(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're in first corinthians chapter number 16 look down at your bibles verse number seven It says for I will not see you now by the way But I trust to tarry a while with you if the lord permit But I will tarry at Ephesus until pentecost for a great door and effectual is opened unto me and there are many Adversaries the bible says and the title of the sermon this evening is new levels new devils new levels new Devils now what do I mean by that when I say new levels and new devils? Well, because in the christian life in your individual life the higher you go up Spiritually speaking or the longer you are a christian the more you are faithful. You're steadfast and you're unmovable You're always abounding in the work of the lord. There's always going to be spiritual opposition You're you're the the number of enemies will increase the number of adversaries will multiply Why is that because the more you do for god the more success you have in the christian life the more satan Wants to stop you why because he doesn't want you to be effective at preaching the gospel He doesn't want you to be a good church member. He doesn't want you to be someone who is humble Who's just serving the lord who's just being a good wife a good husband a good? Son or daughter or an employee so as these opportunities these doors of opportunities open up We're going to see far more enemies trying to creep in hinder us and stop us from doing the work of the lord Okay, and it's foolish to think that well, you know, everything's going to be hunky-dory The more we do for god, you know, nothing's going to happen. Everything's going to be a bed of roses We're not going to have enemies. We should just be loved by our community and loved by los angeles and loved by california That's not realistic Why because california is a wicked state? California you said why are you there because this is where I was born and raised amen And we're to be a light in darkness we're to we're to preach the word of god in a dark place We should shine forth as lights in a crooked and perverse nation and state You know, obviously we're in a wicked state that's called california. We're living over here next to sodom and gomorrah Which is hollywood we have everything going against us when it comes to the laws and the culture and all these things This is considered a liberal state But you know what we still have an independent fundamental baptist church here who still preaches the truth And you know what god will continue to open doors for us But we just can't be ignorant and not realistic and thinking well get no opposition is going to come about that You can't expect to become more godly or increase in your righteousness and not have opposition Because opposition is there to try to hinder you but if you deal with it correctly, it's actually going to help you You Opposition can either stop you or could actually propel you forward You know And here we see that the apostle paul's writing to the church at corin the last chapter. He explains that He's going to stay at ephesus until pentecost Ephesus obviously was a city That was given to a lot of idolatry. All right And based upon the content found in the book of effusions there seems to have been major spiritual warfare taking place So if you really compare all the times that ephesus is mentioned whether it's in revelation chapter two, it's in the book of Ephesians it's in the book of acts and first corinthians you always see that there's some sort of spiritual battle taking place there And god has the tendency to use the church at ephesus to not only show What that spiritual battle looks like but also what it looks like to fight against that spiritual battle, okay? And look i'm not talking about the spiritual warfare where there's like demons and unclean spirits possessing people They're just foaming out the mouth and like this maniac a gadera type of thing. I know that exists You know, we have a demon possessed guy who walks up and down these streets every day Every single day he came by today smoking his pot, right and he's just I believe he's possessed Just because he has the same walk. Where is he going? And why did he choose? tyler avenue You never see by the way, you never see him walk on the other side of the street He's always on this side of the street And i've rebuked him multiple times And he's just he just keeps coming up and down these streets. What is it? He's possessed but you know what that guy is gonna do no harm to anybody You know, he might irritate some people he might scare some some kids or whatever it may be But that's not the kind of demon possession that i'm talking about I'm talking about people who are demon possessed who satan is using as puppets to try to hinder the work of god These are the adversaries that we need to watch out for And these are the adversaries that we need to expect when the doors of opportunity open up for us. Okay? So i'm talking about people who are possessed with devils who are teaching doctrines of devils You know who the adversaries are sometimes other pastors Yeah Hold on a second pastors are demon possessed. Of course Not all of them, but some of them I mean you have chris lasala who blatantly openly says That he's possessed with a thousand demons I mean he just Has no problem. Just telling you he believes that every christian is possessed with at least a hundred. That's the bare minimum Yeah And because he's so godly he has a thousand You know Chris lasala is a wicked false prophet He and by the way, he's telling the truth He's not lying You know, he might actually underestimate How much how many demons are actually possessing him? It might be more than that But at least he's being honest and saying hey i'm possessed with devils So that's why those people who are in those churches. They're a bunch of idiots Because he's actually telling them hey i'm possessed with devils. Let me lead you and be your pastor and they're like, okay You know, obviously that has its place and and I don't believe that independent fundamental baptists deal with stuff like that because We're on the front lines and say this is not going to throw some demon possessed person to try to hinder the work of god here because of the Fact that that we'll just like brush that off and say that this is foolishness get out of our church You know The kind of people who are possessed who try to infiltrate churches or try to hinder the work of god They're more subtle. Are they not? Don't they come under the guys? They're they're wolves in sheep's clothing or they're just people who just try to hinder the work of god to frustrate the purposes here To try to get us to not go sowing or try to bring in some damnable heresy These are the type of adversaries that we actually see go to ephesians chapter number six if you would Ephesians chapter number six and really the sermon is a reminder That