(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, we're in Jeremiah chapter number six look down at your Bibles at verse number 13 It says here for from the least of them even unto the greatest of them Everyone is given to covetousness and from the Prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely They have healed also the hurt of my daughter of excuse me They have healed also the hurt of my daughter of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no Peace and the title of the sermon this evening is peace peace when there is no peace Now here in Jeremiah chapter number six We have an example of the common message of the false prophets of that day now during this time We see that the nation of excuse me The nation of Israel is about to be given over to as a reprobate nation because of their rejection of God Their covetous practices their idolatry their worship of Baal we see that God is about to punish this nation and Here we see that Jeremiah throughout the book is trying to call to call them to repentance Try to call them back to God to obey the word of the Lord look down at verse number 16 It says thus saith the Lord Stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths wherein is the good way and walk therein and you shall find Rest for your souls, but they said we will not walk therein So what do we see here a clear rejection of God and his word? What is the result of this look at verse number 28? They are all grievous revolters Walking with slanders. They are brass and iron They are all corruptors The bellows are burned the lettuce consumed of the fire the founder melteth in vain for the wicked are not plucked away Reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them This is the result of rejecting God rejecting his word and he received in verse number 14 That the common message of the false prophets will say no don't worry about that that's not gonna happen You know God's not gonna judge you he's not gonna allow his wrath to come upon you peace peace But what saith the Lord, you know, what is it that God says he says there is no peace It's already too late for that There is no peace. You can say peace all you want, you know have the power a positive thinking message But at the end of the day, there is no peace. It's already too late For this nation now, what is he stating here? No, he's not he's not saying that there will never be peace because in Jeremiah 29 11 he says I know the thoughts that I think of you thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an Expected end so there is a peace to them. But you know what? When is it at the end, right? This is after the wrath of God after the Babylonian captivity After the chastisement after people have died and in fact in Jeremiah chapter 29 He says look when you get taken into captivity build houses Plant, you know vineyards get comfortable because you're gonna be there for a very long time Don't try to avoid God's judgment. There is no peace. You just need to take it like a man This is what he's basically saying here. Okay Now as I mentioned the common message here is peace peace when there is no peace and a good example of this is Hananiah now go with me if you went to Jeremiah chapter 28 Jeremiah chapter 28 you See this a sermon or a message on peace is Not necessarily wrong in and of itself unless God has said otherwise You know a message becomes wrong when God says no, that's not what's gonna happen. That's not what's what's taking place For example, when people say God bless America, well, you know, that's wrong because he's not blessing America And you can't expect God to bless a nation that advocates abortion that Advocates the agenda of the sodomites you can't ask God to bless a nation that is filled with wickedness a nation that is about to be given over to a Reprobate nation in other words, okay That's an unbiblical message You can't say there's peace peace when there is no peace You can't say god bless America when you can obviously look around us and see no It's actually God's cursing on America based upon the things that are taking place But you know you have prophets like Hananiah today that are seen there that are that are proclaiming this false message Look what it says in verse number one of Jeremiah 28 It says and it came to pass The same year in the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah in the fourth year And in the fifth month that Hananiah the son of Azor the prophet which was of Gideon, excuse me Gibeon Spaken to me in the house of the Lord in the presence of the priests and of all the people saying Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts the God of Israel saying I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon. That's a lie It's not broken any yoke. The yoke is gonna be there. And in fact, it's gonna be there for 70 years So this is a sermon. Hey, don't worry. God's breaking the yoke of Babylon verse 3 within two full years Well, I bring again into this place all the vessels of the Lord's house that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place And carried them to Babylon and I will bring again to this place Jeconiah the son of Jehoiachim king of Judah with all the captives of Judah that went into Babylon sayeth the Lord for I will Break the yoke of the king of Babylon just more lies So what is he doing? He's giving him a false. Hope is what he's doing. He's telling him. Peace Peace, it's gonna be okay. God's gonna take care of you. He's gonna deliver you God bless Israel There's what he's saying, but is that the truth? No Because of the fact that we see Jeremiah preaching the true message