(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) just bless the preaching bless the rest of the service and the soul waiting after and in jesus name we pray amen amen okay we are in luke chapter 23 and look down at your bibles at verse 27 it says and there followed him a great company of people and of women which also be welled and lamented him but jesus turning unto them said daughters of jerusalem weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children for behold the days are coming into which they shall say blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bear and the paps which never gave suck and the title of my sermon this morning is signs that a nation hates children signs that a nation hates children turn with me if you would to psalm 123 if you would psalm 123 here in luke chapter 23 we see of course this is prior to the crucifixion of jesus christ and he's being led up until galgotha and we see that the women there are are weeping they're wailing they're grieved over the mistreatment of this innocent man of course they know to be god and they're weeping for him and he basically just tells them this isn't even as bad as what you're going to see in the future he said there's going to come a time in speaking to the mothers where people are going to say it's a good thing when women are barren it's blessing it's a blessing when they are barren it's a blessing when the wombs of a woman cannot bear children and it's a blessing when when they're not able to basically breastfeed their children as well in other words they're saying there's going to come a time and day in this world where there will be nations that despise children where they'll say it's a blessing not to have children it's a blessing when women are barren when they are not able to give suck to their children and essentially he's saying these this is a nation that will hate children now i would say that we're living in that nation today without question now in lucha you turn to psalm 127 god consistently teaches throughout the bible that children are not a sign of of a burden or a curse but rather a sign of his blessing okay he rewards god's people he rewards mankind with children let me read you a couple verses here in john 16 21 it says a woman when she is uh she is in travail hath sorrow because her house her hour has come but as soon as she is delivered of the child she remembers no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world now notice that he's not talking about believers he's not talking about those who are just saved or christian he's just referring to people in general he's stating here that when a woman has a child yeah you know it's grievous at times uh during the travailing process during the birthing process but once the child is coming to this world that woman rejoices over the fact that she now has her baby in her hands in her arms it's a joyous occasion matthew 18 verse 10 says take heed they despise not one of these little ones for i say unto you that in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my father which is in heaven mark 9 verse 36 says and he took a child and set him in the midst of them and when he had taken him in his arms he said unto them whosoever shall receive one of these children in my name receiveth me and whosoever shall receive me receiveth not me but him that sent me mark chapter 10 and verse 14 says and they brought young children to him that he should touch them and his disciples rebuked those that brought them so they're upset that they're bringing children to the lord and you know they want the lord to bless these children and verse 14 says but when jesus saw it he was much displeased and said unto them suffered the little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of god sounds like jesus is themes children sounds like he is themes children infants the bible places a great emphasis on what a blessing they are to this world look at psalm 127 and verse number one it says except the lord build the house they labor in vain that build it except the lord keep the city the watchman waketh but in vain it is vain for you to rise up early to sit up late to eat the bread of sorrows for so he giveth his beloved sleep lo children are in heritage of the lord and look what it says here and the fruit of the womb is his reward so when you have children god says that is my reward to you he's not saying that's my curse that is my chastisement upon you this is a sign that you know i'm i'm displeased with you i'm not happy with you he's saying this is my reward to you and anybody who's a parent can testify of that as a christian when we have children they are a major blessing in our lives and yeah it could be a little stressful when they're young a little tiresome you know sometimes it can be a little bit of a burden because we don't get enough sleep it becomes a little hectic but when we look at the overall picture of having children they are a blessing that's right and the more children you have the more you recognize what a blessing it is the more your love increases so many so many things that come with that verse four says as arrows are in the hand of a mighty man so are children of the youth god compares children to arrows why is that well because if a parent trains their child correctly they train up a child in the way they should go they actually will go further than the parent will ever go and our goal as parents should be to train our children as mighty arrows to go further and preach the gospel further and accomplish things for god further and please the lord further than we could ever than we ever could okay he says happy is the man that hath this quiver full of them now people have tried to speculate how much is a quiver full who cares i think of a quiver brother auburn says 10 of course because he has 10 but people say well no it's it's six look for me is a quiver is how many i can stuff into that quiver i'm just gonna keep stuffing that quiver full of arrows i mean i don't know of any archer who would just say well i only want three arrows you know put as many as you can in there amen and he says happy is the man that hath this quiver full of them they shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate the bible tells us that the byproduct of having children is happiness it's joy okay there's no question that god loves children and esteems their existence and wants the population to value their lives we can see that consistently throughout the word of god so when a nation turns on children and vehemently seeks to destroy their minds and even their bodies there's something wrong with that nation that nation is obviously a cursed nation when they have a complete opposite view of what god views of children and even to the point where they're willing to take their lives and hate them and even if they're willing to allow them to live they want to pervert their minds and destroy them it's a wicked nation go to act chapter seven if you would act chapter number seven let me give you a couple signs this morning that a nation hates children of course i am referring to the united states of america and this is for all you patriots out there you nationalists out there they they claim that america is the greatest country in the face of the planet and you know what in comparison to other countries that may be true right in comparison to like southeast asia america is way better comparison to china america is way better okay but folks america is not without sin america is not without its mistakes and its flaws and its wickedness and its abominable acts and one of the ways we