just because we're independent doesn't mean we're no longer under spiritual warfare spiritual warfare will continue to the day that we die And in this church, we will continue to have spiritual battles and spiritual warfare Let us not be ignorant of this concept and don't think hey, and by the way, let me say this We've had a great victory this weekend, did we not? Great victory church went independent people got saved and let me say this There's always an attack Prior to an event like this or after or both So look, this is not the time to kick your feet up Take your socks off and just chill out drink some lemonade and act like nothing's gonna happen This is actually a time when we realize. Okay, the hit is coming. We got to be ready for it You know, I remember Uh for the so many mega marathon that we did our first so many mega marathon Literally the day I mean we had a successful day The day after which was easter our car got stolen With all of our materials on it You know and look that really didn't hinder the work of god. It just frustrated me is what it did Because I had to preach come to church and I had my mind. It's like where's my vehicle, you know We got to I got to figure out how to get my family from point a to point b And sometimes things like that will happen and I believe that satan just trying to frustrate trying to wear out the saints in a sense Okay And we just got to realize that we're in a spiritual battle and now hey We're at a new level and guess what? There's a brand new company of devils That we're going to be fighting. There's a brand new army of devils and demons and wicked people That we're going to be confronted with and let me say this you need to be ready Not just as a church, but guess what as individuals be ready Because you know what satan wants to do. He wants to pick apart people one person at a time from our church How does he do it? He does it through temptation He does it through sin He does it through idleness. He does it through laziness. He does it through contention. He does it through strife He does it through vainglory. He does it through weak christians Who can really cause the body of christ to kind of be pulled apart based upon fights and strife and contentions We want to make sure that we're vigilant and recognize. Hey, the battle is not over. We're not dead We're not in heaven. We're just at a new level And when there's a new level there is a new devil, okay you know the old devils, you know, the the The hofni and phinehas. Those are the old devils those those dogs old devils Okay, the the dude who believes you can stop believing that you were saved That's an old devil These are kind of like these are like really stupid doctrines You know And let's let me say this we can't expect that in the future. Actually the devils will increase after this Okay Look at eph 6 verse 11 says put on the whole armor of god That ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. These are the devices that satan has okay Now here's the great thing about this is that we know that there's no new thing under the sun The devices that satan has used in times past are the same devices that you will use today That's why it's important that we read the bible. That's why it's important that we take heed to the testimonies of the lord What are the testimonies of the lord the stories that we see in the bible? The testimonies of david of saul and other people because of these people because these people were of like passions There are men just like us They suffer the same temptations and we need to take into account the testimonies of the lord because of the fact that Satan's going to come at us with his wiles with his devices It says for we wrestle not against flesh and blood But against principalities against powers against the rules of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of god that you may be able to withstand in the evil day Having done all to stand and look Sometimes satan just attacks not through false prophets. Sometimes he just attacks through just basic things like temptation Hey, let me say this single guys you need to be careful Don't live loosely If you're dating or you're engaged or whatever may be now's not the time to be careless In your relationship. No, we're fine. Look he that stand to take heed lest he fall And don't think you're above temptation Don't think you're above the wiles of satan the same device that satan used on david It's the same one he's using on you How can satan try to hinder the work of god allow fornication in it Cause people to fornicate in our church To cause them to get excommunicated to ruin their lives You know you may think well, no, no, no go back to the false prophets I want to hear about the false prophets false prophets. No, let's talk about morality for a second Let's talk about purity for a second because that's important You don't want to strip you from the power of god on your life fornication that will destroy your life Forever Adultery will destroy your life forever. That's something you won't come back from and look Don't think you're so strong and you've read the bible so many times and i'm prayed up And I go to first works baptist church and god's favors all my life don't think you're above temptation You know, we need to make sure that the young men in our church and the young ladies in our church stay pure And look one of the ways you stay pure Obviously you don't fornicate but the bible tells us that you should know how to possess your vessel in sanctification and honor You know what? That means you need to set up some safeguards in your life to keep you away from even being tempted to sin Obviously, we don't want to sin duh But how about we take it a step further and even step away from that which would even cause us to be tempted You know because once we're tempted we've already crossed the line and we're one step into the temptation of fornication right Whereas if you're so far to to the right that when you're tempted if you step forward Hey, guess what fornication is still way over there. You can still make your way back Yeah Well, you know, I just think you're too strict I just think you know, did you that that's like old iab stuff or whatever, you know, yeah I'm sure that's what like david thought You know, i'm sure that's what samson thought I'm sure that's what uh, these other people who throughout the ages have thought the same thing and fallen into fornication and uncleanness Good You know satan can hinder you not just in the manner of false prophets and infiltrators We got that down pack, but you know what? It can it can they can hinder you just from fornication by by allowing fornication tempting you with fornication Be vigilant Well, you know, she's godly i'm godly we're bought and look i'm not questioning the love of the lord in anybody What i'm saying is this is we're in the flesh. Amen Amen And you need to purposely walk in the