(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, we are in Proverbs chapter number 7 and verse number 10 where the Bible reads here and behold there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot and subtle of heart she is loud and stubborn her feet abide not in her house now she is without now in the streets and lieth and wait at every corner so she caught him and kissed him and with an impudent face said unto him I have peace offerings with me this day have I paid my vows therefore can I forth to meet thee diligently to seek thy face and I have found thee and the title of my sermon this morning is the attire of a harlot the attire of a harlot now before we get into you know you prejudge the sermon and you too now just know this is that that phrase is found in the Bible so the words of the Lord according to the Bible are pure words okay and these are the words that God has chosen to identify a specific woman and he calls her a harlot and by the way another word for a harlot according to the Bible is would be excuse me in our modern terms would be prostitute okay now what does the Bible mean when it speaks of a woman wearing the attire of a harlot well attire simply means clothing okay and then as I mentioned a harlot is a prostitute this is a woman who basically sells her body for money all right now so according to the Bible there is clothing that will identify a woman and not just a woman of course a man as well and here we see that it identifies a woman as being a harlot looking like a prostitute so we can basically determine a person's character based upon the clothing that they wear now we live in a society today that says well don't judge right don't judge and you shouldn't judge judge not that you be not judge but you know what that's a bunch of garbage because the Bible all throughout the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation we see God making judgment on people we see God commanding prophets to make judgments on people and in fact there's an entire book in the Bible called the book of Judges where people are judging the people of God and this book is a very judgmental book Jesus judged all right so it's foolish to say well don't judge well you know what if we if we're not the judge then we have to throw out the entire Bible because the entire Bible makes judgment on certain things and in fact the Bible says we which are spiritual can judge all things so obviously we're supposed to judge righteous judgment well what is that judging according to the Word of God we don't just speak things out of our neck with no facts we use the Word of God to judge specific subjects now the subject I'm preaching on this morning is a subject that a lot of pastors stay away from and I'm gonna tell you why because they're afraid of the ladies in their church that's why okay it's a church that's run by women it's a church that's run by the pastor's wife and the pastor's scared to get up and talk about a subject like this because he's a weakling that's why okay but you know what why are we afraid to talk about what the Word of God says you know you know have I become your enemy because I tell you the truth you know we ought to take what the Word of God teaches us apply it to ourselves are we guilty of it that doesn't make you a wicked person that just makes you someone who possibly is just ignorant of the subject and you can change after that now go to Genesis chapter 38 so what's the subject about today it's it's about modesty okay and obviously there's a lot more that goes into this this subject here but basically it is about modesty and yeah we're gonna hit on the men as well because you know what we have today is a bunch of men who want to dress like women right a bunch of you feminine skinny jeans wearing pink shirts faggoty men who this society has unfortunately raised up to be soft snowflakes you know and guess what it portrays in the way they dress they want to look like girls you have Will Smith's son dressing in the tutu and a dress as if it's like an appropriate thing no that's an abomination according to God's Word okay and we need to make sure that as God's people we draw the line and say hey that's wrong that's an abomination that's wicked that's faggotry okay and not just say well we need to be accepting of all these things you know we do you know if that's what he wants to do that's his prerogative but you know that's not God's prerogative Genesis 38 verse 15 says in the process of time the daughter of Shuah Judah's wives died and Judah was comforted and went up went up unto his sheep shearers to Timnath and his and his friends Hira the Adulamite excuse me and it was told Tamar saying behold thy father-in-law goes up to Timnath to shear his sheep and she put her widow's garment off of off from her and covered her with the veil and wrapped herself and sat in an open place now verse 14 says a widow's garment okay how would we translate that today well when there's a funeral you don't go to a funeral wearing lavish colors right just looking all bright and loud what do you wear you wear clothing that's fit for a funeral which is probably black clothing you see that at funerals you wear black clothing something that that signifies mourning so the Bible says here that she took off her widow's garment we don't know specifically what that looked like but obviously it represented that she was mourning okay and it says which is by the way of Timnath for she saw that Sheila was grown and she was not given it to him to wife when Judah saw her he thought her to be a harlot because she had covered her face now Judah's being a little pervert here because he's looking for a prostitute right okay and he finds this woman a Tamar and the reason he was able to see oh there's a prostitute was based upon the fact that she was dressed like a prostitute which is what exactly what she was going for now she was wearing a veil over her face so in those days obviously that's signified that's a prostitute okay today's day prostitutes don't do that as far as I know you know what do they wear they wear as little as they can wear while they're walking the streets so they can advertise what they're trying to sell okay and that's how you can tell it's a prostitute you can see a woman walking down the street wearing as little clothing as she possibly can to show off what she wants to sell you understand that so is it passing judgment to drive by and say oh yeah that's a prostitute no that's what she wants people to know does that make sense so based upon her clothing look we may not even know her okay we don't know her life we don't know what's taking place we don't know if she's married we don't know if it's true or not but based upon the clothing that she's wearing we say oh yeah that's a whore that's a prostitute but don't let the word whore offend you either that's a biblical word that's found in the Bible God out of his own mouth says the word whore okay now go with me if you would to Genesis chapter 3 go to Genesis chapter 3 you see the clothing represents the kind of people we are it describes us to a world that may not know us personally and the Bible passes judgment on those who wear specific clothing and we can determine who they are based upon with what they wear now is it right obviously to just write off a person based upon what they wear obviously in certain cases it's not you know when we're out sowing if you run into some gangster who's tatted from head to toe he has piercings like he fell into a tackle box you know he looks worldly as the day as long we shouldn't say oh that person's not gonna get saved how do you know that you know you ought to go up to that person and in spite of what they look like give them the gospel you know maybe it's a woman who's dressed very immodest and she's showing off her body and she's very immodest almost naked we should not pass judgment say well this person's not gonna get saved you know she's a whore well you don't know that how do you know that you go up to them give them the gospel make sure that they get saved you know that's that's the goal obviously okay so we