(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) a few days and full of trouble he comes forth like a flower and is cut down he fleeth also as a shadow and continueeth not and doth thou open the eyes upon such and one and bringest me into judgment with thee who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean not one verse five seeing his days are determined the number of his months are with thee thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass turn from him that he may rest till he accomplish as in higher league his day the title of this sermon this morning is the bounds of mankind the bounds of mankind and I get the idea there from verse number five it says seeing his days are determined the number of his months are with thee thou has appointed his bounds that he cannot pass and what is being said here well mankind was made as one of the most liberated creations that God has ever made right in fact we are the greatest of God's creation however man has limits right we have restrictions we have limits we have boundaries that we cannot surpass we cannot exceed and the restrictions and boundaries that God's place in our life are there for a specific reason often it's because you know of our sin nature that we cannot pass certain boundaries often it's because of the consequences of our actions and sometimes it's just for our own good now let me just start off by saying that as I mentioned in the very beginning we are the greatest of God's creation I mean when you compare us to animals or to non sentient creations that God made we are the greatest of those creations right we're made autonomous and we have what's referred to as a free will okay we have a free will we have the ability to choose and even though God made us and he gave us the free will he made us autonomous you know there's still restrictions that come with that now there's a false doctrine out there that teaches that human beings have a destination that's already been predetermined right and they often refer to this as predestination now let me just say this is that predestination is a biblical term and a biblical teaching however the the popular narrative that is attached to predestination that is often taught by those who believe in Reformed theology Calvinist so to speak you know that narrative is false because what they teach is that God is already predetermined for every human being to be saved or not to be saved right you know they don't have a choice in the matter they can't decide to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ they can't decide to trust in Jesus they believe that God has already predetermined that before an eternity's past and that is a false doctrine okay you know the Bible tells us whosoever will whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved right and he constantly in Old and New Testament talks about this free will this autonomous volition that we have to be able to choose to trust Christ or to reject them but it's our choice okay and the Bible even tells us in Romans chapter number 8 for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brothers you say well how can you say predestination is a false doctrine if predestination is in the Bible it's there in Ephesians chapter 1 you just read it in Romans chapter number 8 yeah but here's the thing is the narrative that's being attached to that specific term is false okay and it tells us here that we're predestined for salvation no it says we're predestined to be conformed to the image of his son the Bible says so what in other words what God is stating here is those who are already saved God has a purpose for their life God has a destination for their life ultimately that destination is to be with him forever in heaven right but even prior to that he has a specific will for us to carry out whether it's the part to be a partaker than in the ministry of reconciliation seeing other people saved living a life of holiness of sanctification and to be conformed to the image of his son that is the destination of everyone who takes the road of salvation right and that road of salvation begins when we trust Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and we can't veer off of that road okay once we're saved we're always saved the Bible says I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand but I want you to notice that he says that whom he did for know so what does God know he knows who's gonna get saved and who's not he knows he has the foreknowledge of people who are gonna reject Jesus Christ and those who will accept him as their Savior but he does not determine whether they will be saved or not why because God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance he's the Savior of all men but especially of them that believe that's what the Bible teaches us and look folks you know this teaching that over predestined and God is sort of puppeteering every single human being in this world we don't really have a volition we don't have a free will it's all because the Bible even teaches us in Psalm 78 that the children of Israel limited the Holy One of Israel you know if if people do not have their own will if they don't have a volition if they can't choose how is it that they are limiting the Holy One of Israel I'll tell you how based upon their choice you know based upon their disobedience you know and today we can limit God we can limit God doing a great work in our lives by our disobedience by our rebellion our lack of faith can limit God right and so the Bible tells us that he will have all men to be saved to come to the knowledge of the truth that's just by means of introduction and what I'm trying to say here by this introduction is that God chooses the manner of salvation he doesn't choose who is saved he just chooses the manner of salvation which the matter is what Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me we'll get into that just a bit now we're talking about the bounds of mankind we remain with certain limitations we have boundaries we have restrictions now let's talk about man's life okay because man's life has boundaries you know man's life expectancy has limits it has restrictions turn with me if you would to Genesis chapter number three Genesis chapter number three in your Bibles I'm gonna reread Job 14 because this is actually the immediate interpretation application of job 14 it says seen his days are determined the number of his months are with thee thou hast appointed his balance that he cannot pass and what he's specifically referring to there is that mankind has a limit of how long he can live a lifespan he can no longer live forever physically speaking and in fact this is what the Bible tells us to teeth David says teach us to number our days there we may apply our hearts into wisdom you know knowing the fact that we have a limited amount of time on this earth