(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright we're in Hebrews chapter number six look at verse number one it says therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on unto perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God and of the doctrines of baptisms and of laying on of hands and of resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment and this will we do if God permit and the title of sermon this evening is first principles of the oracles of God the first principles of the oracles of God now you're in chapter 6 look at chapter number 5 verse number 12 it says here in verse number 12 for when the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are becomes such as have need of milk and not of strong meat for everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness for he is a babe but strong meat belonging to them that are a full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercise to discern both good and evil so when chapter 5 talks about the first principles of the oracles of God what are those well chapter 6 highlights those by telling us what they are they are repentance from dead works and faith toward God the doctrine of baptisms laying on of hands resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment and what we see here in verse number one of chapter 6 he says leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ what is he referring to when he talks about the principles of the doctrine of Christ well if you read the book of Hebrews you'll quickly notice that chapters 1 up until chapter 5 really talks about the humanity of Christ and also talks about how he's better than Moses he's better than Aaron it talks about his priesthood and it really goes into depth as far as who Jesus Christ is in regards to these positions right here then he says leaving therefore the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on to perfection what does that mean let us go on to maturity let's learn some more and then he says not laying again the foundation okay so a foundation is something that we just learn kind of right off the bat isn't it something that we just lay and we start learning as soon as we get saved maybe not in depth but we can have a surface understanding of these important doctrines and if you look at these five doctrines these are very essential and in fact according to what we're looking at here the people who he's writing to don't have a good understanding of these foundational doctrines why because look at chapter 5 and verse 12 let's read it again for when for the time ye ought to be teachers ye have need the one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat he's like look at a time when you ought to be teaching people the oracles of God these foundational doctrines and principles you look like you need to be taught again now isn't this common today don't we see this with even with pastors and Christians where they don't even have these foundational doctrines just nailed down you think about repentance from dead works and faith toward God how many people are mixed up on this matter of repentance and they'll say well no you got to repent of your sin when that phrase is never even found in the Bible the word the phrase repent repentance from dead works is but not repent of your sin and how many pastors even people who are saved believe it or not people who are saved people use the King James Bible don't even have a clear understanding of what it means to repent in relation to salvation because the fact is we do have to repent to be saved just not of our sin we do have to repent from our dead works and have faith toward God to be saved but we don't have to repent of our sin to be safe so if people don't understand that basic principle they have needed someone teach them again which be the first principles of the oracles of God they have needed of milk and not of strong meat now the strong meat that's being referred to here if you read chapter 6 it has to do with like the reprobate doctrine okay reprobate doctrine is pretty strong me if we go into depth of it it's pretty strong me but you know what before you understand the reprobate doctrine before you go into depth of the reprobate doctrine you should have these basic doctrines basically nailed down and I'm not saying you have to have this in-depth understanding of it but you should be able to point out what the Bible says in regards to these doctrines now not only that but people are mixed up on baptism right you have the Charismatics the Pentecostals who don't understand what the Bible refers to when he talks about baptism they think that every time the Bible mentions baptism it's water baptism right well you know you just don't have an understanding of the word you know you have the Catholics mixed up on baptism like I mean tremendously right in such a way that they don't understand that baptism means what immersion and when they baptize they just sprinkle the head I mean hello you're not you know you're not it's Jesus Christ's head was that the only thing that went into the tomb his entire body went into the tomb you know you have people who don't understand the simple doctrine of laying on of hands and that of course also in relation to the Charismatics where they believe that you could just lay hands on somebody and cast out devils and you know put your palm on their forehead and you know just cast out that demon of alcohol that demon of porn and all these demons and they think that that's what the laying on of hands means that's not what it is that's not even what it was even in the New Testament with the Apostles you know the Apostles obviously had a unique power when they laid hands on people we still lay hands on people today but it's to commend them unto the Lord it's basically a representation of basically invoking the Spirit of God in their lives to do the work of the ministry but they don't understand those things and in fact Baptists don't even understand sometimes what laying on hands are why because they lay hands suddenly on every man right to lay hands on someone means to ordain them to commend them unto the Lord you have people just laying hands on just whomever people who aren't even saved they don't even check on their doctrine you know I personally know people like that who were ordained as a pastor and the dude's not even saved just as hyper dipstick sationalist who teaches damn double heresy from the pulpit and no one even bats an eye at it why because they need someone to teach them again which be the first principles of the oracles of God they have need of milk and not of strong meat we also see that people get mixed up on the resurrection and eternal damnation and those are two topics that we hit on this morning in regards to the resurrection but also eternal damnation you know we don't believe in soul sleep we don't believe in annihilation of the soul no but it says sleep then you have need that someone teach you again okay because it's pretty simple to understand when the when the Bible says that someone who is dead is asleep they're just saying that he looks like a person who's asleep okay and the soul obviously if it's saved