that judgment is inevitable. It's coming destruction It's on its way verse 5 then the prophet Jeremiah sent it to the prophet hand and I in the presence of the priests and the Presence of all the people that stood in the house of the Lord even the prophet Jeremiah said amen The Lord do so the Lord performed thy words Which thou has prophesied to bring again the vessels of the Lord's house and all that is carried away captive from Babylon into this place He's saying amen the Lord do so that would be great Right, it'd be great if God wasn't gonna judge the land It'd be great if he was gonna break the the yoke of Babylon and bring all the vessels back. Amen the Lord do so Look what he says in verse 7 though nevertheless Hear thou now this word that I speak in thine ears and in the ears of all the people The prophets that have been before me and before thee of old Prophesied both against many countries and against great kingdoms of war and of evil and of pestilence So what is he saying? You know, amen the Lord do so but just keep in mind The pastors who have come before you and the pastors who have come before me Have a message is actually completely opposite to what you're saying You know, it's actually the complete opposite. It's not peace. It was never a message of peace. It's a message of destruction It's a message of evil. So in other words, I think what he's saying is you better think twice what you're talking about here Because everyone who's preaching before you actually has a different message and your message doesn't coincide Well what we're saying, so one of us is wrong right verse 9 The prophet which excuse me the prophet which prophesied the peace when the word of the prophet shall come to pass Then shall the prophet be known that the Lord hath truly sent him you're saying look if you're preaching peace You better make sure it happens because if not, it's just showing that you're a false prophet You're preaching falsely in the name of the Lord verse 10 then Hananiah The prophet took the yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah's neck and break it So just adding insult to injuries like takes it off breaks it using it as an illustration to say this is what God's gonna do right and Hananiah's spake in the presence of all the people saying thus saith the Lord even so will I break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all nations within the space of two full years and The prophet Jeremiah went his way Then the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the prophet after that hand and I the prophet had broken the yoke from off The neck of the prophet Jeremiah saying go and tell Hananiah saying thus saith the Lord thou has broken the yokes of wood But thou shalt make for them yokes of iron he goes, oh you want to get cute with your little illustration here You want to get cute with your little yoke of wood? Okay, then I see your yoke of wood I'm gonna add to you a yoke of iron Just to show you that I'm not playing just to show you that destruction is inevitable Just to show you that you're not gonna get away from the hand of the Lord I'm gonna give you a yoke of iron Verse 14 for thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel I have put a yoke of iron upon the necks of all these nations That they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and they shall serve him and I have given him the beast of the field Also, then said the prophet Jeremiah to Hananiah the prophet here now Hananiah The Lord hath not sent thee but thou makest this people to trust in a lie Therefore thus saith the Lord behold I will cast thee from off the face of the earth This year thou shalt die because thou has taught rebellion against the Lord I mean, this is an incredible story of and a great example of really what we see today Because many prophets and many pastors of today are preaching the same exact message You know God's favors on America. God's gonna bless America and peace peace, but really is is there peace? No, there isn't any peace. And in fact, we're not gonna see true peace until the millennial reign when King Jesus comes into office not King Trump Right or King booty, whatever his name is You know King Jesus comes on the scene and he's gonna establish peace, right? But prior to that we're not gonna really see any true peace because peace is what when we're reconciled with one another There is no war We're reconciled, but you know with with we can get along with everyone Everyone is on the same page and we all are of like-minded. That's not gonna happen this side of eternity That's not gonna happen this side of the millennial reign why because you can say peace peace But at the end of the day, there is no peace Because this utopian society where we all get along this, you know This society where can't we all just get along? You know and everything can we just coexist and tolerate one another's false doctrine and sins That's a fallacy. It doesn't exist and you cannot be a bible-believing Christian and live like that Because of the fact that so many things of what we believe goes against the grain of what modern Christianity talks about Goes against the grain of popular Christianity today Hey religious peace is not the goal We're not trying to have religious peace with Muslims We're not trying to have religious peace with Mormons with Jehovah's Witnesses Why because that would require for us to tolerate what they're teaching and that's not gonna happen You know peace with the enemies of God is impossible Because in order to have peace with them, we're supposed to love them, right? We're supposed to help them