(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["Pomp and Circumstance"] ["Pomp and Circumstance"] Good evening, tonight we're in Revelation chapter 6 And the Bible reads And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals and I heard as were the noise of thunder One of the four beasts saying come and see and I saw and behold a white horse And he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth Conquering and to conquer when he had opened the second seal I heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red And power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth That they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword And when he had opened the third seal I heard the third beast say come and see and I beheld and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand and I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say a Measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou heard not the oil and the wine When he had opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth beast say come and see and I looked and behold a pale horse and his name that sat On him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with The sword with hunger and with death with the beasts of the earth when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held And they cried with a loud voice saying how long o Lord holy and true does thou not not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth and White robes were given unto every one of them and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season Until their fellow servants also and the brethren that should be killed as they were should be fulfilled And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal and lo There was a great earthquake and the Sun became black a sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood and the stars of heaven fell into the earth even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island were moved out of their places and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the Mighty men and every bond man and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains And said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from The wrath of the Lamb for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand Let's pray dear Lord God. Just thank you for every soul here that's able to come to the service Lord We just pray that you bless this service Lord Please fill pastor here with your Holy Spirit as he preaches unto us your word Lord And that you just bless this service and give pastor boldness and give us ears to hear and edify us by the preaching of your Word Lord we pray this all in Jesus name. Amen Amen, okay We are in Revelation chapter 6 and we're continuing this evening with our series on the lessons from the seven in Revelation last few weeks. We've been going over the seven churches which are in Asia and I left off with Philadelphia I didn't really cover Laodicea, but you can just read that on your own because it's pretty self-explanatory They're basically just a lukewarm church and what God is trying to get across with the church at Laodicea is The fact that they need to go through trials and tribulations He actually tells them buy gold and what he's referring to there when he tells him by goal is basically saying suffer For my name's sake okay suffer tribulation Get out of being lukewarm and actually do something for God And so that's what the church at Laodicea was about they were very much poor in faith They were consumed with the things of this world and therefore they were very much an ineffective church now tonight I want to cover the seven seals which are in Revelation the seven seals now the seven seals in Revelation Deal with what Jesus referred to as the beginning of sorrows and great tribulation when you read in Matthew 24 Mark 13 Luke 21 You'll see that the beginning of sorrows is essentially referring to the first four seals Great tribulation is essentially referring to the fifth seal and we get into that in more details in just a bit But the beginning of sorrows is the first four seals that actually spans over a time period of a thousand two hundred and sixty days Whereas the fifth and sixth seal actually only deal with 75 days, so we often refer to this three and a half year period as Tribulation, but really what it is It's the beginning of sorrows and then great tribulation great tribulation referring to the time where Christians are killed For their faith, that's what it's referring to so that adds up to three and a half years when you look at the tire Timeframe you see that the time period there is seven years three and a half dealing with Tribulation the other three and a half dealing with God's wrath and the reason that's important is because of the fact that a lot of churches Actually characterize those seven years as being seven year tribulation whereas the Bible specifically Tells us that Three and a half of those years are allocated to the tribulation the other three and a half towards God's wrath Being poured on this earth. Okay now before we jump into Revelation 6 going through these seven seals Let me explain the symbolism of the seals and the beast because if you notice in Revelation 6 The seals are being open and then we have the beasts Saying what are the contents of that particular section of the books? What is that talking about? Well go to Revelation chapter 4 real quick And we're just gonna briefly talk about this just to get us give us an understanding of this first and foremost the beasts that are being referred to In Revelation 6 are the beasts that were addressed or talked about in Revelation 4 and 5 Now look at Revelation chapter 4 verse number 6 It says before the throne There was a sea of glass like into crystal and in the midst of the throne and round about the throne were four beasts Full of eyes before and behind and the first beast was like a lion the second beast like a calf The third beast had a face of a man and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle Now the first thing I want to mention is that this is obviously referring to These angelic beings that have this anthropomorphic Appearance to them one is like a lion calf of the man and a flying eagle now Why is it that they look this way? What's the reason for them being represented as such? Well these four beasts Who are angels? Represent the four Gospels Okay Because when you have a beast that looks like a lion that is representative of the book of Matthew That represents Jesus Christ as the king just as the lion is the king of the jungle right then you have the calf which is a beast of burden and the the the gospel of Mark Is a gospel that really focuses in on the works of Jesus Christ the burdens that he bore as a man? laboring in this earth The third beast had a face of a man and when you read the book of Luke You often see that the vast majority of times when Jesus is being addressed or talked about he's talked about as the son of Man, okay, which is why this beast has a face of a man The fourth beast is like a flying eagle Representing the book of John because an eagle flies in the heavenlies and the book of John is the gospel that focuses a lot on eternal life Going to heaven things of that nature. So these four beasts represent the four Gospels. Okay, and Go to Revelation chapter 5 if you would Revelation chapter 5 so you have these four beasts look at verse 1 of chapter 5 He says and I saw on the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside Sealed with seven seals now obviously because we read Revelation 6 we know that this book is Essentially a book telling us about the tribulation the beginning of sorrows, but it's concealed, right? It's not revealed what is it that's gonna take place He says in verse 2 and I saw a strong angel Proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof and no man in heaven nor on Earth neither under the earth was able to open the book neither to look thereon and I wept much This is John speaking because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book neither to look thereon And what are the elders said unto me weep not behold the lion of the tribe of Judah? The