(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵Piano music plays🎵 🎵Piano music plays🎵 🎵...Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Song number 194🎵 🎵Song number 194🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 Go ahead and please stand with me on that first verse. 🎵What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵I have lied in my soul for which long I have sought🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Bloods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵I have seized from my wandering and going astray🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵And my sins which were many are all washed away🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Bloods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵I possess of a whole that is steadfast and short🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵And the dark clouds of doubt down my pathway of truth🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Bloods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵There's a light on the valley of death now for me🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵And the gates of the city beyond I can see🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Bloods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵I shall go there to dwell in that city I know🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵And I'm happy, so happy is the word I go🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 🎵Bloods of joy o'er my soul like the sea billows roll🎵 🎵Since Jesus came into my heart🎵 Amen. Let's pray. Father, thank you for this wonderful and beautiful day that you've given us. Thank you for the great opportunity and privilege it is to be in your house. Father, we love you. I just pray for the pastor and the word that comes forth that we be filled with the Holy Spirit. We love you. I love you. In Jesus' name. Amen. Go ahead and turn to song number 247. Save, save. Song number 247. Song number 247. 🎵I found a friend who is all to me🎵 🎵His love is ever true🎵 🎵I love to tell how He lived in me🎵 🎵And what His grace can do for you🎵 🎵Saved by His power divine🎵 🎵Saved to new lives of life🎵 🎵Life now with me and my joy is to play🎵 🎵For I'm saved, saved, saved🎵 🎵He saves me from every sin and harm🎵 🎵Sanctures my soul each day🎵 🎵Meeting strong on His mighty arm🎵 🎵I know He'll guide me all the way🎵 🎵Saved by His power divine🎵 🎵Saved to new lives of life🎵 🎵Life now with me and my joy is to play🎵 🎵For I'm saved, saved, saved🎵 🎵With poor and needy and all alone🎵 🎵With love He sent to me🎵 🎵Come unto me and I'll leave you home🎵 🎵To live with me eternally🎵 🎵Saved by His power divine🎵 🎵Saved to new lives of life🎵 🎵Life now with me and my joy is to play🎵 🎵For I'm saved, saved, saved🎵 Alright, great singing. Thank you for being here this evening. Just a few announcements here before we sing our next song. Which will be I'd Rather Have Jesus. If you did not get a song sheet, go ahead and raise your hand and one of the extras can get one for you. That's a song that's not in the hymn book. And so raise your hand if you did not get one of those. Great song there. Our services are as follows. Sunday morning is at 1030 Sunday evening at 5 p.m. And then we have our Thursday night Bible study at 7 o'clock. You see the soul winning times and teams. The list of expecting mothers. If you can keep them in prayer. And some of the important reminders are at the bottom. The upcoming events on Monday May 1st is where we resume the Barstow Soul Winning. We'll meet at the building at approximately 1130. We'll head out and do soul winning for a couple hours there. And then we'll have dinner out there as well if you're interested in participating in that. You can talk to brother Ulysses Hernandez. We'll be taking the church van there. Hope to see you with that. And then we have the men's prayer night coming up on Friday May 5th. And then the end of school picnic is coming up on Tuesday May 30th. You see the regular reminders there at the bottom. Please make sure you silence your phones during the preaching so as to not be a distraction during the service. Let's take some numbers from this past week. Salvation is from Monday to Thursday. Three. Okay. Anybody else? One. How about Friday and Saturday? Salvation is for Friday and Saturday. One. One right over here. And then this afternoon. Salvation is for this afternoon. Two for brother Cody's team. One for brother Hike's team. One for brother Glenn's team. One for brother Ulysses team. Anybody else? Okay. Keep up the great work on soul winning. Let's go ahead and sing our next song. I'd rather have Jesus. Your hand out. I'd rather have Jesus. I'd rather have Jesus. Your hand out. On that first verse. I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold. I'd rather be his than have riches untold. I'd rather have Jesus than houses or lands. I'd rather be led by his nail piercings. Than to be a king of a vast domain. Or to be held in sin's dread sway. I'd rather have Jesus than anything. This world comforts today. I'd rather have Jesus than hands applause. I'd rather be faithful to his dear cause. I'd rather have Jesus than worldwide fame. I'd rather be true to his holy name. Than to be a king of a vast domain. Or to be held in sin's dread sway. I'd rather have Jesus than anything. This world affords today on the last. He's fairer than the leaves of rarest bloom. He's sweeter than honey from out of the cold. He's all that my hungry spirit needs. I'd rather have Jesus than live in need. Than to be a king of a vast domain. Or to be held in sin's dread sway. I'd rather have Jesus than anything. This world affords today. Great singing at this time. The ushers will bring the offering. Turn to Revelation chapter 1, please. Revelation chapter 1. Revelation chapter 1, please. Revelation chapter 1, please. Revelation chapter 1, please. Good evening, tonight we're in Revelation chapter 1. Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, Revelation chapter 1 in the Bible reads, And then also you have part of the wrath of God, of course we know that the wrath of God is in both categories, one being from chapters 8, 9, and 10 as seen by the seven trumpets, but in the second half of the chronology you have it in one chapter, chapter 16 via the vials. The difference between the second category and the first category in regards to the wrath of God is that in the second half you actually have details regarding the destruction of Babylon, which is a pretty important subject in the book of Revelation, and we know this because of the fact that he spends chapters 17 and 18 dealing with the destruction of Babylon. So he essentially dedicates two entire chapters to talking about that destruction, which probably gives us a little bit of a hint that possibly that's where the seat of the beast possibly is. And so you have the destruction of Babylon, and then you also have the battle of Armageddon, you have the millennial reign, great white throne judgment, new heaven and new earth, details that aren't necessarily spoken of in detail in the first half. So in order for us to understand this book, you have to understand that it's broken up into two parts, chapters 1 through 11 is the first half, first century to the end, chapters 12 through 22 is a repeat of that first half with different details. It's kind of filling in the blanks of a lot of what's going on. And it's all in basic chronological order. So when you read the book of Revelation, just have in your mind when you start in chapter 1 and you finish in chapter 11, you basically got the entire thing. And then when you start over in chapter 12, don't get confused and say, man, we're already in the chronology here. Oh man, the millennial reign just finished off in chapter 11. Why are we starting again with the woman and the beast? It seems like we're going back to the birth of Jesus Christ. And that's because you are starting back with the birth of Jesus Christ. The chronology restarts again in chapter 12. All the way to chapter 22, the difference being that there's more details given in the second half. And so very important to note the chronology of the book of Revelation and those two halves there. The second thing that I want you to notice is when you read the book of Revelation, this number keeps coming up over and over again and that is the number 7. There's a couple numbers that keep coming up, but one of them is 7. For example, you have the seven seals, you have the seven trumpets, you have the seven vials, you have seven years, you have the letters written to the what? Seven churches. So often when a number is being just kind of hammered in over and over again, it's so that you can remember, should I say more easily remember some of the details that are being given. Seven years, you have seven trumpets, seven vials, seven seals, and of course seven years. The third thing that I want you to