(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Lord and give us ears to hear over the preaching Lord. We love you and in Jesus name we pray. Amen Amen, all right, we are in Ecclesiastes chapter number 11 tonight. Look down at your Bibles at verse number 4 It says he that observeth the wind shall not sow and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap as thou knowest not What is the way of the Spirit? Nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child Even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all in the morning Sow thy seed and in the evening withhold not thine hand for thou knowest not whether shall or whether shall prosper Either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good and the title determine this evening is take your chances Take your chances. You need to take your chances and I'm getting from Ecclesiastes chapter number 11 it says in the morning Sow thy seed and in the evening withhold not thine hand for thou knowest not whether shall prosper Either this or that or whether they both shall be alike good. What is it saying? You know as Christians we need to make sure that we sow seeds anywhere We possibly can and just take the risk any time it presents itself, right? Anytime there's an opportunity to do something for God to preach the gospel to see someone saved to start a business and maybe earn some income or get a job that could potentially pay you quite a bit of money or Succeed in life or move up take the risk. Take the chance You just never know what might happen right and here the principles This is that sow your seeds everywhere because you never know what might become of that Opportunity that action do you take that risk that you're willing to take go with me if you would take Ecclesiastes chapter number nine Ecclesiastes chapter number nine, you know It is said better to have tried and failed than to have not tried at all and succeed Ain't that true, you know a lot of people they've lived their lives Wanting to try something they're like man. I want to take this risk. I want to step out in faith I want to take my chance, but they're too scared. They're too afraid to do it They're afraid to fail and what happens is they don't try at all and they actually succeed at failing whereas what God wants us to do is Count the cost take the risk and if you want if we fail then we fail But you know the thing is with the Christian is that when we fail we actually learn from that experience we gain wisdom And we actually equip ourselves with more knowledge for the second time that we take another risk And you know what taking risk is just exciting in general It's boring To just try to play it safe all the time and not take a risk and not take a chance and not step out in Faith that's a boring life to live rather than just step out jump off that cliff Just try it do whatever you can and see what happens see where the chips may fall taking chances Should be a way of life for the Christian or without faith It is impossible to please them for he that cometh to God Must believe that he is and he is a reward of them that diligently seek him the Bible says and here's the thing The Christian life just in general is risky It's risky You said why do you say that? Well, here's the thing is that it's risky to go so many That's a risk. I'm not gonna lie to you You know going sowing and going door-to-door or preaching the gospel is a risky thing to do now What are the risks that come with preaching the gospel? Well, I don't know maybe just flat-out rejection You know someone reproaches you or maybe tries to physically harm you Danger could come upon you you can become embarrassed or something, you know, maybe they ask you a question You don't know it's a risk going out there Sony But here's the thing when it comes to obeying God's commands the reward the payout is always much greater than the risk involved But the problem is that Christians think well, no the risk is greater and because the risk is greater I'm not willing to take my chances and go out and just give the gospel to some stranger because who knows what might happen? Yeah, you're right Who knows that person might reject you or they might even get saved and you know what the payout of that individual getting saved and? Having eternal life is better. It's a lot greater than the risk of being embarrassed the payout of Being reproached being cussed at being chased being harmed. Yeah, you know what that that's the or I'm sorry the payout of the reward of getting that person saved is much greater than the reproach that you can receive and That's how we got to view these things, right? So yeah, it is risky to go Sony Hey, it's risky to give your gift the gospel to your family sometimes All right, it can be a risk because you could you could risk offending them Right because they don't want to hear that They're going to hell or you know They wiped your butt when you're a little kid or something like that when you're a baby and it's like how are you being? You're gonna be gonna tell me about spiritual matters you run that risk But you know the payout of getting them saved You know getting them saved and and getting them eternal life and accepting that gift is much greater than that risk Hey the risk to stand for truth, it's pretty big You know believing actually what the Bible teaches is a risk or rather saying what the Bible teaches Comes risks of that. He said what's the risk you get enemies? You get death threats you get people who hate you and you know, some people are not willing to take that risk They say I know that's what the Bible says and I believe it, but I'm not willing to proclaim it I'm not willing to shatter from the housetops. I'm just gonna kind of you know, play it safe I'm not gonna take that risk when someone asks me about it I'm just gonna beat around the bush because I don't really want to talk about that. It's too risky People might even hate me for it But you know what the payout of standing for the truth is much greater than that risk Now, what is the payout you honor God and when you honor God you actually have God's favor and God's hand upon You you know, some people would even say that tithing is risky believe it or not Like oh man given 10% of my gross income, by the way, it's the gross income Given 10% of the gross income like I could use that money for something else But here's the thing the payout of actually tithing is much greater Than the risk you take of giving that 10% you know, what's the risk the risk is this, you know You lose 10% of your income You know what the payout is you gain much more than that you get the windows of heaven heaven open unto you and Blessings that you cannot so much so many blessings that you're just overflowing in your life You get an abundance of blessing for just obeying God in that commandment So yeah, it's risky. But you know, the payout is much greater. Hey, how about this? It's risky to discipline your children, especially in 2020 Right It's risky to like spank your children Why cuz you might get CPS on you? People are gonna criticize you People might call the cops on you People might do this or that they might say oh you guys don't vaccinate your children You know all the you know, it's risky, but you know, the payout is much greater Because what happens when you discipline