know that is based upon their view overall on children okay number one number one sign that a nation hates children is when a nation legalizes the murder of children okay now the reason i'm preaching this this morning is because of the fact that there's this wicked woman an assembly woman by the name of buffy hicks okay or excuse me buffy wicks but doesn't matter okay buffy wicks who is this assembly woman who's putting forth this bill called sb 223 let me read it for you by the way this is from the sagby it's not a conservative you know article here this is very much liberal sb 220 2223 the language bill states that a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability with respect to their pregnancy or actual potential or alleged pregnancy outcome including miscarriage stillbirth abortion now we obviously know that abortion is legalized here in america right and it's wicked it's vile it's abominable we know that's that's wicked that's evil but unfortunately it's the norm here in the united states of america and here it's saying that a person is not subject to civil or criminal liability with respect to alleged pregnancy outcome including miscarriage stillbirth abortion but listen to this or perinatal death now you said what is perinatal death perinatal death the perinatal stage can be any anytime between the 20 days uh 28 weeks of the child in the mother's womb all the way to seven days after they're born so in other words they're trying to pass this bill where they're not going to hold the parents liable in case the child dies seven days after they're born so if the child dies for whatever reason you know maybe because they don't want to have the child they can literally murder the child he said well it's not murder it's murder they can murder they can take away the life of the child they can murder the child and it's it will be illegal to investigate or prosecute the individual who killed them the mother who the father who approved it and even the person the the doctor who's performing the actual procedure it would be illegal to prosecute them even seven days after they're born it's the perinatal death part that critics are focusing on uh yeah now obviously we understand you know abortion even when the child is within the womb of the of the mother still wicked but obviously there is this threshold that once they come out of the mother's womb the mother views them and the world sees them how can any individual i mean we think how can any individual just abort their baby period right even within the womb but folks after they come out of the womb when they're beholding the most innocent you know vulnerable human being in the world and say kill it it's the perinatal death the part that the critics are focusing on while the bill doesn't define perinatal the term generally applies to the period approximately past 22 or 28 completed weeks of pregnancy up to seven completed days of life according to the to an assembly judiciary committee analysis of the bill capital alert reaches out to wick's office and learned that the assembly woman filed an amendment to the bill on monday so her liberal contemporaries were getting on her about this and saying hey this kind of sounds bad you know seven days afterwards so what she did was she filed for an amendment to the bill on monday changing the wording to perinatal death due to a pregnancy related cause now folks if you're new to our church here and this is the first time you're here and you're just like i thought you were gonna like talk about the bible i'm gonna show you a lot of verses from the bible but let me just tell you is that we are a church that just preaches the entire bible okay and we're supposed to view this world in light of the bible okay so before you get mad at me or judge me or think that i'm just you know blown off the top or you know i'm being insensitive or whatever make sure you esteem god's word first okay and understand and view and see that what i'm telling you is straight from the bible okay so they're saying well let's go ahead and change the wording because now the wording could be now what it is is you know a perinatal death due to a pregnancy related cause you say well what does that mean well if basically if the mother can come up with some reason why they needed to put the child to death seven days afterwards that's viable you know oh you know she fell into depression or she's not ready for this a perinatal call a pregnancy related cost can be anything so they didn't change anything it's just a wording to change wix also issued the following statement in response to the bill's critics anti-abortion activists are peddling an absurd and disingenuous argument that this bill is about killing newborns well that's what it is i know you're trying to word it differently wix you know i know you're trying to change and the terminology and a gaslight the community gaslight the world but it's still the same thing he says arguments that this bill is about killing newborns when ironically the part of the bill they're pointing to is about protecting and supporting parents experiencing the grief of pregnancy loss first of all so what she's saying is well this is actually supposed to protect the the parent or protect the parent from the child so you protect the parent by not persecuting the parent when the parent puts the child to death it's wicked no person should face prison time for a tragic pregnancy outcome and this bill will ensure that prosecutions and investigations have no place in reproductive health care so whatever reason they can come up with why the child should die seven days after it's born there will be no prosecutions and no investigations to prove that that was a wicked thing to do an evil thing to do a crime this is evil folks he said why was it worded that way well it's called subtlety my friends look what the bible says in act 717 this is a callback to exodus chapter 1 we're going to go there in just a bit act 717 says but when the time of the promise drew nigh which got it sworn to abraham the people grew and multiplied in egypt till another king arose which knew not joseph the same dealt subtly with our kindred and evil and treated our fathers so that they cast out their young children to the end they might not live now what was the subtlety of pharaoh well the midwives are doing it and it's only the males that we got to get rid of because you know they might band together they might cause an uprising and then we can't control the hebrew population there so what we need to do we're not going to show all the children we're not going to destroy all the the females it's just the males right just like this woman who says well it's not murder we're not trying to kill children we're trying to protect the parents in case there's some complications with the pregnancy go to exodus chapter 1 if you would exodus chapter number 1 of course we have a similar story in matthew chapter 2 verse 16 go to exodus chapter 1 matthew 2 16 says then harrod when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men was exceeding wroth and sent forth and slew all the children that were in bethlehem and in all the coaster of from two years old and under according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men if you look throughout history wicked leaders and wicked men have always hated children and have always had an agenda to kill them no matter what age they were i mean we think this is bad when you have people are putting forth a bill to legalize murdering a child even seven days after king harrod did it when they're two years and under look at the bible