But shouldst thou healthy and godly and love them to hate the Lord therefore wrath is upon thee from before the Lord That doesn't sound like peace to me Peace through doctrinal tolerance is unacceptable. Okay, go to Matthew chapter 10 if you would Matthew chapter number 10 Matthew chapter 10 Look what it says in verse number 24 of Matthew chapter 10 It says here the disciples not above his master nor the servant above his Lord It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and a servant as his Lord if they have called the master of The house be else above how much more shall they call them of his household? Fear than not therefore for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be known What I tell you in darkness that speak ye in the light and what you hear in the ear that preach ye upon The house tops, you know That tells me is it's impossible To have peace with other religions because of the fact that God commands us to preach from the house tops what we believe we put it out in the open and eventually that's gonna rub someone the wrong way and At which point there is no peace You know, oh you just you know when you guys put your sermons on YouTube and you know You put your sermons out there and you put your clips You're just being divisive You know with your critical spirit and you're just being divisive when you try to single people out well look at verse 34 think not that I'm come to send peace on earth I Came not to send peace but a sword. Why aren't you like Jesus? Well, did you read what Jesus said? He's like, I'm not coming to bring peace on the earth now obviously peace on earth goodwill toward men in regards to salvation But This this utopian, you know Rodney King, can we all just get along type society doesn't exist He says I'm bringing a sword and what does the sword do it's divisive it divides It lets you know who's right and who's wrong It lets you know who you should listen to and who you shouldn't it lets you know who you should have fellowship with and who? You should not it divides Verse 35 for I am come to set a man at variance against his father Wow and The daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. That wasn't very hard. Just kidding and a man's foes Shall be they of his own household Now keep in mind that this is in context of Jesus bringing a sword which he's referring to the Word of God How Many can use how many of you can say yeah, I've had some foes in my own household You know, I think a lot of people people have been there, right? He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is Not worthy of me and he that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me Oh Jesus, that's a little divisive there. Yeah. Well, he didn't come to bring bring peace He came and he brought a sword It's meant to divide the Bible divides so this this fallacy of Peace on earth. Well, we could just all get along. We need to make sure we just tolerate one another don't criticize other churches It's all about Jesus man. And you know this lovey-dovey bubble Christianity is not biblical Now look, I'm not saying that there is no such thing as peace on this earth for us as Christians But here's the thing God offers peace, but it's on his terms See, we'll never have peace with other religions, but you know what God does offer a peace for the for Christians for believers but it's not the type of peace that the world has to offer and True peace is obtained on God's terms It's not based upon tolerance of other people's sins or false doctrines go to John chapter 14 John chapter 14 I Look what it says here in verse 27 Of John chapter 14 it says peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither Let it be afraid. You see the world does offer peace, doesn't it? But how do you get peace through the world? Oh, you know getting a bunch of possessions making more money Drinking substance abuse partying they offer all these all these avenues of sinful manners of Fornication adultery. Oh you can get peace by smoking pot or by drinking on a daily basis Or hanging out with these types of people. This is the peace. No, actually that's the peace that the world giveth right and Jesus said my peace I leave with leave with you not as the world giveth because the world is offering a form of peace But it's not the right type of peace and in fact when you Give yourself over to those things you come out understanding. Well, you know what? This is not what I thought it was gonna be This is destroying my life This is destroying my family. This is destroying my wife and my children and the future generations. There's no peace in this But there is a peace that God is offering go go with you if you watch a Roman chapter number five Let me start off by saying that God wants the world to be reconciled to him through his son So in order for us to have true peace, first of all, we got to be reconciled We have to have peace with God right and that is through salvation The Bible tells us in Colossians 1 21 and you that were sometimes alienated in enemies in your mind by wicked works Yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh to death to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable In his sight look at Romans 5 verse number 1 Therefore being justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God you see true peace comes when we get saved We're no longer in amity with God that's true peace Oh, well, you know the way they you know that person believes his religion is how he's gonna get to heaven and the way you do You know, I just accept both as long as you're at peace with that. No, you need to be at peace with the true God And you know what? Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father But by me and look the the worst enemy you could ever have is God That's the worst enemy you could ever have and that's why God is not willing that any should perish But that all should come to repentance through Jesus Christ go to Ephesians chapter number 2 Ephesians chapter number 2, you know, the Bible says that we're alienated We're enemies in our mind by wicked works but God has reconciled us how through the death of his son through his resurrection through a soul winner that came to us and gave us the gospel and Now, you know, he had blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us nailing it to the cross And thank God for that look at Ephesians 2 verse 1 and you have the quickened who were dead and trespasses and sin wherein in time past he walked according to the course of this world According to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience That's what we were prior to salvation the children of disobedience Okay, go down to verse 14 Look, that's why I'm not into this like apologetic type thing Where you're like you go and give the gospel to someone and you know You try to reason with them and try to give them, you know, all these facts about you know Archaeological finds of the Bible to no, I just give them the gospel. I Don't try to make God appealing to a person You know just teach, you know, just just just just give your life to him It's not the way just know what we're trying to do is reconcile that person back to God Yeah, that's why our gospel presentation starts off with you're a sinner, right For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Obviously whenever want to come in this condemning type spirit where we put them down this ray comfort type of you know presentation where you just make them feel like the worst piece of trash in the world and you just broke every single commandment and You're just the worst of scum of this earth No, we just want to get across to them to their sinners and because of that they deserve help But you know what? God commended his love toward us and that while we read sinners Christ died for us, right? Because we want to reconcile them look at verse 14 Wherefore remember that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that Which is called the circumcision of the flesh made by hands that at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and Strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were a far-off are made nigh but the blood of Christ for he is our peace Who hath made both one and have broken down the middle wall partition between us having abolished in his flesh the enmity Even the law of commandments contained in ordinances for to make it himself of twain one new man so making peace and that ye might Reconcile both on excuse both unto God in one body by the cross having slain the enmity Thereby notice the words that are keeping there being used enmity. Peace enmity and peace You know, that's the that's the first piece that we need. We need to make sure that our sins are washed away Before we can have any type of peace now After that, we need to partake in the ministry of peace, which is what the Bible calls it the ministry of Reconciliation Reconciliation You know we go out there. That's why we go out and preach the gospel We go out and slow in we go out there to try to see people save and reconcile them back unto God You know and people say no you guys are just divisive too confrontational. You guys need to be more like Islam Islam is a religion of peace Yeah, sure it is. I'm sure it is. You know, the fact of the matter is is that Muhammad did not promote peace And in fact the peace that he promoted was a piece that was based upon your subjection to him And to Islam and to their ideologies and it was imposed upon the people right they forced them into submission Yeah, now we have peace because I forced you to have peace with me Kind of thing. Well, isn't that what you guys do when you guys know? In fact, when someone doesn't want the gospel, you know what we do we walk away All right Have a good day and go to the next person No, you're just trying to shove that stuff down people's throats Well, you can exit out of the window on your computer at any time if you don't like the sermon And then done with like trolls are just like oh this guy preach then just go watch something else Am I forcing you to like watch the YouTube video am I forcing you to just sit there for 50 minutes an hour Just listening to everything that I have to say. No, you're deciding to do that Oh, you're just cramming that stuff down. You're cramming it down your own throat You're actually the one who's cramming it down your own throat you're taking the liberty you're making the decision to listen to the sermon That's offending you You know Islam is not a religion of peace You know Muhammad Believed that he was ordered by a lot to fight men until they testify there is no God but Allah and the Muhammad is his Messenger, you know these people Islam is a religion of war now Christians we believe in war spiritual war But here's the thing the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rules of the darkness of this world It's a spiritual battle that we're in not a physical battle. We're not trying to go out there and fight people physically No, this is a spiritual battle and as soldiers of Jesus Christ The way we fight the battle is by rescuing people from that spiritual prison Pulling people out of the fire, right? preaching to the spirits in prison Those who are lost they're dead in their