(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're we are in Isaiah chapter 57 and look down here by was at verse 19 It says I create the fruit of the lips Peace peace to him that is far off and to him that is near saith the Lord and I will heal him But the wicked are like the troubled sea when it cannot rest whose waters cast up mire and dirt there is no peace saith my God to the wicked and The Title of the sermon this evening is no peace on earth to the wicked no peace on earth to the wicked now One of the main concepts that is promoted throughout the Christmas season obviously is this matter of peace, right? In fact, this is something we often hear throughout the Christmas season from November going in through December all the way to the very end and This is one of the more popular messages that our culture seems to promote and to be honest with you It really does have a positive effect on the population. It has a really good positive effect on the culture You know people tend to be more kind right when you are out and about and you're doing your Christmas shopping Or you're out doing your grocery shopping or just out in public for whatever reason people seem to be more kind They're more patient that they happen to be more loving and people often become more reflective more grateful of what they have So they call it the you know the spirit of Christmas the Christmas season where people who are typically Grumps and they're mean and they're rude and they're jerks kind of just take the season to just be nice and kind And this is the effect that the world has when they promote this type of a piece It's gonna be more gleeful and joyous, okay, how many know what I'm talking about, you know, you go to restaurants He said no someone cut me off in the freeway today and gave me the bird that it's not quite applicable to me Well, I'm just talking about in general. Okay in general, you know, my wife was just telling me that when she went to the grocery store She takes all the kids with her and you know, a lot of people were just being extra kind to her They're just being a lot more nicer and just kind of more joyful seeming to reflect on Children and just it's kind of more of a family oriented type of season, you know We're like, I want to spend time with my family. I want to reflect I want to be grateful for what I have and you know at the surface that seems pretty good It's like well, you know, hey if that if that creates that type of attitude, you know all the better, right? But the reality is is that that is often short-lived is it not? Because once the new year rolls around people go back to being people Okay, you know once the Christmas tree is dead they throw it in the trash can on January 1st You know the Christmas lights come down for some people. I've known some people they keep Christmas lights up until like Easter or something They got the Christmas decorations up and they keep them up forever throughout the year, but you know the new year rolls around and you know they get rid of all they get rid of all the decorations the Christmas tree the lights and It's almost as if everything even including the spirit of peace goes out the window They're no longer joyful to become jerks again people become people and that's just the weight of the world Okay, and why is that? Well because of the fact that the peace that they often promote and bolster is a superficial piece It's a temporary peace that is meant to satisfy the senses through music through food and Friendships and you know these Christmas movies that come out that give all these people these warm fuzzy feelings inside And it makes them feel more grateful whatever and you know once but once the new year comes around Everything just goes out the window and people go back to being people. Why is that? Well, the Bible tells us that there is no peace saved my God to the wicked so they can think they have peace They can have peace for a season. They can be kind to their neighbors in the month of December They can smile and be grateful and you know have all this, you know superficial peace But at the end of the day, it doesn't last very long. Okay now let that be said of the world, right? It should not be said of us as Christians that peace is a temporary thing that we have that we only become very grateful and Christlike during the month of Christmas or during the Christmas season we should be like this 365 days out of the year We should act Christlike throughout the year be Christlike be grateful be joyous be generous because that's who we are Right, we're supposed to be Christians, but the Bible tells us that there is no peace to the wicked. It's fake It's made up. It's superficial, you know, and it has no substance. It's vain It's empty and it's seasonal go to Luke chapter number two if you would Luke chapter number two But where do they get this from, you know, well they get it from the Bible They get it from Luke chapter two, but they put a twist to it. Okay, and You know what, I mean thank God that people think about Christ more throughout Christmas even those who are not saved and thank God for That but if we were to really go if we really to dig down deep into this concept We would soon realize that this is not the actual peace of God that passeth understanding This is not the peace of God where we're reconciled back into the Lord This is a peace where they want to basically get along with everyone goodwill toward men between themselves And it's not the biblical peace that we see in the Bible. Look at Luke chapter 2 This is the Christmas story here in verse number 8 It says and there went there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night and lo the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about Them and they were sore afraid and the angel said unto them fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy Which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior Which is Christ the Lord and this shall be a sign unto you you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger and suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth. Excuse me an honor of peace Goodwill toward men the world takes that and says all right guys. It's time to compromise It's time to get all the religions together. It's time to get along with anyone and everyone from whatever religious background It's time to have goodwill towards one another but this is not what the Bible is teaching us The peace on earth is not referring to the fact that we get along. We're gonna kumbaya We're gonna have a Rodney King ministry, but we all just get along This is not what this is referring to the goodwill is not the fact that you have goodwill towards your fellow man No, in fact, this is peace on earth that God brings through Jesus Christ To be reconciled unto God and the goodwill is this that God is not willing That any should perish but that all should come to repentance so that they could be saved Okay But the world capitalizes on this concept and twist that perverts it to mean something completely different To give them that warm fuzzy feeling and this is a superficial piece. That is not biblical. It's