(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. All right, it's a blessing to be here. I'm excited to be at Faithful Word Baptist Church of Tucson. It's my first time ever being in Tucson, and so it looks just like everywhere else in Arizona. Okay, so I guess there's nothing really new, right? But it's great to meet you folks. I'm glad to have met a lot of you, and it's exciting what God is doing here. Really thankful for Brother Corbin inviting me to come out here, as well as Pastor Anderson allowing me to come out here as well. And so I want to encourage you to come to the ordination. We're giving out $100 bills to everyone who comes. No, I'm just kidding. Don't call me on that. I'm just kidding. But you're definitely welcome to come. And if you've never been to L.A., it's L.A., so, you know. Look down at your Bibles at Job chapter 13. We'll get right into it. Verse number 1 says, Lo, mine eye hath seen all this, mine ear hath heard and understood it. What ye know, the same do I know also. I'm not inferior unto you. Surely I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God. But ye are forgers of lies. Ye are all physicians of no value. And what I want to preach on tonight is the subject of physicians with no value. Physicians with no value. Now, this story is very common. We obviously know who Job is. He's a very prominent character in the Old Testament. He has an entire book dedicated just for him. And we obviously understand that Job was a man, according to the Bible, who was perfect and upright. He was someone who eschewed evil and feared God. He had a lot of favor in God's eyes. And we see that in his life, it got to a point where Satan actually came before God and was granted permission to afflict his life, to remove his resources, to destroy his family, and even to the point of destroying his own physical body. Now, this is something that came from God. God allowed it. God allowed Satan to do this to him. But he basically told Satan, That there's no man like him upon the earth. And that was a pretty great thing for God to even say about Job. It shows you how greatly Job was favored in the eyes of God, how godly the man was. And when you read the entire book, you really see, well, yeah, that makes sense that he was able to make it through all that because he was a man who feared God. He was a man who was upright and perfect in all his ways. Now, it's a sad story. And we see that through these afflictions, you know, he loses his children. And we should never bypass that, right? That's a difficult thing for someone to go through. To lose a family member is difficult, but to lose children is even more difficult. He loses the support of his wife. Curse God and die, she says, right? He loses all his resources. He was a man who was very rich. He had a lot of abundance of resources, and they're all gone. And then ultimately, even his physical health just deteriorates. God allows Satan to go and touch his body and place sores upon his body, but he was not allowed to take his own life. So basically, he loses everything in a span of about a day, okay? And so you can see, you can basically look at Job and see, man, that's a lot of grief for one day. Some people don't even experience that throughout an entire lifetime, let alone in that short period of time. And we know that God was testing Job. He knew that, we know that according to the Bible, God knew that Job would make it through this, and he was basically testing him and allowing Satan to buffet him and to afflict him through these avenues. And we know how the story ends. You know, God blesses Job. Job is refined. He comes forth as gold. God restores to him double the honor and children and resources. And really, the moral of the story when it comes to Job is that, hey, when you're going through a difficulty, when you're going through a trial, don't worry, because at the end of the story, if you just make it through, if you just trust God, if you just lay it all for him out there and say, hey, you know, God, whatever happens to me, if you take my children, my family, my resources, yet will I trust you. And you know what? We, as God's people, often that's kind of difficult to do when we go through a difficulty like that. But we understand that once we come through that, we pass with flying colors, we can come forth as gold just as Job did, right? Now, between this initial affliction and his restoration, the vast majority of the Book of Job is simply highlighting the dialogue between Job and his so-called friends, right? So-called companions. You know, these four guys who are supposed to be coming to comfort Job, to help Job, to encourage Job through this loss, but it's actually the opposite of what we see them doing, right? And look, you would think during such a time as this, that this would basically arouse the sympathy of these people to come to Job and say, hey, man, I'm here for you. I'm praying for you. What do you need? Come stay with me, you know. You can stay at my house. I'll give you whatever you need to get you back on your feet. I'm here for you. I'm your friend. But that's not what we see at all. Instead, what do we see? We see these four so-called friends just tearing them down, blaming him, saying, oh, you know, it's because you're involved in sin, or there's something you're doing that is not pleasing to God, and God is judging you, Job. That's what it is. God is judging you. But that's not what it says. You know, things like this should arouse the sympathy of people. The Bible says, a man that hath friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother, right? The Bible tells us, a friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. You know, it's good to have some brothers, some friends who can be there through the mountaintops, but also through the valleys, right? And in fact, you really realize who your true friends are when you're in the valley. Not when you're on the mountaintop, not when everything is going great, not when the bills are being paid, not when your health is excellent and everything is just hunky-dory. No, your real friends are those who actually come and are with you, they're by your side during the difficult times. Because at that point you realize, they just want to be my friends because they are my friends. It's not because of my money, it's not because of X, Y, and Z, it's because they actually love me as a brother. You know, they're there, they're sticking closer than a brother. They are a brother that is born for adversity, and it may be said of us that we're that brother. You know, it may be said of us as Christians that there's someone out there in our church or in our family that can look to us and say, that's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. That's a man who's always there for me no matter what happens, no matter how much money I have or resources or whatever it may be, they're there. But you know what, that can't be said of these guys. To the contrary, instead these guys just unleash all these accusations, all these condemnations, all these misled conclusions as to why these things are happening to Job. And he's going through a hard time, they're condemning him, they're wrongfully diagnosing the issue, they're being self-righteous, you know, they're giving him the facts that aren't really facts. And you know what, at the end of the story, God rebukes them, right? He just sharply rebukes them and he tells them, hey, Job is right, you guys are wrong. I mean, that must have felt good for Job, right? After hearing all that crap from them coming from their mouth and just all the vitriol that they're just constantly unleashing on him and then for God to come and say, no, he's right, you guys are wrong. I mean, I'd be like snickering or laughing or just like... Rightfully so. This is why he says in verse 4, But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value. What is he saying? You're a bunch of worthless friends. You're worthless as a physician. Now, why is he calling them physicians? Well, because a physician is someone who's supposed to come and heal you, right? A physician is someone who's supposed to restore you, is supposed to help you recover and recuperate and supposedly that's what their motive was to do, was to come and help him. But then he's like, you guys are doing worse. You guys are actually