spirit that you may not fulfill the lust of the flesh Yeah, but what's a little look? And I know this happens where like couples will date And they'll hold hands or their hug and kiss i'm not for that I'll just be honest with you You know, and if that's what you do then, you know, i'm not the moral police here I'm not here to tell you what you're what you're supposed to do But the bible does say it is good for a man not to touch a woman And let me just tell you kissing means touching You do I think you have to touch and hard to kiss right? I think that's the way it works, you know Unless you do the the central american Spaniard kids where you kiss the the air, you know type of thing, right You know, you're setting yourself up for temptation And let me just remind you if we find out or I find out that anybody is fornicating within our church The options are on the table for you to either leave And not come back until you get that right you get married Right or you just separate you stay in church, but you're separated Nothing in the middle Nothing in the middle. Oh, I thought you were my pastor. Yeah, that's what i'm telling you these things A crappy pastor would not tell you these things He lets you fornicate have babies stay in the church ruin your life as long as you put in the tithe check in the plate Keep your tithe check and stay pure and then tithed We need to make sure that we recognize that these things are sinful And we emphasize and we make it look exceedingly simple because it is because in the day and age in which we live Sometimes young people are a little too loose in their relationship They don't put the safeguards up They don't put the standards up and that's why they end up going into temptation and fornication to destroy their lives Don't be that person Look and by the way, if you did that in times past i'm not preaching to you I'm preaching to the people who have not done that yet And they still have hope to do it, right? So, you know what you should be amending me more than anybody else because you agree Say look new levels new devils Hey when you start, you know dating a girl or you're in a relationship, that's a new level man But it's also new devil no i'm not talking about Your boyfriend or girlfriend, right It's a new level but guess what there's a new devil And look i'm not talking about this charismatic stuff, but there's like the devil of of alcoholism the devil of lust and all this stupid pentecostal crap I'm talking about just the fact that you know what because you're doing right you you're going to attract Satan's minions to try to hinder you and destroy your life Okay And i'm not for the the necking and petting and stuff like that and look I'm not going to impose that on you though You know, obviously you can't kick that i'm not going to kick you out because you you you're you kiss and stuff like that That's not my business I'm, just warning you Oh, what do you know you're like 33 You know Okay, then go do whatever you want to do then. Let's see how that works out for you Let's see Let's see if you're the exception to the rule But you know what i've learned is I don't want to be the exception to the rule when it comes to these things I don't even want to try to I don't even want to try to be the exception to the rule I'd rather just stay far from it because you could actually be the casualty rather than the exception You know adultery drunkenness You know Recreational smoking and marijuana these things are foolish and sinful and they will get you kicked out of church And these are things that satan can try to use your old lifestyle to try to get you into sin I forgot where I was going with this. So look when you're dating when you're dating If you hold hands you're not you're not necessarily I don't I don't think you're sitting but what i'm saying is like It's just another step because let me show you how this works. Okay? is when you touch The relationship has to grow you understand that So it I can't stop it at hand holding It turns into like a hug right because you're like wow this hand feels good It's soft. It's girly And then eventually it starts into a hug and guess what happens after the hug then the kiss comes And you know what? It can't stop there It will not stop there and here's the thing is That's why I encourage you look get married as soon as possible if that's what you have to do But if you can't get married as soon as possible, you need to slow your roll You slow your roll Why because one either you're gonna defraud yourself defraud her or two you're gonna do something really stupid And you know what? You're gonna break each other's hearts. You know why because you both love the lord you both love the bible And you just ruined That thing right there and i'm not saying that can't be restored. I'm not saying you can't repent obviously you can get right Move forward and learn from it and put it behind you. But how about we just don't do that Just don't even do it period Look guys have some self-control Show some self-control This is a new level. We're going to face new devils because of it We need to make sure that we're vigilant about these things and recognize we're entering in new levels And look i'm saying this because I love the guys in our church. I love the girls in our church I love the parents in our church the children in our church. I want everyone to be good But in order to do that, don't be ignorant I don't see nothing wrong with that. I just think you know, I can do Ride alone in the car with the girl and nothing's gonna ever gonna happen to me. Really? Is that what you think? Oh, so you're the exception to the rule Getting kind of quiet Is my mic not on or something like Eric our uh, mark, did you check this? Okay. Okay. I'm just checking It's kind of quiet It's good not to ride in a car in the car alone with the girl the op or excuse me someone of the opposite gender Other if it's I mean if it's not your mom or sister or cousin or something like that Well, you know we we we kind of you know, I read my bible, you know, I know what's up You're the exception, right Yeah so We need to make sure that as we enter new levels That there will be new devils And look, here's the thing now that was very negative. I know All right, but what i'm talking about? Look, what are the new levels? It's the great doors Because it says a great door and effectual is open unto me This is the positive aspect and who is the one who is opening the doors for us it's god Go to revelation chapter three So you've heard the phrase there's a prepared place for prepared people Well, you know who prepares that place for that prepared person. Jesus God does And as you prepare god says all right, you've been preparing you've been doing that what you're supposed to do Here's an open door for you of opportunity to do something great take it look what it says in revelation chapter three In verse seven it says into the