(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right. I'm excited to be here at Steadfast Baptist Church. It's been probably about two years since the last time I was here. It's good to see a lot of familiar faces and a lot of new faces as well. And if I don't if I met you before, but I don't remember you, I'm just going to say, hey, brother, how's it going? Good to see you again. And, you know, hopefully you don't say I just I've never met you before. But I'm thankful to be here, thankful for Pastor Shelley inviting me. I know he's preaching at Pure Words Baptist Church right now. And so thankful for this privilege to be able to be here with you all in Texas. I'm excited. Let's get down to the sermon here. Look down at your Bibles at Jeremiah Chapter 15. Oh, by the way, tonight, I'm going to give away some some gifts tonight. So maybe a little motivation for you to come and hear me preach tonight. You know, if you're planning like this sermon was all right in the morning. Well, it'll be better tonight. OK, I promise. All right. And I'm going to I'm going to try to give you some gifts. And so don't miss tonight. Jeremiah Chapter 15 in verse 15. It says, O Lord, thou knowest, remember me and visit me and revenge me of my persecutors. Take me not away in thy long suffering. Know that for thy sake I have suffered rebuke. Thy words were found and I did eat them. And thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. For I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts. Verse 17, I sat not in the assembly of the mockers, nor rejoiced. I sat alone because of thy hand, for thou has filled me with indignation. And the title of the sermon this morning is The Assembly of Mockers. The Assembly of Mockers. Now go with me, if you would, to the New Testament, to the Book of Jude. Go to the New Testament. We're going to come back to Jeremiah 15 in just a bit. What is a mocker? What is someone who who is someone that mocks? I'm going to give you a dictionary definition of what a mocker is. And then we're going to look at the biblical definition and some examples of the Bible in regards to who a mocker is. First and foremost, according to the dictionary, definition number one is someone who a mocker is someone who attacks or treats with ridicule, contempt or derision. Definition number two is to ridicule by mimicry of action or speech to mimic derisively. Definition number three is to mimic, imitate or counterfeit. This is what's describing a mocker. And the prophet Jeremiah is saying that he's not with that crowd. He's saying, look, I have kept thy word. I'm preaching the word of God and I don't sit with the assembly of mockers nor rejoice. And in fact, I sat alone. I didn't hang out with the crowd that mocked the word of God, that mocked God himself, that mocked the man of God. In fact, I was the one who was the recipient of that mockery. I didn't sit with the assembly of mockers. He says in verse 16, thy words were found and I did eat them and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart. Then he says, I sat now with the assembly of mockers. This is similar to what we see in Psalm one, where the Bible tells us, blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of the sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. He shall be like the tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, his leaf also shall not wither, and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. And look, when you look at Jeremiah's ministry, you may think to yourself, well, he wasn't very successful, but you know what, in God's eyes he prospered. You know why? Because he delighted in the law of God, his words were found, he ate them, and thy word was unto him the joy and rejoicing of his heart. And what was the outcome of that? He didn't sit with the assembly of mockers. You see, when you are reading the word of God, you love the precepts of the Lord, you're not going to associate yourself with a bunch of idiots who hate God, hate his word, make a mockery of the man of God, make a mockery of church, you're not going to sit with that assembly of mockers because you're not a mocker yourself. And so we see that with Jeremiah. Jeremiah isn't going to assemble with the ungodly, he's not going to be with the sinner and the scornful, he actually delights in the law of the Lord, right? And the Bible tells us in Proverbs 18 2, a fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. This is why we shouldn't debate people out when we're out sowing and they want to deride us and revile us and you're trying to give that person understanding. Just understand this, the Bible says that a fool hath no delight in understanding. You know, just move on, label him a heretic in your heart, and just move on to the next door, right? Now let's look at the New Testament description of what a mocker is. Look at Jude, and look down at your Bibles at verse 16. Now the book of Jude is basically a crash course on reprobates and false prophets, right? That's what it is. And it reads like a concise version of 2 Peter, if you think about it. It shares a lot of similarities. Look at verse number 16 of Jude, it says, referring to reprobates, it says, these are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lust, and their mouths speak at great swelling words, having meant persons in admiration because of advantage. But beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lust. So what is Jude saying? Hey, keep in mind that as we near the end, as we near the end of the world, mockers will increase. Man and seducer shall wax worse and worse, right? Now go to 2 Peter chapter 3, and we're going to get a broader definition of what a mocker is. But he's giving us that warning, and he's saying, look, I'm quoting one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, and it was true in his day, it's true in my day, and man, is it true today in 2020. There shall be mockers in the last days, according to the Bible. Look at 2 Peter chapter 3 and verse number 3. I believe that Jude is actually quoting from this book right here. It says in verse number 3, knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lust. So a