(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) been saying hallelujah salvation and glory and honor and power unto the Lord our God for true and righteous are his judgments for the judge the great whore which did corrupt the earth with their fornication at the venge the blood of his servants at her hand and again they said hallelujah and her smoke rose up forever and ever and the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshiped God that sat on the throne saying amen hallelujah and a voice came out of the throne saying praise our God all ye his servants and he that fear him both small and great and I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude as the voice of many waters as a voice of mighty thundering saying hallelujah for the Lord our God omnipotent reigneth let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him for the marriage of the Lamb is common his wife had made herself ready and her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white for the fine linen is the righteousness of Saints and he saith unto me right blessed are they which are called under the marriage supper of the Lamb and he saith unto me these are the true sayings of God and I felt his feet to worship him and he said unto me see thou do it not I am thy fellow servant and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus worship God for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with the vesture dipped in blood his name is called the Word of God and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon the white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth go with a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he tread at the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords and I saw an angel standing in the Sun and he cried with a loud voice saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven come and gather yourselves together under the supper of the great God that you may eat the flesh of Kings and the flesh of captains the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and for them to sit on them and the flesh of all men both free and bond both small and great and I saw the Beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army and the Beast was taken and with him with the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had to receive the mark of the Beast and then that worshiped his image these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse with sword proceedeth out of his mouth and all the fowls were filled with their flesh. Let's pray dear Lord God thank you for just this opportunity to come hear your word being preached Lord just please fill Pastor Mejia with your Holy Spirit Lord as he preaches unto us Lord and please soften our hearts for the message that he is prepared for us Lord. We pray this all in Jesus name amen. Amen. Okay we're in Revelation chapter 19 this evening look down at your Bibles at verse number five it says and a voice came out of the throne saying praise our God all you saints and ye that fear him both small and great and I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude and as the voice of many waters then as the voice of mighty thundering saying hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth and what I'm gonna preach on this evening is the subject of omnipotent omniscient omnipresent the title of the sermon is omnipotent omniscient omnipresent of course these specific descriptions are what we use to describe the Godhead the divinity of the Trinity and that prefix omni means all right and these terms here are really good to describe God obviously there's many characteristics and virtues that we could exalt and highlight and look at the Word of God to describe the Lord Jesus Christ God the Father and God the Holy Spirit but this essentially encompasses everything that he is right the God the Godhead is that he's all-powerful all-knowing and that he's all present everywhere at all times and it is a great description of the Trinity and let me just say this is that when it comes to the Trinity we have to realize that the Trinity is obviously one God in three persons but that doesn't mean that they are essentially the same exact person because they're the same God obviously we know that they have separate wills you have God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit but there is a certain level of subordination that each of them experiences particularly of course God the Son and God the Holy Spirit but they are in unity one with another they submit themselves one to another for the will of God and so I want to go over these three particular descriptions of the Godhead starting off with the term omnipotent we saw there in Revelation 19 verse number six towards the latter end it says hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth and this is a great time to use that particular phrase because of the fact that Revelation 19 is the description of the Battle of Armageddon and the Battle of Armageddon is the battle between the Lord Jesus Christ his armies and the Antichrist in his armies representing the New World Order the Lord Jesus Christ defeats the Antichrist a false prophet and his armies and he sets up the millennial reign right and the Bible tells us elsewhere in the book of Revelation that at this time the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and this is why he says that the Lord God omnipotent reigneth he is almighty and he's reigning over all the world at this particular time and so he is all-powerful almighty referring to the fact that he possesses all might go with me if you to Jeremiah chapter 32 and then we're gonna go to Isaiah chapter 59 and we're gonna look at some verses regarding his might his power his strength the fact that he is almighty and how that would apply to us as Christians what is it that we can do with this particular information that's given to us in the Bible Revelation 1 let me read to you from in verse number 8 you're going to Jeremiah chapter 32 Revelation 1 verse 8 says I am alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending saith the Lord which is and which was and which is to come the Almighty first Timothy chapter 6 and verse 15 says which in his times he shall show who is the blessed and only potent it the king of kings and the Lord of Lords now that is a great passage there because of the fact that it describes the Lord Jesus Christ as being the only potent it you say why is that important well because you have a group of 1.3 billion people that refer to themselves as Catholics and they believe that they have a potent in by the name of the pope right who possesses power and authority on this earth but according to the Bible it says that Jesus Christ is the only potent in he's the one who possesses all power not some you know vicar of hell known as the pope who dresses like a woman the Bible also says in Matthew 28 verse 18 when giving power to his disciples authority to his disciples he says in Jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth that power referring to authority Romans chapter 1 and verse 19 says because that that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God had showed it unto them for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power the Bible says and God had so that they are without excuse and said how is it that I can