(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) is it's preaching in Jesus name we pray amen amen okay we're in first Corinthians chapter 14 look down at your bibles at verse number one it says follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that you may prophesy for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto god for no man understandeth him how be it in the spirit he speaketh mysteries and what i want to preach on this morning is the subject of the modern day practice of speaking in tongues that's what i want to preach about what the charismatics and the pentecostals do speaking in tongues or what's also referred to as glossolalia i know that's a funky sounding word but that's a word that they do use to describe this glossolalia is simply the practice where a person vocalizes speech-like sounds where they what they believe to be a divine dialect unknown to the speaker but known to god okay and we would identify this as speaking in tongues a practice commonly associated with charismatic groups such as the pentecostals and now even some reformers and non-denominational churches are actually practice practicing this as well now why am i preaching this well one of the reasons that i'm preaching this is because of the fact that i actually put out a video a couple weeks ago on my social media platforms and a bunch of reformers actually started attacking me for this and i'm like what if reformers aren't just speaking in tongues what is this world coming to and so i wanted to address some of the things that they were saying there in regards to first corinthians 14 but also because of the fact that as our church grows we're going to get people coming to our church that actually believe in this okay now you may think to yourself what in the world i mean don't we have baptists coming here don't doesn't it say fundamental baptist church outside don't they know they're coming to first works baptist church how in the world do they expect to have charismatic practices and pentecostal practices in a baptist church but folks you would be surprised at what people expect to have in a church you know people coming to church a baptist church and thinking that speaking in tongues what the charismatic say speaking in tongues you know is a biblical thing and they'll defend it pretty ardently because they believe it to be true and so it's important that that we preach something like this in order to help people to understand what the biblical definition is of speaking with tongues not in tongues now let me point out some things here before we get into first corinthians 14 which by the way first corinthians 14 is basically the pentecostals favorite chapter to use when it comes to this matter of speaking in tongues and they don't really like to use acts chapter 2 other than the first few verses maybe the first two verses because really it debunks everything that they're saying what they believe to be speaking in tongues but people want to make the argument all day long that we should speak in tongues because it's so important you know what i mean this is such an important spiritual gift and we should do it it's in first corinthians 14 and you know why are we not going to speak in tongues if the bible talks about it and they place such a heavy emphasis on it whereas the bible does not okay and in fact point number one that i want to make is the fact that speaking with tongues is actually very low on the totem pole of spiritual gifts look at verse number five of first corinthians 14 it says i would that you all speak with tongues and let's just stop right there right most false cults or most cults and false religions you know if they want to utilize the bible to try to teach what they want to basically impose upon the bible they'll only read the first couple of verses or something like that first couple of words okay i would that you all speak with tongues but rather that he prophesied now this isn't the prophesying like we see with charismatics as well this whole thing of you know foretelling the future and all these things you're prophesying simply a synonym for that is just preaching okay which in basic terms is the ability to communicate god's word all right he says for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church may receive edifying so don't miss it the apostle paul is saying the person who has the ability to communicate god's word to put the cookie on the bottom shelf when it comes to doctrine is actually greater than the person who's able to speak in a foreign language so you can get a guy who speaks five six seven eight nine ten languages but if they're not able to communicate doctrine at all in god's eyes that's not very that's not very cool it's not very important it's very low on the on the totem pole of spiritual gifts of importance priorities because of the fact that the ability to communicate the eternal riches of christ are far more important and far greater than being able to speak mandarin okay fluently so god places a greater emphasis on preaching than being able to speak a foreign language but yet they say no this is the most important thing you know speaking in tongues and flapping your gums and all these things you know speaking in this heavenly dialect is far more greater and important than anything else wrong not only that but they often also think that you know uh speaking in tongues is a great indicator of spirituality right but speaking with tongues if it's absent of an interpreter only edifies the speaker it only builds up the speaker so if i get up here and start speaking in greek and start speaking in mandarin and start waxing eloquent and japanese but no one understands it all it's going to cause you to do is say wow he speaks greek wow he speaks japanese wow he speaks you know uh mandarin wow he's able to speak this foreign language very well i don't know what he's saying it's only edifying myself i'm not edifying anybody else verse four says he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edify himself but he that prophesieth edify the church so god is concerned with what is building up the