says in exodus chapter 1 verse 15 it says and the king of egypt spake to the hebrew midwives of which the name of the one was shifra and the name of the other was pua and he said when you do the office of a midwife to the hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then he shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live all very noble but the midwives feared god amen and did not as the king of egypt commanded them but saved the men children alive and the king of egypt called for the midwives and said unto them why have you done this thing and have saved the men children of life why aren't you obeying the government why aren't you obeying the king this is an ordinance from the king well i'll tell you why because the ordinance of god is far greater verse 19 the midwife said unto pharaoh because the hebrew women are not as the egyptian women for they are lively and are delivered ere the midwives come in unto them he's like we can't control it once they are already you know in that stage where they're about to give birth i mean before we come in the baby's already out they're lively they're strong verse 20 therefore god dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied and waxed very mighty and it came to pass uh because the midwives feared god that he made them houses and pharaoh charged all his people saying every son that is born yet ye shall cast into the river and every daughter ye shall save alive obviously pharaoh's a wicked person but we have people just like that today turn with me if you would to hosea chapter number nine hosea chapter number nine if you would we know that a nation hates god hates god yes of course but also hates children when they are willing to legalize or they're even thinking about it's coming into their mind to figure out how they can legalize murdering children not just in the womb because they've already accomplished that even murdering them seven days after they are born folks this is a person who is without natural affection obviously abortion is wicked but you know what i would say for a woman to to commit abortion when the baby is in the womb potentially is a lot easier than when it's born i mean obviously there's still a lot of uh trauma that that follows that even when a woman commits abortion where the child is in the womb there's a lot of uh trauma and traumatic experiences that they go through even thereafter all the guilt that they have but folks when you are willing to allow the child to be born even seven days after it's been in your arms you see it you hear it cry you see the innocence thereof and you still say well it shouldn't live that's a person who's without natural affection jeremiah 731 says and they have built the high places of tophat this is planned parenthood which is in the valley of the sons of hinnom to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire which i commanded them not neither came it into my heart you know what's funny is that people look at ancient civilizations today and be like oh man they're so like heathen they're so crazy and wicked but we're just doing the same thing just with better technology and we don't name it uh the uh tophat we don't name it the valley of the sons of hinnom we call it planned parenthood we have literal temples all around this country they are literally made to kill children 24 7 look at osia 9 11 it says as for ephraim their glory shall fly away like a bird from the birth and from the womb and from the conception though they bring up their children yet will i bereave them that there shall not be a man left yea woe also to them when i depart from them ephraim as i saw tyros is planted in pleasant places but ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer give them oh lord what will thou give give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts now why is he saying this well he's saying this because of the fact that if they just naturally hate children there's going to come a time when they want children but god's not going to give them children and this is the sad and hard truth of what happens when a person when a woman takes birth control contraceptives for a long period of time thereafter they want children but the their their their bodies are so messed up that thereafter they had they find it hard to have children okay and part of that is the built-in consequence to not wanting children to begin with and doing that by taking birth control and all that other nonsense okay it says in verse 15 all their wickedness is in gilgal for that for for there i hated them oh man god hates people wow for the wickedness of their doings i will drive them out of mine house i will love them no more oh wow that guy loves everyone all their princes are revolters ephraim is smitten their root is dried up they shall bear no fruit yea though they bring forth yet will i slay even the beloved fruit of their womb this is where europe is at by the way now go to amos if you would amos chapter one god says oh you don't love children okay i'll allow your generation to just die off them i'll allow your nations to just die off and not be able to procreate and not have children because you don't love them now this particular verse here is for my fellow brethren who want to save america okay because you know you have christians who believe what i'm saying right now but they're so patriotic and so nationalistic and they're so gun-hole about america and they're so we can save america and we just need the right president to be in an office and we just need to have the right conservatives and god can spare our nation we can turn this nation around god bless america they just want this nation to be a christianized nation but hold on a second let's see if this is what how god views a nation that's that has committed the abominable things that america has done look at verse 13 thus saith the lord for three transgressions of the children of ammon and for four i will not turn away the punishment thereof because they have ripped up the women with child of gilead that they might enlarge their border he said because you have killed children i will not turn away my wrath from you so you patriots out there need to wake up and stop ignoring the fact that so many abominations have taken place in this country you think god is just going to turn a blind eye to punishing the united states of america just because you love the red white and blue and it says on the dollar bill and god we still trust do you really think that god says i will not turn away the punishment thereof because of these wicked things that your nation has done and let me just say this god forgives individual believers but he will not forget the sins of a nation this is consistent throughout the bible even when one nation dies off and another nation arises god still says i'm going to punish this nation now there may be a righteous ruler that rises up like jesiah for example where he loves the lord and and you know he he loves the word of god you're like well yeah that's what we're looking for we're looking for like trump no no i said loves the lord and loves the word of god and stop comparing these earthly presidents to old testament kings who literally went into the house of god and cleaned up the house of god and pulled out the bible and said we need to obey the ordinances of god folks you get me a president that removes the sodomites of the land okay now we can talk that's what the righteous kings of the old testament did that they broke down the houses of the sodomites the bible says and took them out of the land then we'll talk you give me a president