experience the omnipotence of God well one way to experience just look outside if you were to just observe the cosmos the stars the heavens you observe the planets the solar system you observe creation you can't you know help yourself but recognize the omnipotence of God the fact that he's all powerful and that he created all of these things and in fact you know observing creation and all that exists is part of what led us to salvation right recognizing that there is a creator that made all these things in the beginning was the word the word was with God in the word was God by him was not anything made that was made the Bible says so it's showing us that God is responsible for all of creation and it says the invisible things of the creation so you think about your cells you think about the certain solar systems that we can't see with the naked eye he's responsible for not just the visible things but even the invisible essentially showing us how powerful God is Hebrews 1 verse 3 says who being the brightness of his glory referring to Jesus and the expressed image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power now I don't think a lot of people understand how powerful of a statement that is it's saying here that Jesus Christ upholds everything by the word of his power what does that mean essentially everything is running because he's allowing it to run the planets are going around the Sun we are experiencing night and day your blood is pumping your heart is pumping your brain is able to function your lungs are able to expand and breathe and you're able to function why because God allows it and in fact the Bible says that it's upheld by the word of his power okay when he had by himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high what does it say it's saying that God is Almighty he's powerful he's strong it says in Psalm 115 verse 1 now unto us O Lord not unto us but unto thy name give glory for thy mercy and for thy truths sake wherefore should the heathen say where is now their God but our God is in the heavens he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased only someone who is Almighty is capable of doing that which he pleases to do Matthew chapter 19 and verse 26 the Lord Jesus Christ says this but Jesus beheld them and said unto them with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible how so well because he's omnipotent look at Jeremiah 32 verse 17 it says here our Lord God behold thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm listen to this and there is nothing too hard for thee you say what's the point of even learning that God is Almighty what is the point of learning that God possesses all strength and that he is omnipotent well because it increases our faith in him that's why it helps us to realize that there's nothing too hard for God and it means nothing to you until you come to a point where you might come to a dead end in your life some sort of barrier in your life something that seems like it can't be resolved something that seems like you can't overcome and then you realize well nothing's too hard for God that means it's hard for you it may be hard for me it may be hard for us as a church but it's not too hard for God why cuz he's omnipotent he's all-powerful possessing all might now let me explain something here because you know it's it's important to explain what this means here because you have a lot of scoffers out there little does that mean that God can create a rock so big that he can't move or something that's a stupid question you know and I'm sure you know you have your you know Christian philosophers out there you know these these people who claim to be Christians and they claim to know the Bible they like to give all of these intellectual answers and then you know at the length of their at the end of their 15-minute dissertation you just walk away you don't even know what he said you know what's the guy that I'm thinking of right now Peter yeah Jordan Peterson you know if you were to ask him is anything too hard for God he would spend like 30 minutes explaining to you nothing just full of vain jingling and you would be very impressed with this answer but you wouldn't know exactly what side he stands on so if you were to tell him like hey can God create a rock so big that he can't move he would say well first we gotta ask yourself what kind of rock you know and it's just kind of like just vain babbling vain jingling not dissolving doubts but creating more doubts let me just give you the answer no he can't God cannot create a rock so big that he cannot move it okay simple as that because if he did create a rock so big that he can't move then he's not God it's not that hard okay and so when the Bible says there's nothing too hard for God it's obviously referring to the parameters of his word because we obviously know that God can't sin you know God is not a man that he should lie he's not a man that he can commit iniquity or that he can sin this is obviously referring to his might his power his capability of performing supernatural miracles and feats to show himself strong on the behalf of his people when in need to fight our battles on our behalf to perform great miracles in our life to increase our faith in him and he's all powerful in the sense that he's able to create something out of nothing okay but let me say this this just because the Bible says that he is omnipotent and he is it doesn't mean he's not limited because at the end of the day we can limit God you say really yeah go to Isaiah 59 Isaiah chapter 59 you see there's nothing too hard for God but at the end of the day we can actually make it hard on ourselves and God can't use us to perform some of these incredible miracles it reminds me of a song we used to sing back in the old IFP and the lyrics went I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength but sometimes I wonder what he can do through me why because at the end of the day no matter how omnipotent God is I kind of stand in the way of that you can get in the way of that we can actually limit God and hinder God from doing great and mighty works which we know not look what the Bible says in Isaiah 59 and you have to excuse me I'm losing my voice here and so if I crack don't laugh look at verse number one of Isaiah 59 behold the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save you know can God save anyone yes he can because his arms not short that it cannot save right neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear can he listen to our prayers absolutely there's not a prayer that he won't listen to that he can't listen to should I say but but your iniquities have separated between your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear for your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have spoken lies your tongue hath muttered perverseness the Bible says what is it saying you know God is not incapable of performing miracles he's not incapable of saving or listening to prayers or answering there's prayers but you know what people can limit God though based upon what the iniquities they commit the sins that they do they can keep you back from actually having God show himself strong on your behalf go to Mark chapter 13 Mark chapter 13 while you're turning them are reaching from Psalm 78 you can write this down for later it says in Psalm 78 