church and a person speaking in a foreign language does not edify the church unless there's an interpreter there communicating what the speaker is saying okay speaking with tongues number three is never used as a spiritual meter so they often say well if you're filled with the spirit if you're really spiritual if you're filled with the spirit you will speak in tongues right pentecostal groups will say this all the time you know they'll use it as a spiritual meter it's not like how much bible do you know do you go sowning you know uh how's your prayer life are you cleaning up your life no the spiritual meter is how well you can say holla shalabala on a six-pack dolla how about a nissan a shit about a honda that's what they're interested in that's the spiritual meter for spirituality but here's the thing folks look at first corinthians chapter 12 just a couple chapters back here's the thing is that god wants all believers to be spiritual right he commands us to walk in the spirit you should not fulfill the lust of the flesh to be filled with the spirit to uh you know have the power of the holy spirit upon our lives and he wants to manifest that power through us every single person in this room as a believer you know out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water the bible says right you should be able to manifest the power of the holy spirit by sowing by living a life that's pleasing unto the lord by you know loving your neighbor as yourself by loving the lord your god with all your heart soul mind and strength by doing the most minimal of tasks in the christian life as well as the greatest of tasks okay that's what it means to be filled with the spirit is to do that which is pleasing unto the lord okay and god wants everyone to be filled with the spirit now keep in mind the charismatic will say yeah but if you're really filled with the spirit you will jibber jabber and do these speaking in tongues and all that right look at first corinthians 12 verse 28 and god had said some in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healing helps governments diversities of tongues he says are all apostles are all prophets are all teachers are all workers of miracles have all the gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret now what is the obvious answer no because not everyone in the church was an apostle not everyone in the church was a prophet not everyone in the church is a teacher not everyone in the church has the gift of healing and so therefore not everyone in the church is able to speak in tongues so if not everyone in the corinthian church has this gift of being able to speak with tongues then we have a contradiction here because if god wants us to be filled with the spirit and speaking with tongues is a manifestation of that then why isn't everyone speaking with tongues he's saying not everyone has this because god hasn't given it to everyone whereas god has given the spirit to every believer okay he says in verse 31 but covet earnestly the best gifts and yet show i unto you a more excellent way you know what i've noticed is that unsafe people always like a lower quality of christianity right when it comes to the word of god they prefer the modern versions which is a lower quality you know when it comes to churches they always prefer a lower quality church and you know on panicoscles prefer a lower quality of gifts because he's saying here you should covet the best gifts insinuating we'll see later on that he's referring to prophesying earnestly the best gifts and yet show out unto you a more excellent way go to chapter 13 if you would chapter 13 verse 1 here is a verse that charismatics also like to use to try to promote this matter of speaking in tongues he says in verse number one though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity i am becoming sounding brass or tinkling cymbal and this is their proof text i've i've had so many messages within the last week telling me tongues of men and of angels though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels and obviously what they're saying is that they think angels have like the celestial dialect that only god knows or something like that and it's like there's like a different language in heaven or something that no one else knows about and that's how that's what they speak of but first corinthians 13 is not saying that angels have a different language they don't have they don't speak in tongues what is it referring to it's referring to the accuracy by which they speak okay because here's the thing the bible records angels speaking from genesis to revelation and in neither instance from genesis to revelation there's never an instance where angels are speaking this heavenly dialect that no man can understand it's always something that people can understand it's always a language it's always a known language right but aside from that when it says though i speak with the tongue of men and of angels and have not charity we see later on let's talk about the gift of prophecy being able to preach well preaching should be accurate and it would be biblical to say that we speak as angels because angels are accurate when they are basically bringing forth the message from god and in fact let me read to you from hebrews 2 verse 1 it says therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard less at any time we should let them slip for if the word spoken by angels listen to this what's steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation so what he's saying the word spoken by angels was steadfast it was accurate they they basically you know communicated god's word what the it wasn't deficient of anything okay so when the apostle paul says though i speak with the tongues of men and of angels he's basically saying with the accuracy by which the angels spake in the bible okay it's not referring to you know what people do today now go to act chapter 2 if you would act chapter number two in order to understand the doctrine that we see that we're about to look at in first corinthians 14 we need to compare it to act chapter 2 because acts 2 is first