who actually quotes the word of god and says this is how our laws are going to be from here on out okay then i'll shut up then i'll take down this sermon well maybe not this sermon but parts of the sermon let me just say this is that the bible says that he's not going to turn away the punishment thereof god is going to punish america you can't expect for a million babies to be aborted every year in the united states and think that god's just going to be like well but they're patriots though they sing all kinds of patriotic songs about me and you know it's all about god and country they say that a lot you know they have this place called the south called the bible belt they have all kinds of baptist churches there they don't believe the right salvation but hey i mean they're trying right you think oh you know they have all kinds of sodomites there but i love all everyone they have all kinds of rapists and pedophiles and they just let them go free but you know what they god and country i will not turn away the punishment throughout and you know what god may not punish the united states of america and our generation but he is going to do it in one generation it is coming go to psalm 113 i know that's not popular today because i know a lot of people they hold to the republican conservative libertarian view and and they want to have a righteous president but i want a righteous president too i just know he's not coming until the millennial reign i'm just being realistic about it folks we believe that life begins at conception fertilization which is in the inception of pregnancy we see that throughout the bible david said for those possessed my reigns and has covered me in my mother's womb we see that even in jeremiah chapter one that god had a plan and a purpose for jeremiah even even before he was conceived in the womb he he knew that he was going to exist we see that john the baptist leaped in the womb when he was in the presence of jesus christ over and over again the bible reiterates the fact that life begins at conception okay this is why abortion is wicked and by the way you think it's bad when people can abort children here i mean obviously this bill hasn't been passed but you know children are being aborted here um you know before 25 weeks or so in new york new york law now allows for abortions all the way to full term if you want to criticize california criticize california but you know what new york is just as wicked and everyone else is going to follow suit right did you know that california is a part of the united states of america there are nearly a million abortions per year on average and of course planned parenthood is the nation's largest abortion provider okay so abortion is wicked and we're referring to contraceptives you know contraceptives that basically make the uterus a hostile environment for the fertilized egg to implant let me just say this you may cover it and say well you know birth control we're just not trying to have children but birth control is simply abortion that's really what it is you may not know that and you may be ignorant of that fact but it's a fact that birth control pills make the uterus a hostile environment for a child and it is considered abortion in the womb folks you can look at the science look at how they do it look at how it operates and it works and it is abortion where do i have you turn let let me read to you from second king 16 verse 1 says in the 17th year of pika the son of rameliah ahas the son of jotham king of judah began to reign 20 years old was a has when he began to reign and reign 16 years in jerusalem and did not that which was right in the sight of the lord his god like david his father but he walked in the way of the kings of israel yea and made his sons to pass through the fire according to the abominations of the heathen whom the lord cast out from before the children of israel now we understand that abortion even through contraceptives is wicked but sometimes even christians partake in what's known as you know natural birth control okay they call this family planning where it's just like well you just don't come together during that time where she's you know fertile and has more of a potential to get pregnant during that time now that's not abortion but it's still sinful let me explain why because aside from the fact that we obviously understand that contraceptives is abortion it is the murder of children family planning is basically saying i don't want children right right whereas it goes against the biblical mandate to be fruitful and multiply now ask yourself this why would you not want children why would christians say well i don't want children well why not well because i want to live my life we just i need to spend more time with my spouse and have more us time and we don't have enough finances any reason you can come up with any reason any excuse for not having children that you can come up with i guarantee you 100 of the time is against biblical principles 100 of the time and by the way i don't see believers in the bible family planning three and no more lord two and no more the bible says be fruitful and multiply deuteronomy 7 verse 13 says and he will love thee and bless thee and multiply thee he will also bless the fruit of thy womb notice that having children is associated with blessing now look folks let's just be realistic it's hard having children i got four little ones and you know it's a little stressful sometimes it's very sure five and under can be very stressful but let me say this the blessing far outweighs the stress we're exhausted we're tired we are sometimes we lack sleep sometimes the house is so loud that it's just like be quiet let's get some piece of quiet in here go to sleep but you know what i wouldn't trade it for look for anything in the world now people who don't have children are like well yeah see i don't want to live that kind of life well yeah because you must hate children because once you have them you see what a blessing they really are and some people will say well don't have too many children because you're not going to be able to love the other children the way you love the first child or something how many have ever heard something like that you can't love all those children that way but what they they're what they don't seem to understand and obviously because they're not if some are not believers but even when they are believers they don't understand is that god actually increases your ability to love the more children you have i find that i actually love my children more with four than i did when i had just one or two i mean i loved bruce when he was when he came into our lives but i would say this i love bruce more today than i did when he was first born because of my other children i feel like my love has been enlarged it has been increased my joy has been increased that's why i want to have more children i went to go visit my family in utah and uh my dad was in the hospital and they were just kind of like four i'm like i know i'm trying to get more you know it's not enough it's just not enough and they're just like four and you want to have more of course and i told him i said because in case i offend all my church members i will always have someone to preach to the more children i have it works and you know i had a i had a family member who who just is completely anti-children and he's just like i i can't stand children i will never have children and and i wanted to kind of like ring his neck because he said some other things regarding children and i had to like kind of restrain myself and i said well you