root of David hath prevailed to open the book and to loose the seven seals They're up so a couple things here before we move on is that the book that is being opened is obviously the book of the beginning of Sorrows and Great Tribulation. The second thing I want you to notice is that Jesus Christ is the one opening the seals Symbolically representing that the only way to understand these things is through Jesus Christ Okay, Jesus is the only one who's able to peel back the scales of our understanding Enlighten us in order to understand these things now The reason that's important is because you have a lot of people on the internet right now Who try to understand end times prophecy and they're not even saved, right? They try to understand all the the intricacies of end times prophecy Daniel 70th week But when you look at their salvation testimony, they're not saved. They believe in a repent of your sins gospel. It works based salvation Whereas in order to understand the deep things of God the things that are revealed by the Holy Ghost You got to get it through Jesus so just as Jesus is the only one worthy to Peel the seals back in order to reveal the contents of the book in like manner in order for him to for us to understand Anything of the Bible we need to go through Jesus, right? Because he is the way the truth and the life he enlightens us obviously via the Holy Spirit Etc. So Jesus Christ is opening the seals through Jesus We have understanding of these things the Beast represent the four Gospels and they are the ones proclaiming the contents of the book in other words This actually symbolizes the fact that in order to really understand the book of Revelation and specifically the tribulation We have to reference those four Gospels So in order to gain a plenary holistic understanding of the tribulation We should reference the four beasts and who do the four beasts represent the four Gospels We've got a reference Matthew 24 mark 13 Luke 21. He said what about the book of John? Well, the book of John is written by John Who's writing the book of Revelation and thereby we gain understanding of end times because of that? Okay Now go to chapter 6 if you would chapter 6 Let me give you a couple things first Still by way of introduction in order to help us to understand this when you read Revelation 6 Obviously you have these these seven seals Six that are mentioned in particular in chapter 6 four of which are probably the most widely known Amongst just everyone. Okay And in fact a lot of the times people refer to these as the four horsemen of the apocalypse Right you guys ever heard that phrase used before the four horsemen of the apocalypse now you kind of wonder like why is it? that these four seals, you know are kind of Addressed as or described as these four horsemen. What is what is the deal with that? Well, it's of my opinion that the four horsemen of Revelation are an imitation They're actually a counterfeit to the four Gospels. Okay, and I'm gonna explain to you why that is But first and foremost, let me just say that when you read the book of Revelation You see that a lot of what Satan the Antichrist and the false prophet are doing are actually Counterfeits of what Jesus Christ is gonna do Okay And so that kind of gives you an understanding of what the Antichrist is gonna do because he's not original Satan is not original. They essentially they're biters as they used to say back in the day. Okay, they're copycats They are giving you a counterfeit an imitation of the real deal And in fact think about this, you know, we have what's known as the Trinity, right? The Trinity is referring to God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit Okay, well Satan also has this counterfeit Trinity unholy Trinity that represents himself you say how so well Satan Would obviously be an imitation of God, right? He wanted to go and be like the most high The Bible calls them the god of this world who had blinded the minds of them which believed not Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ should shine unto them He obviously wants to be like God right and the Bible calls him the God Lowercase G of this world. He is the first person of this unholy Trinity The second person person of this unholy Trinity would be who the Antichrist because anti literally means in the place of Christ He is coming to imitate Jesus Christ. He is coming to impersonate Jesus Christ He would be that second person of the unholy Trinity The third person would be who the false prophet Now go to Revelation chapter 13 if you wouldn't because I want to I want to show you this real quick the false prophet is Impersonating the Holy Spirit now obviously we can also make application that he is kind of like John the Baptist Because he is essentially the forerunner of the Antichrist preparing the way for the Antichrist but when we look at how Satan is impersonating even the Trinity the Godhead We see that the false prophet does fit the description as trying to impersonate the Holy Spirit now How so well think about this look at Revelation chapter 13 and verse 12 It says in the exercise if this is referring to the false prophet all the power of the first beast before him and Causeth the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the first beast so the first thing I want you to notice is that he has all power or the same power as The first beast referring to the Antichrist so the Antichrist and the false prophet kind of have the same power Just as Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit also have the same power right because they're both God and it says there He exercises all the power of the first beast before him and causes the earth and them to which dwell therein To worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed So what is the false prophets responsibility to push everyone to? Worshipping the Antichrist and what is the ministry of the Holy Spirit ministry of the Holy Spirit? It's to point everyone to Jesus Christ. He shall testify of me the Bible says right so the Holy Spirit Testifies of Jesus Christ and in like man of the false prophet testifies of the Antichrist Look at verse 13, and he doeth great wonders So that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men So somehow he has this supernatural capability of bringing down literal fire In the sight of men to essentially confirm to destroy people, but also just to confirm his so-called Supernatural deity right we obviously know he's a he's a false prophet He said well, how does this match up with what the Holy Spirit does well the Bible talks about in Acts chapter 2? that at the day of Pentecost You have the Holy Ghost coming upon the disciples and the Bible says that there appeared unto them cloven tongues Listen to this like as a fire So the Holy Spirit is often You know described as symbolically representing fire coming down upon the believers to give them cloven tongues Divided tongues in order to speak different languages, so you see the similarities there the parallels there between the Holy Spirit And the false prophet not only that but the Bible also says in verse 15 of Revelation 13 look at verse 15 That he had power To give life unto the image of the beast That the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast Should be killed now. How does this how is this an imitation of the Holy Spirit well? Just as the false prophet is able to give life unto the beast in like man if the Holy Spirit regenerates the person Quickens your mortal body right the Bible says not by works of righteousness Which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing and regeneration Renewing of the Holy Ghost he quickens our dead spirit when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and in like manner The antithesis to that would be that the false prophet does the same to? The the image of the beast not only that but we see that the false prophet Institutes what the mark of the beast and what does the mark of the beast do it seals people unto damnation? Once someone is sealed with the mark of the beast they're damned eternally they cannot be saved right well in like manner What does the Holy Spirit do once we believe