corinthians in real time so to speak okay and so acts 2 will basically just completely destroy in one swipe in one chapter less than one chapter what people believe about speaking in tongues now the term glossolalia is the term used to define what the charismatics do but the theological term that is associated what we believe is actually xenoglossia which xenoglossia simply means foreign language okay but in terms of doctrine it's referring to the phenomenon by which a person is able to speak write or understand a language that they previously did not acquire by natural means in the first place so that's actually a phenomenon that was actually real in the bible okay where you know you have a person who did not speak a particular language god gave them that ability to speak that language in order for them to preach god's word to get people saved to basically streamline the new testament so more people can get saved in foreign nations understand this was a legitimate thing now i do not believe that it is a legitimate thing today okay i think that's a gift that is null and void today i do think that there's a possibility that god might resurrect this this miracle in the end times because the bible talks about it in act chapter 2 as well as joel chapter 2 how in the end times you know uh the young men shall dream dreams and see visions and and preach i believe it's referring to this matter of speaking with tongues that god will supernaturally enable people in the end times to speak in different languages with the purpose of getting people saved throughout the world you understand and why not you know in the end times i'm sure god wants us to go out with the bang right and so get as many people saved as possible preach as much as possible it's the end times etc okay and so this is actually a legitimate thing where there was this phenomenon where god enabled people to speak in a foreign language now you're in act chapter 2 i'm going to read you from mark 16 it says in verse 17 and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues okay and then it says in verse 20 and they went forth preaching everywhere the lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following amen so the bible is telling us that god enabled people to speak with new tongues and to you know do these you know be able to drink poison from from from serpents if if that was the case in order to confirm the word that they were preaching in order to confirm the fact that they were sent by god to preach the word of god you understand so it wasn't to edify the apostle it wasn't to just make them look good what was it for it was to show these men are of god okay which the bible says in verse corinthians 14 that tongues are for a what a sign okay now look look at act chapter 2 verse 1 and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them now when it says like as a fire it doesn't mean that there was like literal fire in their mouths or that there is literal fire over their heads like as a fire just insinuating the fact that they preached some pretty hot sermons okay you know you got the red hot preaching conference the fire breathing baptist fellowship preaching that is biblical and and is accurate is often likened unto fire and so he says that there appeared unto them cloven in other words diverse type of tongues languages like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance this is where the pentecostal stop they're like proof right there this is the proof but folks we understand that when we are studying the bible we always need to just keep reading right we don't just stop at verse uh four and just say all right there you go that's that's what we need no look at verse five and they were dwelling at jerusalem jews devout men out of every nation under heaven now why is that well because it was the day of pentecost and so a lot of people from the foreign areas were coming to jerusalem to hear god's word and so god wanted to take advantage of this the fact that these men didn't have to go out into all nations to preach the gospel all nations were coming to them for this unique time right here the day of pentecost okay verse six says and when this was noise abroad the multitude came together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another behold are not these which speak galileans aren't these mexicans it's like how are they speaking mandarin aren't these uh combodians how are they speaking uh you know spanish how are they speaking creole it's a very it's a it's a major phenomenon right and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born parthenians and meads elamites and the dwellers of mesopotamia and judaea and capodosia and ponchas in asia frigia and panthelion egypt and all parts of libya about syrene and strangers of rome jews and proselytes creeds and arabians we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of god so the miracle was the fact that god supernaturally enabled these men these disciples to be able to preach and the women to preach god's word in a different language that they did not study prior to that event okay they just started waxing eloquent even though there were galileans in a different language now why did god do that well because of the fact that you know he wanted to take advantage of pentecost and you know what maybe some of the men who were speaking some of the women who were speaking had the discipline to sit down and study a language and study you know all these different uh dialects from different regions of the world but it would probably take some time which would hinder a lot of people getting saved all at once you understand so god's like you know what i'm just gonna give them the ability to do it and one swipe so that many people can get saved just streamline the ministry you know just put it out there but folks the reason we don't have this today is because of the fact that now we can just download pimsleur now we can just we have duolingo we have pimsleur we have the internet we have all these things that we can use and utilize in order to learn a foreign language right and you'll see that throughout the