goes to heaven has eternal life if not uns if not saved they lift up their eyes in hell okay now go with me through it to mark chapter 1 mark chapter number 1 so he says leaving therefore the principles of the doctrine of Christ referred to chapters 1 and 5 let us go on into perfection and that's referring to what's going to be expounded upon on in chapter 6 then he says not laying again the foundation and then he goes through these five doctrines and we're not going to necessarily talk about that perfection we're actually going to highlight this evening these five doctrines and what they signify what they mean okay and I'm not saying hey you know you shouldn't you know you shouldn't if you you know if we already are complete in this area we should not review this no we should always review these doctrines we should always talk about salvation repentance what it means baptism etc these are things that need to be reiterated but when you're a pastor and you don't understand these things then you got a problem you're unskillful in the word of righteousness or when someone confronts you with the verse on baptism like acts 238 or something like that you know it's just like yeah I don't know man you know you know people can have different views in regards to that verse as long as we understand it's not referring to water baptism is what saves you okay you know when we go to 1st Peter chapter 3 you know talking about how baptism does also now save us not the putting away of the flesh but of a good but of an answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection of Christ we should understand what that means and not try to beat around the bush not trying to answer what that means it's pretty simple if you just compare scripture with scripture now obviously new Christians can get caught up in that new Christians can get stumped on verses like that however a pastor should not right someone who studies the Word of God so let's look at the foundational teaching number one which is repentance from dead works and of faith toward God now let me just remind everybody that we believe in repentance for salvation because the word repentance simply means to have a change of mind you're changing what you're trusting in to trust in Jesus Christ for salvation that's all it means and in fact in Hebrews chapter 6 it says we have to repent from our dead works so someone who is not saved often more often than not is trusting in their works to be saved even if they don't go to church they would they trust in the fact that they're a good person right that they do good unto others those are the works that they're trusting him if it's like a Pentecostal or some non-denom that they don't preach the right gospel they're trusting in the fact that they go to church they're trusting the fact that they give to missions they're trusting the fact that they're reading their NIV on Sunday mornings or whatever you know they're trusting in that they've cleaned up their lives those are works but they're dead works and the Bible tells us that if we're gonna be saved we need to repent of those dead works and have faith toward God okay now look at Mark chapter 1 verse number 15 it says here and saying the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand repent ye of your sins isn't that funny how when you discuss these topics of repentance with people who believe in repenting your sins they bring up all these scriptures mark 1 15 is just like where does it say repent of your sin well mark 1 15 repent and believe the gospel is like I miss the sin part does it say that anywhere in there repent ye and believe the gospel that is another way of saying Hebrews chapter 6 repent from your dead works and have faith toward God repent ye and believe the gospel go to Acts chapter 6 Acts chapter 17 excuse me let's look at some verses here verse 29 of Acts chapter 17 it says for as much then as we are the offspring of God we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold or silver or stone graven by art in man's device and the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent you see it's foolish to think that well repent is not in the Bible at all you know obviously the command to repent is in the Bible but let me say this though command to repent is not always in relation to salvation sometimes Christians are commanded to repent and yes they're command to repent of sin even though you don't find that phrase but it's obviously understandable that when a Bible talks to a Christian of repenting of sin of repenting of their wickedness it's not for salvation the condition is not salvation it's to get right with God you know when we excommunicate someone out of the church it's not like we don't want them to ever come back we want them to repent of their sin and come back to church we want them to turn from their wicked ways and come back and be restored unto the Lord that's what repentance is but you always got to look at the context so every time we see it in context of salvation you got to understand it's referring to having a change of mind compare scripture with scripture verse 31 says because he had the point that a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all men and that he hath raised him from the dead and when they heard of the resurrection of the dead some mocked and others said we will hear thee again of this matter so Paul departed from among them how be it certain men clave unto him and what believed does it say they're repentant of their sin like oh they just repented of all their wickedness no it says that they believe so when he said all men to repent we see them responding to them in verse 34 by cleaving unto him and believing at among the witch was Dionysius the aerial pug I and a woman named Damaris and others with them go to 1st Thessalonians chapter number 1 1st Thessalonians chapter number 1 so repentance is biblical of course but now repentance of sin and any pastor who believes they have to repent of your sin in order to be saved you're not getting it from the Bible they're getting it from books like John MacArthur's book you know they're getting it from you know Ray comforts videos you gotta repent you know are you living in holiness what's the other thing he says are you living in holiness and what they we know are you living in holiness and it's just so important for him that these people will just admit that they okay I just repent of all my sin in order to be safe you know but this is where people get their false doctrine from they're not getting it from the Bible even King James only people will not get that from the Bible because it's not in the Bible they get it from outside sources that are teaching this false doctrine and there's a lot of people that are mixed up in this but I'm talking specifically about pastors who are mixed up in this regard okay but here's the thing is like they we need to go back to just practicing the principle of separating from people who don't have the doctrine of salvation correct and not just write them off as oh yeah they're just a little mixed up in this area but they're right on this area you know they're mixed up on salvation but they're good on music