your children the Bible says that you actually deliver that child's soul from hell That child's life will not be grievous but you know There's a lot of Christians out there that I'm not willing to take that risk and they don't discipline their children and shame on the parents Who are not willing to discipline their children? Okay, if you love your children you the Bible says you'll chastise and beat times early on in their life. You will chastise them Why because the payout is much greater and folks, you know what you need to pay for it immediately Or you're gonna pay for it in the long run When it comes to discipline in your children, you know, you ever run into these bratty adults Like, you know those who are writing and all that stuff and these wicked people who are just doing they just hate authority They hate the government. They hate governors. They don't want to be ruled over by anybody folks These are the children who were not spanked when there are kids That's Fact I guarantee you if you talk to those individuals, none of them are spanked When there are kids and you know what the parents of those children are paying for it now Because those kids are reproach to their parents Those individuals are reproach and an embarrassment to society Why because it's the parents chose not to take the risk of spanking their children Oh, I might like damage them if I spank them, you know, I don't want to I don't want to you know Damage the way of thinking I don't want to damage your body Well, God created a part of the body where you won't damage them Behind your parts. Amen Look obviously there's a wrong way to spank. We're not talking about smacking them across the mouth or something like that You know that would that is a way that some you know parents actually discipline I'm not gonna ask for a raise of hands here But I'm sure quite a bit of hands can be raised and say yeah Like for example when I first got saved and people started talking about swats and spankings. I'm like, what is that? I don't know what that is Like a spank is when you you know, your parents spanks you on the bottom like man. I would have loved to have gotten that That's better than what I got like what you get man, I got hair pulling and keys throwing out man like boxing Hangers and sticks and you know, I learned I learned parkour Before it was popular That's not what we're talking about okay, and by the way, I'm glad I got that at least Amen, because look I know a lot of people who didn't get that and either they're dead or they're in prison Or they're just horrible members of society They didn't get anything Okay, and no I'm not advocating for you to abuse your children obviously, you know to Treat them in that manner obviously that's wrong, you know, there's a proper way to discipline your children. Okay? There's a biblical way to do it. You know, the Bible does say beat Your child and people take that as oh, you're just that's so fine What are you like, but they they they see it as you know, like beat them like with the fist or something Beat simply means to like palpitate to hit the romp. Amen So Anyways, you know, there's a risk that comes with disciplining your children, but the payout is is much greater That's why it's important folks. Hey mom and dad's out there. You better make sure that you're determined to spank your children And you know what? You need to be more determined to spank your children when you feel like it's not working Because let me just say this there's gonna come a season when you feel like spankings are not working Or you're like, I just keep spanking them and it's just not working keep at it be consistent the payout will be greater No, don't do this timeout nonsense Amen don't do this timeout nonsense go sit in the corner go soak in your and your bitterness towards me and think about what you Did and then you know, we'll take away the Xbox We take away the toys and you know, you'll get that if you just behave yourself and repent or whatever doesn't work that way You're just gonna raise a spoiled little brat is what you're gonna do folks Spank your children the Bible commands it Hey, there's a risk that comes with living in a one-income house Right where like the dad is the one who's working. He's paying the bills and you know, the mom is home She's not working out in the secular realm now. Look don't get this confused I'm not saying that a woman can't earn income while she's in the home You understand but when I'm saying this is when we talk about a one-income household, we're referring to the fact that she has one boss Even if she has a business within her house, she has that one boss, which is the husband But you know a lot of people think well this that's kind of risky though. We're in California We need more money, you know to live out here No, we just need to obey God is what we need to do And we might have to lower our standard of living to obey God, but that's okay. That's a risk You should be willing to take Because the payout is much greater. It's better the payout of obeying God is much greater than the risk you take Yeah, but if we do it like that, we're not gonna be able to enjoy all the nice things in life Yeah, well the nice things in life for me are is the fact that my wife doesn't have two bosses. I Consider that to be a really nice thing understand You consider nice things as in possessions, right? Now People claim they think that's a risky thing to do. So therefore what do they do? They send their wives to go work out in the secular world and and have different bosses and you know what? That it's actually more risky If you think about it, what do you run the risk of adultery? All right, you run the risk of adultery you run the risk of losing the respect of your wife no matter how godly she is That's just the risk that you are going to take look you run the risk of causing your wife to be an independent woman It's true It's risky The payout of just doing it God's way. It's much greater than the risks involved Okay, look at Ecclesiastes 9 It says whatsoever thy hand finds to do do it with thy might for there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave whether thou goest I Returned and saw under the Sun that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong Neither yet bred to the wise nor your riches to men of understanding nor yet favored to men of skill But time and chance happeneth to them all so, you know, obviously, you know The Bible teaches us that we have to be at the right place at the right time And there's a prepared place for prepared people. So we need to make sure that we equip ourselves for life, right? But the reality is is that sometimes chance happeneth to them all Sometimes someone who is not as equipped as you gets the opportunity before you do but you don't here's the thing you want to make sure that you're that somebody and When the chance comes when the opportunity comes for you to succeed in life To succeed as a husband as a wife in your job at your place of employment in your business or even in the church Take that risk Too many people are too afraid to just step out in faith and say, you know, I'm gonna try this I'm gonna do it the vast majority of the reasons why people don't go so and it's because they feel like it's too risky They're afraid I'm not gifted enough. I can't how