on Jesus Christ once we worship God right Jesus Christ? We're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption. So you see the similarities there how the How Satan the Antichrist the false prophet are a counterfeit they're an imitation of The real thing so just keep that in mind when you're reading through the book of Revelation And you see some of these things you'll obviously see it'll make more sense to you when you realize what they're doing This is obviously an imitation now the reason I want to say that as well is because the seals are an imitation To or what's happening within the seals is an imitation of the Gospels, okay? So let's look at the first seal here Revelation chapter 6 in verse number 1 It says here and I saw the lamb Opened one of the seals and I heard as it were the noise of thunder and one of the four beasts saying Come and see so this is that beast that is like a lion and who does the lion represent the book of Matthew, okay? So he's saying come and see look at the contents of the book verse 2 says and I saw and behold a white horse And he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer So this first seal represents the Antichrist riding on a white horse, and he's given a crown meaning that he's some sort of monarch He's a king. He's a ruler well if this first seal is If the first seal is representative of the book of Matthew the book of Matthew represents Jesus Christ as a king Therefore the Antichrist also is trying to represent himself as a king now You know what's interesting about this is the fact that we know for a fact that this is the Antichrist It's being addressed here in the first seal because when you read about Jesus Christ coming in Revelation chapter 19 He's coming on a what on a white horse and he's coming with what with crowns, right? And what is he coming to do conquer? So It should be come as no surprise That the Antichrist would come first in order to bring deception Also on a white horse with the crown upon his head in order to establish a millennial reign. No the New World Order To establish his own kingdom So we see that the first seal which is the white horse is representative of the Antichrist going forth conquering into conquer the first seal is Represented represented by or is the antithesis the counterfeit of the book of Matthew that portrays Jesus Christ as a king Okay, so the Antichrist will imitate his coming okay, and By the way, when Jesus Christ came he was killed right and then he rose again the third day well when we see the office The the office of the Antichrist we see that he comes He is crowned a king and we also see that he receives a deadly wound to the head and his deadly wound is healed Now, I don't think it's preposterous to say that it's possible that he's dead for about three days and three nights Why because if he's trying to imitate Jesus Christ, he's obviously gonna seek to imitate even the divine resurrection But obviously he's not being resurrected divinely by God Satan possesses his body and that's how he ends up becoming the son of perdition. Okay So he imitates his coming He imitates the crown his kingship. He imitates his conquest Because what does he do when he comes he makes war with the Saints and he overcomes them and when you read Revelation 19 What does Jesus Christ do he comes and he whoops the Antichrist whoops the false prophets and he subjects the world under his kingdom Okay, and as I mentioned he does also imitate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ This is why it's important to completely reject the pre-tribulation rapture Because it's a nonsensical doctrine that really in essence is preparing people for the Antichrist not Jesus Christ Because the pre-trib rapture teaches that Christians aren't going to go through tribulation that Jesus Christ can come in any moment You know, they teach the imminency of Jesus Christ But when you read the Bible you see the only imminent coming is that of the Antichrist not Jesus Christ, okay Very important now look at verse three. So that's the first seal white horse Representing the Antichrist the antithesis to that is the book of Matthew The second horse here look at verse three. It says when he had opened the second seal I heard the second beast say come and see and there went out another horse that was red and Power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth and that they should kill one another and there was Given unto him a great sword So during this what's known as the beginning of sorrows you have this unknown assailant Right this unknown guy as the Antichrist He's given a crown but he's not necessarily crowned the king as of yet Just like when Jesus Christ came, you know, they try to make him a king But he didn't allow them to take him right because it wasn't his time yet Well, like man is gonna be the same thing with the Antichrist the second seal that's open opens the door to the red horse Which represents warfare? Kingdom against Kingdom nation against nation. This is going to create a very Unstable world at this particular time because a lot of people are gonna die a lot of warfare is taking place Peace is being removed from the earth during this time because nations are fighting against nation So what I want you to understand here is that the second seal? Represents warfare. Well, what gospel does this represent as well? What is an imitation? What gospel is that imitation of well the book of Mark how so well the book of Mark? primarily deals with Spiritual warfare and in fact right off the bat in chapter 1 You have Jesus Christ being driven into the spirit to be tempted of the devil when he comes out of the wilderness He's going through and he's casting out unclean spirits in verse 23 He's rebuking the fever from his mother-in-law in the same chapter the very first chapter you come across Jesus Christ Involving himself in spiritual warfare just as we see with the second seal with the red horse Now let me just pause here by saying that I do believe that each of these seals Represent events, but they also represent a person. Okay Meaning that I do believe that the four horsemen of the apocalypse are just that they're actually men Who will exist in the end times? Say meaning that there is a man riding on the red horse There is a man riding on the black horse. There is a man riding on the pale horse So why would you come to that conclusion? Well, the first horse is a white horse and there's a man riding on that horse and that man is a legitimate person known as The Antichrist so these other three that are riding with the Antichrist are essentially pawns or tools to create chaos in order to prepare people for the mark of the beast and The abomination of desolation because these four seals these four horsemen are made or they're creating a very chaotic world Whereby Everyone's gonna look to the Antichrist for answers Okay They're gonna look to him for salvation for deliverance and he's gonna provide it for them Albeit in a very fake way through the mark of the beast. Okay, and the abomination of desolation Look at verse number five. Let's look at the third seal here Third seal is a black horse It says in verse five and when they had opened the third seal I heard the third be say come and see and I behold the law a black horse and he that said on him had a pair of balances in his hand and I heard a voice in the midst of the four be say a Measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine So what is this referring to literally? Well when you have excuse when you have warfare taking place Inflation goes up and when you have inflation going up you have a measure of wheat for a penny three measures of barley for a penny You have essentially famine taking place. Okay, because when inflation is extremely high you can't purchase food People are gonna be starving so you have the conquest of the Antichrist you have warfare that results in people dying and the result of warfare is Famine and pestilence. Okay, because the result of warfare is people dying. There's diseases because of the corpses etc I'm not trying to get graphic here But obviously the main thrust of the third seal is that there is famine in the land So the first