I don't care what in the world they're mixed up on salvation but they got a dress standards that are really good you know they're they're women are modest you know they're getting modest themselves all the way to hell because modesty doesn't get anybody into heaven you know if modesty got into heaven then all the Muslim women would be going to heaven right because they're covered from head to toe they're not showing up they're not even showing off the eyebrows just a line you know the robo cop line that's all you got going modesty don't get me wrong modesty is important biblical modesty is important amen but don't come at us and say well you know yeah they're just the Amish you know they're they're wrong on salvation but man they sure do keep their kids in line oh yeah keep them in line all the way to hell look what shall I profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul you know you could be as close to looking like a Christian as you want it profits you nothing if you don't have salvation correct and I'm not saying that I just fellowship with just anybody who believes in the right salvation but what I'm stating is you know I'm not gonna give credibility to someone who may look as close to me as possible but believes wrong on salvation why because at that point the Bible teaches us that the natural man receive it not the things of the Spirit of God neither can he know them for their spiritually discerned so what makes you think that this person is going to be able to teach you anything if they don't even have the right gospel you know the deep things of God the spirit searches all things yay the deep things of God but in order to teach you you got to have the Spirit of God in you and people who have the wrong gospel do not we need to get away from having this mentality that because they're right on other subjects but they're wrong on salvation they're a-okay to go no they're not a-okay and in fact if they are ardently teaching a false gospel the Bible says that they're a false teacher a false prophet the nine the only Lord God that bought them they bring in damnable heresies privately bringing in damnable heresies even the nine the Lord God that bought them God has strongly condemned the person who not just believes wrong on salvation but it's propagating that as well you know they are receiving the greater damnation okay look at first Thessalonians 1 verse 9 for they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you and how you turn to God from idols to serve the living and true God now we'll say this is they like if you talk to a Catholic for example you know they do have to repent of their idolatry why is that because Catholicism teaches that Mary can save so if they're trusting in this Mexican Virgin Mary to save them you know they need to repent of that okay why but that's it yeah it's sin but here's the thing the difference is is that they're actually trusting in this person to save them this is a God unto them and in fact in some cases Mary has more preeminence than Jesus Christ and I'm not exaggerating at all I remember I went sowing probably about ten years ago with my bus captain when I was on a bus route and we're out sowing and preaching the gospel and his name was Zach my bus captain and I remember he's giving the gospel to this guy he was a Catholic and then I remember you know he's the guy was saying well yeah but Mary you know he's just saying but Mary but Mary but Mary but Mary and my buddy Zach he was just like trying to like plead with them like hey you know there's no name given among men whereby we must be saved to talk about Jesus Christ it's only Jesus Christ and then he showed him he just like all right let me just show you how Jesus Christ actually rebuked his own mom you know and and he didn't expect this but he said he told him he goes I mean do you think Jesus Christ was wrong for and he showed him in the Bible he goes you think Jesus Christ was wrong for doing anything oh yeah he sinned he's like yeah he was wrong for that he should have not have done that I mean you know I don't know what to say about that but that goes to show you the depth of their idolatry to the point where they just reference this this imaginary character because the reality is it's not the Mary who's in heaven today she's probably like she's not gonna suffer any loss because of that these are people who idolized her and have created a God in their own imagination okay but they do have to turn from that to God you know if a Muslim gets saved he needs to turn from trusting in Allah and turn to Christ why because you know all you know about Allah means God yeah but that's a different God than what we have that's a different God of the Bible okay now go with me if you want to Ephesians chapter number four so repentance from dead works and faith toward God is a pretty simple just milk of the word teaching of the Bible obviously we could go into depth going through all the verses and all that I don't think we need to but I think it's self-explanatory that when we get saved we repent of our dead works and we place our faith in Christ okay and you will not find repenting your sins in the Bible now the second foundational teaching that we see here is the doctrine of baptisms plural okay now look what the Bible says in Ephesians 4 verse 1 I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called with all lowliness and meekness with longsuffering forbearing one another in love endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace there is one body and one spirit even as you're called in one hope of your calling one Lord one faith one baptism one God and Father of all who was above all and through all and in you all now here it states that there's one baptism okay but this one baptism is not talking about water baptism this is not what this is referring to and in fact go with me if you would to Luke chapter 3 now we understand salvation precedes water baptism but in the Bible there are multiple types of baptisms okay and this is an important doctrine because of the fact that even if you know if you first get saved you're reading through the Bible you come across some passages you know mainly like in the book of Acts where you can kind of get mixed up you're like well I don't know what's going on the word order is different I know you get baptized after you get saved but I see some things here it just seems like it's the other way around how do you explain this and of course because these are things that are hard to be understood you have the Church of Christ rejectors who are you know twisting and perverting it to mean what they wanted to me which is the water baptism okay you know take like a 1st Peter chapter 3 to mean that you have to get baptized in order to be saved now I if I went more in depth into this on in on Thursday on 1st Peter chapter 3 so listen to that sermon if you have not already if you want to understand what 1st Peter chapter 3 means about that but here in Ephesians chapter 4 it's basically saying there's not necessarily just one baptism as far as what we see in the Bible he's saying there's one way of getting saved okay because it says there's one Lord one