trespasses and said we're going out there to try to get them safe to reconcile them To have peace with God through Jesus Christ Go with me if you would to Colossians chapter number three I Peace peace when there is no peace, but what do you do when there is no peace? What do you do when you just can't get along with other people, you know, cuz what about just in church in general, you know We're human, but the Bible tells us to as much as lies within us to live peaceably with all men We need to try to make sure that We try to get along with people as much as we possibly can and the way we do that is by working on our own personality floss You know if there's certain Characteristics or attributes that may be offensive to people or maybe you come off as aggressive or abrasive Maybe those are some things you should change in order to have peace with people, right? But if people can't have peace with you no matter what happens then guess what you go find another friend Right as much as lies within you But the Bible also tells us that he God wants us to have the peace of God ruling in our hearts and that's really The type of peace that we should be pursuing this side of eternity is The peace of God that rules in our hearts because if you have peace in your heart You can deal with any circumstance you can deal with any situation any trial any tribulation Why because you have the peace of God in your heart look at the Bible says in Colossians chapter 3 verse 12 put on therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercies Kindness humbleness of mind meekness longsuffering Forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also do you and above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness and Let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the witch also You're called in one body and be ye thankful Thankful, you know, there's times in our life. Obviously when we go through a circumstance, maybe it's a death in your family Maybe it's a financial struggle Maybe it's just the stresses of life that are kind of wearing you down and you just feel the sense of anxiety Or maybe you just feel like man what's gonna happen? I'm afraid, you know at that point The Bible tells us that we need to be careful for nothing What does it mean to be careful means to be full of care? All right, if you turn it backwards be careful for nothing but in all things by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving Let your request be made known unto God and the peace of God the pasteth understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord now I want you to notice that in that verse It tells us first and foremost that we need to let our requests be made known unto God Supplications with Thanksgiving You know what that means when you're going through a hard time. Thank God for the hard times Okay And Then he says and the peace of God which passeth understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord Notice it doesn't say that he's gonna give you the request Not gonna give you the request He says but I will give you the peace of God That passeth understanding now Why is it called the peace of God that passeth understanding because of the fact that we correlate peace with fixing the situation? I Have peace about this because now I fix the situation, you know, this is okay. My financial situation is okay My living situation is okay. My job is fine. Everything's fine. So we correlate peace with the fixing of a circumstance But what if you have that peace without fixing the circumstance that's called the peace that passeth understanding That's when we start to walk in the spirit. The the spirit produces, you know Peace in our lives and we can we can be basically at peace with God in our circumstances see happiness comes from happenings, but joys of the Lord and Joys should never be determined based upon the things that take place in your life It should be based based upon you're reading the scriptures walking in the spirit having peace in your heart Because of the fact that you're gonna go through times when the whole world's falling apart all around you and That's not the time to quit. That's not the time to get out of church. That's not the time to stop reading your Bible That's not the time to stop praying. What is it a time to do to ask God to give you the peace that passeth all understanding You know, we need to make sure that we understand that we don't always have to try to change our circumstances because of the fact That sometimes there's circumstances that can never be changed Certain situations will never change Certain difficulties will never go away this side of eternity You know, let's fix what we can fix Let's try to improve that which can be improved but things that cannot be changed. Let's just pray for peace Pray for peace pray that God gives you the peace that passeth understand the Bible talks about the love of God the passeth knowledge Well, this is a piece that passeth understanding, you know, I remember When my father-in-law he went into the hospital he had what was called an AVM rupture and his brain something he was born with and You know just it just kind of suddenly happened, you know people who have this in their brain don't really know they have it until You know, they get a CAT scan and they find it or until you know, it ruptures Unfortunately, and they say that 1% of the people who have this survive So my father-in-law's part of that 1% amen and I remember he went to the hospital It was a very difficult. It was at our old church. We're going through our missions revival and You know, he began to throw up and