(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We're in Revelation chapter number 13 this evening. Now Revelation chapter 13 is an essential chapter that basically narrates the culmination of world empires and the role that it plays in end times Bible prophecy. And in fact we know that each of these empires that have existed throughout time basically apex at the end of the world and they become what's known as the new world order. This is the order, this is the empire that the antichrist will be ruling over and this is what chapter 13 deals with in the first initial three verses of the chapter. Now we also see that the rider on the white horse that we saw in Revelation chapter 6 is no longer an anomaly because if you remember in Revelation chapter number 6 when the first seal is opened the antichrist comes on a white horse he goes forth conquering and to conquer he has a crown but he's given a bow which is an instrument that's used it's a it's a weapon of war that's used from a distance and the implication there is that no one really knows who he is you know he is an enigma no one the general public does not recognize him they don't know who he is and in fact that fits him perfectly with what the Bible teaches us because the Bible says in second Thessalonians chapter number two that the man of sin the son of perdition is not revealed until he opposeth and exalted himself above all that is called God all that is worshiped so that he has God sitteth in the temple of God proclaiming himself to be God and we know that on the prophetic timetable that does not take place until the initial beginning of those 75 days when the abomination of desolation is set up 75 days thereafter is the rapture and so Revelation 6 no one knows who he is but guess what in Revelation 13 he is now revealed as the son of perdition the man of sin and why is that well because of the fact that he receives a deadly wound to the head his wound is healed and the Bible says that all the world wonders after the beast and in fact he did not only wonder and regard about him but they actually admire they love and even worship him okay so in Revelation 6 he is not known to the general public but in Revelation 13 he's known globally and has even worship globally as well this is also the famous passage where we will see the Antichrist making war with the Saints and the Bible tells them tells us that he overcomes them and Danny chapter number seven it says he prevails against them this is referring to the persecution of Christians how they will be delivered before councils and magistrates they shall be put to death and in fact the previous chapters hits a lot of that persecution that tribulation that they're going to go through and this is goes into detail in regards to that now let me just say this is the chapter 13 is a major transition on the prophetic timetable because of the fact that we see persecution of Christians and it's being implemented but let me say this is that it's commenced under the cloak of a solution to the beginning of sorrows now what do I mean by that well Revelation 6 you have the first four seals which is the conquest of the Antichrist you have wars and rumors of wars you have famine pestilences and earthquakes and this is what's known as the beginning of sorrows but let me say this is that it affects not just Christians it affects the whole world right so everyone is suffering from famine everyone is suffering from the the the pestilences and the earthquakes I mean a lot of people are dying there in this time not just Christians but also unsafe people as well and what happens is that after the fourth seal you have a jerking of the steering wheel in the fifth seal where you all of a sudden you have martyrdom of Christians so somehow it switches from tribulation for all people to you know great tribulation where only Christians are being targeted they're being persecuted they're being martyred and killed and that's what we see that we see under the altar the souls of them who were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held and so what we know is that these four horsemen these ringleaders of the New World Order they're basically using this beginning of sorrows as a springboard to inaugurate the New World Order which is used to basically persecute Christians and make war with them okay so you think of the one world government the one world financial system the one world of religion yes this is said in order to put the Antichrist as the ruler of the world but his main agenda is not to make money his main agenda is not to become just the greatest political leader so he can create all kinds of solutions his main agenda is what to make war with the Saints and in fact the Bible tells us in in the previous chapter chapter number 12 that he is robbed with the woman and seeks to basically destroy the remnant of her seed so he's coming after Christians I mean he's coming after Christians today right the Bible says that he as a roaring lion you know walk is about seeking whom he made about so he's constantly seeking to devour Christians and destroy them and cause them to stumble the Bible tells us that he comes before God day and night to accuse us before God and basically what we see here is that when he's evicted from heaven by Michael the Archangel and his angels all that he has a short time on this earth 75 days to be exact that's when he possesses the man of perdition the son of perdition the man of sin and he embodies this person and that's when he rules for 75 days and the campaign there is to destroy Christians okay so this chapter chapter 13 describes that mo of the Antichrist and how he's going to commence this global campaign against believers that's what it is okay you know everything open to this point we've read the foretelling of the persecution of Christians we know that we're going to be persecuted we know that we're going to go through tribulation we know the Christians are going to be martyred I mean this is constantly reiterated throughout the Gospels throughout the New Testament and even in the book of Revelation the first half we see we hear a lot about that I mean Revelation 2 & 3 spends a lot of time about the Christians at the seven churches which are in Asia being persecuted right being thrown into jail being martyred you think of Antipus and all these examples that the Bible gives but we don't