shouldn't pass judgment say well these people can't get saved because now they're not dressing a shirt and a tie you know they don't have their hair some certain way and they have a vulgar mouth or whatever they can't get saved no that ought not to be the case okay look my experience gangsters are like them like the best people to witness to sometimes because they're always near death amen no drive-bys and all they're always getting shot at they're getting beat up and all these things you know they have a recognition that God exists so this morning I want to preach on this on the subject of modesty but there's three aspects that I want to talk about first of all I want to talk about the purpose of clothing then I want to talk about number two the purpose of modesty and the last part I want to talk about is the purpose of standards okay I want to talk about those three specific things first and foremost let's talk about the purpose of clothing so clothing is the attire necessary to cover our bodies all right it's to protect us from the elements but it's also to cover our nakedness now go to Genesis chapter 3 in verse number 21 Adam and Eve when God created everything they were naked okay you know obviously they're naked but here's the thing according to the Bible because they had not sinned there was no shame there okay there was no shame they didn't know that they were naked it wasn't until Eve took of the forbidden fruit and gave unto her husband and their eyes were open that they realized that they were naked and therefore they had shame now look at Genesis 3 21 says and the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him where art thou and he said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told thee that thou was naked has thou eaten of the tree wherever I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat skip down to verse number 21 verse number 21 says and unto Adam also unto his wife that the Lord God made coats of skins and clothed them so here we see that the first first event of someone making clothing is God and he's making it for Adam and Eve to clothe their nakedness because it's shameful they understand that they're they're naked they're ashamed and by the way being naked and being ashamed go hand in hand right so when you're naked you ought to be ashamed of yourself but what we have today people just half naked they're showing off their thighs and they're showing off all these things and they're not ashamed of it there's something wrong with that because nakedness and shame go hand in hand according to the Bible and if you're not ashamed of it and there's something wrong with you that's just fact but here we see by the way this is the first instance of God violating veganism amen he killed he kills the animal and he uses the the the the skins to clothe man okay go to Proverbs or go to Isaiah chapter 47 I'm gonna read to you from Proverbs 27 go to Isaiah 47 I'm gonna read to you from Proverbs 27 verse 26 says the lambs are for thy clothing and the goats are the price of the field so we understand that first and foremost obviously clothing is supposed to protect us from the elements whether it's jackets you know sweaters things that protect that we don't just walk out naked into the just even if nakedness was not wrong it'd be wise to wear clothing right okay but I want to show you that according to the Bible we're gonna see what God considers nakedness in the Bible okay and a perfect definition of that is found in Isaiah 47 in verse number 1 through 3 it says come down and sit in the dust O virgin daughter of Babylon sit on the ground there is no throne O daughter of the Chaldeans for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate take the millstones and grind meal uncover thy locks make bear the leg uncover the thigh pass over the river so in verse number two we see here the same make bear the leg and he specifically references what part of the leg he says uncover the thigh now look at verse number three thy nakedness shall be uncovered yea thy shame shall be seen I will take vengeance and I will not meet thee as a man so according to God's definition nakedness is the thigh and anything around the thigh ie the hinder parts of your body your buttocks okay we shouldn't say but buttocks is in the Bible as well okay the hinder parts if you don't like buttocks the hinder parts that's nakedness according to the Bible okay so let me just chase a rabbit here that's why guys don't sag showing off your hinder parts pull up your pants you know oh but I'm just trying to look like I'm trying to look like a G yeah you're looking like a like well I was gonna say a gay but you look like a Q like a queer because if you study the history even of those who would where that comes from it comes from prison from sodomites who wanted to also prostitute themselves and the way they would do is they would sag their pants to show off their hinder parts disgusting sodomites would do that okay so pull up your pants you know and I wish gangsters would know that like hey G hey homie homos do that okay you know that's not appropriate you're showing off your back parts you know you're showing off your buttocks and that's ungodly according to the Word of God it's nakedness but so is the thigh okay now we live in a society that you know to be honest with you the culture has conditioned people to think that the thigh is not nakedness and the reason why is because women are always showing their thighs all over television and the movies and the streets everywhere and it has conditioned people to think that the thighs are not nakedness okay but we need to go back to what the Word of God says and the Bible says that the thigh is nakedness according to the Word of God so that means miniskirts go out the window okay because you're showing off your nakedness now it says there it uses nakedness and shame interchangeably go to Exodus chapter 28 and we don't have time this morning but if you look at all the references of what nakedness is it references the thighs and it references the hinder parts you go to Songs of Solomon which is a book written for everyone but specifically it's a reference to married people and never references the thighs or never references the hinder parts why is that because it's in a it would be inappropriate because this is a book that's referencing the physical relationship between a man and a woman and it doesn't talk about the buttocks and it doesn't highlight the thighs either it talks about the breast it talks about the stomach it talks about even the calves but it doesn't reference the thighs or the hinder parts why because God is appropriate he's holy therefore he's not gonna reference those things to put that image in your mind okay Exodus 28 verse 41 says and now shall put them upon Aaron thy brother and his sons verse 41 and his sons with them and and shall anoint them and consecrate them and sanctify them that they may minister unto me in the priest's office and now shall I make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness from the loins even to the thighs they shall reach so again we see there the linen breeches what are those those are pants okay they cover the loins up until the thighs the Bible says and by the way nakedness as far as the thighs are concerned yes it's for ladies but it's also for men as well so you know biker shorts go out the window as well okay give me some other kind of shorts where's some weird what speedos way too far let me think of something else uh Daisy dude that's the way I was saying Daisy Dukes now look no man should even admit if that if you wear those don't say oh yeah I got a pair of those no no no that's that's like the 70s but even then even to the Senate that's still nakedness you're showing off your thighs you know and and Christian churches they have these things backwards today you know there's a church in Laverne who you know they don't allow their guys to wear shorts when they're playing basketball they make them wear like sweats but they allow their ladies to wear shorts it's like what's wrong with you that's a church is run by them