(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right we're in the book of Ephesians this evening look down at your Bibles at verse number one it says I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy excuse me of the vocation wherewith you're called with all lowliness and meekness with long-suffering for bearing one another in love endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace there is one body and one spirit even as you're called in one hope of your calling one Lord one faith one baptism one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all and the topic I want to preach on this this evening is the topic of baptism more specifically one baptism right there in verse number five it says one Lord one faith one baptism now obviously when you read the Bible and you study the New Testament you will often find the term baptism and it's off often in different contexts in different scenarios and to be quite honest with you when you put this these verses into the hands of people who are not saved you know you you think of the Church of Christ rejecters those who believe that you have to be baptized in order to be saved they will take take specific verses that may be associate salvation with baptism and build a doctrine off of that but the reality is this is that when the Bible says that there's one baptism it's not referring to just one type of baptism it's referring to the fact that there's only one way of salvation this is why he says one Lord one faith one baptism now why does he use baptism as a means to communicate what salvation is I'm gonna explain that this evening but look the reality is is that many times in the Bible when baptism is mentioned it's not always in reference to a water baptism okay now go with me if you went to Hebrew chapter number six Hebrew chapter number six we'll go back to Ephesians 4 in just a bit but just keep in mind he says one Lord one faith one baptism now today when we think of that we're you know when we think of baptism we automatically think of baptism by immersion in other words when we take a person who is called upon the name of the Lord and we completely immersed them in the water they completely come out we refer to that as the practice of baptism and that is that is very much true that's what we do as a church however when the Bible refers to baptism we actually need to look at its context we need to see what's being spoken about because that's not always the case in every scenario in the Bible when baptism is referred to it's not always talking about that baptism by immersion I look at Hebrew chapter 6 and verse number one it says therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on to perfection not laying again the foundation so what he's saying here is this what he's about to mention our doctrines that are foundational right because he's saying leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ let us go on into perfection in other words maturity learning things that are the meat of the word he says not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works so what is the most foundational teaching in the Bible that we ought to learn salvation right salvation should be something that no one skims on that we should know exactly what we believe we have to understand that when the Bible talks about repentance from dead works it's not referring to sin right repentance from sin this is referring to whatever you're trusting in for salvation and placing your faith in Christ okay it says repentance from dead works and a faith toward God that is a foundational principle that we need to learn as Christians and let me say this is that if you're in our church you should have this doctrine down to a T I mean from the babe all the way to the Christian who's been a Christian for decades on end this is something that is foundational for all of us okay and look obviously when you first get saved you just know well I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ I'm saved and that's great but you know what there are intricacies of salvation that you need to learn there's terminologies that you need to adhere to there's words and words that the Holy Ghost teaches us that we need to repeat and use when in reference to salvation right I believe in repentance but I believe in repentance from dead works and faith toward God right so he says that's a foundational teaching verse 2 says and of the doctrine of baptisms so this is quite in contrast to what we just saw in Ephesians chapter 4 where it said there's only one baptism here it says that there is the doctrine of baptisms showing us that there is more than one type of baptism okay it says and of laying on the hands and of the resurrection of the dead and of eternal judgment and this we would do if God permit now in the Bible there's three types of baptisms okay the first one is the one that we're most familiar with which is a water baptism which is baptism by immersion a person who calls upon the name of the Lord they want to identify with Christ in his death burial and resurrection and they do that through being completely immersed in water and coming out of the water okay the second type of baptism is the baptism of repentance which by the way we still preach today right it wasn't that in a different dispensation no it's not okay you know dispensation is would like for you to think that that's a different dispensation they'll use the baptism of repentance that was preached by John to say well John preached salvation by faith and works the proof of that is the fact that he preached the baptism of repentance you know he preached that you have to be baptized that you have to repent of your sins in order to be saved I mean how many times have you gotten into discussion with a repent of your sins heretic or some person who's been duped by these fools and they'll bring that up I was says you have to repent repent and believe the gospel yeah it doesn't say repent of your sins okay and so you have two extremes to this you have the charismatic Pentecostal fools who will say well you have to be baptized by immersion in order to be saved because the Bible talks about the baptism of repentance and then you have the opposite opposite side of the of the heretical