necessarily know the manner which this crusade will be initiated up until this point it's in Revelation chapter 13 do we see how is it that he uses the beginning of sorrows as a means to kill Christians and to put them to death and to make war with them and to overcome them and so this is what this chapter is dealing with and of course you have the famous topic there at the very end about the mark of the beast which is exactly what I was referring to what he's going to use now let's go ahead and get into it look at verse number one let's look at the beast that comes out of the sea it says that I stood upon the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and upon his horns ten crowns and upon his heads the name of blasphemy and the beast which I saw was like into a leopard and his feet were as the feet of a bear and his mouth as the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority so picture this now go to Daniel chapter number two if you would Daniel chapter number two so think about this you know John the Apostle John has just finished seeing this great wonder in heaven in Revelation chapter number 12 of the woman he sees her going to the wilderness for a thousand two hundred sixty days he sees the war in heaven he sees that Satan is wrought with the woman and seeks to make war with the remnant of her seed and then all of a sudden the scene changes and he is on sand looking towards the ocean and he sees this this terrible sight of this image of this beast rising up out of the ocean and obviously I'm sure that John is very much familiar with the Old Testament scriptures and I'm sure what came to mind was Daniel chapter number seven right because when you hear the description of this beast is coming up out of the ocean they're coming up out of the sea it is likened unto the beasts that we see in Daniel chapter number seven when he sees these these beasts coming up out of the ocean as well and in Revelation chapter 13 these beasts collectively are just kind of together they culminate together and they create this this image of this beast that represents the New World Order but it also represents the Antichrist whereas in Daniel chapter number seven they're actually separate entities right now before we get into Daniel chapter number two let me just say this is that the same beast that we see here in Revelation chapter 13 is later reiterated in Revelation chapter 17 and it's described as the scarlet colored beast right we know it's the same one because it talks about it gives that same description of those seven heads ten horns ten crowns etc the only difference is is that in Revelation chapter 17 the the great whore mystery Babylon is sitting upon the scarlet colored beast that's what the Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 17 and it says in verse 3 of chapter 17 so he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns now I don't want to get too much into the harlot as of yet because we got to save that for chapter 17 but let me just say that what's being depicted here is that the spirit of Babylon the spirit of conquest has ridden the expedition of conquest throughout all these great empires you know that's what we see later on in chapter 17 when referring to those seven heads it's referring to seven kingdoms seven kings you know from Egypt Assyria Babylon the Medo Persian Empire Greece Rome and then ultimately that seventh one known as the New World Order and then the Antichrist is the eighth and he is of the seven the Bible says so what's being depicted here is that the spirit of conquest that expedition to just rule the world has ridden throughout all these ages okay all these world empires seeking to carry out this agenda all right and then ultimately in apex the apex is in the end times of Revelation chapter 13 where he's able to carry out his agenda and make war with the Saints etc now in Daniel chapter 7 as I mentioned there's four separate entities right you have the lion that comes out of the ocean it has wings as an eagle and this is representing Babylon and more specifically it's representing King Nebuchadnezzar because it talks about how he gives him a heart of a man and you know the story there and then the the second animal that comes out is a bear that's lifted up on one side this is the Medo Persian Empire then there's the leopard with four wings and four heads this is the Grecian Empire and the reason it's depicted with wings is because of the fact that it's it's conquest was so fast and so rapid the four heads represents the fact that it was split into four different kingdoms and then the fourth beast is not necessarily described as you know a particular animal with with with certain features but we know this specific beast to be grown right because that's the one that actually came after the Grecian Empire now this same concept is reiterated in Daniel chapter number two in the form of the image that Nebuchadnezzar sees in a dream. I looked down at your Bibles in Daniel chapter number two in verse 37 it says here thou O king are king of kings for the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom power strength and glory and wheresoever the children of men dwell the beast of the field and the fowls of the heaven hath he given into thine hand and hath made thee ruler over them all thou art this head of gold so the image he's explaining and interpreting the image that he sees he has the head of gold the chest and arms of silver he has the belly and thighs of brass and then the legs of iron the feet made of iron mingled with miry clay he begins to expound unto him what each of these signify verse 39 says and after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee and another third kingdom of brass which shall bear rule over all the earth and the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron for as much as iron breaketh in pieces to subdue with all things and as iron that breaketh all these shall it break in pieces and bruise and whereas thou saw'st the feet and toes part of potters clay and part of iron the kingdom shall be divided but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron for as much as thou saw'st the iron mixed with miry clay and as the toes of the feet were part of iron part of clay so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken now this is referring to this final empire okay Babylon okay and the reason it depicts