am I gonna speak to people? I'm not that's not my personality How am I gonna do that? Well, here's the thing just take the risk though Because the time will come when no man can work So the Bible says in John chapter 9 the time will come when no man can work and you know, what's gonna happen? You're gonna come to a point in your life or in the life to come when you're gonna regret you didn't take the opportunity and the chance to do so Yeah, there's risks involved obviously But the payout is always greater than the risks that are involved You want to be the one who when the chance comes to you you take it Go to 1st Samuel chapter 14 1st Samuel chapter 14. I'm gonna read to you from Matthew 26. I like what Jesus says here I like what all Jesus says but particularly here He says now when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper There came into him a woman having an alabaster box a very precious ointment and poured it on his head as he sat at me But when his disciples saw they had indignation saying to what purpose is this waste? For this ointment might have been sold for much and given to the poor when Jesus understood it He said unto them why trouble ye the woman for she hath wrought a good work upon me for ye Have the poor always with you, but me ye have not always so what is he saying? Hey, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity And wouldn't you say that is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? I mean how many people throughout history can say hey I purchased a very expensive ointment And I was able to pour it on my Savior's feet No one can say that This woman can though Why because the poor is always there, but you know what he wasn't always gonna be there He was there for a specific time, and you know what the chance was provided and she took the chance It says for in that she had poured the this ointment on my body she did it for my burial Barely I saying to you Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world there shall also this that this woman hath done be told for a memorial of Her so guess what here. We are 2,000 years later talking about this woman honoring her for the work that she did What does that call the payout? You know what the payout of being remembered for all of eternity because now she's written in the Bible is Much greater than the risk that she took for all the money that she spent to buy that ointment So what's that what's what is the principle that we can learn there the principle we can learn is this is that when the opportunity comes Take the risk Take the chance because not opportunities. I'm not always gonna be there Hey single guys Every Once in a while we get visitors at our church Hey single guys wake up Every once in a while you have visitors in our church and some of those visitors are females Single females Right, you know, I'm going with this Look we have a lot of young guys in our church and thank God for that Amen, people always tell me like man you guys got a lot of strong men in your church Got a lot of strong young men in your church zealous men, and I'm just like hey man, but they just take They're like what I'm just like did they just need to take more chances Can I be I can can can I be a father unto you at this moment, please Hey, some of you guys need to just take the chance when a lady comes in our church to go and talk to that lady I'm serious. Hey when girls come to our church You better take the chance because you know if you take the chance and you go talk to her and she likes you You don't you know that the potential of her not coming back because she was offended on my preaching is very small but Hold on a second if they come you don't talk to them and I preach against the faggots and then they get offended Guess what? There goes your chance Right Let me just tell you one of my pet peeves sometimes it's like we have visitors come especially during the fall program and Then you it's like all of the singles you guys just hang out with it with each other. I Just Want to throw a grenade and just like Just disperse them like the Jews, you know, just like scatter them And every once in a while go up to one of the single guys and go shake his hand like what are you doing? What are you doing you're like what give me that what Take the chance But you know a lot of single guys they don't want to take this yes because they're afraid of rejection Like I run the risk of being rejected. Yeah, but here's the thing the payout is much greater though The payout is much greater Single guys when someone comes through these doors and they're available You know or you know, I'm not saying you know, you're gonna know if they're available or not But if they come through these doors go find out Don't say well I run the risk of her already, you know having a boyfriend or something well, you know the payout of knowing Is a lot greater than I'm not knowing because what if you choose not to They don't come back. You're like, oh man, maybe I should have asked now. I'll never know if she was actually single or not Yeah, now you got to live with yourself Yup sucks for you should have asked You should have taken that risk I Want the guys in our church to get married man But you know you could lead a horse to it to water but you can't you can lead a donkey to water But you can't force them to drink. I Had to change the animal there. I don't know if you saw that. I'm just kidding And we try to salt the oats and everything. It's just like it's not happening Guys take the chance and Throw out all of the potential risks. Yeah, you might get rejected. Yeah, she might think you're just as ugly as sin She might just be like just get away from me depart from me, you know, she might diss you and Whatever. It's worth the risk It's worth the risk right Jacob Hey Jacob met his wife out sowing I Mean it wasn't it. She wasn't his wife. Yeah, that would have been really bad She you know Kimberly was that we're out sowing and then you know He got he got her saved and you know what he took the risk and went back and did some follow-up He did some follow-up amen And you know what? Hey, you could have you could have been like like majorly rejected You know, she could have been like this who's this what I'll think he is I'm not interested in white people like No, or she could have just acted like she didn't speak Spanish or English, right Just just cuz she didn't want to talk to Jacob or something. I know I have no English But I don't know I have no English, but you know, he took that risk And here we are. He's married has his first child. They're living happily ever after But he took the risk and you know what the payout is much greater than the potential risks involved He could tell you that pay out is much greater. He's happy. Hey, man The payout is always much greater so single guys this room is just simply for you actually You've inspired this sermon Take the chances when they are presented Because there's gonna come times when when people come through these doors and I'm sure they've come You know, they've come and they've gone and you've regretted not saying something. I Can think of like multiple scenarios what that's happened Literally, and they're just like, oh man, they're leaving. It's like well go Say something what should I say? I'm like Don't you go tell people like