spectrum which is the dispensationalist which will say well that's not necessarily you know how we're safe today though that was a different dispensation that's how they got saved then we get saved differently now it's by faith alone and obviously those people aren't saved at all if they believe that there's different ways of salvation so there is a water baptism there's a baptism of repentance which is often referred to as the baptism of John John the Baptist and then the third one is the baptism of the Holy Ghost okay this was a baptism that was actually unique to the Apostles only one of these required water okay a physical baptizing and immersed immersing someone in literal water these other two baptism of repentance and of the Holy Ghost their spiritual baptisms okay now in Ephesians 4 we read that there's one baptism and as I mentioned that is in reference to one way of salvation the Bible uses the term baptism to describe a person when a person is immersed into Christ at the moment of salvation because if I were to ask you define baptism what is baptism you would say that means to be immersed well when you get saved that's exactly what happens to you in Christ you get immersed you get you get placed in Christ okay you get placed into the body of Christ you understand so let's look at different baptisms in the Bible okay go with me if you would to Acts chapter 8 the most famous one let's look at the water baptism first and foremost now by the way water baptism is the reason why we're called Baptists you know there's a reason why we're called Baptists and it's because we baptize people who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ that's what makes us distinct and different from everyone else okay now are there groups out there that preach a right way of salvation absolutely are there people out there who say that the Christians that are they don't call themselves Baptist but they preach once saved always saved yes there is but you know what I want to be a Baptist because of the fact that Baptists are the people who have been associated with the right doctrine throughout the ages always if you were to even study Baptist history for example you're running to people such as the Waldensians okay the the Donatists the Albigensies these are people who lived in times past who were referred to as Baptists by their enemies because of the fact that they would immerse believers after they trusted Christ as their Savior and in fact they were persecuted and killed for that very reason and lo and behold when you study these these different groups of Baptists throughout the years you know they all have the same characteristics you know a lot of it if you ask a lot of these Baptist historians what are some of the qualities that these Baptists had they'll say well number one they love soul winning there is zealous soul winners oh really they'll say number two there were really hard preachers that's interesting hmm you know and number three they just loved the Word of God I think I think another one what they said is that they're just very controversial people oh okay you know but we're we're the hate preachers right we're the ones who like you know they are unbiblical unloving but yet they want to look to towards these ancient Baptists as being their examples you know what there's always been a remnant throughout the years there's always been people who adhere to the Word of God in the byproduct of adhering to the Word of God is you're zealous for Sony you love Sony you love hard preaching and you're controversial in fact one of the guys who I believe he was that one of the the leader of the Donatist I could I could have that mixed up a little bit he got saved and he brought all his converts and he said all right he's caught the converse that he got from the Catholic Church and he goes all right guys get all your crucifixes and we're gonna have a bonfire we're gonna cook meat on on on Friday Good Friday in front of the Catholic Church and after we're done barbecue we're gonna preach against the Catholic Church and they did that was very controversial okay and in fact one of the other groups you know had a church where two young men were gonna be ordained to be pastors and they were carrying their Bibles to the congregation and the the authorities came and they said you got to give up your Bibles and they gave it up and when they came to the church the pastor said where's your Bibles and he says well the authorities came and they took it away and he's like well I'm not ordained to you then so why he goes because you're weak and that's what that's all it took for you to just buckle under the pressure and just give up your Bible like that you renounce what you believe you know you're not you probably shouldn't be a pastor so a lot of these guys they were they were very much zealous for the Lord and these are the same qualities that we see today even amongst Baptist Church but let me say this that the point that I'm making is that they were all called Baptist okay and the reason they're called Baptist is because of the fact that they believe that they needed to immerse people in water after they called upon the name of the Lord okay they didn't baptize babies which is something that the Protestants do okay even Protestants today and they could deny it all they want but you know what their predecessors the people that came before them guess what they did they baptized babies you know Dio Moody was a baby baptizer and the reason I make a big deal about that is because you have Baptist Bible colleges they have a class called you know the biographies of great men and you know who they study everyone but Baptist they study you know Billy Sunday they study Dio Moody they study all the the congregationalist who baptized babies why would we look towards people who are heretics for any kind of doctrine well they were just off on baptism then they're probably off on salvation too why are they baptizing babies because they believe that's what washes the way the original sin that's a Catholic teaching folks but Baptists have always been known even the most watered-down Baptists right they know what we baptize believers only okay and look this is this is what should characterize us as a