(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Beloved I now write unto you in both which I stir up in your pure minds by way of remembrance That you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the apostles of The Lord and Savior knowing this first There shall come in the last day scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation For this they willingly are ignorant of That by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water Where by the world that there then was being overflowed with water perished But the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved under fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men But beloved be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years Is one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness But as long suffering to us word not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in the which the heavens shall pass away with the great Noise and the element shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are there that are there in Shall be burned up seen then that Seen then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons are ye to be and all man all holy conversation and godliness Looking for and hasting unto this coming of the day of God We're in the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the element shall melt with fervent heat Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth were in dwells righteousness Wherefore beloved seen that you look for such things be diligent that you may be found of him and peace without spot and Blameless an account that the long suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul Also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you As also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are these some things hard to be understood Which they that are unlearned and unstable rest as they do also the other scriptures under their own destruction either for Beloved seen you know these things before beware lest he also be led away with the error of the wicked fall from your own steadfastness But groan grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever amen Let's pray dear Lord God. Thank you for every soul here this evening Lord at this church We pray that you bless pastor right now give him boldness as he preaches your word unto us Lord and that us in The congregation can be edified from the preaching and glean more knowledge from your word Lord. We pray this all in Jesus name. Amen Amen okay, we are in 2nd Peter chapter 3 look down at your Bibles at verse number 3 It says knowing this first that there should come in the last day scoffers Walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as They were from the beginning of the creation and what I want to preach on this evening is Prominent heresies about end times prominent heresies about end times when you read the word Neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us as at the day of Christ is at hand Let no man deceive you by any means so obviously the Bible consistently teaches That we should not be a people given over to deception. We should know what we believe about end times now Let me just make a couple comments By way of introduction before I get into my main points here regarding these prominent heresies about end times Let me say this is the obviously when it comes to the subject of end times prophecy This is not an essential doctrine Refer in other words. It's not necessarily a doctrine that we would hold on par with salvation Hold on par with the Trinity hold on par with the inspiration and preservation of Scripture, but nonetheless. It's an important doctrine and I would even say that the doctrine of end times the rapture the tribulation Things of this nature are things that we can understand and know for sure What the Bible teaches about it know for certainty when they take place There's enough information in the Bible that we can look at Examine and come to a reasonable biblical scriptural conclusion. This is what the Bible teaches you know you don't have to be left in obscurity and Take this compromising position, or it's just like well. You know everyone you know has their viewpoints and You know I can understand why people believe this or whatever you know we should know what we believe And especially if you're a pastor if you're a pastor Preaching the Word of God your job is to study the Bible You should know what the Bible teaches about end times prophecy And if you don't know then sit down and shut up and let someone else who actually knows the Bible Teach the Word of God and tell you what the Bible says Okay You so I thought you say it wasn't an essential doctrine It's not but just because it's not one of the primary essential doctrines regarding Salvation the truth doesn't mean that we shouldn't know it Doesn't mean that we shouldn't teach it and it'll be weird folks if I spent you know weeks on end teaching through the book of Revelation telling you what the Bible says about the rapture telling you this is what the Bible says and Telling you what Matthew 24 mark 13 Luke 21 Revelation chapter 6 first Thessalonians 4 first Thessalonians 5 telling you what they mean and Say that I'm married to this particular doctrine, but then I also make the statement But I like to flirt with other doctrines as well That's a weird statement to me, but you know a pastor literally said that within the last week or so or two weeks in context of end times prophecy You know cuz this pastor he he believes or he holds to a pre-millennial view And we're gonna talk about what that means in just a bit But then you know he has this podcast where he's inviting on a one is Pentecostal who claims to once again be a Trinitarian But he's still one is Pentecostal He's a damnable heretic and some other fool out there who doesn't who you know desires to be a teacher of the law understanding neither what he says nor where he affirms and These guys are preterists. They're all millennialists. They're a post millennialist or whatever and The host of this show basically says well, I'm married to this position But I like to flirt with other doctrines or whatever kind of statement is that I Tell you what that mean let me translate that for you. I like to be carried about with every wind of doctrine I Like to just dabble in heresy every once in a while What is that? You know I believe this I'm married to this, but I like to cheat on real doctrine And go screw around with false doctrines Folks here's the thing is that when it comes to the book of Revelation Obviously we understand there are things that are obscure Hard to be understood just like anywhere else in the Word of God But there are certain topics and subjects timelines that we see in the book of Revelation that are not subjective You can just look at it and compare Scripture with Scripture and come to a reasonable biblical scriptural conclusion of what the Bible teaches in general Okay, and You know Christians should not be the type that they're just carried about with every wind of doctrine The Bible tells us be not carried about with diverse in strange doctrines the Bible tells us to be settled Right not to be unstable and unlearned The Bible says to study to show thyself approved unto God a workman the need not to be ashamed Rightly dividing the word of truth then obviously those are admonitions given towards those who are pastoring churches And so even though you can apply that as a Christian as a member of a church Primarily the pastor for sure should apply that and live by that principle and not flirt with other doctrines It's a nonsensical statement to make and it's obviously a statement made by a person who? Either doesn't really believe what he's teaching or he literally does believe that but he just wants to garner a following So he just wants to compromise and Invite other people who are damnable heretics now. Let me just say this is that you know the the heresies that I'm a mentioned tonight They're not damnable heresies What is the damnable heresy a damnable heresy is a false doctrine false doctrine that perverts salvation or the doctrines of Christ? Understand what I'm saying Give you an example repent of your sins gospel is a damnable heresy If someone believes you have to repent of your sins to be saved you can't be saved And I'll send someone straight to hell if someone believes that Jesus is the father that is damnable heresy if Someone doesn't believe in the scriptural doctrine of hell. That's called damnable heresy there are certain things that you have to believe if you're gonna be saved amen and Here's the thing is that having a thorough complete understanding of intense prophecy is not necessary for salvation Okay He says so why are you calling these guys damnable heretics? Well