should cause us to want to apply our hearts into wisdom to number our days and live life on purpose right not live life on an accident just kind of take it flippantly as it comes to you you know live life on purpose the Bible says redeeming the time because the days are evil you know we need to redeem time we need to number our days we need to live purposefully and in fact we need to live in the kingdom of God you know see first the kingdom of God in his righteousness and these things shall be added unto you you see Adam was given the privilege to live forever in the Garden of Eden you know he was given rights to the tree of life and to every tree in the garden for that matter and he forfeited that right once he chose to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil now think about this he had the liberty he had the freedom to be in the Garden of Eden and to eat of whatever tree he wanted to I mean who knows how many trees there were there were bearing delicious fruits mangoes strawberries you know all types of foods that God wanted to give and he had the privilege to do so but he just said this here's this one restriction though don't eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil for the day that they do so they were going to die okay now you're in Genesis 3 I'm going to reach you from Genesis chapter 2 verse 9 it says out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the site and good for food the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil you said why didn't he just let him eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil why did he have to put that restriction on there that they couldn't touch or excuse me that they couldn't eat of that tree well here's the thing that's a bad attitude to have first and foremost you know why look at what God says you can't do and why not actually just look and accentuate what God tells you what you can do you know there's far more trees in that tree of knowledge you know Adam and Eve had the liberty to eat of every single tree save this one tree and in fact the reason he told them not to eat of that tree is because of the fact that he cared for them he didn't want them to die right so Adam and Eve were given this liberty the only limitation being the tree of knowledge of good and evil now look at Genesis chapter 3 verse 1 it says now the serpent certainly referring to Satan Lucifer the devil now the server was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made and he said unto the woman yay have God said ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden so what is he doing he's instilling doubt in the Word of God right and the woman said to the serpent we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden but in the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God that said ye shall not eat of it neither shall you touch it lest he die now isn't Eve exaggerating a little bit here because God didn't say you couldn't touch it he just said you couldn't eat it right so she's she's kind of exaggerating the restrictions and the limitations that God has given says in verse number four the serpent sent it to the woman you should now surely die for God doesn't know that in the day he eat thereof then your eyes shall be open and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil now let me say this is that Satan was telling someone of some truth here because when Satan comes he doesn't just bear lies he has to mix it with a little bit of truth and the truth is this that they were not going to immediately die I excuse they ate the first night they were just gonna just die and be deceased at that very moment you know they can still live physically speaking but it was at that time that they forfeited their right to live forever spiritually speaking okay skip down to verse number 20 we know that Eve took in the fruit and the Bible tells us that Eve was deceived right Adam chose to eat of the fruit Eve was deceived look at verse 20 it says and Adam called his wife Eve his wife's name Eve because she was the mother of all living unto Adam also and his wife did the Lord God make coats of skin and clothed them and the Lord God said behold the man has become as one of us referring to the Trinity men to no good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat and live forever therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken so what do we see here at one point mankind had the ability to just live forever eat of the tree of life be in the garden in the cool of the day commune with God commune with the voice of God but once they forfeited their right and aided the tree of knowledge of good and evil what God placed a restriction God placed a boundary God placed a limit and he said they shall not live forever and in order to institute that boundary he says you guys have to leave Eden the Garden of Eden lest you put you forth your hand and eat of the tree of life and live forever now go to Romans chapter number five if you will Romans chapter number five so the limit is this you can't live forever physically speaking at one point people could Adam and Eve could but then because of their disobedience there was a boundary there was a restriction there was a limit that was placed on that now look at Romans chapter 5 verse 12 it says wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sin verse 14 nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who was the figure of him that was to come so Adam's disobedience caused the privilege of a limitless life to be reduced greatly and now death is introduced into that equation right a boundary set forth that they could no longer exceed now here's the thing though it doesn't mean that they were going to immediately die as I mentioned I mean Adam still lived for many centuries and in fact many people in the bible during that time lived for I mean up to nine centuries Adam died at 900 years of age approximately over a little over a little over 900 years of age I mean the oldest man in the bible is Methuselah who lived 969 years that's close to a thousand years folks that's a long time I mean when you have a hundred years is a long time for us imagine 900 years nine centuries 900 years of walking with God serving the Lord I mean that's a long time but hold on a second a thousand years in comparison to eternity is not even a drop in the bucket so even though that you know you think to yourself well still that's a long time pastor you had 900 years you know J red lived 962 Noah 950 Adam lived 930 years this is still a long time yeah but in comparison to forever it's not even a drop in the bucket so it was reduced from eternity to approximately 900 years of age thereafter okay that is when that's what the boundary did it reduced it uh to that point now go to Genesis chapter 6 because even after this the boundary of mankind was reduced even