(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Matthew 12 the Bible reads And at that time Jesus went on the Sabbath day through the corn and his disciples were in hungered and began to pluck the ears of the corn and to eat When the Pharisee saw it they said unto him behold thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the Sabbath day But he said unto them have you not read what David did when he was in hungered and they that were with him How he entered into the house of God and did eat the showbread Which is not lawful for him to eat neither for them which were with him But only for the priests or have you not read in the law how that on the Sabbath days the priests in the temple profane The Sabbath and are blameless, but I say unto you that in this place is one greater than the temple But if he had known what this meaneth I will have mercy and not sacrifice He would have not what you would not have condemned the guiltless, but the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath day And when he was departed thence he went into their synagogue and behold there was a man which had his hand withered And they asked him saying is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath days that they might accuse him and he said unto them What man shall there be among you that shall have one sheep and if it fall into a pit on the Sabbath day He will not lay hold on it and lift it out How much then is a man better than a sheep wherefore is it lawful to do well on the Sabbath days? Then sayeth he to the man stretch forth thine hand and he stretched it forth and it was restored whole like as the other Then the Pharisees went out and held a counsel against him how they might destroy him but when Jesus knew it he withdrew himself from thence and great multitudes followed him and he healed them all and charged them that they should not make him known that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by his eyes the prophet saying behold my Servant whom I have chosen my beloved in whom my soul is well pleased I will put my spirit upon him and he shall show judgment to the Gentiles He shall not strive nor cry neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets a bruised reed shall he shall be he'd not Break and smoking flax shall he not quench till he send forth judgment unto victory and in his name shall the Gentiles trust Then was brought unto him one possessed with the devil blind and dumb and he healed him in so much that the blind and dumb Both spake and saw and all the people were amazed and said is not this the son of David But when the Pharisees heard it They said this fellow doth not cast out Devils But by Beelzebub the prince of the Devils and Jesus knew their thoughts and said unto them every kingdom divided against itself is brought to Desolation and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand and if Satan cast out Satan He is divided against himself How shall then his kingdom stand and if I by Beelzebub cast out Devils by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges But if I cast out Devils by the Spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come unto you Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he first bind the strong man And then he will spoil his house He that is not with me is against me and he that is gathers not with me scattered abroad Wherefore I say unto you all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men But the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men and whosoever speak at the word against the Son of Man It shall be forgiven him But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world neither in the world to come Either make the true tree good and his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt For the tree is known by his fruit Oh generation of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things right of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a Good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringing forth good things an evil man out of the evil treasure Bringing forth evil things, but I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak They shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned and Certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered saying master. We would see a sign from thee But he answered and said unto them an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign There shall no sign be given it given to it But the sign of the Prophet Jonas for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly So shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth Men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation shall condemn it Because they repented at the preaching of Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here The Queen of the South shall rise up in judgment with this generation shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost Parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places seeking rest and findeth none Then he saith I will return into my house from whence I came out and when he has come He findeth an empty swept and garnished then go with he and take it with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself And they enter in and dwell there and the last state of that man is worse than the first Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation While yet talked to the people behold his mother's brethren stood without Desiring to speak with them then once said unto him behold thy mother and thy brethren stand without desiring to speak with thee But he answered and said unto him that told him who is my mother and who are my brethren And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples and said behold my mother and my brethren For whosoever shall do the will of my father which is in heaven the same as my brother and sister and mother Let's pray dear Lord God. Thank you for your word Lord. Just thank you for this church You've given us Lord. We thank you for pastor We pray that you bless them right now as he preaches out of your word Lord and just bless the service in every aspect of It Lord for this all in Jesus name. Amen Amen, okay. We're in Matthew chapter 12 this evening look down at verse 38 It says then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered saying master we would see a sign from thee but he answered and said unto them an Evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given to it But the sign of the Prophet Jonas and I'm telling my sermon this evening is the signs of heaven the signs of heaven And yes, I'm gonna talk about the solar eclipse tonight. Okay, this will be the last time I talk about it All right, I just got to get it off my chest about everything that's taking place And so I'm actually I'm preaching this because I'm really embarrassed for Christians of today that seemed to be dismayed at the signs of heaven and they can't take a Celestial event likes the solar eclipse and just enjoy it they have to you know, kind of add some sort of prophetic You know attachment to it try to connect it to the Bible as though something cataclysmic is gonna happen tomorrow But nothing's gonna happen. Okay, and it's only other than the solar other than a little bit of shade Okay, a partial solar eclipse that we're gonna get here in Southern California other than that nothing is gonna happen and The reality is this is that I do blame social media for all of the frantic behavior of Christians today you know freaking out about the solar eclipse because of the fact that social media is just filled with the myriad of false prophets and They're constantly putting out videos and false information and claiming to know what the Bible says and unfortunately, you know You have people whether they're believers or not, or they think that they're believers They think that they're saved that they basically enjoy heaping to themselves teachers having itching ears and therefore They're turning themselves unto fables. They want to hear about fairy tales. They want to hear about fake stuff and Nephilim They want to hear about flat earth They want to hear that, you know solar eclipse is gonna go over three towns