(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) chapter 14 the Bible reads and it came to pass as he went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the Sabbath day that they watched him and behold there was a certain man before him which had the dropsy and Jesus answering spake unto the lawyers and Pharisees saying is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath day and they held their peace and he took him and healed him and let him go and answered them saying which of you shall have an ass or an ox fallen into a pit and when I straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day and they cannot answer him again to these things and he put forth the parable to those which were bidden when he marked how they chose out of the chief room saying unto them now are bidden of any man to a wedding sit not down in the highest room lest a more honorable man than thou be bidden of him and he that bade thee and him come and say to thee give this man place and that begin with shame to take the lowest room when thou art bidden go and sit down in the lowest room that when he that bade thee cometh he may say unto thee friend go up higher then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meet with thee for whosoever's exalted himself shall be abased and he that humbled himself shall be exalted then he said also to him that bade him when thou make us to dinner or a supper call not thy friends nor they brethren neither thy kinsmen nor thy rich neighbors lest they also bid thee again and recompense be made thee but now make us a feast call the poor the maimed the lame and blind and thou shalt be blessed but they cannot recompense thee for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just and when one of them that sat at me with him heard these things he said unto him blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God then he said unto him a certain man made a great supper and bade many and sent a servant at suppertime to say to them that were bid and come for all things are now ready and they all with one consent began to make excuse the first said unto him I have bought a piece of ground and I must needs go to and see it I pray thee have me excused and another said I have bought five yoke of oxen and I go to prove them I pray thee have me excused and another said I have married a wife and therefore I cannot come so that servant came and showed his Lord these things then the master of the house being angry said to his servant go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind and the servant said Lord it is done as thou is commanded and yet there's room and the Lord said unto the servant go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled for I say unto you that none of those men which were bit and shall taste of my supper and there went great multitudes with them and he turned and said unto them if any man come to me and hate not his father and his mother and wife and children and brethren and sisters yea and his own life also he cannot be my disciple and whosoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple for which of you intending to build a tower so it's not down first and count at the cost whether he has sufficient to finish it lest happily after he had laid the foundation and is not able to finish it all that behold it begin to mock him saying this man began to build and was not able to finish or what King going to make war against another King sit down not down first and consulteth whether he be able with 10,000 to meet him that cometh against him with 20,000 or else while the other is yet a great way off he sendeth an ambush and desired the conditions of peace so likewise whosoever he of be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath he cannot be my disciple salt is good but the law salt is lost his saber wherein shall be salted it is neither fit for the land nor yet for the dung hill but men cast cast it out he that hath ears to hear let him hear let's pray to look I just thank you for every soul at this church Lord and we just thank you for pastor we pray that you bless him right now and fill him with your Holy Spirit as he preaches us to us Lord and and I just pray that we're able to receive a word with gladness tonight Lord and we pray this all in Jesus name Amen amen the title my sermon this evening is new IFB versus old IFB charting the differences new IFB versus old IFB charting the differences this morning I preached a sermon called what kind of church is this and I was explaining why we're an independent fundamental Baptist Church and some of the distinctions of our church as a fundamental Baptist Church and why it's important for us to be honest and open about how and what we believe in some of our practices this evening I want to be more specific and kind of tell you the differences between a new IFB Church which is exactly what we are and the old IFB Church essentially referring to our spiritual ancestors as the best way to put it we are essentially the offspring so to speak of the old IFB and I want to talk about the differences between two now I actually gave her the Cody the wrong chapter I gave him chapter 14 we're supposed to reach to chapter 5 but luckily you know as I was reading this I was like I found something that I could use to apply to the sermon look at verse 34 of chapter 14 it says salt is good but if the salt hath lost its savor wherewith shall it be seasoned and you know what when you think about the old IFB old IFB is the right type of salt it goes on the meat of the word which is the King James the only problem is they lost their savor they're no longer seasoning this world with what it used to be they've lost the flavor they lost the seasoning in their preaching even in their doctrine and some even in their practices and so we want to be salt the salt of the earth and retain our saltiness and really when you think about it the new IP that's exactly what it is it's not salty movement that is out there you know exposing the wickedness of this world we are salt in an open wound of sin and false doctrine but we also bring flavor to life by the preaching of God's Word and help people realize that hard preaching still works and that the doctrines of the Bible are not boring they're very much exciting they're relevant and we keep people alive using salt because we are a soul-winning Church and so that's the application now go to chapter 5 if you would chapter 5 you can never really read from the wrong chapter when you're preaching from the Bible because it's all the Bible's good amen but look at chapter 5 if you would in verse 26 I'm sorry verse 36 of chapter 5 it says here and he spake also a parable unto them no man put it the a piece of a new garment upon an old if otherwise then both the new mark maketh at rent and the piece that was taken out of the new agreeeth not with the old and no man put his new wine into old bottles else the new wine will burst the bottles and be spilled and the bottle shall perish but new wine must be put into new bottles and both are preserved no man also having drunk old wine straight with for he saith the old is better now before I get into the interpretation of what this means and the application thereof I'm gonna explain to you what the sermon is about tonight as I mentioned I want to give the distinction between old IFP and new IFP and what what's that in relation to us what are the major differences between the two and you know the differences are doctrinal and practical so it's not only a difference in doctrine but it's also a difference in how we do church how we practice our ministry they're very much different in a lot of different ways and the new IFP as I mentioned are the spiritual we are the spiritual offspring of the old IFP let me say this like with every movement there are times when the previous generation begins to decay and wax old and veer off the path and therefore a new generation has to arise take up the baton take the torch and carry on the movement that upheld the fundamentals of the faith upheld the practices of a biblical New Testament local church and improve it right now make up new doctrines not make up new methods actually going back to the old ways of doing things and just simply make them better you know we are here to strengthen the things which remain which are ready to die right and unfortunately when you look at old IFP churches in general not all of them but in general a lot of them are dying churches one of them because of the fact that they're not reaching the new generation and because they're not reaching them the church is filled with a lot of gray heads there's nothing wrong with it having gray heads in the church we will we want a variety of different heads in the church we want young people in the church because it's proof that we're reaching new people and new generation that's important but you