(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, the part of the chapter I'd like to focus on in Ecclesiastes chapter number five is verse number one where the Bible reads here keep thy foot when thou goes to the house of God and be more ready to hear than to give the sacrifice of fools for they consider not that they do even the title of my sermon tonight is be ready to hear being ready to hear you know hearing is a really important aspect of the Christian life go to Acts chapter seventeen if you would hearing is a very important aspect of our Christian life he said why is that it's the main means by which we receive God's word and God is constantly saying in the word of God that we need to hear he that have ears to hear let him hear and we ought to listen to what God has for us when we come to church and when we're listening to the word of God or maybe we're listening to the maybe we're reading the word of God on our own we need to pay attention to what God is saying to us and let me say this often in the word of God God will repeat himself over and over and over and over and over why is that because he wants us to get the truth he wants us to understand what he has for us he wants us to get the biblical truth to transform our lives to live a life of obedience but that comes when we hear look at Acts chapter 17 verse number 10 the Bible reads here and the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews these were more noble than than those in Thessalonica and that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so therefore many of them believed also of honorable women which were Greeks and of men not a few we see here in the story that these Jews and also the Greeks who were preaching people were preaching the gospel to them they got saved why is that because they received the word of God with all readiness of mind you know it's a blessing is when we go out soul winning often we run into people who are hard-hearted and it's just they don't want to listen they don't want to understand and it's hard for them to pay attention right but the blessing is when we run into those people that do want to listen to it and it's like they've been waiting for you to come they're they're ready to listen they're ready to understand they're receiving the word of God with all readiness of mind and it's a blessing by the way all of us here who are saved we got saved because we're ready to receive the word of God maybe we're going through a hard time in our lives someone had sowed a seed years ago and someone came and preached the gospel to us and what happened we received it with all readiness of mind and by the way hearing is important why because we're saved by hearing the Bible says but they but they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah saith Lord who has believed our report so then faith cometh by what hearing and hearing by the word of God you see we didn't get saved by illustrations we didn't get saved by someone's lifestyle evangelism by the way I don't believe in that amen live anybody who says well people are saved by lifestyle evangelism it's just a lazy Christian they don't want to go out there and preach the gospel get their hands dirty learn the word of God and preach as it needs to be preached I've heard pastors say oh you know when they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved in thy house they say that's lifestyle evangelism where is that in the Bible look and I'm not saying don't have a good testimony okay we're all too we ought to conduct ourselves in such a way that we're representatives of Christ we're ambassadors for Christ the Bible says that let your life so shine before man that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven but people don't get saved by your lifestyle they get saved by the word of God and anybody who believes that you get saved by a lifestyle evangelism is just plain slothful and lazy they don't want to go Sony they don't believe in confrontational Sony they don't want to go to the people and preach the gospel to them they have more confidence in themselves to save someone than in the Word of God now by the way that's pride okay you think you and your lifestyle and how good you look and all these things and how what eloquent you can wax and the person you are can get someone saved you're full of junk no it's the Word of God that saves but it's a blessing and since I chased that rabbit we're gonna come back to the trail here it's a blessing when we talk to people and they receive the Word of God with all readiness of mind you know today we went out in the afternoon and I met some gangsters all right and and it was a group of them and man two of them received the Word of God with all readiness of mind they humbly received the Word of God they got saved and we gave them a Bible and man they were very humble they're very thankful that's a blessing hearing is very important in the Christian life go with me if you would to Nehemiah chapter number eight Nehemiah chapter number eight so we're saved by hearing you know we're not saved by some lifestyle event we're not saved by some illustration we're saved by hearing the Word of God why because the Bible says my words they are spirit and they are life the Bible says so it's the Word of God that saves us it's the way here in the Word of God that saves us but not only that but we stay right with God through hearing right you know the Bible says despise not prophesy so if we're not to despise something that means what we're supposed to love prophesying what is it talking about talk about preaching and the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God and I'm thankful for the Word of God that's being preached why because it helps me to stay right with God the Bible says priest the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine why so we can stay right with God you know when we come to church we got to be ready to receive the Word of God with all readiness of mind why because we're talking from the Bible we're showing you biblical illustrations we're preaching on sin we're taught we're teaching doctrine that will help you to get the sin out of your life you know I heard someone say all you guys always talk about just sin and so on he said yeah we do you need to talk about those things because we're sinful people and we need to work on staying right with God and we need to preach on sin and fornication and adultery and drunkenness and pornography and tell you that those things are wrong and tell you that divorce is wrong and tell you that sodomy is an abomination you need to hear those things over and over and over and over y'all but that's your high horse no this is yeah this is a high horse okay and we do need to talk about those things and the reason why we talk about them so much is because it hasn't been talked about for the last couple decades so we need to recondition Christians to believe what's right according to the Word of God you know Paul said it's not grievous for me to write the same thing unto you Paul repeating himself all over the New Testament so did Jesus so did everyone else why because we often receive the Word of God we forget it and guess what if it's not talked about again we just continue on in our own ways in our own past and we forget that's why a lot of we'll talk about a little bit but that's why a lot of Christians things that they used to believe like 10 years ago they no longer believe it why because they stopped talking about it where do I have you turned Nehemiah I'm gonna read to you from Hebrews chapter 2 verse number 1 where the Bible reads therefore we ought to give the more earnest heat of the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip you know the Bible says we ought to pay earnest attention to what's being talked about we need when we come to church we need to receive the Word of God with all readiness of mind and be ready to hear and don't let those things slip you know often we come here is just like why just I want to be encouraged I want you my best life now you know what sometimes you just don't need that we need to talk about the hard things we need to talk about doctrine we need to talk about those things that will help you in your Christian life to stay right with God look with Nehemiah chapter 8 says in verse number 2 and Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation both of men and women and all that could hear with understanding upon the first day of the seventh month and he read therein before the street that was before the Watergate from the morning until