the the bottom the foundation as Babylon is because of the or as iron and feet of iron and clay it's because of the fact that this final empire that's gonna come up in the end times is gonna have the power of the Roman Empire so to speak its ability to subjugate people and conquer make conquests and just rule the entire world because you think of the Roman Empire you know the fact that it describes it as being as iron is a good depiction you know because they were able to just conquer so much of the known world at that time subjugate so many people implement their laws and their way of living to everyone this is exactly what the final empire is going to do but notice that the feet are of iron and clay so what is that signifying there well the iron as I mentioned represents the civil power that's ruling the world the clay in my opinion is referring to apostate churches okay now you said why do you say that well because of the fact that you know you think of Christianity okay well first of all you think of clay in the Bible if you research clay in the Bible it's often in reference to God's people right and you think of the potter and the clay the clay is always represented as God's people however the clay that we're looking at here in end times with the feet it's described as miry clay so this is corrupted it's apostate it's a false representation of God's people right and look folks we have that today do we not you know you have churches today that have the name Christian you have your church you have Christians today that will call themselves Christians but they're not even safe because they have a false gospel they use false versions of the Bible they believe a wrong way of salvation to believe you can lose your salvation they have all these false doctrines that they're that they're you know propagating and fomenting and they call themselves Christians they say they believe in Jesus they say they believe in God they believe in the Bible but when you really delve into what they believe they're not Christian at all they're not even safe okay you said well it has Church the name has Church on there or how about this the name has Baptist on there but you know what even though it has Baptist even if it has Church if they don't have the doctrines that fall in line that work in tandem with the Bible it's not actual church it's not they're not actual Christians okay you say well I mean are you trying to say that everyone that calls themselves a Christian that they're just apostate no but there's a vast majority the majority of people let me just say this the majority of people who claim to be Christians or not they're not you know and the reason for that is because there's always been a remnant right of safe people and we're not going to be able to evangelize the entire world we're here to seek and to save that which is lost and you know what we don't believe in this ushering in the kingdom or we think we're going to permeate politics and permeate businesses and restaurants and all these political forums and we're just gonna be able to usher in the kingdom for Jesus Christ to come that's an agenda of the Antichrist that's what he's gonna do he's gonna be able to permeate right politics permeate you know school systems everything everyone's gonna worship the Bible tells me he's gonna have power over all kindreds and tongues and nations and so what's gonna foment down what's gonna assist that agenda apostate churches you know the Joe Olsteins the Rick Warrens of this world okay those who claim to be Christians this is the minor replay that this is referring to and let me say this a nation is only as strong as as the people who abide within it who believe on the Lord right who are actual true Christians you know blessed is that nation whose God is the Lord right who has the God of the Bible as their God who adhered to the Bible were saved you know this is the nation that God's gonna bless but you know what the more than a nation departs from that the more than a nation begins to reject Jesus Christ and reject the Bible reject God the more brittle it becomes okay so it's apostate Christians that compromise the structural integrity of an empire you know what is going to be the downfall of the United States of America is it is it Donald Trump is it politics is the White House no it's churches right everything rises and falls upon the church the boxes of my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray right but you have people today who claim that name they claim to be Christians or they have Church on their you know Baptist or whatever it may be and they're teaching false doctrine they're going to compromise the structural integrity of this empire you know because this Empire needs to fall and they're going to fulfill biblical prophecy but that's not to say we're not to preach against them obviously now so this this final Empire that's gonna rise up in the end times they're gonna have the strength of the Roman Empire so to speak you know because look the Roman Empire was able to subjugate the known world the Antichrist is gonna be able to do that too right to a greater extent than even the Roman Empire right I mean the entire world shall worship him that means the entire world except for honesty believers are gonna you know they're gonna join together in unity and agree upon one another that this is the man okay I mean you even have those ten kings who the Bible says they give their power unto the beast you agree in such a way that they believe this is the guy who should lead who should dictate the entire world and this is why he's capable of subjugating the entire world and in fact let me just say this is that he's not gonna have to subjugate them with you know force most of these people they're gonna want to worship him that's right some people think well you know they're gonna be enforcing that mark of the beast not really not really you know they're gonna be asking for the mark of the beast folks this is why the first four horsemen these these ringleaders of the New World Order that's why they're creating all this chaos and the first four seals to create such a drastic problem such a chaotic world that the members of society would be begging for a solution from the government and don't you have people today that depend only on the government for all their problems you know they depend on the government the