more right look what it says in Genesis chapter number six and verse number one it says and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be 120 years the bible says so we see here that prior to the flood the life expectancy of man was reduced to 120 years now we know that people even hereafter because Noah lived to be 950 but what is being stated here is that we find the marker where God basically put out the decree and the order to say you know in the coming generations people's lives are going to be reduced from living for centuries on end you know 900 centuries all the way down to 120 years so he took that boundary he took that that that limit he took that restriction and he tightened it up even more to 120 years now why did God do that in Genesis chapter 6 why is it that he chose in Genesis chapter 6 to reduce the lifespan of mankind look at verse number five and God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and repented the Lord that he had made man on earth and it grieved him at his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I've created from the face of the earth both man and beast and creeping thing and the fowl of the air for he repented me that I have made them the bible says so what is the reason why God chose to reduce the lifespan of man because of the fact that the longer they were permitted to live the longer and more wicked they would become you see we think to ourselves well you know someone who's not saved we gotta pray you know and they hate the Lord and and they they are like atheists and they despise God and they hate God if they're just giving a little more time to live maybe they can come to the saving knowledge of the truth no that's false because the bible teaches us that people can become ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth you see truth that's given to someone who's rejecting it does not succeed it cannot succeed over someone who is constantly rejecting the truth in fact what does truth do it hardens the heart of a person okay if someone is constantly rejecting the truth constantly doesn't want to hear about God hates the Lord does not want to retain God in their knowledge the bible tells us that that person's heart will become hardened they will become blind they will become deaf spiritually speaking and they can no longer be saved but here's the thing if you allow people wicked ungodly people to just continue their days live for centuries on end the bible tells us in romans chapter number one that these people are inventors of evil things well what if you give them 900 years to invent evil things right people would just wax worse and worse i mean come on you think about the worst mass murderers of our lifetime you know Jeffrey Dahmer Ted Bundy these people die young right and look how wicked and evil and sadistic these people were in their younger years imagine if you just let them live unfettered up until 900 years imagine the the the wickedness that they are capable of committing just conjuring up more evil and wicked imagine and violate the innocent you know this is why God reduced the lifespan to 120 years now given on the other side of the uh side of the spectrum those who love the Lord those who love the Lord they don't reject Christ they love God they're serving him you know 900 years is a good amount of time to serve God and gain wisdom and learn knowledge of the word of God I mean the bible tells us that Enoch walked with God and was not for God took him it could be that he was given so much time to live that he became so godly that God decided to basically translate his body and just you know rapture him immediately right and he had this testimony that he pleased God the bible says and that is in reference to faith so we know that his faith was increased in such a way that God basically took him to heaven right then and there but the same goes on the opposite side of the spectrum for people who are wicked and this is why the boundary is being reduced folks okay it's because of that go to Psalm 90 if you would Psalm 90 Psalm 90 so we're talking about the bounds of the life of a man okay mankind man's life has boundaries it has restrictions it has limitations and it's it has been reduced since the Garden of Eden you have Adam and Eve living forever they take the tree of knowledge of good and evil their life is reduced from eternity to a couple of centuries long even thereafter Genesis chapter 6 God sees the wickedness of man and the imagination of their heart is only evil continuously in his wisdom he reduces and reduces that limitation and reduces that boundary to 120 years look at Psalm 90 verse 9 for all our days are passed away in thy wrath we spend our years as a tale that is told what is he saying our life our life is short you think of a tale a story that you tell takes a couple minutes to do so well that's like our life I mean how many of you have read a book and literally a person's life can be summed up in just a couple of sentences right well that is a perfect representation of our life because our life is but a vapor it says in verse 10 the days of our years are three score years and 10 70 years and if by reason of strength they be four score years 80 years yet is their strength labor and sorrow for it is soon cut off and we fly away so what he's saying yeah you know the limit is 120 but there's certain people that won't even make it to 70 and those who make it to 70 if by reason of strength they can make it to 80 I mean all of us know at least one person who's like 90 years old or have heard of someone who's like 90 95 years old right that person's pretty strong okay their body is strong but you know what they're not going to surpass 120 and we see here that the vast majority of the population mankind you know they sometimes won't even make it to 70 years of age right and look folks 50 is not old 60 is not old you know technically 70 according to the bible 70 and 80 is not old you know what's old well old is maybe like 110 115 120 at that point man you you've exceeded the the uh the average life expectancy according to the bible I mean think about Moses Moses in his prime when he's leading the children of Israel out how old is he 80 the dude's old yet he's out there you know going against Pharaoh I mean he's living his best life at the age of 80 so his prime years we would consider the prime years of 20s and 30s he was doing nothing he was just feeding the flock of Jethro behind the mountain it wasn't until he reached 80 years of age that he actually began to do great exploits you think of Caleb right who though he was older in years he's about 80 years old he still had a very ambitious attitude he said I want that mountain his strength was not abated his strength was and 80 as uh as what it was when he came out of the uh when he came into the promised land you know that's the kind of that's