remember or understand is that in order to really understand the book of Revelation, there's really two events that you have to remember in order to gain an understanding of what happens before and after. And that is something known as the abomination of desolation and the rapture. If you can just figure out where those two events take place in end times Bible prophecy, you will have no trouble, no problem understanding the events prior to it and the events after it. The abomination of desolation and the rapture, we're going to go over those this evening. Now the last thing I want you to know is that the seven years that we see highlighted in the book of Revelation is often referred to as Daniel's 70th week. Now hold your place in the book of Revelation, go to Daniel chapter number nine if you would, Daniel chapter number nine. Daniel's 70th week is just another way of saying seven years. Now notice I didn't say seven year tribulation. This is a false doctrine that's out there that tries to apply tribulation to all seven years of what's highlighted in the book of Revelation. But it's not seven year tribulation because of the fact that we have tribulation, we have beginning of sorrows tribulation and the wrath of God. Okay, essentially culminating or completing the entire seven years. Now what's the significance of these seven years? Why is it called or why do people refer to it as Daniel's 70th week? Well look at chapter nine and verse 24. This is where we get this from and I'm going to just briefly explain this. And the reason I want to explain this is because you have a false doctrine out there known as Preterism. Preterism is very stupid. It is a very idiotic doctrine and I have Preterists that listen to my preaching pretty faithfully. But God forbid I should mention anything about end times Bible prophecy because they're like the flat earthers of end times prophecy. And I'm not joking at all. How can you believe this nonsense? You know all this stuff already took place like as if the antichrist already came, the antichrist already instituted the mark of the beast. You know the great white throne judgment already took place. A thousand years have already taken place of Christ's millennial reign. There's already a new heaven and a new earth. Apollyon was already released. All the locusts from hell have already been. I mean there's so many things in the book of Revelation that has just have not happened whatsoever. But yet you have people out there, these delusional Christians who the Bible says are unstable. They that are unlearned and unstable resting the scriptures, twisting the scriptures to try to teach that all these things have already taken place. And let me just say this is that Preterism, you find Preterism in the Bible by the way. The difference is that it's never in a good light because there's people in the New Testament teaching that the resurrection was passed already and overthrow the faith of some. That's called Preterism. So if you want to say oh yeah there's Preterism in the Bible, yeah I agree with you 100%. And you know what there's people teaching Preterism that are saying that the day of the Lord is at hand. That the resurrection is passed already. These are false prophets that were doing this folks. And you know it doesn't take much to see into the book of Revelation that many of these things have not yet happened. Obviously we can point to wars and rumors of wars, pestilence and famine that have taken place over the last hundreds of years or whatever. But at the end of the day the specifics of the book of Revelation have not yet been fulfilled. And here's the smoking gun, here's the Achilles heel should I say of Preterism. What is a thousand years? I've asked Preterists then, they can't answer. They're like well it's symbolic. Of what? Tell me what that's symbolic of. Yeah we don't know why he called it the thousand year reign because it didn't really last for a thousand years or something. Because it doesn't fit their ideology. And in fact when you ask a Preterist why they believe these things, they don't go to the Bible. They always use historical events to try to prove their doctrine because the Bible is not their final authority. Now look at verse 24 of Daniel chapter 9. It says 70 weeks are determined upon the people and upon thy holy city to finish the transgression and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity and to bring in everlasting righteousness. To seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. So obviously everlasting righteousness has not yet been instituted now has it? So it says that 70 weeks are determined. Now look at verse 25. It says know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and threescore in two weeks. So we have 69 weeks. The street shall be built again and the wall even in troublous times. And after threescore in two weeks shall Messiah be cut off but not for himself referring to the first coming of Christ when he was crucified. So it says threescore in two weeks shall Messiah be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary and the ender of shall be with the flood until the end of the war of desolations are determined. So according to this passage only 69 weeks have been fulfilled. Now look at verse 27 and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week. Now let me say this is that obviously when it talks about weeks you can clearly see that it's not referring to literal weeks but rather years. And in verse 27 it says that he referring to the antichrist shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week he shall cause a sacrifice in the oblation to cease for the overspreading of abomination. Abominations he shall make a desolate even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. So according to this verse that seventh week which is that one week has not yet been fulfilled but will be fulfilled when you have the abomination of desolation taking place. Now the preterist will look at this and say well that already happened with the Antiochus Epiphanes. However Matthew 24 verse 15 when Jesus Christ is addressing the questions about when the end shall be he talks about the abomination of desolation. He says who Daniel spoke of. So obviously when he says who Daniel is speaking of he's referring to Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 and he says whoso readeth let him understand. So hold on a second if this is referring to the abomination of desolation that Antiochus Epiphanes made it wouldn't make sense what Jesus is saying. So are you trying to discredit what Jesus said in Matthew 24 or what we see in Matthew 24 and verse 15 is essentially something that has not yet been fulfilled. Because he talks about when the abomination of desolation is set up who Daniel wrote about whoso readeth let him understand then he talks about fleeing into the mountains etc. So based upon Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21 which are end times Bible prophecy passages this particular week that we see in Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 has not yet been fulfilled. So the reason we call those seven years highlighted in the book of Revelation as the 70th week of Daniel is because it's the 70th week that Daniel 9 27 is talking about that Jesus talked about in Matthew 25 verse 15. I know it's really interesting stuff but I'm trying to explain to you why we refer to it as Daniel's 70th week. Another thing that I want to know before we get into this, go back to Revelation if you would, another reason why we know this is seven years and not a week is because there's these numbers that keep coming up. For example the Bible talks about in Daniel chapter 12 it highlights a number 1335 days and it says blessed is he who cometh to the 1335th day. And when you look at end times Bible prophecy you look at Revelation chapter 12 you compare with the number that's given there regarding tribulation it says that it's 1260 days. So if you have 1335 days from the confirming of the covenant all the way to the rapture because that's what it's referring to, you know, blessed is he that cometh to the 1335th day referring to the rapture. And then you have 1260 days of tribulation, how many days are left? 75. So therefore according to the scriptures that first half of Daniel's 70th week is made up of 1335 days, 1260 days of the beginning of sorrows and then 75 days of what's called great tribulation. Where the antichrist makes war with the saints and overcomes them, persecutes them, etc. So this is how we have those particular numbers but the Bible also talks about in the book of Daniel that from the abomination thereafter there's 1290 days. So it's essentially referring to that second half of Daniel's 70th week. Now you can break that down into 40 and 2 months, okay, which is another number that keeps coming up in end times Bible prophecy. For example, in Revelation chapter 11 you have the two witnesses