believing those doctrines doesn't make you a damnable heretic, but because they already believe in other damnable heresy That's what makes them a damnable heretic So if they're already if they've already transgressed the doctrines of Christ in Other instances and then they bring up these other positions of end times prophecy. It just adds to their damnable position It's just like well this kind of shows me why you're a damnable heretic because you're carried about with every wind of doctrine You're perverting the ways of the Lord You don't know what you're talking about, but when you have someone who's saved who agrees with them I? mean you're a fool and So you know what I'm going to talk about this evening is probably not new to you might be new to some of you But it's always good to give a refresher on what we believe as a church what positions we hold Lest we you know Believe some of these pastors out there who are compromising on God's Word and not giving a solid answer You never want to listen to a pastor who just is not solid on some stuff You know they wouldn't they need to be confident in what they believe and if they can't be confident if they're literally telling you I like to flirt with other doctrines, then what do you think their church members do? You know if they're flirting with other doctrines that means their church members are probably committing doctrinal dolatry So we never want to be these Athenians right to spend their time and nothing else, but to hear some new thing we got to know what the Bible says and Speak with confidence and say I get why you believe that but it's wrong. This is what the Bible teaches Who are you are you the arbiter of God's Word no, but I have the arbiter living within me though And we can compare Scripture with Scripture, and so yes, there is one truth So we're not gonna compromise. We're like well, you know You know I guess you're a little right halfway, right? I can't really explain those passages of Scripture if you can't explain it and sit down and shut up You shouldn't be a pastor because people are looking to you for leadership And so if you're confused on a particular topic either don't say anything about it Don't speak on it Don't cause others to stumble who may not even know about the subject or just sit down and don't be a pastor Because people look to a pastor for stability especially when it comes to doctrine Okay, now with that being said I'm explaining to you. Just briefly what we believe as a church generally and Then specifically now generally when it comes to end times prophecy we hold to a futurist premillennial position Futurist meaning that there are prophetic events that the Bible speaks about in particular you think of the book of Daniel of course Instances in the Gospels but more specifically in the book of Revelation There are prophetic events that the Bible talks about that have not yet taken place So therefore we believe that they will take place in the future hence the futurist position, okay? We are awaiting the fulfillment of the events of the events that are found in the book of Revelation Now we're futurists, but we're also pre-millennial What is pre-millennial we believe that the second coming of Christ is before the literal the literal? Thousand year reign of Jesus, that's what it means to be pre-millennial. Okay now that is a very general Description of what we believe and the reason I say it's general is because even within that category There's a subcategory that we would not agree with Because guess what pre-tribbers are also pre-millennial They're also futurists So when you look at this canopy of end times prophecy we would say we're futurists and we are pre-millennialist as well Okay futurists because some things have not yet been fulfilled, but they will be fulfilled in the future according to the book of Revelation Pre-millennial because we believe that the second coming of Christ happens before the thousand year reign of Jesus That's found in Revelation chapter 20 now You're gonna have to really work hard at paying attention this evening now this morning was it was the inspiration If you're here, I inspired you to walk with God to read your Bible tonight's the information Okay, and so remember you need both Okay, so this morning you you you got the admonition and the exhortation to walk with God But this evening you're gonna learn some Bible doctrine and be reinforced in other doctrines as well when it comes to end times So generally we're futurists pre-millennial Specifically though we hold to a post-tribulational pre-wrath rapture not to be confused with mid-trib rapture and Any time you express your belief in the post-tribulational pre-wrath rapture people always say oh you mean your mid-trib And what you're supposed to say is no Listen to the words that are coming out of my mouth. I said post-trib pre-wrath The reason they say mid-trib is because generally a lot of fundamental Baptist even view the seven years that are found in the book of Revelation as seven years of tribulation and So when they view the timeline or the timing of the rapture Which to a certain extent are halfway rights because they see it as having happening after the midpoint of Daniel 70th week But the only problem is they view the whole thing as being a seven year tribulation Which the Bible does not describe Daniel 70th week as being seven years of tribulation. So it's not mid-trib It's post-trib because the rapture takes place after the tribulation Which takes place for three and a half years But it takes place before the wrath of God, which is also three and a half years So the first half of Daniel 70th week is three and a half years. The second half is three and a half years compiling those seven years So we believe the second coming of Christ is synonymous with listen to this the rapture of all saints Now rapture the word rapture is not found in the Bible But the concept definitely is and in fact second Thessalonians 2 Gives us a great phrase the gathering together. That's exactly what it means and In fact rapture in Spanish would be are about that if you know Spanish, that's what it means is to catch away Okay, so it's a great word to describe that so the second coming of Christ is synonymous with the rapture of all saints, but it's also synonymous with a Bodily resurrection Okay, not just a spiritual resurrection a bodily resurrection when you die Your body will go into the grave Six feet under your spirit will go into heaven and when Christ returns that body will be raised incorruptible Okay, it'll be glorified Transformed we believe in there Well, how do you know it's a bodily resurrected because Jesus resurrected been bodily form and he is what the Bible calls the first fruits of The resurrection he's the first one to resurrect in the glorified state leaving us an example of how our bodies will resurrect During the rapture the second coming of Christ This also means that we believe that the second coming of Christ takes place as I mentioned three and a half years after the tribulation Also known as the beginning of sorrows and great tribulation So that first three and a half years of Daniel 70th week we call it the tribulation But biblically it's actually called the beginning of sorrows and then also the last 75 days great tribulation Okay food for thought But of course before three and a half years of God's wrath That is our position and it's very simply stated if you want to do a deep dive on end times and when the rapture Takes place you can do that and you will clearly see This is what the Bible teaches and we're gonna touch on some of that in just a bit now go to Matthew chapter 24 if you Would Matthew chapter 24? I'm gonna give you tonight four Prominent heresies about end times when I say prominent. I mean, they're they're famous. They're popular actually and here's what's interesting Is that the first two? Have been popular for quite some time, but it seems as though they're kind of losing a little bit of momentum Within these last couple years and I've seen this on social media it seems as though It's losing traction. It's losing momentum Less people are ascribing to this specific position of these first two that I'm going to talk about the last two Seem to have lost momentum years ago, but are actually gaining momentum once again in 2024 and I'll go over those in just a bit So let's talk about the first two prominent heresies about the end times number one the secret rapture is a prominent heresy about end Times now, what is the secret rapture see another word for this is the pre tribulation of rapture And if you have visited or been a member of an independent fundamental Baptist Church, that's not new IFB You know exactly what I'm talking about The reason we call it the secret rapture is because they believe That