(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And all right We are in galatians chapter number five this evening and chapter number five Is a very special chapter because it gives some really good instruction that I think Resonates with a lot of christians in regards to walking in the spirit not fulfilling the lust of the flesh This is something that every christian struggles with, you know We got to walk in the spirit and make sure that the flesh doesn't have dominion over us And it really gives us some good instruction in regards to this Now keep in mind that the book of galatians is geared towards churches in a region where infiltrators have Gotten into these churches and taught this false doctrine That people needed to keep the law of moses in order to be saved and primarily what they were referring to is circumcision This is a subject and a topic that is constantly being hit on here in chapter number five And obviously we understand that we don't need to be circumcised physically in order to be saved But we do need the circumcision of the heart and of the spirit not of the letter As romans chapter two tells us now looks let's look down here in chapter five by the way chapter five is also a chapter That people who want to teach that you can lose your salvation will will will uh will use often they'll use Uh verses such as verse number four where it says christ has become a no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law Ye are fallen from grace and they'll say see someone who you know Uh is involved in sin or they do the works of the law They're falling from grace and what they're insinuating is that what at one point they had grace But because now they're living a worldly life or a carnal life. They actually fell from that grace We're going to explain what that verse means. Obviously, we understand that you can't lose your salvation But another verse they like to use is verse 21 when talking about the works of the flesh and it says It goes through the list of the works of the flesh there in verse 21 And it says of the which I tell you before as I've told you in times past That they would do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god This is like the go-to verse for pentecostals and people who believe you could lose your salvation And they'll say hey, you can't inherit the kingdom of god if you're involved in these things Okay, if you remain in these sins, if you do these sins, you will not inherit the kingdom of god now Let me just start off by saying that verse 21 is the meat of the word. Okay All this this entire chapter is the meat of the word But what we're going to look at in verse 21 is the meat of the word This is not something that can be understood, you know right off the bat It's something that requires study But by the end of the night you will understand what this verse is actually talking about Okay. Now look at verse number one. It says stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith christ hath made us free And be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage now I believe there's three categories of people that the apostle paul is addressing in this book The first category are just saved people who are in these churches of galatia because remember it's not just one church There are multiple churches. This is the churches in galatia in that region So the first one I believe is actual believers who are being deceived. Okay, there are because it says there in verse number seven Ye did run well Who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth? Okay The second group that I believe that he's addressing are potentially unsaved people who are attending these churches And are being carried about with everyone of doctrine, but they're not even saved because they believe that they're justified by the law The third category I believe he's he's addressing here are just the false prophets that potentially have infiltrated these churches that may have may still be in these churches, okay, because Chapter five seems to insinuate some verses some verses in chapter five seem to insinuate that he's addressing them specifically Now we understand the verse the first verse verse number one. He's addressing safe people because he's telling them Hey, you need to stand fast in this liberty where with christ hath made us free be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage And he's encouraging them like hey, you need to understand what liberty is Remain in that liberty and don't be carried away with every wind of doctrine Look at verse two behold. I paul saying to you that if ye be circumcised christ shall profit you Nothing for I testify again to every man that is circumcised that he is a debtor to do the whole law So he's saying look those of you who got circumcised You know those of you who suffered that circumcision Then you're still a debtor to the whole law Because the fact of the matter is what these people are not telling you Is that he that keepeth the whole law yet offended one point he's guilty of all And you need to keep the whole law not just the aspect of circumcision Not just you know, whatever commandment you can find in the old testament if you're going to keep one aspect of the law You got to keep it all And obviously we understand no one can keep the law in its entirety No one can keep the entire law perfectly for all have sinned and come short of the glory of god There's not a just man upon earth to do with good and sin If not, but the bible's teaching us that hey if you think you're justified by keeping one aspect of the law Then you're a debtor to keep the whole law. Okay, not just one aspect. You can't just cherry pick The law and say well, this is the part of the law that you got to obey to be safe And look people have this mentality today Where you know, they'd say well you got to repent of your sins to be saved But it's their specific sense that they're talking about Or the specific sins that they even know about and often these people are ignorant of the fact that there's sins of omission and sins of commission Sins of commission is when you basically do things that god tells you you shouldn't do Sins of omission is when you don't do the things that god tells you to do. Okay, those two categories are endless Because there's a lot the bible tells us he that knoweth to do good and do with a knot to him it is sin So That's why it's great that we're saved by faith alone. Amen It doesn't require effort on our part. It doesn't require our works Not by the works of the law By the works of the law shall no flesh be justified the bible tells us. Okay, so he says there I testified to every man that is circumcised and poor people Whoever was in these churches who believed this and got circumcised. Okay. What is circumcision circumcision is the removal of the foreskin? Okay, that's what that is And apparently some of these people who are in these