mocker is someone who scoffs at the Bible, scoffs at the word of God. They make fun, they make a joke of the word of God, right? He said, I don't know if that's what it really means. Well, look what they say in verse number 4. So what is this scoffer, what is this mocker doing? They're mocking the promises of God. They're going to the Christian saying, hey, where's that promise that your God made that he's going to come the second time? All things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation, he's not here yet. What are they doing? They're mocking God. They're mocking the Christian by saying, this promise that God promised to fulfill has not yet been fulfilled. Where's this promise? What's going to happen? You know, we've had so many people out there who have made a mockery of Christianity by trying to predict the second coming of Christ, right? You know, Robert Breaker and his stupid predictions and his cloud church, it's a mockery, right? You know, we have a guy over in California, his name is, he just died and went to hell. Do you guys remember his name? What's his name? No, not Robert Breaker. He's a guy who basically, he put billboards, him too. I forgot, he had a radio show, I can't remember his name right now, but he predicted the second coming of Christ like in 2013 and he had billboards all over the place and people were literally selling all their possessions and all their lands. And then that date came and March 13th came and went and nothing happened. You know what happened? A bunch of unsafe people made a mockery of Christianity because these people made a mockery. Harold Camping. Thank you, Holy Spirit. He brought all things into remembrance. You know, that guy's a mocker, but you know what, God is mocking him right now because destruction has come upon him because you know what, he died and he went to hell, amen? And thank God for that. So these mockers, these scoffers, they scoff at the promises of God, where is the promise of his coming? And you know, there's people like that today. They're like, oh, you know, you guys always talk about the second coming of Christ and the rapture, that's false, that's stupid, that's religious, that doesn't make any sense. He hasn't even come. Everything continues as they were from the beginning of the creation, but you know what they fail to realize is that the remainder of the chapter talks about, you know, the Lord is not slack concerning his promise. As some men count for slackness, but his long suffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So it's not that God is slack. It's not that he's negligent regarding his promises. It's that he loves people. He wants people to be saved, amen? He wants people to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, but they don't understand that. They fail to understand it. They don't want to understand it. They want to mock the promises of God. The assembly of mockers are a group of people who basically have the agenda to ridicule God, the Bible, the man of God by two means. Number one, by openly deriding them. What does that mean? Just going against them, right? Just comments on YouTube and, you know, just sending emails to the church and openly going against them and seeking to mock them and making videos about them and doing all manner of evil. They're just despisers of those that are good. This is what the mockers are, right? So they do it, number one, by just openly going against them, trying to expose them, trying to just make their life miserable. This is the mocker. But number two, they also mock the assembly of mockers. They mock by counterfeiting what we're doing. You know, trying to make it seem as though they're also independent fundamental Baptists. Okay? Yeah, they believe in the King James Bible. Oh yeah, they have the same doctrines, but they're a flat earther. That's a mockery. And by the way, it's not because they're a little mixed up. It's not because they're tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men in cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceives. They are the men who lie in wait. It's not because they're sincere. Why are they doing this? Why does the assembly of mockers, why do they mock God, the Bible, and the man of God? What says knowing this first is there shall come in the last day scoffers walking after their own lust. This is something that they greatly just desire to do. Now you and I can't understand it because we're normal people. We normal people don't just have this agenda to destroy people's lives. No we're coming to save people's lives, right? We want to save people's lives, we want to build them up, we want to teach them doctrine, we want them to clean up their lives, we want God's blessing on people. Whereas these people, they can't sleep, except they have done some mischief. And their sleep is taken away unless they cause some to fall. I'm talking about the assembly of mockers. And that's what I want to preach on this morning. And by the way, there's always been an assembly of mockers. I mean obviously it's increased today because of the fact that we're nearing the end. We're nearing the second coming of Christ. But you know what? This assembly, this congregation, this church has always existed. Which leads me into my first point about the assembly of mockers. Turn with me if you're with us to 2 Corinthians chapter number 11, 2 Corinthians chapter 11. Point number one. Number one, mockery comes in the form of mimicry, okay? When we talk about the assembly of mockers, we're talking about people who seek to copy and counterfeit what we do. You know, you think of a mock-up trial, you think of someone mocking you. In other words, they're copying what you do, but they look like idiots, right? They're trying to replicate who you are and what we do, but they do it in such a way that it makes Christianity look stupid, unfortunately. Now Satan is a mockery of God, right? He is the ultimate counterfeiter. Now you're in 2 Corinthians 11, I'm going to read to you from Isaiah 14 verse 12. It says, How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning? How art thou cut down to the ground which didst weaken the nations? For