who possibly are Moses and Elijah and the Bible talks about that their ministry lasts for 40 and 2 months which is essentially about 3 years or so. And according to the timeline they show up at the abomination of desolation which is 75 days prior to the rapture and then of course they're killed at the very end of Daniel's 70th week. Along with that you have the beast reigning for how long? 40 and 2 months which is approximately 3 years. So if you have him reigning for 40 and 2 months he's not given those reigns until the abomination of desolation is set up. Now he is striving for authority during the first half of Daniel's 70th week because he's going forth conquering and to conquer. But he's not legitimately the ruler of the world until he receives a deadly wound to the head, his wound is healed, he comes back to life and he proclaims himself to be God. He goes into the temple of God proclaiming himself to be God at which point the entire world begins to worship him and he reigns for 40 and 2 months. Well when you look at the timeline based upon Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 all this happens in the midst of the week. What does midst mean? The middle of the week. So if the Bible is saying that the abomination of desolation happens in the midst of the week it's essentially saying that it happens in the middle of those 7 years. Which means that 75 days thereafter the rapture takes place which places the rapture a little after the midpoint not necessarily right at the midpoint. And I'm going to go more into details about that in a little bit. So this is how we know, this is how we come up with these numbers as far as 7 years are concerned. 40 and 2 months of the antichrist, 40 and 2 months of the ministry of the two witnesses, 1,260 days of the beginning of sorrows, 1,335 days from the confirmation of the covenant until the rapture. 1,290 days from the abomination of desolation to the very end. Essentially culminating to 7 years. Very important stuff here. And you say well I'm not going to memorize all that. You know that's a little too much. I'm just kind of trying to teach you where we're getting these numbers from. So it's not like it's 7 years and just believe me. So you can see these numbers all throughout the word of God from Daniel even to Revelation. This is where we come up with these 7 years. So understand the chronology. It's broken up into two parts. 1 to 11, 12 to 22. Understand that the number 7 keeps coming up because of the fact that God wants us to obviously pay attention to that particular number. Understand the timing of the rapture which is essentially a little after the midpoint of those 7 years. Because what happens at the midpoint? The abomination of desolation. So if you understand that the abomination of desolation takes place right in the middle of those 7 years, that places the rapture 75 days thereafter. And what happens after the rapture? The wrath of God which places the tribulation prior to that. Referring to the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse, the 7 seals, or should I say the 5 seals. And so that's the introduction there. Now look at chapter 1 if you would. Chapter 1, we're going to go through the first aspect of the chronology here. And we're not going to read the entire chapter, but I want you to pay attention to verse number 7. Because verse 7 is what gives us the importance, the important event when it comes to end times of Bible prophecy which is the rapture. Verse 7 says, Behold, he, referring to Jesus, cometh with clouds. Now notice it doesn't say cometh invisibly. Cometh, you know, as Casper or something like that. It says he cometh with clouds. And then it says, and every eye shall see him. Now this completely flies in the face of the pre-tribulation rapture. Because the pre-tribulation rapture teaches, oh it's an invisible rapture. You know, we're here and then the clothes fall to the ground. And then you're just in heaven like, woo! You know, just like. No, every eye shall see him. And you have to understand something folks. When we talk about the rapture, it's synonymous with the resurrection. But it's also synonymous with God's judgment. Okay. It's one of the most spectacular events in human history. So if this event is so miraculous, spectacular, just grand. Why would he make it a secret? I mean, he's going to roll out the red carpet type of a thing. Where every eye shall see him. He's not going to do it secretly in a corner. And in fact, he literally warns against that in Matthew 24. He's like, when people start telling you, you know, he's in the secret chambers. He's like, believe it or not. Okay. This is something that every eye shall see. He said, well, no, no, no, Revelation 1 7 is referring to his third coming. Which they would refer to as the second. Preachers would refer to as the second. Because they don't consider the rapture as the second coming. It's like coming 1.0 or something like that. It's like he doesn't touch the ground so he's not really here. You know, they call the rapture Revelation 19 when he comes on a white horse. Okay. And so they'll claim that verse 7 of Revelation 1 is actually referring to when he comes and he establishes his millennial reign after he defeats the Antichrist. The problem with this is that when you read Acts chapter 1, when Jesus Christ ascends into heaven before the eyes of the believers, the disciples, the angels tell them why he's standing there gazing. And the angels basically tell the disciples, the way you've seen him go is the way you're going to see him come, which is with clouds. And he's not referring to Revelation 19 because at that point he had already come in Revelation chapter 7. Okay. So when he says the way he goes is the way he's going to come, that's an indicator that verse 7 is referring to the rapture. He's going to come with clouds, every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him, and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him, even so, amen. Now we don't have time, but this verse 7 of chapter 1 matches up Revelation chapter 6. It matches up Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21. You see the same events taking place, the same reactions taking place by the unsaved. Okay. And so obviously what John is trying to do here is help us to realize the most important event in end times Bible prophecy is the rapture and how the rapture takes place. Okay. It's not a secret. It's not invisible. And it's not before the tribulation. Okay. And we'll get into that in just a bit. Now chapter 2 here, Revelation chapter 1 is where Jesus Christ is addressing, he's talking to John, and he's basically talking about the fact that he wants to write these letters to the seven churches which are in Asia, which is chapter 2 and chapter 3. So chapters 2 and chapter 3 are dealing with the seven churches which are in Asia, and if you're not careful, you kind of want to breeze over it. Like, I want to get into the end time stuff. Like, why do we have to address Ephesus, Pergamos, Thyatira, and Laodicea? Like, I'll read that later. What does that have to do with end times Bible prophecy? But it actually has a lot to do with end times Bible prophecy. These aren't filler chapters. It's not like God's like, man, I got only 20 chapters. I need to put some other stuff in there. Let's put all the dirty laundry of these seven churches which are in Asia to kind of fill in the blanks here. No, folks. They're not there. They're not being addressed on accident. Now, a false doctrine that is taught using chapter 2 and chapter 3 is this teaching of church ages. Because dispensationalists, they hate the poster of pre-wrath rapture. They believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. But they have to try to twist the scriptures to kind of fit their doctrine. So what they'll do is they'll put chapters 2 and 3 and they'll say, these aren't literal churches, although they're literal churches. They're essentially highlighting church ages. So you have the church age of Ephesus, the church age of Thyatira, church age of Pergamos, church age of Sardis. These are all like ages and essentially characterizes the churches of that particular era. So for example, if you have the church at Laodicea, the Laodicean church were known for what? For being lukewarm. They're just kind of lame Christians, right? So they basically say all the churches during that era were lukewarm. That's what they're characterized by. Now, how they get that by reading chapters 2 and 3, I have no idea. Because nowhere in the Bible does it indicate that this references an era of churches. In my opinion, the reason they do that is because they're essentially, because they call our age the Laodicean church era. And it's essentially that they're condemning themselves because they're basically admitting that they're lukewarm. But our church is not a Laodicean church. Our church is on fire. Our church is