churches actually did that. All right jokes on them verse number four Christ has become of no effect unto you Whosoever of you are justified by the law Ye are fallen from grace now again people will use this And look, this is this is what happens when you put the bible in the hands of unsafe people to try to decipher it They're automatically going to assume that it's referring to works that it's referring to the fact that you have to maintain yourself Salvation you have to you know do something keep the law love the lord stay in the path do his will The list goes on and on and on right And they'll use phrases like this to as their proof text. Now. What does it mean to fall from grace? Well, Another way to put it would be that they departed from the faith. They have forsaken the way of the true salvation And have believed a lie. This is referring to someone who was never really saved in the first place Now go to first corinthians chapter 15 because we have an example of this in the bible First corinthians chapter number 15 hold your place there in galatians Look what it says in first corinthians chapter 15 and verse number one It says here moreover brethren I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand By which also ye are saved if Ye keep in memory what I preached unto you unless you have believed in vain And so if a person claims to believe on christ they say they're saved But then they start believing that it's by works later on the bible says that that person has believed in vain Okay Oh, no, but they said this they believed in vain because the reality is If you believe that it's by faith alone But then you begin to add works 10 years later You were never really saved in the first place doesn't mean you lost your salvation. You were just not safe to begin with okay And it tells us there that's why it says to keep in memory, you know why because any saved person knows that they're saved The bible says that the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of god You see the spirit that dwells within us tells us that we're sons of god Okay, and you may not even know all the doctrines of the bible. You may not know the depths of salvation and justification And glorification And all the terminology that the bible uses to describe salvation, but you know what you know, you're saved You know, you've trusted christ as your savior. That's something that you will keep in memory Unless you believe in vain, okay It's not like well, you know, they were saved and then 10 years later Are you 100 sure you died today you go to heaven? You know, I think so. I don't know that I think I forgot if I got saved or not. I think I did No, you that's you. You just you were never safe to begin with You were never saved to begin with you believed in vain you were fallen from grace Why because you're trusting in your works and if it be of grace then there's no more of works Otherwise grace is no more grace. What does that mean? You've fallen from grace. Okay You've departed from that faith go back to galatians if you would galatians Actually hold your place there go to first timothy first timothy chapter one Look what it says in first timothy chapter number one In verse number 19, it says holding faith and a good conscience Which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck of whom is hymenaeus and alexander whom I have delivered unto satan That they may learn not to blaspheme. I believe that hymenaeus and alexander are potential reprobates They're false teachers and it says that they put away faith It doesn't mean that they had it and then they gave it away. It means that they've departed from it. They rejected faith They're reprobate concerning the faith, okay Go back to galatians if you would So christ is becoming no effect unto you. Whosoever of you are justified by the law now He's not saying that you can be justified by the law In a sense, he's being facetious here. It's like those of you who are justified by the law You know christ has become no effect unto you In other words, he's talking to the people who are trusting in the law to be saved Okay, look at verse number five for we through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith, you know We're not maintaining our salvation until the coming of the lord We wait right it says the the uh, we through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness By faith and it says then verse six for in christ jesus christ neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision But faith which worketh by love ye did run well who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth now That's a great verse right there because when someone departs from the faith, okay Let's say let's say they are saved and they get out of church They're no longer reading their bible or maybe even they're delving into some false doctrine or something like that You know, it's never a it's never a what it's a it's a who? Someone has influenced that person to believe that false doctrine now if they're truly saved, you know what they're gonna come back To the right type of doctrine because they have the spirit of truth dwelling with them They don't have the spirit of error. They have the spirit of truth And the truth will resonate with their spirit. They will know that it's wrong and they'll get back on track But if they fully embrace false doctrine if they fully embrace a works-based salvation You know what that person's never wasn't saved to begin with but there's people who are running well. Hey, there was churches That ran well And someone hindered them that they should not obey the truth There's pastors that believe in faith alone, but they permit all a smorgasbord of different false doctrines in their church They're okay with the repent of your sins on the left The calvinists on the right the pentecostals in the back and the faith alone in the front You know what? We call that we call that a church that has been hindered from obeying the truth Okay, and it's always a who and in this case it was the judaizers verse eight This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you a little leaven leaven it the whole love Oh, you guys make such a big deal about doctrine. Yeah, we're supposed to Doctrine is the most important aspect of the christian life. What does doctrine mean teaching? It's what god teaches You know, we should give heed to the things that god instructs us to do and to believe Why because if not a little leaven will leaven the whole lump it'll permeate church a church and churches and will destroy congregations And you know what the sheep become spiritually stupid They receive a dumb spirit Where their ears because dumb means like they're deaf, right or that they can't speak, you know These churches are dull of hearing they don't care about you go to these churches sometimes and you start bringing up any kind of doctrine and they're just like Are you trying to be