(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen we are in first Kings chapter 14 in verse 22 where the Bible reads here and Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins which they had committed above all that their fathers had done for they also built them high places and images and groves on every high hill and under every green tree and there were also sodomites in the land and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel the title of my sermon this evening is reprobate pride month reprobate pride month or you can call it a country of sodomites okay now we see here in first Kings chapter 14 that there's there's this weak leadership that's taking place right he's he's taking the throne and he's a son of Solomon but he's a weak leader why is that because under his leadership the country of Judah has gone into wicked abominations there's not a lot of good things to say about Judah during this time and we see there there's specifically that there's specific things that Judah was doing or allowing that made them evil according to the Word of God now number one what was the first thing well first and foremost it was a cesspool of sin all right look at verse 22 it says there Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord and they provoked him to jealousy with their sins which they had committed above all that their fathers had done so what is it saying there you know the sins that they're committing they're surpassing the sins that their fathers had done okay and you know what you can apply that to the United States today can't you where you look at the sins of today the sins of the of society today and how the culture is today it's a lot more wicked than it was 50 years ago the sins of today are far greater than what the fathers have done at 50 years past in the United States okay so number one you see just sin running rampant you can say that of the United States today with all the technology with the internet with all the wicked movies that are coming out the acceptance of just the cesspool of sin and all the garbage is coming through Hollywood we can say yes we're living in a cesspool of sin a debt of iniquity things that are not pleasing unto the Lord and just as Judah we're doing evil on the side of the Lord of course not us but as a country we are but not only that we see here that they were guilty of pagan idolatry look at verse 23 says for they also built them high places and images and groves on every high hill and under every green tree when the Bible talks about high hills talks about images and groves it's talking about pagan worship so this king who was the son of Solomon who was the son of David was permitting idolatry in the land which is it which is strange that he's a great-grandson of David who's a man after God's own heart yet he himself maybe he only he himself is not partaking of that idolatrous worship but you know what he's he's allowing he's tolerating the idolatry worship in that country right there which is wicked and so pagan idolatry is taking place but out of the three out of all these things the thing that they were tolerating the most was the homos and just in case you know that car right there just blocked out what I just said and YouTube doesn't understand what I just said the homos they were the homos were allowed to dwell in the land verse 24 says and there were also sodomites in the land and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel we don't have time to go into it but if you read in Leviticus the abominations that he's referring to is obviously number one sodomy but also bestiality all these filthy perversions that those who are reprobates commit and he said there they did according to all those abominations what about this no all of them okay so the reason this country the reason Judah was so wicked during this time because of the cesspool of sin the pagan idolatry and because they're allowing sodomites to just dwell in the land freely and look you can say anything you want but any country that permits sodomy and it becomes the norm it's an evil nation according to the Bible okay now go to Ezekiel chapter 16 now look that's bad but I think we're living in worst times why is that because we're not only allowing sodomites to just dwell freely in the land guess what we're promoting it you know the television promotes it and it's it's almost it's looked kindly upon people are encouraged it to to consider this alternative death style was not it's not a lifestyle it's a death style and now yeah but our country has decided in different states to literally celebrate sodomy for an entire month you see why would you want to preach this message because we're in June and June is fag month June is the day when we celebrate faggots and faggotry and all the abominations of that these that these reprobates commit and you know what and everyone's just like yeah you know probably gay pride month there's nothing gay about it now look there's very far few in between churches and pastors who actually preaching what I'm saying tonight but you know what a bunch of people agree with us whether you're saved or unsaved the only difference is they don't got the stones to get up and say it that's the difference they don't have the gall the boldness to get up and say what needs to be said and preach it from the pulpit they need a spare filled man to get up and just say what the Bible says this stuff is filthy and look if you don't believe me go on YouTube the most recent video they put out of these faggots you know what they have more thumbs down than they have thumbs up right just read the comments and how disgusted unsaved people are at this faggotry it's nothing new people hate this stuff unsaved normal people hate faggotry now the unsaved people they might be afraid to say anything about it you know I don't know what they're afraid some some faggots gonna come and hit him with the purse but you know what Christians who are kjv only Baptist spear filled Christians I'm not to be afraid of any of that why cuz God didn't give us a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind and the righteous are as bold as a lion the Bible says the wicked fleet would no man pursue it but the righteous are as bold as a lion we need so what if they take your life take it go ahead you know for me to live as Christ and to die is game right you'll do me a favor if you kill me maybe my subs will go up even more look at Ezekiel 16 and look they call it gay pride month how ironic that they would call this month of sodomy a month of pride why is that look at Ezekiel 16 verse 49 behold this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom pride first one this is the sin this is the iniquity pride fullness of bread and abundance of idleness was in her hand was in her and in her daughters neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy and they were haughty what's haughty that's another word for prideful and committed abomination before God therefore I took them away as I saw good you said what is he talking about well we're gonna get into Genesis 19 what taken away means it's not like he just took him away and just say just leave no he obliterated Sodom and Gomorrah you know what the Bible says he says that was good I saw that to be good look this sermon we need to preach on this more often okay you said why are you bringing this up now because let's see forget where we stand as a church that we will forever stand against the sodomites will always hate them will always preach the reprobate doctrine and we're not going to rib doesn't matter how wicked or how vile this country gets or how much they accept sodomy we'll never accept it but the Bible says there that there was their iniquity pride you know gay pride month there's nothing gay about it but there's plenty of pride about it okay they just want to parade their filth in their garbage and they want to promote it to the children they want to and by the way that's what they want to do they want to recruit the children don't tell me that these people want