know unfortunately a lot of the old life be they're not doing that anymore and it could be for a variety of reasons one being that maybe they're not evangelizing anymore they're not so wanting anymore or could be that because they're not offering preaching that's of substance they're actually losing their generation to the liberal churches you know the the younger generation are attracted by the glitz and the glamour the purple lights and the smoke and all that smoke and mirrors and so they end up leaving old IFP churches to join these non-denom liberal mega fun centers because they think it's better okay and so they're losing a lot of that now we don't have that problem in fact we got a lot of young our church is fairly young and we do have some old heads in our church not an offensive way that's a good thing but you know we do have a younger generation we have young families and I believe that's a testament to the fact that we are evangelism a lot of new people now in the process of a new generation taking over strengthening the things which remain you're always going to have someone or churches individuals who think that the old is better right and in Luke chapter 5 we have an example of that we have an example and it's referring to Judaism or the religion of the Old Testament that ended up metamorphosizing into Judaism and obviously the book of Luke is part of the Gospels it's highlighting that transitional period between old covenant and new covenant so when the men of God Jesus Christ his disciples are preaching about the new covenant there was a lot of Jews during that day they thought that the old was better they did not agree with the new they didn't agree with the new covenant they didn't agree with the new preaching they didn't agree with you know these fishermen who were unlearned and you know weren't necessarily learned in letters they weren't Pharisees or Sadducees they didn't receive the right education they didn't agree with them but you know what they were the men of God they were used greatly of the Lord they were selected by God to carry out the task of essentially bringing about the inception of the local New Testament Church in the New Testament and so you know but you know and just like you have Jews in the Old Testament who did not agree with the new covenant they thought that the old was better guess what there are many churches today that still think that the old IFB is better and so I'm gonna explain to you what are some of the differences and here's the thing is that I love old IFB churches I know of old IFB churches I like them I think they're great and you know I was reached through an old IFB church now that was previous to it being labeled as old IFB and you know I learned a lot I learned all the essentials of the faith I learned a lot of ministry practices I gain Christian virtue and practices I'm very much grateful for my old IFB church for sure but obviously I think that the new is better as testified by the fact that this is a new IFB church and this is not a slam on the old IFB they just need to catch up and start seeing it this way because our way is not a liberal way you see the old IP would often complain about the fact that people are veering off getting liberal you know going towards the CCM route and going towards the purple light and the non-denom look and all this and that and the other but that's not what we're doing we're actually getting we're actually more strict than the old IFB we are on the opposite side of liberalism we would be considered radical extremists you know the fundamentalists of years past and so we want them to catch up to that and you know what the reality is this in my assessment based upon fundamental Baptist churches across America a lot of them are kind of inching their way towards us and I don't think all of them will ever reach to where we're at in the sense of they're not they're not all gonna see it our way but I'm perfectly fine with that as long as they move just a couple inches closer doctrinally that's great as long as we move a couple inches closer so there's so many more that's great as long as we move them a couple inches closer to holiness that's great but you know what the reality is this in order for the fundamental Baptist movement to continue to survive and thrive we have to send out pastors we have to train them we have to start churches and not rely on old IFP churches converting to new IFP we just need a birth some new new IFP churches okay so this evening I want to talk to I want to talk about the doctrinal differences and practical differences of the old IP and new IP go to Galatians chapter 1 if you would Galatians chapter number 1 Galatians chapter number 1 I know it's hot in here but just keep in mind that it's hotter out there and the old IP they used to say it's hot but hell is hotter okay well obviously you know but you know we don't necessarily have this problem it's hot in here but it's way hotter out there and so bear with me this evening try your best to stay awake and pinch yourself pull the the hairs off your legs if you have to to keep yourself awake okay let's talk about doctrinal differences between old IFP and new IFP and before I get into that let me just preface this with this statement here and that is I I don't believe there's a problem with people who are new IFP listeners going to an old IFP Church and in fact I encourage that I think that's a good option and you know unfortunately I meet a lot of people online they just always have a problem with that and they always tell me hey do you know a church in this area and I'm like just choose the closest fundamental Baptist Church and they go there and they're just like I don't like it at Zionists it's pre-trib you know and I'm thinking to myself I pretty much thrived in a Zionist pre-trib church for ten years I was there for ten years you know listening to that and things that I didn't agree with but I love that church I love the people of that church I had a great time in that church I want people to Christ in that church I thrived I was serving there I had a future there I love that church and I think any Christian can thrive in an old IFP Church I don't believe it's inferior in any way as far as spiritually is concerned you can thrive there God can bless you there you can use you to be a blessing to the pastor to the people etc but here's the thing if you're just like set and you're just like I will not go to an old IFP Church okay then stop complaining and move then because the option is never why just I'm just not gonna go to church period not going to church is not a better alternative to go into a whole IFP Church let me just explain that make that very clear it's just like oh I'd rather just not go to church at all that's not an option your only other option is move or go to that old IFP Church until you're ready to move to a new IFP Church but if you can't do that then thrive and enjoy what you have near you now thankfully we don't have that issue there's a new IFP Church right here right and so you know I always tell people that now I get it though I get it 100% old IFP churches are getting to a point where it's almost like it's getting to that point where it's really hard to stay in an old IFP Church okay because before we're like well you know there's ice and pre-trib whatever but I'm gonna explain some of the doctrinal differences that maybe wasn't there five ten years ago as strong as it is right now so problem number one doctrinal differences salvation now in general all I have be they believe right on salvation okay my old IFP Church they taught the right things about salvation my father-in-law taught the right things about salvation the assistant pastors taught the right thing about salvation and in general the members taught the right things about salvation I mean there was no question the salvation was by grace through faith alone it was by believing on Jesus Christ we were a soul winning church and so you can see it on the tracks and that was just what we believed okay and in general they believe right on salvation but here's the problem is that they will often turn a blind eye to those who don't have the right salvation and will even fellowship with people who don't have the right salvation that's a problem so it's weird that you hold to the right salvation but somehow you just make an exception for heretics or something just because they're fundamental Baptists it's almost as if well they're fundamental Baptist so they're brothers yeah but what if he's saying you have to repent of your sins to be saved that's a major problem you know it sounds like you're being a respecter of people and so I get it when sometimes when when Christians are like I can't go to this old IP Church because even though they claim to believe in the right salvation the pastor keeps putting heretics behind the pulpit as guest