when Jesus Christ returns in the end times you're not gonna see him no one's gonna see him It's just like everyone just disappears. It's a naked rapture Clothes just dropped to the floor Unmanned airplanes and no one sees Jesus Christ. He is he comes secretly Okay, it's a very lame rapture You know he just he comes and and no one sees them and It's they also call it the imminency of Jesus Christ and that word simply means that he can come at any moment and So if you have been a part of a fundamental Baptist Church Or maybe you heard preaching about fundamental Baptist churches of the old life be they will often say this He could come at the end of this service And I remember being under fundamental Baptist preaching and they would say that they're like he can come right now He can come in any moment. It's just like whoa Really he can come like right like right now He could come at the end of the service, and it's just like you just never know when he's gonna show up Okay, and so they preach that a lot and for a time. I believe that Only because of the fact that in fundamental Baptist circles this idea was never really challenged, okay? But it is a false doctrine. It's not biblical It is definitely a prominent heresy that has existed for quite some time, and it is wrong look at Matthew 24 verse 29 Now let me say this before we read this Matthew 24 is actually a chapter that pre-tribulation is will use to prove the secret rapture But yet when we quote Matthew 24 They say well, that's not about the rapture This is I'm not I'm not kidding you this is what they say Matthew 24 verse 29 says immediately after the tribulation which by the way in Latin it uses the term post of Those days shall the Sun be darkened the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken and Then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and He referring to Jesus shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds from one end of heaven to the other great description of the rapture right there And it's specifically telling us the timing of the rapture and that is that it happens after the tribulation now We have no time to expound upon this particular chapter But if you read it from the beginning up until verse 29 it gives you Several elements that happen prior to the rapture and all of these elements are synonymous with tribulation Persecution you have Wars rumors of Wars famines Pestilences you have false Christ all of these things that must come to pass before Jesus Christ shows up you have martyrdom on a very global scale and it's at that point when those things have taken place that Jesus Christ returns and in fact that literally says Immediately after the tribulation of those days and then it says that Jesus Christ returns now look at verse 36 Verse 36 says but of that day and hour knoweth no man know not the angels of heaven But my father only so this is a very popular verse that people will use to try to teach the immanency of Jesus Christ The secret rapture they say well, how can you say he comes after the tribulation? If the Bible says that no man knoweth the day or the hour Well because of the fact that verse 29 says he comes after the tribulation and You know correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see in verse 29 it given us a day in an hour Because people will look at us and say oh you're putting you know you're putting a date on the rapture Immediately after the tribulation is not a date That's a weird Conclusion to come to if we're saying immediately after the tribulation if we're repeating what the Bible says that's not giving us a month That's not giving us a day. That's not even giving us a year. It's giving us an event that takes place After the tribulation It's saying the tribulation happens, and then he comes and oh in the Greek It doesn't give us a particular date month year and so verse 36 works in tandem with verse 29 because verse verse 36 is telling us that the day in the hour no man knows and Obviously we could do a deep dive on that and explain why that would be Because we obviously know that the Bible teaches that there's actually 75 days of great tribulation And then Jesus Christ comes after the midpoint of Daniel 70th week But the Bible also says in the book of Daniel that the answer antichrist will seek to take excuse Excuse me seek to change times and seasons So when you're running for your life and Christians are being beheaded they're being killed to being martyred You know no one's gonna be carrying around a calendar to figure out what day it is We just go by What the events that are taking place and match it up with what the Bible says once martyrdom happens We know that he's coming shortly thereafter, but he never left us a date now What's funny about this is that pre troopers will quote verse 36 no man Oh the day of the hour, and it's like wait. I thought you said Matthew 24 is not about the rapture though He said well this part is about the rapture know the whole things about the rapture Verse 37 says, but as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking Marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark and knew not until the flood came and took them took Them all away so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be Here's a wonderful picture of the rapture It says then shall to be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left Two women shall be grinding at the mill the one shall be taken and the other left look what it says in verse 42 Watch therefore for you know now what our Your Lord does come so the admonition is literally you need to watch for the things that the Bible is talking about You need to be serving the Lord because you don't know exactly what our your Lord is coming therefore You just got to be ready. That's what it's saying Verse 43, but know this that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come He would have not he would have watched it would have not have suffered his house to be broken up therefore be also Ready in Such hour for in such hour as you think not the Son of Man Cometh and the Bible also tells us in first Thessalonians chapter 5 lift up your head or excuse me Luke 21 lift up your heads for your redemption draw at night and So obviously we don't know the day or the hour but we definitely know the events that take place prior to the second coming of Christ and the pre-tribulation rapture Does a great job You know convincing people that they're not gonna go through the tribulation We're not gonna be here throughout the great. We'll be out of here, you know, and then you couldn't inherit my debt You know, you know, they always make all these jokes But folks when you actually study the Bible Especially the New Testament you see that one of the themes of Christian virtue is that we are to always go through tribulation In fact the Apostle Paul said this we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God The Bible tells us yay all that will live godly in Christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution and in the New Testament Tribulation is almost synonymous with persecution tribulation is when people Persecute you for your faith. And so God is not looking to take us out of tribulation He's looking to keep us while we're in tribulation To guard and protect us while we're in tribulation. Whereas the pre-trib rapture says no, don't worry about that. You'll be gone before then Before the Antichrist comes before all these things come upon the earth. You're gonna be gone So what have these churches done? These churches have convinced entire congregations That the tribulation is not gonna happen if it if Christ comes in our lifetime They don't have to worry about it because they're gone. So you said what's the big deal with that? That's what they believe. That's what they believe Yeah, but let's say the rapture happens in our lifetime and They come to the realization. Oh The Antichrist is here. Oh I have not yet disintegrated. Oh My clothes have not fallen down to the ground Folks if you're not ready for tribulation, you won't make it through tribulation Because the Bible says we have to be ready for it have a disposition of expectancy and not stumble and fall and Essentially be counted unworthy To make it through the tribulation. The Bible is constantly talking about the fact that we should endure afflictions endure persecutions Well, why would someone endure persecutions and afflictions if they don't they don't even think they're gonna go through it So what we're gonna have in the end times is a group of Christians Who think they're gonna be raptured but they're not raptured and they're gonna stumble. They're gonna fall. They're gonna be killed They're gonna be destroyed. They're gonna be persecuted And you know, they're not gonna be ready Now all of