know what i love my children and i'm so thankful for my children i love my children and they make they make me so happy i love carrying my children and playing with my children and talking to my children having them around me and and yeah i like not getting sleep sometimes i like playing tag with my children i like being with my children and they make me happy that's why we want more children but the world doesn't understand that deuteronomy 28 verse 4 says blessed shall be the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy ground the fruit of thy cattle the increase of thy kind and the flocks of thy sheep you know what's in what's unfortunate is that we expect this from the world we expect the world to have that view that children are a curse because they don't know god they are without god they are without the bible but folks there's a problem when christians have this view there is a problem when pastors and church members have a view that you should only have two and no more and use birth control you're like you're you're crazy there's no pastor out there that teaches there are independent fundamental baptist pastors out there that teach that i personally knew one where his wife would literally go around to the congregation teaching the young mothers that get on birth control openly trying to come talk to my wife after we had bruce and the wives of the ladies in our church and it's like this woman's wicked come control your wife but this is an independent fundamental baptist folks now look you know we we get on people like that but you know what even in in in our type of churches i see an attitude amongst the young people and let me just correct this here and now and i need to say this as the pastor of this church you know we should never have this holier than thou attitude of well you know i don't want to get married and have children because i'm just not gonna be able to do a whole lot of soul winning you know i'm not gonna be able to just do a whole lot for god if i'm not married and i hear that a lot i hear that a lot and it's just a cleaned up version of what they're doing out there you know somehow you're just gonna lose out on rewards if you get married and have children folks that is the stupidest idea i've ever heard and i'm like getting on the old ifp and then this this is happening here and i'm just like what in the world even to the point where there's some idiot out there on youtube land who literally injected himself with so much testosterone that he blew out his testosterone gaskets where he could so he can no longer desire women so he could just so in all the days of his life and i guarantee you 99.9 of his soul winning is just worthless he probably can't win anybody to the lord because let me say this you need testosterone to win people to the lord we're not going to have that attitude in our church folks and any holier than thou self-righteous young man who makes that statement to me will get an immediate rebuke from here on out that's a wicked attitude to have basically insinuating that any father here who's married with children doesn't do enough soul winning you know marco's you're a brand new dad right oh my soul oh my soul you know jonathan brand new father are you are you guys going to stop soul winning anytime soon i don't think so right i mean if you were planning to you're not anymore because i just brother mori are you going to stop soul winning you got how many kids you got you got three okay brother ulysses you're going to stop soul winning no one's going to stop soul winning after they get married and have kids but this is the attitude that's just a cleaned up version of what we see in the old ifb it just sounds a lot better because it's just like well it's not because i want to make more money it's not because i just want to live my own life i just want to get more rewards from soul winning that's a stupid attitude to have and any individual knows when you read the word of god that your influence and your ability to do more expands when you get married and have children folks you're basically saying that god's order doesn't work because god said be fruitful and multiply right love your wife as christ also loved the church he instituted this institution of marriage and you're saying that well yeah but that doesn't really work though like we need to just be single for the rest of our lives and obviously they want to point to the apostle paul but folks there's only one apostle paul and he even gave instructions to marry folks if that was the case then why one of the requirements to be a pastor is to be the husband of one wife to have his children in subjection with all gravity i just need to mention that though good okay i'm not angry with anybody here but that needs to be mentioned this holier than thou self-righteous attitude has no place in the house of god and people better not be going around condemning the fathers in our church or having this attitude that they do more soul winning than someone else because they're they're single look folks if you're single and you're doing a lot of soul winning amen you know you're attending to the things of the lord amen but your goal as a young man eventually should be to get married to lead about a woman to have children and let me say this i have four soul owners in training that i train like 24 hours a day and i'm going to be training them for like 20 years maybe and by the way i mean it's not stopping at four either lord please don't let it stop at four i want to have more let's let's just say i get to albert's status and i get this tribe of of like 10 children that's 10 children i get to train remember that the the arrows in the hand of a mighty man yeah you get those 10 arrows and you sharpen them for 20 years and they become these bona fide legit soul winners preaching the gospel and by the way not just soul winners just all around good christians let me just mention that too as well okay that god doesn't just expect for us to be soul winners he wants us to be good christians just in general okay good employees good sons good fathers good church members hey god expects you to know the bible doctrine not just the gospel you know the gospel that's why you're saved you know the gospel enough to give it to someone else but you know the bible god expects you to know all the word of god to live a holy life to have the breastplate of righteousness did you know that the armor of god is not just to be shot with the preparation of the gospel of peace he's not like just put these shoes on and that's it helmet of salvation breastplate of righteousness gird your loins with truth have the sword of the spirit which is the word of god i mean he expects us for us to have everything okay but we can't have that attitude in our church so i need to mention look at psalm 113 and this is really big not this particular thing that i was referring to but just this attitude that children are a curse is really big on social media unfortunately you have mothers on social media that complain about being a mother and that's wicked right yeah they complain they murmur about you know having children and and all these things look at psalm 113 verse 9 he maketh the barren women to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children praise he the lord he's saying here that part of his blessing is that a mother is able to have children which makes her joyful yeah but if i have children you know i can't have my iced coffees i can't just have me time and read my favorite novel well guess what you're going to be able to read to your children how about that and who says