angel of the church of philadelphia, right? These things saith he that is holy he that is true He that hath the key of david he that openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth I know thy works Behold I have set before thee an open door And no man can shut it for thou has a little strength and has kept my word and has not denied my name So jesus is the one who opens these doors of opportunities Miss dj, if you need to take her to the mother baby room just in order to calm her down And then you can bring her back in. Okay Hey, we want the children to be in the service hey, man But sometimes they need to transition into the service my children in the same way. It's okay It doesn't bother me, but we just need to train them. All right So jesus is the one who opens these doors And the good thing about this is it says he that openeth and no man shut it No, man shut it So when god opens a door for us, we don't have to worry about anybody trying to close that door on us Because jesus is the one opening the door They can try to hinder us they can try to trip us up when we go through the door, but they can't shut it you know When we started this church, it was a great door Was there a lot of opposition? Yes, you better believe there was a lot of opposition, but no one can shut the door They couldn't shut the door on the preaching. They couldn't shut the door on the soul winning They couldn't shut the door of the people coming to our church. They couldn't shut the door. Amen And that should be an encouragement to you that if you stay faithful, you don't deny the bible you live for god God's gonna open up some doors and god and he's not gonna close it. No one's gonna close it Right It says no man shut it then shut it and no man open it Another thing here is that we see is that sometimes opportunities close on us And god will sometimes close an opportunity for you But it's not because of god It's often because of us We forfeit The opportunity to take the opportunity And we close that You say well, how do I know if that opportunity is gone? Well, if you try to do it and it just seems as though it's just not working You know if you know that you basically did something for example Let me give an example if you've been married and divorced and you still want to be a pastor that door is closed It's closed. It doesn't even have a doorman on it Yeah, it's just a brick wall It's not even a door anymore Okay You know if You've done those things then you know what the door is completely closed and there's many other examples But what i'm talking about here are the doors that are open and you know what? We need to open up our eyes to the doors that are open before us that god is setting forth Pay attention to the open doors. Amen And go through it. It says that it's effectual. What does that mean? It means that it can it can produce a lot of results So, you know what los angeles is a big open door, but it's also effectual because there's a lot of opportunities to see people saved here And look we're going to get to a point in our church where the people who are coming through these doors Are not just listeners of the new ifb though all of them are welcome if they're for us, obviously But you know who's going to be coming through these doors are just people in the los angeles area who know about our church That's the opportunity that we have Amen We get to work with clean slates People who don't know about dipstick sationalism and repent of your sins and all this crap, you know We can teach them what the word of god actually says and from birth teach them in the right ways of the lord This is an effectual door that we have. Okay And it's exciting to see what god is doing, but we just got to recognize new levels means new devils now What have you turned look at revelation chapter 3? And look verse 9 So he said he talks about the door, right? It's open No, man can close it. He's just like great verse 9 behold. I will make them of the synagogue of satan Which say they are jews and are not but do lie behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee Why are the why are the jews being mentioned here? Okay. Well, they're being mentioned because they're the opposition so They got the open door and guess who's the adversary the jews? The christ rejecting jews and we can basically tell that the jews are the ones who are persecuting the church at philadelphia They're persecuting them and that's why he says look i'm going to tell make them of the synagogue of satan Which say they are jews and are not but do lie I'm going to make them to worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee Because I was kept the word of my patience I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon The earth so we see here that when the adversaries come god says hey, don't worry i'm with you I'm going to keep you from the hour of temptation I'm going to protect you So that means no weapon formed against thee shall prosper Pull out the ak-47 pull out the ar-15 You know spiritually speaking, right? Pull out whatever weapon the katana pull out the super soaker pull out the mosberg But you know what god says no weapon formed against thee shall prosper And so what if someone comes and shoots us up go to heaven, baby Job's done we get the clock out You know, we need to just have faith in god and recognize don't let adversaries scare you Let the when you see an adversary like yes i'm in the right door Amen Like is this the door? Oh, there's an adversary. All right. Yeah, this is the one come on guys This is the right one. There's all kinds of adversaries here That confirms that what we're doing is right No door If there's no door, there's no opportunity Okay Many adversaries will be on that other side go to first corinthians chapter 15 And I like what paul the apostle says here because in chapter 16 of first corinthians He says that a great door and effectual is open unto me and there are many adversaries. Well in chapter 15 Look what he says in verse 31. I protest by your rejoicing which I have in christ. Jesus our lord. I die daily If after the manner of men, I have fought with the beast at ephysis What advantage does it mean if the dead rise not let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die So what is he saying here he says at ephysis I was fighting with beasts And by the way, he's not talking about like a pit bull when he's out soloing Okay, when he's talking about the beasts at ephysis, he's talking about false prophets wicked people And as I mentioned today, you know, we're going to be doing the first work soloing But part of the work also is fighting with beasts Here in omani, okay Go with me if you would to acts chapter number 19 Acts chapter 19 new levels new Devils, you know what as it was mentioned on friday. We need to make sure that we're fit for this fight You know, we can have a rally pump up type of a sermon and service but at the