(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright it's exciting to be here. Just want to thank Pastor Jimenez and of course thank you Verity Baptist Church. Thank you Pastor Anderson and everyone who came out to be a part of this great exploit is going to take place tomorrow and I'm excited to see some souls saved in San Francisco. It's gonna be great and you know fear not. Amen. We're gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be just fine. You know don't believe all the rumors that you hear about San Francisco. There's still a remnant of people there that are just normal people that need the gospel. Amen. And those are the people we're gonna go for tomorrow. I have a short amount of time. I just want to preach real quick. Get out of the way so Pastor Anderson can come and rip some face on the homos. I mean preach about you know the gospel and stuff. So I just want to motivate you to go out and preach the gospel and just remind us tonight why it is we do what we do. Okay. Look down to your Bibles at Numbers chapter 16 verse 47. It says, And Aaron took as Moses commanded and ran into the midst of the congregation and behold the plague was begun among the people and he put on incense and made an atonement for the people and he stood between the dead and the living and the plague was stated. The title of the sermon this evening is standing between the dead and the living. Of course we know in Numbers chapter 16 this is a very famous story of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, their destruction, the rebellion against biblical authority and due to that God opens up the the the earth swallows them up they go down quick into hell and we see that that punishment comes upon them because of the rebelliousness but then later on in verse 41 it says, But on the morrow all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron saying ye have killed the people of the Lord. So we see that the example that Korah, Dathan and Abiram gave was a bad example towards everyone else and really influenced them to really buck the authority as well and what was the result of that? What was the ramification of the consequence of this attitude that the congregation had? Well God was just fed up with it and because of it the plague, the punishment went on to the congregation. People started dying left and right. Moses and Aaron who loved people, Moses and Aaron who had a heart for people did not want them to see destroyed. He didn't want them to see go quick down into hell. He didn't want the plague to affect the people that were there so with urgency they ran to make an atonement in order to save them which were lost and the Bible tells us that when they made that atonement in verse 48 that Aaron stood between the dead and the living and the plague was stayed. So it took the effort of one man, two men, specifically we're talking about Aaron tonight, to stand between those who had suffered the consequences of sin and were currently in hell and those who were still alive and had an opportunity to get right and that's what I want to talk about this this evening and I want to apply it to the sowing marathon that's gonna be taking place tomorrow because what are we doing when we go out to San Francisco? What are we doing when we go out and preach the gospel? Well we're doing exactly what Aaron did which is we're standing between the dead and the living. We're standing between those who are dead in their trespasses and sin and those who are saved. You know we're standing between those who have died and gone to hell and those who still have an opportunity to be saved. When we preach the gospel we're making a deliberate choice to stand between these two people groups and look God is often looking for individuals to make a difference right? You know the Bible tells us in Ezekiel 22 verse 13 and I sought for a man among them a man that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it but I found none. He says I'm just looking for one individual one vessel and to honor me for the master's use someone who would just stand up and stand in the gaps that I should not destroy the land and destroy the individuals within that land but I didn't find any. Now thank God that tomorrow that will not be said of us amen. That will not be said of us today in California you know they say the land of fruits and nuts you know they call it you know oh you know this is the land of fruits and nuts and this place is crazy well you know what they're still remnant there's still people here and prophets who have not bowed the knee to bail they're gonna be showing up tomorrow to preach the gospel and see people say we're gonna stand in the gap tomorrow and God's not gonna be able to say of us I found none he's gonna say I found many who are willing to stand in the gap to make up the hedge that he should not destroy the individuals within this land you know there's a play going out today just as it was in Numbers chapter 16 that plague is sin and it's going down as destroying men women boys and girls families marriages right sin it's plaguing this land it's sin it's plaguing the nation that we live in and it's sin that's taking people straight to hell and just like Aaron we are seeking to stay the plague of sin and its ramifications on mankind by simply going out there and giving them the gospel because what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul you know obviously we want to help with their marriages we want to help with their you know service to Christ we want to give them a place where they can meet and grow but more important than that the initial importance is this to get them safe right so they are not to suffer the consequences of their actions their sins now what are we standing in between of why I mentioned briefly in the very beginning we're standing between those that are dead in their sins and those that are saved I'm sure there's people in San Francisco that are saved very few but I'm sure there's some that are saved you know the Bible tells us and you have to be quickened in Ephesians 2 and you have to be quickened who were dead in trespasses and sin