the kind of eight-year-old I want to be but here's the thing is not many people are given that opportunity and privilege now there is a way to reach the outer layers so to speak of the boundaries of 70 80 and maybe even 120 okay you say how because here's the thing you know people this is not saying you're going to die at 70 some people die at 15 people die at 20 people die at 30 people die at 40 50 how can we reach the outer layers of these boundaries well number one is by righteous living right living righteously living a clean life living a life that is for the Lord will increase your life expectancy you say well how do you know that well go to first john chapter number five if you would first john chapter number five the bible tells us in psalm 55 verse 23 but thou oh god shall bring them down into the pit of destruction bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their lives but i would trust the knee david is saying people who are violent people who are bloody people who are deceitful these people don't even get to live half their lives out i mean i have a cousin who's who was killed you know he was involved in games he was murdered he was shot in the head you say how old was he 19 years old that's not even half of what he could have lived right why because people who live that type of lifestyle people who are involved in drunkenness and alcohol and drugs and fornication adultery sexual sins and things that will damage the body you reduce your life expectancy folks 70 and three score and 10 and four score is not for the person who is drinking alcohol they're consuming drugs they're smoking weed they're doing heroin they're doing all manner of drugs they're out there living the party life you know that actually reduces your lifespan yeah you say why well first of all because you're you're just destroying your body and the bible tells us that if you destroy the temple of god god will destroy you but secondly if you're doing those things you're not living for the lord god has no use for you we're talking to christians here by the way okay people who are saved you know if you're a saved person you believed in the lord jesus christ you have eternal life you know you have a destination predetermined for you right to live a life of holiness to live a life that's pleasing unto the lord to do that which is right in his sight but you know what if you're out there taking care of your own agenda you're living for yourself you're not seeking the kingdom of god what god's going to do is he's just going to shelve you you know the bible tells us that christians can become good for nothing if the salt hath lost its saber where we shall it be salted it is dense forth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trotted under the foot of men you see god wants to use us and the bible says that he wants us to be vessels and to honor me for the master's use and to be prepared unto every good work but hold on a second if you're just wasting away your life living for the things of this world living in in sexual sins and you're drinking alcohol you're involved in drugs and you're just living a worldly life god's just going to say well i'm just going to take you home because you're not fulfilling your destination you're not fulfilling the destiny that i have predetermined for you so how can we reach to the outward the the the the furthest part of our boundaries by living a righteous life amen right i mean on a practical level that just makes sense not being a drunkard not pounding 40s every weekend you know not doing drugs and and all types of things you know obviously you're going to live a healthier life if you don't do those things but hold on a second let's add to that hey why don't you not just not live a destructive lifestyle why don't you live a healthy lifestyle right right and your eating habits exercise etc in order for us to to have bodies because this is what we serve god with amen right this is what we serve god with these are the members of of god this this body belongs unto the lord and so if we want to be here for three score and ten we want to be here for four score years you know we need to make sure that we're not taking care of our body physically speaking but we need to also make sure that we're living our righteous life why because the bible says let integrity and uprightness preserve me you know what preserves our life living the life of honesty living a life of integrity if you are deceitful if you're not upright if you're running with the wrong crowds the bible says that he that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed amen shall be destroyed that's promise from god you're wrong with foolish people who are involved in wickedness who are doing things that are just dishonest they're violent you're going to be a partaker of those deeds and you're going to suffer the consequences of those actions okay look what it says in first john 5 16 if any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death there is a sin unto death the bible says i do not say that he shall pray for it all unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death you know there's specific sins that are not going to cost you your life okay you know and people want to say well you know you say murder is wrong but he that you know is angry with his brother in his heart has committed murder in his heart has killed his brother in his heart yeah but there's a big difference between being you know killing your brother in your heart and physically taking away his life yeah okay and if you don't think there's a difference between that then you know you got rocks in your head because i guarantee you if the person who i was angry at knew that i was angry at him he far preferred me to be angry with him in my heart than for me to take his life away and if i were to ask him you know does it matter to you which one i do you know if i i'm just angry i mean they're both the same right sin and sin he's gonna be like no just be angry with me just don't take my life because there's a big difference between the two folks you know committing adultery in your heart is sinful it's wicked but it's not as wicked as physically doing the act right you can damage your marriage you can damage your children your family by doing these things but what i'm saying is that the bible tells us that there is a sin unto death you can get to a point in your life where you sin you transgress you commit a specific iniquity where god allows you to die now i'm referring i'm not referring to the spiritual death because the bible tells us that if we're saved we shall never die and we know that's not referring to our physical bodies because one day we're going to physically die it's referring to our soul our spirit and even then the bible says that we're waiting to win the redemption of our body so even though our