damaging me more than actually helping me. Therefore, you're physicians of no value. You're worthless as a physician. Now, go to Job 16, if you would. Job 16. Tearing them down. They're physicians of no value. Look what it says in Job 16, verse 1, Then Job answered and said, I have heard many such things, miserable, comforters. Are you all? Isn't that an oxymoron? Miserable comforters. See, a comforter is someone who's supposed to come when you're in misery. But instead we see that they're comforters who are actually miserable and they're making him even more miserable, right? You never want him to be said of you, man, you're just a miserable comforter, you know? Look, misery loves company and sometimes it helps that when you're going through a difficult time, you meet someone who maybe has gone through the same exact thing and they're just like, man, I know what you're going through. I had that same thing happen to me. And you know what? They may not even come with a solution, but just knowing that someone went through the same exact thing that you did kind of helps. Because it kind of helps that you're not alone, right? But what if that person just comes to you and says, yeah, there's like no answer to this. You're done. My life was done. So is yours. You know, it's probably because you're in sin. God's probably judging you. You know, you're probably wicked or something like that. That's a miserable comforter. That doesn't help at all, right? What he needed was what the Bible says is to weep with them that weep. Okay? So these guys are lame. These guys are not good friends. These guys are physicians, but they're physicians of no value. They think they're diagnosing the problem. They think they're helping them with the solution, but they're not. They're making it worse. You know, we as Christians, in a sense, are called to be physicians, are we not? Because we're called to be physicians in a sin-sick, dying world, not just amongst the saved, but also the unsaved as well. Why is that? Because we go out there and preach the gospel and go soul-winning so we can rescue people from hell and help them with the sickness of sin. We rescue them from hell. But even after that, the preaching of God's word gets the sin out of your life, helps you to be a good repenter. And what does that do? It really helps you and it helps you to get better of the illnesses that you've experienced even in times past. Maybe you've had some bad habits in years past. Maybe you've had some traumatic experiences in times past. The preaching of God's word will help you with that, right? And a good physician will help you with that. Okay? Go with me if you would to, let me see here, go with me if you would to Proverbs chapter 18. Proverbs chapter 18. We're to be good physicians and not be physicians of no value. You know, even Jesus Christ himself could be referred to as the great physician. Why is that? Well, the Bible tells us that he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we're healed. He's the great physician. He's the one who came and healed us of the illness of sin and the wages of sin, which is death, right? The Bible tells us in Jeremiah 30 verse 17, I'm sure there's people in this very room that you were healed in a certain sense when you started coming to church. Maybe you were healed of laziness. Maybe you were healed of drunkenness. And I'm not talking about like Brother Corbin was like doing like the Pentecostal Charismatic. Get that demon, the alcohol demon out of him. You know, doing the TD Jakes, you know. Little number there. I'm talking about he's preaching or you heard preaching from somewhere and you're involved in some sin that you had trouble getting over, but you know, you got reproved by the Bible. You got reproved by the preaching of God's Word and you cleaned up your life. And when you cleaned up your life, you were healed of that. Now, obviously that wound can be opened again. Amen. Because we're still waiting to with the redemptions of our body. We still live in this in this sinful world. We still have sinful flesh. Our spirit is saved. But the fact remains is that through the word of God, through the preaching of God's Word, we can be healed. Now, we don't want to be physicians of no value. And you know what we have today is a lot of preachers and pastors who are operating as these spiritual physicians, but they're of no value. You know, these pastors of churches that, you know, they want to have the doctorate. You know, doctor of divinity or they got their pastoral theology major. They're these great doctors of the law, but they don't even know how to preach for like over 15 minutes. They're stuck on the 10 minute mark or something. They're more, they put more emphasis on the fellowship than on the preaching of God's Word. They put more emphasis on the love and the grace of God and thank God for that. And less emphasis on the judgment, the wrath and everything else. They put more emphasis on the Book of John than the Book of Leviticus, for example. These are doctors of no value. You know, a doctor of value should be able to just completely cover the entire counsel of God. You know, you have preachers out there that spend years and years in Bible college becoming these doctors of divinity, but they don't even go sowing. They don't go and save anybody. They don't go and heal anybody. They're doctors of no value. They're physicians of no value. It's like, what good is it? Well, I have this plaque right here and I can make you a certificate. I mean, Photoshop, Adobe, amen. Just design one. But they spend years in Bible college, years in Bible Institute just to get this title of physician, but they need to add to that physician that doctorate of no value. Why? Because they have all this knowledge and really it's like dispensational knowledge, Calvinistic knowledge. Knowledge is not based in the Bible. They have all this outside knowledge that they gain from unsafe teachers and they just want to look smart behind the pulpit, but they're not getting sin at anybody's life. They're not seeing people saved. They're not changing anybody's life. They're not discipling anybody. They're physicians of no value. That's not what we want to be. There's Christians out there who, you know, they get saved and then they don't even come to church. This is doctor school right here. This is a school of physicians, amen. This is where you come to be equipped. This is where you come to learn the Bible. This is where you learn how to use the scalpel of God's Word. This is where you learn of the medicines of God's Word so you can go out there and do a great work and actually heal someone. Instead of just healing yourself, right? Like, well, you know, I've got all these issues I'm dealing with. You know what I've realized is that the more you help someone else, the more your problems actually get fixed. And look, if your problems don't get fixed, you'll end up running into somebody who has a more terrible problem than you. And you're like, man, I ain't got nothing to complain about. This person has it worse than I do. You know, a little laceration in your arm is not as bad when you run into someone who has full-blown four-stage cancer. I'm like, okay, I guess I don't have it that bad then. But you know what, you'd be surprised. God will actually bless you more. He'll actually help you to fix your life if you're willing to step out and try to help fix someone else's life to be a physician. But he said, no, I just want to listen to the sermons. I just want to just enjoy it and sing the songs and not get involved. You're a physician of no value. We're to be physicians that are valuable in the hand of God that God can use to actually make a difference in this world. Don't be a physician of no value. You know, we don't want to be like the physicians that are similar to the great majority of doctors that we see today in the medical industry. That's not a good physician out there. And I'm not saying all of them are like this, but the vast majority of them are. You know, when a doctor, a doctor often takes what's called the Hippocratic Oath that says, do no harm. First, do no harm. We don't see that today. We actually see them doing more harm than good. Giving surgery to people who don't need surgeries, you know, prescribing drugs and getting people all doped up on medication, living