a worldly twist That replaces the biblical concept of this go to John chapter 14 If you would John chapter 14 and look if this piece was the peace of God Then why aren't people drinking during the Christmas season, right? That's how they get their peace their peace stems from Alcohol and getting inebriated during the holiday season to forget their sorrows They get their little wine glasses and they try to get you know Inebriated and drunk so they can just mellow out a little bit and get peaceful, you know, some people can't be peaceful without alcohol Some people actually need to do substance abuse and and drink alcohol in order to just be normal unfortunately You know, that's that's it's sad really You know, these people are enslaved by sin and to them having a peaceful night It's having a six-pack next to them with their kids running around while they're drinking listening to some Song some sad song or whatever from the past and they consider that to be peaceful, but that's not peaceful You know peace is that which God gives to us through Jesus Christ when we get saved Amen, we're reconciled back into God But even then after that we need the peace of God that passeth understanding when we're going through trials and tribulations When we're going through financial difficulties or health problems and we see we can't seem to change the circumstances around us What do we do? We pray we thank God we you know entreat him with supplications and Thanksgiving and the Bible tells us that he gives us the peace that passeth understanding He gives us the tranquility of mind that God is still in control This world is not my home and it's not the peace that the world gives the world's peace stems from you changing your circumstances Making sure you get paid more Making sure that you have the kind of house Do you want the possessions and the vehicle do you want the type of money you want the type of woman you want the type? Man you want it's changing your situation. That's not the way God provides peace You know that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me the Bible says Look at John 14. Let's look at the peace of the world. Look at John 14 27. It's this peace I leave with you my peace. I give unto you not as The world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither Let it be afraid go to Jeremiah chapter 6. So Jesus says hey, I'm leaving you with peace, but don't get it twisted It's not the same piece that the world gets because the world is offering peace But this piece that the world is offering is a fake piece. It's a superficial piece. There's peace right now Okay during the Christmas season, you know people take it have a tendency to take it a little slower They become more grateful and generous, but it's short-lived. Okay We should be generous all the time. We should be grateful all the time We should be you know, kind and loving towards people all the time. Okay? Now how is this piece promoted what's promoted through the world's prophets? Okay, look at Jeremiah 6 verse 11 says therefore I am full of the fury of the Lord I am weary with holding in I will pour it out upon the children abroad and upon the assembly of young men together For even the husband With the wife shall be taken the aged with him that is full of days and their houses shall be turned unto others With their fields and wives together for I will stretch out my hand upon the inhabitants of the land saith the Lord Man, this is not good. He's saying I'm just gonna just destroy everything I'm gonna destroy everyone and everything you guys are gonna face the judgment of God, right? Verse 13 for from the least of them even unto the greatest of them Everyone is given to to covetousness and from the Prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely so God's gonna judge them for being covetous. That's one of the things they're being judged for they're giving over to covetousness now today You're in the Christmas season. Why are people? Why do people think they have peace? Because of the fact they have possessions they're getting gifts, right? It's like as long as I get these gifts, I'll be happy As long as I you know, I get my as long as Santa provides these gifts. I'll be happy. I'll be peaceful You're giving over to covetousness. This is not what the Christmas season is about and he says in verse 14 They have healed also the hurt of my daughter of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace Hey, peace doesn't come when you get what you want as far as material possession is concerned peace does not come when you fulfill your lusts of Material wealth and riches and finances it doesn't come through those avenues You know, it does for me then guess what you have? Yeah, you know what you get the peace of the world But it's only seasonal because once the money runs out once the toy breaks down once the car is impounded Once you can't you no longer have those toys and they don't they no longer have the the luster that it used to have You no longer have that peace Whereas the peace of God is with you whether you have the possessions or not You see the peace that the world provides is a superficial peace That means nothing and it's based upon what you have and what you don't have right go to Jeremiah chapter number eight Peace on earth goodwill to men by this these Nike sneakers You know, they play Christmas music You ever go to the mall and they're playing Christmas music and they put these people in a good mood and they're just like as they're buying all kinds of stuff for themselves and just Just just living it up and being covetous and envious of all window shopping. Oh holy night This is great. I feel so peaceful as they're carrying out like ten bags for themselves. They're Gucci and they're you know, Prada or whatever I don't know what I Don't know the brands. I just know Gucci You know, this is a fake piece Now look if you have nice things, okay, you know, that's fine But here's the thing you better not be basing your peace off of whether you have that thing or not Ask yourself this what if that's like taking away from you today? Would you still have peace? You know, would you still be kind and loving and generous and joyful if you have if you didn't have those things? See that's a slight piece, right? It's a Deceitful peace that has no substance. Look at Jeremiah 8 verse 10 Therefore will I give their wives unto others and their fields to them that shall inherit them For everyone from the least even unto the greatest is given to covetousness from the Prophet even unto the priest everyone dealeth falsely For they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace Reiterating what he said there in Jeremiah chapter 6 now notice. He says they have healed the hurt of My people slightly. So what does that mean? The people are hurting but what do they do to heal them they provide a superficial healing a superficial piece a quick fix the bottle marijuana You know worldly music Whatever it is, they're just healing themselves slightly. It has no substance. Okay Go with me if you would to Isaiah 59 Isaiah chapter 59 What am I saying, you know the world has its prophets who are the