verse 39 for he remembered that they were but flesh a wind that passeth away and cometh not again how oft did they provoke him in the wilderness and grieve him in the desert yay listen to this they turned back and tempted God and limited the Holy One of Israel you know the last thing I want to do is limit God what he can do in my life in your life in our church right and your family but it's absolutely 100% possible that we can limit the almighty omnipotent God not because he's limited in strength and in power but because our sins unconfessed sins unrepentant sins can keep him from blessing us you know the Bible says no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly and that is absolutely true but if you're not walking uprightly if you're not exercising faith if you're not living righteously you can obviously hinder God and limit him from doing things in your life what my greatest fears as a pastor even as a Christian is that I would limit him and what he can do in our church I don't want to look back 20 30 years from now and say man I truly limited God on what he can do I want to be able to give God free reign to do as he wills and as he pleases and not to have any hindrances or barriers to those blessings look at Mark chapter 13 and verse 54 it says that when he was coming to his own country he taught them in their synagogue in so much that they were astonished and said whence had this man this wisdom and these mighty works is not this carpenter is not this the carpenter's son is not his mother called Mary and his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas wait a minute Jesus didn't have brothers and you know what's this talking about Catholics say there it is right well it's referring to his brothers in Christ or something like that yeah can I get one of those commercial break here it's a halls don't worry my voice must sound really bad if someone just offered me this look at verse 56 little paper never hurt anybody and his sisters are they not all with us whence then had this man all these things and they were offended in him but Jesus said unto them a prophet is not without honor saving his own country and in his own house and I want you to notice this and he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief now is Jesus capable of doing mighty works absolutely is he omnipotent absolutely but he could not do the wine he works there why not because he's limited not because he's not supernatural not because he's not God it's because of the fact that they didn't believe and so this is a good principle for us to learn that if we don't want to limit God's omnipotence in our lives we need to make sure that we're exercising our faith and not have this attitude of well I think I'd do it for someone else but I just don't think it can be done with me okay then he's not gonna do it for you well I know God can perform miracles for people he can restore marriages he can you know restore children back into church and help people get back in the church then help people get right with God but I'm a different situation yeah you're right you're so different that you're not gonna see the mighty works in your life because of your unbelief because nothing's too hard for God why cuz he is omnipotent he's capable of doing all things that which he pleases and he's capable of answering our prayers his hands are not sure that it cannot save nor his ears heavy that it cannot hear but it's the iniquities and it's also the unbelief that will hinder us from seeing great things in our life call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not the Bible says but if you don't believe that then why even show you you understand what's the point that I'm making the point that I'm making is you know as Christians we need to make sure that we not only believe right but that we have we're constantly increasing our faith in the Lord and not limiting what God can do in our lives or in our church in your family and say well you know I've seen him do it in other churches but you know I just don't think it could be done here yeah then he's not gonna do it here and you know don't be the person to limit what God's hand can do in your life in your family and in our church go to Isaiah 40 if you would Isaiah chapter 40 we're talking about the omnipotence of God he is Almighty he is all-powerful he's capable of doing all things at all times and he's even capable of not only fulfilling that which is reasonable to do but even fulfilling the supernatural performing miracles doing great and many things and you know what if that's my god I want to see that in my lifetime you know if God is capable of doing those things and he's showed me in his word that he can perform the supernatural in my life I want to see it I want to see it now obviously we're not gonna see like a Red Sea miracle because at the end of the day we're not necessarily looking for signs and wonders right we're looking for God to perform his promises to fulfill his word so that we can you know do works for God and he can refine us and perform miracles in our lives use this in a supernatural way so he can show himself strong on our behalf that's why it's good folks listen to me it's good to have problems in your life it's always good to have problems in our life we don't like it but it's always good to have trials tribulations problems conflicts afflictions why because it gives us an opportunity to see God show himself strong on our behalf it's another opportunity for God to display his omnipotence in our life it's good to have health problems I mean obviously to a certain extent right it's good to have financial problems it's good to have any kind of problem it's obviously grievous we know it makes us uncomfortable we don't like it but it's necessary because it's an opportunity for God to show himself strong on our behalf and unfortunately you know a lot of Christians waste that they waste the trials they waste the afflictions they waste the pain and not seek after the Lord their God not seek after the supernatural not seek after the miracle when really that's the reason God brought it in the first place you understand what I'm saying he's omnipotent and so recognizing God's omnipotence motivates us to rely on him especially in times of weakness so when we look at the omnipotence of God the fact that he's all-powerful almighty it helps us to rely on him when we feel like we're at our wit's end look at Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 28 has thou not known has not heard that the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding he giveth power to the faint and to them that have no might he increase its strength even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not fail we talked about this morning sometimes you can grow weary and well-doing and that is very common where people burn out in the service of the Lord because they're just doing a lot they get discouraged they don't see the results that they want to see immediately and they get tired of just living the Christian life they get of just doing right with no immediate recompense to show for it and you know what I understand that I get that but the Bible says here that God is not weary he does not faint and in fact he could renew the strength of those who are weary as long as we're willing to wait on him what does that mean we keep