preachers preaching candle heresy you know I would have a problem with that for sure because it's like if you believe salvation is by grace your faith alone and that is your biblical conviction you can prove it from the Bible that's how you get people saved it's on your doctrinal statement why do you put someone behind the sacred desk to teach otherwise that's a problem that's a major difference look at Galatians chapter 1 if you would Galatians chapter 1 verse number 6 I marvel the year so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and will pervert the gospel of Christ but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which you have preached unto you let him be a curse and if you missed it the first time he repeats it the second time as we said before so say I now again if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that which he have received let him be a curse the Bible says go to the second Corinthians chapter 11 second Corinthians chapter 11 the Apostle Paul is speaking to a Bible believing Church they were one to Christ by the Apostle Paul the Apostle Paul has the right gospel and he's saying you know people are creeping in teaching another gospel these people are a curse you know the Bible says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather approve them and you know what I don't care if a pastor is right about CCM and he's wrong if he's wrong on salvation he's wrong David cloud can have all kinds of literature against CCM and against the liberal movements and mega churches and he does all this exposure of these types of churches but he's wrong on salvation he's constantly teaching you have to repent of your sins to be saved that's heretical that man's accursed and you know what my problem is sometimes with the old IFP is that they don't make a big enough deal about that they will look at something like this and say oh he's overboard you know you're taking them out of context you just you know you're just you know I don't I think he believes in the right salvation when he literally has articles and articles and articles preaching that you have to repent of your sins to be saved I had someone send me articles from him and and I told them it was about something unrelated to the topic and I said I don't read anything from David cloud because he's not saved he said what makes you think he's not saved he believes you have to repent of your sins you to be saved so he said and so later on he sent me articles about salvation from David cloud and he goes yeah it seems like he believes right about salvation and it took me about 60 seconds because on your phone you can just highlight and you know new IP people we're just like we're better than AI you know I mean we're just like works works works works works we're gonna say that heretic you know you just you just see it all so it took me about 60 seconds to just highlight everything and send it right back and say here's you know you get a d-minus you know here's all the answers you got wrong and I'm trying to show him like this guy is not saved look at all the heresy that he has about salvation and you know this guy that sent this to me he is saved he's a godly man he loves the Lord he's serving God but the problem is when doctrine is not emphasized you begin to make exceptions to the rule and you're not really honed in on pointing out heresy sometimes and and you know we catch a lot of flack as new FB for being too critical but you know these people are not critical enough that's the problem all you guys are too critical thank you that's why I can see all the heresy you're not critical enough you need to judge these matters and stop letting people have a pass just because they're IFP and have conservative music if they have the wrong salvation they can sing the hymns all the way to hell at the end of the day so yeah you know what the old IP is great when it comes to salvation but for some stinking reason they don't see a problem with promoting false prophets look at the Bible says 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 3 the Apostle Paul here again says but I fear let's find a means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ for if he that cometh and preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spear which you have not received or another gospel which you have not accepted you might kick him out is that what it says no it says you might well bear with him meaning you know I'm worried about you guys because sometimes people preach another Jesus another gospel have another spirit and you bear with him you get up and make excuses and say well he's a little off on this area you know but he's right in a lot of other areas if he's wrong on salvation he's wrong on everything so what's a major difference between old IFP new IP well one is this matter of salvation not that they're not saved but they often promote fundamental Baptists who preach a wrong gospel and you know what I don't even care if the guy preaches hard if he has the wrong gospel folks Pentecostals preach hard there's there's there's some Spanish Pentecostals Pentecostal preachers that will preach the house down against alcohol fornication worldliness and all this that and the other but they're gonna split out wide open because they're not saying that stuff doesn't matter if you're not saved so you know you can have some fundamental Baptist pastor preaching hard preaching hard against liberalism promoting Trump he's against Kamala preaching against all the liberalism and the leftists and preaching against CCM and the purple lights and the mega churches and all but if the guy's preaching a false gospel he's a heretic should not be promoted now let me just say obviously I understand that not all old IFP preachers are like this I am painting the old IFP with the broad brush guilty is charged but do you know why I'm doing that because the majority of them do this the majority of them are like that even at the churches that I've attended that's how they are and they have a tendency to turn a blind eye to it you know what old IP needs to tighten up the screw there and not just make exception because they're fundamental Baptists and you know what just because you have fundamental Baptists on your name does not exempt you for being called out like well we call out the liberals but we should never call out fundamental Baptists you're getting called out if you're a heretic plain and simple because God is no respecter of people and so old IFP new IP new IP one old IFP zero okay in that area they're saved they have the right gospel and in fact if you're to attend one of their services and the pastor would have witnessed to you he probably get you saved if you weren't saved because they have the right gospel but it's just weird for whatever reason they have a tendency to promote and a lot of people behind their pulpit who do not preach a right gospel and that is wrong okay go to Hebrew chapter 8 Hebrew chapter 8 Hebrews chapter number 8 if you would you know God exalts a church that abhors evil that does not put up with and tolerate false apostles false prophets that's a good thing I think you're just critical the Bible calls that judgment and so God expects us to judge all right number two I don't want to belabor that point but that's a big point number two as far as differences between old IFP new IP dispensationalism this is a major difference between old and new IFP okay most fundamental Baptist churches are dispensational and you know they believe in a preacher rapture they believe the Jews are God's chosen people and obviously there's a wide spectrum of dispensational beliefs and most old IP churches fit on that spectrum okay you know there's like an extreme dispensationalism and then there's like a moderate dispensationalism and I would say the majority of fundamental Baptists are on the moderate side of dispensationalism not on the extreme side you say what do you mean by extreme well dispensationalism is the belief that God has dispensed different ways of dealing with mankind especially in regards to salvation so they believe that people were saved differently throughout history okay they were saved by works in the Old Testament and we are in the church age I'll be at the LA at the sea in Church Age where people are saved by grace through faith but in the book of Revelation people will be saved once again by works that is a false gospel okay and that is heretical now that but they also believe in the doctrine of Church Ages so they will interpret the seven churches which are in Asia in Revelation 2 & 3 as essentially describing these different ages that churches have gone through throughout history that essentially describe how those churches were in that era which is why a lot of the times they say that we're in the land to see in church era because they're basically saying that they're lukewarm now we hold to a post