by the wife right there by the way okay but the fact remains is that the thighs are still nakedness all right you should not be showing off oh you know I just you know I just like I work out you know and you know I know how to deadlift this many this much and so I got these big thighs it just it just pops out everyone so hide it because it's considered nakedness according to the Bible yeah okay and so we need to make sure that whatever sport we're doing whatever activity we're doing we're conscious of the fact that we're not showing off our shame okay now breaches in the Bible are pants you could look it up anywhere in the internet and I know there's people out there and say well you know women have always wearing pants okay and I'm gonna get into that all right we're gonna talk about pants on women so hold your hold your seats okay but I want to first mention the fact that clothing is for is for to cover the nakedness is to cover our shame but it's also to differentiate genders okay what does that mean is to show that a woman is a woman and a man is a man okay and there's no in-between fluid gender whatever sick title you want to come up with no a man is a man and a woman is a woman go to Deuteronomy chapter 22 say well what happens if you blend the lines well I'm going to show you what happens when you blend the lines Deuteronomy 22 and verse number five says here the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man neither shall a man put on a woman's garment for all that do so our abomination unto the Lord thy God abomination means God finds you disgusting he loathes you that's what abomination means so when you would a woman wears that which pertains to a man and vice versa God says you're an abomination now people try to argue this and say yeah but it doesn't say pants you know it doesn't say pants it just says that which pertains into a man so how do you know that that's referencing pants well this is how you can know this okay because in that same verse it says this neither shall a man put on a woman's garment so if I were to ask you what would that look like you would say well that's like a man wearing a dress why because you understand that a dress is something that pertains to a woman it makes sense so if when it says a woman shall not wear that which pertaining to a man we say pants he's all except for pants what we just said that a dress pertains to a woman so obviously we know we don't need a biology class we don't even need the Bible for this we understand the pants automatically that's referencing a man what a man wears that which pertains to a man okay now look and I know you you're probably up you're sitting there you're thinking oh man he's probably talk about me I'm talking with everyone today okay because we need to get this down pat we need to understand that this is abomination this is sinful and look it's not just and look we're not saying don't wear pants when you come to church I don't wear pants at all because there's another theology that teaches this well we're supposed to be modest and wear skirts when we come to church you ought to be modest at all times you don't wear that which pertaining to a man ever because I mean is God only in the church right he's omnipresent that means he's at home too right what about your what my wife has never worn pants ever in her life okay and when we're home guess what she wears she wears a skirt why because dude around me 22 to 5 I don't want my mom my wife to be an abomination okay oh you're just being mean and I'm just quoting what the Bible says here and just be honest with yourself that's what it means okay so obviously we would see if a man walked in here with the stinking dress on we throw them out because we're saying that guy's wearing that which pertains to a woman he's probably a sodomite you know but the but the problem is is that we don't bat an eye when a woman does it now obviously a man wearing a dress is like an extreme okay that would be extreme because that's that's that's obviously signifying this guy something's wrong with this guy he's a sodomite or something but women have been conditioned to wear pants for many years now to the point where even pastors and churches accept it as a norm but it's not normal okay now you can argue this as much as you want and say well you know pants this and pass that but here's the thing in the Bible you will not find a woman wearing pants anytime breaches our references in reference to a man okay and he said well I thought people in the Bible wore dresses didn't the men wear didn't Jesus wear like a long dress no tear tear up the Mormon you know picture that you have of Jesus he wasn't wearing that okay now he wore a coat according to the Bible because if you remember when he was crucified they were casting lots for his coat and the reason why is because obviously it was an expensive coat because it was woven from from top to the bottom the Bible says okay so it's hand woven from top to bottom and that's something that men would wear back in those days you say well how do you know that well many times in the Bible you'll see you hear this phrase gird up thy loins like a man so if a man is wearing a dress and no breeches no pants girding up your loins means you have to pull up your pants to run or to work or whatever well at that point it would become naked however if you have breeches on you can gird up your loins you can gird up your coat and tuck them into your breeches okay this so you can work and you can run you can do all those activities okay and another way to prove that as well is that when in the Bible when men would use the restroom it would use the phrase to cover their feet okay that means something's dropping okay they're not pulling up their their dress to do so is what I'm saying so this this false teaching that men in the Bible wore dresses is exactly that it's false they wore pants now obviously they weren't pants like this okay they weren't jeans there are breeches it would come from the knee all the way up into the loins the Bible says but that was necessary because that's exactly what they needed in order to work okay now so don't give me this you know you know Jesus were dressed in the Bible not the Jesus of the Bible of the of the King James Bible right okay he wore pants and there's never a recording of a woman ever wearing pants in the Bible okay now look for sometimes this subject for women is very difficult they can all in King James all in post trip all in hate sodomites all in all these other things often this is like the last thing to go this is a struggle for a lot of ladies okay it's fact I've been in church long enough to know this for a fact I've known godly ladies who love the Lord but they struggle with this matter of modesty you say why I don't know I don't know why and if I could pinpoint to something it's because they're so brainwashed by Hollywood too much Hollywood too much TV too much feminization of this country too much too many feminists who have inserted their false ideologies into the minds of the ladies of different churches okay so now let me talk about this okay you say well you know there's there's pants that can be modest though brother Bruce you know well first of all obviously if a woman wears tight pants it's a modest because it's showing their form okay he said well what if they're loose though you know like business well at that point she looks like a man yeah okay so that goes out the window window because then she's starting to look masculine okay you said what about leggings okay because that's a big subject what about leggings you know is that a modest I don't think it is a modest for a woman to wear leggings under her skirt and the reason for that he said well you know it's crotched you know so it's almost like she's putting on pants you know what I mean but here's the thing if it's wrong tool for a woman to wear leggings then that means they can't wear undergarments either right because undergarments are crotched right so they're doing that but the reason I don't think it's a modest is because if a woman wears leggings typically it's for