strangers like they're going to hell and stuff like that like I Don't understand this How is it? You're so bold with like complete strangers. You're just like going to hell You know get saved and you know, you know your false dog That's a false doctrine, but then when it comes to the female, it's just like you just coward You're just afraid folks fear not I'm Harping on this for a while because I don't want that to happen again You know, I'm looking out for our young man, amen Be bold in the Lord be strong in the Lord and if his power is mine and don't and here's the thing if you're like Well, you know, I'm just not that confident You know, they're just like I'm just not that confident. Yeah, but here's the thing. She doesn't know that Right, I Get you but she doesn't know that So for all she knows you're like this bold confident zealous you're strong in the Lord and the powers might so just fake it till You make it Right She doesn't know that Hey, that's why we're able to win people to Christ who are complete strangers because they don't really know who we are That's why it's easier to win them to the Lord than our own family sometimes right because our own family knows us But as complete strangers, they're just like this man of God is filled with power Well, you know what in like manner Keep that just transition that same advice to like finding a mate, okay And I'm gonna say you have to be like a faker a phony but you know what you can fake it until you make it To be in a strong man or something Don't make excuses make moves don't make excuses Take the risk take the chance. What can happen? She says no. Okay, they move on It's not that bad to get rejected guys you get rejected okay play it off Act like you're getting a phone call and like walk away something So Let me give you examples of people who took their chances look at first Sammy chapter 14 And let me give you some principles behind that number one Take your chances in spite of having the numbers stacked against you You know, this could apply to different areas of in life. Really actually, let's read. Let's read the story first Says in 1st Samuel 14 verse 1 now came to pass upon a day that Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the young man that bears armor come let us go over to the Philistines garrison and That is on the other side But he told not his father and Saul tarried in the uttermost part of part of Gibeah under a pomegranate tree Which is in Megron and the people that were with him were about 600 men Skip down to verse number five it says the forefront of the one was situated northward over against McMash and the southward over against Gibeah and Jonathan said to the young man that bear his armor come let us go over into the garrison of these uncircumcised It may be that the Lord will work for us for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by Few this is a man of faith right here He's got him and his buddy his armor bearer Its opportunity has presented itself to destroy the enemies of God to kind of make a name for themselves To put something under their belt and they're like, you know what? Let's just go There's no restraint to the Lord. He can save by many or by few now. Look is he depending upon himself? No He's not depending upon his skill though. I'm sure he's skilled. He's not depending upon his ability to fight Although I'm sure he can fight who is it depending upon God? He's like there's no restraint unto the Lord to save by many or by few he understands that the battles of the Lord And you know what the odds were stacked against him, but you know what he understood God and I make the majority Right and they're willing to take the chance look at verse number seven his armor bearer sentence him do all that is in thine heart turn Turn they behold I am with thee according to thy heart now. This isn't the sermon but look folks Hey, these are the kind of people you should you should surround yourself with Right surround yourself with people who believe in you Surround yourself with people that say hey you can do it and I'm with you Let's do it Surround yourself with people that exhort you to do great works for God. Don't surround yourself with people who try to tear you down You know people who want to move up in the spiritual ladder so to speak and they only do it by pushing you down You Know hey as a pastor. I need to make sure I keep doing that I don't want pastor friends who are trying to basically rise up in the ranks So to speak by talking trash about my friends or about me right No, I want people I want to be surrounded by people who say you know what I'm with thee Let's do it. I Want people who say I'll be your armor bearer or I can be theirs To Fight the Lord's battles to get people safe to do great works for God These are the kind of people we should surround ourselves with and look these are the kind of people who should be in church Don't discourage people in our church from doing great works for God. Amen Now obviously if someone's being unrealistic Then you should like tell them. Hey, that's a kind of unrealistic goal I'm not saying you can't attain into that, but let's let's try for something else before we get to that point there You understand? But we need people like this armor bearer who says you know what you're right God can help us to succeed we can overcome these people. I'm with you on this He says then said Jonathan behold verse 8 behold We will pass over unto these men and we will discover ourselves unto them if they say thus unto us Terry until we come to You then we will stand still in our place. It will not go up unto them But if they say come unto us come up come up unto us Then will we go up for the Lord hath delivered them into our hand and this shall be a sign unto us So they had a plan They weren't just like oh, you know, we're just gonna blindly go into this war is like, okay. This is the strategy This is what we're gonna do verse 11 and both of them discovered themselves into the garrison of the Philistines and the Philistines says behold the Hebrews come forth out of The holes where they had hid themselves and the men of the garrisons answered Jonathan and his armor Baron said come up to us And we will show you a thing Jonathan said unto his armor bearer come up after me for the Lord had delivered them into the hand of Israel and Jonathan climbed up upon the upon his hands and upon his feet and his armor bearer after him and they fell before Jonathan and his armor bearer slew after him. So what do they do? They start kicking some butt Him and his armor bearer How because God was with them God was with them. He was not restrained He was able to slay these people with a few You know what? We see today or even in the Bible is that God often uses a remnant to accomplish a big work. Amen you know it Whether by many or by few he could do it by both, but you know Sometimes he just prefers to do it by a few and don't ever think. Oh, man. We're just a small church What are we gonna do for God? Well, first of all, we're bigger than your average church. Let me just say that But if you want to compare us to these mega churches Well, you know what? God can still save a lot of people with a few and in fact, he desires to use the 300 Often to accomplish your great work, you know these people who lap the water who have