on medication and doing things that are just what people don't need. Oh, you need to remove this, you know, certain organ in your body. It's like, what in the world? Why? Because you got this this sickness and this is the way you can fix it. And actually, that person actually becomes worse afterwards. They're physicians of no value. Doctors who don't have their patient's best interest in mind. They're misdiagnosing, trying to meet a quota, right? I have this person at my church over in L.A. and she said she works for a cancer surgery hospital. And she said literally the higher ups are constantly putting pressure on the doctors to meet cancer surgery quotas. Cancer surgery quotas. You know what that means? That means doctors are going around saying, I mean, to meet a cancer surgery quota that means you look for someone who doesn't have cancer and you try to convince them that they do so that they can get surgery so you can meet your quota. That's wicked. That's a physician of no value. Do no harm is the oath that they took. Now it's because instead of the Hippocratic oath, it's a hypocritical oath, right? A bunch of hypocrites. They literally put pressure on them and she said you can feel it throughout the entire hospital. Everyone's stressed out because we've got to meet this quota. Doctors have to meet this quota. So they're diagnosing people with sicknesses and cancer who don't even have it just so they can make some money. It's the root of all evil. The love of money is the root of all evil. These are physicians with no value. They treat the symptoms but not the root of the problem, right? Try to, you know, fill your body with all these harmful substances and vaccinations and thimerosal and aluminum and polysorbate 80 and animal DNA, monkey DNA. Yeah, right. Monkey DNA, you know, aborted feces. Oh, just take this, this will make you better. You say, well, I don't know. I think those vaccines actually work. Why is it that they behave like a car salesman, though, when they're trying to offer it to you? I remember when we used to go to the hospital, used to go to the hospital, you know, this is with our son. We used to go to the hospital with our son. And, you know, I didn't know, I wasn't very educated on vaccines, but I just, I didn't like the fact that they're just, they had like 10 different, you know, little containers of substances that they want to put into my one-year-old boy. I'm like, I wouldn't take that. Why would I let my son take that? And I remember, you know, I was going in for some sort of checkup, I don't remember what it was, and the doctor said, can I interest you in a flu shot? Like, just that alone, I was just like, are you selling it, do I have to pay for it, are you selling it to me? Why do you have to talk like that? Why don't you just talk normal, like, hey, you need a flu shot, the flu season's coming, and by the way, I'm not for flu shots, don't get the flu shot. Take some vitamin C, man. Drink water, take vitamin C. What if I get sick? Your body would just get stronger, amen. And stay home, don't go to church if you get the flu, amen. But, you know, it's just like, why do you have to ask like that? You know why? Because they make money off of that, that's why. That's a physician of no value. You don't have my best interest in mind. You want to poison me with your vaccinations and all your harmful substances, these carcinogenic substances, just so you can pay off your Ferrari or your mansion. You know what you are? Yeah, you're a physician, but you're of no value to me. But, you know, there's Christians that are just like that. You say, what do you mean by that? Well, just as the physician has their best, not the patient's best interest in mind, their own interest in mind, same thing with certain pastors, right? They preach the watered down sermons, they preach the very basics of things because they don't want to offend anybody, because if that happens, the tithes aren't coming in. And how is he going to pay for his cable TV? How is he going to pay for his vehicle? He has his own best interest in mind. He's a physician of no value. You see, a pastor should not be in it for the money, amen? Should be in it to serve God because you want to help people, you want to save people, you want to heal people, you want to love people. These are physicians of no value. And in the spiritual realm, we want to be the physicians that get the job done. That actually love people. We have their best interest in mind. We want to heal them of their illnesses. We want to save lives, amen? Look what the Bible says in Proverbs 18, 21. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Death and life are in your tongue. Now, obviously this is not like a physical death unless you're some sort of mafia boss, then at that point, you know, death and life can be in the power of the tongue. Or you work for some Mexican mafia within the prisons, you know. Then death and life are in the power of the tongue, okay? But this is referring to just, for example, the gospel, right? We speak life. The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. The Bible says in Proverbs 12, 18, There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise is health. You know, when I read that, I think of these lordship, salvationists, re-comforts types. You guys know what I'm talking about? These street preachers, they're the ones that speak like the piercings of a sword. Why is that? They just come in and make you feel like the lowest worm on the face of the planet. Oh, you're a sinner and a sinner this and you just going to hell, you know, repent and I don't sin and all this stuff. And you just like walk away like, man, I'm a horrible person. And they speak like the piercings of a sword. So they just throw the sword right in there and they just leave them just to bleed out. You know, make sure you repent of your sin and living in holiness. But the tongue of the wise is health. Now, obviously, we're not against using the law of God to get someone lost. Amen. I hope someone to recognize that they're sinners, that they deserve hell. But you know what? That's not the entire gospel presentation. The gospel presentation is that Jesus Christ came and paid for their sin on the cross, that he died, that he went to hell for three days and three nights, that he rose again and he can save you if you just believe on him. This is the gospel. And that the tongue of the wise is health. You know, we don't go out there to debate people. That's a temptation sometimes, right? You just know you just got so much Bible knowledge and you just know so much about the pre-trib and post-trib, Jews and all this. Leave that stuff at home when you're out sowing. You know, unless someone sincerely wants to know and they really want to be knowledgeable about it, kick them down with some knowledge. But don't try to debate with people. Why? Because our tongue, if we're wise, should be health unto them. People should leave a conversation at the door thinking, man, I'm glad that person came to my door. I got saved. I even learned a little extra Bible knowledge. I want to go to that church. I want to go where that person's at. Go to Proverbs chapter 13. Proverbs chapter 13. Look what it says. Proverbs chapter 13 and verse number 17, it says, A wicked messenger falleth into mischief, but a faithful ambassador is health. You know what we do when we go out and preach the gospel or we're just discipling someone? We're actually improving the quality of their life is what we're doing. Giving them the Bible. Amen. Health. We're ambassadors. We're representatives of Christ, of God, of our church. And we're going out there as representatives to help them become more spiritually healthy. Okay. Proverbs 16, 24 says, pleasant words are as on honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones. You know, it should be that when someone leaves a conversation with you, when you're giving them the gospel or giving them the word of God, it's sweet to the soul. Now, it might be bitter in their stomach, right? Because it might be something they don't want to hear. It might be some biblical truth, but it's sweet to the soul and it's health to the bones. Go with me forward to Jeremiah chapter 8. Jeremiah chapter 8. The sermon tonight is physicians of no value. You know, you don't need to go to Bible college. You don't need to go to some biblical university. You don't need to go to the seminary in order to learn how to be a good physician. Spiritual physician. Read the Bible. Apply what that man teaches you right there. Amen. Love preaching. Despise not prophesying, the Bible says. Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. Intake as much as you can in order to give out and heal people and help them to grow. Look at Jeremiah chapter 8 verse 14. It says, why do we sit still? Assemble yourselves and let us enter into the defense cities and let us be silent there. For the Lord our God hath put us to silence and given us water of gall to drink because we have sin against the Lord. We looked for peace, but no good came. And for a time of health and behold, trouble. This reminds me of people who just are in a church that maybe it's like a liberal church or it's just a church that's not fully teaching the word of God. You know, they go there with the best of intentions, don't they? Maybe that was some of you. You would go to some church and maybe it said Baptist or whatever it may be and you went there looking for good. You went there looking for health, but you didn't find any of that. In fact, you seem to have come out worse than when you first came in. I remember, I'm a Bible college graduate, don't hold it against me please. I graduated from Bible college, but you know what? I went in and I learned worse things in Bible college. I accredit Bible college for a lot of the things that I need to just purge myself from. False doctrines and false ideologies and stuff like that. I went in there looking for good, but I didn't find a time of health. Now, I did learn some good things there, but for the most part, the doctrine that they taught there was not good. Look at verse 22. It says, Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? How would you apply that today? Well, it's like looking at a city and saying, Wait, isn't there an independent fundamental Baptist church there? Isn't there a balm in Tucson? A balm in Arizona, in Los Angeles, or wherever you may be. Isn't there a physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered then? It's like, why aren't people saved then? Don't you guys got a church like of a thousand? Don't you got a church of like 500 or 3,000, 5,000 people? And yet, people are not being recovered. They're not being recovered from the snares of Satan. They're not getting saved. This reminds me of churches that we have in California, specifically North Valley Baptist Church and Lancaster Baptist Church, who are very large churches, mega churches, thousands of people. And I've talked to Bible college students from, for example, Lancaster Baptist Church. And I remember this guy telling me, he goes, It's insane, Bruce. He said, That church runs like six, seven thousand? And he goes, and they only have like 200 soul winners go out. Now 200 sounds like a lot, right? But percentage wise, is that a lot? How about this? Most of those, he said, are Bible college students. And let me just let you in on a little secret. They have to be there. That's a requirement. If you're in Bible college, you have to go soul winning. You know, you fill out a little piece of paper, I win soul winning. And most of the time they don't even do that. They just drop off a track and take off like a little scared Chihuahua. They just, you know, and then just leave it and just ding dong ditch Christianity right there. Right. He says only like 200 people go out. There's not even that many people. And when people do go out, they're ding dong ditching Christianity or they're doing their visitation. Right. And I'm not against, you know, leaving an invite on the door if no one answers. Right. And I'm not against visiting someone as long as soul winning is in its place. Right. But this is what we see here. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no great church, independent, fundamental, soul winning church in that area? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered? Let me read to you from Jeremiah 33 verse six. It says, Behold, I will bring in health and cure. I will cure them and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth. Turn with me, if you would, to, go with me if you would to Hebrews chapter number five, if you would. I'm going to read to you from Third John one two. It says, Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. You see, the goal of a spiritual physician is to prosper the soul of the believers. It's to liberate the souls of those who are in captivity, who are not saved. We come there, we give them the gospel and we help them to prosper in that area. Now, we don't want to be physicians of no value. So what is a physician supposed to do? I'm going to give you five things tonight. All right. I got about 20, 25 minutes. And in these 25 minutes, I'm going to give you five things that a physician is supposed to do. Number one, diagnose the illness. Number two, prescribe a solution. Number three, answer patients questions. Four, practice preventative medicine. And number five, save people's lives. As spiritual physicians, this is what we're supposed to do. And if we can have a well-rounded goal here, we can basically be meet for the Master's use and prepare them to every good work. You know, we don't want to be the Christian that just comes to church or just listens to the sermons online, and that's just where it stops. Obviously, there's seasons when we can't do as much, but we could all do something throughout our lifetime. Okay. And look, if you're only coming to church, especially a church like this, you're getting a lot of knowledge. You go to a church like the one in Tempe, you're getting a lot of knowledge, right? You're getting a lot of Bible preaching, a lot of Bible knowledge, and you know what, to whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required. You know, the Bible tells us that knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth. And we need to make sure that as we grow in our knowledge of the Bible, we also grow in this matter of charity. And what does charity do? It takes the knowledge that we learn, that we gain, and we go out and we use it. That's what we have to do. Okay. Now, number one, how do we become good physicians? Diagnose the illness. Okay. This is what a doctor is supposed to do. Look at the symptoms and diagnose the illness, right? Now, we don't see that today. In fact, we see, oh, you don't have the flu? Here's the flu shot. Right? Oh, you're not sick? Okay. Here's five different vaccines that you need. In fact, they're even coming up with the new Johnson & Johnson, you know, what is that, that soap whatever company? That filthy soap company? They're trying, they have an agenda right now to come up with a vaccine to prevent HIV at birth. You know, and obviously in the commercial they have two fags, you know, and it's just like, we've got to make this vaccine for fags so that, you know, they're undetected and unstoppable. That's what the advertisement said. The vaccine for HIV is Leviticus 2013. That's the vaccine. That's the shot right there. Right? Implemented by many people with the stone. But they're trying to come up with all these vaccines and, you know, all these things to people who aren't even sick. You know, health, I mean, when you diagnose something, you're diagnosing someone's illness, you're looking at their symptoms and say, all right, look, here are your symptoms, let's not cure the symptom, let's cure the root. Right? Don't look at the symptoms, look at the root of the problem. Let me read to you from Leviticus 13 verse 23 says, But if the bright spots stay in his place and spread not, it is a burning boil, and the priest shall pronounce him clean. Or if there be any flesh in the skin whereof there is a hot burning, and the quick flesh that burneth have a white bright spot, and somewhat reddish or white, then the priest shall look upon it, and behold, if the hair in the bright spot be turned white, and it be in sight deeper than the skin, it is a leprosy broken out of the burning, wherefore the priest shall pronounce him unclean, it is the plague of leprosy. So the responsibility of the priest of the Old Testament was to observe, okay, does it have this? Does it have that? If it does, unclean. Diagnose the problem. There you go. And then when they