to love the children they just want to be kind to the truth no they want to rape the children is what they want to do if that offends you to get out if you don't like what I'm saying then get out leave okay because one thing that we don't need as a church is a bunch of fad sympathizers we need everyone to be on board with this message and when I'm bored with what the Bible says well I got an aunt who's gay if she's a reprobate then guess what she's no longer your aunt they're dead twice dead plucked up by the roots according to the Bible right and look if you sympathize with these homos it's because you're you're watching too much Hollywood too much television you know you you think they're just like the cool you know fun-loving and all there's nothing core fun-loving about it right get rid of your fag buddies okay I have family members get rid of your family members and by the end of the sermon I don't think you'll be able to disagree with me if you disagree with me you're disagreeing with the Bible because we're gonna show a lot of scripture tonight to prove what I'm saying is true now America is in the same condition Judah was thousands of years ago it's twice the a I would say five to ten times as bad now where does this stupid month come from where does this stupid celebration come from well let me read you this stupid article just to show you where it comes from the LGBT Pride Month let God burn them queers quickly give me another cue it's currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan the Stonewall riots were a tipping point for the gay liberation movement in the United States in the United States the last Sunday in June was initially celebrated as gay pride month or gay pride day but the actual day was flexible in major cities across the nation as the day soon grew to encompass a month-long series of events today celebrations include pride parades picnics parties workshops concerts LGBT Pride Month events attract millions of participants around the world memorials are held during this month for those members of the community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV what they're the haters look I want to know why the media wives you already know why but it's interesting that the media wants to cover every time that a certain sodomized suffers from a hate crime but they don't show in the media every time they kill someone or they rape someone or they sodomize someone look legally by unsafe people that there's a literal crime called the crime of sodomy right you look it up anytime a child is raped by one of these filthy perverts they'll use the term they sodomize them guess where they get that from the Bible you know what they got that word from God so that God would not defile your mind to know exactly what it is that they did you can put two and two together when you hear that term for that phrase used but they use that in legal terms all the time they say they sodomized them is what they'll say I know we're gonna celebrate all these homos that died of AIDS you know we're gonna celebrate them too the purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact that lesbian gay bisexual transgender individuals have had on history locally nationally internationally so this this stupid month of celebration comes from these idiots they want to celebrate how heroic these people are for sleeping around like dogs and getting contracting HIV and AIDS I ain't celebrating that garbage I'm celebrating that they die aren't you afraid they're gonna persecute you come persecute me you're not scaring anybody so I have three points tonight in regards to this teaching number one we're gonna define the terms because a lot of people get offended when we use certain terms you know like faggot call them gay no faggot sodomite son of Belial okay we're gonna define those terms because I'm not just up here ranting and raving I'm pissed off at this of this stuff but I'm gonna show you from the Bible why I am okay so we're gonna define the terms we're gonna describe the process of how they got that way because a lot of people are confused by that they're like well you know it does the the act of sodomy make them a sodomite not necessarily or a reprobate not necessarily okay and I'll explain why and then we're just gonna deprogram our view in regards to this it's very important so go with me if you would first and foremost go to Psalms chapter 12 I want to lay a foundation here for defining the terms we're gonna define why we use the terms that we use okay first and foremost go to Psalms 12 I'm gonna read to you from 1st Corinthians chapter number 2 the Bible reads here in verse 11 for what man knoweth the things of man save the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of God knoweth no man but the Spirit of God now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God which things also we speak not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual so what do we have to do in order to understand or have spiritual discernment we have to use God's words okay look at Psalms 12 verse 6 the words of the Lord are pure words as silver tried in the furnace of earth purified seven times so the foundation is this there's no word in the Bible that's filthy that's dirty so when we call them a damn reprobate a filthy sodomite a vile faggot don't get offended by that those are pure words you should be like oh that sounds so good it's nice and pure yeah it is pure there's nothing filthy about it and any Christian say person who gets offended at words like that you need to get right with God now go to Romans chapter number one so number word number one is reprobate okay now I understand I think sometimes Christians just throw this word around a little too much often it's from like babes in Christ's you know where everyone's just a reprobate it was like oh yeah they're just reprobate why because they closed the door on me when I went soloing because they cussed me out I had that is reprobate yeah for sure that is reprobate everyone's reprobate well let me just teach you something not everyone's a reprobate I'm not saying they don't exist they definitely do exist but not every unsafe person is a reprobate and if that's you who is constantly calling everyone a reprobate you need to grow up you need to have some discernment you need to be able to determine who is a reprobate and who isn't okay and that just look that's like a harsh word to call someone that's why I'm using this so much today okay but it's a harsh word to call someone even an unsafe person because you're basically saying that they're there they can no longer be saved okay cuz that's what it is now what is a reprobate a reprobate is someone who is rejected of God okay you even look on a secular dictionary definition of what a reprobate is it literally means that they can no longer be saved it means that they are rejected of God okay and I don't think anybody not even the people who who disagree with us in regards to the sodomites I don't think they would disagree with us that the Bible cost sodomites reprobates right now look at verse 26 for this cause of Romans 1 for this cause God gave them up unto vile affections you know the Pope came out recently and told some homo God made you that way and he loves you well he was only half right right you know he wasn't telling the truth about God loving him because God does not love that homo anymore but he did tell the truth when he said God made you that way now I'm sure what he meant was you know you were born that way which is wrong but the truth is God did make them that way and in fact it says right there God gave them up unto vile affections I think all of us could agree that sodomy is a vile act of affection well the Bible says here God's the one who gave them up to that for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature so this is not just subject to men women become sodomites too women become reprobates as well and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lusts one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was