you can't have iced coffees now folks i understand and i'm not trying to be insensitive here because i know motherhood can be very difficult right so how do you know that well because i have a wife and there are a lot of complications that can come with that a lot of complications there's something there there's this there's this little dark place in a in a mother's life called post partum depression that a lot of people don't talk about and that's a very serious thing you know and that should not be taken lightly and you say well that's one of the reasons why you shouldn't have children folks if god commanded us to do it he'll help and he allows a woman he allows a family allows a family to go through that he'll walk them through that right yeah but that should not be a reason because people have told me you know because my wife experienced something similar to that very similar and people told me see that's what you got to stop now and i'm like why well because what if it might happen again or what if okay then what if we don't have children my wife just dies that can happen too what if i die i mean the what-ifs are just endless that's right there's a lot of things that can happen right right and so nothing should stop us from just obeying god's word and we should not blame god for our sinful nature okay and you say what do you mean by sinful nature well you know our bodies are corruptible my friends and sometimes there's complications like that now thankfully you know we have people in our church that can help you with that you know they can walk you through something like that and let me just let me just make a public service announcement for that if they're if you ever experienced something like that get some help the worst thing you could do is just isolate yourself and think well no one knows what i'm going through and you're just in this dark hole for months on end without telling anybody you need to tell someone you need help it's a dark place for a person to be you need to help and and you need to get through that okay and and and and husbands let me say this is they keep tabs on that right don't think because she's got the house clean and the children are changed and everything seems on the up and up that everything is on the up and up you need to keep tabs and dwell with your wives according to knowledge and have a heart-to-heart conversation with your wife and say be honest with me is everything okay tell me how are you doing mentally how are you doing emotionally and you know what sometimes i'll be like i'm fine that's not you to be like all right cool um you need to like you need to like probe them and say are you sure tell me tell me if everything is okay you know don't think that because you know that the schedule has just been so consistent and everything seems to be good and she's smiling that everything is good in here okay and and i know this is not a sermon on marriage but i feel like i'm being led to just mention these things okay is that just know this is that when there's major transition in a marriage there can be a lot of problems that go with that that you don't know about that your wife is struggling with so what do you mean by transition having a baby okay or just getting pregnant first having a baby moving even if you moved across the street or you moved you know to a different state you brought your family to this state or whatever you know that's a major transition changing jobs transition these things can mess with the the emotional mental state of a woman for us guys we i mean we can sleep in our cars if we wanted to and it just wouldn't bother us at all now some there's some guys out there they're just so clean they just can't do something like that but you know but the majority of us is just like well i got a chick-fil-a here i got an in and out right here there's a gym right there you know i got i got everything i need but you need to pay attention to your wife and don't assume that everything's okay don't assume that she's fine because she says she's fine you need to dwell with them according to knowledge and say is everything fine tell me i need to know because you don't want a rude awakening and what happens is sometimes men wait too long months on end and then she finally comes out and lets you know everything that's going on you're just like well you never said anything it's like well yeah because you never asked and i know they sometimes wives expect for us to be mind readers like we're just we just know everything that's going on in their minds but you know we need because we don't really have that power we need to verbally ask them what's going on okay but that was a commercial break and but i'm saying you know obviously there's situations like that but in general what the bible's telling us is that you know women are happy when they're keepers at home women are happy when they have children and don't blame the biological you know defects of a woman's body on god in general this is how it is and obviously there's so many other factors that play into stuff like that dieting and and you know just all types of other things in general though the bible says that a mother is joyful when she has children turn with me if you would to go to matthew chapter 18 i was on that point for a while so i'm going to breeze through some of these points here how do we know that a nation hates children well number one as i mentioned when they legalize the murder of children like this wicked woman is trying to do even seven days after they're born but also when parents lament having to rear children and i already mentioned something like that you know the bible says in luke 23 the first verse that we read passage for behold the days are coming in which they shall say blessed are the barren and the wombs that never barren the paps which never gave suck you know everywhere we go if my wife goes somewhere or i go with her somewhere we have our tribe with us more often than not we'll get people stare all the time and what they'll have to do is they'll stare at the children they'll look at how small my wife is and then they'll just kind of look at me in disgust and that look basically means this mexican guy you know what they're thinking is like this mexican guy you know he comes from a big family he just wants to have children he doesn't even care you know and sometimes they'll say this they'll say this they'll say you got your hands full right and they're basically saying like oh man you know you must be really stressed and hands full but really what we think is like well our hearts are full too though our hearts are full it's not a grief to raise children but in today's day and age it is parents lament having to rear children and that's why they re they they basically go to birth control and all these other things because they don't want more another reason or another sign that a nation-aged children is the tireless pursuit to pervert the minds of children you know this whole thing with disney just came out and this secret or this this conference call that came out where a woman was saying that you know they're adding queerness to the films and to the shows but here's the thing who's surprised who's really surprised at that though who here was just like i'm shocked raise your hand if you're just blown away you cannot believe that disney would do such a thing okay good people are like i just can't believe disney would do this it's like dude have you seen like the lion king have you seen little mermaid and all the wicked stuff that they put in those films all the perversion that they add on there right