bible god will often streamline something because it's not readily available at that time but once it becomes readily available he kind of withdraws that ability to perform that miracle for example you know we don't hear god with the audible voice anymore and if you do it's a problem okay if you're just like we don't why why don't we hear god in an audible voice because we got the bible yeah the bible has been canonized for us there's 66 books here of god's word we don't need any new revelation from god we have everything we need in this book now in times past believers did not have a full bible in the old testament they were dealing with you know genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy they were dealing with those books but they didn't have anything else so they needed revelation from god therefore they would audibly hear the voice of god when it was necessary when god wanted to convey a specific truth you understand same thing with the manna god fed the children of israel with manna in the wilderness but once they went into the promised land it was time for them to work and the manna ceased you understand and the same thing with all the miracles that we see in the new testament there was all types of miracles that were done by the apostles hands these special miracles as the bible puts it because of the fact that the apostles were basically the catalyst of the new testament church they had to get it going they needed some momentum but once that started and people started getting saved in different regions churches were being established the miracles were no longer necessary because now there was a momentum of preaching the gospel getting people saved starting churches that's what it was about okay go back to first corinthians chapter 14 first corinthians chapter 14 now i spoke to one of these people and i told you know acts 2 it's right there you know i i showed them all these verses you're like yeah but first corinthians 14 though i'm like i'm i love first corinthians 14 what's wrong with it you know it's not teaching anything different and they said verse 2 verse 2 is proof that speaking in tongues is legitimate okay verse 2 says for he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto man but unto god for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries and he was just like he was playing checkers but he was like checkmate he was playing checkers it was like i got your queen and this is his verse now i showed him some verses from this actual chapter that he just refused refused to even address because it's so blatant that what he's that what he believes is false but here's the thing this is what i told him and this is exactly what this is referring to okay when it says no man first and foremost who is the apostle paul writing to the corinthian church so he's referring to the room of the unlearned as we'll see later on in the chapter people who don't know the language when he says no man what is he doing he's using hyperbole he's speaking to the men in the church okay verse 3 says but he that prophesies speaketh unto men to edification exhortation and comfort he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edify it himself but he that prophesied edify at the church and this is what this guy said he said well here it's obviously making a distinction between speaking in tongues and prophesying if speaking in tongues was used to prophesy then you know there wouldn't be a need to make that distinction there but this is simply saying the fact that someone who just is able to speak in a foreign language doesn't help anybody in the church unless you're communicating god's word and you have an interpreter to convey what you're saying in that message okay and by the way the proof of that is in acts chapter 2 because in acts 2 when you have that phenomenon taking taking place where god is enabling people to speak with new tongues he says later on in verse 17 of acts 2 you don't have to turn there it shall come to pass in the last day saith god i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy in conjunction with them speaking with new tongues so they're prophesying with new tongues okay now what is the problem here with this verse that we see in first corinthians 14 and this man's interpretation well if this literally meant no man because what he's saying is like this is proof that speaking in tongues is legitimate because no man can understand not a single soul on this earth would be able to understand them because only god can understand them okay but here's the problem with this okay then why is he telling them they should interpret why is he saying pray that you may be interpret that they may interpret or later on in the chapter it says make sure there are interpreters there so if he's saying hey no man can understand not a single soul only god himself oh by the way but make sure there's interpreters there to interpret what you're saying though yeah well here's the answer he's using hyperbole now let me give you an example of this okay let's say you know there's some guy who left the church or something like that someone left your church someone left my church and we just have not heard from that person in quite some time and someone comes to you and says where's brother so-and-so and you just have no idea no one in our church knows you know a lot of this this is a common phrase that people will say today they'll say god only knows right won't they say that now does that really mean that only god knows where the location of that person is no there's probably someone out there in this world who knows where that individual is we're just saying that people in our church don't know and because we've lost contact with the person it's like god only knows god only knows it's an exaggerated statement to say that no one here knows okay and it's true if i get up here who speaks greek here anybody speak greek all right so if i got up here and i just started preaching in greek and katala and all this stuff you know legitimately the only person who would understand me is god right because no one else understands me