body is buried into the ground at the rapture you know the dead in christ shall rise first the bible says we'll get a resurrected body but there is a sin unto death the bible tells us i do not say that ye that he shall pray for it there there comes a time when you just cross the line you cross your limitations and god allows you to be destroyed he allows you to die a death because of your sin you know this can come when you for example this can come if you're drinking with your buddies and you get alcohol poisoning and and you know they try to pump out your stomach and they're trying to rescue your life but because of alcohol poisoning you lose your life right this can come because you're hanging around the wrong crowd and maybe it's a violent crowd you go to some party or some gathering a fight breaks out someone pulls out a pistol and shoots you instead of the one that was the person he was arguing with you know you say well i don't man i don't deserve that well you know what if you just go to sleep on time on saturday to make it to church or to watch the live stream on youtube you know to wake up early to read your bible to pray you don't have to worry about those things right you know some people drive around just constantly checking out their rear view mirrors because they're afraid that some police is around the corner you know they're always thinking oh man they have you know i know people and i think i was like this at one point where you have police radar it's just like you can you can see them from like a like from around the corner you know why because the the wicked flee when no man pursued it but the righteous are both lying you know those who have a clear conscience who are not breaking the law we're not doing anything sinful we have nothing to worry about we have nothing to worry about and in fact you know even though people like us have enemies who would love to just destroy us love for us to die love to just kill us and murder us we're still not scared because of the fact that we have god's protection on our lives amen you know the bible says that greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world the bible says no weapon formed against thee shall prosper you know we're invincible christians who are serving the lord we are invincible and so what if someone actually does come and take your life well for me to live as christ and to die is gain right it's a win-win situation okay so a way that we can really reach out into the outskirts so to speak of the boundaries of our lifespan is by living a righteous life living for the lord that's a great motive to serve god amen but another thing that can help us to do another another factor that plays into really reaching out to those boundaries is honoring our parents the bible tells us children obey your parents in the lord for this is right honor thy father and mother which is the first commandment with promise now what is the promise that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth you know respecting our parents referencing our parents honoring our parents is essential to living life to living a long life on this earth okay and when it refers to honoring you know this is referring to you know giving financially so hey my little kids out there make sure you save this film and watch it later when dad's you know four score years old you know take care of your dad so if you want to live long as long as dad live okay what i'm saying is this is that that's a great insurance plan right there if we honor our parents god promises us to lengthen our lives okay now there is a way that we can breach that boundary though okay because the boundary is three score and ten the boundary is 80 the boundary the the the furthest boundary that's out there is 120 years but you know there is a way that we can breach the boundary and just live forever how is that getting saved right you see god the bible says that god commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners christ died for us he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life the bible says he that believeth not the sun shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on him see god desires for us to live forever but it has to be on his terms it has to be according to what he says because there's a lot of people out there that says well in order for you to be saved you got to make sure you repent of your sins you got to make sure you get right with god you got to make sure that you keep god's commandments no the bible says that by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in the site therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us the bible says you see the condition is this we can depend on our own righteousness to live forever we need to go to the source of everlasting life which is jesus christ in order to live forever jesus said unto her in john 11 25 i am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live you believe on me even if they bury you six feet deep in that white suit with the bow tie they put dirt upon you in a casket yet shall he live why because god jesus christ has conquered death and we are more than conquerors through him that loved us the bible says right it says that whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die believeest how this i mean god is saying there we will never die amen and what it's referring to is our soul but yet even our bodies one day because the bible tells us in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth you know the gospel of your salvation on whom also after you after that you believe ye were sealed with the holy spirit of promise which is the earnest of our inheritance unto the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory so even though our physical bodies go into the ground god's already purchased it's his and one day we will resurrect so how do we exceed the boundaries of a three score and ten how do we exceed the boundaries of four score how do we exceed the boundaries of 120 years and just live forever we got to get saved it's not through karma it's not through you know buddhism it's not through you know just oh you just got to make sure you keep god's commandments and you got to live right and look i believe in living righteously i believe in living righteously i believe in repenting of your sin in order to live a life that's pleasing unto the lord but you know what repenting of your sin does not get you saved right right because once i mean the bible tells us who started to keep it the whole law yet offended in one point he's guilty of all okay for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god no the only manner of which we can exceed and breach that boundary of the lifespan is by getting saved believing on the lord jesus christ go with me if you would to first tarantines chapter number 10 so we're talking about the