winning souls to Christ. Our church is preaching the Word of God. Our church has been persecuted. Our church is growing. Our church is serving the Lord. We're not Laodiceans. You may be Laodicea. You may be lukewarm. You may need to get rebuked, but you know what? We're not a Laodicean church. And so it's nonsensical to state that each of these churches represents all of the churches of this particular era because not every church is lukewarm. Not every church is lame. There are fiery churches that have existed throughout all ages. Not only that, but these churches actually existed because we have actual letters that are written to them in the New Testament. Now, you say then, why are they there? Why are they being addressed? Well, the reason they're being addressed is obviously he's honoring some, condemning others, rebuking others. But each of these churches actually have end times significance to them. The Bible's deep, my friends. It's very deep. It's so deep that God can pull out a church from the first century AD and essentially give end times prophetic statements about them that deal with the end times. Even though maybe at this time, when these churches existed, they didn't even know it. Let me give you an example. Look at verse number 10. When addressing the church at Smyrna, it says in verse number 10, Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer. Behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that he may be tried, and he shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. So, literally in the first century AD, there was a church named Smyrna, or should I say, in the area of Smyrna, and this church was on fire, the Jews were persecuting them according to verse number 9, and they were being cast into prison, and they suffered tribulation for a literal ten days. He's telling them, be thou faithful unto death, I will give thee a crown of life. So we can look at this church, and it's very much an exemplary church. It's a church that endured suffering and persecution. They suffered that for ten days. But, however, the reason it's in the book of Revelation is because it has end times significance to the tribulation that churches will experience in the end times. So how do you know that? Well, the ten days is signifying the last 75 days of great tribulation. The way we know that is that when you look at the Old Testament, specifically in the book of Leviticus, for example, Leviticus chapter 23 highlights the different feasts that the nation of Israel was supposed to observe. You have the Passover, you have the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and then you have, I'm missing the last one here, you have the Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and then Pentecost. And this would be considered basically the spring feast. And then you also have something in the fall that was known as the blowing of the trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. These are different feasts that the children of Israel had to observe. Well, when you compare the first coming of Christ, His ministry, and you compare it to those spring feasts, you see that He essentially was the fulfillment of those feasts because He was the Passover, He's the bread of life, so He's the unleavened bread, and then, of course, He rose again from the grave. He was the first fruits of the resurrection. So He's already fulfilled those. Beautiful pictures there that we see. And, of course, Pentecost is also fulfilled in Acts 2. So many of those were fulfilled. Now, the ones that have not yet been fulfilled are the fall feasts, which is the blowing of the trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Well, when you study those particular feasts, you see that the blowing of the trumpets was done on the seventh month of the year. So when the blowing of the trumpets takes place on the seventh month, the seventh month is placed where in the year? It's placed right in the middle. And the reason it's referred to as the blowing of the trumpets is because it's sounding an alarm. Trumpets are often used to describe war that's about to take place. So you have the blowing of the trumpets signifying war, warning, and that takes place on the seventh month of the year. Well, the Day of Atonement takes place ten days after the blowing of trumpets. So you have that taking place ten days after, and it's also referred to as the blowing of the trumpet of Jubilee. And that's actually found in Leviticus chapter 25, and the trumpet of Jubilee is essentially proclaiming liberty to the captives. So get this, you have the blowing of trumpets on the seventh month, ten days afterwards is the trumpet of Jubilee that proclaims liberty to the captives. Well, if you were to compare that to end times Bible prophecy, what we see here, thou shall have tribulation ten days, what happens in the midst of the week? The abomination of desolation is set up, which signifies that the Antichrist is going to make war with the saints. It's as if he's blowing a trumpet to make war with the saints. Ten days afterwards, symbolically, there's a trumpet of Jubilee that proclaims liberty to the captives because 75 days after the abomination of desolation is set up, you have the liberation of our bodies, you have the rapture taking place. And so the reason it says thou shall have tribulation in ten days is because it's a call back to Leviticus 23, Leviticus 25, to the feasts that have not yet been observed or have not yet been fulfilled, the fall feasts. Because remember, when Jesus Christ talked about the end of the world, he likened them to what? A harvest, which is in the fall. So the blowing of the trumpets would essentially represent the Antichrist making war. Ten days after is the blowing of the trumpets for Jubilee proclaiming liberty to the captives, according to Leviticus 25, and therefore we see that the ten days symbolically represents those 75 days between the abomination of desolation and the rapture. And that might have gone over your head, but just listen to it later, it'll make a lot of sense. I'm just trying to show you that many of these churches, you know, it's not like, oh, they had tribulation in ten days, that's crazy, man. Anyways, you know, it's like, God put that there for a reason. Another one is verse 22, look at verse 22. Talking to the church at Thyatira, it says in verse 22, Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and then they'll commit adultery with her, and to great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And obviously he's rebuking this particular church for having a woman preacher, teaching false doctrine, and he says I will cast her into a bed. It's kind of a weird thing to say there, like, what does that mean, you know? What does it mean to cast her into a bed? Well, what do you do in bed? You sleep. And in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5, the apostle Paul gives warnings to the Thessalonicans and says, don't sleep as do others. And this is all in context of tribulation and the rapture. So you see there these warnings that God is giving, like, you know, if this church doesn't get right, they're going to be cast into a bed, they're going to be asleep, awake, thou that sleepest and ariseth from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Awake to righteousness and sin not, for some have not the knowledge of God, and speak this to your shame. It's referring to just being awake in Christ. Because I'm telling you, if and when this takes place in our lifetime, if it takes place in our lifetime, there's going to be churches out there that are asleep in Christ. They're saved, they believe in the right salvation, but they got spiritual narcolepsy. They're knocked out. They're not paying attention. And I'm not saying paying attention to the news either. Let me make myself very clear. It's like, well, we got to make sure that, you know, China and the dollar is about to crash. That's not what I'm referring to. That's not what the Bible's referring to. It means you're walking with God. It means you're reading the Bible. And let me just insert this. Stop fear mongering. And if you're afraid of yourself, then turn off the iPad, the social media, and get your butt in the Bible. Start reading the Word of God. Start being in church. Stop being asleep. You sleeper. You sluggard. A little folding of the hands to sleep. Soul shall tribulation come upon thee. And that's what he's telling. He's like, I'm going to put you in bed, and then you're going to go through tribulation. What's the worst way to enter into tribulation? Asleep. The worst way. That's what he's saying. You see, when we go through any type of tribulation in our life, but specifically the Great Tribulation, we want to be wide awake. The worst way to experience the end of the world is just not knowing what's going on biblically. You're not right with God. You're living in sin. You haven't read the Bible. You're not walking in the Spirit. You don't win souls to Christ. That's the worst way. You're like, what is that right there? Would you consider that an abomination of desolation? You just don't know what to do. And so you see the spiritual significance of each of these. Go to chapter 3. Look at verse number 10, addressing the church of Philadelphia. It says here in verse number 10, Because I was kept the word of my patience, I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world to try them to dwell upon the earth. And then previous to that, in verse number seven, it says to the angel of the church of Philadelphia, These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth. I know thy works. Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it, for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Now this is a callback to Daniel chapter 3 with Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego. Because when they're cast into the fiery furnace, you know, for not worshiping that abomination of desolation that King Nebuchadnezzar set up, They're thrown into a fiery furnace that's turned up seven times hotter. Oh, there goes that number again. Look at that. And when they're cast into that furnace, in the midst of the furnace, who pops up? Jesus does. The Son of God. Right? Which is indicative of the rapture and tribulation. Essentially saying that we're going to go through tribulation, but he'll keep us from the hour of temptation. By the way, when you read Daniel chapter 3, you can do it on your own later, you see the significance of 666. The measurements of the idol that King Nebuchadnezzar set up has the number 6 in it. It's six instruments. And, you know, they tell them, like, we're not careful to answer the endless matter. And by the way, let me just chase a rabbit here. When they're removed out of the furnace, you know, they're not burned, right? The hairs of their head are not singed. And the Bible says in Luke 21, when dealing with end times Bible prophecy, not a hair of your head shall perish, and your patience possessing your souls. So this is, so Daniel chapter 3 is indicative of the tribulation, which is what the church at Philadelphian is being addressed about. He says, I have an open door and no man can shut it. And the reason that's indicative of the tribulation is because they're in the furnace and only God can get them through that. Okay? Especially what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10, there is no temptation taking you, but such is common to man. But God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able, but will with that temptation make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it. And so that's indicative of verse 10 that says that he will keep thee from the hour of temptation. So you see how a lot of these churches, it's not just, like, filler. You've got to read these carefully, prayerfully, because then you realize, like, oh, he's trying to tell us something here. This is indicative of something else. This is trying to teach us. And this is why it's so nonsensical to think we're not going to go through the tribulation. Jesus will come before that. Then why did he spend all this content teaching these churches how to make it through tribulation when you're not even going to go through tribulation? I mean, the apostle Paul said we must, through much tribulation, enter into the kingdom of God, except for that great tribulation, though. No, he didn't say that. And I'll spare you Laodicea, because I need to get through more of the Book of Revelation here, OK? But I will say this. Verse 20 says, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. And if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him and he with me. You know, this isn't a salvation verse, by the way. What he's saying here is I'm looking for a church to suffer for my namesake. You say, well, it says sup, though. Yeah, like the word fellowship, which is why the apostle Paul said that I may know him and the fellowship of his what? Suffering. So the way we fellowship with the Lord is we suffer. So, hey, if you're going through a hard time right now, that's the fellowship of his suffering. If you're going through a difficult time, now's the if you're going through a difficult time, a time of tribulation, now's the best time to read your Bible, pray, because that's the fellowship of his suffering. OK. All right. So chapters one, two and three, we see what's being done there. Chapters four and five are essentially precursors to the tribulation. OK. And what I mean by that is that chapters four and five is what John sees in the spirit when he's caught up into heaven to see the things which shall be here after. OK, so it's not necessarily revealing anything of end times. It's just kind of like an intermission of what John is seeing when he's taken up in spirit. Now, I will say this is that verse one of chapter four says, And after this, I looked and behold, the door was opened in heaven. And the voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me, which said, Come up hither and I will show thee things which must be hereafter. And immediately I was in the spirit. And behold, the throne was set in heaven and one set on the throne. Pre-trippers are trying to use these passages to say this is the pre-trib rapture right here. This is the rapture. But there's no mention of rapture. He's in the spirit. It's one guy. And by the way, he ends up coming back. So, you know, just they're grasping at straws at that point. OK, so chapters four and five are essentially dealing with the miraculous vision that John is seeing when he's caught up into heaven and this amazing movie that he's about to watch. Because he goes to heaven and then God reveals to him all these crazy things that are going to happen in the future. I mean, Revelation 7, he sees the rapture taking place. He sees you and I, or at least some of us maybe. I mean, he sees the great multitude, which no man can number. OK. Chapter six is a very important chapter because this is the chapter that deals with the tribulation and it is described as seals being opened. Now, in chapter five, you have Jesus Christ being the only one that can open the books and peel the seals. OK. Now, people will try to take this and say, well, this is proof that Jesus, God, is the one doing the tribulation. He's the one who's afflicting the world. But that's not what chapter five says at all. It just says that he's the only one who's able to reveal the contents of the book. So he's not inflicting anything upon the world. He's essentially showing the affliction that the world is going to experience during this time. OK. And so these are referred to as seals and each seal represents a particular event that takes place during what the Bible in Matthew 24 refers to as the beginning of sorrows. Now, we will look at this and say, well, it's all tribulation. And it's correct. It's somewhat correct to say that. But scripturally, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, as people refer to them as, is actually known as the beginning of sorrows. Once the fifth seal is open, that is essentially the abomination of desolation being set up because that's when Christians start dying. So the first four seals is talking about the Antichrist going forth conquering and to conquer. You have wars and rumors of wars. You have pestilence. And then you have the pale horse as represented by death on a massive scale. So pay attention to this because these first four seals is basically the entire world experiencing this. It's not just us. It's everyone. Everyone's dying during this time. Everyone is affected by the war. Everyone is affected by the pestilence. Everyone's affected by famine. Everyone's affected by just death. It's at the fifth seal where now the focus is on who? Christians. Look at verse number nine. It says, And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true? Thus thou not judge and avenge our blood on them which dwell on the earth? And so we see here, what do we see? We see believers being killed during what? Tribulation. I thought they were gone before the tribulation. No, they were killed during the tribulation, which shows us that there's Christians during the tribulation. We'll see the church being mentioned after Revelation chapter four. Yeah, but did you know the churches are made up of believers, also known as saints? And how is it that you can say there's no believers during the tribulation when the Bible says that the Antichrist makes war with the saints? Hello? Revelation 13. If there's no believers there, who is he making war with? Well, that's easy. It's the Jews. Well, no, the Bible doesn't refer to the Jews as saints. Sorry, no. And in fact, they're going to be the ones worshipping him. I mean, initially, at least. We see here that these believers are slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. This doesn't say they were slain for