faith one baptism and if you look in context you see the Trinity here why because it talks about one spirit one Lord Jesus Christ and one God and Father of all okay and it just so happens to put Lord faith and baptism all in that same verse because who's the one who saves us is Jesus Christ one Lord who we have to place our faith in that's how we receive the baptism of salvation and I'll explain what that means in just a bit so in the Bible there's three types of baptisms there is the baptism of repentance all right this is the baptism of John then you have water baptism which precedes salvation this is when someone gets immersed in water that's what we did today someone got saved and then we put them all the way in the water took them all the way out and then you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost all right those are the three main ones that we see in the Bible this is a baptism unique to the Apostles right where a special power was given to them to do signs and wonders in order to confirm the message that they had all right because you got to understand something is that the Apostles were there to be like almost basically like the catalyst of the New Testament they're basically kicking and kicking it off so during their time during that transitional period between the Old Testament and the New Testament so they're preaching Jesus Christ Jesus Christ and him crucified this is somewhat new amongst people who are just used to just the Pharisaical teaching of Judaism so they come in order to confirm that what they're saying is true God gave them special ability in order to confirm hey these people are from God and therefore their message is from God as well okay now look at Luke chapter 3 we're gonna look at the baptism of repentance Luke chapter 3 verse number 1 now in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee and his brother Philip tetrarch of Echereah and of the region of Trichinitis and Licinius the tetrarch of Abilene excuse me Anas and Caiaphas being the high priest the Word of God came unto John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness and he came into all the country about Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah it's the Prophet saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make his path straight now right away what do you notice baptism excuse me the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins okay so the false prophets the false heretics the Caleb Robertsons of this world will say that's referring to water baptism because they immediately get thank you mark they immediately get baptism and they just apply it all across the board to meaning water baptism okay now here's the thing for remission of sins what does remission mean it means forgiveness so what we see here is that this preaching of the baptism of repentance they he was preaching this so people could be saved they could be forgiven of their sins because how do you get forgiven by getting saved okay now there's a very similar verse that is comparable to this phrase that we see here in Acts chapter 2 verse 38 go to Acts chapter 2 verse 38 Acts chapter 2 verse 38 so the false prophets of this world are just chomping at the bits for these verses you have the Church of Christ rejectors who try to use this to say you have to be baptized in water to be saved you have the dip the dips the dipstick station list that's a tongue twister who uses to say that John was preaching a different gospel right they'll say well John preached a different gospel then what Paul preached John preached the baptism of repentance you know Paul preached salvation by grace through faith these are two different gospels so what they're doing is they're getting these cryptic you know hard to understand passages of course which is easy to do because they're cryptic and not very clear unless you study it compared scripture with scripture and they're bundling them together or they're completely separating them saying that they're different messages all right now look at Acts 2 38 then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost now we see that same phrase for the remission of sins now you understand something that when when it says for the remission of sins you can use it as because of the remission of sins or for the remission of sins like we read in the written chapter in Luke okay now you say well how do you know that these are two different things how do you know that what John was preaching was a salvation message but then here in Acts 2 38 you know it's only water baptism because I believe this is referring to water baptism okay baptize every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins how do you think or you say well how do you know that that's referring to water baptism well the reason we know that it's water baptism is because later on in the chapter they they gladly received his word we're baptized so if you read this and say then Peter said it to them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for or the other substitute word that we can use because of the remission of sins that would make perfect sense and work in tandem with Matthew chapter 28 where you teach all nations and then you baptize them in the name of the Father and Son of the Holy Spirit okay then you teach them to observe all things whatsoever God has Christ has commanded them now go to Mark chapter 1 okay the only reason we know that baptism in Luke chapter 3 and Acts 2 38 are different is because the Bible itself gives a distinction between the two now yeah I remember when Caleb Robertson came and he or he didn't come but he was like trolling and he was like you know being an idiot and a reprobate he kept saying you know in the Greek in the Greek Acts 2 to 38 says ease you know it says ease it says peace and East means to like you're getting baptized you know to the remission of sin so you can get remission of sins you know and this goes to show you that the false teachers of false prop false prophets you know they understand either what they say no where of they are firm and they play on the ignorance of people to try to deceive them because you have two words in Greek for two or four okay you have East and then you have God now he says that every time East is used it's only used for two okay that's what he states so it's not used for it's not used because it's only for two okay but that's false because in 1st Peter chapter 4 it says for for this cause was the gospel preached unto them so you have for both times there's a guess what you see you have East and you have God just completely demolishing what he says it's all it's only when you see East it's only two it's only two it's only two it's not four or it's not because well that that's false because we have 1st Peter chapter 4 where it actually says uses the other word as well okay and so what he's doing is you playing on the ignorance of people and doesn't think that people are gonna study this out they're just gonna take his word for it all right now look at March chapter 1 and verse number 1 it says the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God as it is written in the prophets behold I send my messenger