called Nineveh and you know Something's gonna happen, but nothing's gonna happen. Okay I know I typically say something about to happen but nothing about to happen tomorrow other than the solar eclipse And so I want to talk this evening About what the attitude of a Christian should be towards the signs of heaven Okay, the Sun the moon and the stars and what are their purposes? But before I get into that Let me go ahead and give some context to what we just read here in Matthew chapter 12 and in fact go with me if you would to Matthew 16 to parallel passage to Matthew chapter 12 Look at Matthew chapter 16 if you would and he repeats this again It says in Matthew 16 in verse number 1 the Pharisees also with the Sadducees came tempting desiring him That he would show them a sign from heaven. So keep in mind the Pharisees are Jews who are not believers they are apostate and In order they're basically asserting that in order for them to believe that Jesus Christ is from God They need to see something visible They need to see something tangible something that they could perceive with their physical eyes Here with their ears in order to actually believe it But the Bible tells us that we walk by faith and not by sight so things that pertain to the Word of God Things that God says are gonna happen They're not things that we can tangibly see with our eyes as of yet the things that have to be accepted by faith It's the hope that is within us We look at the Bible Which is the only tangible thing that we have here, right and we believe what the Word of God says But they're telling them show us a sign. But here's the thing if Jesus Were to show them a sign from heaven that he is the Son of God. They still won't believe it Because at the end of the day he is the sign he is the Word of God that was made flesh and dwelt among us a man and Even then he came into his own the Bible says that his own received him not and so that's clear proof there So they don't really they're not willing to believe and this really reminds me of a lot of Christians today Where they'll say well just show me in the Bible or people who claim to be Christian Just show me in the Bible and you give them a clear verse and like Why don't believe that you know show me another verse and you show them another versus like why don't believe that show me another one Whatever else is it you can give them the entire Bible and then they're not gonna believe it cuz at the end of the Day, they're not seeking for truth. They're looking for fables. Okay, they're looking for deception verse 2 says he answered a sentence to them When it is evening, he say it will be fair weather for the sky is red He goes on to say in the morning It will be foul weather today for the skies red and lowering. Oh you hypocrites. He can discern the face of the sky But can he not discern the signs of the times in other words? He's like you guys are really good at determining what kind of weather we're gonna have today Based upon just the clear evidence of the sky But here you have the God of heaven right in front of you and you can't discern the time of your Visitation is what he's referring to. Okay, he says in verse number four a wicked and adulterous generation Seeketh after a sign and there shall no sign be given unto him But the sign of the Prophet Jonas and he left him and departed. I Love that. He's just like he just leaves him with that. He's like see ya and he walks away Okay. Now what is he talking about here? Well, what he's referring to is a prophetic event That's gonna take place tomorrow or the Eclipse will cover three towns by the name of no, it's not what it's talking about Now, but this is what the narrative is being pushed today, you know by These social media heretics known as one of them being big Nick Who literally uses this verse to say that on April 8th? April 8th is the fulfillment of this prophetic statement that's being made here in Matthew chapter 12 and in Matthew chapter 16, and he's just like and define irony Okay, because he's like, you know All this solar eclipse is gonna take place and this is what the Bible says a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign Oh, you mean like you? Oh Big Nick you're talking about yourself because he's the one who's seeking after the sign the solar eclipse as a celestial sign in spiritual matters and he claims that Because the solar the shadow of the solar eclipse is gonna be cutting across various towns three of which supposedly is are called Nineveh That somehow that is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy right here in Matthew chapter 16 And and then you know, but obviously he's very vague about what the root the result is So let's say, you know, this is a fulfill. So what's gonna happen? They're gonna get shade You know, what's what is it? It's gonna take place and he's like America's really wicked though so we'll see what happens, you know, nothing's gonna happen and The reality is this is that the guy is two thousand years too late of the fulfillment of this prophecy Because this has nothing to do with the solar eclipse It has nothing to do with the celestial bodies, what does this have to do with it has to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ Now, how do we know that? well because he compares himself to Jonah who was in the well's belly for three days and three nights and obviously that event that took place with Jonah was prophetic of Jesus Christ who was gonna die and go to hell and Burn in hell for three days and three nights and the Bible says that his soul is not left in hell neither did his flesh see corruption and So Jesus Christ You know the the the sign that he is the Son of God that he is deity that he is the Word of God made flesh and the fact that he went to hell for three days and three nights the Result of that is that he's gonna come back to life. It's not a spiritual resurrection as the Jehovah's Witnesses say It's a physical resurrection. So just as Nineveh saw Jonah You know and how he looked after he came out of the well's belly in like manner people are gonna see G the resurrected Jesus Christ in this day So he's telling the Pharisees you're asking for a sign and the only sign you're gonna get is when I resurrect That's the only sign you're gonna get so big Nick is two thousand years too late for the fulfillment of this prophecy because Jesus Christ resurrected already, okay, and We don't even get that sign because we didn't see it with our eyes But blessed are they who don't see and yet believe amen We Believe by faith that Jesus Christ died buried and resurrected on the third day And that's how you get saved by calling on the name of the Lord and believing that in your heart So he tells them hey, you know, he's basically saying you're a wicked and adulterous generation now Why is that? You know Matthew 12? He says you're an evil and adulterous generation in Matthew 16 He says you're a wicked and adulterous generation Why does he categorize them as being an adulterous generation for wanting a sign? Well, it's because of the fact that he's addressing the fact that this generation is a sensual generation In other words, they base everything off of feelings off of what they can perceive with their physical eyes see with their hear with their ears Physically touch with their hands and then they'll believe it type of a thing So he's saying you guys are wicked because anything that's not a faith is sin So if you're not willing to accept it by faith and you're a wicked and adulterous generation That's why you want to sign you want something that you could physically see with your eyes, but you're not gonna get that. Okay Now go with me if you would to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 I'm gonna read to you from Jude verse 18 says How that they told you that there should be mockers in the last time who should walk after their own ungodly lusts now This is referring to the end times and it's addressing the fact that there's gonna be people who claim to be Christian But in actuality they are mocking Christianity and One of the ways to determine that is that they walk after their own ungodly lust referring to the fact that