and you know We took him to the heart. They took him to the hospital and I remember the doctor saying he's probably not gonna live probably not gonna live and You know, it was a trying the life just completely changed in a matter of like hours Completely changed Really goes to show you that things can just change in a matter of minutes in a matter of hours in a matter of days He went to the hospital he says probably not gonna live through the night Well, he lived through the night they did surgery and they ended up searing some of the other veins that potentially could have popped and They closed the other one He ended up living through the night and then they say well, he's probably never gonna talk Then he started talking Obviously months later. He's probably never ever gonna be the same person to remember everything. Well, he remembers a lot No, it was a good truly a miracle, right? But I remember in those first initial days my wife who was not my wife at the time You know, she it's like she's she's about to lose her dad That's a very difficult situation And I don't know if you've ever lost anybody in your life and maybe you know Maybe you know or you don't know how that feels But you know, she was she was distraught she was about to lose her father she was the firstborn girl of that family and I remember praying fervently for her and people were praying for the family and I remember she told me one of those days she said, you know, I'm still saddened about my dad in the hospital and I feel like This is just a dream and I want to wake up from it. But I do feel like God's giving me a peace Like I can be at peace with what's going on Obviously, I want my dad to come out of this obviously, I'm still sad about it, but I don't have the sense of panic anymore There's a sense of peace And I'm not getting charismatic on you I believe prayer works like that That's why you should pray one for another, you know And sometimes we want to admonish people using words and counsels, but sometimes we just need to pray for people You know pray for them in their situation pray for their circumstance and when you say hey, bro I'll pray for you. Make sure you pray for them Because it does count it does help So what am I saying I'm saying that you know a worldwide peace is Not going to take place. And in fact, it is gonna take place to a certain extent with the New World Order But that's like that Islamic thing where they just kind of force that peace upon you, right? You got to submit into them But there is a peace that a Christian can have while they're on this earth and it's based upon You know you praying is based upon your relationship with the Lord and your relationship with the Word of God that you're reading it and You're allowing the peace of God to rule in your hearts Okay, the Bible tells us that that will keep him in perfect. Peace whose mind is stayed on thee You know thinking about the Lord provides that peace, doesn't it? Because of the fact that your mind throughout the day just runs wild sometimes and just bills Car all these things and health and But you know what if your mind is stayed on the Lord if you're focused on if you're looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith He can keep you in perfect. Peace Say man, this stinks. But hey, I got the peace of God ruling in my hearts in my heart And you know, I know that if I died right now and go to heaven, you know, I know I got the Bible I got the book of Psalms. I got a great church. I got a great pastor I got great brothers and sisters in Christ You know every once in a while peace not only comes through prayer But also comes to us looking at the silver lining of things You know, what do I mean by that be just look at what you do have? Look at the good things that are taking place we naturally You know, it's just in our nature to just easily be negative It's easy to just be negative about the things that are going on in your life It takes discipline to actually look at the positive It takes discipline to actually look at the silver lining in a bad situation and kind of focus on those things Counter-blessings name them one by one Counter-blessings see what God hath done Counter-blessings name them one by one counter many blessings. See what God hath done That takes discipline Because you know when things are going bad, we're grouch grouchy people When things go bad, it's like we want you to know that it's going bad. I want you to see on my face I want you to tell me what's wrong And when I say nothing, I want you to ask again We're like that, right But you know what at the end of the day that doesn't help you that doesn't help your family We need to make sure that when we go through a difficult situation and there is no peace around you That you pray for that peace of God and you look at the silver lining in every situation and you understand hey Life is still good Life is still good. I love my church. I love my wife. I love my children. I love my husband You know may not love my job, but hey, it's putting food on the table. You know, I have a job You know look at the silver lining write them down if you have to amen because it helps go to John 16 John 16 When there is no peace pray for peace when there is no peace look at the silver lining in every situation look at verse 32 So, oh no, I think peace comes when I finally get that car that I've always wanted That's when I know I can have peace Or that I know I'll get peace when I get that raise or when I move into that perfect house Or when I get that you fill in the blank, no, that's not when peace comes Okay, because once you get those things