church is that when we get people saved we get them baptized and look that's why I that's why I emphasize and I encourage people hey once you get someone saved mention baptism to them say hey now you need to get baptized the Bible says you need to get baptized and they'll say hey you want to get baptized say hey you need to get baptized now now you say because the Bible commands you to be baptized after salvation well I'm just afraid that they might mix that up with salvation then you're not a good gospel presenter presenter event because if you present the gospel correctly they're not gonna get that mixed up if you explain that it's not by works of righteousness which we have done and you explain that it's not by baptism they're not gonna mix that up they will understand clearly what baptism is all about but water baptism is important let me reach you from Matthew 28 you're in Acts chapter 8 I'll reach you from Matthew 28 verse 19 says go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I've commanded you and lo I'm with you always even until the end of the world amen so this is the order of sequence for the Great Commission we teach we baptize and then we disciple this is what the Bible is telling us now the most famous passage in this regard look at Acts chapter 8 let's look at the first one look at verse 12 it says but when they believe Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized both men and women then Simon himself believed also and when he was baptized he continued with Philip and wondered beholding the miracles and signs which were done so this is what we see this is the example and the sequence that we see throughout the Bible is that people believe first and then they get baptized now look folks if someone comes to our church and they get saved and you tell them about baptism they said well I've already been baptized say well guess what that didn't count you know you just got wet okay and it doesn't count for anything because of the fact that the Bible commands is to do it after salvation and I'm pretty sure everyone here is baptized okay but if not come talk to me afterwards and if because if you're saved you need to get baptized that's your first step of obedience well it's too cold suck it up this is California okay we're not we were not in Alaska asking you to get baptized or something you know where it's freezing cold you know this is something that's very much hey look what is it uh the police boy he got baptized like in some cold Luke was it Lucas I remember this before we had the heater you guys remember that we were baptized outside the water was just freezing cold and he just went in there like Iceman he was just like do it you know if the little boy can do it so can you okay look at verse 36 it says and as they went on their way they came into a certain water and the eunuch said see here is water what doth hinder me to be baptized and Philip said if thou believeth with all thine heart thou mayest and he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and he commanded the charity stand still and they went down both into the water both Philip and the eunuch and he was baptized and he baptized him and when they were come up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip that the eunuch saw him no more and he went on his way rejoicing so we see here the baptism came after salvation now let's go to let's go to Acts chapter number two now the Church of Christ rejecters as I mentioned in the beginning believe you have to be baptized in order to be saved okay there's a guy from like I don't know year and a half two years ago his name was Caleb Robertson okay he's this guy who has this YouTube channel that looks like an infomercial it looks like an infomercial and this guy has so many issues he's a liar he's a thief his dad is a major liar they're just major major damn double heretics right he tried to get me to go on his show to like debate him and I told him I was like I'm not a I don't I'm not a referee so I don't debate and why would I debate you if I already know that I'm right the battle's been won I won already because I'm right and you're wrong okay so he couldn't he he was trying to get us to debate him so instead he settled for uh for Andrew sleuter instead so it was the blind debating the blind you know I mean hilarious but this is one of the verses that he used to say well you know you need to be baptized in order to be saved because this is how he kind of came across this is how he kind of came about he basically messages like oh you guys are Baptist so I never met Baptist that believed in being baptized to be saved insinuating that that's what we believe but it's just basically his his you know his line in the pond to try to reel us in to say well that's not what we believe so he can debate us basically okay look at verse 37 says now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles men and brethren what shall we do then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and he shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost so this is their go-to verse right here it's just like repent to be baptized for the remission of sins for the remission of sins and you know obviously because they're there they're these Greek scholars they say well you know for there is actually East which means you know to the remissionist so you can they receive the remission of sins okay this shows you their lack of intelligence even when it comes to languages because of the fact that the Bible talks uses for even twice in first Peter you know for for this cause all right and it uses doesn't use East and there okay because of the fact that it can mean two different words here what this is referring to is saying in order to or excuse me when you repent you repent and be baptized when you've received the remission of sins how do you receive the remission of sins by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ okay now this is all they got though okay but look the way we're supposed to interpret the Bible folks is that you get the majority teaching the clear scriptures and you run with that when you run into an obscure scripture in the Bible you use the clear scriptures to interpret that scripture okay that's what you're