spiritual or something? It's like Yeah, I am I thought that's what we're supposed to do Are we supposed to be spiritual? Are we supposed to talk about doctrine always doesn't the bible say if any man speak let him speak as the oracles of god Doesn't it tell us that we should speak about righteous things and mind righteous things. That's what we're supposed to do in church Church is not to discuss the basketball game Right, it's not to discuss the dodgers What season are we in right now? What kind of sport come on repelides What season brother nfl hey, but you know what he doesn't discuss nfl with me he discusses with mark or something i'm just When we're in church You know, and by the way, i'm not saying that we're just like bible bible blah blah blah blah What i'm saying is this because we talk about food, you know What i'm saying is that predominantly our conversation? Should be centered around biblical things Because we want to we want to Create a spiritual culture in our church Where the bible is the most important aspect where someone doesn't look at you all Cock-eyed or whatever just because you bring up a specific doctrine people are not gonna they're not gonna be like whoa chill out man You know That's what you're supposed to do in church You see church is not a social club. It's to socialize. It's to fellowship But you know what the primary thing that we're supposed to be doing here is being all of thy word You know putting the word of god as the primary subject and topic of our lives Okay That's what we talk about false prophets. Amen That's why we talk about different bible versions and how they're wicked and all these doctrines or whatever because we want to stay fresh When it comes to doctrine we want to keep these things on the forefront of our minds and recognize Hey, this is the most important aspect of our lives and look we want to stay on fire for god. Amen We don't want to be hindered. How do you stay on fire for god? You talk about the things of god you let your heart burn with the word of god in your heart You keep that as the most important aspect don't be hindered, right? A little leaven can leaven the whole lump You know churches a lot of times they're filled with fire. They're not filled with fire. They're filled with fire extinguishers You know and unfortunately sometimes the main fire extinguisher is the pastor himself Where they get some on fire born again believer a newborn who wants to do something for god They just immediately pull up put out that fire And just say well slow down there, you know, you need to calm down, you know No, you can't do that much soul winning and you know Don't try to study the bible too much and all these things because they're as dead as last year's christmas tree Okay And they don't want anybody to challenge that, you know pastors who get those type of people in their churches should Be thankful that god sent someone like that To say man i'm weak man. I'm lukewarm I need this guy. This guy's challenging me. It's time to get on fire for god But instead they pull out the fire extinguisher and they hinder that person from going forward Okay A little leaven leaven at the whole lump and that's what's taking place here in these churches verse 10 I have confidence in you through the lord That ye will be none otherwise minded, but he that troubleth you Shall bear his judgment whosoever he be so now he's talking back. He's talking to those who are believers He's like I know that you're going to stand fast in the faith. I know that you won't be otherwise minded And he goes those who are troubling you those who are who are causing who are hindering you You know, they're going to bear their judgment and let me say this false prophets have it coming to them They have a grave judgment That's going to come upon them because of the fact that they're perverting the word of god and they're teaching people to do so also verse 11 and I brethren If I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? Then as the offense of the cross ceased he's saying look if it's about circumcision Why am I suffering persecution because I don't teach circumcision. I teach the cross You know if circumcision was a biblical thing that we're supposed to be doing in the new testament I should be being persecuted. I should be persecuted for preaching circumcision, but i'm being persecuted because i'm preaching the cross What he's telling them is this it's about the crucifixion not about the circumcision That's what he's saying there. Okay So in context of circumcision He says in verse 12 verse 12. I would that they were even cut off which trouble you I mean think about that for a second. Okay now This is very interesting that he said that now you have these modern versions of the bible that will pervert this verse And they'll say, you know, I would that they would emasculate themselves You know, basically cut off their privy parts. I wish that they would go all the way. I looked it up this afternoon The esv says it the niv says it all these wicked perversions. They they just turn the grace of god into lasciviousness They just completely perverted here But what paul the apostle is saying in context of circumcision because when you circumcise you remove that foreskin you remove that leaven you remove that sin Right is what you're doing what he's telling him. He's like man. I wish that they were cut off because they are the leaven They're the ones bringing in the false doctrine. I would they were even cut off just how they want you to cut yourself off Basically, okay want you to circumcise yourself? Now look at verse 13 for brethren you have been called into liberty only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh But by love serve one another Now, what is this teaching us? Well because we have liberty in christ, we're not under the condemnation We're not going to suffer the consequences of hell for sin You know the bible says all things are lawful into me, but all things are not expedient All things are lawful into me, but all things edify not and If we sin after salvation We will not receive the consequence of hell, but we will receive a consequence And he's saying here. Hey just because you have liberty you shouldn't use that liberty as an occasion to the flesh Like oh, you know now I can just sin just do whatever I want, you know or go smoke pot every once in a while I can go do this every once in a while because i'm saved, you know, he's saying no use that liberty to serve one another To help you to have the capacity to love people to go so and to be filled with the spirit to do Beyond what you're capable of doing on your own, okay? He says there in verse 14 for all the laws fulfilled in one word even in this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself So here he's talking to the safe people saying look. Oh you want to keep the law Okay, then why are you just cherry picking? This is how you