felt like they were now clean, they were going to go back to the priest and see, okay, can you diagnose me again? And he says, unclean, go back. Until finally he was clean. They would simply diagnose the problem. And in the New Testament, we're the priesthood. And as the priesthood, we have the spiritual responsibility to look at the illnesses of our society, the illnesses of our city, the illnesses of our country, even of our families, and diagnose the problem. Oh, my child is so rebellious. I just don't know what to do with him. Let's put him in Sunday school. That'll help. No, it's not. In fact, they're going to be worse after they come out of Sunday school class, right? Oh, you know, my wife doesn't respect me. So here, I'm going to try to just, I'm going to try to fix the symptom and just capitulate to whatever she wants so she doesn't get on my back. That's not the solution. You're not correctly diagnosing the illness. Hey, if your child is rebellious, they don't need Sunday school. They need a whoopin', right? They need stripes. They need a shellacking. They need a whoopin', is what they need on the bottom. Spanking. That's what they need. Oh, you know, this is a different century here, brother. We don't do that anymore. We do timeouts. That works way better. Hey, take away the Xbox. That's what I do. That helps. Take away the Xbox. Yeah, until they catch on and they realize that all they have to do to get the Xbox back is just do whatever you tell them to do, and then they go back to being a brat. Hello. Xbox, PlayStation, whatever, Game Boy, you know, that's not the issue there. Got to get to the root. The root is you got to have your children's subjection with all gravity. Read the Book of Proverbs, and that'll teach you what to do. You know, oh, you know, my wife doesn't respect me. Oh, my husband is lazy. So we're just diagnosing the problem. He's just a jerk, and she's just not submissive. Well, it could be that your family's just out of order. Maybe you're having your wife work. Amen? Maybe you're having your wife work, and that's the problem there. You see, you don't want to be a physician like these doctors who just try to take care of the symptom. You want to get to the root of the problem. Because if you just take care of the symptom, the symptom's only going to get worse with time. Look at Hebrews 5, verse 12, it says, For the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again, which be the first principles of the oracles of God, and are become such as have need of milk and not of strong drink. For everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. You know what the type of physician you don't want to be is the one who's just an expert at brain surgery, but you don't even know how to stitch a person up. Right? You're just an expert at heart surgery, but you don't even know what vitamins a person's supposed to take to just remain healthy. You say, how do I apply that? You don't want to be the kind of Christian that you just got poster pre-read down to a T. Right? You don't have replacement theology down to a T. You got all these complicated doctrines down to a T, but you don't even have your family in order. You're not even exercising principles of diligence at your job. You're not even faithful in that which is least. Oh, but you know the timeline. You know brain surgery. You know heart surgery. You know how to remove cancer, but you can't even stitch up a person. You can't even take a splinter out of a fingernail. I don't know. I just stick to the big stuff. I don't know how to do that. That's not what you want. You see, we're supposed to be well-rounded. Right? Hey, thank God for the deep knowledge and the brain surgeries of doctrine and the heart surgeries of doctrine, but hey, can we have our family in order too? Hey, can we still lead about our wives? Can the wives be in submission to the husbands? Can the husbands love their wives as Christ loved the church? Can we have our children in subjection with all gravity? Can we be faithful in that which is least? Can we show up to church? Amen? Go to church. Well, you don't realize how hot it is. It's just, you know, my hair hurts every once in a while. It's just like, it's hard, brother. Let me hear. I just, I feel like I was getting a cold, and then when church, you know, I didn't realize it wasn't a cold, but by that time, church was already over. It just, right at the, on the hour, it was just, that's not what you want. Because at that point, you become puffed up with all the knowledge that you're getting. You've got to put into action what you're learning. Don't be someone who, though you ought to be a teacher, you have need that won't teach you again, which would be the first principles of the oracles of God. You know, you can expound on all the intricacies of end times Bible prophecy, but you can't even help someone with their marriage. And by the way, most people who come to church, they're not looking to see when Christ is coming back, they actually want help with their marriage. They want to know how to, you know, to control their children. They want to know how to overcome depression and anxiety. These things, put that aside. Just learn Bible prophecy and you'll get everything else. No, I'm not saying don't learn Bible prophecy. I'm not saying don't learn replacement theology. What I'm saying is get the basics down. Learn how to diagnose the illness, right? Job's friends were claiming that Job wasn't right with God. And you know what, when you, when you listen, when you read what Job's friends said at face value, it sounded right because they use these, these terms and it's just like, man, maybe these guys are right, but they're wrong. They were wrong. They were misdiagnosing what was really taking place. What they should have said is, you know what, I know Job. He's a man who is cheweth evil. He's perfect and upright. Job, God is testing you right now. Just pull through. We're here for you. You know, just hang on a little longer. You're almost there. God is testing you because he loves you and Satan's trying to destroy your life, but instead they're just all judgmental towards him and not even diagnosing the issue correctly. Now, more often than not, it is sin in people's lives though, isn't it? You know, a lot of times, go to Isaiah chapter 1. Brother Corbin on Sundays in middle week services, he's diagnosing illnesses, amen? Amen. And look, if you don't show up to your doctor's appointment, you're going to miss it. Like, oh, I'm struggling with, I'm struggling with this thing, but then you don't come to church and you don't get the diagnosis. Yeah, but I can, I'll come to hear Brother Corbin and I'll just go to YouTube Baptist Church on Sunday night. Same thing, right? And then you don't have to put an offering, you know, put in an offering. You just kind of just, that's what I do. Well, you're going to miss yourself a diagnosis of your illness. You say, well, I'm not ill. Well, how do you know? You know, often what happens is when you're hearing heart preaching, then you hear about something like, oh, man, I'm guilty of that actually. Oh, man, did you tell him I did that? Did you tell your wife? Did you tell him about that thing we did? You're just all mad and stuff? You told him, didn't you? It's like, no, it's just the diagnosis. It's the Holy Spirit that is inspiring him to preach this sermon that has the verses and the Word of God resonates with your spirit and you realize, oh, man, I'm guilty of this. You know, that's what you call stepping on your toes, right? Look at Isaiah 1, verse 43. I'm sorry, I got the wrong verse here. Go to Leviticus 14, if you would, sorry. Go to Leviticus 14. Sin and disobedience could often be the cause of your spiritual illness. You know, like, man, what's wrong with me, sin? You know, it wasn't true for Job, but you know what? For a lot of people, that's what it is. Pay for the country, that's what it is. Oh, no, God bless America, God's favors on America. No, America is going down the toilet. It's going to hell in a handbasket. America is wicked. All the abortions, the acceptance of faggotry, all the acceptance of all this anti-God ideologies, God is judging America. The earthquakes, that's God doing that. Don't forget that. Like, well, what if a earthquake happens and then a Christian was there? It's still God. Sorry, if