government's their Savior well you know one day they're gonna get a pseudo Savior so to speak who's gonna come he's gonna bring a solution and that solution is the New World Order and that solution is the mark of the beast okay right so but what's gonna what's gonna help with that what's gonna assist with that apostate churches right they're gonna compromise the structural integrity of the Empire this is the miry clay this is why the iron is mixed with the miry clay and look you think of Plato for example Plato is able to bring things together pretty good right I mean you smash it together it sticks together pretty good but you know what you can break it apart very easily and you think of miry clay in the old in the New Testament or excuse me in the end times you know they're gonna seek to bring together all religions right they're gonna seek to bring together all ideologies and all philosophies and all people and tongues and nations but you know what at the end of those 42 months of his rule what's gonna happen Jesus Christ comes in in Revelation 19 and that stone shall break that thing in pieces okay it shall be able to just it'll just decimate it he will decimate them and look you think about for example the contributing factors to the fall of Rome obviously there's many contributing factors to its fall you know you had barbarians that were coming in and destroying Rome but at 1313 AD Constantine basically introduced the religion of Christianity now this we obviously know is apostate Christianity this is not the Christianity of the Bible right but it is said that after the introduction of Christianity so to speak that's when the demise of Rome began to go down why because when you introduce apostate churches apostate Christianity to any empire it's gonna fall okay and look America fits this description perfectly why there's a lot of talk of unity but it's unity that's centered around tolerance of other religions and beliefs you know it's not as a unity that is centered around truth it's not a unity that's centered around Jesus and the Bible it's not unity that's centered around his precepts his laws his word around the right salvation around the King James Bible no it's a unity that is centered around the toleration the coexistence of all religions okay you know people who seek to basically they honor the God of forces you know you just you worship who you want to worship let me worship who I want to worship and we can just coexist and get along no the Bible tells us have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather we're proven by this you know the Bible teaches us that we should not be unequally up together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness what Concord hath Christ and Belial there is no agreement between you know the temple of God and idols folks there needs to be a clear separation in the Bible even tells us Jesus said I came out to bring peace for the sword that divides right and look there's a rude awakening for those who make it all the way to the millennial ring you know they're not gonna get a Jesus coming on you know an ass coming to them and just kind of saying hey you know we can still coexist and you know I know we had our differences I know I sent fire and brimstone and destroyed your world and I keep you know I destroyed a third part of the oceans and the third part of this you know I know there's a lot of dead people but you know maybe we can coexist no he rules with a rod of iron I was saying and look the Bible says he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity he that killed with the sword must be also killed with a sword what's that referring to it's referred to the law of Moses and I for an eye and a tooth for a tooth life for life he's keeping track I mean folks have we forgotten that when he says vengeance is mine say it the Lord I will repay he's referring to the fact that those hand join in hand the wicked shall not be unpunished so those who are leading Christians into captivity they're arresting Christians you know when the father delivers up his son the mother delivers up her daughter the mother-in-law her daughter-in-law when others seek to turn on you God remembers those things and he says this he that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity were you a partaker of killing Christians then you yourself shall be killed by the sword as well and that's why he says here's the patience and faith of the saints and we'll get into that just a bit I don't want to get ahead of myself so we're referring to the fact that this clay the my reclaim is a representation of apostate Christianity someone say it's Catholicism someone say that it's you know just you know ecumenical churches ecumenicism but what I say is just yes yes it's churches then named the name of Christ that permeate Babylon and cause it to basically compromise the structural integrity of that Empire which ultimately leads to its fault okay and God allows it now think about this you know you're looking at this image Nebuchadnezzar was looking at this image and the most valuable aspect of that image was the head right it was the head of gold but you think to yourself why would you allow the foundation the feet to be made of iron and clay you know you put all these gold silver precious stones but your foundation is faulty right and the Bible tells us in Matthew chapter 7 verse 26 everyone that hearing these sayings of mine and do it them not shall be likened into a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came in the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it you see the Bible tells us that no there's no other foundation that man can lay them Jesus Christ right first Corinthians chapter number three referring to salvation and when you build gold silver precious stones upon that you know you're gonna have a reward but it has to be on the right type of foundation so you have all these people that are going to be prospering during this time they're getting along they're coexisting they're succeeding you know they even give gifts one to another once the fault of the two witnesses are killed and they're able to get along but you know there's a faulty foundation that foundation being the Antichrist and great shall be the fall of that house it's gonna be the greatest fall in the history of mankind go to Ezekiel chapter 13 if you would so I believe this is referring