they are lustful sensual they are people who Need signs in the heaven. They need something physical to see with their eyes It says in verse 19 these be they who separate themselves sensual Listen to this having not the spirit doesn't sound like someone who's saved right? It's like they don't have the spirit They're sensual. These are people who are mocking Christianity and folks you look on the internet right now Christianity's being made fun of on the internet a lot and I'm not talking about atheists or agnostics or You know the alphabet mafia or whatever. I'm talking about they're being Christianity's being made fun of by Christians themselves When they promote this stupidity and garbage there they make Christianity look stupid and You know these videos are a dime a dozen these these these false prophetic statements that they're making They come out all the time and people eat it up with fork and spoon people love this stuff And here's the thing is like, you know They hear this guy making the statement about Matthew 16 in Matthew 12 and they don't even decide to go look for it themselves Because if they actually read it be like wait a minute. This isn't even talking. Where's the solar eclipse here? solar eclipse here You know, they would easily see that he's referring to the resurrection, but they're so lazy, you know, they're so Sluggered ly and Slothful when it comes to spiritual matters that they just believe it Because this guy said it and the Bible says that the simple believe every word and are punished the box Yes, but look what second Thessalonians 2 verse 8 states It says in verse 8 and then shall the wicked be revealed Whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan Listen to this with all power and signs and lying wonders Now if you've read through the book of Revelation you see why this is saying that right because in the book of Revelation Throughout the wrath of God that's being poured out upon this world At it's at the same time you have the false prophet and the beast Doing great signs and miracles before the people before all of Earth It's one of the reasons why the people will wonder after the beast and will say who shall who's able to make war with the beast right and they wonder after him to begin to worship him because he comes back to life and He the false prophet is able to do these signs and line wonders Well folks if people are willing to believe in AI Generated picture or a video how much more when these guys have the authority to perform these types of signs They're gonna believe it It says in verse 10 and with all the civil deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish Because they receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved So why do people believe? stupidity heresy Fables was because actually they hate the truth They're not satisfied with the truth you give them the truth and they're like that's not good enough You know you tell them plainly what the text says and they're like no no there has to be something else That's called rejecting the truth and So what's the cause of that look at verse 11 the result of that excuse me it says and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie So I'm saying this to kind of comfort you and comfort myself That if people aren't listening to you aren't believing you when you say it You know don't feel bad because at the end of the day They're just rejecting the truth and sometimes God just sends people strong delusions It's like oh, okay, so you just you just choose to believe stupidity Okay, then you're gonna believe it full-on you're gonna believe every aspect of it You'll never be able to come to the knowledge of the truth and obviously second Thessalonians 2 is Referring to the great falling away that we're gonna see in the book of Revelation When people begin to worship the Antichrist and how people are gonna believe that and It says in verse 12 that they all might be damned who believe not the truth, but have pleasure in Unrighteousness and we see the precursor of that today where people just believe all types of deceits and lies and they revel in those things They love the fables They love the videos that say that your freighter's river dried up and solar eclipse this and all this nonsense They love that stuff. They love the conspiracy videos. They love, you know, I just saw a video Recently, someone sent it to me and this guy is just like hey, I just want to point something out here You know solar eclipse I want you to look at this company and it looks like a solar eclipse and if you look in the middle It's like it's a 666, huh? Solar Eclipse 666. I'm just saying you know, so You give me any kind of image you can pull any numbers out of that And you know what people are just He's onto something Yeah, he's onto the seat He's onto a bunch of nonsense And I can't tell you how many times literally people message me or people have messaged me even within the last week and Say what do you think about the solar eclipse? And I know what they're asking You know, I just saw him was like it's cool. Can't wait to see it That's not the answer they want though They want me to be they want me to freak out with them Which obviously, you know that there's in my flesh. I'm tempted to kind of go along with it Like, you know, they're just like what do you think about the solar eclipse the world's gonna end brother You're done You know We're doomed, huh, you know So see I'm closing my account Next week when it happens because everything's over, you know, the end of the world is coming tomorrow They would love for me to say something like that They hate the fact that I'm just like I can't wait to see it Why because They have pleasure in unrighteousness They have pleasure in Scripture being taken out of context. They have pleasure in heresy that pleasure in fables Jewish fables at that and They don't like the truth go to Deuteronomy 13 is last verse we're gonna go to by way of introduction Let me just say this because when you think about second Thessalonians 2 In conjunction with the book of Revelation and some of the events that take place there Some of the signs and line wonders that the false prophet will produce You know I believe a lot of those things are literally going to take place like the the false prophet will have some sort of supernatural capability of performing these types of miracles and You know people take issue with that because they think to themselves. Well only God can do that and You know, these people are not saved But the reality is this is that what people don't understand is that God actually does allow unsafe people to perform miracles and The reason people have like a knee-jerk reaction at that is because of the fact that they're thinking to themselves Well, why would God allow that? Because if they're if he's allowing them to perform miracles, then people are gonna be deceived by it, right? And here's my answer to that Cody. Yeah Yeah Now, let me give you some proof here Look at Deuteronomy 13 verse 1 if there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and giveth thee a sign or a wonder and the sign or the wonder come to pass Uh-oh Where have he spake unto thee saying let us go out go after other gods Which thou has not known and let us serve them thou shall not hearken unto the words of that prophet or That dreamer of dreams Why for the Lord your God proveth you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul You know he's saying, you know, there's gonna come a time when some people are performing miracle signs and line wonders and He's testing you out to see if you're a sensual person To see if you're a wicked and adulterous generation to see if that's all it takes for it to get you to believe a lie Because really at the end of the day we should see is what they're saying Matching up with the Bible Which ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine percent of the time? anybody who's doing a line wonder doesn't have doctrine that lines up with the Bible and So he's saying, you know I'm gonna allow it to come to pass Just to kind of prove you and test you to see if you actually love the Lord and what is the way that we? Can display