me that's talking about the HIV let's talk about the AIDS okay and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient so verse 26 and verse 28 are parallel verses because it says there in verse 26 that God gave them up to vile affections that's translated in verse 28 as God given them up to a rapper giving them over to a reprobate mind so we can put two and two together and say someone who's given to a reprobate mind is someone who's committing vile affections do you know what that means when you see some wicked disgusting sodomite walking down the street you can safely assume oh that person's a reprobate because they're doing vile things that shows that this person was giving over to a reprobate mind does that make sense to everyone so let me just say this is that not every reprobate is a homosexual as of yet okay now this entire sermon is not on the entire spectrum of a reprobate because there are false teachers false prophets pastors who are reprobates as well they have not yet gotten to the point maybe even of committing the sins of sodomy but they will why because the Bible tells us that that's what God gives them over to my father-in-law used to say this it's when God removes the moral compass from your mind yeah because every person is born with the moral compass we know what's right and what's wrong you know we find certain certain things to be violent disgusting to be a part of but when you're given over to a reprobate mind that moral compass is removed for example a dog does not have a moral compass that's why they lick their hinder parts okay they lick their privates they lick up their own vomit and their crap you say well what are you trying to say sodomites do the same thing right they drink their own piss and eat their own dung yeah and the Bible says they're the first what they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge therefore and I'm look I'm glad I'm making you make that face because that's that's not exactly how you ought to feel at all times when it comes to sodomites when you hear about something so disgusting it ought to make you contort your face and say that's that's that's evil that's wicked and look in your mind you're thinking how can a person ever do that you know why you think that's because you're saved a reprobate is just like that's beautiful but it says there that even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient so God is the one who gave him over to that but why is that because they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge we're gonna specify what the Bible means by then just to be go to Jeremiah chapter number six this is review for a lot of you but maybe for many of you it's not so look this is what I encourage you to do if you don't trust me on this and I'm offending you because you know you got a cousin who's a faggot or whatever this is what you do write down the verses okay don't just read them right now write them down review them later meditate upon them and ask God to help you to understand these things which I think this is very clear okay Jeremiah chapter six is where we find the definition of a reprobate the Bible says in verse 29 the bellows are burned the lead is consumed of the fire the founder melteth in vain for the wicked are not plucked away reprobate silver shaman called them because the Lord hath rejected them now in this context it's not talking about a sodomite per se it's talking about a country a nation who has been rejected of the Lord but he's specifically uses two words interchangeably to define for us what they mean he says reprobate silver and then he says the Lord has rejected them so reprobate and rejected are used synonymously they use interchangeably right there so when we talk about a person who's a reprobate we're talking about a person who's been rejected okay now you say well rejected about what though go to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 I just think they can be reformed you know I think we can change them I've heard of sodomite testimonies well you know what I don't care you can you can bring to me a thousand sodomite testimonies thy testimonies Oh Lord are my delight in my counselors I don't get my doctrine I don't get my teaching from some faggot testimony that you hear of how they found God and they found Christ and they're no longer sodomite that's a bunch of garbage okay and let me say this this is a side note any person who comes in here and says that they were a former sodomite but now they've gotten saved and they're reformed they're getting the boot because we don't believe in that right why because thy testimonies Oh Lord are my delight and my counselor so that means if I have a thousand son of my testimonies and one testimony of Romans 1 I go with Romans 1 I don't go with the thousand sodomite testimonies now what are they rejected okay because we say yeah they're rejected they're reprobate but what is that talking about look at 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and verse number 2 for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection doesn't this sound familiar of Romans 1 truce breakers false accusers by the way false accusers what does that mean they just falsely accused people that's what that means and we don't have time there's a there's a phrase that's used to define these reprobates it's called the sons of Belial in fact sons of Belial if from what I remember is used far more times than even reprobate or even sodomite is used but they're all used interchangeably sons of Belial are found throughout the Bible and one of the characteristics of a son of Belial is that they're there to literally falsely accused people if you guys remember who's the vineyard I'm trying to think of the vineyard someone you guys remember that what was that wicked guy's name who wanted the vineyard you guys remember that story Ahab okay and the Bible talks about how Jezebel hired sons of Belial to falsely accused the owner of the vineyard so that people can take him out and stone him okay and you see throughout the Old Testament that many times these sons of Belial are brought in to falsely accused people because they're liars the Bible says they're full of deceit in Romans 1 it says without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good you guys know anything about that you know the despisers of things that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lust ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth keep that in mind now as Janus and Jamborees withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth okay just like in Romans 1 where they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge right here it says that they resist the truth men of corrupt minds a reprobate mind then it says this reprobate concerning the faith so what is another word for faith what belief right means to believe so the Bible says here that they are reprobate they are rejected remember because reprobate means reject they're rejected concerning to be the ability to believe right that means a sodomite cannot be saved they've been rigged the reprobate mind won't allow them to believe they don't want to believe they won't believe and this is where I find so interesting because a lot of these people these sought these these Christian these Christians sodomized sympathizers what they'll say is you know they'll believe that it's by believe only right see yeah that's the way you get saved once they've always saved only believe but then when you start getting to the topic of the sodomites and if they can be saved they'll say well what if they turn away from that though it's like wait hold on a second I thought it was by believe only why is it that the sin of sodomy is the exception to that rule you know why because they realize how disgusting and valid it is too and they can't bring themselves to think that this person would be a Christian and still commit the sin of sodomy you know it's easier and it's more biblical to just accept well this person can't be saved go ahead and commit all your wicked sodomy