these heresies that I'm gonna cover tonight have one main factor that they all have in common and I'll go Go through that at the end of this sermon go to first Thessalonians if you would first Thessalonians chapter 4 first Thessalonians chapter 4 and Then we'll go to Acts chapter 1 first Thessalonians chapter 4. So the first heresy Regarding end times is this false doctrine that the rapture is a secret and in fact Jesus specifically in Matthew 24 Calls it a secret. He says when people say it is a secret and that he's in the secret chambers He says believe it not So Jesus literally said hey if they tell you lo he is here lo he is there he is in the secret chambers It's the preacher rapture. I'm here. No, he says don't believe it So He literally uses that phrase the secret chambers and he tells people don't believe it Why because when tribulation takes place, you're gonna have all these pre-tribbers freaking out And then the agents of the Antichrist are gonna be like, hey, he's here He's in the desert. He's in the secret chamber. Don't tell anybody and Because they're you know, because their pastor never preached a revelation And they never preached to the book of Daniel. They only did it in the Bible Institute We're in the Bible colleges They're gonna go there and they're gonna be like psych sucka get your head cut off and They're like, oh dang You know do me for a loop there And we're gonna be there we like don't go look secret chamber believe it not Like don't go, you know, he's not in the desert and they were like no dispensationalism is the way to go You know Look at first Thessalonians 4 verse 13, but I would have but I would not have you ignorant which a lot of Christians are Brethren concerning them that are asleep that he saw or not even as others which have no hope For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him But this we say to you by the word of the Lord That we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep This is essentially giving us the description of how the rapture will take place when it takes place Those who are dead in Christ shall rise first. So essentially When Christ comes in the clouds and the rapture takes place in the in the trumpet is sounded You're gonna have all these graves bursting all these bodies are just gonna be flying through the air and The Bible actually says in Luke 21 that men's hearts shall be failing them for fear You know all these people with with heart conditions are just gonna be dropping dead because all these bodies are flying through the air So they go first and then we go second. Okay, this is what it's telling us here verse 16 says for the Lord himself shall descend from from heaven with the shout With the voice of the archangel with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together With them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air So shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore come from one another with these words now as post-trippers pre-rathers we would interpret first Thessalonians 4 as being a rapture passage and to that all God's people said Amen. Well, here's the thing pre-trippers also believe that that's referring to the rapture That's like one thing that we agree on They use I mean, I've seen I've been part of funerals I've done funerals and I've seen and heard funerals and old IP churches Well, they'll use this particular passage and they will talk about the hope of the rapture and the resurrection as it means to comfort those Who have lost their loved ones and I agree with that But one thing you have to understand when reading the Bible is that when the Bible was written It was not written with divisions of chapters That kind of helps us right the divisions of chapters and the verses that helps us to memorize to to locate Particular passages of Scripture and the reason I'm bringing that up is because chapter 5 is still in context of chapter 4 So when you read the latter end of chapter 4, it's just like Oh rapture Well, guess what rapture doesn't stop after the chapter is done The same teaching is being carried forth into chapter 5 look at verse 1 of chapter 5 But of the times and seasons brethren you have no need I write unto you for yourselves Know perfectly that the day of the Lord What is the day of the Lord the gathering together to be caught up together with him in the clouds So cometh as a thief in the night when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon us no upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape but ye brethren are not in darkness that That day should overtake you as a thief In other words, it's not gonna be a secret to you It says it's not gonna overtake you as a thief why because Christians should be ready for this they know what the Bible says about this Year all children of the light the children of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness Therefore let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober the Bible tells us proving conclusively that we can be ready for the rapture because we could be ready for the tribulation as Long as you're willing to endure afflictions and door persecutions and let me just say this if you can't endure persecution now You won't endure persecution then you can't get your hinder parts to church to just do the most basic of Christian virtues You're probably not gonna give your life for Christ then Go to Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 I'm gonna reach you from Revelation chapter 1 in verse number 7 it says here behold he cometh with clouds and Every eye shall see him doesn't sound like a secret to me And here here's what people say well how every I see him, you know, how's that supposed to happen? Well, I mean have you seen world star? World so, you know people you can't people can't do anything without being recorded and being uploaded to Instagram or tick-tock. I Mean one of you guys is probably famous somewhere One of you someone's content somewhere That's just it we're all on social media, okay, well just imagine when the rapture takes place and you see a man descending in clouds You don't think everyone's gonna be put folks people pull out the phone when there's a car accident People pull out their phones for for the dumbest of reasons You have any event you just phones are pulled out You don't think that when Christ comes that people are not gonna be, you know Uploading that to tick-tock and Instagram and all social media platforms, of course So well, how's everyone supposed to see him if he only descends in one specific geographical location? I'll tell you how social media that's how And it's given us the elements in Revelation 1 that he comes with clouds That every eye shall see him very important because the preacher rapture teaches that no one's gonna see him Preacher rapture says that it's a secret Preacher rapture says that clothes just fall to the ground and you ascend naked nakedly to heaven This is not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says that every eye is gonna see it You said why is that important? Well pre-tribbers will often Interpre revelation 1 7 as taking place in Revelation chapter 19 at the Battle of Armageddon So they believe that Jesus Christ will return in Revelation chapter 19 at the Battle of Armageddon and that's why they say well every eye shall see him at that point The Jews are gonna look at him be like oy vey and then believe on him But revelation 1 7 is not talking about the Battle of Armageddon. But revelation 1 7 is talking about the rapture You said well, how do you know because the element the smoking gun is the fact that he comes with clouds You said well, how did what? What is that? How is that a smoking gun? Well, look at acts 1 verse 9 And when he had spoken these things while they beheld He was taken up is referring to the ascension of Christ and a cloud Received him out of their sight. It's not there by accident folks. It's giving us that piece of information for a reason So when he was taken when he's ascending he ascends up in a cloud, right? Verse 10 says and while they look steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel Which also said ye men of Galilee? Why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as Ye have seen him go into heaven What is the same, you know the way you guys saw him go up in a cloud? That's the same exact way. He's gonna come back So if he's saying that the next time he returns he's gonna return with that same cloud Then we can compare that to revelation 1 7 we can compare that to Matthew 24 and Realize. Oh, this is referring to the rapture it's not referring to revelation 19 the Battle of Armageddon Now you say where the preacher has put the rapture they put it in Revelation chapter 4 Where the Apostle John is caught up in spirit to heaven not