because of the unsaved having such a great influence on safe people now you have christians who will say you know i think it's okay to watch pornography i'm just gonna watch it until i get married and once i get married i'm just gonna stop i'm just gonna satiate this desire and i'm gonna satiate you know this lust so that you know i don't come out and commit for an occasion physically i'm just gonna watch pornography until i get married and i can control it up until then and that's what i'm gonna do and it's not wicked but that's such a stupid way of thinking and let me say this if that's you if you even get married let me just say that you're gonna destroy your marriage you're gonna destroy your wife like no because i'm gonna stop watching pornography yeah obviously like the heroin addict can just stop overnight right because by the way that's exactly how it is pornography is like a drug it's like a drug that releases all these chemicals in your brain and it creates all these you know these chemical reactions in your brain that causes you to come back for more and more but it creates this unrealistic expectation because you're looking at these fake women doing whatever and then you expect that out of your marriage so you can't enjoy just the regular physical relationship with your spouse because you've you've allowed your mind to just soak in the worst filth out there of things that are just not real and you will destroy your marriage like that it's not like well as soon as i get married now i can have that physical relationship and now i don't need pornography ever again well actually you're probably going to keep watching pornography one number two you're not going to be satisfied with your spouse anymore how do you know that well because of the fact that the eyes of a man the bible says are never full look at proverbs 5 15 it says drink waters out of thine own cistern this is referring to the physical relationship between a man and a woman a married couple running waters out of thine own well let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of water in the streets let them be only thine own and not strangers with thee let thy fountain be blessed and listen to this and rejoice with the wife of thy youth what is he saying enjoy your wife god has created marriage the institution of marriage so that you can enjoy that physical relationship for the rest of your lives you can do that physical act as much as you want in marriage and guess what enjoy it every single time and in fact he commands that he says rejoice with the wife of thy youth go wild with your wife this is your spouse that's okay to do but what pornography does is it distorts what that physical relationship is to the point where you cannot rejoice with the wife of your youth you're just content with your wife it says in verse 19 let her be as a loving hind in pleasant row let her breast satisfy thee at all times and be thou ravished always with her love what does it mean when it says let her breast satisfy thee at all times it's referring to the embrace of your wife of your of your spouse because when you embrace someone their breasts your breasts and their breasts are pressing together you're embracing that person and it's saying you should be happy with like hugging your wife and let me just be very careful here okay i'm gonna try to be as discreet as i possibly can you know god has created us in such a way that it doesn't take much for us to get excited when we're with our spouse that's how he's that's how he's created us even an embrace should do so and that's where i'm going to leave it you understand that okay but you know what pornography does it makes it so that you're not even satisfied with even that you're like get excited over just a hug yeah i yeah i know that's weird to you because of all that filth that you put in your mind but you know what embracing your wife is actually good stuff i actually enjoy hugging my wife yes you say why oh because i find my wife attractive because she's a girl she's a woman i mean but you know what but but here's the thing people who are just addicted to pornography they just can't understand that it doesn't it's just like i don't get that how how can that be because you fried that part of your brain that can enjoy even the simplest things in life okay he says let her breath satisfy thee at all times and be that ravished always with their love i mean we're talking about romance here why would that my son be ravished with a strange woman and embrace the bosom of a stranger it's like why would you even try to uh uh become happy or joyful or ravished with some strange woman and that's exactly what you're watching a bunch of strange women who are probably sodomites by the way you hate sodomites so much then you should probably stop watching pornography oh man i hate sodomites so much then why are you watching pornography man because look that stuff is filled with sodomites well not those sodomites weird now in the beginning i say you know hopefully after the sermon you'll just stop watching but hopefully after that statement you're just like quitting pornography for the rest of my life because that's what you're watching you're watching sodomites it creates a desire go to proverbs 27 verse 20 a quote of the verse but let's take a look at it pornography also creates a desire that can never be fulfilled can never be fulfilled that desire can be fulfilled in marriage over and over again throughout your lifetime when you're married but pornography creates a desire that can never be fulfilled and that's why a lot of statistics show that when a person watches pornography they have to watch crazier things to get excited and then people start getting into violent pornography you know getting into just a lot of filth because of the fact that that dopamine spike doesn't hit watching that same old