serving God keep coming to church keep reading the Bible keep fulfilling your Christian duty and the Bible says that he can renew that strength he can make you strong in the Lord and the power of his might to continue to go forward and you know what if you're not discouraged today you will be discouraged one day you will experience disillusionment discouragement depression discontentment you know being a dead all the D's and it's in that time you're gonna recognize I'm depleted I'm tired I'm discouraged I don't really want to keep going forward I don't feel like serving God I don't really feel like opening my Bible yes you can get so tired then in the morning you don't want to wake up to read your Bible but the Bible says to wait on the Lord and he can renew your strength why because he's omnipotent he is Almighty he can increase your strength go to Psalm 147 if you would Psalm 147 recognizing or viewing God's omnipotence also increases our faith in the face in the face of opposition the Bible says in Psalm 33 you're going to Psalm 147 Psalm 33 verse 8 says let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him for he spake and it was done he commanded in his steadfast the Lord bring it the council of the heathen to not meaning to nothing he make it the devices of the people of none effect the council of the Lord standeth forever the thoughts of his heart to all generations so because God is omnipotent he is able to override and overpower the evil devices of the wicked against God's people and that's important to know because yay that all the will of God in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution and you know I think of you know three years ago what was it three and a half years ago when we were protested and the church was bombed and all that you know there's a lot of councils against us and I remember we were just kind of reminiscing about this my wife and I that you know they were planning that drag queen parade or contest or whatever it was right and man I was like racking my brain I was like what are we gonna do I don't want my kids to see that's gross they're literally gonna have a drag queen contest in front of our church and it literally said like let's make them throw up that's what the flyer said they had flyers and you know they had this wicked device these wicked councils they had these wicked agendas and it just came to naught it never even happened say well what happened well the church was bombed so there's nowhere to protest you know and we didn't have a building but we just met somewhere else the point that I'm making is that you know God's omnipotent while we were thinking like what are we gonna and I remember like let's buy speakers because I said you know because I was brainstorming with Pastor Anderson and I was like what do you think I should do because this is like this is vile like I'm kind of out of ideas he was like maybe you should like put speakers out there with preaching you know face it towards them or something or maybe we could build a wall like right now we want to tear down walls back then we want to build walls you know to kind of keep them out and we were coming up with all these ideas and at the end of the day it was just like you know what we're just gonna have church and we'll figure it out and I think the only practical thing that we did is we bought blinders for our kids you know we you know those blinders that people used to go to sleep like we'll just buy blinders for the kids so they don't have to look at it but you know all that stuff came to not because at the end of the day none of it was needed because he brought those devices and those councils to nothing it didn't prosper and in fact it helped our church grow in fact it blessed our church in fact you know we were still able to preach God's Word the church grew more people got saved I was able to get on the news I was able to preach the gospel to hundreds of thousands of people I mean it was it was the omnipotence of God okay you're in Psalm 147 Psalm 147 last thing I want to say here before we read to Psalm 147 is that you know when you recognize the omnipotence of God you basically have confidence in his divine justice and you recognize that all things will work together for good and that's necessary because you know sometimes you're in a situation where it just seems like there's no solution you know there's just how is this gonna be fixed it's not gonna be fixed because you know we're very much solution oriented people where it's like well let's look at all the variables and what is the worst case scenario what is the best case scenario but there's like a God scenario though and he did often doesn't use worst case or best case he just has another case and sometimes we think well you know this is what could possibly happen this is in my favor this is what could possibly happen that's not in my favor and then we just get discouraged and we throw our hands up but the reality is this is that no matter what happens God is so powerful he saw Almighty they just come up with another solution that you didn't even think about but you know what people don't really think about that because they don't think about the good fact that God is all powerful and almighty and even if they do take that into consideration they think to themselves well I just don't think he'll do it for me and you know what he ends up not doing it for you why because of unbelief the point that I'm making with the fact that he is omnipotent is to increase our faith in the fact that God is mighty he's strong he's able to fix your situation and in fact he's able to make it better okay he can bless you in the long haul he could bless you in the long run and you know what I know you can contrive and come up with an imagination of what possibly could take place but you know there's something even better than that and you have to you're like well how how I don't know how I just know that God's omnipotent he's almighty and he's capable of doing so I mean think about Job's situation right where if you're to talk to Job in the midst of his trial he'd probably think like I'm just gonna die I just rather just die and you know Christians can get to that point where it's just like I've lost everything I mean he lost his kids he lost all his resources lost his house lost the fall the the the respect of his wife to a certain extent his wife's over here curse God and die well thank you for that wonderful instruction you know and then his idiot friends are giving him just the worst type of counsel ever I mean the guy's just probably thinking I rather just die and he's cursing the day that he was born but could he really have come to the conclusion that God was gonna bless him in his ladder and considering what he was going through at that particular point no it required the Almighty God to perform a supernatural thing in his life where his ladder and was greater than even his beginning you understand what I'm saying and so let's not get so caught up well let me rephrase that because you know I was gonna say let's not get caught up and believe in the right things because we need to get caught up and believe in the right things but in conjunction with that you know we need to make sure that we take the omnipotence of God into consideration you know because when we recognize how big God is our problems become