to a apostate churches apostate Christians you know that's why it's important to preach against these CCM liberal type churches and I understand there may be some liberal church out there some pterodactyl out there that preaches the right gospel you know they believe right about salvation they maybe even use the King James Bible but they're very far few and in between folks the vast majority of churches like this you know that are the liberal type churches the ecumenical type churches these are gonna be the ones who are fomenting and promoting the Antichrist they're gonna love the false prophet okay look what it says in Ezekiel chapter 13 in verse number 9 it says and mine hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity and that divine lies they shall not be in the assembly of my people neither shall they be written written in the writing of the house of Israel neither shall they enter into the land of Israel and ye shall know that I am the Lord God because even because they have seduced my people saying peace and there was no peace I mean don't you think there's gonna be some false prophets in the end times we're gonna be saying once the Antichrist comes hey peace he's here this is it peace peace and there was no peace and one built up a wall and look what it says and lo others daubed it with untempered mortar saying to them which daubed it with untempered mortar that it shall fall there shall be an overflowing shower and ye oh great hailstones shall fall and a stormy wind shall rend it the Bible says so what is it telling us it's telling us that the reason that this house is gonna fall the reason it's gonna be decimated is because of the false prophets that are coming in and daubing that house with untempered mortar false false prophecies okay seducing people they're divining lies they're preaching false doctrine they're promoting the Antichrist they're promoting the false prophet they are promoting the New World Order and the Bible tells us that all they're doing is daubing that house with untempered mortar and eventually the end result of that is that it shall fall okay we rent into pieces now who do we see at the helm of worship in Revelation chapter 13 false prophet right because the Bible tells us later on that he sees he beholds another beast coming up out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb and he spake as a dragon and you think of a lamb obviously you think of the Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who should take away the sins of the world and I don't think it's any coincidence that God is telling us that it has two horns though you know it's basically is to believe that this is and like an angel of light you know he's like a false prophet a false apostle who's coming in as an angel of light but once he opens his mouth and you try what's coming out of his mouth when you prove all things holds fast enough which is good you see that what he's saying is false okay this is how you can know so he's gonna look like a Christian in my opinion and in fact I believe they're gonna try to pass they're gonna try to come on the scene under the label of Christianity you said why is that because that's that's the main religion he hates that's the main group of people that he's trying to destroy that's the main group that he's trying to deceive as much as he possibly can now go back to Revelation chapter 13 so at the helm of worship is the false prophet described as the lamb with two horns who speaks as a dragon and what does he do he causeth the earth and them that dwell therein to worship the beast whose deadly wound is healed okay he operates you know somewhat of a forerunner of the Antichrist look at verse number three let's talk about the deadly wound here it says and I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the Beast now this is interesting you know because we see that in Revelation chapter 6 verse 2 when the Antichrist comes on the scene he's on a white horse and he's going forth conquering and to conquer and the implication there is that he is involved in war I mean if he's out there doing conquests he's conquering he has a bow he's fighting you know this is a man who is not you know he's not operating from behind the scenes so to speak you know sending soldiers to go fight for him it almost seems as though he's actually in the battle himself and the reason I would even think that is because of the fact that he receives a deadly wound to the head you know I mentioned in previous sermons that I believe that the Antichrist is gonna seek to embody all of the Old Testament Kings right the prophets in the Old Testament Kings the primary one being King David now what does the Bible say about King David before he went into sin at a time when kings go forth to battle David tarried behind at Jerusalem so what I believe is the Antichrist is gonna do he's gonna try to bring that back to say well you know kings of Israel used to go forth and fight for it for their people so he's gonna gain this honorable position and they're gonna admire him because he's out there fighting the wars of Israel so to speak okay and potentially this is why he receives a deadly wound to the head and then his deadly wound is healed now the fact that it says that he receives a deadly wound to the head is referring to the fact that he dies okay he actually dies and in fact this is when he in my opinion according to what we see in the book of Revelation he actually goes to hell but then the Bible tells us that his he comes out of the bottomless pit and possesses himself again he comes back to life and that's when Satan comes down from heaven when he's evicted and possesses him as well that's when he actually becomes a son of perdition the man of sin and you know the embodiment of the Antichrist okay look at verse number four it says then they worshiped the dragon which gave power to the beast and they worshiped the beast saying who is like unto the beast who is able to make you know Saul has slain his thousands but David is ten thousands this is what they're gonna say they're gonna be like man who's able to even like make war with him this guy can't even be killed this has to be God right verse five and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and power was given him unto him to continue forty and two months so this falls in line perfectly with the prophetic timetable you know