keep the law love your neighbor as yourself and you keep the whole law Now he's talking he's not talking for salvation He's just talking about obedience to god's word and he's saying look if you want to fulfill all the law This is how you could do it, you know two birds or a thousand birds with one stone Love thy neighbor as thyself and therein that's how you fulfill the entire law But if you bite and devour one another take heed that you be not consumed one of another verse 16 this I say then Walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh That's so simple, isn't it? And sometimes we over complicate the christian life Where it's like man, how do I how do I do right? And how do I do this or how can I just be consistent in bible reading and prayer and and soul winning? How can I look just walk in the spirit? And ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. That's the equation That is the answer is if you walk in the spirit. What does it mean to walk in the spirit? You basically submit to that new man You know within every one of us we have the old man and we have the new man The old man wants to do the things that the old man wants to do But the new man delights after the law of god. That's what the bible tells us So when we submit ourselves under that new man Okay under that spirit we're walking in the spirit and we will not fulfill the lust of the flesh You know at a practical level we can say hey when we're consistent in prayer We're consistent in bible reading We're consistent in and quoting scriptures when we are tempted. Okay, we were walking in the spirit He says then verse 17 for the flesh lusteth against the spirit the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one to the other So that you cannot do the things that you would Now look there's churches out there and christians. They're like they have a hard time understanding this Because they believe like one when you get saved Like everything gets saved Everything is just saved right not just your spirit your flesh your eyeball everything is saved Because once you get saved you shouldn't sin anymore You automatically have the desire. You will not want to sin You know, you got the right comforts of this world who just you know You're not going to desire to do anything because once you're saved you're fully saved Well, then this should be blotted out of the bible then Because if that were true, why is the commandment there to walk in the spirit? You know, the commandment is hey you need to do this if not you're going to fulfill the lust of the flesh Now look what it says in verse 18 But if you be led of the spirit you are not under The law what does that mean there? Well This is where we get into the meat of the word. Okay What it's specifically talking about here is that because we have these two natures if we are in the flesh In the flesh We are we place ourselves under the law so to speak, okay And therefore we actually receive a condemnation because of it our flesh will suffer the consequences of submitting ourselves to the flesh However, when we're walking in the spirit, we are no longer under that condemnation Okay, and we're going to go to romans 8 just to show that but don't go there yet Because we're going to go there in just a bit Now look at verse 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these so he's going to list what are the works of the flesh Okay, and when we talk about the flesh, what are we talking about this right here? Okay This is what we're talking about here is our bodies The sensual aspects of our being okay the old man And he goes through the list here. Let's look at it. He says the works of the flesh are made manifest Which are these adultery adultery is physical relations with someone who is not your spouse? Fornication those are sexual relations prior to marriage. Okay uncleanness. That's when you don't take a bath, okay When you when you stank, okay Hey, don't take a bath man. Take a shower. Not a bath. Take a shower. Excuse me You should I'm serious about that, you know Because like sometimes sometimes it's like the smell can be offensive to other people You're not you're not being considerate of other people. You're not loving your neighbor as yourself when you stank Why are you guys laughing do I smell or something or what? Maybe if you don't want it's probably because you know someone who stinks that's probably what it is uncleanness now uncleanness is not just in regards to um You know being clean as in taking a bath or hygiene. It could just uncleanness is also often synonymous with fornication and adultery Okay, just things that are unclean Lasciviousness that's lewdness lust and when we think of lust we often we automatically think of like sexual lust But when the bible talks about lust is just a desire of the flesh. Okay, that's what that's referring to Idolatry, this is the worshipping of anyone or anything. That's not god Okay, and often when we think about idolatry we think of like the virgin mary, but you know what bibles are often Seen as idols as well talking about false versions of the bible How do you know if a bible is idolized as someone is when you show them that they're wrong And they're like, no don't don't mess with my reign of larry 1960 This is my bible like but it teaches false doctrine. I don't care You know that bible has become an idol to that person Burn that thing throw that thing in the trash use it as toilet paper Look, okay. Let me just talk about this for a second Jack radriguez from will of god baptist church He knows he's the one who told me He literally had a meeting about me and said this he's I must intimidate that man or something or he's like afraid of me or something he literally got in front of up in front of his church and said This guy said he's gonna burn the reign of larry 1960 at his church No one should go to that church. They're gonna burn our beloved bible It's like you have to go on my youtube channel I didn't make a specific video talking about that. It was in a sermon Probably like at 31.57 You know minutes or whatever You have to pretty be pretty deep in the sermon and that I didn't preach an entire sermon. It was like one of my points It's when I chase a rabbit Right And he's like don't go to that church because they're burning our bibles and stuff and ulysses where they're like confronted not confronted But they were like, hey man your pastor he's like, why is he gonna do that for and luis was like because 1960 is wrong Let me show you why you know so it's like People get all they're they're they get all weird and nervous But here's the thing. It's because these bibles are idolized by them For me it's like look if my bible is wrong show me that it's wrong I want to be on the right one You know, but these are not principled people. These are not people of integrity These are people who are driven by tradition of man Well, this is what we've always