very small when we recognize how big God is the challenges become smaller when we recognize how big God is you know those barriers don't really seem like barriers anymore why because God can do all things and nothing is impossible with God okay the second thing we're gonna look at tonight is God's omniscience and what that means is that he knows all things and has perfect understanding okay look at Psalm 147 and verse number four he telleth the number of the stars telleth means he counts them he numbers them he calleth them all by names by their names great is our Lord and of great power his understanding is infinite go to Psalm 139 Psalm 139 and actually hold your place in Psalm 139 because we're gonna we're gonna revisit that chapter it has a lot of verses and passages dealing with God's omnipotence omniscience and omnipresence but in Psalm 147 we see that it says that his understanding is infinite meaning that his ways are unsearchable now why is that important it's important because of the fact that it's all right here and we can read this all the days of our life for years on end for decades and still barely scratched the surface of the Bible why because his understanding is infinite and you know that is great news for us because of the fact that we never want to get to a point where we think we just know everything that there is to know and Christians can get that way where they feel like well I already arrived I already know everything that needs to be known of the Bible and then they start you know going to sources outside of the Bible to kind of tickle their fancy a little bit whereas a little prayer a little of open down mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law a little recognition of the omniscience of God can help you to see greater things in the Bible that you previously have not seen and you know a lot of pastors think themselves why you know I know the Bible you know Genesis and Revelation I know it but here's the thing is that the Bible so layered in knowledge and wisdom and understanding it's infinite that you will never reach the bottom of the knowledge and understanding of the Word of God okay look at Psalm 139 in verse number one it says here Oh Lord thou hast searched me and known me thou knows my down sitting in my uprising thou understand it's my thoughts are far off so why is it important for us to know the omniscience of God because it helps us to know that God knows us better than we know ourselves and helps us to realize that God knows the inner recesses of the heart he knows our imaginations he knows our thoughts and you know I don't know about you but there's a certain level of security that I feel knowing that God knows me better than I know myself you know he knows my thoughts therefore I don't have to act like I'm hiding something from him I'm just completely vulnerable to the God of the Bible he sees everything that he knows when I sit down he knows when I get up he understands my thoughts are far off look at verse 3 thou compasses my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways so this is very much a personal God right the omniscience of God helps us to realize that God is not just an omnipotent God who created the heavens and the earth who created all the populations and all of creation that exists but he's also very much interested in what's going on with you which is powerful if you think about it the fact that he is very much concerned with your grief because you know sometimes we all have a level of grief that we don't share with everyone right even those who are closest to us we don't share with there's certain thoughts that we have certain ways that we feel certain things that we think about that we would either be ashamed of or just we can't really share that with everyone because we feel like people wouldn't be acquainted with that type of grief or those types of thoughts but you know what God is though he is acquainted with our grief he's acquainted with our thoughts he knows our discouragements he knows our fears our doubts our anxieties you know the things that will run us into the ground the things that causes us to fear he knows us he knows us he's acquainted with all of our ways he says there is not a word in my tongue but lower but lo o Lord thou knowest it all together let me read to you from job 42 verse 1 says then job answered the Lord and said I know that thou can't do everything and that no thought can be withholding from thee who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge therefore have I uttered that I understood not things too wonderful for me which I knew not to go to Hebrews chapter 4 hold your place here in Psalm 139 if you would and then we're gonna go to Matthew chapter 6 Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews chapter number 4 now why is it important to know or be acquainted with the omniscience of God well it'll prevent us from thinking that we can hide things from God right you know if you're regarding iniquity in your heart and you think you're hiding it from the Lord if you think you're being like Adam if you if you think you're just getting away with certain thought patterns or sins you know God knows it all this is why you know the concept of confessing our sins doesn't mean we're confessing something that God doesn't know about he we're coming into agreement with something that he does know about we're telling them we've sinned against you and God is basically saying yeah I know I just want you to admit it because God knows it all okay the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the Word of God is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing of sunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is it a certain of the thoughts in the intense of the heart neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open into the eyes of him with whom we have to do what is the same what's tying in verse 13 to verse 12 with the Word of God and it's saying that the Bible is so powerful that it's able to look into the inner recesses of the heart and basically see all the contents that are in this is why when you read the Bible sometimes you read the Word of God and it resonates with what you're going through at that moment you'll hear preaching and it resonates with something that's going on at that moment why because God knows all our ways and is by and his word is so powerful that it can relate to the current circumstance that you're in you know the Quran can't do that the Book of Mormon can't do that you walk away from those books more confused than ever whereas when you walk away from the Word of God from your daily devotionals from the preaching of God's Word you understand you know God knows my ways he's dealing with my sin he's dealing with this struggle that I'm going through or he's confirming something he's confirming my confidence in him he's increasing my faith and this is why it's important to have a daily devotional time because it reinforces the omniscience of God that God knows exactly what's taking place in your life I mean how many times have you open up the Bible and let's just say this you know you open up the Bible you read something and something speaks to you it resonates with your spirit then you come to church and I preach on it you're like whoa that's crazy like I just read that that's because God is