supposed to do so we don't base our doctrine of baptism on Acts chapter 2 verse 37 through 41 that's not what we're supposed to do but hey we can teach baptism using this because of the fact that we're already grounded we already have the doctrines of the print the oracles of the principles of God we already have those foundational teachings that for salvation what's necessary repentance from dead works and faith toward God at which point once you have done that you get baptized okay look at verse 40 says and when many other words that he testified exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about three thousand souls look folks when you get saved God expects two things of you to get baptized and to repent you know what I'm saying to get right with God whether that's repenting of sin repenting from what you're trusting in he wants you to start changing your ways after salvation he wants you to start clearing your mind transforming your mind he wants you to start changing right away okay now another scripture they like to use is mark 16 go to 1st Corinthians chapter 9 if you would mark 16 verse 15 says and he said unto them going into all the world and preached the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved there you go and they'll say see you had to believe and be baptized in order to be saved but they never finished the verse why don't you finish the verse because you're a liar that's why he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not and is not baptized no he that believeth not shall be damned because damnation and eternal life is all based upon what you do with your belief system not with your actions okay you know if we believe on Jesus Christ and we're baptized we're saved however if you don't believe according to the Bible then you are damned completely taking out the the the complete taking out baptism at the end of the verse why because God understands that people will try to use this verse to try to teach their false doctrine so in doing so he's like I'm just not going to take out I'm just gonna take out baptism because I know people will try to use that okay now if this was the case okay and people needed to be baptized in order to be saved then you know the Apostle Paul is a stinking liar cuz look what he says in verse 16 of 1st Corinthians 9 for though I preach the gospel I have nothing to glory of for necessities laid upon me a woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel can you can you feel can you feel the passion there he's like woe is unto me if I preach not the gospel he's like man this is this is a need this is a necessity that I preach the gospel well according to the Church of Christ rejecters what is the gospel you have to be baptized to be saved the gospel according to the Church of Christ rejecters is this hey you need to be baptized in order to receive remission of sins in order to have eternal life this is what you need to do that's their gospel right go to chapter 1 of 1st Corinthians ha we got you Paul you say what was unto you if you preach not the gospel but you're being a hypocrite Paul cuz guess what chapter 1 comes before chapter 9 look at verse 12 now this I say that every one of you saith I am of Paul and I am of Apollos and I have Cephas and I have Christ as Christ abided was Paul crucified for you or were you baptized in the name of Paul I thank God that I baptized none of you oh are you like backslitting or what you shouldn't be saying those things I thank God that I baptized none of you but Christmas and Gaius let's then you should say that I baptized in my no name and I baptized also the house of Stephanas besides I know not whether I baptized any other for Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel oh hold on a second you're all where you got that wrong Paul the gospel is baptism the gospel is that people get immersed in water no it's not and in fact he specifically says Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel what is that telling us that baptism the water baptism water immersion has nothing to do with the gospel because he's making a distinction between the two and look every single Christ rejector Church of Christ rejector who have presented this who can never answer that they finagle their way through it now acts 2 acts 2 mark 16 1st Corinthians 1 and then we'll talk about Acts chapter 2 Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with wisdom of words lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect and let me say this their gospel is of none effect not saving anybody okay go to Acts chapter 10 Acts chapter 10 and look I'm not saying that we should not baptize people by immersion this is an important aspect of the Great Commission not of the gospel what is Great Commission it's the commandment that God has given to us not only to preach the gospel but to see them saved and also to disciple them okay and this is something that our church strongly believes in we believe and not only going out there in soul winning we believe we need to bring them here we believe we need to get them baptized and we believe they need to be disciple ized as well this is why when people come to our church and and they want to learn so winning we stick them on a team right we put them under an authority in the church where they can be observed how they preach the gospel what they say what their doctrine is and basically refine them as a soul winner so they can become bona fide soul winners in the next six months okay and they learn doctrine in church this is very much important but you know what baptism is an integral part of what we do here but not for salvation all right look at verse 45 and they have the circumcision which believe were astonished and as many as came with Peter because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God then answered Peter can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord then prayed they him to Terry certain days now here's the thing cuz these Church of Christ rejectors who believe in what baptism regeneration they also believe you could lose your salvation so it's like so would you lose it you have to get baptized again right have you ever think about that it's like what if you backslide obviously you lost your