(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're continuing our series on the book of Galatians tonight and we are in chapter number three now Let me just remind everybody what the book of Galatians has to do with of course we understand that Paul's writing to various churches found in the region of Galatia and the major thing that the major false doctrine that he's fighting is What a works-based salvation that is being introduced by these Judaizers, okay by these people who are false brethren who have crept in unawares Teaching the Gentile believers that they need to keep the law of Moses in order to be saved Okay, so the Apostle Paul he writes this letter and it's a very great extensive doctrinal letter that basically backs up Why is it that you know, these people are wrong. This is a false doctrine and Chapter three is probably one of the greatest chapters in the book of Galatians along with chapter four just because it's so detailed Doctrinally and it drives home such a great argument and a great point as to why first of all They don't need to keep the law of Moses in order to be saved but secondly, you know this chapter basically destroys and demolishes the Zionism falls doctor the false doctrine of Zionism. Okay, and also dispensationalism now So these churches have been influenced to keep the law of Moses, you know to observe times years and months and specifically We're referring to the law not just that law but all just the law of Moses just in general and he begins to actually put the Apostle Paul uses the Covenant made with Abraham as Proof that these Gentile believers are the seed of Abraham and not the Jews Now this is important because it strikes to the core of Judaism right to say that they are not the true seed of Abraham and in fact, if you're to ask whether Jew or Gentile who worship at the Jews feet such as independent fundamental Baptists who believe in Zionism and all these things if you're to ask them What is their position on Israel or on the Jews? They'll specifically say well, they're God's chosen people Why well because of the fact that they are descendants of Abraham, okay God made a covenant with Abraham and with his seed which they refer to as his descendants Okay, and then they'll also say because you know in the Old Testament there were God's chosen people They're still God's chosen people So there's two companies that they're referring to the Covenant that was made to Abraham and the Covenant that was given to Moses to give to the people There was a conditional covenant Which was if you keep these commandments if you keep me as your God you shall be a peculiar people unto me You shall be the chosen people Now it doesn't take a theologian to see that throughout the Old Testament Israel continuously violated those commandments and when those vine when those commandments were violated at that point they cease becoming the people of God and They now have become a foreign people who have been given over to another nation because they're serving other gods How can they be God's chosen people if they're serving Baal Balaam Baal Peor? They set up the tabernacle of Moloch, which is not God at that point You cease becoming a person of God, okay like for example If someone comes to our church and they say I'm a bible-believing Christian I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and then they join the Mormon Church We will not say oh that person is still one of God's chosen people, you know, why cuz they're serving a different God If a person comes to our church that says they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, but somewhere along the line they join Buddhism They're not a Christian. They're not a person of God regardless of what they might come out of their mouths Why because they're serving a different God and so this argument that well, you know God made a covenant with Moses to his people that they will be a peculiar people. It's an everlasting covenant Yeah, it's everlasting if they keep their end of the bargain If they keep God as their Savior, right, but that's not what happened So they use Abraham and Moses for their argument and chapter 3 and 4 just strikes to the core of that. Why is that? well because They have this presupposition That because they're the physical descendants of Abraham that that automatically means that they're gonna inherit the promises made to Abraham and to his seed. Okay, just because they're physically descending from Abraham okay. Now again, mind you the Jews are not the only people who believe this Baptists believe this as well Okay, why is that because of the fact that dispensationalism has infiltrated independent fundamental Baptists when it was introduced in the 1800s by John Nelson Darby John Nelson Darby introduced dispensationalism and the Damnedal heresies that are attached to it such as dispensational salvation Along with the fact that you know, there's this false fraud pre-tribulation rapture this concept of Zionism He introduced all these things through his false doctrine of dispensationalism and Bible believe in Christians believe today That the nation of Israel that piece of land over there The Jews that are over there and the Jews are here that are here that they're still God's chosen people Okay. Now look, let me just say this. We're Bible believe in Christians. Are we not? You know, we shouldn't get our doctrine from Fox News we should not get our doctrine from unsaved people and To get your doctrine from John Nelson Darby, which by the way wrote his own Bible Okay, that should be enough to reject that fool to say man That guy wrote his own Bible and this is the dog. You're getting your doctrine from this guy You know, we shouldn't get our doctrine from Fox News We shouldn't get it from John Nelson Darby or John Hagee or Robert breaker or you know God forbid husky or whatever his name Brian Dunlinger You know all these other dipsticks These dipstick They teach this doctrine we should get it from the Bible and look John the Baptist Hey, man, the Baptist said himself, you know, he said think not to say within yourselves. We have Abraham to our father For God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham and lo and behold who is he talking about? He was talking to the Pharisees He told them think not to say within yourselves whether we have Abraham to our father Why because that's exactly what they were depending on in order to be saved. Okay Yeah, I don't believe that, you know, well, you know, John 839 says they answered and said unto him Abraham is our father Jesus says unto him if you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham and look, I'll be honest with you This is a frustrating Frustrating topic sometimes I'm talking about frustrating when you talk to other Christians about this Because it's like dude, come on It's God has laid it out throughout the New Testament He's given us Galatians 