trip pre-wrath rapture and we believe in replacement theology because it's in the Bible and it's very much easy to prove these things but you know a lot of these fundamental Baptist churches that are old IP churches they are not willing to and this is one major problem with fundamental Baptist churches of yesteryear is that they're not willing to discuss these things and just open up the Bible and say look this is what the Bible says and that that's one thing that has bothered me for the last seven eight years nine years or so is that when I've wanted to sit down with some of these people with Bible in hand and just humbly discuss these issues they don't want to do that now why not the truth fears no investigation okay and if the truth fears those investigation let's discuss these things and but I'm gonna tell you why they don't okay because they know that you'll prove them wrong they're afraid of the fact that they're wrong and they don't want to come to grips with the fact that their beloved Jews are not God's chosen people you know they have like this the superstitious view of the Jews and you know this is just what's been promoted to them and I've talked to people and I'm telling you not a single old IFP leader or pastor has ever wanted to discuss this matter with me even when I've just kind of just humbly come to them and ask them let's just talk about this they don't want to do it because they don't want to face reality they want to live in a fantasy world where they still believe you know the dispensational truth of the Jews being God's people and you know that they're gonna be gone before all this stuff happens or whatever but it's wrong okay now let me say a couple things about dispensationalism as I mentioned the extreme aspect is when people believe that people are saved differently throughout history and this is not indicative of all fundamental Baptist churches these are ruck tarts okay they're they're just backwoods hillbilly inbred ruck tard fools their asses they're just the the most idiotic group of the fundamental Baptist I'm so ashamed of them okay because of the fact that they call themselves fundamental Baptists okay because Peter Ruckman you know he popularized dispensationalism within the fundamental Baptist circles even though it existed prior to that he popularized it and spread it through fundamental Baptist churches and they believe some of the most out-of-pocket off-the-wall doctrines that you will ever hear okay just crazy and I'm not gonna get into all of them because we made a film called dispensation of heresy and we highlight all that you could probably look it up on YouTube I don't know where it's at exactly so that's the extreme version of it okay where you know I mean I what's I'm just trying to think of like the most wildest thing you know Peter Ruckman said that when the rapture takes place there would just be pints of blood everywhere where people were raptured because flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God so his interpretation of that was that when you get rapture just pints of blood right there right here just blub just blood everywhere because your blood can't go to heaven that's why we call them rectards because they're spiritually retarded that's the dumbest nonsense I've ever heard okay well you shouldn't call them retarded they are retarded they're stupid who in their right mind would look at the Bible and say oh that means there's gonna be all kinds of blood everywhere when people get rapture so that's the extreme version but you know the moderate dispensationalists a fundamental Baptist churches are those who hold to Zionism and the pre-tribulation rapture you know many churches are like this and at the end of the day it's just very easily debunked and I will say this is that I've noticed a trend over the last maybe three years or so where a lot of old IP churches are stunning starting to inch their way into believing correctly on end times Bible prophecy and even correctly on the Jews before it was like a hot button or it's like you just could not touch that you know you say and you're just like air dick but now you know it's just like how can you deny it you have the internet is so much information out there obviously the Bible is crystal clear about it and they're starting to realize oh man you know maybe they're right about this now here's my personal opinion why a lot of the old IP aren't really fighting a whole lot of people on these two issues as much as before it's because a lot of their members have been converted to that position and unfortunately a lot of old IP pastors they're kind of you know they're servants of men and so if they have a majority of people in their church leaning towards more a post-tribulation of pre-wrath rapture leaning towards more and replacement theology they have to try to placate that side so they're not gonna fight them on it so as long as they're the majority oh they'll hit you hard with it but once they start realizing that they're the minority and a lot more people are holding to the biblical position on the Jews and the end times prophecy then at that point it's just like well you know that's not really a big deal you love the Lord I love the Lord the world was all that talk before and it doesn't take much to prove replacement theology either and let me just say this if you ever run into a friend who believes in that both pre-trib and Zionism go for Zionism first and then go for the pre-trib after okay Zionism because Zionism is it's very easy to prove I mean so is you know excuse me now replacement theology is super easy to prove and it's in and Zionism Zionism is easy to debunk and so is the preacher but the preacher requires like their understanding of end times prophecy but replacement theology you can just take the legs off of that super easy okay there's plenty of verses you can just quote and they won't really have an answer for it okay Romans 2 28 you have Revelation 2 and 3 Ephesians chapter 2 all the book of Galatians virtually all the book of Hebrews you have John 8 44 there are certain verses that I've quoted to people that they still haven't I'm still waiting and it's just there's no answer to that they told me it's out of context but they never really quite gave me the context now look at Hebrews chapter 8 and this is one of my favorite verses to use against Zionism because it's so crystal clear look at verse 10 referring to the New Covenant it says here for this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days so who is he making the covenant with Israel right the house of Israel and obviously this new covenant includes Gentiles as well he says say the Lord I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts and I want you to notice these these last two phrases here and I will be to them a God now doesn't that imply that he's currently not their God if he's saying I will be to them a God it's basically saying I'm not your God at the current moment oh look at the second phrase and they shall be to me a people imply that they're currently not the people of God so in order for this promise to make sense in order for this verse to make logical sense we have to come to the conclusion that the house of Israel does not have the God of the Bible as their God and the house of Israel is not the people of God because then that wouldn't make sense if they were currently the people of God and God was their God okay and so the Bible tells us for he is not a Jew which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision outward in the flesh made of hands but he is a Jew which is one inwardly a circumcision is that of the heart and of the spirit whose praise is not a man but of God it's like no the the Jew is referring to those who are in Israel and you know at the Wailing Wall you know and doing this or whatever but let me tell you why there's two reasons why old IFP churches have been into the lie of Zionism hook line and sinker this is two reasons why okay reason number one is dispensationalism okay via the CI VI's via CI Schofield Peter Ruckman reason number two is because old IFP are more interested in politics than in the Bible so they view the Bible through a political lens Zionism is a political agenda that has infiltrated churches into making people think that it's a doctrinal you know position but it's not it's a political ideology that has infiltrated churches and made people think churches think that it has to do with the Bible okay that's the reason why so old IFP the reason they've bitten into this because they're too much into politics they're well they're way more versed on policies and what the president said the position of Republicans more than what the Bible says they read the Word of God through the lens of politics talk radio and the like okay and so you know you said well how do I prevent that yeah how about you just turn off