that we love the Lord by believing the Bible By proving the message that comes out of that man's mouth. Amen You Know the Bible tells us the by their fruits ye shall know them and it's referring to the words that are coming out of their mouth and so this is proof that we should never take signs and wonders as Confirmation that someone's from God first of all because the majority of people who are performing those signs and wonders are charlatans and grifters Who are just lying, but let's just say Satan enables them to do so that's still not Confirmation because at the end of the day faith cometh by hearing hearing by the Word of God We esteem the Word of God more than our necessary foods or even the signs and line wonders And look you're gonna have a man at the end of the world who's gonna be performing all types of signs and line wonders even to the point where he's gonna come back to life and The guys called the Antichrist the son of perdition But you know what people are gonna see that be like, oh he is Jesus He is the Christ because he came back to life it's probably gonna be he's probably gonna be dead for three days and Three nights and come back to life and people will believe it because people are you know The people out there are wicked and adulterous generation that are looking for that sign and the Bible's clearly telling us here I'm doing it. I'm allowing that to prove you to see if you love the Lord your God Okay And so the point that I'm making by way of introduction is the fact that God actually condemns Christians who seek after a sign Don't base your beliefs off of dreams and visions and the sky and the clouds and the Planets and the stars the celestial bodies, you know, don't base it off of Astrology, you know, what's your sign? Oh, man, the reason the reason I'm so sinful is because I'm a Virgo or whatever You know, it's just built into me. That's what my that's what my destiny is because I'm a Scorpio or something You know and that's a thing Where people blame the way they're wired based upon What whatever that's called, you know, what what is it? Horoscope, you know what I mean? They base it off of like what month were you born in and that's your spirit animal or something I'll tell you everyone who believes that is born under the animal which is also no referred to as an ass You're an ass that's what you are I Go to Psalm 8 if you would Psalm 8 So, let me give you the biblical perspective on heavenly hosts and when I say heavenly hosts I'm not referring to the angels the cherry BIMS the seraphims I'm referring to the heavenly hosts that we can see with our eyes the stars the planetary systems Solar systems things of that nature the Sun and the moon. That's what I'm talking about This is what should be our biblical perspective and I'm gonna start really nice in the beginning and then we'll get into The other stuff in just a bit number one At its most basic level when we look at the stars and the moon and the Sun it should cause us to glorify God Right because the Bible says that the heavens declare the glory of God The Bible says that the firmament show with his handiwork So when you look at how beautiful the sky looks from Los Angeles, you know, whatever it is You can't see from it, you know, you know when you look at the three stars That are in the sky, oh man, that's beautiful way that's an airplane, you know, it's all flickering It has a red light But you know if you do have a chance to go to the mountains big bear or whatever and you're away from not just The smoke pollution but even the light pollution and you're able to actually see the stars, you know It should create wonder in your soul, right? how great and magnificent our God is to have created such a magnificent sky and Creation and the Bible even tells us that even prior to salvation The heavens declare the glory of God in a sense that it shows us that there is a creator Right the unsaved even there's unsaved people who even though they haven't believed on Jesus Christ for salvation They clearly know that the world and that which can be seen was created by God And I'm sure when they look at the heavens they say wow, thank God for this You know, it creates a sense of wonder in them. Look at Psalm 8 verse 3 David speaking here says when I consider thy heavens the work of thy fingers the moon and the stars which thou has ordained. I Think about what sign should I be looking for, you know? No, he says what is man that thou art mindful of him and the son of man that thou visitest him So what did it create within the soul of David? He looked at the stars the Sun and the moon and he realized how small he was in comparison to everything else All right, it basically humbled him is what it did Because you know people can become high and mighty in their mind they can they can People have a tendency to not condescend to men of low estate to highly esteem themselves in their own eyes Whereas when you look at the sky the star Sun and moon you realize how how insignificant really you can be compared to all of creation and That makes us love the Lord even more because as small and as Insignificant as we are compared to all the solar systems and the galaxies out there. God is mindful of us Right. He inhabits this planet He sees the hearts of men here. He cares for your estate He takes care of you. He protects you. He feeds you he finds joy in walking and communion with you And you read in the Bible and praying what is man that are mindful of him? it should create a sense of humility and gratitude that as big as this universe is Like God chooses to focus on us Because earth is it's just really small compared to a lot of the other planets out there, right and Obviously, it's very unique because of the fact that God created it is where he chose and obviously earth is the best planet in The entire universe because this is where Jesus Christ came to and So it creates within us a sense of gratitude a sense a desire to glorify God And so when we go out there and we look at don't look at the Sun But you know when you when you see it in the horizon, you know Look at it real quick and you see the moon you see the the heavenly bodies It should cause us to say number one. Wow. God is so powerful but also like this powerful God is paying attention to me and He cares whether I have sin in my life or not He cares about my estate, you know, he cares about my spiritual well-being. He died for me You think about that, you know, he died for all the mankind And so what is man that are mindful of him? It says in Psalm 147 you have to turn there go to job 38 Psalm 147 in verse 44 verse 4 Excuse me says he telleth meaning he number if he he counts he telleth the number of the stars He calls them all by their names and that is a powerful verse Because of the fact that there's so many stars and we can't count all the stars that exist out there There's billions and billions and billions of stars yet the Lord in his omniscience and I'm night presence And omnipotence is able to count every single one of them And in fact even named every single star showing us how powerful God is Not only that but when you look at the constellations, right? The constellations are a display of his power When you look at the constellations and how they're formed God Formed them in such a way to look like that to kind of show us his divine greatness It says in job 38 verse 31 Can't stop buying the sweet influences of Pletus or loose the bands of Orion Can't stop bring forth Maserov in a season or can't stop guide art Arcturus with his sons knowest out the ordinances of heaven can style set the Dominion thereof in The earth and when you think of like the constellation Orion for example, which in Hebrew is just referred to as the giant When you think about that how massive that constellation is he's saying are you able to even? Modify the way that constellation looks can you lose his bands? Can you make him change his direction? Can you change the way he looks no you can't cuz you're not powerful like God is that's what he's saying there, okay You can't change the sweet influences of the constellations and what he's referring to is the fact that people have used constellations