salvation so when they come back do you have to get baptized again well of course you do can you show me the example of that in the Bible you can't so I mean because you know it's a cesspool of sin in those churches they should be performing baptisms on themselves over and over and over again okay you know and then you have the other extreme of the Mormons where they're baptized for the dead they're literally baptized for the dead okay in fact I want a Mormon lady to the Lord one time and she was she was very much backslidden and that's why I was able to win her to the Lord and she told me that she was baptized for the dead or yeah she was baptized for the dead you know and she had said yeah I got they gave me a list and they just you know I'm like what in the world this is crazy so I was like can you get baptized for Hitler too you see if you really think about these doctrines are very stupid but here's the problem these people don't think someone else someone else does the thinking for them okay but baptism is important okay it's important because of the fact that God wants us to identify with the Son Jesus Christ and baptism when we are immersed in water it is symbolic of our salvation okay it's a symbolic of the fact that we're buried with them in the likeness of his death and we're raised again in the likeness of his resurrection very much important and look people and that you know if they refuse to get baptized after salvation because they're like nervous or whatever they're not gonna grow in the Lord because it is the first step of obedience after salvation okay and look don't tell me that you're gonna obey the Lord in different areas and soul winning and all these other areas if you can't even get baptized well you know the water and then the gown and all these things and the robes and I got to put all this stuff I just don't know you're not gonna obey God later on in the long run then because this is a very small commandment to do to get baptized okay but it is a part of what we do here at our church now go to Luke chapter 3 if you would so that is the that is baptism by water it's very much important it's not something that we're ashamed of it characterizes who we are as a church this is why we're Baptist even if other churches you know baptized believers and they don't call themselves Baptist Baptist the name Baptist characterizes us not just because of the practice of baptism but because that doctrine is often associated with other doctrines found in the King James Bible okay there's a string of doctrines that comes with being a Baptist okay now let's talk about the baptism of repentance this is the baptism that we saw in Ephesians chapter 4 where it talked about one faith one Lord one faith one baptism okay the baptism of repentance is talking about salvation and what is referring to is the immersion in Christ due to the repentance from dead works and faith toward God okay so in a nutshell what is referring to is this when you call upon the name of the Lord you are immediately baptized or immersed into Christ you are immediately forgiven you're immersed in forgiveness right you receive the forgiveness of sins Luke 3 verse 4 says and he came into all the country about Jordan preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins as it is written in the book of the words of his eyes the prophet saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord make his paths straight go with if you went to mark chapter number one mark chapter number one now Luke 3 in Acts chapter 2 have that similar wording don't they repent and be baptized for the remission of sins and then we see in Luke chapter 3 that he says you know repent for the remission of sins so how do we know they're talking about two different baptism of two different types of repentance because of the fact that in Acts chapter 2 we literally see them getting baptized that's how we know okay whereas this right here in Luke chapter number 3 when he says preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins this can be compared to mark chapter 1 look at verse number one says the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God as it is written in the prophets behold I send my messenger before that face which shall prepare thy way before thee the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare you the way of the Lord make his paths straight John did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins so what do we see here we see two different things they're saying yes he did baptize and he preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins this is telling us that these are two separate actions there's the physical action of immersing someone into water and then there's a second action of preaching the message okay now what is he saying in this message go to Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 and when I showed dispensational is this they just reject this as well because Acts chapter 19 is a commentary on what we just read in Mark okay he talks about the baptism of repentance the Apostle Paul is gonna clarify what that is he says in verse number one and it came to pass that while Apollos was at Corinth Paul having passed through the upper coast came to Ephesus and finding certain disciples he said unto him have you received the Holy Ghost since ye believed they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost and he said unto them unto what then were you baptized and they said unto John's baptism they said then said Paul John barely baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus so what is the message that they should believe on him which should come after him that is on Christ Jesus so the baptism of repentance the context of the message is to believe on Jesus Christ well why did he say that you know you know aren't people gonna get confused no because in my opinion people understood what baptism meant in those days in its context today there's so much false doctrine you know like for example repentance is not a bad word to use either even in regards to salvation right repentance from dead work dead works and faith toward God but that's not something we should use when we're God's only because of the fact that now it has been associated