understands what i'm saying here i could literally say god only knows what i just said because it's true and there's actually an example of this in the bible go to matthew chapter 27 matthew 27 but here's the problem with when people who are unlearned and unstable try to interpret the scriptures what do they do they rest the scriptures right it's like no man understands even though he said that there's an interpreter that should interpret what they're saying it's like what do you mean pray that you may interpret or have interpreters there when you have people who are speaking with tongues but look at matthew 27 verse 45 now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land into the ninth hour and about the ninth hour jesus cried with a loud voice saying this is arabic because he's speaking in his heart language that is to say my god my god why has not forsaken me now the narrator is letting us know what he said because no one there knew what he said and in fact look at verse 47 some of them that stood there stood there when they heard that said this man called for elias i was like whoa you're like way off it's like when when people try to interpret what you're saying in spanish because it sounds like a certain word in english i think he said that it's just like no you're way off okay so here's a legitimate example of when no man understood but god himself because of the fact that jesus was speaking unto god but he wasn't speaking in a heavenly dialect that only him and god the father could understand he was talking in aramaic this is a legitimate language natural language it just so happened that the people who were in the the exact vicinity did not know aramaic and they're just like i think he's calling for elias you know you can kind of see where it kind of we'll just go with elias go back to first corinthians 14 so when he says no man can understand him he's using hyperbole this does not mean that he's speaking in some heavenly dialect that no man can understand but god himself he's exaggerating because he's saying no one's understanding you but god man you get up there and you're preaching in greek or well most people knew greek at that time you're preaching in arabic or some foreign language the only person who's going to understand you is god himself it's not going to help anybody else because you're the only one and god's the only one who knows what you're saying verse six now brethren if i come to you speaking with tongues what shall i profit you except i shall speak to you by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine he says if i know 10 languages how what good is that going to do to you if i don't come to you by revelation by knowledge by prophecy if i'm not trying to convey a spiritual truth to you what good will it do you if i don't come to you with that it's like this you know it's great to learn languages but as a christian you know we want to learn languages in order to what get people saved that's right right you know i know there's a couple people in our church who are who's learning spanish right now anybody learning spanish don't be ashamed brother he's like all right got one right there anybody else anybody used to learn spanish okay used to here's a used to beer we got a used to beer here all right where we got some used beers all right it's it's difficult right but you know what i guarantee you mori is not learning spanish because he wants to order a burrito at a freaking mexican restaurant or something like that i'm sure he's doing it i hope for to get people saved right yeah you're gonna see yeah now you're like yeah for sure it's still it's to get people saved and in fact you know i'm trying to kind of refine my spanish a little bit i know how to preach the gospel in spanish i can get people saved in spanish i can communicate with people in spanish but i want to do so i can preach better in spanish okay not so i can be you know some some linguist in spanish i want to do because i want to convey the truths of god's word to an individual who does not speak english okay why well because of the fact that what shall it profit anyone if i don't come if i don't speak by revelation or by knowledge or by prophesying or by doctrine verse seven says and even things without life giving sound whether pipe or harp except they give a distinction in the sound how shall it be known what is piped or harp for if the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle so someone can get up here and speak in russian and just scream and yell and just say all manner of crazy things but if they're just kind of just yelling it's not going to do anything i should have used a different example than russia hi everyone's like looking at me all weird what do you want to use ukrainian or something it says in verse nine so likewise except he uttered by the tongue words easy to be understood now has anybody ever heard someone speak in tongues you know what the pentecostals do raise your hand if you've heard that has any of it ever been words easy to understand never right so these guys are violating first corinthians 14 left to right up and down because he said look except he utter by tongues words easy to be understood you should be able to put the cookie on the bottom shelf no one should look at you and say all right what are you saying are you a drug addict you know and look the whole tongue speaking movement is a complete fraud it's a joke and it's it's simply the people who adhere to that are simply people who want to edify themselves they want to make themselves look super spiritual because they don't want to actually open up the bible and read it and go soul winning and preach the bible in english because then people will know that they believe false doctrine right so they have to mask their false doctrine they have to mask their heresy and some divine dialect right and by the way you know what it might be a little divine okay but it probably comes from like an unclean spirit that's as divine as it's gonna get i remember i went to in and out when i was a a bible college student and i went with a couple of the bible college