you'll pay for it in the end these person these people can't be saved and we have a verse right here so answer me this old owl faggot lover why does it say reprobate concerning the faith if the Bible says they work for by grace are you saved through faith and then out of yourselves that is the gift of God not of works the steady man should boast if it's by faith only why does the Bible said that they're reprobate concerning faith it means because they can't they can no longer believe that's right and look it's not like God just said no I'm not gonna let you believe I'm not gonna let no no they rejected God first because the Bible says that they didn't want to retain God in their knowledge they rejected him and it says right there you said well and here's the most common thing that I always hear too well what if they're looking for the truth you know what if they want to be saved it says right there they resisted the truth right you see this is part of the process and I'm getting my head of myself here the process is this they resist the truth they become a reprobate so once they become a reprobate he's like well you know I know this person though and they're looking for God and they're disgusted with themselves well they should be disgusted with themselves but the Bible tells us there in verse number seven ever learning they can get all the Christian books they want listen to as many sermons as they want but the Bible says they're they're ever learning and they're never never able to come to the knowledge of the truth the Bible says when does never end never never able so you can pray for that person all you want Oh God save this person God's gonna be like I already I've already saved the place for them they're already reserved we're gonna look into just a little bit what that means but it's pointless why because they're never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now if you believe sodomites can be saved explain that verse to me then what does it mean that they're never able to come to the knowledge of the truth what truth what does it mean when it says that the reprobate concerning the faith now go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 because if that doesn't convince you I don't know what will but I got a really good verse here that'll show you something real good 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 verse 5 of 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 says examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith prove your own selves thank you Paul for writing this part right here no you not your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except ye be reprobates so what is it telling us here if you have Christ in you you're not a reprobate but if you're a reprobate you can't have Christ in you I think that's pretty easy to tell right he says look Jesus Christ is in you unless you're a reprobate why because reprobates can't be saved and saved people have the Lord living within them the hope of glory the Bible says so according to this verse if someone has Christ in them they can no longer be reprobates why is that why do you say that simply for the fact that there's a false teaching out there that teaches that Christians can become reprobates and they this teaching stems from the from the false doctrine that pornography makes you a homo or or just getting involved in in Hollywood videos and all these things and just your moral decline leads you to being a homo that's not true you become a homo or rejecting the Lord okay now go to Titus chapter 1 so we're defining the first word here okay and I need to hurry up because I got a lot more a lot more words that we need to go over Titus chapter 1 verse 15 says unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure but even their mind and conscience is defiled just like we see in Romans 1 right just like we just saw in 2nd Timothy chapter 3 right they have corrupt minds they profess that they know God you know they give those testimonies right I know God God changed my life I no longer want men you know I got married and I have children and I slept with 500 men prior to this but hey you know I know God they profess that they know God but in works they deny him being abominable and disobedient and unto every good work reprobate the Bible says so don't be fooled by this what does reprobate mean it means someone who's rejected of the Lord according to Romans 1 okay it means someone who's reprobate rejected concerning the faith they can no longer believe now what's the second term that I want to define sodomite okay go to Genesis chapter 19 what is the sodomite a sodomite is someone who engages in sodomy and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna give you the details of that because I'm trying to spare you from from from defiling your mind okay but Genesis 19 highlights a city and this is where that term comes from all right and look like I said our secular world uses this term my wife just heard it on the radio of some guy who's caught for sodomizing a little girl they use the word sodomized them that's the appropriate word to use okay now Genesis 19 is where we find this you won't find the word sodomite in Genesis 19 but you'll find why they call them sodomites Genesis 19 verse 1 says and there came two angels to Sodom at even and lot sat in the gate of Sodom and lot seen them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground and he said behold now my Lord's turn in I pray you into your servant's house and tarry all night and wash your feet and he shall rise up early and go on your ways and they said nay but we will abide in the street all night and he pressed upon them greatly and they turned in unto him and entered into his house and he made them a feast and did break unleavened bread and did eat so this is talking about the angels if you remember in Genesis 18 what we read in this morning when the when Jesus says to the angels should I reveal unto Abraham what I'm going to do he's talking about destroying Sodom so these are these angels that are coming here okay and they're not coming to eat they're coming to rescue Lot and his family because they're about to just demolish Sodom okay verse 4 but before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Sodom come pass the house round both old and young keep that in mind so it says both the old dudes and the young dudes come pass the house I mean compassion means they surrounded the house at night all the people from every quarter so this is like the entire city's there verse 5 and they called unto Lot and said unto him where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them now God is very gracious to us to not defile our minds by using strong language but let me just define for you what it means to know them well the Bible says that Adam knew his wife and then she conceived so to know them means to have a physical relationship with a person but here's the thing that is only intended between a married man with a married woman okay but here we see that men both old and young are surrounding this house and what do they want to do they want to know the angels physically now this is this is a side note here but you guys understand that sodomites can't have babies so the way they're able to continue their their wickedness and to every generation what they do is they recruit people that's what that's how they that's how they get members they recruit them see how to recruit them by molesting children ah how can you say how can you put homosexuals in the same campus pedophiles where do these young people come from the Bible says old and young they can't have kids where are these young people who are sodomites coming from they got recruited they got molested is what happened you don't believe me look at look at the stupid old IFP churches that are housing these wicked pedophiles you know and they're producing these Bible colleges like North Valley Baptist Church and Golden State Baptist College are producing all these faggots why is that because they're being recruited