3 for the book of Hebrews Ephesians 2 Colossians 2 He's telling he's given us Revelation chapter number 2. There's enough evidence for you to say, okay, I'm wrong But yet even though in spite of all the clear evidence people know the Jews are still God's chosen people Now fortunately, you know, there's a crowd out there that believe that the Jews are gonna go to heaven no matter what they do Obviously, that's I mean that's majorly false But I'm talking about the people who obviously believe that they're not saved but they're still God's chosen people that is moronic To say that there's still God's chosen people, but they're gonna go to hell still. Hello That doesn't make any sense. I Love this chapter because it just destroys Zionism, but it also destroys dispensationalism as well Okay, and I've read commentaries of what you know What these guys say about chapter 3 and the answers are so weak the evidence that they have are so weak They make statements without backing it up You know say by the way people use Galatians 3 16 to teach that of this doctrine of replacement theology, you know unfortunate president theology has infiltrated so many churches have destroyed churches But they don't get no evidence as to why it's a false doctrine You know why because the evidence is overwhelming that it's true. Okay? They Need a paradigm shift do they not so let's start off with the chapter here before I go off even more Verse number one Oh foolish Galatians who hath bewitched you they should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ have been evidently set forth Crucified among you so the Apostle Paul knows who has beguiled those in Galatia Okay, and he's using this term bewitching because that's exactly what it is He's like you guys are like are under some spell You know what, but I could honestly attest that this is still true even today Where you show the verses and they're just like there's still God's chosen people It's like who have bewitched you are you under a spell? And when he says before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth crucified among you I don't believe he's saying that the people who are in this region actually saw Jesus Christ crucified I believe what he's stating is that the gospel was clearly presented to them They understood that it was by faith alone without works without the deeds of the law It's been evidently set forth unto them. Okay, I Believe that's what he's stating there and look at verse number two This only what I learn of you receive ye the Spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit. Are you now made perfect by the flesh? So what is he saying here? Well, I Was see when we get saved we get saved faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and the Bible tells us That we're saved by the Word of Truth by believing and that the Holy Spirit of God is sealed within us thereafter When we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, he's sealed within us until the day of redemption according to Ephesians 1 13 and 14 And he's basically telling them that he said look. Did you receive the Spirit by obeying the law? And Look, there's that same problem still exists today where people believe that they're saved because of their keeping of God's commandments They believe they receive the Spirit of God by keeping God's commandments now the specific law that he's referring to here circumcision So think about this. It's like you believe that you've got the Spirit of God because you are physically circumcised You're physically circumcised and the Spirit of God just came upon you because of it. Is that the way it works? No, it doesn't Okay Are you still foolish haven't begun in the spirit? Are you now made perfect by the flesh verse 4? Have you suffered so many things in vain if it be yet in vain he's saying look You've allowed us to teach you these things suffer means to allow But is it in vain, you know like in 1st Corinthians 15 those who have believed in vain This is what he's saying here because he's questioning their salvation Verse 5 he therefore that minister it to you the Spirit and worketh miracles among you Doeth he it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith and He's saying what he's staying there is pretty self-explanatory, but he's basically saying look God gave us the Spirit He works miracles among us, but he doesn't do it through the works of the law We don't see miracles. We don't see the Spirit work in our lives based upon the law. Okay He says or by the hearing of faith verse 6 even as Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness now What is the link between verse 5 and verse 6? Well, the link is the hearing of faith Because he says or by the hearing of faith Even as Abraham believed God and it was counted into him for righteousness now the Apostle Paul's he's a genius here Because he's using Abraham and as again as an example of someone who got saved by not the law because obviously he was prior to the law He did it by the hearing of faith and you said why is that significant because of the fact that these Judaizers these false brethren Esteemed Abraham as being their father But he's saying look even the guy who these guys esteem as being their father, which is Abraham Even he believed God and it was counted into him for righteousness. It wasn't because of the law, okay This is strong evidence to prove that dispensational teaching that people, you know to disprove Excuse me. This is strong evidence to disprove the dispensational teaching You know the people were saved throughout different ages different ways is false Why is that because Abraham? Abraham is prior to the law This is what the dispensationalist will say. Well, this is during the time of promise. This is the dispensation of promise No, he says it believed God and aren't you thankful that Galatians 3 exists? Aren't you thankful that Romans chapter number 4 exists to teach us that to teach us that Abraham believed God And it was counted into him for righteousness, you know Dispensations could wiggle their way through that as much as they want. It says what it says Okay Abraham who was before the law of Moses was saved by faith and he's referring to Genesis chapter 15 where he believed God and it was Counted into him now. What does that mean when it says counted unto him for righteousness? Well, the Bible also uses this term imputed. Okay imputation the doctrine of imputation and what that means is that God places righteousness to our account He places it to our account for our salvation because of the fact that our righteousness are as filthy rags We're not saved by our righteous works. We're not saved by our righteous deeds It's by the righteousness of Jesus Christ that is imputed unto us when we believe on him go to Romans chapter number four if you would Romans chapter number hold your place in Galatians Two Chapters that you need to reference when