wherein in time past he walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience that's what we're going to reach not the children of Satan not the sons of Belial the children of wrath the children of disobedience those who still have an opportunity to be saved and you know we might go out there to San Francisco and meet some safe people and we're gonna put some material in their hand and maybe transform the their minds help them to be renewed in the spirit of their minds get their doctrine right but more than that we're going out there to reach those who are dead in their trespasses and sin we're standing in between those who are dead in their sins and those who are saved but none of that we're standing between those that have died and gone to hell and those that are still physically alive we are in that great gold fix you know unfortunately I'm sure there's many who have died and gone to hell in San Francisco and it's too late for them right but there's still people out there who are willing to listen the Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians 511 knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we persuade men but we are made manifest unto God and I trust also are made manifest in your conscience you know the we know the terror of the Lord we know that hell exists we know the eternal punishment that's gonna come upon a lost and dying world that does not trust in Christ and that should do up persuade us move us to persuade others to be saved to beseech them to beg them to trust Christ as your Savior so we stand in between those who have died and gone to hell and those who still have an opportunity and look we're standing between those who are twice dead plucked up by the roots and those who still have a chance right because I'm sure there's gonna be some sodomites there and you know obviously we're not worried about them we want to reach those who still have an opportunity give you a couple principles for standing in between the dead and the living according to Numbers chapter 16 number one go with me if you would look down at your Bible's at number 16 look at verse 41 first and foremost in order to stand between the dead and the living we have to understand that we need to stand in spite of the opposition stand in spite of opposition look what it says in verse 41 but on the morrow all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron saying ye have killed the people of the Lord no son it was themselves that killed themselves it was God who allowed them to be destroyed because of the rebellion against him it wasn't Moses's fault you know oh you know it's Moses's message it's pastor Jimenez's message it's his sermon it's because of people like Pastor Anderson that are turning away from Christ you know you're gonna turn people away with that hateful message no what's gonna take people to hell is a rejection of Jesus Christ and what's that what's gonna cause people to be disillusioned and discouraged and just turn away from Christ is watered down preaching it's when people don't go and actually give them the gospel you know we need to stand in spite of opposition you know you would think that in light of what took place with Korah, Dathan and Abiram a lot of people would say you know what let's get under authority here do you guys see what happened to that those people you know but even in spite of that there were still rebellious towards the authority there you weren't learning from the mistakes of others instead of doing this they decide to oppose the men of God go with me if you would hold your place or number 16 go to 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 the Bible tells us in Psalm 9 7 the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God you know America is going to hell in a handbasket right it's turning away from God and it shall be turned in to hell and we see the consequences of the sin and the wicked people that have brought it upon our country it has provoked the wrath of God but still you know people are still not willing to humble themselves they see what sin does to their families they see what sin can do to a nation to states and and cities and and families but yet in spite of that they're still not willing to turn to Christ they're opposing themselves what does the Bible say in verse 24 of 2nd Timothy 2 and the servant of the Lord must not strive but be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient what is this telling us you know we're out there so and we're not there to argue with people we're not there to be mean to them we're not there to to condemn them because they're already condemned right we're there to try with meekness and fear trembling and fear you said why would you be afraid why would you tremble because they're on the brink of hell that's why their soul lies in the balance and you're there to give them the gospel to try to persuade them with meekness and fear to be saved it says in verse 25 in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves you see these people who are opposing the men of God the men of God still love them to the point where they were running with urgency and trying to save them and meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God prayer adventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will so we see here that a lot of people that we're gonna reach tomorrow are just opposing themselves maybe they were you know top false doctrine maybe they went to a lame church that did not the top repent of your sins or maybe they're part of some false cult out there they taught him some false doctrine that they have to work their way to heaven they had to be baptized and whatnot you know they opposed themselves we're there to instruct them with meekness and fear what is the right way to believe what is the right way of salvation and to plead with them this opposition could come in the form of false doctrine competing for the minds of those we are trying to win this is why the Bible tells us in 2nd Corinthians 4 form and whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine unto them you know if someone rejects you tomorrow they're