you not us just the Apostle John and He ends up coming back But they interpret revelation chapter 4 as being the rapture because they got to fit it in somehow, okay? Now I don't want to spend too much time on that because obviously we know a lot about that But it's important to talk about and and prove and debunk and to keep ourselves fresh on that look at revelation chapter 6 If you would revelation chapter 6 and then we will go just go to revelation 6 first So heresy prominent heresy number one is the preacher of rapture the secret rapture. It's not a rapture every eye shall see him It's not a secret. Jesus said, you know if they tell you it's in the secret chambers believe it not Says every eye shall see him It says that he's gonna descend in the clouds and he it even says that all the tribes of the earth will mourn when Jesus Christ descends on the cloud every nation is gonna freak out and In fact when you compare that to Matthew 24, that's exactly what's happening all the tribes are just yelling and mourning because of him and when you compare it to Revelation chapter 6 the same exact elements are found there that people are mourning and in fact, it says that the men of the earth Kings those who are great and small will say to the mountains fall on us and Hide us from the wrath of him that sitteth on the throne for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall Be able to stand so comparing all those elements from Revelation 6 Matthew 24 First Thessalonians 4 and first Thessalonians 5 you see that basically this is not a secret at all It's gonna happen and everyone's gonna see it. Everyone's gonna view it. Okay? Prominent heresy number two the seven-year tribulation Excuse me, the seven-year period in Revelation is the time of Jacob's trouble Now this is a major heresy You say why because they believe there's a teaching out there that states that the seven years is just for the Jews Like all of end times prophecy. It's all about the beloved Jews. It's all about the apple of his eye They essentially relegate all of these fulfillments in Revelation chapter or excuse me the book of Revelation After Revelation chapter 3 they say after that got nothing to do with us after chapter 4 We're all raptured then it's all about the Jews So we're literally supposed to ignore chapter 5 all the way to the end of the book Because apparently from chapter 1 and chapter 4 it's only about us But then the church is not mentioned is what they'll say and after that it's all about the Jews You say why well because you know, they're just they are Zionist Dispensationalism is a Zionist position that is promoted by Jews and Zionists in order to favor the Jews and obscure and teach false doctrine what the Bible says Of what the Bible teaches here and they'll say that these Jews basically will go through the seven-year tribulation at the end of the seven years when Jesus Christ returns on a horse in Revelation 19 That's when the Jews will believe and then all Israel shall be saved is what they'll say so they expect us to believe that Jews are gonna look at Jesus coming on a white horse and You know snip snip Throw the skullcap away You know take the tassel off Stop snipping the coins And now they're there they're good dates because they see him but folks they saw him They saw him He was there in the he came into his own and his own received them not He performed miracles before them He raised people from the dead He preached the Word of God unto them He was made manifest to them. You say well, they didn't believe they crucified him So changing what animal he's riding on does not change anything in the eye of the Jew Plain and simple and folks people do not get saved by looking at Jesus none of you Have been saved by looking at Jesus Does none of you have ever seen him? We walk by faith and not by sight The gospel has to be believed by faith show us a sign and you know We'll believe there shall no sign be given unto it But the sign of Jonas the Prophet, you know, the Bible says that a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign So it's so stupid that Dispensationalist teach this dumb doctrine that oh man the apple of his eye all Israel shall be saved in Revelation 19 when they look upon him Wrong my friends if there's any Jews that survive Up until that point. They're toast If at that point they are not yet saved they're toast literally They will roast literally You say are you saying there's no Jews they're gonna be saved during that time I'm sure there's a couple people a couple Jews are gonna be saved The Bible talks about maybe a few being being saved very few though Very few But in general as a whole the nation of Israel which the book of Revelation calls Egypt and in Sodom They're toast But you know you have these old I appears that teach oh no, you know God has a plan for Israel He has a plan for the Jews the hundred forty four thousand Jews, even though it's they're not 144,000 Jews They need to work on their math and not disregard all the other tribes that are being mentioned There are the tribulation Saints and all this it's just like it's nonsense my friends and it's all promoted and propagated to uplift the nation of Israel to promote Zionism and Essentially to bring forth the Antichrist who I believe will be a Jew So how do you know that because you know? whoever denies Jesus Christ is an Antichrist, and they're still waiting for their political Messiah to come and so when he does They're gonna believe on that guy And obviously we know later on he's gonna. He's gonna turn on them. What do I have you turn? Revelation chapter 6 look what a revelation chapter 6 says in verse number 9 You say well. How do you know? How you know what what is what is their text verse To say that we're not gonna be there well when you study the book of Revelation the phrase church isn't used after revelation chapter 3 Because you have the teaching of the seven churches that are being addressed in Revelation 2 & 3 and then after that They're not addressed anymore, so they view those seven churches as seven different church ages They don't view them as literal churches. They view them as eras of Different churches and some of them believe that we're in the Laodicean Church era now, which obviously they are essentially Projecting who they are right? But here's the problem is that just because you don't see the word church after revelation chapter 3 doesn't mean believers Don't exist or they're not here because look at Revelation 6 and verse 9 and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God and for the testimony which they held and They cried with a loud voice saying how long will Lord holy and true Dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? So here we find people who are being killed They're being martyred for the cause of Christ and when you compare this to Revelation chapter 13 It literally says that the Antichrist makes war with the Jews. No, it makes war with the Saints Saints are believers So what are Saints doing there simultaneously with the Antichrist if we're not supposed to be there I'll tell you what they're doing there. They're supposed to be there because believers are gonna be here throughout the tribulation Now this is more proof to show that the tribulation only lasts for about three and a half years Because of the end that we're gonna be here because they're being slain but look at Revelation chapter 7 in verse number 1 It says and after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth Holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth Nor on the sea nor in any tree and I saw another angel ascending from the east Having the seal of the living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to Hurt the earth and the sea Saying hurt not the earth neither the sea Nor the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads now, why is that important? Well again, they view those seven years as not just for the Jews But also as being seven years of tribulation and they interpret tribulation as God punishing the world But tribulation is not when God punishes the world tribulation is when the world punishes God's people and there's a there's a definite distinction between Tribulation and God's wrath in these passages. How do you know well because verse number three Shows us that God is not hurting the earth neither the sea nor the trees Well, how is that possible for already three and a half years in? Those three and a half years is God's wrath according to what they're saying But here see that the earth the sea the trees are not being damaged at all God's wrath has not yet been poured upon them. And in fact in the previous passage that we just read in chapter 6 The martyrs, what are they saying? How long O Lord? Dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? Implying