bounds of mankind we're talking about the life right it started off by living forever with adam and eve they messed it up they forfeited their opportunity to live forever by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil but even then they were they were basically allowed to live for up to nine centuries then thereafter in genesis chapter 6 he reduces that to 120 years we see later on in the book of psalms that people live you know four score and ten and if by strength 80 and you know bloody and deceitful men shall not even live out half their days the bible says so these are the bounds but we can exceed that we can we can reach the outskirts of our boundaries by living right but even more so we can just completely breach and break through that restriction by getting saved amen the second point that i want to make is that man's sin has boundaries man's sin has boundaries you know no one is arguing that we're not sinners we're all sinners you know there's none that do with good no not one there's not a just man upon earth that do with good and sinneth not and if any person tells you they don't sin they just did because they just lied yeah you just told a lie which is a sin because the bible tells us for all have sinned okay there's not a person in this world who is not you know without sin but here's the thing look at first corinthians 10 13 says there is no temptation taking you but such as is common to man now let me say this is temptation is not a sin but given into temptation is and so if there's no temptation taking you but such as is common to man what does that tell us that tells us that there are certain sins that are common to man right right but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape the ye may be able to bear it go to first john chapter number one first john chapter number one you see when we when our when we are slain by the law according to romans chapter number seven we recognize that we sin against god there there are specific sins that every human being can become guilty of now given some human beings are just given to sins more than others right i'll give you an example drunkenness getting drunk drinking alcohol is a sin okay but here's the thing there's certain people that have a greater propensity to commit that sin than others there's certain people in this world that are more tempted to drink alcohol than others right some people are addicted to gambling which is a sin but some people that hasn't even phased it it's like they're not tempted by that others you know men are tempted to lust right you know women are tempted to be fearful to doubt to be insecure so there's certain sins that people you know they they're they're more given to than others but here's the thing all of these are common to man right whether you have deceit lying stealing you have you know lust covetousness you have even murder to a certain extent is common to man okay you know killing and passion can something that is common to man but let me say this there are certain sins that are not common to man right what the bible would refer to as abominations okay hey bestiality is not common to man you know having physical relations with an animal is not common to man this is referred to as a perversion it is an abomination it is not common to man and in fact it takes a specific individual who has surpassed the boundaries of those sins to commit that thing right sodomy is not common to man being a homosexual a sodomite is not common to man it requires a specific individual to breach through the boundaries of the sins that man is capable of committing to do those heinous crimes pedophilia folks yeah it's not a sin that's coming to man right and i'm sick and tired of pastors who go to bat for you know other pastors who are pedophiles trying to defend them oh you know this pastor fell into sin he didn't fall into sin he breached the boundaries of sin right the dude is a reprobate yeah he has exceeded that which is common to man by becoming a reprobate and doing those things which are not convenient right right you know and you have a society today that is seeking to normalize pedophilia okay that's why we don't allow pedophiles and sodomites into our church right why because we love children and the only people who are welcome here are those who have temptations that are common to man right right now look even then the bible tells us in first corinthians uh chapter number five that there's specific sins that are not allowed in the church right fornication drunkenness extortion idolatry you say are you saying that if i'm a drunkard i can't come to church well here's the thing if you come to our church and you're involved in those specific sins we'll be gracious with you and we'll teach you what the bible says about it and at that point if you don't want to get rid of that specific sin then yeah you can't be here because now you have the knowledge of the truth you're not you know just coming in here ignorantly of these specific precepts that god sets forth within his word now you know so therefore you're held accountable for that but let me say this sodomy pedophilia people who are involved in those specific sins are never welcome to come here amen we have children here yeah okay and that is not a sin and i don't care what anybody says how well i knew someone who was a pedophile and they were reformed there's no such thing as reforming a pedophile it doesn't exist this is why the bible sets forth the death penalty to anybody who is a sodomite or a pedophile why because of the fact that it is a crime against nature okay and look folks don't separate the sodomite from the pedophile you know because i meet a lot of people online that you know they take a soft stance on sodomy but when it comes to the pedophile they're like shoot that dude in the head hang that dude by the ankles and kill him and by the way amen to that okay stone them with stones amen but once you start talking about sodomy it's the same thing the same thing folks now i i got ahead of myself like a lot so this verse that you just went to i don't even think applies to whatever we're talking about but since it's the bible we're gonna read it because it's good all right so i need to backtrack a little bit look at verse six of first john it says if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness okay you guys understand what that means pretty self-explanatory go to romans one okay verse 10 says if we say we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us so the bible is teaching us here is that we are all guilty of sin okay but there's specific things that we're not guilty of and those are not necessarily simple things they're just abominable things they're so exceedingly wicked that god labels them as abominations now before we get into romans chapter one let me just say is that we can reduce we cannot