not rejecting you they're rejecting Jesus don't take offense to it and in fact the Bible says to leap for joy to rejoice but we should be heartbroken at the same time when people reject the message we it should cause sorrow and grief and lamentation within our hearts when we run into someone and they say no no thank you I don't have time or I know what you're saying and I believe it but not for me right now that should devastate us we shouldn't say that guy's reprobate that guy's a reprobate like not necessarily maybe maybe they just have a lot to overcome all right when we're trying to help them to overcome the false ideologies false doctrines in order to be saved and look we have this treasure in earthen vessels right that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of us we need to stand in spite of opposition tomorrow when the doors are slammed if that happens tomorrow if someone rejects you keep standing between the dead and the living don't be discouraged don't come back and say oh that was terrible I can't believe we tried to know you stood between the dead and the living and your labor is not in vain the Word of God doesn't will not come back and will not return void the Bible says the seed will be planted someone will get saved I believe a lot of people are gonna get saved tomorrow go back to number 16 number 16 so we have to stand in spite of opposition when we're standing between the dead and the living but not only that we have to stand while there's still time stand between the dead and the living while there's still time look what it says in verse 45 get you up from among the congregation that I may consume them as in a moment and they fell upon their faces he says I'm gonna do it right in a moment what is this showing us this is showing us the brevity of life is that one moment these people are alive in the next moment they just keep the plague and hit them and they can die and this shows us this should teach us in regards to soul winning that the reason why we should do this every week the reason why we should preach the gospel whenever we have the opportunity is because the life is brief life is but a vapor it's here for a moment and once that person dies it's all over it's it's too late look folks this is why we should seek to win our families to Christ this is why we should seek to reach our cousins and our aunts and our uncles and those who are not religious and those who you know maybe they've been turned off but for whatever reason we should seek to pray for them to fast for them and to win them over to Christ because the time is brief the brevity of life the Bible says awake to righteousness is sin not for some have not the knowledge of God and I speak this to your shame you know the knowledge of God is not in them not because they're not seeking it out not necessarily because you know whatever church is available it's because God's people are not rising up to impart unto them the truth and he says I speak this to your shame so we got to stand while there's still time and we have to plead with them it was interesting today we we arrived this morning and I was doing some interviews for the the vaccine documentary they were putting together and I was contacted by a young lady who actually found a clip of mine on the internet and and the clip that she found was short hair on women is sinful and this lady you know she just she she she thought she was a Christian she thought she was saved and she said that she wanted to cut her hair really short she's I want to cut my hair really short but I want to know what God thinks of it so she typed in on the internet she said you know short hair on women Christian women and my video popped up and honestly when I posted that a while ago I you know it's a pretty rough clip you know I just kind of went off a little bit and just kind of vented and I remember even reading through some of the comments and people said that there's this one lady who said you're really mean but I don't think I'm gonna cut my hair short after listening to this clip and then this lady who this young lady who contacted me she said I saw your clip I found your clip what does the Bible say about this so I get began to give her some verses and and I was teaching her what the Bible said about it but then I just asked her I said you know are you hundred percent sure that if you died today you go to heaven this is over the phone and she said not I'm doubting I don't I don't know I believe I'm a Christian I love the Lord but I just don't know if I'm gonna go to heaven so I took that opportunity to witness to her and man she had a lot to overcome and I remember there came a point where I was just like I don't think she's getting it cuz she was just like I just I'm struggling with this I'm struggling with this I'm doubting I'm doubting I'm doubting and I just just gave her scripture and brother Marcus was there praying for her praying that her heart her heart would open and I remember thinking to myself and I told her I said look don't put this off you can die tomorrow and it's all over from there and guess what whether you cut your hair short or not will not matter whether you obey God and allowing your hair to grow it's not gonna matter in hell because you will burn forever and you will forever lose your opportunity you say what were you doing I was trying to save her with fear pull her out of the fire and she got saved amen and thank God for that so we have to make sure that we are doing our best to stand between the dead and the living go look at numbers chapter 16 verse 46 and understand it the life is brief this is why there should be some urgency look what it says in verse 46 it says and Moses said unto Aaron take a sensor and put fire there in from off the altar and put on incense and go quickly into the congregation and make an atonement for them for there is wrath gone out from the Lord the plague is begun so as we stand between the dead and the living realize that standing takes sacrifice takes your sacrifice obviously we know we don't have to adhere to these Old Testament laws but they have a spiritual significance that