that God has not poured his wrath out on the world yet showing us that there's a definite distinction between the tribulation and The wrath of God now go to Revelation chapter 20 Revelation chapter 20 if you would So heresy number one prominent heresies regarding in times Is the secret rapture heresy? It's not a secret every I shall see him stop saying that Prominent heresy number two is that the seven-year period is the seven-year tribulation designated only for the Jews wrong It's three and a half years of tribulation three and a half years of God's wrath And yeah, there might be some Jews that get saved but it's the tribulation of God's people the Saints Now let me give you a little bit of an interlude before I get into these last two So I mentioned in the beginning That there's four heresies that I'm mentioning two of which were very popular but seem to be losing momentum and you know what the preacher of rapture and The Jews being God's chosen people are two heresies that are losing momentum today you can clearly see that why because people are seeing all the wickedness in this world and they're kind of It's kind of showing them like I think the Jews are responsible for this So they're like, wait a minute How can you how can they be God's people if they're involved in the pornography rings and all this wickedness and nonsense? And look what they say about Jesus and they're like, whoa, you know, cuz the internet just exposes people to all kinds of information So now people are waking up to the Jews that they're not God's chosen people that the Bible calls them the synagogue of Satan to say that our Jews but are not there are the synagogue of Satan that Jesus says in John 8 44 ye are of your father the devil the lust of your father. Will you do? I mean the Bible's the New Testament is very negative against Jews Very negative. In fact, some of the most negative preaching Towards the Jews was done by Jews Well, you guys are anti-semitic then Paul's anti-semitic And Jesus is anti-semitic because he's the one to coin the phrase synagogue of Satan. That is the most base thing ever That's base like you and he said it twice just in case you missed it in chapter 2 you put it in chapter 3 of Revelation Very base. So, you know people are looking at that. They're like, whoa, you know what? The Jews are not God's chosen people Because they're pretty wicked out there Look at all the evils that they're responsible for in the world. They hate the Lord Jesus Christ So now it's losing momentum and the only people that are really holding on to these Ideologies that the Jews are God's chosen people are a bunch of boomers It's just the boomer generation that still believes that nonsense. I don't care what people say. There's still God's chosen people Brother say that little harder. You'll have a heart attack when you say It's like you're not reaching the new generation because you're preaching sucks and all you talk about is Jews and the preacher rapture and you've Been saying it's gonna happen any day now just never happens Okay, and so people are like now they're reading the Bible they see what the Word of God says so it started the preacher rapture is losing momentum Zionism is losing a lot of momentum. I mean dispensationalism is a joke. I Feel like within the last couple of years that's lost a lot of momentum Like you're lame if you're like still a dispensationalist You're not cool at all. You're not doctrinally sound you should be embarrassed to call yourself a dispensationalist You know what people who are dispensationalist They're not very open about being dispensationalist if they're in their 20s and 30s because they know it's stupid You know a lot of people don't accept that garbage and nonsense because we have the internet where information is readily available They could go watch dispensation of heresy and see how nonsensical that doctrine is So you have a new generation that's rising up and they're seeing the truth They're seeing what Jews are responsible for they're seeing how fraudulent the preacher rapture is But Unfortunately Because of that they're now many of them are actually going towards an unbiblical stance as well Okay, now before I get into that look at Revelation chapter 20 in verse number 1 It says I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand And he laid hold on the dragon that old serpent which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years So let me just get you caught up on what's taking place here Revelation 19 is the Battle of Armageddon where Jesus Christ comes on a white horse with all of us and He just like puts a whooping on the Antichrist the false prophet and his armies He destroys them with the brightness of his coming He takes the Antichrist and the false prophet and he just he just yeets them into hell into the lake of fire That's literally what he does They go both soul and body And keep in mind that they get it to themselves for an entire thousand years Okay, the lake of fire Once that's over and done with because it's a very bloody war according to Revelation 19. I think Revelation 14 as well At that point Jesus Christ sets up his millennial right his kingdom on earth This is where you have the judgment seat of Christ Well believers are rewarded for their efforts and works that they've done here in this world and they're given They're Given the positions of leadership to rule over cities things of that nature. Well simultaneously when this happens Satan is bound in the bottomless pit as well for a thousand years and we talked about this on Thursday But this is what's commonly referred to as the millennial reign of Christ So it's a thousand years look at verse three and cast them into the bottomless pin Shut him up and set a seal upon him that he should what deceive the nations no more Till the thousand years should be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed a little season I saw thrones and they that set up upon them and Judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God Which had not worshiped the beast neither his image neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or in their hands and they lived and reigned with Christ a Thousand years but the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power But they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years pretty self-explanatory It's saying that we're gonna rule and reign with Christ on earth with him for a thousand years at which point the devil is Absent he's in the bottomless pit He's not the same deceiving the nation's anymore after the thousand years are up Satan is allowed to be released to deceive the nation's and then you have the battle of Gog and Magog after that happens and The devil is toast in his armies. Then you have the white throne judgment take place Okay, very pretty. It's pretty simple actually not very hard to understand at all But the point that I want to make is that we believe in a literal thousand year period What makes you think it's a little cuz it says a thousand years Like He's just like yeah, but that's symbolic symbolic of what a really long time Then why does it repeat a thousand years so many times? and Why does it give a conclusion to the thousand year reign? I'll tell you why because it's literally a thousand years And you know what if you don't believe that you don't understand that I don't know what to tell you You Know you're gonna have to take it up with God because that's literally how he wrote it Now leading me to my next point of prominent heresies number three Christians will usher in the kingdom. This is what's commonly referred to as post-millennialism People who believe in this doctrine Don't hold a literal interpretation of the book of Revelation and especially chapter 20 what we just read Cuz chapter 20 is very self-explanatory really you read that like okay, that's cool, but it starts serving the Lord so I can ruling reign with Christ Post those who hold to a post-millennial position like well, that's all symbolic The devil being cast into the bombers pit symbolic thousand year reign symbolic ruling and reigning with Christ for a thousand years symbolic but where in chapter 20 does it ever imply symbolism and This is their argument They'll say well the entire book of Revelation is very cryptic and it's very symbolic you expect me to just you know Interpret it literally all the time. Well. Here's the thing when you read Revelation chapter 10 about the woman on the Sun You know God expects you to have enough smarts to understand that's not literally a woman standing on the Sun a Literal dragon didn't try to come eat her child You Have to have like a certain level of intelligence to understand that and So you said well, how do I know? What's this symbolic? What's not when it just sounds