you know yeah milan the tranny movie that's a tranny movie yeah tranny movie i mean it's like if this shocks you you need to read the word of god more okay but obviously it shows to what extent they're willing to go to to pervert the minds of the children in our country right okay the tireless pursuit to pervert the minds of children or how about this or you're in matthew chapter 18 look at verse six every one of those people who do that fall into this category but who so shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were bad by the way this is jesus speaking this he said this and this is not a parable right it's not an allegory this is not just some illustration right but who shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck now that's pretty bad just already there right a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea so the the loving jesus that everyone always talks about that has no wrath no punishment no hatred no nothing he said that so it looks to me as though jesus actually actually esteems the lives of children even to the point where he's willing to get rid of people mafia style you thought the mafia was bad when they cemented their legs and threw them into the ocean god said this is for children about his neck and drowned in the depths of the sea and folks i always point to this verse to show people that god is still for the death penalty for for perverts well he didn't really mean that well explain to me what he meant then what does this is there like a carousel ringing somewhere there's a phone right here all right let's get this phone let's i'm not going to look at it but it's it's distracting me whose phone is this adam adam's texting his wife and during church right now no i'm just kidding where's his wife at adam come get this phone where's louisa is she running come on i gotta preach hurry i gotta finish the server i got like 10 minutes there you go all right what was i saying so that's correct and then what mafia i said that yeah and you were drowned in the depths of the sea it's a beautiful verse i'm just saying you know it just shows that the lord obviously places a great emphasis on protecting children oh that's what i was going to say but people are like well you know he's just using as an illustration but what what does it symbolize though i mean he's just well it's just like symbolic of what though what does it symbolize i mean i can i can kind of give you i can let's extrapolate something for me you're a millstone jesus christ is the cornerstone maybe he tied about that guy's neck and drown him i'm up with that right but at the end of the day they're trying to basically reason and excuse away that jesus would never say something like this in 2022 yes he does because the bible exists in 2022 and it's still valid today but there's this tireless pursuit to pervert the minds of children through television through movies through the public school system it's nonsensical and and god does not look kindly upon that folks when people are just constantly attacking children constantly trying to have trannies teach them have uh what's that called tranny uh you know book time or whatever story time it's disgusting how do we know that a nation hates children well when a pedophile is favored and protected over children right when a pedophile when a pedophile isn't it sad that prison inmates have a higher standard than the government does right because in california pedophiles aren't necessarily allowed to live even in prison once people find out once the inmates find out that there's pedophiles in there they're done i personally know people who went to prison and said once we got the papers and under and knew that this certain individual was a pedophile as soon as there was a riot in the prison system we went to that guy's cell to go pay him a visit because they didn't tolerate pedophiles but yet you know the government doesn't seem to agree with that but i mean they're actually carrying out god's justice believe it or not yep go to proverbs chapter 13 proverbs chapter 13 and then we'll go to second king chapter 20 here's a sign that a nation hates children is when they when there's a lack of disciplining children ain't that the truth look at proverbs 13 verse 24 show me a verse proving that okay verse 24 he that spareth his rod hated his son yeah but i don't hate my son well that's what god says though right yeah who cares what you think if what you think doesn't line up with what god says then you're just wrong simple as that and he says when you spare the rod in god's eyes you despise your children he says but he that loveth him chasing him beat times in other words early proverbs 23 13 says withhold not correction from the child for if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die thou shall beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell now these wicked people out there who hate christianity they hate the bible they hate children they hate us they read a verse like this and say see this is abuse because they view beating as what they would want to do to us they view it as bludgeoning right whereas the bible when it says beat it means palpitating means to spank folks it's not referring to some violent act where you're just bludgeoning a child to death that's wicked only wicked reprobates would do something like that beat in the bible simply means to palpitate means to strike them in the hinder parts okay and the bible tells us when you do not spank your children you're not showing them that you love them well how was that a manifestation of loving children because you're gonna raise spoiled little brats like what we have today in 2022 on tick tock who prank adults and disrespect all types of people and and and talk back to their moms and even hit their parents that's the generation that was not spanked one of the reasons i'm a pastor folks is because i was spanked when i was a kid my mother although she was not a christian put the instill the fear of the lord in me okay and you know obviously he was grievous at that time but looking back i'm so thankful that she did i'm thankful now obviously you know she didn't necessarily do it the biblical way either you know let me just let me just say that i do it the biblical way my mom my mom did not do it the biblical way i'm just like what did you say but you know what i don't really care anymore to be honest with you because at the end of the day you know she didn't have the bible and she didn't have biblical principles she did the best that she could as a single mother and i'm just glad she did something because i'm not dead i'm not involved in gangs i'm not a drug addict i'm not a drunkard i'm a pastor who's married with four children with the church you know and i credit a lot of that to this but you wonder why there's so many children out there that are so disrespectful and when i say children i mean like teenagers who are just blatantly disrespectful towards their parents blatantly disrespectful to just adults in general and even when they're not talking back to adults they don't know how to interact with adults they interact with adults like in a disrespectful manner i always learned that you know when there's an elderly person or someone who's older than you you look them in the eyes you shake their hands you show them respect this is a crazy generation the bible even tells us in proverbs 30 verse 11 there is a generation that cursed their father and doth not bless their mother there is a generation that appear in their own eyes and yet is not washed from their filthiness there is a generation oh how lofty are