the purpose of if they're wearing a skirt if they fall or something happens and their dress goes up they're not showing their nakedness so it's pretty it's to prove prevent showing your nakedness is what it is okay now I understand this people there's ladies who cross the line sometimes and what they'll do is they wear leggings and there were black leggings and they wear a skirt up to here no I'm modest you know you can't really tell you know no at that point you're still a modest okay because you're showing the form of your thighs still okay that's why and this is my opinion you don't have to take it you can throw this in the garbage if you want to not if you want the standard that I have for my family is that my wife wears long dresses oh I think we should just be right at the knee then do whatever you want okay but my wife wears long dresses okay cuz we I want the standard for my family to be something so far that when she sits down her skirts not not gonna go up and you're gonna potentially be able to see something you're not supposed to see or for her to show something that she's not supposed to show okay better to be safe why be at the borderline why be at the very edge and say yeah I'm just gonna obey right at the border right at the line because that's where God allows me to do it so that's where I'm gonna do it why not just go a little further have a standard that's a little bit higher and I'm not teaching doctor the commandments of men for doctrines I'm not doing that I'm telling you what the standard is for my family for the sake of their safety for the sake of not you know the filing some guys mind that if she sits down her skirt goes up that you can see up her skirt okay now my opinion according to the Bible is that women should never wear pants okay so why because the Bible tells us that that's an abomination all right now you say well are you gonna allow me to keep coming to church if I wear pants yeah you can keep going to church I mean but you're gonna hear preaching like this often so you know sure if you want you're just gonna think I'm talking about you every time you do you see what I'm saying and look don't think that I hate you don't think that I'm mad at you you know I need to teach the Word of God and I need to talk about this subject just accept it okay and if you don't want to change and that's your prerogative but at the end of the day I'm just telling you what the Word of God says better to tell you what God's Word says then to glaze you over with some some encouraging sermon and you don't grow out of anything you think you're just doing right all the time we need to be told that we're doing wrong at times so we can correct it okay look guys today you see a lot of guys wearing jeans that are just like ripped up showing off their thighs you know it's like you paid money for that for those jeans why don't you just take a knife to you the jeans that you have now and they often pay more money for the jeans that are cut up is that true they pay a lot of money for some jacked-up jeans that they could have just done themselves with the pair of scissors at home but you know what it's all it's it's interesting it's like before it was before when I was a kid you know we would have ripped up jeans because we would be playing and it was you know the knees would be torn and stuff like that my mom would get mad he's like you're always going messing up your jeans but now you see like slit slit slit slit slit slit it's like what is that you think that I mean what do you want to look like you just got out of a car accident right what's the deal with that but you know what the fact remains is that still that's still a modest because you're showing off your thighs okay and look we the Bible says it right there in verse number five these these people who do this are transvestites they're an abomination to the Lord right okay and we need to bring back that term transvestite I used to hear it all the time when I was a kid transvestite is a guy who's just like a woman and a woman who dresses like a man those are trans best sites no they're fluid you know gender equality whatever no the transvestites an abomination of the transvestites okay now let's move on here go to Exodus 28 so not just the ladies but obviously the men in our culture today have just been brainwashed and conditioned to just look soft you know what the colors and stuff like that and I understand there's colors in different countries that signify something else but you know what we're living in the United States the United States if you're wearing like pink and you're a guy there's something wrong with that I remember when I was growing up probably in year 2000 2001 or 2 it became very popular for rappers to wear pink they have pink coats you know pink timberland boots pink everything and it was just like you're a man if you were a pink and I was just like I don't know no I never as an unsaved person I was like I'm not a girl why would I want to wear pink you know but we have today guys who want to emulate the Hollywood queers look and sound easy feminists the day is long and I said it before and I'll say it again get off the soy because the soy is what's making you effeminate okay you want to just start talking like this and all you know and he's like yeah but these guys get all the girls they get the girls but look who they're attracting though you know that girl's gonna run him by the way she's not dating that guy cuz he's a strong leader he's dating and she's dating him because he's cute in her eyes you know if you want something that's cute get a puppy but you know what happens is they get these guys who are soft but they're not running anything they're not leaders they're not manly they don't even have control over their emotions these are the same guys who still cry over everything and they're hanging like girls but you know what the the girls of this world that's what they like unfortunately you know and I'm not to be that and by the way girls don't go for guys like that you know you're gonna be gravely disappointed but he's so cute you know what that's only gonna last for so long and you're gonna be like man this guy sucks as a man he can't make any decisions he can't provide for me he gets hurt every time I make a comment to him he's all sensitive you know that I'm not to be the case with men we ought to be manly and that displays in the clothing that we wear okay that displays in how we portray ourselves how we talk how we shake hands okay all those things now there's people who are not saved and those people who don't have biblical principles that do all those things and obviously some of them are ungodly okay we're just saying that the things that you wear obviously is supposed to reflect your heart it's supposed to reflect the godliness of your heart all right now what what else is clothing for it's to represent Christ okay so what you wear ought to portray Christ in some way I'm not saying we're a Jesus shirt okay you know I'm not I'm not against Christian t-shirts I have Christian t-shirts but what I'm saying is this is how you wear certain things and what you wear ought to signify okay this is a obviously a Christian man or this is a Christian young lady and look that's why it's good for women to wear dresses I mean if you go to the grocery store everyone has done this at one time or another they go to their grocery store some public forum and what do they see they see a woman wearing a long dress and what's the first thought that comes to mind well that person is probably a Christian now they might be like Mormon or something like that Luz del Mundo or something but for the most part we correlate a modest dress with Christianity not a hoochie dress you know because obviously you don't go into a grocery store see a girl with the hoochie miniskirt and say oh yeah that must be like the pastor's wife right there all right that's not the first thought that comes to mind but when you see a woman with the dress you say okay that person must be a Christian okay and I've had multiple times when I'm out with my wife and people stare at us