end of the day You need to make sure that you're fit for the kingdom of god You need to make sure that you're pumping these weights spiritually that you're exercising yourself rather unto godliness That you're making sure that you're giving yourself to attendance to reading to exhortation into doctrine You're making sure that you're prayed up spirit-filled because guess what the fight is coming The fight is on old christian soldiers right And you can't be afraid to fight We just need to be ready to fight is what we need to do. Okay So ephysis seems to be this epicenter of spiritual battles and spiritual warfare Look at acts chapter 19 It says here verse five, but when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the lord. Jesus And when paul had laid his hands upon them the holy ghost came on them and they spake with tongues and prophesied And all the men were about 12. So we see a great work done here. What happened a great door was open Paul took it saw people saved and now they're spirit-filled christians, right? Verse eight says and he went into the synagogue and spake boldly for the space of three months Disputing and persuading the things concerning the kingdom of god. He's fighting with the beast at ephysis is what we see there Verse nine but when diverse were hardened and believe not But spake evil of that way before the multitude he departed from them separated the disciples disputing daily in the school of one tyranas These are the adversaries Okay, so after he sees this great thing what happens? Oh, there's some adversaries there There's some jews there. There's some people who are trying to hinder him. There's some people who are speaking evil of that way now We know this already This is something that's very obvious and we know that this is a part of our ministry But just as a reminder, it's not bad when people speak evil of us It's not bad when other christians speak evil of us It's not it's it's bad only if what they're saying is true You know or you know, we're being accused of murder or theft and these ungodly things But if they're just speaking evil of us because of our heart preaching because we're too mean behind the pulpit Because we hate faggots and we think they should be put to death and i'm glad that that fool Epstein died and hung himself where he was murdered and we want pedophiles to die and they say you're so unloving These people are wicked. They're evil. Thank you for saying that about me because you're confirming what i'm saying is true because you're so lukewarm You will never say something like that So when I preach this it shows me that what you're preaching is wrong Amen It shows me that we're on the right side of the battle So don't be afraid Don't get discouraged when people speak evil of you and you know what even good people Will speak evil of you I'm talking about saved people People who have the holy spirit of god living within them who are king james only their independent fundamental baptists They will speak evil of you Let that be a confirmation. Hey, i'm in the right door I'm in the right door. Okay So just just mark it down. This is the sequence of orders. There's an open door just expect it There's going to be adversaries. I wouldn't doubt if some stupid A reprobate infiltrator will be here in the next couple of months or whatever It's going to happen You know some disgusting beast dog Is going to come waltzing in here trying to teach false doctrine trying to do something wicked and you know what? We're going to do to him what we did to everyone else Who comes through these doors trying to spread some false doctrine trying to violate the innocent of our church? You know, by the way, if some pedophile comes in here Oh, by the way, if you're a pedophile, just let me know after you know, let me know now I would like to know I like to talk to you You know, we'll turn you over to the authorities i'll basically do to you what my old pastor did to a pedophile came to him Pedophile came to him and he's like pastors, you know, you know, i'm i'm a registered sex offender and he goes, oh, okay And he he took off he came back and he said yeah So, you know, can I stay in the church? He goes no, I just call the police. They're coming to get you right now He's like you're out of here You know, but now you know tolerant baptist church Loving baptist church Rather try to restore the pedophiles And bring them into the church and then you have these fag loving idiots Baptists who are defending these fag pastors Like cameron giovannelli who's in jail now And is just admitted to all this stuff I want to know what those pastors say now What now punk All that trash you're talking and all this stuff. He admitted it That filthy pervert That disgusting piece of crap giovannelli needs to be strung With the noose around his neck tie a millstone about his neck And be drowned in the depths of the sea I hope that what happened to epstein happens to cameron giovannelli Let us pray thus That such an event will take place these wicked people You know, and you know, oh you guys are so unloving Yeah, keep bringing it on because that's exactly what we needed here to confirm that what we're doing is right He said what door is this, you know a door to be able to just preach the word of god freely You know what the door is for preachers today Is that god has given us the commission to just preach the whole bible unfiltered uncensored. Amen Yeah, but if you do that there's gonna be all kinds of adversaries Yeah But you know what a lot of pastors are doing they're not taking that next level therefore they're not facing that next devil Because they're too scared a bunch of pussyfooting Pastors who don't want to face the devils that are coming with these next levels By the way, pussyfooting is not a bad word. Okay, I gotta constantly tell her That's an old word don't worry Don't soil yourself. Okay, it's it's it's a word that just means these weaklings, okay Look at verse 23 and by the way verse 10 and this continued by the space of two years so that All they which dwelt in asia heard the word of the of jesus of the lord jesus both jews and greeks. Amen So we see another door open So what happens he takes this door he goes through fights off these adversaries and guess what another door is open So it's sometimes there's a door that opens that leads to another door and there's an adversary in between But you know what if you don't fight off that adversary, you're not going to get to the next door The word of the lord jesus spread over those two years look at verse 23 And the same time there arose no small stir about that way For a certain man named demetrius a silversmith which made silver shrines for diana brought no small gain unto the craftsman Whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation and said sirs you know that by this craft we have our wealth Moreover you see in here. They're not alone at ephesus, but almost