students and that's what we would do after after ministry on sundays and we ran into a group of ladies and you know we're dressed like baptists and and so they're like oh did you guys just come from church like yeah we just got out of church and you know they're like oh okay great and somehow the subject of tongues came up and at that point you know there's no filter in my mouth i'm like tongues is fake oh this is not real and she was very offended you know she was just like how can you say that i'm like i'm not a pentecostal i'm a baptist i'm an independent fundamental baptist we don't believe in this tongue speaking stuff that the charismatics do that's false it's nonsense it's pride it's arrogance and and they're very upset and i was just like whatever i'm ordering my food so i got there i got me a number two and then and then i went to go sit down and and the ladies were still visibly upset so they came to my table right and she brought her friend with her kind of telling me off you know and she's like you know how can you say that you know this and that and i was like look let me let me tell you something else women shouldn't be preaching either but it's not even she didn't even ask me that but i just wanted to tell her i just wanted to like throw that out there you know and she was like what i'm like yeah women are not supposed to be pastors that's what the bible says and she's like she's like the bible says that women can do that i'm like show me one verse in the bible where it says that and she went um um um she did that for a while and she's all deborah i'm a deborah was not a pastor next and so they want to keep going on this whole tongue thing and i said speak in tongues right now do it right now now and and she's like okay and she was like possible she started seizureing and all that and then this is what i said i said okay say the same exact thing you just said right now again she couldn't do it because they weren't words easy to be understood not even by the speaker themselves he said what did you do just ate my burger by the way this is one of the reasons why i've always loved baptist churches when i when i went to a baptist church i was like you know i had all these questions and i feel like baptists always had an answer for everything they just like knew the bible and that always inspired me because i was like you know the the pastoral staff the path you know i had questions doctrinal questions they're like oh here it is you know here's what the bible says about it i'm like man this is you guys are legit baptists seem to be the ones who are on point oh you why is that because we actually read the bible amen what verse are we in verse nine so likewise he accept the utter by the tongue words easy to be understood how shall it be known what is spoken for you shall speak into the air i got to share this other story real quick i always share this story when i talk about tongues but it's so funny you guys know where i'm what i'm talking about right the street fighter so i was at my old church and and a guy you know he got saved and he was just like yeah i like the baptist church better this is way better he goes i went to like a pentecostal church and it was scary you know they're speaking in tongues and all that i'm like really he's like yeah and then he's like they try to make me do it i'm like what happened he's like they called me up they're like you're gonna speak in tongues you're gonna speak in tongues he's like no i don't know how you know i don't know how and he's like no that the spirit will lead you the spirit will lead you you know and he's just like man what am i gonna do and they're singing they're dancing they're shaking you know he bring they bring them up to the front he's just like i don't know what i'm doing like what am i gonna do but he wanted to fit in you know what i mean because it probably looked really bad if he just went up there and he's just like didn't know what to say or whatever so he he pulled out his street fighter card and he's like i'm just gonna do the sound effects from street fighter so he got up there and he went and it worked he's like i just repeated that over and over again and they bought it they bought it there's another story of a pastor years ago who was fluent in greek and he you know he walked by a charismatic pentecostal church and they're speaking in tongues and he wanted to do some trolling he's like i'm gonna troll this church now i don't recommend that you do this but it makes for a great story though and he went into this he went to his uh service and then they're like who wants to come up and speak in tongues and he's like i do they're like come on brother and he's like but is there an interpreter though because you know we got to follow first corinthians 14 he's like oh yeah yeah so they brought their interpreter he quotes john 3 16 in greek and then he's like what did he say and the guy just starts going off on some um some prophetic things and just you know all these things and he's like i just want to let everyone know that this guy's a liar i quoted john 3 16 in greek and you guys are all fooled by it and he just he just went off the pulpit and just walked out that's awesome you almost wish there was like bombs going off in the back as he's walking out you know anybody who is speaking in tongues or speaking in a foreign language and no one in the room is able to understand you're just speaking in the air it's like you're just speaking only unto god you know because it's funny that they don't want to use that phrase there well i'm not you know the only people that the only ones that can understand my what i'm saying is the air because isn't that what it says for he shall speak into the air but what he's trying to emphasize is the fact that no one there is understanding you other than god and then you're just saying words into the air that's what he's emphasizing there he says verse 10 there are may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification therefore if i know not the meaning of the voice i shall be unto them unto him that speaketh a barbarian so notice he's