you know possibly because of the way we're dressed the way my wife's dressed and you can you already know what's going through their minds like oh these people must be Christian they must go to church why because that's what we're representing you see what I'm saying so and obviously there's an extreme to that where you're just a hypocrite you look like a Christian but you don't act like one we're talking about those who act like Christians then we're talking about those who are trying to live a righteous and holy life you ought to reflect that in your dress as well okay in your clothing that that's why Christians Christian men should never wear like worldly clothing with worldly logos all right or sodomite logos or satanic stuff on their shirts vulgar things on their shirts like oh yeah but I'm saved bro you know yeah but you know what you misrepresenting Christ by your shirts by the way you dress you're looking worldly okay the Bible says in Exodus 28 verse 1 and take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother and his sons with him from among the children of Israel that he may minister unto me in the priest's office even Aaron Nadab and Abihu Eliezer and Ithamar Aaron's son and now shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty and now shall speak unto all that are wise hearted whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom that they may make Aaron's garments to consecrate him that he may minister unto me in the priest's office so here we see and you say well that's the priesthood yeah but you know what we're all spiritually priests as well and our clothing ought to represent Christ it ought to represent who the Lord is okay and look are you saying you should party we should part our hairs like you know okay I'm not saying that that's my that's my stand that's this is how I've combed my hair for the last 11 years okay I have my son comb his hair like this but that's the standard I have for my family okay that's what I want for my family but what I'm saying is this you ought to represent Christ in some way okay with your clothing all right and look when it comes to the matter of hair you know the Bible specifically says if we'll get into it too much today that a woman ought to have long hair okay but not only that it shows that a man ought not to have long hair okay and does not nature even teach you that a man have long hair it is a shame unto him the Bible says and look there's no specific standard in the Bible or some sort of template that we can go by but look if it's starting to get a little shabby if it's getting a little too long if I can't tell you are a man but when you're walking away from me you should probably cut your hair you determine the standard by which how you should cut your hair okay you can shave it you can keep it short somewhat long but as long as it's not representing what a woman would look like if she had her hair as long as you did okay and look that's we're not hippies here we're Christians okay cut your hair I just you know I'm just blessed with nice hair man get off that you know we have too many guys that are concerned about their hair right you know they make sure that they they have specific shampoos and stuff like that they comb it they make sure they brought no they don't call me they brush their hair her you know no you know we ought to make sure and I be well groomed but don't look like a woman right okay cut your hair do it okay now let me get off that first just a second so that's what clothing is I already talked way too much about clothing but you know what it is it's to protect ourselves from the elements it's to cover our nakedness it's to represent Christ but now I'm going to talk about modesty specifically about modesty go to first Timothy chapter 2 what is modesty modesty is having or showing a moderate or humble estimate of one's merits importance free from vanity and really the basic definition of modesty is to be humble okay now look what 1st Timothy 2 verse 8 says I will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting in like manner also so just the way this man is to pray everywhere he's lifting up holy hands and like manner also that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame face and it's in sobriety not with broidered hair or gold or pearls or costly array but which become its women professing godliness with good works let the woman learn in silence with all subjection I just threw in verse 11 in there for good measure so it says there to adorn themselves with modest apparel okay and it says there with shame face and it's in sobriety that means with humility so that means you ought to dress with humility not flashy not acting like you got your bougie it out and you got it all together and you got money beyond days no shame face and this means you're you're ashamed it's humility is what it is and sobriety then it says not with broidered hair gold pearls or costly array now there's two things I want to say about this one I don't think it's sinful to have these things but I do think it's sinful to have these things to the point where you're no longer have shame facing this you're no longer humble okay in other words your diamond is about this big okay you just how's your day oh you know and it's just like the only thing you see is a diamond I'm exaggerating here but when it becomes excessive okay now the reason I say that is because of this go to 1st Peter chapter 3 same thing with broidered hair what is broidered hair that's braided hair there is a modest way to have braided hair but then there's also an immodest way to have braided hair and the way you say well how do I determine which one's which does it call attention are you calling attention to yourself by your broidered hair gold pearls and costly array okay or if someone's talking to you can they not pay attention to your face because of all these things that you have on your body okay if all they can see is the gold the pearls the braided hair all these things then it's taking away attention from your face then yeah that actually does become immodest okay now look at 1st Peter chapter 3 and verse number 3 it says there likewise you wise being subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not in the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wise why they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be the outward adorning of the plating of the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel so we can't say necessarily that what that which we see in 1st Timothy chapter 2 should not be done at all because in 1st Peter chapter 3 it says or of putting on of apparel well which women have to wear apparel you know in order to cover their nakedness what it's saying is this don't let your adorning be that what is the adorning verse 4 but let it be the hidden man of the heart and that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price the Bible says for after this manner in the old time the holy woman also who trusted in God adorned themselves how being in subjection unto their own husbands you see what we need today is women who are not focused on what they're wearing but how their character is okay it's not necessarily the gold the pearls and cosy array how's your heart today because look there's women who wear they just modestly but their heart is probably wicked you know they're not right with God they're they're not reading the Bible they're not praying they're not living a holy life when they're outside of the church what we want is both what God wants is both okay and he says look not bad to have brooded hair gold pearl cosy array but that's not the adorning that necessarily God is steams you know what he steams the meek and quiet spirit which is in stark contrast to the woman in Proverbs chapter number 7 who's loud and boisterous okay no this woman right here is meek and quiet and look what it says it says the holy woman also who trusted in God adorned themselves with what with being in subjection to their own husbands you see that speaks louder than the fat diamond on your ring okay because you want not to find your