political talk and just read the Bible well then I'm I won't know what's going on and I won't fear for my life every single day and I'm not gonna stress and I'm not gonna have anxiety and I'm not gonna yeah that's a good idea but I know some of you are just addicts to anxiety you're just addicts to fear your addicts to just bad news and so be it if that's what you want to do then so be it but folks God did not give us the spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind and that is attained through the scriptures okay all right go to go to first John chapter 2 if you would first John chapter 2 and so you know that's a major difference between old IP new IP is their dispensational position and quite frankly I'll be honest with you it's really easy to debunk this when you speak to them because of the fact that they're not really well versed in these positions they don't really know how to answer a lot of this stuff because they've never really been challenged with this okay and so and people say well dispensations that's in the Bible yeah it's mentioned like four times in the Bible then why is it the dispensationalist come up with like seven different dispensations if it's only mentioned like three or four times in the Bible what's where's all these seven different dispensations from it's crazy all right number three I must hasten here and I'm gonna breeze through this one because I've already kind of mentioned it doctrinal differences between old IP new IP is the Bible now obviously all that beer King James only amen that's what they taught us this is why our conviction is so strong because they taught us about this but unfortunately most fundamental Baptist churches use the Schofield reference Bible so you know it's great to use the King James but unfortunately you're reading the King James through CI Schofield which is why a lot of fundamental Baptist hold to the gap theory they hold to Zionism dispensationalism they read they read it through the lens of hyper dispensationalism look at 1st John chapter 2 in verse 26 it says these things have a written unto the written unto you concerning them that seduce you but the anointing which he have received of him abideth in you and ye need not that any man teach you but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things and is truth and is no lie and even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him that does just need to get back to the ministry of the Holy Spirit you know what it's not as fast as a commentary it's not as fast as the references in the Bible but you know what it's quality interpretation you know prayer and submitting to the ministry of the Holy Spirit opened out mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law study to show thyself approve them to God at workmen the need is not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth they'll get the truth and you know I was to a certain extent I guess a dispensationalist no tomatoes please I will you know I believe the Jews were God's chosen people because I was part of that and we weren't hardcore in it it's just like the narrative of the old IFP and I specifically remember in 2009 I was reading my Bible I was reading through Romans and I read Romans 2 28 to 29 and I was like oh we're the Jews but it was weird though because I still believe that the Jews were God's chosen people but why did I believe that because of dispensationalism see I Schofield and all that but I had this new thought introduced by the Bible that we were the Jews you said what did you do with that nothing I just I didn't even like think about it and then I remember going soul winning with someone in our church and later we found out that this guy was like a reformer he was like a Protestant he was a Calvinist and he was like he was trying to like indoctrinate me and I remember like he was like he was sitting there and he goes hey Bruce so you know you know who the true the real Jews are right because you know some Calvinists are actually replacement theology they call it covenant theology but you know they believe in replacement theology to a certain extent and so you know who the Jews are I was like yeah us and he's like yeah yeah you're right I was like yeah the Bible says and I quoted Romans 2 20 hours like I just read that in my Bible a couple weeks ago and he thought like I was all the way but I wasn't all the way because I was still kind of like having that dispensational view and so you know once I went all the way and I understood replacement theology and I felt like a idiot because you know I've read the Bible multiple times before that and I just didn't see it but it kind of shows you it shows you how powerful heresy can be how strong those those bottle cap dispensational lenses are were like you could literally be reading the book of Galatians and not even think twice about the fact that it's a book just completely debunking Zionism you know they're just we're just kind of blinded to that I was blinded to that for a while but let me say this once I came across the truth and I studied it for myself I literally saw it like on every page I guess I'm reading the Bible I'm like it's right there it's right there it's right there it's right there it's right there and then in my mind I'm just like everything's about the Jews you know he's reading the New Testament it's just like it's to the point where I remember like when we started the church our preaching sermon like the three enemies of the New Testament is like one of them was the Jews you know I'm like that's all over the New Testament it's true and now when I read them I'm like oh man it's just right how can how could I have missed it but I'll tell you how I missed it the same way every other Baptist misses it and that is they're reading it through a preconceived idea false doctrine that has been inserted and it's hard for them to see it they have to put that stuff away just get a Bible read it you know what have a bias for truth okay not a bias for what fundamental Baptists believe have just a bias for truth and you'll come to the right conclusions okay let's move on here go to John chapter 12 if you would John chapter 12 doctrinal differences of new IFP old IFP here's a big one the rapper Bay doctrine you know fundamental Baptists in general old IFP don't really hold to the rapper Bay doctrine and this is a kind of an odd one if you think about it because they're so conscious of souls and they understand salvation and they understand that people in hell can't be saved so it's kind of weird why they wouldn't agree with the reppery doctrine and I've even remember being in old IFP churches where they preached like a form of reppery doctrine and it's you kind of listen he's like well that was a reppery doctrine right there you know God's three deadlines that's the reppery doctrine right there but they don't want to call it the reppery doctrine and in my opinion it's because it's associated with the new IFP and they hate the new IFP that's probably just it okay but this is strongly attached to the sodomites in their eyes so one of the reasons they reject the reppery doctrine and they just don't they think it's heretical or whatever it's not because they can't they can't debunk it or it's not because they can debunk excuse me it's because of the fact that they don't really like our disposition against the sodomites because they're reprobate in our eyes and so they're like oh man you're saying they can never be saved but you know that's also weird that you would take offense for the homos what is wrong with you and you kind of wonder like well what's the deal with that you know what because I get people ask me that all the time like why is our old IFP so sympathetic towards the sodomites why is that what's the issue with them just being so sympathetic towards them and the reason why in my opinion is because they're afraid of them they're scared of them because they think if they take the position that we take about the reppery doctrine they're gonna catch flak they're gonna catch some persecution and you know people are gonna get mad at them and they're gonna offend some of their church members but you know what then they're up there for the wrong reasons okay and why are you afraid of a fag anyways what's wrong with you if God before us you can be against us God smoked an entire city of homos they're basically made of glass they're just you know like why are you afraid of the sodomites and you know what if you're a pastor and you're afraid of them you're afraid to speak out against them the price shouldn't be a pastor because as a pastor you're supposed to have boldness supposed to have courage you're supposed to be an example to the flock you're supposed to exemplify you know what the Bible says about being a man of God and loving righteousness and is chewing evil and you know you can't do that sympathizing with