you're studying both of these chapters three and four is Romans four and Romans nine and we're gonna get into Romans down in just a little bit But look at Romans chapter number four verse one What shall we say then that Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh had found? For if Abraham were justified by works he hath where of to glory but not before God For what sayeth the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness Not to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of death But to him that worketh not but believeth on him to justify the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness Well that isn't count because Abraham was before the law, you know, let's talk about people that are in the law Okay, how about David? Who describeth the blessedness of him unto whom the Lord does not impute sin he was under the law Okay, let's go to the Gospels which is still under the law by the way, by the way Okay, where you have the thief on the cross who was under the law who believed did not work he had a little hard time working and Jesus said today thou shalt be with me in paradise You know the book of John folks is still under the Old Testament law And it's the book of John where we see believe believe believe believe by faith by faith believe believe believe Why because it's always been by faith. It's never been by faith in works like Gene Kim says You know, mr. Dark Ages himself who wants to say oh, you know, of course cuz look this is what dispensationalist will say This is how they try to wiggle their way. Oh, no, we're not saying that it wasn't by faith in the Old Testament Of course, it was by faith in the Old Testament It was just by faith and by works Wicked Wicked false prophet one of the most annoying people. I you know when we're doing the dispensation of heresy. I had a hard time Just sifting through his videos because his voice is so annoying. Oh Hominem a hominem. It's true then stop talking like that then You know when people get mad when they when they get ragged on for how they talk these false prophets Then just change the way you talk We don't have to point that out But Jean Kim wants to teach this false doctrine. The people were saved by faith and works. Well, how about David Jean? How about David? How about the people in the Gospels? How about the disciples themselves? How about the the prophets and the Apostles who spake none of the things? Excuse me How about the Apostle Paul who spake none of the things that what the prophets and Moses had spoken the Bible says? Moses the one who gave the law also preached the same gospel wife because the gospel has been the same throughout all ages Okay, go back to Galatians chapter number three Galatians chapter number three and look Robert breaker with his little dispensational washboard chart You know where he draws, you know, why you ever wonder why dispensational charts look so crazy They Look like a stinking puzzle You know why because they have to try to confuse you So they create this massive chart with all these lines and they go through like four wall Markers just to finish up the entire chart the video takes two and a half hours to finish You know why because the doctrine that they're trying to debunk is so clear They have to muddy up the information So that it looks like they know what they're talking about at the end of the day It's like what in the world this guy's a psycho. Hey, look Robert breaker is a psycho That guy says that in the end times if you you could if you take the mark of the beast in Your right hand or in your forehead. This is what you do. You cut off your right hand physically Chop it off amputate your your right hand and then they say this Well, what if you get in your forehead well? You're telling me that person's not a psycho He's lost his mind and look By the way, Jean Kim disagrees with them on that He does he doesn't believe you have to decapitate yourself to get rid of that You know what? He believes you have to do. He's a little more sensible He says you have to reach into your eye gouge out your own eye Reach in there and take out the mark of the beast Now look these people Need to learn some anatomy Think about this. Let's just be let's just be just think about this to reach in you're inside When your eyeball comes out like if someone who's missing their eyeball there's a chasm There's not in like a compartment that goes through your forehead Has it how many have ever seen a skull You guys understand that? so that means you just can't reach in there and make your way up to your forehead pass your skull by the way and Reach in and take out the mark of the beast You stupid fool. I Hope Jean Kim makes it through the tribulation I Practice what you preach man And you know what there's people who believe this guy, you know, they deserve to believe that If they're willing to believe such a stupid teaching You're a fool Okay, and that's what dispensationalist are they're fools That's exactly where they are. And yeah, you know when we came out with the film everyone got on all that Aroused all the anger and the wrath of all these dipsticks Who are Robert breaker lovers and Jean Kim lovers? Who cares? If that's what you believe you're a fool So you see how how you know how much they disagree on that, you know the mark of the beast You know one says you got to decapitate yourself. The other one says you got to gouge out your own eye Reach in and take it out I'm not kidding. He believes that okay Go back to Galatians chapter number three And you're telling me these people are sound Bible preachers What in the world? This is nonsense. Look, let me just say you take the mark of the beast your reprobate You are reprobate and yeah go ahead and cut off your own head and you're just gonna split hell wide open faster than you would if you didn't cut Your head off and maybe some some Part of the wrath of God destroys you either way you're heading there because once you take the mark of the beast you're done And no Christian will will take the mark of the peace Now people may think well, you know, what if I just stumble and I fall and I need food or whatever You know, they're gonna be able to tell whether you're lying or not And if you want to take it the mark of the beast you you'll die Anyways before you even get to take it you're not gonna be able to take it. They'll just know that you're lying. Okay? Now look at verse 7 It says in verse 7 know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham Now this is important. Why because people will say well the Jews are not the children and this is what I've heard many times Okay. Look the Jews are not the children of God, but they are the people of God. I Don't know if you've ever heard that. I've heard that plenty of times the Jews are not the children of God But they are the people of God. They're still God's chosen people Well here it says