seal represents the book of Matthew or Should I say is the counterfeit of the book of Matthew? The second seal is the counterfeit of the book of Mark The third seal is a counterfeit of the book of Luke So how so well if the third seal is talking about famine people starving What's interesting here is that the book of Luke is the only gospel that records famine in the days of Elijah That is actually prophetic of end times So the book of Luke is the one gospel that actually kind of calls back to The famine in the days of Elijah which lasted for how long three and a half years Okay, which is how long the tribulation the beginning of sorrows lasts for it's the only gospel that records that particular story of Elijah Which is prophetic of end times Bible prophecy, okay Now go to Revelation chapter 12 if you would Revelation chapter 12, I know this is exciting stuff I know you just love hearing this. I know you're just dying to hear more of this and I'm gonna give you more. Don't worry Revelation chapter 12 Look at Revelation chapter 12 now Revelation chapter 12 is probably one of the most enigmatic Hard to understand chapters in the entire book of Revelation. Okay, probably aside from chapter 10. It's very difficult chapter to understand. It's very Symbolic there's a lot of symbolism and it can be hard to decipher what it's referring to specifically But we do get a little couple pictures here when we compare scripture with scripture Look at verse 3 there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon obviously we know that's Satan having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head and His tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth These stars are representative of demons fallen angels, right? It says in the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child As soon as it was born, so the woman that's being talked about here people could say it's referring to Mary People could say that it's referring to one of the Old Testament patriarchs wives But really what I believe it's possibly referring to is just all of them But more specifically Eve because Eve is the mother of all living Okay, and it says here that Eve is ready to deliver her child and obviously the child is who is Jesus Christ And yes, Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, but we could also say that Jesus because he's the son of man You know, his great-great-great-grandmother is Eve because she's the mother of us all okay So it's given the symbolism here that the dragon wants to devour this child Jesus Christ When he when he is delivered and when did this literally take place one when Jesus Christ was born Herod sought to devour and destroy Jesus Christ, right? He is essentially like a devil He's like that red dragon that sought to kill Jesus verse 5 says and she brought forth a man child Who was to rule all nations with the rod of iron? That's an indicator that's referring to Jesus and her child was caught up unto God and to his throne so it's obviously giving us a very Streamlined Verse here regarding the fact that he came into his world He died was buried to resurrect him and he ascended to be on the right hand of God look at verse 6 and the woman Fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared of God that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and three Score days this is referring to the fact that this woman is in the wilderness for a thousand two hundred and sixty days Now when you do the math in regards to enzymes prophecy you see that this actually takes place at the beginning of the beginning of sorrows all the way up until the abomination of desolation That's literally a thousand two hundred and sixty days. So this isn't a literal woman going into the wilderness. This is actually picturing Believers going into the wilderness into tribulation, which is what wilderness represents in the Bible Okay is tribulation they're going into tribulation for a thousand two hundred and Sixty days now turn with you if you would hold your place from Revelation go to first Kings chapter 17 first Kings chapter 17 As you're turning I'm gonna read to you from the book of Luke Which is the gospel? That the third seal is imitating, okay The book of Luke chapter 4 verse 23 you're going to first Kings 17 I'm reading to you from Luke chapter 4 verse 23 says and he said unto them Ye will surely say unto me this proverb physician heal thyself Whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum do also here in thy country And he said verily verily I say unto you no prophet is accepted in his own country But I tell you of a truth many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias referring to Elijah When the heaven was shut up three score and six months three and a half years When great famine was throughout all the land But unto none of them was Elias sent save unto Sarepta a city of Sidon unto a woman That was a widow okay, so keep that in mind. He's saying that Elias was sent to this woman and During the days of famine okay keep that in mind, and I know I'm trying to get you to remember a lot here But it'll all come together in just a moment. Okay. Keep in mind what the third seal is what is it? It's pestilence and famine okay? What is the book of Luke talk about here famine? It's the only gospel that records this particular story look at first Kings 17 in verse number 8 It says in the word of the Lord came unto him saying arise get thee to Zarephath which belongeth to Zidane and dwell there and behold I have commanded a woman a widow woman there to sustain thee So he arose and went to Zarephath and when he came to the gate of the city behold the the widow woman Was there gathering of sticks and he called to her and said fetch me I pray thee a little water in a vessel that I may drink now. It's funny. You know there's a famine going on And then you know Elijah comes. He's like hey. Give me. I'm thirsty go. Give me some water, okay, and As she was going to fetch it he called her and said bring me. I pray thee a morsel of bread of night So he's like oh by the way maybe some food too, okay, man, we got a lot of faith Cuz you know there's a famine he's not even taking into consideration like hey, there's no food. There's no water He's like go get me water, and I'm hungry to make me make me a sandwich Verse 12 and she said as the Lord thy God liveth I have not a cake But a handful of meal in a barrel and a little oil in a cruise and behold I am gathering two sticks That I may go in and dress it for me and my son till we may eat it to die It's like whoa This is like serious stuff Let's look at the compassion of Elijah verse 13 Elijah senator if you're not go and do as thou has said But make me thereof a little cake first and bring it up to me and after him make for thee and for thy son So he's like that's cool. Just do whatever this is that you're gonna do right now, but don't forget the cake though I'm still hungry, so if you can just do that for me first, and then you know then do as thou has said or whatever I mean talk about a prophet And she's probably like okay. He didn't you know maybe some wise feel the same way. You're like. He's just not nice at all Says verse 14 for thus saith the Lord God of Israel the barrel of meat shall not waste Neither shall the cruise of oil fail Until the day that the Lord sent rain upon the earth Now did you catch that? He says do this Why because the barrel of meal shall not waste neither shall the cruise of what oil? fail Until the day the Lord sent its rain upon the earth now When did rain come upon the earth three and a half years in and what did the third seal say hurt? not thou the oil and The wine so even though there's famine During the end times and yeah measure of wheat for a penny three measures of barley for a penny the Lord is saying Hurt not thou the oil and the wine why because he's gonna use the oil in the wine to help his people okay, and This is why I'm not for prepping I'm not a prepper, and you know what I don't think God wants us to be preppers either Because I want him to miraculously provide for me. You know hopefully in the tribulation I can find a widow And just be like what you got. She's I only got masa