prophets that promote this piece, you know It's called, you know the mall it's called stores It's called the industry that tries to promote this is what you need which by the way You didn't know you needed it until you saw it Right. Oh, yeah, I do need one. How does it work though? right It's called the music artist Mariah Carey all these Wicked artists that capitalize on the Christmas season to make their stupid Christmas CD So they can sell more albums to stupid Christians who are willing to buy them and listen to them You know, they can't even think it's like, you know they sing Oh Holy Night and it takes like 50 minutes to finish the song because they're sliding all over but Holy night You know what I'm talking about It's like They pervert these songs But what are they doing it for they're doing it to give you a false sense of peace. Oh No, this is beautiful even Mariah Carey's recognizing Jesus She's a whore I Was about to say sorry to break it to you, but I'm not sorry You know, this is the fault these are the false prophets of this world who try to promote this false way of Peace by the way, let me just get on this music thing for a second There's this girl out there that that is really popular right now She's probably been popular for a while, but I just found out about her. Her name is Billie Eilish Let me know what I'm talking about This lady's this girl is a just straight satanic Wicked woman and any Christian who listens to her is not right with God And by the way parents you better watch out you better you better pay attention to what your kids are listening to Especially if they're listening to Billie Eilish, you know, what's wrong with guys? She came out with this song called bad guy Okay, and in this song bad guy. Well, you know, she's just a teenager It just makes cool songs for the teenagers and you know, it's just there's you know, it's harmless. No, it's satanic She literally calls herself the bad. I think let me let me let me get the course, right? She says she's a bad guy She says she's she's the type who will seduce your dad type Oh, yeah, that's that's very becoming to a young lady who's 17 years old She's like she said oh she said I'm the bad type the kind that will seduce your dad type Yeah, disgusting filthy And look young girls are listening to this wicked woman Billie Eilish, you know Who has all these subliminal messages in her music? Promoting this wicked garbage and look folks. Look you better check your your kids phones Oh, you know, I see them bobbing their heads and stuff, but I'm you know, it's it's probably you know, some it's Yeah, it's wicked private what it is Check the phones. I don't really like to invade my child's privacy. They live under your roof What are you talking about? They should have no privacy other than when they use the restroom or whatever, you know Wake up and I don't know she I don't know if she came out with the Christmas CD or not But regardless if she did or not She's wicked as hell She is wicked as hell. She even has a song like Praising Lucifer like the Lucifer is in the title You know being sympathetic towards Lucifer. She's wicked. I'll get on her next week or something, but I just want to mention that Look at Isaiah 59 verse 8 says the way of peace They know not and there is no judgment in their goings. They have made them crooked paths Whosoever goeth therein shall not know peace. What is he saying? You're not gonna know the true peace. Okay, you know We got to make sure that we as Christians are not fooled by the peace of this world We need actual peace is what we need. All right. Now. What kind of peace does the world have to offer? What are the conditions to this type of peace go to Matthew chapter number 10 if you would well number one It's the aggregation of religious beliefs. So they'll say this. Hey Peace okay folks if you want peace all religions. We all have to kind of coexist a little bit We got to make sure we get along with the Muslims. We got to make sure we get along with the Mormons You know if they have a different Jesus than you. Hey, don't criticize them for doing that Don't criticize the Muslims because they're there their founder was a pedophile Don't criticize the Mormons because they're all about polygamy, you know Don't criticize any other religion we should all just coexist how many seen that sticker coexist First of all, I'm not coexisting with any fag Most bags are the ones who are actually putting that sticker on their stupid car Okay, I Don't want to coexist with other religions. I Don't want to coexist with other religions. I don't want to agree with them. I don't want to tolerate them I want to preach against them and I want to rescue those who are You know duped and deceived by these religions and I want to win them to Christ is what I want to do Well, hey, well, that's not very peaceful. Hey, I am for peaceful when they speak there for war. That's what the Bible says You know and we can't be these Christians like well, you know, we all got to get along Rodney King style. Let's be peaceful No, the Bible says that we're in a spiritual warfare It's a spiritual battle that must be fought spiritually and there is no peace Aside from God and look guys, there's never gonna be peace on this earth until the millennial rain Right Because how do you get peace on earth by plucking out the wicked? That's how you get it You have to pluck away the wicked Jesus Christ has to be ruling and reigning putting criminals to death Plucking away the wicked taking away the dross from the silver the wicked from before the king in order for the kingdom to be established in righteousness So we can have an abundance of peace the Bible says that's the only way we're gonna have peace So it's unrealistic to think that we're ever gonna have peace this side of eternity now Look, obviously we could have individual peace. We can have spiritual unity at our church. We could have peace amongst ourselves We could try to live peacefully as much as we can with one another but at the end of the day We're not gonna establish peace on this earth Sorry, Jeff Durban, you know, he's like, oh we're gonna take over the government We're gonna take over politics and we need to permeate every aspect of society so we could Christianize the world and and usher in The millennial rain. Yeah, you want to usher in the Antichrist rain is what you want to do. That's not the way it works You know they people want to say well in order for us to have peace we all got to get along You know, we got to have the Kanye West type of religion Okay, where he's married to some Greek Orthodox or Armenian Orthodox Whore, okay. He claims to believe in Christ, but she's over here baptizing her babies and They're all fine with it. Listen, let's look what the Bible says go to Matthew chapter 10. Look at verse 34 Think not verse 34 says that I am come to send peace on earth. Oh Hold on a second you're messing up the vibe here We Want peace on earth well, then you're thinking wrong you're not thinking rightly Think not that I'm come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace but a sword It sounds kind of violent That sounds kind of like