by these wicked old pedophiles it says it right there verse six and law went out at the door into them and shut the door after him and said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly behold now I have two daughters which have not known man let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do ye to them as good as in your eyes only unto these men do nothing for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof now a lot is insane what the heck is wrong with this guy he's like take my daughters what verse nine and they said by the way that's what happens when you live in San Fran fact Francisco whatever you want to call it your mind becomes warped as well okay verse nine and they said stand back and they said again this one fellow came in to sojourn you will needs be a judge now will we deal worse with thee than with them man that's what do you mean worse can it get any worse and they press sore upon the man even lot and came near to break the door but the men put forth their hand and pulled lot into the house to the to them and shut to the door and they smoke the men that were at the door of the house with blindness so they just like just BAM they just smoke I don't know what that looked like just shot him with light and they're just blind so when you're blind you know if you can't see anything you know for me is like if I ever go blind like man I need to find someone to help me to get back to my house you know or you know but what is what do they do both small and great so that they wear themselves to find the door so they're blind you know what they're doing let's still try to get to that door say how can the person because they're vile wicked people the Bible says that they're laden with sins the Bible says that they have eyes full of adultery they cannot cease from sin Romans 1 says that they burn in their lust once word another well that's what it looks like they even though they're blind they're groping for the door to get to these men look at the skip down to verse 24 then the Lord rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven and he overthrew those cities and all the plain all the inhabitants of the city and that which grew upon the ground man he even destroyed that which grew up on the ground even the vegetation he's like I don't even want that that goes to show you don't ever eat food that comes from a sodomite God even destroyed that my wife was telling me that my mother-in-law you know they had some sodomite in their family and that sodomite would always give them like like cakes and stuff and my mother-in-law would say don't touch that garbage we're throwing it away every single time they send them food they throw it away why because even God said I don't you I don't even want the vegetation to live from these wicked people verse 28 and he looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah and toward all the land of the plain behold lo the smoke of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace now go to first Kings chapter 14 first Kings chapter 14 so anybody who says that God loves these people they obviously haven't read Genesis 19 because you don't burn someone vehemently with fire whom you love you don't do that to somebody you love okay I mean that's like now let me ask you a question do you believe that all the people in Sodom and Gomorrah other than lot died yeah they did right I mean nothing and not even the vegetation we just saw not even the vegetation survived you know they say that the cockroaches are the only thing that will survive a nuclear bomb I don't even think the roaches survived in Sodom and Gomorrah okay completely desolate destroyed not there anymore but look at first Kings 14 24 and there were also sodomites in the land and they did according to the all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel now first Kings in 14 is taking place long after Genesis 19 so if everyone from Genesis 19 which is destroyed who are these people and why is the Bible calling them sodomites is it because they came from Sodom no it's because they're sodomites they're faggots they're committing the sin of sodomy so God relates those who commit the sodomites the sin of sodomy with sodomites it's like that's what they are we obviously understand that those in Genesis 19 were destroyed but you know what the sin of sodomy has existed even even after that up until today let's go to 2nd Kings chapter 23 2nd Kings 23 and verse 7 speaking of Josiah says and he break down the houses of the sodomites that were by the houses the house of the Lord where the woman wove hangings for the Grove I think it's actually referring to the woman being sodomites right okay but the Bible says there that this righteous King Josiah he broke those houses down you know but what do we have today a president that just glorifies these homos with his vice president you know talking about how great those ambassadors to whoever or how great they are no you need to break down their houses what you need to do now go to Deuteronomy chapter 13 so the reason they're called sodomites is because that term sodomite is is basically in relation to the act that they commit the old and the young wanting to know those angels they wanted to sodomize them therefore any person who's involved in that type of wickedness is considered labeled as a sodomite okay so these sodomites that are out here in Hollywood they're not from Sodom but they are sodomites because they're involved in that wicked sin so the first term is reprobate why do they call them reprobates because they're rejected of the Lord the next term is sodomite why do they call them sodomite because of the sin of Sodom in Genesis chapter 19 and thereafter but another term that the Bible refers to them as is the sons of Belial now the first what does that mean it means a child of the devil is what that means now who's Belial well there's not it's not a person it's it's a it's a devil is what it is the first time this is mentioned is in Deuteronomy chapter 13 verse 12 it says here in verse 12 of thou shall hear hearsay in one of the nice cities which the Lord thy God hath given thee to dwell there saying certain men the children of Belial are gone out from among you and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city saying let us go and serve other gods which ye have not known then shalt thou inquire and make search and ask diligently and behold if it be truth and the thing certain that such abomination is wrought among you thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword destroying it utterly and all that is therein and the cattle thereof with the edge of the sword so what is this a son of Belial as a devil worshipper because the first time it's mentioned is in Deuteronomy chapter 13 where it says if anybody says to you hey let's go worship other gods tries to get the inhabitants of the city to go worship devils he says that's a son of Belial now I mentioned this before but these sons of Belial that phrase is used multiple times in the Bible look them go home and look up every time that thing is mentioned it's never good go to first Samuel chapter 25 so these aren't Christians I just want I just want to just clarify that okay now at one point there's even sons of Belial who were in the land of Israel with that with the Israelites but you know what it's the same today isn't it there's men who creep in and aware to churches who prevalent privately bring indomitable heresies these are sons of Belial so number one is that they are devil worshipers but number two they're also implacable as Romans one would say look at first Samuel 25 verse 13 says and David said unto his men gird ye on every man his sword and they girded on every man his sword and David also girded on his sword and there went up after David about 400 men and 200 abode by the stuff but one of the young men told Abigail Nabal's wife Nabal's wife saying behold David sent messengers out of the wilderness to salute our master and he railed on them why because because sons of Belial are railers verse 