used. I don't care You can use the latin bowl game all you want doesn't make it right You know the muslims have been using the quran for you know centuries it's still wrong The mormons use the book of mormon for hundreds of years. It's still wrong We're not going to stand here and say oh because the new world translation has been used for decades it must be right that New world translation is toilet paper one ply That's all it's good for So it doesn't matter how long someone uses something if it's wrong. It's wrong and look Anybody out there who is a supporter of the 1960 you contact me and tell me why it's a correct bible Show me Why don't you explain first peter 2 2 to me? Why don't you explain the fact that jude 22 says something completely different than what it says in the greek text And in the king james version of the bible, why does it change those verses completely? Well, that's the one that we've always used. I don't care. Why does it change it? Look put it this way. Let's say the 1960 just never changed or uh The 1960 didn't teach any false doctrine, but they just change verses in the bible That's still enough reason to just reject it Because they're changing what god has said And people need to put their little preconceived traditional ideas away And forget what their fundamental pope is talking about Look do you love the truth or not? And if you love the truth, you're gonna hate the reign of valera 1960 Because it promotes lies and look what's wrong with the 1569? 1969 Biblio del oso is a great bible. What's wrong with the 1602? You know, they want to make it seem as though the 1960 is like the most traditional one. It's from the 60s The 1960 is from the 60s I saw a post and they're like Well, how are you know people are trying to get us to change it was because of my video or whatever people are trying to Get us to change the bible. I'm all about the king james and the reign of valera 1960 It's like what you must not even read the king james then You liar You must not even read the king james because the 1960 does not agree with the king james version of the bible It's from 1960 and if you want to if you want to put that in the mix there because it's old Well, guess what 1569 is before 1960 1602 is before 1960 even 1865 is before 1960 1660 Look reject the gomez if you want. I think that's a great bible because it's based upon those older versions of the bible You know, they want to criticize gomez or whatever and say he's proud or whatever. But you know what the proof is in the pudding folks The proof is in the pudding. It's a great bible. It reads just like the king james version of the bible Sorry, if your fundamental pope doesn't like it, you know what your fundamental pope is not god No I just want to chase that for just a bit. Okay, because when churches are starting to have look I thought we were done with these meetings jack radriguez had meetings about me when we like first started the church and You know, like just getting on people for coming here kicking out you lisa's and his wife for for visiting our church I thought those meetings were done I guess not, you know, can you believe he's doing this? believe it And it's like I don't even think it's a big deal Like this is just another day in the office for us Like that day we're like, hey you got your bible to burn. All right, great, man. So how's work, you know, it's like It's just normal to us It's just another day in the office for us. It's not a big deal because of the fact that we understand the truth You know The 1960 is not the voice of the shepherd It's the voice of a hireling That's what it is, okay All right, what work of the flesh were we in here idolatry, okay? witchcraft hatred Variance now what is variance variance means to be disagreeable? And this is just to be disagreeable just for the sake of being disagreeable Okay, where you just want to disagree with everything. You don't want to agree, you know in the church there should be unity. Amen Amen That doesn't mean we have to be on par with every single specific doctrine. We could have differences of opinion, you know But at the end of the day, there's some people who just want to disagree about everything I want to do the best to live peaceably with all men as much as lies within me. Amen That's how we should be we shouldn't be very variance is like variety, okay? Emulation, what is emulation? That's the desire to excel others Okay, that's envy when when you want to just do better than someone else and we're not talking about being competitive We're just talking about someone who wants to do better than someone else for the sake of praise Because look it later defines it in verse 26. It says let us not be desirous of vainglory provoking one another Envying one another you see competition is okay And i'm saying that because I don't want no lady to get discouraged for the pie baking contest. Amen Competition is okay, but not for vainglory, you know Then because your pie is like the best one that you're just the best Christian better than anybody else or something Where you just exaggerate you're just like you got the Midas touch when it comes to pies or whatever, you know Whatever may be look maybe your group is the group that someone's that sees a lot of people saved You're like man. I just want to do better than every other group. That should not be the desire. Okay? you know we want to make sure we have healthy competition and But not to the extent that we put down others just so we can, you know be elevated or whatever maybe Sorry We got the banda in the back emulations wrath strife seditions Okay Heresies now look heresies and I believe he's mentioning that on purpose Because of the fact that people can get him get involved christians say people can get involved in heresy Christians say people can get involved in heresy now. I don't believe that they will fully embrace Damnedable heresies because there is a difference between heresy which is basically a teaching that's not biblical and damned able heresy Where it it twists and perverts salvation, okay? Envyings murders drunkenness revelings revelings is that just the indulgence of like partying festivities You know the college life Where you just you know, it's all about partying and drinking that's revelings. Okay? And such like of the which I tell you before and i've told you in times past that they would do such things Shall not inherit the kingdom of god. Now the pentecostal will say there you go. How can you say once saved always saved? That's a false doctrine You know these people who do these things shall not inherit the kingdom of god But yet they're the ones who are going to inherit the kingdom of god, right? Not you What is this talking about? Well again as I mentioned before this is the meat of the word, okay? Now let's we're going to go through a bunch of scriptures just to prove and to help you to understand what this means now Go