know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham And the reason they say that is because they believe that the Jews physically descend from Abraham And that's why they deserve that title or whatever. So it's based upon them being Israelites according to the flesh All right. Now hold your place or go to Romans chapter number nine Romans chapter number nine Now By the way back to this whole thing of the mark of the beast, okay and Revelation because this is what they teach they teach dispensations will teach That it was by faith and works in the Old Testament. We're in this church age Where it's by faith alone, and then when you get back into the when you get into the end times It's by faith and works again. They're obsessed with works So They're constantly teaching different Gospels throughout different periods It doesn't change and they even say that even in the end times the angel that brings the everlasting gospel. That's a different gospel That's what they say Having no understanding that the 144,000 who come here in Revelation chapter 7 You know, they're the ones who have the everlasting gospel to preach unto all nations And in fact 144,000 yay Even the the the two witnesses will be here when we're here Prior to the wrath of God coming you guys claim to be the two these guys claim to be the two witnesses, by the way I'm just kidding So, what do you have in the book of Revelation one book of Revelation you have Revelation chapter 6 that has the six seals The Antichrist is revealed. That's when the mark of the beast is being implemented Food is the prices of food are going up and you know, there's wars and famines and so on and so forth But then you have the Sun and Moon being darkened and all these events that take place. Jesus Christ comes he raptures us 144,000 in here, but you know what? They're still preaching the same gospel There was preached in Revelation chapter 6 Revelation chapter 4 yay, even today Okay Now I will say this there is a different resurrection Because in Revelation chapter 6 you have our resurrection, which is the first resurrection, but then thereafter The people who get saved during the wrath of God You know, they don't get to be a part of that millennial reign that first resurrection and partake of the millennial reign In fact, they don't come until afterwards when the sea give up their dead so on and so forth But what's the point the point is this is it's the same gospel throughout all ages It doesn't change and people want to say well, you know when the Spirit of God is taken out during the rapture You know, there's no more Holy Spirit working It's nonsense because you have Saints you have the Antichrist making war with the Saints the Bible says in Revelation chapter 13 But that's a different sermon for a different day Romans 9 verse 1 now remember Israelites according to the flesh look at verse number 1. I say the truth in Christ I lie, not my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost They have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart For I could wish that myself were a curse from Christ for my brethren my kinsmen according to the flesh Who are Israelites to whom pertaineth the adoption and the glory and the covenants? And the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, you know, I like to say well Jesus is a Jew. Yeah. Well, he came yeah in the flesh Who is overall god bless forever. Amen Not as though the word of God has taken an effect for they are not all Israel Which are of Israel? So is it me or is it paul saying that there's two israel's? right Verse seven Look what it says neither because they are the seed of abraham Are they all children? but in isaac Shall thy seed be called? Now pay close attention to this, okay Because remember they believe that they're the abraham is their father because they are descendant physical descendants of abraham And that promise that was given to abraham is a promise that's given to them because it's given to abraham isaac And jacob you understand? But the bible specifically says Relates those who receive the promises as those who come from isaac and abraham So what they're referring to is the land they want the land, right? But when the bible talks about getting those promises from abraham, it's referring to salvation And only to salvation You understand so it says neither because they are the seed of abraham are they all children? But in isaac shall thy seed be called so it's not the physical people that thy seed shall be called Look what it goes on to say that is they which are the children of the flesh These are not the children of god But the children of the promise are counted for the seed No, hold on a second. The jews are the seed. No The children have promised to come from isaac who received the promise of abraham That's who it's for Okay But the children of the promise are counted for the seed by the way This is why it's important that we have the right bible version Because the king james uses seed and you know what the other versions say descendants You know what the reign of valera says 1960 descendants All these other false versions why because they're propagating promoting zionism You know, that's why our church is king james only amen. It gets all things right. We reject all modern perversions Of god's word why because it teaches false doctrine it has misled Thousands upon thousands of christians in this regard and you know, I find it interesting is that bible believing king james only baptists Are adhering to a doctrine that's being taught by the niv Right ain't that funny? Oh, we're king james only we believe that the king james bible is the inspired preserved word of god Yeah, but you're adhering to doctrine that other bible versions teach Not the king james You know they think we're heretics because we believe that jesus went to hell and you know what? And you know what the king james bible is the only bible that actually teaches that yeah, right You won't find that in the modern version. So let me ask you are you king james or not? Look I didn't always believe that jesus went to hell But you know what because I was king james only and I saw him in the king james bible. I believe it now Well, you know This version actually translated it better. Did it really so then are you really king james? James don't tell me you're king james only but you can't accept what the king james bible clearly says Don't tell me you're king james only but you're taking interpretation That's not based off the king james. It's based off of the modern versions of the bible Foolishness and folly those bibles are garbage bring them to idle burning sunday so we can burn them man Where was I? Go back to galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter number three know ye therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of abraham, so Those who are our faith are actually the seed Who are of isaac who are of abraham