their eyes and their eyelids are lifted up turn with you to second king chapter 20 lastly the sign that a nation hates children is the lack of consideration for their future we need to live today obviously serving the lord but keeping in mind that tomorrow in a sense belongs to our children there's gonna be a time when we're not gonna be here so we need to live in such a way that we're preparing them for that future and it's the nation in which we live today is so evil and the answer is not well i'm just not gonna have children because you know that's a lot of attitude of people like i'm afraid to have children because of how wicked this world is i mean you've heard people say that like i just don't have children because it's and you know you understand where they're coming from because they obviously see the wickedness of this world of our nation so they're afraid to have children because their beloved children are going to experience a worse nation than what they have our children believe it or not are going to experience a worse nation than what we have today let me just give you a rude awakening call right now the world that our children will know when they're in their 20s 30s is going to be far worse than what we have today you say well then we shouldn't have children no the bible is still true so what's the answer train up a child in the way he should go right and when he is old he will not depart from it sharpen him up as mighty arrows in the hands of a mighty man so that he can combat this culture combat this world with the word of god that's the answer but there's people out there who don't take that take that into consideration they don't take into consideration the next generation they kind of live for the here and now look at the bible says in second kings 20 verse 14 then came isaiah the prophet into king hezekiah and said to him what said these men and from once came they unto thee and hezekiah said they are come from a far country even from babylon and he said what have they seen in thy house hezekiah answered all the things that are in my house have they seen there is nothing among my treasures that i have not shown them and isaiah hear the word of the lord behold the days come that all that is in thine house and that which is thy fathers have laid up in store into this day shall be carried into babylon nothing shall be left saith the lord and of thy sons that shall issue from thee which thou shall beget shall they take away and they shall be eunuchs in the palace of the king of babylon now i don't know about you but if i would hear that i'd say i'm really sorry about that lord help me to fix this how can we correct this because here's the thing one thing i've learned from walking with god is that he's just very gracious and very merciful he's a god of second third fourth fifth hundred chances amen and i've learned that all things really do work together for good and so i would take my mistakes into the lord and say i messed up help me fix this so that my children do not become eunuchs in babylon i repent i'm sorry do you want me to go to war what would you like for me to do to correct this situation i want to be a problem solver my friends even when it comes to my own problems oh but not hezekiah then said hezekiah to isaiah good is the word of the lord which thou had spoken and he said is it not good if peace and truth be in my days this is a really evil attitude to have he says so basically let me put it to you in modern terms he finishes giving him this this prophecy this is what hezekiah does oh so my children are going to be eunuchs oh okay i thought you were like me that's basically what he's saying he's like oh man you scared me for a second i thought this was going to be for like me well peace and truth are in my days what a wicked person to not care that his children will be eunuchs in the palace of the babylonians that the next generation was going to be destroyed and all he cared about was the truth and the peace that he himself would experience in his day folks it's our responsibility to bring peace and truth in our day but also in the days of the children when they're older as well and prepare them for those battles so how do i prepare my children for such a crooked and perverse nation you have to instill in them the same faith that you have yourself and let me this is where it starts don't be a phony don't be a fake be the same place at home as you are here at church love your children because children can sniff out hypocrisy like that teach them the word of god allow them to see you love god and his word loving your wife loving your family loving your church instill that in your children hey things are more caught than taught well i tell them all the time though yeah but you know what things are more caught than taught they the children will become who you are not who you tell them they should be don't be a hezekiah you know unfortunately the nation that i'm referring to is our nation this is a nation that hates children but you know what there's 7 000 prophets who have not bowed the knee to bail and there's plenty of churches that don't hate children and don't be afraid to have children don't be afraid to raise children in the nurture and the admonition of the lord don't be afraid to teach to train them in the way that should go don't be afraid to teach them biblical principles no matter doesn't matter how far it is disattached from the culture and how much the culture in the world looks down on us fear not because we can still raise a godly seed a godly nation here in this country don't be afraid to do it reject the contraceptives reject the birth control reject the the the planned parenting or whatever you know three and no more just put it in god's hands leave it in god's hands ask god for wisdom and thank god that you have a church where pretty much everyone's going in the same direction in that area hey this is a perfect church to have a lot of children in because we all have children around the same age that's why we got to be careful when we walk around here because there's just a horde of them just kind of like running through here sometimes just breaking ankles and thank god for that amen i'm thankful look folks there's churches out there that are only gray heads only gray heads and i know we got gray heads here too but we have a lot of little ones here yeah and for me it's always been an indication of god's blessing there are churches that are very large that are running over a thousand two thousand and they barely have women who are expecting in those churches right barely when a church of our size has like seven women on the list folks god is blessing this church for sure how do you know that because the fruit of the womb is his reward the bible says this is the perfect place to do it and so you know what's the message today this country is going to hell in a handbasket and one of the reasons why is because they hate children let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you so much for blessing my family and the families in our church with children lord i pray you continue to give us wisdom as we seek to raise them in this nation and lord um we're here for such a time as this and so we should never look at our culture and think that we have to do things differently from what the bible says just because we're in 2022 i pray god that you'd help us give us wisdom help us to know what the bible says and to get the help that we need from our fellow brethren in order to to be effective parents spouses and christians we love you we thank you pray these things in jesus name amen