you're trying to be divisive Well, that's what a that's what a sword does it divides its slices, right? For I am come to set a man at variance against his father man, and The daughter against her mother. So what is he saying? He's basically saying look, I'm here to make sure that you make a choice Me or your family Me or your wife me or your husband me or your children me or your job me or your family Whoever it is. It's either me or it's not We need to love Jesus Christ with all our heart soul mind and strength, right? Now thank God we don't have to really make that choice very often as far as you know If they're in church with us, they can love God with us But even if they are in church, even if they are serving God, we're still to love God more, right? He says this is what I come to I mean look folks. There's a reason why God says my name is what jealous. I Mean that's jealousy right there at its finest To set variants. I mean a father and daughter. This is like Kyla Like Jesus is saying is dividing us and saying hey, you better love me more than you love Kyla. Yeah, that's what he means Why I don't know if I can do that. Well, that's what the Bible is telling us to do Against your the daughter against her mother. This next one is not very hard. Okay, and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law Just some things are just natural. No, I'm just kidding. I Always got to say that when I read this verse cuz I always laugh when I read that, okay People are like I didn't need a sword for that one. I Got that one down before I was a Christian now, I'm just kidding Verse 36 and a man's foes Shall be they of his own household There's people who felt like that, right? I'm sure you felt like that before when I feel when you feel like man I feel like my family has turned against me, you know, and this is the type of sword that Jesus Christ brings This is the kind of division that he can bring, you know where he divides you and your family where your family forsakes you Where they disassociate themselves from you. They don't want nothing to do with you because you're too zealous for the Lord You're a fool for Christ's sake and they're like, I don't want nothing to do with you I don't want to be around you and it doesn't hurt a little bit But you know when it hurts, you know what it does we experience the fellowship of his suffering being made conformable unto his death Then we feel a little bit what Christ felt when he was rejected of his own when he was forsaken even of his father right, you know we are Sentient beings that feel pain when when those whom we love separate from us, but you know what? What is it that separated us was that sword? That's set at variance, right? Hey if it's like that with family how much more should it be like that for religions? You know, oh man, I know someone who's just he's a Catholic and he's just You know, he just he's just stuck in his ways and he doesn't want to it. Well, you know, here's the thing Either win him to Christ or stop hanging out with them being buddy buddies with him if he's out there drinking alcohol He's smoking weed. He's doing his Catholic thing or whatever and he's unwilling to adhere To the instruction of the Word of God on how to get saved then, you know at that point there's variance there That's what that's what the Bible does. So well, no, no, we need to get along with Catholics. No, we don't We want to get along with them so we can win them over We want to get along with people of different religions so we can win them over but what they're referring to is a tolerance Well you believe in in Jesus somehow You know you believe in you. It's it's somewhat of a Jesus. I mean, it's kind of like basically the same thing. No, it's not And look they may even believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God But if they don't believe in the right salvation, then you know, there's differences of doctrine there Okay so We need to make sure that we never fall into this trap this fake peace And look, there's a lot of churches that are doing this now, right? Speaking of ecumenism. I'll tell you what ecumenism is Rick Warren is ecumenism With this Chris long where he's trying to do like a hybrid between Christianity and Islam That's ecumenism It's like well, let's just get the best of both worlds and just stick them together that's garbage Cuz we need peace No, we can have peace when we do things God's way When we listen to God, well, well, but there's a lot of people that don't agree with God. Well, that's too bad then Because God is the boss and he makes the rules and if you don't like it take a hike No, no offense for the hike Luke 12 51 says suppose he that I'm come to give peace on earth I tell you nay Rather division so funny Lancaster Baptist Church, they made they put out this book right and it's by RB roulette and it's literally called unnecessary division Well here he says that he comes to bring division Like oh this is just unnecessary division no division is Necessary You need to divide the intestines from the kidneys in order for your food not to get poison You need to divide the sheet between the goats You need to divide the false doctrine from the right doctrine because we need to know where we stand Well, we just kind of like to mix everything up a little bit Just get a smorgasbord of false doctrine and let everyone just be happy. That's not the way it works For From henceforth there shall be five in one house Divided three against two and two against three when I would first read this I would think like like they're literally fighting or something It's like, you know the father shall be divided against the son the son against the father the mother against the daughter the daughter against the mother the Mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number six So the piece that the world offers Requires for you to get along with all religions. Okay? You know, that's by the way that happens during the time of Christmas. Let's just put our differences aside You know My wife was telling me there right now that the popular thing is to say happy everything Before you know, we used to say by the way, I still say Merry Christmas And sometimes I even I just say Merry Christmas That's what it says and then people, you know now they're saying happy holidays and now it's going into happy everything Let's just appease the the Christian the Christ-rejected Jews The Muslims the Kwanzaa people let's just happy everything Because we want peace that's garbage. I don't believe in Hanukkah that Christ-rejected religion They're what they're what they're a star of REM fan crap get that out of here Trying to infiltrate Christianity and pervert Jesus Christ and his birth You know Kwanzaa Some communist dude who made that garbage You know Dia de los Reyes in Spanish That's garbage too. They celebrate that in January Well, they they literally focus on the Kings because they're the ones who brought the gifts Okay Santa Claus Don't even get me started on Santa Claus That wicked fat gluttonous man Literally perverts the way of salvation. I preached on that last year, but he perverts the way of salvation Why