before the face thy face we shall prepare thy way before thee the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make his path straight John did baptize in the wilderness and priest the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins so you see there's two separate actions there he's baptizing in the wilderness and he's preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins so anybody with any sense in their brain understanding will say oh those are two different things he's baptizing in the wilderness which means the water baptism but he's also preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins now go to Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 so we can automatically see that the baptism of repentance is different from water baptism okay look at Acts chapter 19 and verse number 2 it says he said unto them have you received the Holy Ghost since he believed and they said unto them we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost and he said unto them unto what then were ye baptized and they said unto John's baptism then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus so when he talked about when he talked about the baptism of repentance what did it mean it meant believe on him which is Jesus Christ so this is what John's message was referring to now here's the thing is that well I don't know that's a stretch baptism of repentance means believe on Jesus Christ well the reason maybe that might sound strange to you is because most commonly when we talk about baptism we're referring to the water baptism but when you look at the Bible and the definitions that we see in the Bible that is not always how it's used okay now what are we talking about with the definition of baptism means to be immersed so when you get saved what happens you're immersed in Christ you're placed in Christ is what you're what you're doing okay you get saved you are now in Christ you know I give unto them eternal life and they should never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand okay now look what it says here saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Jesus Christ now it talks about John's baptism right because it talks about you know to whom were you baptized unto John's baptism but this is like saying according to my gospel so it doesn't mean that John's baptism was only unique to him he just there's just a possessive statement just like Paul would say in Romans 2 16 in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel you see what I'm saying now I know we're going a little deep here but you know we got it we got to lay down the foundation okay so go to 1st Corinthians chapter chapter 12 1st Corinthians chapter 12 so this doesn't mean that John had a different message just because of the possessiveness of the statement it's simply doing what Paul did when he said my gospel okay 1st Corinthians chapter 12 look at verse number 11 or excuse me verse number 12 says for as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also as Christ for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member but many so we see the verse 13 says by one spirit we're baptized we're immersed into one body we're placed into the body of Christ when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ we're immersed into that body we're completely placed into the body of Jesus Christ when we get saved does that make sense go to 1st Thessalonians chapter number two 1st Thessalonians chapter number two so pretty simple that we understand they're the baptism of repentance remember repentance is that first principle that we went over repentance from dead works and faith toward God the baptism of repentance is the fact that when you repent and believe the gospel you are come your place completely in Christ pretty makes pretty simple sense if you think about it baptism of repentance repentance from dead works faith toward God places you in Christ okay look at first career or first Thessalonians 2 14 says for ye brethren became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen even as they have of the Jews go to Colossians chapter number two I'll read to you from chapter number one in verse number two where it says to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are a colossi grace be unto you in peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ look at Colossians chapter 2 verse number 10 and ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power and whom also you're circumcised with the circumcision made without hands and putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ buried with him in baptism wherein also you're risen with them through the faith of the operation of God who hath raised him from the dead now we understand that when circumcision is mentioned in the Bible it's not always been mentioned to the physical circumcision there's a circumcision of the heart according to Romans chapter 2 verse 28 to 29 and of course here in Colossians chapter 2 verse number 11 but the buried with them into baptism also is referring to the fact that we're saved by the baptism of Jesus Christ by the resurrection from the dead why is that because when Jesus Christ died the Bible says that he had a baptism to be baptized with and how he was straightened until it was it was complete it was finished I'm misquoted here what that's reference is that when he died he was baptized completely in fire he went to hell you know the pains of hell surrounded him come past him round about so he was in hell for three days and three nights and that's why the Bible says that baptism doth also now save us not the putting away of the filth of the flesh but of an answer of a good conscience toward God by the resurrection from the dead so baptism doth also now save us who's baptism not ours the baptism of Jesus Christ why because he paid for our sins he went to hell for us he resurrected from the dead okay so first Peter chapter 3 is not in reference to our baptism it's in reference to the baptism of Jesus Christ why are you gonna say that Jesus Christ got baptized well he did first it first of all physically get baptized is that hard to understand he got baptized by John the Baptist and then even after he got baptized by John the Baptist he specifically said I have a baptism to be baptized with and how am I straightened until it be fulfilled obviously that's not in reference to you know John's baptism where he physically went in the water you know and came out he's referring to the fact that when he dies he's gonna be buried he's gonna go all the way down into hell and then he's gonna resurrect this is what Colossians chapter 2 is referring to okay now go to Romans chapter number six Romans chapter number six so just keep in mind that when the Bible refers to baptism don't freak out you know if it sounds like it's in relation to salvation are you just reading into you just reading your doctrine into the text yeah because my doctrine is correct amen in regards to salvation so if you have all these verses that are clear on salvation that it's not by baptism it's not by works then it's okay to read that into a text that would may possibly allude to something different