thou hast sent in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation and the sides of the north, I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the most high, yet thou shall be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit. What is Satan trying to do here? He's trying to be like God. He's trying to counterfeit God, he's trying to mimic the one true God. Now honestly, at the end of the day, he can seek to mimic him. People can be fooled by him, but we know that that's a joke. That is a joke. No one, there's no God aside from Jesus Christ himself, no one can mimic him perfectly because there is only one true God. Now look at 2 Corinthians 11 verse 13. It says, for such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. Now are these messengers of God? No they're transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And look, by the way, no marvel. For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works. So what is the apostle Paul saying? He's basically stating, look, Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light, so you should not marvel when his pastors, his shepherds, his deacons, his assembly do the same exact thing. You know, obviously it's easy to pick out the wolves in sheep's clothing when you have Joel Osteen. It's like, Joel Osteen is a false prophet for the babes in Christ, you know, to kind of get their feet wet. Like, okay, which one's the false prophet? It's like, Joel Osteen, you got it. Name another one, Rick Warren, yeah, name another one, TD Jakes, you know. That's easy, you know, those guys, I call those guys wolves in wolves clothing. They don't even hide it, you know, they just, it's obvious that they are false prophets, it's obvious that they're wicked people, that they're covetous, you know, these people are reprobates and it doesn't take a whole lot of theological understanding, it doesn't take a thorough understanding of the Bible to just know these people are wicked, right? You know, the ones we need to worry about are those who come as, you know, sheep in sheep's clothing. The Bible tells us, beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing. What does he talk about? Those who are counterfeiters. Those who come and they look just like you and me. They come under the guise of being an independent fundamental Baptist. But inwardly, they are ravening wolves, the Bible says. So they have this ulterior motive, they have a different agenda, they're not here to teach the Word of God, they're here to pervert the judgment of God and to damn people to hell. By the way, that's why the Ruckman crowd, Ruckman crowd is so wicked and evil and ungodly and unbiblical. Why? Because they come under the guise of being an independent fundamental Baptist. They come under the guise of being KJV only. They come under the guise of being soul winners, but they're a bunch of wolves. They're an assembly of mockers, is what they are. Because they're making a joke of the Bible, folks. You know, there's churches that are seeking to mimic real churches. Steadfast Baptist Church is a real church. First Works Baptist Church is a real church, but folks, there's churches out there that try to copy what you have here in order to deceive the simple. You know, laugh out loud, Baptist Church, right? What is that? That's an assembly of mockers. It's a joke of a church. It's a mockery of God's Word. It's a mockery of the true congregation of God. The pastor is a joke. The members, they're a joke. Their beliefs, it's a joke. And it's a bad joke at that. You know, these people are coming under the guise of not only being independent fundamental Baptist, they're coming under the guise of being new IFB. You know, because I'm sure they claim to adhere to replacement theology. They claim to believe the post-Trip pre-wrath rapture. Obviously we understand that these aren't essential doctrines of the faith, but you know, these are things that we agree on. These are things that we hold to be true. This is the, these are the doctrines, the underlying doctrines that really causes us to really fellowship with one with another. And so when you have a joke of a church, like laugh out loud, Baptist Church preaching that, but the pastor's not even ordained, it's a joke. Well, how about valiant Baptist Church? That's an assembly of mockers. That is a joke of a church. Their preaching conference is a joke. I encourage you to tune into that conference. Everyone should watch the valiant Baptist Church preaching conference because it's going to be a joke. It'll give you a good laugh. It's going to be an assembly of mockers, folks. You have some murderer as one of the preachers. You have this oneness shaggy heretic. You have Tim Coleman with the thing on his face. And then you have some Greek racist who literally said that, you know, he feels bad for you for not being a Greek. Uses the N word. I mean, it's a joke, folks. It is a complete joke. Folks, the assembly of mockers exists today. And unfortunately, they're in new IFP churches. You know, and you know what? Simple people, people who don't have a thorough understanding of false prophets, they can get swept up by that garbage. Unsaved people can get swept up by that garbage. And they can enjoin themselves into an assembly of mockers. And you know what's going to happen? They're going to be tossed to and fro, carried about with every wind of doctrine. They're not going to get saved. And it's a terrible thing. You know, that's why we got to preach against these jokesters, these clowns, this assembly of mockers. It's a joke of a church. And by the way, any church out there, any pastor, quote unquote, who basically self-ordains himself and claims to be a pastor, you're a joke. You need to be sent out by a local New Testament church by an ordained minister. You have to have the approval of the church in order to be sent out. Not like Josh Gander, you know, who's preaching all kinds of weird doctrines, weird heresies, talking about, you know, the qualifications of a pastor is just a schoolmaster. You know, no one can fulfill the qualifications of a pastor. No one can. This is not as a means to show us the qualifications. This is just