with repenting of sin for salvation and look let me say this saying baptism for salvation would be a biblical term because I'm gonna explain what that means but it wouldn't it be appropriate for us to use it out sowing because of the fact that the vast majority of people have been introduced to false doctrine in regards to baptism and salvation okay so to be baptized means to be immersed now go with me if you went to 1st Corinthians chapter 12 let's look at some scriptures here tip to validate this so when he talks about the baptism of repentance is referring to the fact that once they believed on Christ they are immersed into Christ let's prove that first Corinthians 12 verse 11 or verse 12 it says this first Corinthians 12 12 for as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many or one body so also is Christ for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body this is referring to the body of Christ whether we be Jews or Gentiles whether we be bond or free and have been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member but many go to Colossians chapter number two so first Corinthians 12 13 is pretty clear when it tells us that by one spirit we're all baptized into one body why is that well if you think about the process of salvation in and of itself when we get saved the Bible tells us that we're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise until the day of redemption right the Holy Spirit actually comes to dwell within us who's the earnest of our inheritance unto the redemption of the purchased possession this is why it says here that by that one spirit we're all baptized into that one body replaced into the body of Christ look at Colossians 2 10 and ye are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power and whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands and putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ buried with him in baptism wherein also you're risen with him through the faith of the operation of God who has raised him from the dead now if this is referred to water baptism you should not be here because it says you're buried with them in baptism that means you you stay there right but it says we're in also you're arisen with him through and he uses the synonym the faith of the operation of God using baptism and faith synonymously in regards to salvation now again this is not talking about water baptism it's referring to the fact that once we believe we're immersed in Christ we're placed into the body of Christ go to Romans chapter number six if you would Romans chapter number six Romans chapter number six now look this is a deep doctrine this can be complicated this is a very deep doctrine and it's no surprise that heretics will take these scriptures and pervert them because of the fact that they're obscure because of the fact that sometimes maybe some of these teachings can be ambiguous or even to the babe in Christ it's hard to be understood right so this is what heretics do they'll get these scriptures that are cryptic they'll get these scriptures that it's the meat of the word and they'll capitalize that and teach a false doctrine you know a false way perverted way of salvation etc we need to compare scripture with scripture in order to understand what these things mean look at Romans chapter number six and verse number one it says what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound God forbid how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein knowing not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death therefore we are buried with them by baptism into death they're like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life so again it's making that reference there a baptist is not referring to the physical baptism he's telling us there that we've been baptized into Jesus Christ into his death okay showing us that when we got saved you know our old man was crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed the destroyed that we henceforth should not serve sin okay this is what this is referring to now go to mark chapter 1 if you would mark chapter number 1 and make no mistake about it you know when the Bible talks about baptism you know the water baptism again it is symbolic of our salvation because of the fact that the Bible tells us in Titus 3 5 not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost so the Bible specifically telling us there that we when we get saved we are washed right we're washed from our sins we're regenerated and that water baptism is picturing that okay now mark chapter number 1 now let's talk about the baptism of the Holy Ghost okay I'm gonna skip going through baptism does also now save us because of the fact that that is a very clear scripture I've already explained that in previous sermons what that is referring to in 1st Peter you know the when it talks about how baptism does also now save us it says by the resurrection of Jesus Christ and let me just give you a synopsis of what that means okay when it says baptism does also now save us it's not referring to our baptism not water baptism and not even the baptism that we just went over the baptism that he's referring to is the resurrection from the dead is referring to the fact that Jesus Christ went to hell for us that's what saves us okay I don't believe that Jesus Christ went to hell okay then why don't you explain to me why he said are you able to drink of the cup that I should drink of and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with right or how about this they how Jesus Christ said I have a baptism to be baptized with and I'm straight into that is fulfilled and by the way that came he said that after he was physically baptized in water by John the Baptist so you tell me what baptism is that referring to it's referring to the fact that he's gonna be baptized into fire that the flames of hell are gonna compass him about okay he's gonna be baptized completely in fire and look that's often even in reference to hell as well how he's gonna baptize people with fire right in hell that's what he's referring to there so when it says how baptism doth also now save us then it has the parentheses and after that it says by the resurrection of Jesus Christ it's referring