who actually are inheriting the promises? Of faith, does it say those who keep the law? Does it say those who are physically descended from israel? No those who are of faith guess who's the seed right here Look at verse eight in the scripture for seeing that god would justify the heathen through faith Preach before the gospel unto abraham saying in thee shall all nations be blessed now Let me just clarify something in thee shall all nations be blessed was not the gospel that he was giving to him Okay He gave him the gospel. He preached the gospel to him before but he was also saying in thee shall all nations of the earth be blessed Just like when the angel in revelation Has the everlasting gospel saying and then he quotes him What he's saying is not the everlasting gospel. He has the everlasting gospel and this is what he says, you understand Okay It's like us when we go out and preach the gospel You know our name and the name of our church is not part of the gospel. It's what we say It's what we accompany with our introduction or whatever you understand Okay So it says there the description for seeing that god would justify the heathen through faith So who are the heathen gentiles? So he's going to justify the gentiles through faith and this is why he told abraham this So if the promise is given to abraham only pertain to the jews, what significance does this verse have? If he's saying that he would justify the heathen through faith And he links that with preaching the gospel unto abraham. There's a link there The link is this is that the heathen will be justified through faith because at the end of the day Those who are of faith are the seed of abraham Okay saying in these shall the nations be blessed verse nine So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful abraham For as many are of the works of the law are under the curse for it is written cursed It is everyone that continueeth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them What is he saying here? If you are keeping the law you're cursed Yeah Because you're not keeping the whole law He's telling the galatians this Because they've been taught that they have to keep the law in order to be saved and he's basically saying well you're cursed then Because cursed is everyone In fact, deuteronomy 26 26 says cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them Okay, this is why I find You know churches that teach a works-based salvation like you got to keep god's commandments so foolish Because of the fact that it's impossible for any of them to ever keep them perfectly It's ridiculous For them to think it's prideful pompous and arrogant for anybody to think that they have to keep the law in order to be saved Okay Look at verse 11 But that no man Is justified by the law in the sight of god it is evident For the just shall live by faith. That's what I want to tell people This is evident That you can't be justified by the by works. It's already evident for the just shall live by faith and the law is not a faith But the man that doeth them shall live in them. So it's like, okay You want to keep the law? All right, then you need to live in it In other words keep it perfectly Because you can be justified by obeying the law. Did you know that? But you got to keep it perfectly No compromise No disobedience, you have to keep it perfectly the man shall live in them But you know what? There's not a just man upon earth that doeth good and sinneth not And everyone's already condemned because whosoever keepeth the whole law yet offending one point he is guilty of all There you go. Mr. Repent of your sins false teacher You know, there you go, mr. Calvinist mr. Fat calvinist Who you want to condemn everyone else for their sin? But you got you're sitting on 300 pounds of sin, buddy You're sitting on 400 pounds of gluttony You're telling people you got they got to repent of their sins and repent of this and repent of that yet You're guilty of taking one too many trips to mcdonald's It's nonsense You know, oh no, we're talking about the ten commandments Hey newsflash, there's more than ten commandments in the bible hundreds of commandments in the bible Being a glutton is a sin And I find it interesting the ones that blow their horns The loudest about repenting your sins are often those who are super fat and overweight Wicked Because they want to point out the sins of others Right and get them to repent of the sins that they've repented of But when it comes to their own sins, they want to stay away from that. Okay And i'm not ragging on overweight people i'm talking about i'm ragging on those who are overweight and teaching repent of your sins this is like You know, you're telling me to repent it's like Well Verse 12 and the law is not of faith But the man to do within them shall live in them christ hath redeemed us from the from the curse of the law Being made a curse for us for it is written cursed as everyone that hangeth on a tree Now what was the cross made of? Thank you You say why is that significant because joe's witnesses they have jesus christ crucified on a little tree You ever seen that picture of jesus christ according to the joe's witnesses I won't even do it but it's a stake basically And they'll go. Oh, yeah, it was crucified on a on a stake. It's a tree. Well a cross is made of a tree Hello That the blessing so cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith So in order for us to receive the promise that was given to abraham isaac and jacob We have to believe okay Now here's the funny thing about this. Okay, go back to romans 9 Here's the funny thing is you have all these zionists christian zionists these baptists Who like, you know, they worship the jews and you know, they're they're they're they're the apple of god's eye and all these things and They hate replacement theology covenant theology They hate when you talk about this stuff and and they think this is false doctrine and they they they they demonize preachers like me They demonize churches like me because of this, right? And then so they say all these things are like Stephen anderson replacement theology, you know, god still has a plan for israel and all these things And then they send their kids to the uh to the little classrooms and what do they do in the little classrooms father? Abraham had many sons and many sons had father abraham. I am one of them and so are you So let's just praise the lord Hello So they have this campaign against those who believe in replacement theology, but yet they teach their little ones We're the seed of abraham Father abraham, that's our father and so are you why because we believed on the lord jesus christ Funny funny how things work out, right? Oh, you know these post trippers When peace like a river You know or even back to replacement theology, you know One of the famous songs i'd like to sing in the old ifb that we sing is all hail the power