to show us that we all fall short. No, Josh, 1 Timothy 3 is a schoolmaster to show you that you can be a pastor. It's to teach you that you are not qualified to be a pastor, Josh Gander. You know? No, no one is able to fulfill these qualifications. So are you saying that you're given to wine then? Are you saying that you're covetous? I mean, look, folks, one of the qualifications of a pastor is that they're to be married to one woman, right? I know unsafe people who have been able to do that, what are you talking about? No one can do this. I know unsafe people who have been married to one woman for their entire lives. It doesn't take a spiritual person to do that. So what does that say about you, Josh? If you're saying that this is just a schoolmaster, it's just to show us we fall short, are you planning to, like, leave your wife or something or what? It's a joke. It's an assembly of bonkers. These people are making fun of the Word of God. And look, we have to stop taking these people so serious into thinking, well, maybe they're just deceived. No, they're deceiving people. They're trying to make a joke of the Bible because then the unsaved world will look at a congregation like ours, look at churches like ours and say, well, they're a joke because this other church is just like theirs, it's teaching weird stuff, they're saying weird things, I don't want to be associated with that. This is the assembly of bonkers, pastors who try to mimic the man of God. Hey, how about Bibles that try to mimic the Word of God? Hey, the NIV is a joke. It is a joke. The ESV is a joke. And look, the people who created these Bibles, they know that. They purposely put stupid doctrines within the Bible, foolish verses within the Bible because they know that people who have those Bibles don't even read them. They're making a mockery of people. Like, let's just put this really random, stupid verse and no one's going to read it. That liberal fun center over there, they're only going to stick to the book of John. They're only going to stick to, and any time they go to the Old Testament, they're probably just going to go to the book of Proverbs. Just put something in the historical books, they won't even notice. And they're just laughing their heads off in the background because a bunch of Christians, Bible believers, are toting around these false Bible versions that are just a joke. They are a joke. The ESV is a joke. The NIV is a joke. But let me take it a step further. The reign of Valera in 1960, Spanish Bible, is a joke. Now who speaks Spanish in here? Who does soul-winding in Spanish? I hope you don't use the 1960s, and if you do, that Bible needs to go into that Bible burning thing Pastor Shelley's got going on. That Bible is only good for fuel and toilet paper. It's a garbage Bible. It's a joke of a Bible. And you say, why are you making a big deal about the 1960s? Because of the fact that you have independent fundamental Baptist churches who have a Spanish ministry and these Baptists claim to be KJV only, but they're permitting the NKJV equivalent in Spanish in their church. They're permitting the NIV, the new international version, Spanish version in their church. Because that's exactly what the 1960 is. You know, the 1960 perverts salvation. In 2 Peter, 1 Peter chapter 2, excuse me, it says, as newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby, in the 1960 it says, desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow unto salvation. That's heresy. And yet you have Baptist pastors, Spanish Baptist pastors who preach from that Bible. I mean what do you say? Are they going to even like explain that away? Oh, you know, growing to salvation in the Greek, it says something else. Yeah, in the corrupt text, it says something else, but in the Texas Receptus, it doesn't say that at all. It says grow and that's it. It's a joke of a Bible. And you know what? This is a sensitive point to a lot of Spanish churches because of the fact that this, that's just the Bible they've always used. You know, we're not going to go with anything new. We're not going to go with the Gomez because, you know, the 1960s, the 1960 was not that long ago. That's the new Bible. What are you talking about? Go with the 1569, go with the 1602, go with the 1909 if you have to, go with the Gomez because it's based off of those Bibles, but don't say that the 1960s, some old Bible, it's from the 60s. That's not that long ago, folks. The 1960, amen. I see that hand. You know, it's a joke of a Bible and there's plenty other just foolish things that that Bible teaches. You know, in the book of Jude, the Bible says, and if some have compassion making a difference, in Spanish it says whoever doubts, convince them. Just completely changes the verse entirely. And look, I've shown Spanish pastors this and they'll look through it and they'll just say, yeah, but no, it's just, Spanish is just a different language. Well, it's not like Chinese. I mean, it could be a different language, but can we at least keep it somewhat the same? And look, there's an independent fundamental Baptist who joined themselves to the new IFB using my influence. His name is Ringo Ayala and he's one of the only Spanish pastors in the movement that preach our type of doctrine, but he uses the 1960. And I remember talking to this fellow and I told him, I said, hey, I can't promote you if you keep using that Bible. You know that Bible's corrupt. That Bible is corrupt, I told him. I said, you need to make the switch to either a Gomez. You need to make the switch to a 1569. You need to make the switch to a 1602, but you need to throw that thing in the garbage. He's all right, yeah, I'll change it. I was like, all right, I'm going to take your word on it and then I'm going to promote you. I promoted him. People started looking for him. They found his preaching. They liked it because he was preaching the reprobate doctrine. He's preaching the poster pre-wrath rapture. He's preaching replacement theology and you know what? There's not a whole lot of Spanish pastors out there, so people are just eating up a fork and spoon, but then I'm getting contacted by people to say, hey, he still