then it's not all it's cracked up to be and then you start looking for something better You know Look at verse 32 behold the hour cometh Yea is now come that ye shall be scattered every man to his own and shall leave me alone And yet I am not alone because the Father is with me these things. I've spoken unto you that in me Ye might have peace look what it says in the world Ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer I have overcome the world now that kind of seems like it wouldn't really go together In me you shall priest but in the world you have tribulation. Those are polar opposites Well that goes to show you that the peace of God is not determined by what takes place in the world Because he's saying you can have the peace of God, but just understand that in the world ye shall have tribulation So we can look at this verse like this and clearly see that the peace of God off the peace of God that God offers It's not unified religion. It's not hey, let's coexist It's not hey, let's just all get along. It's when we are actually in submission to God Right in the world. Ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I've overcome the world now Here's the thing is another piece that God gives us is when we recognize That because God is righteous because he's perfect in his judgment and his justice that he will repay those wicked people Because you know doesn't that create a sense of like stress or a lack of peace when we see wicked people getting away with things Don't you get frustrated with that? It's a how can this person just get away with this this wicked person this reprobate or whatever it may be and it just creates a sense of unstable You know your your mind to be unstable and say man, what's going on in this world? Why is this being being permitted? Well, the way you can get peace is by understanding that God will repay that person That creates peace God is not a man that he should lie, you know, he says vengeance is mine. Say it the Lord. I will repay And he's talking about repaying the evil doers The Bible says in Psalm 31 23 Oh love the Lord all ye Saints all ye his saints for the Lord preserveth the faithful and plentifully rewarded the proud doer Plentifully he's gonna give him justice You know manifold a manifold justice plentiful justice. He's gonna reward them He's gonna be bountiful in his judgment and his justice towards wicked people and that should create peace in our hearts To say you know what thank God that he's not gonna let them get away with that Praise God that you know These wicked people are not gonna get away with it No Even if they never get put to death or they never go to jail or they never get what's coming to them in this world They will get to what's coming to them sometime Because God will repay them and you know what that does it creates peace in our hearts because we're not just like No In fact, we just have peace to say Their day is coming Pay day someday for that person Pay day someday for that reprobate Pay day someday for that pedophile pay day someday for that wicked unreasonable ungodly Person God will not allow them to get away with that. And what does that do that creates peace in our hearts? You know every email every comment every single slander every Threat that they've ever given God's gonna repay them He has not forgotten The Bible says in Proverbs 26 in verse number 10 the great God that formed all things both rewarded the fool and rewarded transgressors go to 2nd Thessalonians chapter number one 2nd Thessalonians chapter number one, so we get peace by praying for it Asking God to help help us to have the peace of God the past with understanding and look when you go through a difficult time Throughout your week. Let that be like a reminder to you. Oh, man. It's time to pray You know when you go through a difficult situation something that's outside of your hands. Oh, that's my reminder to pray God give me wisdom. Give me understanding help me to have patience Help me to deal with the situation and if the situation is irreparable just give me the peace of God the past is understanding All that doesn't work what you have not cuz he asked not Gotta pray for those things But not only that also see the silver lining in every situation because some situations are irreparable So instead of whining about it instead of murmuring and complaining about it. Let's look at the good that comes out of it, right? But Also, we also get the peace of God by understanding that God will reward the proud doer He is gonna repay the enemies of God one day look at 2nd Thessalonians 1 In verse number 5 it says here But we are bound to thank God always for you brethren as it is meet because that your faith growth Exceedingly and the charity of every one of you all toward each other abounded so that we ourselves glory in you in The churches of God for your patience and faith and all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure Which is a manifest Manifest token of the righteous judgment of God that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God for which he also suffered Seeing it as a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you and to you who are troubled rest with us When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire Taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power? You know, that's a promise ironclad that God says hey Don't worry those who have troubled you those who have persecuted you those who have caused you to suffer They're gonna suffer that eternal vengeance of fire one day That's a really kind of weird way to kind of console yourself don't you think