15 but the men were very good unto us and we were not hurt neither missed we anything as long as we were conversing with them when we were in the fields they were a wall unto us both by night and day and all while we were with them keeping the sheep now therefore no one consider what thou will do for evil determined against our master and against all his household for he is such a son of Belial that a man cannot speak to him so what is it saying he's implacable he's saying no one can talk to him no one no one can talk any sense into him a characteristic of a son of Belial is someone who can't be placated I lived next to a sodomite and she was this flaming dyke and you know people try to be nice to her but I wasn't to be honest with you why because you can't placate that woman she's a she's a she's a devil so you're wasting your time when you're trying to appease these freaks why don't you just stand up to them and go come on you know the reason people try to placate them is because they're afraid of them we need God's people to stop being afraid of the faggots and fear God more and say you want to fight us come on bring it on then you want to protest our church go ahead bring do the worst you can do you're not scaring anybody all will will harass you will death death threats bring it all do whatever you got to do you ain't scaring nobody roach but you know what we have too many Christians oh we just so scared of the son but what if they come do something what are they gonna do why are you afraid of dying why do you fear death you know if we're saved guess what we'll never die we are invincible but what if they kill your my body's coming back anyways at the resurrection I'm waiting to it the redemption of my body so why are you afraid of dying right you know don't hold your life dear unto you and the less you care about living I'm talking about living as far as your life is concerned the more bold you become into the things of God the more you can you have the liberty to fear God as you ought to because look God is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God and that's for Christians we ought to fear God more than these than these freaks and these homos it says there but there they cannot they cannot be spoken to you can't appease them you won't appease them okay now by the way a side note here Abigail is a godly woman but guess who she married a reprobate you know and that happens sometimes even in today's culture where Christian women they marry these reprobates and they're like I gotta get a divorce well you know what God actually kills her husband and actually gives her a godly husband after that okay so yeah David first thing go to first time in chapter two so they can't be placated so you have one of two choices when it comes to the sodomites either bow down to them and Oh God loves everyone you we don't agree with their lifestyle you know I it's sin it's it's bad but you know what you know we got to love everyone no we don't I love them I don't gotta I don't gotta be nice to them don't bring a faggot in here oh wait don't bring no fag visitor to our church either okay you have some cousin or some aunt who's a faggot they're not welcome here period and if after this you bring them guess what after the first and second and third admonition they get the boot what Adam is you get get out no homos allowed get out no homos are allowed get out no homers are everyone get them and they get thrown out no homos are allowed in this church right even if it's your family member why cuz they're haters of God why do we want a hater of God in our church service and look we have children here but the next characteristic is that they don't know the Lord look at first Samuel 2 12 it says now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial they knew not the Lord the Bible says okay go to judges chapter 19 so yeah but how are you saying that the sons of Belial you're comparing them to homosexuals and sodomites all real what were y'all at one time sons of the devil no we weren't we're the children of wrath children of disobedience but a son of the devil something a lot worse now here's another characteristic of a son of Belial they were sodomites understand this now you look I think God really wants us to understand this because he put a story about the sodomites in Genesis chapter what right and just in case you didn't get it he put it in judges chapter what 19 look at judges chapter 19 verse 22 says now as they were making their hearts marry behold the men of the city this sounds familiar certain sons of Belial beset the house round about and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house the old man saying by the way so well he said well hold on a second but it doesn't say the sodomites or anything like that it's just that sons of Belial okay well let's see what they want maybe they're trying to witness to them bring forth the man that came in into thine house that we may know him sound familiar and the men the man the master of the house went out unto them and said unto them nay my brethren nay I pray you do not so wickedly seeing that this man has come into mine house do not this folly behold here's my daughter a maiden you idiot what's up with these people and his concubine then will I bring out now and humble ye them and do with them what seemeth good unto you but unto this man do not so what vile a thing what he's talking about the sin of sodomy that's vile but the men would not hearken to him so the man took his concubine and brought her forth unto them and they knew her and abused her all the night until the morning and when the day began to spring they let her go so before you even think well you know gay people they don't like girls if they're a guy they don't know no they go both ways because we don't have that moral compass you'll screw anything that walks yay even animals if that wasn't true then why would God put in that in the law this matter of bestiality because when your moral compass is removed you'll sleep with anything and look they wanted a man but guess what they had to settle for the woman now go to second Corinthians chapter number six second Corinthians chapter number six verse 14 the Bible reads here be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers verse 14 for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness and what Concord Concord means agreement what Concord hath Christ was Belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel or what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for you're the temple of the living God as God had said I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and I will be a father unto you shall be my sons and daughters saith the Lord Almighty so he's making a contrast that means you can't be of Christ and be a son of Belial they have no agreement they don't go together so don't tell me that this faggot who has some godly testimony that he you know got his life right or whatever and he's not sleeping around like he used to know what he means is this he he no longer has opportunities as he used to is what that means you know I know some dyke who's like in their 80s you know I'm not I'm not a sodomite anymore you know what that means she can't move around as she used to to be able to molest people that's what that means she doesn't have the opportunity to do so now the Bible also calls them dogs okay we won't get too much into that but why do they call them dogs because the Bible refers to them as beasts okay and the Bible specifically warns us in Philippians beware of dogs and he calls them evil workers why do they call them dogs because they do that which is unnatural that which is not convenient now go to Jude chapter 1 you say yeah you mentioned reprobates you mentioned you know sodomites you mentioned sons of Belial but that dirty little word you say faggot I just don't know about that word you know I think that's inappropriate that's not in the Bible brother Bruce but here's the thing we need to use words also that define biblical concepts and doctrine