pornography that you would watch so then you got to go into crazier things you understand and i'm trying to be discreet here look at the bible says in proverbs 27 verse 20 says hell and destruction are never full so the eyes of a man are never satisfied like well i'll just do it this one last time you will never be satisfied you will never be satisfied with pornography but you can be satisfied in marriage because that's what god has instituted that's what he's created but not with pornography it'll create that desire and it'll impair your ability to just enjoy the basics of marriage okay go to titus shepherd one if you would go to titus shepherd number one let me say this is that you know another reason aside from the fact that there's sodomites in pornography here's another one there's people who have been kidnapped for this for that let's let you know every time you watch pornography you're supporting sex traffickers yep just remember that some young girl who was taken from her home and raised by these filthy perverts who should be put to death to perform in these videos and when you watch it you're supporting that filth just remember that so it creates a desire that can never be fulfilled but also it can pervert their judgment okay look at titus one verse 15 it says unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled now obviously in context this is talking about reprobates but we can make a secondary application because of the fact that a person who watches pornography they see everything through the lens of just perversion like i say a word from the pulpit and it just starts giggling why because they in their minds they view everything through that perverted lens some someone can't make a comment they can't make a statement they can't do something without someone thinking a perverted thought about that because they view everything through a perverted lens because they've been watching pornography they see they see filth and perversion everywhere their mind and their conscience is perverted they're not pure in their minds okay you see the goal for christians just to speak freely speak freely use whatever illustrations obviously be appropriate and not have people just interpret what you're saying what you're doing in a perverted kind of a way but people who watch pornography their judgment is very perverted it's twisted because they've conditioned their mind to think that way they hear a word trigger something in their mind they hear a statement it triggers that in their mind they see a specific you know an image it triggers something in their mind okay and here's the last thing and then i'm going to get into how to regain how to actually have victory over pornography let me let me say this last thing here is that obviously it can vet your spirit it can destroy your mind let me say this it could actually also destroy your body pornography can actually destroy your body say how so let me read to you from proverbs chapter 5 and verse number 11 it says now mourn at last when thy flesh and thy body are consumed let me give you a couple things here that i got from that same uh site pornography destroys the brain's reward system you can no longer get joy or happiness in ways people normally do through relationships nature accomplishments and let me say this typically people who watch pornography are not people of character they have zero character zero zero work ethic they might display that they do because they're trying to overcompensate but more often than not people who watch pornography have little to no resistance and if they have little to no resistance it means they have no discipline in their life they have no character but it destroys the brain's reward system so they can't enjoy you know like i mentioned relationships they can't enjoy just regular accomplishments now they said nature but i don't really enjoy nature though i'll just be honest you know i know some of you might i'm just a city boy you know what i mean i enjoy nature on social media when someone takes a drone picture or something hey that looks beautiful i'll never go there but that was pretty cool you know but you know some people enjoy hiking and stuff like that you know i just no i just rather not you know i'm just saying like enjoying the simple things in life okay not only that but images are tattooed on the brain they cannot be erased from your memory so once you open that door to that image or that video or whatever it is it stays imprinted in your brain and you have to live with that for the rest of your life and you have to understand something about the brain is that once it captures an image once it sees something or hears something you can do a lot of things to kind of kind of suppress it and fill your mind with good things but that image will always be there it will always always be there and therefore the fight to maintain or to keep that image from resurfacing you have to fight a lot more okay here's another one as far as the brain is concerned destroying the body it shrinks the brain we said what does that mean pornography makes you an idiot it's true it actually shrinks the brain and in fact when you look at the effects of alcohol in the brain along with pornography in the brain they're like the same exact thing you look at a brain of an alcoholic and you compare it to a brain of a person who's been watching pornography just just binging on pornography they wouldn't be able to tell you which one's the different which one's different or not because they're the same exact thing it's like you you might as well just be an alcoholic so imagine someone who's like involved in alcoholism and they're watching pornography it shrinks the brain it destroys your brain it makes you a complete idiot not only that but it brings their mind to a juvenile state of mind what does that mean well pornography makes you impulsive