throughout history for different reasons and It obviously plays a role in the life of mankind whether it's for good or for bad Okay, and so the constellations are a display of his power and what I'm trying to say here by point Number one is the fact that you know the stars moon and Sun should create wonder within us and It should cause us to worship God not the stars moon and Sun Okay Don't be a person who's worshipping the creature more than the Creator Okay, all of creation has the intent to create within us and all of God not of Necessary the creation itself, but you have people today that will look at an animal they'll look at trees They'll look at the constellations They'll look at the universe and be like wow this all came about just by accident or something like that And then they be in the end of worshipping creatures more than anything else whereas when I look at an octopus I look at a killer whale. I you know we we see those blue whales from the IMAX They were from the homeschool field trip. I'm like man God created that huge thing And it operates pretty cool God is amazing You know I see a killer whale kill a great white shark, and I'm like God made that God just fed that killer whale a great white shark You know and it's funny because this is the movie at the IMAX theater that we went to yes We go to the movies here now. It's for a homeschool field trip We went to go watch a video on whales right blue whales And There's a really it was really cool. You know is that you got the glasses and it pops out at you and all that It was really cool because of the fact that The narrative is that oh man You know these things are dying out, and it's because of the ships and the cargo ships They can't communicate one with another and you know we need to protect the whales type of a narrative, right? but then at the end of the movie the whales are still multiplying and It even highlights the fact that they're being fed Like there's a what was it that algae. I'm not a marine biologist here, but does anyone remember what that thing was called? What's that pink stuff? Plankton then it just kind of came out of nowhere and just surfaces to the top and then the whales come and they eat it Then they crap it out and that operates as like fertilizer, and then the cycle just continues, and it's just like everything's fixed And but here's the thing no cargo ship like went away though So who fixed the problem God did you know why cuz the oceans are God's aquarium That's his fish tank You understand so he's taking care of his fish tank, and if he wants blue whales to die the one died Doesn't affect your life who cares You don't got it. You don't gotta smell it You don't gotta look at it if it dies it dies But if he wants to keep them alive and doesn't want them to go extinct You make sure that the plankton come up from the bottom to the top so they can eat it and You know the cycle could continue, and you don't have to get rid of any cargo ships. Don't mess with my Amazon purchase amen The point that I'm making here is the fact that God takes care of the sparrow He I mean he's taking care of the jungles. He doesn't need your help. He doesn't need PETA to get involved He doesn't need the environmentalist to get involved He's got it under control So when we look at these things are like wow God is so powerful He is glorious. He's magnificent now turn with me if you would to Go to Genesis chapter 1 Let me also say that When we look at the stars the moon the Sun You know these are used as an illustration of the quantity of God's blessing as well And what I mean by that is that when you read for example Genesis 15 and other portions of Scripture where God is promising Abraham regarding his seed he always says they shall be as the stars of heaven and It's one of those things that God used as a reminder to Abraham when he's out there of the promises of God Right he would look at the stars and say you know God promised me that this would take place one day and so You know we could look at the stars, and it's a good way to quantify The blessings that we have received every single day you're like well, that's a lot of stars though Yeah, we get blessings everything you know he load us. He loads us daily with benefits the Bible says and So you know it was a reminder to Abraham regarding his seed that shall come after him and obviously it wasn't referring to His physical seed, but rather a spiritual seed, okay? But the next point that I want to make is the fact that the stars the Sun and the moon are Used for signs yes you heard rights and seasons I'm gonna you're in Genesis 1 I'm gonna read to you from Psalm 136 in verse number 7 it says to him that made great lights For his mercy endureth forever the Sun to rule by day for his mercy endureth forever The moon and the stars to rule by night for his mercy endureth forever look at Genesis 1 verse 14 It says in God said Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and Let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years And let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light unto the earth and and it was so now I want to make a point about this because I made a video just kind of talking about the solar eclipse and people take people just took offense to it and Specifically like Christians Because I was telling them they're like zero prophecies are gonna be fulfilled tomorrow. Why is that even controversial? like if you knew the Bible you would know that and A person responded and say how can you say like nothing was gonna happen? You know and and you know there's no sign That's gonna take place for the Eclipse and he kept giving me this verse in Genesis 1 14 How the Bible says that you know let them be for signs and for seasons So he's saying hey, it says right there signs so God gave us the Sun the moon and the stars for signs and Here's the thing is that let's say you just didn't know what that meant You should obviously go with the rest of what scripture says I? mean that's like basic right You know for example if you ever run into a verse where it seems to indicate you have to work for your salvation Obviously, there's no verse that tells you you got to work for your salvation But you know there's certain scriptures that are very cryptic that you might think to yourself wow you know work out your own salvation Well if you're in trouble, what does that mean? You know you don't base your theology on salvation based on the one verse You go with the clear teachings of Scripture Okay, and this is why it makes me mad when we talk we preach one saved all we saved and that salvation is by grace to faith and people are like James 2 Is it all shut my mouth, let me just ignore every other verse in the Bible They clearly says we have to believe on Jesus Christ for salvation but what they're implying is that we should just ignore everything else and just stick to James 2 and That everything else apparently contradicts James 2 But our position is James 2 does not contradict the rest of the Bible when it comes to salvation because it's not about salvation The Bible doesn't contradict itself But here's a safe way to make Bible interpretation when you see something like well We're gonna look at in Genesis 1 and you're like oh, man. Maybe it's for signs well You have to interpret the Bible based off of the plenary of Scripture What is the basic narrative of this particular teaching and we have plenty in the Bible to tell us you know? Hey, okay, but if you're looking for signs you're an adulterous and a wicked person according to the Bible So this can't mean what you might think it means when it comes to signs as far as Spiritual matters are concerned, okay You say okay, then what does it mean? Well, let me tell you something else before I actually explain to you, okay? Because obviously the seasons that's easy to interpret That's what the Sun and the moon are for you know to kind of help us to know the seasons the days and the years But you know sometimes people when they read the Bible they make it way too complicated Like what does it mean and sometimes the answer is just right there? okay, and Here's the answer to what it means when it talks about