with me. We went to ephesians It's the next book go to ephesians chapter 5 Look at verse number one because this is this phrase shall not inherit the kingdom of god is mentioned a couple times in the bible Look what it says in verse number one. It says be therefore followers of god as dear children and walk in love As christ also have loved us and have given himself for us an offering and sacrifice to god for a sweet smelling savor But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness. Let it not be once named among you as become a saint neither filthiness Nor foolish talking nor jesting which are not convenient but rather giving of things for this You know that no whoremonger nor unclean person nor covetous man Who is an idolater hath any inheritance in the kingdom of christ and of god go to first corinthians chapter number six First corinthians chapter six. I'm just going to show you where these are mentioned here First corinthians chapter number six Just so no one points out. Hey, you didn't use this scripture, you know, let's look at all of them By the way, every single one we're going to I believe them all amen Amen Look at verse number nine Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators Nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abuses themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers Nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of god now go to first corinthians chapter 15 You're in first corinthians chapter 6 go to chapter 15 Now What is this telling us here? Okay Well, remember in galatians 5 the two natures that are being talked about here is the old nature the new nature old man And the new man old nature is representative by the flesh The new man is representative by the spirit when you get saved the bible says in whom you also trusted After that, you heard the word of truth in whom also after that you believed you were sealed with the holy spirit of promise Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession unto the praise of his glory So the bible tells us that what god does at salvation when you're born again is he places his holy spirit within you And eph Okay That's what's referred to as the new man. It's that regenerated spirit that we have within ourselves This is what romans chapter 7 talks about as the one who delights after the law of god You know if you're saved you've had moments where you just you enjoy the word of god Whether you read it or you hear preaching it resonates with you and you're just like this is good. I know what this means Like I feel like god is speaking to me through his word he's teaching me things the holy spirit That's when you're walking in the new man because the new man is just eating up a fork and spoon. They're just loving it Okay, by the way, loving the king james Okay, if you if you get that feeling with like an niv you're in trouble Because that's not the voice of the shepherd, okay So we see that now there there are two natures, okay Now remember what we read in galatians chapter five it says now the works of the spirit no, it says the works of the flesh Are manifest. Okay. Here's where we get in deep because when we sin When we sin It's not our spirit. That's sinning Okay When we sin, it's the flesh that's sinning Like oh, what are you not taking responsibility for your sins? No, obviously I live in my flesh I live in my flesh But i'm using biblical terminology And in fact, i'm using the same terminology that the apostle paul uses when he says that when he sins It's not him that's sinning but sin to dwell within him Okay, so he makes a distinction between the flesh and the spirit Helping us to understand that when sin is committed, it's not committed by the new man. It's committed by the old man, which is the flesh Okay Now why does it say? That they would do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god i'll tell you why because our flesh is not going to heaven This man you see right here is not going to heaven It's the spirit that dwells in me. And in fact this flesh this this corruption Shall put on incorruption Now look at first corinthians chapter 15 In verse 50 just to prove that So First corithians 15 is about the resurrection And it just drives in extensively this thing of corruption putting on incorruption Mortality putting on immortality and he's just constantly explaining this to help us to understand what the resurrection looks like And in fact, he even likens it onto burying a seed Right and when that seed comes out, it's like a tree You know when you bury a seed it doesn't come out like this huge ginormous seed It's just like okay, you know, you're burying the seed and now you get a mustard seed it's just huge No, something completely different comes out And it's helping us to understand that when we die Our flesh that's why it's important that when we die we're buried Right because you're burying like that seed And when we are resurrected at the second coming of christ Something completely different is going to come out of that It's no longer the flesh That's going to be there. Okay That thing's going to die. It's not going to inherit the kingdom of god what inherits the kingdom of god the incorruption Is going to inherit the kingdom of god. Okay, look what it says in verse 50 now this I say brethren that flesh and blood Shall not inherit flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god neither doth corruption inherit incorruption So this flesh and my blood will not be in heaven Now what does the bible tell us in the book of leviticus regarding the blood that the life of the flesh? Is in the blood what keeps us alive physically speaking. It's the blood You know, you drain someone of their blood. They're going to die. That's what's needed to keep us alive But what does jesus say regarding the incorruptible body our resurrected body? He tells us that the flesh profiteth nothing. It is the spirit that quickeneth My words that i'm speaking to you. They're a spirit in their life. So the new man the incorruptible Man who's going to resurrect is kept alive eternally not through blood but through the spirit So when we compare galatians chapter number five to first corinthians 15, it makes perfect sense Because the works of the of the flesh are made manifest and you know what those who do these things shall not inherit the kingdom Of god because there are sins that are committed in our flesh go to go to roman chapter number seven Roman chapter number seven. Let's get some more proof of this So Romans chapter number seven Look at verse 15 Paul the apostle is talking about the warring between his flesh and his spirit He says here in verse 15 for that which I do I allow not for what I would that do I not? But what I hate that do I if then I do that which I would not I consent unto the law that it is good Now then it is no more I that do it but sin That dwelleth in me for I know that in me that is in my flesh Well, it's no good thing for to will is present with me but how to perform that which is good. I find not He's not being schizophrenic here All right You guys ever seen have you ever run into a schizophrenic person? Okay, the split personality In fact, let me just tell you a story from last week. Okay? so I'm about to go to church on sunday last sunday and you know, I go outside and look at my van There's like a key someone keyed my van, right? now You know cosmetically my van has never been like beautiful like that. So I was just like whatever, you know, this is stupid Something stinking reprobate probably like came over here and did that a little punk, you know They didn't want to do it to my face or whatever. So I told my wife I was like someone keyed our car Can you believe that? and That night You know, we're in the living room. We're hanging out And then I hear police outside And then our neighbors are outside and there's always police in our neighborhood. So it's just like another day in the office, you know But then this time I overheard them and they're like, yeah, look, you know, they keyed this and i'm like Oh, they keyed someone else's car. So I went downstairs and I talked to my neighbor I was like did someone key your car? He's like they keyed everyone's car on the block I was like what? And they're like, yeah, so when the police asked me to go show them my vehicle I was like, yeah, it's right here But when I got there The person who keyed my car finished the job and just went all the way around Now I found out later That that person had done it like literally 30 minutes prior to the police even coming because it was fresh And I was like, oh man, there's more but wait, there's more, you know, it's like all the way around At the end of the night, I think they had they're there for a couple hours. They literally counted like 15 cars That this person did now one of my neighbors has security cameras, right? And And here's the thing. He's like, uh, oh no, i'm sorry So before I get into that so my name I was like, you know who did it and they're like, yep I'm, like who is it? He goes the lady who's behind you And I turn around this lady walks up I turn around there's this lady she's walking up. She's like, she's like, hey, did they key your guy's car, too? And i'm like, yeah, did they key yours? Yeah, they keyed mine, too And i'm like, oh, okay I'm like, you know who did it and they're like, yeah, it's some people they're over here and you know and Literally, they showed me the video and it's her She's you can see her driving up Getting out of her car Going to my van and just like and then going across the street just drawing on people's cars just And look, this is the same lady who 30 minutes prior Had just finished king finishing up my car And she's just like yeah, what are we gonna do about this? We gotta put these people away and we gotta catch these people i'm like, well, don't worry they got them on camera I was like they do i'm like, yeah, they got the person's car on camera too. You can see them clearly It's like, oh that's good. Yeah, because we need to get them Well a neighbor of hers comes over and he's like You know, she wasn't there at that time. She had walked back and he's just like yeah that lady's she's schizophrenic You know And you know, she's crazy. She's been doing these things whatever and she was putting it in work She just she just she didn't only do our block. She did like multiple blocks You know and you can see it on the camera Like she's just like nothing and then here's the thing that makes me mad this guy he walks outside and then she's walking she's keen he's just like The same guy was there when the police were there and he didn't say anything to us It was like hello You know But you know, she might have schizophrenia. She might have split personalities. I don't know, you know But I thought that story would interest you. Okay, but the apostle paul is not being schizophrenic here It's not like it's not me who did it, you know, are we gonna catch this person? He understands it's him But what he's doing here is he's making the distinction between the flesh and the spirit And he's helping us to understand that when we sin it is our flesh that sins It's not the new man and look we want to be associated with the new man That's why he says it is not I that do it And when he's saying that he's he's speaking in the new man is what he's doing Okay Look at chapter eight verse number one. It says there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ. Jesus Who walk not after the flesh? but after The spirit so look the spirit of god or the new man will not receive condemnation. We're not going to go to hell However, the flesh can receive condemnation because we it sins Understand look at it. Look at a pretty Difficult verse sometimes to to decipher you look at verse 13 For if you live after the flesh you shall die But if he through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body he shall live For as many as are led by the spirit of god, they are the sons of god So it's leading us to believe that obviously when we get saved we are the sons of god But when we sin we're not behaving as sons of god because we're walking in the flesh This is the reason why second corinthians chapter six tells us Come out from among them and be separate saith the lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and be a Father unto you and ye shall be sons and daughters unto me Okay Why is that because when we are separated when we don't sin when we do we do those things that please the lord We are behaving like sons of god, you understand? Now go to first john chapter three first john chapter three This is the meat of the word And and you know what people can criticize this all they want, but you know, we're proving it from the bible That the bible is telling us here that there are two natures that live within us. Okay And look when when we sin We suffer in the flesh because of it Because that is what suffers, okay Look at first john chapter three verse one Behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of god Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not beloved now are we the sons of god? And it doth not yet appear what we shall be But we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is This is talking about that glorification process when we're resurrected Look at verse number nine Whosoever is born of god Doth not commit sin Now, let me ask you is your flesh born of god? No The bible tells us that we're still waiting to with the redemption of our body. We're waiting for our flesh to be born again Okay, that is why folks God places the holy spirit of god within us and he calls it the earnest of our inheritance because it's a down payment on us In other words though he's purchased us the full body has not been purchased and it has not been redeemed as of yet He has not taken it that's going to take place at the resurrection So the spirit is that which is born of god and guess what it does not commit sin It's sinless Our spirits are sinless. Amen Well, what are you talking about? I sin every day. Yeah your flesh sins every day Your spirit does not because it is born of god. It says whosoever is born of god does not commit sin For his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin Because he is born of god Now when we talk to people we talk we we win them to the lord We explain to them. Hey, you're you're born again They you know, a babe in christ has a hard time understanding this They they see it as well, you know, i'm a son of god and they're right. They are sons of god But later on they need to understand that there are two natures that dwell within them and they're going to continue to struggle to sin Or to not to sin, you know throughout their lives because of that old man that lives there. Okay That's just part of life. That's what that's what that is And You say well, what's what's the principle that we can learn there? Well, the principle is this is that we need to make sure that we're constantly trying to work walk in the flesh Walk in the spirit Okay, we need to make sure that we're walking in the spirit that we're not fulfilling the lust of the flesh We need to make sure that we're that we're praying lord. Please fill me with your spirit Help me to have the right attitude help me to pray You know produce the fruit of the spirit in my life You know look and by the way, the fruit of the spirit are not things that we do This is not like oh, I gotta push out this fruit from my body or whatever, you know The fruit of love I gotta work on love. No, not necessarily that actually comes as you just walk in the spirit okay, so That's pretty clear. Does everyone understand that you know shall not inherit the kingdom of god Yeah, your flesh and blood is not going to inherit the kingdom of god That shall put on incorruption and the man who is born again that spirit will inherit the kingdom of god Go back to galatians if you would And look ephesians 5 when it talks about that these shall not inherit the kingdom of god He says before because of these things come with the wrath of god upon the children of god. No upon the children of disobedience Okay, which are the children of the flesh? All right And then also in first corinthians it says and such were some of you but you are washed but you are sanctified But you are justified. Okay, talk about people who are saved Now look at verse 22. So we saw that there verse 22 says but the fruit of the spirit Is love joy peace long suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law now, what does that mean? Well When we walk in the spirit, the spirit has basically free liberty to produce these this fruit in our lives All at once by the way Okay, because when you're in the spirit, you know You're the spirit that dwells within you is not just working on how to love It's not working on how to be temperate. He's not working on gentleness. This is something that he supernaturally already is Which is good news Because i'm like, oh man, I just gotta work on being gentle. No, you just gotta work on walking in the spirit And if you walk in the spirit the spirit of god will take care of the rest As long as you're walking in the spirit, you will have love You know meekness faith goodness peace you will have these things because the new man Is already the supernatural nature of the new man already has these things included, okay? And it says there against such there is no law because you're not under the law when you're walking in the spirit Okay, does that make sense to everybody? Now look at verse 24 and they that are christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit Let us not be desirous of vainglory provoking one another envying one another so the main Teaching and principle that we see here in the book of galatians chapter five Is this the emphasis is this if you walk away with anything walk away with this. Let's just be spirit filled Let's walk in the spirit And that does take a conscious effort on our part to do so Okay, and it's something that we have to work on every day We don't have to work on producing the fruit of the spirit we just have to work on actually walking in the spirit Okay, you know when you wake up in the morning It doesn't have to be A conscious effort on your part to say, you know, I need to die to self today. I need to walk in the spirit You know, you say well, how can I like for sure know that i'm doing that? You know, how do I for sure know that i'm walking in the spirit? Well If the bible is telling us that the inward man delights after the law of god It's good to start your mornings off reading your bible That's kind of like a a guaranteed way to just start walking in the spirit because you're when you read the bible you're not in The flesh your flesh is not. Oh, man. This is great. The spirit is enjoying that You're causing your flesh to do those things. That's why it's good Look read the bible throughout the day read it at night if you have to But you know a good way to start off the morning is just reading into the morning Even if it's a chapter in the morning so you can start off your day, right? Start off your day Reading the word of god having a an eternal mindset walking in the spirit In order for you to be spiritually successful in the christian life Okay, but also understand this, you know, you will fail you will falter we're sinners we will make mistakes The works of the flesh will be made manifest But you know what? We should not use our liberty as an occasion to the flesh but by love serve one another you understand So that's the principle that we can learn there and that's pretty much it for chapter number five Let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father. We thank you for your word Lord, thank you for your long suffering your patience towards us and uh lord the creation groaneth We're waiting to with the redemptions of our body and groaneth and travaileth because you know, sometimes just it just We grow weary of being in this world and and with the temptations of this world and the trials and the afflictions of our flesh But we're so thankful that we do have the promise that we wait and hope for the resurrection Where we will put off this tabernacle And we will put on incorruption I pray god that you'd help us each and every day to be reminded to walk in the spirit tomorrow when we wake up in the morning on monday That we would think upon this And that you would help us to walk in the spirit that we may not fulfill the lust of the flesh But not just that just live a life that's pleasing unto you so we can be spiritually successful in all that we do for thee May you be honored and glorified and all that's accomplished. We love you. We thank you and pray these things in jesus name. Amen