reduce how much we sin because we sin every day but we can reduce the types of sins that we do right as i mentioned fornication drunkenness he said well well you know yeah if you're saying we're all sinners how are you going to judge the fornicator and the drunkard in your church well here's how i took the mode out of my eye and therefore i can i can see clearly to take the mode the beam out of theirs i'm not involved in drunkenness i'm not an extortioner i'm not a fornicator i'm not an idolater so guess what i have the means by which to teach and instruct others not to commit those sins you understand so how can we reduce the types of sins that we do well the bible says by mercy and truth iniquity is purged and by the fear of the lord men depart from evil and let me just say this the bible says preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine you know what it helps you to reduce the amount of sins that you do preaching hard preaching will help you to clean up your life i'm not against the 12-step program i'm not against specific programs that help people rehabilitate their lives but at the end of the day it's hard preaching it's the word of god that cuts through your heart is the discernment of the thoughts of the intent of the heart that's what helps people get right with god okay the bible tells us to cry out loud and spare not lift up our voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgressions i judge people say oh you shouldn't judge judge nothing you be not judged well yeah read the next verse for what what judgment you judge you shall be judged what measure your media shall be measured to you again so in other words what the saying is this hey if you are a hypocrite you should not judge if you are involved in extortion you're involved in fornication you're involved in adultery you're involved in drunkenness you shouldn't be telling other people not to be involved in those things right because then you're just a hypocrite however if you're not involved in those things you have all the right to judge because what what judgment you judge you shall be judged and go ahead and judge me judgment to see if i'm a drunker judgment to see if i'm if i'm an idolatry judgment to see if i'm an extortioner you're not gonna find it okay so as i mentioned there are certain limitations to our sins you know things that a normal human being will not do look at roman chapter number one why do pedophiles do what they do well it tells us here verse 24 says wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves who changed the truth of god into a lion worshiped and served the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever amen for this cause god gave them up to vile affections for even their women then changed the natural use into that which is against nature by the way i love how the bible is not sexually explicit but it's able to get the point across amen right it says the woman changed the natural use into that which is against nature so the woman is referring to you know lesbians sodomites it says here that they changed the natural use what is the natural use for her to be joined into another man in marriage and to have that physical relationship between a man and a woman right but they've changed that into that which is against nature which is not natural okay and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burning their own less one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was me and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient the bible says this is how the sodomite becomes a sodomite this is how the pedophile becomes a pedophile is by rejecting god yeah and they say well we need to help them we need to get them saved we need to rehabilitate them how do you rehabilitate someone who doesn't want to retain god in their knowledge how do you get through to someone like that you don't because it's impossible the very the the the fact that they're in the condition that they're in is proof the reason they're there is because of the fact that they did not want to retain god in their knowledge that they rejected jesus christ they rejected god therefore god actually removed their moral compass and they've actually breached through that boundary or now they do things that animals will do and by the way look up the definition of bestiality and you'll see one of the definitions is this sodomy and let me say this dictionary.com is not made by by independent fundamental hell-braiding you know biscuit ink you know baptists sometimes i feel like they are just because the definitions are so close to the bible but look at sodomy in at dictionary.com one of the or excuse me look up bestiality of dictionary.com and you'll find one of the definitions is sodomy okay which is a crime against nature and so the bible tells the people who are given over to the mind they they're laden with sins the bible says they have eyes full of adultery that cannot cease from sin they do those things they're filled with all unrighteousness okay and so that's because they breach through that boundary of sins now if you're saved you never have to worry about anything like that sometimes i'll have people tell me you know hey you know i was i was involved in this act at one point in my life but you know you know i trusted christ as my savior afterwards you know am i a reprobate and here's the thing the act of sodomy does not make you a reprobate okay the rejection of jesus christ makes you a reprobate yeah right i'm talking about to the point where you hate god yeah okay and ultimately a reprobate because their moral compass is removed now they no longer have limitations to the evil that they can commit so when you see a sodomy or a pedophile it basically means that they became a reprobate long ago that's just the fruit pun intended you know of becoming a reprobate okay go to matthew 25 and here's my last point and i'm going to kind of breeze through this one because because i'm pretty much out of time the special music too too long okay just kidding we're talking about the bounds of mankind right we're talking about the lifespan of mankind and the sins of mankind and the the things that we can do to reduce the consequences of those sins the things we can do to exceed the boundaries of our lifespan you know the things that people can do to breach through the boundaries of sin to become a reprobate by the way someone who is a reprobate is damned forever they're ever learning never able to come to the lodge of the truth that's not very loving yeah but here's the thing the bible literally says that reprobates are haters of god right so why would you want to force someone to be saved or want someone to get saved that they don't even want to get saved they hate god they do not want to be saved okay they hate the lord jesus christ here's my third point is man's capabilities has