brother mania we're just human You know and there's a reason why the imprecatory prayers exist in the book of Psalms There's a reason why David who's a man after God's own heart God allowed him to pen those words within the book of Psalms because he's a man of like passions He's a man of like passions who suffered the same persecutions and backstabbings the same tribulations and trials And guess what? We get to read that and say hey, I feel that way and guess what? This is the Word of God Therefore is justified for me to pray that hopefully God answers it But if not, it creates a peace in my heart because God will one day answer that amen So the sermon is simple When there is no peace We need to recognize that we don't we're not seeking that physical peace You know why because that's gonna come one day in the millennial reign But when we are going through trials and difficulties and hardships, we need to pray for the peace of God We need to make sure that we look at the silver lining We need to make sure that we understand the attributes of God is that he will repay the evildoer one day And then lastly, you know, God wants us to have peace with our brethren. Okay, and I'm talking about within this within a local church setting. Okay, and I mentioned this before The Bible tells us recompense to no man evil for evil provide things honest in the sight of all men if it be possible I'm so thankful he put that right That personal testimony right there. I'm just kidding If it be possible as much as life and you live peaceably with all men Do you know God is telling us look I if it's possible because I know it's he's insinuating that sometimes it's not Try to live peaceably with all men Try to get along with your brothers and sisters in Christ in the local church Why because this is the local body of church. This is your church This is where you're gonna grow. This is where your children are gonna grow up So you need to make sure that you try to live peaceably with everyone here and if you can't if it's impossible Then sit as far away from that person as possible within this church service You know, sometimes you just Got to do the best you can with what you got But look, let me say this is If you feel like you can't get along with anybody in the church It's probably not all the people in the church It's probably something wrong with you That's toxic you need to reference my sermon from this morning Because at the end of the day, you know we need to make sure that we examine ourselves and See what is there something that I'm doing or something that I'm not you know if Everyone has the same testimony about you and I don't know anything about anybody. So don't think like you talking about me What did Pastor Anderson tell him about me? nothing You know, I'm just saying that this is common just in all churches is that especially as the church grows There's gonna be times when you just can't get along with certain people, but you need to try and if you can't then You know what? You don't have to be rude You don't have to be unkind. You don't have to gossip. You don't have to slander. You don't have to complain You don't have to murmur Because at the end of the day, you're just basically showing what's already in your heart You showed that the discontentment is not because of the church it's because of you the Discontentment lies in your own heart Okay, the Bible tells us finally brethren farewell be perfect be of good comfort be of one mind Live in peace and the God of love and peace shall be with you Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace and things wherewith one may edify Another you know, then that's part of just growing up in the Christian life, isn't it? Learning how to get along with your brothers and sisters in Christ Right learning how to walk in the spirit not fulfill the lust of the flesh Understanding that you don't have to be buddy buddy. You don't have to be best friends with every single person in the church Understanding that hey, as long as I'm here my family's here. We can make a couple good friends, you know, everything is a-okay But as much as lies within you if it be possible You know because we want to make sure that there's unity in the church Unity, right They were all on the same page, but if there's a disgruntled member Constantly complaining disgruntled member not happy with the situation of the church Disgruntled remember what the pastor of the pastor's wife, you know that creates a chink in the armor of the local church so the way you fix that is that you fix yourself or if you just prefer not to do that then just That's Greek for keep your mouth shut And Don't murmur don't complain try to live peaceably with everyone in the church. Amen Hey peace peace, but what if there is no peace? Well, these are some things you can do and Take three of these and call me in the morning. Amen Spire heads and I were to pray father We thank you so much for your word and thank you for the peace of God the pasteth understanding And there's situations in our life that we cannot control May we help us to fix the the parts of our circumstances that we can But those that we can help us to look at the silver lining help us to pray Help us to recognize that you will reward the evil doer and to meditate upon these things walk in the spirit and be reminded of these things To help us Lord while we're here and you promised us peace But you've always also promised us that there will be tribulation in this world But we should be of good cheer because of the fact that you've overcome the world and I pray God that you'd help us to Do so in Jesus name we pray