you die, if one of you die in an earthquake, if I die in an earthquake, it doesn't mean we're not right with God, it just means we live in a wicked country. You know, accepting your opinion, you shall all likewise perish. And we've got to recognize that, hey, the diagnosis of the illness of America is sin. All the filth and the perversion on television, on social media, all these filthy religions, the faggotry, just the faggotry, if you just talk about that alone, it's getting out of hand. You say, man, why is America, you know, why are all these earthquakes and all these fires and stuff? I'll tell you what it is, it's all the filth that we accept as a country. That's what's happening. I'm a patriot. I think God bless America. And the back of my dollar, it says in God we still trust. It's not the God of the Bible, though. It's the God of Rem-Fam, Moloch, Satan. Hey dads, we need to be the priests of our home and make the right diagnosis when there is an illness there. Look at Leviticus 14, verse 43 says, And if the plague come again, and break out in the house, after that he hath taken away the stones, and after he hath scraped the house, and after it is plastered, then the priests shall come and look and behold, if the plague be spread in the house, it is a fretting leprosy in the house, it is unclean. The priests are supposed to come in the house and say, man, if there's a fretting plague here, we need to get this thing out. Hey, and dads, it's our responsibility to go to our household and say, man, the kids are acting up, this is taking place, worldliness is in the house, it's time to scrape the walls of the posters or whatever of these wicked people that your children might have up. Well, you know, I don't want to get into a fight with my kids and they just rebel against me and they give me a hard time. Do it! Clean the house! Because what's going to happen? That leprosy, that sin is going to spread even more. And guess what? The fight later on will be worse then, than it will be now. Better to nip it at the butt. Better to take care of the illness right away than to allow it to spread. Go into the house and see, is there a plague in the house? You know, is there some sort of sin? Am I tolerating my children's sin in the house? Is it causing our household to be worldly, to be carnal, to not to be pleasing unto God? It's time to scrape the walls. This is what it's time to do. Amen? Go with me, if you would, to Jeremiah chapter 30. Jeremiah chapter 30. And that's what we have to do, we have to diagnose the illness, have the discernment to know what's going on. Hey, when you grow up sowing, when you run into people, you're going to run into people from all different backgrounds of religion, aren't we? Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Pentecostals, you need to be able to learn how to diagnose who they are, right? And obviously everyone gets saved the same. You know, the gospel is the same for the Buddhist as it is for the Pentecostal, as it is for the Jehovah's Witness, as it is for the Atheist. It's the same, we don't do this Calvinistic, you know, lordship salvation, apologetic, you know, argument where you try to start in Genesis and four hours later you still don't have them converted or whatever, you know. But you do know this is that certain religions have certain strongholds that others don't. You know, you should know that if you're talking to a Jehovah's Witness, they don't believe that Jesus Christ is God. Go in there with that mentality of, no, okay, if they say they're Jehovah's Witnesses, there are certain things that they have to overcome then in order to get saved. They have to believe that Jesus is God. Or how about this, they have to believe in hell because Jehovah's Witnesses don't. I went out so many with the guy one time at my old church and it was my first time going out with him, it was at a Spanish ministry. And I remember we were going and he was preaching the gospel to this lady and the lady was like, I agree with everything you're saying, that we have to believe in faith and all that. She says, but I don't, I just don't believe in hell. You know, that just doesn't sit right, I don't believe in it. And the guy said, well, and he tried to explain it, gave him some verses, and she's like, I get what you're saying, but I don't believe it. And he goes, okay, that's all right, look, just pray with me real quick to trust Christ as your Savior and, you know, and we'll just leave it at that. And literally, like, my jaw dropped, I'm like, did he just say, and they literally prayed in front of me. And I'm thinking to myself, what in the world did I just witness? You know, so basically this lady had an illness and the physician came and just said, well, just take this vaccination real quick and that'll help you. Okay, you don't have to take five, you can take two. We'll leave it at two. You know, that's what basically he was telling her. And that's ridiculous. You know, we need to be physicians that can diagnose the issue and say, okay, if they don't believe in hell, they can't get saved. Because then why would you even say that they're getting saved? Saved from what? I mean, saved from calling yourself a non-Christian or like, saved from what? What are you getting saved from? And I told him, I said, hey, that person didn't get saved. He goes, well, all you have to do is believe. I said, yeah, believe on Jesus that he can save you from hell. But if she doesn't believe in hell, what is she being saved from? Is she just making Jesus her buddy or something or just, tell me what she got saved from. Well, she got saved from hell, but she doesn't get saved from hell. You know, we need to make sure that when we talk to people, they say they're Mormons, or how about Pentecostals? You know, Pentecostals don't believe in the Trinity, or at least, you know, a good majority of them don't, right? Or they believe you could lose your salvation. You want to spend extra time talking about eternal security, knowing if you're talking to a Pentecostal, because you know that's something that they have to overcome. And look, sometimes with a Pentecostal, you have to spend a little more time and kind of question them a little more. Because I've talked to Pentecostals when we went to Aruba, I would talk to Pentecostals, and I said, you know, do you believe you could lose? She said, all you have to do is believe on Jesus to be saved. I said, do you believe you could lose him? She goes, oh, no, no. I'm like, whoa, this is like the first charismatic Pentecostal I've ever met that actually said something like that. And I said, you know, for any reason. She goes, not for any reason. You know, for any reason. She goes, not for any reason. You could never lose your salvation. I giveth them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. I'm like, whoa, this is the, I think she's saved. And then I said, okay, what if I say I believe, and I go out and I sin and I do all these things that are not pleasing to God. Oh, yeah, you're not even, you didn't, you lost your salvation. I'm like, what in the world? But I'm glad I asked. And I'm glad I wasn't like, cool, well, you're saved. Well, see you later, you know. She wasn't saved. But you know, I realized because they're Pentecostal, they need a little more emphasis on the eternal security from different angles. Because Pentecostals learn the lingo, they learn Christianese, right? They learn how to speak Christianese. What is Christianese? It's biblical lingo. You know, the Jehovah's Witnesses learn Christianese too. You know, back in the day, they would not say that Jesus Christ was their Savior or was God. Now they're even using that terminology, but they mean something else. You know, we have to be able to diagnose the illness when we talk to people. Number two, prescribe a plan of action for healing, okay? Don't take meds. What do physicians do today? They, obesity or here's some pills, right? You keep getting bigger and bigger, here's some pills. Here, I'll prescribe you a bunch of them, you know. I'm feeling depressed. Oh, antidepressants. No, maybe you've got to cut out the junk food. You know, cut out the junk food, exercise, stop playing video games, get out and see this ball of fire in the sky called the sun, get some vitamin D, become active. Or here's a good prescription, get a job. That