midday before the men and the women and those that could understand and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law these people were they came ready they weren't they weren't like thinking about what are they gonna eat for dinner okay they weren't coming to think well what's gonna happen tomorrow what's my schedule looking like this week what are some things I gotta do no they came and they were attentive to hear the law of God and we as God's people when we come into the house of God that's what we need to be ready to do and look it takes discipline sometimes doesn't it because we got so many things going on in our lives bills we gotta play pray things we got to do problems we have all kinds of stuff that is trying to make its way into our hearts and guess what it drowns out the Word of God we need to be disciplined to say when I come to church I'm gonna hear the Word of God I want to listen to it I want to be attentive to the law of God go to Luke chapter 19 Luke chapter number 19 it's important to be attentive you know and often man you go to the average independent fundamental Baptist Church about 5% are attentive to what's going on okay and yes it's because the preaching is boring sometimes right I just said it all right it's boring you're dead you know you're you're you're using too much of Paul Chappell's books and that gets boring after a while I know God is gracious you don't need to tell me that 500 times okay let's move on to something else but here's the thing sometimes and look there's a lot I went to an independent Baptist Church and most of you went to an independent independent Baptist Church when we're there wherever you're at you just need to pay attention and get something out of the preaching of the Word of God okay and I know there's a lot of churches out there that preach a lot of heresy but there's some that don't they're just kind of lukewarm but you know if they're reading from the Word of God you can get something out of that why because it's the Word of God and you need to be attentive but you go to the average IFB Church people are on their phones you know the the the ten-year-old is coloring you know they're playing some video game on the iPad at church okay that's a that's a disregard for the preaching of God's Word and look I'm not I understand some churches they're just weak on their doctrine they don't preach hard I get that okay but we need as God's people to come to the house of God with the reverence and a respect for his word and say I want to be attentive to what's being preached Luke chapter 19 and verse 45 the Bible reads here and he went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold their in and them that bought saying unto them it is written my house is the house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves and he taught daily in the temple but the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him and could not find what they might do for all the people were very attentive to hear him the Bible says you don't find interesting about this is Jesus Christ who's the Word of God God in the flesh comes and he's preaching the Word of God and who are the ones that are our intent to just destroy him and just ignore everything he's saying the religious leaders but what is the Bible say the people were very attentive to hear him and you know what we need to be like these people in Jesus's day and not and disregard all the religious Pharisees of our day and just say I'm just gonna listen to the pure unadulterated Word of God that's being preached the Bible go to Mark chapter 4 Mark chapter number 4 I'm gonna read to you from verse 9 what the Bible says and he said unto them he that hath ears to hear let him hear you know I'm thankful that God is no respecter of persons he's allowed the Word of God he wants the Word of God to be preached in all languages to all people you know I was I was excited you know I don't have the faithful word app okay and the reason I don't have is not because I don't want it because my phone stinks okay it doesn't have the ability to download it all right and but I use my iPad but my wife she could get it I think and and I know a lot of people have it but I think that's a huge blessing you know why because that thing has the gospel in 35 different languages that's awesome so that means anybody could hear the Word of God doesn't matter what I mean I mean there's some languages there I don't even know existed like what did I mean what what is this looks like someone just threw some letters together to make a language or something you know I was like I have no idea what that is where it comes from I know Spanish Chinese and English and Spanglish okay they need to make a gospel presentation in Spanglish but here's the thing is that's a blessing you know and it's a blessing that God wants everyone to hear the Word of God preached okay he that hath ears to hear let him hear that's a huge blessing mark chapter 4 and verse 21 the Bible says here and he said unto them is a candle brought to be put under a bushel or under a bed and not to be set on a candlestick for there's nothing hidden which shall not be manifested neither was anything kept secret but that it should become abroad by the way if this is not the sermon that's why we post everything online you know that's why we post everything online and he that hath ears to hear let him hear we're not we're not secretive we're not about we're not secretive about anything when we when we talk about faggots when we talk about a drunkenness when we talk about divorce we're preaching it and we want everyone to hear about it we're not gonna hide it I'm not ashamed of the Word of God why you know the Bible says that whosoever is ashamed of me and of my words of himself so the man be ashamed I don't want God to be ashamed of me we're not secret Christians we're not like oh yeah this is something the only we allow in the church and stuff no he that hath ears to hear let him hear we're not gonna hide another bushel look at verse 23 if any man have ears to hear let him hear and he said unto them take here take heed what you hear with what measure you meet it shall be measured to you and unto you that here shall more be given look you need to pay attention to that verse right there you know what God is saying if you are willing to receive what God is teaching you'll be given a lot more look I don't know about you but I want to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ but the way I do it is that when the truth comes that kind of rubs me the wrong way and maybe I don't like it as much if I just accept that God says I'll give you more you know I'll give you more truth I'll give you more of my precepts I'll allow you to understand more and look at verse 25 says for he that hath to him shall be given and he that hath not for him shall be taken even that which he hath that's why a lot of pastors are apostatizing now you know why because they're rejecting the clear truths of the Word of God and God has just taken the knowledge out away from them removing their understanding removing the true doctrines that they used to believe in why because they rejected they resisted the truth go to are you in mark go mark 7 14 mark chapter 7 verse 14 but that's something I mean that's that's a huge plus of what happens when we receive the Word of God and look there there are some hard truths in the Bible amen some hard difficult things to understand some things is just like man that's that's that's a hard saying but you know what if you humbly receive the Word of God you take God for what he's saying you trust him guess what you're gonna receive more and more truth and you won't be left in darkness you won't apostatize God will bless you for it mark chapter 7 and verse number 14 the Bible reads here and when he had called all the people unto him he said unto them harken unto me every one of you and understand there is nothing from without a man that entering into him can defile him but the things which come out of him those are they that defile the man if any man have ears to hear let him hear and when he was entered into the house from the people his disciples asked him concerning the parable and he said unto them are ye so without understanding also do you not perceive that whatsoever thing from without entry into the man and it cannot defile him because it enters not into his heart but into the belly and goeth out into the draft purging all meats I mean God is reprimanding these people as they say well you don't understand and sometimes there's times where