referring to this is actually happening in the midst of the week of Daniel 70th week because that is when the abomination of desolation is set up that's when he goes into the temple proclaims himself to be God we know that to be true because it tells us in verse five that he's able to continue 40 in two months and that is from the time that the abomination of desolation is set up until the very end that's how long his office is okay Bible says that he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven this is what's being reiterated in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 when he proclaims himself to be God these are the blasphemies that he's referring to now we're gonna look at the war with the Saints look at verse 7 it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations look at Revelation chapter 12 and verse number look at verse number 14 we'll start reading verse 14 says in the woman and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place where she is nourished for a time and times and a half a time from the face of the serpent skip down to verse number 17 and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ now just think about this look at the lengths that Satan is willing to go to in order to kill the remnant of the sea he said what lengths are you referring to how about just conquering the entire world how about just subjugating the entire world the government the financial system the religion all for the purpose of destroying the remnant of the sea his main agenda is to make war with the remnant of the sea but the only way he's able to even accomplish that is if he rules the world this new world order the government the financial system and the religion as well okay now you say well why are you saying that you know how does that fit in with the financial system well you remember that the wars produce the famine which what is what is the new world order to do they create the solution which is the mark of the beast we'll see that later on in the book of Revelation or verse 16 through 17 now the mark of the beast is the solution quote unquote to the rest of the world to fix the so-called problem of famines right and potentially even pestilence this is the only way you're going to be able to operate and function in this world is through the mark of the beast that is the solution to the world but you know the main purpose of the mark of the beast is not to create a solution to the beginning of sorrows the main agenda of the mark of the beast is to find Christians that's what it's for it's not to create to help everyone else you think Satan gives a rip about any unsafe person you think he really gives a rip about putting food on the table for these people you know providing shelter rent food and just you know being there for them and you think he even loves this world no he's damning him to help he's seeking to deceive them in order that they may be damned forever he can care less about human beings the reason he's even implementing the mark of the beast is not necessarily to be a blessing to the world he's doing it so we can sift out believers so we can find them because the only way that the mark of the beast can be implemented into a person the only way a person can even take the mark of the beast the number one requirement is that they have to worship the image of the beast right and the Bible tells us in Revelation chapter 6 that he sees under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and what and for the testimony which they held and that could be referring to the fact that they come to them and they say here's the mark of the beast taken they say no I'm a believer I don't worship the dragon you know I don't worship the devil kill me chop off my head I'm not doing it and they're like gladly we find another one or it could be that even weak Christians they're like oh yeah let me get it but they have some sort of technology where they're able to see if you truly worship the beast or not could be referring to the fact that the Bible tells us you know the spear bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God okay you know it could be the fact that you know the Bible tells us that the Spirit gives us that utterance during those times to speak certain things to be bold and that causes certain people to be put to death as well what we know is this is that they're not trying to give the mark of the beast to Christians it's not for Christians the mark of the beast is not to help Christians it's not even to try to damn Christians because he knows he can Satan knows you know you can't take away the salvation of a Christian it's impossible the the mark of the beast is used in order to sift them out to find them why because the vast majority of the population is taking it and if you find someone who doesn't want to take it they're gonna say why not what do you have to hide it look folks don't we see something like that today right something something called vaccinations where they just demonize people who don't want to be vaccinated you know people are like well I'm anti-vaccine I don't want to put heavy metals into my body I don't support vaccinations because they have aborted fetal tissue and the ingredients I'm not for that that goes against what my convictions and my beliefs and then the other population is like well how dare you just put my child in danger right I'm not vaccinating your child and they just think we're just like the worst scum of the earth for not vaccinating our children right yeah people yeah you got this group of anti-vaxxers and man these people are dangerous these this is the reason why people are gonna get sick this is the reason why people there more disease is gonna spread because they're not willing to comply with this they're not willing to be vaccinated you know that's the same mentality that's gonna be prevalent in the end times you see no one's gonna be forced to take to the mark of the beast they're just gonna be like you know go to the doctor oh would you like your flu shot would you like your mark of the beast yes I mean this right yeah it's painless you could either put in your right hand or your forehead you know what's the difference well it's just the difference between 4g and 5g you know if you want to work faster you get into your forehead I'm like yeah sign me up let me get that yeah you can even download movies you got a