the Stars Sun and Moon being for science if you're gonna drive down the Street, how are you gonna navigate? Yourself through the streets you got to look for the signs Street street names we call those signs. How you know when to stop sign Well you know in ancient times. There's something called latitude sailing Okay, where the way people navigate through the oceans is by the stars they got to use the signs of the Stars to be able to navigate where they're going and We don't know anything about that because we got GPS, and if I took your phone away. You just completely you just be completely lost You know some of you if I literally took your phone away, and I said go home you'd be like You just go you just like fall apart You know just you're just lost okay? But you know in times past people didn't use a GPS okay, and in fact you know in my day Yes, MapQuest. I thought you're gonna say the Thomas guide. I was like whoa you're back in the day You know so so and back in my day. We do we were like pirates. We had like a MapQuest We're just driving like you know and even a little bit before MapQuest you just have to get directions So you know you you go somewhere and people are like yeah You go down this street you see a red tree on the red building on the right hand side There's a tree on the left you got to make a right there, and you have to like write everything down I remember my mom sending me to do errands and shoot a right on an envelope Just like the directions an envelope, and I'm just like oh man. This is it was really messed up But that's how we navigated and you know for the fancy really intelligent ones they would they would use the Thomas guide How many of you have ever heard of the Thomas guide? Okay, that would make many of you cry because it's a very extremely detailed map of Streets of just like cities and the entire country I think but it's a like really detailed It'll make you throw up if you look at it Okay, you know like your your your phone it even puts a little tree there for you now Puts a little building puts a little smiley face. You're happy as you're driving or whatever make a left You know rerouting you like you don't even have to pay attention to what you're doing You're just like a robot. You're like you know But the Thomas I knew a guy who literally his hobby was to study the Thomas guide He loved studying the Thomas guide so he knew how to get anywhere and anytime anyplace and side note here learn your freeways amen Learn your freeways Okay, learn If I asked you how'd you get to church? You know you should be able to tell me you've been coming here for quite some time now. Okay, you know But you know even further back than that People when we're talking about in the oceans They would use latitude sailing and they would use the stars as signs for how to navigate through the waters and you know obviously Not just the stars But the the the Sun as well because of the fact that it would move from east to west and they would use that to guide their route They can determine north and south by the shadows that the Sun would cast And once the Sun goes down they would use the stars I mean the stars move across the sky from east to west and in fact some of the stars are called rise and set stars Begin and end their nightly path below the horizon So if someone wanted to go from one island to it to the next they would simply have to follow that latitude Okay, and they basically just keep going until they hit it cuz it's like well I know it's in this direction Because this is where the star is based upon the horizon and they would go there And then that's how they would find it, okay Now Why how how you know, why would God do that? Because he's gracious, you know, he's he wants you to know how to get around the world And you know some some sailors even use constellations based upon, you know the season because constellations do change seasonally and Some of them were visible and you could even see this in the Bible if you guys remember when the Apostle Paul is Being transported to Rome there came a point where there is a storm car you're a Clyde on and the storm caused the stars the Sun and Moon to disappear because they couldn't see so they were basically lost at sea and This is an axe 27 Let me read to you from verse 20 says and when neither Sun nor stars in many days appeared and no small tempest lay On us all hope that we should be saved was then taken away So they panic because if there's fog and there's a storm you can't really navigate through the oceans like that and so that's what the stars are for, you know, it's not for spiritual matters and Think about this folks just put on your thinking caps The Bible clearly tells us that the Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path What should we be using to determine the spiritual direction of our lives not the stars? Not the moon Not the Sun What should we be using the Bible? So just as you use the Sun to determine where you're going physically, you know We determine where we go spiritually based upon the Son of God You know the moon can represent believers stars to represent believers and you know what? It's not just the Lord Jesus Christ that helps direct us but you know other believers Admonishes us as well and they help us to get to where we need to go in a multitude of counselors Safety the Bible says and So it's it's so crazy to think that people will just completely Forget and negate the Bible that's supposed to direct their lives and they'll depend on like oh the Sun the moon stars Just leave me. Oh, there it goes, you know It's meant for physical direction for sure and that's why God gave it so Genesis 1 14 When he says signs and seasons seasons is self-explanatory Signs just means hey road work ahead It just means like okay, why don't we got to go west if we want to get to that island It's just meant for direction. That's what it is. Okay, and Again, that basically causes us to glorify God again Because you know, he didn't leave us Mankind here without some sense of even physical direction You know just kind of looking at the stars and determining where what direction to go how to get to certain places based upon That the Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighted in his way and so spiritual direction spiritual destiny and Direction should always be determined by the Bible Not upon the stars now with that being said go to Jeremiah chapter 10 Jeremiah chapter 10 instead of looking up. You got to look down at your Bible. Amen You know, we have too many Christians just looking up at the stars But they're not looking down at the Word of God to actually determine where to go spiritually And this is this is why they're stumbling over themselves. They're constantly falling over themselves They're they're tripping over stumbling blocks because they're not paying attention to the path that they're following Based upon God's Word and this leads me into my next point Is that when it comes to the Sun Moon and stars, we should not be dismayed at them In other words, don't be afraid You know acting like a bunch of Mayan or Aztec Indians Freaking out over a solar eclipse or something. Oh, cuz the Sun God is mad at us That sucks That's a crappy way to live my friends, you know when we went to Belize and we went to those caves Really this is such an inferior society This society is just trash No wonder they died out Bottom line and people worship people like this. They're just like, oh man, they're just so amazing What do you mean like during that time people like there's already a printing press Bible's already being printed clothes people wore clothes You know like full clothing they weren't naked and stuff. I Mean technology was already advanced at that point And yet you want to you want you want to try to convince me that these Mayans and Aztecs were just ahead of their time No, they weren't they were dismayed at the signs of heaven Look at Jeremiah 10 verse 1 it says hear ye the word of the Lord Excuse your word which the Lord speaketh unto you O house of Israel thus saith the Lord learn not the way of the heathen and Be not dismayed at the signs of heaven why for the heathen are dismayed