value in the clothing that you wear or the jewels that you have because what God finds valuable is that which is in here okay that the woman who is in here the inner man according to the Bible you see what I'm saying and then applies to men as well but there's a reason why God put it twice for women in the New Testament okay because this is a big thing you know women sometimes they want to be and look and here's what people get confused they hear a sermon like this is like oh you just want me to be like like an Amish person or something huh you know you want me to be like little house on the prairie you know or whatever you know no I'm not saying that because it talks about gold pearls and cost your rate and even in Isaiah it talks about a woman who is a bride who's getting prepared for her husband wearing jewels and it talks about in a good manner okay there's nothing wrong with these things but where the emphasis is that you say well you know I'm walking with God I read the Bible I just like wearing my bling bling but you know what what are you trying to attract men to your bling bling what you wear or your spirit okay if you're attracting if you want to track men by your bling bling that you're gonna attract the wrong kind of guy because guess what once all that is over and done with the thing that still remains is your meek and quiet spirit yeah and if they don't like your meek and quiet spirit and they're all about how you look and the modest dress you have and the fact that you're showing off the goods you know what once that is over and done with what else is there gonna be well if you get a man who emphasizes the meek and quiet spirit and that's what they're looking for doesn't matter how old you get or how many wrinkles you have or how much weight you gain after a couple children guess what your husband will still admire you for your meek and quiet spirit that's the most important aspect you see what I'm saying that's what's most valuable a woman who could look and you know these guys who they just wish they can have one of these Hollywood you know babes and stuff like that you know cuz they're so beautiful and all these you would kill yourself after a week being with these the Kardashians these wicked women you say but they're so so beautiful but they're evil in their hearts they're wicked in their heart and after a while the looks don't mean anything you know that's why women we need to make sure you need to make sure that you evaluate yourself and say what's how's my meek and quiet spirit how's my heart today you know am I fearing God that's what God values is a woman who fears God and a woman who fears God is a woman who has humility well if you have humility you're gonna dress as though you are humble okay and again I'm not saying Little House on the Prairie style it's okay to be fashionable you know there's nothing wrong with that you know and look and this goes with my third point and I'm getting ahead of myself is this you just need to ask your husband you know what what makes you happy oh that's that's so chauvinistic then call me whatever you want that's fine I'll take chauvinistic sure ask your husband what makes you what makes you happy and look husbands you need to know what's biblical what's nakedness what's modest because look I've been in churches where there's ladies in that church that is just like man I don't want to run into this lady at church cuz she's a modest man and it's just like she's always always a modest and it's just like she's coming this way I'm going that way you know I don't want to I don't want to look I don't want to look because I'm not a homo you know but I love my wife I'm trying I'm trying to love the Lord here but this woman's in modest but you know what it's not necessarily her fault you know fault it is it's her it's her husband's fault he needs to wake up right you know and lead his wife and teacher and look I understand that there's women who they have different body forms and people are born differently and some things are bigger than others I understand that but at the end of the day the husband needs to help out with that and say yeah you probably shouldn't go out dressed like that yeah why don't you try something else oh you can't how can you say something like that I'll rewind and I'll do it again that's how it needs to be done say because look women often don't see the things the guys see they don't pay attention like oh this looks cute whereas the guys are like whoa I don't know we're cute as a puppy that's not cute okay so wake up lead your wife and say look I'm not saying be some dictator but to a certain extent we kind of have to be and say hey you can't go out like that and with our daughters as well amen you said you know people who've done who have led like that and have been successful yes my father-in-law was like that all the time he would have like inspections you know cuz he had three daughters and and they wanted to dress modest but you know they did sometimes you know they're young girls are naive I think it's cute and what happens the the my father-in-law would say turn around go back upstairs change that you know I like what pastor Anderson said on Wednesday he was he hit on modesty he just went off on it for a little bit and he was talking about weddings you know weddings we just had a wedding and then Mark and Lucy just got just got married actually there's like three weddings in our in our movements you guys know that one at Verity faith forward here and then pastor manly Perry had another one as well but we need modest women at weddings yeah but it's so hard to find dresses for bridesmaids that are modest then just go find a dress at a store you don't have to match better to be modest and please God with what you're wearing then to look like a hoochie mama for someone's important day and why are you trying to take the attention away from the bride and the groom and place it on yourself so you know we need husbands and inspect amen we need husbands that can inspect our wives and inspect their children to make sure that our households are pleasing unto the Lord and how we dress and everything that we do okay do it it needs to be done now I know that's not popular but this isn't the popular Baptist Church amen this is faithful word so we can't don't wear things that drown out the spiritual ornaments of a meek and quiet spirit is what I'm saying okay now let me see here now go to Proverbs 31 just so just so you know in regards to this thing of being fashionable okay or however you want to call it modern fashionable we're not saying dress in rags and look all like you came from the 1920s or whatever criticism you have in your mind that you're throwing at me in your mind okay insert here whatever you want to say you can still be dressed nice I think my wife dresses nice I like the way she dresses I'm pleased with the way she dresses you know and I believe her father trained her well and taught her well and her mom was a great example unto her of how to dress I can never look at her mom and say that there was ever a time where I felt that she was a modest I'm not saying she was perfect but I think she practiced this matter of modesty in such a way and look if you're gonna ask me who's the most meek and quiet woman do you know I was obviously I would say it's my wife but after my wife it's my mother-in-law she's the most meek and quiet woman that I've ever met I'm not saying she's the only one I just feel like she's one of the greatest women that I've ever met that are meek and quiet but I can honestly say they're her dress represents that perfectly because if I were to see my mother-in-law today and then an hour later you would ask me what was she wearing I probably wouldn't be able to tell you but if you were to ask me how was her spirit I could probably get that down pack pretty well because what stands out to me is not what she's wearing it's the her meek and quiet spirit that's what I walk away with you see what I'm saying but if she was dressed the modest and she had a meek and quiet spirit I probably would have remember what she wore you see