emotional and incapable of resisting so that's why i was saying like a lot of people watch pornography they're just not people of character because they're given into their fleshly impulses they just they just allow themselves to do so they have no resistance and let me say this we as men we have to learn how to resist discipline character this is what we should be characterized by we get up in the morning we read the word of god we pray we go to church we love our families we go to work we make ourselves do things that we might not want to do and that's called character it's called discipline and when satan comes with the temptation we resist temptation we flee from the devil but when you watch pornography it lowers your ability to resist temptation and it makes you like a juvenile a juvenile is like a child the child is kind of always emotional gives into their every whim you're an adult that you shouldn't be characterized by that but this is what pornography does to you it makes you emotional and look folks we all have emotions and sometimes emotions get the best of us but we shouldn't always be emotional where you just look like you're about to have a mental breakdown every single week you're just moody every single time you come to church you just always crank you when you come to church you're just always moody always sad your countenance has always fallen something wrong with that my friends now look i'm not saying that you just gotta just gotta walk around like but folks you know there's something about the countenance though you know and if you're always moody you're always angry you're always upset by the way anger and pornography anger and lust always go hand in hand you show me a person who can't control their temper i'll show you a person who's probably involved in pornography because they often go hand in hand a moody emotional person who just lets their mouth fly and just say whatever whatever comes to their mind just very impulsive and impetuous you find a person who is involved in pornography because pornography gives you a juvenile mind what does that mean you're like a kid i'm not a kid don't call me a kid don't despise my youth i despise your youth if that's you when the bible says let no man despise that youth he's saying don't give people reason to despise your youth that's what he's saying he's not saying hey you tell those people not to despise your youth when they despise you say don't despise my youth it's telling young people not to give others a reason to despise their youth so what does that mean grow up what does that mean stop being emotional or you could just take care of it all and just not watch pornography and then your mind can stop being a juvenile it also leads to memory loss well you know i just let me read this to you the problem is that porn consumers have wired their brain to get aroused by sitting alone in a room looking at virtual images rather than connecting oh okay let me let me say this before i read this paragraph okay this is from that website so what's the last thing that it destroys in your body and i need to be very discreet and appropriate as i possibly can in this last statement so i need you to pay attention and use common sense okay pornography destroys your ability if you're married or you're going to get married it destroys your ability to perform and that's all i'm gonna say you cannot perform as a man with your spouse if you're watching pornography now if the other reasons didn't get you this one better because god created us in such a way that certain you know and look i know i'm going late tonight but you don't have to keep looking at the clock i know what time it is okay and if you needed to go go ahead and get okay if you need to get out of here go ahead and get go get your dinner go do whatever you got to do this is important okay god's created our bodies in such a way to function in a certain way okay it's supposed to work right but the sin of pornography actually destroys that ability so that when a person is constantly involved in pornography and they do get married or they are married they're incapable of performing as a man which is a shame it's embarrassing it's destructive and that's why it also destroys your marriage because your wife expects for you to view them as someone who's attractive but because you filled your mind with so much filth and junk you're not able to let me read this says the problem is that porn consumers have wired their brains to get aroused by sitting alone in a room looking at virtual images rather than connecting arousal to being with a real person the word that they're using here i'm not going to use it are powered by chemicals in the brain's reward center that are released when a male sees hears smells or feels something that gets them in that state of mind the problem for porn consumers is that they've hijacked their reward center by using porn to get it to overload overload on these chemicals as a result the consumer's brain responds by cutting down on the amount of pleasure chemicals it produces and stops responding as well to the chemicals that are being released it's like when you're standing next to a fire alarm that goes off it's too much noise so you cover your ears that's what porn consumer brains are doing when chemical levels are too high the brain fights back by blocking some of the flood chemicals released okay and so you know just know that you want to continue in that you want to live in this fantasy world that doesn't exist and destroy your mind and vex your spirit well just know this you're going to destroy your body and you're going to be less of a man because of it less of a man because of it so let me finish off with this okay how do you regain what the bible how the bible calls what the locusts have eaten because you know maybe you're here and you're like man i've spent so