to the fact that you know he was delivered for our offenses and raised again for our justification Romans chapter number four okay and look we need it all amen we needed him to be crucified we needed him to you know shed his blood we needed the payment and you know in hell the fact that he went to hell to pay for our sins we needed the resurrection we need it all in order to be saved and he fulfilled every single last one of now let's talk about the baptism of the Holy Ghost okay now what is the baptism of the Holy Ghost this is something that was unique to the Apostles now these hala shalabala six-pack dollar ministries known as the charismatic Pentecostals believe that this is still possible even today right they believe you can still speak in tongues okay and they and look the Pentecostals the Charismatics when they talk about speaking in tongues they're not they're not referring to other languages because that's is what the Bible talking about in the Bible is languages when they talk about speaking in tongues they're referring to this like angelic language where they're flapping their gums looking like a bunch of fools and idiots you know demon possessed people who are well you know the Bible does say though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels that's the language well that's funny you know the Bible records angels talking all the time in the Bible and it's always in the language it's never I've never seen that has anybody seen that in the Bible I haven't every angel that speaks in the Bible speaks in a known language because they're trying to edify the person they're speaking to not this I bought a nice and I should about a Honda oh you shouldn't say that that's the baptism of the Holy Ghost well I agree with you that it's the baptism of a ghost it's just not a holy one some demon is what it is you know I remember when I was in Bible college we went to in and out one time and there's some some some ladies who are there and they're like oh you guys are from church and we're like yeah I'm from church and they're they said they're Pentecostals and they're like you know we speak in tongues and I'm like well you know I don't believe in that crap and they're like why well you know it's in the Bible I'm like no it's not and you know I ordered my food I went to go sit down and there they came to me they're like we're just really offended that you said that you know and I said well can you speak in tongue she said yes I was like do it I was like okay repeat what you just said right now she's a well I can't I'm like why not because I can't because you're a phony that's why this is hard to repeat stupid stuff like that to remember those those stupid you know things that you said and try to repeat that again because you're a phony that's why you know tongues is a language and in fact in Spanish you have the word language right or lingua hey for example it's referring to the tongue is referring to actual languages okay by the way language right lingua that's what that's referring to now they'll say well no no and look this is what they base spirituality off of they could care less if you trust this crisis is your Savior can you speak in tongues that's what we want to know okay that's what they want to now look I'm learning Greek right now I know Spanish and I know English so I can speak with tongues okay but the back but it's not because I was baptized with the Holy Ghost it's because I'm studying Pimsleur and I'm reading the Greek New Testament okay that's what it is now mark 1 8 says I indeed have baptized you with water but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost now why is it that this is unique to only the Apostles okay it's unique to them by the way but speaking with tongues not in tongue speaking with tongues was unique to the Apostles was not the only thing that was unique to the Apostles you know healing also signs and wonders because of the fact that they were to confirm the message that they were preaching you know you have a group of people coming out of the during the transitional period of the Old Testament and New Testament a lot of these people have been duped by Judaism because of the Pharisees so then you have these group of people who call themselves Christians who adhere to Christ in order to validate their message they are giving these given this special ability to speak with new tongues to heal people to have signs and wonders okay and here's the thing you know they use mark 16 oh you know it says that they're gonna have all these powers and signs and wonders and this is what I always tell people when they when they come to me with that crap I say okay so you have that ability huh you can speak in tongues huh all right it's it you know the Bible also says you can drink venom then too right Bible also says you can handle you're supposed to be able to handle snakes so let me just go ahead and like throw a black mamba at you cuz I've always wanted to see that let me just toss a agitated rattlesnake at you into your bosom and see what happens then I find it interesting that you like to cherry-pick what powers to have right the powers that you want to have are those that you can imitate but you know you can't really coax a rattlesnake into playing along with you now Kenya hey man I need you to help me out here I really need to prove to these people that I got these powers so can you just not bite me you know it's not gonna happen you know and so you can claim you can claim all those powers you want but it's funny how you don't want to claim those for some reason and look don't tell me all you know there's these snake handlers who they do handle snakes what they do is they freeze the snakes folks it's a trick they freeze the snakes and they bring them out and the snakes are all disoriented I don't know what's going on and he had and they still get bitten sometimes because they didn't leave him in the freezer long enough or whatever oh you know it's just like put it back in put it back in that's what happens they're phonies but why is it that these phonies you claim to be baptized by the Holy Ghost only want to do the tongues only want to do the circumcision where they look they lay hands on people and the people look like sizzling