we should you know be a living sacrifice I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice wholly acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service what is gonna tell what is it gonna take to win people to Christ sacrifice of your time and thank you for being here amen you're sacrificing your time to come tomorrow and and and see people save it's gonna require your time your resources your talent your study preparing you know you're memorizing the verses knowing illustrations knowing what specific phrases to say memorizing the Romans wrote it requires your effort the sacrifice of your time in order to stand between the dead and the living look at verse 47 it also takes urgency so we need to stand between the dead and the living with what with urgency look what it says in verse 47 and Aaron took as Moses commanded and ran into the midst of the congregation and behold the plague was begun among the people and he put on incense and made an atonement for the people what do we see Aaron doing running he's not dragging his feet like a Jehovah's Witness he and then just kind of posted on the corner just waiting for his time to be done he's running why because the wave of the plague the wave of the consequence is consuming the congregation he's trying to rescue as many people as he possibly can so what is he doing he runs he doesn't walk he runs because he understands there's urgency if I don't run if I don't have that urgency within my heart to recognize that people are dying to go to hell today many people will suffer that consequence of the plague the Bible tells us John 9 4 I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work have urgency when we go out there have urgency in regards to so now I'm not saying you have to sprint to every door like enjoy the fellowship in between doors amen talk to your partner have fellowship you know I'm not saying you have to sprint or run to every door and just you know what I'm what I'm saying is our attitude should be urgency right look at verse 48 here's my last point finishing early pastor Anderson oh I was having trials like how am I gonna preach a 30-minute sermon this is very this is a difficult task and I thought to myself I'm I'm probably gonna go over the time because I just have a lot of notes but I think I just spewed everything out so we're good to go here's my last point is this is that when we stand between the dead and the living we need to stand having done all to stand what does that mean just lay it all out there put it all on the table give it your all number 1648 says and he stood between the dead and the living and the plague was stayed you know it's when Aaron just put it all out there he ran he made the atonement he did what he could on his part to make it happen that the plague was stayed don't be the type of person to say well you know I'm just one person I'm just one individual I'm just one soldier what difference can I make just with me you know how many people can I see saved how what kind of difference can I make for eternity I'm just one person well one person is all God needs in order to rescue thousands but it requires this one person to stand having done all to stand it requires the individual to just lay it all out there put in a hundred percent effort do everything you can on your part to make it happen and God will fulfill the rest says in Ecclesiastes 9 10 what's over thy hand find it to do do it with thy might for there is no work nor device nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave wither thou goest turn with him you go to Colossians chapter number three Ephesians 6 13 says wherefore take unto the whole armor of God the ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand Colossians chapter 3 in verse 22 the Bible says in verse 22 servants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh not with eyes service as men pleasers but in singleness of heart fearing God and whatsoever you do hey what do we say that whatsoever also includes soul it includes preaching the gospel and it includes discipling people and includes the Great Commission whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ what are we saying here in this last point you know when we go out there tomorrow in San Francisco come back with nothing but you'll come back with much you'll come back with souls you'll come back with people whose hearts the Lord had touched and open but come back knowing you gave it you gave it your all you gave it all your heart that's what God wants okay and look it's important to see people say but don't be discouraged if you don't see someone say you took care of your responsibility but we know we know that when we go and we sow those seeds eventually someone else might come in and water those seeds and that person will get saved what God wants you to do is just lay it all out there hey tomorrow we're standing between the dead and the living remember that as we walk through the streets as we go to the neighborhoods there are some that are dead and there's some that are living and what we're there to do is to stay the plague in order that we may save some men inspire heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you for your word and thank you for the example of Aaron I pray that we would all have that same urgency zeal and passion and compassion a love for people that would cause us to behave with urgency to recognize that the plague has been spread in our nation and you want to use people like us you want to use individuals who can so win can preach the gospel to stay the plague to rescue people to pull them out of the fire and I pray Lord that you bless the soul winning tomorrow pray that you fill us all with your power and your spirit use this greatly to see a multitude saved and you know those who died today those who died yesterday nothing can be done about that but there's many many more that can be rescued and pulled out of the fire and I pray that you would lead us to the people who are receptive towards the gospel please be able pastor Anderson as he preaches may be filling with your power your spirit and in Jesus name we pray amen