for one tamale All's like good enough for me make that first and then go and do as I said I'm just step out in faith. Hopefully the Lord provides the remainder of the masa He says the barrel of meal wasted not verse 16 neither did the cruise of oil fail According to the word of the Lord which he spake by Elijah, so you can see how this is Connected to the third seal that black horse because it's represents famine and pestilence The book of Luke talks about the famine of days of Elijah and First Kings chapter 17 recorded the story of Elijah records the fact that the oil did not fail What is it showing us half faith in God? They gotta provide the oil for you Doesn't matter what now these next four years are gonna be the best four years Economically and Trump is gonna save us and all that stuff. I know that how you guys think You know there's gonna be plenty of oil to go around playing oil and wine to go around for everyone Okay, you know we're we're not under Liberals anymore, and they're all pulling out their hair and shaving off their heads and abstaining abstaining from fornication And an abortion or a committing abortion. They're like we're not gonna have babies. You don't have babies anyways We're not gonna commit fornication. No one wants to fornicate with you It's like these these fat ugly diets are like we're not gonna farting we're gonna abstain for men they're gonna abstain from you, too The Point that I'm making here is that obviously the connections that we see here the connections that we see here I have to get that off my chest the connections that we see here is the cruise of oil not failing Because see thou hurt not the oil and the wine okay, and so What this passage is teaching us regarding the tribulation because again? That's the three and a half years, and isn't it interesting that the book of Luke? Represents this story here That is synonymous. What will we see in? The third seal and it's talking about Elijah and Elijah is one of the two prophets one of the two witnesses That shall return in the end times as well, and he's also gonna cause it not to rain I mean the thing is deep my friends. There's all kinds of connections I'm just like whoa you know there's a lot going on Elijah is very much involved He's involved in helping people to understand the prophetic Occurrences that will happen one day in first Kings 17, but he's literally gonna be there in presence You know in end times Bible prophecy But the point is here is that God wants us to depend upon him to provide the oil so why well I don't cook so I don't really know I just know oil is needed for cooking or something you know My wife uses it for something. I know that we use it, but it's necessary, okay Let me read you from Luke chapter 12 verse 29 This is a passage a chapter dealing with the end times dealing with tribulation And he says in verse 29 seek not ye what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink Neither be ye of a doubtful mind For all these things do the nations of the world seek after which is why they're gonna take the mark of the beast because why are they taking the mark of the beast so they can buy and sell and Your father know what the ye have need of these things But rather seek ye the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you Fear not little flock for it is your father's good pleasure To give you the kingdom sell they have give alms provide yourselves bags Which wax not old a treasure in heaven that faileth not? Where where no thief approach it neither moth corrupted for where your treasure is there where your heart be also Now what is the point here the point is this? Depend on God you know I don't believe God wants you to store tons of food during the tribulation in your attic or something I think what he wants you to concern yourself with is getting people saving preaching the Word of God Okay, you know I'm just gonna assume that if I go through if the tribulation happens in my time. I'm just gonna fast Okay, and you know I'll try to eat my last double cheeseburger or something you know last chicken McNuggets And then I just go off of that But I believe wholeheartedly that God will provide for our needs during that time and here's the thing if my body wastes away during that Time so be I'm getting to resurrect the body anyways You know you might as well drive that thing to the ground Just burn out serving God because you're about to get a new body anyways So it's important to go back to your revelation chapter 6. Hope that made sense to everyone Let's review real quick first seals the white horse representing the Antichrist a Counterfeit of the book of Matthew because Jesus Christ is representing the book of Matthew as the king Just as the Antichrist is given a crown. He's going forth conquering into conqueror the second seal represents the red horse, which is warfare Representing or being a counterfeit of the book of Mark because the book of Mark primarily focuses on spiritual warfare the third seal is the black horse that represents pestilence and famine which is a Counterfeit of the book of Luke that records the only story of famine by Elijah in first Kings 17 that is prophetic of antines Bible prophecy look at the fourth seal Says in verse 7 and when he had opened the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth be say come and see and I looked and behold the pale horse and his name that sat on him was death and hell followed with him and power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with hunger and with death and With the beasts of the earth so the fourth seal which is the pale horse represents death and hell and What is this a counterfeit of it's obviously the book of John? Why because the book of John? Emphasizes heaven and everlasting life I mean that is the book that talks about believing on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation Over and over and over and over again So that's obviously a counterfeit an imitation of the book of John the fourth seal Now let me just stop here and talk about this real quick before we move on to the fifth seal these first four seals I believe are Purposely Placed there or constructed by the Antichrist in the New World Order Okay, because what I believe he's doing here is he's creating a world whereby a problem It occurs a major world global Problem happens and it's causing people to look for the answer. Okay, and I believe specifically that the famine and the pestilence Opens the door because of the inflation to the mark of the beast that he's gonna Institute and you know The reason the market the Antichrist rolls out the mark of the beast or the reason that he tells the world he's rolling out The mark of the beast is to provide for them, right? It provides people with the opposite with the opportunity to buy and sell everything resets There's a one world currency this instituted through this mark of the beast. You don't have to do worry about cash You don't have to worry about cards, you know, and obviously we're already moving towards that I mean, you know our phones we could just look at something and just buy it Apparently you could head into an Amazon store and just put things in your basket and just charges your thing I mean, it's like literally so convenient, right? So like 50 years ago people were like, oh man, you know, it's the end of the world because of all this stuff But here we are with New World Order technology in the end is not even here yet And let me just make myself very clear. I'm all for New World Order technology It's the best I mean people are like no don't get that iPhone. It's gonna scan your face. They already have your face You're if you're born here, dude, they got a number for you They have you they know you you know, so you might as well just enjoy the technology Yeah, but you know if they you know, what if I start paying with my phone if you start paying with your phone You don't have to deal with some clerk who has a bad day or something He said why are you so for New World Order technology because I'm saved and It can't damn me to hell mark of the beast will damn a person to hell if they're not saved and I'm not gonna be able to take the mark of the Beast because