saying whoever is speaking to me i shall seem unto him as a barbarian now how is that if he's not speaking in this heavenly dialect well because of the fact that they speak different languages it's like oh this person's a barbarian he doesn't understand what i'm saying he's an uncivilized uncultured person who doesn't know the specific language i shall be unto him as speaketh a barbarian he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me even so ye for as much as you are zealous of spiritual gifts seek that you may excel to the edifying of the church verse 13 wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret now i know exactly what he means by that okay and the reason why is because i preached in spanish for a couple years uh at my old church i was the spanish quote-unquote pastor there and i'd preach sermons in spanish but my heart language believe it or not is english i know i'm brown and stuff like that and my last name is mahia but you know i speak spanish but my heart language is actually english i think in english i dream in english you know everything i do is in english okay so when i was preaching in spanish i can i was fluent but then there was times when i really wanted to communicate a specific idea a specific principle but i had a difficult time doing it because i could only communicate it in english and there's literally times when i would break away from spanish and say like an idiom in english and then i'm like lord how can i like explain this particular idiom that illustrates this principle well so i'm speaking in an unknown tongue to the congregation because they don't speak english but i'm praying lord help me to like interpret what i'm saying here you understand he says in verse 14 for if i pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prayeth but my understanding is unfruitful so your understanding of that particular doctrine doesn't help the recipient because they don't know the language it's unfruitful what is it then i will pray with the spirit i will pray with the understanding also i will sing with the spirit i will sing with the understanding also and verse 16 really is the the coup de gras to this particular chapter when dealing with speaking in tongues the way the charismatic do he says in verse 16 else when thou shall bless in the spirit well with the spirit how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned say amen at the giving of thanks seeing he understandeth not without sayest so the another way to describe a person who has no understanding is someone who is unlearned you understand so he's saying look unless you're able to interpret unless you're able to explain how are the people who don't know your particular language how are they able to say amen when you're praying you know if they don't know when you're stopping like for example have you ever heard someone pray so low that you have to kind of like open your eyes to see are they done you know what i'm talking about like when you're praying for a meal how many of you ever had that happen okay sometimes at our home we'll let bruce pray or something like that but he prays so so so quietly you know like he's already done he's probably already eating we're just kind of looking like okay he's done or something well how much the more if it's in a foreign language how can we say amen how can we why because amen means i agree amen means i believe i agree how can they say amen i agree to what you're saying if they don't understand it the only time they can say is if they're lying how does that work with this divine dialect when people are you know speaking in tongues in these pentecostal churches and there's people all over the room saying amen when they don't when they can't agree because they don't understand what's being stated liars he says in verse 17 for thou verily give us thanks well but the other is not edified i thank my god i speak with tongues more than you all yet in the church i'd rather speak five words with my understanding that my voice that by my voice i might teach others also than ten thousand words and an unknown tongue now look at verse number 21 and this is the verse that i brought up to these individuals that they just refused to address okay and the person who actually tried to address it they didn't necessarily even address it because they just said well that's just referring to something completely different verse 21 in the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips will i speak unto this people yet for all that will they not hear me sayeth the lord now let me ask you have we switched context here are we still talking about tongues obviously right he says in the law it is written and then he goes back to verse 22 goes back verse 22 wherefore tongues are for a sign so he's not deviating from the context of speaking in tongues in verse 21 it's all in the same context of speaking in tongues right speaking with tongues now the question is this what is he talking about when he says in the law it is written with men of other tongues and of other lips will i speak unto this people i'll tell you what he's talking about he's talking about isaiah chapter 28 in verse number 11 where god by the mouth of the prophet commands him to say that with another nation of stammering lips okay he says this let me read it to you for with stammering lips and another tongue will i speak to this people that's what he's quoting there now what is he talking about in isaiah 28 well god is about to judge israel in the book of isaiah right by the syrian army and he's saying i'm going to bring an army that speaks a language that you don't understand they're going to sound to you as with stammering lips and another tongue they're going to come to you and they are a sign of my judgment the fact that when they come to your area speak in a different language that you don't understand that shall be the sign that i'm coming to judge you because that's how god judged israel in times past he would allow a foreign nation to come and take over so this is what paul the apostle decides to quote in first corinthians chapter 14 he says as it is