all the resources They're just a bunch of lazy people. God's not gonna use them In fact, he wants them to go home It says in verse number 14 in that first slaughter which Jonathan his armor bearer made was about 20 men Within as it were a half acre of land which a yoke of oxen might plow and there was trembling in the host and the Field among all the people the garrison and the spoilers. They also trembled in the earthquake So it was a very great trembling, but I want you to notice he says in verse number six There is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few Hey, we should take chances, even though the numbers are stacked against us Now, how do we apply this what we can apply this Spiritually and even in the secular realm. Hey, you know those people who have the aptitude to start a business Sometimes you should take that risk. Oh Man, but there's so many other businesses out there. The numbers are stacked against me. Well, hold on a second That doesn't mean you can't do it Sometimes it requires creativity Marketing just being able to get your name out there branding yourself doing what you have to do, but it's possible Now obviously you don't want to be foolish and just start a home business and just like quit your day job That's obviously not a wise thing to do You want to make sure you're doing both until your business gets off the ground It's able to sustain you and your family then you can forsake leave your secular job or whatever job that you have Understand, but you know what? I Mean, that's a risk that some people should be willing to take it, man That's a chance that people should be willing to take Don't limit what God can do You know, we're gonna have a Sony Marathon in a couple of weeks and it's gonna be a group of small people going out there preaching the gospel But we're gonna do a great work Because the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save Neither is ear heavy that it cannot hear God can do a great work through us. Amen And you know what? Yeah, we're a small little church in Los Angeles but the reality is we can do a greater work than most of these churches that are around here and Obviously, we don't want to just compare ourselves with other churches and say we're better than anybody else But the reality is a lot of these churches compared themselves to us. Oh You need that church of 20 people over there and Omani or something that church of like 50 people or something Those new IFP, you know a reprobate doctrine, you know post-tribbers. Yeah, they're not gonna do much Well, you know what? I have faith that God will I Believe God will I believe God will expand our influence even greater throughout the years Not just in Los Angeles, but just all around the world and beliefs. Why not? God can save by many or by few Go with me if you would to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 So take the chance, even if the odds are stacked against you Take it You know what and look when you take the chance when the odds are stacked against you and you succeed man, that feels good And it feels great When the odds are stacked against you and you succeed it feels great But you know, it feels horrible is when you wanted to take the chance, but you did it And then you regret not doing it later on Better to try and fail than to never try and succeed Look at 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 26 This is for you see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God had chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to Confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things that which are despised that God chosen Yea, the things which are not to bring to not the things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence Folks one of the reasons why God allows us to be small sometimes is so he can receive more glory He gets more glory off of a small group of people than a large group of people that's just fact Because then when people see the work that's accomplished, what do they say? Oh, yeah, that must have been God When they see our church succeed they're like why no Bruce Mejia That must have been God because it's Bruce and I'm not kidding people have said that and I'm fine with that Because that means God's getting the glory and God can keep you know, I get to get keep getting used by God But people think like Bruce You know because the Prophet is not without without honor saving his own country, right You know what, I'm sure there's people in your family who think about you like who's Chevy Chevy dude, it goes to church. It preaches the gospel I know Chevy, but you know what happens that God gets glory for that because you know what they're right about us Chevy They're right Who are we? But you know what God can save with a few and I rather be the one that people say not this guy look Let me just say this is that in the old IFB the new IFB is seen as that who them? Oh Yeah Cuz we're not the in our churches we weren't the big namers We were like the despised ones You know that they have those yearbooks where they say like the least to succeed or something like that If they had one for the whole day, I'd be there they would point us out. I Guarantee, they point out past three minutes pastor Anderson myself pastor Thompson all our friends They would point us out and say those are the least to succeed in God's work Because they're too rough They believe too crazy. God can't use them I'm glad they say that amen Because then God gets more glory when he does use us That No flesh of glory in his presence. You see God's not restrained, but we can restrain God though We could actually limit God And in fact the Bible says yea, they turned back and tempted God and limited the Holy One of Israel God's not restrained in the sense that his arms aren't short that he cannot save nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear It's not that you know, he's incapable. Like he doesn't have the attributes to accomplish great works. It's just us Sometimes it's us. What does that mean? Well Turn with me if you would to Jeremiah chapter 5 Jeremiah chapter 5 The Bible says in Psalm 84 verse 11 for the Lord God is his son and the shield the Lord will give grace and glory No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly It's a good thing to be used of God and God says I will not withhold good things for me But look what it says in Jeremiah 5 verse 23, but this people hath a revolting rebellious heart They are revolting and gone neither say they in their heart Let us now fear the Lord our God that giveth rain both the former and the latter in the season He reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest your iniquities have turned away these things and your sins have withholding good things from you So, how do we limit God it's because we're not talented enough. No, how do we limit guys because we're not gifted enough No, it's the iniquities You see what God expects for us to do is just repent of our sins live a clean life obey his commandments and he can use us But if we're involved in sin and iniquity those sins and those iniquities will withhold good things from us According to the Bible we can actually limit God But the reality is we should take the chance because of the fact that even though the odds are stacked against us We can still do great works for him. Go to 2nd Kings chapter 7 2nd Kings chapter 7 Think about this You know, maybe there's people out there who think well I'm not gonna attempt great things for God because you know People have already done it You got pastor Anderson you got pastoring menus you got pastor whoever you know, they've already done it How can I do how can I have such an influence like that? Well, here's the thing, you know, the Apostle Paul did a lot of that without you two Right if you think about it, I mean we're studying the book of Acts. How did he become such an influential? Figure in the Bible by just going out pretty sure the gospel He did a great work on foot No cars, I don't know if he might have had a horse but they didn't mention he had a horse We know he had a boat. But I mean you need that in order to go to Cyprus Expect him to swim all the way over there But you know what God used the Apostle Paul So much and so greatly and his influence expanded just by preaching the gospel from house to house Hey, you can do you can make a big impact in this world It may not even be through YouTube Maybe it'll literally be from house to house And you can still do a great work. So don't relinquish it and say well, you know, it's already been done No, you can still do it It's available for anybody So Take your chances, even though the odds are stacked against you number two take your chances Realizing there is a silver lining. Okay, what do I mean by that? Well, you know when people say, you know You got to look at the silver lining and everything often that is stated when you know You have a bad circumstance a bad situation You're trying to look at the silver lining and in that situation like the good that can come out of that Well, let me say this is that when you take a chance, sometimes you will fail That's just the given And what you need to do is just look at the silver lining in that failure and recognize that as Christians Technically, we never really fail Because as long as we're serving God all things work together for good To them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose in that great So look, you know, we're fallible men. So we're always gonna make mistakes Well, not always but we are gonna make mistakes We're gonna fail we're gonna do things. We're not supposed to even with the best of intentions But thankfully if we keep loving the Lord our God with all our heart soul mind and strength God can fix that and Turn it into something great It's awesome Let me give you an example of this attitude look at 2nd Kings 7 verse 1 then Elisha said hear ye the word of the Lord Thus saith the Lord tomorrow about this time shall be a measure of fine flour sold for a shekel and two measures of barley for a shekel in the gate of Samaria Then the Lord on whose hand the king leaned answered the man of God and said behold if the Lord will make windows in heaven Might this thing be and he said behold thou shalt see with thine eyes, but shall not eat thereof And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate and they said one to another Why sit we here until we die? That's what I want the young men to ask themselves That's a good question to ask yourselves guys why sit we here single till we die That's a good question they're just like Why are we just gonna not do anything he's ready they're basically saying we're gonna die anyways Why do it here Verse 4 if we say we will enter into the city and the famine is in the city If we shall die there and if we and if we sit still here, we die also is like it doesn't matter where we go We're gonna die Now therefore come I like whoever this guy with his leper was This is the man right here Now therefore come and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians if they save us alive We shall live if they kill us we shall but die What are you saying he's just like he's looking at the silver lining and everything It's like let's just go to the Syrians. They hit our guts and you know what if they just feel sorry for us and they're merciful We'll just live He's like well, what if they don't oh then we just die they'll put us out of our misery because we're lepers And They rose up in the twilight to go into the camp of the Syrians and when they were come to the uttermost part of the Camp of Syria behold there was no man there. Oh man big surprise So they're going there like we're probably gonna die, but then they go there and just no one's there For The Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots and a noise of horses Even the noise of a great host and they said one to another lo The king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites and the kings of the Egyptians to come upon us Wherefore they arose and fled in the twilight and left their tents and their horses and their asses Even the camp as it were and fled for their life And when these lepers came to the uttermost part of the camp they went into the one tent and did eat and drink Carry then silver and gold and Raymond and went and hit it so what happens they go there. They're just like look at all this food No one's here, and they're just like Eating they're just like man. Hey dude. You took the chance, and I'm glad we took that chance Because both of them didn't even happen You see they said well then maybe they'll capture us and let us live or maybe they'll kill us and we just die none of them happen They just able to go in there and just feast on food, and then there's silver and gold. They're just like this is great But here's the thing then they go and hide it and It came again and entered into another tent and carried tents also went and hit it Then they said one to another I like what they said here. We do not well This day is a day of good tidings And we hold our peace if we tear it to the morning light some mischief will come upon us now therefore come that we may Go and tell the king's household. That's great You know by the way, that's a picture of a soul winner Because that you know as Christians we get saved and what do we do we come upon spoil? Right in fact the Bible says we have this treasure in earthen vessels Right and you know what happens is like we don't want to you know hide our light under a bushel We don't want to take that spoil and hide it We want to proclaim it we want to go tell the good tidings of great joy upon the world And you know what the Christians who get saved they don't want to go so winning. They do not well We do not well he said and Therefore they went and they told everyone of all the spoil. They came it was great, but that's an awesome story of Someone who recognized you know what there's a silver lining and everything and why sit we here till we die Let's just take the chance Let's risk it if they keep us alive we get to eat and they feed us if they don't then we're gonna die anyway guys Let's just do it Now this is a great principle for us to learn as Christians that you know what sometimes people can overthink things They don't take a risk because they overthink it They don't take the chance because they overthink it Because they come up with all these scenarios that could potentially happen and it just scares them But here's the thing let me teach you something someone taught me years ago. I went through a really difficult trial A long time ago. It was a really really hard trial, and I was I was afraid and I remember I went to my father-in-law. He was not my father-in-law at that time, and I told him my situation And he said this is what you do Okay, he said think of the worst possible thing that can happen and make peace with it You'll be fine I'm like that's it Like you're not you're not helping me to fix this situation you know So that's what I did I thought of the worst possible outcome the worst thing that can happen and I said well if that happens Then yes, that's the worst that can happen Ain't what none of it came true The situation actually ended up going like a different route, and I ended up coming out fine after that But I made peace with the worst possible outcome so like look if you think about yourself You're going through a difficult time, and you're just like afraid you're anxious you have anxiety You're just like fearful You're you're depressed you're wondering like oh, what's gonna happen well. How about how about 2020 the elections coming up? Here's for my Republican brethren out there. Okay. You know what's gonna happen. Well. Just think of the worst possible outcome Which you know reality Trump and Biden are the worst possible outcomes But Just think of the worst possible outcome and just make peace with it What's the worst thing that can happen well for the Republicans it's like that Biden would come in and And then like you know something bad will come upon us well, then we die and we go to heaven amen The worst thing that can happen is we die which is not really the worst thing because to be absent for the bodies to be present with the Lord The worst thing that can happen is we die and we just go to heaven early Yeah, we missed the tribulation or you know we missed that we missed the the rapture so to speak, but hey it's all good So make peace with the worst possible outcome But look at the silver lining in it So look at the good that could come out of it because look as a Christian There's always a good that can come out of your bad decision as long as you keep serving God Think about Paul, okay Go go to Acts chapter 20, Acts chapter 20 Sometimes people get the misconception that Paul always made the right decision You know he's in the Bible. He's an apostle He's just the man of God folks Paul made mistakes, too And you know what people think so highly of Paul and why the Bible so speaks so highly of Paul It's because he just loved the Lord Not because of his bad mistakes or because he made the right decision all the time because he didn't it's because he loved God You Know what as long as you love the Lord and you keep serving God you do that which is right in his sight God can kind of just like You know kind of overlook some of those things that you've done and and your reputation won't be as bad so to speak Let me give you a perfect example here. How about David? Isn't David one of the most awesome Bible characters ever Dude David's awesome We all want to the men always want to be like David, you know But David did some of the most craziest stuff though to Kill somebody she committed adultery and in fact years after him being King when God would Address other kings. What did what would he say? He says for my servant David's sake Even though he had these blemishes on his record, but you know what David loved the Lord He loved God He served the Lord. He loved God and therefore even today in 2020 when we think of David We don't think of him as a bad person We think of him as a man after God's own heart in spite. He murdered someone The guy committed adultery. He murdered he did a lot of bad stuff But you know what because he loved God in a way God Almost within the minds of the recipients of everyone who reads the Bible sees him as just an awesome guy Because God can do that But you don't like manners someone who just finishes their life horribly and they just you know Disobey God God will leave a bad taste in the minds of people about them It's like God is able to do that to the minds of people or to the reputations of people Look at the Apostle Paul Acts chapter 20 verse 18 says and when they were come to him He said unto them, you know from the first day that I came to into Asia After what manner have been with you, you know at all seasons serving the Lord with all humility of mine with many tears and temptations Which befell me by the line and weight of the Jews how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you But I've showed you and have taught you publicly and from house to house Testifying both to the Jews and also to the Greeks repentance towards God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ And now behold I go bound in the spirit unto where? Jerusalem Folks he wasn't supposed to go to Jerusalem He's supposed to go away from Jerusalem God wanted them to go out away from Jerusalem unto the Gentiles He says I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem not knowing the things that shall befall me there Save that the Holy Ghost witness it in every city saying that bonds and afflictions abide me So look he knew that it was dangerous to go there He knew that it wasn't what God intended but he went anyways cuz he just makes mistakes like everyone else does But isn't Paul the Apostle like the star of the New Testament still right Isn't he still like just like the man? Like when we think of the New Testament just certain characters to pop out and one of them for sure is just the Apostle Paul Just he's just an awesome guy, but you know, he made mistakes. He did stupid things. He had Timothy circumcised He Had him circumcised But you know when we target the Apostle Paul, that's not one of the first things that comes up in conversation. Now, is it? Right, like when we think about the Apostle Paul's like, oh, yeah the guy who had Timothy circumcised The guy went bound into Jerusalem who is someone we think negatively of when they come up in conversation in New Testament. Someone tell me Judas Demas No one says anything good about Demas It's like well, he was a laborer with Paul no one says that They always talk about how he forsook Paul having loved this present world Alexander the coppersmith Hymenaeus and Alexander These people come up in conversation. It's always in a negative light But people who come out from there good like look how about Peter Peter's a great guy And he made some mistakes. He denied the Lord But When Peter comes up in conversation, I was just like yeah Peter's he's pretty awesome He did some great works He's bold in the Lord Why cuz God is able to do that to a reputation of someone? So what I'm saying is this is that you know take risks and you know, I just recognize that sometimes you're gonna make a mistake You're gonna make a mistake, but don't let that hinder you from actually taking that chance Like oh man, what if you know, I make a mistake and I make a fool out of myself Well, it's okay. God can work that out together for good I'm gonna make mistakes. I've made them before I'll make them again, but it's okay because I believe I love the Lord. I Love the Bible. I love the Lord. I love souls I love my church and I know that even if I make a complete idiot of myself every once in a while You know, God can still work that out together for good And when people when Bruce Mihir comes up in conversation, it's not gonna be like yeah Bruce Mihir with this mistake that he made or something Hopefully it will be you know, the great sermons or great exploits or that's a great church What I'm saying is like, you know, don't be afraid of becoming a byword in a proverb Because if you love the Lord and you're serving God, you won't be You won't be okay Here's my last point and I'm done go to first Kings chapter 12 Take The chance take a risk Stop playing it safe Stop overthinking it Stop looking at what you know, what might potentially be, you know, it's good to count the cost and say, okay These are the worst possible outcomes, but don't let that paralyze you into not making any decisions at all Because you know what the Bible says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord So, you know the guy who wants to play it safe because he's too double-minded like well I'd rather just not do anything at all. Well God says well, I'm not gonna give you anything then You're not gonna receive anything. I give things only to those who just make a decision just do it You know as a pastor one of the things that I struggle with sometimes is what am I gonna preach on? I'll be honest with you. It's just like man. What am I gonna preach on? And I talked to my pastor friends and they're just like that's the same thing with me It's like what am I gonna preach on but you know what eventually I need to come to a decision I'm just gonna preach something. I Can't just be like well don't you know, I'm not really excited about anything. I don't just I guess we just won't have church or something I don't have that that's not an option You know when when four o'clock comes around for Sunday night, it's just like well, I'm preaching something. I Just got to pick something and just preach it and just let the chips fall where they may you know what and just pray Lord, just use me please fill me with your spirit. I'm preaching your word. I'm telling the truth I'm using the Bible and you know what more often than not people come to me and they'll tell me that was a great sermon I needed that You Said why because I chose to do something Like I literally heard a story one time not from Baptist but it was like a liberal church I got up and basically said well, I don't really have a sermon on me. I Guess God's not really speaking today. So you're dismissed What in the world and he's right like God was not speaking to him He's right about that But we can't be double-minded Hey when that lady walks through Single guys Don't be double-minded like should I go Just do it Don't be double-minded because look you won't get anything if you if you are double-minded Don't let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord That has always been my greatest motivation to not be double-minded because basically what God's telling me is like I'll give you something either way You'll get something either way You know what? If you make a bad decision what I give you might be less than what the other one is But at least you get something right If you make a bad decision guess what you at least get wisdom Experience my last point is this take your chances or forfeit the opportunity Actually, we're not gonna read through this story basically it's about Jeroboam Jeroboam had a great opportunity to restore the kingdom if you remember the story How many tribes was he given ten? He's given more tribes than the other guy who only had two So guess what God gave him a platform He gave him ten tribes to work with he chose him and you know what he did. He just screwed it all up Why because he didn't love the Lord He ended up ordaining the lowest of the people to become priests He created molten calves so that people wouldn't go to Jerusalem to go worship He ended up creating his own unholy day Like a holiday that he created out of his own heart the Bible says you can read the story there in first Kings chapter 12 I mean, he just completely desecrates his office And he just ruins the opportunity. Whereas what he should have done and said wow, I got ten tribes Let's do it It kind of reminds me of some pastors Where they're giving a little influence because of the people they like invest in them like pastor Anderson or something They're given like ten tribes and they just like desecrate Their influence they make the lowest of the people, you know, they're friends Right They start like like rubbing shoulders with these wicked false psychopathic prophets like Michael Johnson It's like dude you just you're screwing it all up for yourself Jeroboam So here's the last point is this is they take the chance or are you gonna forfeit your opportunity Jeroboam had a chance to restore the kingdom. He messed it up again This is not the kind of mess up that we see in the previous point where if you mess up It's okay. God can fix it because you love God That's not his thing It's not because he loved God. It's because he wanted to make a name for himself. That's what it is He wanted to make a name for himself. He was literally envious of the other kingdom. That's why he said well, let's make up Let's make calves here so they can worship here so they don't go over there It's basically what he's doing Take your chances or forfeit the opportunity. Don't be the individual that says well You know, let me just sit on this for a while Let me just think about it for a while You know those people that basically like they want to they want to uh, text a response to someone What they do is they'll text it and they'll sit on it for a while. They don't hit send yet Right, they'll wait like a week or something Like They're just they're just there's people how many know what I'm talking about how many are those people I'm just kidding They just they just sit on it for a while me I just like send it I'll deal with the ramifications later Because I love the Lord and I know that God's gonna work it out together for good, you know, but some people just rather not Take the chance at this time But here's the thing sometimes the opportunity will just will not always be there Okay What am I saying to tonight? What I'm saying is simply this is that take your chances Take the risk sometimes don't play it safe all the time and Recognize this is that taking a risk for God? always always yields a major profit and You need to look at the silver lining of your potential failures But also exalt the potential rewards So you're not scared to just step out in faith Go soul winning stand for truth Witness to your family start that business You know talk to that girl Talk to that girl talk to that girl Take the chance Got nothing to lose. Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word and Lord. Thank you that You encourage this type of behavior. You want us to take chances. You want us to take risks Because really we only have one life to live We only have who knows about 70 years 80 years the Bible says and This is a small window of time where we can do great works for you. We can't be afraid to fail and We just need to recognize that if we do fail, it's alright. There's always a silver lining We can pick ourselves back up move forward forget those things which are behind press forward to those things which are before And I pray God that you'd help us to be a people of faith and in Jesus name we pray. Amen Please turn to your song books a song over 310