Ye chosen seed of israel's race Ye ransom from the fall hello They're seeking it in a new ifb church Treebers up there The chosen see and everyone's like hey bad You just called everyone in your church the chosen seed of israel's race You just contradicted yourself right I think it's just god sending them delusion making them look like idiots Good Because they just sing it by the way, it goes to show you how important singing is to them, right? To them it's more important to sing on the right note than to actually sing sound doctrine They don't even know what they're singing That's why sometimes they sing songs that are just full of false doctrine Because they don't care about the content and it just shows because of the fact that they sing songs that agree with us I love all hell the power of jesus name I love father. Abraham had many sons That i'm one of them and sorry, that's a great song. We'll probably sing it in church one day. Okay? Look what it says in roman chapter 9 verse 30 What shall we say then that the gentiles which followed not after righteousness have attained to righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith? But israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore why? Because they sought it not by faith But as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at the stumbling stone as it is written behold I lay in zion a stumbling stone and a rock of offense and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed So he's telling us. Hey the gentiles. Hey you romans You guys are the seed because of the fact that you attained this righteousness by faith not by the works of the law Okay, go back to galatians chapter 3 It says verse 15 Brethren I speak after the banner of men Though it be but a man's covenant yet if it be confirmed no man does annulth or addeth thereto now This is another strong proof that salvation has always been the same Because he's saying there that this covenant No, man can make it null and void and no man can add thereto And what is the covenant talking about salvation? The everlasting covenant salvation so Dispensationalists have added to that covenant during the law of moses are taking it away during the new testament And are going to add it again in the end times but here it says Though it be but a man's covenant yet if it be confirmed no man does annulth or addeth there, too Showing you that it's always been the same no one can now you can add to it if you want But you're going to split hell wide open You can try to make it void but you're going to go to hell in a handbasket What he's saying there is that? God does not change this This is going to remain the same for all of eternity. Okay? The covenant with abraham was given and confirmed no man can make it null and void. No man can add to it Verse 16 is one of the most powerful verses in chapter number three, okay Look what it says now to abraham and his seed where the promise is made He saith not and to seeds as of many But as of one and to thy seed, which is christ No, zionist christian has ever been able to properly answer this verse right here Because it's pretty clear Because look no one is going to argue that this is referring to the promise that was made to abraham and to his seed And then and just remember this We use galatians to explain genesis We always use the new testament To clarify the old testament not the other way around The new testament is the old testament revealed you understand so He's revealing what this who the seed was not as of many in other words Not the descendants but as of one and which seed is that jesus christ And at the latter end of the chapter it tells us and ye are abraham's seed If you are christ and you be abraham's seed And airs according to the promise So what's the line basically if we believe we are abraham's seed because of that. Okay, very strong verse here to prove That we are god's chosen people, okay Now verse 17 Is a great verse as well and it's it the wording could be confusing sometimes Okay, so i'm going to explain what this what this is saying right here It says in this I say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ The law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot disannul That it should make the promise of none effect Now You know, I remember reading this even as a new christian i'm like I just went over my head I have no idea what that's talking about But let's break it down here. Okay. So remember he's referring to the covenant that he made with abraham Okay, and it says that was confirmed before of god in christ the law which was four hundred and thirty years after now Four hundred and thirty years after what? Well, first of all, he's referring to the law that was introduced 430 years after and What he's referring to there is when the children of israel came out of egypt basically right until the day When the law was introduced, okay The covenant that was confirmed was 430 years before that Now here's where it can get a little confusing. Okay And and if and if this doesn't interest you just glaze over think about dinner or something. Okay, but i'm gonna give you some food for thought The covenant was made with abraham But notice what it says there and this is say that the covenant that was confirmed Before of god in christ, okay Now go with me if you went to psalm 105 hold your place there I'm going to read to you from exodus chapter 12 verse 40 says now the sojourning of the children of israel who dwelt in egypt was 430 years And it came to pass at the end of the 430 years Even the selfsame day came to pass that all the hosts of the lord went out from the land of egypt So it tells us in exodus chapter 12 that the sojourning of the children of israel in egypt was for 430 years now in acts chapter number seven Stevens preaching on this particular topic. He says that the bondage of the children of israel was for 400 years And some people could take that and say well then there's a discrepancy in the bible Why does it say 430 years but yet exodus 12 says that their soul journey was 430. Well, it could be easy to explain 430 years are not 430 years of all bondage It's 400 years of bondage and 30 years prior to that where everything was basically good But in total from the giving of the law of moses when they left egypt And when the covenant was confirmed it is 430 years literally to the day because it says in exodus Even the selfsame day it came to pass, okay So you say well, you know, I don't get what you're trying to tell me, you know, what's what's the big deal? You know who cares or whatever? Well, here's the thing If it's referring to abraham when the covenant was given to abraham Then there is a discrepancy because from abraham all the way to the time they left egypt that selfsame day is more It's more than 430 years. It's like over 600 years Okay, so it's like how do you explain that? Well, look at psalm 105 verse 6 Oh