symbolic? Whereas when you look at this particular portion of Scripture, and it says a thousand year reign. There's no indication No hint that is referring to something that's symbolic So What they believe is that we are currently in this millennium right now Okay, they view Christ's second coming as occurring after the millennium This is why they call it post millennialism because he comes after the thousand supposed a year reign Which they believe we're in the thousand years right now They hold to a single final coming of Christ as a general resurrection of the saved and the lost simultaneously A general judgment of the saved and of the lost in one sitting so they just kind of lump it all together Okay, they believe that Christ will return Listen to this Christ will come back After Christians not Jesus after Christians have established the kingdom on this earth So post millennialist Believe that the more people that are saved the more work for God that's being accomplished the more Christian eyes We make this world the closer we get to the second coming of Christ Because they believe once the world has been made Christian then Jesus will return And these are often also preterists they hold to a preterist view meaning that they believe that certain Prophecies of the Bible have already been fulfilled in 70 AD. Okay But here's the thing is that You know, it's been 2,000 years since Jesus Christ ascended Approximately 2,000 years. So how can you say we're in a thousand years right now? and What makes you think that a thousand years is symbolic of? Just a really long period if the Bible gives zero indication of that in the book of Revelation aside from that They literally believe that Satan is spiritually bound, but let's look at the world around us Let's Look at of all the perversion and wickedness and Filth and garbage that's out there. Oh, do you really think Satan is currently bound in the bottom of his pit right now? What about all the false religions out there like Catholicism? Mormonism Orthodoxy Jehovah's Witnesses Hinduism Buddhism all the nonsense out there and you're saying that he's bound and he's deceiving the nations No more Folks, there's more people being deceived today than ever before But they have this view they literally believe That oh, we just got to keep getting people saved which I agree with But they claim that they assert that the Bible teaches once we just save the entire world Christianize the entire world then Jesus will return if that's true. Jesus is never coming back Never gonna come back Now let me explain to you why this is a nonsensical teaching and Let me just quote Jesus Matthew 7 verse 13 verse 13 says enter ye in at the straight gate For wide is the gate and broad is the way Would that leadeth unto destruction and many there be which go in there at because straight is the gate and narrows the way which leads unto life and few There be that find it So if Jesus is saying only a few people are gonna get saved only a few people will come to the saving knowledge of the truth Only a few people will know the truth. Does that sound like we're gonna Christianize this entire world No, what kind of freaking world are you what by were you reading? That's never gonna happen Few there be that find it Not the entire world and this is why people who are post-millennialists are all about getting involved in politics Becoming mayors governors We should get a Christian president because in their minds that moves us closer to ushering in the kingdom And once we usher in the kingdom, then Jesus Christ will return so spoiler alert here Post-millennialists are simply preparing for the Antichrist You didn't see that huh you didn't see that coming post-millennialist, did you he said well How so because the only time the world will be unified prior to the second coming of Christ is when the Antichrist is ruling You know, it's something called the New World Order one world religion One world financial system one world government under the rule of one man that's when everyone all the world shall wonder after the beast the Bible says and At that point the entire world will be Christianized Be that one religion and then the Antichrist will take over So what is the post-millennial position do it prepares the world for the Antichrist? That's all it's doing Let me reach you from 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and let's let's see if that's true that one day the world would just be All Christian eyes and everyone be moral and godly and love the Word of God This know also than in the last days perilous time shall come. Oh That's weird That's that was awkward For men shall be lovers of their own selves not lovers of God Covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedience appearance Unthankful and holy without without natural affection truce breakers false accusers incontinent fears despisers of those that are good Traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God having a form of godliness But denying the power thereof from such turn away. I mean delicious goes on and on and on fags trannies false religion I Don't really see it becoming more Christian I Mean isn't Islam still like huge right now Isn't like Southeast Asia filled with Islam and Buddhism and Hinduism and false gods and idolatry Doesn't sound like it's being Christianized But you know people hold to this position But I'm telling you it's a front to get involved in politics It's a front to get outside of the scope of the true service of God to try to permeate all society This was the Jeff Durban's of this world believe they're gonna usher in you're not ushering in the kingdom the only person who ushers in the kingdom is Jesus himself, and I'm sick and tired of Christians thinking they could do Christian things without God You can't repent of your sins to be saved You have to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and the only way you'll be have a glorified bodies through salvation Through Jesus not your own well, I think I could just stop sinning No, you can't you're deceiving your own self and the only way this world is gonna be Christianized is through Jesus In fact, let me just give you some disappointing news right now Even when Jesus is on this earth ruling and raining This entire world is still not gonna be Christianized Because there's a lot of people the millennial rain. They're still gonna go to hell The only way the only time this entire world will be completely Christianized is a new heaven and the new earth Where you know, there's no devil. There's no hell. There's no death. There's no more crying just perfect And so You know the Bible tells us the evil men and seducer shall wax worse and worse so that doesn't jive with the post-millennial post-millennial view That Jesus Christ is gonna return. It's like Jesus is sitting up in heaven and saying well You know, I'm trying to come but you guys you know, I Don't know what you guys are doing in India What are you doing in Cambodia and Laos? I Mean Mexico is all Catholic Christianity is not prominent in Mexico Catholicism is and they're exclusively different one from another they're opposites one of another And all these Gen Z'ers hate to hear that but you know what you're gonna have to hear the truth sometime or another Catholicism is not Christianity. It's a bastardization. It's a perversion You're going straight to hell if you're a Catholic and you know, you could pray your rosary in hell and call it purgatory It's still gonna hurt just as much So, man, how do people get caught up in this in this garbage, how do people get caught up in this doctrine? Well, it's a knee-jerk reaction to the Jews They see about all these Jews and like oh man the Jews are running the world Wait a minute the Jews. That's why the preacher rapture is being taught and So they start questioning the Jews they question the preacher of rapture and ultimately what do they do? they question the rapture and the question the timing of the rapture and it leads them down this road to this stupid heresy known as post-millennialism and Take don't take my word for just look it up. It's catching a lot of momentum right now Number four and I'm done because I've been going over time a lot Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 Talk about prominent heresies of end times Preacher of rapture stupid heresy Where they have to infer a bunch of their interpretations because it's not in the Bible And isn't it funny how heresy always says the exact same thing that the Bible says not to do The secret rapture it is just like Jesus like secret chamber You know, you know don't use vain repetition Catholics use vain repetition It's like all false religions do that Number four Christ is ruling and reigning with the Saints right now. This is all millennialism