at them. You're acting like a bunch of heathens When Christians are just freaking out, it's just like you ought to be ashamed of yourself. You're embarrassing me Stop acting like that. You're embarrassing me You're embarrassing us as Christians because you're dismayed at the signs of heaven and only heathen are supposed to be dismayed at them And God says don't learn their ways Don't try to figure out what your destiny is based upon astrology and don't be a Prognostic hater and an astrologer don't try to predict the future based upon this and that Don't learn the way of the heathen. Go to Isaiah 47 Isaiah 47 if you would and then we're gonna go to Deuteronomy 18. I Mean think about it, you know, how sad is it? There's a lot of people I guarantee you a lot of people fearing Today for tomorrow all kinds of anxiety. I'm asleep like a baby tonight You know, and it's just like man, I can't wait to see this like they can't even enjoy something like that that's like an enjoyable sight and It's gonna come and go and look. Let me just make something very clear Something will happen tomorrow There will be some earthquake There will be maybe some volcanic eruption Something bad is gonna happen because something bad always happens. I Don't know if you noticed but but when every time something bad happens there's not always a solar eclipse though You think about that? Bad stuff happens because we live in a world where that stuff just takes place So I guarantee you some false problems be like, oh man this little island here, you know, they they had a tsunami Yeah, but the but but the solar eclipse is here though And what does the solar eclipse have to do with the tsunami? There's a tsunami over there because those people are probably wicked and God's judging them and There's tsunamis all the time and there's no solar eclipses when that happens Look at Isaiah 47 verse 12 This is a message to all the Christians out there who are placing their faith in these Phonies on online stand now with thine enchantments and with the multitude of thy sorceries Wherein thou has labored from thy youth if so be that thou shalt be able to profit if so be that thou mayest prevail Thou are wearied in the multitude of thy counsels Let now the astrologers the stargazers the monthly Prognosticator stand up and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee He's like, let's see if these astrologers can save you from me They can't I Love that You said why can't you why can't they save them? Why can't they help them? Can't they look at the stars? I'll tell you why they can't help them look at verse 14 behold. They shall be a stubble the fire shall burn them They shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame There shall not be a cold to warm at nor fire to sit before it Where's he say he's like these guys can't even escape Like hey astrologer, can you look at the stars and see the part where you go to hell You know, is there something in the stars and you know here I'll use astrology To predict the fact that you're going to hell you see that Sun You will be cast into outer darkness if you reject the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be thrown into that Sun Or something very close like it That's the only type of prediction that I'm gonna make using the stars Okay, and then I'll look at the false prophet and be like you are the wandering stars Verse 15 thus shall they be unto thee with whom thou hast labored even thy merchants from thy youth They shall wander every one to his quarter. None shall save them go to do on me 18 Deuteronomy 18 It's funny how these astrologers these Christian astrologers these Christian Prognostic haters These Christian stargazers want to be the source of truth for everyone else, but they can't deliver themselves These guys don't even know the gospel They're over here telling people about spiritual matters. They don't even know how to get saved Preaching a false gospel. They can't save themselves from the wrath to come But they're gonna tell you what's gonna happen tomorrow and all these and by the way No one's specific about it because they don't know Love them are liars Look at Deuteronomy 18 verse 9 when thou art coming to the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee thou shalt not learn to do After the abominations of those nations, what are some of the abominations? there shall not be found among you any one of you to make it the center is daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer or a Consulted with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an abomination Unto the Lord and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before Thee he says thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God for these nations Which thou shalt possess hearken unto observers of times and unto diviners But as for thee the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do He's like that's not for my people You know these prognosticators these people who are observing the stars and want signs of heaven. He's like that's not for you I've designated you to listen to my word. Amen Now I have a lot more verses to go through but times running now go with me if you would to Matthew 24 Matthew 24 Here's good proof that you know, these people are lame and they suck and they don't know what they're talking about in the days of Daniel for example They couldn't interpret the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar All the wise men all the stargazers and astrologers You know Nebuchadnezzar came to them and said like, you know interpret my dream to like well tell me what was the dream He's like, I'm not gonna tell you I Need you to like tell me what the dream was and if you don't I'm gonna make your house a dung pile You know, that's a good that's good. You should Because they can't so these are these are the guys who are being paid in this kingdom to make these type of interpretations But you know what the stars aren't telling them anything because that's not what they're for They're not gonna be able to navigate their way through that one so what do they have to do they had to go to Daniel who had the Spirit of God in him and God gave him the revelation of that dream and he didn't have to go to the stars and the moon the Sun To find that out He went to the God of the Bible And Let me just say this is that you know People out there often mix Christianity with astrology with horoscopes and the zodiac signs and things of this nature but you know the Bible says that if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberally in a braideth knot and The Bible says that we should ask in faith nothing wavering For he that waveth is like a wave of the sea tossed with the wind And then he says let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord Then later on in James it says that every good gift and every perfect gift Comets from above from the father of lights and whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning So he's trying to instill faith in God's people like don't seek for wisdom For spiritual matters especially in the stars in the sky in the signs Why don't you just go beyond that and just ask God for it? You know it's to go to the stars for wisdom is just so inferior Okay to go to the Sun and the moon and the planets for wisdom is so inferior when you can go beyond that into heaven You can come before the throne of grace and just ask God there give me wisdom He says I'll give it to you, and I want to braid you for it in other words He's not gonna rebuke you. He's not gonna correct you. He's not gonna reprove you for asking over and over again okay, and Then lastly let me just say this is that The Sun the moon and the stars Listen to me. They are not to be used to determine the end of the world I Know all these Hollywood movies want you to think that that's what's gonna happen you look wait hold on a second I thought like you know the Sun and moon being darkened Yeah, but what takes place before the Sun and moon being darkened Once the Antichrist comes out you don't need no stars or moon to tell you You know you said well, how is that gonna help well because the Antichrist is gonna try to kill you That's