because you have to be good to get a gift You know, you can't be naughty Yeah, it's funny. He calls it a gift, but you have to be good for it. He fits right in with the Calvinist, right? Well, it's a gift Well, you know if if you don't get a gift, it's because well, it doesn't mean you you you know It just means that you know, you just weren't good. Okay And it works right that would you say it's works no, it's not works But you know faith always works Santa Claus or how about fag on a shelf I'm sorry elf on a shelf. Sorry a little queer looking transvestite doll that they put it's an idol And look we laugh at at that stuff, but some people take that serious They literally put that for like 30 days in their household and they talk to it They like worship it. They're like, you know, what are you gonna do now? It's just like These idols are dumb. They're blind. They can't do anything But they yet they pray to that stuff and you think God's looking at like oh you guys are so silly God's mad at that That takes God off. That's idolatry. Oh But they're so peaceful doing it it's a superficial piece It's not right It's fake It's satanic Anyways Look what it says in verse 14 of 2nd Corinthians It says be not unequally oaked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness And what communion hath light with darkness and what Concord hath Christ with Belial or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols for you're the temple of the Living God as God has said I would dwell In them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people Wherefore come out from among them and be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you Look, we want real peace. We got to come out from among them You know have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them and look This is important during the Christmas season that you don't just lower your standards you lower your guard You start hanging out with your faggot your faggot family members Well, it's Christmas, you know Yeah, it's you know, yeah Christmas the one that they hate You know Jesus they rejected and they hate Yeah, that's you're right. So you're gonna hang out with this Christ hating faggot It's not right You know, we made a decision long ago, that's all my wife We're not going to any social event With my family with your family if there's fags in your family and fags in my family coming to it Okay, cuz I got fags in my family. She's got fags in hers You know and both both of our families. No Don't invite Bruce and Sarah if if you know fags coming over Uncle fags come if uncle fags coming over And look, but they don't even have more anymore Because they appreciate our relationship more than that homo and the same thing goes with my family, you know They don't have cousin dyke come over either Because they know that Bruce doesn't like cousin dyke Bruce hates cousin dyke Be separate Don't put your guard down don't make you know, don't tolerate it. Don't say well, you know, you're making excuse You know, it's Christmas and you know all the more reason If you're gonna be if you're gonna be separated all the more reason to do it on Christmas celebrating the birth of Christ right You know what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness It says wherefore come out from among them be separate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing Okay, and look I'm not saying if you have some unsaved family member that comes to your house And maybe they're involved in fornication or they're drunkards and they come you invite them over, you know win them to the Lord. Amen Your greatest desire should be I want this person to get saved. Okay. I want them to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ I hope that when they come to my house, I have their gift ready for them They can see and by the way, we want to be a testimony to them. Don't we? We want to be a testimony to say Wow Christians actually seem to have fun during Christmas without beer Without getting drunk without having the worldly music without doing all the worldly things. They seem to have a good time and we do We're gonna have a good time tonight, I don't see an ounce of liquor back there There's no cocaine or weed back there Okay Well the sugars Let me just get out that Go to second John second John So the world hey, there is no peace on earth to the wicked They can have this superficial peace for a month. Hey, we have it 12 months out of the year Okay, and it's not based upon us Coexisting with other religions. It's based upon obedience to God and his word It's based upon keeping sin out of our life if we want true Peace, you need to make sure that you repent of your sin. Do you get right with God? Amen, do you love his word that you're winning people to Christ you get peace God's way not the world's way The second condition that they have you have to tolerate tolerate anti credit Christ rhetoric and practices And what am I talking about? Well as of recently, I don't have Netflix and don't tell me if you do But they came out with this blasphemous movie About Jesus Christ being a faggot. Oh Yeah, how many know what I'm talking about? Yeah, this blasphemous wicked movie which was made in Brazil, by the way Okay. Sorry guys It was made in Brazil and The Story goes that basically Jesus Christ comes home to Mary and Joseph for his birthday And he comes home with his friend and everyone's like Jesus gay or something has he gone that route and his his buddies just as queers the days long and It's just a blasphemous wicked movie. I didn't see it. I heard about it. I read about it and I just thought to myself and they brought it out during this time And look people who are not even Christian were offended at that they're like what's wrong with you guys You know, well what it is is that they want us to tolerate, you know Is it any coincidence that they bring out during Christmas? They want to make a mockery of you know, they get mad at us when we make a mockery of bags Well, how about that bag it? When you make a mockery of my Savior like that by calling him a homo trying to make him seem and by the way The guy who's on they look like a homo. He probably is a homo You look like Cesar Borgia We Don't tolerate that nonsense Why I just like to take a neutral position and I don't really really like to rock the boat We rock the boats it flips over and everyone drowns Men Why because we should not tolerate when the world begins to mock our Savior and we honest it Well, you know just you know, forgive them for they know now what they do No people like that know what they're doing Look what the Bible says in 2nd John verse 9 whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ Hath not God he that abideth in the doctrine of Christ He hath both the Father and the Son if there come any unto you and bring not this doctrine receive him not into your house Neither bid him God speed free that biddeth him. God speed is a partaker of his evil deeds. The Bible says you know, we need to make sure that People often will look at people like us and say man you guys are a little overboard though You know, I could understand that movie with