heals depression like that. It's like, hey, I'm actually worth something. I'm actually getting paid to do something. Then you get some purpose in your life, right? But physicians today, they're just like, oh no, just take more meds. And people are just medicated out of their mind. Seven out of ten Americans medicated. They have a physical problem, here's a medication. I got a headache, here's an aspirin. They're like, oh man, you're not supposed to take aspirin. Drink water. Cut out the sugar, drink water, you're good to go, you know. But people are medicated and you've got doctors prescribing these meds and just like pastors today or just like Christians, oh, you have a problem, here's a devotional book, you know. Oh, you've got a problem with drinking, we'll keep coming to church, eventually you'll hear something and we'll pray with you and they just let fornicators and drunkards and every manner of evil into the church, it becomes a cesspool of sin because the pastor is not prescribing the right antidote. Guess what? The prescription that people need is just some face-ripping sometimes. They need to get their faces ripped off. They need the pastor to get them to be ashamed of what they're doing. You ever sit in a congregation or hear a sermon and then the pastor is just ripping and then your face just goes red because you know he's talking about your sin? It's called shame. That's what that is. When people blush, when a pastor is preaching, when a preacher is preaching and he's getting on your sin, you blush, that means you're ashamed and you're like, I don't want to feel that way, that's wrong that I'm doing this, I'm going to repent of that. Guess what? You're healed. That's the prescription. The prescription is the Bible. The prescription is the preaching of God's word. That's why the Bible says, despise, not prophesy. We should love preaching. Love it. And love to be there live too, amen? Love to be there where the spit can hit you right in the face when the pastor is preaching. Live. You can feel it in your chest when you hear the preaching of God's word because you want to get right with God. That's the prescription that people need today. Now obviously there are certain illnesses, it's funny, you have pastors today that don't want to heal the people who can be healed but they want to heal the people, they can't be healed. Right? Guess what? A dead person can't be healed. They're done. You know, corpses can't be healed. Defibrillate them and do whatever you can mouth to mouth, they can't be healed. The corpses, they're dead. They're pronounced dead, flat lined. Right? Look at Jeremiah 30 verse 12 says, Thy bruise is incurable and thy wound is grievous. There is none to plead thy cause that thou mayest be bound up. Thou has no healing medicines. All thy lovers have forgotten thee. They seek thee not for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one. For the multitude of thine iniquity because thy sins were increased. Why cryest thou for thine affliction? Thy sorrow is incurable for the multitude of thine iniquity because thy sins were increased. I have done these things unto thee. God is saying, hey, no one can cure you when I mess you up. You know what that's like? A reprobate mind. That's what that's like. People who have a reprobate mind, they're incurable. Right? Someone who has a reprobate mind, hey, you cannot cure what God has diseased. God made them a reprobate. Right? He gave them a seared conscience. Their reprobate concerning the faith, they're incurable. But you have pastors today who are just like, no, these corpses are still, I know they got rigor mortis setting in and everything and, you know, and I know they smell a little bit, but we can still cure them. No, you can't. It's impossible to cure a fag. Amen? Just a couple weeks ago we had two homos we threw out of our church. They were going to our church for about a month, and they did not look like homos. They were brothers. They were twin brothers, actually. I call them Hophni and Phinehas. Okay? They were reprobates. And, you know, they had divulged some information to a 19-year-old in our church, and that basically gave me grounds for kicking them out. And it wasn't anything about them being sodomites or anything. So I, by faith, threw them out. You know, I said, hey, you guys can't come back anymore. And you guys divulged this information. He's like, well, that's my testimony, bro. That's my testimony. I'm like, I don't care. Take your testimony down the street. I don't care about your testimony. You can't come here anymore. And just like that, just on a dime, just started cussing me out and threatening my life, and I'm going to come down there, and I'm going to beat you up, and we're going to see who's a real man. I'm like, all right, well, you guys can't come back. So that's all I wanted to tell you. Click. And he was text messaging me, and he was just like, we're going to come down there and do this and that and just whoopity-whoop and all this stuff. And I was just like, and then, so that Sunday, I take it before the church, and I say, I'm kicking these guys out. This is the reason why. Just trust me. Okay. Now, fortunately, a lady who hadn't been in our church for a while, she actually came the first time when those guys came for the first time, and she recognized them. She got out of church for a little bit because she was going through some hardships with her family. Her family members were passing away. She was going to funerals and such. But then she came back, and she says, I know those guys. She said, before I came here, I was at another church in downtown L.A. on Skid Row. How many of you know what Skid Row is? Have you guys ever heard of Skid Row? It's where a bunch of homeless people live, and there's a lot of drug abuse in downtown L.A. where Skid Row is at and sodomy and everything. And she said, we're doing an outreach there. And I invited those two guys in, and they told me they're full-blown homeless. They're full-blown sodomites. And I said, well, praise God, amen, glory to God, because I blew those fags out. And they said, well, why? Because it's incurable. They're wicked sons of Belial. They cannot be healed. God has stricken them with a reprobate mind, and they can no longer be healed. And there's people out there like that. Isaiah chapter 6, verse 10 says, So there's certain people that God doesn't want to heal. Now, obviously, that's not the vast majority of the population. The vast majority of the population needs healing, amen. And that's who we're supposed to focus on right there. Today, doctors are prescribing drugs. They're masking the problem. And look, if you're on meds today, don't come tell me after the service, like, hey, I didn't like that, man. Or you know someone who is. I'm speaking in generalities that doctors who are trying to fix a problem are actually masking it. They're actually making it worse, is what they're doing. And these people are just consuming all these pills and just destroying their liver. It's terrible, but that's what they're doing. You know, we as God's people, we have the prescription, amen. We have the prescription. When we disciple someone, and they have an illness, we say, hey, here is, take two of these and call me in the morning. Or should I say, take three of these. What are the three? Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday evening. That's your prescription. Well, I don't know, that pill is too big, and it's just like, I'm not for the whipping of the head when I drink it. You know, that's not how I do things. Okay, then you're just going to continue to have that problem. Well, can't you give me just a one-stop-shop solution to my issue? Well, here's the thing, it's many things that you have to do. And one of them is come to church. Another one is, how about this, read your Bible. A lot of problems would be solved if you just read the word of God on your own. Right? And look, we want to get to a point in our Christian lives that we're not just coming to church to be healed of an issue. We're coming because we want to thrive in our Christian life. Right? It's like, we've already read up, we're fed up. Not fed up, we're fed, should I say. We're fed, we're doing well spiritually, and we just want to keep growing. You know, we don't just come like, Brother Gordon, help me. I got this issue, I don't know what to do. Just read your Bible for a while, and God will tell you. And you can go on from there. I remember at my old church, my pastor, who's my father-in-law, he's not the pastor anymore. Ladies would go to the wife and just say, I need marriage counseling, or I need to know how to be a better wife, or whatever. And this one lady was having issues with her marriage, and she went to another member of the church, and she said, yeah, I think I'm going to go to Miss Mary for some counsel. She goes, no, don't go to her, she's just going to give you the Bible. That's literally what she told her. Don't go to her, she's just going, oh, thanks for warning me. What was I thinking, right? But that's typically what people need, right? They need a dose of 1 Corinthians 5. They need a dose of Ephesians 5. They need the Word of God, okay? I'm out of time, so I'm just going to give you some quick ones real quick. Number three is answer patients' questions, just be knowledgeable, be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you the reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear. We should always be ready to answer people's questions when they come with an issue. What should I do? You say, well, I'm not the pastor, I'm not supposed to do that stuff. You know, start somewhere, though. You know, often maybe Brother Corbin is not ready, or maybe he's talking to people and he can't talk to a certain person, maybe you can take on that role right there and help him out. How about practice preventative medicine? You know, when Brother Corbin gets up and he rips his face, he's giving you preventative medicine. Like, well, my life is not destroyed, so why are you yelling at me for? So that you don't destroy your life. The teenager is like, man, this guy is always just like screaming and just, man, like he's mad and stuff. Yeah, because he's trying to keep you from messing up your life. He's trying to keep you from doing something stupid, because, you know, once the stupid thing is done, now it's not reprovement, now you just need comfort to get over what you're going through, right? But let's abstain from that. Let's just take the preventative medicine, let's take the oil, let's take the vitamin C, right? Even though you're not sick, let's just drink a lot of water, let's eat healthy, right? Take your vegetables, eat your meat, eat your fruits, so that you can be healthy and prevent any spiritual illness from creeping into your life. Okay, go to 1 Timothy chapter 4. 1 Timothy chapter 4. Preventative medicine is important, hard preaching. We need to be in God's Word. We need to stay healthy, spiritually speaking. How about exercising, right? You say physically? No, spiritually, physically too. I feel like I just exercise getting out of the car in this weather. By the time I get to the door, I'm just drenched in sweat. I feel like I ran a marathon. But hey, exercise thyself rather unto godliness, right? Give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine, keeping yourself spiritually healthy in the work of the Lord. Look what the Bible says in verse number 7 of 1 Timothy 4, But refuse profane and old wives' fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. You know, people who are physically healthy can have more cheat days than not, right? Isn't that true? Because you have health reserves. If you're exercising, you're eating healthy, every once in a while you can just pig out on some cake. You know, you can just have just the unhealthiest thing because you're like, I've got some health reserves. I've been disciplining myself, I've been making sure I eat right, and you know, not consuming a whole lot of sugar. I can cheat every once in a while, right? But you know what, someone who just constantly eats sugar, just eats unhealthy, you know, they can't necessarily cheat. What they're doing is just adding on more unhealthiness into their life. And in like manner, spiritually speaking, you know what? When you are spiritually healthy, you can come to church and just hear a sermon, it may not even apply to you. You can just enjoy it because you have some health reserves already. Or how about this, how about health reserves when you're sick and you have to stay home? Like, well, I'm sick, I have to stay home, and I need church, but you know, I've got some health reserves, I've been reading my Bible, I'm going to listen to some preaching, and as soon as I get right to it, I'm going to get back into church, right? Those are some health reserves. And then lastly, a good physician saves people's lives. That's what they're supposed to do. I mean, have you heard of what people, physicians do to people who are organ donors? You heard about that? People who are organ donors, some people aren't even, like, you know, maybe they're on their deathbed, but not really on their deathbed, and the doctor will come and just like put that guy on the deathbed, because we need that guy's liver. And they will literally allow you to die just so they can harvest your organs. Because look, harvesting an organ only works if the person's alive, not if the person's dead. At that point, it doesn't work. So these physicians will come and they'll literally harvest the organ of a living person who's probably not even supposed to die. The doctor's supposed to save their life. And instead, they're destroying people's lives for the love of money. You know, we as God's people, we're here to save people's lives. And if some have compassion, making a difference, others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garments spotted by the world, by the flesh. You know, we're supposed to be so many, saving people's lives, hey, saving people from just a life of destruction even thereafter. You may not be the preacher, but at least you can disciple someone in here and take someone under your wing and say, hey, don't do this, that'll destroy your life. Look what the Bible says about that. Let me show you this one sermon. Let me show you this one verse right here. Let me show you this. I want to keep you from destroying your life. You know, I lived a difficult life. I made a lot of bad decisions in my life. I'm trying to keep you from doing those. This is what you got to do. Just listen to me. I'm trying to save you from a lot of heartache. I'm trying to save you from a lot of destruction. Why? So you can be a good physician, amen? I'm pretty much done. You know, the Bible tells us, take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine, continue in them for in doing so, thou shalt both save thyself and them that hear thee. We don't want to be physicians of no value. You know, I'm an independent fundamental Baptist, Christian, post-trib, replacement theology. I got it all down packed, but you're a physician of no value. You don't save anybody. You don't save anybody from any heartache or any destruction. We want to be some physicians of value, amen? And look, if you know those doctrines and you're saving people, your value has just gone up. Your value as a Christian, as a physician, as a doctor has increased that much to more. Well, you know, we got to have a balance. Be a soul winner, but also no doctrine. So we could be physicians of value, not like these idiots who just spend chapters and chapters just criticizing Job and then they just eat humble pie, right, at the end of the book because they're just completely wrong. They were physicians of no value. We want to have some value to us, amen? Let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your word and thank you for the great physician, Jesus Christ, who by his stripes we are healed. We're also thankful for all the under shepherds, the under physicians, the pastors and the preachers that have helped us throughout our lives. Maybe they led us to Christ. We're thankful for that. Or maybe they saved us from just destroying our lives, from sin and making bad decisions. They helped us to get back on track. Lord, we need to repay that by doing that for someone else as well. Help us to be physicians of value and that we would be able to be a blessing to someone else who may be going through a difficult time like Job was. And I pray, God, that you'd continually fill us with your Spirit. Help us to be sanctified and meet for the Master's use and prepare them to every good work. And in Jesus' name we pray, amen.