for example Trinity is a great word that's not found in the Bible but you know what the concept and the teaching of the Trinity is and when we talk when we use the word Trinity it really opens up the scope of that definition of what we're talking about for example Bibles not even found in the Bible you guys know that it's not found in the Bible but guess what when I say Bible you know exactly what I'm talking about okay there's plenty of words that we use that are not found in the Bible but they they define rare good what we're talking about well faggot is one of them because look faggot if you look it up it's simply a bundle of sticks that are tied together to be burned and in fact I believe in Europe that's what they call cigarettes you know say can I get a fag you know and they burn it up that's what they do okay now you see but what does that have to do with sodomites okay Jude 1 7 even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities are about them in like manner given themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so we're calling we're just calling them a bundle of sticks the God is gonna burn one day he's gonna let he's gonna light him up so there's nothing wrong calling them faggots or fag that's what they are they're a bundle of sticks they're gonna be burned one day okay now I understand people sometimes don't understand that or they use the word faggot they don't even know the definition but that is a biblical definition and faggot very much defines in a clear manner what is being spoken about here then look don't be one of these people or it's just like you want to be politically correct all the time okay I want to be biblically correct okay oh yeah I'm against the the homosexuals but you shouldn't call them homo homo is just a shorter word for homosexual right fag you know what I'm talking about when I talk about bags because if I say sodomite you know what I mean I'll just say fag you know exactly what I'm talking about now another one is queer okay queer just means strange white because they go after strange flesh and I won't go too much into that now go to Roman go back to Romans chapter number one so now I'm going to describe the process and I basically took the whole sermon just to define the terms there but this is important describing the process because this is where people get hung up on big time and I don't know why people get hung up on this when I was showing the truth I just believed the King James Bible and I assimilated my thought process to what the Bible says okay but I've met people who just they just get hung up on this and they just cannot get over the fact don't say well what if this sodomite trust Christ as your Savior but you're getting the process wrong it can't be done let me explain to you and I said this a couple weeks ago but I think it illustrates the point very well if you're gonna walk by a tree and there's no fruit on that tree you can't tell what kind of fruit tree that is but you know it's a fruit tree you walk by in a couple weeks or whatever and you begin to see apples forming out of that tree you would automatically say okay that that was an apple tree that I was looking at two weeks ago so that tree was always an apple tree has always been an apple tree since it was planted it was an apple tree not an orange tree not anything else it was an apple tree when you saw the fruits blossoming out of that tree then you're able to determine okay now I know that it's an apple tree it didn't just become an apple tree it's been an apple tree it's just now I can see what it really was that's how the reprobate doctrine works when you see someone who's a flaming faggot you know they're wearing the rainbow colors and they're just prideful to be a sodomite they're committing the sin of sodomy it's not like oh man that guy's committing sodomy he needs to get saved no it means okay that person has been rejected of the Lord okay now look there's reprobates out there you do you don't know they're reprobates and you can't really tell if they're reprobates or not you know false teachers and just people just enjoy atheists who are reprobates they've rejected the truth but once they become a reprobate now they're on that down downward spiral and eventually they will commit the sin of sodomy because their moral compass has now been removed okay so you need to change your way of thinking where it's like you see some sodomite like I should go witness to them don't cast your pearls before dogs or swine if you see one just check it off okay that person has been rejected of the Lord because they're committing the sin of sodomy that's proving that they've been rejected over the Lord so but also let me say this committing the sin of sodomy doesn't make you a reprobate let me make this very clear because people get confused about this as well there's people who think well you know someone who got involved in the sin of sodomy you know they're reprobate not necessarily okay and check this if you need to but this is fact pure pressure often is involved in that you know people go to parties and they get drunk and they get raped or they have some perverted boyfriend who wants them to get involved in some wicked sin of lesbianism or whatever they're disgusted with it okay but that's that doesn't mean they're a reprobate because here's the difference the difference is the Bible tells us that sodomites burn in their lust one toward another that means that that's what they want they're satisfied by committing those acts whereas people who are peer pressured into doing those things that disgust them okay and look sometimes people are peer pressure because of the music because of Hollywood whatever maybe or they were just molested or raped and they're kind of they're a little confused but that doesn't make them a reprobate okay now what makes a person a reprobate this is what I believe makes a person a reprobate or this is the first step don't don't lose this what do we say before how do sodomites recruit by what by molestation okay when someone gets molested they get bitter and often they get bitter towards God okay now when that person gets molested and they become bitter towards God I believe God does send them a soul winner when God sends them a soul winner they have one of two choices they're either say no I hate your God because he allowed me to get molested and at that point I believe they become a reprobate because they've rejected the truth and because they rejected the truth they're like your God allowed me to get molested and they become bitter towards God they become a hater of God or they can say they can find solace and comfort in the fact that God loves them they get saved and it gets what they no longer become they can no longer become a reprobate okay they recognize it by the way they recognize the love of God the justice of God and if they're in a good Bible believe in Baptist Hellfire Damnation Preaching Church that pastor will tell them hey that person who molested you they're gonna burn in hell they will never experience the salvation that you got so here's your vengeance that you will have one day is that that person is gonna rot in hell where the fire is not quenched and the worm diet not he will suffer the consequences of his disgusting vile actions towards you you know that does that comforts people because people who become reprobate and they get bitter towards God it's because they're in stupid churches who say you need to forgive your pedophile you know you need to love that person and that person needs the Lord and they're like why would I want to be a part of some stupid religion they it wants me to forgive some wicked faggot and then they become thanks son they want no they need to be a part of a church that says hey that person who molested you they're gonna burn in hell and they can no longer be saved that creates a sense of justice in someone to say wow what a loving God because this hurt me this damaged my soul and you know what God saw it and he's not gonna allow it to go and punish you know there's a