Jesus. Yeah, that's that's pretty bad But do you really need to use the language that you use you're lucky. That's all I'm using Because you deserve worse That's how pissed off we should get about these things and if you don't get mad about these things Then you got a heart problem. Then you have a sympathy from the for the world that God does not want you to have It Probably means that you like the peace of this world a little you want a piece of this world This is what it is because the Bible says that Love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any men love the world The love of the Father is not in him. What does that mean? It doesn't mean that God doesn't love you It means that you have no love for God Because if you're loving the world, you're defending the world you want the world's peace You want a piece of the world then the love of the Father is not in you You're lacking love for God Go to Romans chapter number five And look we're for peace We are for peace We try to reconcile people back to Christ every week The Bible even commands us when it comes to other Christians as much as we possibly can to live peaceably with one another, right? Amongst church members amongst other churches we try to be peacemakers But you know the Bible tells us I am for peace But when I speak they are for war So look you can't please everyone and be right with God You can't propagate and promote God's ways without getting someone wanting to make war with you that's just the way it is Here's the third thing so we're talking about peace, you know, there is no peace on earth to the wicked there's peace for us Amen Peace on earth goodwill to men. Amen. We we partook of that goodwill We are partaking of that. Peace. We have peace with God But there's a peace out there that's not of God and there is no peace to the wicked, you know And by the way, when I talk about peace to the wicked Obviously that's the wicked could be a very general label because of the fact that people who are unsaved Can be wicked and not be reprobates. They're just living a wicked lifestyle, you know, they just grew up that way But you know what? They don't have peace They have the peace that the world has to offer to them Well, so what's another what's another condition in order to have the world's peace inner peace You know the Zen like inner peace Buddha meditation type nonsense that they offer You need to like just be one with yourself and get yourself into a state of nothingness This Jedi piece, right? What they're really doing is they're trying to mute their God-given conscience of what's right and what's wrong Because what they're basically saying is, you know People are living with guilt because they're involved in sin They're living with guilt because things that they're doing that are are not pleasing to God And how are they trying to take care of it? Well, they're trying to block out their conscience is telling them this is wrong So what is the inner peace? It's the mute button on their conscience is what it is It's like I need to get to a state where I'm not condemning myself for these sins that I'm doing. You know what I mean? This is the inner peace. This is not the kind of peace that we should be seeking out. Okay? We need to be look by the way, obviously we're reconciled to God look what the Bible says in Romans 5 1 Therefore be justified by faith We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith into this grace Wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God Obviously we have peace with God when we get saved, but you know what we need to continuously have peace with God Even thereafter not for salvation, but just to have his blessing to be right with God There's Christians out there who are backslidden as the day is long They're involved in vice and drunkenness and sin and fornication and adultery They're destroying their lives. They're saved, but they don't have the peace of God You Know they're just out there in the world and they know they're doing wrong They they're miserable as the day is long. They lie to your face when they say that they're doing okay. They're doing great It's not true They're not peace. They're not peaceful. They know they're not because they know they're not right with God and look when you're a Christian and You backslide you get away from God. I'll say this. Yes, you will get convicted You will be bothered You know why because there's someone who resides within you called the Holy Spirit and the Bible says grieve not the Holy Spirit of God Whereby ye are sealed until the day of redemption What that means is that when he's in there and you're doing things that are displeasing God you're grieving him And you feel that grief, you know, you're doing wrong. You know, you're not living right? okay, so How do we get that peace we confess our sins We get right with God and look obviously It's not a physical thing you feel but if you've ever been backslidden and you come back to the Lord You repent and you get right with God. It feels like a load just came off your shoulders really like I Can breathe I'm right with God. I know God loves me, you know, I'm back into the fold I'm back in the blessings of God. That's the kind of peace that we're talking about You know, and by the way that person They might have screwed up their life greatly But you know what the peace of God the past with understanding is so great That they're the ramifications of their sin is just very small comparison to the forgiveness of God Or they're like, you know, I screwed up my life, but you know, I'm thankful that God welcomed me back into his fold. I'm right with God. I know that God's hand is on me I have brothers and sisters who love me and care for me. I got my church I'm you know, the Christian life becomes exciting again Even in the midst of you know, the fact that they probably screwed up their life But this is how important and essential the peace of God after salvation is okay Go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 5, but you know, it doesn't stop there You know we get peace with God when we get saved We get peace with God when we confess our sins on a daily basis We state we stay right with God as much as we can as much as we know that we can But then you know, there's a there's a sense of involvement that you have to have in your life in order to have another level of peace Because look within every Christian if they start reading their Bibles they start coming to church There's a desire within them to serve Right. There's a desire to say I want to serve God, you know, we use that a lot, right? We use that late that that term that phrase I want to serve God. What does that mean? What does it mean to serve God? It means we do what he tells us to do When he tells us hey, I want you to go and do this and we do it that means we're serving God Okay, you know God tells you to submit unto your husband You know what you're doing when you submit to your husband you're serving God because you're doing what God tells you to do when God tells man Hey love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it, you know, you're doing you're serving God When you obey that