we run into Christians who think they're mature and the Lord and you'd give them like simple teachings of the Bible and it's just like well what it what do you mean once they've always saved you know homosexuals can't be saved whoa whoa whoa and it's like do you not understand do you not perceive it's right there I mean I've talked to Christians where it's just like don't even take my word for it okay if I make a good argument don't even take my word for it just just let me just show you the Bible just read that what does that say right there they don't want to retain God of their knowledge whoa whoa what do you mean do you not yet understand do you not yet perceive and one of my worst nightmares is to become one of these Christians who just like what does that mean you know what does that mean art and I feel like you know these these these guys who have their masters this masters in theology these masters of Israel no it's not these things are thou a master of Israel no it's not these things you know Nicodemus who's a master of Israel doesn't even know how to get saved he didn't know even know the simple concept of being born again but we see that today don't we the masters of Israel I got a masters and what does that mean you don't even want to get saved what good does that do where we at March chapter 4 actually go to Hebrews chapter 5 but you know what I mean we get on people like that but sometimes we're guilty of that aren't we we just resist the truth and and it comes to a point where you know we need to just humble ourselves and believe the Word of God and take it for what it says and not be ashamed of it look every word of the Lord is our pure words and we can we can receive it with all readiness of mind and trust God that what he's saying is true but there are some things that impede our hearing aren't they there's some things that really mess up our way of hearing and physically I think this I'm gonna give you some physical illustrations that I think will what can we comply spiritually one thing that I believe obviously in physically speaking that messes up our listening is old age okay now don't don't get mad at me I'm just I'm just saying okay and uh you know why because the body begins to wear down a little bit the hardware is not the way it used to be and it just with old age sometimes you know you can't hear as good okay but I think spiritually speaking that's true also look what the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 5 in verse number 12 the Bible says for when the time he ought to be teachers ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat you know often we see Christians who have been Christians for a really long time but they're still spiritual babes in Christ they need milk still and here's that here's what this is talking about when the Bible says that you have you have need of milk and not of strong meat you know when when we talk about the meat of the Word of God it's someone who's able to feed themselves okay and someone who needs milk is someone who needs to be basically fed okay and everyone starts off as a babe in Christ right you come to church you start off as a babe in Christ and what the pastor is feeding you he's giving you the milk he's teaching you how to eat but it comes to a point in your Christian life that you need to grow up and start feeding yourself you know you don't always have to go to a YouTube clip to find out what the doctrine is why don't you just read the Bible and get the doctrine yourself look pastor Anderson pastor Jimenez and in all these other preachers you know what they did they put in the word for it they spend time memorizing and meditating on the Word of God to get these truths and it's not just subject to them you can get it too and if we're not careful you know we spend a lot of time on YouTube and not enough time in the Bible okay now I'm not saying don't go on YouTube if it wasn't for YouTube man we wouldn't have known about a lot of these things amen and thankful for that and you know the mature Christian says I heard it on YouTube but I'm gonna go ahead and prove it myself I'm gonna go to the Word of God see if it's true oh it is true okay I believe it and stick to that but here's the thing a lot of Christians don't even read the Bible sometimes okay they're like man I just want to go listen to a good sermon and there's nothing wrong with listening to a good sermon but you know what you need to read the Word of God yourself why because man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God and the Bible says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth thou shalt meditate therein day and night that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein for then thou shall make the way prosperous and then now shall have good success thou thou thou thou thou it's talking to you talking to individuals okay we need to be spending time in God's Word learning the doctrines ourselves the Bible says give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine Jesus much of the time was doing what he was reprimanding the Pharisees saying have ye not read simple things have you not read and here's the thing here's the question have you not read you know and I'm not saying you can't ask questions I'm not saying don't go on YouTube by the way subscribe to a channel if you haven't subscribed to the channel almost messed it up there amen hey YouTube's great right subscribe to the channel watch the moments watch the videos do everything again like and subscribe I'm just kidding but what I'm saying is this is that you shouldn't just be subject to that okay that ought to be like secondary that's like dessert isn't it yeah the real meat is when we're spending time in God's Word and if you're spending more time on YouTube than you are in God's Word there's a problem with that okay that's a babe in Christ type thing right it's like man I need to get some word of God I'm gonna go on YouTube real quick you know no I mean there's nothing wrong with that if you're a babe in Christ but after a while if you start growing up you know you need to be spending more time in this than you are on this amen that's the bottom line but here's the thing much of the time you know a lot of Christians they grow old spiritually speaking but they're still babes in Christ I met Christians have been saved for like 20 years and they don't they just they haven't grown up spiritually they have need to someone teach them again would be the first principles of the oracles of God the Bible says it's like they don't know basic things they don't even know how to forgive a brother you know they act like babes in Christ and they're bitter towards everyone to act like children sometimes why because they have not grown up themselves may it be said of us as Christians that as we grow old spiritually that our spirituality matches up okay that we learn more we grow more we are able to apply more biblical concepts we know what the Bible says we're not we become more humble by the way okay and and and knowing more of the Word of God humbles us it gives us confidence but confidence is not pride you could be confident still be humble okay why cuz you're learning more of God's Word and you're learning you're at the feet of Christ he's teaching you biblical doctrines and that's humbling okay that's what we need to do and by the way you know this matter of growing old spiritually that's that's the that's the old I have be movement okay why because for the time when they ought to be teachers they need someone to teach them for the time that they need to be teaching us the next generation the upcoming leaders we're the ones who have to teach them simple doctrines he's all you're just being prideful no I'm being truthful okay because I'm speaking to that we are that you know the ten years ago is like the next generation it over here that's this is us and we're just telling you what's lacking okay we need to hear hard preaching on sin we need to hear about divorce we need to hear about a dulcher we need to hear about fornication we need to hear about drunkenness we need to hear about all these things but no one's teaching this next generation why because they've grown old spiritually but they're still babes in Christ they're more focused about giving a motivational speech than anything else everything's okay throw your money in the plate hey they meant they measure spirituality by how much you throw on the plate I'm just gonna go ahead and say they measure the spiritual growth of somebody it doesn't matter if they didn't read the Bible's