keeping to the Talmud or whatever. It's because they're believers. And so we see here, and by the way, this also shows us, verse nine is proof, aside from what we're going to see in Revelation chapter seven, that God has not yet judged the world. So how can you say tribulation is the same as the wrath of God when the believers who are in heaven are saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them which dwell on the earth? Basically means he hasn't done anything about it yet. Then who's doing the tribulation? The Antichrist is. That's who. Tribulation is when other people persecute us for our faith. That's what tribulation is. So that's the fifth seal. At the sixth seal is when we see the sun and moon being darkened. In verse number 12, it says, And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became his blood. Stars of heaven fell into the earth, even as a fig tree cast with her untimely figs, which is when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. It doesn't sound like a secret. He's darkening. He's turning the moon into blood. The sun's being darkened. There's earthquakes. Islands are being moved out of their place. I mean, he's making noise. Make some noise! I mean, this is a huge event. It doesn't sound like God's trying to keep it a secret. Verse 15, And the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captains and the mighty men and every bondman and every free man hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains and set into the mountains and rocks fall on us. So how terrifying must this sight be that they think it would be better if a rock just fell on me right now? It's like, what do you want to choose? Seeing the wrath of the Lamb or having a mountain fall on top of you? B? That's basically what they're thinking. They're saying, fall on us. Look what it says. And hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath is come. Meaning, previous to this, it wasn't there yet. And who shall be able to stand? The answer is, nobody. So chapter six is dealing with beginning of sorrows with the first four seals, the great tribulation, the fifth seal, the sixth seal, as indicated by the sun and moon being darkened and all these crazy things happening here. The make some noise part. Okay. And this is essentially going to introduce the rapture. So it's not like he just, you know, we're all talking and then you just disappear. You know, left behind and, you know, just a beautiful day. This utter chaos. I mean, aside from the chaos that the world was already experiencing, he's just going to add more to that. Because you got to think about it. It's like people are starving, people are dying. Then you have these Christian, all these Christians dying. And all of a sudden, the sun goes dark and the moon is turned into blood. I mean, this is a pretty crazy sight. And it says that the heaven departed as a scroll. In other words, essentially, the realm, the veil between the eternal and the physical is split. Say why? Because he's coming. Okay. Now, look at chapter seven here. Here's another proof that this is not the wrath of God and God has not yet judged the world. It says in verse number three, referring to the angel, it says, So this means that the servants of God have not yet been sealed. Therefore, the world has not yet been destroyed by God, showing us that God has not yet poured out his wrath upon the world. Now, who are the servants of God? Well, people want to say, oh, they're Jews. They're all Jews. But nowhere in the Bible does it say they're all Jews. And in fact, the latter end of verse four says that they're the children of Israel. And it gives a specific tribe of these particular people. A tribe of Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Nephthalim, Manasseh, all the way down to verse number eight. And it's 12,000 of each. Okay. You say, well, yeah, that's, you know, it's Jews. No, because Jews are of Judah. Judah's there, yeah, but there's only 12,000 of them. There's other tribes. Do your homework. Okay. And secondly, these aren't tribulation Jewish saints. It's like, you see, the rapture is like, he's real, let's believe. You know, let's get saved, and now we're going to evangelize the world. No, because these tribes don't exist right now, number one. But number two, when you look at the second half of the chronology, you see that this particular group here, the servants of God, this group here, they don't start off on earth. They actually start off in heaven next to the Lamb. Which proves what? It proves that these guys died a long time ago. Or they were on this world a long time ago, and, you know, God translated them, whatever it may be. And so they're given this privilege to come back to the world thousands of years later to be a witness unto the nations. That's what it is. Okay. Now, it's my humble opinion that maybe they didn't die. Maybe they, you know, were translated or something like that because of the fact that they need to be sealed in their foreheads in order to protect them from the wrath of God, because they're going to be here during those last 40 and two months, during the locusts and all those things. So they need the seal of God in their foreheads, which shows us that they could be hurt if they didn't have that, which shows us that they still have an unregenerated body. Okay. You say, well, why would God allow them to do this? I mean, it says it vaguely in the second half of the chronology, but these are probably just individuals who just sacrificed a lot. Who knows? We know that there are men, first and foremost, and they're virgins. They follow the Lord wherever they went. We don't know. I mean, Daniel could be a part of this. We don't know exactly. We don't know who's part of this group, but it's a special group of Israelite believers that are given the privilege to continue their work thousands of years later. Okay. You say, well, what happens to them? Well, they just waltz into the millennial reign. That's just it. Okay. Now, look at verse 9 of chapter 7. It says, And after this, so after they were sealed in their foreheads, it says, After this I beheld and lo, a great multitude. Now, 12,000 of each tribe is a lot, but we wouldn't consider a multitude which no man can number. Because guess what? They're numbered right here. This is obviously referring to a second group, right? It says here, And after this I beheld and lo, a great multitude which no man can number, of all nations, kindreds and people. So, obviously, that's not referring to the Israelites. And tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb, clothed with white robes and palms in their hands. You say, what is that talking about? That's the rapture. I don't know. How do you know that's the rapture? Because it's a great multitude which no man can number. Essentially referring to every believer from the beginning of time until the rapture takes place. I mean, that's billions and billions of souls. Unborn babies, you know, aborted babies, just a lot of saved people, right? They're here. So this is the rapture taking place here. Look at verse 13, it says, One of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? And whence came they? And I said unto them, Sure, thou knowest. And he said unto me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. He said, well, how can they be all believers from the beginning of time if it says they came out of great tribulation? Well, because of the fact that when the rapture takes place, people who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, they get a regenerated body, but so does every believer from all time. In fact, the Bible says, The dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to be with them in the clouds. So to say that they came out of great tribulation is accurate, even when we're referring to believers from the beginning of time until the rapture takes place. Pretty simple, right? Alright, look at chapter 8. I'm going to breeze through some of this here. This might be like a major synopsis. Now, in chapter 8 is where we actually get into the wrath of God. And chapter 8, chapter 9 is basically where we see the wrath of God being poured out as signified by the trumpets. And in fact, the last seal that's open, which is the seventh seal, is the introduction to the first trumpet. So the seals are important. Remember the seals. The seals represent tribulation, beginning of sorrows, tribulation, sun and moon being darkened, the seventh seal that's open is after the rapture, essentially introducing the first trumpet that's sounding, which signifies the first part of the wrath of God. Okay, look at verse number 1, it says, And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels, which stood before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer, and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar, which was before the throne of God. And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. So