okay which obviously it would not but there are passages in the scripture that are hard to be understood and if you're unlearned then you can possibly get confused on it but what you need to understand is that when it comes to the subject of baptism there are different baptisms in the Bible and the baptism of repentance just remember this baptism of repentance means repentance from dead works faith toward God when that is accomplished you are now in Christ you're immersed in Christ you're baptized into Jesus Christ look at Romans 6 verse 3 know you not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death that's not referring to the fact that when you literally go in the water you're just you experience every single thing that Jesus Christ experienced right therefore we are buried with them by baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life now go to Ephesians chapter number three by the way Romans 6 you could read that later on by yourself it's very thorough when it comes to this matter of baptism okay and it's specifically talking about salvation so it's not heretical to say that to be you have to be baptized to be saved amen because we're referring to the actual not water baptism but the baptism of Jesus Christ and that when we get saved we're baptized into Jesus Christ okay Ephesians 3 verse 4 now by the way we don't want to use that terminology when we're out sowing though okay let me just make that clear like hey you need to be baptized to be safe because most everyone they have that connotation that baptism is referring to water baptism but this is me then we're giving now okay so the the milk of the word is to show you what those different baptisms are the meat is when we actually delve in deep and explain what you each and every one of those are if you go out to talk to someone and ask them what circumcision is they're gonna give you the milk of the word they're gonna say it's a physical circumcision but there's a meat of that to say well there's actually a circumcision of the heart but that's the concept that the Bible teaches okay look at verse number let's see here look at verse 5 which in other ages I'm sorry verse 4 whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ which in other ages was not made known into the sons of men as it is now revealed into his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs and of the same body and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel so they can be partakers in Christ how by the gospel okay now going back to my previous point that's why it's good that when we go out so many we also don't use repent it's a biblical word biblical concept but you know what we want to make sure that we use words easy to be understood words that are that are not hard to be understood you know we should not use terminologies and words that can cause further confusion in the mind of a person because the fact is they probably have a lot of false doctrine already you know in them and they they you know false teachers false prophets these churches that have that have taught them using the words the Bible's words and have confused them we don't want to confuse them further that's why we use just simple words like believe save trust these are simple words even though we're pen is biblical even though baptism is biblical it's not wise to use those words for someone who is about to get saved okay you just further confuse them now go to Titus chapter 3 Titus chapter 3 now keep in mind that even with the baptism of salvation the the baptism or of repentance there it is symbolic of washing right just like a physical baptism it's symbolic of washing away your sins okay why because look what the Bible says in Titus 3 verse 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost so you see that symbolic nature in regards to baptism okay so there's water back okay so now go to go to Acts chapter 9 so that is the baptism of repentance makes pretty good sense and again if you have trouble understanding that just think of the first principles right which is repentance from dead works and faith toward God that's the repentance part and baptism is simply that when you do that you are now in Christ makes pretty pretty simple sense there the next one is water baptism I'm not gonna spend a whole lot of time on water baptism because it's pretty self-explanatory what that is you know water baptism is immersion where you go completely in the water completely out that's why Protestants who still you know you got the Lutherans who do the head baptism look I was a former Catholic and I was baptized like at the age of like 12 or something you know I was one born out of due time you're supposed to get it when you're like a baby if you're a good Catholic I had it when I was like 12 in Guatemala you know it was like hey why are you here you know why don't you get baptized and I remember like you know they put my head and they put pour the water all it is get the gel out of my hair okay baptism means immersion that's exactly what it means okay now look at Acts chapter 9 verse 17 it says in Ananias went his way and entered into the house and putting his hands on him said brother Saul the Lord even Jesus that appeared unto thee in the way as thou camest had sent me that thou mightest received thy sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost and immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales and he received sight for with and arose and was baptized now go to Galatians chapter 1 now when it comes to Paul I believe that Paul actually got saved on the road to Damascus I believe the one who got him saved was actually the Lord Jesus Christ and I'm explained to you why from Galatians chapter 1 and it would make sense because you see he's on the road to Damascus if you see this point of view he gets saved and then in verse 18 he's baptized we know the sequence of order when it comes to salvation and baptism as you get saved first and then you get baptized now look at Galatians 1 verse 10 for do I now persuade men or God or do I seek to please men for if I yet please men I should not be the servant of Christ but I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after men neither for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ and where was that revelation given at the road to Damascus on the road to Damascus we see that and so that further just proves the fact that verse 18 is not referring to some unique baptism it's referring to him physically getting in the water and coming out of the water and the reason that like makes me mad is because there's these movies like the Son of God you know what I'm talking about the faggoty Jesus they have and they quote like the ESV in their in their movies and stuff you know what I'm talking about they have like a series of movies you guys know what I'm talking about look if you watch it it's okay look I'm not gonna shame you you know you got the bootleg version okay it's not worth buying yeah I got you you know why you got you know why you got the even the even the actual version is bootleg okay it's not real but they have like I think I saw some clips years ago and they would have Paul getting