lady who who's talking to her daughter and her daughter was molested and she said you know that person is dead right now and he's burning in hell I just want to let you know that that creates comfort oh you're so vile for saying that creates comfort get out of here you fag lover turn off the YouTube channel you you fag lover if you don't like what I'm saying click out unsubscribe hit the thumbs down do whatever you want if you don't like what I'm saying then go to some other channel go to Paul Chapel's channel then go to North Valley Baptist Church YouTube channel where they where they sympathize with those faggots not here but that's where it starts they become bitter and then they reject the truth and then they're given over to a reprobate mind that's that's how it happens okay so don't get confused about this entire thing where it's just like yeah but what if I saw something you're getting it wrong it's not like you see some sodomite and they're like they have a potential to be safe no the fact that they're sodomites shows that they've already been rejected of the Lord they can no longer be saved and it's a good thing why because the Bible tells us that there are predators they will spend their entire life hunting that precious life children and innocent people the sooner to then the better I don't grieve when you hear about these shootings where they kill some sodomite they didn't know money they're like oh they kill that faggot that's good good that's a good thing you know when you want to persecute me for saying that I can say whatever I want I live in a free country but not only that God has given me the liberty to say what I what I can say from the Bible you know and you if you're if you're so mad at what I'm saying why don't you get mad at what all these filthy perverts say and how they hate Christians but no it's because you're afraid of them as well so look at Jude go to Jude sorry go to Jude one finish off right here so according to the Bible reprobates sodomites they're already blotted out of the book of life okay and God has saved them God has saved them look at Jude 1 12 says these are spots in your feast of charity when they feast with you feeding themselves without fear clouds they are without water carried about of winds trees whose fruit withereth without fruit twice dead plucked up by the ridge why does it say twice dead because for the wages of sin is death the Bible says and then the Bible talks about in revelations chapter 20 verse 14 through 15 talks about the second death so the first death is referring to hell which is at the center of the earth the second death is referring to the lake of fire where death and hell are relocated to so no one's in the lake of fire right now everyone who's ever died who's rejected Christ they're not saved they're in the center of the earth right now but one day they will all be relocated to the second death which is called the lake of fire well the Bible says here that they're twice dead this is talking about people who are not even dead yet physically he says they're twice dead that means they're basically God sees them as though they're already in hell in fact he goes even further than that and he sees them as though they're already in the lake of fire twice dead plucked up by the roots look at verse 13 raging waves of the sea foaming out their own shame wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever what's the blackness of darkness that's referring to the lake of fire what is another word for reserved saved so yeah he saved them he's saving a spot for them he's reserving a place for them in hell they got a name they're waiting for them and everything VIP section they get a fast pass what they get okay look and if you ever meet anybody whoever was defiled by someone show them that verse so I just want to let you know God has reserved the place for them and you know we got to pray that they die soon so they can get there quicker but the Bible says there that he's reserved a place for them so they can't be saved no they can't I'll go to this last verse go to John chapter 12 can they be reformed no the Bible says they have eyes full of adultery they cannot cease from sin the Bible says the second Peter 2 to 17 these are wells without water clouds that are carried with the tempest to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever and he said I can't believe you say that you believe that you know if one person believes you know they can be saved but all of a sudden for these for homosexuals they can't be saved yeah because people can get to the point where they can no longer believe and the most loving most understandable book in the Bible is the book of John wouldn't you agree look at the book of John says in verse chapter 12 verse 40 but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him that the saint of his eyes the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who has believed our report and to whom have hath the arm of the Lord been revealed therefore they could not believe because his eyes say it again said again he hath blinded their eyes who had blinded their eyes God why and harden their heart why that they should not see with their eyes nor understand what their heart and be converted and I should heal them look God is saying here because they didn't believe on him they rejected him God blinded them so that they could not believe isn't it interesting that the book of John is the book that believe is used the most right it's it's the greatest gospel presentation you can give to someone who just believe but I mean it hammers it in every single chapter an entire book just believe believe but then you have this in chapter number 12 they can't believe why cuz he had he God had blinded your eyes now at the end of this after you just heard that I mean that should be enough right there if you don't believe what I just said and you're not you don't believe the Bible I just think God loves everyone he just said right there it's not loving to blind someone so they can't believe right right it's not loving to blind someone so they can't believe and be converted and that God should heal them but if you don't believe that then you're rejecting the gospel of John you're rejecting the Bible because he says right there he blinded them so that they could not believe amen so what's this what's the sermon today the sermon today is this we're celebrating the month of June for all the faggots who have ever died because of HIV not just that we're celebrating this month because it's it's the Lord's month okay and we're reinforcing what we already believe in this regard so don't get mad if we use reprobate don't get mad if we use sodomite don't get mad if we say faggot or queer these are biblical terms these are biblical words that we need to use and look and thank God more pastors are rising up we're multiplying so if you want to stop one of us you're gonna have a hard time because there's more of us coming out and guess what we're all saying the same thing so stick that in your pipe and smoke it cuz we're not gonna stop until the Lord comes back amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word we're thankful to be saved Lord thankful for a loving person who came to give us the gospel and thank you for those who have studied the Word of God who have taught us the deep things of the Lord and the fact that we have the Holy Spirit of God living within us that we can study these things out as well and know and understand that the Bible teaches us these great concepts that we need to learn and really this doctrine the reprobate doctrine is something that we can take with us and it creates a greater love for the lost not for reprobate but for the lost because that means we want to we need to reach them before they become a reprobate and I pray God that you would increase our love for lost people increase our love for the brethren but also increase our hatred for the sons of Belial for reprobates for homosexuals and I pray God that you'd help us to do so in Jesus name we pray Amen you