the prerequisite or the condition to take the mark of the beast is you have to worship the beast and no Bible Believing Christian can call Jesus a curse They're not gonna be able to just say well, you know, I don't believe on the Lord Jesus Christ And obviously it's probably gonna be technology in those days Whereby they're able to kind of read your mind or put something on the screen or something and say oh you lied You're a Bible believing Christian off with his head or something. Okay, and So, you know he is so here's the thing is that sometimes people freak out when something new is rolled out You know, oh a chip in your right hand or something. Oh, man. We're here. This is the end times But no, it's not. Okay. Now I personally would love to have the end times happen in my lifetime Preferably like now while I'm young so I can like run real fast and you know I'm still able-bodied and stuff and you know But it's probably not gonna happen in my lifetime as much as I would like for it. I'm a fatalist So I'm just like, you know or as they used to say, you know an acceleration is we just want it to just happen already But let me explain something why it's probably not gonna happen at least within the next couple years, okay Because people read this stuff in the book of Revelation about the mark of the beast the one world order You know all these things and they're just like, oh man, we really got to watch out for this stuff So if a technology is rolled out, it's like oh, this is it. This is it but what people don't seem to understand is that the reason it's so easily rolled out and Accepted globally in the book of Revelation is because it's already a common practice in technology in their days It's already something that has already, you know people are already using I promise you That by the time the mark of the beast is rolled out chips are already going into the right hand into the forehead for other things Guaranteed Promise you is that that's how it's gonna be because think about this if they just if during this time They roll that out people gonna be whoa. I read about this in Revelation. Hold on a second. This is not good But what if you've had a couple, you know a couple decades of false flags by Christians Who are constantly saying, you know, something's rolled. I was like, oh, it's the end of the world Trump is the Antichrist He received a deadly wound to the head as the other one is healed You laugh but that's what people are saying You have a couple decades of that nonsense You're gonna have a world that says where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continues the Word from the beginning of the creation you Christians have always been saying that the world was gonna end You've always been and it never happens So put it in my right hand and my forehead because we've been doing this for a long time and nothing ever happens That's how it works Okay so this technology These practices have to be normalized in society first Okay, that's why everyone's like, oh, yeah put it right put it right next to this other chip that I have for Netflix Sir, you know or for my Tesla here if you could fit it right there next to my Tesla You know chip or next to my whatever, you know, my neural link if you can put it right next to my neural link You know, I just got a new subscription, you know, whatever To them. It'll just be like a just another chip in the hand It's not like the chip is just rolled out. The mark is just rolled out. They just hear about it then no It's already normalized at this point. Okay, all that's needed is a global crisis To help people take the mark of the beast and what motivates them to switch over to this one world currency They need something supernatural They need something to supernaturally occur to give that one man the credentials of being possibly God Which is why? When the Antichrist dies and he comes back to life The Bible says the world wonders after the Beast who is able to make war with him. Why do you say that? Well, because someone shot him in the head. He's been dead for three days and he came back to life Who's gonna make war with him? He's invincible and Then he comes out and says we'll take this and we'll reset the whole thing and you can have your subscriptions You can watch your Netflix you can buy and sell, you know inflation will go down Everything's gonna be great and people are like, oh I love this guy You're like is our people really gonna do that. Well, let me ask you this do people worship Trump right now And he's not even the Antichrist But I promise you people worship Trump today. I Mean someone was telling me someone who violated the the no media November. I'm just kidding so I was telling me that like once Trump was like Elected they went through the comment section and they saw like a comment word or like as soon as I heard he was elected I ran it. I burst into my son's bedroom. I hugged him and I said Some of you in here like I did the same thing That's cringe What is that? but if they're doing that to a man who's not divine imagine to a man who Proves his divinity by coming back to life, right? You know where he's able to do all these great signs and wonders and deceive the world through these avenues Oh It's just gonna give them that much more Credibility and people are just gonna buy into them because they don't have to buy into the mark of the beast They have to buy into them the beast And once they buy into the beast they'll do whatever the Beast asks them to do You understand what I'm saying? So it's not like you know The market was rolled out and it's just like pleased to see your papers and people are like No, I want to take the mark or whatever people want to take the mark during this time This is something that is widely accepted in the end times right now people are like no no way no way You know, no, I don't want that. I don't want that in my skin I don't want that in my forehead but in the end times though people are like, oh, yeah, bring it I want it for sure So the first four seals the first the four horsemen of the apocalypse The events that happened there are used as a springboard For the mark of the beast and the abomination of desolation in order to roll out the New World Order that make sense everyone Look at verse 9. We're almost done here. Look at the fifth seal. So after all these because once this happens Pestilence inflation the mark of the beast is rolled out the abomination of desolation happens The Antichrist has already come back to life He goes into the temple of God proclaiming himself to be God It says in verse 9 and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony Which they held and they cried with a lot of voice saying how long the Lord holy and true Does thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth now the next thing I want to mention here By the way, the the counterfeits regarding the Gospels finishes obviously after the fourth seal the fifth seal is the killing martyrdom of Christians and obviously Revelation 6 is kind of leaving out some details that is given later on in Revelation 13, but also in Matthew chapter 10 Matthew 24 mark 13 talking about the tribulation how Christians will be killed for their faith, right and This passage here is strong proof that God is not the one responsible for the tribulation Why because there's first of all a strong proof that Christians are still there during the tribulation Because it's after the fifth seal the Christians are killed and they're found under the altar. It's like what are you guys doing here? How'd you guys just get here? You guys miss the first train or something? You know the rapture took place in Revelation 4 no Christians are all there throughout the tribulation Okay, and they're being killed during this time But it's also proof that God is not the one responsible for the tribulation because they're asking God When are you gonna judge these people who are on the earth for what they did to us? Showing us conclusively that God is not responsible for any of that This the beginning of sorrows is man-made is what I'm saying. Not God made So Christians are being killed at this point for the testimony, which they held Verse 11 