saved and as soon as he gets saved they just grab a cup of water and they're just like pour it on his head literally you know so they have some you know they have John like baptizing Jesus and he comes out in his hair just like you know flowing all over the place and then they have like Paul he gets saved and they just get a cup of water and just pour it over his head and the reason they're doing that is because they want their movie to appeal to all the entire spectrum of Christianity whether you know the real Christianity or these fake Protestants who are not even saved who do water baptism they want to basically appeal to everyone okay but that's not that's not biblical now we went over acts 238 so we're not gonna go over that one right now go to Acts chapter 10 this will be the last verse for water baptism and then we're going to go into Mark chapter 1 well we understand that baptism obviously there's points there's aspects in the book of Acts we see water being involved for example acts chapter 8 is one of them which is like you know here's water you know and that's obviously referring to the fact he's saying he wants to be baptized in water you know what what was hindering him from getting baptized would just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ okay look at Acts 10 verse 45 and they have the circumcision which believe were astonished as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God then answered Peter can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord then prayed they then prayed they him to tarry certain days so again we see the aspect of water now people will take this even like John chapter 3 for example where you're born of water and of the Spirit and they'll people who believe in a baptismal regeneration will use John chapter 3 to say see they're born of water it's like you understand that when you are in your mother's womb you're surrounded by water and in fact when the baby comes out they come out of the water right so that is that is a picture of baptism absolutely but it's not referring to an actual baptism you see what I'm saying so when it says that that person who is born of water and of the Spirit he's referring to the fact that you need in order to even get saved you have to be born of the flesh right so you have to be physically born in order to be spiritually born people would often say I would hear this phrase and it makes a lot of sense born once die twice born twice die once okay and that pretty pretty much sums up a good way to explain that but John chapter 3 is not referring to the water baptism physically it's referring to the fact that a child is in the womb of the mother okay now go to Mark chapter 1 let's look at the baptism of the Holy Ghost man we see this a lot today don't we the only difference is is that the baptism of the Holy Ghost it's not a Holy Ghost at all it's an evil spirit is what it is you know these these charismatics who just want to lay hands on people and they believe that they're speaking with new tongues you know they believe that they can they can heal people and slain demons and all this poppycock you know this all this foolishness that they just are ignorant of the scriptures and here's the thing that irritates me about charismatics is that when you show them clear scriptures they just completely reject it they're just like well I you know I don't agree with that I think I feel what I believe what I don't care what does the Bible say and if I'm showing you from the scriptures you're rejecting the Word of God I've literally had cares managers tell me Pentecostal just say I don't believe that you know because to them the Bible doesn't matter at all okay not all of them but for the most part a lot of them are like that look at mark 1 verse 8 I indeed have baptized you with water but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost go to Luke chapter 24 so John the Baptist is talking about how he's baptizing with water but Jesus Christ is gonna baptize them with the Holy Ghost now this is not in reference to the indwelling of the Holy Spirit so don't get those two mixed up the indwelling of the Holy Spirit was something that took place when Jesus Christ ascended right and the promise of the Comforter came who would indwell he was dwelling with them but now he was now he's in them just like any other believer whereas the baptism of the Holy Ghost is actually in reference to this supernatural ability that these guys had to speak with new tongues okay look at um let's see here well let me read to you from John 20 verse 22 then said Jesus to them peace be unto you as my father has sent me even so send I you and when he has said this he breathed on them and saith unto them receive ye the Holy Ghost okay now that's not the baptism of the Holy Ghost that's just the indwelling because he talks about how he shall be in them major difference from what we see in Acts chapter 2 where you see a rushing mighty wind cloven tongues of fire and they're speaking with new tongues okay look at Luke 24 verse 49 it says in your witnesses of these things and behold I send the promise of my father upon you but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high so this is after John chapter 20 this is after he's breathed on them and they are indwelt by the Holy Spirit this is referring to something completely different go to Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 it says in verse number 1 the former treaties have I made O Theophilus of all that Jesus began both to do and teach until the day in which he was taken up after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen to whom also he showed himself alive after his passions by many infallible proofs being seen of them 40 days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God and being assembled together with them commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which saith he ye have heard of me for John truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence go to the next chapter chapter 2 and verse number 1 and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it set upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance this is a supernatural event that took place first of all there's a rushing mighty wind okay coming through okay they have cloven tongues of fire so a language that they did not know prior to this they now know completely they're fluent it you don't see that happening today so I don't want to see some of these Pentecostals if they believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost why don't you go on and speak to me in Spanish if you don't know Spanish but what's one language that you don't know let's do Chinese let's do Mandarin now get baptized with the Holy Ghost and speak to me in Mandarin right now you know now obviously they don't believe that the cloven tongues is referring to an actual language even though that's it clearly what the Bible teaches they believe it's this jibber-jabber you know holla shalabah in a six-pack gala about a nice and I should about a Honda this this heavenly language these this tongue of angels even though when you go through the Bible which the Bible records many