for like a whole entire month as long as they throw like a thousand dollars inside the plate everything's all good it's all gravy baby why is that because they're greedy a filthy lucre that's why and they need of someone to teach them once again the first the principles of the oracles of God they need to grow up and by the way that's why the David's of this generation are more are more knowledgeable than the ancients that's why they know more than the ancients nowadays and Saul's over here trying to persecute David and David said I know more than the ancients I know more than the teachers that wasn't prideful he's just saying look I meditate in thy precepts I don't go to the stupid commentary they softened up they've compromised they preach with faint words with swelling words and guess what this generation it's like we're done with that we're through with that send us back to the old I of B the ones who actually preached the Word of God the way it needed to be preached go to 1st Corinthians chapter 14 but look take heed lest he fall right you know and and any one of us can fall into that trap of becoming that way if we're not careful you know I hope 20 years from now they don't say yeah that's the YouTube generation all they did was get their doctrine from YouTube no man they say may they say no that's the generation they got the doctrine from the King James Bible those people who love the Word of God and esteemed it and they knew the Word of God they memorized the Word of God not like they memorized how that that you know that link you know and memorize how to they knew how to just kind of go over YouTube and what what what to look for and how to click on it no they knew the Word of God but that's that's something that impedes our hearing wouldn't it is growing up spiritually old but you're still a babe in Christ but only that I've noticed that physically you you're you're hearing is affected by loud noise okay I come from a generation where rock music and rap music you just turn that thing way up okay when you have the headphones you just blast that thing and I'm suffering the consequences of that now okay because sometimes it's just like every once in a while I'm talking to my wife and my right ear will be like I'm like this is what do they call that the service what I don't know if they call on TV when that you know you'll be watching the cartoons and the public public service announcement or something was it emergency thing you know I'm like man my hearing is bad you know you know you're hearing is bad when you're talking to somebody and it's just like can you say it again you like turn the ear that hears good to them but obviously you know and spiritually speaking that can happen too what is the Bible saying first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 10 there are many excuse me there are it may be so many kinds of voices in the world and none of them is without signification you know sometimes it's hard to read the Bible simply because you got too much going on in your life too much noise you know you got the bills you got the children you got work you got all these things and by the way sometimes Christians just have the affairs of this life they're entangled with the affairs of this life what does the Bible says it chokes the word it's like you read through a chapter and you're done with the chapter you're like what I just read man I just I need to go back and read that what book am I you know what am I reading here why because you're thinking about everything when you pray you know sometimes when you're praying it's just like you're praying and all of a sudden you just start thinking about something else your mind takes you elsewhere why is that because too much noise and we live in a society where there's so much noise everywhere we need to be able to block these things out go to Luke chapter chapter 21 Luke chapter 21 I'm gonna read to you from Luke chapter 8 where the Bible reads and that which fell among thorns are they which when they have heard go forth and are choked with the cares and riches and pleasures of this life and bring no fruit to perfection you know a lot of Christians sometimes they don't they're just not fruitful because too much noise you know they're too consumed with their job and by the way work is a biblical thing to do amen but work should never ever replace what we do for the Lord man you know I don't believe you ought to work on Sundays all right that's I believe you ought to be in church on Sundays okay and I believe that since I first became a Christian I've always practiced it you ought to be in church okay and sometimes well he's like well I got to pay the bills well you know don't you think God can provide for you yes if you just put him first I believe God can provide for you okay and sometimes it's not a matter of all you know I just got to be I just got to work provide for my family no you're just you you're just greedy sometimes and you want something that you probably God doesn't want you to have and you're becoming very covetous is what it is okay covetousness destroys Christians why is that because you want and you want and you want and you're not content with what you have and what happens is man all these riches and like just like the Word of God says the pleasures of this life the riches of this life the cares of this life what does it do it chokes the word be too busy thinking about things rather than thinking about God and his word Luke 21 34 says and take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with sobriety and drunkenness and cares of this life and so that that day come upon you unaware as you know a lot of people are not gonna be ready for the tribulation because they're too busy with these things right here okay I'm talking about Christians you know obviously the unsaved it's gonna come upon them like a thief in the night but you know a lot of Christians is gonna come upon them like a thief in the night too because there's two involved with the cares of this world they're not paying attention they're not alert you know Jesus said what I say to you I say into all what watch they're not sober and why why aren't why aren't they sober because they're too consumed with the things of this world go to first Timothy chapter number four first Timothy chapter number four so we see that you know old age spiritually speaking often will mess up your hearing we see that loud noises messes up your hearing but also bacterial infections okay can mess up your hearing I remember one time I got like some sort of infection in my ear it was bad also my ear got swollen and I literally could not hear all right and I'm not trying to get graphic here but the best thing that ever happened is when that thing popped and everything just came out and it's like I can hear I feel like the deaf guy you know like I can hear her you know but sometimes spiritually that happens to look at first Timothy chapter 4 verse number 1 says now the spirit speaketh expressly then in the latter times some shall depart from the faith given heat to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils you know why sometimes Christians can't hear pure unadulterated preaching and the Word of God because they got spiritual bacterial infections they're listening to a bunch of false doctrine and so they've been filled and consumed with so much false doctrine that when the truth hits them they can't hear it they can't get it you know they've been listening to Sam Gipp and listen to Bill Gothard and listen to all these people to teach all these false doctrines for so long they can't hear the truth when it hits them in fact the truth actually becomes offensive to them like whoa whoa that's not what this commentary says that's not what Bill Gothard said you know how many of you know who Bill Gothard anybody know who that is man no one knows who Bill Gothard is Wow well you're about to find out who he is right now cuz I'm about to rip on him but I used to listen to Bill Gothard I even taught some of his material I know I repent of that sin okay and the reason I started listening to him and excuse not listening the reason I started reading his materials because he was heavily he heavily emphasized the memorization of Scripture and anything they had to do with that I was very much interested in and he used the King James Bible but now his whole movement IBLP element OP whatever that thing's called they they use all kinds of versions of the Bible he's a Calvinist he runs with Ray Comfort they I mean they have all kinds of false doctrines and one of