commandment Children when you obey your parents in the Lord for this is right You're serving God because that is a commandment that God has given to you. And if you obey him you're serving your Lord But what's another capacity look at second Corinthians 5 17 therefore if any man be in Christ He is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new and all things are of God who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and has given to us the ministry of Reconciliation to wit that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself Not imputing their trespasses unto them and that's committed unto us the word of reconciliation By the way, just keep in mind that the Apostle Paul In second Corinthians is questioning the salvation of the Corinthians right chapter 13. He says man you guys might be reprobates Well, he kind of does something says something like that here in verse 20 says now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us We pray you in Christ said be reconciled to God For he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him But I want you to notice he says he that God had given to us the ministry of reconciliation. We call that soul winning hey, you know instead of chasing the almighty dollar and Setting these goals to be rich setting these goals to accumulate possessions Why don't you set your affections on things above by soul-winning Making your goal for 2020 to be a sole winner to win people to Christ Why don't you partake in the ministry of peace? Be a peacemaker. Amen Sometimes that's something that's an element that sometimes lacks in a Christian sometimes, you know where they're just like well, you know I'm saved. I know I'm right with God, but there's still something missing. Yeah, it's called serving the Lord You know you ever feel that void where you feel like man, I just I want to be used by God I want God to use me to make a difference for eternity. What's called soul-winning Okay, and you can start right here in your local New Testament Church where you'll get sent out partner up with someone and look No one is exempt from this Okay, we don't force people to go so anybody's not like lock the doors You Know it's your choice But you know what? A per any person in here who doesn't want to go so any you're not gonna slow us down And you know what? I'm not gonna stop talking about soul-winning I'm not gonna stop emphasizing it. So sooner or later you better catch up You better get on board You better get on board Get with the program be a team player and start doing some preaching of the gospel And look if you're near our church for any length of time you will eventually catch the fire Either you'll eventually catch it or you just become hardened stubborn and You know, you'll backslide eventually probably because of the fact that you know that this is what you should be doing But you're not doing it by the way Let me remind you he didn't know what to do good and do it to not to him in a sin You know partake in the ministry of reconciliation go to Belize Amen go to if you can Know if you can okay, my wife's not going to Belize she can't go to Belize But you know, obviously there's people who are in a certain season of life that can't go but you know what some can go Okay Go to Belize it'll reinvigorate your desire to preach the gospel to see people saved and you'll have the peace of knowing man Not only am I right with God. I'm serving God Like I'm one of God's servants God is using me to reconcile people back into him. I'm part of this big plan going on right here I'm part of the ministry of reconciliation and I'm telling you it'll take you to another level of Christianity You know what the world says? Well, no you want peace. You got to hang out with the worldly people be accepted by the world You got to be accepted by your worldly cousins and brothers and sisters. You got to be cool with them They could they got to think that you're like some cool person forget all that. That's poppycock. I want to be cool to God In fact, no, I don't want to be cool to God. I want to be on fire for God Amen, I want to be on fire for God. I want I want the praise of God more than the praise of men. Okay? The Bible tells us that the fruit of the righteous is sown in peace of them that make peace Go with me if you would to Proverbs chapter 3 The Bible says in Isaiah 26 that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because he trusteth in Thee the Bible says in Psalm 119. I quoted it earlier 165 great Peace have they which love thy law and nothing shall offend them. We need to get back to going God's route to get peace loving the Bible Hey, you want to clear your conscience read the Bible. Okay, let the peace of God rule in your hearts the Bible says What I have you turn Proverbs 3 look at verse number 1 my son forget not my law But let thine heart keep my commandments for length of days and long life and peace Shall they add to thee amen? He says look if you keep my law, you love my word you keep my commandments You're gonna live long and you're gonna have peace added unto you Don't get the peace of this world get the peace only God has to offer Where he says it comes when you read my word and you love the law of the Lord Here's the last scriptures go with me through it to 1st Timothy chapter 6 The world says hey in order to have peace Coexist with other religions the world says you want peace tolerate other religions tolerate other belief systems You Know the world tells us also that we get peace by amassing wealth and possessions Right. I mean that's what the Christmas season is all about according to them Buy this this is on sale Christmas special here well a Look at that same item After Christmas, it's like the exact same price Like 5% off or something just because it's a Christmas there by the way, they're telling you the truth It's a Christmas sale. You know, that means they're selling it on Christmas Discount But they want you to a mass wealth and possessions because they they're trying to get you to think you'll be happy if you have these things You'll be happy if you have these possessions these type of clothes this Xbox PlayStation TV whatever This is not true. Hey, you'll be happy if you have this amount of money. In fact, how many know who Dave Ramsey is? Okay Pull up the book He literally has his curriculum called this It's called FPU Financial peace University It's for Christians Now if you have that don't tell me I didn't find out your wife didn't tell me your husband didn't tell me my wife actually told me about this because I was like, you know people trying to get peace through like Accumulating money and they want to store up, you know Tear down barns and big greater build greater store their goods in and they think happiness comes from just having a lot of money You know and then and then she I was like they think that that piece comes from that and then she told me about this He goes Dave Ramsey actually has I think I thought I was like, you know Dave Ramsey is one of those guys who like promotes that to Christians and she goes yeah, he actually has something called FPU Financial peace University, but you