boundaries man's capabilities have boundaries right look at matthew 25 verse 14 for the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country who called his own servants and delivered unto them his and unto one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to every man according to his several ability and straightway took his journey so what do we see here we see that this parable is given and the way we can apply this is that god also gives to us certain specific abilities and some people's abilities you know are stronger than others some people have gifts that are greater than others some people have five talents others have one two or three but everyone has several abilities you know we have capabilities that god enables us to be able to whether it's to succeed at our job it's the ability to just you know whatever it may be just just kind of excel in the world or even as a christian he gives us specific gifts in order to be able to accomplish those things now there is a way to reduce that though you know what if you are an orator okay you're good with people you're very personable you have the capability of really just winning a lot of people to christ yeah because you have the ability to just go to complete strangers and with no trouble at all and just make friends with them win them to christ and you know have light in your countenance and be able to do that that it takes a person who has that type of a gift where they're very personable right but hold on a second you can actually reduce that boundary by just being a lazy person not going out soul winning you know obviously we have restrictions even now in our nation but i'm saying just in general you can reduce that by just being a lazy christian you know by being a castaway your talents can actually go to waste your abilities and your capabilities can actually go to waste how by just not using them you know the bible tells us that if you see a man diligent in his business he shall stand before kings he shall not stand before mean men mean is not referring to like how you're mean referring to a mean as an average so a person who is diligent the person who uh is is consistent in his trade is consistent in improving his capabilities he could actually surpass his own boundary by being diligent by being consistent by being faithful you say yeah i don't have that ability to speak to other people i don't have that capability of just being personable yeah but you know what if you're diligent you're faithful and consistent you can actually breach the that boundary right and you can stand before mean men you can go to just any average person right or you can stand before kings you can stand before anybody because of your diligence so you can actually you know bypass your incapability or you know your lack of talent or giftedness whatever it may be and still do great things if you put in the element of diligence okay so i talked about improving yourself but ultimately here's the thing all of us to a certain extent whether we have many capabilities or not we're all still still limited right and here's here's how we can even breach that it's by the power of god the power of god can help us to do exceedingly above what we can ask or think i mean think about this what about samson in the bible you know hollywood likes to picture samson as some just ripped dude who has like baby oil all over himself and the guy just like just huge he weighs like 220 pounds all muscle you know he's like the rock right he's like arner schwarzenegger and they want to the hollywood the world thinks that that's what samson really looked like that's not what samson looked like because samson's power was not in his muscle samson's power was in the spirit of god and anytime samson was able to go forth and do great exploits and have this just immense strength physical strength is when the spirit of god would come upon him he was able to breach the boundaries of his own strength by being filled with the spirit and in like manner you know if you feel like well you know i'm having a hard time breaching my boundaries by exceeding what i'm capable of doing you need the power of god in your life you know how is it that our church obviously right now we're running 10 on purpose but you know we have about 120 130 on a really good sunday you know how is it that we're capable of winning so many people to christ how is that we're capable of going all around the world and making an impact globally well i'll tell you how i'm by the spirit of god amen you know how is it that the individuals in our church can do great works for god by the spirit of god the bible says in second christians 15 verse 9 uh verse 10 but by the grace of god i am what i am and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain but i labored more abundantly than they are yet not i but the grace of god which was with me the bible says you know uh it doesn't matter your stature it doesn't matter how ugly you are it doesn't matter how you know incapable or how untalented or you know your lack lack of giftedness what you need more than anything is the power of god you need the spirit of god upon your life to be able to just like samson do exceedingly above what we can even ask god or even think about that's what we need is the power of god and that's how we can breach through that boundary okay and the reason i say this because sometimes people place limitations upon their own life well i can't because you know this i can't do anything good and i just like this and i can't do that you know i can't get a job or whatever well you know first of all be diligent don't be lazy second of all you know ask god to fill you with his power because this is what that power that we're able to do exceedingly above what we can even think about or even ask for so the title of the sermon is the bounds of mankind and really i was teaching on our boundaries but also how we can exceed those limitations and those restrictions in order to do great things for him amen let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer and then we'll see our last song follow me thank you so much for your word and lord thank you for the boundaries that we have some boundaries are good for us some boundaries are there in order for us to grow in our faith so we can breach through those boundaries and those restrictions to do greater works for thee and god i pray that lord when it comes to the boundary of our lifespan that lord we continue to serve you and love you to read your word and see people save lord and and just just make the kingdom of god our priority your righteousness our priority so you can give us three score and ten so you can give us four score so you can give us more than that just give us more years on this earth to be able to serve you to do great works for them and lord thank you for for the fact that we can reduce