free subscription for three months or whatever no you got a free subscription for 42 months people are not going to be fighting the mark of the beast they want it who are the people gonna be fighting those who don't want to take it right they're gonna be that oh you are the one of those people you guys are anti market beast anti bachelor they're like your anti market beast you're the reason why you know my kids are gonna get sick because now they've upgraded that you get the upgrade on the mark of the beast now you know the chip that's in your forehead or your hand is able to detect certain sicknesses in your body and cleanse you of that and if you're not taking it man you're just like a leopard and they're gonna look down on people like that that's why the Bible even says that father shall deliver up son for what reason you know if if your family if they're not saved you know and they don't have a religious background you really think that they're just gonna deliver you up because they just hate you no it's because maybe you have you're doing something that there are skipping you're not doing something that they're doing and you they think you're a threat to them I mean that's happening today folks where families literally have these conflicts because of vaccinations I mean they think we're crazy for not being vaccinated right well that entire agenda with vaccines is simply to condition the minds of people to prepare them for the mark of the beast that's what I believe and I don't think that's a far-fetched idea oh you're such a conspiracy theorist and I can't believe you're saying that I mean think about think about it for a second okay you know they're in there they're instilling these vaccinations they're there they're conditioning the population to allow some doctor to stick a needle into your arm and fill you with poison thinking that you're gonna become better you know and if the vast majority of the population is doing it and they're causing people to look down on those who don't that's the mentality that they want to condition the masses to have in order to prepare them when the mark of the beast is implemented okay I got ahead of myself there but just wanted to mention that so he begins to make war with the Saints now let me skip some things here we also see that in Daniel chapter number 7 look at verse number 9 says if any man have an ear let him hear he that leads into captivity shall go into captivity he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword here is the patience and faith of the Saints we hear that a lot in the book of Revelation to me now when it comes to persecution it's like in your patience possess your souls well that's in Luke 21 but it's a reference to what we're seeing here Revelation 3 tells us because that was kept a word of my patience I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell on the earth so why does he say here's the patience and faith in the Saints because it takes patience you know to not kill someone when they're trying to come after you and your family it takes patience to give place unto wrath right when you have people coming after your life they want to destroy you they hate you and God is just like be patient you know be patient because he that leads into captivity shall go into captivity if they kill with the sword must be killed with the sword you know yeah this is the kind of this what we have to think about if this comes in our lifetime okay and we're going through tribulation the great tribulation the last 75 days we should have to think about it like this man and just three and just three and a half years or in 75 days in just 75 days and in fact in just three and a half years we're gonna be in the millennial reign you know we're gonna be in the millennial reign and he that leads into captivity shall go into captivity that person who arrested my family member of my brother in Christ you know this person who killed my church member or whatever I'm gonna remember that person I'm taking names okay you know and it's just we really do have to think about that I mean think about that it's like man in just three and a half years when you're in the great tribulation I'm not saying that now you know and three and a half years like we're gonna be in that millennial reign Jesus will be here in 75 days we will be with him reigning here on this earth you know if my life gets taken the person who's gonna take my life on the town like I'm gonna see I'll see you in three and a half years I'll see you in three and a half years proceed take my life but in our patience we possess our souls you know and the Bible often relates tribulation to patience then we see the changing of laws look at verse number 11 it says that I beheld another beast come up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb his faith is a dragon and he exercises of all the power of the first beast before him and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the beast whose deadly wound is healed this is talked about in Matthew 24 when there shall be false Christ and false prophets now think about this because this is this beast that comes up out of the earth referring to the false prophet he's given you know this power to manifest these great wonders right and in fact it even says in verse 13 he doeth great wonders so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men now who's another prophet a real prophet who did that in the Bible Elijah who's here during this time Elijah so you have Elijah and Moses and by the way they're given the ability to do the same so what does this sound like you know you have Elijah and Moses doing all these great wonders calling fire down from heaven they're they're turning the water into blood you know they're causing it not to rain or you know they're they're spewing fire out of their mouth and consuming those who seek to take their life and then you have the false prophet doing the exact same thing what does that sound to you jennison jambres versus moses jennison jambres which are the musicians the magicians you know they were under the leadership of Pharaoh you know Moses and Aaron came and they were doing all these great wonders they throw down the snake the rod and becomes a snake and they would do the same exact thing only the snake that they threw down a the ones of jennison jambres but they were they were able to duplicate those signs