says white robes were given unto every one of them Which by the way represents salvation and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season Until their fellow servants also and their brethren that should be killed as they were should be Fulfilled so during this time a lot of Christians are dying. They're dying for their faith. They're allowing themselves to be killed In order to be a testimony Which by the way martyr in the Bible actually means? Testimony. Okay means what means witness. So if you're testifying of Jesus Christ if you're preaching the gospel Scripturally you're actually a martyr because you die to self in order to do those things, right? But that's what martyr literally means. It means witness look at verse 12 He said well, how do they how does the Antichrist find Christians can some 10 people just fake it Well, that's the thing Is that the mark of the beast is rolled out under the guise of helping the world throughout him for the inflation that's taking Place but the main purpose behind it is to identify Christians Because Christians are the only ones who can't take the mark of the beast now mainstream Christians are not saved They're gonna take it to them. It's just like oy vey. This is the you know Savior. This is the this is the guy Okay So a lot of these liberal churches these liberal fund centers these pre trippers who don't have the right salvation They're gonna bite into this thing hook lying in the sinker and they will take the mark of the beast And obviously if you have these mega churches Who a pastor is not saved I mean, he's gonna be able to rally his entire church to go to the mark of the Beast Center and You know go worship the Beast real quick. You say can they really do that? folks if they're if they're blowing us so far in their church and They're like worshiping the Jews folks It's not gonna be hard for to get them to just go and worship the Beast and make them believe that The Antichrist is God. Obviously, he's not look at verse 12 Here's the sixth the sixth seal It says that I beheld and when he had opened the sixth seal and lo There was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth of hair and the moon became as blood And the stars of heaven fell into the earth Even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind I want you to notice this in the earth excuse me, and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together and every mountain and island were moved out of Their places So up until this point Seal one through seal five are the doings of the Antichrist and his structure his New World Order The sixth seal is actually God performing this Celestial supernatural occurrence to essentially introduce himself into this world. Okay Now when you read this, it's very easy to see That the pre-trib rapture is such a cheap rapture Because the preacher rapture is what a seeker rapture You know, it's like a scared Jesus who comes and just takes you he doesn't want to make it. He's very shy You know, he just you don't see him. It's an invisible rapture your clothes just fall, you know, and you don't really see him whereas the biblical rapture is that every eye shall see him and How is that well obviously we can say practically through social media I mean people get in a fight in the streets and just instead of someone helping a bunch of phones come out, right? You know, someone dies phones come out Super nasty car accident where people dies like phones out Saying that's what everyone does just brings their phone out, right? So you can see if something like this happens phones out they're just you know, they're just gonna record everything and You know just publish it through social media But also the reason God is doing this is because he's he's essentially rolling out the red carpet for himself If the Sun and Moon are being darkened the heavenly bodies are being darkened He's coming out. It says that heaven is departing as a scroll That's a pretty awesome entrance there Because he's essentially tearing the fabric of that which is eternal to come into that which is physical So it's like in the Bible describes it in Matthew 24 as lightning You know goes from one end to the other and I believe that's referring to the tear From the supernatural to the physicals like God is opening up the heaven and he's descending upon a cloud Okay, and I'm sure that during this time everyone just stops because nothing's ever happened like that before You know the heavens departing as a scroll and then a man descends in a cloud I mean that is an awesome sight and by the way, let me just say this is that I don't believe he's descending like I Don't think he's looking all game faggoty, you know, just like You know The Bible actually says he's coming angrily His eyes are a flame of fire So, how do you know? Well, we'll see in just a little bit that everyone's scared Look what it says in verse 15 that the kings of the earth and the great men, you know, all these people in Hollywood Politicians leaders and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman and every freeman hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and Said to the mountains and rocks Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamp So what are they saying it's better for the mountain to just fall on me that they have to deal with him That's that's how terrifying the sight of the Lord. Jesus Christ will be when he comes He's not like hey guys, I'm real You know, I believe he's descending and it's essentially an act of war Like he's like I'm gonna destroy all of you. You're all gonna get it because when he first came he came humbly Right, he came humbly he came to seek and to save that which is lost 2,000 plus years later. Oh, he's coming back with the vengeance and He's not coming lowly anymore. He is lowly, but he's not coming lowly. He's coming to make war Which is why everything shaking there's earthquakes the blood and the moon are being darkened like sackcloth of hair It says, you know the stars of heaven are falling so as he's descending all types of meteors are flying through the sky They're destroying buildings. I mean a lot of chaos here and It's of my personal opinion that when he descends It's not like a quick one. It's not like he's like And everyone's gone like whoa. I believe he's probably in the sky for quite some time You say why well number one You know, it takes time for people to go hide in the dens and the rocks of the mountains Okay Number two the Bible says that those who are dead in Christ shall rise first You guys understand what that means means every single dead person physically from the beginning of time Until the time that Jesus Christ returns are coming out of the earth graves the earth Bodies are just flying all over the place Now that's a terrifying sight Okay, babies Millions of babies that are aborted every single month or every single month every single year You know obviously, you know Abel's like the first one, you know, his body comes out. He's the first one to be murdered He was a believer But just think about that for thousands of years everyone who's believed and was saved or they're coming out of the grave And this is why Luke 21 says that men's hearts are failing them for fear, you know, that means it means they're having a heart attack Because you're seeing all these bodies fly through the air and they're just like and they're just they die So that's the first part. So he's up there the trumpet blows and then it's Just like waves and waves of bodies just flying through the air and aside from that Jesus Christ is not descending alone Who's there everyone who's in heaven to meet their bodies in the air to receive that transfigured body? This is what's known as the resurrection because the rapture is synonymous with the resurrection everyone catching this. Okay Trying to trying to help you see this, okay So all the believers are in heaven their bodies are coming up. They're being transfigured midair Okay, so, you know make sure you get buried in a nice suit or something. You want to come out of style a man But it's not over yet. That's part one Because it says that the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we would try