angels speaking you'll never hear some jibber-jabber they're always speaking in a known language okay we see here that this is a supernatural event and again why is that well because of the fact that they're in transition from the Old Testament to New Testament they're preaching Christ and then crucified therefore they need to come God wanted to confirm that message to say hey these guys are for me and how are they gonna do that by all the miracles and wonders that they did okay now we're completely out of time go to let's see here go to go to second first Timothy chapter 5 we're obviously not gonna be able to finish this list the last two the last three you have the laying on of the hands and then you have the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment resurrection from the dead and eternal judgment I covered this morning laying on of hands was also a unique supernatural ability that the Apostles had during this time okay and in fact in mark chapter 16 let me read it to you it says here in verse 15 says and he said unto them going to all the world and preached the gospel to every creature he that believeth in his baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues so when it says these signs shall follow them that believe he's referring to the fact that those who believe are gonna see these Apostles doing these signs okay in my name they shall cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so then after the Lord has spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with him and confirming the word with signs following amen now here's the funny thing about this is that these Charismatics they want to take the new tongues don't they they want to take the new tongues they want to take casting out the devil's well why don't you go ahead and take out Cobra or a black mama too because that's part of the package tongues casting out devils and rattlesnakes funny how you don't want to take that upon yours all that I was just it's a it's it's included in the package it's part of the menu when you order number five this is what it comes with okay shake that rattlesnake tail right you know these people who believe in these special powers that they exist today let me just go ahead and throw you a black mama see you see how you do you know how about drinking it says if they drink any deadly thing you know have you thought about that you know and I'm not talking about alcohol either because I know these Charismatics like to drink oh yeah I'm drinking deadly thing like poison arsenic you know bleach anthrax by the way don't do those things if you if you hate me and you're Charismatic you're listening to this I am NOT condoning you to do this what I'm saying is this is that you're a liar and you're just cherry-picking what you want because you know you can get someone to act like a devil and cast them out you can act like you're speaking with this heavenly language but you know what you can act out is holding a black mama because the black mama is not gonna play along with you let's get a deal going on here you know so you have the Charismatic challenge here's the Charismatic challenge okay so he said well why did he tell him to do that because it was confirming the word with signs following because the Apostles were the catalyst of the New Testament they had these special abilities in order to do this now the laying on of hands obviously was a unique ability that they have but we lay hands today not to cast out devils not to do but to confirm people unto the Lord to commend them unto the Lord okay but by the way the Bible says lay hands suddenly on no man neither be partaker of other men's sins so when we lay hands on someone we're basically confirming them unto the Lord we're commending them and it's symbolic is representative of evoking the Holy Spirit of God's power on that person's life to do the work of the ministry okay now what I have you turn 1st Timothy 5 go to 1st Timothy 5 verse 21 says I charged you there I charged thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and elect angels that thou observe these things without preferring one before another doing nothing by partiality lay hands suddenly on no man neither be partakers of other men's sins keep thyself pure go to 2nd Timothy chapter 1 now notice it says doing nothing by partiality that means don't just lay hands on anybody because they're your buddy or you know they may not be qualified so just lay hands on even though they're not qualified to be a pastor that's not what you're supposed to do you're not supposed to do anything by partiality don't lay hands suddenly on no man that's why pastors are not supposed to be ordained just right off the bat after they get saved Schofield or Clarence Larkin these guys who supposedly right after they got after they got saved they were ordained to be these pastors these Baptist pastors okay look at 2nd Timothy 1 5 when I call to remembers the unfamed faith that is in thee which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois and thy mother Eunice and I am persuaded that in thee also wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of my hands for God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind that's referring to the fact that he commended them unto the Lord we see Paul doing that with Titus and the Titus was gonna go do that in Crete to ordain pastors in that region so they can have someone a leader there so we still do that today it doesn't mean we have special powers it's representative of the fact that we're we're asking God to bless this man that the Holy Spirit of God will be upon this man to do great works to see people save to lead the church etc so it's pretty simple there now we're not gonna go over the last two because I went over there this morning and I'm way over time what's the sermon today the sermon is this is that you know the first principles of the oracles of God obviously there's depth to them but we should have at least a surface understanding of each of these doctrines right you may not be able to explain repentance from dead works and faith toward God in a profound way but you can basically explain the gist of it you know and you're not gonna be swayed a different way you don't have to have an in-depth understanding of the doctrine of baptisms but you understand that when the Bible at least you understand that when the Bible refers to baptism you got to basically look in context to see what it's talking about okay and the laying on of hands etc you see those other two right there let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word and it is a deep deep book obviously and these doctrines that we study tonight can be very deep as well I pray God that you'd help us to be fed with milk but also with strong meat because we need both sometimes we need to be reminded of the milk but our our goal should be that we are constantly consuming meat that we're feeding ourselves that we're studying the Word of God that we're rightly dividing the word of truth and I pray God that the Holy Spirit of God will continue to teach us and help us to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and praise things in Jesus name Amen