omniscient and he knows the inner recess of the heart you're like well then is that sermon specifically for me no it's for everyone but everything's naked to the eyes of God so they're just it'll just apply all across the board and there's something in the Word of God that can apply to you in every sense of the way because God knows it all go to Matthew chapter 6 Matthew chapter number 6 as you turn in I'm gonna reach you from first Chronicles 28 verse 9 it says that in thou Solomon my son know thou the God of thy father and serve him with the perfect heart and willing mind for the Lord searcheth all hearts and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts if thou seek him he will be found of them but if thou forsake him he will cast thee off forever the Bible says let me skip some verses here look at Matthew chapter 6 now why is it important for us to understand the omniscience of God well because he knows our needs before we even know them he knows our situation better than we know our situation and in fact look at Matthew 6 verse 20 it says but when you pray use not vain repetitions as the Catholics do or it says here heathen of course for they think that they shall be heard for their Hail Mary's right for their shall be heard for their much speaking be not ye therefore like unto them for your father knoweth what things he have need of before ye ask him the Bible says so he knows the needs before the need even arises he knows what you need he knows the the provision that you're gonna ask for before you even ask it he said that why even pray for it because prayer is an act of faith it's asking him to provide for that specific need even though he already knows what you need and what you're gonna ask for go to chapter 10 if you would chapter number 10 chapter number 10 now this is important because of the fact that you're gonna go through a trial and it'll catch you off guard it'll blindside you and in your fleshly nature you almost think like God didn't know about it either it's like how can God allow this to happen to me he already knew before the foundation of the world he already knew these things were gonna happen to us he's already taken that into account it doesn't catch him off guard he allowed it because he knew and in fact he allowed it to happen because he knows that you can handle it right look at Matthew 10 verse 29 are not two sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father how many birds die a day around the world right like all around the world how many birds just hit the ground every single day and you know what I mean probably in the hundreds of thousands probably I mean that's probably like a conservative number but let's just say like hundreds of let's say five hundred thousand that might be a little excessive but let's just say 500 does God knows every single one of them as soon as they hit the ground he knows he keeps account of all these birds to hit the ground look at verse 30 but the very hair of your head are all numbered so he's saying that I keep track of the birds that fall and I keep track of the hairs on your head now I understand some people it's not very hard to do so I get it it's like one right this is the very hairs of your head all numbered you know that tells me he's omniscient you know he knows he knows when you have a full set of hair he knows when you're balding okay and obviously verse 30 what it's trying to get across here is the fact that God pays attention to the very details of our life and he knows them intimately he's omniscient regarding our physical well-being our spiritual well-being he knows it all okay go back to Psalm 139 so recognizing the omniscience of God motivates us to seek him for wisdom and knowledge you see a lot of Christians already know about the omniscience of God they recognize that that is a fact that it is a true statement but in spite of that they still read commentaries in spite of that they don't pray to understand the Bible in spite of that they don't seek after God when in the situation that's difficult why cuz you know they may they may know that he's omniscient but they don't really believe it or so to a certain extent because believing in his omniscience motivates us to seek him for wisdom and knowledge and you know what I hope that as a Christian every single day when you wake up or whenever it is do you read the Bible you ask God Lord give me knowledge give me wisdom Lord grant me wisdom today help me to have wisdom you like I already have wisdom well ask for more wisdom ask for the wisdom to not tell God that you already have wisdom and if you're already saying you have wisdom then you don't have wisdom you're you're foolish ask God for wisdom and knowledge and the Bible says that he abraded not right meaning that because he's the source of wisdom and because we're asking for it he's not gonna chastise us he's not gonna get angry with us he's not gonna discipline us he's gonna give it to us liberally he's not gonna abrade us he's gonna just pour his wisdom upon us when needed and why ask for it why ask him for that wisdom cuz he is the source of wisdom he is the omniscient one he understand things better than we know ourselves it increases our faith in times of instability and uncertainty and there's a sense of security and knowing that God knows us better than we know ourselves lastly is his omnipresence meaning that he is in all places at all times now this doesn't mean that because God is omnipresent that everything is God you know this is Eastern mysticism type of teaching so well this is God you know and that's God I'm God everything is God that's a stupid doctrine okay when we talk about the omnipresence of God referring to the fact that his presence his eyes are in every place beholding the evil and the good okay look at Psalm 139 in verse number 5 that says thou has beset me behind and before and laid thine hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me it is high I cannot attain unto it whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence if I ascend up into heaven thou art there if I make my bed in hell behold thou art there if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uppermost uttermost parts of the sea even there shall the girls pay attention over here no more no more playing in church okay sit up straight pay attention if I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me now it would have been good of Jonah knew about this passage right when he fled from the presence of the Lord is like you can't flee from God's presence now why is this important to know well because of the fact that you know even today there's a lot of weird false doctrines about the presence of God okay you know they'll often describe in fact they'll often describe the punishment of eternal damnation that is also referred to as hell as being what a separation from God and you know I don't really know where that comes from or who even invented that but it had to be some like poet or something trying to romanticize hell or something because here's the thing here's my personal opinion and I can't prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt this is just my judgment is that whoever invented that doctrine was probably a major holier than thou you say well how so why would you think it's a holier than thou well because of the fact that what they're