what I'm saying which is not the most important aspect I should be able to tell her character her heart her walk with the Lord because of these things but it doesn't mean I'm not saying she's not fashionable because I think my mother-in-law dresses well okay look at Proverbs 31 verse 22 just speaking of the Proverbs 31 woman says she maketh herself coverings of tapestry her clothing is silk and purple okay so silk and purple that's kind of like that's you know that's nice clothing is what it is now I don't know I mean do women wear silk anymore I don't know if that's what they wear but if we were to compare it to today it would be considered something that's fashionable something that's nice she's styling okay but here look look what it goes on to say so it talks about her physical clothing right verse 23 her husband is known in the gates when he sitteth among the elders of the land she maketh fine linen and selleth and delivereth girdles unto the merchants strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in time to come so it says there yeah she's she's fashionable but you know what really her is her clothing is her strength and her honor is the fact it's her character is what it is so at the end of the day what is this point right here that we're trying to make the point is this you need to make sure that you stop focusing so much on what you wear pay attention to it to make sure you're in the line with God's Word and the convictions found within God's Word but we need to make sure we're paying a lot of attention to our spirit our heart now here's some things that are not nakedness but still would be considered a modest and I want to point these out because they just need to get pointed out okay now for example cleavage people say what about cleavage what about breasts okay that's not nakedness it's not so you can't say well you know all you're showing off your nakedness by showing off no you won't see that in the Bible you see women breastfeeding in the Bible okay breastfeeding is completely normal now my standard for my family is that I have my wife feed covering okay and it's not ungodly for her to do that it's not in golly if she were to do it the opposite way why because the Bible makes it very clear that it's not okay it's something that's very normal but it's my preference and my standard that my wife is covered when she's feeding the baby now if you feed your child uncovered I'm not gonna be like oh man she's so ungodly I can't believe she's doing that you know no because it's normal but the standard that I have for my wife and my family is that she's covered that's what I want okay and I'm the I'm the boss of my home so I choose that okay but obviously there's there is a point in time when cleavage is showing that it becomes immodest because now you're drawing attention to yourself by showing the cleavage on your chest okay so it's not nakedness but it can be immodest all right it's like this you know for example I'm gonna give you this this extreme example obviously we don't believe on pants on women but this is one of them I remember Lancaster Baptist Church Paul Chapel son put out a video one time you know and on this video he had his wife dressing in leggings right or spandex or whatever you want to call those things pants right but it just with no with no dress over it I like workout clothes is what she was wearing but on her hanger parts she had the the word pink over her hanger parts okay it was the word pink but it was in pink so everything was black and that was pink now so as the cameras panning guess where it's panning towards her hanger parts what is it calling attention to her hanger parts you see what I'm saying so not only is that nakedness obviously but that's also a modest because you're actually calling attention people's eyes to that part of your body you see what I'm saying so you should apply that to every area of your body to not make sure you're just calling attention to that part all right so and look what I mean modest I mean this and I know we're going a little deep today but we need to talk about these things okay for example a wedding dress is very mod like if you have a covered dress Lucy would that your dress you had was very modest on Thursday we would say that's modest for her to wear on a wedding day right but wouldn't we say that Lucy would be in modest if she was wearing her wedding dress today right you're like what are you doing you know you're like why I'm modest you know but she has her long train and stuff and everything she's gonna call attention to herself so that would become in modest so you got to know what to wear at what time what's appropriate to wear at what time at what time okay does that make sense to everyone so like for instance for a funeral obviously it's not simple to wear sandals and some shorts and maybe like a tank top you know when you're at your house or at the beach or something like that but what if when you go to a funeral are you gonna be wearing like a tank top sandals and short that would be inappropriate I'll be a modest you know you're not being appropriate at that time okay or how about this if you're doing construction work and you're wearing a shirt and tie who would do such a thing it happens okay people who wear certain ties and slacks and dress shoes and all these things to go paint a wall we'd be like what are you doing that's not that's not appropriate for you to wear for the thing that you're doing well brother you know I'm a Christian well you know Christians can wear paint shirts okay be appropriate is what I'm saying so modesty also covers this matter of just being appropriate for the event that you are at all right that's why I wear a shirt a tie and a dress coat when when I'm when I'm at church okay now does the Bible say thou shalt wear a tie and thou shalt wear a shirt thou shalt wear a coat no it doesn't say that but you know what I want to make sure I represent leadership here okay so what if I came with like my bearded Baptist shirt you know and my zero shoes or whatever and my sweats and I was up here you'd be like that's not sinful but it's inappropriate for you to wear if you're like the pastor here and you're preaching that'd be inappropriate see what I'm saying so we got to understand that modesty obviously is a step above covering the nakedness but it's also a matter of just being appropriate when the event calls for it okay let's see here so let so I talked about that also those skirts with slits okay because there could be skirts that are very long and they're modest but what happens they have a slit it goes all the way up the thigh so what happens when a woman's walking you're playing peekaboo with the leg you know that's a modest and it's really it is showing off the nakedness as well you know so the so it could be an extreme you can have a long dress but still be modest because why because you have a slit that goes all the way up to your hip showing off your thigh okay and again husbands help out with that that's just at the bottom at the end of the day can't blame your wife it's your fault bud you're the one who's supposed to say yeah let's let's stitch that up real quick before we go to church or something you know skirts that show the form of the body that's another one when it's too tight that would be considered a modest okay now here's the last part and we're done is the purpose of standards okay now I grew up in a church where standards was very much emphasized greatly not only by my father-in-law but just the leadership there in general for it to a certain extent they emphasize standards now in my opinion I think there could be a point where you emphasize standards even to the exclusion of doctrine which I don't think it's right okay because the most important thing is the world Bain doctrine okay standards are preferences that we use that we implement in our personal lives to protect biblical doctrine but they don't supersede doctrine so if you're not careful there's sometimes Christians who have standards and they almost have this holier-than-thou mentality you know because they address a certain