what we see here is seven trumpets are going to be sounded. And again, what does the trumpet signify? It signifies war. So when we see seven trumpets, it's basically God declaring war on the world. Okay, it's about to just destroy the world. But another thing you see is that incense is carried with the prayers of the saints. Now, you know, I preached this before that, you know, we pray and God has our prayers and incense and, you know, which is great. I still believe that. But what this is actually referring to is those imprecatory prayers. Because he's going to pour all that incense, the fire and brimstone, on the world. The prayers that he's referring to is what we saw in Revelation chapter 6. How long, O Lord? The Lord is just collecting those prayers and that's what he's going to pour upon the world. And in fact, the vials, the seven vials that we see in Revelation chapter 16, I believe are the prayers of the saints. Because the Old Testament talks about our prayers being placed into vials. So when you pray, Lord, punish that person who did us wrong or punish these reprobates or punish the world, punish these baby killers and these reprobates, God's collecting those prayers. You know, I'm hoping that when this takes place, I have like a cupboard full of them. It's like, man, look at all these. This is 2020. This is 2021. Look at all those in 2021. You know, I had a lot of those in 2021, you know. That's like a separate cupboard, you know. And it's just like they're just grabbing, they're just pouring it because it's God. And I don't have time to elaborate on it. But if you read Luke 18, it talks about the imprecatory prayers, the importance of praying imprecatory prayers because it signifies we have faith in God, that God will avenge us one day. OK. All right. So chapter eight and nine is dealing with those trumpets where things are being destroyed. He's sending down hail mingled with fire. And let me just briefly touch on this, on how this works. Because this could be a little confusing when people read it. When it comes to the wrath of God, the wrath of God is composed of seven trumpets, seven vials. The last three of those each are referred to as the three woes. OK, seven trumpets and seven vials affect number one being the earth, the sea, rivers, the sun, the seed of the beast. OK. What's the other one? Oh, the river Euphrates and then ultimately hail. OK. Now, they're not the same thing though. So the seven trumpets and seven vials, although there's a lot of similarities between the two, they're not the same judgments. They're separate judgments but that happen concurrently, around the same time. And when you study those, when you do a personal study on the wrath of God, the trumpets and the vials, you'll see that some of them have like an effect on the other one. OK. And I'll give you an example. You know, when the trumpet or the vials poured upon the seed of the beast, it talks about how there's darkness. And the fact that they nod their teeth for pain. I can't remember the exact wording, but they nod their teeth for pain. They're just like in pain because darkness is poor. You're like, how does darkness make you do that? However, when you compare that with the concurrent trumpet judgment, you see that that's when the locusts are being released. OK. And in fact, look at Revelation 9. Let's see here. Where should we start reading at? Look at verse 4. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass, referring to these locusts from hell, of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree, but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads. And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months. And their torment was as a torment of a scorpion when he strike at the man. And in those days shall men see death, and shall not find it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. And the shape of the locust were like unto horses prepared into battle, and on their heads were as it were, crowns like gold, and their faces were the faces of men, and they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. So when they start going after the trannies, it's like defined irony. You say, what's the significance with that and the darkness or the vow being poured upon the seed of the beast? Well, the seed of the beast is referring to the fact that the world still belongs to the Antichrist at this time. The seed is referring to the fact that it's just like this is his place kind of thing. And the reason they're gnawing their teeth for pain is because of the fact that they're being stung or being bitten by these locusts. Now let me just paint a picture here real quick just so you know the severity of this. And I've preached to the entire sermon on these locusts, but it seems to indicate that when these locusts bite you, they're searching for death but they can't die. How does that work? Well, the only thing I can come up with is that when these particular locusts bite you, they have some sort of paralyzing agent in them where you're incapable of moving. So you can't kill yourself even if you wanted to. And we don't know exactly how long it lasts or whatever as far as the pain is concerned, but we know that the world is saturated with these locusts. Now that's pretty bad. Like if these locusts came in here and we're like, ah, you know, running through everywhere. Imagine that though in the dark. Imagine having to run away from these locusts pitch black where you can't see anything. I mean, it's scary enough if you can see them. And, you know, it talks about how they sound like chariot horses just running through. I mean, just imagine you're in your home, and obviously we're going to be gone by this time, eating popcorn, watching this, and everything. But imagine, you know, you're like, we're safe. And all of a sudden you just hear them coming through. And when you read the book of Job, by the way, you see that there's nothing you can do to protect yourself from these locusts. They'll come crawling through the windows. They'll come crawling through every crevice of your house to come get you. And it's dark. So then you hear, you're just like, whoa, and you run into walls. I mean, it's terrible. So then the Bible paints this picture that the reason they're gnawing for teeth for pain is because of these locusts for five months. This is terrible. This is some hardcore stuff here, okay? Anyways, so you can read that on your own. And of course, at the latter end of chapter nine, we have the four angels that are loosed from the river Euphrates, which coincides with the vial that we see in Revelation chapter 16. And we see that it says in verse 16, the number of the army of the horsemen were 200,000,000 and heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and then I sat on them, having breastplates of fire and of jacinth and brimstone. And the heads of horses were as the heads of lions, and out of their mouth issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three were the third part of men killed by the fire, by the smoke, and by the brimstone was issued out of their mouth. So aside from these locusts, after that's over, you're all jacked up, you're just bit. Then you have like this million army of horses, faces of lions, they're breathing out fire and brimstone. You're like, I'll just stay behind it. Their tails are snakes that'll bite you. This is terrifying. Like, well, I'll just lock myself in my car. They can breathe brimstone and smoke into and asphyxiate you. Dang. You think God's mad? Yeah. He's like, I'm going to create this animal and it's going to scare the crap out of everyone, but it's also going to kill everyone too. That's what it is. Does it kill people? Uh, yeah. A lot of people die. Third part of men, the Bible says, die. So that's the wrath of God. Now, I'm out of time, so I'm going to breeze through some of this. Chapter 10 is another intermission before we get into the events of chapter 11, which is essentially the millennial reign taking place. The reason we know this is because of verse 15 of chapter 11, it talks about the kingdoms of this world becoming the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. So obviously this is the conclusion to that seven year reign due to the fact that if you remember, if you paid attention to the wrath of God, one of the vials is poured upon the seat of the beast. Well, it can't be the seat of the beast if it's the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ. So obviously he's still reigning during that time. And then this is the conclusion to that where the battle of Armageddon takes place. Battle of Armageddon takes place and then, of course, Jesus Christ defeats the Antichrist and his armies. He casts the Antichrist and the false prophet into the lake of fire and then he sets up his millennial reign. So chapters 1 through 11, that's the conclusion of it. Chapter 12 begins once again in the first century AD, goes