bacon they only want to do these acts that makes them look like they're they're doing these exorcism and signs and wonders but they never want to touch the venom they never want to handle the rattlesnakes they never want to handle the black mambas you know why because they're a bunch of fakes a bunch of foolish fakes a bunch of crap is what it is okay baptism of the Holy Ghost look Paul a viper jumped out of him it bit him and he just shook it off so you know what I'm not no you know what I forget that I don't want you to handle a snake I want a snake to bite you I want a viper to bite you and I just want you to shake it off like Paul did right he landed on the island the viper came out of the sticks out of the fire lashed down to his arm he was just like he didn't swell up he didn't die because he had he had the signs of an apostle that's why and what happened the people feared they're like wow this guy is not a wicked person and they were they were open to him okay and the reason for this because the apostles were like the catalyst of the New Testament you know they were kind of like establishing the churches they're confirming the Word of God by their signs and wonders all right now I'm almost out of time let me see here go with me if you would to go to Acts chapter number two so make no mistake about it this baptism of the Holy Ghost no longer exists and look we don't need it because we have the the indwelling of the Holy Spirit you know a lot of these groups like the Pentecostals the Charismatics they want to take this easy way out where you know they want they want the baptism of the Holy Ghost to be able to do these signs and wonders and speak in jibber-jabber whereas being dwelled by the Holy Ghost actually requires for you to walk in the Spirit to not fulfill the lust of the flesh to be filled with the Spirit to obey God's Word this actually takes labor and work right to be able to be filled with the Spirit to ask God to fill you with the Spirit and look we're filled with the Spirit how do we validate that by our boldness by the fact that we're able to preach the gospel to do great signs and wonders not as far as you know raising people from the dead physically speaking but spiritually amen people who are dead in their trespasses and sin it requires a spirit-filled preacher to go to that person give them the gospel and resurrect them from the dead to save them right that requires being spirit-filled not the baptism of the Holy Ghost we don't need that anymore okay and look a lot of it look this this whole thing with the baptism of the Holy Ghost and those signs and wonders it's just priming people for the New World Order is what it is because what do we see in what do we see in Revelation chapter 13 signs and wonders being done by Christians no being done by the Antichrist okay that's who's doing the signs and wonders to fool people into saying we're sent by God okay look at Acts chapter 2 verse 1 and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance if you read the remainder of the chapter you see that people heard them in their own tongues their native tongues okay now this is this is not something that's taking place today today God requires for us to be skilled to be disciplined to have the character to develop good habits amen to be able to learn languages okay don't take don't try to take the easy way out because even if you did it's not gonna work we need to be baptized with the Holy Ghost to do these things no you need characters what you need you need disciplines what you need okay you need consistency is what you need so this baptism is no longer exists so the first to do baptism by water after someone calls upon the name of the Lord does exist now in some churches it doesn't exist because they never see anybody saved okay I remember our church plant at my old church we used to rent out from these people who were Southern Baptists and literally they used to have a baptistry and didn't even have water in it they just they would use it as storage you know and then when we came there we started baptizing like every week because we see we will see people saved I'd get people saved I get them baptized you know and then they're like hey wow you know we only like baptized once a year or something you know it's like this is why you don't have water in here so you'd be surprised I mean in a church like ours we see baptisms all the time but that's not the same that's not the case for everyone okay so water baptism is very much still present today hey the baptism of repentance is still present today this is what we preach we don't call it that when we're out there because we don't want to confuse people but this is what it is it's helping people to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ they get immersed into the body of Christ through baptism okay but this one does not exist anymore and the reason I'm preaching this is because you know this is something we have to talk about every once in a while especially as we get new people in our church when you explain what baptism is the different forms of baptism so the people are not confused by this and also I like to go off in the Pentecostals every once in a while okay because that's obviously a doctrine that we clearly reject and everything that they stand for let's go ahead and bow our heads and have a word of prayer father we thank you so much for your word and Lord we're thankful that we're baptized into Christ so thankful that we have salvation and once we got saved we're baptized into the body of Christ through through faith there is only one baptism and of course we understand that that's referring to that one faith and I pray God that you'd help us today to to continue to study your word and be thankful that we're Baptist I'm thankful that I'm a Baptist I will always remain a Baptist and I hope everyone in this room under the sound of my voice would also make that same decision to remain a Baptist and that you would continue to bless us Lord and use us to see more people saved and baptize more converts and disciple them and make them bona fide soul winners as well and may your hand continually be upon us may you bless the remainder of our evening and all that we do in Jesus name we pray amen