way and you're not dressed the way they are and all these things you're ungodly no that's not true because if they're reading the Bible they're doing God what God calls them to do according to the Bible they're right with God but maybe they don't have the same standards as you have okay and you can't say someone's not right with God based upon that the standard that they hit that they have or if they don't have your standard but that's not to say the standards are not important because what is the standard it's basically a rule or principle that is issued as a basis for judgment okay because sometimes you're like well man I don't know where to start we're how should I start dressing well look for someone that has a good standard and copy them so for example my wife this is the standard that I have for my wife and I mentioned this earlier is that when she wears skirts it's always below the knee okay that is the standard that I have for my wife and the reason for that is because in my observation of me being a Christian when a woman wears a skirt and they sit down guess what happens the skirt goes up that makes sense so when a woman sits down and the skirt goes up guess what if it's up here then you can see through here and what's in here the thighs the parts that only the husband should be able to see and none else so but when she rises up obviously it goes below her knees but what it's when she sits down that it goes above her knees so the standard that I have for my wife is that it's the skirt needs to be longer than that so that when she sits down the skirt comes up but it doesn't go above her knees it stays covered she can sit like a lady she can still she doesn't have to worry about you know she's causing someone to stumble you know a guy might potentially look there on accident whatever it may be that's the standard I have you know well that's not in the Bible yeah of course it's not in the Bible what's in the Bible is that she's not supposed to be naked what's in the Bible is that she's supposed to have she's supposed to be modest but we're implementing the standard to protect that modesty and then naked principle you see what I'm saying so that's there not to say oh I'm holier than now my wife's skirt is longer than yours no it's there to protect my wife to make sure hey when you sit down you're still modest and that's the standard I will have for all my daughters that's the standard that I will always have in my family is that the skirt is long you know there's there's people who say well you know what about nylons you know is know what nylons are are those even popular anymore nylons okay stockings churches they they use that and they'll say well you know you're not you're not modest if you don't have stockings well that's not true you know that's if that's a preference that you have then keep that preference but you can't teach that as doctrine either okay so at the end of the day you need to ask yourself this what is my standard to protect this principle of modesty and this principle of covering my nakedness and look don't try to be right at them at the edge if you want to be then that's your prerogative but at the end of the day you need to recognize so are you potentially gonna call someone a sin or are you sinning yourself by setting such a low standard in your personal life that if something were to happen obviously you'd be crossing that line there's a lot of other things that I want to mention but there's this we're already at a time what do you say what about makeup okay it's makeup bad I don't believe makeup is bad okay I don't believe it's it's it's obviously you can overdo it you think of Jezebel who the Bible says painted on her face the Bible literally says she painted on her face I don't think that's just reference to her printing on makeup I think like you the Bible's being facetious in a sense God's being facetious saying she caked that makeup on is what it means that's what I believe it means that's what I've always believed that it means but can you become immodest based upon the makeup you wear absolutely you know you know you could look very worldly by the makeup that you put on your face but again you have to ask your husband your husband has to tell you can you do this or can you not okay he said what's the bull what's your standard regards to makeup my wife can wear makeup but she really doesn't wear makeup very often I think she's beautiful without makeup my opinion you know and she does wear makeup on special occasions and stuff like that but I remember when we got married I said you don't have to wear makeup I was like I like your face the way it is I think it's I think it's pretty you know I married I like the way my wife looks amen now you know if there's a special occasion she wears makeup I still think she looks pretty but if makeup never existed I'm fine with that because I think my wife looks pretty so and that's why I say at the end of the day the husband needs to figure out what's the standard because often the woman is looking for guidance from the husband in this area and you can't get mad at your wife for being this way if you're not teaching okay if you're not leading her in that in that way he said what if my husband's not you know a Christian or he's not home then you take the principles that we taught today and create these standards and don't drop them raise them up a little bit okay if your husband's not leading you in that area then you know you need to pray for God's wisdom and find a template in the church that you can emulate to help you in that area okay so what's that what's the sermon today the sermon is basically this cover the nakedness don't wear skirts with slits that go all the way up your thigh where men can see your thigh and you're making bare the leg but not just that you need to make sure that what you're wearing is representing Christ in an appropriate manner don't look so worldly don't look like a rock-and-roller don't look like a hip-hopper okay don't look like a cholo you want to look like what a Christian because you have Christ in you the hope of glory represent him well where the Bible says we're ambassadors for Christ but only that be modest in your apparel you know there's churches out there North Valley is one of them where it's just like they gotta have the Armani suit the nice you know bright pink tie that's garbage you know and I've told the story before and I'll tell it again when my brother-in-law went there a student from that college came up to my brother-in-law say hey man that's a nice tie and then he looked at the brand he said oh never mind that's wicked you know that's a guy who is not reading this Bible he's not praying I guarantee he could care less about souls when he cares about getting the deals at JC penny or something you know getting the sales no we ought to be people who specifically focus on the inner man and making sure that that is where it needs to be and that our clothing would represent that as well okay and then lastly you got to make sure you have your standards if you don't want standards then that's up to you but standards help okay to have a rule of thumb to go by all right let's pray by our heads in every word of prayer follow me thank you so much for your word I pray God that you'd help us in this area and Lord we want to be a holy church we want to be a church that is pleasing to you we want to be a church that represents you well I pray to you to give us wisdom and guidance and leadership and help us to make sure that we're adhering to the principles found within your word and Lord not to not to show our nakedness not to be immodest make sure making sure that we're adhering to every single doctrine that we highlighted today and make the necessary changes I hope no one leaves here today offended and mad you know if they do that just goes to show the level of maturity and the fact that they don't want to adhere to what God says in his word I pray that every single lady here would take to heart that which was said and realize that it's for their benefit but also for the glory of God and in Jesus name we pray Amen