into tribulation. I talked a little bit about that last week. And then chapter 13 is the details of the tribulation being what? The mark of the beast, which coincides with famines, pestilences, death on a massive scale. The mark of the beast is rolled out as a solution to all the inflation, to the famines, because no man might by ourselves save he that had the mark. And what people don't realize is that, you know, you have unsaved people, these truthers out there, but don't take the mark of the beast. It's like, dude, you're not saved. You're going to take it. Some of you are going to take it because you're not saved. The only way you can avoid the mark of the beast is just get saved. If you're saved, you don't have to worry about taking the mark of the beast. You'll just die. You know, it's not bad. I mean, forget this world, you know. The mark of the beast is not instituted as a solution to control your freedom, to strip you of your freedom and do all this. That's not what it has to do with. The mark of the beast is literally instituted by the Antichrist to sift out real Christians. Believers, by the way. People who have the right salvation. That's the only reason for the mark of the beast. It's not to feed people during times of famine. You know, the four horsemen of the apocalypse are going to be used as a springboard to introduce the mark of the beast so that the Antichrist can make war with the saints because we're the only ones that can't take the mark. How do I avoid the mark of the beast? Just get saved. Get saved and then you can enjoy all the new world order technology. Without the damnation, amen. I'm serious. People always complain about new world order technology. I'm like, dude, I love new world order technology because I'm saved. But what if they get your information? They already got it. They already got it. It's like, don't use TikTok. That's how they steal your information. Use Google? They got you already. That's why it's important to just focus on the spiritual, my friends. Plain and simple. So 13 is the abomination of desolation, making war with the saints. Mark of the beast is instituted. Chapter 14 is the rapture as seen by verses 14 all the way down to verse 17. That is essentially where it is highlighted there is the rapture taking place. Chapter 15 is an introduction to the wrath of God being poured out in chapter 16 with the vials. So just remember this. Chapter eight and nine are the trumpets of God's wrath. Chapter 16 is the vials of God's wrath. So it's spread out with the trumpets from chapters eight and nine, but it's all condensed into one chapter in chapter 16 on the second half of the chronology. So that's chapter 16. And then chapter 17 and 18 are the destruction of Babylon, which potentially refers to the fact that it's probably the seed of the beast. Because just a lot of content is being dedicated to describing Babylon, what it is, how it's destroyed, etc. We won't get into that. Chapter 19 is essentially referring to, is highlighting the Battle of Armageddon. Now the Battle of Armageddon is explicitly mentioned in the first half of the chronology, but it's actually laid out what takes place in the second half of the chronology in chapter 19. Where Jesus Christ comes on a white horse with all the saints and he whoops them all. The beginning of chapter 20 is the inauguration of the millennial reign. This is where we see that we rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years. That's verses one all the way to verse number seven. Verse six, should we say. And these particular verses essentially show us that there is a second resurrection. Because it talks about blessed are those who partake in the first resurrection indicating that there is a second. Now when did that first resurrection take place? Rapture, right? You said then when is the second resurrection? Well sometime during the great white throne, we don't know exactly when, it doesn't even matter, but we just know that it takes place sometime because there's people that are getting saved during the wrath of God. So how do you know people are being saved during the wrath of God? Here's ironclad proof that people are getting saved during the wrath of God. Number one, you have the 144,000 evangelists going all over the world preaching the gospel. Number two, you have the two witnesses who have more of a public ministry. They're going viral on TikTok, viral on Instagram. These desert prophets or whatever breathing out fire and it's literal fire by the way. People are like no that's just symbolic. No it's literal. You can't tell me the locusts are symbolic. You can't tell me that the horsemen are symbolic. It's like everything is just symbolic. You have a low view of God and don't think he's capable of doing these things. They're breathing out fire to consume the people who try to stop them and of course the Antichrist ends up killing them. But they're there so they're preaching the word of God. And the third proof that there's people getting saved during the wrath of God, and of course there's people that are not saved that go into the millennial reign, is the fact that the world is repopulated during the millennial reign. Because when we go into the millennial reign we're regenerated. We're not going to procreate or anything like that because we're regenerated. We have our resurrected bodies so there has to be saved or unsaved people there that are going to die. They're procreating because at the end, and by the way, at the end of the millennial reign there's going to be a lot of unsaved people. A lot. So how do you know? Because Satan recruits a ton of people at the end of the millennial reign to fight against God. The battle known as the battle of Gog and Magog. So that's in chapter 20, the battle of Gog and Magog. And then you have the white throne judgment. And at the end of chapter 20 is when you have death and hell being cast into the lake of fire along with every unbeliever from the beginning of time until then. Chapter 21 and 22 is essentially known as the new heaven and the new earth. When the entire world is transfigured it is completely changed, it's glorified. So technically the new heaven and the new earth is when the world returns back to its garden of Eden conditions. Where the world is completely absent of sin, it's absent of Satan, it's absent of unsaved people. Period. Because it's only believers that are there. And then of course we know that the unsaved are without. And so that is the synopsis of the book of Revelation. It's hard to do it justice in this amount of time because there's so much content. But I hope you just understand this is that it's broken up into two halves. Study them separately if you want. Chapters 1 through 11, chapters 12 through 22. And just understand the major events. Understand when the rapture takes place, the abomination of desolation. Understand the seven seals, seven trumpets, seven vials. All taking place within a span of seven years. And that's pretty much it. Let's pray. Father we thank you so much for your word. Thank you for the book of Revelation, Lord. A lot of information to take in. I pray that you'd help us as your people to have a greater understanding of this book, Lord. And prepare us for that day if it so comes in our lifetime. And Lord may we be awake in Christ that we would read the word of God, walk in the Spirit. Win souls to Christ. Lead our families in the way of righteousness, Lord. So if that day comes, we can be ready. And I pray that you bless us as we go on our way. We love you. We thank you. We pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Song number 406. Song number 406. Who is on the Lord's side? Song number 406. On that first verse. Who is on the Lord's side? Who will serve the King? Who will be his helpers? Other lives to bring. Who will leave the world's side? Who will face the fall? Who is on the Lord's side? Who will win? Who will go? By thy call of mercy. By thy grace divine. We are on the Lord's side. Savior, we are thine. Not for weight of glory. Not for crown and lawn. Enter we the army. Raise our warrior song. But for love that claim it. Lies for whom he died. Thee whom Jesus name it. Must be on his side. By thy love constraining. By thy grace divine. We are on the Lord's side. Savior, we are thine. Jesus thou hast brought us. Not with gold or gem. But with thine own lifeblood. For thy diadem. With thy blessing filling. Each who comes to thee. Thou hast made us willing. Thou hast made us free. By thy grand redemption. By thy grace divine. We are on the Lord's side. Savior, we are thine. We are thine on the last. Fierce may be the conflict. Strong may be the foe. But the king's own army. None can overthrow. Round his standard raging. Victory is secure. For his truth unchanging. Make the triumph sure. Joyfully enlisting. By thy grace divine. We are on the Lord's side. Savior, we are thine. You're dismissed. Have a great week.