the thing that turned me off to him more than anything is his reprobate doctrine he taught that Christians can become reprobate through immoral acts and let me say this and you may not know who that is but I guarantee you many independent Baptist know who that is because many independent fundamental Baptists have been influenced by this guy to teach them this false doctrine and you teach anything that's it the opposite in this regards a Bill Gothard's doctrine it's just like no we stay away from that no you got spiritual bacterial infections what you got some people simply can't hear because they have been filled their minds with so much false doctrine they wouldn't want to know the right doctrine and forbid them that's just the bottom line false doctrines of salvation of sodomy go to Matthew chapter 13 we got to be careful with this you know and prove all things hold fast that which is good you know and I'm for anyone who preaches the right doctrine even if they're if there might be a little boring to listen to you know if they're preaching right hey amen okay if they're preaching the right doctrine amen that's a good thing but you know there's people out there who are like show mens and they know how to preach loud and scream and act funny but they got the wrong doctrine they're preaching false doctrine and we are not to listen to those people so what kind of ears do you have ask yourself this what kind of ears do you have because this is not just subject to the unsaved or subject to Christians outside of our church sometimes Christians even within here could have some of these ears what kind of what kind of ears do you have first of all we're gonna talk about dull ears all right Matthew chapter 13 and verse 15 the Bible says for this people's heart is wax gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes they have clothes lest that any times they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them who's he talking he's talking to the Jews okay he's talking to the Jews of that day why because the Jews have heard they heard preaching for so many years they've heard biblical teaching of who Christ is for so many years what happened their ears became dull of hearing and the Bible says when he came into his own his own received not you know why because they heard the same thing it's just like yeah we know these things and they didn't they rejected Christ well here's the thing sometimes Christians can be subject to that as well you know you're in church for so long you hear so much preaching that it the things of God just don't excite you the way it used to you know you hear a sermon on salvation is like well I know this already you know yeah I know where he's going with this all that that book of the Bible this chapter yeah I already know what he's gonna say yeah your ears are dull of hearing is what it is because the Bible is an inexhaustible book you could always learn something new and we've never we don't get to a point where we've obtained we know everything we need to know no we're always learning and if the word even at the same verse is being preached over and over again you could always get something out of the out of the Word of God always some sort of inspiration some sort of a new teaching you could prepare scripture with scripture and I'm not talking about new doctrines okay because the Bible teaches us that when you get a specific doctrine there's illustrations throughout the Bible that back that up and I'm excited sometimes when it's like I see a doctrine in a certain story you know what I'm talking about you see something in Old Testament that validates a doctrine in the New Testament that's exciting to me and I just like learn something new but you know the Christians who are dull of hearing is like yeah I've already heard that already I've heard that already yeah I've heard about yeah reprobate see I already know about that yeah you don't need to teach me I already know about I already know post should be I already know that no don't don't become dull of hearing go to Nehemiah chapter 1 Nehemiah chapter 1 these people who are dull of hearing are those who respond to teaching and preaching before they hear it out you know what the Bible says he that had that answer at the matter before here at the it is falling in shame unto him the Bible says you know oh here we go again I already know where he's going with this no it ought to be the Word of God ought to always be reverenced and come to church with an open mind recognizing I want to receive something from God's Word today and by the way some of this stuff you've already heard right but we need to hear it again and God is always willing to teach us new things when we come to church Nehemiah chapter 1 verse number 6 the Bible says let thine ear now be attentive and thine eyes open that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant which I pray before thee now day and night for they for the children of Israel thy servants and confess the sins of the children of Israel which we have sinned against thee both I and my father's house have sinned go to Nehemiah chapter 1 verse 11 Oh Lord I beseech thee let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant and to the prayers of thy servants who desire to fear thy name and prosper I pray thee thy servant this day and grant him mercy in the sight of this man for I was the king's cupbearer what is he saying God I want you to be attentive to what I say but you know often and by the way I think every single person here when they pray they want God to be attentive to what he's at what you're asking for but let me ask you something are you being attentive to what he's asking of you it's kind of hypocritical for us to be like well God please be attentive to what I want and God's like did you pay attention in church last night where you were were you attentive to what I was trying to teach you last night well I already knew where you what he was gonna go with that Lord you know I already know that doctrine you know I already know everything there is to know about the Bible already so can you just be please be attentive so what no no we need to be attentive to God's Word as much as we would want God to be attentive to our prayers go to Psalms 130 Psalms 130 let me say this is that our prayer life ultimate ought to match up our Bible reading as well you know we are not to just be a people of the book we ought to be a people of prayer my house shall be called a house of prayer right and here's the thing if you're not careful and I'm not saying by the way read the Bible cover to cover over and over and over and over and over but are you praying because you know the Word of God that you're reading also says pray without ceasing do you do that what does that mean ceasing that means without stopping and by the way that doesn't mean to stay on your knees all day long but I have a life of prayer depend on God even when you're reading the the Bible even talks about when you're reading the Bible you ought to pray you know open down my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law our prayer life ought to match our Bible reading as well if they go hand in hand we need both Psalms 130 verse 1 the Bible says here out of the depths have I cried unto thee O Lord Lord hear my voice let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications and let me say this God wants to hear our prayers he wants to answer them why because we're his children but may I say we need to be attentive because the fact of the matter is most of the answers that we're looking for when we pray are found when we preach the Word of God you guys get that you know God answers prayers sometimes to the preaching of God's Word and so there's a God help me with this problem I'm depressed I'm this I'm that but when you come to church you're not listening God's like I just I just I just answered your prayer not and then we get mad at God cuz he didn't answer no he did answer the prayer you just weren't listening we need to pay attention to what God has for us so you can get those prayers answered and recognize them whenever when they're right before your face you know forever people in Israel waiting for the Messiah and they're waiting for the Christ and when he came what they didn't receive them they didn't even recognize him they missed out it may not be said of us that we're so dull of hearing the same thing over and over and over again that when we come I already know where he's going yeah this is yeah no say Lord teach me through this help me to learn something new how many humble