used it in the 1960. And I contacted him. I said, hey, I'm getting reports from people, emails and text messages saying that you still used the 1960. What's up? You told me you were going to change. He said, well, I did change. I used the Gomez in my personal Bible reading, but when I preached in the pulpit, I used the 1960. It's a mockery. That's called hypocrisy. That's called hypocrisy, folks. I'm like, that's not what you said you were going to do. How is it that it's okay for you to read the word of God? How is it okay for you to know that this Bible is false and you're just going to stick with this one in your personal Bible reading, but when you preach to your church, you're preaching from a 1960? It's nonsense. It's like me saying, well, yeah, I believe the King James Bible is the word of God. I use that in my personal Bible reading, but I'm going to preach from an NKJV. Nonsense. I'll tell you why. Because all his buddies, all his pastor friends, they all use the 1960, and if he wants the preaching engagements, if he wants the support, he's got to use the 1960. Nonsense, folks. You know what? I don't listen to preaching. I don't care if it's replacement theology, post-Trib pre-wrath. If they're using an NKJV or NIV, it's going in the trash. Because wicked people, the assembly of mockers, all they have to do is listen to our kind of preaching, take notes, and just repeat everything that we say. And that's exactly what's being done. It's an assembly of mockers. The 1960 is a joke. It's a joke of a Bible. And it stems from the assembly of mockers, folks. You know, how about outreach that's trying to mimic real soul winning? Lifestyle evangelism. You're a joke. And typically those who preach lifestyle evangelism, they look like a bunch of queers, a bunch of fruitcakes and faggots. They're skinny jean wearing with ripped, you know, knees and their weird looking hair and their tight clothes and their lisp. And they think people are going to get saved? People are going to be running the other way, the opposite way. Somehow they think that by looking at that individual, oh man, they just want to be saved. What must I do to be saved? It's a joke, folks. And I'm not saying don't have a good testimony. It's important to have a good testimony, man. To live a life that's above reproach and look, let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. It's important to have a good conversation, honest among the Gentiles, the Bible says. But you know what? That is not the gospel. The gospel is opening your mouth boldly to make known the mysteries of the gospel according to the Bible. But when people say, well, no, we just got a lifestyle evangelism, make sure you go to the coffee shop, have your cup of coffee there, put your Bible out there in the corner so people see it. And if they ask about it, you know, don't be pushy, it's a joke. Street preaching is a joke. These Calvinist lordship salvation street preachers, they're a joke. Who pays attention to any of these guys? I mean, I'm in Los Angeles and you get those every once in a while like in East L.A. where they're with their bullhorn. They sound like a Jack in the Box drive-thru. They drive by like, what did he say? I don't even understand what he said. And you know what people do all day long as they drive by? They just laugh because they're a joke. Oh, no, they're so bold and, you know, yeah, bold to look stupid, bold to look like an idiot. You know, people look at those people in the street corners and they think to themselves, you know, that's what Christianity is right there. Burn or burn, repent from your sins, the self-righteous pompous attitude that people pump out in the streets, these street preachers. That's not preaching the gospel. The Bible says that we should approach people with meekness and fear. You know, obviously, we're not going to have meekness and fear when we're preaching the word of God behind the pole because we're edifying the church members, we're edifying believers, we have to rip face every once in a while, but when we're out there soul winning, you know, we have to have meekness and fear. Be kind to people, right? Not blowhorn them and tell them how righteous you are, how they need to get right with God and turn or burn, that's garbage. You know, I saw a video by Gene Kim, who's this hyper dipstick, right? And he's a ruckmanite, he's a hyper dispensationalist, and he has a video on how to street preach. He literally teaches people on the video how to breathe, like how to yell. He's like, you got to go like this, and I'm thinking to myself, this is a joke. This is a joke. And they're out there passing out Chick tracts and have their signs, you know, look at how many people are listening to us, it's like every single one of them has their window rolled up. It's awkward looking at people like that. You know, the people who are driving, they're trying to save them the embarrassment by not looking at them. But they think they're doing such a great job. No, you're a joke, Gene Kim. You are a mockery and cut your hair because it looks like a joke. You look like a girl. All those guys are part of the assembly of mockers. They're making a joke of the Bible. And look, if you don't like this and you think, well, you're being too harsh, well, you know what, it's because of people like that that unsafe people get turned away from the Word of God. Not from us. It's like, you turn people away from the Word of God. Not true. I'm sure this church sees tons of people saved every single week, every single month, every single year. You baptize people. I mean, the church house is filled, it doesn't seem like people are being turned away by the truth. You know what turns people away, mockery. You know, when people mock the Word of God, when they make God in the Bible, when they try to make God in the Bible look stupid, that turns people away. You know, when you teach the flat earth, Tyler Doka, he's a joke. That guy is a joke. He changes doctrines like every single week. Metal not with them that are given to change, that's the name of his church, Given to Change Baptist Church. I don't even think he calls himself a Baptist anymore, but he's a