many years watching pornography and it just like yeah it just destroyed me so but i want to do right from here on out what do i do well number one feed the spirit these are very practical but i'm telling you it works okay feed the spirit you see watching pornography is a fleshly habit right and so the counter to that is that you have to feed the spirit and fill your mind with good things fill your mind with the bible fill your mind with preaching fill your mind with godly music you know and set up safeguards in your life even if they're extreme if they have to be extreme let it be extreme if your phone is a source of temptation for you then this is what you do when you go home you take your phone and you throw it in the field somewhere and say i'll just use find my iphone tomorrow to go look for it like that's too much well you know what then you're not serious about it then you're not serious about it if that phone is such a source of temptation for you then you need to set up a plan of how you can remove that temptation from you so that you're not because you know what you can say all you want i love god and i love the bible and i'm just gonna cool verses with the phone right there but you know what the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak and eventually you're gonna give in so what you have to do what god actually honors is when you put away from yourself temptation so you're not let into that sin okay number two find accountability now this is very uncomfortable for a lot of people but you need to get over yourself go to someone say hey i struggle with that i need your help i just need someone to talk to you you know someone who's older by the way and wiser don't go grab your buddy who's probably struggling with the same thing dude you struggle i struggle you know no go some go to someone who's actually a man of discipline okay stop you know stop being like raya bowem or whatever and just constantly going to your friends for advice why don't you actually go well you know he's older and godly or wiser why don't you actually go to a married man you know here's a very novel thought if you want to succeed go to someone who has succeeded in that area like man i want to get married so i'm just going to ask my single friends how do i get married or something you know it's just well if they're not married you know if they didn't succeed like do they have a girlfriend did you know go to someone who's actually succeed in that area you know there's a lot of married men in our church like oh yeah but it's kind of embarrassing what do you mean grow up stop having a juvenile mind go one of the men in the church ask him for advice and say can you hold me accountable to this particular thing i'm very ashamed of it and i'm embarrassed to even come to you but let me say this you know where there's humility that's where god exalts you and so go to say you know i'm struggling so i just i just need help and so if you can keep me accountable i really appreciate it and again don't just go to any tom dick and harry in the church go to someone who's older and wiser okay but find accountability parents don't give children easy access to the internet and don't think your little peabody wouldn't do what i'm what everything that i just mentioned tonight they have a sin nature don't just give them unfettered access to the internet and lastly let me say this is all right let me before i even get to that point go work out go get some exercise go get a job these are all important things to do because you know if you have enough if you're just wasting all this time on the internet watching pornography it's because you're too idle an idle mind is the devil's workshop and so if you're idle that means you're not working enough well you know i asked them to cut my hours so i can spend more time reading the bible well i guess that didn't work out now did it so once you go ahead and work overtime you can make more money you'll be more tired but then i'm so tired when i go i can't do anything that's the point come home so tired and if you're not tired enough go get a freaking gym membership get your rear end to the gym go lift some weights and make your muscles tired so that when you get home you go to sleep and you know what happens you not only get to have victory over that sin you make gains too you can actually get some muscle on your body and get strong too and now you have something that you get to accomplish in life you get to distract your mind with these accomplishments and not be idle and and and surfing the internet and just always on whatever watching whatever you could actually exhaust your body which is what you're supposed to be doing and here's the great thing my friend once you get married don't change any of that keep working hard keep going to the gym and then you come home to your spouse your wife and i'm just gonna leave it at that i'm just saying that's what god's intention was but if you're just like well you know i just need this day off for me i need me time your me time has turned into a sinful circus you don't have enough discipline to have me time you're not a person of character to have enough me time you don't know how to treat me time you don't know how to how to control yourself and put your body under subjection with all gravity you apparently don't know how to handle that blessing yet so why don't you fill your schedule and time with discipline work and laboring and you know what if you have a job that's not physically demanding then you better go hit the gym you know and go hike or whatever go high go lift weights go do some jiu-jitsu you got jiu-jitsu guy here he can tell you all about that yeah he'll put you to sleep be to where go to your house and just put you to sleep real quick and just remove all temptation from you but if you're on the internet constantly you have too much