myself help me to maybe that's that's something I need to memorize the scripture that I need to get into my heart help me to learn from that go to Acts chapter 7 Acts chapter 7 so we see dull ears but then there's also something that's called closed ears okay closed ears Acts chapter 7 verse 54 the Bible reads here when they heard these things they were cut to the heart and they gnashed on him with their teeth but he being full of the Holy Ghost looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and said behold I see the heavens open and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God then they cried out with a loud voice and stopped their ears I ran upon him with one accord you know what they did like just I want to hear that I don't hear it I don't want to hear la la la I don't hear it you know some Christians can be that way when the truth is being preached or maybe it's your sin that we're calling out and you're just like I don't hear it let me just tune out right now I don't want to hear that okay I don't want to hear about not watching TV I don't want to hear about not watching movies I don't want to hear about fornication I don't want to hear about adultery I don't want to hear about drunkenness I don't want to hear about sodomy I don't want to hear it no no no no no you got a problem if that's you you're stopping your ears of the Word of God and look again sometimes man the Word of God is just offensive sometimes okay Christ is offensive sometimes but here's the thing if we just are willing to receive it God will instruct us God will teach us to do his will okay the Bible says unite my heart to fear thy name how do we do that through God's Word by mercy and truth iniquity is purged the Bible says that we talk about the mercy but what about the truth the truth comes from God's Word thy word is truth but sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth but sometimes people just want to stop their ears at it and yeah we know churches we know Christians who do that all the time right it's just like well the Bible says it's like I don't want to hear no no I don't want to hear I don't want to hear I don't want to hear about it and it's just like are you stopping your ears at God's Word don't even listen to me let me just text you the verses you know let me just let me just I'm not I won't send you after the tribulation I promise okay I'll just send you the verses that are found within after the tribulation how about that you know I just said no no no I don't want to hear I don't want to I want to live in La La Land I want to live in candy Candy Land I want everything to be pre-trib and all these things I don't want to have to worry about any of these things don't stop your ears at these things let me say this you're here today because you didn't stop your ears when these doctrines are preached right you heard it it's just like that's true but so many people are just like I don't want to hear that no and you they stunt their growth because of it go to Psalms 119 Psalms 119 preaching hurts sometimes you know you know when we start talking about effeminate men that hurts a little bit to some people you know when we talk about hey don't act like a little queer that hurts sometimes okay but we don't hear when I hear just a bash into her it's a hurt that's not our goal here our goal is that it's to help you to mold you to help you to be complete because preaching helps us to do that Psalms 119 1771 says it is good for me that I have been what afflicted not not caressed it doesn't say it's good for me that I have been caressed and rubbed and patted on the back no afflicted it says it's good that it hurt why that I might learn thy statutes you know pain teaches us that's what the Bible teaches us to spank our children why cuz pain teaches us amen and when we talk about cigarettes and drunkenness and all kinds of revelings and all kinds of things and if you're involved in those things don't get offended let it hurt and say God helped me to change that in my life how many repent help me to get right if that's not right I want to change it when we talk about rap music okay we talked about the ungodly music of this culture we say shouldn't be looking listening to those faggots those faggot rappers those of you put in your earbuds when you walk away from church don't get offended by it just change it allow that affliction to change you so you can learn the statutes of God and God doesn't want you to get offended and be like you know I want to offend this guy and hope he never comes back look that's not our goal necessary now if you leave then hey the doors right there you know if you leave bye you know and we don't want people to leave necessarily but if you don't agree with the doctrine then hey I mean what the other choice do you have you either like it or you lump it right but we're hoping that you like it we're hoping you like it so you get it right okay we're not like you know we want the we want you to get the sin out of your life is what we want okay so you can live a holy and righteous life so you can have God's blessing on your life because God blesses those who live a righteous and holy life but how do you get righteousness by affliction okay Isaiah chapter 30 Isaiah chapter number 30 Isaiah chapter number 30 and verse number 9 the Bible reads here that this is a rebellious people man I hope God never looks at us and say those guys are rebels those people are rebellious why are they rebellious lying children children that will not hear the law of the Lord why were they rebellious because they weren't willing to hear the word of God they weren't willing to take heed to what God said I'm gonna tell a joke okay I know this is like okay but this is a funny joke I love this joke I used to tell all the time it was so good so this is three guys are hunting right and there's a lawyer there's a doctor and there's a preacher right and they're hunting they're hunting for deer they got a rifle and they're hunting and they see they see a buck on in the distance and boom they shoot that thing all three of them at the same time and all three of them are like we got it I got it and the doctor was like no no I got it lawyers like no no that was me and the preacher said no it was me so the lawyer says well I deal with like these kind of cases all the time I could actually observe the carcass and know who actually shot that thing the doctor says I deal with dead people all the time you know I see them all the time I can tell who really shot this thing and the preacher says well you know I'm in the anointed okay I'm an anointed man of God spear-filled man I know that God gave me favor and I'm the one who shot that thing so the doctor goes over him he observes it he comes back he's like man it was the preacher and they're like the lawyers like how do you know he goes because the bullet went in through one ear and out the other but here's the thing ain't that true sometimes we're like pouring out our hearts teaching you the Word of God and sometimes the truth goes one in one ear and out the other why because you're not listening you persist to stay in that sin you persist to be going down that road and it's just going into one ear and out the other he that hath ears to hear let him hear but you need to give heed to what you're listening to people suffer the consequences of their own actions simply because they close their ears to the truth and listen is we're not a church that gives like I don't have counseling appointments okay now if you want to ask me something after church you know one of the brothers like it can we ask I'm like yeah for sure we'll do that but like like a continual counseling session about the same stupid thing we're just not gonna do that because most of the counseling comes from the pulpit and if you didn't understand something I'll go to you and I'll teach you what the Bible says but now it's kind of like the balls in your court because now you know the truth now if you need help to exercise that biblical truth that's another story but if you keep coming back with the same problem over and over and over and over and over then we got a problem see it's not the preacher who's not communicating it correctly it's the person who's struggling to obey it obedience don't resist the truth go to Matthew chapter 27 you know and we just got to admit sometimes when we're wrong you know sometimes it's just wrong I've been wrong you've been wrong and it takes humility to say I'm wrong right there I said it but now I'm gonna believe right okay and and often I mean