you seed of abraham his servant you children of jacob is chosen He is the lord our god his judgments are in all the earth He has remembered his covenant forever the word which he commanded to a thousand generation Which covenant he made with abraham and his oath unto isaac and confirmed the same unto jacob for a law And to israel for an everlasting covenant So here it's telling us that the covenant was confirmed to jacob Now when was that? Well, it was 430 years when jacob went into the land of egypt If you take all the ages you do the math there. You'll see that it's 430 years when he came into egypt 430 years later is when they literally walked out of egypt the selfsame day Okay. Now let me give you something else that's significant about that if that didn't interest you. Okay Give me something entertaining yell and scream. Okay. All right, go to genesis 28 Genesis 28 Here's what's great about this the bible's so deep, okay So the covenant was given to abraham an oath to isaac and was confirmed unto jacob when was it confirmed now Look at genesis 28 verse 10 And jacob went out of bersheba and went toward haran And he lighted upon a certain place and tarried there all night because the sun was set and he took up the stones of that Place and put them for his pillows and laid down in that place to sleep And he dreamed and behold the ladder set up upon the earth and the top of it reached to heaven Behold the angels of god ascending and descending upon it on it And behold the lord stood above it and said I am the lord god of abraham thy father and the god of isaac The land where in thou liest to thee will I give it and to thy seed? And thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth and now shall spread abroad To the west and to the east and to the north and to the south and in thee and in thy seed Shall all the families of the earth be blessed. So this is when it was confirmed You said what's so good about that? We know that we'll notice What takes place prior to it being confirmed the ladder? Where the angels are ascending and descending? What's the significance of that john chapter one? Jesus christ tells nathaniel that he shall see Angels ascending and descending upon the son of man. Who's the ladder here? It's jesus So the correlation that genesis 28 is making is that the ladder jesus, right? Is linked to the covenant that was confirmed with jacob Because whoever believes on jesus christ who is the way the truth and the life They get to inherit that same promise that was given to jacob It's no coincidence that the ladder is there and the ladder is obviously jesus christ according to john chapter number one Does that make sense to everyone? I think that's great Okay Watch go to go to john chapter one Let's just read it The bible is a deep book amen He says here in john chapter 1 verse 48 verse 47 Jesus saw nathaniel coming to him verse 47 and saith of him behold an israelite indeed in whom is no guile Now when that phrase is used guile is referring to deceit But it's also a term in the bible that's referring to someone who is saved. Okay? If they have no guile means that they're safe Nathaniel said unto him once knowest thou me Jesus answered and said unto him before that philip called thee when thou was under the fig tree I saw thee nathaniel answered and sent unto him rabbi thou art the son of god Thou art the king of israel Jesus answered and sent him to him because I said unto thee I saw thee under the fig tree believeth thou Thou shall see greater things than these And he saith unto him verily verily I say to you Hereafter you shall see the heaven open and the angels of god ascending and descending upon the son of man This is directly talking about the ladder that we see in genesis chapter 28 And how it's directly linked to that covenant that was confirmed unto jacob Which whosoever believes in will inherit that same promise awesome, isn't it? Go back to uh galatians So that's why he's stating there In verse 17 this I say that the covenant was confirmed before of god in christ So, how did he confirm it in christ? You know, where's jesus in genesis 28 the ladder? He confirmed before of god in christ the law which was 430 years after cannot Know that it should make the promise another fact. So what's the main point? What's the main thrust of what he's stating here? In other words what he's saying is this hey the covenant that these so-called jews are saying that you have to adhere to Actually that they're trying to get you to adhere to which is the law of moses It's foolish because of the fact that it was even confirmed prior to the law even being made It was actually confirmed 430 years before it was even introduced. Okay? He's giving him the timing there's what he's doing Okay, look at verse 18 for if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more a promise But god gave it to abraham by promise Wherefore then serveth the law it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the promise was made And it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator now mediator is not a mediator of one But god is one so what is this talking about? Well, jesus christ is the mediator between god and man I'm yeah, but you got a man and he's saying there that he's not a mediator of one So he's not just one man's mediator He's many men's mediator. He's the savior of all men, but especially of them to believe right? So that's what that's referring to there and it's saying that the law was added because of transgression look at verse 21 Is the law then against the promises of god god forbid? For if there had been a law given which could have given life barely righteousness should have been by the law dispensationalist If people can be saved by obeying the law then Barely righteousness should have been by the law So what is he insinuating that it's not through the law? Okay even in those times verse 22 But the scripture has concluded all understand that the promises by faith of jesus christ might be given to them that believe look at verse 23 and verse 23 Is often a verse the dispensationalist will also use to basically say, you know now that we're in the dispensation of the church age Now it's by faith because when faith came Look what it says in verse 23, but before faith came we were kept under the law Shut up unto the faith, which should afterwards be revealed So in other words just saying, you know people in the old testament They didn't know that it was only going to be by faith in the new testament And then it was revealed that it's by faith alone kind of thing But this is what happens when unsafe people try to interpret the bible Because it explains wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto christ that we might be justified by faith You say what does it mean when it says that the faith that should be revealed afterwards? Well, when you're given the word of god faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god So faith is revealed When you are given the word of god, in fact when you're given the schoolmaster Because when you're given the schoolmaster you recognize you can't save yourself And you need a savior you need to place your faith in jesus christ And others would say that this is actually referring to the school masters referring to The transition from the old testament to the new testament. No because this is still being applied today When we go on and preach the gospel, we give people the schoolmaster. Do we not? Yeah We explain people that they're sinners. We explain that they've broken god's law Etc Verse 25, but after that faith has come We are no longer under a schoolmaster for year all the children of god by faith in christ. Jesus So he's telling them. Hey, you guys are acting like you still want to be under the schoolmaster But we're no longer under the schoolmaster if you've already trusted in christ For you're all the children of god by faith in christ. Jesus for as many of you as have been baptized into christ have put on christ There is neither june or greek there is neither bond nor free there's neither male or female for year all one in christ Jesus by the way, this is not teaching gender fluidity Okay Oh, you know what he's saying as far as salvation is concerned God doesn't care about race This is a verse that the zionists need to pay attention to Okay It's not about race it's about grace amen salvation by grace through faith verse 29 and if ye be christ's Then are ye abraham's seed? And heirs according to the promise. Oh, no, but you know, they need the land who cares about the land Why do you care so much about the land? It's not about the land Well, he promised him that land The jerusalem which now is Is polluted God doesn't even refer to it as jerusalem. What does he refer to it as sodom and gomorrah egypt? Yeah, but we see it as jerusalem You know what god cares about the new jerusalem Did you ever think about that? Why is it you're so concerned with the old jerusalem? where sodomy egyptianry Sorcery where they crucified our lord. Jesus christ where christ rejecting people dwell Why are you so concerned that they obtain that land where god literally made something called the new jerusalem? Independent fundamental baptists have this problem with this new thing. They hate the new ifb They hate these new pastors They don't seem to like the new covenant right the new testament And they don't like the new jerusalem They hate all things new but you know what god makes all things new Think about that right They have all kinds of problems with new things. You know why because they're a bunch of old geezers And they say that the old is better Just as the pharisees in the gospels For no man who hath the old wine and drinketh the new say say that the new is good They say that the old is better They think that the old way is better Well, you know what if the old way contradicts the new covenant and the new testament which is established upon better promises with the better mediator Than to nuts with those people i'm with jesus, you know if jesus makes things new i'm with the new Amen And look it's not new it's just that you just don't study your bible and see that it was in the old It's not new He just calls it a new testament because it was there was an old covenant and now he's making it better Oh, he's if it ain't broke don't fix it. Well, it was broke So it needed to be fixed it needed to be completely changed Okay, so they hate the new iv the new preachers the new testament the new covenant the new jerusalem hey i'm a citizen of the new jerusalem I am of israel of that israel and that's the one that god cares about. I mean think about this I was like well still I mean don't you think they should still have the line? You know, let them have that land that's going to be decimated Because the bible even says that that land shall be given over to the gentiles for three and a half years 40 and two months And it shall be trotted under the foot of the gentiles to be trotted under they're going to destroy it God's going to destroy that that jerusalem So go ahead send your money over there Waste your money for that piece of land when the bible actually says that all that's going to burn Go visit that geography If you're not saved Go visit that geography during the wrath of god. You tell me how that works Why don't you read matthew 28 or excuse me? Why don't you read matthew chapter 24 where? The bible specifically says jesus said it's good for people not to be in jerusalem during that time even during the tribulation Right, but yet they want to send all their money and support that land and you know, screw all the muslims All the all the jihadists Let them just burn in hell all those muslims. Let them burn in hell We're for the jews. Well, you know what? We haven't even gotten to galatians four Well, they claim that ishmael are the muslims Whereas it's actually their beloved jews that's ishmael Okay Doug fisher is one of the prime suspects of teaching his doctrine that isaac are the jews and ishmael Is actually the muslims You know, why is that because they spend too much time on fox news, that's why I hate to break it to you. In fact, no, I don't I love to break it to you Ishmael is your jews according to the flesh Because it says those who are of jerusalem which now is Frustrating Look folks if we're wrong, we're wrong And all of us have been wrong at one time or another Let's just go with god Why do you want to just It's just pride is what it is Pride arrogance where they just don't want to just succumb to this and recognize this is what the bible teaches You cannot walk away from galatians three and four believing zionism Unless you just pervert the scriptures immensely i've heard two interpretations of galatians four one the ishmael are the muslims And two ishmael somehow or uh isaac somehow is like bus kids I kid you not But you know why because these people don't know how to like study their bibles or something It's pretty clear who it is And if you don't know who it is come next next sunday night And you will leave here knowing without a shadow of a doubt that isaac are christians And ishmael are the jews Or else just deny the bible Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word. Thank you for galatians and galatians chapter 3 verse 16 The entire chapter is great. Pray god that you'd help us to appreciate our inheritance lord and lord open the eyes of people who Are just stuck on this. It's you know, sometimes I wonder like what's the reason for it? Is it pride? It's because you hate truth. What is it? Because it's so clear and I would think anybody who loves truth would want to know the truth And god, I just pray that lord you'd help us to give give us more understanding help us to understand with greater depth The riches of your word and in jesus name we pray. Amen