time on your hands and look obviously we live in a day and age when we need the internet we utilize the internet but you know some people don't have enough discipline to be on the internet so if that's you you need to fill your time with other things volunteer at the church or get a job and work 50 hours a week or whatever 50 hours 40 hours we're just talking about this earlier it's like back when i was a young man we wanted more they would cut our they would punish us by cutting our hours we wanted to work more now people are just like they want to work less hours a bunch of weak little sissified generation that just this little tik tok generation that doesn't know how to work and that's why they're involved in all types of vices go hit a pr and look we got a gym at our church you brother elise and i are here throughout the week you let me let us know open the door for you go lift some weights go do some deadlifts go throw out your back and you throw out your back you don't have to worry about doing any kind of sin because you're just going to be focusing on getting better or something that's just too much okay then remain in that filthy sin destroy your mind destroy your body and destroy your marriage if you even get married one day it's your choice but here's the last thing is get a vision for your future marriage get a vision so you know what forget this nonsense i can involve myself with pornography i want a wife i want a wife i want children i want to love my wife as christ loved the church i want to be able to enjoy that that physical relationship with my wife i want to be able to enjoy the simple things in life i want to be able to just taste honey and enjoy it i want to be able to just be happy and you know what people who are involved in pornography are not happy they're some of the most depressed people in this world miserable depressed angry self-gratifying little brats it's true you know man i can keep going on about about that but get a vision for your marriage okay and and and stay pure until the altar amen yeah but i don't have any girls to like me and you know well that's because you're too socially awkward that's why why don't you actually go talk to some people why don't you build up your game a little bit once you learn how to talk you know why you can't get a girl to like you because you can't even get to even talk to a girl that's why because you need to talk to a female in order to be put in a position where that female can actually like you words have to come out of your mouth and no i'm not talking about this either i'm not talking about just going back and forth on this i'm talking about your mouth where they're looking at your face hands out of your pocket looking into her eyes and talking to her you're like man that's kind of hard then just forget about having a marriage or a family then because you're gonna have to do a lot more than that to have kids get a vision for your marriage so you know what man god has someone out there for me there's someone for everyone you know god has someone out there someone who's preparing as much as i am and i don't want to destroy my marriage my wife is worth my future wife even if i don't know her is worth me putting in all this work to be the man of god that i need to be she's worth it because you know what she's apparently doing the same exact thing she's keeping herself pure she's making sure she's staying right with god and so we need to make sure you have that vision okay and i know that's an unsaved this is an unsavory sermon but it's necessary okay and so i hope you give heat to this parents give heat to this young men give heat to this don't take this with the grain of salt don't let this be water off a duck's back it's important amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you so much for the principles thereof lord and uh help our church and those in our church and christians and other churches gain victory over this wicked sin lord and the goal here is to have godly marriages and marriages that are glorifying to you and honoring to you and it's just to enjoy the the christian life and i pray that lord you would help the people in our church and other churches lord gain that regain that joy regain that enjoyment of just the basics and help them to have victor over the sin help us to be a blessing to them may they be humble enough to go to someone to speak unto them and to get the hope that they need lord we love you we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen song number 119 till the storm passes by as our last song song number 119 song number 119 singing on that first verse in the dark of the midnight have i offed in my face while the storm howls above me and there's no hiding place amid the crash of the thunder precious lord hear my cry keep me safe till the storm passes by till the storm passes over till the thunder sounds no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky hold me fast let me stand in the hollow of the hand keep me safe till the storm passes by many times satan whispered there is no need to try for there's no end of sorrow there's no hope by and by but i know thou are with me and tomorrow i will rise where the storms never darken the skies till the storm passes over till the thunder sounds no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky hold me fast let me stand in the hollow of the hand keep me safe till the storm passes by when the long night has ended and their songs come no more let me stand in thy presence on that bright peaceful shore in that land where the tempest never comes lord may i dwell with thee when the storm passes by till the storm passes over till the thunder sounds no more till the clouds roll forever from the sky hold me fast let me stand in the hollow of the hand keep me safe till the storm passes by amen wonderful singing you are dismissed you