joke. Silence in the church. She always, women keep silence in the church, she doesn't understand it yet. What we're talking about today is the assembly of mockers. And you know what? We laugh at these things and they're funny because we look at them and we know the truth. You know, these people are as authentic as monopoly money compared to real money, right? You know, Satan is like monopoly money. You know, Bally and Baptist Church is like monopoly money. You know, you may be able to fool some child into thinking you're actually giving them some money, but an adult, someone who has any sense, someone who knows the Bible, someone who's mature in the Lord, they can see it and say, that's monopoly money, I can't buy anything with that. It's a joke. When it comes to the assembly of mockers, we need to realize that mockery comes in the form of mimicry. Number two, mockery comes in the form of lightness. Now turn with me, if you would, to Matthew chapter 22. Go to Matthew 22, if you will. Matthew chapter 22. You see, a joke is when someone makes light of something, right? They don't take it seriously and that's what mockery is. It's a counterfeit of the real thing and it's a light form of it. You know, they're not really taking it serious. Now, let me read to you from Genesis chapter 3 and verse number 1. It says, Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the trees which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. So what is Satan doing? He's making light of the consequences of breaking God's commandments. You're not going to die. Come on. You're not going to die. It's just that God knows that when you eat the fruit, your eyes are going to be opened. But you're not going to die. He's making a mockery of the commandment of God by saying, nothing's going to happen. Take it lightly. It's not what he really meant, right? The Bible says in Deuteronomy 32 verse 15, But Jeshurun waxed fat and kicked, thou art waxing fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness. Then he forsook God, which made him, and lightly esteemed the rock of his salvation. So what does it mean to lightly esteem the rock of their salvation? They're not taking them serious. Eh, you know, rock of our salvation, eh, he's not really going to do it. He's not really that powerful. He's not really that omniscient, that omnipotent. Look at Matthew 22 verse 3. It says, And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding, but they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, behold, I have prepared my dinner. My oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready, come into the marriage. But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise. And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them. So what does it say in verse 5? They made light of the commandment that God was giving here, right? They didn't take it serious. And look, folks, we never want to be an assembly that doesn't take the commandments of God serious. When it comes to God's word, everything should be taken serious. When it comes to his precepts and his commandments, we never want to make light of his commandments. Go to Matthew chapter 4. Matthew chapter number 4. Let's look at when Satan made light of God's word to Jesus Christ. It says in verse number 3 of Matthew 4. Matthew chapter 4, verse number 3. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the devil taketh them up into a holy city, and setteth them on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down. For it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee, and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against the stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. So Satan is coming and saying, look, just cast yourself down. God's word says that he's going to lift you up. He's going to make sure nothing happens to you. He's making light of the fact that he's trying to get Jesus to basically tempt God. Now why is this an important point? Because of the fact that the assembly of mockers, they always make light of not just the commandments of God, but they always make light of the consequences of breaking those commandments. Nothing's going to happen. But you know what the Bible tells us? Fools make a mock at sin. But among the righteous, there is favor, folks. The Bible says that only a fool will make a mock of sin. They make light of it. They don't take it serious. Whereas the Bible teaches us that the commandment makes sin look exceedingly sinful. You know what our churches are when it comes to the New Independent Fundamental Baptist Church? We are churches that take sin serious. That's why we rip on sin. We talk about fornication. We rip on adultery. We rip on false doctrine. We rip on drunkenness and weed and all these wicked things that we need to talk about because we're not making light of it. God doesn't make light of it. God doesn't make light of church discipline. But there's churches out there that do. Well, it doesn't really mean like kick out the fornicator. It's just saying, disciple them for five years and let them remain in the church until they get it. You're making light of it. Well, it doesn't really mean like don't drink alcohol. Just do it in moderation, not in excess. You know, just get a little tipsy. Just don't get drunk. You're making light of the commandment. But there are churches out there that teach that. There's churches that say, well, a little wine is okay. You know, nowhere in the Bible—making a mockery of God's word—nowhere in the Bible does it say you shouldn't drink wine. Folks, wine is a mocker. Strong drink is raging and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise, the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 20 verse 1. You know, who hath woe? Who hath sorrow? Who hath contentions? Who hath babblings? Who hath wounds without a cause? You know, they that tarry long at the wine, they that go to seek mixed wine, the Bible tells us. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it moveth itself in a cup, when it moveth itself aright, the Bible tells us. Look, there's plenty of commandments in the Bible that tells you, stay away from alcohol. It's for idiots. It's for fools. Why do you have to say it like that for? Why do you have to be so serious? Because we're not making light of the commandments of God, that's wine. We're not making a mock of sin. But there's these liberal, fun-centered churches where the pastor likes to drink a little bit of wine for the stomach's sake. You know, they like to drink a little bit of wine, a little bit of alcohol, and nothing's really going to happen. As long as you don't get drunk, you're a drunk. You are a drunk, pastor, and you're making a mockery of sin. Look, folks, we need to rip on fornication. We need to rip on adultery and say, if you commit fornication, you might get yourself an STD. You might get chlamydia, gonorrhea. You might even get AIDS. You don't know. No, that's a little bit of exaggeration. No, we're supposed to make it look exceedingly sinful, the Bible says. You're making light of sin. You know? And look, you give me a church that makes light of sin, I'll show you a church where sin is just permeated throughout that church. Fornication is rampant, drunkenness is rampant, smoking weed is rampant. I guarantee you, why? Because these churches are making a mock of sin. They're an assembly of mockers. They look at the commandments of God and say, that's not what you mean. Ye shall not surely die. Ye shall not surely be kicked out of the congregation. Ye shall not surely get an STD. But you know, at the end, when they break those commandments and they get an STD, they get a DUI, guess what? No one's laughing. Oh wait, God is laughing. Because God says, I will laugh at your calamity. Man, God has a great sense of humor. Does He not? He has a good sense of humor. You know, people think we're rough. The Bible says that God will laugh at their calamity when it cometh. And boy, I can't wait to hear God laugh. You know, when it comes to the assembly of mockers, we need to realize that mockery comes in the form of mimicry. This is referring to counterfeiting. Mockery comes in the form of lightness. We can't take the commandments of God lightly. We need to take it serious. We need to make sure that the consequences are real. And you know what? Yeah, you may fornicate and not get any of those things, but do you really want to roll the dice on that? Do you really want to take your chances? Yeah, you may be able to drink a little bit of alcohol and not get a DUI if you drive, not have anything happen to you, or you might just get raped. Or you might get molested. Or you just might die by drinking. Do you really want to take that risk? No. Do you just not take the commandments of God lightly, amen? Not be a partaker of the assembly of mockers. And look, if you don't want to have that type of attitude, then don't hang out with people who do. You know, your family and friends who, you know, they're part of some liberal church out there, they make light of sin, that can rub off on you if you're not careful. That's why it's important to be around fired up Christians, amen? People who are like-minded because you know that they're going to support you in your zeal for God. They're going to support you in your zealousness and your passion and your extremities, right? They're going to support you. They're going to say, amen, brother, alcohol is wicked, smoking weed is wicked, doing drugs is wicked, fornicating is wicked. We need to hear that. Mockery comes in the form of lightness, and lastly, number three, and I'm almost done. Mockery comes in the form of persecution. Now go to Genesis chapter 21, if you will, Genesis chapter 21, Genesis chapter 21. Mockery comes in the form of counterfeiting, in the form of lightness, but it also comes in the form of persecution. You know, when you guys have, you know, protesters out here and people are just reviling you, what they're actually doing is mocking you is what they're doing, right? That's a form of persecution. And I'm going to give you proof of that. Look at Genesis 21 in verse number seven, it says here, and she said, who would have said unto Abraham that Sarah should have given children suck? For I have borne him a son in his old age, and the child grew and was weaned, and Abraham made a great feast the same day that Isaac was weaned. And Sarah saw the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, which he had borne unto Abraham, mocking. Now go to Galatians chapter four. Now I remember reading that as a new Christian, thinking to myself, why was that inserted there? Why did God make a point to point that out that Ishmael was mocking Isaac? It literally says that he, she saw the son of Hagar, the Egyptian, mocking. Now look at Galatians chapter four. Now we know, according to Galatians four, that the story of Isaac and Ishmael are an allegory, right? It's basically a symbol. Isaac represents Jesus Christ and all believers, and Ishmael represents Israel, unsaved Israel. Unlike what the Fox News Baptists will say, they'll tell you that Isaac is representative of the true Jews, and then Ishmael is the Muslims or whatever, you know, wrong. Look at Galatians four verse 28. Now we brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise, but as then he that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was born after the spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless, what saith the scripture, cast out the bond woman and her son, for the son of the bond woman shall not be heir with the son of the free woman. So then brethren, we are not children of the bond woman, but of the free. Now go to Matthew 27. So what is the Bible telling us here? It's teaching us that just as Ishmael was mocking Isaac in like manner, you have unsaved Jews, or just unsaved people in general, mocking and persecuting believers. So it should come as no surprise when you get persecuted, right? You know, you shouldn't be vexed by it, you shouldn't be troubled by it. It should really just confirm that what you're doing is right. Because yea, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. You know it should worry you if you don't get persecuted. That should worry you a little bit. If you're not suffering any persecution, if people are not reviling you, then you know, you're