Christians nowadays pastors nowadays it's just like they're not willing to admit that they're wrong it's just like they're willing to go through great lengths to just cover themselves up and say no we're not wrong we're not wrong we're right it reminds me of the story in Matthew chapter 27 verse 63 where the Bible says saying sir we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive after three days I will rise again command therefore that the Sepulchre be made sure until the the third day lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the people he is risen from the dead so that the last error shall be worse than the first Pilate said unto him ye have a watch go your way make it as sure as you can so they went and made the Sepulchre sealing the stone and setting a watch so they're saying look look we don't believe that this deceiver is gonna rise again but just you know just in case someone steals his body just in case it's true but we don't believe it's true you know why don't you set a watch there just in case someone tries to steal his body or something make it sound like it's true now go to Matthew 28 verse 11 the Bible says here now when they were going behold some of the watch came into the city and showed unto the chief priests all the things that were done this is after the resurrection it happened and when they were assembled with the elders and had taken counsel they gave large money unto the soldiers saying say he his disciples came by night and stole him away while he we slept and if this come to the governor's ears we will persuade him and secure you what are they doing it's like guys he actually resurrected you know what would have been good for you is just to say you know what I think we're wrong about this whole thing he actually rose from the grave maybe we should get saved actually maybe we should just get right with God but instead what do they do they just kept building their lives upon like oh we even give you money and you know a lot of Christians are doing today and they see the truth they see the fruit that our type of churches are bearing okay look a hundred and forty nine people saved in the last four weeks that's not half bad okay we got seven more baptisms to come in the next week that's not half bad and let me say this that means that the tree must be good if it's bearing good fruit the smart thing what to do is say you know what I misjudged those guys obviously they're doing something great for God you know what there may be some truth to that but it's there it's like no no just lie about them say say like they're like um they're just making up those numbers or something you know you got some ideas like they're trying to grasp at straws to cover it up no why don't you just say you know what man I want to produce that kind of fruit why don't we just join up with them you know what and you know what if they joined up with us and said you know we're pre-trip but we want to go so hey I'm for that if they're like you know what we're not we're we love the Jews okay you know fine love the Jews if you want I love the Jews too I don't I don't want them to go to hell you know but I want to keep watching Fox News okay go for it Tim you know but if you want to come so anyone does let's do it you know hold on to some of your beliefs if you want well why don't we just join forces and just like take over California we got enough independent Baptist churches all around to do great work here but you know what instead no they criticize us instead they stop their ears they're dull of hearing they're trying to lie they're like the Pharisees I will pay if you just don't talk about it well too late it's on YouTube already and a bunch of people are gonna see it you know brother Garrett baptizing hike is already on it's sorry I already put it's already posted you know and I'm not gonna take it down sorry you know all the fruit that we're bearing it's there and you know what's happening is the members of these churches are actually starting to come here oh I know what a shocker he said what are they doing they're so winning you know oh you shouldn't be that's unethical it's unethical to go so winning what the heck are you talking about what Bible you reading it's nothing unethical about going so winning okay and people are being saved it's an exciting thing that's going on we don't want to be that way okay and let me say this if another church starts it's just like ours and they're doing a greater work let's let's join forces let's help them let's pray for them let's support them let's back them up never criticize them you know and I don't we don't want to be some Pharisaical Church is just like they're doing something better than no that praise God more people being saved amen we're at Romans chapter 11 I don't know what year we're on we'll call this next one sleepy ears okay Romans 11 7 the Bible says what then Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained and the rest were blinded according as it is written God hath given them the spirit of slumber eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day now the primary application of this is that God give them eyes ears of slumber in other words they can't believe the truth okay it's like they're just you know slumbers like you're going to sleep okay but you know a secondary application of that is this don't fall asleep in church okay don't fall asleep in church get when you're in church look we got coffee raw sugar I pounded two before I came to church right I confess my sins I got two cubs out all right it's been a long day so we got to drink some coffee man who's here is a coffee drinker anybody amen praise the Lord striving together of one mind the Bible says okay but you need to stay awake okay let me say this if you're here all day look we got a new rule okay if a for Baptist Church okay at 4 30 lights out and if you stay here you need to take a nap okay you need to go to sleep go to sleep okay don't don't just be hanging around why because then church starts and it's just like you look like demonic okay you look like you're ready for Dia de los Muertos okay you need to get some rest all right take a 10-minute nap if you have to okay because it's more important for you to come here refreshed ready to listen to the Word of God then to just struggle to stay awake and not getting anything at all right it's important but you know what that also applies to just not being interested in the things of God okay and and here's the thing is is we need to develop an appetite for spiritual things okay that's just the bottom line we need to develop an appetite for spiritual things and and let me say this our children need to learn how to develop appetites for spiritual things as well and we teach them by bringing them to church okay and listen up children when you're in church you need to be listening to what's going on here behind the pulpit okay you need to be listening to the Word of God being preached to you being preached to your parents being preached to everyone here because this is God speaking not me this is God speaking through his word you need to listen to it love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the Father is not in him you know why people don't want to hear God's work because they love the world that's why 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter 2 I alluded to this earlier but the Bible says here in verse number 3 thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ no man that warth entangled himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier and if a man also strive for masteries yet he is not crowned except he strive lawfully too many people aren't just involved with the affairs of this life that's why that's why they are dull of hearing they're too excited about the things of this world the material things of this world excite them more than the things of God and an on that's a bit never look this world is not our home we're just a passing through we're just here we're renting this place out I'm renting this body we're in this church this is what we're here for only a temporary time we need to invest our time and efforts and energies into the work of God don't invest into making money and becoming rich that's a waste look if you make money use it for the godly things but don't try to become rich in this world it's vain it's stupid and those things are gonna burn when you stand before Christ in the judgment seat of Christ go to second you're in second Timothy chapter number four second Timothy chapter number four then we see here itching