throughout all asia This paul hath persuaded and turned away much people saying that they be no gods which are made with hands So what do we see here? He's messing up their their livelihood The word of god is spreading so much in this area. He's like man. This guy is screwing everything up This is a good door, amen So then not only this our craft is in danger to be said enough But also that the temple of the great goddess diana should be despised and her magnificent magnificence should be destroyed whom all asia and the world Worshipeth and when they heard these sayings that were full of wrath and cried out saying great is diana of the ephesians So what we see here is the apostle paul did a great work in the city to the point. He caused an uproar Of this false religion You know and that's exactly what we need to do in omani this wicked buddhist temple This devilish temple who has led thousands yay millions to hell because of its false teachings its idolatrous practices By the way, most buddhas these guys who are in the temple. They're a bunch of perverts too Bunch of perverts you say how do you know that well Back at my old church. There was a missionary to cambodia and He used to give me the the down low on all this stuff He used to say those guys are some of the most biggest perverts Ever, you know, they try to live this this this life of asceticism where they they abstain from doing certain things They're not supposed to watch tv. No relationship with girls all these kind of things He says man, they watch dirty movies in the rooms all the time Their eyes are always wandering and lusting after women. They don't care about any of this stuff These are some of the most wicked people Perverts is what they are And this godless temple is like the like the temple of diana The only difference is some fat dude who's been in hell for the last couple thousands of years or whatever buddha You know, we want to make sure that here in omani as we're spreading the gospel. We're not just spreading the gospel We're spreading the truth about the bible what the bible says about that wicked temple over there Oh, you're racist that has nothing to do with race Zero Now is it true that there's a lot of asians that are sucked into that? Yeah, but you know what? I know a bunch of idiots who are from different races who also get sucked into that It's not based upon race How about the catholic church What's that one called here epiphany Which i'm pretty sure they're priests of some faggot Pedophile who just hasn't been discovered to be one as of yet, but I guarantee he is Oh, you know, I don't agree with this kind of preaching it's just too hard You know It's the bible though It's the word of god and it's fact Well, you know independent fundamental baptists. They have you know pedophiles in them. Yeah, and we expose them and I just talked about one recently Yeah The ones who are independent fundamental baptists they just failed the clergy of the catholic catholicism is all is You know, they didn't want to be catholic perverts in the catholic church. So they decided to be in the baptist churches It's the same type of devil It tries to infiltrate these religious institutions to take advantage of innocent people That's the way it works You know, oh man, I think we just just all get along and you know You should you should talk to the church down the street and you guys should be unified in your beliefs No Nay Nay, okay Go to act chapter 20 By the way in that same chapter He said in verse 37 for you have brought hither these men which are neither robbers of churches nor your blasphemers of your goddess So these guys were not christians they're like, hey they're kind of trying to back up paul and he says look They're not robbing churches. You know what that tells me even back then There were false prophets are going into churches to try to make money off of them, you know Nothing new under the sun, right? Act chapter 20 verse 28 says take heed therefore unto yourselves into all the flock. He's talking to the ephesians here Over which the holy ghosts have made you overseers to feed the church of god Which he hath purchased with his own blood for I know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you Not sparing the flock also of your own self shall memorize speaking perverse things to draw away disciples After them go with me if you would to revelation chapter number two Revelation chapter two, what am I talking about here? I'm saying that hey, let's not be surprised in the next couple years If it just gets worse Because that just means we're reaching new levels You know what? That means you need to kick it into high gear spiritually speaking And I would hope to god that the people who are in here this very moment would be here 10 years from now And I won't even leave it at that stronger Than how you are now more mature Than where you are now Strong in the lord far greater than what you are now not still a babe in christ If you're a babe in christ, amen, but you know what it's time to grow up to being a toddler To being a young adult to being a man a spiritual father Okay, it's time to grow up Why because hey This is how it works. Hey, look guys. There's a door here But only those who are ready for this can come Because there's successes and everything but you know, there's also adversaries and I don't want you to get tripped up We need to make sure that we're ready to go through that door Okay So remember that The church at ephesus was the was the one we're reading about in revelation chapter two So we see a lot of spiritual warfare look at verse two It says I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience And how thou canst not bear them which are evil and has tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them Liars now go back to ephesians if you would chapter number six I need to give you some points before my voice goes out I feel like my voice is about to give out So the points are about to give you a really basic And they're straight from the bible is nothing you haven't heard before. Yeah, can you please it's nothing that you haven't heard before This is very common But you know what? Sometimes we need to put it into remembrance the things that we've learned before because sometimes we forget Okay, so if we're going to reach new levels and overcome new devils This is what we need to make sure That we do look at verse 14 of ephsians chapter six. It says stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth What does it mean to have your loins girt about with truth? Well, these are your loins, you know your belly These are your loins and god says what you need to do is girt them tie them with what with truth Okay You think of like a guy who does who dead lifts okay who dead lives here you deadlift often to wear a belt To kind of help with your posture that core to protect your core, right? And here we see that what he's telling them