sodomites and it would be different if it's like these old IP churches had a ministry for sodomites or something you're attacking our ministry but they don't have a ministry for sodomites because deep down inside they don't like them either they find them disgusting too that's just the reality but in my opinion it's probably because they're just afraid of them or something okay and I'm painting old IP with a broad brush with this as well because not all of them are like this and may I say in my assessment over the last maybe three years I've seen a lot of old IP even inch their way towards the ripe of a doctrine belief okay cuz you know there's a guy his name is Tony Hudson he's a pastor in the south and I'm not a really big fan of southern preachers so just let me just go on and say that other than pastor Shelley and you know pastor birds and they're in the south but you know I'm not a big fan of fundamental Baptist churches in the south you know those churches suck I'm just gonna be honest with you why would you say that because you know I've been to the south and you know a lot of those churches don't do so winning a lot of those churches just fight with each other they're wrong doctrine in a lot of areas and you know they're just they're more political than they are Christian but this guy you know he's pretty legit he was out there pretty he's an old IP guy and you know he needs to preach on gluttony but that's another story but he's he was preaching hard and he was preaching the reprobate doctrine he was saying that that homos were reprobate and he was telling his congregation or someone's congregation it wasn't his it was actually someone else's he was telling them like hey you need to stop wasting your time trying to win us to these homos they're a lost cause you can't get them saved they're reprobate and you know in all every churches like the pastors will often sit on the platform like the assistant pastors and you can see the pastor back there and he's just like he's just freaking out like you see the fear on his face like oh no but what are they gonna say cuz Tony Hudson's like a big namer in the old IFP and if he says it then they you know they invited him to preach or whatever you know and I would if I was our brother hi man brother you know I probably would have started dancing or you know a little hanky and everything whoa you know probably crazy or something that would have married into that I don't typically get that way but you know what you give me an old IFP pastor preaching at least a little bit against the sodomites bless God you know I might do a little crip walker that's that's exciting stuff right there but it's kind of showing that a lot of old IFP are kind of like moving towards understanding that this is an important doctrine okay look what the Bible says in John chapter 12 verse 37 but though he had done so many miracles before them yet they believed not on him that the saying of his eyes the Prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who hath believed our report to whom hath the armor of the Lord been revealed therefore they could not believe because it is I say it again so it's saying that they could not believe and he's explaining why they can't believe he says verse 40 he referring to God has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them so according to this passage God is the one responsible for making them so that they're not saved he's blinding them he's hardening their hearts so that they cannot believe the report that's given unto them you know that's called the reprobate doctrine it's God removing a person's ability to believe so that they can't be saved okay and I don't want to belabor that point because I got more points on here but it's important you know that's something that we differ on and you know there might be some old IFP people listening and it might take offense to this but prove me wrong prove me wrong prove me wrong they did not just say that in John chapter 12 prove me wrong and the Bible doesn't contradict itself so don't pull out John 3 16 because we both already agree on John 3 16 explain John 12 all right so those are the major like doctrinal differences between old and new IFP let's talk about the practice practical differences for the last few minutes here okay first and foremost when it comes to practical things here's a major difference between old IFP new IP shallow sermon content versus saturated sermons okay unfortunately a lot of old IFP churches one of one major difference is that their sermons are very short 35 maybe 40 minutes okay and a lot of that 35 to 40 minutes of preaching often only has just a handful of verses one verse sometimes they'll literally start off with the verse and then just close their Bibles and it's just stories illustrations TED talk this that and the other okay not all of them but a lot of them are like that unfortunately I've been under some great men of God who preached some great sermons they preach hard against sin but even then the sermons were a lot shorter it wasn't saturated with a lot of doctrine which would explain why a lot of people in these churches have very shallow understanding of doctrine because if it's not being you know expounded from the pulpit the people are not being taught you know they're not being their pure minds are not being stirred up by way of remembrance using the scriptures then you know what you're gonna have a shallow church that doesn't really understand doctrine okay whereas new IP churches good night in the morning you'll get at least 50 verses in a sermon that's like minimum you know you go to a fundamental Baptist Church in the new IFB you're gonna get a sermon you're gonna you're gonna be turning your Bible a lot and you're gonna be well equipped on how to use the Bible because you're constantly going from one passage to another you're gonna learn about books of the Bible you're gonna be saturated with sermons and you know what it's great when you could be a part of a church that addresses scriptures that churches just don't want to address I remember being under preaching thinking to myself like man I wish they really would talk about this verse or they'll maybe talk about a chapter I'm like oh man that's the chapter that has that one verse and then you read they really like always gonna get into that and then you just move on it's just like you're just hungry for it and unfortunately not only is the sermon content shallow sometimes but you know what even the fellowship is shallow too because one major thing in old IP churches is that as soon as we pray you just hear footsteps just running out of the auditorium going to get their kids in the nursery and then they're gone now I get it sometimes people got to go or whatever but you know what the church has made the fellowship amen and the conversations in church typically are about the Bible in our church or things related to the Bible but you know how old IP churches you can't really bring up biblical conversations it's almost like shameful to do that and you know sometimes I get frustrated as a pastor because you know I'm preaching for like two hours on Sunday but then I'm really preaching for like four five six hours on Sunday because after service then people ask me about by and then we have like another hour of Bible teaching and I'm not saying that's a bad thing it's just like man are you guys aren't like you guys are satiated enough or what but it's a good thing it's a good problem to have because people are just hungry for more right whereas in old IP churches you can't just go up to the pastor just ask some random biblical question you know they'll tell you you got to go to Bible College that's what they'll tell you so how do you know because I was there like if you ever get really deep into like a doctrinal question they'll be like go to Bible College Bible Institute Bible College if you really want to learn the meat of the word you got to go there no you get the meat of the word here and you know what it's not hard to just open up the Bible discuss about something biblical just give someone an answer plain and simple and if I don't know an answer I'll just tell them like I got to look it up I don't know I haven't really thought about that particular topic but in general most people here know if you ask me a biblical question I'm gonna give you an answer right then and there I'll quote scripture I'll tell you what the Bible says I'll try to you know dissolve doubts and teach you what the Word of God actually says and not shame you for it unless of course you just coming up with some wild-eyed interpretation or something okay and so shallow sermon content versus saturated sermons the Bible says that we should preach the word with all long-suffering and doctrine that means you got to use the Bible and tell people where to go in the Word of God