Okay The millennial reign is simply a long period of time essentially almost the same of what the post-millennials believe Alma all millennialism sees the first coming of Christ as the inauguration of the kingdom So in the first century AD and his return as the consummation of the kingdom Satan was bound and is limited in his ability to deceive the nations Okay, so all millennialism essentially means that there is no millennial reign of Christ. It's just a figment of our imagination apparently Don't take the Bible too literal and it defines its roots in Catholicism, by the way And you know what? It fits with what they believe Because to them yeah, they are permeating all of society. You have entire nations that are Catholic. Okay? But You know this doctrine that Satan because Satan is currently bound according to Revelation chapter 20 is Nonsensical because he's not bound right now if that were true that why is the Bible constantly telling us To watch and be sober for your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about Seeking whom he may devour Why does the Bible say that the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not? Lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ was the image of God should shine into them I'll tell you why cuz Satan is still here He is the god of this world. He's the prince of the power of the air according to Ephesians chapter 2 He's constantly here. He's the accuser of the brethren And So it's important for us to realize that these are some of the heresies that are being promoted and Amillennialism is catching momentum. Why because Catholicism is catching momentum That's why Now I've been grieved over Catholicism over the last couple of months like I've been excessively grieved over it and The reason why is because I love the truth and it grieves me when I see people just falling for deception And you know over the last couple months It's just like you know I think about it and I and I think about young people are just getting carried away with all these false Doctrines and it genuinely bothers me It makes me sad and it angers me because I because I hate every false way And I just think to myself like why Lord like why? Why does it have to be this way? Why do people have to just get like wrapped up in this stuff? You know, why are these young people just flocking towards these heresies and and and just you know Believe in this nonsense. All these people are gonna go to hell if they don't really get if they don't get saved And I honestly I'm telling you right now like it grieves me in my heart If I think about it too much I get like angry I get sad at like the wave of emotions It makes me angry But then I you know, I started thinking like, you know, it's not God's will You know God's will is for all people to be saved But here's the thing is that it's never been God's will for Christianity to be popular in this world It's just never been God's will for that to happen he wants all men to be saved But he's saying few there be that find it though And God is definitely concerned with quality over quantity He wants the quantity of souls to be saved for sure But it's just not gonna happen It's not gonna happen because he knows what is in man he knows that man has the propensity to just go against what he says and So, you know I got to a point where I just thought to myself well It grieves me still but at the end of the day Other religions like Catholicism is a punishment from God to people who reject the truth That's really what it is I read a Catholic comment. I'm just like God's punishing this person with a strong delusion I mean brother Lisa's just uploaded why I hate Catholicism on to his channel He has a YouTube channel and automatically it's just getting over a thousand views automatically just hundreds of comments Just saying the same thing submit to Rome submit to Rome Rob Prague. We gave you the Bible It's like they have like a sheet of things that they just they just check off of statements that they make When you read that you're just like man, you're lost Like why are you why are you being this way? Why don't you love the truth, but it's a strong delusion folks false religion is a punishment from God for those who reject the truth But when it comes to these end times heresies you said why is this even important You know because are you saying that all Millennials are not safe? No, I'm sure there's all millennial list or that are saved I'm sure there's post-millennials that are saved as well I know for sure that there's people who believe that our Jews are God's chosen people that are safe for sure And I know that for sure there's people out there who believe in the preacher of rapture that are for sure saved You said then what's the the why is this important? Because all these heresies are platforms for the Antichrist in the New World Order. That's why That's what the that's what the preacher rapture is for Because Jesus is not gonna come in any moment, but you know who is the Antichrist He's the one who's gonna show up And you wonder all the Jews are God's chosen people and then it's gonna be a Jew who's the Antichrist Post-millennialism we got ushering in the kingdom you're gonna usher in the New World Order Oh, we got a bound Satan for a thousand years Oh, it's Christians who need to be bound and beheaded because they're against what the Bible says in the end times All of these are pushing towards the New World Order is what they're doing And you know what let us all listen to this and I'm done. Let us all speak with confidence Don't be apologetic About what the Bible says don't be a little compromiser don't be a compromiser don't be a compromiser where you're just like well, you know, I Guess you know, I remember this one evangelist a long time ago. He was so strong of being post-trib Now I'm saying he's like, well, you know, I don't know I'm just pantry now because I just you know, I think everything will pan out in the long in the long term That's a stupidest most compromising position to ever take Pre-trib is wrong All millennialism is wrong Post millennialism is wrong. The Jews are not God's chosen people. You're wrong What makes you think you're right because I'm actually studying the by when I read it and God is it has explicitly placed it In the Bible for me to know and to understand maybe you should think about reading it one day we can speak with confidence about what we know and Not be all tip not tiptoe around the tulips not beat around the bush Be like, well, you know, I believe in posture pre-wrath, but you know It could be that you could come in any moment. You know, I don't want to ruffle any feathers. No, it's stupid It's lame don't believe in stupid stuff Dispensationalism is retarded It's a handicap doctrine Don't believe in that nonsense. You're smarter than that You have a Bible in your hand. You're saved. You have the Holy Spirit of God living within you don't believe in nonsense Don't be a simpleton Have wisdom you should be embarrassed that you believe in the preacher of rapture should be embarrassed. You're a post-millennialist Why cuz the Bible is so clear about these things And I'm not saying there's nothing's in the Bible that are not obscure Obviously there is but you know There's certain things that you know, God wrote it in such a way where you can be confident about certain things though They matter It's fact hey make believing in stupid doctrine embarrassing again I Someone tells you well, I'm I'm a preacher right? Well, that's embarrassing You you tell people that you shouldn't tell people that that's embarrassing. That's shameful. Have you read the Bible? Like do you read the Bible? Okay No, I'm just saying I just said I would never believe in something like that because I I believe the Bible no Don't be offended. I'm just saying you know, but you should for sure read the Bible and switch And not say that to people What do you mean why? Because it's not in the Bible No, it's not Have you read it? All right, whatever I'm just saying If I was you and I believe that I would not tell anybody Because it's retarded Make it embarrassing Believing in heresy should be embarrassing to people You know pastors need to stop oh, you know, I like to flirt with heresy Flirt with other doctrines kind of crap is that gonna be ashamed of yourself? You understand that the Lord Jesus Christ heard those words So you like to oh you like to flirt with deceit because only one is true Both aren't true Let's pray father. We thank you so much for your word Thank you for the truth the Lord help us to be lovers of truth that we may always exalt the truth and speak with confidence and Assurity and be settled in what we believe Lord and as the years go by and we continue to read the Word of God More and more may just ground us deeper