is you need to make sure you have your core values in place for spiritual battles So you just can't come into this battle and this warfare with just zeal Because sometimes people have zeal without knowledge So But if you have zeal without knowledge that means you have no core values What are core values that means things that you believe right in here? That means there are the beliefs that you have that make you you It doesn't make you a member of our church it makes you you In fact, the reason you're in our church is because this is who you are So when the bible tells us have your loins girt about with truth it means you need to make sure that you internalize these teachings You internalize these beliefs You got to make sure you make them a part of who you are These doctrines yay, even the standards of of the bible Internalize them and make them a part of you That's the first thing that he tells you to do Right So before he gets even gets into the sword the breastplate the shield All these other the helmet of salvation. He says make sure you girt your loins about with truth first He says take a stand But you know what if you're going to take a stand you got to have your loins girt about with truth You got to have some core values and look I'm talking about salvation Right i'm talking about the bible but even things beyond that Because of the fact that your core values is what you're going to pass on to your children And your children are going to be a reflection of your core values or the lack thereof You your children will be a reflection they will become a result they will be a byproduct of your core values or the lack thereof So don't play church Yeah Don't play zealous believer just be it Be something of substance because look if you're playing church then your children are going to play church too for a limited time only But if this is who you are That's exactly what you're going to produce And if we're going to get into this spiritual battle one of the core values needs to be Never quit Never surrender no retreats. No reserves no regrets This is where I stand and this is where I will die This is where I this is who I am and this is who I always will be I will never change because I can't change who I am But in order not to change who you are, you got to be the right type of person And have your loins girt about with truth. You say how do I how do I girt my loins with truth? Well, obviously by reading the word of god and Internalizing the teachings of the bible believing them Wholeheartedly to the point you're just living it out. This is who you are Okay, that's what you have to do So if we're as we reach new levels and overcome new devils, we got to have core values You know, we're talking about even prior to the service Brother alex is asking me like why did the old ifb lose their children? Because if you look at the old ifb many of the great pastors of yesteryear they lost all their children And when I say lost them, I mean like reprobate status lost them One of the greatest preachers of yesterday was dr. Jack hyles, right? Great man of god say, you know was sent out to save america his son. Dave house is a full-blown reprobate His daughter is an atheist And this guy was a hard preacher I listened to him when I first got saved. He helped me clean up my life He helped the pastors that were sent out my pastor for example And great men of god still has great sermons did a great work You know set america on fire for soul winning and church planting, but he lost his children There there's there's something missing there You know we need to make sure That we believe these core values and we practice them when we say hey son, this is not what we do This is who we are And because this is who we are this is what we do Don't be a fake christian don't be a phony don't be a person who loses the next generation because you're playing church just be real Yeah, yeah, but i'm really weak then get real strong It's do or die man. You gotta you gotta make sure you do it if you're gonna preserve that next generation Because as we reach new levels and overcome new devils, we need to make sure that we have that That's why you see people, you know, they believe for a while they endure for a while But at the time of temptation they fall away why because they didn't have core values the bible says they had no root in themselves That's what this is when you get rooted in christ when you get rooted in your beliefs That means your roots go so far down deep that any you know Wind or storm can come by and blow off your leaves, but guess what? The stem is still there. The trunk is still there Like a palm tree They say the root of a palm tree is longer than the palm tree in the palm tree itself and you can Tornadoes and hurricanes and yeah, it'll bend it'll even touch the floor, but it won't be ripped out because the root is so deep And that's how our core values need to be That they're so deep but they're so internalized in you that no matter what storm comes about guess what you might bend You might weep you might cry you might suffer loss, but you're not going to break But you're not going to be rooted up why because that's who you are. You're a palm tree But not only that if we're going to reach new levels and overcome new devils we need to have core values But we also need to have a clean heart It says in verse 14 stand therefore having your loins girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of Righteousness, we understand that the breastplate is something that obviously protects a lot of organs But probably one of the most important ones is your heart Protecting your heart. So it's not just a matter of believing the right things, you know, it's keeping your heart clean Don't be a dirty christian Keep your heart clean, you know love not the world neither the things that are in the world If any men love the world the love of the father is not in him So core values clean heart a comprehensive gospel verse 15 says in your feet shot with the preparation Of the gospel of peace. What does that mean? All right You got the clean heart You got the core values. All right now it's time to practice to being a good ambassador of christ Preach the gospel be a good soul winner be proactive and actually preaching the gospel and seeing people safe keep track of your salvations. Amen Keep track of your salvations or keep track of your progress Make sure you make soul winning a part of your life because we want to make sure that we're not only hearers of the word But we're doers also, right? And one of the the iron clad ways of making sure that you're a doer of the word is that you go sowing Is that you go sowing Like man, I don't know where i'm at in the lord if i'm pleasing unto god Well go sowing and you can confirm that you're you're good in the eyes of god Because that's what god wants you to do So if you're unsure in any area of your life go sowing and you