written why because of the fact that now he's saying we shall come to people in all different types of nations and we're bringing in a sense god's judgment we're telling them that for all i've seen and come short of the glory of god for the wages of sin is death okay you know whose service and was not found written in the book of life shall be cast into the lake of fire nations of other tongues shall come into them now i said that's a literal language the syrian language is a literal language and this is what this person said well there it's a real language but in verse two it's not a real language though so verse two it's it's a heavenly dialect but here it's a little he goes yeah that's for sure talking about real language but in verse two of first corinthians 14 it's it's not a real language oh oh who gave you the authority to say that how in the world are you going to get that interpretation and say well verse two is but not verse five verse seven is but not verse 10 folks it's all talking about the same exact thing and in fact nowhere in the bible is there ever an example of some heavenly dialect that no one understands you could go to all the major passages talking about tongues and you'll never ever find it because it doesn't exist that's right right wherefore verse 22 tongues are for a sign not to them that believe but to them that believe not but prophesying serveth not for them that believe not but for them which believe so you actually become a more effective christian when you're able to speak a different language because now you can reach people that most people in the church would not be able to reach okay for example john you speak spanish pretty fluently john go have a if you speak spanish go have a conversation with john he's actually able to speak very well in spanish okay and you know what it's an effective tool because he's a white man and hispanics like when white men white people talk to them in their language they're very impressed by it right jacob yeah amen so he uses it but here's the thing he did have you ever he never has conversations in here in spanish why because this is a church he uses it for them which believe not out there okay verse 23 if therefore the whole church be come together into one place and all speak with tongues and there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers will they not say that ye are mad you know if every if everyone in here spoke mandarin and some unlearned person comes they'll be like well this church is crazy i thought you know this is uh it looks like you know there's hispanics here there's russians here there's white people why is everyone speaking mandarin are you guys crazy that's what they would say but if all prophesy and shall come in one that believeth not or or one unlearned he is convinced of all he is judged of all why because of the fact that thus are the secrets of his heart made manifest and so falling down in his face will worship god and report that god is in you of a truth what is god trying to convey it's more important to give the understanding of god's word than to sound eloquent to sound spiritual god doesn't care about how spiritual you can sound he wants you to live out your spiritual life okay and you know what this is what the calvinists need to learn too they're so and they're so uh you know obsessed with preaching sermons that make them sound so intelligent and smart and eloquent and wise whereas what does god want he wants us to be able to put the cookie on the bottom shelf for the listener because he wants them to understand this is why the bible says the common people heard who jesus gladly that's right the pharisees didn't the religious leaders didn't the scribes didn't who are the ones that heard him gladly the common people and look jesus christ is the word he's the originator of languages he probably could wax very eloquently if he wanted to but he didn't because that's not what's important what's important is actually communicating what god says you say what's the point of the sermon to bash on speaking in tongues that's what it's about okay you know and talk about how unbiblical it is and you know i feel like i need to preach this every couple of months because i'm telling you people come and sometimes they're closet tongue speakers i'm almost certain i'm not gonna say there is but i'm about this certain there's probably someone in here who's a closet tongue speaker i'm looking at you mori i'm just kidding they're probably a closet tongue i guarantee you and you know what i guarantee you this sermon bothered them just a little bit because they're probably like yeah but acts 14 i think we just went over acts 14 right now and just showed you why it's unbiblical and you know some people are so stubborn when it comes to this you can show them first corinthians 14 acts chapter 2 you can go up and down and refute up and down and they'll still won't want to believe it well i still think it's from god why what what has it profited anybody what is speaking in this divine so so-called dialect helped any has it helped anyone at all no one it's the most unfruitful not that false doctrine can even be fruitful but it's probably the most unfruitful of the false doctrines because it does nothing but make you look like a complete idiot let's pray father we thank you so much for your word we're so thankful for languages lord and we're thankful that you have gifted people to be able to learn languages with the purpose of preaching the gospel getting people safe communicating god's word and i pray lord that you'd help us as a church to continue to do so i know there's people in our church who are learning different languages in order to get people saved or even to just exercise the brain that's good but may we understand that in the context of a church setting we need to speak with words easily easy to be understood and what that means is just speaking a language that everyone knows i pray god that you'd help us to do so guide and direct our steps lord bless the soul winning and all there is we love you we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen