(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right Psalms chapter 4 and verse number 3 says but know that the Lord has set apart him that is godly for himself the Lord will hear when I call unto him and primarily I want to focus on that first phrase right there where it says but know that the Lord has set apart him that is godly for himself and it's out of the sermon this evening is to be set apart to be set apart. Now it's hard to think that you know God would just favor a certain people for whatever reason we understand that God does not favor people based upon their race or based upon how much money they have what talents they have but the Bible does teach us that though he's not a respecter of people he does favor certain people based upon what they do okay based upon their obedience to him and his word and that's what we're going to talk about today we're going to talk about who God sets apart what God sets apart and why he does it. Number 1 go with me if you would to Revelation chapter number 7 Revelation chapter number 7 number 1 see within the spectrum of religion there is only one religion that really is set apart from everyone else and that religion is Christianity I don't care what anybody says it doesn't matter what they post on YouTube or what articles they put out or how Ecumenical and Kumbaya people want to get there is still one only religion that God recognizes as being the true and valid religion and that is Christianity okay and the thing is we live in a society today that advocates the ideas that all religions lead to that destination which is called heaven you know we live in a society that wants to tolerate every single religion every single form of belief but they don't want to tolerate Christianity isn't that funny you know they have this tolerance towards Buddhism towards Islam towards all these other false cults and religions but when it comes to Christianity they don't want to tolerate that in fact they want to put up rules and laws against what we believe as Christians that's not tolerance but why is that well simply for the fact that Christianity is the one and only true religion you don't have to turn there Revelation 13 11 says and I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and he exercised it all the power of the first beast before him and cause it the earth and then that which dwell there in to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed you see there is an agenda behind tolerating all kinds of religions you know what that agenda is is to create a one-world religion a one-world system economy everything's just the same under one person's rule which is the Antichrist and specifically under that rule we see that there's the whole world is joined together into one religion that's what they want to tolerate well Christianity teaches according to the Bible that we are not to get along with every single religion in fact we ought to preach against and condemn and teach against what the Bible says regarding these false teachings now look at Revelation 7 and verse 9 it says here after this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number so this is in reference to the rapture immediately after the rapture John has seen this vision of this great multitude in heaven by the way you and I are in this verse so we don't know what that may have looked like but it could be that John beheld us with his own eyes because this is something that's taking place in the future these are the people that are saved that have been raptured look what it says here and this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man can number of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues and religions oh no it doesn't say that does it you see the Bible here tells us that at the rapture people of all nations yes we'll be there people of different kindreds and people of different languages will be there but guess what the only religion that will be there is Christianity that's the only valid religion and so whether or not these people are yellow black and white or red doesn't matter what color they are if they are saved believers they're gonna be there we don't see religions being met a mean mentioned here stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and cried with a loud voice saying salvation to our God which sit at the pond the throne and unto the lamb go to Matthew chapter 25 Matthew chapter 25 and we need to recognize and understand and accept the fact that you know what God is a God who is completely dogmatic regarding religion dogmatic regarding doctrine he's completely dogmatic when it comes to the teachings of the Bible and it's not the teaching of the Bible that says oh well we just got to tolerate everyone no in fact the Bible says I hate every false way and a false way is a way that's not according to the Word of God well yeah but this religion teaches peace but you know what if it's not the peace of the Bible if it's not the peace that Jesus Christ can give through believing on him then it's the wrong kind of peace my peace I give unto you not as the world give it give I unto you Jesus said you see the world offers peace but it's not the same peace that Jesus Christ offers he said what's the peace that Jesus Christ offers he offers the peace that comes with Rick when you're reconciled back into God when you get saved that is the greatest piece that anybody could ever need in this world is to be reconciled to have peace with God through Jesus Christ oh you know I know this person and they're sincere they're loving you know they just don't believe in Christianity well that person's gonna split well hell wide open doesn't matter how sincere they are because sincerity doesn't get us into heaven sincerity doesn't give us favor with God you know believing on the Lord Jesus Christ that's how we can become the beloved in him okay look at Matthew 25 verse 32 so within the spectrum of all religions there is only one religion that's that is set apart from everything else and that is Christianity Matthew 25 verse 32 says when the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy angels with him then shall he set upon the throne of his glory and before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate the one from the other as a shepherd divided the sheep from the goats and he shall set the sheep on his right hand but the goats on the left then shall the king say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world so what do we see here we see two types of people we see the goats and we see the sheep who are the sheep those who adhere to the true teachings of Christianity which is the Bible who do we see we see the goats those who did not adhere to it we say well religions are involved in that every other religion other than Christianity so you say well you know what about this religion if it doesn't adhere to the way of salvation from the Word of God it's invalid there go you know but if they're saved doesn't matter what nation they come from doesn't matter what language they speak or how much money they make you know if they're saved guess what they're sheep according to the Word of God look at Micah chapter chapter 5 if you would Micah chapter 5 I'm gonna reach you from John 17 20 says neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word that they all may be one as thou father art in me and I am thee that they also may be one in us that the world may believe that thou hast sent me you see there's a movement today called the ecumenical movement and they will use a verse like this to say see we all got to be in unity we all got to sit around and sing kumbaya the Muslim has to get along with the Catholic the Catholic must get along with the Buddhist the Buddhist must get along with the Hindu the Hindu must get along with the Baptist because Jesus said we should all be one well John 17 is talking about being one unified around the truth that's what that's talking about to be unified in truth thy word is to sanctify them through thy truth the Bible says thy word is truth but what do you have today we have all this this this movement this ideology that says that we should just get along with everyone I'm all for getting along with everyone and not fighting everyone but when it comes to this matter of doctrine what the true religion is alliance got to be drawn and people will say well you don't know what you're talking about you know Christianity is not even that old Hinduism is like 3,500 years old Buddhism is like a thousand years old you know or a 2,000 years of 200 2,500 years old is what they'll say I said it's a lot older than Christianity oh so just because it's 3,500 years old or just because it's 2,500 years old that makes it more valid than Christianity yeah because they came before they came here they came to this place before Christ ever came in Bethlehem's manger yeah but Jesus Christ made the place you know the Bible says that in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made look at Micah 5 to assist but thou better him Ephrata though they'll be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of these shall come shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from everlasting you see Hinduism Buddhism Islam is all confined to the to time whereas the Christianity in Christ he's always been he created this platform okay he created the world he is the one and only true God but people will say well you know Buddhism teaches peace and you know your religion doesn't teach peace you can't get along with anyone who doesn't believe like you I get along with a lot of people who don't believe like me but guess what I want to win him to Christ you know whether you like it or not one's right and one's wrong you can have two people who have different opinions and both of them be right that's a weird world to live in at the end of the day someone's right and someone's wrong go to job 38 and let me say this is Muhammad is in hell today when he died his body stayed in the grave and unlike Christ his soul was left in hell and his body saw corruption both you know unlike Jesus Christ Buddha when he died guess what he went to hell he never resurrected same thing with every Hindu guru out there they're in hell today and I guarantee you if they could they would come back and tell their followers don't follow me this is the worst idea ever and I guarantee every person who's converted to Hinduism Islam or Buddhism their hell becomes even hotter because of it look at the Bible says see these religions they need to read job 38 verse 1 this is what God tells Joe okay it says then the Lord answered job out of the world one and said who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge girl up now thy loins like a man for I would demand of thee and answer thou me where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth oh but we're like two you know 3,500 years old though where were you when God laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou has understanding who hath laid the measures thereof if thou knowest or who hath stretched the line upon him whereupon are the foundations thereof fasten or who laid the cornerstone thereof when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy or who shut up the sea with doors when it break forth as if it had issued out of the womb when I made the cloud the garment thereof in the thick darkness a swaddling band for it and break up for it my decreed place and set bars and doors and said hitherto shall thou come and but no further and here shall thy proud waves be stayed so what he's saying where were you Joe when I'm when I did all this you know why cuz God is from everlasting he is the foundation of every single thing that has been created so when his foolish religion comes and they try to come and say well we have more credibility because we've been around longer God is from everlasting he's from need he's not confined to your stupid little time frame of 3,500 years or 2,500 years and in fact yeah Jesus Christ came it was born in Bethlehem's manger but he was even before that you read Old Testament prophecies and not only that but Old Testament appearances of Jesus Christ so we see here that Christianity is the only religion that is really set apart from everyone else and look it's the most it's the religion that's the most different from everyone else okay now but not only that within the realm of Christianity there is a group of people that are set apart from everyone else you see the the the label Christianity is very broad isn't it I mean you have all kinds of denominations and sects of Christianity they claim that name but they do not hear adhere to the Word of God for example you have Jehovah's false witnesses you have the morons I mean the Mormons you have Methodists and Catholics and you know you have Calvinists all these people that if you were to ask them what are you as religious if you know what religious background are you they'll say we're Christians but are they really Christians no so we can't accept everything that has a Christian label and let me say this not every Baptist is truly a Christian because there's Baptists out there false teachers and prophets who have infiltrated the Baptist churches that are not saved to teach in a false gospel therefore they're not adhering to the true religion of Christianity that teaches the true way of salvation go to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 he said oh hold on a second you know if they say they're Christian that we ought to you know give them some credibility well you know the Bible tells us in Psalms 138 verse 2 thou has magnified thy word above all thy name because Christianity comes from the word the name Christ okay and God says look he knew this was gonna happen obviously right he knew that all these false religions and false cults we're gonna use Christ's name in such a way that they would be able to deceive many and to thinking that they are sincere and they're real Christians so what do you say I've magnified my above my name what does that mean that means if someone says they're a Christian we don't automatically say okay they're saved or they're Christian okay automatically they're they're right on everything no what do what do they teach what are they saying according to the Word of God are they even adhering to the Bible look Matthew chapter 7 verse 22 you have to turn it says many will say to me in that day Lord Lord who are they talking to they're talking to God have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name have done many wonderful works oh but here's the problem God has magnified his word above his name you know faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God verse 23 says and then when I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me he that work iniquity because it's not about the label Christianity it's about what is that person who claims that label teaching according to the Word of God okay now within the domain of Christianity there's people who are Christians and they're actually saved okay obviously we have a group right here you know 98 99 percent of the people here are probably saved look at 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 1 says Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God and sauce then he's our brother our brother unto the Church of God which is at Corinth to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus called to be Saints with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord both theirs and ours so I want you to notice that in verse number 2 he says that they're called to be Saints well what does Saint mean well previous to that we see that it says to them that are sanctified in Christ sanctified means to be set apart so a saint is someone who is set apart why because at the latter end of that verse of verse 2 it says with all that in every place call upon the name of the Lord these people are set apart why because they got saved not because they did some some great work and they fed you know the children in Africa like Mother Teresa you know they gave her the label of sainthood she's not a saint she's burning in hell today all but she's the same cuz she did all these wonderful works yeah she probably did all those wonderful works but guess what they didn't get into heaven okay by thy words thou shall be justified and by thy words thou shall be condemned you know she was depending on her works so a saint is someone who's sanctified someone who is set apart and look thank God that God considers us Saints even though what we don't act like it amen you know we fail we falter we make mistakes you know we displease God but you know what the Bible says that if we're saved we're still set apart we're his people according to the Bible look at chapter 6 and verse number 9 it says no he not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abuses of themselves with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortion shall inherit the kingdom of God and such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God go to 1st Peter chapter 2 1st Peter chapter number 2 so not all of Christianity is even recognized of God you know and a lot of Christians who are saved need to come to that conclusion and understand hey your Calvinist buddy is not even saved your only your Methodist buddy is not safe your Pentecostal buddy is not saved oh but they say they all you have to do is trust Christ yeah but they could they believe you could lose your salvation and if you believe you could lose your salvation you're not saved okay you know and I've heard it many times well they say well I think you know Pentecostal save you know they say they believe on Jesus but here's the thing you talk to any Pentecostal they will give you lip service and say yeah you have to trust in Jesus that's why you got to dig a little deeper on my Aruba trip we knocked on the door and a lady came out and I said you know a hundred percent sure die tell you go to heaven Gloria the O's you know she started doing this whole charismatic thing and right off the bat it's just like okay she's she's she's probably Pentecostal I think right and I said and she goes of course you know in Spanish and so okay what do you have to do to get to heaven she goes just trust Christ as your Savior and that's it I was kind of shocked I was like oh all right and I said so can you ever lose your salvation she goes no absolutely not I was like really so you don't believe you could lose your salvation at all like there's nothing you could do to lose yourself nothing nothing can separate us from the love of God I was shocked I was like wow shut my mouth you know but I decided to probe a little more and I said what about like in ten years you know I get away from church and I don't keep God's commandments and I just get involved in like gross sin then what oh yeah you lost it what in the world you know it's like you just have to dig a little more you know because at the end of the day Pentecostals aren't saved because doesn't matter how much lip service they give to saying that they believe that all you have to do is trust Christ as your Savior they are not trusting Christ as their Savior they're not trusting Christ only for their salvation so whenever you run into a Pentecostal Alsone in a meek and kind and quiet and fearful way dig a little deeper don't get in a debate with them don't try to prove them wrong the key is because you know that they're Pentecostal you want to you don't want to just assume that they're saved because they're saying that and look if someone in here tells me I've trusted Christ as my Savior there's nothing you can do to lose myself I can never do anything to lose my salvation that's different but if someone tells me they have a Pentecostal background or they're attending a Pentecostal church then the elements change at that point I'm not necessarily satisfied with them just saying I trusted Christ and I don't believe you could lose your salvation because I know Pentecostal doctrine and when I asked so what if you know I've sinned and I never go back to church and you know I kill myself I didn't give them the whole thing and they say oh yeah you lost it then there you go there's your answer okay well I still think that person is saved based upon what though why is that person saved that they believe they can lose their salvation look at 1st Peter 2 verse 9 says but ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood and holy nation a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light which in time past were not a people but now are the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy and this is referring to safe people this is not just like some elite group of Christians this is referring to save people so even those you know these Jew loving safe people they're actually God's people okay they're part of that royal priesthood they're chosen generation they're more chosen than that physical Jew they just don't realize it or they're ashamed of it or something I don't know what's wrong with them but the Bible's teaching us here at 1st Peter chapter 2 that we're the chosen generation we're the ones that are set apart to show forth his the praises in his marvelous light go to 1st Peter you're in chapter 2 go to chapter 1 it says here elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ grace unto you and peace be multiplied and look 20 years ago Jehovah's Witnesses would never claim that Jesus Christ was the Son of God you know or 20 years ago they would never claim to even be Christians that would be like insulting to a Jehovah's Witness to say that but you know what today what they're doing they're claiming those things do they believe them no they do it for the sake of deceiving people's what they're doing it for because they understand they catch a lot of flack for not believing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God why because you have Catholics who though they're not saved they have some of the basics right they believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God they believe in the Trinity they believe that the Bible is the Word of God and as long as they're they're a Catholic that goes to mass two times a year they're pretty eligible to get saved you know the hardest Catholics to win obviously are the ones who are just like really deep into it I mean they've done the communion their confirmation their assassination whatever they have to do they do all these things to move up right but the ones that are easy to win are those who are just Catholic by you know Association because of their abuelita their their grandma you know they have those foundational teachings that they believe to be right and but here's the thing is they're also eligible for Jehovah's Witnesses to come and basically deceive them see how we believe the Jesus Christ is the Son of God yeah we believe the Bible is the Word of God you know yeah we're Christians do and by the way Catholics are doing the same thing you know before it was just like no I'm not Christian I'm Catholic now it's well I'm Catholic Christian or Christian Catholic or whatever you call it it's like what in the world but they do it for the sake of deceiving but no matter how you wrap it no matter how you label it one's right one's wrong no matter how you want to wrap it or present it or demonstrate it the fact is is that within the domain of Christianity there's only a true people that are actually saved within Christianity and those are those who have the true gospel they believe it's it's only by trusting Christ that you can never lose your salvation etc you don't have to turn to Ephesians 1 3 says blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings and heavenly places in Christ according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy without blame before him in love having predestinated us into the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted where in the beloved so the Bible says we're accepted by God not through any religion but in Christ okay and back to that previous point is a lot of these religions what they're doing is they're trying to mix in Christian lingo into their false teachings in order to deceive people even Mormons Mormons will say yeah we're saved by grace by grace through faith but their graces means something completely different than what we mean or what the Bible is teaching Calvinists Calvinists have infiltrated Baptist churches more than any of these false cults and religions okay you know the Calvinism the dispensation is are fighting for who has the most influence over the Baptist and the dispensation is prior doing a little better job at it but the fact is is Calvinism has infiltrated Baptist churches as well and what did it why because they believe the salvation is by grace through faith but their grace is what they're referring to is irresistible grace this this this you know force that's pulling you I don't know why I want to believe I just want to believe you know why do I have such a strong desire to pray for like five hours a day because you're proud that's why you know what I have such a strong desire for God no you don't okay you're you're an unregenerated person who rejects the King James Bible why because most Calvinists are NASB users they use the ESV and all those STD Bibles but they completely reject the King James Bible okay but the thing is I've met say people that basically they tolerate Calvinists they'll say well you know they're you know their music hasn't changed their dress standards haven't changed you know and they believe somewhat the same thing no they don't and this is why this is the product of not teaching doctrine in church this is what happens when you don't earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the Saints your people become spiritually stupid to the point they can't see false doctrine if it was a snake and it bit them in the rear end they're just like oh look at that rattlesnake Calvinism it's okay you know and then he's just inject them with all kinds of false doctrine because the pastor's not getting up he's not teaching doctrine that's why it's important that our churches were founded upon doctrine and ten years from now when I'm preaching the same message don't get leery oh this isn't new this isn't novel well you know go read a novel but in church you're gonna hear the same things over and over again to reinforce what you already believe so some Calvinist doesn't deceive you and to believe in some false doctrine just because they're using the same lingo no within the domain of Christianity there's only one group of saved people these are people who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ okay and I talked about dispensationalist but that's a prime example as well you know these guys have infiltrated the independent fundamental Baptist churches more than anything else all right you have Peter Ruckman and you know John Nelson Darby and all these guys who with their teachings see I Scofield who have infiltrated Baptist churches and they're saying they say they're King James only you know they like soul-winning they believe in hard preaching and separation and so these Baptists who don't teach doctrine what happens oh yeah there must be right then you know because everyone else is against the King James Bible except for these Ruckmanites but these Ruckmanites are unsaved false heretics okay now go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 I'm sorry go to go to Revelation 2 Revelation 2 so what do you say there are things that are just set apart okay at the end of the day not everything is the same you have within the domain of religion the scope of religion there's only one true religion and that's Christianity but even within the the realm of Christianity there's only truly one save a group of safe people those are those who believe on Jesus Christ so what about the people who say they believe but they also have to repent of their sins they're not saved it's only by believing that you can go into heaven now or have everlasting life number three within the scope of safe people now now we're just gonna talk about safe people within the scope of saved born-again believers there are churches that are set apart from everyone else okay because you have pastors that are saved and churches that have people within their pews that are saved but you know what there's certain churches that are just different from every other church doesn't matter what you say or what what it comes down to God recognizes churches some more than others and some churches he wants to remove the candlestick from even if they're saved the Bible says you have to turn to 2nd Corinthians 9 1 for us touching the ministering to the Saints it is superfluous for me to write to you for I know the forwardness of your mind excuse me forwardness of your mind for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia that a kale was ready a year ago and your zeal hath provoked very many so God has chosen to highlight these people to say hey you're so zealous you're actually provoking a lot of people to doing great works now just to prove to you that there are certain churches that are just different look at Revelation 2 verse 1 says unto the church unto the angel of the church of Ephesus right these things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience and how that canst not bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars and has borne has patience and for my name's sake has labored and has not fainted nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy first love so what's the problem with the church of Ephesus well the good things about them is that man they're doctrinally sound you know they're teaching the Word of God they're trying the apostles who claim to be apostles but they're not but what what do they falter in well the fact that they're not soul they let their first love so they became this church of just only teaching doctrine only teaching the Bible but not applying what they were learning not actually using the church as ascending place as a ascending headquarters to go out and preach the gospel and because of that they've left their first love what was God doing to this church he was rebuking them for that okay look at uh go down to verse number 12 look at the church of Pergamos and to the angel of the church Pergamos write these things saith he that hath a sharp sword with two edges I know thy works and where thou dwellest even where Satan's seat is and I'll hold this fast my name and has not denied my faith even in those days when Antipas was my faithful martyr who was slain among you where Satan dwelleth but I have a few things against thee because I has there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed unto idols and to commit fornication now the church of Pergamos they had some pretty good stuff I mean these guys were bold they had martyrs there's they're sitting where Satan's seat is where he dwells he even highlights Antipas one of the church members there but what was the thing that was wrong with them they were eating things offered unto idols and there they were tolerating fornication now go down to verse 18 look at Thyatira and unto the angel of the church and Thyatira write these things saith the Son of God who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass I know thy works in charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more than the first so this is a working church he's like I know thy works and then he goes through a long list of other things and he goes and by the way I know thy works the last more than the first notwithstanding I have a few things against it because thou suffers that woman Jezebel which calls herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols same thing so this church they were a working church but they weren't practicing church discipline according to 1st Corinthians 5 they weren't ostracizing the fornicator skip down or go to Revelation chapter 3 and verse number 1 look at Sardis unto the angel of the church in Sardis write these things saith he that hath the seven spirits of God and the seven stars I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou liveth and are dead be watchful and strengthen the things which remain that are ready to die for I have not found thy works perfect before God remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent if therefore thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as a thief and thou shall not know what hour I will come upon thee that was the few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy so the church of Sardis what was their problem they were basically they were allowing the things that they have learned before to basically go to waste they weren't applying what they had already heard before it's like people who say you know man yeah I used to be a great soul winner back in there I used to win like a bunch of people to the Lord they're the ones who basically focus on the successes of the past but they only live in the successes of the past you know I'm all for last week's last last week's success but you know what I want to look forward to more is next week's success I'm there I thank God for the people who were saved this week but guess what there's another week coming and I want to see people saved this week you know thank God for the one year our one year anniversary and all the people we've seen saved but I'm looking forward to year two and in Sardis this is a church that basically they're just living in their glory days is what they're doing and I know a lot of independent fundamental Baptist churches that do that you know or it's just like yeah well back in the day we used to preach against the homos all the time but what about now I don't care what you did back then you know I don't care what you're saying on that tape you know we got mp3s and flash drives now amen what are you saying now you know people were like yeah I used to take a strong stance against the homos and preaching again yeah but what about today what did you preach on this Sunday what happened when's the last time you ripped on the homos when's the last time you preach a hard sermon against anything you know we're not to be Christians who live in the past we want to make sure that we do great works and there's great works that we've done in the past but more than that we want to do great works in the future and we want to do great works today okay now look the people in Sardis there are certain people in Sardis they were living right we see that in verse number four right they had not defiled their garments this reminds you of people who are like in old IFB churches that are dead but they're so winning they're trying to live right but you know what the people who live in Sardis who have not defiled their garments they have one of two choices they can stay in Sardis and you know continue to criticize their church and their pastor because it doesn't preach hard and he's not post rib and he you know likes the homos or you can get your butt into a new IFB church I like option B better well that's gonna require for us to move then move that's what you guys did and that's what you got to do now go to verse 14 and unto the angel of the church of the lay of the scenes right these things saith the Amen the faithful and true witnesses the beginning of the creation of God I know thy works that thou are neither cold nor hot I would thou were cold or hot so then because our lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing and no it's not that thou are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked so what is the latest he in church guilty of lukewarmness now verse 16 says I will spew thee out of my mouth okay some people say well you make God want to puke but that's not what he's saying he says you are my puke because he says I will spew thee out of my mouth these what's referring to that which he's spewing out of his mouth and why are they lukewarm because they're saying well I'm rich I'm increased with goods I have need of nothing and no it's not that there are wretched miserable poor blind and naked this reminds me of churches like Lancaster Baptist Church or North Valley Baptist Church they got all their ducks in order there are five fountains and all kinds of LCD screens and tens of thousands of pianos and all these things and everyone just looks like a million dollars and they're like yeah we're doing good because it but godliness with contentment is great gain you know the love of money is the root of all evil and so what are they they're just bunch of lukewarm churches that's what God considers lukewarm okay he said well hold on a second we just went over some churches but you skip two churches though we'll go back to Revelation 2 verse 8 look at Smyrna and unto the angel of the church and Smyrna right these things say at the first and the last which was dead in his life I know thy works and tribulation and poverty but thou art rich and I know the blaspheme of them to say there are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison they may be tried and you shall have tribulation ten days be thou faithful and to death and I will give thee a crown of life well you say well what was wrong with them nothing so what about them they're the ones who are set apart you see you have all these churches that yeah they're doing some good things but they have some flaws but then you have a church like Smyrna who just was doing good things what were they there that that one church that was just set apart go back to Revelation 3 verse 7 look at Philadelphia it says in verse number 7 and to the angel of the church in Philadelphia right these things saith he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of David he that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth I know thy works behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou has the little strength and has kept my word and has not denied my name behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan which say they are Jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee you say how is he gonna apply verse 9 this week the marching design conference amen verse 10 because I was kept the word of my patience I will I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth behold I come quickly hold that fast which thou has that no man take thy crown so what do we see in regards to this church they were grounded in the Word of God you said well what what what bad things that they do well we don't know like similarly they were a church that was just set apart they were different from every other church and look in the United States there are hundreds and hundreds of independent fundamental Baptist churches that teach the right doctrine they teach the right salvation they may go sowing but you know what out of all those churches there's a certain group of churches there there's less than those that are actually doing great works for God they're set apart and I say without shame that we're one of them you know not because of my preaching not because you're glorious or talented but because when we obey God's Word we get the results not because we're great for God but because God is great and God promises to prosper and bless anybody who just obeys the Word of God you know we're the offscoring of the world and and even the offscoring of some churches but you know what we could be set apart we see that taking place there and thankfully the new IFB is growing whether people like it or not whether the old geezers and the old IFB who are preaching or repenting your sins garbage whether they like it or not we're gonna keep growing oh you shouldn't call them old geezers uh look the what is it the the hoary head is a crown of glory what what did you say if it be found in the way of righteousness I was trying to think of it was a hoary head if it be found in the way of righteousness okay so I respect all the old IFB pastors who are remaining strong who are not criticizing us even if they don't agree with us okay but you know who I despise these repenting your sins false Baptists like oh these guys aren't teaching they they claim to be independent fundamental Baptists but there's you know they say that they're the old IFB but in the new IFB but they're teaching things that we never held to of course we are teaching things that you never held to because you're not saved we're not holding to unsaved doctrine let's be a church to set apart and look don't be afraid to be hated welcome that I just want to be loved by everyone then you're in the wrong you're in the wrong Christianity religion okay you know the Jesus Christ our Savior our example was hated the Bible says we ought to follow in those steps you know and I'm not saying go pick a fight with someone I'm saying if you all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution but let's be set apart let's be a church to set apart not comparing ourselves among ourselves but let's make sure that we're doing the work that we're taking care of business that we're doing our part to be someone a church that is set apart okay now let me read to you from go to Philippians chapter 2 Philippians chapter 2 look at the church of Philippi this is a church to set apart I honestly attribute a lot of the success in our churches just for the simple fact that we're a minimalist church what does that mean we don't have a whole bunch of different ministries we emphasize the most important ministry and that's the ministry of reconciliation and we understand that look every man woman boy and girl can get involved in this ministry and every single person who's involved in it will be successful you will see someone saved and look so many is the most satisfying work there is okay it's satisfying and obviously we understand that there's other ministries aside from that like serving your brethren okay serving in your church helping out be able to be enough and help and I'm about that in just a bit but so winning is a very satisfying ministry a lot of churches have these ministries that they just they leave people bitter so they do you know they leave people bitter and just like man you know this doesn't seem like I'm really doing anything here you know bus ministry okay look I'm not I'm against bus ministry like I'm we will never have a bus ministry even when we go independent I'm not the only time we'll buy a van is if we have to be like we're buying to go pick people up okay if they don't have a car or something some there is good fruit that has come out of the bus but I've known people who have good fruit my brother-in-law he makes sure he sees his bus kids saved no I'm not for it though like I'm not for bus ministry at all but I understand that people who are godly people who actually love souls can be into something like that and actually produce some sort of fruit it's like people who it's like guys who want to you know become a pastor or something and they go unknowingly to a Bible College and they don't get corrupted by the Bible College it was in spite of that Bible College they come they came out like that okay same thing goes with these other ministries now what happened to our Philippians chapter 2 verse 12 it says wherefore my beloved as he have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling so these people they were mature you know why because they obeyed when the authority was there but when he was gone they obeyed so much the more that's called being responsible okay that's that's called having the fear of God in your heart why because at the end of the day God is our boss so even if the boss is not around you know what God is there and he's beholding the good and the evil make sure you're doing your work go to Psalms excuse me go to Romans chapter 11 Romans chapter 11 let me review here so we said that within the scope and realm of Christian of religion we have the one true religion which is Christianity but even within Christianity you have a group of people who are actually the true Christians those are the people who are actually saved within the scope of those who are saved there's a body of believers churches that are set apart from every other church now number four within the sphere of churches there are individuals that are set apart from everyone else from everyone else even within those churches so now we really do a little down to just the people within the church so obviously we understand that a church is made up of believers but let me say this is that even within a church setting there's certain people in church that are just different okay what I mean by that they're godly they're just godly people and we we started off in Psalms 4 in verse 3 which says but know that the Lord has set apart him that is godly for himself and this is really what I want to get to the all that was introduction okay is this is basically a message just encourage you hey be someone who is actually an individual is actually set apart be a godly Christian okay look at Romans 11 verse 2 says for God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew why not what the scriptures say saith of Elias how he maketh intercessions to God against it is against Israel saying Lord they have killed thy prophets and dig down thine altars and I am left alone and they seek my life verse 4 but what sayeth the answer of God unto him I have reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace now go to first Kings chapter 19 we're gonna see where this is actually taken from first Kings chapter 19 so within the scope of a church which is made up of individual believers there's always people who are just different than others and look everyone here who is saved obviously everyone here who is saved is at different spiritual levels okay different growth stages some are more mature than others and there's nothing wrong with that okay everyone grows at their own pace but there's certain people regardless of what stage they're at they're just different than other people okay and that's what we ought to desire even just for our personal lives is you don't want to just go with the crowd and just do what everyone does you want to make sure that you're doing that which is pleasing the eyes of the Lord you want to make sure that you're set apart okay look at the Bible says in first Kings chapter 19 and verse 18 this is the quote where Romans 11 is taken from God is speaking to Elijah and he says yet I have left me 7,000 in Israel all the needs which have not bowed unto Baal and every mouth which has not kissed him so what is he saying hey look I know you're claiming that no one's with you and all these people have turned aside but you know what there's 7,000 that I've set apart that is not bowing to Baal that's pretty legit 7,000 men who took the stand and said hey we're not bowing the knee to Baal look at verse 19 so he departed fence and found Elisha the son of Shaphat who was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen before him and he with the 12th and Elijah passed by him and cast his mantle upon him so out of those 7,000 who did he go to he went to Elisha you know what that means is that Elisha was different than those 7,000 there was something different about Elisha and look in our church you say well I want to be that one and so do I okay let's all be that one what's wrong with that nothing wrong with that but we want to make sure that as an individual we're evaluating our personal lives and saying hey I want to be like an Elijah look I'm part of that 7,000 who has not bowed the knee to the star of Remphan you know I'm not for Zionism I'm post for pre-wrath I hate faggots like every other you know like the new IFB does but at the end of the day I even want to be set apart even from that unto the Lord and be like Elisha I want to be the one doing the great works for God and there's nothing wrong with having the spiritual ambition to want to do something great for God especially if you're a man okay if you're a man you know there should be something inside of you that has a desire to do great works for God if you don't desire to do anything you need to see dr. Reid and change your diet amen right because look for I mean hundreds of years ago the testosterone of men was a lot higher than the testosterone is of modern men today that's why they constantly wanted to work and do work but now what a guy struggle with depression they're just being emotional it's that time of the month for them that's weird you know I don't you know I just don't have a desire to do anything for God then you need to change your diet or go do something else because if you're a man you ought to have vision you're gonna be a desire to do great works for well you know I just don't want to be in the limelight who said anything about being in the limelight I'm talking about doing great works just because you do a great work doesn't mean you're in the limelight okay where it works means you're doing great works means you're doing these works that are actually counting for things in eternity okay and I say it every once in a while but you know you ought to have a plan for this week what are you doing with your life well I'm just waiting till Thursday comes around you know that's great and everything but between now and Thursday you should accomplish something of significance okay be in the Elisha well I'm part of the seven thousand great amen stay within the seven thousand but one of those seven thousand is actually gonna do something great for God and it's not because they're just elected okay it's not because they're super talented or have all these gifts no it's because they chose Elisha chose okay to be that person well I thought I saw Elijah come to Elisha but there's a reason he came to Elisha he was already working when Elijah came it wasn't like Elisha was just kicking back and playing Xbox or something you know I just threw his man what's this for you know no he was actually doing something you know there's a prepared place for prepared people go to Luke chapter 10 this is even true even within the realm of the disciples and the Apostles I'm sorry go to Matthew 10 I'll read to you from Luke 10 so the Apostles and disciples even within the realm of it now these guys they turn the world upside down for God didn't they I mean the New Testament speaks even names a lot of these men you know these these 70 the Bible says after these things the Lord appointed other 70 also and sent them to and to before his face to every city and place whether he himself would come therefore said he unto them the 70 the harvest truly is great but the laborers are few pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into his harvest go your ways behold I send you forth as lambs among wolves so these 70 guys I mean they're doing great works they're seeing people saved they're preaching the gospel that's a large group but even within the scope of that group look at Matthew chapter 10 there's really 12 they got to spend a lot of time with Christ and when he had verse number one and when he had called unto him his 12 disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to you all manner of sickness in all manner of disease now the names of the 12 apostles are these the first Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother James the son of Zebedee and John his brother Philip and Bartholomew Thomas and Matthew the publican James the son of Alpheus and Lebesse whose surname is Thaddeus Simon the Canaanite and Judas Iscariot who also betrayed him Judas is obviously replaced with Paul okay so out of all those 70 there's these 12 who he decided to specifically name in the Bible so these names are written forever they're written forever like this will always be known okay go to March chapter 9 March chapter 9 so out of the 70 they did a great works but out of them there's 12 they did really great works but even out of the 12 there was really only three they really got to spend a lot of time with the Lord look at Mark 9 verse 2 after and after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter and James and John and leadeth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves and he was transfigured before them go to Mark chapter 5 so we see here they got to Peter James and John got to see a great work they got to see Jesus Christ transfigured basically in his glorified state no one will ever be a part of that experience other than those three at that moment so out of those 70 there was 12 and out of those 12 there was three who actually got to see something great like that look at Mark 5 verse 35 while he yet spake they came from the rule of the synagogue house the synagogue's house certain which said thy daughter is dead why trouble is thou the master any further and as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken he saith unto the rule of the synagogue be not afraid only believe and he suffered no man to follow him save Peter and James and John the brother of James another great work they got to see so just think about that is like no one can go in except for you three come on in I was like man cool you know I get to see this that's awesome go to Mark chapter 14 I'll read to you from Mark 13 verse 3 says and as he sat upon the Mount of Olives over against the temple Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled look at Mark 14 and verse 30 and Jesus saith unto him verily I say unto thee that this day even in this night before the cock crow twice thou shall deny me thrice but he spake them over he mainly if I should die with thee I will not deny thee in any wise likewise also said they all and they came to a place which was named Gethsemane and he saith to his disciples sit ye here while I shall pray and he taketh with him Peter and James and John and began to be sore amazed and to be very heavy so he tells the disciples hey you guys stay here but you three you come with me what does that mean they're set apart there's obviously something different with these three okay so what is that what's the message there is you know we ought to be we ought to have that desire to be like that and look we don't this is speculation I don't know if this is true not but even if you read at the end of the book of John he's dealing with one person that's Peter and John obviously he's dealing with both of them but it's almost as if he had that special relationship with these people you know I want to be that person who set apart well you're not that good of a speaker and you're not you you fell in these areas yeah but you know what I'm imperfect but God can use someone like me though okay I heard you got kicked out of your church yeah I did you know but you know God can still use someone like me God can use someone like you God can take you and set you apart to do a great work why is that because he'll get more glory because it's you okay the Bible tells us the first Peter 1 17 and if you call on the Father who without respect of persons so remember God is not a respecter of people but it says who without respect of persons judge it according to every man's work you see he's not a respecter of people but he will favor people based upon what the work okay pass the time of your sojourning here and fear so let me go over some of these things real quick you know in order to be a Christian that set apart there's obviously so many things we can go through so many characteristics and attributes you can have but I'm just gonna go over some some briefly okay now number one is godliness what is godliness it's you reading the Bible having your own time in prayer confessing your sins asking God to fill you with the spirit you on purpose walking in the spirit not fulfilling the lust of the flesh just taking care of the spiritual aspect of your personal life don't use church to compensate for things you're supposed to be doing in private don't clear your conscience don't be a Catholic who just clears his conscience when he comes to church this is just a supplement to which you're already getting at home in your own closet when you're reading your Bible and you're praying and you're asking God to fill you with his power and his spirit okay that's godliness so don't compensate even so winning what the godliness that you're supposed to be working on when you're at home by yourself at work or wherever it may be and by the way don't ever think that talents and skills can ever compensate for godliness either you know whatever you know skill you have or whatever talent you may have whatever gift you may have if you're a good speaker if you're good at whatever don't think that's compensation for the fact that or you know I don't have to be godly because I do X Y & Z no you need to be godly just like everyone else but not only that something that'll help us to be set apart is holiness okay the Bible tells us in the first Peter 1 14 as obedient children not bashing yourselves according to the form of lust and your ignorance but as he which hath called you as holy so be holy in all manner of conversation because it is written be holy for I am holy you see God's not gonna drink out of a dirty cup you know no one's perfect but you know what we can work on being obedient to God we can work on holiness we can make the effort to do that which is pleasing in the eyes of the Lord all right and I'm gonna skip some things here because we're out of time what else sets a Christian apart lastly is this is just going the second mile all right be a Christian that goes the second mile in all areas of your life okay and specifically I want to talk to you know I'm gonna talk to different individuals but you know I'm thinking about the men because really the church you know needs men and we have some great men in here but you know what we need to make sure that as men we're not only just taking responsibility for the things we're supposed to do but we're going the second mile as well okay because in order for us for our church to go the second mile we need men within the church to put in that effort to go the second mile as well put in the effort and if you're preparing to be a pastor or if you want to be a pastor in the future you know that's someone who's set apart that's someone who is building certain qualities in their personal life to attain to that position well if that's you if that's what some of you want to do then you need to prepare now make sure you're not worldly make sure you're not carnal make sure you're reading your Bible make sure you're serving if you're given a responsibility in church don't just treat it like I'm just giving you a mop to to wipe the floor with that's just as important don't treat it like it's something like it's a second-class responsibility any responsibilities you get in the church take it serious the Bible says as unto Christ do it like as if Christ had asked you to do it why is that because and this is for every Christian but specifically I'm thinking about pastors we're not gonna be ordaining anybody anytime soon but you know what in the future why not if guys are ready if they're preparing then we need to we need to make sure that we do we prepare for that but look going the second mile is an important attribute that every Christian needs to have don't just treat don't treat your job better than you treat Church they're both work right don't just don't treat your job better than you treat so many they're both work don't treat your responsibilities outside of Church better than your responsibilities within Church they're both important to God okay you know whether it's attendance it's it's your personal Bible reading it's the ministries that you're involved in be the kind of Christian that goes to second mile serve look this this is my church but it's not just my church did you know that this is your church so guess what those crumbs on the floor those are my crumbs but they're yours too hint hint no I'm just kidding you know you know when you're in let me give you some practical advice you know if you're here you come to church you see something out of place fix it well that's for the janitor well here's the thing there is no janitor I'm the janitor you know who but isn't this your church too well no I'm here to be fed I'm just you know I want to be maintained this is the house of God and if this is your church you ought to treat it as thus well I'm not the pastor that's that's not responsibility you know see the need take the lead see the need and take the lead you see the book the bookshelves they need refilling you don't even have to tell me just go do it you see something needs to get picked up or something needs to be put in its place just do it not just for the benefit of the church but for your benefit because that's how you're gonna succeed in life that's how you're gonna succeed in the Christian life and as a pastor that's what's gonna get you going forward for God to being successful and prosper in the Christian life as a pastor why is that because when you're the pastor you have no one motivating kicking your rear end to go do it guess what you got to see the need and take the lead and take care of that responsibility and our society has produced these child men who need other people to pick up for them you know they're dirty jaws for them you know we need to grow up is what we need to do you know that's one thing that the men of 20 years ago were different than us is they've they matured a lot faster maybe it's because of video games maybe because of TV whatever maybe it's hindered the maturity level of a man but you know what we need to put away childish things when I was a child I spank as a child understood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things put them away grow up you know our goal as a man is to say you know what if I'm single I need to get married I need to prepare for that I need me a wife I want to get married I want to have children I want to I want to lead a family you know I want to be I want to be respected member of society well you know that's gonna take you putting away your video games it's gonna take you to put away your childish things and just growing up why because that's how we get to that point God uses them you know Elisha was working when he was picked by God okay and I'm thinking about video games right now because that's that's a problem it used to be a problem with teenagers now it's a problem with grown men okay you know don't find your accomplishment how many levels you can get through that's whack oh I got to level 20 or I got this many points so you know you exercise these these muscles more than anything else that's the only thing you accomplish is is buff thumb muscles if there's any muscles in there you know we need to be the kind of people say you know I'm gonna put those things aside because I want to be someone who's set apart and someone who's set apart someone who goes the extra mile to do great works okay don't think just because you're in this church that God's gonna set you apart you need to put yourself in the position where God can look at you to set you apart all right so what's the message today the message is this is that be set apart thank God that we're in the religion that is set apart from every other religion thank God that we're in a church that is set apart from other churches you know but at the end of the day are you the kind of Christian that is set apart from everyone else or are you just following the crowd change amen inspire has another word of prayer follow me thank you so much pray God that you'd help us to continue to mature to be set apart and we have one shot in this life to do something great we have just one lifetime help us not to waste it help us to to take it full advantage of all the resources you've given to us to do a great and mighty work I'm thankful for the people here at faithful word but every once in a while we need a message like this to just remind us to start growing up to mature to be the man that we need to be in order to do great exploits for thee and we thank you so much Lord pray bless this the remainder of our evening and in Jesus name we pray amen