ears okay itching ear second Timothy chapter four verse three the Bible says for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lust they shall heap to themselves teachers having itching ears now that doesn't mean like they got bit like from a mosquito in their ear and they're just like can't take it they're just scratching what that means is I just tell me what I need to hear tell me what I want to hear excuse me just just just just give me the goods look up I'll put a fat tithe into the offering plate I'll do the offering just tell me what I want to hear but you're not here so I can tell you what you want to hear you hear so I can tell you what you need to hear you're here to hear the counsel of God and look I would be a compromising low-life pastor if I only told you the the things that you want to hear okay I would not be right with God I'd be a stinking compromiser I'd be a weak Christian and a weak pastor and you ought to fire me if I ever do that why is that because the Bible teaches us to teach the whole counsel of God not just what you want to hear and look hearing what you want to hear it doesn't get you anywhere most of the time it's here what you don't want to hear that helps you go to Isaiah chapter 30 I just want to feel good you know tell your wife to give you a massage you say I'm not married you know buy the one of those machines that gives you I don't know go take a nap okay well we're not in church to feel good by the way it feels good to be in church but we're not here in church to get something from the preaching of the Word of God that just so makes you feel all fuzzy inside you okay that's weak that's stupid and doesn't get you anywhere right and unfortunately the Baptist churches of today are copying these liberal churches in these liberal pastors the Rick Warrens of this world and the Joel Olsteins because they see that wow look how big their churches are in there and their offerings and therefore what fruit most people in those churches aren't even saved any fruit those are the bad things that's rotten fruit is what it is no look I'd rather have a church of 50 that are saved fiery soul winners for God then have a church of a thousand that are lukewarm they don't do anything for God they don't like God's Word they don't want to be faithful to church they don't like souls I'd rather have a church of 50 now this church is gonna grow obviously I believe it's gonna grow you know we're in Los Angeles there's a lot of people here okay but these weak preachers and look there used to be a day and in this area where the Spanish pastors used to preach hard in fact I remember the days when the Spanish pastors was preached so hard that they would criticize the English pastors guess what now the Spanish pastors are compromising too they're not preaching hard anymore they're talking about repent of your sin they're greedy of filthy lucre they ain't preaching hard why because they're getting old and guess what they got to pay the bills look we all got to pay the bills but we don't do it at the expense of just rearing back the message I remember the days on Spanish pastors in this area will preach hard now there are a bunch of compromises who are not preaching the Word of God the way they ought to I remember these two rear back and rip on sin and it was just like that's what I need to hear but now what now I was a la gracias de Dios Hermanos let me translate the grace of God okay now they want to be these smooth preachers and imitate all these all these faggoty pastors liberal pastors that talk about all the grace and grace and grace and all these things and they don't preach hard on sin shame on you pastors for doing that we used to look up to you now what now we look down on you why because you're not preaching the Word of God the way you ought to be preached and we need some Spanish pastors to get back up and preach hard once again we do and Lord who will be able to start some sort of Spanish thing here where we can preach hard in Spanish because a lot of Spanish speakers here and they need to hear the Word of God preached in Spanish they need to be preached on sin they need you to preach on dia de los muertos we need to preach on drunkenness we need to preach on divorce in Spanish it needs to get out there and we need to raise another I just broke this thing again we need another I need another pulpit another pulpit I just threw myself off look we need some Spanish pastors to get up and rip face the way they used to you know they have this this conference less less send us in Antigua's you know back in the day they used to be a hardcore conference it ain't no more now they're like oh yeah there's nothing wrong with women wearing pants you know the Bible doesn't say anything about that oh my Bible does I don't know what your Bible says well why were you reading you know and by the way these are the pastors that ten years ago were saying that that was wrong and now where do they say well it's always go well you know when any time you hear well a bunch of junk is gonna come out of their mouth is what they're gonna say okay where are we Isaiah chapter 30 verse number 9 the Bible says that this is a rebellious people lying children children that will not hear the law of the Lord which say to the seers see not and so the prophets prophesied not into us right things speak unto us smooth things prophesy deceits and here's the thing when preachers preach the smooth sermons the the encouraging sermons the Bible says they're preaching deceits they're lying to you okay are you living in fornication look we're all growing you know we're pressing towards the mark brother you know we're all trying to get to that point in our lives and they want your money that's what he's telling you he's telling you just keep throwing that tithe check right into the plate you want to live in that that's fine just just keep on throwing it into the plate you're preaching deceits Jeremiah chapter 6 and verse 14 the Bible reads they have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace you know the worst thing a pastor can do is preach peace peace when they're involved in the worst sins and you're allowing them to suffer the consequences of their actions simply because you want them to sign that tithe check that's horrible I rather I'd rather this church go broke into allow you to continue to live in that sin it'll destroy your life and it'll destroy your children's lives it'll destroy the next generation we'll meet at the park if we have to second Peter chapter 2 verse 18 the Bible says for when they speak great swelling words of vanity the allure through the lust of the flesh through much wanton as those that were clean escape from them who live in error I got to finish up here go to Matthew chapter 13 I'm sorry go to James chapter 1 I'll read to you from Matthew chapter 13 so what's the last type of ears that we have all right the last number of years is this this is this these are the ears that we want to have blessed ears amen we don't have we want to have the right type of ears Matthew 13 16 says but blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear you know I want to be the path I want to be the kind of Christian that God will look down and says man you got some blessed ears because you're listening you're hearing you're getting it you're understanding and you're applying and each and every one of us needs to have and ask the Lord to help us to have blessed ears to listen to what needs to be said James chapter 1 verse 21 the Bible says wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he is like unto a man behold in his natural face and a glass for he beholdeth himself and goeth his way and straightway forgettable manner of man he was but whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty and continue with therein he being not a forgetful here but a doer of the word this man shall be blessed in his deed you know it's not just hearing it you gotta do it okay don't walk away from the sermon that was that was great no walk away saying that was great and I'm gonna do my best to apply that I'm gonna do my best to be a doer of the work not just to hear only amen so what kind of years do you have today all right that's a rhetorical question you don't have to answer but what kind of what kind of ears do you have today you know and I might have hit on one of your type of ears I don't know what kind of years you have but if it if it's one of these ears just change amen get it right and ask God to give you some blessed ears amen let's bow our heads in a word of prayer