more of a politician than anything else because you're pleasing both sides. But if you believe the truth, if you're living righteously, if you are living according to God's word, there's going to be a segment of the population that hates that. And they're going to be vocal about it, they're going to go against you, and they're going to mock you just as Ishmael mocked Isaac. Look what the Bible says in Matthew 27 verse 29, and when they have plated a crown of thorns they put it upon his head and a reed in his hand and they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying, Hail King of the Jews! And they spit upon him and took the reed and smote him on the head and after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him and put his own raiment on him and led him away to crucify him. Folks, if Jesus Christ is getting mocked, how much more are we going to be mocked? If they call the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call thee? If they mock Jesus, if they make fun of him, if they killed him, can't you expect the same thing for yourself? But yet we have churches and the assembly of mockers that say, No, if you live a good life, if you serve Jesus, you know, you should be able to get along with everyone, everyone's going to love you, the mayor's going to love you, the governor's going to love you, everything's going to be hunky-dory. Wrong. That's a mockery because it's not true, it's not reality. The Bible says in Luke 18 32, for he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles and shall be mocked and spitefully treated, spitted upon. Luke 23 11 says, inherit with his men of war, set him at naught and mocked him and arrayed him in a gorgeous robe and sent him again to Pilate. Luke 23 36 says, and the soldiers also mocked him coming to him and offering him vinegar saying, If thou be the king of the Jews, save thyself. I'm pretty much done. Go to Galatians chapter six, and that'll be my last verse here. Let me read to you from, well, let's stick to Galatians six. Here's really my last point. My last point is this. When it comes to the assembly of mockers, you know, they can laugh all they want. They can mock us all they want, but here's the thing. At the end of the day, God is the one who has the last laugh. He will always have the last laugh. And you know what? So are we. We're going to be laughing too. We're going to have the last laugh. God's going to have the last laugh. And you know what? You know who's the best joke teller in history is God himself. The Bible says he's going to mock when their fear cometh. Look at Galatians chapter six, and this is to the assembly of mockers out there. Verse seven says, Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. He's like, Hey, don't be deceived, assembly of mockers. God is not mocked. You think he's just going to sit it, you know, take it lying down. You think he's just going to sit there and not do anything about it? No. What he's allowing them to do is to treasure up wrath against the day of wrath. He's allowing themselves to get enough rope to hang themselves. And he's saying, God is not mocked. I will not be made fun of. I will not be laughed at. You will not make fun of my people. You will not make fun of my Bible and get away with it. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Proverbs 125 says, But ye have said and not all my counsel, and would none of my reproof. What are you talking about, God? I would none of your reproof. Yeah, when the men of God get up and they preach the word of God and you just don't want that reproof, that means you don't want it. You're rejecting it. I will also laugh at your calamity. I will mock when your fear cometh, when your fear cometh as a desolation and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind, when distress and anguish cometh upon you. I don't know about you, but this sounds like when someone splits hell wide open. Doesn't it sound that funny? But to God it is. You know, when Harold Camping split hell wide open, God laughed at that. Why? Because Harold Camping made a mockery of God for so many years. You know, one of the best jokes, you know, in history you're going to be is when Robert Breakers splits hell wide open. It's when Gene Kim splits hell wide open. It's when Tyler Baker splits hell wide open. You know, when these wicked people die and they split hell wide open, God's like, there's the punchline. Their death is God's punchline. Oh, joke's on you. Making a mockery of my church, making a mockery of my men, making a mockery of my Bible, making a mockery of my doctrine, making a mockery of the Trinity. I'm going to laugh. Guess what? You're my punchline. When you split hell wide open. Praise ye the Lord. Psalm 111 verse 1, I will praise the Lord with my whole heart and the assembly of the upright and in the congregation. You see, we as Christians should never assemble ourselves with mockers, with jokesters, with people who mock the Word of God. We're part of the assembly of the upright. That's our congregation, Upright Assembly Baptist Church, amen? And we need to recognize that there is an assembly out there. There are counterfeiters. They make a mockery, they make a joke of the Word of God, they make light of the Word of God. And they can often be characterized as those who persecute the true Word of God, true Christians, true churches. But you know what? Don't worry about it. God will have the last laugh. Amen? Inspire your heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your Word. And Lord, thank you so much that you've given us that promise that vengeance is yours. You will repay. And Lord, I pray, God, that you'd help us to recognize and to be able to identify the assembly of mockers. I'm forgiving the benefit of the doubt to people who might be tossed to and fro, but some people just cross the line. And when they cross the line, they leave the assembly of the upright and they enjoin themselves to the assembly of mockers. Those who mock your word, your people, your churches, I pray, God, that you would help us to recognize that the punchline is coming and your joke is way more funnier than theirs. And in Jesus' name we pray, amen.