a good enough sign All right, I guarantee you're not gonna be looking for any Eclipse at that point You're just like no. This is it. This is it He's killing a bunch of Christians. He's making war with the Saints the dude just came back to life After receiving the deadly wound to the head we're in a New World Order, that's all I need Look at Matthew 24 verse 1 Jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to him for to show him the Buildings of the temple and Jesus said unto them see not all these things verily I saying to you there shall not be left here one stone upon another That shall not be thrown down and as he set upon the Mount of Olives the disciples came to him privately and said Saying tell us what shall these things be when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world Jesus said answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you For there shall be an eclipse Partially clips for those in Southern, California No, he says for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many and You shall hear of Wars and rumors of Wars See that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass hold on a second, but the end is not yet So even when that happens the Bible says it's still not the end of the world And let me just say this when people talk about the end of the world. They don't really know what they mean by that No one really knows what that means like if you ask them, what is the end of the world? They're just like you know the end What does that mean though? Because we can define it in different ways based upon the book of Revelation you guys know that Like when we could talk about the end of the world and we could talk about like the world you know the world system transferring into the New World Order right We could be talking about the end of those seven years the end of the world Or how about the at the end of the millennial reign of Christ? When the new heaven and the new earth are instituted, that's the end of the world I Mean so which one are you talking about here? Because at the end of the day, you know the end of the word There's no literal end of the physical world per se Because it shall be transformed. You know you know you understand what I'm saying There's different phases in the book of Revelation when talking about the end of the world Look at verse 30 and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven With power and great glory and he shall send his angels Did I miss if I miss the verse? I'm sorry verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the Sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and The stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken now you say well there you go solar eclipse Well, I want you to notice that it says immediately after the tribulation though So that means The tribulation is referring to is a ton of Christians dying So the sign that you should be looking for is not the Eclipse the sign that everyone should be looking for is the Antichrist and Even then we don't know who the Antichrist is until listen to this he comes back to life Until He goes into the temple of God proclaiming himself to be God Because the Bible says that day shall not come Except to come a falling away first and the solar eclipse be revealed No the son of perdition be revealed You know and then of course he goes into the temple So God's saying he never says look for the Sun and Moon to be darkened to know it's the end of the world He's saying look out for the Antichrist and Here's the thing let me explain to you. What will happen when the Sun and Moon are darkened Okay, it's like the Sun and Moon are dark and we're like wow this is it This is the end you know and we'll just see how long this lasts No as soon as it happens everything rolls out, and then we get raptured I Hate to break it to you, but that's literally what happens the Sun and Moon being darkened is just theatrics Just makes it look cool You know I mean everything's gonna be red, and it's just it's just essentially God is darkening the Sun and the Moon because the glory of the Lord Shall shine forth as lightning from the east to the west It's essentially to accentuate the entrance of the Lord Jesus Christ when he comes to rapture us So too many people are focused on the Sun and Moon being darkened and not enough in the fact that Jesus every eye shall see him You understand what I'm saying like folks the Sun and Moon being darkest just got turned off the lights and now you know it's like For the final present. That's what it is Stop worrying about the light bulbs It's just like oh, man. It's just to show you that Jesus Christ is coming. That's it But you ever notice how people always focus on the elements that surround Jesus Christ and not enough on Jesus himself You know the brass serpent no hooch tap burning into is like you missed the whole point of that They always focus on the elements that surround Jesus Christ and never really focus on Jesus Christ himself Folks the climax of the end times when it comes to the rapture is Jesus not the Sun and Moon being dark It's not even like the stars falling from heaven all that stuff's for the unsaved people They're gonna be the ones saying you know Hiding in the mountains and the rocks ain't following us and hide us from the face of him to sit us on the throne For the great day of his wrath is coming who shall be able to bear it You know, they're the ones who are afraid for us. It's just like you know I'm not like where's that Eclipse at? I gotta get one. I gotta get one last thing before her before I get raptured My eyes are on the Lord at that point Not on the solar eclipse. So even then you're like, oh, but what about the Sun and Moon being darkened? Yeah, that literally happens after like a lot of you have died already That's when it happens and at that point if you don't know it's the end that's your fault If by the time like a bunch of Christians have been put to death and The guy says that he's God and everyone's worshipping and you know, you still don't know you're probably reprobate You probably taking the mark of the beast I Mean is that that's not controversial Right, if you don't know it's the end if you think you're good and you're just like you're taking the mark of the beast And you're still looking for that. You can look for the solar eclipse after that for sure At that point you're doomed dude You know, it's over for you That's it So what's the point that I'm making here? The point is, you know, the the heavenly bodies are to cause us to glorify God You know It helped the people in ancient times to navigate Okay through oceans and even on land. Okay, and Honestly, they're there and the Bible tells us not to be dismayed at them. We shouldn't be afraid of them They're they can't do anything to us They can't do anything Venus is not gonna hurt you Mars is not going to do anything mercury. They got their own problems They can't do anything Okay, and don't worry about the Sun burning out. It's never gonna happen in fact the Bible literally says that seasons will continue on forever so the Bible actually teaches and so thank God for his creation allowed to inspire to create within you a heart of gratitude and awe for the Creator and You know at the end of the day we need to keep our eyes on the Bible And keep reading the Word of God and let that be your final authority for all matters of faith and practice Let it be your compass Let it be your your your your map quest Let it be your GPS for all matters in which you for this life okay, and You know instead of looking up look down. Amen Let's pray father we thank you so much for your word and thank you for the promises of God I pray that you'd help people to understand this Lord and Recognize that the heavenly bodies are not there to lead us you lead us Lord through your word and a lot of this Frantic fearful behavior is because people are simply ignorant of the Bible I pray you help people to build an appetite for the Word of God and for the truth And may they find it and once they do may they come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ We love you Lord, and we thank you pray these things in Jesus name. Amen