our live and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds So, you know all these bodies are flying out and I'm like, we're almost there It's almost our turn and then once the last body goes up then we go up Whoever makes it to the very end, by the way, you know Whoever is it whoever whoever is able to endure into the end then you just fly up in the air So now you have like all hundreds and hundreds of people who Christians just flying up in the air To meet the transfigured body. That's another terrifying sight and you know again I wish it would happen in my lifetime because I would love to experience that and I've said this before, you know, I would love for my head to just get chopped off during the tribulation Hear me out Hear me out. I would love for my head to get chopped off My head just flies off and then it's my turn and then it just comes back And it just reattaches my body. I'm just like see ya I'm getting ahead in life, you know, I'm just like that'd be great. I Don't think this happens within a matter of two minutes or something. Does this happen over a long period of time? I don't know how long but obviously, you know, this is big stuff here. Jesus Christ is coming Loudly visibly chaotically It was awesome and You know people it's not like people on earth are just like, you know, it's not like oh man. He does exist That's not what they're saying because everyone knows that Jesus exists They know that he's God and even if they say they don't believe in him, they're lying You Know what they're gonna say, oh man That's what they're gonna say they're gonna be fearful because they know they're gonna get it the time of their look what it says verse 17 for the great day of his wrath is Come and who shall be able to stand, you know, it's funny, you know when the Antichrist act It's like oh man, they wonder after the Beast who's able to make war with the Beast But when Jesus Christ comes it's like who's able to even stand Because everyone's just falling over either of a heart attack or just completely out of fear Begging the mountains to fall upon them because that would be a better fate than falling into the hands of an angry God Let's move on go to chapter 8 and we're done So that's the sixth seal, okay and Chapter 7 we're not gonna read it But chapter 7 essentially talks about the 144,000 the first half is about the 144,000 Which is referring to the 144,000 of Israel of the tribes of Israel Who are coming down as we're going up and are being used as essentially missionaries and evangelists to proclaim the Word of God During the three and a half years of God's wrath because believe it or not You know, God still loves the people who are left behind during that time. That's the real left behind People who are not saved, right? So they're there to preach the gospel and what we can liken these 144,000 They're like the the laborers in the field who are gleaning the the the the corners of the field of the harvests They're kind of getting the remainder of the believers you know preaching the gospel in different areas of the world to get people saved and We know that the rapture is in chapter 7 because it talks about a great multitude which no man can number Well, that's obviously referring to all the believers that have been saved throughout time Here's the last thing look at Revelation 8 verse 1. Here's the opening or the excuse me the seventh seal It says in verse 1 and when he had opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour And I saw the seven angels which stood before God and to them were given seven trumpets and another angel came and stood at the altar Having a golden censer And there was given unto him much incense that he should offer with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar Which was before the throne so a couple things I want to mention here. We're done number one There's a moment of silence before the cave before the wrath comes So this is the only piece the world will experience throughout this whole time. It's just 30 minutes of just Getting ready to just for the greatest onslaught in the history of mankind Okay, which is known as the seven trumpets and seven vials Some of the most terrific things that will ever happen to this world and thank God we're saved Amen, because if it were to happen in our lifetime, it would suck to be here at a time like that So it's 30 minutes prior and then the seven angels are given seven trumpets and Essentially an angel comes stands at the altar and he's pouring he has a golden censer and This sensor essentially has fire that he's gonna cast into the earth. But when you read the chapter you realize that The fire that's being cast into the earth from the the altar of incense is actually the prayers of the Saints This is what's known as imprecatory prayers So he takes the prayers of the Saints and he's just casting him down via the judgment of God upon the earth Okay You say like what? well How about the souls that were under the altar who were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held and they're Saying how long Oh Lord, those are prayers, you know Those are the Saints asking God to avenge them and God's like done and he starts burning up the earth For these imprecatory prayers the point that I'm making there is that that's why it's important for us to pray in precatory prayers You know these Christians out there who obviously don't know the Bible or the book of Psalms They're not taking advantage of that and they're like, well, that's Old Testament. We shouldn't pray in precatory prayers That's funny because Jesus literally said to pray in precatory prayers He gives the example of the unjust judge and the widow and he says men are always to pray not to faint and he gives the example of Avenging ourselves via prayer and then this is what he says at the end of that story He says but shall I find faith on the earth when I come? He's like when I come am I gonna find any Christian actually praying in a precatory prayer? Shall I find that faith in the earth folks? I want to have faith enough that I will I'm and by the way I pray in precatory prayers every single day There's people on my list that I pray for Consistent I pray for you not in purgatory first. I Pray for you, but I got another list and I'm like destroy them may wrath come upon them You know, you're like, well, that's not very loving. Well, here's the good thing, you know, if it's not God's will He's just not gonna do it Right, you just won't do it But if it does happen, that means it was God's will and you know what? I'm gonna be praying in precatory prayers to the end of my life because I want some of my coals to like, you know You know be thrown by the angels down there I want to I want to I want to participate I want to add some of the coals and some of the fire to that judgment of God That's it So those are the seven seals of revelation. I hope you learned something tonight and You know, the biggest thing that you should learn is first and foremost is that God will provide the oil for you Okay, he will provide the oil for you And the second thing that you should take away from this is that don't skip out on your own precatory prayers Amen, have faith. Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word and thank you for The extensive teachings that we see in the Word of God regarding in times and Lord if it happens in our lifetime May we remember these words Lord and keep these things to heart and I pray father God that you'd help us to Go through tribulation even in this lifetime, even if it's not the great tribulation, we're all going to experience some form of tribulation Afflictions in this world and I pray that you help us Lord to maintain and keep the faith and Do that which is pleasing in your sight no matter what happens and Lord May we exercise our faith to offer supplications prayers with Thanksgiving but also the imprecatory prayers Because it's an act of faith knowing full well that you are a just God Who avenges his children and you said Lord vengeance belongeth unto me? I will repay and so we believe that and I pray that you would fulfill that We love you Lord bless the fellowship and all there is in Jesus name. Amen