know what the Bible doesn't even talk about financial peace at all Look guys, I know that some of you probably benefited from the book. You probably ready like oh man, you know He helped me get out of debt Okay He told me he he helped me raise $1,000, you know the little baby steps and all that You know, I know I know I've read the book. I had to read the book. Okay When I was when I was when I was courting my wife, that was one of the requirements you have to read this book But I don't remember this part but he literally has is the Financial Peace University which is like if you want peace of mind You Know you got to learn how to accumulate money and save up for a rainy day the emergency fund, you know save up $50,000 for an emergency fund good night Save up $100,000 for an emergency fund and look I'm not against you save it up that amount of money if you have a plan for it But if it's just like you just want to accumulate finances and by the way And if that's where your peace is located at wrong piece The Bible doesn't say talk about financial peace I Just need financial peace. No, you need God's peace is what you need Let your moderation be known to all men the Bible says and if we want that peace of God we need to pray We need to supplicate we need to thank God and we need to ask him for the things that we need And you know what? The Bible says he gives us peace. He doesn't give us the possessions that we want. He says he gives us peace And look folks what we need is not more money. Sometimes what we need is more contentment Just be happy with what you have right people giving me the dirty looks here. I Think I'm gonna spend a little more time on this point now, this is good Financial did you go to the Financial Peace University? Drop out of Financial Peace University today Look The Bible says lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth where moss and rut doth corrupt Where thieves break through and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven the Bible says how do you do that? Will you take the monetary gain of today you invest it in eternal things and you'll get those treasures in heaven Don't be like the guy who's who's tearing down barns and building up greater to store his finances in And then what happened when he died, you know, his wife's next husband got it That's what happened First Timothy 6 6 says but godliness with contentment is great gain Let that sink in this is what God said look you want gains You want great gain? You need godliness and you need contentment Why because if you're godly that means your heart is in the right place Right means God's pleased with you. You're you're focusing on that which is most important You're seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and then these things shall be added unto you And if you're content, guess what? You're always happy With whatever you get because when you're content with something that means you're already happy And so if God gives you a little more, you know what happens like wow This is great. I wasn't expecting this People who are not content expect it they want more, you know, that's why it's hard to please little kids sometimes Children it's hard to you know, we got to teach them contentment Right. It doesn't come naturally to them you know you try to like be a blessing to your kids and and you want to you want to Make them happy and you give them certain things and they're just like I want more Give me another one. I want to stay for another hour. I want to do this more more. You're just like You should have just said thank you now. You're getting a spanking And then they get a bad attitude and it's just like they have to learn, you know But you know adults are like that, too We need to learn godliness with contentment It's just for we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out Having food and raiment. Let us therewith be content and all of God's people said amen Hey food and raiment good food But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a stare into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and Perdition. Yeah, how does that piece of this world work? How's that working out for you? You know those who have financial peace University they can't even sleep because of the fact they have so many expensive possessions. They're afraid that other people might steal them You know, they have the huge expensive vehicle or the Bentley or whatever I don't know what the Maserati or Bugatti or whatever and They have to put all kinds of cameras outside to make sure no one steals it make sure that's being taken care of They can't sleep. I Sleep fine because If someone steals my van and they did They're gonna bring it back fixed This poor soul let's let's let's fix this for him, you know So I'm done cuz I'm out of time what am I saying what I'm basically saying is this is that Just make sure that during the Christmas season, which it's obviously coming to an end But it's you know climaxing these next couple days that you make sure you seek the peace of God. You know what I mean? And don't be consumed by covetousness and envy and Possessions and wealth and riches and trying to just impress the Joneses when the Joneses don't even like you You know, why don't you seek the peace of God Why don't you seek the peace that comes when you're right with God you keep sin out of your life You're reading the Word of God your winning souls to Christ, you know, you have peace with your children You have peace with your wife. Those are great gifts Amen When you can when you can say hey my me my family get along my children are obeying me Hey, my children love me. I love my wife. My wife loves me. That's great So I don't have that. Well, you know what you have a church where people love you You have a church where people love you and look if no one loves you here. Well, guess what you have God loves you. Okay Someone loves you Okay He'll never never leave you nor forsake you What I'm saying is this don't forfeit these peace The peace that God gives with the peace that the world is trying to offer Because the peace that the world is trying to offer comes with consequences. Amen Inspire hasn't have a word of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word I prayed that during this time we would reflect more and Obviously reflection is something that we should always be doing throughout the year whether in our prayer time when we're reading the Bible but during this time when we think upon it so much the more because of the fact that We think upon the birth of Christ and I prayed that we would not be fooled and bamboozled into accepting the peace of this world and The peace of this world is is is a farce. It's not real. It's fake. It's superficial and Thank you for your word that exposes that Lord and I pray that Lord you'd help us even during this time these next couple days to think upon your goodness and Count our blessings is what we need to do. We just need to count all the blessings and That would create within us a heart of gratitude and may you be honored and glorified in all that we do bless the fellowship After this in Jesus name we pray. Amen