implying is like hell isn't eternal fire and torment it's never being able to be in the presence of God again basically implying like the one most wonderful things to be in the presence of God and hell and not having that presence is hell no you're burning bro just that's just basic you're just being tormented day and night that's what hell is okay so they'll often say no hell is a separation because what true hell is it's being away from God forever no you're good because you won't be away from God forever he's actually gonna watch your roast forever you're good why because the Bible tells us that hell and destruction are before the Lord how much more the hearts of the sons of man the Bible says and you know I hate the bursts the romantic this this romantic view of hell if there is any but you know what let me just let me just break it to you let me burst the bubble that God is literally watching people burn for all of eternity well how can a loving God do well you know I'm all for exalting the quality of God's love but not at the exclusion of his other qualities as well and his other characteristics divine characteristics is righteousness and judgment and you know what God is angry with the wicked every day well we'll prove it hell you know hell's hell's is a major proof that he is angry with the wicked every day because how is he displaying that anger by burning them for all of eternity and you know you have these people you know who teach annihilationism and whatever other form or variants of that is just like oh no there is no such thing as burning eternally because God is loving and God will never just burn you for all of eternity you know an unsafe person just kind of burns up and ceases to exist wrong my friend because in order for someone to fulfill their debts or to pay for their debt should I say of sin it requires all of eternity in hell to do so people go to hell to pay for their own sins and the debt has never paid off and you know hell's not a place where it's just like well you know that's just God's little other room over there and no one goes in there God doesn't go there no he's watching them and in fact the Bible says that he that they're burning before the lamb David said if I make my bed in hell they aren't there God sees it all he's omnipresent he's in heaven but he's also in hell watching people pay for their sins for all of eternity go to Revelation 14 the eyes of the Lord in Proverbs 15 verse 3 says are in every place beholding the evil and the good let me read to you from Jeremiah 23 mmm verse 24 says this can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him safe the Lord do not I fill heaven and earth saith the Lord I have heard what the Prophet said that prophesy lies in my name saying I have dreamed I have dreamed how long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies yea they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart what is he saying I'm in your dreams you didn't dream I didn't give you that dream you didn't even dream it you lied about it no one can hide in the secret places and he shall not see him and you know this verse makes me think of something personal how many you've ever had those we were just talking about those dreams what are those things called when you feel like you're being a can't wake up not lucid dreams sleep sleep paralysis how many you've ever had that it's the worst experience ever okay you guys know what does anybody know what I'm talking about raise your hand if you know what I'm talking about sleep paralysis okay where you're just like you know you're just trying to like and they're not listening and then you get up and you're mad at them you're like I was calling out to you and you didn't wake me up you guys know what I'm talking about okay if you don't you'll get it tonight sleep paralysis well I've had sleep paralysis and you know if you don't wake up from sleep paralysis it's almost as if you go into like this really deep dream or something it's a little scary actually yes I'm talking about my the only one who experiences that thank you I see that hand you're acquainted with my grief well I've been there like multiple times right where you just have that sensation that you're just like in that dream it's scary I mean it is it's here to me but you know what over the last whenever I don't remember the last times I've had it but I vividly remember thinking of myself because just I was terrified I remember thinking myself like I'm so scared because I'm just not waking up but then I think to myself wait a minute God can hear me I literally think like I'm not too far from God like God is literally listening to my thoughts right now because you know like dreams are like the most inner recesses of our of our mind and our heart it's like it's the only place that God can it God's the only one who can hear what's going on there and as soon as I think that like I'm just at peace because I think to myself like God is listening to me speak right now and I begin to like worship the Lord in my dream and just like pray to him you say well that's a little exactly you're just you're that's too much no it says there can any hide himself in the secret places I shall not see him he sees it all even the immaterial parts of your dream of your heart no man can hide anywhere because he is omnipresent the Bible says in Amos 9 1 though they dig into hell then shall my hand take them though they climb up to heaven that's will I bring them down he's basically saying he's so present in all places you can run but you cannot hide like you can you can dig all the way to China if you wanted to he will pluck you up you can go all the way to the stars he will bring you down you can go with Elon Musk to Mars if you want he'll he'll pluck you from there too look at Revelation 14 verse 10 it says the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb so the Bible is saying here that people will burn and torment in the fire before the presence of God go to second Thessalonians chapter 1 second Thessalonians chapter 1 you know we don't need to romanticize hell we need to just recognize that yes they will be tormented before the presence of God because the very essence of him being omni present is that he's in all places including hell itself he's beholding the punishment of evildoers look at second Thessalonians 1 verse 8 it says in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power now people who often teach this doctrine that hell is being away from God's presence will often use this text to prove that because of the wording right it says that they will be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord like away from the presence of God but that's not what it's saying at all what it's actually teaching based upon other scriptures in conjunction interpreting this through other scriptures it's saying the destruction is coming from God's presence which is extremely powerful if you think about it and we don't have time to develop it we can go to Daniel chapter 7 and see how a lake of fire proceeds forth from the presence of God it's coming from him because here's the thing folks where does hell come from hell is an expressed image of God's wrath he didn't just like you know he didn't just like created hell is from God because hell is God's judgment hell is his chastisement it's his punishment it is his