can at least say well I know i'm right with god in this area Because i'm obeying him to go out and see someone safe, right? None of that but a conditioned faith it says in verse 15 above all taking the shield of faith Wherewith he shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. So what does that mean? Well, the shield of faith is basically when doubt comes The shield of faith is something that you use to quench the fiery darts, which is doubts that satan throws at you Because look all of us doubt We doubt god's provision We doubt god's protection We don't doubt if we believe though People want to say yeah people sometimes they doubt, you know, look if you doubt your salvation Let us help you with that today and you'll never doubt after that and if you continue to doubt after that Then there's another issue there in regards to your theology Because look we just talked about being comprehensive with our gospel We're pretty thorough when it comes to preaching the gospel if you walk away from one of our conversations Still wondering if you're saved or not. There's something far deeper and in error in your theology Okay You know, we don't doubt it for sake Am I did I believe on the right jesus What is it the mormon jesus Or the jehovah's witness. I forgot Sarah which one did I uh, like you're just questioning that's stupid and look I know that sounded stupid That's exactly what people believe sometimes though We're like, well, you know, he just forgot what jesus he believed in he just believes in the in the pentecostal modulus. Jesus And you know, but he's still saved. No, he was never saved Fool I'm talking about doubt in god's provision and his protection You know the bible tells us if we believe not yet He abideth faithful for he cannot deny himself and that is in context of being delivered our flesh being delivered Because often persecution could also bring harm to our bodies and you wonder like man, what's What's going to happen to me? You wonder what uh, mishak shadrach and abednego thought when they're about to get thrown into the furnace of fire They say god is able to deliver us, but if not We still are not going to bow because they knew hey, there's a possibility he might not that's a little bit of doubt Right, but you know what they did they put the shield of faith They quenched all the fiery darts of the wicked one pun intended And they went into the furnace anyways And god delivered them And look everyone has faith But what we need to work on is increasing our faith You know if you weigh 120 pounds spiritually speaking you could weigh 185 of muscle By increasing your faith How do you do that by exercising your faith? You like how I did that? You got to exercise your faith you got to step out in faith you got to take risks You got to put yourself in a position Where you would have doubt but you still act upon and still do what god wants you to do in spite of that Use your shield of faith and you know what that shield of faith ends up actually becoming like a weapon as well Because you don't doubt Okay As we reach new levels and overcome new devils We need to make sure we take up the shield of faith and last lastly We need to make sure we have a clear mind. It says in verse 17 and take the helmet of salvation And the sword of the spirit, which is the word of god, what is the helmet of salvation? Well, this is not referring to Us being saved as far as our spirit being saved in context what I believe this is referring to when it talks about the helmet of salvation You know often you think a helm a physical helmet is used to protect you from things that would come from above unawares Right So it would protect you put it on and it protects you from arrows or anything that would cause harm to you It basically protects you from that which comes above and when I believe this is a reference to The salvation is actually the redemption of our bodies Because often in the bible we are told to be vigilant, right? and more specifically If you're to think about it in context of first corithian chapter four and five, we're not going to go into those scriptures The last 75 days of great tribulation They tell you lift up your heads for your redemption draw nigh And the admonishment that you constantly see to those saints who are going through that great tribulation Is that they need to make sure that they're vigilant that they're paying attention that they're awake Okay, but you know what the helmet of salvation is not only vital at that point. It's vital today, too to be a vigilant Christian believer paying attention being aware having a clear mind Making sure that you're not bogged down with the cares of this world the deceitfulness of riches and the lust of other things Entering in that can choke the word of god and cause you to be unfruitful You know, you got to make sure That you're not entangled with the things of this with the cares of this world Have a clear mind. We all have responsibilities. We all have trials but clear your mind Make sure you're paying attention. This is how when we reach new levels And when those devils come we can overcome them And obviously the sword of the spirit is a given, you know, we got to take the word of god We got to make sure we know the bible and know how to use it. So what's the sermon today? It's simply this Hey first sunday a first works baptist church was great The weekend was great people got saved. We had a great time is awesome. It's a new level. Amen But there's new devils You know, let's rejoice let's celebrate celebrate high five daps Hugs Only between men and men women and women, right? You know celebrate but then also recognize. Hey, man New devils, huh? new devils Let's not be ignorant Okay, the fight is not over yet We got another lap coming up And guess what? There's more hurdles On that lap. Amen inspire heads on our board of prayer father. We thank you so much for your word And thank you for this level that you helped us to reach lord And thank you so much for thank you for the people here But help us lord. I pray that you protect us place a hedge of protection about us And when you so see fit to remove the hedge as you did with job I pray that we be as job that we would hold fast our integrity That we would say though. He slay me yet. Will I trust him? And that we would pass with flying colors. I pray god that you'd help us to do so And help us to get our core values intact help us to take the breastplate of righteousness The shield of faith and the helmet of salvation the sword of the spirit help us to be prepared to preach the gospel That we would have a spear in one hand and a shovel in the other And be willing to work on one side and be willing to preach the gospel see people save on the other And I pray god that you'd help us to do so continue to Give our church a long and prosperous life here that we would honor and glorify you in all that we do And in jesus name we pray. Amen