and wonders now what did that you said what's the purpose of that well the purpose of that was to harden the hearts of those who were in Egypt along with Pharaoh because if the Egyptians were seeing Moses and Aaron there's like wow he's of God but then they see jennison jammers it was like well you know what they're fake them and it would cause them to harden their hearts well this is the same exact thing that's going to be taking place in the end times so when Moses Elijah who are the two witnesses who come at the initial the initial you know begin beginning of those 75 days they're going to be doing all these great wonders everyone's going to be observing them throughout the whole world but you want the false prophets also going to be doing those wonders as well and this is going to cause them the hearts of the masses to harden their hearts it's going to cause them to harden their hearts and not believe the fault they need the two witnesses and to really accept you know the antichrist that much the more all right so this will be a duplication of jennison jambres versus moses look at verse 15 it says and he had power to give life unto the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed now a lot of speculation about this what this image looks like right if you were to ask me what do i think it is i would say that i would conjecture that it is artificial intelligence i don't think that's far-fetched in the name in the age in which we live okay and i've spoken spoken about that many times in previous sermons but if you were to have an image that basically works as a home base and they release all of these ai artificial intelligent type robots into the into the into the world you know what i mean this is basically how they can get the job done if you think about it because remember whoever doesn't worship the image of the beast should be killed that is the that is you know the commandment that this false prophet gives but here's the thing it's not a bunch of people lining up to see the image of the beast to see if they're going to worship it it'll almost believe it'll almost be as you know the it's like martial law being implemented you have all these types of robots coming in and by the way this is speculation i'm not saying this is true but this if you were to ask me my opinion this is what i would say it was you have all these robots being permeated into society and maybe not necessarily literal walking and talking robots this could be on your phone this could be you know through different technology and they're able to determine and ascertain if you really worship the beast or not and at that point they can take your life this is how this can be taken care of globally you understand because you think of the image that was built that never could measure built yeah everyone in that immediate that's in immediate proximity to that image was killed right if they were not going to worship that beast or that image but in the end time we're talking about the entire world how are you going to fulfill such a task globally well with the technology that's possible okay so he is able to give life into the image of the beast and it says that the image should both speak you know it's able to talk and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed it says in verse 16 now here here is the modus operandi of the antichrist and he causeth all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads why well that no man might buy or sell save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name so what is the means by which he's going to persecute christians how is he going to be able to find them using the implementation of the mark of the beast that's how he's going to do it you see when a person takes the mark of the beast you know it doesn't mean that they previously did not worship the antichrist i believe these people were already worshiping it just kind of seals the deal for them you understand so it i mentioned this in my revelation six uh sermon where what could potentially happen is they were already on their way to being damned but if they put a for example a chip on the forehead in the forehead or into the brain you know and they put it into the frontal lobe cortex they give them a lobotomy so to speak they rid them of their ability to reason when the life comes when deception comes to them that basically seals the deal to make them reprobate so when all these deceptions and all these wonders and signs come about they just believe it and it seals the deal for them they are eternally damned after that they become reprobated okay and so he's using this not to try to give it to christians he's using it to give to the world and to weed out who is a believer on christ okay and then ultimately verse 18 says here's wisdom led him to have understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 603 score and six so what do we see in revelation chapter 13 we see that what john is seeing here is this image of this beast coming up out of the ocean and he's basically helping us to understand that the manner in which the antichrist is going to find christians is by establishing this one world government one world financial system and one world religion this is all being implemented and imposed in order to find christians that's what he's trying to do you know so we'll get into chapter number 14 next week and let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer follow me thank you so much for your word and lord thank you for the tribulations and trials that we go through today and lord if we just think about our tribulations today as um as an exercise so to speak to prepare us for great tribulation you know we would definitely be more far more patient today because many of these tribulations that we're going through today are just preparing us for the future if so be that the beginning of sorrows and great tribulation happens in our lifetime we can be ready for that it takes someone who you know has patience and and is is abiding in the word of god and is doing the work of the lord to be able to survive such a such a chaotic time and i pray god that you help us help us to be watchful and not necessarily by watching what's taking place in current events but rather watching with a new man reading our bibles and praying and becoming strong in the lord and in the power of his might to be familiar with the word