eternal damnation for people who reject the gospel so it proceeds forth from him this is why you know in Daniel chapter 7 it's not a lake that proceeds forth from it says like a river of fire that proceeds forth from him and a river feeds a lake so it goes from him to the lake of fire you understand and this is why people burn eternally in hell before the presence of God go to act chapter 17 and we're done act chapter 17 now why is it important for us to know about the omni presence of God well because number one it keeps you from doing stupid stuff right keeps you right with God think about Joseph how can I do this great sin against God even though he was in Egypt he was raised in Canaan land he's in a foreign land he knows he's still in the presence of God and in fact the Bible repeatedly says of him that the Lord was with him he had God's presence with him so knowing the presence of God is always with us it keeps us out of trouble because we know that God is always watching right so it keeps us from committing sin it keeps us from getting into trouble but you know it also comforts us when we're afraid yay though I walk to the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me right you know when you are you know when you're a kid and it was your turn to go turn off the lights everyone knows what I'm talking about it's just like and now they have like reals right we're like they actually manifested these demons it's like they turn off the lights and someone's actually chasing them or something I you know you as a kid you feel like someone's chasing you know and ever growing up as a kid just like terrified right because you just like feel it behind you just like that sounds like right there but obviously you know as a Christian you know and obviously people get over that after a while hopefully no nightlights for adults here amen it's funny because now as an adult now I'm afraid of like physical light now because you know the light bill I make sure all the lights are turned off and the only thing I fear in the dark is Legos stepping on a Lego is the worst possible thing you could ever experience okay or splitting my toes on a chair or something as I'm walking you guys all I'm talking with that's the only thing I fear now okay but you know other instances when you feel alone fear maybe grips your heart and since it that's why it's important for us to know about the omnipresence of God that God is with me right that the Lord is with you and even if you're not alone but you feel alone you know when you have for example you know you may have your church here and you have your brothers and sisters in Christ you have people around you but you know you might be going through something you feel alone in here I'm not trying to get poetic here but you know you know but then we realize you know the Lord says I will never leave you no forsaken so no Christian could ever say I feel alone or I am alone because the Lord said I will never leave you no forsaken why cuz God's presence will always be with us in fact we have God in us the hope of glory and if you feel that way then you need to get acquainted with the omnipresence of God and practice excuse me this is what they used to say back in the day they used to say you need to practice the presence of God so what does that mean practice being conscientious of the fact that God is present like actually think about it that he's here with you right that's called press it's not like you're manifesting God's presence it's recognizing that it's there you understand you're not alone that he's there he's with you you're not alone ok look at Acts chapter 17 verse 26 it says and he it and hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the all the face of the earth and have to determine the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation that they should seek the Lord if happily they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from everyone of us now in its context referring to unsaved people right unsaved people don't necessarily have the presence of God the way we have it but it's nigh unto them even in their mouths though and in their hearts if they're willing to call upon the name of the Lord meaning that a person doesn't have to be in a specific geographical location to be saved they can get saved anywhere we don't have to go to Jerusalem to go worship we don't have to go to a mosque we don't have to definitely don't have to go to a synagogue that's the only place where the presence of God is not okay but you know God people can get saved anywhere because he is not very far from every one of us the Moses his presence is there and his the word is 90 even in my mouth and in my heart that is the word of faith which we preach the point that I'm making here is that you know it's important for us to recognize and be mindful of these divine characteristics of God recognize that he is omnipotent you're gonna need that one day because you're gonna be without strength without power and you'll end up decreasing your faith because of it but when you are in recognition that God is all-powerful and that nothing's too hard for the Lord he can do all things and we can do all things to Christ with strength in with us then nothing's impossible we can exercise total faith in God that God can create something out of nothing he can perform the miraculous in our lives not only that but we also need to recognize the omniscience of God that God knows all things and because we esteem the fact that he knows all things it makes us read the Bible it makes him seek it makes us seek after his wisdom and his knowledge and it makes us make sure that we have the right type of thinking too because he can see our thoughts right and then lastly of course we need to be we need to recognize the omnipresence of God because it keeps us right with God and it provides a sense of security when we feel alone amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word thank you for your divine characteristics God we're thankful that you are omnipotent that you're almighty all-powerful you're capable of doing all things at all times Lord and I don't want to just have mental assent of that truth I want it to I want to be able to see it in my life I want to be able to experience the power of God in my life Lord as I win people to Christ as I turn people to righteousness as I lead my family my wife and my children our church and just in my personal needs Lord I want you to show yourself strong on my behalf I want to be able to call upon you with the specific need and have you mean it in a special way and I believe you want us to ask you of those things I believe you want to show yourself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect with you and I pray you help us to think about the omnipresence omnipotence of God but also the omniscience of God that you know all things and that no thought could ever be hidden from you and lastly of course help us to recognize your omnipresence that where two or three are gathered together in your name there you are in the midst that you're always with us and the bad and the good and I pray that you would comfort us as we take those things into consideration and remember those things as we go about our week we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen turn your handles to song number 356 I must tell Jesus