till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine go to John chapter 2 John chapter 2 you know the apostle Paul said I kept back nothing those profitable to you and so it's important for pastors to do this and the old IP was just notorious for just kind of going to one verse one passage not really expounding upon it doing more topical sermons rather than expository and I like both I like topical and expository which is why we do topical sometimes on Sundays and every Thursday we do expository or we go verse by verse explaining what the Bible says book of the Bible explaining certain things and expounding upon them that is important okay now let me just say this also regarding the sermon content unfortunately a lot of fundamental Baptist churches are leaning more towards being liberal now that's that's just fact and you can even see it in their preaching they're starting to preach like these mega church pastors okay and they're cutting down on the time they're cutting down on the content I'm not trying to say anything controversial and I feel like the old IFB is gonna be like the Southern Baptist Church in respect to fundamental Baptist because fundamental Baptists were part of the Southern Baptist Convention at one point years ago and they're in the Roaring Twenties they're a part of that convention they were very fiery but then the Southern Baptist movement began to just kind of you know go a little liberal they stopped doing the evangelizing and so independent Baptists left that they became independent in faith and practice because the Southern Baptists were just kind of going haywire and I mean look at the Southern Baptist Convention now ordaining women pastors and on so anyways we're talking about practices here differences between new and old IFB number two buying and selling in the church that's a major difference between old and new IFB Church okay a lot of old IP churches bookstores coffee shops you know the obvious Christian schools things of that nature they charge to learn the Bible okay and those who can't afford going to Bible College they'll often say well you can pay this amount to be a part of a Bible Institute well they'll meet like once or twice a week or something like that but they still charge for you to learn the Word of God okay this is wrong look at John chapter 2 and verse 13 it says the Jews Passover was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves and the changes of money sitting and when he had made a scourge of small cords he drove them all out of the temple and the sheep and the oxen and poured out the changers money and overthrew the tables and said unto them that sold doves take these things hence make not my father's house a house of merchandise what is the same don't sell anything in the church to your members now we say here that everything is free but obviously don't get all wild and start taking the chairs or something I mean like you know obviously when we say things are free we're referring to like the activities whatever is in the fridge I guess you know if you want a hymn book take the hymn book okay but you know don't don't just start like you know looking in my office and see what you can take or something like that the principle is this is that whatever the church offers should be free okay there should be no fine paid to learn the Bible okay and he said well yeah but don't you command people to tithe no God commands people to tithe but even then I'm out of the picture on that one I'm not like miss Kelly Francescini it's time for our monthly meeting I noticed that you didn't tie let you know I don't I'm not an accountant checking on who ties and who doesn't God does takes care of that but we but here's the thing let's just hypothetically say you don't tie for an entire year you still have a right to be here and hear the preaching of God's Word and I'm not gonna be like hey brother Israel you haven't tied in three months so you're gonna have to wait outside while we're done with this sermon you know it'll be weird the truth is free amen Bible is free content is free doctrine should be free and so you know and a lot of these old IP churches catch flack for being 501c3 and we're not 501c3 and I don't criticize churches for being 501c3 let me just say why they're 501c3 it's because they're selling in church okay that's one of the major reasons as to why and you know when you do that the quality of what you know they're giving out drops plain and simple okay you know you're paying for all this you're paying for Bible College but the quality of the content you're getting Bible College is very poor doctrine is poor the practices are poor it's just you know and so God has ordained it so that the house of God should not be a house of merchandise things should be given out for free we should not be buying and selling in church but old IP churches have a tendency to do that and look let me just say this is that I don't believe that every church that does buying and selling in church is a wicked church okay they're just an evil wicked church obviously there are some that are you know Joel's thing dudes wicked Rick Warren dude is wicked mega church pastors that do these things John MacArthur dude is wicked and I'm not saying that all of them are you know some fundamental Baptists just inherit these practices from whoever trained them and sent them out and they think it's the right thing to do there's a time when I felt it was the right thing to do but again when you're confronted with the truth you got to make a decision that you have a bias towards what the Bible says regardless of what man's tradition has taught you in times past okay pretty simple right go to turn with me if you would to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 let me breeze through these last points differences between old and new segregating the family that's another one we already kind of I don't want to belabor that point because I talked about that in the morning you know nurseries Sunday school classes teen church they have a tendency to segregate the family whereas the biblical models to keep the family together in church services differences between old the new IP number four Christian school versus home school all I have been hates it when you homeschool they think it's like weird it's just like how in the world can you think homeschooling is where what the Bible literally teaches the parents are supposed to teach their kids and you know I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this because of the fact that I've been on both sides of the fence I was a Christian school teacher albeit it was a Bible class but I was a teacher in a Christian school I was a Bible college teacher and so I've seen the fruits pun intended of Christian schools you know the Christian school essentially removes the responsibility from parents to teach their kids it's like a daycare okay and Christian schools unfortunately will often have a higher standard of discipline in the church like these same churches old IP churches they won't throw anybody out for fornication or drunkenness but if students commit fornication or drunkenness in their school they'll throw them out the school the Christian school should not have a higher standard than the church when it comes to that when the Bible literally says that was such a one no not to eat okay and they'll say well you know it's better than the public school implying that you know it's better in quality well let me tell you something that's better in quality than the Christian school homeschool and you know some churches are really bad with this because they'll shame people who are doing homeschooling if they have people in their church that are involved in homeschooling they will openly shame people like that you know and be like they're gonna be weird and stuff and dude you guys are like modeling your school by the public schools and they wonder why their kids turn out worldly and wicked because they're bringing in all of these unsafe people into the Christian school that don't want to be there they're being forced by their parents to be in the Christian school they're being saturated with the Bible that they don't want to listen to which is a recipe for reprobation you put someone listening to this stuff for eight hours a day oh it's a spiritual environment but it's a spiritual environment that they don't want to be in this is why when people graduate I in my experience I've seen this they're like a sodomite transvestite or reprobate why because they've been they've been fed the Word of God for eight hours a day five days out of the week they don't agree with you they don't want to hear it they don't want the Bible they don't want to be saved so then what happens they become a reprobate they go apostate and this is common in Christian schools and it's common in Bible College as well okay but I'm not gonna be labor that point look at Ephesians chapter 4 here's another difference I'm almost done here Bible College versus training in house okay I'm a graduate of Bible College unfortunately and you know I even taught in the Bible College and I'm gonna tell you right now Bible College is a scam it's not worth it I get people asking me this all the time should I go to Bible College what do you think you went to Bible College should I go and I always say save your money be trained under your pastor you'll get more out of just being in church and being under your pastor and doing the the work in house then going to some other state and getting trained in the Bible College okay now look we have people here who went to Bible College I went to Bible College and you know what we survived and let me just say this you know not everyone who goes to Bible College is wicked they're not I wasn't wicked I went to Bible to Bible College with the best of intentions because I wanted to serve the Lord and they told me that's where I needed to be but you know what I came out unscathed in spite of Bible College because at the end of the day my motives were to serve God but you know if I can turn back the time I wouldn't go because at the end of the day they taught me a lot of false doctrine and you know what there was good stuff at the Bible College that I learned things about character and such but we're just talking about what the Bible says about this what is the biblical model for training people it's not a Bible cause you won't find it in the Bible it's training people in house the Bible says in Ephesians 4 11 he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ and here's a major problem with Bible colleges is that they take all the youth from churches okay and you know they basically take all the youth from all from the churches and then what happens is that these young people become a part of this huge Bible College institution they see all the bells and whistles they're there for four years five sometimes and then when it's all over they don't want to leave so they actually end up never going back to their home church when the original intent for going to Bible College is to be better equipped to serve in a local New Testament Church many of them don't ever go back to the local New Testament Church sad right and here's the thing like all that people have don't do this anymore as like I mean I don't think they do but they used to criticize me and be like you're sheep stealing you're taking people's members which I you know they're not they're God sheep first and foremost and then also you know you can't steal well-fed well-fed sheep let me just be honest with it there as well but secondly you know they'll say oh you're you're sheep stealing but every Bible College steals sheep you get people to go to your church go to your Bible and then you just keep them you keep the cream of the crop because what happens is they graduate and then what does the college do let me offer you a job at the Bible College you can be a leader at the Bible College you can be a leader at the church and it's very attractive it's nice they find their spouse and then it's just like see you later old church I mean that's you know it's not the best whereas here you get training in-house get the pastor's time then you're sent out if you're qualified etc ok last scripture here go to Psalm 127 Psalm 127 I'm going a little over my time but this is the last point here and that is birth control versus big families all I be is really into birth control and birth control is basically abortion it is abortion they're not against having children they're just against having too many children but you know that's wrong and it's wicked and you say wow you're exaggerating and I really like that I was part of a church plant where the pastor's wife would go around to the wives of the husband's encouraging them to get on birth control kind of wicked crap is that just basically encouraging them to just have abortions why cuz she did it but you know I guarantee you that's not the only ice that's not an isolated incident that happens everywhere you know we promote here's big families if the Lord blesses you with the big family of course right you know the Bible tells us in Psalm 127 verse 3 low children are in heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the room is his reward as arrows are in the mighty and the hand of a mighty man so are the children of the youth happy is the man that hath this quiver full of them there shall not be ashamed but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate so how much is a quiver full as many as your quiver can handle as many as big as the quiver is you know that you the God has given to you you know what was this happy is the man that hath this quiver full that's a true statement because I'm a happy man I got five little ones and Lord willing we'll have more I'm I know I sound angry when I'm up here and I'm just like always mad but you know gotta get mad about false doctrine but in general I'm a very happy individual and you know what one of the the joys of my life is going home and seeing my kids they're just like a joy to me just love seeing my kids I love spending time with my kids I love seeing you know my genetics in my kids and seeing like you know some of the things that I used to do in them and just fellowshipping with them and talking to them they bring me a lot of joy my serotonin is just always going up when I hold the babies and it's just it's wonderful I wouldn't have any other way and so you know the Bible says it's a blessing to have children okay now you say well I can't have children but but here's the thing though is that as long as you're not doing anything to stop having children God blesses you if he doesn't you know that that's that's the law in life but we're talking about people who literally will abstain from having children and purposely do birth control so they don't have more kids and let me tell you why a lot of these old IFP churches promote that more money that goes into the plate plain and simple okay one of the reasons new IFP churches are growing so much is because we have something called organic growth aside from the fact that we're reaching people on the outside people on the inside are just having a lot of children and so it's just like a lot of kids are just in church you know and this is something the new IP preaches and teaches on is big families versus birth control and so you know they'll preach against abortion but folks hold on a second there's a lot of them that are participating in birth control and that is abortion as well and so that's a major difference and so you say what's the sermon the sermon is simply this you know I'm just trying to show you the differences between the two and I know that someone can hear the sermon and think oh you're just bitter against the old IFP or something or you're just highlighting the negative obviously I've experienced a lot of positive things in the old IFP I talk about amongst my church my church members all the time they're great churches I don't recommend people to go to liberal churches if they can't join a new IP church I tell them to go to old IP church because it's just as good you'll get good fellowship great leadership I love them but you know it's not necessarily you know reciprocated the same love okay but it's okay though because at the end of the day in my opinion the conclusion of the matter is this eventually that generation like Judaism of old will fade away it's gonna fade out okay and the next generation they're either gonna go liberal purple light CCM and the like or they're gonna get on this program right here and be a part of a new IFP Church which is far greater and far better men and so thank God for new IP churches amen let's pray father we thank you so much for your word and thank you for the new IP churches and we're thankful for the movement that emphasizes these things and of course we're thankful for our spiritual ancestors and we pray Lord that they would prosper and succeed in their ministries that they would get back to the first works Lord if they haven't and that would preach harder and have more Bible content I pray that churches like ours would be a challenge unto them to tighten up the screws and strengthen the things which remain and Lord obviously we desire to fellowship with them but if that's not the case it's okay we have enough churches that are like-minded that we can fellowship with and I just pray that you would uh you would bless those churches to to adhere to the Word of God and reject dispensationalism and all the heresy that has infiltrated those congregations and the like Lord then help them to be zealous for the things of God once again the zeal that they imparted unto us may they once again reignite in their own hearts we love you we thank you pray these things in Jesus name amen